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Chapter 15

Omitted parts:
Sections 15.13, 15.14,15.15

 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices

 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices

What is a Slope?
An exposed ground surface that stands at an angle with the horizontal.

Why do we need slope stability?

In geotechnical engineering, the topic stability of slopes deals with:
1. The engineering design of slopes of man-made slopes in advance
(a) Earth dams and embankments,
(b) Excavated slopes,
(c) Deep-seated failure of foundations and retaining walls.
2. The study of the stability of existing or natural slopes of earthworks and
natural slopes.
o In any case the ground not being level results in gravity components of the
weight tending to move the soil from the high point to a lower level. When
the component of gravity is large enough, slope failure can occur, i.e. the soil
mass slide downward.
o The stability of any soil slope depends on the shear strength of the soil
typically expressed by friction angle (f) and cohesion (c).

Slopes can be categorized into two groups:

A. Natural slope
• Hill sides
• Mountains
• River banks

B. Man-made slope
• Fill (Embankment)
• Earth dams
• Canal banks
• Excavation sides
• Trenches
• Highway Embankments
Case histories of slope failure

• Some of these failure can cause dramatic impact on lives

and environment.

Slope failures cost billions of $

every year in some countries
Case histories of slope failure

Bolivia, 4 March 2003, 14 people killed, 400 houses buried

Slope failures cost billions of $

every year in some countries
Case histories of slope failure

Brazil, January 2003, 8 people killed

Case histories of slope failure

LaConchita California Slump

Case histories of slope failure
Case histories of slope failure
Case histories of slope failure

Slides: Rotational (slump)

Case histories of slope failure

 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices
Types of Slope Movements

o Slope instability (movement) can be classified into six

different types:

 Falls
 Topples
 Slides
 Flows
 Creep
 Lateral spreads
 Complex
• Rapidly moving mass of material (rock or soil) that travels mostly through the
air with little or no interaction between moving unit and another.
• As they fall, the mass will roll and bounce into the air with great force and thus
shatter the material into smaller fragments.
• It typically occurs for rock faces and usually does not provide warning.
• Analysis of this type of failure is very complex and rarely done.
• Gravitational effect and shear strength
Gravity has two components of forces:
T driving forces: T= W. sin b

Boulder N resisting forces (because of friction)

N = W. cos b
the interface develop its
resistance from friction (f):
S f = friction S = N tan f

In terms of stresses:
S/A = N/A tan f
tf = s tan f
A = effective Base Area of sliding block

This is a forward rotation of soil and/or rock mass about an axis

below the center of gravity of mass being displaced.

o Movements occur along planar failure surfaces that may run more-or less
parallel to the slope. Movement is controlled by discontinuities or weak
bedded planes.

A. Translational (planar)

Bulging at
Weak bedding
Occur when soil of significantly
different strength is presented (Planar)

B. Rotational (curved)
This is the downward movement of a soil mass occurring on an
almost circular surface of rupture.



Curved escarpment

C. Compound (curved) (Slumps)



Soil nails



Possible failure

o The materials moves like a

viscous fluid. The failure plane
here does not have a specific

It can take place in soil with

high water content or in dry
soils. However, this type of
failure is common in the QUICK
CLAYS, like in Norway.

• It is the very slow movement of slope material that occur over a

long period of time
• It is identified by bent post or trees.
Lateral spreads
o Lateral spreads usually occur on very gentle slopes or essentially flat terrain,
especially where a stronger upper layer of rock or soil undergoes extension
and moves above an underlying softer, weaker layer.

weaker layer

Complex movement is by a combination of

one or more of the other principal types of
1. Falls
2. Topples
3. Slides
• A. Translational (planar)
• B. Rotational (slumps)
4. Flow
5. Creep
6. Lateral Spread
7. Complex Many slope movements are complex,
although one type of movement
generally dominates over the others at
certain areas or at a particular time.
Types of Slope Failures

In general, there are six types of slope failures:

1. Falls
2. Topples
Slide is the most
3. Slides common mode of
• Translational (planar) slope failure, and it will
• Rotational (curved) be our main focus in
this course
4. Flows
5. Creep
6. Lateral spreads
7. Complex
Types of Slide Failure Surfaces

• Failure of slopes generally occur along surfaces known as failure surfaces.

