Creating A Blood Bowl Team: Star Players

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Once you have decided which team

you will use, you must hire the players STAR PLAYERS
for your Blood Bowl team. Each of In addition to the normal players
the players in your team will cost a shown on the team lists, you are
number of gold pieces, as indicated allowed to buy special Star Players for
on the lists. The team list also your team. Star Players are the heroes
indicates the maximum number of of the Blood Bowl arena, the most
each type of player you are allowed to resourceful and talented players in a
hire. For example, a Human team may team. Each Star Player has his own set
not have more than two Throwers. In of special skills and each is an
addition, your team must have at least individual, standing out from the rest
11 players and not more than 16. of the regular team. Star Players will
only play for certain teams – Griff
Oberwald will only play for Human
BUYING PLAYERS teams, for example, although Morg
In order to create your team you have ‘N’ Thorg will play for anyone. You
a treasury of 1,000,000 gold pieces. may only buy a Star Player for your
The first step in actually creating the team if it is one of the ones he will
team is to study the team lists on the play for. Of course you will also need
back page of the rulebook and decide enough gold pieces in the treasury to
which you want to use. All of the pay the exorbitant fee required to get
players in your team must be from the the Star Player to join your team!
same team list. So, for example, a
High Elf team may not include Human
players because these players come
from a different team list. 1/68
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COACHING STAFF may not have more than one

A team's coaching staff provide vital Apothecary. Once per match, the
back-up to the team's players. team Apothecary may perform one of
Coaching staff are never allowed on the following actions:
the field, they must stay on the 1. At any time during a match the
sidelines during the match. Any team Apothecary may attempt to cure any
may include the following coaching one injury (including death!) that has
staff on their roster been suffered by a player on his team.
Roll a die. On a roll of 1 the
Head Coach: You, the player, are the Apothecary fails and the player suffers
head coach. Your main job is to yell the injury anyway. On a roll of 2-6 the
at the players, the opponents, and the Apothecary succeeds in healing the
referees. In order to represent this, player; leave the player on the field,
every time the referee sends off one or face-up.
more of your players (generally for 2. Alternatively, an Apothecary may
fouling), or issues an illegal procedure be used at the start of the match, to
call against you, or bans the use of a allow one player who is missing the
secret weapon, you may argue the call match due to niggling injury to take
with him. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1 he part in the game after all. No dice roll
expels you from the game, so you is required if the Apothecary is used in
may not argue any more calls for the this way; he is automatically
rest of the match. On a roll of 2-5 he successful.
ignores you and his call stands. On a
roll of 6 he accepts your argument and Wizards : Any team is allowed to
reverses his decision. include one Wizard as a member of
their coaching staff — as long as they
Apothecaries: An Apothecary is a can afford to pay the exorbitant
healer wise in the ways of medicine 150,000 gps hire fee to the College of
and magic who looks after the injured Magic concerned. A team is not
players in a Blood Bowl team — and allowed to have more than one
so has a strenuous and full-time job! Wizard.
It costs 50,000 gps to hire an Once per game the Wizard is allowed
Apothecary for your team. A team to cast a spell. He is allowed to do this 2/68
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at any time, interrupting his opponent's simply nominates the player that he
turn if necessary. The Wizard may wants the spell to hit, and rolls a dice.
cast one of the following three spells: On a roll of 5 or 6 the nominated
Lightning Bolt, Fireball or Zap! player is hit. On a roll of 1 to 4 the
Fireball Spell spell scatters a number of times equal
In order to use this spell you will need to the dice roll (eg, if you rolled a 3 it
the circular Fireball template. Take the would scatter three times). If the Zap!
template and place it anywhere over spell ends up in an occupied square
the playing field. Any model (from then the player in that square is hit. If it
either team) that is fully or partially ends up in an empty square then the
underneath the template may be hit by spell has no effect.
the fireball. Roll one dice for each A player who is hit by the Zap! spell is
model. If the dice roll beats the turned into a toad: replace their model
player's Agility then they are knocked with the Toad counter. If the player
over. If it is under their Agility they was holding the ball then they drop it
manage to dodge the fireball's blast. and it will scatter one square (this
Make an Armour roll for any player counts as a turnover if it happens to a
that is knocked over as if they had player from the moving team). The
been knocked over by a player with player will remain in toad form until a
the Mighty Blow skill. If a player on touchdown is scored or the half ends,
the moving team is knocked over by a whichever comes first.
fireball, then the moving team does not While a player is a toad they have the
suffer a turnover unless the player was special 'toad' characteristics. A toad
carrying the ball at the time. may never pick up the ball, and if they
Zap! Spell enter the square that the ball is in it will
The Zap! spell is potentially the most immediately scatter one square. Any
devastating spell in a Wizard's injuries the player suffers while he is a
repertoire, because it turns whoever it toad do apply when the player reverts
hits into a slimy toad! Unfortunately to normal.
the spell is not all that reliable, and has MA ST AG AV Skills
a nasty habit of hitting the wrong 3 1 4 4 Dodge, Leap, Stunty
target. The Zap! spell may be cast at
any player on the field. The coach 3/68
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Lightning Bolt Spell A model hit by a lightning bolt is

You will need the teardrop-shaped knocked over. Make an Armour roll
Lightning Bolt template for this spell. for them as if they had been knocked
First of all take the Wizard model and over by a player with the Mighty Blow
place it anywhere next to the game skill. If a player on the moving team is
board. The Wizard may not be placed knocked over by a lightning bolt, then
on the board itself, but the edge of his the moving team does not suffer a
base can be touching the edge of the turnover unless the player was
board. The Lightning Bolt template is carrying the ball at the time.
placed so that the narrow end is next
to the Wizard, and the lightning bolt SPECIAL WIZARDS
itself projects onto the playing field. Some teams may not use ordinary
Wizards, but have their own
Any model that lies fully or partially specialised type of Wizard (or
under the template may be hit by the equivalent) that they must use instead.
lightning bolt. Starting with the model These teams are Dwarf teams, who
closest to the Wizard, roll two dice for may only take an Alchemist; Halfling
each model under the template, and teams, who may only take a Master
add the scores together. If the dice roll Chef; and Undead teams, who have to
beats the target's Agility, then they take a Necromancer. The special rules
have been hit by the bolt. If the dice for these types of Wizard are
roll is less than or equal to the target's described below.
Agility then the bolt misses, and a new
dice roll must be made for the next Dwarf Alchemists
model in the 'line of fire'. The first Dwarfs never employ Wizards.
model to be hit absorbs the full brunt However, they are allowed to include
of the lightning bolt, and any models an Alchemist on their team. Dwarfs are
further on are not affected. Note that great practitioners of alchemy,
because the coach is rolling two dice smelting and mixing strange
he will probably hit the first target concoctions in the course of their
under the template — it isn't easy to studies to turn lead into gold. A Dwarf
dodge a lightning bolt! team which includes an Alchemist
receives a number of gold pieces 4/68
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equal to the roll of one dice x 10,000 team gained. So, for example, if the
for every match that they play. The Halfling team gained two re-rolls, then
extra money is collected at the end of their opponents would lose two! A
the match when the team collects its team may never have the number of
winnings. re-rolls it has reduced to less than 0 in
Hafting Master Chefs this way.
Halfling teams do not have Wizards as Necromancers
such. Instead, their team may include a Necromancy is the magic of the dead
Master Chef on the roster, who and of the Undead, and Necromancers
happens to be a wizard in the kitchen! can cast evil and unnatural spells that
The quality of the Master Chef's will bring the dead to life. All Undead
cooking generally serves to inspire the teams must have a Necromancer as
Halflings on the team to perform their head coach — after all, it is the
exceptionally well, because they won't Necromancer's spells that created the
get fed after the match if they play team in the first place and they
badly! wouldn't exist without him! All
The effect of this extra stimulation is Undead teams are assumed to have a
represented by allowing Halfling teams Necromancer for free, and do not
that include a Master Chef to take a have to pay to hire one.
number of extra Team Re-roll In addition to his abilities as a head
counters at the start of each half. Roll coach, the Necromancer may cast a
a dice and halve the score, rounding Raise the Dead, spell once per match.
down (ie, 1 = 0; 2-3 = 1; 4-5 = 2; 6 = This spell may only be cast if a player
3). The result is the number of extra from the opposing team is killed
counters the team gets for the half. In during the match. It allows the
addition, the fabulous cooking smells Necromancer to raise the player from
emanating from the Halfling team's the dead, and add him to the Undead
Dugout can prove very distracting for team as a new Zombie player!
the players in the opposing team. To The spell may only be cast on players
represent this, the opposing coach of roughly human size (ie, not on large
must reduce the number of Team monsters like Ogres or Trolls, or small
Re-roll counters he has by a number players like Halflings or Goblins). The
equal to the re-rolls that the Halfling new player has standard Zombie 5/68
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characteristics no matter what his on the Kick-Off Table. Each assistant

skills or abilities in life, and may only coach you add to the team costs
be added to the Undead team if it has 10,000gp. A full list of all the assistant
fewer than 16 players at the time. If the coaches must be kept on the back of
Undead player has a spare Zombie the team roster.
model available then the new player
may be placed in the Reserves box of Cheerleaders: Most Blood Bowl
the Undead team's Dugout and used teams have a troupe or two of
immediately! cheerleaders both to inspire the team's
players and their fans. It's the team's
Assistant Coaches: Assistant cheerleaders' job to whip the fans into
coaches include offensive and a state of frenzy and lead the chanting
defensive coordinators, special team and singing as the crowd's shouts and
coaches, personal trainers for Star howls build up to a deafening
Players and numerous others. As a crescendo. The more cheerleaders
team becomes more successful the you have on your team, the more likely
number of assistant coaches on its you are to win the 'Cheering Fans'
roster just seems to grow and grow. result on the Kick-Off Table.
The more assistant coaches you have Cheerleaders cost 10,000gp each.
on your team, the more likely you are
to win the ‘Brilliant Coaching' result


When you create a team you do not get any team re-rolls or fan factors for free -
you have to pay for them from your treasury. Each re-roll costs the number of gold
pieces shown on the team list for the team that you have chosen, and allows you to
re-roll one dice roll per turn. Team re-rolls replenish at the beginning of a new half.
Your team's fan factor represents how popular the team is, and can have important
effects on the results you roll on the Kick-Off Table. Each fan factor costs 10,000
gold pieces, so a fan factor of 3 would cost 30,000 gp, for example. Your team
must have a fan factor of at least 1, and may not have a fan factor of higher than 9. 6/68
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The following list includes all the skills available to players chosen from the Blood
Bowl and Death Zone team lists and Star Player cards, as well as several skills not
included in either of these sections but which can be taken by players as bonus
skills if you are using the League rules. Skills are now split into five types: General
Skills, Agility Skills, Strength Skills, Passing Skills and Physical Abilities. In the
normal course of play the difference between the different types of skill has little
effect, but it does become important if you are using the League rules. In addition,
some Skills are considered Traits. The primary differences between a Trait and a
regular skill is that the use of a Skill is optional, while a Trait takes effect whenever it
applies, whether or not the coach wants it to; also, Traits can never be learned.
Either a player has one, or he does not.

