Cuencas Andinas
Cuencas Andinas
Cuencas Andinas
T his memoir addresses the geology and dynamics of the principal petroleum basins of South
America from Venezuela to Argentina. Our understanding of the way these sedimentary
basins formed has advanced immensely in the last decade. This reflects improved data quality, a
different way of looking at the data, a new integrated approach to basin analysis, and a new genera-
tion of geologists. A wide variety of papers reviews the tectonic framework, comparative structural
styles, sequence stratigraphy, and the way these are interrelated. These basins were a long time in
the making. Most have evolved by repeated reactivation of preexisting fabrics. The structural devel-
opment, its timing, and the way sedimentation responded to this activity is of paramount impor-
tance to oil and gas exploration. Intentionally we do not review in any detail the Mesozoic basins of
the Atlantic margin because a subject so vast would require space of its own.
We are grateful to the following people for their generous assistance in many ways, for being
there when we needed them: Peter Aukes, Hugo Belotti, Nora Cesaretti, Miguel Cirbián, Al
Ferworn, Silvia González, Gary Howell, Bob Meneley, Luis Spalletti and Graciela Suárez Marzal de
Spalletti, Anne Thomas, Gustavo Vergani, and members of the AAPG staff. We thank Edgar Ortiz
and Jeremy Tankard for the paintings prepared especially for this volume. Copyediting and layout
were done by Kathy Walker. We are also grateful to Perez Companc for its support.
All of the manuscripts were reviewed externally. We would like to thank the following for their
critical reviews:
J. Allan D. A. Lehto
R. B. Allen J. Letouzey
R. W. Allmendinger S. Liu
H. Arbe O. López Gamundi
C. D. Arregui O. López Paulsen
P. G. Aukes D. Loureiro
H. R. Balkwill J. D. Lowell
C. Barcat J. A. Maloney
H. Belotti P. Mann
K. T. Biddle R. Manoni
A. Boll J. R. McLean
G. C. Bond R. A. Meneley
A. J. Boucot E. J. Milani
R. L. Brown M. Mozetic
K. R. Butler A. C. Newson
R. Caminos H. Passalacqua
M. A. Cooper M. J. Perkins
M. C. Covey J. L. Pindell
L. Dalla Salda V. Ploszkiewicz
M. J. de Wit V. A. Ramos
J. F. Dunn J. Reynolds
A. Edwards G. Rodrigue
R. N. Erlich D. Roeder
N. Eyles F. Roure
R. D. Forsythe D. B. Rowley
J. Gallagher F. Schein
C. F. Garrasino D. W. Scholl
S. Greer T. Sempere
R. H. Groshong B. M. Sheffels
N. E. Haimila A. E. Slingsby
P. E. Isaacson L. R. Snowdon
M. P. A. Jackson C. R. Tippett
W. R. Jamison M. A. Uliana
W. A. M. Jenkins J. Utting
P. B. Jones B. van Hoorn
T. E. Jordan G. Vergani
J. W. Kerr J. N. J. Visser
E. Kozlowski C. Vistalli
C. Knutson H. J. Welsink
G. E. Kronman H. J. White
D. Larue P. A. Ziegler
L. Legarreta N. Zilli
This memoir was stimulated by a meeting on Gondwana geology held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in
August 1992. Financial support was provided by Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos,
Phillips Petroleum, Tesoro Bolivia Petroleum, Perez Companc, Mobil Boliviana Petroleum, Chevron
International (Bolivia), Exxon Company, and Texaco Bolivia.
Anthony Tankard
Ramiro Suárez Soruco
Herman Welsink
About the Editors
E dgar Ortiz was born in Villa Dolores in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. He studied
drawing and painting at the Manuel Belgrano School of Fine Arts. Today Ortiz is widely
regarded as one of Argentina’s outstanding watercolor artists, for which he has received numerous
awards. His work is inspired by the Argentinian landscapes and captures their changing seasons
and moods. His paintings are in numerous galleries as well as private collections in Argentina,
Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, United States, Italy, and The Netherlands. Edgar now lives in La
J eremy Tankard was born in Cape Town, South Africa. He is now resident in Canada, where he
studied drawing and printmaking at the Alberta College of Art. He is principally a figure and
portrait artist and works in most mediums. Jeremy lives in Calgary.
Petroleum Basins of
South America
edited by
A. J. Tankard
R. Suárez Soruco
H. J. Welsink
AAPG Memoir 62
Published jointly by
ISBN: 0-89181-341-1
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JUAN KEIDEL (1877–1954)
Geologist, teacher, and explorer.
B efore plate tectonics, there was continental drift, a concept pioneered largely by Alfred
Wegener. He showed that the geometric reconstruction of the supercontinents was more than
the fortuitous parallelism of the coasts on either side of the Atlantic. He also explained in an elegant
way the distribution of mountain belts, stratigraphy, and middle Paleozoic ice age deposits.
The reaction to these ideas was lukewarm at best in Europe and decidedly hostile in North
America. The geologists of southern Africa and South America were, however, more enthusiastic.
Prominent among these were Alex du Toit of South Africa and Juan Keidel of Argentina.
Juan Keidel provided some of the supporting evidence for the contiguity of Africa and South
America within Paleozoic Gondwana. His contributions are acknowledged by Wegener in his
classic book Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (1915). Keidel demonstrated the relationships
between the Carboniferous–Permian Sauce Grande glacial deposits of Argentina and the Dwyka
tillites of South Africa, as well as the nature of their encapsulating stratigraphies. Only in a recon-
structed Gondwana did these glaciers have a rational distribution. The apparent continuity of the
Cape fold belt and the Sierra de la Ventana was noted. In his seminal paper of 1921, Keidel recog-
nized how widespread this Permian–Triassic deformation really was, forming a series of cordilleras
from Ventana to the Andean foothills. To describe these ancient cordilleras, he coined the name
Gondwanides. These interpretations were supported by field work on the Ventana System in the
province of Buenos Aires and by surveys in the western and northern Precordillera of Mendoza and
San Juan. This was also the start of his association with Alex du Toit, who visited Argentina in the
early 1920s.
Field expeditions took Keidel to the Andes, Patagonia, and Neuquén. In the Neuquén basin, he
was involved with the first oil well.
Juan Keidel was born in Gross Stoeckheim, Germany, in 1877. He studied at the Institute of
Mining in Berlin and completed a doctorate at Freiburg under Professor Steinmann. Dr. Keidel was
appointed the first head of what was to become the Geological Survey of Argentina. Subsequently,
he taught geology at the University of Buenos Aires. Keidel published more than 50 papers in an
illustrious career.
We dedicate this book, Petroleum Basins of South America, to the memory of Juan Keidel.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xi
Regional Setting
Structural and Tectonic Controls of Basin Evolution in Southwestern Gondwana
During the Phanerozoic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
A. J. Tankard, M. A. Uliana, H. J. Welsink, V. A. Ramos, M. Turic, A. B. França, E. J.
Milani, B. B. de Brito Neves, N. Eyles, J. Skarmeta, H. Santa Ana, F. Wiens, M. Cirbián,
O. López P., G. J. B. Germs, M. J. De Wit, T. Machacha, and R. McG. Miller
Oil and Gas Discoveries and Basin Resource Predictions in Latin America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
G. E. Kronman, S. W. Rushworth, K. Jagiello, and A. Aleman
Petroleum Basins of Southern South America: An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
C. M. Urien, J. J. Zambrano, and M. R. Yrigoyen
Tectonic Subsidence Analysis and Paleozoic Paleogeography of Gondwana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
K. E. Williams
Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean Paleogeography and Regional Controls on
Hydrocarbon Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
J. L. Pindell and K. D. Tabbutt
Phanerozoic Correlation in Southern South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
A. B. França, E. J. Milani, R. L. Schneider, O. López P., J. López M., R. Suárez S., H. Santa
Ana, F. Wiens, O. Ferreiro, E. A. Rossello, H. A. Bianucci, R. F. A. Flores, M. C. Vistalli,
F. Fernandez-Seveso, R. P. Fuenzalida, and N. Muñoz
Paleozoic Basins
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and
Central South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
N. Eyles, G. Gonzalez Bonorino, A. B. França, C. H. Eyles, and O. López Paulsen
Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Chaco Basin of Paraguay,
with Comments on Hydrocarbon Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
F. Wiens
Phanerozoic Evolution of Bolivia and Adjacent Regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
T. Sempere
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin and Significant Paleolatitudinal Shift,
Central Andes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231
P. E. Isaacson and E. Díaz Martínez
Silurian–Jurassic Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution of Northwestern Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . .251
D. Starck
Tectonic Evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269
R. Mon and J. A. Salfity
Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina and its
Regional Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285
F. Fernandez-Seveso and A. J. Tankard
viii Contents
Mesozoic Rifts
Structural Inversion of a Cretaceous Rift Basin, Southern Altiplano, Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305
H. J. Welsink, E. Martinez, O. Aranibar, and J. Jarandilla
Geometry and Seismic Expression of the Cretaceous Salta Rift System,
Northwestern Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325
A. H. Comínguez and V. A. Ramos
Cretaceous Rifting, Alluvial Fan Sedimentation, and Neogene Inversion,
Southern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .341
C. J. Schmidt, R. A. Astini, C. H. Costa, C. E. Gardini, and P. E. Kraemer
Structural Inversion and Oil Occurrence in the Cuyo Basin of Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359
D. Dellapé and A. Hegedus
Inversion of the Mesozoic Neuquén Rift in the Malargüe Fold and Thrust Belt,
Mendoza, Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .369
R. Manceda and D. Figueroa
Tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383
G. D. Vergani, A. J. Tankard, H. J. Belotti, and H. J. Welsink
Hydrocarbon Accumulation in an Inverted Segment of the Andean Foreland:
San Bernardo Belt, Central Patagonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .403
G. O. Peroni, A. G. Hegedus, J. Cerdan, L. Legarreta, M. A. Uliana, and G. Laffitte
Andean Basins
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .423
J. M. P. Mathalone and M. Montoya R.
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .445
P. Baby, I. Moretti, B. Guillier, R. Limachi, E. Mendez, J. Oller, and M. Specht
Structural Geology of Sub-Andean Fold and Thrust Belt in Northwestern Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . .459
D. Roeder and R. L. Chamberlain
Andean and Pre-Andean Deformation, Boomerang Hills Area, Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .481
H. J. Welsink, A. Franco M., and C. Oviedo G.
Devonian–Carboniferous Stratigraphy in the Madre de Dios Basin, Bolivia:
Pando X-1 and Manuripi X-1 Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .501
P. E. Isaacson, B. A. Palmer, B. L. Mamet, J. C. Cooke, and D. E. Sanders
Is the Bend in the Bolivian Andes an Orocline? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .511
B. M. Sheffels
Structural Styles and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Sub-Andean Thrust Belt
of Southern Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523
J. F. Dunn, K. G. Hartshorn, and P. W. Hartshorn
Structural Styles and Petroleum Occurrence in the Sub-Andean Fold and
Thrust Belt of Northern Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .545
H. J. Belotti, L. L. Saccavino, and G. A. Schachner
Contents ix
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .781
T his memoir addresses the geology and dynamics of the principal petroleum basins of South
America from Venezuela to Argentina. Our understanding of the way these sedimentary
basins formed has advanced immensely in the last decade. This reflects improved data quality, a
different way of looking at the data, a new integrated approach to basin analysis, and a new genera-
tion of geologists. A wide variety of papers reviews the tectonic framework, comparative structural
styles, sequence stratigraphy, and the way these are interrelated. These basins were a long time in
the making. Most have evolved by repeated reactivation of preexisting fabrics. The structural devel-
opment, its timing, and the way sedimentation responded to this activity is of paramount impor-
tance to oil and gas exploration. Intentionally we do not review in any detail the Mesozoic basins of
the Atlantic margin because a subject so vast would require space of its own.
We are grateful to the following people for their generous assistance in many ways, for being
there when we needed them: Peter Aukes, Hugo Belotti, Nora Cesaretti, Miguel Cirbián, Al
Ferworn, Silvia González, Gary Howell, Bob Meneley, Luis Spalletti and Graciela Suárez Marzal de
Spalletti, Anne Thomas, Gustavo Vergani, and members of the AAPG staff. We thank Edgar Ortiz
and Jeremy Tankard for the paintings prepared especially for this volume. Copyediting and layout
were done by Kathy Walker. We are also grateful to Perez Companc for its support.
xii Preface
All of the manuscripts were reviewed externally. We would like to thank the following for their
critical reviews:
J. Allan D. A. Lehto
R. B. Allen J. Letouzey
R. W. Allmendinger S. Liu
H. Arbe O. López Gamundi
C. D. Arregui O. López Paulsen
P. G. Aukes D. Loureiro
H. R. Balkwill J. D. Lowell
C. Barcat J. A. Maloney
H. Belotti P. Mann
K. T. Biddle R. Manoni
A. Boll J. R. McLean
G. C. Bond R. A. Meneley
A. J. Boucot E. J. Milani
R. L. Brown M. Mozetic
K. R. Butler A. C. Newson
R. Caminos H. Passalacqua
M. A. Cooper M. J. Perkins
M. C. Covey J. L. Pindell
L. Dalla Salda V. Ploszkiewicz
M. J. de Wit V. A. Ramos
J. F. Dunn J. Reynolds
A. Edwards G. Rodrigue
R. N. Erlich D. Roeder
N. Eyles F. Roure
R. D. Forsythe D. B. Rowley
J. Gallagher F. Schein
C. F. Garrasino D. W. Scholl
S. Greer T. Sempere
R. H. Groshong B. M. Sheffels
N. E. Haimila A. E. Slingsby
P. E. Isaacson L. R. Snowdon
M. P. A. Jackson C. R. Tippett
W. R. Jamison M. A. Uliana
W. A. M. Jenkins J. Utting
P. B. Jones B. van Hoorn
T. E. Jordan G. Vergani
J. W. Kerr J. N. J. Visser
E. Kozlowski C. Vistalli
C. Knutson H. J. Welsink
G. E. Kronman H. J. White
D. Larue P. A. Ziegler
L. Legarreta N. Zilli
This memoir was stimulated by a meeting on Gondwana geology held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in
August 1992. Financial support was provided by Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos,
Phillips Petroleum, Tesoro Bolivia Petroleum, Perez Companc, Mobil Boliviana Petroleum, Chevron
International (Bolivia), Exxon Company, and Texaco Bolivia.
Anthony Tankard
Ramiro Suárez Soruco
Herman Welsink
About the Artists
E dgar Ortiz was born in Villa Dolores in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. He studied
drawing and painting at the Manuel Belgrano School of Fine Arts. Today Ortiz is widely
regarded as one of Argentina’s outstanding watercolor artists, for which he has received numerous
awards. His work is inspired by the Argentinian landscapes and captures their changing seasons
and moods. His paintings are in numerous galleries as well as private collections in Argentina,
Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, United States, Italy, and The Netherlands. Edgar now lives in La
J eremy Tankard was born in Cape Town, South Africa. He is now resident in Canada, where he
studied drawing and printmaking at the Alberta College of Art. He is principally a figure and
portrait artist and works in most mediums. Jeremy lives in Calgary.
Petroleum Basins of
South America
Regional Setting
George E. Kronman
Sandra W. Rushworth
Keith Jagiello
Antenor Aleman
Amoco Production Company
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
M ore than 4500 wildcat wells were drilled from 1980 to 1990 in South America. Approximately 355 of
these resulted in hydrocarbon discoveries. An estimated 12% of the discoveries contain reserves
greater than 100 MMBO. Several of the larger finds (>500 MMBO), such as Cusiana (Colombia),
Furrial–Musipan (Venezuela), Caño Limón (Colombia), and Marlim (Brazil), are important among the giant
fields found worldwide since 1980. Most of the larger discoveries were made by national oil companies in
Venezuela, Mexico, and Brazil. The probability of finding large oil fields (>500 MMBO) is greatest in the
Campos, Llanos, Reforma-Campeche, Maracaibo, and Maturin basins. Smaller, but still significant fields
(50–250 MMBO) may still be found in the Neuquén, San Jorge, Austral, Tarija, Marañon-Napo-Putumayo,
Magdalena, and Tampico-Misantla basins. More than 170 BBO of proven reserves have been found in the
highest potential Latin American basins. Undiscovered oil resources of 40–80 BBO are estimated to remain in
the same group based on historical field size data and current geologic knowledge. Frontier and emerging
basins may also contain significant resources, but limited data makes it difficult to estimate their undiscovered
M as de 4500 pozos de exploración se han perforado desde 1980 hasta 1990 en América Latina. Aproxi-
madamente 355 de estos resultaron en descubrimiento de hidrocarburo. Se estima que un doce por
ciento (12%) de los descubrimientos contienen reservas mayores que 100 MMBO. Varios de los hallazgos
mayores (>500 MMBO), tales como Cusiana (Colombia), Furrial/Musipan (Venezuela), Caño Limón
(Colombia), y Marlim (Brazil) clasifican entre los campos gigantes mas importantes descubiertos a nivel
mundial desde 1980. La mayoría de los descubrimientos mas importantes fueron hechos por compañias
nacionales en Venezuela, México y Brazil. La probabilidad de encontrar nuevos yacimientos gigantes de
petróleo (>500 MMBO) es mayor en las cuencas Campos, Llanos, Reforma-Campeche, Maracaibo y Maturin.
