Transformations: Reflection: R

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Transformation is defined as a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a
coordinate system.

It occurs when the position, shape, or size of a shape is changed.

Transformations can be isometric or non-isometric.

In isometric transformations, the shape and size is not changed. Reflection, rotation and
translation are examples of isometric transformations.

In non-isometric transformations, the shape and size is changed. Stretch and Shear are the
examples of non-isometric transformations.

Reflection: Reflection is defined as the operation of exchanging all points of a

mathematical figure with mirror images.

 Under a reflection, the figure and its image are symmetrical about the line of reflection:
area, angles and shape are preserved.
 The line of reflection is defined as the perpendicular bisector of the line joining any
point to its image.
 To find the line of reflection, join one point on the object to its corresponding point on
the image. Example A to A1. The perpendicular bisector of this line is the line of
 Invariant points are points that remain unchanged after going through a transformation.
The points on the line of reflection are invariant points.

Reflection in the x-axis:
M: (x,y) → ( x, -y)
Reflection in the y-axis:
M: (x,y) → ( -x, y)
Reflection in the line y=x
M: (x,y) → ( y,x)
Reflection in the line y= -x
M: (x,y) → ( -y, -x)

1 Malle Madhuker, HOD of Maths, Podar International School, Mumbai

Rotation: Rotation is defined as a transformation in which the coordinate axes are
rotated by a given angle about the fixed point , called the centre of rotation.(only invariant

 The figure and image would be symmetrical ; area, shape and angles are preserved.
 Every point is rotated through the same angle about the centre of rotation.
 A point on the centre of rotation is invariant.
 To describe a rotation, state the
 Angle of rotation
 Direction of a rotation( clock wise, anticlockwise)
 Centre of rotation.

Rotation through 900, anticlockwise
R: (x,y) → ( -y, x)

Rotation through 2700 , anticlockwise or 900 clock wise

R: (x,y) → (y, -x)

Rotation through 1800

R: (x,y) → ( -x, -y)

How to rotate a figure:

Triangle ABC where it is rotated 900 clock wise about (2,1)
 Using a pair of compasses, mark the distance from the a point on the figure to the point of
 Measure the angle of rotation is indicated direction from the line marked out

 Using a pair of compasses, mark out a point of the same length from the point of rotation.
Mark out A’
 Repeat the same for the other points.

 Join all the points to derive A’B’C’.

2 Malle Madhuker, HOD of Maths, Podar International School, Mumbai

How to find point of rotation
 Join the original point and corresponding point of image together.
 Do the same for another point.
 With a pair of compasses, construct the perpendicular bisector of the two lines .
 The point of rotation would be where the two perpendicular bisectors meet.

How to find the angle of rotation

 Join a point and its corresponding point of the image to the point of rotation. Join the
points A and A’ to Centre of rotation.
 Measure the angle between the two lines.

Translation is defined as a transformation in which the origin of the coordinate system is moved to
another position but the direction of each axis remains the same.

 The area, shape, angles and size are preserved; there are no invariant points.
b 
 A translation is represented as a column vector   where a and b represent the number of
units moved along the x and y axis respectively.
 Thus, to describe a translation,

 x1   x0   a 
    
 y1   y0   b 
 x0   x1 
   
y y
 Where  0  and  1  are the initial and final coordinates respectively.

a 
 
For translation   of a point

P(x,y), T: (x’, y’)→( x+a, y+b)

3 Malle Madhuker, HOD of Maths, Podar International School, Mumbai

How to translate a figure:
 Apply formulae T: (x’, y’) →(x+a, y+b) to each point of a given Triangle ABC to derive the
points of A’B’C’.
 Join the points A’B’C’.

Dilational Transformation
A dilational is a transformation in which size is altered based on a centre, c, and a scale factor ,k.

 The shape and angles are preserved.

 The only invariant point is the centre of enlargement.
 If K>1, the dilation is an enlargement.
 If 0 <k<1 , the dilation is a reduction. If k=1 , the dilation is a congruence transformation, which
means that an exact image is produced.
 If k>0, the object and its image lie on the same side as the centre of enlargement . If k<0, both of
them lie on opposite sides of the centre of enlargement.
 To describe a dilation, state the:
 Centre, C,
 Scale factor , k

 Given a figure which has undergone
enlargement , scale factor

 For enlargement factor k and origin as


E: (x,y) →(kx, ky)

 The area increase by k2 times.

4 Malle Madhuker, HOD of Maths, Podar International School, Mumbai

How to enlarge a figure:
Triangle ABC is enlarged at centre O(0,0) , with scale factor k=3 to give the image A’B’C’.

 Join A to the centre of enlargement O(0,0)
 Extend the OA forward from the centre of enlargement.
 Mark A’ such that OA= 3OA’.
 Repeat for points B and C.
 Join points A’B’C’.

In a shear transformation , every point P in the plane is moved parallel to a particular plane
such that the distance of its image point is proportional to the distance of the point from the line.

 The area is preserved.

 If k > 0 the image lie on the right side of the figure.
 If k < 0 the image lie on the left side of the figure.

Given an image which has undergone shearing

Dis tan cebetween 2correspondingpo int s

Shearfactork 
Dis tan cefromselectedfigurepo int toin var iantline

How to shear a figure

For a given scale factor k and invariant line

 Determine the distance of a point on the figure to the invariant line.

 Apply the formula to determine the distance two corresponding points of the figure and

Dis tan cebetween 2correspondingpo int s

Shearfactork 
Dis tan cefromselectedfigurepo int toin var iantline

 Add the distance to the x coordinate of the point for a shear parallel to the x-axis or y coordinate
for a shear parallel to to the y-axis to determine the corresponding point for the image.

5 Malle Madhuker, HOD of Maths, Podar International School, Mumbai

 Repeat the steps 1-3 for all other points. Join them together to derive image.

A stretch move points parallel to the invariant line over a distance according to stretch factor k.

A stretch is different from a shear in that it does not preserve area; different from an enlargement in
that it does not preserve shape and angles.

 Parallelism is preserved.
 If k > 0 , the image will move away from the invariant line.
 If k < 0, the image will move towards the invariant line.
 If 0 <k <1 or -1 <k <0 , then image is smaller in size.
 A double stretch is stretch in x- direction followed by a stretch in the y-direction.

Dis tan ceofimagepo int fro min var iantline
Stretchfactork 
Dis tan ceofcorrespondingfigurepo int fro min var iantline

How to Stretch a Figure :

For a given scale factor and invariant line,

 Determine the distance of a point on the figure to the invariant line.

 Apply formulae to determine the distance of corresponding image point from invariant line.
 Derive the coordinates of the corresponding point from the distance found.
 Repeat steps 1-3 for all other points. Join them together to derive image.

6 Malle Madhuker, HOD of Maths, Podar International School, Mumbai

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