Separation Purificationofcrudeglycerol

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Recovery and Purification of Crude Glycerol from Vegetable Oil

Transesterification: A Review

Article  in  Separation and Purification Reviews · February 2014

DOI: 10.1080/15422119.2013.851696

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5 authors, including:

Wan Nor Roslam Wan Isahak Zatil Amali Che Ramli

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Manal Ismail Jamaliah Md Jahim

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Recovery and Purification of Crude Glycerol from

Vegetable Oil Transesterification
ab b a a
Wan Nor Roslam Wan Isahak , Zatil Amali Che Ramli , Manal Ismail , Jamaliah Mohd Jahim
& Mohd Ambar Yarmo
Department of Chemical Engineering and Process, Faculty of Engineering and Built
Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
Accepted author version posted online: 11 Feb 2014.Published online: 10 Oct 2014.

To cite this article: Wan Nor Roslam Wan Isahak, Zatil Amali Che Ramli, Manal Ismail, Jamaliah Mohd Jahim & Mohd Ambar
Yarmo (2015) Recovery and Purification of Crude Glycerol from Vegetable Oil Transesterification, Separation & Purification
Reviews, 44:3, 250-267, DOI: 10.1080/15422119.2013.851696

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Separation & Purification Reviews, 44: 250–267, 2015
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1542-2119 print / 1542-2127 online
DOI: 10.1080/15422119.2013.851696

Recovery and Purification of Crude Glycerol from

Vegetable Oil Transesterification
Wan Nor Roslam Wan Isahak,1,2 Zatil Amali Che Ramli,2 Manal Ismail,1
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

Jamaliah Mohd Jahim,1 and Mohd Ambar Yarmo2

Department of Chemical Engineering and Process, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia

This article reviews the purification techniques involved in producing high-purity glycerol in
the biodiesel industry. Utilization of glycerol by-products (contains less than 50 wt.% of glyc-
erol and the remaining contents are water, salts, unreacted alcohol and catalyst) in biodiesel
production affords greener and less costly processes. Research has focused on several purifi-
cation steps that are capable of producing high-purity glycerol. Various new techniques for
purifying glycerol promise better quality and lower cost and technologies are required to fulfil
increasing worldwide demand. Neutralization, ultrafiltration, the use of ion exchange resins,
vacuum distillation and other methods have been utilized in single or multiple stages. Recent
studies have demonstrated that the combination of more than one technique produces high-
-purity glycerol (>99.2%). Purifications cost can be as low as 0.149 USD$/kg. For many
applications, high-purity glycerol is more useful. In some cases, it is even necessary, partic-
ularly in the fields of hydrogen production, methanol production, pharmaceuticals and food

Keywords: Crude glycerol, purification, ion exchange resins, separation technique, ultrafiltra-
tion, vacuum distillation

BACKGROUND Crude glycerol production from biodiesel conversion is

increasing yearly. From 2008 to 20011, total worldwide
Glycerol, or glycerine, or 1,2,3-propanetriol, can be pro- crude glycerol output increased from 2.06 to 2.88 mil-
duced from the transesterification or hydrolysis of natural lion tonnes (2,3). The global demand for glycerol was
fats, vegetable oils or petrochemicals (1). In Malaysian 1,995.5 kilo tons in 2011 and is expected to reach
biodiesel processes, palm oil is the primary raw material 3,060.4 kilo tons by 2018, growing at a Compounded Annual
from which glycerol is produced as a transesterification by- Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.3% from 2012 to 2018 (4).
product. In these processes, palm oil is treated with methanol The Malaysian palm-based oleochemical industry is grow-
and a basic homogeneous catalyst. Alternatively, acidic, ing rapidly and produces products such as fatty acid methyl
basic or enzymatic heterogeneous catalysts are used because esters (FAMEs), fatty alcohols and crude glycerol (5,6).
of their ease of separation from the products. The abundant crude glycerol generated by this industry
affords a great opportunity for scientists to explore new glyc-
erol applications. High-purity glycerol finds wide use as
an ingredient or processing aid in healthcare products, fuel
Received 19 August 2011, Accepted 30 September 2013. additives, lubricants, personal care products, cosmetics and
Address correspondence to Mohd Ambar Yarmo, School of Chemical food (7,8).
Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, However, the glycerol produced as a by-product of trans-
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Malaysia. E-mail:
[email protected]
esterification from biodiesel processes is not pure enough for

direct use in high-tech applications. To overcome this prob- PRODUCTION OF GLYCEROL FROM
lem, numerous treatments are required to remove impurities. VEGETABLE OIL
Moreover, the manufacturing and pharmaceutical indus-
tries have increasingly demanded high-quality, food-grade The two primary processes for biodiesel production are
glycerol because of its superior physical properties, low hydrolysis and transesterification. Hydrolysis refers to a
contamination and odorlessness (9). chemical reaction in which water molecules are split into
Therefore, an effective, efficient glycerol purification oxygen and hydroxide anions, whereas a biodiesel transes-
process is needed to minimise production costs, minimise terification refers to a reaction that occurs between a triglyc-
industrial waste and maximise the utility of biodiesel indus- eride or fat and an alcohol to form alkyl esters (biodiesel
trial processes. Because of the enormous demand for the fuel) and glycerol (Figure 1). The theoretical stoichiomet-
production of glycerol from biodiesel waste, we have ric ratio of alcohol to lipids for these transesterifications is
thoroughly reviewed vegetable oil transesterification and 3:1. In reality, a 6:1 ratio is necessary to achieve practical
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