Yacimientos menores, pero aun importantes (50–250 MMBO) pueden todavía ser descubiertos en las cuencas
de Neuquén, San Jorge, Austral, Tarijas, Marañon-Oriente-Putumayo, Magdalena y Tampico-Misantla. Sobre
170 BBO de reservas probadas se han encontrado en el mismo grupo de cuencas. Se estima que los recursos de
hidrocarburo por descubrirse en las cuencas Latinoamericanas de mayor potencial, basado en los datos de la
historia del tamaño del campo y el conocimiento geológico actual, son de 40 a 80 MMBO. Las cuencas
nacientes y áreas exploratorias de frontera también pueden contener recursos significativos, pero los escasos
datos disponibles hacen difícil estimar su potencial.
Kronman, G. E., Rushworth, S. W., Jagiello, K., and Aleman, A., 1995, Oil and gas discov- 53
eries and basin resource predictions in Latin America, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and
H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 53–61.
54 Kronman et al.
Latin America has the second largest oil reserves in
the world, after the Middle East (Figure 1). Increased
democratization, restructuring toward free market
economic systems, privatization, and growing confi-
dence in the potential for Latin America are attracting
significant interest in the area. As a result, many of the
world’s multinational petroleum companies are increas-
ingly pursuing exploration and production opportunities
in Latin America (Kronman et al., 1993).
This paper presents exploration wildcat well success
rates, estimated field discovery sizes, and competitor
information from 1980 to 1992 throughout Latin
America. We have used this information to estimate
remaining resources, as well as probabilities of finding
these resources in the larger producing Latin American
basins. The information presented here is based largely
Figure 1—Crude oil resources greater than or equal to
on an internal study done by Amoco on Latin America. 2 BBO recoverable by country as of January 1, 1991.
Data used for this study are complete through the end of (Source of information: Oil and Gas Journal Energy
1990. In some cases, our data base after 1990 is incom- Database.)
plete or unverified and thus is not used. For the purpose
of this paper, Latin America includes all countries from
Mexico to the southern tip of Latin America, including
the Caribbean nations (Figure 2).
The data used in this study are based on outside
resource estimates, Amoco’s proprietary database, and
estimates made by Amoco in-house experts in Latin
America. All field size data and estimates are recorded as
recoverable reserves. Gas reserves are converted to
barrels of oil equivalent (1 BOE = 6000 cf gas), and all
reserves are stated as barrels of oil or oil equivalent.
Field Discoveries
There were 355 reported oil field discoveries in Latin
America from 1980 to 1990. All occurred within the
countries previously mentioned, except for two discov-
eries in Chile and one in Panama (information was not
available for Cuba). Forty-four of the Latin American oil
field discoveries (12%) are estimated to contain resources
greater than 100 MMBO.
Most of the larger field discoveries (>100 MMBO)
were made in Venezuela (fifteen), followed by Brazil
(twelve), Mexico (seven), Colombia (five), Ecuador (two),
and one each in Peru, Trinidad, and Argentina (Figure
5a). All of the field discoveries in Venezuela, Brazil, and
Mexico were made by their national oil companies,
which have exclusive rights to the discoveries.
Most of the large field discoveries (>100 MMBO)
occurred in 1980 (six), 1988 (seven), and 1989 (ten).
Figure 5b shows that the annual number of large field
discoveries declined from six in 1980 to one in 1983,
remained relatively stable from 1984 to 1987 (three to
five), and increased to ten in 1989.
The largest oil and gas fields discovered in the
principal Latin American countries from 1980 to 1992 are
listed in Tables 1 and 2. Fields estimated to be greater
than 1 BBO include Marlim in Brazil, Furrial-Musipan in
Venezuela, Euch in Mexico, and Cusiana in Colombia.
Gas fields greater than 1 tcf were found in Peru, Brazil,
Colombia, Venezuela, and Argentina.
Competitor Analysis
Three groups of competitors have been identified in
Latin America. The national oil companies (NOCs) and
multinational oil companies (MNCs) are the major
competitors. The activities of the smaller independents
are more limited, but in general, they have become
increasingly active and successful. NOCs are separate,
identifiable businesses that are engaged in either the
upstream or downstream parts of the petroleum
industry whose interest is controlled by a national
government and that serve national interests (Kronman
and Smith, 1993). The larger NOCs in Latin America
include Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) in Venezuela,
Petrobras in Brazil, Pemex in Mexico, Ecopetrol in
Colombia, and Petroecuador in Ecuador. Multinational
companies with a significant commitment and invest-
ment in Latin America include Occidental, Texaco, Elf,
Exxon, Royal Dutch/Shell, British Petroleum, Amoco,
Mobil, ARCO, Chevron, and Conoco.
During the 1980–1990 period, the Latin American
NOCs had 35 significant discoveries (greater than or
Figure 5—Major field discoveries for 1980–1990 greater
than 100 MMBO made (a) by country, (b) on an annual
equal to 100 MMBO), which is four times greater than
basis, and (c) by company in Latin America. These discov- the 8 significant oil discoveries made by the multina-
eries are based on various external sources and the tional oil company group (Figure 5c). Two NOCs,
Amoco Production Company Resource Assessment PDVSA (Venezuela) and Petrobras (Brazil), each made
Group. PDVSA (Venezuela), Petrobras (Brazil), and Pemex more significant discoveries in the 1980s in their
(Mexico) are responsible for most of the major discoveries countries than the combined discoveries of all the other
during this period. multinational companies in all of Latin America. This
most likely reflects the quality of reserve areas to which
the NOCs maintain exclusive exploration rights.
Oil and Gas Discoveries and Basin Resource Predictions in Latin America 57
Table 1—Largest Oil Fields in Latin American Countries, Table 2—Largest Gas Fields in Latin American Countries,
1980–1992 1980–1992
BBO tcf
Country Field Year Operator (est.) Country Field Year Operator (est.)
Brazil Marlim 1985 Petrobras 5.40 Peru Cashiriari 1986 Shell 10.00
Mexico Uech 1986 Pemex 2.00 Brazil Marlim 1985 Petrobras 7.70
Venezuela Furrial- Colombia Cusiana 1988 BP 6.50
Musipan 1986 PDVSA 1.90 Venezuela Furrial-
Colombia Cusiana 1988 BP 1.70 Musipan 1986 PDVSA 5.65
Peru Cashiriari 1986 Shell 0.50 Argentina Ara-Hidra 1981 Total 0.98
Ecuador Ishpingo 1992 PetroEcuador 0.23 Mexico Cardinas 1980 Pemex 1.00
Argentina El Trapiel 1991 San Jorge 0.17 Trinidad Chaconia 1981 Tenneco 0.75
Trinidad NE Soldado 1981 Texaco 0.10 Bolivia Surubi 1992 Maxus 0.25
Surinam Tambarejo 1980 Statsole 0.06 Chile Lago
Mercedes 1992 Texaco 0.05
Smaller but potentially economic discoveries in the recoverable conventional resources of oil and gas in the
50–250 MMBO range possibly remain to be made in the United States: USGS Circular 860, 87 p.
following basins: Drew,L. J., and Schuenemeyer, J. H., 1993, The evolution and
use of discovery process models at the United States
Geological Survey: AAPG Bulletin; v. 77, p. 467-478.
• Neuquén, San Jorge, and Austral basins in
Kaufman, G. M., Y. Balcer, and D. Kruyt, 1975, A probabilistic
Argentina model of oil and gas discovery, in J. D. Haun, ed., Methods
• Tarija basin in Bolivia and northern Argentina of estimating the volume of undiscovered oil and gas
• Marañon-Napo-Putumayo basin in Ecuador, resources: AAPG Studies in Geology 1, p. 113–142.
Peru, and Colombia Kronman, G. E., A. M. Aleman, S. W. Rushworth, 1993, Oil
• Tampico-Misantla basin in Mexico discoveries and basin resource predictions in Latin
• Magdalena basin in Colombia America: past, present, and future: AAPG Bulletin, v. 77,
p. 329.
Based on the statistical techniques used in this study, Kronman, G. E. and K. D. Smith, 1993, The rise of National Oil
about 40–80 BBO of undiscovered recoverable resources Companies: the new Seven Sisters?: 78th Annual AAPG-
SEPM Convention, April, New Orleans, Louisiana,
remain in the basins analyzed. These basins at present
Abstracts with Program, p. 132.
have approximately 170 BBO of proven and probable Mast, R. F., G. L. Dolton, R. A. Crovelli, D. H. Root, E. D.
reserves. Attanasi, P. E Martin, L. W. Cooke, G. B. Carpenter, W. C.
Pecora, and M. B. Rose, 1989, Estimates of undiscovered
conventional resources of oil and gas in the United
States—a part of the nation’s energy endowment: USGS
Acknowledgments Many colleagues at Amoco have and Minerals Management Service, 44 p.
McCrossan, R. G., 1969, An analysis of size frequency distrib-
contributed to this study: Josh Rosenfeld, Carol Kazmer, Bob
ution of oil and gas reserves of western Canada: Canadian
Erlich, Don Felio, Larry Parks, Richard Steinmetz, Joe Journal of Earth Sciences; v. 6, p. 201–211.
Malagowicz, Peter Carragher, Lee Distefano, Don Regan, Jon Schuenemeyer, J. H., and L. J. Drew, 1983, A procedure to
Blickwede, Robert Marksteiner, Eric Green, Bob Harper, Mike estimate the parent population of the size of oil and gas
Deming, Claudio Manzolillo, Wendy Hale-Erlich, Marcos fields as revealed by a study of economic truncation: Math-
Roberto, Wolfgang Schollnberger, and Grant Emms. Informa- ematical Geology; v. 15, p. 145–161.
tion was also provided by Amoco’s Resource Assessment and
Exploration Analysis groups. We thank Anthony J. Tankard,
Peter Aukes, and Robert A. Meneley for their excellent review
of this paper. Technical help from Lori Fortner, Joe Tunnell,
John Cain, Zoila Torres, and Jeff Suiter and drafting by Teresa
Holmes is also appreciated. We would also like to thank Amoco
for permission to publish this paper.
C. M. Urien J. J. Zambrano
Buenos Aires Technological Institute Regional Ground Water Institute
Buenos Aires, Argentina San Juan, Argentina
M. R. Yrigoyen
National Academy of Sciences
Buenos Aires, Argentina
F rom the Cambrian to Late Jurassic, the basins and arches of southern South America were oriented
approximately north-south. Subsequently, southwest-northeast trending stresses related to the breakup
of Gondwana and the opening of the South Atlantic imposed new structural alignments, the effects of which
were widespread. These two tectonic regimes encompass six stages of basin formation:
• Cambrian–Middle Devonian terrigenous clastics, carbonates, and intrusives occurred along the
western edge of the Brazilian, Puna, and Pampas shield areas.
• Carboniferous–Late Jurassic sedimentation in the intracratonic rifts was mainly of continental origin.
Marine clastics accumulated in a foreland basin in front of a volcanic arc on the western edge of the
continent. This period ended with the Late Jurassic breakup of Gondwana and extrusive magmatism.
• Late Jurassic extension marked by widespread marine flooding affected vast regions of the continent.
Clastics, evaporites, and acidic volcanics constitute the “Andean foreland” succession which was asso-
ciated with a volcanic arc system. In Patagonia, acidic volcanics covered the North Patagonia massif
and Deseado craton and earlier basins.
• After breakup, sedimentary prisms formed along the Atlantic margin on the western margin. Thick
sequences of shales, limestones, evaporites, and pyroclastics were associated with middle–Late Creta-
ceous volcanic arc and back-arc settings. New acidic intrusions and the Andean batholith are also
dated to this period.
• The Late Cretaceous–early Tertiary (Laramide) was marked by development of the Andean fold and
thrust belt and final emplacement of the Andean batholith. A flexural foreland basin formed in front
of the Andes. Passive margin sedimentation dominated the eastern margin.
• The Tertiary was a time of Andean mountain building and passive margin subsidence. The thrust belt
supplied thick sedimentary fills to the foreland basin. Shallow transgressions covered much of
Patagonia and the Pampa plains.
This tectonic evolution is expressed in a complex array of composite basins. These tectonic, structural, and
depositional patterns were also responsible for a suite of petroleum systems, many of them commercially
D esde el Cámbrico hasta el Jurásico, las cuencas y arcos estructurales se orientaban aproximadamente
Norte-Sur. Posteriormente, como resultado de la fractura del Gondwana y la apertura del Atlántico
Sur, se produjeron esfuerzos con tendencia predominante Sudoeste-Noreste, que impusieron un nuevo orde-
namiento estructural cuyos efectos fueron de gran extensión. Estos dos regímenes tectónicos abarcan seis
etapas en la formación de las cuencas:
• Desde el Cámbrico hasta el Devónico Medio, se distribuyen clásticos terrígenos, carbonatos e intru-
sivos a lo largo del borde occidental de los escudos de Brasil, Puna y Pampeano.
• La sedimentación en el Jurásico Tardío en los rifts intracratónicos, fue principalmente de origen conti-
nental. En una cuenca antepaís, cerrada por el arco volcánico en el borde occidental del continente, se
acumularon sedimentos clásticos marinos. Este período concluyó con la fractura del Gondwana y el
magmatismo extrusivo del Jurásico Tardío.
Urien, C. M., J. J. Zambrano, and M. R. Yrigoyen, 1995, Petroleum basins of southern
South America: an overview: in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum
basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 63–77.
64 Urien et al.
• Extensión tectónica tensional durante el Jurásico Tardío, señalada por extensas invasiones marinas que
inundan vastas regiones del continente. Clásticas, evaporitas y vulcánitas ácidas constituyen la
sucesión de la cuenca andina de antepaís, relacionada con un sistema de arco volcánico. En la
Patagonia, vulcánitas ácidas cubrieron el Macizo Norpatagónico, el cratón Deseado y cuencas prece-
• Luego de la ruptura continental, se formaron prismas sedimentarios a lo largo del margen occidental y
gruesas secuencias de esquistos, calizas, evaporitas y piroclásticas se asociaron a escenarios de arcos y
retro-arcos volcánicos del Cretácico Medio y Tardío. Nuevas intrusiones ácidas y el emplazamiento del
batolito Andino también datan de este período.
• El Cretácico Tardío/Terciario Temprano (Larámico) se caracterizó por el desarrollo de la Faja Andina
de Plegamientos-Corrimientos y el emplazamiento final del batolito Andino. Una cuenca flexural
antepaís se forma frente a los Andes. En el borde oriental predominaba una sedimentación de margen
• El Terciario fue época de elevación de las montañas de los Andes y de subsidencia del margen
atlántico pasivo. La Faja de corrimiento aportó gruesos rellenos sedimentarios a la cuenca del antepaís.
Transgresiones someras cubrieron gran parte de la Patagonia y las llanuras Pampeanas.
Esta evolución tectónica tiene expresión en un complejo sistema de cuencas compuestas. Esta configuracion
tectónica, estructural y sedimentaria fue también responsable de una serie de sistemas petrolíferos, muchos de
ellos comercialmente significativos.
Figure 1—Architecture of southern South America, including basins, arches, and massifs.
66 Urien et al.
Figure 2—Paleogeography of southern South America through four principal basin-forming stages: (a) Cambrian–Ordovician,
(b) Silurian–Devonian, (c) Carboniferous–Early Permian, and (d) Late Permian–Triassic. BS, Brazilian shield; NPM, North
Patagonia massif; PR, Pampean Ranges; PRC, Plata-Ribeira craton; TPR, Trans-Pampean Ranges; DM, Deseado massif.
68 Urien et al.
PALEOZOIC–MIDDLE MESOZOIC are preserved. The conjugate Cape basin of South Africa
was part of this Ordovician–Early Devonian depositional
DYNAMICS landscape (Tankard et al., 1982).
