Laboratory Methods For The Diagnosis of Vibrio Cholerae Chapter 4

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Although V. cholerae O1 will grow on a variety of commonly used agar media, isolation from
fecal specimens is more easily accomplished with specialized media. Alkaline peptone water
(APW) is recommended as an enrichment broth, and thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose
(TCBS) agar is the selective agar medium of choice for isolating V. cholerae O1. In certain
instances (for example, when the patient is in very early stages of illness and is passing liquid
stool), it may not be necessary to enrich specimens or use selective plating media. However,
enrichment broth and a selective plating medium should always be used with convalescent
patients, suspected asymptomatic infections, environmental specimens, and whenever high
numbers of competing organisms are likely to be present in the specimen.

A. Enrichment in Alkaline Peptone Water

Vibrio spp. grow very rapidly in APW, and at 6 to 8 hours will be present in greater numbers
than non-Vibrio organisms. Enrichment in APW enhances the isolation of V. cholerae O1 when
few organisms are present, as in specimens from convalescent patients and asymptomatic
A number of other broth media have been described for enrichment of V. cholerae. These
include Monsur’s enrichment medium which contains Trypticase, potassium tellurite, and
sodium taurocholate (bile salts). A modification of APW, in which potassium tellurite is added in
concentrations of 1:100,000 to 1:200,000, is sometimes used. An enrichment medium
containing a selective agent may not offer any advantage over APW if it is used with a short
incubation time (6 to 8 hours).

B. Selective Plating Media

1. Thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose agar
TCBS is the medium of choice for the isolation of V. cholerae and is widely used worldwide.
TCBS agar is commercially available and easy to prepare, requires no autoclaving, and is highly
differential and selective (Table IV-1). However, it has a relatively short shelf life once prepared
(3 to 5 days) unless plates are carefully protected against drying. TCBS is subject to lot-to-lot
and brand-to-brand variations in selectivity, and growth on this medium is not suitable for direct
testing with V. cholerae O1 antisera.
TCBS agar is green when prepared. Overnight growth (18 to 24 hours) of V. cholerae will
produce large (2 to 4 mm in diameter), slightly flattened, yellow colonies with opaque centers

Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

Figure IV-1. Overnight colonies of V. cholerae on TCBS agar are large (2-4 mm) and yellow
because of the fermentation of sucrose. They are characteristically round, smooth, glistening, and
slightly flattened.

Figure IV-2. On TTGA medium, colonies of V. cholerae are grey, flattened, and are surrounded by
a cloudy halo formed by the production of gelatinase.

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

and translucent peripheries (Figure IV-1). The yellow color is caused by the fermentation of
sucrose in the medium. Sucrose nonfermenting organisms, such as V. parahaemolyticus,
produce green to blue-green colonies. Suspicious colonies for further testing should be
subcultured to a noninhibitory medium, such as gelatin agar, heart infusion agar (HIA), Kligler’s
iron agar (KIA), or triple sugar iron agar (TSI).
2. Taurocholate tellurite gelatin agar (TTGA or Monsur’s agar)
TTGA is a selective and differential agar specifically designed for the isolation of V. cholerae.
TTGA has a relatively long shelf life after preparation, and growth directly from the medium may
be used for oxidase and agglutination tests (Table IV-1). The disadvantages of this medium are
that it is not commercially available, and overnight colonies of V. cholerae on TTGA tend to be
smaller (1 to 2 mm) than those from the TCBS agar. Potassium tellurite, which is added to the
medium to increase selectivity, also varies in its quality, and each lot should be titrated to
determine the optimal concentration to use in TTGA medium (see Chapter XI, “Preparation of
Media and Reagents).
Overnight growth of V. cholerae on TTGA agar appears as small opaque colonies with slightly
dark centers (Figure IV-2). After 24 hours, the centers of the colonies become darker, and
eventually the entire colony becomes “gunmetal” grey in color. In addition to the dark coloration,
which is due to the reduction of tellurite, there is also an opaque zone around colonies which
resembles a halo. The halo effect, which is due to the production of the enzyme gelatinase, can
be intensified by brief (15- to 30-minute) refrigeration of the plate. Because many members of
the genus Vibrio have similar characteristics on TTGA, additional tests (antisera and/or
biochemicals) are necessary to screen isolates from this medium.

Table IV-1. Selective plating media for V. cholerae

Direct testing
Colony Commercially of growth off
Medium Colony size Autoclaved
morphology available a
of plate

TCBS Yellow, shiny 2-3 mm Yes No No

Grey, flattened
TTGA opaque zone 1-2 mm No Yes Yes
around colony

b Colorless to
MacConkey 1-3 mm Yes Yes No
light pink

Note: TCBS = thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose agar; TTGA = taurocholate tellurite gelatin agar.
Direct testing for agglutination in antisera or oxidase reaction.
Not all strains of V. cholerae O1 will grow on MacConkey agar.

