Santos de Aquino, R., Carneiro-Leão, A.m.a., Amaral, E.M. Teaching in Cross-Culture. 2019
Santos de Aquino, R., Carneiro-Leão, A.m.a., Amaral, E.M. Teaching in Cross-Culture. 2019
Santos de Aquino, R., Carneiro-Leão, A.m.a., Amaral, E.M. Teaching in Cross-Culture. 2019
The paper presents the results of a research in European peoples that settled here and brought with
trend analysis on thematic focus of Teaching in Cross- them the Western scientific culture.
Cultural and Crossing Cultural Borders in Science This diversity of peoples in the social formation of
Teaching. Six journals were searched, three of them the country gave rise to a naturally syncretic Brazilian
Brazilian and three internationals. All of them are free people, but in the name of the hegemony of
to access in the Internet and the research considered Eurocentric culture the traditional cultures of Indians,
between the period of 2008 to 2018. Was used the Afro-Brazilians and miscegenation transformed and
word “culture” to search the articles and select formed our most diverse cultural expressions that
considering the abstract to make sure that was about remain marginalized [9].
Cross-culture Teaching. The results show an increase Therefore, it is necessary for educators to look for
in the number of publications in the area with a the promotion of an education in cross-culture to meet
diversity of applications regarding levels of education the historical longings of these traditional peoples
as Elementary and Secondary School, undergraduate around the world.
and graduate levels; different cultures or peoples as Aikenhead contributed to the theory of crossing
aborigines, immigrants, Afro-Americans, Latin- cultural frontiers that proposes the valorization of the
Americans, traditional peoples as fishermans and indigenous culture of the students so that scientific
small farmers; in the formation of science concepts; enculturation takes place. Cobern contributes with
teachers training; students’ motivation; and cultural works focused on the social importance of promoting
epistemological identification. In Brazil the educational inclusion to the North American Indians
researches in the area are under a STS approach and and the teacher training sensitive to this theme.
apply the theories indirectly. The countries with the In order to understand the progress of this
highest production are Canada, USA, Australia and educational area in Science Teaching, it is necessary
New Zealand with studies applied to indigenous to ascertain how the research and scientific work in
peoples. In Europe the studies in the area are focused this area is going.
on immigrant multiculturalism. Asia researching its Through a bibliographic research in the area of
traditional ethnicities in Taiwan; and South America cross-culture teaching and crossing of cultural
represented by Brazil with researches directed to boundaries in national and international journals aims
farmers in the state of Bahia. The results suggest the to know the nature of research regarding its
need for more research in this area in Brazil, which application, how theories was used and what the
presents great cultural diversity. concepts of this area, the identification of authors and
institutions, educational levels that are objects of
1. Introduction study, diversity of peoples and cultures studied, as
well as knowing the number of publications in the area
Globalization is one of the main factors used to by publications and how publications are distributed
justify research and development in multicultural over at least a decade in the journals and throughout
education, specifically in cross-cultural teaching due the history of editions of traditional events in the area.
to the approach of different cultures [5], [7], [12], but This work was developed during the course of
when it comes to historically colonized countries like “Analysis of Trends in Research in Science Teaching
Brazil, where its original peoples and other enslaved and Textual Production” in the doctorate degree
peoples, seeks in multicultural education the PostGraduate Program in Science and Mathematics
institution of social justice to marginalized ethnic Education, in Federal Rural University of
groups through the historical process. Pernambuco (UFRPE), Brazil. Our objective was to
In Brazil, there is a great cultural diversity, from analyze national and international trends of research
the different ethnic groups indigenous to the Afro- related to the thematic focus cross cultural approaches
Brazilians, as well as the culture of the diverse in science education. This work is important to
understand the current research tendencies on these 3. Cross Cultural Borders
themes in order to better define the subject for thesis
situated among other researches in this area. Glen S. Aikenhead [1], [2], [3] when engaging in
indigenous educational studies in Canada proposed
2. Cross-Cultural Education the crossing of cultural frontiers in science education
that is based on social constructivist theories, based on
Culture can be defined anthropologically as the the sociocognitive model of teaching and learning of
norms, values, beliefs, expectations and conventional O’Loughling [13] which exposes social power and its
actions of a group [16], but due to the great privileges in the classroom.