Accurate (Passing Skill)

The player may add +1 to the dice roll when he passes the ball.

Always Hungry (Trait)

The player has a 1/6 chance of devouring his team-mate when he tries to throw him.
Roll a D6 after he picks the player to be thrown up, but before he throws them. On
a roll of 1 he attempts to eat the player. Roll the D6 again. A second 1 means that
he successfully eats the other player, who is dead instantly. On a roll of 2-6 the
other player squirms free and should be placed prone in a randomly selected
adjacent square (if the square is occupied then the original occupant is pushed back
and knocked over). If the victim manages to escape, it is considered a Fumble.

Big Hand (Physical Ability)

A player with one or more big hands will pick up the ball on a D6 roll of 2 or more
if they enter a square where the ball is on the ground. No modifiers apply to this
dice roll. 7/68
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Block (General Skill)

The Block skill affects the results rolled with the Block dice, as explained in the
Blocking rules in the Blood Bowl Handbook.

Bone-Head (Trait)
Before attempting any action they must pass a Bone-Head test (1/6 chance). If they
fail this then they may not make any actions for the remainder of the turn. In
addition they lose their tackle zone.

Break Tackle (Strength Skill)

The player may use his Strength instead of his Agility when making a Dodge roll.
For example, a player with Strength 4 and Agility 2 would count as having an Agility
of 4 when making any Dodge rolls.

Catch (Agility Skill)

A player who has the Catch skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he fails to catch the
ball. It also allows the player to re-roll the dice if he drops a hand-off or fails to
make an interception.

Claw (Physical Ability)

A player with a claw may add +2 to the dice roll when he makes an Armour roll.

Dauntless (Trait)
A player with this skill is capable of psyching themselves up so that they can take
on even the very strongest opponent. The skill only works when the player attempts
to block an opponent who is stronger than himself. When the skill is used the coach
of the Dauntless player rolls two dice and adds them together. If the total is greater
than the opponent's Strength value, then the Dauntless player's Strength is counted
as being equal to his opponent's when he makes the block, before any bonuses for
defensive or offensive assists are added. If the dice roll is less than or equal to the
opponent's Strength value, then the Dauntless player must use his normal Strength
for the block. 8/68
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Demonic Aura (Trait)

A team may only include players with a Demonic Aura if they have a team wizard
(The wizard is needed to summon the Demon from the realm of Chaos). If the
team wizard is ever lost then all players with a Demonic Aura are cast back into the
warp and are lost. Players with a Demonic Aura do not have normal armor like
other players; instead they are protected by their Demonic Auras. This is treated
the same as a normal AV except that the dice roll is never modified for any reason.
For example, Claw and Mighty Blow cannot be used to modify the dice roll. If the
Player’s Demonic Aura is beaten, roll for injury as normal but if the player suffers
“an injury” then he is banished from the mortal plane and should be deleted from
the team roster as if he had been killed.

Dirty Player (General Skill)

A player with this skill has trained long and hard to learn every dirty trick in the
book. If he fouls an opposing player then add +2 to both the Armour and the Injury
rolls. Note that this skill can only be used if the player actually makes a foul; it may
not be used if he is assisting another player who is making a foul.

Diving Catch (Agility Skill)

The player may use this skill if the ball was thrown to him and missed. It allows the
player to move one square after the ball has scattered. This move is made after the
ball has scattered, but before it hits the ground or can be caught. No Dodge roll is
required to make this move. If the move takes the player into the square that the ball
is in then he is allowed to try and catch it. Although a player using a Diving Catch
ends up on the ground for a moment, because this is a controlled fall he will not be
injured and he will almost instantly regain his feet. Therefore the player is not
knocked over when he uses the skill. 9/68
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Diving Tackle (Agility Skill)

The player may use this skill if an opposing player enters his tackle zone. It allows
the player to interrupt the opponent's turn and throw a block at the moving player.
The block is worked out using all of the normal rules (both sides may use assists).
If the opposing player is pushed back or knocked over, then their move ends
immediately and they may not do anything else that turn, although their team does
not suffer a turnover unless the player was holding the ball and drops it. Although a
player using a Diving Tackle ends up on the ground for a moment, because it is a
controlled fall he will not be injured and he will almost instantly regain his feet.
Therefore the player is not knocked over when he uses the skill, unless he suffers an
'attacker down' or 'both players down' result on the Block dice.

Dodge (Agility Skill)

A player with the Dodge skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he fails to dodge out of
an opposing player's tackle zone. However, the player may only re-roll one failed
Dodge roll per team turn. In addition, the Dodge skill affects the results rolled on
the Block dice, as explained in the Blocking rules in the Blood Bowl Handbook.

Dump-Off (Passing Skill)

This skill allows the player to make a Quick Pass when an opposing player declares
that he will throw a block at him, allowing the player to get rid of the ball before he
is hit. Work out the pass using the normal rules before the opposing player makes
his block. The normal throwing rules apply, except that neither team's turn ends as a
result of the throw, whatever it may be. After the throw is worked out your
opponent completes the block, and then carries on with his turn.

Extra Arms (Physical Ability)

A player with one or more extra arms may add +1 to all his Catch rolls. 10/68
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Foul Appearance (Physical Ability)

The player's appearance is so horrible that any opposing player within three squares
of him must subtract - 1 from the dice when they pass or catch the ball. In addition,
any opposing player that wants to block the player must first roll a dice and score 2
or more. If the opposing player rolls a 1 he is too revolted to make the block and it
is wasted (though the opposing team does not suffer a turnover).

Frenzy (Trait)
A player with the Frenzy skill is allowed to make an extra block if he pushes back
an opponent without knocking them over. The player must follow up their opponent
and throw another block at them, even if his coach doesn't want him to! Each
additional block made by a frenzied player costs them an extra square of movement
if they are taking a Blitz action. The blocks are free if the player is taking a Block
action, but the player may not throw more blocks than his movement allowance.

Guard (Strength Skill)

A player with this skill may assist an offensive or defensive block even if he is in
another player's tackle zone.

Hail Mary Pass (Passing Skill)

The player may throw the ball to any square on the playing field, no matter what the
range; the range ruler is not used. On a roll of 1 the player fumbles the throw, and
the ball will scatter once from the thrower's square. On a roll of 2-6 the player may
make the pass. The Hail Mary pass may not be intercepted, but it is never accurate
– the ball automatically misses and scatters three squares. Note that if you are lucky
the ball will scatter back into the target square! Also note that this skill is very useful
when combined with the Diving Catch skill. 11/68
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Horns (Physical Ability)

A player with horns may use them to butt an opponent. This adds +1 to the player's
Strength when he makes a block. However, the player may only use this ability as
part of a Blitz, and only if he has moved at least one square before he makes the

Hypnotic Gaze (Physical Ability)

This player has a powerful telepathic ability which he can use to stun an opponent
into immobility. The player may use his hypnotic gaze once during each of his own
side's team turns, at any point during the turn. The hypnotic gaze is a free action
and does not interfere with the player's ability to take any other action either before
or after he uses the ability. The player may turn his hypnotic gaze on one opposing
player who is in an adjacent square. Roll a dice: if the score is greater than the
victim's Agility, then the victim is hypnotised and loses their tackle zone for the rest
of the team turn. If the score of the dice is less than or equal to the opponent's
Agility then the hypnotic gaze has no effect.

Jump Up (Agility Skill)

A player with this skill may stand up for free at the start of any action; he does not
have to pay three squares of movement. This means that the player can take a Block
action even when he is prone, because he can stand up for free at the start of the

Kick (General Skill)

In order to use this skill the player must be set up on the field when his team kicks
off. The player may not be set up in either wide zone or on the line of scrimmage.
Assuming all of these conditions are met then the player is allowed to take the kick
off. Because his kick is so accurate, the number of squares that the ball scatters on
kick-off is halved, rounding any fractions down (ie, 1 = 0, 2-3 = 1, 4-5 = 2, 6 = 3). 12/68
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Leader (General Skill)

The player is a natural leader and inspires the rest of the team while he is on the
field. Having such a player in the team allows the coach to take a Leader Re-roll
counter at the start of the match and at half-time and place it on the Re roll track
along with his Team Re-roll counters. A team may only ever have one Leader
Re-roll counter, even it has several players with this skill. The counter is used in
exactly the same way as a Team Re-roll counter, but it may only be used if a player
with the Leader skill is on the playing field (standing or prone) at the time the
counter is used.

Leap (Agility Skill)

A player with the Leap skill is allowed to attempt to jump over an adjacent square,
even if it is occupied by a knocked over or standing player from either team.
Making a leap costs the player two squares of his normal movement. In order to
make the leap, move the player to any empty square adjacent to the square that they
are jumping over, and then make an Agility roll for the player. No modifiers apply to
this dice roll at all. If the player successfully makes the dice roll then they make a
perfect jump and may carry on moving (and may leap again if they have enough
movement left). If the player fails the Agility roll then he falls over in the square that
he was leaping to, and the opposing coach may make an Armour roll to see if he
was injured. A failed leap counts as a turnover, and the moving team's turn ends
immediately. Note that a player making a leap may ignore enemy tackle zones, and
does not have to dodge to leave the square he starts in. Also note that the player
may leap over empty squares if he wants to. (This version of the Leap skill updates
the rules printed on the back of the Blood Bowi reference sheet, which should be
ignored.) Leap may only be used once in each player’s (ie-not team’s) turn.