hydrolysis as a glycerol synthetic route. Various purifica- yields. The alcohol molecules displace the triglyceride (tri-
tion methods for producing high-purity glycerol are herein acylglycerol) molecules in forming an ester. This process is
discussed, and some glycerol conversion processes are also known as alcoholysis because cleavage of an alcohol
summarized. is involved. Most biodiesel producers utilize homogeneous
alkaline catalysts such as sodium hydroxide or potassium
hydroxide (15). These catalysts also saponify the starting
materials into foams. Consequently, yields decrease, and
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CRUDE major problems in catalyst recovery, product separation and
GLYCEROL product purification are encountered (16–18).
Transesterification requires an alcohol. Methanol and
The factors that influence the quality of crude glycerol ethanol are the most frequently used alcohols for biodiesel
derived from biodiesel production processes include cata- transesterification reactions; propanol and butanol are also
lyst type and quantity, recovery methods, unreacted methanol widely employed. For environmentally friendly processes,
and other impurities. For example, a crude glycerol extracted ethanol is chosen because it can be derived from agricul-
from sunflower oil biodiesel had a composition (w/w) of tural products or other renewable resources. Alternatively,
30% glycerol, 50% methanol, 13% soap, 2% moisture, methanol is chosen for its lower cost, high polarity and short
2-3% salts (primarily sodium and potassium) and 2–3% alkyl chain (19).
other impurities (7). In contrast, Hansen et al. (10) reported
glycerol contents of 38 to 96% in a set of 11 crude glyc-
erol samples collected from 7 different Australian biodiesel Hydrolysis Processes
producers. Some of those samples contained more than
Vegetable oil hydrolysis is achieved using an acid or base
14% methanol and 29% ash. Because most biodiesel pro-
catalyst and produces glycerol and free fatty acids or soaps.
duction uses low-grade methanol and homogeneous alka-
Base-catalyzed ester hydrolysis is commonly called saponi-
line catalysts (sodium methoxide or potassium hydroxide),
fication. Both processes are shown in Figure 2. The perfor-
the quality of the afforded glycerol is poor (11). Saman
mances of various vegetable oil hydrolyses are summarized
et al. identified several contaminants in crude glycerol –
in Table 1. In previous studies, Hammond and Inmok (20)
methanol, soaps, catalysts, salts, non-glycerol organic matter
reported that lipase split triglycerides into free fatty acids
and excessive water (12). and glycerol. Their hydrolyses were performed with 17 to
Even when identical feedstocks were employed, the 44% moisture, and water was applied by various suitable
crude glycerol produced from alkali- and lipase-catalyzed techniques, e.g., soaking and spraying.
transesterifications was reported to differ in purity (13). Hydrolysis without a catalyst at 270–350◦ C, 20 MPa and
For biodiesel production that utilized homogeneous alka- a water/oil feed ratio of 50/50 (v/v) afforded approximately
line catalysts, the crude glycerol produced contained 5 to
7% salts (14), making conventional purification techniques
more costly. Heterogeneous processes using enzymes and
solid metal-oxide catalysts have been promoted as alter-
natives that afford higher-quality crude glycerol. However,
with heterogeneous catalysts, impurities present in natural
raw feedstocks tend to accumulate in the glycerol phase.
Therefore, purification remains a requirement for meeting
current standards. Moreover, each contaminant requires a FIGURE 1 Transesterification process that produces alkyl esters and
different method of removal. glycerol.

Homogeneous Catalytic Systems

The most active catalysts, alkaline metal alkoxides such
as sodium methoxide (CH3 ONa), are commonly used in
methanolyses because of their high conversions (>98%),
short reaction times (approximately 30 minutes) and low
molar concentrations (0.5 mole %). However, anhydrous
requirements have rendered those catalysts inappropriate for
typical industrial processes (18). Moreover, the separation
of the homogeneous catalyst from the glycerol mixture has
been cost-prohibitive (32). Transesterification reactions are
also performed using acid catalysts. In many cases, the reac-
tions with acid catalysts have been reported to be slower
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

FIGURE 2 Hydrolytic processes: a) acid-catalyzed hydrolysis and b)

than the reactions with base catalysts. However, acid cat-
base-catalyzed hydrolysis (saponification).
alysts exhibit high activity at high temperatures and high
oil-to-alcohol ratios. Among the catalysts reported in the lit-
90% biodiesel and 10% glycerol (25,26). The water con- erature, trifluoroacetic acid was been observed to perform the
centration was sufficient for both hydrolysis and triglyceride best, affording 98.4% conversion in 5 hours with an alcohol-
cracking (24,27,28). Commonly, vegetable oil hydrolysis to-oil molar ratio of 20:1 and at a reaction temperature of
involves the use of rotating hydrothermal reactors operated 120◦ C (33).
at high temperatures and pressures. Several companies in Catalytic sodium hydroxide was observed to produce side
Malaysia – namely, Cognis Oleochemical Industries, FPG reactions and form sodium soaps easily. This sodium soap
Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd and Pacific Oleochemicals Sdn formation was also observed when catalytic sodium methy-
Bhd – are using this catalyst-free hydrolytic technology in late was employed in the presence of trace water amounts.
their biodiesel production processes. The basic scheme for These sodium soaps were soluble in the glycerol phase. The
biodiesel and glycerol production via transesterification is soaps required neutralization to fatty acids and decantation
shown in Figure 3. (34). Furthermore, even when a water-free alcohol/oil mix-
ture was used, some water was introduced into the reactor
Transesterification Reactions system by the deprotonation of the alcohol by hydroxide. The
In transesterification, basic, acidic or enzymatic catalysts are presence of water enabled hydrolysis and resulted in soap
employed (29,30). Major differences exist between homo- formation. This undesirable saponification reaction reduced
geneous and heterogeneous catalysts in terms of activity, fatty acid methyl ester yields and considerably hindered
product separation and production cost (31). In Malaysia, glycerol recovery due to emulsion formation (18). The per-
transesterification reactions are widely applied in biodiesel formances of various homogeneous catalysts are shown in
production by Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Golden Hope Table 2.
Plantation Sdn Bhd and Emery Oleochemicals. The other
international companies such as P & G Chemicals (USA) and Heterogeneous Catalytic Systems
BASF Chemical (Germany) also produced glycerol in huge
volume. Unfortunately, the glycerol produced by their pro- The heterogeneous catalysts of vegetable oil transesteri-
cesses is low in quality and thus limited in utility. The poor fication can be categorized as either acidic or basic. Alkali
glycerol quality provided by these companies is attributed to catalysts are commonly used in transesterification and
difficult separations and the high costs associated with the exhibit higher activities than acidic catalysts. Furthermore,
development of purification techniques. basic catalysts have afforded particularly high conversions

Performance of various vegetable oil hydrolytic processes

Molar ratio Temperature Conversion

Type of catalyst/reaction (Oil: water) (◦ C) Time (h) (%) References

Lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis − 40 2 95 (20)

Lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis − 27 5 88 (21)
Base-catalyzed hydrolysis − 100 3 98 (22)
Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis 1:20 190 8 99.4 (23)
Non-catalyzed hydrolysis − 270–350 15 min 100 (24)
Homogeneous catalysts in glycerol production

Type of catalyst/reaction Molar ratio Temperature (◦ C) Time (h) Conversion (%) References