The main types of surfaces are:

• Planar Surfaces: Occurs in frictional,

non cohesive soils

• Rotational surfaces: Occurs in cohesive soils

Circular surface Non-circular surface

(homogeneous soil) (non-homogeneous soil)
Types of Slide Failure Surfaces

• Compound Slip Surfaces:

When there is hard stratum at some depth that intersects
with the failure plane

• Transitional Slip Surfaces:

When there is a hard stratum at a
relatively shallow depth
Types of Failure Surfaces

Failure surface 1

Long plane
failure surface
Plane failure


Above the toe
Finite Through the toe
Deep seated
Types of Failure Surfaces

Types of Failure Surfaces Considered in this Course are


Stability of infinite slopes

Stability of finite slopes with plane
failure surfaces

Stability of finite slopes with circular
failure surfaces

 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices
Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis

In general we need to check

 The stability of a given existed slope
 Determine the inclination angle for a slope that we want to
build with a given height
 The height for a slope that we want to build with a given
Methodology of Slope Stability Analysis

It is a method to expresses the relationship between resisting forces and

driving forces

• Driving forces – forces which move earth materials downslope. Downslope

component of weight of material including vegetation, fill material, or

• Resisting forces – forces which oppose movement. Resisting forces include

strength of material

• Failure occurs when the driving forces (component of the

gravity) overcomes the resistance derived from the shear
strength of soil along the potential failure surface.
Methodology of Slope Stability Analysis

The analysis involves determining and comparing the shear stress developed
along the most likely rupture surface to the shear strength of soil.
Slope Stability Analysis Procedure

1. Assume a probable failure surface.

2. Calculate the factor of safety by determining and comparing

the shear stress developed along the most likely rupture
surface to the shear strength of soil.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to determine the most likely failure

surface. The most likely failure surface is the critical surface
that has a minimum factor of safety.

4. Based on the minimum FS, determine whether the slope is

safe or not.
Methods of Slope Stability Analysis

o Limit equilibrium method

o Limit analysis method

o Numerical methods

We will consider only the limit equilibrium method, since it is

the oldest and the mostly used method in practice.
Assumptions of Stability Analysis

o The problem is considered in two-dimensions

o The failure mass moves as a rigid body

o The shear strength along the failure surface is isotropic

o The factor of safety is defined in terms of the average shear

stress and average shear strength along the failure surface


 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices

Factor of Safety

Factor of safety  Resisting Force

Driving Force

 Shear Strength
Shear Stress
t tf= Avg. Shear strength of soil
Fs  t f
td= Avg. Shear stress developed along the failure surface

Factor of Safety

• The most common analytical methods of slope stability use a

factor of safety FS with respect to the limit equilibrium condition,
Fs is the ratio of resisting forces to the driving forces, or
Shear strength (resisting movement)
average shear strength of the soil.

Shear stress (driving movement)

average shear stress (developed)
developed along the potential
failure surface.

FS < 1  unstable
Generally, FS ≥ 1.5 is acceptable
FS ≈ 1  marginal
for the design of a stable slope
FS >> 1  stable

If factor safety Fs equal to or less than 1, the slope is

considered in a state of impending failure
Causes of slope failure

1. External causes
These which produce increase of shear stress, like steepening
or heightening of a slope, building on the top of the slope

2. Internal causes
These which cause failure without any change in external
conditions, like increase in pore water pressure.

Therefore, slopes fail due either to increase in stress or

reduction in strength.