complexity that permeates culture in its plurality other Aikenhead [2] conceived the term crossing cultural
definitions are conferred on it as the material, social, boundaries to describe how students move
cognitive aspects and cultural linguistic aspects as intellectually between the world of their daily lives
well as the ecological and social aspects. and the world of school science and how they
Multicultural Education is increasingly valued and cognitively deal with the contextual differences
advocated by a number of educators and researchers, between these two worlds. Border crossing are
including Glen S. Aikenhead [2] who sought to mediated by one of two processes: (1) enculturation,
investigate the dichotomy between indigenous when the individual’s worldview agrees with
knowledge and Western science. In addition, there are scientific culture, or (2) assimilation, when the
defenses for traditional knowledge to be recognized student’s worldview is at odds with scientific culture.
and included in scientific curricula in various contexts Border crossings are mediated by one of two
[11]. processes: enculturation, when the world view of the
Culture and education confront each other when individual agrees with scientific culture, or
education becomes the vector of a hegemonic culture assimilation, when the student’s worldview disagrees
or a tool of colonialism, and this is exactly what with scientific culture. Crossing cultural boundaries is
stimulates the proposal for cross-culture education. considered by Grimberg and Gummer [7] as a
Cross-culture education takes place through the constructivist theory situated in Multicultural
relationship between student subcultures and Education.
scientific subculture so that both cultural views are Scientific education from a cultural perspective is
respected and related without overlap by any kind of based on several hypotheses [1]: (1) Occidental
social power. This concern in developing and science is a culture of self-identity formed by several
researching cross-culture education has been other subcultures of Euro-American societies; (2)
increasing, especially in the developing countries of people live and coexist identified in various
Latin America, Africa and Asia [4], [6], [10]. subcultures characterized by languages, ethnicity,
And it is also strong in developed countries that gender, social class, occupation, religion and
shared a colonization history seeking to perfect the geographic location; (3) people move from one
process of inclusion of the peoples originating from subculture to another, a process called a “cultural
their territories such as the Canadian and American border crossing”; (4) the major cultural identities of
Amerindians and the Australian and New Zealand people may be at odds with the culture of Western
Aborigines through education [7]. Consideration of science to varying degrees; (5) science classes are a
the cultures of the peoples subjugated in the subculture of school culture; (6) many students
colonization process and living in the peripheral experience cultural change as they move from their
process currently guiding several works aimed at this own way of life to the world of school science; (7) so
decolonial current. scientific learning is a cultural crossing; (8) students
In this context, some theories and concepts have are more successful if they receive help when
been proposed as the culturally relevant pedagogy of negotiating this crossing; (9) this help can come from
Ladson-Billings [8], which proposes a work plan for the teacher who identifies the cultural boundaries to
the empowerment of unconventional students and be crossed, leaving them out of cultural conflicts,
changes in the educational system; Pewewardy’s motivating them to take advantage of the impact of
culturally responsive model [15] which advocates the Western science and technology in the students
integration of multicultural content and the worldview.
development of instructions aligned with the cultural They also advocate the construction of “mind
learnings styles of students; the culturally congruent bridges” to enable the inclusion of indigenous
instructions of Parsons et al. [14] understood as a knowledge in the curriculum [1], [3], [10]. Gondwe
bridge between different cultures in which social and Longnecker [6] interpret the metaphor of
values, language and knowledge must be considered Aikenhead’s “mind bridge construction” stating that
and understood; as well as the crossing of cultural he put indigenous place knowledge and Western
boundaries proposed by Aikenhead [2], which science in two different places and proposes to use a
contributes to understand the cognitive process common ground between these two knowledges.
between different cultures. Where should be the role of educators to pay attention
to this common ground to act in the crossing of the The crossing of cultural boundaries requires
students when they perceive the differences, breaking contextualization that requires cultural immersion on
the visions and rebuilding the science and the relations the part of the teacher in the everyday world of the
with the indigenous knowledge. students, avoiding a colonizing teaching from a
Thus, reaching knowledge involves students in foreign point of view.