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

Figure IV-3. Overnight growth of V. cholerae on MacConkey agar appears as small (1- to 3
mm), translucent, colorless-to-light pink (lactose-negative) colonies.

3. MacConkey (MAC agar)

MAC is used widely to isolate members of the Enterobacteriaceae and will also support the
growth of some but not all strains of V. cholerae. Overnight colonies of V. cholerae on MAC tend
to be small to moderately sized (1 to 3 mm) and usually appear as lactose-negative or slightly
pink, often resembling colonies of “late” or “slow” lactose-fermenting organisms (Table IV-
1;Figure IV-3). Suspicious colonies should be subcultured to noninhibitory media for further

C. Nonselective Plating Media

1. Gelatin agar (GA)
GA is a good nonselective growth medium for V. cholerae. Gelatinase production, a
characteristic of vibrios in general, may be determined on GA and is indicated by the production
of an opaque zone around colonies which resembles a halo. The halo effect can be intensified
by brief (15- to 30- minute) refrigeration of the plate. Colonies of V. cholerae on GA are smooth,
opaque, white, and 2-4 mm in diameter after overnight incubation at 35˚ to 37˚C. When viewed
with obliquely transmitted light with 10X to 20X magnification, colonies may appear finely

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

granular and iridescent with a greenish-bronze sheen. Colonies from this medium may be tested
directly for agglutination with antisera as well as oxidase and string test reagents. Salt-free GA
may be used as a screening medium to rule out halophilic (salt-requiring) marine vibrios
resembling V. cholerae, which are frequently isolated from seafood and environmental
specimens. See Chapter XI, “Preparation of Media and Reagents,” for special instructions for
preparation of gelatin agar.

2. Meat extract agar (MEA, or alkaline nutrient agar)

MEA is similar to GA in its ability to support the growth of V. cholerae. However, unlike GA,
MEA does not produce colonies with differential characteristics. Colonies of V. cholerae on NEA
are 2 to 4 mm in diameter after overnight incubation and are smooth, opaque, and cream
colored. When viewed with oblique light with 10X to 20X magnification, colonies may appear
finely granular and iridescent with a greenish bronze sheen. The oxidase test, string test and
screening with antisera may be performed directly with suspicious growth on MEA plates.

D. Isolation and Presumptive Identification

1. Direct inoculation of selective plating media from fecal specimens
Inoculate highly selective media (TCBS, TTGA) with a heavy inoculum from liquid stool, fecal
suspension, or a rectal swab (Figure IV-4). With media of low selectivity (GA, MEA, blood agar),
use a light inoculum. The inoculum should be streaked with a wire loop to give a large number
of isolated colonies. It is not necessary to flame the loop between streaking different quadrants
on the plate. Media of high selectivity require more cross streaking into previous quadrants than
media with lower selectivity. After inoculation, incubate plates for 18 to 24 hours at 35˚ to 37˚C.

2. Inoculation of APW from fecal specimens

APW can be inoculated with liquid stool, fecal suspension, or a rectal swab (Figure IV-4). The
stool inoculums should not exceed 10% of the volume of the broth. Incubate the tube with the
cap loosened at 35˚ to 37˚C for 6 to 8 hours. After 6 to 8 hours’ incubation, subcultures to TCS
should be made with one to two loopfuls of APW from the surface and topmost portion of the
broth, since vibrios preferentially grow in this area. Do not shake or mix the tube before
subculturing. If the broth cannot be subcultured after 6 to 8 hours of incubation, subculture at 18
hours to a fresh tube of APW. This second tube should be subcultured to a solid medium after 6
to 8 hours incubation.

3. Isolation of suspicious colonies from plating media

Select several suspect colonies from the TCBS plate and use these to inoculate HIA slants or
another nonselective medium. Do not use nutrient agar because it has no added salt and does
not allow optimal growth of V. cholerae. Incubate at 35˚ to 37˚C.

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

6-8 hr, 35°-37°C

Figure IV-4. Procedure for recovery of Vibrio cholerae O1 from fecal

If the APW cannot be streaked after 6-8 hours of incubation, subculture at 18 hours to a fresh tube of APW;
incubate for 6-8 hours, and then streak to TCBS.

