Pak Studies O Levels CAIE Past Paper Notes

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Map questions concerning locations.

A Murree
B Quetta

Geography 1
Name locations A, B and C
A Islamabad
B Lahore
C Faisalabad

D River Indus

Geography 2
Geography 3
Geography 4
The Natural Topography, including drainage
Describe the characteristics of a floodplain

Floodplain has a gentle slope. It is also very wide. It is mostly waterlogged

with marshy and boggy water, it also has water meadows, oxbow lakes,
meanders. The soil of a floodplain is very rich in minerals. A flood plain also
contains alluvial terrace which are areas of higher ground between the rivers
formed by erosion.

Geography 5
Two ways in which a floodplain can be used.
Flood plain can be used by farmers as fields to grow crops and carry out
agriculture as the soil is very fertile. Cattle grazing can also be done by rearing
buffalos, goats, animals, etc.

Monsoons ———— blow towards the heart of the ———— in ————. They
blow towards the sea in —————-.

Monsoon winds blow towards the heart of the continent in summer, they blow
towards the sea in winters

Describe the causes of south-west monsoon

They come from the Arabian sea. The sun heats up the continental lands much
faster than the surrounding water, which makes the warm air rise and the cool
air sink. It attracts the cool, moist air from the sea. Rain bearing winds push
further inland, causing heavy rain.

Two impacts of heavy rainfall

When it heavy rain occur, excessive water is produces which increases the
water level in dams and reservoirs leading to overflow of water. Markets and
roads have to be closed, there is loss of income and danger of lives. Flooding
also causes waterlogging and salinity which effects the quality of arable land
in an adverse way.

Which view do you agree with more? give reasons to support your answer and
refer to examples you have studied.

Geography 6
I agree with Statement A more than statement B. River floods occur at least
every 1 year and although they are not severe, severe flooding also occur
every 5 years. I think that the disadvantages of river flooding ridicule all the
benefits as at last human lives are of the most concern. Many houses, farms
and businesses are destroyed. There is a high cost of clear up and there is
loss on economy. Floods hinder progress and things have to be built again.
Loss of days of work also hinders the economy and put's the pressure on
citizens. There should be more flood management schemes which take natural
measures to stop the rivers from overflooding. overflowing of banks cam be
done by planting trees along the foothills which check the flow of running
water. This will also have a positive effect to the environment and contribute
to a more cooler, greener environment. We can also build embankments on
either side of the river to prevent water from overflowing. If still there is
flooding then, flood warnings should be addressed over radio and evacuations
shall be done in the affected areas. Whereas i think that there shall be artificial
flooding done to only the arable land so that the benefits can also be taken. In
conclusion, we should focus on flood management schemes and take
necessary actions towards preventing such disasters.

describe the term topography

The study or description of features of the landscape which includes both

natural and artificial features, natural characteristics of land and the structural
features of the landscape

describe the natural topography of the northern regions

V-shaped valleys, deep valleys, narrow valleys

U shaped valleys


High altitude, 6000m+

snow capped high peaks mountanious area

steep slopes, uneven land rugged terrain

Geography 7

bare rocks rocky barren


parallel ranges

high passes, khunjerab, shandur lawarai

rivers, streams rapids, waterfalls

State two reasons why deforestation has occurred in the northern mountains

road , rail building

demand for firewood fuel

to graze livestock

build houses for growing population

industry, furniture timber, paper

When are thunderstorms more likely to occur?

During the post-monsoon season

In northern and north-western areas

In the summer

Thunderstorms are one source of rainfall, state three other sources of rainfall
in Pakistan

Monsoon winds

Western depressions

Convectional currents

relief rainfall

Tropical cyclones.

Geography 8
other than flooding, describe two problems experiences by people as a result
of thunderstorms

Destroys crops orchards and agricultural activites

Roofs of houses are damaged

Electricity cut offs are experienced

flooding 6 marks question

Floods are a normal occurrence in Pakistan. However, every seven to eight
years there are
severe floods.
Assess the extent to which the problems of severe flooding can be managed
in Pakistan.
Give reasons to support your judgement and refer to examples you have
studied. You should
consider different points of view in your answer

severe flooding can be managed by afforestation projects along the river

to reduce the chances of flooding

the river bank can be enlarged to control water levels

Embankments can be built

extra channels to remove floodwater from cities

Publicizing flood warnings

Evacuation procedures

Severe flooding can be difficult to manage because the measures can only
be done in certain areas

one off extreme events cannot be always planned for

Flood prevention measure for every eventuality is not cost effective

And we cannot always accurately predict areas that may be affected by


Geography 9
Natural Resources - an Issue of

Describe two ways in which the atmosphere in Pakistan could be polluted[2]

Smokes from factories and industrial areas increase the carbon content of
the air and pollute it.

Burning of fossil fuels result in the emission of the greenhouse gases and
result in the pollution of air.