their own cultural negotiations between various
sciences found within school science. With each 4. Methodology
cultural group there are subgroups most commonly
identified by race, language, ethnicity, but which can Six journals (three Brazilian journals: Revista
also be defined by gender, social class, occupation, Investigações em Ensino de Ciências, Educação &
religion, etc. that constitute a subcultural group [2]. Sociedade e Revista Brasileira de Educação) and
Studying the performance of high school students three internationals (Science Education, Journal of
in the city of Ouricuri-PE, Brazil, specifically in the Research in Science Education e Journal of Research
Chemistry discipline, Silva pointed there were in Science Teaching) were investigated.
statistically significant differences in student’s In addition to the journals, three events in the area
performance among types of schools (public and were researched, two of them being national (National
private schools) and also between urban and rural Meeting of Reserch in Science Education – Encontro
schools and attributed among several identified Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências –
factors family action, social condition and lack of ENPEC; National Meeting of of Teaching of Biology
contextualization of practical classes in rural areas – Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Biologia –
[18], Silva pointed out that the various verified ENEBIO) and one international (The International
subcultural groups or aspects influenced the students’ Congress of Research in Didactics of Sciences and of
performance. Mathematic – Congreso Internacional sobre
As a way of trying to explain the transition from Investigación en la Didáctica de las Ciências y de las
one world to another or simply the crossing of cultural Matemáticas too called in Spanish of Enseñanza de
boundaries [16] proposed the student’s multiple las Ciências).
worlds model by helping to explain how students The following data were computed and analyzed:
move from one world to another and four transitional identification of the country of origin of the research,
categories: 1) congruent worlds support smooth the institution of the authors, the methodological
transitions; 2) different worlds require transitions to nature, the research line under thematic focus and
be managed; 3) diverse worlds lead to dangerous year. For the national production the same parameters
transitions; and 4) highly discordant worlds make were identified.
students resist transitions that are virtually impossible. It was used for data tabulation, percentage
Aikenhead [2] argued that scientific content calculations and graphs, Microsoft Excel®
traditionally learned at school can rarely be applied to spreadsheets. For the journals that do not have free
the everyday world, impeding the goal of building a access such as the Journal of Research in Science
skilled workforce for the development of a nation, and Education and the Journal of Research in Science
this is due to the foreign nature of scientific content. Teaching the articles selected for consultation were
The low levels of education and consequent high rates obtained through the Federated Academic
of social vulnerability of ethnic minorities are the Community (CAFe) service, which is a Brazilian
result of processes of historical and educational governmental program for access to scientific
colonization that have suppressed or banned their information.
knowledge systems, especially language and culture. The selection of the journals occurred at random
Considering that culture is variable, and the from the search for A1 1 qualification according to the
product of a given society constituted by language, quadrennium 2013-2016 listed on the CAPES
habits and beliefs shaped by the historical and (Brazilian Coordination of Higher Education and
environmental effect. Personnel) – Sucupira Platform site
When dealing with discourse analysis and pointing <> for the Teaching
it as a tool applied to Education, which discourse is evaluation area. The Qualis CAPES is a type of
one of the aspects of ideological materiality that classification of journals and scientific events in
makes sense to a subject when he recognizes himself Brazil where A1 is the best classification concept.
as belonging to a particular discursive formations In the collection of journals, the search was given
present in a society are the result of the various volume by volume from the year 2008 to 2018. In
ideological formations of a givens and determined each volume was used the “Search” function of the
epoch and society. Internet browser (Google Chrome), the word
“Culture” was used in Portuguese and in English in
Qualis Capes is a Brazilian evaluation system of congresses that rank from A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4 and
Scientifics journals and Scientifics events and C (decreasing ranking).
