What is a discus?
• A discus is an implement in the shape of a plate,
that the athlete has to throw as far as they can. The
discus can be made of compound, or plastic and
metal (synthetic).
• Peg the
athlete’s b
competitio est throw
n . and measu
• For larg re it at the
e groups, end of the
• Mark o allow athle
ut sector li tes to have
IP • tarts.
s n e s b e fo 2 throws ra
Y T re the com
petition fo ther than 3
N D H ave the ne r th e day/nigh
HA ICKS • Move any discuasththlete ready to throw with
x t t
&T immediate at are not the discus
a re a b e in g u s e in hand.
• For you . d, away fro
nger a m the
discus thro ge groups, only allow
• For you w (no turn athletes to
s or spins). do a stand
nger age g ing
award the roups, ma
athletes on rk out 5
their throw a points sy m & 10m distances
s. (5m = 5 stem, rath and
points, 10 er than me
m = 10 po asuring
ints etc).