Homogeneous basic
NaOH 6:1 45 0.25 98 (35)
KOH 6:1 60 1 100 (36)
NaOCH3 6:1 60 2 97.1 (37)
Homogeneous acidic
AlCl3 and ZnCl2 24 : 1 110 18 98 (38)
H2 SO4 50 : 1 80 4 97 (39)
H2 SO4 20 : 1 95 20 >90 (40)
H2 SO4 245 : 1 70 4 99 (41)
Trifluoroacetic acid 20 : 1 120 5 98.4 (33)
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

when supported on alumina, metal or zeolites. A compara- Sparingly soluble catalysts such as calcium oxide, sodium
tively high reaction temperature is required to achieve only a methoxide and barium hydroxide have exhibited high activ-
slow reaction rate in acid-catalyzed transesterifications. ities for rapeseed oil transesterification (43). During veg-
Previous studies have reported that vegetable oil transes- etable oil transesterification using calcium oxide, calcium
terification using heterogeneous acid catalysts is not a prac- glyceroxide was produced through the reaction of calcium
tical process because it requires high temperatures, lengthy oxide with glycerol. This by-product created more active
reaction times and large catalyst charges. In addition, syn- sites and thus enhanced the reaction rate (44). The activ-
thesizing the catalysts was reported to be complicated and ities of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions are listed in
uneconomical. Catalyst leaching also presented a risk of Table 3.
product contamination. These drawbacks led to higher sepa-
ration costs and created additional problems we will not dis-
The Supercritical Methanol System
cuss. However, the solid acid catalysts could be regenerated
and reused. Transesterification reactions using basic or acidic cata-
Supported basic heterogeneous catalysts, such as potas- lysts are relatively time-consuming and require complex
sium hydroxide on alumina (KOH/Al2 O3 ), have exhib- separations, resulting in high production costs and energy
ited high activities and basicity (11). One optimized consumption. To overcome these problems, supercritical
KOH/Al2 O3 reaction afforded 90.54% diesel and 9.46% methanol (SCM) has been proposed for catalyst-free veg-
glycerol. Arzamendi et al. (42) reported conversions up to etable oil transesterifications (57–59). Whereas vegetable
99% when sodium hydroxide on alumina (KOH/Al2 O3 ) was oil transesterifications with regular methanol are biphasic
employed. The high conversions resulted from the catalyst’s reactions, the lower dielectric constant of supercritical
high number of active sites and the catalyst’s basicity. methanol results in a one-phase reaction solution. The single

FIGURE 3 Basic scheme for biodiesel and glycerol production.


Various heterogeneous catalytic systems employed in glycerol production

Type of catalyst/reaction Molar ratio Temperature (◦ C) Time (h) Conversion (%) References

Heterogeneous basic
Ca (NO3 ) 2 /Al2 O3 65:1 60 3 94 (45)
CaO/Al2 O3 12:1 65 5 94 (46)
KOH/Al2 O3 15:1 <70 2–3 91.07 (47)
Mg-Al hydrotalcite 65:1 60 5 97 (48)
CaO 12:1 65 3 95 (49)
CaO/ZnO 30:1 60 1 94 (50)
Sulfated zirconia 20:1 120 1 98.6 (51)
Sr-Mg 9:1 60 30 min 97.3 (52)
Alum (KAl (SO4 )2 ·12H2 O) 18:1 170 12 92.5 (53)
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

Heterogeneous acidic
p-Toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) 10:1 80 2 97.1 (54)
Metal acetates and stearic acid 20:1 60 1 100 (56)
Silicotungstic acid 12:1 150–200 3 9 (55)

phase allows for a short reaction time (60). Compared with Immobilized Enzyme Catalytic System
catalytic processes carried out at atmospheric pressure, the
The transesterification reaction is also performed using
non-catalytic SCM process involves a considerably simpler
enzyme catalysts. Lipase is the most efficient and active
purification step, a lower reaction time and lower energy.
enzyme for the reaction. To immobilize the enzyme, the
In addition, the SCM method is more environmentally
carbodiimide activation method is the most effective. The
penicillium expansum lipase (PEL) systems discussed by
In investigating product separation problems, Hawash
Yang et al. (66) and Xu and Ma (67) are summarized in
et al. (61) reported that a non-catalytic transesterification
Table 5.
reaction using supercritical methanol afforded a 100% ester
yield within four minutes. However, a reaction temperature
of 593 K and a reaction pressure of 8.4 MPa were necessary. Nanoparticle Catalytic Systems
Moreover, a high molar ratio of methanol to oil was utilized
(61,62). Although high, the cost of the SCM process could Over the past three years, nanoparticle heterogeneous cat-
be offset because this reaction produces high-purity methyl alysts have been used in vegetable oil transesterifications
esters (99.6%) and glycerol (96.5%) (63). Glycerol produc- to easily separate the catalyst from the glycerol phase.
tion using the SCM technique is summarized in Table 4. The activity and performance was reported to increase

Transesterification using supercritical methanol (SCM)

Molar ratio
Type of catalyst/reaction (MeOH:Oil) Temperature (◦ C) Time (min) Conversion (%) References

SCM – 250–300 7–15 98 (58)

SCM 43:1 320 4 100 (61)
SCM 45:1 350 5 96 (64)
NaOH in SCM 36:1 250 8 98 (65)
KOH in SCM 41:1 287 30 >98 (63)

Performance of transesterification reactions using immobilized enzymes as catalysts

Type of catalyst/reaction Molar ratio Temperature (◦ C) Time (h) Conversion (%) References

Immobilized lipase NOVO435 2.2:1 43 36 100 (91)

Immobilized lipase on magnetic 1:1 45 25 94 (67)
Performance of transesterification reactions using nanoparticle catalysts

Type of catalyst/reaction Molar ratio Temperature (◦ C) Time (h) Conversion (%) References

KF-loaded nano-γ-Al2 O3 15:1 65 8 97.7 (68)

