Induction - Motor Slides

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Electrical Machines

3 phase Induction Motor
• The machine is called “Induction” because the
rotor voltage is induced in the rotor windings
rather than physically connected by wires.
• No dc supply is required for rotor.
• No permanent magnet is required for rotor.
• Operating principle has similarity to a transformer.

Induction Motor Components

1) Stator
2) Rotor

Induction Motor Components

1) Stator: Consisting of a steel frame. Slots on the internal

circumference of the stator house the stator winding.

Induction Motor Components
2) Rotor: There are two different types of induction motor
i) Squirrel cage rotor (Cage rotor):
Consists of series of conducting bars laid into slots
carved in the face of rotor and shorted at either end by
large shorting rings.

Induction Motor Components
ii) Wound rotor
•A wound rotor has a 3-phase winding, similar to the stator

Induction Motor working principle
Rotating magnetic field
1. The three-phase stator powered by balanced three-
phase voltage that drives an AC magnetizing current
through each phase winding.

2. The magnetizing current in each phase generates a

pulsating AC flux.

3. The total flux in the machine is the sum of the three


4. The summation of the three AC fluxes results in a

rotating flux, which turns with constant speed and has
constant amplitude.
Induction Motor working principle
Rotating magnetic field
5. The rotating flux induces a voltage in the short-
circuited bars of the rotor. This voltage drives current
through the bars.

6. The induced voltage is proportional with the difference

of motor and synchronous speed (speed of the rotating
magnetic field). Consequently the motor speed is less
than the synchronous speed

7. The interaction of the rotating flux and the rotor current

generates a force that drives the motor.
Visualizing Rotating magnetic field

Rotating 3-phase magnetic

field, as indicated by the
rotating black arrow

Sine wave current in each of the three stationary coils

produces three sine varying magnetic fields perpendicular to
the rotation axis. The three magnetic fields add as vectors to
produce a single rotating magnetic field.
The Development of Induced Torque
in an Induction Motor
The Development of Induced Torque
in an Induction Motor

An induction motor can thus speed up to near synchronous speed

but it can never reach synchronous speed.
The Concept of Rotor Slip
The Electrical Frequency on the Rotor
o Induction motor works by inducing voltages and currents in
the rotor : a rotating transformer.
o Like a transformer, the primary (stator) induces a voltage in
the secondary (rotor).
o Unlike a transformer, the secondary frequency may not be the
same as the primary frequency.
The Electrical Frequency on the Rotor
A 208-V, 10hp, four pole, 60 Hz, Y-connected
induction motor has a full-load slip of 5 percent
1. What is the synchronous speed of this motor?
2. What is the rotor speed of this motor at rated load?
3. What is the rotor frequency of this motor at rated
4. What is the shaft torque of this motor at rated load?
1. nsync  120 fe  120(60)  1800 rpm
P 4

2. nm  (1  s)ns
 (1  0.05) 1800  1710 rpm

3. f r  sfe  0.05  60  3Hz

Pout Pout
 load  
4. m 2 nm
10 hp  746 watt / hp
  41.7 N .m
1710  2  (1/ 60)
The Transformer Model of an
Induction Motor
o An induction motor relies for its operation on the induction of
voltages and currents in its rotor circuit from the stator circuit
(transformer action).
o The equivalent circuit of an induction motor is similar to the
equivalent circuit of a transformer.
The Transformer Model of an
Induction Motor
o The curve of mmf versus flux (magnetization curve) for an
induction motor compared to a similar curve for a power
transformer :
The Rotor Circuit Model

ER0= Locked rotor Voltage

The Rotor Circuit Model
The Rotor Circuit Model
The Rotor Circuit Model
The Final Equivalent Circuit

o In an ordinary transformer, the voltages, currents and

impedances on the secondary side can be referred to the
primary by means of the turns ratio of the transformer.
o Exactly the same sort of transformation can be done for the
induction motor’s rotor circuit.
The Final Equivalent Circuit
Power flow diagram

Power and Torque in an Induction Motor
Power and Torque in an Induction Motor
Power and Torque in an Induction Motor