Explain how the use of chemical fertilizers on farms damages the natural
environment, you should develop your answer.4

After chemical fertilizers are used, and the fields are irrigated, the water
returns to the rivers with a huge amount of fertilizer in them, which are

Eutrophication in rivers cause the algal blooms and aquatic animals to die,
killing fishes and other aquatic life.

overuse of fertilizers destroys the soil and damages it and makes it

infertile, poisoning the natural vegetation.

It disrupts the food chain as the aquatic animals are killed and the animals
were supposed to be food for some other animal causing unbalance.

About 60% of irrigation water is lost before it reaches crops. Give three
reasons why irrigation water is lost this way.3

Seepage from the beds of the canals is responsible for most of the water

Evaporation from the surface of canals, is also responsible for water being
lost before it reaches the crop.

There is excessive runoff of water immediately into the streams.

Geography 10
Agricultural development[7]
What is meant by each of the following terms?

S0ubsistence crop farming:

It means that the farmer is growing crops for his own and families use.
When crops are in excess they are sold for profit, it is not an expectation
that they shall earn money from it. Animals

Cash crop farming:

Cash crop farming is done for earning of money, income or profit.

From the list below, choose one example of a crop that is mainly grown as a
subsistence crop and one that is mainly grown as cash crop.
Rice, sugar cane, oilseeds, vegetables, cotton, wheat
Subsistence crop: Rice/vegetables/wheat

Cash crops: Rice/sugar cane/oilseeds/cotton

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using High Yielding varieties of


The Yields are increased - output is increased

It allows multi-cropping, which means that it can use smaller land so more
crops grow faster.

Increased income, because you can sell surplus for profit

The quality of the crops is better and the growth is healthy


Seeds have to be bought every year, as we cannot sow seeds from the
crops produced themselves.

It Exhausts the soil, and it loses it's fertility.

Geography 11
it is expensive and the poor farmers cannot afford it.

Name of high yield wheat variety:

maxi pak.

What kinds of crops are grown in cash crop farming especially in Sindh and




sugar cane

How can production be increased in a crop?

By the use of chemical fertilizers

High-yielding seeds

Proper distribution of canal water

Skilled labour with proper knowledge about farming.

Why does the price increase of the crop and limits the profit to growers?

For large-scale commercial farming, big warehouses are needed to store

the produce before it's taken to the market. In Pakistan, because of the
distribution system, the crop has to pass through several hands, the
wholesaler, commission agents, and retailers before it reaches the
consumer. Each one takes a share of the profit which is why the price of
the crop increases and limits the profit to the growers.

How does the commercial farmer select which crop to grow?

Commercial farmer grows the crop on the basis of demand, price and
favourable government policies. Growers are also given incentives by the

Rabi crops

Geography 12
Sown at beginning of the winter season, Oct-Nov) and harvested on
April-May) are known as rabi crops.






Kharif crops

sown in summer(April - June)

Harvested in early winter Oct - Nov)


Sugar cane




Percentage share by value of crops.


Wheat - 40.38%
cotton - 21.72%
Rice - 12.38
Sugar cane - 14.33

Maize 11.19

How important is the wheat crop in Pakistan?

Wheat is the most important crop in Pakistan and is the most extensively
grown, the acreage of wheat varies from place to place depending on the
type of soul, availability of water, and climatic conditions.

What kind of land does a wheat crop need to be grown?

Geography 13
Canal irrigated lands of Sindh and Punjab meet the requirements for
wheat, the temperature is favourable and the soil is rich, flat and

Waterlogged areas of Indus plain are not suitable for the cultivation of

2 main wheat growing regions.



2 secondary regions



2 minor regions



Cultivation of wheat

Oct - Dec, after ploughing the field, wheat seeds are sown directly into the

It doesn't need much water so the farmers only water the crop twice.

The first irrigation is done one month after sowing the seed.

The second irrigation takes place one month before harvesting the crop.

Wheat is harvested after three months.

At the time of harvesting, a lot of labour is required.

Chaff is separated from the grain.

The grain is then stored by the farmer for the use of the family or
transported to the market.

How has the yield of wheat increased in Pakistan?

Geography 14
With the introduction of new wheat varieties, and improved farming

Improved water management system to reduce water losses.

Chemical fertilizers are becoming more widely used.

Government are providing loans on easy installments to purchase

agricultural machinery like tractors.

Despite this, Pakistan is still not self-sufficient in terms of wheat because

of the ever-growing population, and the lack of cultivatable land which is
being lost due to the problems of water-logging and salinity

Cultivation of wheat on a Barani farm(where? Rain-fed regions)

Cultivated in farms of Potwar plateau and Upper Indus Plain.

Cultivation process is adjusted according to seasonal rainfall and


Sowing begins on the dry month and season of Oct to Dec, when the
average temperature is 15 degrees,

As the rainfall is 13 to 32mm the seeds get little moisture when the
growing period starts.

The temperature drops further to 8 degrees in January and rainfall

increases to 34mm in Jan and 60mm in March.

The wheat crops grows in rainfall from western depression which is in

light showers and absorbed into the soil.