CaO nanopowder 15:1 65 2.5 94 (69)
Nano-MgO 36:1 240 16 min 99.28 (70)
Nanocrystalline CaO 27:1 Room temperature – 99 (71)

for nano-sized catalytic particles because of their higher PRODUCTS SEPARATION AND CATALYST
surface area and availability of active sites. Boz et al. RECOVERY STAGE
(68) demonstrated KF-loaded nano-γ-Al2 O3 as a versa-
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

tile catalyst for transesterification. The catalytic perfor- Homogeneous catalysts are the most active catalysts for
mance of various nanoparticle catalysts is summarized in the vegetable oil transesterification reaction. However, the
Table 6. higher residual catalyst amounts associated with these cata-
lysts compared with those encountered in heterogeneous pro-
cesses lead to higher separation costs. Furthermore, unlike
Ionic Liquid (ILs) Catalytic Systems heterogeneous catalysts, homogeneous catalysts cannot be
recycled for reuse because they remain in the product. One
In other works, immidazolium-based ionic liquids and mul- technique for removing excess homogeneous catalyst is a
tiphase acidic or basic conditions have been used to pro- titrative method by which the acid or base catalyst is con-
duce glycerol from vegetable oil transesterification. High verted into its salt (38). Because of their ease of separation
yields of biodiesel (>98%) were afforded from soybean and ability to be regenerated, heterogeneous catalysts are
oil transesterification when the ionic liquid 1-n-butyl-
good, clean and cost-effective alternatives for producing
3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethylsulphonyl) imide FAMEs and glycerol from vegetable oils. The solid cata-
(BMI.NTf2 ), alcohols and K2 CO3 or sulphuric acid were lyst can be removed by filtration, resulting in a less complex
used (72). The lack of a solid catalyst resulted in a clean
recovery of biodiesel and glycerol (78,79).
process. However, this catalytic process was not practical
Recovering glycerol from FAME phases was studied by
because of the high IL cost and difficulty in handling.
Saleh et al. (80). The researchers found that an ultrafiltration
Interestingly, Vidya and Chadha (73) reported that
technique successfully separated the small amount of glyc-
hydrophobic ILs such as [Bmim]PF6 and [Bmim]NTf2
erol contained in the FAME phase. Temperature significantly
were better media for vegetable oil transesterifications
increased water solubility in various commercial biodiesels
than the hydrophilic [Bmim]BF4 . They also indicated
(81). Consequently, using higher temperatures increased
that the IL anions strongly affected the catalytic perfor-
glycerol solubility in FAMEs and made the subsequent sepa-
mance of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase (73). Comparing
rations more challenging. Wang et al. (81) reported that using
two hydrophobic ILs, [Bmim]NTf2 performed better than
ceramic membrane separation at 60◦ C reduced the glycerol
[Bmim]PF6 . The higher viscosity of [Bmim]PF6 limited dissolved in FAME; however, this result was achieved only
mass transfer of the substrates and products to and from the after removing the methanol.
enzyme active sites and thus led to lower catalytic activity For glycerol produced by vegetable oil transesterification
(76). Isahak et al. (77) reported that the use of ionic liquids, with an ionic liquid, the catalyst can be separated from the
namely choline chloride, produced higher-quality biodiesels product mixture by a crystallization and freezing technique
and glycerol. The activities of various ionic liquid catalysts based on the boiling-point differences between glycerol and
are summarized in Table 7. the ionic liquid (72). The glycerol producers using super

Performance of transesterification reactions using ionic liquids as catalysts

Molar ratio
Type of catalyst/reaction (MeOH:Oil) Temperature (◦ C) Time (h) Conversion (%) References

[Bmim]NTf2 7.5:1 70 1.5 >98 (72)

[Bmim]PF6 − 50 24 98 (73)
[C3 mim]Cl 1:1 80 3 96 (74)
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 2:1 80 3 95 (75)
hydrogen sulphate

critical methanol (SCM) and hydrolysis were not apprehen- Nanoparticle Catalyst Recovery Processes
sive of any excess catalyst. However, unreacted triglyceride
Nanoparticle catalysts are difficult to remove using conven-
remained in the product mixtures. To remove the unre-
tional filtration. Polymeric membranes can recover nanopar-
acted material, a solvent extraction method that involves
ticle catalysts. The filtration efficiency depends on the mem-
overnight separation into layers based on weight and polarity
brane size. The nanoparticle catalysts used for vegetable oil
can be used. Otherwise, a centrifugation technique must be
transesterification processes resist separation and recovery.
employed to separate the products.
However, centrifugation has been demonstrated to separate
these catalysts from products at high recovery levels (70).
Homogeneous Catalyst Recovery Processes
The homogeneous catalysts remain in the product after trans- Ionic Liquid Catalyst Recovery Process
esterification; therefore, the homogeneous catalysts are not
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Ionic liquids are efficient and versatile catalysts because

reusable. However, transition metal homogeneous catalysts of their physicochemical properties. Ionic liquids are salts
can be recovered by using a zeolite membrane that has a crys- that consist of easily separated anions and cations. Because
talline structure with pores smaller than those of transition of melting-point differences between the ionic liquids and
metal catalysts (82). Alternatively, homogeneous catalysts remainder of the reaction chemicals, freezing techniques
can be neutralized into salts, and the salts can then be are common methods for separating ionic liquids from the
removed by filtration. Catalyst removal after acid washing products and unreacted starting material (72,73).
is discussed later.

Heterogeneous Catalyst Recovery Processes CRUDE GLYCEROL RECOVERY PROCESS

Few studies of heterogeneous catalyst regeneration exist. Here, glycerol recovery from hydrolysis, saponification and
Solid-phase heterogeneous vegetable oil transesterifica- transesterification reactions is reviewed. Various practical
tion catalysts can generally be recycled a few times methods and techniques have been used for glycerol recovery
without adverse effects. They can be removed eas- and enrichment.
ily from the products by filtration or centrifugation
(42,56,68,83,84). Commonly, the heterogeneous catalysts
are then washed with organic solvent and drying overnight Hydrolysis
(85–87). Following re-calcination under N2 after an exten-
sive methanol wash, the catalysts are ready for additional Hydrolysis is divided into two processes: acid-catalyzed
reactions (88,89). Some researchers report that heteroge- hydrolysis and base-catalyzed hydrolysis (saponification).
neous catalysts can be reused without any treatment and The reaction produces two layers of product that can be
without any significant loss in activity (90). separated by using a separating funnel or by decantation.
Homogenous catalysts can be recovered by neutralization to
salts and centrifugation (22); heterogeneous catalysts can be
Supercritical Methanol Recovery Process removed by filtration. Crude glycerol is obtained from the
lower phase by removing water through vacuum distillation
Catalyst-free supercritical methanol transesterification is (23). An advanced glycerol recovery technique was devel-
performed to increase the reaction rate and thus shorten the oped by modification of an ionic liquid-glycerol mixture to
reaction time. However, the excess SCM required leads to form “deep eutectic solvents” (DES). The synthesized DES
some difficulty in separation. The problem can be overcome was used to extract the glycerol from the biodiesel (92).
by an evaporation and layer separation technique (63).

