Anxiety Level 2

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Students don’t get it. Math isn’t the thing and students never understand it.

Learners facing mathematics subject that has been part of the standard

curriculum for students since grade school. In fact, math is already introduced to

students as early was nursery. Math is common knowledge that is an unpopular

subject among Filipino learners. Mathematical is one of the subject that is

oftentimes more effective to be taught using the traditional lecture method and all

other teachers- centered approaches rather than students- centered ones This is

due to the nature of mathematics being difficult. According to, Sivar (2012) insist

that the responsibility of guiding the thinking of students is put into the shoulders

of the teachers.

Mathematics Anxiety is defined by Richard Son and Suiann (2009) as

feeling of tension and anxiety that with the manipulation of numbers and the

solving of mathematical problems in a wide variety of ordinary life and academic

situations. Tobias (1980) one of the pioneering researchers of this subject, it is

described the panic, helplessness, paralysis and mental disorganization that

arises among people when they are required to solve a mathematics problem.

Students who manifest this anxiety are usually anxious of doing their

mathematics and always afraid of receiving a failing grades in this subject.

Physical manifestation such as increased heart rate, restlessness, clammy

hard, easily fatigued, upset stomach, muscle tension and light headedness are

easily observed.
The person who suffers from Math Anxiety also manifest psychological

symptoms such as irritably, difficulty in concentrating and feeling of helplessness,

worry and disgrace. The behavioral signs notice able by classroom teachers

include habitual absenteeism and tardiness avoidance of math class, lack of

interest to participate in classroom discussion, putting of math homework and

poor study habit in math subject (Plaisance, 2009).

According to Homos and Pekkila (2012) study mathematics anxiety can be

caused by environment factors. He stated that negative experiences with parents

or teachers in viewing mathematical might affect their children as negative

attitudes and beliefs. This finding supported by Maryam (2010) describes

that students will affect mathematics attitudes such as try to avoid mathematics

course with negative attitudes and beliefs in mathematics.

According to President Roxas Memorials Institute of Cotabato Inc. Math

Teachers, the upper mentioned mathematical sign and symptoms have been

experienced of some students of PRMICI .Therefore the researcher aims to

determine the level of anxiety in mathematics.

Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to determine the Anxiety Level of President

Roxas Memorial Institute of Cotabato Inc. students in Mathematics.

Significant of the Study

This study depict an importance to the following:

Students: for them to be guided in taking risk in facing math subject and in order

to build positive mind in mathematical learning.

Parents: for them to help and motivate their children to lessen the anxiety level

in mathematics they are experiencing.

Teachers and Administration: they will be aware to the sign of anxiety, and

what can be done to ease students anxiety.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on the Anxiety Level of Students in Mathematics.

The respondents of this study were selected (25) Junior High School and (25)

Senior High School students of President Roxas Memorial Institute of Cotabato

Inc. of Poblacion President Roxas North Cotabato. In a totality of fifty (50)

Operational Definition of terms

Student: the respondents of the study, who are experiencing anxiety in


Anxiety: It is the fear and negative attitudes of the respondents towards


Mathematics: The subject which respondents can feel anxiety.


Mathematics Anxiety is defined by Mark H. Ashcraft (2002) as feeling of

tension, apprehension, or fear that interferes with math performance.

Richard Son and Suiann (2009) defined Math Anxiety as feeling of

tension and anxiety that with the manipulation of number and the solving of

mathematics problems in a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situations.

Hamsa (2013) who further describes it as a situation wherein students feel

frustration because of the lack of explanation of the sub-steps of mathematics

procedures. In additional burden came to be the sequential nature of

mathematics instructors as it becomes more difficult. Thus, the students does not

immediately grasp the procedures or concepts being taught at a specific points in

time (Brady and Bowd, 2005)

Green and Allerton (1999), described mathematics anxiety as the state of

mind developed through personal experiences, and individual emotional

response to these experiences. They further explained that, negative feeling

towards learning of Mathematics arise as a consequences of a range of

encounters relating to the way mathematics is presented, taught and learn by


Sheffield and Hunt (2007) opined that, mathematics anxiety is the feeling

of anxiety that some individuals experience when facing mathematical problems.

They further assert that, like other form of anxiety, students may feel their heart
beat more quickly or strongly, they may believe that they are not capable of

completing mathematical problems, and avoid attempting mathematic courses.

A students may have a bad attitudes about mathematics. When he/she in

mathematics class, they may be nervous and unable to sit still or focus on the

lecture. Math anxious students may dread even doing mathematics class. There

is a greater fear of answering a teacher’s question incorrectly in mathematics

class than other classes. They also tend to compare their grades to their peer’s

more about how their peers will react to them if they give a wrong answer in

mathematics class. They fear taking more advanced mathematics classes (Hsiu-

Zu, (2000).