Early Paleozoic Basins Petroleum Geology
Pre–Middle Ordovician The Chaco and Tarija basins contain Silurian and
Devonian source rocks. The Silurian sequence is known
The western selvage of the subcontinent south of 25˚ S as the Lipeón and Copo formations. However, most oil
lat, spanning Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile, was and gas generation is attributed to the Devonian Los
generated at the beginning of the Paleozoic by accretion Monos shales, although the Santa Rosa and Tonono
of a magmatic arc and sedimentary wedges onto a formations also have potential. The estimated recover-
Precambrian core. The basement core is relatively young able reserves are 1.1 billion bbl of oil and 18.4 tcf of gas,
(1800–570 Ma) and forms the Brasiliano platform (Brito the Argentinian share of which is about 380 million bbl
Neves and Cordani, 1991), or central cratogene of Brac- of light oil and 12 tcf of gas (Yrigoyen, 1991a). In the
cacini (1960). This tectonized terrace wedge formed west Altiplano and the northwestern Paraná basin, there are
of the Pampean cratonic block and Puna arch and was coeval deposits that may have petroleum potential.
bordered westward by oceanic crust. Silurian–Devonian flysch-like sediments are also known
This early Paleozoic passive margin succession was in the Precordillera of San Jorge and Mendoza and the
built by deep water turbidite sedimentation over which a San Rafael uplift. Their petroleum-generating potential is
clastic platform prograded (González Bonorino and unknown.
González Bonorino, 1991). Distally, this prism is believed
to have encroached on oceanic crust. Remnants of this
basin are preserved in the Altiplano and Eastern
Late Paleozoic Basins
Cordillera of Bolivia and northwestern Argentina and in Devonian–Early Carboniferous
the Pampean Ranges. The grade of metamorphism
increases southward. During Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous time,
intense deformation folded, and in places metamor-
Middle–Late Ordovician phosed, the lower Paleozoic succession. This episode is
colloquially known as the Chanic orogeny and is
In the Middle Ordovician, igneous intrusive bodies expressed regionally as a major unconformity. Early
were emplaced in the cratonic crust, the erosion of which Carboniferous subsidence was generally vigorous, but
is believed to have supplied voluminous clastics to the reactivated old trends (Figure 2c).
Ordovician basins (Furque and Cuerda, 1979). The The earliest deposits occur in the Tarija basin of
Buenos Aires hills contain contemporaneous deposits of southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina where they
a fringing shallow marine platform (Harrington, 1956; are called the Machareti Group. Equivalent deposits in
Andreis et al., 1989). the Chaco-Paraná basin form the Sachayoj Formation
(Padula and Mingramm, 1969; Pezzi and Mozetic, 1989).
Late Ordovician–Middle Devonian Elsewhere, broadly contemporaneous deposits occur in
The Late Ordovician–Middle Devonian episode began isolated depocenters. Examples include the El Toco
with the earliest evidence of collision tectonics when a Formation of northern Chile, the Malimán Formation in
magmatic arc was accreted to the continental margin. Its the Argentinian Precordillera (Scalabrini Ortíz, 1972), and
remnants occur in the western Pampean Ranges. less well understood deposits of central and southern
Intrusive activity dominated the Famatina mountain Patagonia, such as the Tepuel Group and the Bahia de la
ranges. In the northern Chilean coastal Cordillera and the Lancha Formation (Riccardi and Rolleri, 1980).
eastern Pampean Ranges, plutonism was less extensive In the middle–Early Carboniferous (Visean), right-
(Gordillo and Lencinas, 1979; Pichowiak et al., 1987). The lateral wrenching dissected the Pampean basement into
far-flung effects of this plate margin collision formed a a suite of pull-apart basins (Figure 3) (Fernandez-Seveso,
remarkable intracontinental or epeiric basin in the Early 1995). These basins were initially isolated. Deposition
Silurian. This shallow basin complex once covered occurred in coarse alluvial systems that were stacked
Bolivia, northern Argentina, and Paraguay, where it is against active boundary faults and in finer grained lacus-
known as the Chaco, Tarija, and Chaco-Paraná basins, trine and shallow marine settings. A periglacial climate is
respectively. Anoxic environments attributed to suggested by the varved shales and dropstones. Eyles
restricted circulation formed organic-rich source rocks, (1993) suggests that glacial conditions were a response to
especially in the Devonian Los Monos Formation (Pareja tectonism and uplift. The pull-apart basins in central
et al., 1978; Pezzi and Mozetic, 1989). western Argentina are known as bolsones. By the end of
This sequence forms a sedimentary belt in the Puna the Carboniferous and Permian, these fault-controlled
and Pampean ranges, extending from the Altiplano to basins were joined together in a broad region of subsi-
northwestern Patagonia (Figure 2b). It also covers the dence (see Fernandez-Seveso, 1995, for a detailed
continental interior as far as Malvinas Island (Turner, description). In Patagonia, sedimentary rocks of this age
1972; Pareja et al., 1978). In the Southern Hills of Buenos rest on early Paleozoic basement (Uliana and Biddle,
Aires, Silurian–Lower Devonian shelf clastic sequences 1987, 1988). These Carboniferous–Permian basins were
Petroleum Basins of Southern South America: An Overview 69
Petroleum Geology
Potential Carboniferous–Permian source rocks have
been reported from many basins, but so far appear to
have attracted little commercial interest. In the Tarija
basin of northwestern Argentina and Bolivia, the Upper
Permian Vitiacuá Formation is an oil-prone lacustrine
mudstone. Its counterpart in the Paraná basin of Brazil is
the Iratí Formation, which locally averages about 10%
total organic carbons (TOC) and has been mined.
In the intermontane basins of central western
Argentina, lagoonal and lacustrine organic-rich carbona-
ceous shales (e.g., Patquía Formation of the Paganzo
basin) contain type I and II kerogens. Numerous oil
seeps occur along old strike-slip fault zones. The San
Rafael uplift may contain similar petroleum potential.
Source rocks and reservoirs rocks are known. The risk
would appear to be maturation and seals.
Thick upper Paleozoic shallow marine and deltaic
sedimentary rocks are exposed in the Pampa de Agnia
basin of southern Patagonia. These rocks are believed to
extend southward to the western San Jorge basin. We
speculate that the offshore Colorado basin may have
similar potential considering its proximity to Upper
Permian Iratí equivalents in Uruguay.
Figure 4—Paleogeography of southern South America Figure 5—Paleogeography of southern South America
during the Late Permian–Early Jurassic. Heavy lines are during the Early–Middle Jurassic. Heavy lines are faults.
faults. Legend same as in Figure 3. Legend same as in Figure 3.
Ischigualasto basin. The Cuyo basin (Figure 1) contains rock in the Neuquén basin with its marine faunas and
the most prolific lacustrine bituminous shales of Late turbidite sandstones. This phase of basin subsidence
Triassic age. These are the Cacheuta and Potrerillos come to an end in the Oxfordian with a reorganization of
formations. Estimated ultimate recoverable reserves in stress fields. Old extensional structures were inverted. In
the Cuyo basin are about 1.3 billion bbl of 30˚ API oil and the Neuquén basin, inversion processes formed the
290 bcf of gas. conspicuous east-west trending Huincul arch (Neuquén
dorsal). Figure 6 shows the Late Jurassic–Early Creta-
Early–Middle Jurassic Basins ceous successor basins.
During Middle Jurassic time, a new, predominantly
acidic magmatic event spread lavas and tuffaceous
Basin Development
volcanoclastic materials throughout Patagonia covering
Widespread extension affected the Patagonian crust in large parts of the preceding depocenters. Although the
the Sinemurian, forming a linked system of northwest- sea had withdrawn from much of central Patagonia, the
southeast trending basins (Figure 5). The thickest rift fill Neuquén basin was still inundated (Lesta et al., 1980;
is in the Neuquén basin, which was a marine-influenced Digregorio and Uliana, 1980). A new area of extension
basin throughout much of the Early–Middle Jurassic began in southern Patagonia and the Malvinas plateau
(Digregorio and Uliana, 1980). This tract of extensional (Supko and Perch-Nielsen, 1977; Yrigoyen, 1989a). This
basins extended as far north as the Oriente basin of was the first indication of rifting in the southernmost tip
Ecuador (Groeber et al., 1952; Auboin et al., 1973). of South America and South Africa.
Marine and continental deposits of Early Jurassic age
onlap the basement in these rift basins, from Neuquén Petroleum Geology
basin to the central and southern Patagonia embayments
(Lesta et al., 1980). Important source rock intervals were A noteworthy characteristic of these Early Jurassic
deposited in these basins, such as the Los Molles source extensional basins was their restricted marine circula-
Petroleum Basins of Southern South America: An Overview 71
transgressive-regressive cycles also occurred during the unconformity (Rolleri and Fernandez Garrasino, 1979).
early Maastrichtian, Paleocene, and late Eocene. The Similar depositional settings characterized the middle
earliest Oligocene Incaic movements ended this period Tertiary basins of Patagonia.
(Yrigoyen, 1979). Several compressive phases have been documented.
Three contractional episodes were associated with the
Petroleum Geology Miocene Pehuenche phase alone (Groeber et al., 1952;
Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene limestones and shales of Yrigoyen, 1979). Compression was also associated with
the Salta Group are believed to have generated oils in the tilt block tectonics in the Pampean ranges and with
Orán-Metán basin complex of northwestern Argentina increased magmatic activity. Intrusions in the main
(Figure 1). Caimancito, Martinez del Tineo, and Puesto Cordillera and the Pampean Cordillera have been dated
Guardian are examples of these oil fields. Black shales in to the Oligocene and early Miocene. Other volcanic
the Olmedo Formation and marls and limestones in the centers were the Puna, North Patagonia Cordillera,
Yacoraite Formation are the principal source rocks in the Neuquén basin, and North Patagonian massif.
Orán and Metán basins. The proven and probable
reserves in the Cretaceous Orán basin (= Lomas de
Olmedo basin) are 116 million bbl of 44˚ API oil and 220 Sub-Andean Belt and Foreland Basin
bcf of gas (Yrigoyen, 1991b). The climax of Andean deformation and development
The Ñirihuau basin of west-central Patagonia contains of the modern fold and thrust belt occurred in the middle
Paleocene shallow marine and lagoonal shales, as does Miocene–Pliocene. At this time, the sub-Andean belt or
the neighboring Navidad depocenter of Chile. There are foothills developed by forward propagation. The
organic-rich strata and seeps in the marine Salamanca, Andean orogenesis deepened the foreland basin consid-
Paso del Sapo, and Ñirihuau formations. Similar occur- erably. Old structures beneath the foreland cover were
rences in some Neuquén and Mendoza localities may reactivated, and new structures formed in the foothills.
reflect migration from older units. Tertiary tar deposits This was an important period of hydrocarbon trap
and oil seeps are common, but are generally believed to formation. Some of the best examples are found in the
have been sourced from pre-Tertiary stratigraphy, Chaco basin of Bolivia. Impressive foreland deformation
including San Jorge, Mendoza, northwestern Argentina includes the tilt block province of the Sierras Pampeanas
(Ischigualasto basin), and the Andean margin of the and the Izozog arch of Bolivia. The latter caused uplift
Magallanes basin. Many of these seeps appear to be and erosion of much of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic
related to old strike-slip fault zones. cover. Alluvial fan and fluvial processes dominated the
The Atlantic passive margin and the Malvinas basin tilt block basins (Uliana and Biddle, 1988).
contain Tertiary successions that are more than 3000 m The Pampean and Chaco plains underwent a transgres-
thick. In South Malvinas, flysch and thermal conditions sion that covered the greater part of their surface, followed
are favorable hydrocarbon indicators. The Ciclón x-1 by a gradual regression during the late Miocene–Pliocene.
well, near the Fagnano-Burdwood structural trend, Subsequently, during the late Pliocene–Quaternary, fluvial
shows the presence of hydrocarbons. Reservoirs may be and eolian deposits accumulated.
the risk. Turbiditic and deltaic depositional systems in This middle Miocene phase of Andean orogenesis is
the passive margin terrace wedge are untested. known as the Quechua event. The present topographic
expression of the Andean and sub-Andean ranges, the
Paleogene Andean Basins
Sierras Pampeanas, and the frontal Cordillera were
In the middle Paleogene (late Eocene–Oligocene), established at this time (Mingramm et al., 1980; Uliana
compressive deformation inverted many of the pre- and Biddle, 1988). Uplift of the old volcanic massifs
existing extensional basins and initiated the fold and established new volcanic centers.
thrust belt of the modern Andean ranges. Compressive
deformation also reactivated many preexisting structures
in a strike-slip sense, depending on their relative orienta-
tion. By the middle Miocene, a tilt block province of CONCLUSIONS
rotated blocks and deep basins formed in the
Precordillera and Sierras Pampeanas (Cuerda and The sedimentary basins of the southern part of South
Furque, 1979; Fielding and Jordan, 1988). These processes America preserve a long and complex record of linked
formed the Precordillera as we known it today. basin evolution. Since their inception in the early
Paleozoic by reactivation of inherited basement fabrics,
Middle Tertiary each stage of basin development has reactivated its
Fluvial and eolian landscapes dominated the early predecessor in a new way. These basins are composite in
Neogene Pampean plains. In the Puna and Bolivian structural architecture as well as stratigraphically. They
Altiplano, subsidence was rampant. Terrigenous clastic have a long history of repeated inundation by restricted
sediments, basic lavas, and pyroclastic material were seas that were at times anoxic, progradation of reservoir-
deposited in these basins. The Cuyo foreland basin of rich depositional systems, and recurrent structural
west-central Argentina consists of a westward-thick- episodes. Several basins are prolific oil producers, while
ening wedge of eolian sandstones above an angular others remain largely untested.
Petroleum Basins of Southern South America: An Overview 75
Acknowledgments This contribution is based on the results de Geologia Regional Argentina: Academia Nacional de
of many years of fieldwork and geologic surface and subsurface Ciencias, Cordoba, v. 1, p. 837–869.
observations sponsored by Urien and Associates, whose Cuerda, A. J., and G. Furque, 1979, Precordillera de La Rioja,
financial support is gratefully acknowledged. The authors are San Juan y Mendoza, in J. C. M. Turner, ed., II Simposio de
Geologia Regional Argentina: Academia Nacional de
indebted to A. J. Tankard for his invitation to participate in this
Ciencias, Cordoba, v. 1, p. 455–522.
project and especially for his critical review and correction of De Giusto, J. M., C. A. Dipersia, and E. Pezzi, 1980,
the manuscript. Recognition is likewise due to González Nesocraton del Deseado, in J. C. M. Turner, ed., II
Upton, P. Cazenave, B. Fos, and M. Virasoro for their assis- Simposio de Geologia Regional Argentina: Academia
tance in editing, drafting, and layout and to G. Ortíz for Nacional de Ciencias, Cordoba, p. 1389–1430.
typing the finished text. Digregorio, J. H., and M. A. Uliana, 1980, Cuenca Neuquina,
in II Simposio de Geologia Regional Argentina: Academia
Nacional de Ciencias, Cordoba, v. 2, p. 985–1032.
Eyles, N., 1993, Earth’s glacial record and its tectonic setting:
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Petroleum Basins of Southern South America: An Overview 77
Kenneth E. Williams
Texaco Inc.
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
C alibrated geohistory analyses of single data points and cross sections are used to construct tectonic
subsidence curves. There are a limited number of distinct curve types, of which seven end-members are
discussed. These curve types and their shapes are genetically related to plate tectonic processes. One regional
backstripped cross section across South America is discussed. The tectonic subsidence curves are used as cali-
bration for a paleogeographic analysis of Gondwana in the Phanerozoic. It is suggested that the southern part
of South America and parts of Antarctica are composed of terranes that were formerly located west of the
present position of the Arequipa massif in Chile and Peru. These displaced terranes formed the western edge
of Gondwana from the Cambrian–Ordovician to the end of the Devonian. During these periods, they were
involved in intracratonic rifting. During the time of the basal Carboniferous unconformity, the terranes were
translated southward to approximately their present positions. Seven reconstructions are presented that are
representative of the major episodes in the development of Gondwana.
L os análisis calibrados de geohistoria de los perfiles y puntos de datos simples, se usan para construir de
hundimiento tectónico. Existe una cantidad limitada de tipos distintos de curvas de los cuales comen-
tamos siete miembros de extremo. Estos tipos de curvas y sus formas están genéticamente relacionados a los
procesos de placas tectónicas. Se comenta un perfil regional retrodespejado a través de Sudamérica. Las curvas
de hundimiento tectónico se usan como calibración para un análisis paleogeográfico de Gondwana en el
Fanerozoico. Se sugiere que la parte meridonal de Sudamérica y partes de Antártida están compuestas de
terrenos que estaban situados al oeste de la posición actual del macizo Arequipa en Chile y Perú. Estos terrenos
desplazados formaron el borde occidente de Gondwana del Cambrico-Ordoviciano hasta el final del Devónico.
Durante estos periodos, estuvieron implicados en un agrietamiento intracratónico. Durante el tiempo de la
disconformidad del Carbónico basal, los terrenos se transladaron hacia el sur adoptando aproximadamente sus
posiciones actuales. Se presentan siete reconstrucciones. Los mismos representan los episodios principales en el
desarrollo del Gondwana.