Mighty Blow (Strength Skill)

Add +1 to any Armour and Injury rolls made by a player with this skill. This skill
may not be used by players with a Strength of 2 or less. 13/68
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Multiple Block (Strength Skill)

The player is allowed to make a block at two or more opposing players at the same
time. The opposing players must be next to the player making the block and next to
each other. Their strengths are added together and both suffer the effects of the
block equally. Both sides may use assists normally.

Nerves of Steel (General Skill)

The player may ignore the -1 dice modifier for enemy tackle zones when he
attempts to pass or catch the ball.

Off For a Bite (Trait)

Roll a D6 for each player with this skill each time you want to set them up on the
pitch. On a roll of 4-6 they can be set up normally, but on a roll of 1-3 they’ve
popped into the crowd to bite the lily-white neck of an attractive maiden and can’t
be used this drive.

Pass (Passing Skill)

A player with the Pass skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he misses a pass.

Pass Block (General Skill)

A player with this skill is allowed to move three squares when the opposing coach
announces that one of his players is going to pass the ball. This move is made out
of sequence, after the range has been measured, but before any interception
attempts have been made. However, the move may only be made if it allows the
player to move into a position to attempt an interception, or to put the thrower or
catcher in his tackle zone. The opposing coach is not allowed to change his mind
about passing the ball after the player with this skill has made his move. The special
move is free, and in no way affects the player's ability to move in the following turn.
Apart from this, however, the move is made using all of the normal rules, and the
player does have to dodge in order to leave opposing players' tackle zones. 14/68
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Piling On (Strength Skill)

The player may use this skill after he has made a block, but only if the victim was
knocked over. The player falls on top of the player that he has just knocked down
and may add his Strength to the Armour roll for the victim. For obvious reasons,
when a player uses this skill he is knocked over as well. However, do not make an
Armour roll for the player who is piling on, as his fall is cushioned by the victim.
Note that the player who is piling on is knocked over in his own square rather than
that of his victim – it is assumed that he rolls back there after flattening his
opponent. Piling on does not cause a turnover unless the piling on player is carrying
the ball.

Prehensile Tail (Physical Ability)

The player has a long, thick tail which he can use to trip up opposing players. To
represent this, opposing players must subtract -1 from the dice roll if they attempt
to dodge out of the player's tackle zone.

Pro (General Skill)

A player with this skill is a hardened veteran. Such players are called professionals
or Pro's by other Blood Bowl players because they rarely, if ever, make a mistake.
Once per team turn, a Pro is allowed to re-roll any one dice roll he has made.
However, before the re-roll may be made, his coach must roll a dice. On a roll of 4,
5 or 6 the re-roll may be made. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 the original result stands and
may not be re-rolled with a skill or team re-roll.

Razor Sharp Claws or Fangs (Physical Ability)

The player may add +2 to any Injury rolls that he makes.

Really Stupid (Trait)

This is treated in exactly the same way as the Bone-Head trait except that the player
can’t do anything on a roll of 1-3 instead of only a 1 UNLESS there is a friendly
player in an adjacent square who is neither Really Stupid nor Bone-Headed. As
long as a player without one of those traits is in an adjacent square, treat Really
Stupid exactly the same as Bone-Head. 15/68
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Regeneration (Trait)
A player with this skill is very, very difficult to kill. To represent this, a player with
this ability cannot normally be killed or injured, but he can be broken badly enough
so that it takes some time for him to pull himself together! Stunned and KO'd
results on the Injury Table are treated as normal. If the player is badly hurt, seriously
injured or killed, then they are placed in the Dead and Injured players box in the
Dugout as normal. Before the next kick-off takes place (or at the end of the match if
that comes first), a dice is rolled for the player to see if he regenerates. On a roll of
'1' the player suffers the effects of the injury as normal. On a roll of 2-6 the player
regenerates and should be moved to the Reserves box in the Dugout. Note that
opposing players earn Star Player points as normal for inflicting a badly hurt,
serious injury, or dead result on a player with this skill, even if the result doesn't
affect the player in the normal way.

Right Stuff (Agility Skill)

A player with this skill may be thrown by a large monster with the Throw
Team-Mate skill. This skill may only be used by players with a Strength of 2 or less.

Safe Throw (Passing Skill)

Roll a dice if a pass made by the player is successfully intercepted. On a roll of 2 or
more the interception is cancelled out. On a roll of 1 the interception takes place as

Shadowing (General Skill)

The player may use this skill when an opposing player moves out of his tackle zone.
Each coach rolls a dice and adds their own player's movement allowance to the
score. If the shadowing player's coach manages to beat the other coach's score,
then he may move his player into the square vacated by the opposing player. He
does not have to make any Dodge rolls when he makes this move, and it has no
effect on his own movement in his own team turn. If the shadowing player's coach
rolls less than or equal to the other coach's score then his player is left standing. A
player may make any number of shadowing moves per turn. 16/68
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Side Step (Agility Skill)

A player with this skill is an expert at stepping neatly out of the way of an attacker.
To represent this ability, his coach may choose which square the player is moved to
when he is pushed back, rather than the opposing coach. Furthermore, the coach
may choose to move the player to any adjacent square, not just the three squares
shown on the Push Back diagram in the Blood Bowl Handbook. Note that the
coach may choose which square the player is moved to even if the player is
knocked over after the push back.

Spikes (Physical Ability)

Add +1 to the player's Armour Value.

Split (Trait)
Only Pink Horrors have Split. When a Pink HOrror suffers “an injury” it splits into
two Blue Horrors instead of being banished back to the Warp. This may allow the
Chaos team to have more than eleven players on the pitch. One is placed in the
square the Pink Horror occupied, the other scatters D6 squares as it pops into
existence. If the final square is occupied or off the pitch then roll again. As long as
one of the Blue Horrors survives the match then the team wizard will be able to
bring back the Pink Horror for the next game. Blue Horrors are not added to a
team roster.

Sprint (Agility Skill)

The player may attempt to move up to three extra squares rather than the normal
two. Their coach must still roll to see if the player falls over in each extra square he
enters. 17/68
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Stand Firm (Strength Skill)

A player with this skill is never pushed back as the result of a block. He may
completely ignore 'Push Back' results, and 'Knock-down' results always knock the
player over in the square where he started. In addition, the player does not fall over
if he fails a Dodge roll. Although the player stays on his feet, he stumbles as he
moves into the square he was dodging to, so his action ends and he may do nothing
else that turn. A turnover, however, does not take place.

Strip Ball (General Skill)

A player with this skill forces any opposing player that he pushes back to drop the
ball in the square that they are pushed to, even if the opposing player is not
knocked over.

Strong Arm (Passing Skill)

Reduce the range by one band (but never lower than 'Quick') when the player
passes the ball. For example, a long pass is treated as a short pass, etc.

Stunty (Physical Ability)

The player is so small that they are very difficult to tackle because they can duck
underneath opposing players' outstretched arms and run between their legs. To
represent this the player may ignore any enemy tackle zones on the square he is
moving to when he makes a Dodge roll (ie, they always end up with a +1 Dodge roll
modifier). This ability does not apply if the player is armed with a secret weapon
(such as a pogo stick or chainsaw), as the weapon slows the little fellow down and
makes him easier to grab.

Sure Feet (Agility Skill)

The player may re-roll the dice if he falls over when trying to move an extra square.

Sure Hands (General Skill)

A player with the Sure Hands skill is allowed to re-roll the dice if he fails to pick up
the ball. In addition, the Strip Ball skill will not work against a player with this skill. 18/68
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Tackle (General Skill)

Opposing players who are standing in this player's tackle zone are not allowed to
use their Dodge skill if they attempt to dodge out of the player's tackle zone, nor
may they use their Dodge skill if the player throws a block at them.

Take Root (Trait)

At the start of any action, the player rolls 1D6. If a 1 is rolled, the player may not
move (or Block as part of a Blitz action) until the end of the drive, or they are
knocked over.

Tentacles (Physical Ability)

In order to leave this player's tackle zone an opponent must roll under their Strength
on a D6. If the player rolls equal to or greater than their Strength, then they have
been grabbed by a tentacle and may not move, though they may block, pass or
catch the ball as normal.

Thick Skull (Physical Ability)

Roll a dice if the player is KO'd. On a roll of 4 or more the player shakes off the
effects of the injury and it is treated as a Stunned result instead. The player may
remain on the playing field and is placed face-down. On a roll of 3 or less the player
is placed in the KO'd Players box in the Dugout as normal.

Throw Team-Mate (Strength Skill)

A player with this skill may throw team-mates who have the Right Stuff skill. This
skill may only be used by players with a Strength of 6 or more. The Blood Bowl
rules don't tell you what to do if a Large Monster 'fumbles' a throw. When this
happens, the player being thrown is knocked over in his starting square; no roll is
made to see whether he lands on his feet. 19/68
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Titchy (Trait)
The player may add 1 to any Dodge roll he attempts. On the other hand, while
opponents do have to dodge to leave any of a Titchy player’s tackle zones, Titchy
players are so small that they do not exert a -1 modifier when opponents dodge into
any of their tackle zones.

Two Heads (Physical Ability)

Add +1 to all Dodge rolls the player makes.

Unstable (Trait)
Some creatures like Greater Demons are Unstable and may disappear to a different
realm at any moment. To represent this roll a D6 for each player with this trait after
each touchdown and at halftime. On a roll of 5+ the player has disappeared and
may not be used for the rest of the game. They will reappear for the next match.

Very Long Legs (Physical Ability)

Add +1 to the player's Movement. In addition, the player is allowed to add +1 to
the dice roll whenever he attempts to intercept the ball.