4. Slide agglutination
Fresh growth of suspect V. cholerae on a nonselective agar medium may be tested in V.
cholerae O1 polyvalent antiserum. Usually after 5 to 6 hours of incubation, growth on the
surface of the slant is sufficient to perform slide serology with V. cholera O1 polyvalent antisera;
if not, re-incubate overnight. Isolates that agglutinate in polyvalent antiserum to the O1
serogroup are presumptively identified as V. cholerae O1 (see Chapter VI, “Laboratory
Identification of V. cholerae,” for description of the slide agglutination method). Presumptive V.
cholerae O1 may be confirmed with agglutination in either monovalent Ogawa or Inaba antisera,
but confirmation may not be necessary for all isolates, particularly when the supply of antisera is
limited. The minimum identification of V. cholerae O1 requires only serologic confirmation of the
presence of O1 serotype antigens with suspect isolates. However, a more complete
characterization of the organism is sometimes necessary and may include toxin or hemolysis
testing, as well as determination of antimicrobial sensitivity, biochemical identification, biotype,
or molecular subtype. These types of tests should be performed only on selected isolates, such
as those recovered early in an outbreak or during surveillance in areas threatened by epidemic
cholera. Only isolates that are serologically confirmed to be V. cholerae O1 should be further

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

characterized. (See Chapter II for discussion of when further characterization of isolates is

necessary, and Chapters VI, VII, IX for a description of these tests.)

5. Biochemical screening tests

Generally for suspect V. cholerae isolates from fecal specimens, screening with biochemical
tests is not necessary since slide serology with polyvalent O1 antisera is sufficient for a
presumptive identification. However, if the supply of antisera is limited, the string and oxidase
tests or various other biochemical tests may be useful for additional screening of isolates before
testing with antisera. No single screening procedure for V. cholerae O1 is ideal for all
laboratories and every sample. The laboratorian should select a screening procedure on the
basis of available resources (for example, the availability of antisera), the types and numbers of
competing organisms likely to be present in the specimens being cultured, and the ability of the
selective plating medium to inhibit the growth of those competing organisms.
The string test, using fresh growth from non selective agar, is useful for ruling out non-Vibrio
spp., particularly Aeromonas spp. (Table IV-2). Oxidase can also be used to screen out non-
Vibrio spp. such Enterobacteriaceae. Kligler’s iron agar (KIA) or triple sugar iron (TSI) agar rules
out Pseudomonas and certain Enterobacteriaceae spp. Arginine is generally more helpful than
lysine for screening out Aeromonas and certain Vibrio spp., but either medium may be used.
There is no need to use two biochemicals that rule out the same organism. For example, if
arginine is used, it is usually not advantageous to also screen with lysine since they generally
rule out the same species. Caps on all tubes of biochemicals should be loosened before
incubation. This is particularly important for KIA or TSI slants since, if the caps are too tight and
anaerobic conditions exist, the characteristic reaction of V. cholerae may not be exhibited. (See
Chapter VI, “Laboratory Identification of V. cholerae,” for description of these biochemical tests.)

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

E. Rapid Diagnostic Methods

Prompt laboratory diagnosis of cholera is often advantageous for monitoring the spread of the
disease and rapidly instituting control measures. Several rapid methods have been developed
and used to detect V. cholerae O1 directly from stools of acutely ill patients or from enrichment
broth. In certain situations, these rapid methods may be practical, but they provide only a
preliminary diagnosis. Despite their advantages of speed and (sometimes) simpler requirements
for reagents and equipment, for the most part, rapid diagnostic methods cannot entirely replace
traditional culture methods. Traditional techniques must be relied on when an isolate is required
for further tests, such as assays for cholera toxin production, antimicrobial sensitivity, hemolysis,
biotype, or molecular subtyping. Rapid methods may be most useful in field situations where
beside diagnosis is required to monitor the course of an outbreak.

1. Dark-field and phase-contrast methods

Dark field and phase-contrast microscopy have been used for screening fecal specimens for the
presence of V. cholerae. With these techniques, liquid stools are microscopically examined for
the presence of organisms with typical darting (“shooting star”) motility. The observation of
characteristic motility can only be considered a screening test, and the diagnostic accuracy is
not high when compared with standard culture techniques.
The motility detection method is improved with the use of specific V. cholerae O1 antisera. In
this method, stools or enrichment broths are examine with and without antisera added. If the
addition of polyvalent antisera against V. cholerae O1 results in the cessation of motility, as
observed by either dark-field or phase-contrast microscopy, the test is considered positive.
The diluents for the antisera and stool must be selected carefully to avoid nonspecific inhibition
of motility (for example certain preservatives such as sodium azide or merthiolate used in
antisera). Distilled water is not a suitable diluents for stool specimens because It can extinguish
the motility of V. cholerae. Other disadvantages include the requirements for a dark-field or
phase-contrast microscope and a technician experienced in this technique. Despite these
disadvantages, this technique has been widely used.

