Division of Eastern Samar: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
DepEd Eastern Visayas (Region VIII)
Brgy. Alang-alang, Capitol Site, Borongan City 6800

1. What do we call the subdivisions of a drama?

A. acts B. sets C. scenes D. chapters

2. What are stage directions for?

A. to tell the characters how to act
B. to tell the characters how to read
C. to tell the characters how to do the play
D. to tell the characters how to do the dialogue

3. What is the written text of a play?

A. text B. book C. story D. script

Read the text below to answer items 5-7.

Derived from the Greek, xenophobia means hatred of strangers and foreigners. It is a
disease that afflicts many Americans. You can detect it in the speeches of politician who
demand that we guard the borders and expel unwanted immigrants. What an irony that
some of these politicians as well as the Americans who first settled in the United States,
were also immigrants.
The United States is schizophrenic on immigration. The country wants our labor, but it
doesn’t want our lives. It seeks our expertise, while the country turns up its nose at our
“smelly” foods and dark faces.

4. Which of the following is a characteristic of a xenophobic individual?

A. hates politician C. doesn’t want to mingle with others
B. rejects foreign people D. wants to demand guards of the borders

5. Why does the author of the article consider xenophobia an irony?

A. Because some Americans do not want immigrants
B. Because some Americans seek smelly foods
C. Because ‘xenophobia’ is derived from Greek
D. Because Americans have dusky faces

6. Based on the text, which of the following is a quality of the Americans?

A. racist C. discrete
B. hospitable D. territorial

7. What particular social concern is addressed in the selection?

A. racism C. stratification
B. equality D. discrimination

8. What effect does the accelerated time scheme on the play Romeo and Juliet have on the play’s
A. By compressing the time frame of the play, the characters were fully developed making
the readers understand each of them easily.
B. Because of the accelerated time frame, the tension was intensely built making the play
more interesting.

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C. By compressing the time frame, Shakespeare adds weight to every moment, and
gives the sense that the action is happening so quickly.
D. Because of the accelerated time frame, Shakespeare heightened the sense of
pressure that hangs in the atmosphere of the play.

9. Which of the following is NOT a theme in the play Romeo and Juliet?
A. the forcefulness of love
B. love as a cause of violence
C. the individual versus society
D. love as an answer to everything

10. How do these famous lines of Juliet “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other
name would smell as sweet” helped in the development of the play?
A. It revealed that their family name would be the reason of the main conflict in the play.
B. It revealed that Juliet loved roses so much that she compared her affection for Romeo
to it.
C. It revealed that Romeo’s family name has nothing to do with their love, and they should
be together
D. All of the above

11. What is the author’s purpose for this topic: A medical report about pimples?
A. to inform b. to entertain c. to narrate d. to persuade

12. Which of the following is NOT a factor which compromise our ability to communicate effectively?
A. stress level b. well-being C. confidence D. distraction

13. Nonverbal and verbal communication are interconnected in which of the following ways?
A. nonverbal cues can repeat verbal messages
B. nonverbal cues can contradict verbal messages
C. nonverbal cues can substitute for verbal messages
D. All of the above

14. Which of the following linguistic characteristics also applies to nonverbal communication?
A. displacement B. self-reflexiveness
C. structure D. none of the above

15. Which of the following should NOT be done to communicate competently with nonverbal
A. observe multiple nonverbal cues before drawing any conclusions about a person’s
B. try to match nonverbal and verbal communication to avoid mixed messages
C. monitor your own nonverbal communication
D. use any nonverbal cues according to how you feel

16. Which literary device consists descriptive language that can function as a way for the reader to
better imagine the world of the piece of literature?
A. metaphor B. imagery C. personification D. understatement

17. What type of imagery is evident in this sentence: The sunset was the most gorgeous they’ve ever
seen; the clouds were edged with pink and gold?
A. visual B. tactile C. auditory D. gustatory

18. Which of the following does NOT suggest an effective way of using imagery in literature?
A. Paint the image in small bites
B. Incorporate images into actions.
C. See through the character’s eyes.
D. Be direct. Don’t beat around the bush.

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19. Which of the following best explains how imagery work in literature?
A. It makes the writer’s job easier.
B. It makes the readers understand the work right away.
C. It can make us relate quickly to the literary work because it reflects how we engage to the
D. It allows the readers to be part of the literary work making them think that they themselves
wrote it.

20. Which literary device presents something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it
actually is?
A. irony B. paradox c. hyperbole D. understatement

21. Which literary device is used in the sentence below?

“The stars will cry the darkest tears tonight.”
A. metaphor B. personification C. understatement D. foreshadowing

22. Which literary device is used in the sentence below?

Another day without you with me is like a blade that cuts right through me, but I can wait – I can
wait forever.
A. metaphor B. simile C. hyperbole D. personification

23. Which of the following is NOT a type of non-verbal communication?

A. space B. time C. words D. touch

24. Which non-verbal communication cue is used to show discontentment or frustration?

A. smiling B. scowling C. eye contact D. lack of expression

25. Which non-verbal communication cue is used to indicate boredom or disdain?

A. smiling B. scowling C. eye contact D. lack of expression

26. Which of the following is NOT an example of multimedia resources?

A. book B. audio C. blogs D. animation video

27. Which of the following is NOT true about multimedia?

A. Multimedia is quick and easier to operate.
B. Multimedia presentations can be modified very easily.
C. Multimedia is the best way to present any classroom lesson.
D. Multimedia can be used for educational as well as entertainment purposes.