Wild Animal (Trait)

The player can become uncontrollable during a match and must pass a Wild Animal
test to successfully perform an action. There is a 1/2 chance that they will be able to
carry out the action required. This is increased to an 5/6 chance in case of a Block
or Blitz. 20/68
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A. Pre-Match Sequence
1. Hire Freebooters
2. Roll on Weather Table
3. Work out the Gate
4. Work out Handicap
5. Take Special Play cards
6. Roll for Niggling Injuries

B. The Match
1. Receiving Team Turn
2. Kicking Team Turn Etc...

C. Post-Match Sequence
1. Work out each team's winnings
2. Allocate MVPs and make Star Player rolls
3. Roll on the Fan Factor Table
4. Hire new players and coaching staff
5. Work out new team rating 21/68
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2. The Weather: Each coach rolls

Pre Match Details 1d6 and the numbers are added
1. Hire Freebooters : Either coach is together and compared to the Weather
allowed to hire one or more Table printed on the Blood Bowl
Freebooters at the start of a league reference sheet to see what the
match. You may only hire Freebooters weather will be like for the match.
for league matches, they may not be
used for one-off games. A Freebooter 3. The Gate: The number of fans that
costs half the normal amount of attend a match is called the match's
money to hire, but he will only play for 'gate'. It is necessary to know the gate
one game. For example, a Freebooter in order to work out each team's
Human Blitzer would cost 90,000:2 = winnings at the end of the game, and
45,000 gold pieces to hire for one in any case it's an interesting fact in its
game. Star Players may be hired as own right! In order to work out how
Freebooters for a single match in the many fans attend the match add the
same way (ie, at half the cost listed on fan factors of the two teams taking
the Star Player card). A coach can part together, and then roll a number
also hire Freebooter coaching staff for of dice equal to the total. Add the
a single match, calling in a Freebooter scores of the dice together, and then
Wizard or Apothecary for a vital multiply the score by 1,000 – the
game! result is the number of fans that attend
A coach is only allowed to hire the match. For example: Two teams
Freebooter players that would with a combined fan factor of 6 are
normally play for his team, so the playing a match. Six dice are rolled
coach of a Human team could only and come up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, which
hire players from the Human team list, adds up to a total of 21. The result is
or Star Players that will play for multiplied by 1,000 to find the gate for
Human teams. In addition, any the match, which means that 21,000
Freebooters that are hired may not screaming fans have turned up to
take the number of players in the team watch the game.
to more than 16. 22/68
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4. Handicaps: All teams have a team 6. Niggling Injuries: In a league it is

rating which represents how good they possible for players to pick up nasty
are – the higher it is the better! Teams 'niggling injuries' that can cause them
that play against opponents who have to miss a match. If any of the players
a much higher rating will probably in a team has suffered a niggling injury
lose. However, there is a chance that then their coach must roll now to see
they will be inspired to perform even if the player has to miss this game.
better than normal, and they may learn Roll one dice for each niggling injury:
a lot against such a superior team. if any of the dice roll a '1' then the
These two factors are reflected by player must miss this match. The
allowing lower-rated teams to take player only ever misses the one game,
extra Special Play cards and extra no matter how many 1's were rolled. If
Most Valuable Player awards when all of the dice come up with scores of
they play against a superior team. To 2 or more then the player may take
see if a team gets any bonuses, part in the match as normal.
subtract the rating of the lower team
from that of the higher team, and refer
to the Handicap Table.

5. Special Play Cards: Each coach

rolls a D6 to see how many Special
Play cards they receive (1=1 card,
2-5=2 cards, 6=3 cards). In addition,
a coach may be allowed to take bonus
cards if his team has a lower team
rating than the opposing team (see the
Handicap rules above). Note that
neither team may choose more than 1
Magic Item no matter how many
Special Play cards they are allowed. 23/68
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Beginning The Game

Once the coach of the kicking team is
The Coin Toss : Flip a coin or roll a satisfied with the initial placement of
dice to see who will set up first. the ball, he or she rolls 2d6 and
Whomever wins the coin toss decides compares the result to the Kick Off
whether to kick or receive to begin the Table. The results of the Kick Off
game. Whichever option is chosen, Table are resolved immediately, before
the opposite will take place at the the Kick Off sequence proceeds any
beginning of the second half, further. At times the results will be
regardless of which team was in minor, but the Kick Off Table has
possession of the ball at the end of the been known to grant players entire
first half. Each coach may set up 11 extra turns, so it is important to do
players between their End Zone and this in the proper sequence.
the half way line, and within the
following restrictions: After the Kick Off Table results have
● The kicking team always sets up been resolved, if the ball has not yet
first. been touched by one team or the other
● No more than two players from then it will then scatter in a random
each team may be set up in each direction. Using the Scatter template,
wide zone (ie a maximum of roll the eight-sided dice once for the
four players may be split wide, direction of scatter, then roll a
two on each flank). six-sided dice to see how many
● At least three players must be squares the ball will go. Important
set up next to the half way line, note: The kick-off is the only time that
on the line of scrimmage. you roll a dice to see how many
squares the ball moves when it
scatters. This is because kicks are
The Kick Off Sequence: After both very inaccurate. When rolling scatter
teams have set up, the coach of the for a missed pass, or when the ball
kicking team places the football in any bounces, the ball only moves one
square in the opponent's half of the square per scatter roll.
field, including the opponent's End
Zone if he likes. 24/68
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A kick off must land in the receiving

team’s half of the playing field. If the
ball scatters off the field or into the
kicking team's half, the receiving
coach is awarded a 'touchback' and
may give the ball to any player in his
team. Assuming the ball lands in the
receiving team's half of the field, then
it will either land in an empty square or
a square occupied by a player. If the
ball lands in an empty square it will
bounce one more square. If the ball
lands on a square occupied by a
player, the player may try to catch the
ball. Once the kick-off has been taken
you are ready to proceed to the first
turn of the game. 25/68
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Blood Bowl is split into two halves of every one of his team turns. If he
sixteen turns each (ie, eight team turns forgets to move the counter before
per coach). At the end of the second taking an action with one or more of
half the team with the most his players, then the opposing coach
touchdowns is the winner. The game is allowed to call for an 'illegal
is played using a simple but strict procedure' penalty as soon as he
sequence of play, which runs as spots the mistake. An action is
follows: considered to be declaring the action
of a player, moving one or more
A. Receiving Team Turn squares, or rolling the dice to throw a
block, pass the ball or dodge. A
B. Kicking Team Turn
coach who is called for illegal
Repeat A and B, one after the other, procedure must either use up a re-roll
until a touchdown is scored or the half or suffer a turnover.
ends. During a team turn, the team in
play may perform one action with Turnovers are explained in more detail
each player in the team. A coach is below, but basically a coach that
only allowed four minutes to complete suffers a turnover must end his turn
his team turn. The other team may do immediately – even if part way through
nothing until their own team turn a player's action. If the coach uses up
comes round. a re-roll, he is not allowed to use
another re-roll counter in the same
MOVING THE TURN MARKER turn. What's more, if he has already
Each coach is responsible for keeping used a re-roll when the penalty is
track of how many turns his team has called, or he doesn't have any re-rolls
used, and must move the Turn counter left, then his team turn automatically
one space along the track provided on ends! If a coach forgets to move the
his Dugout at the start of each and turn marker, but can rectify his mistake 26/68
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before the opposing coach spots the ● Blitz: The player may move a
error, then he cannot be called for number of squares equal to their
illegal procedure. Movement Allowance. He may
make one block during the
PLAYER ACTIONS move. The block may be made
Players perform actions one at a time. at any point during the move,
In other words, the coach may and costs one square of
perform an action with one player, movement. IMPORTANT: This
then perform an action with another action may only be performed
player and so on. This carries on until by one player per team turn.
all of the players have performed an However, any player may
action, the coach does not want to perform a Blitz – the player
perform an action with any more doesn't have to be a Blitzer
players, or the team suffers a turnover. (Blitzers are just better at it than
Note that a player must finish his other players). The coach must
action before another player can take declare that the player in
one. Each player may only perform question is performing a Blitz at
one action per team turn. Only one the beginning of that player’s
player may take a Blitz, Foul, or Pass action, before any movement,
action per team turn. blocking, passing, or skill use
takes place.
In a team turn a coach may perform ● Pass: The player may move a
one of the following actions with each number of squares equal to his
of the players in his team. MA. At the end of the move the
● Move: The player may move a player must pass the ball.
number of squares equal to their IMPORTANT: This action may
MA. only be performed by one
● Block: The player may make a player per team turn.
single block against a player in ● Foul: One player per turn may
an adjacent square. Players may kick an opponent who is prone
not block in a turn where they and in an adjacent square. See
spent MA unless they are taking rules for Fouling below for
a Blitz action. details. 27/68
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Normally, a team turn only ends when A player may move a number of
all of the players in the team have squares equal to his Movement
performed an action. However, certain Allowance. Players may move in any
events cause the team turn to end direction or combination of directions,
before all of the players have taken an including diagonally, as long as they
action. These events are called do not enter a square that holds
turnovers. The following events cause another player (from either team).
a turnover: Players do not have to use up all of
1. A team is called for illegal their Movement Allowance in their
procedure and doesn't have a turn; they don't need to move at all if
re-roll counter their coach does not want them to.
2. A player on the moving team is
knocked down or falls over GOING FOR IT! (STRETCHING)
3. The ball is passed and not When a player takes a Move, Pass or
caught by a player from the Blitz action, they may try to move one
moving team or two extra squares over and above
4. A player from the moving team the number that they are normally
attempts to pick up the ball and allowed to move - this is called 'going
fails for it' or ‘making a stretch.’
5. A touchdown is scored
6. The four minute time limit for Roll a die for the player after they have
the turn runs out. moved each extra square. On a roll of
A coach that suffers a turnover must 1 the player trips up and falls prone in
end his turn immediately - even if the square that they moved to. On any
partway through a player's action. The other roll the player makes the move
only exception to this is that armour without mishap. If the player falls over
rolls and injury must still be made for then his team suffers a turnover and
players that have been knocked over. their team turn ends immediately. A
player that is taking a Blitz move may
'go for it' in order to make a block.
Roll a dice for the player after
declaring that they will make the block. 28/68
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On a roll of 1 the player falls prone as to. Look up the player's Agility on the
described above. On any other roll the Agility Table to find the score required
player makes the block without to successfully dodge out of the
mishap. If the player falls over then his square. For example, if the player had
team suffers a turnover and their team an Agility of 3 he would need to roll a
turn ends immediately. 4 or more to dodge out of the square.
Roll a dice, and add or subtract any of
the modifiers that apply to the dice
TACKLE ZONES roll. A roll of 1 before modification
All players exert a tackle zone on the always fails and a roll of 6 before
eight adjacent squares, as shown in the modification always succeeds.
diagram below.
If the final modified score equals or
beats the required roll, the player may
carry on moving (and dodging if
P required) until he has used up his full
movement allowance. If the dice roll is
less than the required total, then the
player is knocked down in the square
The player's tackle zone is shown by he was dodging to and a roll must be
the shaded squares. made to see if he was injured (See
Care must be taken when moving into, knock Downs & Injuries). If the player
out of, or through enemy tackle zones. is knocked over then his team suffers
In order to leave a square that is in one a turnover and their team turn ends
or more opposing tackle zones, a immediately.
player must make a Dodge roll. The
player only has to dodge once in order
to leave the square, no matter how
many opposing tackles zones are on
it. Note that you must always make a
Dodge roll when you leave a tackle
zone, even if there aren't any tackle
zones on the square you are moving 29/68
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PICKING UP THE BALL stop an opponent in his tracks! To see

