FULL CASE - Hanover Insurance Company and Port Service and Manila Railroad Company

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EN BANC Court of First Instance and that therefore there was a misjoinder of causes of action.

From that order

[G.R. No. L-20976. January 23, 1967.] plaintiff Hanover Insurance Company appealed directly to this Court. cda
HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, plaintiff-appellant, vs. MANILA The only question is whether or not the trial court erred in dismissing the complaint as against
PORT SERVICE and MANILA RAILROAD COMPANY, defendants-appellees, the Manila Railroad Company and the Manila Port Service.
defendantsappellees. Appellant contends there is no misjoinder of causes of action, and cites Section 13, Rule 3 of the Rules
Agustin, Gumitang & Associates for plaintiff-appellant. of Court, which provides that "where the plaintiff is uncertain against which of several persons he is
Macaranas & Cañete for defendants-appellees. entitled to relief, he may join any or all of them as defendants in the alternative, although a right to
SYLLABUS relief against one may be inconsistent with a right to relief against the other."
1. PLEADINGS AND PRACTICE; JOINDER OF CAUSES OF ACTION; PROPER COURT TO Appellees' position is that the cause of action against the steamship company is one in admiralty and
HEAR THE SAME. — (If) one of the causes of action is cognizable by the Court of First Instance, the suit therefore cognizable by the Court of First Instance, while the cause of action against the arrastre
operator is based on contract of deposit (Insurance Company of North America vs. Manila Port Service,
should be filed in said court, notwithstanding that the other cause of action - if standing alone - would
et al., G.R. No. L-16573, November 29, 1961), concerning which the total amount demanded in the
fall within the jurisdiction of the municipal court, by reason of the amount of the demand.
complaint furnishes the jurisdictional test. Since the demand is only for P1,389.47, it is contended,
2. ID.; ID.; REASONS THEREOF. — The joinder of the causes of action against the alternative
jurisdiction pertains to the municipal court and not to the Court of First Instance insofar as said
defendants avoids unnecessary multiplicity of suits and, without sacrificing any substantial
demand is asserted against appellees.
rights of the parties, removes the undue disadvantage in which plaintiff would be placed by
This question has been settled by this Court in Rizal Surety & Insurance Company vs. Manila Railroad
having to prove its case in different courts by means of evidence that is within the exclusive
Company, et al., G.R. No. L- 20875, April 30, 1966, where we said:
knowledge of said defendants.
"At the time the complaint was filed, plaintiff did not know at what precise stage
DECISION of the series of transactions the loss complained of occurred. If the loss took
MAKALINTAL, J p: place in transit, C.F. Sharp & Co., Inc. would be liable therefor; but if the loss
Appeal taken by plaintiff Hanover Insurance Company from the order of dismissal issued by the Court occurred after the goods were landed and discharged from the carrying vessel,
of First Instance of Manila on November 19, 1962, for lack of jurisdiction. cdasia the Manila Port Service would bear such loss. Hence, the joinder of causes of
On September 30, 1961, the vessel SS "Hamburg Maru", owned and operated by defendant Osaka action and parties defendants in the alternative which is permitted by Section 5
Shosen Kaisha Line, took on board at Hamburg, Germany, for shipment to Manila, consignment of Rule 2 of the Rules of Court, quoted hereunder:
cargoes including one (1) drum heliogen blue B powder, four (4) bags tylose and one (1) drum anti-
'SECTION 5. Joinder of causes of action. — Subject to rules
skinning agent. The consignee, General Paint Corporation
regarding jurisdiction, venue and joinder of parties, a party may in one
(Philippines) Inc., insured the shipment with plaintiff Hanover Insurance Company for the sum of
pleading state, in the alternative or otherwise, as many causes of
action as he may have against an opposing party (a) if the said causes
On October 31, 1961 the SS "Hamburg Maru" arrived at the Port of Manila and began discharging its
of action arise out of the same contract, transaction or relation
cargoes, including the aforesaid shipment, into the custody of defendant Manila Port Service, the
between the parties, or (b) if the causes of action are for demands for
arrastre operator acting as a subsidiary of the Manila Railroad
money, or are of the same nature and character.' cdll
Company. The shipping documents were endorsed and transmitted to General Paint Corporation
'In the cases falling under clause (a) of the preceding paragraph, the
(Philippines) Inc., through its customs broker, Luzon Brokerage Company, Inc., which paid the charges
and proceeded to take delivery of the shipment. The Manila Port Service, however, failed to deliver
the drum of anti-skinning agent. shall be filed in the inferior court unless any of the causes joined
By reason of the loss, plaintiff, as insurer, paid to the consignee the amount of P1,089.47, representing falls within the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance, in which
its liability under the insurance contract. Then as subrogee of the rights of the consignee plaintiff filed case it shall be filed in the latter court.'
a claim with the arrastre operator for the amount thus paid, and upon failure to collect sued in the 'In cases falling under clause (b) the jurisdiction shall be determined
alternative the owner of the carrying vessel and its agent in the Philippines, American Steamship by the aggregate amount of the demands, if for money, or by their
Agencies, Inc., on the one hand, and the said arrastre operator and its principal on the other, alleging nature and character, if otherwise.'
that it was uncertain as to who was the party responsible for the loss of the shipment in question. "And, since one of the causes of action is cognizable by the Court of First
Defendants Osaka Shosen Kaisha Line and American Steamship Agencies, Inc. filed an answer to the Instance the suit should be filed, as was correctly done by the plaintiff, in said
complaint, with a cross-claim against defendants Manila Railroad Company and Manila Port Service. court, notwithstanding that the other cause of action — if standing alone —
These two defendants filed separate motions to dismiss both plaintiff's complaint and their co- would fall within the jurisdiction of the municipal court, by reason of the amount
defendants' cross-claim. The trial court granted the motions in its order dated November 19, 1962, of the demand. (Sapico vs. Manila Oceanic Lines, L-18776, January 30, 1964.) In
holding that by reason of the amount involved in the complaint and cross-claim against said International Harvester Co. of the Philippines vs. Judge Aragon (supra, note 1)
defendants, they pertained to the exclusive original jurisdiction of the municipal court and not of the where a similar action was filed with the municipal court, we held that the
municipal court lacked jurisdiction over the case inasmuch as one of the

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2018 cdasiaonline.com

alternative causes of action, against the shipping firm, was an action in
admiralty, cognizable by the Court of First Instance."
The joinder of the two causes of action against the alternative defendants avoids unnecessary
multiplicity of suits and, without sacrificing any substantial rights of the parties, removes the undue
disadvantage in which plaintiff would be placed by having to prove its case in different courts by
means of evidence that is within the exclusive knowledge of said defendants.
The order appealed from is therefore reversed and the case remanded for trial and judgment on the
merits. LLjur
Concepcion, C .J ., Reyes, J .B.L., Dizon, Regala, Bengzon, J .P., Zaldivar, Sanchez and Ruiz Castro, JJ .,

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2018 cdasiaonline.com

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