Teacher Attitudes Towards The Inclusion of Students With Support Needs

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Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs  Volume 20  Number 1  2020 64–73

doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.12466

Teacher attitudes towards the inclusion of students

with support needs
Timo Saloviita
University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

Key words: Inclusive education, teachers, Finland, special education.

basis - should be the exception, to be recommended

Teachers’ positive attitudes towards inclusive edu- only in those infrequent cases where it is clearly
cation are a prerequisite for its successful imple- demonstrated that education in regular class rooms is
mentation. This study surveyed the attitudes of incapable of meeting a child’s educational or social
Finnish classroom, subject, resource room and
needs or when it is required for the welfare of the
special education class teachers (N = 4567)
child or that of other children. (United Nations Edu-
towards inclusive education. The results indicated
very low support for the concept. Its acceptance cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
was strongly associated with the specific teacher (UNESCO), 1994, p. 12)
categories and the concern that inclusive place-
ments would cause extra work for teachers. Teach- Notably, the statement also emphasises that ‘[c]hanges
ers who were confident in their support networks in the policies and priorities cannot be effective unless
and had sufficient access to educational resources, adequate resource requirements are met’ (p. 41). One of
such as an in-classroom teaching assistant, were the most important requirements is for mainstream teach-
more positive towards inclusion than other teach- ers to have positive attitudes towards the inclusion of
ers. Attitudinal variables, including self-efficacy children with additional support needs in their class-
and child-centredness, and demographic variables,
rooms (European Agency for Development in Special
including age and gender, were also associated
Needs Education (EADSNE), 2009, 2012a; United
with attitudes towards inclusion. It is argued that
vicious circle exists between resources and teacher Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
attitudes. The negative climate towards inclusion (UNESCO), 2009). These attitudes have been frequently
prevents the legislation that would guarantee ade- surveyed (Avramidis and Norwich, 2002; de Boer, Pijl
quate resources for mainstream teachers who have and Minnaert, 2011; Chazan, 1994; Scruggs and Mas-
students with support needs in their classrooms. tropieri, 1996). The results vary between countries, cul-
The lack of legal guarantees, in turn, prevents neg- tures and educational systems. Italian teachers have the
ative teacher attitudes towards inclusive education most positive attitudes, and Italy also has practiced full
from changing. Although the overall progress in inclusion in primary schools since 1977 (Associazione
inclusive education is tied to the development of TreeLLe, Caritas Italiana and Fondazione Agnelli, 2011;
cultural values, the promise of more inclusion in
Balboni and Pedrabissi, 2000; Cornoldi, Terreni,
schools goes hand-in-hand with the availability of
Scruggs, et al., 1998; Sharma, Aiello, Pace, et al.,
adequate resources.
2018). Teachers in developing countries with a signifi-
cant lack of educational resources have the most nega-
Introduction tive attitudes (El-Ashry, 2009; Mushoriwa, 2003). These
The Salamanca Statement, given at the United Nations Edu- two results demonstrate how the level of systemic sup-
cational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s (UNESCO) port for inclusive education is associated with the atti-
(1994) conference on special needs education, brought the prin- tudes of mainstream teachers towards their students with
ciple of inclusive education to the forefront, and this principle support needs.
has since gained increasing attention from educators and the
international community. Inclusive education seeks to place all Important variables that impact attitudes towards
children, including those with severe disabilities, in mainstream inclusion
classrooms provided with adequate support. The Salamanca Previous studies have determined that the two most influ-
Statement outlines that exceptions to this educational structure ential variables affecting teacher attitudes towards inclu-
should be rare: sion are the teacher’s professional category and the
child’s specific special educational needs (SEN). Among
Assignment of children to special schools - or special the attitudinal variables, self-efficacy has the strongest
classes or sections within a school on a permanent positive correlation with positive teacher attitudes towards

