Your Guide To Hydraulic Fracturing

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Your Guide to Hydraulic Fracturing

Only the Facts

FICTION required for fracturing shallow coal seams is much less than
There is no regulatory environmental protection or oversight for deep conventional oil and gas wells. The fact that opera-
of our nation’s underground sources of drinking water (USD- tors fracture coal seams with lower pressures than deep con-
Ws) from hydraulic fracturing during oil and gas exploration ventional oil and gas wells alone greatly reduces the risk of
and production activities. contamination to shallow USDWs. Deep conventional oil
and gas producing zones require the addition of chemicals to

FACT the hydraulic fracturing fluid, that are not used in shallow coal
seam fracturing fluids.
The hydraulic fracturing process was introduced in the United
States in the 1940s and has since been effectively regulated by The reason for the different hydraulic fracturing fluid require-
state oil and gas agencies. Each oil and gas producing state in ments is due to differences in well depths, temperatures and
the United States employs highly educated and qualified of- pressures. Fracturing fluids used in shallow wells today are al-
ficials, managers and inspectors in their oil and gas regulatory most entirely fresh water and quartz sand which is used as a
agencies.These regulators have been protecting our nation’s propping agent to keep the fractures open for better produc-
drinking water for over 60 years, and in some instances over tion and conservation of the natural gas resource.
80 years, and have been overwhelmingly effective as there
have been no confirmed cases of contamination associated FICTION
with hydraulic fracturing of coal bed methane wells. We need another study.

This regulatory oversight is truly phenomenal due to the fact

that approximately 1 million wells have utilized the process
to enhance oil and gas production and conserve our nation’s
Hydraulic fracturing has been widely used for more than 50
resources. What other local, state or federal environmental years. Ninety percent of oil and gas wells in the United States
regulatory agency in this country can make such a statement undergo fracturing to stimulate production, and there have
about protecting our USDW’s and environment? been no confirmed cases of contamination of USDWs. Not
one. There is no need to study further a problem that does
FICTION not exist. This is a direct result of the stringent regulations
All hydraulic fracturing fluids consist of the same chemical
imposed by state agencies that are regulating processes such as
constituents and all subsurface formations are hydraulically
hydraulic fracturing everyday.
fractured the same.
The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission is a multi-
FACT state government agency that champions the conservation
Coal Seam Natural Gas, also known as Coal Bed Methane, is and efficient recovery of domestic oil and natural gas
a relatively shallow and newer source of gas which requires a resources while protecting health, safety and the environ-
different type of hydraulic fracturing fluid than deeper con- ment. Established in 1935, it is the oldest, largest and most
ventional oil and gas producing zones. The injection pressures effective interstate compact in the nation.

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