the international journals, being considered the title,
the keywords and the summary in the initial process 7 ENPEC wordpress/pt/atas-dos-
of surveying the articles. When identified, the enpecs/
references to identity relevant authors were searched
to the theme as Glen S. Aikenhead and William W. 8 ENEBIO
Cobern. It was also considered the methodology to Congreso
identify the research line, the methodological nature
and the geographical origin of the work as a way of /pages/view/congresos
clarifying or identifying what was not exposed in the 9 investigación
abstract of the articles.
em la didáctica
The abstract was read to identify the thematic ex.php/Ensenanza/article
de las Ciencias
focus, and verification of the references to attest the /view/21999
y la Matemática
presence of relevant authors to the topic. Also
considered was the methodological nature and the 5. Results and Discussion
geographic origin of the work.
The selection of the events was made according to
the author’s experience in participating in the main 5.1. Periodic Quantitative Analysis
events in the area, since Capes no longer qualifies the
events since 2009, but only classifies the journals and A total of 3,501 articles were compiled from 2008
books. Because the selected events have a non-annual to 2018 in the six journals surveyed, nothing that the
periodicity, the aim was to investigate them from the journals did not complete the publication of annual
first edition to the last edition, thus ENPEC started in volumes for the year 2018. The magazine with the
1997, ENEBIO began in 2005 and the International highest number of articles published among the six is
Congress on Research of Sciences and Mathematics Science & Education with 951 articles followed by
had its first edition in 1985. Journal of Research in Science Teaching with 614
The electronic addresses used in the survey are articles for the period and third in number of published
shown in Table 1. All sites were accessed from articles is the Educação & Sociedade with 599 papers
October 27th through December 11th, 2018 through the followed by the Journal of Research Science search portal. Education with 556, the Revista Brasileira de
Educação with 452 and the Revista de Investigações
em Ensino de Ciências with 329 articles (Table 2).
Table 1: Journals and events searched and their
respective websites Table 2: Data from journal publications for the
N. Journals Electronic Addresses period 2008 to 2018.
Revista Total Articles
Brasileira de news/rbe-revista- N. Journals
1 Articles in Area
Educação brasileira-de-educacao-v- Revista Brasileira de
(RBE) 22-n-68-jan-mar-2017 1 452 0
Educação (RBE)
Educação &
https://www.cedes.unica Educação &
2 Sociedade 2 599 0 Sociedade (E&S)
Revista Investigações
Revista 3 em Ensino de 329 1
3 ef/ojs/index.php/ienci/ind Ciências (RIEC)
em Ensino de
ex Journal of Research in
Ciências (RIEC)
4 Science Teaching 614 11
Journal of
Research in
https://onlinelibrary.wile Journal of Research in
4 Science 5 Science Education 556 4
Science & Education
Journal of 6 951 1
Research in TOTAL 3501 17
5 Science
(JRSE) The journal JRST presented 11 articles in the area
Science & of Cross-Cultural Education, which is equivalent to
6 Education the frequency of one article per volume, constituting
(S&E) itself as the magazine that published the most articles
in the area, followed by JSRE with 4 articles in the The 17 articles found in the thematic focus area
area, but it is important to emphasize that the volume were analyzed according to authorship and
50 of the journal, published in the year 2013, was a identification of the country and institution to which
special edition on Multicultural Education, the author and co-author belong. North America has
concentrating the publications on the theme. the largest number of authors, 21 researchers that
Brazilian journals presented only 1 article with this correspond to 46.70% of the universe of authors
thematic focus at RIEC, while foreign journals working in the thematic focus. Brazil represented only
presented 16, but the disparity between the Brazilian 4.44% of the authors and only one publication
and foreign journals investigated is revealed in the according to Table 3.
number of publications when we verified the
percentage of editions (Brazilian 30.39% and foreign Table 3: Characterization and percentage analysis of
69.61%) and published articles (Brazilian 39.42% and the authors by geographic origin
foreign 60.58%).