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inclusion (Aiello, Pace, Dimitrov, et al., 2017; Yada and available resources has no effect or only a minimal effect
Savolainen, 2017). on teacher attitudes (Center and Ward, 1987; Chiner and
Cardona, 2013). Notably, the type of additional resources
Studies generally conclude that special education teachers is crucial. Additional training of teachers does not neces-
are more positive towards inclusion than classroom or sarily change their attitudes. Instead, encouraging collabo-
subject teachers (Balboni and Pedrabissi, 2000; Engel- rations between teachers or providing additional
brecht, Savolainen, Nel, et al., 2013; Moberg, 2003; Pear- administrative support to teachers has been shown to
son, Lo, Chui, et al., 2003), primary and elementary develop their positive attitudes (Ahmmed, Sharma and
school teachers are more positive than secondary school Deppeler, 2014; Chiner and Cardona, 2013; Larrivee and
or upper-grade teachers (Alvarez McHatton and McCray, Cook, 1979; Minke, Bear, Deemer, et al., 1996).
2007; Chiner and Cardona, 2013; Larrivee and Cook,
1979; Saloviita, 2018; Savage and Wienke, 1989) and Other variables
principals more positive than other teachers (Boyle, Top- Although country, SEN category, teacher category, pro-
ping and Jindal-Snape, 2013; Center and Ward, 1987). fessional co-operation, educational support and self-effi-
These findings confirm that teachers’ attitudes towards cacy are the most influential variables, other variables
inclusion are intimately associated with their professional have also explained teacher attitudes towards inclusion,
positions and roles in the school. albeit to a lesser extent. Among them are demographic
variables, such as age or gender. Younger teachers are
The SEN category is another variable strongly associated usually more positive towards inclusion than older teach-
with a teacher’s willingness to accept a child into his or ers (Ahmmed, Sharma, and Deppeler, 2014; Cornoldi,
her classroom. Teacher attitudes correlate with a child’s Terreni, Scruggs, et al., 1998), and female teachers gener-
disability level and behavioural problems. The conditions ally more positive than male teachers (Alghazo and Nag-
most easily accepted by teachers are physical or health-re- gar Gaad, 2004; Bowman, 1986). Additional variables
lated disorders and mild learning problems, and the con- associated with positive attitudes include the amount of
ditions that are the most difficult for them to accept prior contact with disabled individuals (Boyle, Topping,
include autism, deafness, severe to profound intellectual and Jindal-Snape, 2013; Subban and Sharma, 2006; Wilk-
disabilities and severe emotional and behavioural chal- erson, 2012), training in special education (Ahsan,
lenges (e.g., Avramidis, Bayliss and Burden, 2000; Avra- Sharma and Deppeler, 2012) and positive work experi-
midis and Kalyva, 2007; Bowman, 1986; Moberg, 2003; ence (Avramidis and Kalyva, 2007; Kuyini, Desai and
Pearson, Lo, Chui, et al., 2003; Stoiber, Gettinger and Sharma, 2018; Sharma, Forlin, Loreman, et al., 2006).
Goetz, 1998; Wilczenski, 1992).
Aim of the study
Because teacher attitudes are closely associated with the Surveys of Finnish teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive
teacher category and the SEN category, these attitudes are education have reported that these attitudes were near
likely influenced more by practical work considerations or below the neutral midpoint of the scales used
and less by philosophical positions on the desirability of (Engelbrecht, Savolainen, Nel, et al., 2013; Moberg,
inclusive education. The issue of the lacking resources is 2003; Saloviita, 2018; Saloviita and Schaffus, 2016).
constantly raised during discussions on inclusive educa- Each of these studies had some methodological limita-
tion. As the Deputy Mayor of the city of Helsinki recently tions. Engelbrecht, Savolainen, Nel, et al. (2013) used a
stated: ‘integration is a good thing as long as there really large sample (N = 833), but did not report the return
are resources to support the child’ (Aalto, 2017). The rate. Moberg (2003) used a sample of teachers partici-
common argument is that including a SEN student in a pating in in-service training (N = 512), which may
mainstream classroom may overload the teacher because cause bias. Although the return rate was not given, the
of the extra work this placement causes. If this extra work survey was administered during a lecture, which usually
is not compensated by the addition of targeted resources, guarantees high participation. Although Saloviita and
the placement may be a pedagogic and human failure. Pre- Schaffus (2016) had a geographically representative
vious surveys suggest that about two-thirds of teachers sample of teachers (N = 427), their reported return rate
have reported a shortage of resources – such as time, skill was low (24%). Similarly, Saloviita (2018) had a large
or training – to effectively support inclusive education in sample (N = 1764), but the reported return rate was
their classrooms (e.g., Avramidis, Bayliss, and Burden, low (26%). This was the only study in which the
2000; Center and Ward, 1987; Scruggs and Mastropieri, results also were given as percentages, which makes it
1996; Sharma and Desai, 2002; Stoiber, Gettinger, and possible to closer review the distribution of the teach-
Goetz, 1998; Subban and Sharma, 2006). ers’ responses.