Factor of Safety

c’ = cohesion
f’ = angle of internal friction
cd , fd = cohesion and angle of
friction that develop along
the potential failure surface
Other aspects of factor of safety
Factor of safety with respect to cohesion

Factor of safety with respect to friction

When the factor of safety with respect to cohesion is equal to the

factor of safety with respect to friction, it gives the factor of safety
with respect to strength, or

When Fc  Ff  then Fs  Fc  Ff 


 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices

Stability of Infinite Slopes

What is an Infinite slope?

• Slope that extends for a relatively long distance and has
consistent subsurface profile can be considered as infinite slope.
• Failure plane parallel to slope surface.
• Depth of the failure surface is small compared to the height of
the slope.
• For the analysis, forces acting on a single slice of the sliding mass
along the failure surface is considered and end effects is

Infinite slope – no seepage

o we will evaluate the factor of safety against a possible slope failure

along a plane AB located at a depth H below the ground surface.
o Let us consider a slope element abcd that has a unit length
perpendicular to the plane of the section shown.
o The forces, F, that act on the faces ab and cd are equal and opposite and
may be ignored.
The shear stress at the base of the slope element can be given by

Force parallel to the plane AB

Ta = W sin b = g LH sin b

The resistive shear stress is given by

Infinite slope – no seepage

The effective normal stress at the base of the slope element is given by

Equating R.H.S. of Eqs. (*) and (**) gives


tan f 
For Granular Soil (i.e., c = 0) Fs 
tan b
This means that in case of infinite slope in sand, the value of Fs is
independent of the height H and the slope is stable as long as b < f’ 50
Case of Granular soil – Derivation From Simple Statics Extra

L Equilibrium of forces on a slice:

Resisting Forces
FS 
Driving Forces

Infinite slope – no seepage

Critical Depth, Hcr

The depth of plane along which critical equilibrium occurs is
obtained by substituting Fs = 1 and H = Hcr into Eq. (***)

Infinite slope – with steady state seepage

Seepage is assumed to be parallel to the slope

and that the ground water level coincides with
the ground surface.

The shear stress at the base of

the slope element can be given


The resistive shear stress developed at

the base of the element is given by

Infinite slope – with steady state seepage

Equating the right-hand sides of Eq. (*) and Eq. (**) yields




Substituting Eq. (****) Into Eq. (***) and solving for Fs gives

c tan f 
Fs  
g H cos b tan b tan b

No seepage




Stability of Infinite Slopes

• Cohesive Soils
With seepage No seepage

tanf '
tan f ' c'
tanf ' c '
c' tan f ' c '
d F d F d Fs d F
s s s
Fs 
c' g ' tanf '
 c' tan f '
Fs  
g H cos2 b tan b g sat tan b gH cos 2 b tan b tan b

c' c' 1
Hcr  Hcr 
cos 2 b (g tan b  g ' tan f ') g cos2 b (tan b  tanf ')
sat d

Stability of Infinite Slopes

Granular Soils
With seepage No seepage

c' 0.0 c' 0.0

Fs 

g ' tanf ' c' tan f '
Fs  
g H cos2 b tan b g sat tan b gH cos 2 b tan b tan b
Fs 
g ' tanf ' tan f '
Fs 
g tan b tan b

Independant of H Slope is stable as long as b < f


 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices

Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface

o For simplicity, when analyzing the stability of a finite slope

in a homogeneous soil, we need to make an assumption
about the general shape of the surface of potential failure.
o The simplest approach is to approximate the surface of
potential failure as a plane.
o However, considerable evidence suggests that slope
failures usually occur on curved failure surfaces
o Hence most conventional stability analyses of slopes have
been made by assuming that the curve of potential sliding
is an arc of a circle.

