Mahamri: (Swahili Doughnut)

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(Swahili Doughnut)

©FAO/Collins Ogutu

A Recipe Book 0f Common Mixed Dishes with Nutrient Values; As Prepared by Communities.

KFCT Code 15004

Mahamri (Swahili Doughnuts)

This is a typical traditional recipe among the Swahilis. A true delicacy enjoyed by the entire family, serves
as a breakfast meal as well as a whole day snack. Mahamri has a unique taste influenced by the freshly
squeezed coconut milk.

Ingredients Preparation 1 hour | Cooking 5 minutes | Serves 4

3 ½ cups (525 g) wheat flour, • Break the coconut shell, drain the water and grate the flesh.
refined • Squeeze the coconut milk from the grated coconut flesh
¾ cup (181 g) coconut milk using a cloth.
9 tbsp. (123 g) white sugar • Set aside the thick coconut milk.
1¼ tbsp. (12 g) dry yeast • Add ¼ cup of warm water to squeeze out any remaining milk.
1 tsp. (2 g) cardamom • In a bowl, mix a pinch of sugar with the yeast and add the ¼
¾ cups (182 g) water cup of water used to squeeze the last batch of coconut milk.
8 1/8 cups (1735 g) cooking oil Stir and set aside for 5 minutes for the yeast to rise.
• In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients; sugar, flour and
• Add the yeast mixture to the dry ingredients.
• Add 4 tablespoons of oil and the thick coconut milk into the
yeast and dry ingredients mixture.
• • Knead the dough as you add the remaining water to a
firm feel.
• Set the dough aside for 10 minutes for sugar to dissolve.
Cover with a cloth.
• Knead the dough again to mix the sugar and to improve the
• Cover with a dry cloth and allow to stand for 30 minutes.
• Divide the dough into small-medium size balls. Set them
aside and cover with a dry cloth for 15 minutes. 
• When well raised, roll out each ball into flat discs and cut
each into four triangle shaped portions.
• Heat the remaining oil for 15 minutes to 173°C.
• Fry the mahamri and turn after 40 seconds. The mahamri will
turn golden brown when ready.
• Remove the first batch of mahamri from oil and place onto
paper towels to drain the oil.
• Continue frying the rest in batches until all are done.
• Serve as desired.

Nutrition data per 100 g of recipe:

Energy 1,728 kJ/ 413 kcal | Fat 22.1 g | Carbohydrates 46.6 g │| Protein 6 g │| Fibre 2.1 g │
Vitamin A 41 mg │| Iron 2.8 mg │| Zinc 0.56 mg

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