Figure 2—Index map and reconstruction of Gondwana at Figure 3—Typical tectonic subsidence curve types from
340 Ma. The location of ten data points (stars) and one various tectonic settings. Curve types are indicative of the
cross section (line through point 7) are indicated. tectonic settings of the basins.
the stress source and the lithospheric response to that curve, which is characterized by uplift and erosion. The
externally applied stress. amount of uplift and erosion is determined by the
The slow flexure response has been described as expo- regional geology and by calibration of the geohistory
nentially positive (Thorne and Watts, 1989). It is com- charts (Waples et al., 1992).
monly associated with strike-slip faulting of varying In areas where the magnitude of the subsidence
magnitudes, depending on proximity to the driving curves is relatively small, the effects of parameters other
force. Examples of the lithospheric response to external than the major plate-driving forces can sometimes be
stresses include the Los Angeles basin (Mayer, 1987) and discerned. Lithospheric buoyancy that results from
the Paraná basin. Strike-slip faulting cannot be demon- rheologic differences, as well as plate-bending stresses,
strated in all basins where this curve type is seen. This create compressional or tensional forces that are
curve type indicates only that the stress regime acting on modified locally by the curvature of the earth (Dallmus,
the point was influenced by geographic, time, and 1958). Deviatoric stresses are locally important (Dewey,
strength variations. The patterns of subsidence and uplift 1988).
change depending on how the anisotropic lithosphere A pattern of rapid initial subsidence followed by a
responds to different directions and magnitudes of exter- longer period of exponentially decreasing subsidence
nally sourced stresses. rates, commonly referred to as rift-drift subsidence, is seen
The cratonic response to tectonic subsidence reflects a in open rift basins along continental margins (Watts and
weak stress regime and distant forces. Many interior Steckler, 1981). Closed rift basins form in continental
basins have subsided intermittently in a series of small interiors as a result of deviatoric stresses or by other
pulses of subsidence. This is called the intracratonic curve processes of lithospheric extension. The fast flexure of
type. The shape of each pulse resembles the rift pattern foreland basins changes gradually to slow flexure and
on a small scale. Its duration is generally about 30 m.y., ultimately to a cratonic pattern as the distance from the
with initial rapid subsidence of 1–4 m.y. duration. This is driving force is increased.
characteristic of third-order tectonic cycles (Lambeck et
al., 1987; Cloetingh, 1988). Examples of the intracratonic Data Point Analyses
curve are the Williston basin (Quinlan, 1987) and
Michigan basin (Marshak, 1986) of the central United Several selected data points and one regional cross
States. A second type of cratonic response is a stasis section were chosen to illustrate and constrain the paleo-
82 Williams
Figure 4—Data point analysis for the Bolivian Andes and Figure 5—Data point analysis for the Paraná basin, Brazil.
the Anadarko basin in the United States. (a) Depositional (a) Depositional pattern. See Figure 1 for curve labels. (b)
pattern. See Figure 1 for curve labels. (b) Basement subsi- Basement subsidence rate. Numbers as in Figure 4;
dence rate. Circled numbers in Figures 4–9 refer to the location shown in Figure 2.
ages of the paleogeographic maps: 1, Cambrian; 2,
Silurian; 3, Devonian; 4, Early Carboniferous; 5, Carbonif-
erous; 6, Permian; and 7, Triassic–Jurassic. The upper
dashed line on this plot is the tectonic subsidence curve deposits (Helwig, 1972; Castanos and Rodrigo, 1980).
for the Anadarko deep basin of southern Oklahoma. Permian sedimentation continued at a slower rate and
Location shown in Figure 2. ended with a marine transgression. The Bolivian region
was little affected by the Triassic and Jurassic events of
the Andean belt. There are few sedimentary rocks of this
geographic analysis of Gondwana. The locations of the age in the central part of the basin, although they may
presented data points are shown in Figure 2. The strati- have been stripped by Early Cretaceous erosion, which is
graphic section requires at least age, thickness, and marked by a major unconformity. Subsidence has
lithology information for a minimum analysis. continued episodically to the present. A major increase in
Figure 4 summarizes the dynamics of Phanerozoic the rate of subsidence in the late Tertiary coincided with
basin evolution in Bolivia. Subsidence began in the renewed uplift of the Andes (Lohmann, 1970; Urien et
Cambrian and continued at a rapid rate into the Ordovi- al., 1981; Cobbing, 1985).
cian, when more than 7000 m of clastic sediments were Compared with the Bolivian data, the Paraná basin
deposited. A stretching factor of β = 2.0 was required to (Figure 5) followed a significantly different subsidence
model this rift. The initial mechanical subsidence and and depositional pattern (Northfleet et al., 1969; Fulfaro
subsequent thermal equilibration provided the accom- et al., 1982; Goulart and Jardim, 1982). The early
modation space for the observed sediment fill (McKenzie, Paleozoic subsidence that was so significant in the
1978). The top dashed line in Figure 4 is a comparative Bolivian basin had little or no effect in the Paraná.
tectonic subsidence curve for the Anadarko deep basin of Silurian glaciation left a thin cover of mainly continental
southern Oklahoma (Coffman, 1988). Both the timing rocks. In the Paraná basin, the Devonian was a time of
and magnitude of the two basins are similar. There may marine deposition and source rock accumulation.
in fact have been a tectonic relationship between the two Compared with the vigorous subsidence in the Bolivian
regions based on these similarities and their apparent basin, Paraná subsidence was relatively slight. This is
proximity at that time (Ronov et al., 1984). Subsidence reflected in the Devonian stratigraphic columns: 3200 m
continued at a slower rate in the Silurian due to thermal in Bolivia compared with 1050 m in the Paraná basin.
subsidence. In the Devonian, a new episode of subsi- However, post-Devonian regional erosion was as signifi-
dence and sedimentation affected the basin (Isaacson, cant. This unconformity implies a widespread tectonic
1975), coinciding with regional tectonism and uplift west event (Miliani, 1992). The Precordillera, Chilenia, and
of the Chaco basin. Patagonian terranes are believed to have been translated
A substantial erosional hiatus characterizes the Early southward to their present locations during this time.
Carboniferous. It was during this time that the major During the Carboniferous, the Paraná basin was
terranes west of the basin were translated southward subjected to greater subsidence and was inundated with
along strike-slip faults to their present positions, as postu- great thicknesses of glaciofluvial and glaciomarine rocks
lated in this paper. Carboniferous sedimentation was (Franca and Potter, 1988). Permian subsidence was much
fundamentally different from that of the early Paleozoic greater in the Paraná basin than in the Bolivian Chaco.
(Sempere, 1995). Compared with the underfilled marine Excellent source rocks of the Irati Formation were
basin in the Devonian, the Carboniferous Chaco basin deposited in this interior seaway. Triassic subsidence
was overfilled. The stratigraphy is dominated by glacial was minor and mainly continental (Zalan et al., 1990).
Tectonic Subsidence Analysis and Paleozoic Paleogeography of Gondwana 83
Figure 6—Data point analysis for the Huallaga Basin, Peru. Figure 7—Data point analysis for the Permian basin, West
(a) Depositional pattern. See Figure 1 for curve labels. (b) Texas, and the eastern Amazon basin, Brazil. (a) Deposi-
Basement subsidence rate. Numbers as in Figure 4; tional pattern. See Figure 1 for curve labels. (b) Basement
location shown in Figure 2. subsidence rate. The upper dashed line is the tectonic
subsidence curve for a data point in the Amazon basin of
Brazil for comparison. Numbers as in Figure 4; location
Figure 6 shows the depositional and subsidence shown in Figure 2.
pattern of the Huallaga basin of Peru (Vargas, 1988),
located on the western flank of the Brazilian shield. The
data point is east of the locus of Cambrian–Ordovician, subjected to increasing subsidence rates. The Triassic was
Devonian, and Early Carboniferous tectonism. In its marked by a significant decrease in the rate of subsi-
early history, subsidence resembled that of the Paraná dence and a change to continental deposition.
basin, with thin lower Paleozoic rocks blanketing a Both of these regions were subjected to similar
basement that apparently had high lithospheric rigidity tectonic processes in the Paleozoic. Both overlie conti-
and low subsidence rates. Slightly higher subsidence nental crust that was attenuated at the end of the
rates occurred in the Permian and Triassic. It was not Precambrian (β = 1.4). Devonian tectonism was not
until the Cretaceous and Tertiary that rapid subsidence significant. In Carboniferous time, North and South
occurred in response to development of the fold and America converged as part of Pangea. This tectonic
thrust mountain belt. episode, and accretion of the Mexican and Central
There are major differences in the appearance of the American microplates west of the two basins, is reflected
curves derived from the Chaco, Paraná, and Huallaga in new and increasing rates of subsidence. Both regions
basins that resulted directly from their relative positions were subjected to similar amounts of stress, although
and the changing tectonic stress fields of South America. neither data point was close to the edge of its respective
Each basin responded differently to the stress fields microplate. The margins of the two microplates
resulting from the same basic tectonic events. Each underwent considerably more tectonism and deforma-
response is due to differences in basement composition tion than at the data points themselves. By Triassic time,
and lithospheric rigidity, distance from the tectonic the stress regimes in the two basins had decreased in
driving force, different stress orientations relative to the magnitude.
crustal fabrics, and different sedimentary sources. The depositional and subsidence data from South
A data point analysis from the Permian basin of West Africa (Figure 8) illustrates development of the Cape and
Texas (Matchus and Jones, 1984) is shown in Figure 7. Karoo basins (Dingle et al., 1983). The subsidence event
This basin had a passive margin setting throughout most that initiated the development of the early Paleozoic
of the Paleozoic. A curve for the Amazon basin of Brazil Cape basin reactivated Eocambrian Pan-African fabrics
(Mosmann et al., 1986) is included for comparison (top (Tankard et al., 1995). The entire lower Paleozoic section
dashed line in Figure 7). The geologic histories of these was deposited along an extensional trailing edge margin.
two seemingly unrelated regions of the world are A major unconformity at the end of the Devonian was
surprisingly similar. Both were facing the Pacific Ocean the result of uplift and erosion of significant amounts of
during most of the Paleozoic and have similar patterns of the pre-Karoo section. Ramos (1986) correlates this latest
subsidence. About 2100 m of sediment accumulated in Devonian diastrophism with accretion of the Chilenia
each basin from Cambrian–Ordovician to Carboniferous terrane in southern South America. This is also the time
time. The curves confirm that each basin was on a when the Malvinas (Falkland) Plateau (believed to have
trailing edge, thermally subsiding margin during this been part of the Patagonian microplate) was accreted to
time. Subsidence was slow and decreased with time. In the edge of the South African Kaapvaal craton and
the middle Carboniferous–Permian, both basins were provided a provenance for Karoo foreland basin sedi-
84 Williams
Figure 8—Data point analysis for southern Africa. (a) Depo- Figure 9—Data point analysis for two locations in Antarc-
sitional pattern. See Figure 1 for curve labels. (b) Basement tica. (a) Depositional pattern. See Figure 1 for curve labels.
subsidence rate. Numbers as in Figure 4; location shown (b) Basement subsidence rate. Solid curve, Pensacola
in Figure 2. Mountains; dashed curve, north Transantarctic Mountains.
Numbers as in Figure 4; location shown in Figure 2.
Figure 10—Index map for Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil showing the location of the regional cross section and positions
of the principal basins and uplifts During the Paleozoic, the Chaco-Tarija, Chaco-Paraná, and Paraná basin complex was
continuous. They were separated by Mesozoic extension.
mentation (DeWit and Ransome, 1992). Dwyka sedimen- extensional processes that resulted from orogenic
tation suggests a highland source area to the south collapse.
(Visser, 1987). Continued compressional tectonics in the Curves from two data points in Antarctica (St. John,
Late Permian and Triassic resulted in the Cape foldbelt 1986; Bradshaw and Webers, 1988) are illustrated in
and its counterpart in South America, the Ventana fold- Figure 9. The same tectonic episodes affected both but in
belt (Ramos, 1986). Triassic subsidence is attributed to different ways depending on their distance from the
Tectonic Subsidence Analysis and Paleozoic Paleogeography of Gondwana 85
Figure 11—Regional cross section for Silurian–Carbonif- Figure 12—Regional cross section for Permian–Triassic
erous time slices. Location shown in Figure 10. Stars show time slices. Location shown in Figure 10. Stars, top of oil
the top of the oil generative window. generative window; equal signs, depth to 93˚C.
source of the stress and the stress orientation. Three Sequential Cross Sections
major episodes of subsidence are recognized in these
curves. The first occurs only in the Pensacola Mountains The location of a composite cross section for the
where a Cambrian–Ordovician succession indicates Chaco-Paraná latitudes is shown in Figure 10. This cross
extensional subsidence. In the Devonian, tectonic reacti- section (Figures 11, 12, 13) illustrates the regional nature
vation of the Wilson terrane caused an episode of rapid of the unconformities and the stratigraphic relationships.
subsidence. An unconformity or very slow subsidence in It traverses the Chaco basin of northern Argentina,
the Early Carboniferous characterizes this part of Antarc- crosses the Asuncion arch of Paraguay and the Paraná
tica. It is attributed to accretion of the Patagonian terrane basin of southern Brazil, and continues to the Ponta
and possibly some parts of the Antarctic Peninsula onto Grossa arch near the coast. The western part is in
the main Gondwana landmass. Subduction of oceanic northern Argentina, south of the principal depocenter of
crust below the Antarctic continental crust in the the Bolivian Chaco basin. The section is composed of 14
Permian may be the reason for an increased subsidence data points spread over 1500 km. The data include seven
rate. This event affected the marginal northern wells on the section, three outcrops, and four points
Transantarctic Mountains more than the other area. In derived from regional structural and isopach mapping.
both areas, subsidence essentially ceased in the Triassic Where possible, these data points are calibrated to the
with formation of an unconformity. geochemical data, which indicate former depth of burial
86 Williams
Figure 14—Paleogeographic map for the Ordovician, 475 Ma. Legend is for Figures 14–21. Data for the presence of glaciation
at each time interval came from various sources, principally Caputo and Crowell (1985), Chatterjee and Hotton (1986), St.
John (1986), and Van Houten and Hargraves (1987).
88 Williams
which are now located in the Andes of Colombia (Burgl, limestones and Silurian diamictites) indicate the possi-
1967; Barrett, 1988). A large ice cap is believed to have bility of lateral displacement (Martinez, 1980). This lateral
been located in central Africa based on numerous glacial faulting episode is postulated to have occurred in the
indicators shown on the paleogeographic reconstruction. early Carboniferous.
An oceanward-dipping subduction zone was present Volcanics in the Sierras Pampeanas terrane of Argen-
along the Antarctic and Australian margin (Veevers, tina indicate that extensional activity persisted into the
1980; Kleinschmidt and Tessensohn, 1987). Other authors Silurian (Ramos et al., 1986). Subsidence continued in the
infer the presence of a landward-dipping subduction Bolivian Chaco basin as shown by the tectonic subsi-
zone at this time (St. John, 1986). The Wilson terrane was dence curves. However, the rate was much slower than
accreted onto Antarctica along the Ocloyic-Ross- in the Cambrian–Ordovician, indicating that extension
Delamerian-Adelaide orogenic belt (Figure 14) (Coira et was superseded by a cooling phase. Sand-prone facies
al., 1982; Stump, 1987). are more prevalent on the southwestern margin of the
A large landmass is believed to have existed west of basin than along its northeastern flank (Cobbing, 1985).
present-day Peru and Bolivia in the Ordovician and is This was a continuation of the pattern established in the
shown in Figure 14 as the Patagonian block. It has been Cambrian–Ordovician.
variously described in the literature as the Arequipa
massif (Cobbing, 1985; Isaacson, 1975), Belen and Mejil- Devonian Paleogeography
lones (Ramos, 1986), southeast Pacific paleocontinent
(Dalmayrac, 1988), proto-Puna (Herve et al., 1987), and Devonian marine shales (380 Ma) are the best known
Pampean massif (Helwig, 1972). At that time, there was source rocks in the Bolivian and northern Argentinean
no continental landmass forming the southern tip of producing basins (Illich et al., 1981), and sandstones of
South America (Ramos, 1989; Visser, 1993). Ordovician that age are significant reservoirs. Consequently, the
extension affected the southwestern margin of Devonian has significant commercial interest. Shales of
Gondwana, forming a tract of intracratonic rift basins in Devonian age also form source rocks for hydrocarbons in
Bolivia and northern Argentina (Cobbing, 1985; Dal- the Permian and Anadarko basins of North America
mayrac, 1988; DeWit and Ransome, 1992). Over 7 km of (Schmoker, 1986) and in the Amazon basin of Brazil
sediments accumulated in this rapidly subsiding rift (Mosmann et al., 1986).
system. Rifting was extensive, but not enough to create The south pole was located on the margin of
oceanic crust. Counterclockwise rotation of a portion of Gondwana in the Devonian (Figure 16) (Scotese et al.,
the remaining remnant of the Arequipa massif is 1979). The climate was warmer and the ice caps slightly
recorded as having occurred in latest Cambrian–Early smaller than in the Silurian. Glacial deposits have been
Ordovician time (Forsythe et al., 1993). A small volume reported from the Amazon basin (Mosmann et al., 1986;
of Ordovician volcanics is present in the Bolivian Andes Van Houten and Hargraves, 1987; Veevers and Powell,
(Padula, 1972). The landward margin of the rift system 1987) at a latitude close to 30˚S on the reconstructions of
was probably marked by the Asuncion arch. The Scotese et al. (1979). Glacial diamictites occur in the
regional cross section (Figures 11–13) suggests a Upper Devonian of the Solimoes (western Amazon) and
threefold increase in the thickness of the sedimentary in the Amazon and Parnaiba basins of Brazil. This was
section west of the Asuncion arch in Paraguay. most likely in a temperate climatic zone. The occurrences
This inferred highland west of the Bolivian rift system are in an east-west trending tract of basins and are attrib-
was a source area for the voluminous clastic rocks that uted to Alpine glaciation along their southern margin.
filled the basin (Cobbing, 1985). The Brazilian shield was The Brazilian shield is also believed to have supported
probably not elevated enough to form a substantial glaciers.
source area (Figures 5, 6). To the south, the Pampeanas Colombia was characterized by marine shale deposi-
terrane was the site of major volcanic activity attributed tion in the Devonian and an Appalachian fauna similar
to an accreting island arc (Acenolaza, 1976; Coira et al., to counterparts in North America (Copper, 1977; Barrett,
1982; Ramos et al., 1986; Herve et al., 1987; Wilner et al., 1988; Van Der Voo, 1988). The Gondwana Malvinokaffric
1987) faunal province and the Appalachian faunal province are
believed to have been separated by the same topographic
Middle Silurian Glaciation high that separated the Bolivian and Amazon basins. The
Devonian of South Africa was dominated by deltaic
The Middle Silurian (Figure 15) was a time of wide- deposition (Theron and Loock, 1988). Marginal marine
spread glaciation about 425 Ma (Grahn and Caputo, environments persisted through most of the Devonian.