If a player moves into a square if a block works you will need to use
containing the football, they may the special Block dice included with
attempt to pick it up, and - if they wish the game.
and are able - carry on moving. Look
up the player's Agility on the Agility ASSISTING A BLOCK
Table to find the score required to After a block has been declared the
successfully pick up the ball. Roll a attacker and the defender have the
D6, and add or subtract any of the option of adding extra players to give
modifiers that apply to the dice roll. A an 'assist'. This allows two or more
roll of 1 before modification always attackers to gang up on a single
fails and a roll of 6 before defender, or for one or more
modification always succeeds. If the defenders to aid a companion against
final modified score equals or beats a block. Each of these extra players
the required roll, then the player adds +1 to the Strength of the player
succeeds in picking up the ball. Place that they are assisting. Assisting a
the ball on the player's base to show block does not count as an action,
that he has picked it up and carry on and a player can assist any number of
with the player's turn. If the dice roll is blocks per turn. A player is allowed to
less than the required total, then the make an assist after he has moved or
player drops the ball which will scatter taken an action. The attacking coach
one square. If the player drops the ball must declare if any of his players will
then his team suffers a turnover and give an assist first, then the defending
their team turn ends immediately. coach may add defensive assists with
players from his team. In order to
BLOCKS make an assist, the player must:
Instead of moving, a player may throw
a block at an opposing player who is 1. be adjacent to the enemy player
in an adjacent square. You may only involved in the block
make a block against a standing player 2. not be in the tackle zone of any
- you may not block a player who has other player from the opposing
already been knocked over. A block is team
a very rough tackle, designed to really 3. be standing. 30/68
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● If the players' strengths are

The result of the block only affects the EQUAL, one die is rolled.
two players directly involved. Any ● If one player is STRONGER,
assisting players are not affected. two dice are rolled and the
Similarly, only the skills belonging to stronger player may choose
the two players directly involved in the which one is used.
block may be used. Skills belonging to ● If one player is MORE THAN
assisting players cannot be taken TWICE AS STRONG, three
advantage of by either side. dice are rolled and the stronger
player may choose which is
The number of dice that is rolled used.
depends on the Strengths of the two
players involved. Obviously, if one
player is stronger than the other they Note that the coach of the player
are more likely to knock down their making the block always rolls the dice,
opponent when they make a block. To but that the coach of the stronger
represent this the number of Block player may choose which is used.
dice that is rolled varies depending on
the relative strengths of the players.
However, no matter how many dice Roll the appropriate number of dice
are rolled, only one of them is ever and look up the result below. On the
used to decide the result of the block. table, the player making the block is
The stronger player is allowed to referred to as the attacker, while his
choose which of the dice is used. target is the defender.
Remember that Assists effectively
alter the strengths of the players
involved in the Block for purposes of
determining how many dice are rolled
and which coach gets to choose
which result is used. 31/68
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back. The attacking player may follow

up the defender.
The attacking player is
knocked down.

The defending player is

pushed back and is knocked down in
Both players are knocked the square they are moved to. The
down, unless one or both of the attacking player may follow up the
players involved has the Block skill. If defender.
one player that has the Block skill then
he is not knocked over by this result, Push Backs : A player that is pushed
though his opponent will still go back as a result of a block must be
down. If both the players have the moved one square away from the
Block skill then neither player is player making the block. The coach of
knocked over. the player who made the block may
decide which square the player is
moved to. The player must be pushed
back into an empty square if possible.
If all such squares are occupied by
The defending player is other players, then the player is
pushed back one square by the pushed into an occupied square, and
blocking player. The attacking player the player that originally occupied the
may follow up the defender. square is pushed back in turn. Players
may only be pushed off the field if
there are no eligible empty squares on
the field. A player pushed off the field
Unless the defender has the is beaten up by the crowd and must
Dodge skill he is pushed back and roll on the Injury Table (see Injuries,
knocked over. If he does have the below). Note that no Armour roll is
Dodge skill then he is only pushed made for a player that is pushed off
the pitch, they are automatically 32/68
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injured. If a ‘Stunned' result is rolled who falls over will drop the ball if he
on the Injury Table the player should was carrying it, and it will bounce one
be placed in the Reserves box of the square in a random direction (see
Dugout, and must remain there until a Bouncing Balls). If the player who is
touchdown is scored or the half ends. knocked down comes from the
moving team, then a turnover takes
Follow Up Moves: A player who has place and the moving team's turn ends
made a block is allowed to make a immediately!
special follow up move and occupy a
square vacated by a player that they While prone the player may do
have pushed back. This move is free, nothing except stand up at a cost of 3
and the player can ignore enemy tackle squares of their movement when they
zones when he makes the move (ie, he next take an action. Players may stand
does not have to dodge to enter the up in an opposing player's tackle zone
square). Players that are blitzing are without having to make a dodge roll
allowed to make follow up moves, and (they will have to dodge if they
the move does not cost them any of subsequently leave). Note that a player
their movement (as they paid a square that stands up may not take a Block
in order to make the block, they have action, because you may not move
effectively already paid for the move). when you take a Block action. The
Whether or not an attacker elects to player may take a Blitz or a Pass
follow up after pushing a defender action.
back is up to the individual, but must
be decided BEFORE making an armor INJURIES
roll for a player that was knocked Any player that is knocked over may
down in addition to being pushed be injured; the opposing coach is
back. allowed to roll two dice and add their
scores together in an attempt to try to
KNOCK DOWNS & INJURIES beat the knocked over player's
Players that are knocked down or fall Armour Value. If the roll succeeds,
over for any reason should be placed then the opposing coach is allowed to
face up on the field in the square they roll on the Injury Table below to see
were in when they fell over. A player what injury the player has suffered. 33/68
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You may not substitute fit players for
2-7 8-9 10-12 injured players or players that have
been sent off while the match is in
Stunned Knocked Casualty
progress. The only time that you may
add reserves to the team is when you
are setting up after a touchdown has
If a player is considered a Casualty, been scored, or when setting up after
then they are removed from play for half time.
the remainder of the game and a roll
will be made on the Casualty Table to BLITZ
determine the future of their Blood Once per team turn a player on the
Bowl career. moving team is allowed to make a
special Blitz move. A blitz allows the
Casualty Table player to move and make a block. The
block may be made at any point
1-3 4-5 6 during the move, but costs one square
Badly Hurt Seriously Dead of movement for the player to make.
Injured The player may carry on moving after
the effects of the block have been
worked out if he has any squares of
On a roll of Badly Hurt, the player
movement left. Using a blitz is the
misses the rest of this game and the
only way a player may move and make
entire following game.
a block in the same turn.

On a roll of Seriously Injured, the

coach must make a roll on the Serious
Injury table to see what the long term
effects of his injury are.

On a roll of dead, the player dies. 34/68
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THROWING THE FOOTBALL Look up the player's Agility on the

Once per team turn a player on the Agility Table to find the score required
moving team is allowed to make a to successfully pass the ball. Roll a
Pass action. The player is allowed to D6, and add or subtract any of the
make a normal move, and after he has modifiers that apply to the dice roll. A
completed the move he may throw the roll of 1 before modification always
football. Note that the player does not fails and a roll of 6 before
have to be holding the football at the modification always succeeds.
start of the action; he could use his
move to run over and pick up a If the final modified score equals or
dropped ball and then throw it, for beats the required roll, the pass is
example. accurate and lands in the target square.
If the dice roll is less than the required
First of all, the coach must declare total, then the pass is not accurate and
where the player is trying to throw the will scatter. Roll for scatter three
ball to. The player can throw the times, one after the other, to see where
football to another player in his own the ball ends up. Note that each of the
team (or another player in the scatter rolls is made separately, so it is
opposing team if he really wants to), possible for the ball to end up back in
or simply to an empty square, though the target square (though it will be
obviously the first of these options harder to catch). The ball can only be
will be the most useful – and may caught in the final square where it ends
keep him from being attacked by his up - if it scatters through a player's
own team members! The ball may square, then the player is not allowed
only be passed once per turn. Next the to try and catch the ball.
coach must measure the range using
the range ruler. It is perfectly
acceptable to pre-measure the range to CATCHING THE FOOTBALL
several players before you declare If the football lands in a square
who you will throw the ball to. If no occupied by a standing player, then
Interception is declared, then move on the player must attempt to catch the
to making the Pass roll. football. Prone players may never
attempt to catch the ball. Either team's 35/68
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players may attempt to catch the ball . lands in an empty square or a square
Look up the player's Agility on the occupied by a prone player, then it will
Agility Table to find the score required bounce. If a throw-in results in the ball
to successfully catch the ball. Roll a going off the field again, it will be
D6, and add or subtract any of the thrown-in again, centred on the last
modifiers that apply to the dice roll. A square it was in before it left the field.
roll of 1 before modification always
fails and a roll of 6 before BOUNCING BALLS
modification always succeeds. If the If the football is not caught, or the
final modified score equals or beats square where it lands is unoccupied
the required roll, then the player (or is occupied by a prone player)
succeeds in catching the ball. Place then it will bounce. To find out where
the ball on the player's base to show the ball bounces to, roll for scatter one
that they have caught it up and carry more time. If the ball bounces into an
on with the team turn. If the player occupied square, then the player in the
who caught the ball has not taken an square must attempt to catch it, as
action yet, he may do so as normal. If described above. If the player fails to
the dice roll is less than the required catch the ball, then it will bounce again
total, then the player drops the ball until it is either caught or bounces into
which will bounce (see Bouncing an empty square or off the field.