Transesterification Reaction
Immobilized Enzyme Catalyst Recovery Process
Theoretically, the glycerol of vegetable oil transesterification
Immobilized enzymes are efficient catalysts for vegetable oil constitutes approximately 10% of the products. Typically,
transesterification. However, the production costs are high however, the recovered glycerol constitutes only 9 to 9.6%
and require catalyst reuse. Otherwise, difficulties in han- of the products (Table 8). In an effective biodiesel produc-
dling are the primary problems associates with immobilized tion process, only small amounts of the unreacted starting
enzymes. For reuse, the enzyme is isolated using centrifuga- materials remain in the glycerol phase. Glycerol is also an
tion. The recovered lipase is washed with organic solvents important by-product in soap production. When fats and
and is then ready for another reaction (68,91). oils are saponified by caustic soda in the soap production
gel beds to adsorb glycerol from methanol-free biodiesel
Typical percentages of transesterification products
streams is discussed (108).
Products of transesterification Percentage range (%) References

Biodiesel 90−91 (11,93,94)

Glycerol 9.0−9.6 (93,94,95,96,97) OVERVIEW OF GLYCEROL PURIFICATION
Unreacted products (methanol, 0.4−1.0 (11,93,98,99)
MG, DG, TG) For many years, glycerol has been purified to make it more
Note: MG: Monoglyceride, DG: Diglyceride, TG: Triglyceride. useful for various manufacturing activities. Crude glycerol
is obtained as a by-product from three different processes:
soap manufacture, fatty acid production and fatty ester pro-
process, glycerol is dissolved in the soap lye and in the crude duction (109). High-purity glycerol is used commercially in
soap as an impurity. pharmaceuticals, food processing, lubrication and cosmetics.
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Glycerol from fats and oil in soap manufacturing usu- For use as animal food, several glycerol purification steps are
ally comprise approximately 10% of the total products. required to remove impurities (110).
Recovering usable materials is vital to the profitability of The purity of crude glycerol obtained from vegetable oil
any soap production process. Unfortunately, many small- transesterification depends on three parameters: the type of
and medium-scale soap producers discard the lye. The spe- catalyst used, the amount of excess alcohol and the con-
cific recovery technique employed is critical to recovering version achieved (111). The purity ranges of crude glycerol
glycerol from spent soap lye. The liquor that remains after produced by transesterification using homogeneous cata-
soap manufacture must be allowed to settle for 20 minutes lysts, heterogeneous catalysts and supercritical methanol
after stirring. The clear phase is decanted and discarded, (SCM) are 55–70%, 75–85%, and 96.5%, respectively (112).
and the remaining phase is heat treated at 60◦ C in a conical Currently, much attention is being focussed on employ-
flask (100). ing green catalytic transesterification processes to convert
The basic and acidic catalysts employed for glycerol pro- bio-renewable vegetable oils to commodity chemicals and
duction by transesterification are recovered via chemical clean fuels. These reactions are performed at lower tem-
treatment. Either sulphuric acid (H2 SO4 ) or sodium hydrox- peratures and atmospheric pressure using homogeneous or
ide (NaOH) are used to neutralize the catalysts to salts. For heterogeneous catalysts and excess methanol. However, the
example, H2 SO4 neutralizes NaOH in glycerol samples to excessive unreacted methanol presents a problem. Methanol
sodium sulphate (Na2 SO4 ). Fortunately, Na2 SO4 has low sol- is dangerous and can adversely affect human health and the
ubility in the aqueous glycerol solution, which is saturated environment. To overcome this problem, the excess methanol
with sodium chloride (NaCl). Indeed, NaCl remains primar- is recovered by processes such as evaporation and recycled
ily in the glycerol layer (101,102). Hence, the Na2 SO4 salts to the reactor for additional transesterification cycles.
can be removed by decantation and filtration. Crude glycerol contains 20.2% glycerol, 6.6% fatty acids
The highest glycerol yields are obtained by the bleaching (as soap) and 64.3% salt. Thus, 91.1% of crude glycerol
recovery technique (100). Bleaching (alkaline system) both residue consists of components that are potentially useful
purifies the glycerol and further saponifies the free triglyc- for other applications (113). According to van Gerpen et al.
erides (103). The amount of recovered glycerol depends (114), crude glycerol obtained by transesterification is com-
on the recovery point and on the purification stage during posed of 50 wt.% or less glycerol. The remaining contents
which the technique is utilized (104). The variation in glyc- are primarily water, salts, unreacted alcohol and catalyst.
erol recovery amounts obtained across the soap industry is To produce high-quality glycerol, these contaminants must
due to the different soap types of lye and methods of treat- be removed.
ment employed. For example, during the recovery stages,
glycerol can be lost through washing, graining and desalt-
ing. Moreover, if a temperature of 60◦ C is exceeded during Purification Techniques for Glycerol Synthesized with
treatment, side reactions may occur. Glycerol decomposes to Inorganic Catalysts
acrolein at higher temperatures (>140◦ C). Recently, crude glycerol separation and purification activi-
The crude glycerol derived from vegetable oil can ties have expanded considerably, and academic institutions
be recovered from the biodiesel phase by centrifugation. have explored more innovative methods, theories and process
Centrifugation is followed by hydrochloric acid treatment designs in these respects.
to convert any contaminant soaps to free acids or salts
(105,106). Methanol and water contaminants are removed
Salt Separation
by distillation (107). Afterward, the glycerol layer is neutral-
ized with caustic soda, producing 80% (w/w) crude glycerol. For crude glycerol derived with an alkaline catalyst, treat-
Next, some glycerol purification processes are presented. ment begins by neutralization using certain acids. This
In addition, a recovery technique that employs fixed silica technique efficiently removes alkaline matter, including

excess catalyst and the abundant soaps formed during trans-
Standard glycerol characterization methods
esterification processes employing homogeneous catalysts.
The neutralization separates the reaction mixture into three European
phases using a strong- or medium-strength mineral. The United States Standard
three phases consist of the catalyst in the bottom phase, the Pharmacopeia Method
Physical properties (USP) ASTM (EN) References
neutralized glycerol and methanol in the middle phase and
the free fatty acids (FFAs) in the top phase (115). Glycerol content USP 26 (97)
Acids are used to neutralize excess alkaline catalysts, Density D5002-94 14214 (120)
Viscosity D445-96 14214 (110)
whereas bases are used to neutralize acidic catalysts.
Ash value D0482-03 (97)
Sometimes, hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is employed in a Acidity D1093-98 (97)
re-neutralization step and produces sodium chloride or potas- Moisture content D4377-00E01 (97)
sium sulphate, respectively (97). However, using phosphoric Heat of combustion D0240-92 (121)
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acid is more environmentally friendly. Phosphoric acid neu-