The lower the slip, the lower

the rotor losses.
Power and Torque in an Induction Motor
Separating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power
Converted in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent
A 460-V, 25-hp, 60 Hz, four-pole, Y-connected induction motor has the
following impedances in ohms per phase referred to the stator
R1= 0.641 R2= 0.332
X1= 1.106  X2= 0.464  XM= 26.3 
The total rotational losses are 1100 W and are assumed to be constant.
The core loss is lumped in with the rotational losses. For a rotor slip
of 2.2 percent at the rated voltage and rated frequency, find the
4. Pconv and Pout
1. Speed
2. Stator current 5. ind and load
3. Power factor 6. Efficiency
120 f e 120  60
nsync    1800 rpm
P 4
1.nm  (1  s)nsync  (1  0.022) 1800  1760 rpm
R2 0.332
Z2   jX 2   j 0.464
s 0.022
 15.09  j 0.464  15.11.76 
2. 1 1
Zf  
1/ jX M  1/ Z 2  j 0.038  0.0662  1.76
  12.9431.1 
0.0773  31.1
Z tot  Z stat  Z f
 0.641  j1.106  12.9431.1 
 11.72  j 7.79  14.0733.6 
V 3
I1    18.88  33.6 A
Z tot 14.0733.6
PF  cos 33.6  0.833 lagging
Pin  3VL I L cos   3  460 18.88  0.833  12530 W
3. SCL  3 I 2
1 1R  3(18.88) 2
 0.641  685 W

4. PAG  Pin  PSCL  12530  685  11845 W

Pconv  (1  s) PAG  (1  0.022)(11845)  11585 W

Pout  Pconv  PF &W  11585  1100  10485 W

=  14.1 hp
PAG 11845
 ind    62.8 N.m
sync 2 1800
Pout 10485
5. load  
m 2 1760
 56.9 N.m
Pout 10485
  100%   100  83.7%
Pin 12530
Induced Torque from a Physical

Under light loads Under heavy loads

Some Physical Arguments
Let’s consider the no load condition first.
• Rotor slip close to zero i.e. very small.
• Rotor induced voltage, very low(ER=sER0).
• Rotor current, very low(proportional to voltage)
• Rotor induced frequency, very low.(fr=sfe)
• Therefore, rotor reactance becomes low, i.e. rotor acts like a
resistive one.(XR=sXR0)
• The phase difference between
rotor current and induced voltage
is low.
• The rotor magnetic field
lags by 90 degrees.
Some Physical Arguments
Let’s consider the full load condition now.
• Rotor slip, goes up i.e. very large(rotor speed falls).
• Rotor induced voltage, increases.(ER=sER0)
• Rotor current, grows(proportional to voltage)
• Rotor induced frequency, increases.(fr=sfe)
• Therefore, rotor reactance becomes larger, rotor.(XR=sXR0)
• The phase difference between rotor current and induced
voltage grows.
• The rotor magnetic field
lags by 90 degrees.
• Two counterbalancing effects:
BR tends to increase net torque.
Sinδ tends to decrease net torque.
A Graphical Development

• k=physical constant.
• BR= Rotor magnetic field.
Depends on rotor current flow.
Increases with rotor current and
rotor slip.
• Bnet=Net magnetic field.
Depends on E1
Remains relatively constant.
• Sinδ= δ is the angle between BR and
Bnet, which can be written as:
δ=Θ+90, Θ is the rotor power
factor angle.
A Graphical Development

BR vs nm

Bnet vs nm

CosθR vs nm
A Graphical Development
Induced Torque from a Physical

Graphical development of an induction

motor torque-speed characteristic
The Derivation of the Induction Motor
Induced-Torque Equation
The Derivation of the Induction Motor
Induced-Torque Equation
The Derivation of the Induction Motor
Induced-Torque Equation
The Derivation of the Induction Motor
Induced-Torque Equation
The Derivation of the Induction Motor
Induced-Torque Equation

A typical induction motor torque-speed characteristic curve

Comments on the Induction Motor Torque-
Speed Curve
• The induced torque is zero at synchronous speed.
• The curve is nearly linear between no-load and full load. In
this range, the rotor resistance is much greater than the
reactance, so the rotor current, torque increase linearly
with the slip.
• There is a maximum possible torque that can’t be
exceeded. This torque is called pullout torque and is 2 to 3
times the rated full-load torque.
• The starting torque of the motor is slightly higher than its
full-load torque, so the motor will start carrying any load it
can supply at full load.
Comments on the Induction Motor
Torque-Speed Curve
• The torque of the motor for a given slip varies as the
square of the applied voltage.
• If the rotor is driven faster than synchronous speed it will
run as a generator, converting mechanical power to electric
• If the motor is turning backward, the induced torque in the
machine will stop the machine very rapidly. Reversing the
direction of magnetic field is simply a matter of switching
any two stator poles. The act of switching poles in order to
stop the motor very rapidly is called plugging.
Comments on the Induction Motor
Torque-Speed Curve
Maximum (Pullout) Torque in an
Induction Motor

 The slip at pullout torque

Maximum (Pullout) Torque in an
Induction Motor
• The corresponding maximum torque of an
induction motor equals

The maximum torque is independent of R2

Maximum (Pullout) Torque in an
Induction Motor
• Rotor resistance can be increased by inserting
external resistance in the rotor of a wound-
rotor induction motor.

