Active Vs Passive Voice
Active Vs Passive Voice
Active Vs Passive Voice
Passive Voice
Functional English
Barera Quadri
Active vs. Passive Voice
A sentence is written in the active voice
The subject of the sentence performs the action.
The person/thing performing the action is named
before the verb.
My grandfather took me to my first horse show.
NOT: I was taken to my first horse show by my
Another example
Active voice:
My mother taught me to fish almost before I
learned to walk.
Passive voice:
I was taught to fish by my mother almost
before I was taught to walk.
Active voice sentences
When you write in the active voice, sentences
are typically shorter and clearer.
Past tense:
The clerk opened the mail. (active)
The mail was opened by the clerk. (passive)
Active voice does not mean
present tense verbs
Future tense:
The clerk will open the mail. (active)
The mail will be opened by the clerk. (passive)