The solution to this problem, however, may be more Finnish studies have generally reported more negative
complicated than just increasing the allotment of teacher attitudes towards inclusion than studies made in
resources that support inclusive education in schools. other western countries (Avramidis and Norwich, 2002;
Some studies have shown that increasing the amount of Scruggs and Mastropieri, 1996). This is in accordance

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with the higher level of school segregation in Finland languages; (ii) science and mathematics; (iii) humanities;
compared with other countries (European Agency for and (iv) arts, crafts and physical education.
Development in Special Needs Education (EADSNE),
2012b). However, one study that compared Finland and Of the participants, 262 doubled as school principals or
Germany concluded that the Finnish teachers were more vice principals. The mean age of the teachers in the study
positive towards inclusion than the German teachers was 45.7 years old (SD = 9.5). The sample was com-
(Saloviita and Schaffus, 2016). pared with the statistics obtained from primary school
teachers in 2016 (Finnish National Agency for Education,
The present study surveyed Finnish primary school teach- 2017). The percentages of formally qualified teachers and
ers’ attitudes towards inclusive education. A large sample female teachers in each teacher category were close to
size was used in order to do some fine-grained analyses not those within this database, indicating that the sample was
performed previously and some explaining variables never not biased in these respects.
or rarely seen before were included in the study. In order to
achieve as good return rate as possible in the email survey, Context
a very short scale for the measurement of attitudes towards In Finland, practically all qualified primary school teach-
inclusion was used, and the items were incorporated into a ers have a master’s degree from a university. The class-
more neutral context of a survey investigating teacher’s room teachers instruct grades 1–6, and their students are
stress and burnout. The selected items were the three top between 7 and 12 years old. The subject teachers are
items from the 10-item Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclu- mainly responsible for the upper grades 7–9, and their
sion Scale (TAIS) (Saloviita, 2015). These items accounted students are between 13 and 15 years old. Special educa-
for 86% of the original scale’s variance (Saloviita and tion teachers have a master’s degree in special education,
Tolvanen, 2017). Notably, the use of these items enabled 60 ECTS studies on special education or other relevant
comparisons between this study’s results and those of an studies. Special education teachers function as special
earlier study (Saloviita, 2018). In addition, this study also education class or resource room teachers. Special educa-
examined the teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion using tion class teachers have self-contained classrooms of SEN
various background variables, some of which have been students, who constituted approximately 5–6% of the total
rarely (teaching assistant) or possibly never (child-centred- primary school student population in 2017 (Statistics Fin-
ness) employed for this purpose. land, 2018). These classrooms are typically located in
mainstream schools. Resource room teachers have offices
in which they receive a changing body of students. These
teachers provide elementary speech therapy, instruct stu-
Participants dents on difficult school subjects and provide temporary
The participants were 4567 Finnish primary school teach- placements for students whose behaviour is disrupting a
ers. Demographic information (position, formal qualifica- mainstream classroom. This activity is known as ‘part-
tion and gender) is presented in Table 1. The participants time special education’, and about 22% of primary school
were classroom, subject, special education class and students participated in it in 2017 (Statistics Finland,
resource room teachers. In some analyses, the two last 2018).
categories are combined into the umbrella category of
‘special education teachers’. The subject teachers were Primary school students are categorised by their respec-
divided in four subgroups based on their majors: (i) tive support needs: general, intensified or special (Act on
Basic Education, 1998/2010). Students with intensified
support needs (ISN) require extra educational support.
Table 1: Participants in the study
This definition is usually the first step in identifying a stu-
Gender dent who is in ‘need of special support’, which is equita-
Qualified, Male, Female, Total, ble to the term ‘special educational needs’ (SEN) used in
Teacher category N % % % % many other countries. The students with ISN typically
1. Classroom 2080 97 19 81 100 remain in their mainstream classrooms, whereas SEN stu-
teacher dents are usually transferred to special education class-
2. Subject 1744 98 23 77 100
Data collection
3. Special 438 86 16 84 100 The data were collected in 2017 by preservice teachers
education class (N = 95) participating in a scientific methodology course.
teacher Each group of students received a sample of Finnish
4. Resource room 305 93 7 93 100 municipalities. As some municipalities did not have their
teachers’ email addresses available on the schools’ web-
sites, they were excluded from the study. The student
Total 4567 96 81 19 100
groups collected the teachers’ email addresses from the

