Cit 124 Lab Week 9 - 201810577

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Candidate Name: Abdulrahman Ali Al Salman

Candidate Number: 2 0 1 8 1 0 5 7 7

CIT124 – Introduction to Information Security

Assignment 01

Learning Outcome: S5
Total Marks = 15

Instructor Name: Syed Norman Ali / Rashid Khan

Explain the following topic in your own words. Copying from Internet
will result in ZERO marks.

Write no less than 200 but not more than 500 words for each Question
Part-1: (5 Marks)
What is a Key Logger? Mention most famous Keyloggers? Explain the concept with
pictures and graphs?
Keylogger: it is a program that save all what is written in the keyboards
and a lot of people or organization use this program to watch every signal
move for users who use the computers to know what are they typing.

We have two types from it we keylogger hardware and keylogger software

Keylogger software: it is a program that is install on the computer that can

capture what were typing in the keywords it can also act like rootkit and it
cannot easily find by the users it is not only capture the what is written it
can capture many information-like images and files and send to the attacker
because keylogger works like virus or trojan.

As you can see here from the image from that way attacker use the key
logger software to get the information from the users.

Keylogger hardware: it is requiring a device and this device muse be

between the keyboard connection and USB port and most disadvantage is
that the attacker have to returns to the device that he was putting the
keylogger hardware to get the information that he wants

As you can see in the image from that way the attacker use keylogger
hardware to steal the information from the users.
Part-2: (5 Marks)
What is a Brute-Force Attack? Explain the concept and procedure to use it? Explain
the concept with pictures and graphs?
(5 Marks)

a brute-force attack: it is an attacker who attack by using different

password and guessing to hope that he gets the right password to
get inside the user file.

Explain the concept: the attacker can attack by entering set of letters and
numbers and symbols and characters that make the password and
sometimes it is work why because the use the offline cracking because it is
more sufficient way because the when the internet is on the security will
protect the user from any attack Also, the attacker using this way until
he gets the right and the attacker is used a special program to allow
for him to do the enter the user name and password more than 5
times and from all this trying this will let the attacker to get and steal
the information very quick.

As you can see here from the image this is the way that attackers are used
Brute-forced attack the try and try and guessing after guessing they will got
some little information about the user but this little information it is very
helpful because the attacker now will use this information to get the right
password because for the attacker the username is easy to find but the
password it is the most hard thing to get from the user.
Part-3: (5 Marks)
What is Task Manager? How can we use it ? What is the importance of it? Explain the
concept with pictures and graphs?
(5 Marks)

TASK MANAGER: it is a tool that windows provided for the computers to

manage all the types of operations it was created first in the windows 2000
it is also let the user check the performance of the PC to make sure
everything is clearly to you.

How can we use it? We use it to see and watch the performance of our PCs
we can see the status of the CPU and the memory and the network and the
disk and the CPU of all the application.

As you can see here in the image it is show that all the application and the
programs that I am using it now in the PC and also it shows to me the
status of each one of them and which application or program that I use it
for long time and what is has status. And you can see the users in side your
PC and what are the application and programs are have and their status.
FROM the Performance option you will all the details about the CPU.
MEMORY. DISK. WIFI. And their performance and how many cache
levels do you have in your PC and you check what is the form factor you
have and the which type of processor you have and it doing will or not.

So for many users this program it is very helpful and Microsoft company
trying to add new things inside it.

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