tralizations produce a phosphate salt that is widely used as
a fertilizer. Sulphuric and hydrochloric acids produce envi-
ronmentally harmful substances during neutralization. The excess methanol removal using a flash evaporation. This
amount and concentration of acids used in neutralization technique, based on the boiling point of alcohols, removed
exert major effects on the separation time and the removal nearly 100% of the methanol. In summary, a methanol
of free fatty acids and salts (116). removal step is needed to meet the general usage require-
Usually, the crude glycerol is reacted with greater than ments set by international standards (ASTM and EN in
1 mole of 85 wt.% sulphuric acid. Afterward, sodium boro- Table 9).
hydride or sodium hydroxide solution is added to neutralize
the excess acid and to remove colored impurities. Hajek Removal of Solid Contaminants
and Skopal (93) demonstrated that sequential neutraliza- Heterogeneous catalysts are better suited for glycerol pro-
tions or saponifications could yield 84% purity glycerol. duction than homogeneous catalysts. Heterogeneous cat-
Furthermore, Kongjao et al. (117) asserted that acidifying alysts afford a considerably cleaner crude glycerol, and
the crude glycerol with mineral acids (such as sulphuric heterogeneous catalysts can be easily removed by sim-
acid) converted soap impurities into insoluble fatty acids ple filtration. The disadvantages of heterogeneous catalysts
according to reaction (1). include their high cost and difficult syntheses. Homogeneous
catalysts are better focussed. However, neutralizing homoge-
RCOONa + H2 SO4 → RCOOH + Na+ + SO2−
4 (1) neous catalysts produce more salt.
Furthermore, years ago, the Wurster and Sanger single-
Crystallization or Precipitation effect glycerine evaporator was developed to overcome the
salt removal problem (122). The first of the three apparatuses
In another separation technique, catalyst salts in solu-
had a large chamber that functioned to collect salts. After
tion after acidic treatment are removed by precipitation as
a neutralization, the entire mixture was dropped into a tank
hydroxyapatite (HAP). The co-addition of lime (Ca(OH)2 )
with a false bottom comprising a filter bed of wire screen
and phosphoric acid to the pre-treated glycerol results in
and filter cloth. The crude glycerol was pumped away from
calcium apatite (Ca5 (PO4 )3 (OH)) formation. This chemical
below the false bottom. The salt was washed with lye and
reaction removes solubilized catalyst from glycerol samples
then with water. The wash liquors were pumped back into
(98). The reaction and precipitation is driven by calcium-
the evaporator feed tank.
ion and hydroxide-ion attraction. Separation of the calcium
Depending on the crude glycerol content, this procedure
apatite by gravity or centrifugation removes nearly all of the
decreased the salt content to 0.5 to 2.0 wt.% (122). This
excess catalyst.
method for removing salt was used only in single-effect
evaporations. The second method, which is still extensively
Methanol Removal and Recycling
used in small and moderately sized plants, has the evaporator
Excess un-reacted methanol is a major contaminant in crude bottoms connected to salt filters, salt boxes or salt extractors.
glycerol. High methanol levels are toxic, particularly in ani- For a double-effect evaporator, three salt extractors are typi-
mal feeds and pharmaceuticals. Methanol is inherently toxic cally used. The setup allows for both evaporators to drop salt
but not directly poisonous. Alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme while one extractor is emptied. Salt is allowed to accumu-
in the liver converts methanol to formic acid and formalde- late in the evaporator during the time required to steam, dry
hyde, which causes blindness by the destruction of the and empty its extractor. Furthermore, this second apparatus
optic nerve (118). The excess methanol must be removed to allows for the salt to be removed from the evaporators con-
achieve the level deemed safe by the U.S. Food and Drug tinuously and dyed. The third apparatus utilizes salt drums
Administration (FDA). Brockmann et al. (119) reported and centrifuges for complete salt removal.

Recently, Buenemann et al. (123) reported an advanced a negatively charged matrix and exchangeable, mobile and
technology for removing solids from crude glycerol. This positive hydrogen ions (130). The specific linkages and
technique employs microfiltration or ultrafiltration using three-dimensional structures play important roles in adsorb-
ceramic-supported zirconia or alumina filters. The ceramic ing contaminants.
material has a high mechanical resistance and tolerates a Two separate ion exchange resins can be used to exchange
wide range of temperatures and pH values. Theoretically, the cations for hydrogen ions (H+ ) and anions for hydroxyl ions
micro-sized catalysts and salts are easily isolated using these (OH− ). The hydrogen and hydroxyl ions subsequently com-
ceramic-supported zirconia or alumina filter membranes bine to form pure water, as shown in Figure 4. If maintaining
(124). This process has produced high-quality glycerol with- neutrality is desired, Na+ , Ca2+ , K+ or Mg2+ resins can be
out any significant loss in yield. utilized instead of H+ resins. Likewise, Cl− , HCO3 − , SO4 2−
Gomes et al. reported that ceramic membranes made of or NO3 − resins can replace strongly basic OH− resins. The
tubular-type α-Al2 O3 /TiO2 are able to purify glycerol to maximum ion exchange capacity of strong acid cation or
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