In the harvesting period, April - May, temperature rises from 25 degrees

to 31 degrees which helps in the ripening of wheat.

What are the Temperature requirements of wheat?

Mild temperature: 10 - 20 degrees at the time of growing.
Warm 25 - 30 degrees for ripening.
Needs at least 90 days and preferably, for better varieties, 120 days growing
period with mild - moist weather.

What are the rainfall requirements of wheat?

Geography 15
Moderate rainfall. A little rain just before the harvest swells the grain and
ensures a better yield.
Only Potwar Plateau and some parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are rain-fed

What are the requirements of soil for the cultivation of wheat?

moderately stiff or loamy soil/clayey soil.
Flat, undulating ground to facilitate the use of machinery.

Land must be well-drained.

Name some varieties of wheat

90% are high - yielding varieties
Maxi Pak widely used in Pakistan
research centres to research on high - yielding varieties of wheat.

Describe the cultivation process for rice

the seeds are initially sown into beds or nurseries.

when the plant is at least 9 inches high, it is transplanted into the

prepared (ploughed, weeded) fields which have been flooded in a depth of
30 - 37 cm.

the rice fields are kept full of water until the rice is ripe.

the water is then drained off for harvesting to begin.

threshing of rice is either done by draft animals or by a mechanical

thresher depending on the size of the farm and the wealth of the farmer.

After threshing, the rice is taken to the rice mills for polishing and packing,

Rice husks are used for making cardboard or covering roofs of houses
after mixing it with mud and water.

how has production of rice increased?

Geography 16
Improvement in irrigation facilities has led to increase in production of rice
as rice is grown exclusively on irrigated land.

The use of Irri - Pak variety has also doubled the production of rice.
Export, particularly of basmati rice, has increased over the years.

What are the main rice producing regions?



What are the secondary rice producing regions?



What are the temperature requirements of rice?

20 to 30 degrees with no cold season

A warm, dry period for harvesting.

What are the rainfall requirements/ irrigation requirements, of rice?

Heavy rainfall of at least 1270mm but over 2000 mm is ideal.

Irrigation bridges the rainfall gap.

Requires plenty of rain during the 46 months growing period and a sunny
harvesting time.

What are the requirements of land and soil for rice?

Level ground is needed because flat fields can be easily irrigated.

Soil should be loamy, or clayey.

impervious sub-soil is needed as it is retentive of water.

What are the Human inputs required for the production of rice?

Requires cheap and abundant labour or adequate machinery for field

preparation, sowing, transplanting, and harvesting


Geography 17
How is cotton used and how much is it used?

King of fibre

Used in textile industry

used to make clothes, furnishing fabrics, bed linen and industrial fabrics.

Is cotton a Rabi crop?

no cotton is not a Rabi crop as it is planted during April-May and is considered
as a kharif crop.

Explain how cotton is cultivated

cotton seeds are sown at a distant apart of 30 - 45cm in April - May

One month later the fields are irrigated.

A second irrigation takes place after a further 2 months.

Cotton bolls ripen in the dry months of Oct and Nov.

The plant reaches a height of up to 135 - 150cm depending on the variety

of seed and the application of fertilizer

After picking, the cotton bolls are loaded into the trucks immediately and
transported to ginning mills where the seeds are separated from the lint.

Cotton seeds are used as animal feed and for the extraction of oil.

Cotton lint is tied up in bales for further processing.

If the soil is enriched in fertilizers and the locusts do not attack the crop,
yields up to 700kg per hectare can be expected.

What are the temperature requirements of cotton?

The ideal temperature for cotton cultivation is 25 to 35 degrees.

Mild night temperatures are better for the development of bolls

Geography 18
For harvesting, the day temperatures of 25 to 35 degrees are best with
dry and sunny days.

Cotton is sensitive to frost.

What are the rainfall requirements of cotton?

Ample rainfall is preferred about 1000mm of rain, coming in frequent

showers with sunny periods in between.

However when moisture is less than 500mm, irrigation is necessary.

In Pakistan, it is cultivated in irrigated land.

Rain at picking spoils the boll from which the lint is extracted.

What type of soil is cotton grown in?

Medium loam is best

Needs natural manure or chemical fertilizer to maintain the fertility of soil,

otherwise crop rotation must be practiced.

What kind of land is needed for the cultivation of cotton?

Level land is required

What Human Inputs are used to cultivate a cotton crop?

Use of agricultural machinery speeds up the processes

Automatic, cotton - picking machines are also useful but in Pakistan, most
picking is done by cheap labour, which mainly consists of women.

Pesticides and insecticides are used, with aerial sprays.



What's the deal with Lasbela as a new cotton producing region?

What harms the cotton crop?

Cold, frost, rain at time of picking

Leaf-curl virus

Geography 19


Varieties of cotton

Old varieties:

Pak Upland,


High yielding varieties:

Nayyab 78



What does the high-yielding varieties of cotton do?

Produce an increase in quantity and size of the boll.