28. What is the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of
A. summarizing C. predicting outcomes
B. making inferences D. making generalization

29. When do we say that a sentence has an active voice?

A. If the sentence’s subject is unknown
B. If the subject is the doer of the action
C. If the subject is the receiver of the action
D. If the doer of the action speaks in high pitch

30. When do we say that a sentence has a passive voice?

A. If the sentence’s subject is unknown
B. If the subject is the doer of the action
C. If the subject is the receiver of the action
D. If the doer of the action speaks in high pitch

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31. Which of the following is an example of a sentence with passive voice?
A. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.
B. Zyrah vowed to love him in all his forms, now and forever.
C. Girlly hates herself for hating him because every time she does, she just keeps on
loving him.
D. Tats realized that maybe it’s not just how much you love someone, but it’s who you
are when you’re with that person.

32. Which of the following is an example of a sentence with active voice?

A. Xyro is doing his best to achieve his goals in life.
B. Shemay was genuinely loved that’s why she glowed differently.
C. Berby has been awarded many gold medals throughout his singing career.
D. None of the above

33. Arrange the steps in transforming a sentence with active voice into a sentence with passive voice.
I. Add a form of the auxiliary verb be to the main verb and change the main verb’s form.
II. Move the active sentence’s direct object into the sentence’s subject slot.
III. Place the active sentence’s subject into a phrase beginning with the preposition by.


34. Arrange the following steps in transforming a passive voice sentence to an active voice sentence.
I. Remove the auxiliary verb be from the main verb and change the main verb’s form if needed.
II. Move the passive sentence’s subject into the active sentence’s direct object slot.
III. Place the passive sentence’s object of the preposition by into the subject slot.


35. Which of the following expresses obligation?

A. You can sit here, the seat is free.
B. You must not use your phone in class.
C. They have to wear their uniforms at school.
D. You don’t have to wear a tie to go to that restaurant.

36. Which of the following expresses prohibition?

A. I must hand in my research paper tomorrow.
B. You can’t go to my class without your assignment.
C. We have to be at the airport at least two hours before the flight.
D. All of the above

37. Which of the following best explains why modals are used?
A. To express exact ideas both is speaking and writing.
B. To make the sentence more understandable to the readers.
C. To add grammatical or functional meaning to the clauses in which they appear.
D. To add meaning to the main verb by expressing possibility, ability, permission, or

38. Which of the following is NOT true about modals?

A. The modal might is used to speak about a situation that isn’t real.
B. When a modal verb precedes the main verb, use the root of the verb rather than the
C. Modal verbs don’t change according to time and the main verb that follows them is
used with the preposition to.
D. The modal may implies that there is a better likelihood or possibility of something
happening than might does.

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39. Which of the following sentences is the modal may not applicable and the modal might should
be used instead?
A. May I stay beside you right now?
B. You may have my phone if you like.
C. Happy Birthday! May all your dreams come true!
D. I may come to the cinema with them. I haven’t decided yet.

40. Which of the following punctuation marks is used to write a direct speech?
A. comma B. hyphen C. ellipses D. quotation marks

41. Which of type of speech quotes or repeats exactly what somebody said?
A. direct speech C. first-hand speech
B. indirect speech D. second-hand speech

Refer to the general rules below in converting direct/indirect speech to answer items 42-44. (The
steps are not in order)

I. Change the place and time to indicate the actual place and time that is meant by the speaker.
II. Make a proper structure/word order of the sentence/word order of the sentence.
III. Make a note of the reporting verb that is used to decide the tense of the indirect speech.
IV. Use an appropriate pronoun for the object and the subject.

42. Which of the steps above should be done first in converting direct/indirect speech?

43. Which should be the second step?


44. Which should be the third step?


45. Which should be the last step?


46. Which of the following is the indirect speech of this direct speech: She said, “I’d already been
teaching for five years”?
A. She had been teaching for five years.
B. She has been teaching for five years.
C. She said she’d already been teaching for five years.
D. She said she has already been teaching for five years.

47. What is the direct speech for this indirect speech: He said he had arrived before you?
A. He said, “I arrived before you.”
B. He said, “He arrived before you.”
C. He said, “I had arrived before you.”
D. He said, “He had arrived before you.”

48. Which of the following expressions is NOT used to express evaluation?

A. The article suggests/proposes…
B. It appears to me that the author…
C. The authors claim/argue/assert that…
D. None of the above

49. Which tense of the verb should be used in the results and discussion section of a paper?
A. simple past C. simple future
B. simple present D. past perfect

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50. Which tense of the verb should be used if you are making recommendations for further research
or providing future direction?
A. simple past C. simple future
B. simple present D. past perfect

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