Culmann’s Method

o Culmann’s method assumes that the critical surface of failure is a plane

surface passing through the toe.
o Culmann’s analysis is based on the assumption that the failure of a slope
occurs along a plane when the average shearing stress tending to cause the
slip is more than the shear strength of the soil.

o Also, the most critical plane is the one that simple wedge
has a minimum ratio of the average
shearing stress that tends to cause failure
to the shear strength of soil.

o The method gives reasonably

accurate results if the slope is
vertical or nearly vertical.
Plane Failure Surface
Culmann’s Method

• A slope of height H and that rises at an angle b is shown below.

• The forces that act on the mass are shown in the figure, where trial failure
plane AC is inclined at angle q with the horizontal.
Similar procedures as for infinite slope, only different
geometry. Also here we made optimization.

The average shear stress on the

plane AC

Ta = W Sin q

t (*)
Culmann’s Method

The average resistive shearing stress (Developed shear strength) developed

along the plane AC also may be expressed as


td (**)

Equating the R.H.S of Eqs. (*) and (**) gives

Culmann’s Method

Critical failure plane

• The expression in Eq. (***) is derived for the trial failure plane
• To determine the critical failure plane, we must use the
principle of maxima and minima (for Fs=1 and for given values
of c’, f’, g, H, b) to find the critical angle q:

• Substitution of the value of q = qcr into Eq. (***) yields


Culmann’s Method

The maximum height of the slope for which critical equilibrium occurs can
be obtained by substituting iinto into Eq. (****)

• For purely cohesive soils c  0 f = 0.

Culmann’s Method

• Steps for Solution

A. If Fs is given; H is required
1. Fc  F  Fs
2. c ' 
d F C
s H g
tanf' f‘
3. tanf ' 
d F
s b

4 cd '  sin b cosfd ' 

 q
4. H 
g  1  cos( b - f ' )
 d 

Culmann’s Method

• Steps for Solution

B. If H is given; Fs is required

1. Assume F
2. tanf ' 
d F
gH  1  cos( b - fd ' ) 
3. c '
d 4  sin b cos f ' 
 d 
4. Fc 
c '
5. Check if Fc  F  Fs  Fc  F
f f
6. If Fc  F  try another F
f f
7. Repeat steps 1  5 68

A cut is to be made in a soil having properties as shown in the

figure below.

If the failure surface is assumed to be finite plane, determine the

(a) The angle of the critical failure plane.
(b) The critical depth of the cut slope
(c) The safe (design) depth of the cut slope. Assume the factor of
safety (Fs=3)?

Given equation:

H g = 20 kN/m3
c’=50 kPa
Key Solution

(a) The angle of the critical failure plane q

b  45o
can be calculated from:
f’ 15o
(b) The critical depth of the cut slope can
be calculated from:

H g = 20 kN/m3
(c) The safe (design) depth of the cut f’=15o
slope. c’=50 kPa

where: c’d and f’d can be determined from:


 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices

Types of Failure Surfaces

Failure surface 1

Long plane
failure surface
Plane failure


Above the toe
Finite Through the toe
Deep seated
Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

Modes of Failure
i. Slope failure
• Surface of sliding intersects the slope at or
above its toe.
1. The failure circle is referred to as a toe circle if it
passes through the toe of the slope

1. The failure circle is referred to as a slope circle if

it passes above the toe of the slope.

ii. Shallow failure

Under certain circumstances, a shallow slope
failure can occur. Shallow slope
failure 73
Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

iii. Base failure

o The surface of sliding passes
at some distance below the
toe of the slope.

o The circle is called the H

midpoint circle because its
center lies on a vertical line
drawn through the midpoint of
the slope.
Firm Base
o For b  53o always toe
o For b < 53o could be toe, slope, or midpoint and that depends on depth
function D where:
Depth function:

Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

• Summary

• Toe Circle all circles for soils with f > 3° & b > 53°

• Slope Circle always for D = 0 & b < 53°

• Midpoint Circle always for D > 4 & b < 53°

Types of Stability Analysis Procedures

Various procedures of stability analysis may, in general, be divided into two

major classes:
1. Mass procedure
• In this case, the mass of the soil above
the surface of sliding is taken as a unit.