PARC is trying to produce a variant which is resistant to the leaf-curl virus

and isn't sensitive to temperature.

what products are made from sugar cane?


Brown sugar


Cultivation of sugar cane

Sugar cane stalks 30 cm high are planted in April - May

A distance of 30 cm is kept between each stalk

The quality and height of sugar cane depends on the frequency of

irrigation and application of fertilizers, especially potash.

If the land is well irrigated, then the plants rise up to the height of 6 - 7
feet and the crop can be ratooned and so harvested for 2 - 3 successive

What happens after the sugar cane is harvested?

Geography 20
After the sugar cane is harvested, it sends new shoots called ratoons and
these are left if the transportation of the sugar cane is slightly delayed, the
sugar content is reduced and starts losing weight.

What happens at the sugar mill?

the cane is scrubbed with chalk to remove the smell and dirt.

How is white sugar made?

After extracting the juice by crushing the cane through heavy rollers. the
juice is further processed to produce 'white sugar'.

What other types of sugar are made in villages?

In villages 'Gur' and 'brown sugar' are also prepared frim the sugar juice.

What are the major by-products left over during the processing of sugar-cane?
Bagasse and molasses are the two major by products.
Bagasse is a fibre left over after the sugar cane is crushed, it is used to make
paper, chipboard and animal feed.

Molasses is the liquid left over after the crystallization of sugar. It is a valuable
raw material for the production of citric acid, cattle feed, baker's yeast,
synthetic rubber, etc.

What is the temperature required to grow sugar cane?

2535 degrees

tolerant to frost for a short period

What is the rainfall required to grow sugar cane?

Requires plenty of rainfall, 1520 mm and therefore, in Pakistan, irrigation is

essential to bridge the gap.

What is the soil required to grow sugar cane?

It can be grown into a a variety of soils

loam and clay soils and silt are most useful as they retain water.

Application of manure and fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and

potash is needed every year.

Geography 21
What type of crop is maize?

Kharif crop

Food grain as well as a raw material for edible oil production

What it is used for?

for the manufacturing of cornflour, custard powder and other processed


What are the temperature requirements of maize?

upto 35 degrees is needed

What are the rainfall requirements of maize?

between 50 - 500mm

What are the soil requirements of maize?

Can be grown in porous soil.


Rich in proteins

Pulses fix the nitrogen in the soil therefore helping to fix the and fertilize
the other crops that follows.

Generally pulses are considered as low value crops so the farmer pays
little attention to them other than scattering seeds into the field.

When crops are harvested, little care is taken because the cash returns are
low and consequently inputs are minimal.






Geography 22


Used as fodder for animals poultry and also used as a food crop

Temp requirements of millets

3035 degrees ideal

Rainfall requirements of millets

does not require much rain, is drought resistant

can be grown on poorer sandy soils.

Area of cultivation


Kohat(Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)





Dera Ghazi Khan


Oilseeds are like sunflower seeds, castor seeds, rapeseeds, sesame seeds
unable to meet demand for growing population and needs to be imported around
68% while 32% is locally produced.

Tobacco mainly grown in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which accounts for the total 65%
of the production.
Mardan and Peshawar are the main tobacco growing regions.

Geography 23
nomadic livestock farming

Baluchistan and desert areas of Punjab

Move from place to place along with their animals in search of food and

they rear sheep and goats, and camels.

sheep and goats provide them with milk and the camels carry their loads.

if they find grazing food and water, then they settle down for weeks or
even days.


the system of livestock in which the animals are kept on pastures high up
in the mountains in summer and brought down to lower pastures in the

In area with severe winters, at lower levels, the animals are often kept in

this system is more common in the northern mountains but is also

practiced in some parts of the western mountains as well.

Goats, sheep and cattle are the main animals farmed this way,

To use the highest pastures in the Karakorum and the Himalayas, yak and
dzu a cross, are reared,

Meat dairy products and wool are the main outputs all of which may be
sold of there is any excess over subsistence needs.


It is also practised in the farms and villages of Punjab and Sindh

cows and hens are kept for milk and eggs to be consumed by the family.

Excess milk is processed to make butter or ghee, which are important

components of their diet.

Inputs are mainly derived from nature and the processes that are followed
are the traditional ones. The outputs are minimal

Geography 24
Occasionally the meat and wool is sold to buy more animals and other
necessities of life.

Livestock farming on a commercial farm

either on small scale by private owners or on a large scale by government

or military farms

bulk are still supplied by the small-scale private owners.

Urban supplies of milk come mainly from buffalo herds in the cities

Fodder is brought from the nearest crop growing area, often by heavy

a valuable by-product, cattle dung is collected and dried in circular cakes

plastered on any convenient wall and sold to the market to be used as
manure or domestic fuel.

Australian designed dairy farms in Islamabad and Karachi which make use
of the scientific methods and cross-breeding to increase the fertility rate.

Importance of livestock

Supply for nutritious food for the people(ghee, butter, milk, cheese, eggs,

Raw material for domestic industry of processed milk, leather

manufactures, processed meat and milk products.

contribution to export of livestock products,

Contributes 10% to the gross domestic product.