The publications in the area of thematic focus, Nº Countries Total %
object of our research presented higher production in 1 Switzerland 3 6.67
the period from 2011 to 2013, when it had increasing 2 Netherlands 1 2.22
annual frequency. In 2008, 2010, 2016 and 2017, 3 Greece 2 4.44
there was no publication of articles addressing the 4 Slovenia 2 4.44
teaching in cross-culture. It is possible to verify, in 5 Turkey 1 2.22
figure 1, the trajectory of the trend line for the - Europe 10 22.20
production in the area from 2008 to 2018 and its 6 Canada 3 6.67
projection until 2021. 7 USA 18 40.00
- North America 21 46.70
8 Brazil 2 4.44
9 Colombia 1 2.22
- South America 3 6.67
10 Taiwan 3 6.67
11 Malaysia 1 2.22
- Asia 4 8.89
12 Australia 7 15.60
13 New Zealand 1 2.22
- Oceania 7 15.60
- TOTAL 45 100.00
Figure 1. Number of publications about teaching in cross-
culture to period from 2008 to 2018 and logarithmic
regression analysis projected to 2021 From the universe of authors identified working
the cross-cultural teaching theme focus we identified
The analysis of this graph is important because it 20 men and 25 women corresponding to 44.44% and
lows the visualization of productions in the thematic 55.55% respectively. Europe had the highest
focus in a temporal way and interpret their numerical percentage of researchers with 30.00%, while in
tendency estimated by the logarithmic regression North America women are the majority with 60.00%
analysis presented by the dotted line that projects line of researchers.
that projects the growth of publications in this Continental America has the largest number of
thematic focus for three more periods (2019, 2020 and authors, 21 researchers corresponding to 46.70% of
2021). Logarithmic regression was chosen due to data the universe of authors working in the thematic focus.
variations over time as it is the regressive analysis that This result is possibly because two of the biggest
best represents averages in data with high dispersion. exponents of this theme Glen S Aikenhead and
The coefficient of variation of this analysis is high William W. Cobern are Canadian and US
evidenced by the low R2 (0.0287) due to the respectively. Brazil represented only 4.44% of the
unmanageable variables for the object of this study, authors and only one publication.
which corresponds, for example, to the limitation of The most prominent institutions in terms of
journals applied in this study, to the research behavior frequency of representation in the scope of thematic
and publications of the researchers, to the economic focus articles in Europe are the University of Zurich,
and social conditions that influence the publications Switzerland with three representatives; University of
in higher impact magazines as in this case in Qualis Ljubljana in Slovenia and the University of Ioannina
A1, the low interest verified in Brazilian productions, in Greece with two researchers each; in North
among other factors. However, this analytical tool is America, the highlighted is the University of North
interesting for interpreting the statistical trend in Carolina with four representations, followed by North
publications of this thematic focus. Dakota State University and University of South
Florida with three representations each and Montana and three studies on cross-culture in the classroom
State University with two participations; in South made up of immigrants, performed in Switzerland and
America, the Feira de Santana State University in Greece computing 23.07% [17].
Bahia with two representations in cooperative of the Practical applications have demonstrated their
Colombian Districtal University Francisco José performance in the Elementary and High School
Caldas; in Asia the four representatives belong to levels of several countries. In all, seven papers were
different institutions; and in Oceania stand out applied in the elementary school series and four
Murdoch University with four representatives and applied in high school and in six papers were not
University of Western Australia with two. applied because they were theoretical. These data
show that 63.63% of the work was applied in
5.2. Qualitative Analysis Elementary School and 36.36% applied in High
For the qualitative analysis of production trends on Of the theoretical approaches 55.55% applied the
Cross-Cultural Teaching, the information was Cultural Border Crossing, compared to 29.63% who
categorized as to the identification of the article; the used the principles of Multicultural Education. Use of
nature of practical work (application of theory in these theoretical principles for the application of CTS
experimentation in the classroom for example) or represented 3.82% and 11.00% discussed
theoretical (when the work deals with theoretical decoloniality.