• This procedure is useful when the soil

that forms the slope is assumed to be

2. Method of slices
• Most natural slopes and many man-
made slopes consist of more than on
soil with different properties.

• In this case the use of mass procedure

is inappropriate.
Types of Stability Analysis Procedures

• In the method of slices procedure, the soil above the surface of sliding is
divided into a number of vertical parallel slices. The stability of each
slice is calculated separately.

• It is a general method that can be used for analyzing irregular slopes in

non-homogeneous slopes in which the values of c’ and f’ are not
constant and pore water pressure can be taken into consideration.
O b

a x W
E1 h
V2 T

a N'

 Introduction
 Types of slope movements
 Concepts of Slope Stability Analysis
 Factor of Safety
 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Plane Failure Surface
o Culmann’s Method
 Stability of Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
o Mass Method
o Method of Slices

Mass Procedure
1.Slopes in purely cohesionless soil with c = 0, f  0
Failure generally does not take place in the form of a circle. So we will not
go into this analysis.
2. Slopes in Homogeneous clay Soil with c  0 , f = 0
Determining factor of safety using equilibrium equations (Case I)
Mdriving = Md = W1l1 – W2l2

W1 = (area of FCDEF) g
W2 = (area of ABFEA) g

Mresisting = MR = cd (AED) (1) r

= cd r2q

Mass Procedure
Mdriving = Md = W1l1 – W2l2

Mresisting = MR = cd r2q

l2 l1 W1



• The potential curve of sliding, AED, was chosen arbitrarily.

• The critical surface is that for which the ratio of Cu to Cd is a minimum. In
other words, Cd is maximum.

• To find the critical surface for sliding, one must make a number of trials
for different trial circles.

• The minimum value of the factor of safety thus obtained is the factor of
safety against sliding for the slope, and the corresponding circle is the
critical circle.

Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

• Fellenius (1927) and Taylor (1937) have analytically solved for

the minimum factor of safety and critical circles.
• They expressed the developed cohesion as cd  g H m
• We then can calculate the min Fs as m  Stability number
H  height of slope
γ  unit weigh t of soil
or m 
g H

• The critical height (i.e., Fs 1) of the slope can be evaluated by

substituting H = Hcr and cd = cu (full mobilization of the undrained
shear strength) into the preceding equation. Thus,

Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

 The results of analytical solution to obtain critical circles was represented

graphically as the variation of stability number, m , with slope angle b.

Toe slope Toe, Midpoint or slope circles

Firm Stratum

m is obtained from this chart depending on angle b 83

Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

Failure Circle

 For a slope angle b > 53°, the critical circle is always a toe circle. The
location of the center of the critical toe circle may be found with the aid of
Figure 15.14.
 For b < 53°, the critical circle may be a toe, slope, or midpoint circle,
depending on the location of the firm base under the slope. This is called
the depth function, which is defined as

Location of the center of the critical toe circle

The location of the center of the

critical toe circle may be found with
the aid of Figure 15.13


Figure 15.13

Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

When the critical circle is a midpoint circle (i.e., the

failure surface is tangent to the firm base), its position
can be determined with the aid of Figure 15.14.

Figure 15.14

Firm base
Critical toe circles for slopes
with b < 53°

The location of these circles can be

determined with the use of Figure 15.15
and Table 15.1.

Figure 15.15

Note that these critical toe circle are not necessarily the most critical circles that exist.87
How to use the stability chart? Given: b  60o, H, g, cu Required: min Fs

m = 0.195

1. Get m from chart

2. Calculate cd from
cd  g H m
3. Calculate Fs
Fs 

How to use the previous chart?