How is the keeping of buffalo different from the type of farming in Photograph
A? i.e nomadic livestock farming/Transhumance.

The buffalos are kept singly for domestic use

The buffalos can be kept in urban areas,

Geography 25
The buffalos need to remain in water so areas which have water, like the
canal irrigated areas of Sindh and punjab

Buffalos are kept in one place while the settled livestock requires a
permanent settlement.

Development of the livestock sector is the best way to increase the amount of
food available in Pakistan. OR Increasing crop production and cultivatable area is
the best way of ensuring there is enough food in Pakistan.
Increasing the crop production and cultivatable area is the best way of
ensuring that there is enough food in Pakistan because, more food can be
grown for more people in the same amount of land than it would be using
that area for the farming of animals because of techniques like multi-
cropping and using high-yield varieties of crops, there is also well-
developed irrigation and access to fertilizers and pesticides are also
available. However Livestock farming is not as effective as agriculture because
there is insufficient land for fodder crops, and inadequate storage facilities.
Pakistan has a lack of grazing land and issues like overgrazing lead to soil
erosion and global warming. Also issues like Unhygienic husbandry, lack of
funds and the majority not using the scientific methods, make livestock
farming ineffective to meet the growing demands of he growing population.

Power Resources[8]
Gas producing regions in Pakistan

Sui /Eastern Balochistan/Pirkoh/Uch/Zin/Lothi.

Lower Sindh, Tharparker

Northern sindh, Mari

Potwar Plateau

Distribution of natural gas pipeline of Pakistan using the figure given.

Geography 26
The network of the natural gas pipelines is built from the gas producing
regions to the ones that the Gas needs to be supplied with. It runs from Lower
Sindh, and runs north and supplies gas towards central Sindh and northern
sindh. Then it joins Quetta which is a largely populated city and serves gad
there. THe Pipeline of gas throut the country is in the center meaning that
most places which are not on the central side have no access to gas
resources. There are only a few branch lines towards the east and west mainly
which are towards main city centres.

Explain one way of transporting natural gas to parts of Pakistan not served by
the pipelines and one limitation of this method. 4

Another way of transporting natural gas is by road, either by trucks or rail.

Geography 27
Gas are filled in compressed tanks known as LPG's and then loaded into
trucks and railways, which then can be transported all over Pakistan.

One limitation to this method is that this method is highly dangerous,

theses cylinders are highly explosive and in case of even a minor accident,
it can lead to blast resulting in loss of lives and property.

Which sectors use natural gas?





Fertilizer or animal feed


Transport, CNG

To produce electricity in a —- power station, —- such as coal, oil or gas are

burned to make —- that moves the —- to generate electricity. Transformers
control the voltage and transfer electricity to pylons through —- lines.
To Produce electricity in a thermal power station, fossil fuels such as coal, oil
or gas are burned to make steam that moves the turbines to generate
electricity. Transformers control the voltage and transfer electricity to pylons
through transmission lines.

To what extent is further development of natural gas industry in Pakistan?

More pipelines and gas fired thermal power stations could be set up;

Potential for more gas fields to be found;

Geography 28
Pipeline could be extended further to areas currently not served;

Pipeline could be over-ground, doesn’t have to be underground;

If more gas fired thermal power stations are built, Pakistan could reduce
imports of oil and coal;

Finding more gas reserves would increase the domestic supply and
increase the number of potential years use;

Improve the lives of people in remote rural areas / provide employment



Financial constraints, loans have to be taken out

Topography or climate may hinder or make the building of more pipelines

or further exploration

Cost of exploration and building of power stations will not be value for
money or cost effective.

Industries would not be built in these areas as they are remote and not
ideal locations for an industry.

Name two coal producing areas in Pakistan 2

Lower Sindh/Lakhra/Jhimpir/Thar
N NW Baluchistan/Quetta
Salt range/Potwar Plateau.

Explain why the amount of coal being extracted from Pakistan has changed
since it's peak? You should develop your answer.4

Existing coalfields have become exhausted and the coal is becoming

harder to access, therefore increasing cost of extraction.

High cost of extraction then leads to indebtness.

Geography 29
Lack of government funding which a developing country with high
population growth cannot control.

there is also a lack of transport links to and from the coal producing
regions, therefore discouraging further investment.

There is also a lack of highly skilled and trained labour which means that
Pakistan has to import it's workers which in turn have to be paid in dollars
and a country like Pakistan cannot afford this and goes into dept.

Industrial Development[9]
Yarn is semi-secondary

Geography 30
Define tertiary industry[1]
Tertiary industry is concerned with providing service and sometimes knows
as the service industry. It has many different groups such as public
administration, transport, defence and authority.(additional, not included in
answer as question is only of 1 mark)

Name 3 different types of job types in the tertiary sector.3











Difference between domestic and foreign tourism 2

Domestic tourism is when people go one Holiday within their own countries,
while foreign tourism is when people from a different country go on a holiday

Explain two advantages of tourism to Pakistan, you should develop your


Income for tourism is usually greater than the income from the export of a
few raw materials. It may help Pakistan's balance of payments and lessen
the burden of debt.