high purity levels (125). The microfiltration process pro- strong base anion exchangers is stoichiometric – i.e., the
posed by Gomes et al. consisted of two stages. First, a capacity is based on the equivalents of mobile charge within
3.5-kg mixture was prepared with a mass composition of the particular resins. Thus, one mol of H+ is one equiva-
80% biodiesel, 10% alcohol and 10% glycerol. In the sec- lent. One mole of Ca2+ is two equivalents. Anion and cation
ond stage, the membrane that yielded the best permeate flux exchange resins used together ensure that the ion exchange
and free glycerol retention was identified. This microfiltra- resins capture both free anions and cations from the crude
tion membrane has also been used to filter other micro-sized glycerol sample, maximizing performance. This process has
materials from glycerol (126). Large glycerol streams can produced glycerol of purities higher than 99.2%.
be purified continuously, effectively and economically even In another case, acidic ion exchange resin beads were
with frequent provenance changes. This technique has pro- used to separate fatty acid salts and inorganic salts from
duced technical-grade glycerol (above 99.2 wt.%). glycerol (131). This purification was effective when high-
Saleh et al. (80) reported an ultrafiltration (UF) technique quality resins consisting of 4 to 65 wt.% cross-linker were
for separating crude glycerol from the fatty acid methyl used. Uniformity coefficients no greater than 1.15 were nec-
ester (FAME) phase. This pressure-driven technique was per- essary to ensure that the glycerol passed through the bed
formed using 1-100-nm membranes. Specifically, this UF at a minimum flow rate of 0.3 bead volumes per hour. The
technique removed high-molecular-weight substances, col- gel-type resins in this cross-linker range were more suitable
loidal materials, organic and inorganic molecules. The tech- for the separation of soluble substances than resins with less
nique was employed in several other applications, including than 10% cross-linker. High cross-linking affected separa-
virus prevention and bacteria and waste water recycling tion efficiency. Rezkallah (131) also claimed that the salts
(127). This application can effectively recover and sepa- and colored impurities eluted from the column earlier than
rate crude glycerol from the FAME phase. In the Saleh the glycerol. The afforded glycerol exhibited a considerably
et al. study, adding a small amount of water (approximately lower ion and colored impurity content.
0.06 mass %) improved separation and efficiency (80). Amberlite-252, a strong acid cationic exchange resin, has
Conversely, a nanofiltration technique was used to remove also been employed. Carmona et al. (132) reported that
1- to 100-nm particles in a high-viscosity separation (128). the macroporous Amberlite could be used for sodium ion
removal from glycerol/water solutions containing high salt
concentrations. This resin was capable of yielding technical-
Removing Ions and Colored Contaminants by grade glycerol from many different processes. Purification
Adsorption using Amberlit-252 was particularly efficient because of its
During the reaction, some catalysts dissolve into the reac- ability to be regenerated more than five times without any
tion medium as free ions. To remove these free ions, significant loss of exchange capacity (129).
ion exchange resins have been used. Both column and
batch methods have been investigated (129). Synthetic ion
Distillation as a Single Purification Step
exchange resins have been produced commercially since the
1960s. Strong acid cation exchange resins and strong base Many years ago, crude glycerol was purified using a sim-
anion exchange resins, which fully ionise over the entire ple distillation unit. As a result, the glycerol contained ash,
pH range, are supported on three-dimensional polystyrene matter organic non-glycerol, water and soap (108). The
cross-linked with an agent such as divinylbenzene. To con- distillation was reported as a successful method for purify-
vert the cross-liked polystyrene to a hydrogel with an ion ing crude glycerol that is similar in composition to the source
exchange capability, ionic functional groups are attached of commercial glycerol used today. An illuminating com-
to the polymeric network by a variety of chemical means. parison of crude, purified and commercial-grade glycerol is
For example, sulphonating a styrene-divinylbenzene copoly- shown in Table 10. The corresponding analyses were per-
mer permanently attaches sulphite (-SO3 ) groups, affording formed based on standard methods: glycerol content – ISO

KCl in glycerol

K+ Cl–

H+ OH–
H+ H+
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H+ OH–


FIGURE 4 Schematic representation of ion exchange columns that shows sodium and chloride ions exchange for hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, respectively.
The latter ions combine to form water.

Characterization of crude, purified and commercial-grade glycerol

Parameter Crude glycerol Purified glycerol Commercial glycerol References

Glycerol content (%) 60−80 99.1−99.8 99.2−99.98 (97)

Moisture (%) 1.5−6.5 0.11−0.80 0.14−0.29 (133)
Ash (%) 1.5−2.5 0.054 <0.002 (133)
Soap (%) 3−5 0.56 n.a (19)
Acidity 0.7−1.3 0.10−0.16 0.94−0.07 (134)
pH value 9.8−11.2 6.7−6.9 6.7−6.8 (11)
Chloride (ppm) n.d 1.0 0.6−9.5 (133)
Color (APHA) Dark 34−45 1.8−10.3 (133)
Gross energy (Cal/g) 3685−3825 5810−5831 5832 (133)

2879-1975; ash content – ISO 2098-1972; and matter organic using vacuum distillation, and this concept was applied to
non-glycerol (MONG) – ISO 2464-1973. glycerol purification. Before distillation, the glycerol was
The ash in crude glycerol was primarily sodium catalyst acidified (134). The success of vacuum distillations depends
salts (96). During glycerol recovery, trace amounts of short- on temperature (T) and pressure (P). The crude glycerol was
and medium-chain fatty acids were retained in the crude successfully distilled at 120–126◦ C and 4.0 × 10−1 to 4.0
glycerol (106,135). At the high distillation temperature, the × 10−2 mbar, producing 96.6% purity glycerol. The opti-
free sodium hydroxide reacted with the fatty acids, form- mum pH for the distillation was less than 5, which obviated
ing short- and medium-chain soaps. Higher pH levels, due to foaming.
the presence of more sodium hydroxide, resulted in greater This technique is sensitive and must be monitored to avoid
soap formation. Sodium hydroxide also catalyzed glycerol undesirable reactions. Three possible reactions can reduce
polymerization to polyglycerol (136). the glycerol yield during distillation: polymerization, dehy-
Many works have explored the distillation of the glyc- dration and oxidation. The polymerization of glycerol to
erol phase as a method for removing methanol (137). This polyglycerol occurs readily at high pH values, excess NaOH
technique operates based on boiling points. Two or more concentrations and high temperatures (>200◦ C) (136,138).
materials with different boiling points can be separated Glycerol dehydrates to acrolein (bp. 52◦ C) at low pH

(99,139), and the acrolein accumulates in the cold trap dur- use to purify the crude glycerol are faced with high operating
ing distillation. In addition, glycerol can oxidise to glycerose, costs and low efficiency.
glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone (140). For most applications in the food and pharmaceutical
sectors, crude glycerol needs be purified to pharmaceutical
grade. This high-quality grade can be realized by employ-
Recent Industrial Purification Processes ing a combination of techniques—e.g., heating, evaporation,
Recently, environmental issues have propelled the refinery splitting, decantation, adsorption and vacuum distillation
industry to develop new technologies for glycerol purifica- (143). This combinatory process produces glycerol with a
tion. Many techniques are combined into a single step or purity greater than 99.5% from typical crude glycerol, which
a limited number of steps to enhance recovery and purifi- contains a mixture of monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglyc-
cation, e.g., soap splitting followed by salt and methanol erides, methanol, water, fatty acid alkyl esters, catalyst and
removal. Some separation techniques have employed vacu- salts. A flow diagram of a typical glycerol purification is
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

ums because of glycerol’s heat sensitivity (glycerol decom- shown in Figure 5.