This chapter provides a detailed description of the research. In it, the

researcher presented Research Design, Respondent of the study, Research

Locale, Sampling Procedure , Research Materials, Data Gathering Procedure

and Data Analysis

Research Design

The researcher applied quantitative descriptive design to clearly determine

the Anxiety Level of President Roxas Memorial Institute of Cotabato Inc. students


This includes the collection of the data in order to answer questions on the

study through the administration of a validated questionnaire.

Respondent of the study

The respondents of this study was the selected students from (25) Junior

High School and (25) Senior High School of President Roxas Memorial Institute
of Cotabato Inc. (PRMICI).students , Municipality of Poblacion President Roxas

North Cotabato..

Research Locale

This study was conducted at President Roxas Memorial Institute of

Cotabato Inc.

Sampling Procedure

Purposive sampling was used in the selection of the respondent of the


Research Material

The research material used to gathered information about the Anxiety

Level of students in Mathematics was the checklist.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, the researcher gave a letter of approval to the office of

the principal and to the people who are involve just before the researcher

conduct the study. The researcher asked permission to the respondent to

conduct the survey. Then the questionnaire was distributed to those whose were
selected to participate on the survey and they were immediately collected after


Statistical Tool

The data were collected tallied and analyzed using the following count and

weighted mean.
President Roxas Memorial Institute of Cotabato Incorporated


Anxiety Level of Students in Mathematics



Direction: Check the answer that you choose.


4-Very High- 2-Low

3-High Moderate- 1-Very Low

Very High Low Very

High Moderate Low
1. My parents and friends tell me about
their own struggle and frustration in
mathematics subjects.
2. I feel that I will not be able to learn math
lessons no matter how hard I try.
3. I get emotionally upset when doing or
thinking about math.
4. I feel that I am not confident with my
idea/ method of solving math problems or
5. I rely on other people to help me with
math assignment or projects.
6. I am not confident talking about math test
or exams no matter how much I study.
7. I get nervous during math class.
8. I feel insecure to my fellow students who
are good in mathematics.
9. I experienced being bullied because I
can’t solve even simple equations.
10. I am always thinking that mathematics
teachers are terror.


This chapter presents the data gathered including the discussion of the

result and corresponding interpretation.

The Table shows the Anxiety Level of Students in Mathematics. Statement

no.1 with a weighted mean of 2.5 with a verbal interpretation of highly moderate,

followed by statement no.2 with a weighted mean of 2.68 with a verbal

interpretation of highly moderate, followed by statement no. 4 with a weighted of

3.04 with a verbal interpretation of highly moderate, followed by statement no.5

with a weighted mean of 2.86 with a verbal interpretation of highly moderate,

followed by statement no.6 with a weighted mean of 2.74 with a verbal

interpretation of highly moderate, followed by statement no. 7 with a weighted

mean of 2.68 with a verbal interpretation of highly moderate, followed by

statement no. 8 with a weighted mean of 2.74 with a verbal interpretation of

highly moderate, followed by statement no.9 with a weighted mean of 2.06 with a

verbal interpretation of low, and followed by statement no.10 with a weighted

mean of 2.6 with a verbal interpretation of highly moderate.

The overall weighted mean is 2.6 which implied the Anxiety Level of

Students in Mathematics.
According to Hsiu- Zu (2000) students have experience anxiety level in

mathematics, due to the bad attitudes about mathematics .Students may dread

even going to mathematics class.

Anxiety Level of Students in Mathematics


1.I struggles in mathematics subject every

time my parents and friends tell me about
their own experiences. 2.5 Highly Moderate
2. I feel that I will not be able to learn math
lessons no matter how I try.
2.68 Highly Moderate
3. I get emotionally upset when doing
thinking about math.
2.72 Highly Moderate
4. I feel that I am not confident with my
idea/methods of solving math problems or 3.04
equations. Highly Moderate

5. I rely on other people to help me with

math assignment or projects. 2.86 Highly Moderate

6. I am not confident talking about math test

or exams no matter how much I study. 2.74 Highly Moderate

7. I get nervous during math class.

2.68 Highly Moderate

8. I feel insecure to my fellow students who

are good in mathematics 2.74 Highly Moderate

9. I experienced being bullied because I

can’t solve even simple equations 2.06 Low

10. I am always thinking that mathematics

teachers are terror. 2.6 Highly Moderate

OVER ALL MEAN 2.6 Highly Moderate

Scale Interval Descriptive
4 3.20 - 4.00 Very High
3 2.50 - 2.49 High Moderate
2 1.75 - 2.49 Low
1 1.00 – 1.74 Very Low

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