1992). The distribution of these glacial sediments Devonian rocks deposited in the Chaco and Chaco-
suggests that the south pole was centered in the interior Paraná basins were derived from the Brazilian shield as
of Africa near the center of the landmass (Caputo and well as a western source terrane. Sandstone facies are
Crowell, 1985; Van Houten and Hargraves, 1987; Cocks more abundant along the basin margins (Cobbing, 1985).
and Fortney, 1988). Minor accretion occurred along the The Chaco-Paraná basin of Paraguay contains a largely
Antarctic and Australian margin of Gondwana. This argillaceous fill. In the Chaco basin of Bolivia and north-
tectonic event has been referred to as the Borchgrevink– western Argentina, the western orogen was the primary
Tasman orogen (St. John, 1986). Some Silurian outcrops source of sediment (Mingramm et al., 1972; Isaacson,
in the Andes (e.g., the association of Silurian warm water 1975; Sempere, 1995). In fact, the western source was
Tectonic Subsidence Analysis and Paleozoic Paleogeography of Gondwana 89
Figure 15—Paleogeographic map for the Middle Silurian, 425 Ma. Legend same as in Figure 14.
considerably more substantial than the present-day south of the Patagonian terrane, is believed to have
Andean belt (Isaacson, 1975). This voluminous sediment moved to its present position along a strike-slip system.
supply was accommodated by a greater rate of subsi- Intrusive and extrusive volcanics are present along the
dence in the Bolivian Chaco basin, as shown by the Sierras Pampeanas and along the western margin of the
tectonic subsidence curves (Figure 4). The present author subsiding Chaco basin (Ramos et al., 1986; Wilner et al.,
believes that this enormous volume of sediments is 1987). Late Devonian uplift also affected the Amazon
explained by a growing orogen augmented by the Pata- basin region. This interpretation implies that there was
gonian microplate which was then located west of no continental crust forming the southern tip of South
northern Chile and Peru (Figure 16). Bird and Molenaar America. Devonian compressional tectonics in northern
(1992) have resorted to a similar interpretation to explain Argentina are referred to as the Chanic orogeny (Coira et
a northerly source of sediments for the Paleozoic North al., 1982; Cobbing, 1985).
Slope of Alaska. An isolated remnant of the Devonian warm water
Figure 16 shows the Patagonian terrane west of the Appalachian fauna is present west of the Arequipa
Peru–Chile coast and west of the Arequipa massif. The massif in southern Peru (Cobbing, 1985). This assem-
Chilenia terrane of Ramos et al. (1986), located just to the blage best matches analogous outcrops in Ecuador. This
90 Williams
Figure 16—Paleogeographic map for the Devonian, 380 Ma. Legend same as in Figure 14.
outcrop appears to be located on one of the many Interaction between the major plates of Pangea
displaced terranes that underwent southward transla- created the Appalachian orogeny of eastern North
tion. America (Hatcher, 1988). Thrust faulting occurred as far
south as the Ouachita Mountains of the Arkoma basin
Early Carboniferous Paleogeography where deformation was relayed to oceanic crust between
North America and Gondwana (Thomas and Schenk,
At the end of the Devonian about 340 Ma, a major 1988). Stresses relayed from the linked oceanic crust also
change in the paleogeography of Gondwana occurred affected the landmass as far away as the Amazon basin
(Figure 17). It is characterized by a widespread unconfor- region (Figure 7). It is likely that the oceanic crust of the
mity. Evidence is abundant that several intracratonic Pacific region changed from passive cooling to active
highland regions developed in South America at this subduction at this time. All tectonic subsidence curves in
time. Translation of the various terranes to their present this paper (Figures 1, 4–9) show a simultaneous uncon-
positions in southern South America and Antarctica also formity. Interactions between the major plates of the
probably occurred at this time. oceanic Pacific region and those of continental
Tectonic Subsidence Analysis and Paleozoic Paleogeography of Gondwana 91
Figure 17—Paleogeographic map for the base Carboniferous unconformity, 340 Ma. Legend same as in Figure 14.
Gondwana were the driving force for this tectonic episode. Precordillera terrane moved at an early stage because it
Southward translation of the microplates from their was outboard of the large western terrane and accumu-
initial positions west of the Arequipa massif to their lated carbonates on a trailing margin in the Ordovician.
respective locations in Patagonia and Antarctica Extensive deformation affected its western margin after
probably occurred during the Late Devonian and Early emplacement. The Patagonian, Chilenian, and other
Carboniferous. The precise timing is obscured by associated terranes probably moved later. The Paganzo
younger tectonism, deformation, and erosion. However, basin is located on the northern boundary of the
this history is recorded in a major unconformity that Precordilleran terrane. It subsided rapidly in the
spans much of southwestern Gondwana. This is the Namurian (Archangelsky et al., 1987) immediately after
Eohercynian unconformity of some authors (Lopez- accretion of the displaced terranes and may reflect a
Gamundi and Rossello, 1993). period of local extension. Volcanics and inferred
Figure 18 shows an attempt to reconstruct this terrane magmatic arc rocks possibly record accretion of the
translational history, although the order in which these Patagonian–Malvinas terrane complex 340 Ma (Ramos,
microplates moved is speculative. It is probable that the 1986). In this context, the train of volcanics marks the
92 Williams
Figure 19—Paleogeographic map for the Carboniferous, 290 Ma. Legend same as in Figure 14.
A major orogenic episode affected the southwestern Permian glaciation along the margin of Antarctica and
margin of Gondwana in the middle Permian–Triassic Australia deposited sediments in a back-arc basin setting
interval (Lawver and Scotese, 1987). A broad tract of fold that was apparently related to landward-dipping
mountains was created in Australia, Antarctica, southern subduction (Elliot, 1975). The island arc system died out
Africa, and South America by selective inversion of older during the Permian. By the end of the Permian, there
extensional basins. It is believed that there was a left- was an active subduction zone along the northern
lateral component of shearing in South America that margin of Australia (Veevers, 1980; Audley-Charles,
reflects adjustments of the Patagonian terrane (Figure 20). 1988). The Permian was also a time of shrinking glaciers
This strike-slip behavior may also explain the juxtaposi- and climate amelioration.
tion of reefal carbonates and cold water faunas (Helwig, In India, a radiating suite of rift basins was invaded by
1972; Martinez, 1980). Sedimentary basins were yoked a marine transgression (Chatterjee and Hotton, 1986).
together along this tectonic belt (Veevers, 1980). Extrusive This extensional system and the interior rift of Australia’s
and intrusive volcanics were relatively common along the Cooper basin (Wopfner, 1981) reflect the tectonic linkage
continental margin. across Gondwana or the farfield effects of intraplate
94 Williams
Figure 20—Paleogeographic map for the Permian, 250 Ma. Legend same as in Figure 14.
Figure 21—Paleogeographic map for the Triassic, 200 Ma. Legend same as in Figure 14.
Whitehill formation of the Karoo basin (Anderson and End of Triassic Paleogeography
McLachlan, 1979). The glacial deposits of the Paraná
Itarare Formation are equivalent to the Dwyka Group of Continental conditions prevailed throughout
South Africa. Gondwana during the Triassic, leaving a widespread
The Cape foldbelt was initiated during the Permian. record of eolianites and redbeds (Figure 21). A large
Cratonward, the flexural Karoo basin subsided in unconformity at about 200 Ma marks the base of the
response to an applied load. Dingle et al. (1983) have Mesozoic over most regions (Padula, 1972; Milani, 1992).
suggested that the Malvinas plateau south of the Karoo Extension affected Patagonia and Africa. Volcanic
basin also formed a highland. Continued compression activity occurred locally. The landmass was farther from
and inversion of the Cape foldbelt is attributed to adjust- the south pole, which explains the warmer climates
ments of the Patagonian terrane resulting from (Scotese et al., 1979).
continued oceanic–continental plate interactions Mountain building by intracratonic inversion
96 Williams
continued into the Triassic. In southern Africa and volcanism, and emplacement of batholiths imply
southern South America, inversion was a selective subduction along the margin of the continent. Organic-
process and affected basins that were already offset rich shales formed in the intracratonic basins (e.g., Irati
across accommodation zones. The result was an irregular shales of Brazil and Whitehill shales of South Africa).
orogen with marked offsets (Tankard et al., 1995). Later Nonmarine conditions prevailed over much of the
Triassic extension by orogenic collapse affected both continent during the Triassic.
sides of the Atlantic. Basins such as the Cuyo in
Patagonia and the Moltero in South Africa were land-
locked and accumulated organic-rich lacustrine source
rocks and braided fluvial deposits shed from the orogen Acknowledgments I thank Glenn Ware and Don Irwin for
(Uliana and Biddle, 1987; Tankard et al., 1995). In Antarc- their support and Oscar Lopez-Gamundi for discussions on
tica, several terranes display strike-slip and transpres- some of the concepts pursued in this paper. Jim Kotchavar
sional movements related to Triassic subduction (Elliot, drafted the paleogeographic maps. Margy Walsh is thanked for
1975; Wilson et al., 1989). her library searches. I also wish to thank Texaco for support
and permission to publish this paper.
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100 Williams
P alinspastic paleogeographic maps of western and northern South America, including the entire 8500-km
“Andean system” from Trinidad to Cape Horn, are presented for nine Mesozoic–Cenozoic time
intervals. The maps show (1) the spatial record of formational lithostratigraphic units; (2) continental, shallow
marine, and deeper marine paleoenvironments and the location of active magmatic arcs through time; (3)
progressive structural and tectonic development; (4) relative motions of adjacent plates affecting the Andes;
and (5) paleolatitude. Phases and causes of geologic development are summarized from the maps and other
information. Depositional systems are related to tectonic evolution, with implications drawn for hydrocarbon
systems and history. It is shown that tectonic, depositional, and hydrocarbon histories are closely interrelated,
having occurred in fairly discrete pulses through time, each with its own significance to hydrocarbon potential.
Pindell, J. L., and Tabbutt, K. D., 1995, Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean paleogeography and 101
regional controls on hydrocarbon systems, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J.
Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 101–128.
102 Pindell and Tabbutt
well the successive periods of historical development of 2. The Amaime-Chaucha complex of the western
the Andean chain. Dewey’s arc models stress the signifi- flank of the central Cordillera of Colombia and
cance of a kinematic framework defined by the position northern Ecuador, Early Cretaceous accretion
of the subducting slab in the mantle. The motion of the (Aspden and McCourt, 1986) or Late Cretaceous
overriding plate (South America) relative to the slab accretion, preferred here (see Pindell and Erikson,
helps to control many elements of the arc, such as the dip 1994) (Figures 5, 6)
of the Benioff zone, topographic expression of the arc 3. The western Cordillera of Colombia, latest Creta-
system, convergent or divergent tectonics within the arc, ceous–early Paleogene accretion (Bourgois et al.,
back-arc extension or foreland thrusting, chemistry and 1987; Daly, 1989; Pindell and Erikson, 1994)
intensity of magmatism, erodability of the arc as a source (Figure 6)
of sediment, and sense of shear at trench-parallel faults 4. The Panamanian arc and basement (Choco
within the arc. Synthesis of these types of geologic obser- terrane), Eocene?–Recent accretion (Pindell and
vations at arc segments over time can be used to infer Dewey, 1982; Grosser, 1989; Pindell, 1993)
past aspects of subduction and to iteratively deduce pale- (Figures 7–9)
ogeographic development. These in turn can be applied 5. The Pinón Formation and Costa Province, Late
to understanding plate boundary history and basinal Cretaceous–early Paleogene accretion (Daly, 1989)
dynamics, with direct implications for hydrocarbon (Figures 3, 6)
history and habitat. The synopsis presented here adheres 6. Macuchi arc, northern Ecuador (Daly, 1989)
to this philosophy. It is useful for understanding regional (Figure 5)
Andean evolution, arc behavior over time, and Andean 7. Rocas Verdes complex, southern Chile, Late Creta-
basinal dynamics with implications for hydrocarbon ceous back-arc closure and arc accretion (Dalziel,
systems. 1986) (Figures 2–5).
of total shortening across Sierra Perijá, and 65 km of Next, the base map geographic features, the struc-
dextral shear along the Oca fault, west of the Perijá tures, and the lithologic data were palinspastically
(Figure 9). Finite-difference solution with these values restored as previously outlined. The differences in the
yields a total shortening in the northernmost eastern positions of the faint and bolder geographic lines allow
Cordillera of Colombia in excess of 150 km, with a net visual observation of the palinspastic differences for each
direction toward the east-southeast. segment along strike. Structural lines crossing segment
In a system with as many diverse opinions on boundaries with different shortening values were then
evolution as the Andes, particularly in light of the made continuous by smoothing any offset that might
multiple deformation events, it is unrealistic to expect have existed after restoration. Paleoenvironment bound-
different methods or biases of estimating strain to yield aries were drawn separating regions of equivalent paleo-
bulk strain values through time that agree with high environment, indicated by the patterns, as defined by the
precision. We can only strive at this point for internal raw lithochronologic data. Paleolatitudes (after Scotese et
consistency in the methods applied, ensuring that the al., 1987), key cross sections, notes on paleogeographic
values used are in line with most others offered. This development, tectonic processes, and sandstone prove-
study has integrated numerous types of information in nance were then added to complete the 1:5,000,000 scale
the hopes of satisfying the majority of data. We are thus maps. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic intervals of these
confident that the successive palinspastic restorations maps were then reduced and simplified to create Figures
provide an autochthonous framework of features for the 1–9 in this paper. Lithochronologic data, notes, and cross
past that is far closer to former reality than the present- sections were removed, and formation names of regional
day geography of features and that allows a much more extent were added, with notations for source and
accurate depiction of the original shapes and former rela- reservoir units. Thus, the maps in Figures 1–9 are graphi-
tionships of basins and uplifts. Successive palinspastic cally as accurate as the larger versions but lack the
restorations can be seen on the maps by shifts in the control points, lithologic designations, and interpreta-
positions of the faint (present-day) and bolder (former) tional detail.
geographic lines.