approaches in reviews, discussions and theoretical As to the area of application, it was observed that
analysis); the direct application (when the Crossing seven papers investigated the formation of scientific
Borders Culture Theory or Cross-Cultural Education concepts, most belonging to the Biological Sciences
is the object of the work being applied theoretically or representing 58.33%; two studies (16.66%) dealt with
practically) or indirect (when the use of the theory teacher training for multicultural education in cross-
occurs in an indirect way not constituting itself as the cultural education; two studies (16.66%) investigated
main object of the research); the peoples studied the student’s motivation phenomena for the study of
(indigenous, Aboriginal Australians, African cross-cultural science; and one that dealt with the
Americans, Latinos and immigrant students in the scientific curriculum (8.33%) for multicultural
classrooms); the level of teaching in which the education and cross-cultural teaching.
research was applied (Elementary School or High
School); and the Research Application Area 5.3. Event Quantitative Analysis
(formation of scientific concepts, teacher training,
student motivation or school curriculum). The table 6 shows the editions of the events, as
We identified six articles of theoretical nature and well as the number of articles published.
eleven of practical nature, nine of direct theoretical
application and eight whose theory was secondary Table 4: Data from publications in each events since
object, therefore, of indirect theoretical application. the first edition regarding total papers and thematic
The theoretical works were represented by trend by focus area
trend analysis, critical analysis and theoretical
deepening. Papers in
Nº Events Year Papers
Practical works ranged from didactic application in the Area3
the classroom, through motivational study of the study 1 I ENPEC 1997 128 0
of science in multicultural classrooms to curricular 2 II ENPEC 1999 163 0
analysis of science t a certain level of education. 3 III ENPEC 2001 233 0
Among the traditional peoples, like Indians, 4 IV ENPEC 2003 451 1
Aborigines, Afro descendants that living and cultivate 5 V ENPEC 2005 824 1
the own culture in other countries due the African 6 VI ENPEC 2007 601 0
diaspora, for example, we verified a study about the 7 VII ENPEC 2009 799 1
relation of cultural and scientific knowledge of 8 VIII ENPEC 2011 1235 4
farmers about the relation insect-plant in the outland 9 IX ENPEC 2013 1019 3
of Bahia in Brazil [18]; five works that studied the 10 X ENPEC 2015 1272 4
indigenous theme in diverse regions of the world from 11 XI ENPEC 2017 1335 12
North America with Mexico (Nahua people) and USA TOTAL ENPEC - 8060 26
(Montana Indians) to Oceania (Taiwan – Amis people 12 I ENEBIO 2005 283 0
and New Zealand – Maori people) being the ethnic 13 II ENEBIO 2007 219 0
category with greater representativity of study with 14 III ENEBIO 2010 419 0
38.46% [7], [10]; a study on scientific learning 15 IV ENEBIO 2012 331 1
considering the culture of African-American and 16 V ENEBIO 2014 568 1
Hispanic Latin American residents; two studies on 17 VI ENEBIO 2016 699 4
Australian Aborigines that accounted for 15.38% [6]
18 VII ENEBIO1 2018 528 -
19 I CIIDCM 1985 98 0
20 II CIIDCM 1987 225 0
21 III CIIDCM 1989 201 0
22 IV CIIDCM 1993 174 0
23 V CIIDCM2 1997 - -
24 VI CIIDCM 2001 13 0
25 VII CIIDCM 2005 539 0
26 VIII CIIDCM 2009 724 2
27 IX CIIDCM 2013 678 1
28 X CIIDCM 2017 875 0
TOTAL GENERAL - 14634 35 Figure 4: Number of publications on Cross-Culture
Teaching and Multicultural Education in Science
The edition of ENEBIO 2018 has not yet publications
Education from 2001 to 2017 and projection of the
available; 2V CIIDCM publications are not available
productive trend for another four years (2018 to
on the Portal of Journal Enseñanza de las Ciencias;
Articles published in the area of thematic focus.