When a ball scatters off the field it is If the ball isn't caught by a player from
immediately thrown back in by the the moving team, a turnover takes
eager spectators! Use the Throw-in place and the moving team's turn
template to work out where the ball ends. The turnover does not take
goes, using the last square the ball place until the ball finally comes to
crossed before going off as a starting rest. This means that if the ball misses
point. If the ball is thrown into a the target but is still caught by a player
square occupied by a standing player, from the moving team, then a turnover
that player may attempt to catch the does not take place. The ball could
ball as described above. If the ball even scatter out of bounds, be thrown 36/68
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back in to an empty square, and as one of his players will try to intercept
long as it was caught by a player from before the thrower rolls to see if he is
the moving team then the turnover on target. Look up the player's Agility
would be avoided! on the Agility Table to find the score
required to successfully intercept the
INTERCEPTIONS AND ball. Roll a D6, and add or subtract
FUMBLES any of the modifiers that apply to the
When a player throws the football dice roll. A roll of 1 before
various things can go wrong. Usually modification always fails and a roll of
the ball will be slightly off target or will 6 before modification always
be dropped by the intended receiver, succeeds. If the final modified score is
and these events are handled by the less than the required total, then the
normal throwing rules. Sometimes, player fails to intercept the ball and the
however, the thrower may completely pass can carry on as normal. If the
fumble the throw, dropping the ball in dice roll equals or beats the required
their own square, or the ball may be roll, then the player succeeds in
intercepted by an opposing player intercepting and catching the ball.
before it reaches the target square. Place the ball on the player's base to
Both of these events are handled by show that they have caught it. A
the rules below. successful interception counts as a
turnover, and the moving team's turn
Interceptions: One player on the ends immediately.
opposing team may attempt to
intercept a thrown ball. To be able to Fumbles: Sometimes a player
make an interception, the player must attempting to throw the ball will drop it
be between the player who threw the in their own square. This is more likely
ball and the player who is meant to if the player has any opposing players
receive it, and the plastic ruler must breathing down his neck! To represent
pass over at least part of the this, if the dice roll for a pass is 1 or
intercepting player's base. Note that less before or after modification, then
only one player can attempt an the thrower has fumbled and dropped
interception, no matter how many are the ball. The ball will bounce once
eligible. The coach must declare that from the thrower's square, and the 37/68
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moving team will suffer a turnover and If the throw is accurate the thrown
their team turn ends immediately. player lands in the target square. If the
throw misses, then roll three times for
THROWING TEAMMATES scatter to see where the thrown player
Some monsters are allowed to throw ends up as normal. As long as the
small players on their team instead of thrown player lands in an empty
the ball. In order to do this the square, then the next step is to make a
monster must have the Throw roll to see if he manages to land on his
Teammate skill, and the other player feet (see Landing, below). If the
must have the Right Stuff skill. The thrown player ends up out of bounds
monster must take a Pass action, and then they are beaten up by the crowd
may move before he throws the other just as if they had been pushed out of
player. After his move the two players bounds. If they land on top of another
must be in adjacent squares, and both player, then both they and the other
must be standing. A monster may player are knocked over, and the
throw a teammate who is holding the player that they hit is pushed back one
ball. square.
The throw is treated like a normal
pass, except that the range is treated Landing
as being one band higher (a Quick Look up the player's Agility on the
Pass counts as a Short Pass, for Agility Table to find the score required
example), which means that it is to successfully land upright. Roll a
impossible to throw a teammate out to die, and add or subtract any of the
Long Bomb range. In addition, the modifiers that apply to the dice roll. A
teammate must be thrown to an empty roll of 1 before modification always
square, and may not be intercepted by fails and a roll of 6 before
an opposing player. Apart from the modification always succeeds. If the
changes noted above you must roll to final modified score equals or beats
see if the throw was accurate just as if the required roll, then the player lands
the monster were throwing the on their feet and may take an action if
football. If the monster has the Pass they have not done so already. If the
skill then he is allowed to re-roll the die roll is less than the required total,
dice if he misses on his first attempt. then they fall over on landing and the 38/68
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opposing coach may make an Armour If the score beats the victim's Armour
roll to see if they are injured. A failed Value then he is injured and a roll is
roll does not count as a turnover made on the Injury Table to see what
unless the player was holding the ball. has happened to him. However, if the
Important: A player thrown into the coach rolls a double for the Armour
End Zone must land on his feet to roll then – no matter what happens to
score a touchdown. If he falls over, a the victim – the referee spots the foul
touchdown is not scored. and sends off the player who
committed it for the rest of the match.
FOULS, OR KICKING PLAYERS Assisting players are let off with a
THAT ARE DOWN severe caution! If the ref spots a foul
Normally players that are prone cannot then the team suffers a turnover and
be attacked. However, when you use their turn ends immediately. A coach
this rule, one player per team turn is may not replace a player who has been
allowed to take a Foul action. This sent off until after a touchdown has
allows the player to move a number of been scored or a half has ended.
squares equal to his MA and then The head coach can elect to argue
make a foul against an opposing with the ref about the sending off, but
player who is both prone and in an risks being thrown off the sidelines
adjacent square. The coach nominates himself and not being able to argue
the victim, and then makes an Armour any further calls until the next game.
roll for him, adding +1 to the score.
Other players that are adjacent to the
victim may assist the player making
the foul, and each extra player joining
in adds a further +1 to the Armour
roll. Note that players are not allowed
to give defensive assists to help out
the victim and the bonuses to the
Armor roll are not cancelled out by
enemy tackle zones. 39/68
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POST MATCH DETAILS them Star Player rolls at the end of the
You must go through the following match. This phase is used by each
five steps after each and every league coach to update the Star Player points
match that you play. the players in their team have earned,
and to make any Star Player rolls for
1. Treasury Phase: At the end of a the players in their team.
match each team receives a fee for
playing the game from the owner of 3. Fan Factors: A team's fan factor
the stadium where the match was may not be voluntarily changed once
played. The amount received the league has started. Instead, each
represents the money that is left after coach must roll after every match to
all expenses have been paid. Teams see if their fan factor changes. Roll a
with a higher rating get less gold dice, add or subtract any modifiers,
because they have to pay out more and look up the result on the Fan
money to the players in their team and Factor Table. Any change to the
for other expenses. In order to work team's fan factor must be recorded on
out their winnings each coach rolls a the team roster. There is no limit to
dice, and then cross references their how high a team's fan factor may go,
team rating with the gate for the match but it can never be reduced to less
on the Match Winnings Table to see if than 1.
there is any modifier to the dice roll.
This table is at the end of this
document. The modified dice roll is
multiplied by 10,000 to see how many
gold pieces are added to the team's
treasury. If the modified dice roll was
5, for example, the coach would be
allowed to add 50,000 gold pieces to
his treasury.

2. Star Player Rolls: In league

matches it is possible for players to
4. Purchases In this phase the
earn Star Player points which may give 40/68
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coaches may buy new players for their pieces, total Star Player points, and
teams, either as replacement players team rating need to be recalculated at
for any that were killed during the the end of each game, and any notes
match, or as new players to add to the or points of special interest can be
team. New coaching staff (ie, assistant recorded on the team roster at this
coaches, cheerleaders, Apothecaries, time.
etc) may also be hired. A coach is
also allowed to purchase additional STAR PLAYER POINTS
Team Re roll counters for his team. Players are able to earn Star Player
New Team Re-roll counters cost points (SPP's) in league matches. Star
DOUBLE the amount shown on the Player points are earned for scoring
team list, unless they are purchased touchdowns, making complete passes,
with an 'Extra Training' Special Play making interceptions, killing or injuring
card at the start of the match (see the opposing players, and for earning
Extra Training cards in the Special 'Most Valuable Player' awards. Once a
Play decks). If a coach hires a new player has earned enough Star Player
player for a team that already has 16 points he becomes entitled to a 'Star
players, then one of the old players Player roll, and will gain an extra skill
will have to be retired to make room or increased characteristic. Players
for him. Simply delete the retired who survive long enough may even
player from the roster and fill the progress to become Star Players, with
resulting space with the details of the special abilities and skills that they
new player. Each player that retires have picked up over the course of
allows the coach to add an extra their long career on the Blood Bowl
assistant coach to his team for free. A field. This is a very cost effective way
coach can, if he wishes, retire a player to add Star Players to your team,
even if they do not have a new player although it does take time. A team may
to take his place. have any number of Star Players
generated in this way, in addition to
5. Update Team Roster This phase the four Star Players that can be hired
is used to make sure that both teams' for the team 'ready-made' as Star
rosters are up to date and filled in Player cards!
correctly. A team's value in gold 41/68
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The team roster includes boxes so Touchdowns (TD): A player who

coaches can keep track of the number scores a touchdown earns 3 Star
of Star Player points their players earn Player points.
during a match. Each time a player Interceptions (INT): If a player
does something that earns him any successfully makes an Interception
Star Player points his coach should then they earn 2 Star Player points.
put a tick in the appropriate box on Casualties (CAS): If a player kills,
the roster. At the end of the match seriously injures, or badly hurts an
count up the number of new ticks for opposing player then they earn 2 Star
each player, and upgrade their total Player points. Killing, injuring or badly
score of Star Player points hurting a player is generally referred to
accordingly. Star Player points are as inflicting a 'casualty'. For example
earned for performing the following "He inflicted five casualties in a single
actions: match!", or "That takes him to 17
casualties this season..."
Most Valuable Player (MVP): The
Most Valuable Player award is
awarded randomly to one player from
each team, just so long as they took
part in the match. Use the random
player counters provided with Blood
Bowl to determine which player gets
the award. A Most Valuable Player
award earns the player 5 Star Player
Completions (COMP): A player who
points. Sometimes a team will be
makes an accurate pass that is caught
awarded bonus Most Valuable Player
by another player earns 1 Star Player
awards from the Handicap Table, as
point. An accurate pass is called a
described in the 'Pre-Match Sequence'
'completion' or complete pass. The
below. Award these in exactly the
player who catches the pass also earns
same way as a normal Most Valuable
1 Star Player Point.
Player award, with the exception that
no player may receive more than one
Most Valuable Player award per 42/68
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match. Note that both teams get a

Most Valuable Player award, not just
the winners.