Phases of Paleogeographic Evolution
Construction of the Maps
Primary Andean developments, their causal mecha-
Figures 1–9 are simplified reductions of more detailed nisms, and their impact on Andean hydrocarbon systems
maps created in Mercator projection at 1:5,000,000. On are summarized in Table 1 and are more fully outlined in
palinspastically restored base maps of western and the following paragraphs.
northern South America, these simplified maps show the Beginning in the Late Permian in the central Andes
following features: (1) the migration of plates and and continuing along the entire Andes by the Triassic,
terranes that have affected the Andes, (2) paleosedimen- back-arc extension formed a series of restricted troughs
tation patterns by paleoenvironment and formation (extensional arc in the sense of Dewey, 1980) in which red
name, (3) designation of main source rock and reservoir beds, arc volcanics, and marine strata accumulated
rock intervals, (4) primary structural and tectonic (Figure 1). Some of the marine units such as the Santiago
features, (5) the trace of arc magmatism, and (6) paleolati- and Pucara are, or were, oil-prone source rocks whose
tude. Faint geographic lines (coast lines, political bound- deposition probably fits models of rifted basins with
aries, and lakes) are present-day positions; bolder equiv- marine access and restricted circulation. Other rift basins
alents are relative paleopositions of the same. Depicted farther south did not experience a marine transgression
paleoenvironments include continental, shallow marine and instead accumulated nonmarine organic-rich source
(less than ~200 m paleowater depth), deeper marine rock units such as the Los Molles Formation of the
(greater than ~200 m), and the axis of the magmatic arc, Neuquén basin and, a little later, the Pozo D-129 unit of
which takes preference over other paleoenvironments the San Jorge basin (Figures 2, 3). In the north, westward-
(e.g., the shallow marine Triassic Payande unit of Colom- propagating intracontinental rifting between Yucatan
bia is covered by the arc pattern) (Figure 1). and Venezuela heralded the Proto-Caribbean seaway,
The maps were created as follows. Phanerozoic time which opened in a fan-like fashion (Figures 1, 2). In
(including the Paleozoic) was divided into 16 intervals Patagonia, a series of en-echelon rifts developed along
for which a general tectonic or depositional style preexisting structural trends associated with pre-
prevailed. The age of each map (in Ma) is shown in its Mesozoic accretion of arc terranes (Figures 1–3). This
key and falls about midway within the time increment. period of extension and breakup is directly tied to the
On geographic base maps, all of the lithochronologic breakup of Pangea: Andean back-arc extension was
data in the databases (lithology, thickness, formation, probably due to subduction zone rollback, with which
and contact relationships) within a given map’s time the South American craton did not keep pace (Dewey,
increment, both isotopic and stratigraphic, were plotted 1980). All of the back-arc troughs along the Andes
in present-day coordinates. Next, structures with known became sites of thermal subsidence in the Middle
ages matching the various time increments were added Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Figure 2), depending on
in present-day coordinates. At this point, the maps were location. Arc morphology was subdued, typically with
present-day plots of lithologic and paleostructural data volcanic islands surrounded variably by marine
for each increment in time. seaways.
104 Pindell and Tabbutt
Albian onset of convergent Aptian onset of north Africa– Initial (Albian) source rock
tectonism and foredeep geometry South America separation deposition,central Andean
in central Andes. in equatorial Atlantic, foreland, continue transgressive
initiate convergent arc. reservoirs.
Middle Cretaceous drowning High long-term sea level, Best regional source rock int-
of northern shelf platform, distant strand lines, erval deposited regionally, in
expansion and deepening of starvation of clastic areas intersected by oxygen
epicontinental seas elsewhere. materials from depocenters. minimum zone.
Late Cretaceous arc collision Westward drift of South End source rock deposition,
and onset of east-dipping America closed back-arcs, begin progradational reservoir
subduction in north and south, convergence continued by rock deposition as seas
begin foredeep geometry in Col- subduction at new Benioff regressed. Possible local onset
ombia/western Venezuela and zones. Late Cret lowering of maturation at thrust zones
southern Chile/Argentina, infilling of long-term sea level. and sedimentary buildups.
of epicontinental seaways.
Paleogene removal of seas from Incaic uplift due to W accel- Deposition of important
much of craton, uplift and creation eration of South America fluvial reservoirs in foreland
of continuous Andean barrier, begin across mantle, rapid sub- areas (sub-Andes), major
large scale eastward shedding of duction rates. Onset of phase of maturation and east-
detritus from Andes. Begin eastward oblique Caribbean collision. ward oil migration. Eastward
migrating foredeep in Venezuela. migrating maturation
mechanism in Venezuela.
Late middle Cenozoic waning of Slowing of South America Filling of Incaic structures by
orogenesis and foreland develop- across the mantle and of migration from Incaic kitchens,
ment. Continue Caribbean fore- subduction. Continue deposition of additional fluvial
deep migration. Caribbean–South America reservoirs in foreland.
relative motion.
For much of the Andes, epicontinental marine and oceanic crust (De Wit, 1977). Such extension appears to
nonmarine deposition east of the arc dominated the have been continuous from the Jurassic, still related to
Early Cretaceous, indicating generally stable tectonic rollback. In the north, southward transgression across the
conditions typified by mainly thermal subsidence passive portion of the margin was underway. Probable
(Figure 3). However, extensional tectonism persisted southward-propagating opening of a back-arc basin
along the Chilean portion of the back-arc, with the Rocas along Colombia left the central Cordillera as a remnant
Verdes basin of southern Chile developing a basement of arc passive margin after Triassic–Middle Jurassic
Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean Paleogeography and Regional Controls on Hydrocarbon Systems 105
plutonism had ceased (Figures 3, 4). The Andean arc, preservation of organic-rich shales (e.g., Napo and
which was ensialic in the central Andes, probably trended Chonta formations). Farther south, in Bolivia and
offshore at Ecuador to connect with the Amaime- Argentina, tectonism and associated lithospheric flexure
Chaucha arc terrane (Figures 3, 4). These continued north were relatively less and shallow marine to nonmarine
into the Greater Antilles arc and the North American arcs molasse mainly accumulated.
of Mexico and the Chortis block to the northwest By the end of the Cretaceous (Figure 6), falling long-
(Pindell, 1993). term sea level and infilling of epicontinental accommo-
During the Aptian, this Aleutian-like intraoceanic arc dation space heralded the removal of the seas from the
apparently flipped polarity, with the associated creation craton, with generally regressive deposits marking the
of blueschists and other metamorphic rocks at the onset migrating marine margins. The Campanian(?) accretion
of west-dipping Aptian–Albian subduction along the of the Amaime-Chaucha terrane (Pindell and Erikson, in
eastern side of the arc. These metamorphic rocks are now press) loaded the central Cordillera and created the
found in obducted masses all around the Caribbean and Umir-Colon basin to the east with asymmetric foredeep
along the eastern limit of the Amaime terrane in geometry. The deposits in this basin prograded north-
Colombia. From the Albian, the arc migrated eastward ward toward the Proto-Caribbean seaway, leaving a
toward the remnant Colombian and northern Ecuador- paralic to nonmarine depocenter in the wake of the
ian margin and the Proto-Caribbean seaway to the north. marine basin. After accretion of the Amaime, continued
Plutonism in this east-facing arc is well known in the South American–Caribbean plate convergence in the
Antilles. Likewise, the Buga batholith of the Amaime northern Andes was accommodated by initiation of east-
terrane (~99 Ma) (Aspden and McCourt, 1986) may dipping subduction of Caribbean crust outboard of the
represent Antilles equivalent arc magmatism during terrane. Progressive accretion of offscraped upper
closure of the Colombian back-arc (Pindell, 1993; Pindell Caribbean plate materials probably formed most of
and Erikson, in press). Colombia’s western Cordillera, west of the already
By the end of Albian time (Figure 4), marine water accreted Amaime terrane. The eastward continuation of
depths in the north were sufficient for initiation of source the Panamanian arc (Figure 6) defined the western and
rock deposition and preservation. South America was southern margins of the Caribbean plate from the
migrating toward the Amaime terrane. Peruvian orogen- Santonian or the Campanian (Pindell and Barrett, 1990).
esis in the northern Central Andes had started, probably This arc probably first encountered the Andes within
related to the same causal mechanisms that flipped the Ecuador because this was the boundary between volumi-
offshore arc to the north. Pindell (1993) suggested that nous and widespread plutonism and volcanism to the
this orogenesis was due to the early Aptian onset of the south (rapid subduction of normal Farallon plate) and
opening of the equatorial Atlantic (Pindell and Dewey, limited and localized volcanism or plutonism to the
1982; Pindell, 1985), which markedly accelerated South north (slow, shallow-dipping? subduction of the 12–25-
America westward across the mantle, thereby trans- km-thick Caribbean plate).
forming the Central Andes into a convergent arc in the Along the Andes, sands prograded into the foreland
sense of Dewey (1980). Peruvian orogenesis lightly area from both the east and west. Throughout the central
loaded the interior craton, creating additional accommo- Andes, marine accumulations became restricted to only
dation space and water depths for marine units such as locally transgressive areas. Farther south, where Atlantic
the Napo and Chonta formations. Evidence for compres- influences could be felt, marine conditions continued to
sion is found along the entire length of the Andes and prevail. A general decrease in Late Cretaceous subsi-
Amaime-Chaucha terrane, except perhaps in northern dence rates within the sub-Andean foredeep basins
Argentina, although the intensity varies considerably. could have been due to the waning of Peruvian compres-
The back-arc of Chile, including the Rocas Verdes basin, sional deformation.
began to close, and continental rift basins of central In the early Paleogene (Figure 7), westward drift of
Argentina were influenced by compression and foredeep South America caused the relative eastward advance of
deposition (Dalziel and Forsythe, 1985; Hallam et al., the Caribbean plate, which had a slight northward
1986). component of relative motion as well. The triple junction
The middle Cretaceous (Figure 5) marked the defined by the eastward continuation of the Panamanian
maximum extent of the seas across the craton, especially arc and the Andean trench thus migrated slowly
in the north where Andean trends intersected the northward, leading to much faster subduction of
passive margin trends. There, thermal subsidence of Farallon crust along the Andes in its wake. In turn, the
numerous Jurassic intracontinental and back-arc rifts volume of arc magmatism appears to have increased
combined to produce a broad, slowly subsiding epicon- northward, first in Ecuador and then into Colombia. By
tinental platform. The strand line was so far inland that early–middle Eocene time, crustal elements and accreted
deposition did not keep pace with subsidence. Pelagic material of the southeastern Caribbean plate (Caribbean
material accumulated at relatively high rates due to nappes) began to load the western and Maracaibo
upwelling-enhanced productivity to produce world portion of the northern margin’s shelf, creating a
class source rocks (e.g., La Luna Formation). Preserva- northward-deepening foredeep geometry (Trujillo and
tion was maintained by the intersection with the shelf Misoa formations) that triggered oil maturation along the
surface of the oxygen minima zone. In Ecuador and northern shelf of northwestern South America (Pindell,
Peru, foredeep subsidence allowed accumulation and 1991).
Figure 1—Triassic–Early Jurassic (about 190 Ma) paleogeographic map of the Andes. Scale is
denoted by latitude and longitude ticks approximately 110 km apart.
Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean Paleogeography and Regional Controls on Hydrocarbon Systems 107
Figure 1 (continued)
108 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 2—Middle–Late Jurassic (about 145 Ma) paleogeographic map of the Andes.
Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean Paleogeography and Regional Controls on Hydrocarbon Systems 109
Figure 2 (continued)
110 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 3 (continued)
112 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 4 (continued)
114 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 5 (continued)
116 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 6 (continued)
118 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 7 (continued)
120 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 8 (continued)
122 Pindell and Tabbutt
Figure 9 (continued)
124 Pindell and Tabbutt
In the late Eocene–early Oligocene, between ano- assisted with east-west convergence in this area, leading
malies 13 and 18 (~33–38.5 Ma) (Cande and Kent, 1992), to more than 100 km of lateral tectonic escape by the
there was a marked (about twofold) westward accelera- roughly triangular Maracaibo block toward the free face
tion of South America across the mantle (e.g., Müller et of the Caribbean Sea. To the south, eastward migration
al., 1993). We suggest that this triggered the Incaic phase of the thrust front generally cannabalized the earlier
of Andean tectonism (intensification of the convergent foredeep and pushed the evolving foredeep axis craton-
arc) (Dewey, 1980), marked by eastward and westward ward. Numerous inter-Andean basins began to develop,
thrusting at the Andean flanks along most of the length especially in Peru and Bolivia, where the width of defor-
of the Andes. The chain was uplifted drastically at this mation was the greatest, possibly assisted by late
time, with erosion and deposition of considerable Paleozoic evaporitic décollement horizons. Segmentation
volumes of offlapping erosional materials in both the of the subducting Pacific plate further influenced
back-arc and fore-arc regions. In the southern Andes, magmatism and deformation style along strike, with flat-
compression and uplift were not as severe and the slab, nonmagmatic segments driving foreland deforma-
eastward extent of eroded molasse was limited. The tion in the Pampean and other ranges (Figure 9).
persistent epicontinental marine basins of southern
Argentina maintained contact with the Atlantic Ocean
throughout the Paleogene. HYDROCARBON CONSIDERATIONS
In the middle Tertiary (Figure 8), relative advance of
the Caribbean plate continued and more buoyant parts Settings for Source Rock Accumulation
of the Costa Rica–Panama arc began to collide, initiating and Preservation
Panama’s oroclinal geometry and eastward thrusting of
Colombia’s Central Cordillera over the Gualanday The paleogeographic maps (Figures 1–9) show that
foredeep basin. The Caribbean foredeep south of the five main Mesozoic–Cenozoic settings exist for source
Caribbean nappes was located in central Venezuela at rock deposition and preservation in the Andean system.
this point (La Pascua and Roblecito formations), with an These are indicated by formation names followed by a
east-west strike-slip regime developing between the two circled “s” symbol. The first setting is restricted rift
plates in the Falcon area north of Lake Maracaibo. A late basins with varying access to the sea during times of
Oligocene–early Miocene slowing of the rate of motion of back-arc extension. Examples include the Pucara and
South America relative to the mantle may have been Santiago formations, deposited in the Triassic–Jurassic
responsible for the period of generally finer grained back-arc basins of Peru and Ecuador (Figure 1). The
deposition (less convergent arc) in the Andean foreland second setting is thermally subsiding passive margin
basins, such as the middle Magdalena’s Mugrosa sections that developed during periods of slow sediment
Formation in the north (Figures 8, 9). Although the accumulation and high long-term relative sea level,
intensity of shortening for this period based on indi- where upwelling and the oxygen-minimum zone inter-
vidual accumulation rates seems less than for the Incaic sected the shelf. Examples are the middle Cretaceous La
phase, the Andes to the south continued to develop at Luna, Querecual, Gautier, and Villeta formations in the
this time into a continuous geographic barrier between north and the Lower Cretaceous Inoceramus Shale in the
marine systems of the fore-arc and the foreland. They south (Figures 4, 5). The third setting, related to the
provided a continuous source of molasse for the second but noteworthy on its own, is the rift structures
remainder of the Tertiary. that cross southern South America, aulacogens of the
Finally, in the middle Miocene–Recent (Figure 9), South Atlantic (e.g., San Jorge basin; Figures 2, 3), in
increased “Andean” orogenic uplift and development of which nonmarine and marine source rocks were
present-day relief (rejuvenation of convergent arc) deposited early on.
appears to have been driven by several factors: (1) The fourth setting is the tectonically downflexed
another, but less drastic, westward acceleration of South foredeep basins that formed east of the developing Andes
America across the mantle; (2) a progressive decrease in at times of high long-term eustatic sea level (during
the age of crust entering the trench along the length of Peruvian orogeny), when the epicontinental strand line
the Andes, causing resistance to subduction; and (3) was far to the east. Examples are the middle Cretaceous
rapidly increased rates of subduction of the Nazca plate Napo and Chonta formations of the north-central and
in the Miocene, which increased volcanism along the central Andes (Figure 5). The thick Devonian–Carbonif-
chain and may have thermally softened the belt, making erous source-prone section of Bolivia and southern Peru
it more deformable (Pitman et al., 1992). Erosion of the was probably also deposited in this tectonic setting
chain has produced massive volumes of Miocene–Recent during the sinistrally transpressive accretion of the
molassic detritus, creating thick foredeep sections that Arequipa massif (approximate location on Figure 1). The
extend well to the east and across most of the western fifth setting is along the Andean fore-arc at various times
fore-arc basins. in areas where terrigenous sedimentation was slow due
Eastward advance of the thrust belt has cannabalized to low Andean relief, vegetational retention, or dry
parts of the former (e.g., Incaic) foredeeps, thereby climate (Ziegler et al., 1981) and where upwelling and
creating the sub-Andes fold and thrust belt. In the north, other oceanographic factors presumably helped with
thrusting has jumped cratonward to the Eastern bioproductivity and maintainance of suboxic bottom
Cordillera and the Merida Andes of Colombia and conditions. A possible example is the Upper Cretaceous
Venezuela. The continued Panamanian collision has Redondo Shale of the Talara basin of Peru.
Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean Paleogeography and Regional Controls on Hydrocarbon Systems 125
As for the marine source rocks in all these settings, The second source of sand was the uplifted and
both eustasy and tectonism helped to control source rock exposed thrust sheets in the deformation belts of the
deposition and preservation. Both combined to control Cordillera. The likelihood of these sandstones func-
accommodation space and water depth, while high tioning as reservoirs depends on two factors: (1) the
eustatic sea levels maintained a distant strand line in lithology of the strata being eroded and (2) the extent of
some settings during middle Cretaceous time and sorting that occurred during the transport of the detritus.
limited the input of sand. If the thrust sheets that were eroded did not contain
lithologies (e.g., quartz grains) conducive to maintaining
Classes of Sandstone Reservoir Deposition porosity upon redeposition and lithification, reservoir
potential will be low. Local variations in the exposure
Formations with known or potential reservoir can be very important in reservoir development. Since
potential are indicated in Figures 1–9 by a circled “r” much of the strata exposed in the Cordillera is either fine-
symbol following the formation name. Although produc- grained (carbonates, shales, or siltstones) or poorly
tion is achieved from some carbonate units, such as the sorted sandstones, the ability of the depositional system
latest Cretaceous Yacoraite Formation of the north- to enhance the sands by sorting is critical. In general,
western Argentine basin (Figure 6) and the Cogollo those sediments that were deposited proximal to the
Group limestones of the western Maracaibo basin thrust sheets tend to be poorly sorted and make poor
(Figure 4), quartzose sandstones provide most of the reservoirs, while those more distal to the region of defor-
Andean reservoirs. Sandstones came from four primary mation may be mature enough to serve as reservoirs.
provenances throughout the Phanerozoic: metamorphic Along the western side of the Andes, sandstone units
rocks of the Precambrian shield, reworked sedimentary within deltas that formed in the fore-arc region often
rocks of the Andean thrust belt, masses of crystalline function as reservoirs. These deltas were associated with
basement exposed in the thrust belt, and plutons and fluvial systems that drained the arc system or the interior
volcanoes of the magmatic arc. In the sub-Andean adjacent to the deformation front.
basins, the most important reservoir sandstones were The source of the third sandstone class is again from
derived from the metamorphosed, highly quartzose the Andes, but specifically from metamorphic or
Precambrian shield areas to the east of the Andean belt. plutonic basement core areas that do have a significant
Formation of fault-controlled rift basins which then quartz component. The Santander and Garzon massifs of
thermally subsided (Permian–early Mesozoic) was the mainly sedimentary eastern Cordillera of Colombia
followed by flexural deflection of the crust due to short- are examples (Figure 9). Although these areas are
ening and loading of early Andean thrust belts and sedi- presently exposed, they have not always been so. Thus,
mentary rocks (late Mesozoic–early Cenozoic). These their contribution of reservoir quality clastics is periodic,
processes created a “downhill” condition from the commonly contaminated by Andean volcanic and sedi-
shields to the back-arc and foredeep region (the present mentary sources. Additionally, massifs that are presently
eastern Andes). This broad, gentle slope allowed covered by sediments or volcanics may have been
westward-migrating fluvial sands to become clean, exposed and eroded during an earlier period. Uplift and
mature, and highly quartzose. Their point of final depo- exposure of the metamorphic terranes tend to coincide
sition and their westward extent was a function of the and persist after compressional deformation.
position of the strand line and paleoslope of the marginal The final sandstone class is the volcanogenic sandstone
seas. These were in turn dependent on eustatic sea level from the Andean magmatic rocks. Although most of the
and the intensity of orogenic development (downward plutonic rocks of the Andes are described in the literature
foredeep flexure or thermal uplift and subsidence) at the as “granitoids” or “granitic,” these are often intermediate
time. Thus, fluvial to coastal to shallow marine blanket- in silica content and only occasionally have high concen-
like sandstone deposits are common along the western trations of free quartz that can produce good quality
margins of the Precambrian shields and eastern flanks of reservoir sandstones. Thus, “sand” eroded from magmatic
flexural foredeep and thermally subsiding rift basin areas of the Andes does not usually produce quality
sections. reservoir sandstones. There are hypothetical exceptions,
Easterly derived sandstone horizons generally such as from areas where plutons may be tonalitic (inter-
coalesce with their vertical neighbors toward the east mediate but with free quartz crystals). But tonalites are
(i.e., shales pinch out to the east where basinal conditions rarely distinguished in the literature from “granitoids,”
were less developed). Likewise, shield-derived sand- which are typically dacitic or andesitic dominated by
stones pinch out toward the west away from the fluvial feldspars and pyroxenes that degrade into clays.
and coastal input of the eastern source area. This creates In the sub-Andean basins, there have been western
an interfingering of sandstones (reservoirs) and shale and eastern sources of sands, with the latter usually
(seals) that become sand-dominated to the east and producing the better quality reservoir sandstone (higher
shale-dominated to the west. In contrast, due to their quartz content). The region of interfingering of western
general narrow and elongate character and the influence and eastern sources of sandstone has been an important
of more local faulting, the facies of the early Mesozoic rift zone throughout the history of the basins for hydro-
basins tend to be less extensive and lithologic changes carbon potential. Depending on the type of basin
(pinching out of sandstones) are more abrupt than those flanking the Andes at various times, however, a wide
of the foredeep basins. swath of basinal deposits (marine and lacustrine shales,
126 Pindell and Tabbutt
limestones, evaporites, cherts, and fine clastics) often (addition of overburden) have been extremely intense
intervened. These are the sediment sequences that tend and rapid. In addition, subsequent events have affected
to have source rock potential. Such was the case during slightly different areas of the original autochthonous
at least two styles of tectonic history: back-arc rifting and depocenters, with relatively fresh source rock horizons
subsequent thermal subsidence (Triassic–Early Creta- quickly entering the oil maturation window during these
ceous) and foredeep basin flexure due to eastward over- successive periods of rapid tectonic and sedimentary
thrusting from the west (middle Cretaceous–early loading.
Cenozoic). In most regions along the present eastern Early Mesozoic rifts were sites of restricted environ-
Andes, eastward-migrating thrusts carrying sediments ment source rock deposition. High heat flow associated
originally deposited in the central basin have overridden with rifting may have driven early maturation in parts of
or interthrusted the quartz-rich easterly derived flanking these basins, perhaps into Early Cretaceous time, as
sandstones, so that updip migration from beneath or indicated in Colombia’s eastern Cordilleran back-arc
within the thrusts has tended toward the quartz sand- basin by detrital asphalt pebbles in the Hauterivian
stones. Prior to the Cenozoic, westerly derived sand- section (Campbell and Burgl, 1965) (Figure 3). Starting
stones from the Andes interfingered with the basinal first in the Peruvian and southern Ecuadorian region,
deposits and are in many places now metamorphosed middle Cretaceous onset of convergent arc behavior (late
and structurally interwoven with the intervening basinal Albian, Peruvian orogeny) helped to create the first
sedimentary sections. “foredeep” conditions, which were sites of additional
Locally during the Paleocene, and more commonly by source rock deposition (Napo and Chonta formations),
the Eocene, eastward migration of clastic sediment from due to tectonically and eustatically created accommoda-
the developing Andes mountains drowned out the tion space. These are correlative to the higher quality
eastern source such that clastic migration was eastward passive margin source rock units of Colombia, Vene-
away from the Andes, or at least to foreland fluvial trunk zuela, and Trinidad to the north.
systems that ran parallel to the Andes. At least part of the Maturation of all these Cretaceous source rock units,
cause of this drastic change was that late Eocene as well as the remaining source potential of the
compression and orogenesis (Incaic phase), and hence Triassic–Jurassic units, would become a function of
erosion, were sufficiently intense that the shear volume burial, hydrothermal effects, or structural thickening
of Andean clastics overwhelmed the component from during the subsequent successive tectonic pulses.
the eastern source. The line between clastic realms However, anomalous basement heat should be a factor
simply shifted eastward to the point where there was in areas that have undergone Cenozoic rifting,
essentially no topographic depression (foredeep) for volcanism, or ridge subduction. Examples of this type of
easterly derived sands to fill. This occurred despite the area include the central Andean Altiplano (Figures 8, 9),
fact that subsidence rates accelerated in most areas of the the arc axis, various strike-slip basins of the fore-arc, the
eastern foredeeps during this phase of Cenozoic deposi- Nazca–Antarctica–South America triple junction in Chile
tion. This condition led to a geometry in which the basal (Figure 9), and western Colombia, where an extinct ridge
surface of Cenozoic sandstones dips westward, while the system entered the trench from Oligocene to late
Eocene–Recent geomorphic surface has dipped generally Miocene time (Hardy, 1991) (Figure 9). In the sub-Andes
eastward. Thus, the latter Cenozoic “brown beds” form a basins, each successive advance of the thrust front and its
thick cover above the Cretaceous section, thickening associated molassic foredeep depocenter shifted the belt
toward their westerly source area. These Cenozoic of hydrocarbon maturation correspondingly eastward.
molassic beds are only locally important from a reservoir In the north, foreland thrusting with development of
standpoint because their porosity is limited and they lack foredeep depocenters occurred in the Campanian–Maas-
seals within them. Nevertheless, they are critical for trichtian (Umir-Colon and Mito Juan formations), in the
hydrocarbon systems in that they have played a major late Eocene–Oligocene Incaic phase (eastward thrusting
role in driving Cenozoic maturation by burial. Accurate and deposition of the Gualanday Group and equiva-
dating of these beds is critical for accurate prediction of lents), and in the middle(?) Miocene–Recent Andean
hydrocarbon maturation in many of the basins. phase (Neogene molasse units, uplift of eastern
Cordillera). The first phase probably did not initiate oil
Regional Maturation Mechanisms generation, but the second and third phases certainly
did. Incaic oil migration reached the Llanos basin, as the
Our assessment of Andean tectonics and sedimenta- eastern Cordillera was not yet elevated. In the central
tion allows general statements to be made about the Andes, the Peruvian phase may have triggered local
generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons. As previ- maturation, but the Incaic and Neogene phases were
ously outlined, the Andes have evolved in a series of stronger and fully capable of generating hydrocarbons.
tectonic pulses, mainly controlled by changes in plate In the southern Andes, evidence for Cretaceous compres-
motions, each of which has played some role in the sional deformation is meager, and Incaic deformation is
overall hydrocarbon history. That source rock units as relatively less than to the north, but Neogene phases
old as Ordovician and as young as Neogene have both were strong. At the extreme southern end of the chain,
become mature in the Neogene phase(s) of basin devel- the Rocas Verdes marginal basin was closed during the
opment attest to the significance of these pulses in middle Cretaceous and experienced moderate Incaic and
relation to hydrocarbons. This is because the Cenozoic Neogene phases of convergent deformation and
phases of orogenesis and associated basin subsidence orogenic sedimentation.
Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean Paleogeography and Regional Controls on Hydrocarbon Systems 127
In addition to these primary phases of tectonism and reduces the volume of clastic material derived from
associated pulses of maturation and migration, the uplifted areas, particularly along parts of the western
original regional extent of source rock occurrence is flank of the Andes (Ziegler et al., 1981), with a corre-
another critical factor in assessing remaining potential. sponding reduction in burial maturation in the adjacent
For much of the eastern and sub-Andes belts, the swath basin. Despite such deviations, knowledge of the precise
of source rocks was fairly narrow, located in back-arc age of uplift and associated basinal subsidence can be
areas due to rifting or Cretaceous tectonic loading. In used to predict the onset of peak pulses of maturation.
contrast, toward the north in Colombia and western Migration routes and trapping can then be assessed by
Venezuela, the Cretaceous source rock depocenter was considering the paleogeography and structural configu-
far wider in the east-west dimension because of the more ration of the basin at the time. It should be noted,
regional occurrence of Jurassic lithospheric rift basins that however, that successive orogenic episodes are likely to
underwent thermal subsidence and marine transgression affect trapping potential and thermal conditions of struc-
in the Cretaceous. With each successive phase of tures developed during previous orogenic episodes.
tectonism and foredeep deposition, more and more of the There is a tendency for old oil generated during earlier
swath of source rocks was exhausted from west to east. orogenic phases to be remigrated, lost from the system,
In the Cenozoic, the earlier Incaic phase probably or driven to gas during subsequent phases of tectonic
triggered maturation of huge quanitities of oil because development.
few of the source rocks had been depleted by that time.
Subsequent phases not only had less source rock area to
mature but the quality of the remaining source rocks was CONCLUSIONS
poorer due to greater depositional proximity to the
shield. Therefore, along much of the Andes, Neogene Our analysis shows that tectonic, depositional, and
phases of tectonism have probably generated relatively hydrocarbon histories are closely interrelated, having
lesser volumes of oil. However, in the north, the original occurred in fairly discrete pulses through time, each with
source rock limit was sufficiently far east that the advent its own significance to hydrocarbon potential. Source
of Colombia’s eastern Cordillera thrust belt and foredeep rock units can be deposited during periods of rifting,
basin occurred well within the limits of excellent source passive margin sedimentation, and foredeep develop-
rocks. Hence, more Neogene oil was probably generated, ment during long-term sea level highstands, when the
although not necessarily trapped, in Colombia’s eastern strand line is far from the depocenter, and along the fore-
Cordilleran foothills and the Llanos basin than in more arc when clastic dilution is low and oceanic conditions
southward segments of the sub-Andes belts. In addition, are favorable. Quality reservoir units can be deposited,
the intermontane Maracaibo basin of western Venezuela depending on reworking and transport history, during
also underwent a major Neogene phase of generation cratonal transgression and regression and when quartz-
due to the uplift of and sedimentation from the Merida bearing blocks or strata in the Andes are eroded during
Andes, Santander massif, and Sierra Perijá. With respect uplift. Oil generation can be triggered by early rift-
to oil generation, the Neogene of the northern area is related heat flow, but more commonly by accumulation
more like the Eocene of more southward parts of the of sufficient overburden, either thrust wedges or
Andes. orogenic erosional products. In the sub-Andes, succes-
Another factor to consider that applies mainly to the sive eastward-advancing tectonic phases drove over-
southern Andes (northwestern Argentine basin and burden development which, where sufficient, triggered
southward; Figures 2, 3, 4) is that Jurassic–Cretaceous associated phases of hydrocarbon generation. The newly
rifts, associated with both the opening of the Atlantic and created potential of each successive phase in a given area
back-arc extension, cross the continent westward to at was dependent on the quality and distribution of source
least the sub-Andes belts (Figures 1–3). Early source rock rocks there. Neogene phase(s) generated large volumes
deposits in these basins represent “paths of oil potential” of oil from Mesozoic source rocks in the northern and
extending eastward from under the Andes foothills and southern Andes where the platformal and rift-bounded
foredeeps. The western ends of these paths have entered source rock units, respectively, extended well east of the
maturation as they were progressively overthrust and Incaic (late Eocene–Oligocene) foredeep basins. The
buried by the Andes and foredeep sediments. These middle Paleozoic source rock units of the central sub-
basins possess an important pulse of Neogene matura- Andes were also affected by eastward-stepping phases.
tion that may be in addition to an Incaic pulse. In areas In all areas, preservation of older oil was reduced by
between these rift basins, source rocks are of poorer Neogene destruction of preexisting (Incaic) structures,
quality and Neogene oil generation is therefore limited. which in many cases were once filled.
The considerations just discussed suggest an episod-
icity of oil generation in the Andes that is directly tied to
the episodicity of thrust belt development and foredeep Acknowledgments We thank John F. Dewey, Walter C.
deposition. This applies to both the sub-Andes basins Pitman, and Steve Cande for collaboration and assistance on
and the western fore-arc margin because episodes of various parts of our Andean study, and Sam Algar for helping
uplift will also drastically accelerate fore-arc sedimenta- to reduce our paleogeographic maps to the format presented
tion and burial maturation. This process is modified by here. Grants from Texaco and Mobil provided the initial means
climate to varying extents. For example, aridity greatly for much of this synthesis and are greatly appreciated.
128 Pindell and Tabbutt
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Paleozoic Basins
N. Eyles A. B. França
Department of Geology Nexpar, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.
University of Toronto Curitiba, Brazil
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
C. H. Eyles
G. Gonzalez Bonorino Department of Geography
Department of Geology McMaster University
Conicet–University of Buenos Aires Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Buenos Aires, Argentina
O. López Paulsen
YPFB, Gerencia de Exploración
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
A lthough glaciated basins are usually associated with nonproductive, poorly sorted strata, hydrocarbons
occur in several late Paleozoic glaciated basins of central and southern South America. In Bolivia, the
Chaco-Tarija basin has commercial production from more than 30 fields in glacially influenced submarine
channel systems (Palmar, Santa Cruz, and Bermejo fields) that accounts for about 60% of current national
reserves. Correlative deposits in Argentina host the Campo Durán and Madrejones oil fields. In Brazil, the
Paraná basin has significant but as yet subcommercial gas shows in thick marine turbidite sandstones of the
glacially influenced Itararé Group. The Chaco-Paraná basin of Argentina is one of the largest onshore targets
for exploration in South America, but it is virtually untested.