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schools’ official websites, and they sent each teacher an level of the TSEIES was calculated as a = 0.61,
email, which contained a link to the survey. The ethical indicating a questionable level.
principles of Finland’s National Advisory Board on
Research Ethics (2009) were followed. The cover letter Child-centredness Scale (CCS). Four items were selected
gave information on the aims of the study and empha- from the Teachers’ Interactional Style Scale (Aunola,
sised that participation in the study was anonymous and Lerkkanen, Poikkeus, et al., 2005; Kiuru, Poikkeus,
voluntary. Individual respondents, schools or even munic- Lerkkanen, et al., 2012) to measure the teachers’ positive
ipalities could not be identified on the basis of data. The and warm behaviours towards their students. The original
anonymity of data collection guaranteed full privacy for scale measured the extent to which the teachers
the participants on all three levels. About 14 349 emails considered their relationships with their students to be
were sent with a return rate of 31.8%. sensitive and responsive to these students’ needs. The
four items of the Child-centredness Scale (CCS) are as
Survey instrument follows: (i) ‘I like to talk with my students’, (ii) ‘In the
The survey gathered information about the participants, company of my students, I am usually uncomplicated and
their students and their schools. For the present purpose, relaxed’, (iii) ‘I like to ask how my students are doing’
the survey contained scales to measure attitudes towards and (iv) ‘I often show my students that I care about
inclusion, self-efficacy and child-centredness. The them’. The reliability level of the CCS was calculated as
responses were given with 5-point Likert scale ranging a = 0.84, indicating a good level.
from ‘strongly disagree’ (scored 1) to ‘strongly agree’
(scored 5). The results from the following three scales are Data analysis
reported here. The questionnaire also contained other The data were analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics (Ver-
attitude scales, which are reported in a separate study. sion 24). Statistical methods included descriptive statis-
tics, statistical significance tests, linear trend analysis,
Attitudes towards inclusive education – short form (TAIS- effect sizes, Pearson product-moment correlations and
SF). The teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education Cronbach’s alpha. Bonferroni post-hoc tests were used
were measured with the 3-item Teachers’ Attitudes for all a posteriori comparisons. The unpublished TAIS-
towards Inclusive Education – Short Form (TAIS-SF) SF values from the 2015 data were calculated from the
(Table 2). To calculate the sum, the scores for items 1 original data file for this study.
and 2 were reversed. The reliability level of the TAIS-SF
was calculated as a = 0.82, indicating a good level.
Teacher Sense of Efficacy in Inclusive Education Scale Comparison of the 2015 and 2017 results
(TSEIES). The teachers’ self-efficacy was measured with The results from the TAIS-SF scale were compared with
the 3-item Teacher Sense of Efficacy in Inclusive those from a similar assessment made in 2015 (Saloviita,
Education Scale (TSEIES). This scale was based on the 2018) (Table 2). There was a significant drop in the sum
Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES), which score from 2015 to 2017 with an effect size of d = 0.36.
contained 12 or 24 items divided into three factors There was a drop in the mean values of all three teacher
(Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Three categories, and the largest drop was for the special educa-
items were chosen, each representing a specific factorial tion teachers. The analyses of the single TAIS-SF items
dimension of the TSES. The dimension of efficacy for showed that the teachers’ responses to the items 1 and 2,
instructional strategies was assessed with item 1: ‘I can which measured the outcomes of inclusion, did not signif-
teach many kinds of students, including students with icantly change. The effect size was d = 0.13 for item 1
SEN’. The dimension of efficacy in classroom and d = 0.24 for item 2. The third item measuring the
management was assessed with item 2: ‘I can keep good perceived value of inclusion changed significantly
order in my classroom’. The dimension of efficacy for (d = 0.55). Support for the principle of inclusion,
student engagement was assessed with item 3: ‘I get counted as the sum of agreements and strong agreements,
students to rely in their own abilities’. The reliability was now 31 percentage units lower for classroom

Table 2: The teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education measured by the TAIS-SF
Classroom teacher Subject teacher Special teacher Total
Year Return rate N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD)
2015 26% 787 8.55 (2.92) 543 7.78 (2.73) 347 9.90 (2.82) 1677 8.58 (2.93)
2017 32% 2074 7.52 (2.74) 1729 6.95 (2.68) 738 9.02 (2.99) 4541 7.55 (2.85)
Effect size d counted between 2015 and 2017 measurements
0.36 0.31 0.30 0.36