As players earn more Star Player
points they go up in levels of New Skills: On a Star Player roll of
experience and are entitled to make 2-9 the player is allowed to take a new
Star Player rolls. All players start out skill. The skills that may be selected
as Rookies with no Star Player Points. for a player are limited depending on
Once a player has earned 6 points he the race of the player and the position
becomes 'Experienced’ and is entitled that they play. The skills are split into
to his first Star Player roll. Each time five categories: General Skills, Agility
that the player goes up another level he Skills, Strength skills, Passing Skills
is entitled to another Star Player roll. and Physical Abilities. The category
The Star Player Points Table lists the which each skill belongs to is noted in
number of Star Player points that are the Skills rules. Below is the Player
required to reach each different level. Skill List. This shows which skills are
At the end of the match work out how available to each different type of
many Star Player points each of the player. For example, Human Catchers
players in your team has earned, and can take General Skills and Agility
look up their scores on the Star Player Skills, Human Throwers can take
Points Table. If the player has earned General Skills and Passing Skills, and
enough points to go up a level, then so on.
immediately make a roll for them on
the Star Player Roll Table. To make
the Star Player roll, roll two dice, add
the scores together, and look up the
result on the Star Player Roll Table. 43/68
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additional increases are lost and the

Star Player roll is wasted.

Rolling Doubles
Normally a player is only allowed to
choose a skill from the categories
listed on the Player Skill List.
However, if the Star Player roll was a
double (ie 1, 1 or 2, 2 etc), then the
coach may ignore the result rolled on
the Star Player Roll Table (even if it
was a characteristic increase) and
instead may take any skill they like for
the player. The restrictions for the
player's race and the position he plays
are ignored in this case, so a Human
Catcher could take a Strength skill, for
example. Only Chaos and Skaven
players may take a physical ability -
see below.

Physical Abilities: Physical abilities

are rather different from normal skills,
in that they are things that a player is
born with, rather than learned abilities
Characteristic Increases: A Star
like skills. This means that in most
Player roll of 10-12 will increase one
cases players may never be given a
of the player's characteristics - simply
physical ability as a new skill, even if
record the new value on the team
the Star Player roll was a double. The
roster. However, no characteristic may
only exception to this is players from
ever be increased by more than 2
Chaos and Skaven teams. These
points over its starting value. Any
players are noted as being able to take
a physical ability on the Player Skill 44/68
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List, which represents the fact they Just take the total value of the team
can develop strange mutations later in and knock off the last four zeros. For
life. For Chaos players, these example, a starting team with a value
mutations are a 'gift' from the gods of 1,000,000 gold pieces has a team
they worship; Skaven players can rating of 100 points. Next work out
mutate as a result of consuming the the combined total of all the Star
magical substance known as Player points belonging to the players
warpstone. Such players are allowed in your team. Divide this number by 5,
to take a physical ability as a new skill, rounding any fractions down, and add
but only if the Star Player roll was a the result to the total worked out
double. above. For example, if the players in a
team had a total of 60 Star Player
TEAM RATINGS All teams that take points then 60:5 =12, so 12 points
part in a league must be given a team would be added to the team rating.
rating. This is based on the Spike! Note that the Star Player points for all
Magazine Team Rating SystemTM, of the players in the team are used,
and is a very good indicator of the even if some of them have to miss the
team's ability and effectiveness on the next match due to injury. Note that all
Blood Bowl field. Two teams with starting teams have a team rating of
equal team ratings would expect to 100 points.
have a very close match, while if one
team has a team rating considerably MATCH RECORDS On the back of
higher than their opponent's, they the Death Zone team roster there is a
should win the match easily. To Match Record Chart for recording
calculate a team's Spike! Magazine information about the games that the
team rating, first work out the total team has played. Keep a record of the
value of the team in gold pieces. matches played by the team here. The
Remember to include any money in coach should record the name of the
the treasury in the total. For every opposition, the score and number of
10,000 gold pieces that the team is casualties inflicted by each team, as
worth, it receives 1 team rating point. well as the gate and match winnings,
This may sound like a difficult sum to and any brief notes about the game.
work out, but it is actually quite easy. 45/68
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219’er Big Guy Rules

The biggest complaint about the basic rules for Big Guys in Blood Bowl has always
been that they don’t live up to their name. Ogres, Trolls, Minotaurs, and Treemen
simply should not exist on the same scale as other players. These guys need to BE
BIG. To wit, we have been developing rules that make them live up to their names.
While these rules are neither perfect nor entirely intuitive, we feel that with a bit more
playtesting and time, they will evolve into a rule set that really brings the various
types of Big Guys into Blood Bowl with the feel that they should have always had.

New Big Guy Systems

Large Model
Players with the Large Model trait are monsters on the pitch, or indeed just plain
monsters, who cannot be measured by the standards of normal Blood Bowl
players. Accordingly, they take up four squares on the pitch. This allows the use
of literal large models, placed on 50mm bases, for Big Guy players. It is
recommended, in fact, to do so. Obviously, this has the potential to cause some
unusual effects in relation to movement and tackle zones. We have attempted to
create rules to account for these circumstances, but in the event that the explicit
rules written here do not satisfactorily cover a situation, feel free to dice it off with
your opponent to keep the game moving along.

A Large Model takes up four squares on the pitch, and as a result has a tackle zone
that consists of a whopping twelve squares surrounding its position. While this
may seem like an overwhelming advantage, remember that it also means that they
can be easily ganged up on by a large group of opposing players. Applying the
rules for tackle zones as you normally would, with them extending one square all the
way around the Large Model’s four square footprint, should work as intended. 47/68
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Movement for a Large Model requires some mental gymnastics, but in all we feel it
is not too terribly difficult. A Large Model that needed a space as wide as its actual
size in order to pass through would find much of the pitch impassible for most of a
game. As such, we have created movement rules that should allow them to be used
relatively easily, and most importantly should keep the game moving along
smoothly. Accordingly, a Large Model can move through any space between other
models large enough for a regular player to pass, so long as it has enough
movement to take it to a position on the pitch where its entire four-square footprint
can fit.

In order to make this easier for coaches to conceptualize, we encourage you to

select one of the squares covered by the Large Model and think of it as the anchor
or reference point for the Big Guy’s movement, with the other three squares sort of
“along for the ride.” As long as the model can move in such a way that it finishes
its movement with the Large Model able to fit its entire four squares into the area to
which it moved, then it can pass through smaller spaces on its way.

The final aspect of Large Model rules that has the potential to cause confusion is
when blocking results in a Push or a Large Model player throws a block and elects
to follow-up. These circumstances can create a situation where a Large model will
be forced to move other models in order to complete the action that has occured.

As with regular-sized players, when a Push has been selected as a block result, the
player being Pushed must be moved into an open square if possible. However, if
the model who is the target of the block is a Large Model, then it cannot be moved
by a Push result unless it is also knocked down, except by another Large Model.
In the even that a Large Model is the target of a block, that it needs to be pushed
back (either by being also knocked down or by being Pushed by another Large
Model), and that it cannot be pushed into open squares without moving at least one
other model, then the direction of movement may be chosen by the player who
threw the block. Players displaced by a Large Model being moved into a square
they currently occupy are moved as though being pushed from the point of contact
of the Large Model that is forcing them to move. 48/68
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219’er Blood Bowl Supplements

Special Play Cards

Random Events
Total number of cards is 45. Use or other randomization
method for card selection
1. Demo Game (Gain d6x10K Gc after match)
2. Will (As above)
3. Bad Habits (Opponent team loses 1 team re-roll)
4. Bad Habits
5. Inspiration (One your player gains MVP award just before match; make rolls if
6. Extra Training (One extra team re-roll or buy new at normal, not double, price)
7. Extra Training
8. Extra Training
9. Injured in Practise (One random opponent player is seriously injured just before
10. The Big Match (Both players gain +3 to fan factor test and roll two dice at
income phase after game)
11. Biased Referee (Ref does not penalty you at d6 4+, and automatically sends
opponent with secret weapon, out)
12. Charity Match (Play during fan factor roll after match, gain +1 FF in
addition to roll)
13. The Chuck (Gain immediately back d3 used team re-rolls, sheet H)
14. Press-Gang (Play before match, see card text)
15. Heroic Effort (Play when a player suffers an injury)
16. Unsportmanlike conduct (Opponent player which just scored is sent away for
the rest of the match)
17. That makes me mad!! (Fouling player is knocked down and his original target
stands up)
18. Inspired Play (One action is automatically successful) 49/68
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19. A Large Donation (Either team donates all winnings to charity and receives
+1 Fan Factor)
20. That Boy's Got Talent (Gain a player)
21. Burst Ball (Play stop immediately and kick-off is reheld)
22. Heroic Leap (One player may take a leap as with skill)
23. Away Fans Banned! (Opponent have Fan Factor of 0 for this match, but not
for gate)
24. Hall of Fame (Play before match, gain +1 Fan Factor)
25. Blitzkrieg! (Allows second blitz during same turn)
26. Snack Break (One opponent player loses tackle zone until end of turn)
27. Get'em Lads! (Play if your player is seriously injured (or worse) by opponent
team. All your players gain +1 strength and Mighty blow skill until end of your
next turn)
28. Crazy Referee! (Opponents Fan Factor is dropped to 0 for the rest of the
match, but can be used only if 'Get the Ref' card is played)
29. Half Time Team Talk (Play during half time. Gain d3 extra team re-rolls)
30. Is It a TD? (You may stop just scored touchdown)
31. 'Flu Bug (Play before match. d3 random opposing players must miss the
32. This Will Hurt a Bit... (Move KO'd, badly hurt or seriously injured player to
reserves box)
33. I Am the Greatest! (After touchdown, two players in opposing team cannot
play at the same time until end of the match)
34. Player Strike (Play before match. Opponent must pay 2d6 x 10K Gc or all his
35. Duh, Where Am I? (Opponent player juts knocked over but not injured is
switched to your side until next touchdown)
36. A Better Offer (One selected coaching staff member leaves opponent's team
unless he pays member's hiring cost + d6 x 10K Gc)
37. Bankruptcy! (Play after match. No income is given to opponent, and his team
loses all money in treasury as well)
38. Number One With a Bullet! (Gain additional 10K Gc for each 10,000 of your
fans that turned up for the match) 50/68
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39. Under Scrunity (Opponent may not make any fouls or use secret weapons
during the match. Play when he tries to)
40. Merchandising (Gain additional income of your fan factor x 10K Gc)
41. Woof Woof! (A dog catches the ball)
42. It Wasn't Me! (One random opponent player must miss the rest of the match,
and 50K must be paid for his release)
43. Doom and Gloom (Opponent team cannot use team re-rolls for the rest of the
44. Special Offer (You can buy a player at half price after this match, but not
45. Peaked (Nominated player cannot earn more SPPs)