To what extent is further development of tourism industry possible? Give

reasons to support your judgement. You should support different points of view
in your answer.6

Geography 31
Pakistan is a rich country in terms of natural topography and also
experiences all 4 climatic conditions, in theory, Pakistan is the perfect
country to develop Tourism industry in. There are many impressive
attractions, which are natural background that could be further developed
for tourism, Pakistan's 1500km coastline can easily be developed into not
only one but many beaches, which will in turn create more jobs and
ultimately help and boost the economy of the country.

Pakistan tourist development should take the promotion of tourism in

Pakistan in their own hands, they can increase marketing and promotion of
attractions using social media and TV which can easily develop a clear
brand for Pakistan.

The tourists facilities must be improved, like all- weather roads, access to
clean water, access to electricity, gas.

Visa on arrival can be initiated for 24 countries so that gaining visa can be

However these things can be acheived, it must be taken into note than
Pakistan is a less economically developed country which means that the
costs for developing tourism infrastructure will be very costly for a country
like Pakistan

There is also a concern of security in some areas, which makes the

tourists not want to visit the country in fear.

Tourism often destroys local culture and traditions, New social problems of
crime. terrorism, drugs may emerge. sometimes tourists do not respect
local customs and religious beliefs.

Geography 32
Suggest three physical factors for the pattern of population distribution shown
in figure 5.1.3

Topographical features of a place is inversely proportional to the number

of people living there. for example if an area is mountainous and the
ground is uneven, then there are less people living there, an example
would be northern Pakistan, places like Gilgit which is sparsely populated
and also Balochistan as it has difficult terrain. However where the land is
flat, the Population density is much higher, and example of that is Sindh,
areas like Karachi and Hyderabad are densely populated. Another factor is
the Temperature, areas with lower temperature, there are low density of
people living there and where the temperature is mild or even hot, more
people live there as it is easy to bear.

Define rural to urban migration[1]

Rural to urban migration is the movement of people from the countryside,

or villages

What is an industry?
An industry is a group of manufacturers that produce a particular kind of
goods or services. Workers in the textile industry design fabricate and sell

Primary industry

Geography 33
An industry involved in extraction and collectiono of natural resources,
such as copper and timber, as well as by activities such as farming and
fishing. A company on a primary industry can also be involved in turning
natural resources into products. Primary industry tends to make up a larger
portion of the economy of developing countries(LEDC) than they do for
developed countries.MEDC

What is the secondary industry?

work on secondary goods

The portion of an economy that includes light and heavy industrial

manufacturers of finished goods and products from raw materials.
Businesses that make up the secondary sector of industry often require
substantial machinery to operate, and they create waste that can
contribute to environmental pollution.

What is the tertiary industry?

The service sector consists of the "soft" parts of economy that is the
activities where people offer their knowledge and time to improve
productivity, performance, potential and sustainability, which is termed as
affective labours. Services (also known as "intangible goods:) include
attention, advice, access, experience and discussion.

How can we classify jobs?

Geography 34
Geography 35
How does an industry work as a system?
It also consist of input, processes and outputs.
The inputs include:

Raw materials

Human input






The Processes include:








The outputs include:


Soft drinks

Manufactured goods

For a firm to be profitable and to remain in bussiness, the value of it's outputs
must be greater than the cost of it's input

Some of the profit should then be re-invested, e.g. in modernizing the factory
and introducing new technology.

Geography 36
Capital → Enterprises → Land → Raw material → Power → Labour → Capital.

Factors influencing industrial location

Physical factors

Natural routes - is sea near, airport present? roads present?

Site requirements, labour force present? can be debeloped?

power supply is also very importan

industrial linkage very important

one industry needs to entangle with another industry.

Primary resources are the sustainable resources, which consist of

agriculture, Timber, Fish, Water, Power( Wind, Water, sunlight)

While the non sustainable resources consist of processed and

manufactured goods.

All of these are considered as raw materials.

What are the sustainable primary resources?

Geography 37
Able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed

Involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural


Characteristics of cottage industry

legend of Pakistan's industry

Geography 38
What are the advantages of establishing small scale industry?

employment potential

Meets the demand of local market

Large scale industry

Geography 39
Where are principle factory industries present?
They are present in:




Geography 40
What is cotton textile industry?

it provides 50& of labour force

Locations are, Karachi, Hyderabad and Faisalabad

Products are Raw cotton, cotton yarn and garments

Importance of cotton for Pakistan textile industry?

Skilled and unskilled labour is available at any time

Cotton products reduce cost per unit

meets the domestic demands.

Geography 41
Problems faced by Textile industry:

Frequent power breakdown

Poor infrastructure

Lack in political instability

terrorist activities

Government Policies, frequent changes

water shortages

Geography 42
Sugar industry

Sugar is made of sugar - cane

Lahore, Sialkot, Faisalabad.