Given: b 30o, H, g, cu, HD (depth to hard stratum) Required: min. Fs

D = Distance from the top surface of slope to firm base

Height of the slope

m = 0.178

1. Calculate D = HD/H
2. Get m from the chart
3. Calculate cd from
cd  g H m
4. Calculate Fs Fs 

Note that recent investigation put angle b at 58o instead of the 53o value. 89

Rock layer 90


Slopes in Homogeneous clay Soil with c  0 , f = 0

 The results of analytical solution to obtain critical circles was represented

graphically as the variation of stability number, m , with slope angle b.

Toe slope Toe, Midpoint or slope circles

Firm Stratum

m is obtained from this chart depending on angle b

o Since we know the magnitude and direction of W and the direction of Cd
and F we can draw the force polygon to get the magnitude of Cd.
o We can then calculate c’d from

o Determination of the magnitude of described previously is based on a

trial surface of sliding.
o Several trails must be made to obtain the most critical sliding surface,
minimum factor of safety or along which the developed cohesion is a maximum
o The maximum cohesion developed along the critical surface as

cd  g H f a , b ,q , f  cd

 f a , b ,q , f   m  stability number
o The results of analytical solution to obtain minimum Fs was represented
graphically as the variation of stability number, m , with slope angle b for
various values of f’ (Fig. 15.21).
o Solution to obtain the minimum Fs using this graph is performed by trial-
and-error until Fs = Fc’=Ff’ 94
Slopes in clay Soil with f = 0; Cu Increasing with Depth
Slopes in clay Soil with f = 0; Cu Increasing with Depth
Slopes in Homogeneous C’ – f’ Soils

o Here the situation is more complicated

than for purely cohesive soils.
o The Friction Circle method (or the f-
Circle Method) is very useful for
homogenous slopes. The method is
generally used when both cohesive and
frictional components are to be used.

o The pore water pressure is assumed to be zero

o F—the resultant of the normal and frictional
forces along the surface of sliding. For
equilibrium, the line of action of F will pass
through the point of intersection of the line
of action of W and Cd.
Friction Circle method

cd  g H f a , b ,q , f 

cd  g H m
Procedures of graphical solution
Given: H, b, g, c’, f’ Required: Fs

1. Assume fd (Generally start with = f’

Taylor’s stability
i.e. full friction is mobilized) number
2. Calculate

3. With fd and b Use Chart to get m

4. Calculate cd  g H m
5. Calculate Fc 
6. If Fc’ = Ff’ The overall factor of safety
Fs = Fc’ = Ff’
7. If Fc’≠ Ff’ reassume fd and repeat steps 2
through 5 until Fc’ = Ff’

Plot the calculated points on Fc versus Fφ
coordinates and draw a curve through the points.
[see next slide]. Then Draw a line through the 100
origin that represents Fs= Fc = Fφ
Procedures of graphical solution
Given: H, b, g, c’, f’ Required: Fs

Note: Similar to Culmann procedure for planar mechanism but here Cd is found
based on m. In Culmann’s method Cd is found from analytical equation. 101
Calculation of Critical Height

Given: b, g, C ’, f ’ Required: Hcr

Hcr means that Fc’ = Ff’ =Fs = 1.0

1. For the given b and f’, use Chart
to get m.

H cr 


Mass Procedure – Rotational mechanism

need only the use of Taylor’s chart.


C f

• Example
• Given: cu = 40 kN/m2 & g = 17.5 kN/m3
• Required:
1. Max. Depth
2. Radius r when Fs=1
3. Distance BC
• b = 60 ° > 53 ° from Fig.15.13 m= 0.195

cu 40
H cr    11 .72 m
g m 17.5 * 0.195
 H cr  60 °
 
DC AC  sin a 
r DC  
q 2 2
From Fig. 15.14 for b  60oa  35o and q  72.5o
H cr 11 .72
r   17.28 m
2 sin a sin
q 2(sin 35)( sin 36.25)
BC  EF  AF - AE  H cr cot a - cot 60  9.97 m 104






