Ejms 669
Ejms 669
Ejms 669
promoted synthesis and mass spectrometric
characterization of deuterated ephedrines
Synthesis and mass spectrometric characterization of drugs or metabolites labeled by stable isotopes have been of great interest
in the fields of clinical, forensic and doping control analysis. Deuterated ephedrine and p-hydroxypseudoephedrine were pre-
pared from corresponding amines by a novel procedure utilizing N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide and deuterated
iodomethane. The mechanism of methylation was studied by mass spectrometry using phenylethylamine as a model compound and
a rearrangement based on an intermediate six-membered ring structure with a trimethylsilyl-enol-ether is proposed giving rise
to a leaving group of trimethyliodosilane and the desired monomethylated product. Deuterated analogs to frequently quantitated
ephedrines were readily synthesized with purities > 90% and mass spectra recorded under different ionization and dissociation
conditions presented distinct fragmentation processes, including eliminations of water and methylamine as well as the generation
of a benzyl cation.
Keywords: MSTFA, alkylation, labeling, isotope dilution mass spectrometry, collision-induced dissociation, fragmentation
classical procedures described in the literature. Experiments and the red-colored solution containing the resulting N-
were performed to elucidate the role of MSTFA in the acetyl-N-trideuteromethyl-O-trimethylsilylated norephe-
acceleration of methylation of amino functions of nore- drines was evaporated under vacuum at 65°C in a water
phedrine and its analogs. Fragmentation pathways of α-(1- bath yielding approximately 3 mL of a viscous residue.
aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol derivatives under various mass Aqueous potassium hydroxide (0.5 M, 300 mL) was added
spectrometric conditions are proposed. to the reaction mixture and incubated at 50°C for 6 h. After
cooling to ambient temperature, aqueous hydrochloric acid
(3 M, 50 mL) and tert-butanol (20 mL) were added slowly
Experimental under constant stirring. The pH of the reaction mixture was
adjusted to 9.6 by the addition of potassium carbonate and
sodium bicarbonate (2 : 1, w : w, 2 g). The aqueous layer was
Chemicals extracted twice with tert-butyl methyl ether (300 mL), the
Phenylethylamine, α-(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol combined organic phases were evaporated to dryness and
hydrochloride (Phenylpropanolamine-HCl), p-hydroxy-α- the resulting dry residue washed twice with cold methanol
(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol hydrochloride (p-hydroxy- (5 mL) yielding 5 or 6, with yields of 45% (75 mg) or 38%
phenylpropanolamine-HCl), 2H6-acetic anhydride and 2H3- (70 mg), respectively.
iodomethane were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich (Steinheim,
Germany). Acetic anhydride, trifluoroacetic anhydride and Characterization and purity of synthesized compounds
ammonium bicarbonate were obtained from Fluka (Buchs, Elemental analysis of synthesized material was performed
Switzerland). N-Methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide using a Euro Vector elemental analyzer EA 3000 (Milan,
was supplied by Chem. Fabrik Carl Bucher (Waldstetten, Italy). One to two mg were placed in a tin cup (3.5 × 5.0 mm),
Germany) and distilled before use. tert-Butyl methyl ether was which was closed and introduced into the EA 3000. The
purchased from Kraemer & Martin (St Augustin, Germany), temperatures of the oxidation and reduction reactors were
potassium hydroxide and potassium carbonate from Merck maintained at 1050°C and 650°C, respectively. Helium was
(Darmstadt, Germany) and acetonitrile (HPLC grade) from J.T. utilized as carrier gas at 65 mL min–1 and an oxygen loop
Baker (Deventer, The Netherlands). Hexamethyldisilazane and of a volume of 5 mL was applied during analysis. Nuclear
trimethylchlorosilane were purchased from Macherey–Nagel magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, including 1H and
(Düren, Germany) and deuterated bis-trimethylsilylacetamide C measurements, were carried out on a Bruker Avance
(BSA) from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (Andover, MA, DPX 200 (Bremen, Germany). Compounds were dissolved
USA). in CD3OD and spectra were recorded at 25°C. Mass spectra
of synthesized material were recorded under various condi-