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teachers, 25 percentage units lower for subject teachers Teacher categories

and 21 percentage units lower for special education teach- Sorted by the teacher categories, the TAIS-SF scores for the
ers than in 2015. years 2015 and 2017 are presented in Table 2. In 2017, the
TAIS-SF sum scores of the classroom, subject and special
education teachers differed significantly, F(2,
Demographic and attitudinal variables
4538) = 144.42, P < 0.000. Post-hoc tests indicated that
Gender and age. Female teachers were more positive every teacher category differed significantly from every
towards inclusion than male teachers, t other teacher category. When special education teachers
(11 375.696) = 6.84, P < 0.000. However, the effect size were divided into special education class teachers and
was small (d = 0.26). Age, categorised into decennia resource room teachers, it was found that resource room
groups, had a linear trend, as younger teachers expressed teachers were more positive towards inclusion (M = 9.89,
slightly more positive attitudes than older teachers, F(1, SD = 2.79) than special education class teachers (M = 8.41,
4510) = 4.69, P = 0.03. The largest difference existed SD = 2.99), t(736) = 6.80, P < 0.000, with d = 0.51.
between the teachers under 30 years of age and those Resource room teachers scored above the neutral midpoint
30 years of age or older, but the difference remained (M = 9) of the TAIS-SF scale, whereas all other teacher cat-
minimal with an effect size of d = 0.14. egories scored below it. The distance of the classroom teach-
ers from the other teacher categories, in terms of effect size,
Self-efficacy. The correlation between the TAIS-SF and was d = 0.21 for the subject teachers, d = 0.31 for the
the TSEIES was significant, indicating that higher self- special education class teachers and d = 0.86 for the
efficacy was associated with more positive attitudes resource room teachers. The biggest difference was found
towards inclusion, r = 0.157, P < 0.000. The four teacher between the subject teachers and the resource room teachers
categories differed from each other in their self-efficacy, (d = 1.07). Teachers who simultaneously worked as prin-
F(3, 4474) = 181.37, P < 0.000. The post-hoc cipals (N = 259) scored higher in the TAIS-SF than other
comparisons indicated that special education teachers teachers, t(4322) = 4.50, P < 0.000, d = 0.29.
scored significantly higher than other teachers and
classroom teachers scored higher than subject teachers. Sorted by the teacher categories, Table 3 shows the per-
centages (agree or strongly agree) for each item of the
Child-centredness. The correlation between the TAIS-SF TAIS-SF. Roughly half of the teachers agreed that SEN
and the CCS was statistically significant, indicating that students learn best in their own special education class-
higher child-centredness was associated with more positive rooms (items 1 and 2). In contrast with the other categories,
attitudes towards inclusion, r = 0.121, P < 0.000. The four only a fourth of the resource room teachers preferred full-
teacher categories differed from each other in child- time special education for SEN students. The third item
centredness, F(3, 4521) = 67.73, P < 0.000. The post-hoc measured the teachers’ acceptance of inclusion as a general
comparisons indicated that special education class teachers principle. It was answered positively by 20% of classroom
and resource room teachers scored the highest and subject teachers, 15% of subject teachers, 32% of special education
teachers scored the lowest. Special education class and class teachers and 49% of resource room teachers. Overall,
resource room teachers were on the same level in this scale. 39% of special education teachers answered positively.
The largest difference was between special education
teachers and subject teachers with an effect size of Environmental variables
d = 0.58. Female classroom teachers and female subject
teachers also were more child-centred than their male Number of SEN or ISN students. The presence of SEN or
colleagues. The effect size between the genders was ISN or the total number of these students was not
d = 0.27 for classroom teachers and d = 0.18 for subject associated with the classroom or subject teachers’
teachers. attitudes towards inclusion. Students with support needs
are a standard presence in primary school classrooms.
Ability grouping. Since 1983, law forbids the use of Only 9% of the classroom and subject teachers had no
different curricula with changing level of difficulty in the students with support needs in their classrooms, whereas
same grade level. Teachers’ willingness to return the old use most teachers had several of these students. Compared
ability grouping was asked by a statement: ‘Ability groups with ISN students, the presence of SEN students was less
should be used again’. Most classroom teachers (60%), common, and 54% of classroom teachers and 76% of
subject teachers (76%) and special education teachers (63%) subject teachers had no such students in their classrooms.
answered this statement positively. The correlation between SEN students are normally instructed either mainstream
the statement and the TAIS-SF was statistically significant or special education classrooms, whereas ISN students, as
(r = 0.278, P < 0.000). Teachers who preferred ability- a norm, remain in mainstream classrooms. However, 42%
based groupings also were more favourable towards the use of special education class teachers had at least one ISN
of special education classrooms, which supports the student, and most of these teachers reported to have
convergent validity of the TAIS-SF. several ISN students.