Mostly grown in Punjab then in Sindh and lastly in Khyber


Fertilizer industry

Important to increase yield.

Ayub Khans era

Geography 43
Main location of fertilizer industry


Daud khel in Punjab

Hari Purr in KPK

cement industry

Sindh Punjab and KPK.

Geography 44
Location and importance of cement industry

Geography 45
Siting industry.

Industrial estates

which industry uses large amounts of water




inland fish farms

Define small scale-industry

Geography 46
Has assets less than Rs 10million(excluding loan, land and building). Up to
10hired labor can be employed in addition to family labor.

Explain how the following factors can increase economic development in

Pakistan, You should develop your answer:
Degree level qualification
Use of telecommunications
Degree level qualification:

It ensures skilled workforce and attracts the international bussinesses

It will reduce unemployment and there will be more number of people

earning a wage which supports their living.

Use of telecommunications:

It enables businesses to communicate easily around the world, and there

is no need to wait for meetings, or to travel abroad just to convey a
message or come to an agreement.

It will attract international companies to make their headquarters and

branches in Pakistan which will improve Pakistan's balance of payment.

State two strategies used by governing authorities to promote industrial

growth in Pakistan

Development of export processing zones

Restrictions on exports

providing incentives to new businesses.

Evaluate the extent to which the use of IT in Pakistan has the potential to
reduce unemployment. Give reasons to support your judgement and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider different points of view in you
It may reduce unemployment because more entrepreneurs are generated,
which in turn make jobs for more number of people. It will reduce the number
of managers to be brought in from businesses abroad and new businesses will
open. Many people own smart phones and have basic skills to set up a

Geography 47
business from, their own homes. Equipment and training can be expensive for
a country like Pakistan, and not all student's and families can afford to go to
universities and develop IT expertise. Also many IT graduates emigrate so
Pakistan does not always benefit from the, Pakistan faces issues of power
outages and constant load shedding and not all areas have a reliable
electricity supply. In conclusion IT does have a potential to reduce
unemployment as more entrepreneur's are generated which reduces their
chances to be unemployed.

What is meant by the term 'Balance of trade?'1
The difference between the value of goods imported and exported by a
country, or the value of imports subtracted from the exports.

What are the reasons for having a negative balance of trade?3

Value of goods imported is greater than the value of goods exported.

Uncompetitive or low quality export products.

Unable to fulfil domestic needs of population

Import tariffs/quotas in their own country

Dependency on import of capital goods machinery, oil, high value added


Suggest two effects of a negative balance of trade on the national economy.


Foreign debt increases

Rise in taxation

Currency depreciated, imports then become expensive

Evaluate whether using global telecommunications has improved employment

opportunities in Pakistan. Give reasons to support your answer and refer to

Geography 48
examples you have studied. You should consider different points of view in your
Yes development of telecommunications has improved the employment
opportunities in Pakistan as some international companies manage their
branches in other parts of the world from their head offices. The development
of fast and and efficient telecommunications in Pakistan encouraged such
companies in Pakistan to open their branches which in turn creates many jobs
for the public. The working conditions on offices has also increased, call
centres have become the a source of employment for the generation for
computer skilled workers in developing countries like Pakistan where labour
rates are comparatively low. It also has better paid jobs in the tertiary sector
as giving services is made easy using telecommunication. However it creates
relatively low and few employment opportunities as computers and other IT
devices are far more efficient than workers. Telecommunications depend
largely on a steady supply of electricity, Load shedding and frequent power
breakdowns are common in Pakistan. However despite the problems,
telecommunications play an important role in the economic development of
Pakistan and has given great improvement in Pakistan's position economically.

label karez system

Give an example of a barrage and name the river it is on[2]


Geography 49
Jinnah barrage on river Indus.

State why barrages are needed in Pakistan?2

Barrages are needed in Pakistan because as Pakistan is an agro-based

country, barrages are needed to release water for irrigation.

It is also needed to provide water supply to perennial canals

Barrages are also important as they are responsible for flood control, and
control the flow of water.

Transport and Telecommunications[11]

Describe two advantages of developing the motorway network in Pakistan.2

By developing the motorway network, there will be more direct routes

which saves time and is much faster

It can relieve pressure on existing roads

Faster supply of finished goods, which means that trade will be much
quicker and efficient.

Explain the difficulties of building roads in the desert area of Pakistan. You
should develop your answer.4

Geography 50
The rugged, undulating and sandy terrain of the desert areas of Pakistan,
increases the construction costs due to extra bridges and cuttings, there has
to be extra length to be built to cover and curve around the features of the
desert. The extreme heat of the climate, high temperatures make the working
condition very difficult for the workers as they might dehydrate and have an

Population and Employment [12]

Pakistan is one of the less economically developed countries LEDC

What is morality rate?

Morality rate is death rate.

What was the annual growth rate between 1971 and 2017?