The value of the maximum torque remains unaffected

the speed at which it occurs can be controlled.
Maximum (Pullout) Torque in an
Induction Motor

Effect of rotor resistance on torque-speed characteristic


A two-pole, 50-Hz induction motor supplies

15kW to a load at a speed of 2950 rpm.
1. What is the motor’s slip?
2. What is the induced torque in the motor in
N.m under these conditions?
3. What will be the operating speed of the motor
if its torque is doubled?
4. How much power will be supplied by the
motor when the torque is doubled?
120 f e 120  50
nsync    3000 rpm
P 2
1.s  nsync  nm  3000  2950  0.0167 or 1.67%
nsync 3000

Q no Pf W given
 assume Pconv  Pload and  ind   load
2. Pconv 15  103
 ind    48.6 N.m
m 2
2950 
3. In the low-slip region, the torque-speed curve
is linear and the induced torque is direct
proportional to slip. So, if the torque is
doubled the new slip will be 3.33% and the
motor speed will be
nm  (1  s)nsync  (1  0.0333)  3000  2900 rpm

4. Pconv   ind m
 (2  48.6)  (2900  )  29.5 kW
VTH  V
R12  ( X 1  X M ) 2
 26.3
 3  255.2 V
(0.641)  (1.106  26.3)
2 2

 XM 
RTH  R1  
 1
X  X M 
 26.3 
 (0.641)    0.590
 1.106  26.3 
X TH  X1  1.106
sTmax 
RTH  ( X TH  X 2 ) 2
  0.198
(0.590)  (1.106  0.464)
2 2

The corresponding speed is

nm  (1  s)nsync  (1  0.198) 1800  1444 rpm

The torque at this speed is

1  3VTH2 
 max   
2s  R  R 2  ( X  X )2 
 TH TH TH 2 
3  (255.2) 2

2  (1800  )[0.590  (0.590) 2  (1.106  0.464) 2 ]
 229 N.m
2. The starting torque can be found from the
torque eqn. by substituting s = 1

2  R2 
3V  
 start   ind 
1  s 
s 1
s  R 

 RTH  2   ( X TH  X 2 ) 2
 s  s 1

3VTH2 R2

s [ RTH  R2   ( X TH  X 2 ) 2 ]

3  (255.2) 2  (0.332)

1800   [(0.590  0.332) 2  (1.106  0.464) 2 ]
 104 N.m
3. If the rotor resistance is doubled, then the slip
at maximum torque doubles too
sTmax   0.396
RTH  ( X TH  X 2 ) 2

The corresponding speed is

nm  (1  s)nsync  (1  0.396) 1800  1087 rpm

The maximum torque is still

max = 229 N.m

The starting torque is now

3  (255.2) 2  (0.664)
 start 
1800   [(0.590  0.664) 2  (1.106  0.464) 2 ]
 170 N.m
Tests to find Induction Motor Parameters
• DC Test
– Determines the stator resistance
• No Load Test
– Determines magnetic components
– Determines the inductance and series
inductance of the stator coil
• Locked Rotor Test
– Determines the circuit parameters like rotor
resistance, rotor reactance etc.
DC Test
• Performed to determine the stator resistance.
• A DC power supply is applied.
• As induced voltage depends on the change of flux in the coil,
DC field does not induce any voltage in the rotor- rotor current
can be neglected.
• Stator resistance is considered and calculated.

For y connected Motor

No Load Test

• Performed to determine the magnetization component and

stator component of the motor circuitry.
• Measures the rotational losses in the motor.
• As no load condition is assumed
– The rotor slip will be very small.
– In the equivalent circuit, the component corresponding
to converted power will be higher than the component
corresponding to rotor copper losses.
– By successive simplification of the equivalent circuit we
can determine stator parameters.
No Load Test
No Load Test
No Load Test
• The magnetization branch reactance is smaller compared
to the transformer as there lies an air gap in between.
• So, for simplification, we can assume that the total
current flow through the resistive components in the
circuit will be smaller compared to the magnetization
Locked Rotor Test
• Determines the rest of the parameters.
• Similar to the Short circuit test of the transformer.
• Power supplied at the stator end. The motor is supplied
with rated full-load current.
• Power flow, voltage at the stator and the motor current is
• As the rotor is locked, the slip is 1.
• Generally, magnetization branch components are typically
higher compared to the rotor series components. So, at
high slip, magnetization branch can be neglected.
• Another issue: typically done at 25% of the rated
Locked Rotor Test
Locked Rotor Test

R1 obtained from DC Test

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