2nd Midterm Fall 1436-1437H QUESTION #2

•Using Taylor’s stability chart determine the factor of safety for the slope shown in Fig.1.
•For the same slope height, what slope angle must be used if a factor of safety of 1.5 is

10 m g = 16 kN/m3
C = 40 kN/m2
15 m
f = 15o



fd Ff=tan f/tan fd m Cd = g H m Fc = C/Cd

15 1 0.092 14.7 2.70

10 1.52 0.116 18.6 2.20
7.5 2.0 0.125 20 2.0

Fs = 2.0

b) fd

Cd = 40/1.5 =26.7 kpa

cd  g H m
26.7 = 16 X10 X m
m = 0.167
tan fd = tan f/1.5 fd=10.1o

At m = 0.167 and fd=10.1o from chart b =75o 111

Method of Slices

• Method of Slices
• Non-homogenous soils (mass procedure is not accurate)
• Soil mass is divided into several vertical Parallel slices
• The width of each slice need not be the same
• It is sometimes called the Swedish method

Method of Slices

• It is a general method that can be used for analyzing irregular slopes in

non-homogeneous slopes in which the values of c’ and f ’ are not

• Because the SWEDISH GEOTECHNCIAL COMMISION used this method

extensively, it is sometimes referred to as the SWEDISH Method.

• In mass procedure only the moment equilibrium is satisfied. Here attempt

is made to satisfy force equilibrium.

g1, c’1,
g2, c’2, g, c’, f’
f’2 b1
g3, c’3,
Non-homogeneous Slope Irregular Slope 113
Method of Slices

• The soil mass above the trial slip surface is divided into several vertical parallel
slices. The width of the slices need not to be the same (better to have it equal).
• The accuracy of calculation increases if the number of slices is increased.
• The base of each slice is assumed to be a straight line.
• The inclination of the base to the horizontal is a.
• The height measured in the center line is h.
• The height measured in the center line is h.
• The procedure requires that a
series of trial circles are chosen
and analyzed in the quest for
the circle with the minimum
factor of safety.


Method of Slices

• Forces acting on each slice

• Total weight wi=ghb
• Total normal force at the base Nr=s*L
• Shear force at the base Tr=t*L
• Total normal forces on the sides, Pn and Pn+1
• Shear forces on the sides, Tn and Tn+1
• 5 unknowns Tr ,Pn ,Pn+1 ,Tn ,Tn+1
• 3 equations SFx=0 , SFy=0 ,SM=0
• System is statically indeterminate
• Assumptions must be made to solve the problem
• Different assumptions yield different methods
• Two Methods:
• Ordinary Method of Slices (Fellenius Method)
• Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices 115
Method of Slices

For the whole sliding mass

S Mo  0
SW * r * sin a - ST * r  0
SW * sin a  ST
T  t *l  *l
d F
SW * sin a  *l
St * l
Fs 
SW * sin a
S(c * l  s * tan f * l )
Fs  n
SW * sin a 116
Method of Slices

S(c * l  s * tan f * l )
Fs  n
SW * sin a
Ss n * l  SN
Sc * l  tan f * SN
Fs 
SW * sin a
Equation is exact but approximat ions are introduced in finding
the value of force N

Two Methods :
• Ordinary Method of Slices
• Bishop' s Simplified Method of Slices

Ordinary Method of Slices

Fellenius’ Method
 For each slice, the resultant of the interslice forces is
 The resultants of Pn and Tn are equal to the resultants
of Pn+1 and Tn+1, also their lines of actions coincide.