Annual growth rate decreased then increased within a span of 19712017.

Reasons for population increase

Child labor:

People prefer to have more offspring as they will help them in the farm,
parents work, which will help them earn more money.

Early marriages:

early marriages increases the span of reproductivity, mostly practiced in

the rural areas.

Religious aspects:

Muslims have belief that Allah gives 'Rizk' to everyone then why should
they have only a few children?

Family planning programs receive strong resistance on religious grounds.

Strong desire for sons:

Geography 51
Parents want a son as they believe only sons can support them financially,
but females can support their parents financially.

Refugee issue:
Afghan refugees started entering Pakistan in 1979 and their number reached
3.7 million in 1990. Pakistan is still hosting 1.818 million Afghan refugees.
Inconsistent government policies:

Frequent change of governments hinders the consistency of the

population welfare projects.

Low literacy-rate:
In Pakistan, majority of the people are illiterate. They are not aware of the
economic distress caused by high birth-rate.

How to control population growth?

Ulemas can help raise awareness to remove misconception of religion, to

convince people that population control is not against the religion.

more programs for educational institutions for females, this will delay age
of marriage and reduce birth rate.

Better utilization of natural and human resources of the country so that

rate of economic development outstrips the rate of population growth.

During recent years, NGOs have started programs in collaborations with

the government for population welfare. They can be even more
successful in rural areas as there is no fear of security issues, as in urban
areas there is a problem of security.

Increase in literacy rate, spread of education, rural electrification and

building of all-weather roads will change the outlook of villages and this
will decrease the rate of population.

Population welfares such as Women's association, Behbud association,

Green-star clinics and child welfare Association are receiving encouraging
response from the public.

Describe the Population distribution of Pakistan.

Geography 52
Unevenly spread;
• Most people in North / North East Punjab / KPK;
• Densely populated in Punjab / Sindh;
• Most population in East Pakistan (compared with west);
• Most / more population centred around cities or named example from
map, e.g. Islamabad / Lahore / Hyderabad / Karachi / Quetta;
• South West / West / North / North East Pakistan has few people /
sparsely populated;
• Balochistan / FATA / Northern KPK / NWFP/ Gilgit-Baltistan / Northern
Areas / Jammu and Kashmir are sparsely populated;

Explain two factors which have contributed in population growth in Pakistan

Geography 53
There are Social factors of population growth in Pakistan. Early marriages
increases the span of productivity. There is lack of family planning and birth
control. People believe that Allah is the one that will give them 'rizk' so they
end up have more children. Large families are seen as a matter of pride, and
there is desire for large families. The literacy rate is also low which makes the
people unable to know about the economic effect having more children has.
Another factor is the economic factor, children are an important part of the
working force and they are needed for the work on land, mainly agriculture.
There is a huge desire for sons as daughters are seen as disrespect.

Study Photographs B and C Insert), which show typical working scenes in

rural areas.

Photograph B

Geography 54
Photograph C

Using Photograph B and your own knowledge, describe how bricks are made
in rural

Bricks are made in rural areas by mixing clay with water.

Then the mixture is placed into rectangular moulds that make the brick

Then they are left to dry under direct sunlight.

After they are dried, they are put into brock kilns, and heated to bake them
and make them ready for use.

Describe the work being done in photograph C 2

The wheat crop is being harvested

The crop is collected in bales.

The cheap labour is doing the work which are mostly women, the work is
manual and done by hand.

Geography 55
Why is employment in urban areas considered to be more attractive than
employment in rural areas? 2

Because the salaries are high with more working benefits like health

Salaries are more regular and stable, with fixed wages.

better working conditions, more likely to be indoors in an office with AC.

State three pull factors that attract migrants to urban areas for work.3

Higher and better education is available in the urban areas with more
schools and collages which ensure a better future for their children.

there are more and better hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Better infrastructure with roads, buildings houses, railways, airports.


Building an iron and steel mill will make more employment opportunities to
the people of Rawalpindi and the surrounding areas. There will be
improvements around the area such as new roads and infrastructure. More
people will be attracted to the area meaning there will be new settlements.
There will be more trade in local shops and more work for local steel and
iron related industries, However with these advantages there will also be

Geography 56
significant disadvantages of building an iron and steel mill. There will be air
pollution from the carbon emissions from the factory and also land and
water pollution as factories do not throw their toxic waste responsibly.
Roads and railways might become congested due to the amount of people
coming here, and also by the transport of raw materials to bring in this
factory as most transport is done by road and rail. It will use large amounts
of water and electricity which may be a problem for the people of
Rawalpindi as it will reduce their amount of water and electricity.

From either imports or exports, suggest reasons why the countries listed are
important trading partners for Pakistan?


China is the regional superpower, with a very strong economy, it also

neighbours Pakistan, and has land links like the CPEC and the Karakoram

China and India are the source of capital and manufactured goods, the
technological goods and machinery are imported from China.

UAE, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are the major countries from which Pakistan
imports palm oil in huge quantities.

Geography 57
Geography 58

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