Synthesis of 2H3-ephedrine (5) and 2H3-p-hydroxypseudo- tions. Electrospray ionization (ESI) followed by single- and
ephedrine (6) dual-stage mass spectrometry (MS) was performed on an
In order to achieve N-monomethylation of norephe- Applied Biosystems QTrap mass spectrometer (Darmstadt,
drines such as α-(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol and its p- Germany) providing information on molecular weights as
hydroxylated analog, starting materials were N-acetylated, well as structures of the investigated compounds. Analytes
hydroxyl functions were subsequently protected by trimethyl- were dissolved in acetonitrile and water (1 : 1, v : v) at a
silylation and trideuteromethylation was carried out using concentration of 5 µg mL–1 and introduced into the analyzer
MSTFA in the presence of 2H3-iodomethane. Protection by a syringe pump at a flow rate of 3 µL min–1. Nitrogen
groups were removed by alkaline hydrolysis and the desired was employed for collision and curtain gases, delivered by
products were extracted and purified. a Whatman K75-72 nitrogen generator. Positive ionization
N-Acetylation of the free bases was accomplished by was utilized at a spray voltage of 5500 V, the declustering
dissolving the starting material (1 mmol) in ammonium potential (DP) was adjusted to 25 V, and the collision energy
bicarbonate (50 mM, 12 mL) in a 100 mL round-bottomed in tandem MS experiments was set to 15 eV. Gas chromatog-
flask followed by the addition of a mixture of acetic anhy- raphy (GC) and MS experiments were done on an Agilent
dride and methanol (1 : 2, v : v, 30 mL). The solution was 6890/5973 GC-MS instrument (Waldbronn, Germany) after
kept at ambient temperature for 14 h, evaporated to dryness derivatization of the analytes to their trimethylsilylated
by means of a rotary evaporator under vacuum, and the dry analogs (vide infra). The GC was equipped with an HP1
residue was stored in a desiccator over phosphorus pentoxide capillary column (Agilent, Waldbronn, Germany), length 17
under vacuum for 5 h. The crude N-acetylated norephedrines m, i.d. 0.25 mm, film thickness 0.11 µm. The carrier gas was
were dissolved in MSTFA (10 mL), and the solution was helium at a constant flow of 1.5 mL min–1 and a temperature
incubated at 80°C for 30 min, giving rise to N-acetyl-N,O- program was employed starting at 100°C, increasing by
trimethylsilylated norephedrines. After cooling to ambient 20°C min–1 up to 300°C. The MS was operated in the full-scan
temperature, 2H3-iodomethane (5 mmol) were added, the mode (50–500 u), and electron ionization (70 eV) was used
flask was sealed properly and the reaction mixture was kept giving rise to characteristic fragment ions upon dissociation
at 80°C. After 24 h, the methylation reaction was completed, of the analytes. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
M. Thevis, G. Opfermann and W. Schänzer, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 10, 673–681 (2004) 675
Compound No. mol wt M+– 15 m/z 179 M+ – 106 m/z 147 M+– 179 m/z 73
9 282 267(8) (57) 176(38) 103(80) (47)
10 312 297(4) (1) (4) 133 (100) (42)
Compound mol wt M+ – 15 m/z 294 m/z 267 m/z 193 M+ – 194 M+ – 267 m/z 73
p-hydroxyphenylpropanolamine tris-TMS 11 383 368(9) (1) (10) (2) 116 (100) (32)
12 425 410(5) (100) (3) 158(52) (58)
13 370 355 (5) (3) (100) (3) 176(15) 103(28) (28)
14 400 385(4) (2) (1) 133 (100) (40)
15 328 313(2) (11) (1) 61 (100) (20)
p-hydroxy-N-trideuteromethyl- 16 346 M+– 18 m/z 285 m/z 202 M+ – 285 m/z 82
phenylpropanolamine-bis-O-2H9 –TMS 328(2) (12) (1) 61 (100) (30)
676 Synthesis of Deuterated Ephedrines
and trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS, 1 mL). All other reaction (m.p. 119°C), and by means of aqueous hydrochloric acid
conditions were identical to those described above. and incubation at elevated temperatures, these compounds
are converted into each other until an equilibrium is estab-
lished. 1 Under the employed reaction conditions, α-(1-
Results and discussion aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol maintained its stereochemical
orientation yielding 2H3-ephedrine, while p-hydroxy-α-
The employed route of synthesis yielded 75 and 70 mg (1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol generated 2H3-p-hydroxy-
of the desired products 5 and 6. In Table 1, main fragment pseudoephedrine by inversion of the benzylic hydroxyl
ions of the trimethylsilylated starting material [i.e. α-(1- function upon alkaline hydrolysis.
aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol and p-hydroxy-α-(1-amino-
ethyl)benzyl alcohol], as well as their trimethylsilylated Characterization and purity of synthesized compounds
reaction intermediates (i.e. N-acetylated and N-acetylated
and N-methylated analogs) are summarized. Ephedrines Elemental analysis
have two stereogenic carbons {assigned 1 and 2 in Scheme Elemental analysis was performed for the products 5 and
1, 1 giving rise to levorotatory ephedrine [1 – (R), 2 – (S); 6. 2H3-ephedrine (5): anal. (C10H12D3NO) C: calcd, 72.69;
[α]D25 = –41] and dextrorotatory pseudoephedrine [1 – (S), found, 71.73; H(/D): calcd, 9.15; found, 9.63; N: calcd, 8.48;
2 – (S); [α]D25 = +52]}. The properties of these compounds found, 8.17. Deuterated 2H3-p-hydroxypseudoephedrine
are significantly different, as demonstrated with the melting (6) provided evidence for the presence of water in the final
points of ephedrine (m.p. 38–40°C) and pseudoephedrine product. The measured composition accounts for the hemi-
Table 2. 1H and C chemical shifts (ppm) of ephedrine, 2H3-ephedrine and 2H3 p-hydroxypseudoephedrine analyzed in CD3OD at
200 MHz.
Protons Ephedrinea 2
H3-Ephedrinea 2
H3 p-Hydroxy- Carbons Ephedrinec 2
H3-Ephedrine 2
H3 p-Hydroxy-
pseudoephedrineb pseudoephedrine
1.081 1.079 0.812
H(a) 1 10.3 10.3 15.0
(d, 3JHH = 6.76 Hz) (d, 3JHH = 6.76 Hz) (d, 3JHH = 6.47 Hz)
H(b) 2.777(s) — — 2 31.7 -— —
a b c
protons assigned as follows protons assiged as follows carbons assigned as follows
a) 148.2 c) 164.3
100% 100%
90% 90%
80% 80% N
Relative abundance
Relative abundance
70% N 70%
H 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
OH 133.1
30% 30%
115.1 105.2
20% 20%
10% 10% 182.1
91.1 107.1
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
m/z m/z
b) d)
100% 151.2 100% 167.3
90% 90%
80% 80%
Relative abundance
Relative abundance
70% 70% N
60% N 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30% OH
20% 117.1 20%
136.2 149.3
10% 10% 105.2
91.1 107.1 185.3
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
m/z m/z
Figure 1. ESI product ion spectra of (a) m/z 166 of ephedrine (1, DP = 10, CE = 30), (b) m/z 169 of 2H3-ephedrine (5, DP = 10, CE = 30),
(c) m/z of p-hydroxyephedrine (2, DP = 20, CE = 20) and (d) m/z 185 of 2H3-p-hydroxypseudoephedrine (6, DP = 20, CE = 20).
678 Synthesis of Deuterated Ephedrines
group, carbon 3 and the N-linked residue, is possible. A ular ion in the EI mass spectra, but fragments resulting from
different fragmentation route from (M + H)+–18 included the the loss of a methyl residue (M+ – 15) or other characteristic
neutral loss of methylamine (–31 u), which produced the ion dissociation processes are listed in Table 1. The elimination
at m/z 117 in both product ion spectra of ephedrine and its of a methyl radical was frequently observed with numerous
labeled counterpart, followed by an additional elimination compounds analyzed by GC-EI/MS after trimethylsilylation,
of hydrogen generating m/z 115. The product ion at m/z 91 but its origin is not necessarily an introduced TMS function as
is proposed to be the benzyl cation (C6H5CH2+) presumably demonstrated in the literature, for example, for steroids.30,31
stabilized as the tropylium cation,29 which was generated Ephedrines comprise two methyl groups and the loss of these
directly from the protonated molecule as it was not observed during mass spectrometric analysis is possible, as observed
in any product ion spectra of (M + H) +–18. Information with ESI-CAD-MS. In GC-MS analyses, the nitrogen-
substantiating the proposed composition of the ion at m/z linked methyl group was retained in the M+ – 15 product ion,
91 is given by spectra of 2H5-ephedrine, which bears five because no ion accounting for the release of –CD3 (M+ – 18)
deuteria at the benzene ring.14 Proposed fragmentation routes was detected in the mass spectra of 5 and 6. To differentiate
of ephedrine are summarized in Scheme 2. The product ion between the methyl residue at C- 3 and those included in
spectra of p-hydroxyephedrine and 6 demonstrated anal- TMS groups, 6 was derivatized with BSA, causing the intro-
ogous dissociation behavior in compliance with an addi- duction of two 2H9 – TMS residues at the hydroxyl functions.