Based on the data from the authors and institutions
The survey of productions in the three events
of all articles, we find that 66% of authors are women
chosen since the first edition of each of them shows
and 33.73% are men. Some names are repeated in
that the first publications made in the area of cross-
different publications indicating that they militate in
cultural teaching thematic focus took place in 2001 at
this area of research. The authors are linked to 19
the III ENPEC. Among the events, ENPEC presented
different institutions, two of them foreign (Colombia
the largest publication of articles with 8,060 papers
and Spain), mostly higher education institutions
which representing 55.08%, ENEBIO with 3,047
acting in postgraduate programs where the only
papers published (20.81%) and CIIDCM with 3,527
exceptions in the presence of a managing body, which
papers (24.11%). This frequency of publications
is the Secretary of Education from Espírito Santo
places ENPEC as an important event in the area of
Brazilian State. Among the educational institutions
Science Education, also favoring the diversity of
the main municipalities are the Federal and State
publications in various branches of the area, in which,
Public Universities followed by the Federal Institutes
for the area of thematic focus, ENPEC presented 28
and Federal Technological Education Centers.
papers throughout its editions, representing 73.69% of
The institutions with the largest number of authors
the cross-cultural Science Teaching publications and
wee the Francisco José de Caldas District University
ENEBIO with 6 publications (15.79%) and CIIDCM
(UDFJC) of Colombia, with 24.11% of the total
with 4 publications in the field (10.52%).
cataloged authors, followed by the Federal Institute of
There is also an intensification of productions in
Espírito Santo (IFES) with 16.87% of the authors, the
the area of increasing thematic focus from 2001 where
Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) with 15.66% the
between 2000 and 2009 were 14% of publications
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) with
against 86% of period from 2010 to 2017.
8.44% of the authors, the State University of Maringá
Even though the decade of 2010 has not been
(UEM-PR) with 6.03% and the University of São
completed, it is evident that the production in this
Paulo (USP) and University of Triangulo Mineiro
thematic line represents more than 78% of the
(UFTM) with 4.82% each were represented with
scientific production in these events for the period
1.20% of the authors.
from 2011 to 2017. The considerations of the
It was also possible to identify productivity by
publications in the three events, for the period from
institution, where we computed the total number of
2001 to 2017, serve as a statistical indicate that
articles for each institution. The higher
scientific production in the area will continue to
representativeness of authors also ranks as the most
increase, as can be seen in figure 2, which shows the
productive, such as UDFJC, the Colombian institution
quantitative trend in publications of articles on
accounted for 17.14% of all production being the only
thematic focus with a projection of four years beyond
one with publications in the three researched events.
the period investigated (2018 to 2021).
In second place is UFBA with 14.28% of all
The 32 articles identified in the three researched
production and IFES which accounts for 11.44% of
events were analyzed for authorship characteristics
published articles. Brazilian institutions have not
such as gender, institution and origin of the authors
published in the Congress of International Research in
and co-authors.
Didactics in Science and Mathematics (CIIDCM)
regarding the thematic focus of this work.
Brazilian production could be analyzed and As for the field of application 12 papers were
quantified with the state of Bahia accounting for concerned with investigating the formation of
28.13% of publication in the area, followed by scientific concepts (46.15%), followed by teacher
Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais tied with 12.50% of education with 9 papers identified (34.62%) and 5
production, third also tied are Rio de Janeiro and the papers on epistemological research to identify
state of Sao Paulo with 9.38% of publications in the epistemologies (19.23%) that generate resistance
area. Internationally Colombia accounts for 18.75% when relating to the scientific epistemologies of
of publications. which two dealt with the religious epistemological
5.4. Event Qualitative Analysis
6. Conclusion
When analyzing the 32 articles published in
ENPEC, ENEBIO and CIIDCM, it was found that 24 International productions apply the Cultural
of them were practical studies and only 8 theoretical Border Crossing Theory to investigate the teaching-
ones. Regarding the application of the theory of learning process of indigenous people in several
Cross-Culture Teaching, Crossing Cultural Borders countries and continents and in a multicultural
only one paper published in the VIII ENPEC in 2011 classroom composed of immigrant, a situation
he applied the theory of Crossing Cultural Borders as common to the US and European countries.