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Table 3: The teachers’ responses to the three TAIS-SF items

Teacher category
Item Class-room Subject Special class Resource room Total
N 2080, % 1744, % 438, % 305, % 4567, %
Percentage of teachers who agree or strongly agree
1. Children with SEN learn best in their own special education 56 64 45 27 56
classrooms where they have specially trained teachers
2. A child with SEN has the best outcome when placed in 51 60 42 25 52
the special education classroom that best suits him/her
3. Children with SEN should be educated in mainstream classrooms 20 15 32 49 22
as much as possible
Percentage of teachers who disagree or strongly disagree
1. Children with SEN learn best in their own special education 16 14 25 41 18
classrooms where they have specially trained teachers
2. A child with SEN has the best outcome when placed in 21 16 32 47 22
the special education classroom that best suits him/her
3. Children with SEN should be educated in mainstream classrooms 52 61 40 22 52
as much as possible

Teaching assistants. The presence of a teaching assistant Workload concerns. The perceived workload increase
was associated with a more positive attitude towards inclusion caused by an inclusive placement was measured with the
among classroom teachers, t(2057) = 5.98, P < 0.000, statement ‘The integration of a SEN student into the
d = 0.26. Teachers with different views on inclusive classroom causes additional work for the teacher’. The
education also used different strategies to use their assistants. statement correlated negatively with the attitudes towards
Teachers who were more negative towards inclusion inclusion (P < 0.000) among both classroom teachers
preferred somewhat more often than other teachers to transfer (r = 0.243) and subject teachers (r = 0.309). Almost
the student together with his or her assistant outside the all teachers (98%) agreed or strongly agreed with the
classroom during the instruction period, r = 0.081, statement. Classroom teachers expected the highest
P = 0.001. They also more often than other teachers passed workload increase, and special education teachers
the full responsibility of the student’s instruction on to the expected the lowest, F(3, 4499) = 42.89, P < 0.000. The
teaching assistant, r = 0.057, P = 0.019. largest difference was between classroom teachers and
resource room teachers with an effect size of d = 0.50.
Adequate support. The perceived availability of
classroom support was measured with the statement ‘The Other independent variables. The size of the class,
supports are sufficient in my classroom’. The agreements school or municipality was not significantly associated
(percentages) of each respective teacher category are as with teacher attitudes towards inclusion at the level of
follows: classroom teachers (48%), subject teachers 1%.
(47%), resource room teachers (74%) and special
education class teachers (72%). The statement correlated Discussion
positively with the attitudes towards inclusion The associations of the studied background variables with
(P < 0.000) among both classroom teachers (r = 0.171) teacher attitudes towards inclusion were remarkably simi-
and subject teachers (r = 0.183). lar to those observed in the majority of previous studies,
which, however, have mostly employed much smaller
Confidence in obtaining support. The teachers’ sample sizes. Although the present study was able to vali-
confidence in obtaining additional support was measured date many results from the previous studies, some new
with the statement ‘I trust that I can receive enough and unique findings were also produced.
assistance and support in my classroom if needed’. The
agreements (percentages) of each respective teacher Comparison of the 2015 and 2017 results
category are as follows: classroom teachers (44%), There was a dramatic drop in the mean values of the
subject teachers (46%), resource room teachers (67%) and TAIS-SF scores from 2015 to 2017. The drop occurred in
special education class teachers (67%). The statement all teacher categories, the largest found among special
correlated positively with the attitudes towards inclusion education teachers. A drop also occurred in the score of
(P < 0.000) among both classroom teachers (r = 0.191) each scale item, the largest found in the third item, which
and subject teachers (r = 0.224). recorded the general value of inclusion. Because no