poses at 180◦ C) (119). EET Corporation’s patented HEED technology can also
As established methods, thes following technologies may produce high-purity glycerol. This processing equipment
be used to further enhance the purity of glycerol after is an economical solution for glycerol purification in the
the soap splitting step: fractional distillation, ion exchange, biodiesel and soap industries. By using EET’s technol-
adsorption, precipitation, extraction, crystallization and dial- ogy, crude glycerol from biodiesel and saponification pro-
ysis. The most common purification pathway, in sequential cesses can be refined to achieve the USP-grade quality
order, is soap splitting, combined methanol/water removal, requirement of 99.7% purity (144). Alternatively, lower-
fractional distillation, ion exchange (zeolite or resins) and cost and intermediate-purity grades can be produced for
adsorption (active carbon powder) (120,131). Well-known direct use or chemical conversion into other compounds
companies manufacture glycerol purification equipment. For such as propylene glycol and ethylene glycol. In addi-
example, companies such as Desmetballestra and Buss-SMS tion, EET’s membrane-based technology avoids important
Canzler market ion exchange equipment. Other chemical problems associated with stand-alone evaporation and dis-
companies, such as Rohm & Haas and Lanxess, supply ion tillation, such as foaming, cross-contamination, corrosion,
exchange granulates, whereas Norit Company supplies pow- limited recovery and high costs in energy, maintenance and
der and granulated activated carbon as glycerol bleaching operation.
and decolorizing agents (119). Their activated carbon, with The robustness of EET’s technology allows it to be
its large surface area and high porosity, adsorbs pigments applied to neutralized glycerol either before or after
and organic matter easily for large glycerol samples. Ion methanol removal and over a range of feed compositions.
exchange applications may be performed by either a col- Other HEED applications include purification of refined
umn or batch technique (129). In addition, higher capacity glycerol that has been distilled or evaporated but neverthe-
ion exchanges that will make high-purity glycerol production less contains residual salts or organic substances. EET’s
more facile are being developed. glycerol purification process begins with a pre-treatment to
Many glycerol refinement plants exist today. Biodiesel- remove solids and fouling organics and to partially remove
based glycerol is manufactured in various grades by color-causing organics.
treatment using single or multiple steps – neutralization, The HEED (also known as HEEPM) system configura-
heating, condensing, refluxing and distillation (31,141). tion combines customized automated controls and control
Approximately 90–95% of commercial glycerol is purified logic to provide the optimal desalting of a particular pre-
to remove most impurities and increase market value. The treated crude glycerol. This established technique produces
residual methanol in crude glycerol is removed easily using colorless glycerol with low salt content. The process is con-
evaporation and can be recycled to reduce the cost of purifi- sidered a good, efficient technique for producing high-purity
cation. The final purification stage consists in using an glycerol. However, its complicated technology contributes
absorber to remove any soluble impurities in glycerol (111). to high production costs and therefore makes the systems
Purification of glycerol from biodiesel processing using uneconomical. Efficient technologies need to be developed
AMBERSEP BD50 technology (142), which employs an to produce high-quality glycerol at a lower cost.
ion exchange resin, is an effective and innovative process. Disposing of crude glycerol is both costly and wasteful.
The biodiesel industry generates a tremendous amount of An applied technology for crude glycerol purification
crude glycerol. The crude glycerol that is produced as a by- was introduced by SRS Engineering Company (145).
product in the transesterification process to make biodiesel Incorporated into SRS’s high-purity glycerol purification
typically contains high levels of salts, stemming from the use system (the SRXG-Series distillation column) is an ideal
of homogeneous transesterification catalysts such as sodium combination of processing steps. The SRXG-Series system
methylate (14). Most applications for glycerol require the produces high-purity glycerol without any significant loss in
elimination of these salts. Indeed, the conventional methods yield. In summary, these technologies illustrate that investing
Downloaded by [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia], [Wan Isahak] at 00:22 11 October 2014

FIGURE 5 General flow diagram for a high-purity glycerol manufacturing process.

in the development of purification technologies can elimi- (5.72 USD/L crude glycerol) while a combined process of
nate disposal costs and provide a new venue for profit in chemical extraction with n-C3 H7 OH and adsorption was the
the form of purified glycerol. The SRS system was able to most costly (17.1 USD/L crude glycerol).
purify crude glycerol to technical-grade glycerol (over 97%)
(145). Furthermore, the purification of crude glycerol with
high methanol and water content was successfully performed Glycerol Conversion to Other Chemicals
by Rototherm mechanically agitated thin-film processors.
These thin-film processors can be operated continuously and Recently, numerous papers have been published on the
in combination with distillation. They can also be used with direct utilization of glycerol. For example, glycerol can be
products containing sensitive solids (146). converted into value-added products by pyrolysis, steam
gasification or catalytic treatment. Glycerol can be catalyt-
ically converted into many other liquid products, including
acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde and hydroxyacetone.
Cost Estimates for Glycerol Purification Processes
Buhler et al. (149) reported the production of methanol,
Some information for crude glycerol purification by differ- acetaldehyde, acrolein, allyl alcohol, acetone, ethanol, car-
ent methods was provided and discussed in this subtopic. bon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen from glycerol
However, not much paper published in cost estimation for under supercritical conditions.
this process. Posada et al. (2011) was reported the glyc- Additionally, Kunkes et al. (150) reported the conversion
erol purification achieved up to 98 wt.% by combination of of glycerol to syngas (H2 , CO, CO2 ) using Re on Pt/C as
neutralization, centrifugation, evaporation and column dis- a catalyst. The syngas was subsequently used to produce
tillation (147). During the purification process, methanol at a series of alcohols (151,152). Thiruchitrambalam (153)
99 wt.% is recovered and thus for the economic assess- reported that glycerol can be completely converted into H2 -
ment, two scenarios were analyzed. In the first scenario, rich syngas through pyrolysis at 800◦ C in a fixed-bed reactor.
the obtained methanol is considered as a process waste. Cortright et al. (154) reported H2 production from the aque-
In the second scenario the methanol is considered as a ous phase carbohydrate reforming of glycerol over Pt/Al2 O3
co-product that could be recycled to the transesterification catalysts. In this reaction, hydrogen (H2 ) was afforded in
process and an economic value is given to this stream. The 64.8 mol% yield. Buhler et al. (149) produced allyl alco-
lowest cost for glycerol purification was obtained under the hol, acetaldehyde, acrolein, methanol, CO, CO2 and H2 by
second scenario conditions (0.149 USD/kg). In other work, treating glycerol under supercritical conditions. However, a
the enrichment process of crude glycerol was performed low glycerol conversion (0.4–31 wt.%) was reported in this
via chemical extraction and physical adsorption processes work.
by Hunsom et al. (148). For the whole enrichment pro- Chaudhari and Bakhshi (155) converted glycerol to
cess, based on equal quantity of crude glycerol, it was hydrogen by steam gasification. The steam gasification was
noticed that the adsorption process was cheapest process performed at steam flow rates of 2.5, 5.0, and 10 g/h

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