the main theoretical element and work was developed North America leads the production of research in
in Colombia by the Francisco José de Caldas District this thematic focus with emphasis on the USA that
University. And the remaining 31 works apply the mainly works in cognitive research of Amerindians
theory indirectly. and immigrants and Mexico that studied the crossing
The studies also bring interesting results regarding of borders in the education of the Nahua people;
the worked cultures where we verified 5 studies Europe is second in the area by researching immigrant
(29.41%) with indigenous and identified five multiculturalism in schools; Oceania researching the
indigenous ethnicities (Pataxó and Xakriabá between border crossing between Aboriginal students from
Minas Gerais and the south of Bahia; Guateka in Mato New Zealand and Australia; Asia researching its
Grosso do Sul; and Tupi Guarani and Ywy Pyaú in traditional ethnicities in Taiwan; and South America
São Paulo) two other works that did not identify the represented by Brazil with researches directed to
cultures, one that investigated indigenous science farmers in the state of Bahia.
learning in São Paulo and the other with the formation The researches serve several areas of application,
of concepts in teacher education in Colombia with the main one being the formation of concepts, then the
students from different traditional communities. training of teachers and the investigation of
Another 5 articles (29.41%) that investigated epistemologies that influence the crossing of cultural
cultural issues with urban; 2 (11.77%) with the boundaries. They contemplate the different levels of
religious subculture investigating the conflicts of education, highlighting the Elementary and
evangelical Christian belief with evolutionary theory, Secondary Education.
3 (17.65%) about traditional fishermen and shellfish Research in Brazil adopt, in general, the concepts
populations in Salvador-BA, and 1 (5.88%) about from cross-cultural teaching, such as proposed in the
immigrants and their ways of learning in a theory of Crossing cultural boarders of Aikenhead,
multicultural classroom and another about farmers but they are indirectly explored with a STS approach.
(5.88%) and the survey of their traditional knowledge It is pertinent to expand the research including the
about plant growth. Three of the indigenous works important Brazilian journal in the research in science
were found at ENPEC and two at ENEBIO, of which education area called Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa
one was developed in Colombia. The only work on the em Educação em Ciências with Qualis CAPES A2 for
cultural relations of immigrants was published in the its direction in the area of science teaching, enhancing
VIII CIIDCM in 2009 on the Spanish context. the results in Brazil.
The levels of education identified in the Cross-Cultural research and the application of
applications of the studies were quite variable with 13 cross-border cultural theory should be stimulated and
studies (59.10%) in high school, 3 of them applied in have a great deal of space for discoveries to
the professional modality at the Federal Institute of understand how the cultural negotiations happen and
Bahia (IFBA) and two at the Federal Institute of the consequent process of learning of scientific
Espírito Santo (IFES), constituting as the level of knowledge by students of cultures in Brazil and in the
education. Then the higher levels (being three works world.
applied in undergraduate classes and one in bachelor’s The production in this area have as main theorists
degree) and Elementary level with 4 works (18.18%) Glen Aikenhead and William Cobern in the world and
each. A postgraduate application at the master level in South America scope stand out the Colombian
(4.54%). researchers Adela Molin Andrade, Rosa Inés Pedreros
Martínez, Lyda Mojica Rios and Carlos Javier
Mosquera Suarez from the District University da etnociência. XI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em
Francisco José de Caldas. Ensino de Ciêncis-ENPEC, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.
In Brazil, UFBA researchers Geilsa Costa dos
Santos Baptista, Rosiléia Oliveira de Almeida and [12] Nadenka, B.M.B., and Andrade, A.M. (2015).
Discussões sobre a transição entre escola, conhecimento
Charbel El-Hani; IFES researchers Vilma Reisi Terra científico e conhecimento ecológico tradicional: uma
and Sidnei Quesada Meireles and Danilo Seithi Kato análise para salas de aula culturalmente diferenciadas. X
from UFTM stand out. Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências-
Finally, the results suggest the need for more ENPEC, Águas de Lindóia, SP, Brazil.
research in this area in Brazil mainly to explore the
internationalization of research, which presents great [13] O’Loughlin, M. (1992). Rethinking science education:
cultural diversity. Beyond Piagetian constructivism toward a sociocultural
model of teaching and learning. Journal of Research in
Science Teaching, v. 29, pp. 791-820.
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