Dark-field procedure
Freshly collected liquid (“rice-water”) stool is the specimen of choice for the dark-field
procedure. If stool is liquid but not rice-water in nature, it should be dilute 1:1 with saline before
direct testing. If freshly collected stool is negative, perform a 6- to 8-hour APW enrichment and
retest the enrichment broth. Antisera may be saved by first determining that the stool or
enriched specimen is motile before preparing the anti-serum-containing specimen for
examination. A known motile strain of V. cholerae O1 should be used as a positive control.

The following materials are needed:

• Microscope with dark-field condenser (if an oil immersion lens is used [100X], the
objective must have an iris diaphragm)

• Polyvalent V. cholerae O1 antiserum

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

• Clean microscope slides (standard size) and cover slips

• Sterile physiological saline or phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.0 to 8.0

To perform the test, place a drop of polyvalent V. cholerae O1 antiserum near the end of a clean
microscope slide. Next, mix a drop of freshly collected rice-water stool or a drop of a 6- to 8-
hour APW enrichment broth culture with the antiserum, and place another drop of stool or APW
at the opposite end of the slide. Place cover slips over the drops at each end of the slide. Using
dark-field, examine the drop containing the stool or enrichment broth for “shooting star” motility
by using the 40X objective. If this type of motility is detected, examine the antiserum-containing
mixture. If the motile organism is V. cholerae O1, the motility will be completely extinguished. If
the organisms under both cover slips are non-motile or if there is no difference between the
motility of either mixture, the organism is not V. cholerae O1.

2. Immunofluorescence
Immunofluorescence techniques using antisera conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate have
been used to visualize V. cholerae O1 cells in a variety of specimen types. Despite the utility of
immunofluorescence methods, they are not widely used as primary diagnostic tools because the
requirements for expensive equipment, high quality immunologic reagents, and trained

3. Latex agglutination
A commercially manufactured slide agglutination kit (Denka Seiken, Tokyo, Japan), developed
for serotyping V. cholerae O1 isolates, has been used to detect the organism directly in fecal
specimens. The kit uses latex particles coated with monoclonal antibodies directed against the
A, B, and C antigens of V. cholerae O1. During an investigation of an epidemic of cholera, the
kit was evaluated for its ability to confirm the diagnosis of cholera at bedside using rectal swabs.
The latex agglutination test detected 63% of culture-positive patients from rectal swabs, but
gave false positive results for 12% of culture-negative patients. The sensitivity and specificity of
this test with liquid stool specimens have not been determined.

4. Coagglutination
In the coagglutination method, antibodies against V. cholerae O1 are bound to the surface of
Staphylococcus aureus (Cowan 1) cells while retaining their binding capacity and specificity. In
a positive reaction, staphylococcal cells are bound together in a lattice-like arrangement caused
by the formation of linkages between them created by the binding of the antibody on their
surface to the V. cholerae bacterial cells.

Problems using this technique have been attributed to substances in stool which nonspecifically
inhibit agglutination and lattice formation of staphylococcal cells. Recently, a commercially
prepared monoclonal anti-body-based coagglutination test (CholeraScreen, New Horizons
Diagnostics, Columbia, MD) has been marketed and appears to have overcome these
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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Isolation of Vibrio cholerae from Fecal Specimens

obstacles. Reports of evaluations of the product with culture collections in the United States and
with clinical specimens in Guatemala and Bangladesh have been encouraging.

5. Other rapid isolation/identification techniques

Other techniques for the rapid diagnosis of V. cholerae O1 include methods based on the
multiplication of bacteriophage, addition of antisera to growth medium to precipitate V. cholerae
cells in broth, and the use of antibody-coated magnetic beads to physically aggregate V.
cholerae bacterial cells.


1. Benenson AS, Islam MR, Greenough WB. Rapid identification of Vibrio cholerae by darkfield
microscopy. Bull WHO 1964; 30:827-31.
2. Colwell RR, Hasan JAK, Huq A, et al. Development and evaluation of a rapid, simple, sensitive,
monoclonal antibody-based co-agglutination test for direct detection of Vibrio cholerae O1. FEMS
Microbiol Lett 1992; 97:215-20.
3. Gustafsson B, Holme T. Rapid detection of Vibrio cholerae O1 by motility inhibition and
immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies. Eur J Clin Microbiol 1985; 4:29-4.
4. Morris GK, Merson MH, Hug I, Kibrya AKMG, Black R. Comparison of four plating media for isolating
Vibrio cholerae. J Clin Microbiol 1979; 9:79-83.
5. Shaffer N, Silva do Santos E, Andreason P, Farmer JJ. Rapid laboratory diagnosis of cholera in the
field. Trans Soc Trop Med Hyg 1989; 83:119-20.
6. World Health Organization. Manual for the Laboratory Investigations of Acute Enteric Infections.
Geneva: World Health Organization, 1987; publication no. WHO/CDD/83.3 rev 1.

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Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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