Magic Items
Total number of cards is 27. Randomize draw as described above.
Only one Magic Item per team per game.
1. Magic Pills (All your player in field gain +1 MA until touchdown is scored)
2. Grasping Tentacles... (Dodging opponent automatically fails)
3. Hawkfing's Curse (Opponent player going for it automatically falls over)
4. Kelhoffer's Magic Foot (Do not roll scatter for kick-off)
5. Lurve Potion (Too long to explain..)
6. Mind Blow (Opponent player is immobilized until end of turn. His strength is
halved against block)
7. Magic Potion (Gives a player some random benefict)
8. Magic Helmet (Permanently increase player's AV by +1, up to 10)
9. Extra Training (One extra team re-roll or buy new at normal, not double, price)
10. Extra Training
11. Eye of the Eagle (One pass is automatically successful)
12. Healing Scroll (Just happened injury is negated and player is left face-up on
the field)
13. Healing Scroll
14. Healing Scroll
15. Magic Sponge (All KO'd or badly hurt players are restored to full health) 51/68
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16. Magic Sponge

17. Knutt's Spell of Awes.. (Your player gains +d4 strength until end of turn)
18. Unseen Shield (Pass is stopped at nominated square along its flight route)
19. Rakarth's Bounding Leap (Player may jump 3 squares in addition to normal
20. Scutt's Deluge of Despair (All opposing team's players halve their MA until
end of turn)
21. Rakarth's Obliteration Spell (Your blocking player automaticaaly gains
'defender knocked over' result)
22. Time Warp (Player may take two actions one after another)
23. The Secret Way (Sheet F)
24. Magic Hand of Jark Longarm (Your player automaticallu succeeds in an
25. Rakarth's Spell of Pitty Spite (Oposing player must miss each drive on a roll of
4+, otherwise he may play)
26. Speed of Light (Your player gains +d6 MA for this turn. Play before moving
with that player)
27. Labbatt's Flying Fist (Opposing player is blocked at strength of 10 with block
and mighty blow skills)

Dirty Tricks
Total number of cards is 44. Randomize draw as described above
1. Banana Skin (Play when opposing player comes to your tackle zone. That
player automatically falls over)
2. Greased Shoes (Play during kick-off. One selected opponent player falls each
time he moves on a roll of 1 for each square. Lasts for this drive)
3. Kidnap Rical Coach (Lose coach until end of match, and lose your winnings at
the end of match)
4. Bribe the Ref (Negate Illegal procedure call against you)
5. Stink Bomb (Player has throwable stink bomb)
6. Stiletto (Instead of Block, knock down target automatically and do not roll
armour roll, but instead directly injury) 52/68
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7. Referee!!! (Opponent is immediately penalized for Illegal Procedure)

8. Take a Dive (Opponent player going for it automatically falls over but do not
have to make armour roll)
9. Double-Cross (Negate dirty trick or magic item card, and instead add it to your
10. Injury Time (Gain extra turn at the end of the half)
11. Spy (Negate use of re-roll. That re-roll is wasted but still count as tried)
12. Spy
13. Spy
14. Robbed (Opponent loses money gained from this match and you may add it
to your treasury instead)
15. Extra Training (One extra team re-roll or buy new at normal, not double,
16. Extra Training
17. Bribe the Ref (Negate a penalty against your team)
18. Bribe the Ref (As above)
19. Knuckledusters (Use just before armour roll for opposing player. That player
automatically fails that test)
20. Custard Pie (Throw at opponent, that opponent is automatically knocked over
but cannot be injured)
21. Illegal Drugs (Gain an additional turn after current one)
22. Bad Press (Opposing team loses 1 fan factor permanently)
23. Bribe the Ref (The ref automatically spots just committed foul)
24. Bribe the Ref (As above)
25. Hide the Ball (The player holding the ball cannot be blocked nor tackled until
end of turn)
26. Sorry! (One player falls on the top of coaching staff)
27. Trampoline Trap (A pit trap in your side causes random scatter for player
entering your side)
28. Mine (A mine is in your half of the field)
29. Whooooops (Knock down one opponent during kick-off)
30. Sorry Sir! (Push one opponent into his coaching staff) 53/68
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31. Grudge Match (Any number of fouls can be committed by each team, play
before match)
32. Exploding Player (Replace one stationary player with exploding player)
33. Razzle Dazzle (Play at the start of your turn. You lose your turn at 1-2, and
opponent his at 3-6)
34. Fake Play (One throw cannot be intercepted)
35. Blatant Foul! (Make blatant foul that is automatically detected, and causes
always injury)
36. Pit Trap (A player entering your side is trapped into pit trap until next
37. Spike! (A foul automatically causes injury but player committing foul is
knocked down)
38. High Punt (Ball is kicked very high and lands later)
39. Assassin (Knock down and roll for injury for one player)
40. I'll Get You! (Just after kick-off, opposing player attacks one of your players
and is kicked out of game)
41. Bribe the Ref (You may have 12 players in field until next kick-off)
42. Sewer Map (You may have 12 players, but he may get lost in sewers)
43. Morley's Revenge (Play after players is set before kick-off. Half of them is
knocked doen automatically)
44. Side Bet (Gain an additional d6 x 10,000 Gc after match) 54/68
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Scatter (Bouncing Ball) Template
The scatter template is centered on the square from which a ball (or bomb or
grenade in some cases) is meant to scatter. The template is generally oriented so
that the numbers on it read in the same direction as the printed material on the board
(eg-with the score track on top) but as it is a random scatter template, it’s not truly
important what the orientation is as long as both players agree on a direction.
Simply roll a d8 after deciding which square surrounding the center will be
considered “one” and count around the center square in a clockwise manner.

Throw-In Template
Positioned with the center of the template on the square the ball last hit before
leaving the field, with arrows pointing back into the field of play, there are only three
directions in which the ball can be thrown back in. Diagonally left, straight away
from the sideline, or diagonally to the right. Roll a d6 to determine which direction
the ball moves (and remember that a ball thrown back into play by the crowd travels
2d6 inches).

Pass Template
The pass template is probably the most infuriating piece of the entire Blood Bowl
set, using seemingly arbitrary numbers for the various passing range increments. It
can only be assumed that poor quality control was implemented in the production
of the templates, and that the intention of the template was as follows:

● Measuring from the center of the thrower, any player completely within 10 cm
range is considered a Quick Pass
● Measuring from the center of the thrower, any player completely within 20 cm
range is considered a Short Pass
● Measuring from the center of the thrower, any player completely within 30 cm
range is considered a Long Pass
● Measuring from the center of the thrower, any player completely within 38.5
cm range is considered a Long Bomb 55/68
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These range increments are tedious to work with, so it is also possible to use an
alternate method of measurement to determine passing range as outlined in a small
table as follows:















Admittedly, this table is ALSO cumbersome, but it does remove the need for a
template or metric tape measure from the game, replacing it with a X axis/Y axis
count-off to establish pass range. 56/68
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In League play, in the absence of enough templates or facsimiles thereof to go

around, the table method for measuring range is recommended.

The Pitch
The Blood Bowl Pitch (or game board/playing field) is a rectangle measuring 15
squares by 26 squares. The squares on a Pitch should be roughly 30mm or 1 ¼”
on a side. There are a small number of significant markings in the field that are
important to gameplay. A single row of squares on each 15-square (short) end of
the board is considered the End Zone. The four squares along each 26-square
(long) end of the board are the Wide Zones. The Line of Scrimmage is a line drawn
down the center of the board on the short axis, leaving 13 squares each way. 57/68
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As seen above, some fan sources have created their own printable pitches that
combine templates, dugouts, turn counters, etc all into the same surface. So long
as the game can proceed in an orderly and consistent fashion, the details of how the
information is tracked are irrelevant.

Block Dice
Block dice can be replaced with a simple d6 but if this is done then they MUST be
used as follows:
1. Attacker down (Skull)
2. Push
3. Defender knocked back and knocked down unless they possess the Dodge
skill (POW)
4. Defender knocked back and knocked down (Open POW)
5. Push
6. Block

This will ensure that the randomization matches the layout of an actual block die,
although the incremental progression of “success” does not match the linear
increase in value on the d6. 58/68
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Turn and Re Roll Counters

A Blood Bowl game consists of 16 turns for each player, split into two 8-turn
halves. A simple d8 can be used to represent a turn counter. Likewise, Team Re
Rolls rarely exceed 6 and cannot exceed 8 so a die can also be used to represent
Re Rolls. While both of these methods are certainly possible, they are not
recommended because confusion is very likely. A simple printed Dugout/Turn
Counter/ReRoll Counter combination is a much more efficient way to manage your
game. 59/68
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