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significant changes to school policy or legislation were previously. A reason for this might be their higher sense
made between the measurement years, one probable of autonomy at work, a hypothesis worth studying in
explanation for this difference is systematic bias, as the the future.
return rates for both surveys were low. Given that the
expressed objective of the 2015 survey was special edu- Other variables
cation and that of the 2017 survey was teacher stress, the Positive attitudes towards inclusion were associated with
most credible explanation for this difference is that the young age, female gender, high self-efficacy and high
teachers with negative attitudes towards inclusion may child-centredness. Positive attitudes were also associated
have not actively participated in the 2015 survey. As with environmental variables, including the availability of
reported by Scruggs and Mastropieri (1996), changes in teaching assistants, the perceived adequacy of supports,
return rates do not always impact the overall percentages. the perceived confidence in attaining supports and the
In this case, the different objectives of the surveys may low workload expectation following an inclusive place-
have had a notable effect. ment. These results were congruent with those of previ-
ous studies that analysed the same variables. Notably, an
Attitudes towards inclusion and teacher categories earlier study reported that the presence of a teaching
The majority of classroom and subject teachers believed assistant increased a teacher’s indifference towards SEN
that SEN students learn best in special education class- students (Cook, Cameron and Tankersley, 2007). In this
rooms with qualified special education teachers and study, the presence of a teaching assistant was associated
instruction that is best suited to each student’s needs. This with a more positive attitude towards inclusion.
opinion was less popular among special education class
teachers and resource room teachers. Conclusion
In discussions on inclusive education, one of the most
Few teachers (22%) accepted the principle of inclusion, requested resources is training that will improve teachers’
which maintains that students should be educated in knowledge of special education. It is commonly held that
mainstream classrooms ‘as much as possible’. Positive a lack of knowledge on this subject leads to negative atti-
answers varied according to teacher category: classroom tudes towards inclusion. Accordingly, another frequent
teachers (20%), subject teachers (15%), resource room recommendation is to provide more in-service training on
teachers (49%) and special education class teachers special education (e.g., Paju, R€aty, Pirttimaa, et al., 2015).
(32%). It was evident that a separate special education However, this lack of knowledge can sometimes be a
system was supported by the majority of primary school socially acceptable excuse for excluding SEN students
teachers. rather than a source of the negative attitudes towards
inclusion. In the present study, many special education
The results of this study roughly correspond with those teachers, all of whom have completed extensive special
of previous studies on Finnish teachers’ attitudes towards education training, had attitudes towards inclusion that
inclusion (Moberg, 2003; Saloviita, 2018; Savolainen, were more negative than those of teachers without such
Engelbrecht, Nel, et al., 2012). The results are also con- training. Quasi-experimental research also has shown that
sistent with Statistics Finland’s (2018) assessment of the classroom teachers generally have better results with SEN
primary school student population, in which the number students than special education teachers (Hattie, 2009).
of students who are transferred to special education class-
rooms remains large and has only increased over time up Evidently, the problem is not just a lack of knowledge. It
to the present. is true that teachers who have participated in training
courses on inclusive education are usually more positive
Teacher attitudes towards inclusion were strongly associ- towards the concept than those who have not (Ahmmed,
ated with teacher category, a finding also confirmed in Sharma and Deppeler, 2014; Garrad, Rayner and Pedersen,
many previous studies. Therefore, these attitudes were 2018). However, when the impact of inclusion training
likely based on the teachers’ practical, day-to-day con- was studied experimentally, no positive effect was found
siderations rather than their opinions, say, on the evi- (Beattie, Anderson and Antonak, 1997). Rather than
dence-based outcomes of inclusion. Although the requiring more cold training and preparation from teachers,
observed differences between teacher categories corre- the key to the successful implementation of inclusive edu-
sponded with those of previous studies, this study cation may be found within the activity itself. When teach-
observed a unique difference between the attitudes of ers prioritise inclusive education, they take advantage of
special education class teachers and resource room teach- new ways of working, such as collaborative relationships
ers. The difference may reflect the character of their with their fellow educators, and gain new interpersonal
respective student populations: students who visit skills. It this way the teachers themselves create new
resource rooms have only mild problems compared with resources in their work. When combined with teacher co-
those in special education classrooms. Teachers who also operation and mutual support, the implementation of inclu-
worked as principals were slightly more positive towards sive education has, indeed, produced positive changes in
inclusion than other teachers, a result also reported teacher attitudes (Ahmmed, Sharma, and Deppeler, 2014;

70 ª 2019 NASEN
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 20 64–73

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