tional hydroxyl function, increasing m/z of the precursor In contrast to 2H3-p-hydroxypseudoephedrine-bis-O-TMS
ion and its product ions by 16 u. Loss of water, methyl resi- (Table 1, 15), the TMS-labeled analog (mol. wt = 346) did
dues including either carbon 3 or the nitrogen-linked methyl not present an M+ – 15 ion but M+ – 18, proving the initial
group and methylamine were also observed. There were elimination of the methyl group from a TMS residue (Table
slight differences in the relative abundance of fragment ions 1, 16). With α-(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol-N,O-bis-TMS
between these two stereoisomers, in particular regarding (mol. wt = 295), M+ – 15 was observed at m/z 280 and the
the stability of the product ion (M + H)+–18. Its intensity, most abundant fragment ion was m/z 116 (Table 1, 7), which
compared with fragment ions of smaller m/z ratios, was is proposed to be generated upon α-cleavage, as depicted
much more predominant in the product ion spectrum of 6 in Scheme 3(a). With the introduction of an acetyl residue
than of p-hydroxyephedrine. at the primary amino function, the respective fragment ion
at m/z 116 was incremented by 42 u to m/z 158 (Table 1, 8)
and upon trideuteromethylation of compound 8, the product
Mass spectrometry: GC-MS ion was decremented by 55 u to m/z 103 (Table 1, 9) owing
Using GC/MS, products 5 and 6, as well as all reaction inter- to the exchange of a TMS residue (73 u) by a trideuterome-
mediates, were confirmed and characterized as their trimeth- thyl group (18 u). In addition, the acetylated and alkylated
ylsilylated derivatives. None of the analytes show a molec- a-(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol (Table 1, 9) gave rise to a
fragment ion at m/z 176, which is suggested to result from a
neutral loss of benzaldehyde (106 u) as proposed in Scheme
3(c). Here, the N-linked acetyl group is essential because
3 3 a TMS residue has to migrate from the benzylic hydroxyl
+ CH function to the remaining ion and comparable fragments
HO - H2O + CH3
2 N 3
2 N were missing in the spectra of analogous compounds lacking
H H the acetylation at the nitrogen (Table 1). In agreement with
an increment of 88 u, due to an additional oxygen resulting
m/z 166 in another TMS derivatization site, product ions produced
m/z 148 by analogous dissociation behaviors were observed with the
intermediate products of the synthesis of 6. Starting from
- CH3NH2 p-hydroxy-a-(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol, acetylation and
trimethylsilylation gave rise to compound 12 (Table 1), the
mass spectrum of which contains major fragment ions at m/z
CH2 410 and 267 (counterparts of m/z 322 and 158 of 8, respec-
CH tively). The subsequent methylation enabled the elimination
1 2
- H2 1 2
+ + of p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (M+ – 194, Table 1, 13) corre-
sponding to the expulsion of benzaldehyde (M+ – 106) from
9. After hydrolysis of TMS and acetyl residues, the isolated
products were trimethylsilylated and analyzed by GC-MS.
m/z 115 m/z 117 The resulting EI mass spectra primarily contained the M+ – 15
Scheme 2. Proposed fragmentation routes of ephedrine after ions, m/z 133 generated by α-cleavage in accordance to m/z
electrospray ionizsation and collisionally-activated dissociation 116 [Scheme 3(a)] and the TMS-specific fragment at m/z 73
(CAD). (Table 1, 10 and 14).
M. Thevis, G. Opfermann and W. Schänzer, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 10, 673–681 (2004) 679
N . H
m/z 116
. CH3
+ N
m/z 179
+ CD3 . + CD3
. N
Scheme 3. Postulated fragmentation routes of α-(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol derivatives: a) generation of the common fragment
ions m/z 116 (and corresponding analogs), b) m/z 179, and c) m/z 176 (M+ – 106). Charge-driven fragmentation is proposed with all
pathways starting either from the nitrogen or the benzylic oxygen.
Table 3. Mass spectral data of α-(1-aminoethyl)benzyl alcohol derivatives analyzed by GC-MS using electron ionization. Relative
abundances (%) of fragment ions are shown in brackets.
Compound No. mol. wt M+ M+ – 15 m/z 104 m/z 91 M+ – 91 m/z 77
N-Acetyl-phenylethylamine 17 163 (28) 148(2) (100) (31) 72(16) (10)
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