Ordinary Method of Slices

SFn  0 (to stay away from Tr )

N r  Wn * cos a n n
S ( c* ln  Wn * cos a n tan f )
Fs 
SWn * sina n
For undrained condition:
c  cu f 0
c l
Fs  u
SWn * sina n
Ordinary Method of Slices

Steps for Ordinary Method of Slices

• Draw the slope to a scale
• Divide the sliding wedge to various slices
• Calculate wn and an for each slice
• an is taken at the middle of the slice wn
• Calculate the terms in the equation

S ( c* ln  Wn * cosa n tanf )

Fs  an
SWn * sina n an

• Fill the following table

Slice# wn an sin an cos an ln wn sin an wn cos an


Find Fs against sliding

Use the ordinary method of slices

Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

For each slice, the resultant of the interslice forces is

i.e. Tn =Tn+1

Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

SFy  0 (to stay away from Pn and Pn  1 )

Wn  N r * cos a n  Tr * sin a n
 c  s n tan f 
Tr  t d * ln    ln
 Fs 
cln s n ln tan f
Tr  
Fs Fs
cln N r tan f
Tr  
Fs Fs
cln N tan f
Wn  N r * cos a n  sin a n  r sin a n
Fs Fs

Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

Wn  sin a n
Nr 
tan f sin a n
cos a n 
 cln 
 W n  sin a n 
Scln  tan f  
 cos a  tan f sin a n 
 n
Fs  bn
Fs  but ln 
tan f sin a n cos a n
cos a n 

Fs 
SWn sin a n
S cbn  Wn tan f
tan f sin a n
cos a n 
Trail and error procedure
Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

Steps for Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

• Draw the slope to a scale
• Divide the sliding wedge to various slices
• Calculate wn and an for each slice
• an is taken at the middle of the slice
• Calculate the terms in the equation

Fs 
SWn sin a n
S cbn  Wn tan f
tan f sin a n
cos a n 
• Fill the following table
Slice# wn an sin an cos an bn wn sin an
• Assume Fs and plug it in the right-hand term of the equation
then calculate Fs
• Repeat the previous step until the assumed Fs = the
calculated Fs.
Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

tan f sin a n
ma ( n )  cos a n 
( cbn  Wn tan f )
Fs  S SWn sin a n
ma ( n )

1 c' bn  Wn tan f 
Fs  ( )
 Wn sin a n cos a n 
sin a n tan f 

Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

• Example of specialized software:

– Geo-Slope,
– Geo5,
– SVSlope
– Many others

Final Exam Fall 36-37 QUESTION #4

Determine the safety factor for the given trial rupture surface shown in
Figure 3. Use Bishop's simplified method of slices with first trial factor of
safety Fs = 1.8 and make only one iteration. The following table can be
prepared; however, only needed cells can be generated “filled”.

Fs = 1.8
Table 1. “Fill only necessary cell for this particular problem”
Width Height Height Area Weight
Slice Wn sin a
bn hl h2 A Wn α(n) mα(n)
No. (kN/m)
(m) (m) (m) (m2) (kN/m) (7) (8)
(1) (9)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 22.4 70
2 294.4 54
3 ? 38
4 435.2 24
5 390 12
6 268.8 0.0
7 66.58 -8

Remarks on Method of Slices

o Bishop’s simplified method is probably the most widely used (but it has
to be incorporated into computer programs).

o It yields satisfactory results in most cases.

o The Fs determined by this method is an underestimate (conservative) but

the error is unlikely to exceed 7% and in most cases is less than 2%.

o The ordinary method of slices is presented in this chapter as a learning

tool only. It is used rarely now because it is too conservative.

o The Bishop Simplified Method yields factors of safety which are higher
than those obtained with the Ordinary Method of Slices.

o The two methods do not lead to the same critical circle.

o Analyses by more refined methods involving consideration of the forces acting
on the sides of slices show that the Simplified Bishop Method yields answers
for factors of safety which are very close to the correct answer. 130
Remarks on Method of Slices

Two Methods:
Ordinary Method of Slices
• Underestimate Fs (too conservative)
• Error compared to accurate methods (5-20%)
• Rarely used

Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices

• The most widely used method
• Yields satisfactory results when applying computer


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