Glacially influenced foreland basins of Argentina (Tepuel and Paganzo-Maliman) contain complex
glacigenic stratigraphies of interbedded tillites and poorly prospective sandstones. In contrast, the glacially
influenced marine infills of intracratonic basins in Brazil (Paraná), Bolivia, and Argentina (Chaco-Tarija and
Chaco-Paraná) contain thick sequences of pebbly mudstones and regionally extensive reservoir quality sand-
stones. The key to the occurrence of good reservoirs and associated trapping mechanisms in these intracratonic
basins is the interplay of sediment supply, regional tectonics, and relative sea level changes. Glacial scouring of
extensive cratons by ice sheets resulted in the delivery of huge volumes of glaciofluvial sand to deltas. Struc-
tural control of drainage patterns on the craton by basement lineaments resulted in persistent sediment sources
and depocenters. Frequent earthquake activity along reactivated basement lineaments resulted in downslope
mass flow of deltaic sediments and the deposition of thick, amalgamated sand turbidites (reservoirs). Pebbly
mudstone seals most likely record higher relative sea levels, resulting from basin subsidence, and deposition
from suspended sediment plumes and icebergs. Source rocks are provided by Devonian and Permian shales.
This model may be applicable to other parts of Gondwana that contain thick, prospective sandstones in
glacially influenced intracratonic basins.
L as cuencas glaciares estan usualmente asociadas a estratos pobremente escogidos y carentes de atractivo
comercial desde el punto de vista de hidrocarburos, sin embargo en varias cuencas glaciares del Paleo-
zoico tardio en el sur y centro de Suramerica, se ha probado la existencia de petroleo. En Bolivia, la cuenca
Charco-Tarija tiene produccion comercial en mas de 30 campos ubicados en sistemas de canales submarinos
con influencia glacial (e.j., campos Palmar, Santa Cruz, y Barmejo), que representan aproximadamente el 60%
de las reservas nacionales. Depositos correlativos en Argentina corresponden a los campos petroliferos de
Duran y Madrejones. En Brasil, la cuenca Paraná tiene cantidades significativas de gas (en condiciones
subcomerciales) en las espesas areniscas marinas turbiditicas con influencia glacial del grupo Itarare. La
Cuenca Chaco-Paraná de Argentina es uno de los objetivos costeros mas grandes para la exploracion en
Suramerica pero virtualemente no ha sido probada.
Eyles, N., G. Gonzalez Bonorino, A. B. França, C. H. Eyles, and O. López Paulsen, 1995, 165
Hydrocarbon-bearing late Paleozoic glaciated basins of southern and central South
America, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South
America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 165–183.
166 Eyles et al.
Las cuencas foreland con influencia glacial ubicadas en Argentina (Tepuel y Paganzo-Maliman), contienen
complejas estratigrafias glaciogenicas de tilitas interestratificadas con areniscas pobremente prospectivas. En
contraste, los rellenos marinos con influencia glacial de las cuencas intracratonicas de Brasil (Paraná), Bolivia y
Argentina (Chaco-Tarija), Charco-Paraná), contienen gruesas secuencias de lodolitas gravosas (diamictitas,
sellos) y areniscas con calidad de yacimientos de extension regional. La clave para la formacion de buenos
yaciementos y mecanismos de entrampamiento asociados en estas cuencas intracratonica es las interaccion
entre el aporte de sedimentos, la tectonica regional y los cambios relativos en el nivel del mar. La socavamienta
glacial de extensos cratones por la accione las acumulaciones de hielo, resulta en el transporte de volumenes
muy grandes de arenas glaciofluviales hacia los deltas: el control estructural sobre los patrones de drenaje del
craton, ejercido por las alineaciones en el basamento, resulta en fuentes de sedimento y depocentros persis-
tentes. La actividad frecuente de terremotos a lo largo de las alineaciones reactivadas del basamento, ocasionan
flujos masivos descendentes de sedimentos deltaicos y la sedimentacion de grueasa aremas turbiditicas amal-
gamadas (yaciementos). Los lodolitas gravosas que actuan como sellos muy problemente registran niveles del
mar relativamente mas altos, resultantes de la subsidencia de la cuenca, y de la depositacion por corrientes de
sedimentos suspendidos y tempanos de hielo. Las rocas generadoras son lutitas de edad Devonico y Permico.
Este modelo puede ser aplicable a otras partes de Gondwana que contiene areniscas espesas y prosectivas en
cuencas intracratonicas con influencia glacial.
Tectonic Controls on Glacially Influenced developed into a large ice sheet, perhaps similar in extent
Sedimentation and Hydrocarbon Potential to that on modern Antarctica (González Bonorino, 1992).
The sedimentary record of this ice sheet has been
All the basins considered here, with the possible preserved on shallow marine foreland basins such as the
exception of Tepuel, had a protracted early Paleozoic Paganzo-Maliman and Tepuel basins of Argentina.
sedimentation history that was interrupted by Chanica These areas contain complex and poorly sorted glacial
compression and uplift of the continent, the withdrawal deposits with limited potential for hydrocarbons.
of epeiric Devonian seas, and widespread subaerial and In contrast, within the interior of southwestern
shallow marine erosion. Along the paleo-Pacific margin Gondwana, widespread erosion below a continental-
of Gondwana, early Paleozoic continental margin scale ice cover resulted in the development of a strati-
deposits were thrust onto the foreland, which subsided, graphic gap spanning the Late Devonian–Late Carbonif-
allowing Early Carboniferous transgression and sedi- erous. These conditions were terminated when
mentation in the Paganzo-Maliman and Tepuel basins. tectonically driven subsidence, reflecting changing
The hinterland remained largely submerged until the stresses along the compressional and transpressional
late Early Permian San Rafael diastrophic phase (Fig- Laurussian margin of Gondwana (Figure 3), resulted in
ure 2). At this time, the major influx of sediment was basin subsidence, marine incursion, development of
derived from crystalline terranes in the Pampeanas and separate ice centers, and deposition of glacially influ-
Patagonia highlands (Figure 2) (González Bonorino, enced sediments in the intracratonic Chaco-Tarija,
1991). Subsequent intracratonic subsidence within the Paraná, and Chaco-Paraná basins (Figure 2). The record
continental interior, possibly in response to the clockwise of direct sedimentation by ice is restricted in these basins
rotation of Gondwana against Eurasia (see Figure 3), led and is preserved in marine strata.
to renewed flooding of the Paraná and Chaco-Paraná
basins. These intracratonic basins were strongly influ-
enced by basement faulting along late Proterozoic linea- FORELAND BASINS
ments (Tankard et al., 1995). They received detritus from
surrounding shield areas, including those of southern Paganzo-Maliman Basin of Argentina
Africa and marginal uplifts underlain by Proterozoic–
lower Paleozoic crystalline and sedimentary rocks The Paganzo-Maliman basin contains up to 3 km of
(Figure 1) (Frakes and Crowell, 1972). Lower Carboniferous–middle Permian strata in central
Starting possibly in the latest Devonian or earliest western Argentina, cropping out in the Cuyo pre-
Carboniferous, ice caps grew on the elevated interior of Cordillera foreland thrust belt and in the block-faulted
Gondwana and by the early Late Carboniferous had Sierras Pampeanas (Figures 1, 4a). Strata in the central
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 169
Figure 4—Stratigraphic
framework for (a) Paganzo-
Maliman and (b) Tepuel basins
in depth-distance plots. For
clarity, Andean deformation
has been removed, but struc-
tural shortening, which could
extend the Paganzo-Maliman
section by 60–90 km, has not
been compensated for. Inset
shows an outcrop map for the
Tepuel basin (basin boundary
is dashed line) and major
roads. Precambrian basement
is exposed in the east and
north. Stratigraphic section
goes from Esquel to Cerro
Catreleo. Abbreviations: C,
Cerro Catreleo; E, Esquel; Tk,
Tecka Range; Tp, Tepuel
Range; NPM, northern
Patagonia massif.
170 Eyles et al.
and eastern parts of the basin constitute the Guandacol, (González, 1981; López Gamundi, 1983; Milana and
Tupe, and Patquia formations and those in the west Bercowski, 1987). In the Hoyada Verde Formation, rain-
occur in the Hoyada Verde, Maliman, and other forma- out diamictites are capped by a boulder pavement that
tions (Figure 2). Stratigraphic details are summarized in records winnowing of the diamictites and are blanketed
Archangelsky et al. (1987), Azcuy et al. (1987), López by basinal mudstones. Shallow marine and terrestrial
Gamundi et al. (1987), and González Bonorino (1991). beds in the Tres Saltos Formation complete the sequence
The basin fill essentially comprises one major unconfor- (Figures 3, 5a).
mity-bounded unit that onlaps a tilted and erosionally
beveled lower Paleozoic substrate and oversteps crys- Tepuel Basin
talline basement in the Sierrras Pampeanas (Figure 4a).
The unit is divisible into three subunits: lower (Lower The Tepuel basin contains as much as 5 km of Lower
Carboniferous, which includes the El Paso and Maliman Carboniferous–Lower Permian sedimentary rocks
formations), middle (Upper Carboniferous, approximately (Tepuel Group and Jaramillo, Pampa de Tepuel, Rio
Namurian–Westphalian and which includes the Hoyada Genoa formations) (Figures 2, 4b) that are well exposed
Verde, Guandacol, and Tupe formations), and upper in the sub-Andean foothills. Much of the Carboniferous
(Upper Carboniferous, approximately Stephanian–Lower dips into the subsurface south of the Tepuel Ranges so
Permian, which includes the Tres Saltos and Patquia that the southern half of the basin exposes only latest
formations). Overall, nonmarine deposits intertongue Carboniferous–Lower Permian sections (Figure 4b,
westward with shallow marine strata (Figure 4a). Western inset). Cenozoic compression, superimposed on
sections expose deltaic and offshore strata (El Paso and Mesozoic extension, resulted in block faulting and gentle
Hoyada Verde formations) that are overlain by littoral and folding of the Tepuel Group strata over much of the
terrestrial rocks (Tres Saltos Formation). Eastern sections basin (Andreis et al., 1987; Archangelsky et al., 1987;
show an upward passage from lacustrine (Guandacol González Bonorino, 1991).
Formation) to alluvial plain (Tupe Formation) to eolian The Tepuel Group was deposited on a westward-
(Patquia Formation) strata (Figures 2, 4a). Glacial and facing shallow marine shelf and is dominated by wave-
glacially influenced deposits are mostly restricted to the worked sandstones interbedded with bioturbated
middle subunit in two major settings: lacustrine in the east mudstones (Figure 4b) (Page et al., 1984; González
and coastal plain and estuarine to open marine shelf in the Bonorino and González Bonorino, 1988). Petrographic
west (these facies are described later). Dropstones occur data reveal a persistent source area in the Patagonia
locally in the upper subunit, but may reflect seasonal ice highlands, then underlain by crystalline rocks similar to
cover in lakes. González (1990) has reported lower those of the North Patagonia massif (Figure 4b, inset)
Carboniferous tillites and dropstones in the area, but this (Frakes and Crowell, 1969; González Bonorino, 1992).
requires confirmation. Higher subsidence rates in the Tepuel compared to the
Paganzo-Miliman basin favored the preservation of a
thicker marine succession. Because of the more open
Sedimentary Facies
marine setting, there was greater opportunity for
In the Early Carboniferous, a wide coastal plain reworking of glacioclastic sediment into shallow marine
connected the Pampeanas highlands with a western shelf sand bodies across the postglacial shelf.
margin. In the early Late Carboniferous, an ice cap
centered on the Pampeanas highlands episodically Sedimentary Facies
expanded onto the coastal plain and shelf. Upper The lower part of the Pampa de Tepuel Formation
Carboniferous lacustrine deposits in the eastern Cuyo contains three intervals of glacial and glacially influenced
pre-Cordillera delineate a foreland lacustrine system that deposits (G1, G2, and G3) (Figure 5). Chaotically bedded
occupied the Zonda-Villicum trough (Figure 4a). The diamictites are characterized by exotic striated boulders
trough must have been at least sporadically connected to of granite in an argillaceous sandstone matrix and rest on
the open sea during highstands to account for fossil- severely deformed shelf deposits. These beds are most
iferous marine intercalations. Overall, the trough fill easily interpreted as mass flows accompanying the
constitutes a coarsening-upward deltaic succession downslope movement and deformation of underlying
(Guandacol Formation) with thin diamictites containing sediment, although a direct glacial origin as tillites cannot
striated clasts resting on supposedly glacially striated as yet be discounted. Overlying massive diamictites, up to
pavements (Bossi and Andreis, 1985). Diamictites are 60 m thick, show clasts dispersed in a mudstone matrix
intercalated with mudstone intervals containing drop- that is transitional to shelf mudstones and are interpreted
stones and slump structures and may represent the as rain-out deposits. These facies are truncated by well-
downslope mass flow of glacioclastic debris in a fan delta sorted wave-worked sandstone bodies up to 10 m thick
setting. These strata are poorly prospective because sand- and 2 km long, elongated in the direction of dominant
stones are limited to occasional, thin (1 m) storm deposits sediment transport (González Bonorino et al., 1988). Slatt
reworked from underlying glacial sediment. (1984) has described the development of Holocene sand
In the western part of the basin, sedimentary succes- bodies on the outer Canadian Atlantic shelf as a result of
sions are also diamictite dominated and poorly prospec- postglacial reworking of glacial sediments. The same
tive. Diamictites rest on deformed early Paleozoic model can be applied to the sandstone bodies of the
substrates and are overlain by thick rain-out diamictites Tepuel basin.
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 171
Sedimentary Facies
Each formation of the Itararé Group is composed of a
lowermost member of thickly bedded, amalgamated
turbidite sandstones (e.g., Cuiaba Paulista Member)
overlain by a fine-grained member dominated by shales,
muddy debris flows, and rain-out diamictites (e.g.,
Chapeu do Sol Member) (Figures 6, 7, 8).
The most striking characteristics of the sandstones in
the Itararé Group are their thickness, massive character,
and textural homogeneity. The sandstones are predomi-
nantly fine to medium in texture and are lithologically
immature, containing large quantities of lithic fragments.
A well-defined secondary porosity can be identified
(Figure 9). The sandstones consist of massive, graded,
Figure 5—Stratigraphic column for the middle part of the and deformed facies emplaced by turbidity currents.
Tepuel Group in the Tecka Range. G1–G3 are prominent Homogeneous sandstone bodies are as thick as 200 m,
glacial intervals; see text for details. See Figure 4 for
suggesting that they are the product of the repeated
stacking and amalgamation of Bouma A turbidite beds.
These facies (e.g., Cuiaba Paulista Member) have a well-
INTRACRATONIC BASINS defined cylindrical gamma ray signature and give rise to
remarkably consistent dipmeter patterns (Figure 8a).
Paraná Basin of Brazil Chaotically deformed facies are locally present and
record postdepositional downslope slumping; liquefac-
The Paraná basin of southern Brazil is the largest tion structures are common. Other thick sandstone
(1.6 × 106 km2) late Paleozoic basin in southern South bodies (e.g., Campo Mourao Member) show well-defined
America (Figure 2). It contains a thick (1400-m) predomi- fining-upward sequences 10–30 m thick composed of
nantly marine glacial succession, the Itararé Group (dos graded sandstones facies (Figure 8b). These facies
Santos, 1987; França and Potter 1991), which has strong contain appreciable muddy matrix material that severely
similarities to strata in the Chaco-Tarija basin of Bolivia restricts their reservoir potential.
and Argentina. Three depositional successions (Silurian– Recent outcrop studies along the margins of the basin
Devonian, Upper Carboniferous–Jurassic, and Creta- have identified large glaciofluvial feeder channels, the
ceous) record repeated phases of subsidence and locations of which are controlled by basement structures
sediment accommodation in the Paraná basin (Oliveira, (Figure 10)‚ but a channeled geometry has so far not been
172 Eyles et al.
recognized in the subsurface given the dearth of high- suspended sediment plumes; laminated facies were
quality seismic coverage. Initial interpretations of the deposited from turbidity currents. Shales in general have
thick sandstones of the Itararé Group indicate deposition low total organic carbon content, but form excellent seal
within large submarine channels and associated lobe rocks.
systems controlled by reactivated basement structures
(see Figure 11). Depositional Setting
Diamictite beds consist of scattered clasts in a clayey Primary glacial deposits such as tillites, boulder
silt to muddy sand matrix. Massive facies were pavements, and ice proximal conglomerates and sand-
deposited by the rain-out of mud from suspended stones, together with erosional bedforms such as
sediment plumes together with ice-rafted debris. Strati- glacially scoured basement highs, are well exposed
fied and locally laminated facies record postdepositional around the main outcrop belt of the eastern Paraná basin
downslope redeposition as debris flows. These form between Curitiba and São Paulo (see Rocha-Campos and
blanket-like deposits in the Itararé Group and consist of dos Santos, 1981; dos Santos, 1987). It is probable that this
millimeter- to boulder-sized fragments set in an argilla- zone of ice contact deposits and landforms marks the
ceous matrix. Clast content varies widely; diamictites westward limit of ice flowing out of southern Africa
pass laterally and vertically into marine shales. In many during basin filling (Kaokoveld ice lobe of Franca and
cases, discrimination of rain-out and resedimented Potter, 1991). However, as recognized in southern Africa
components in many diamictite units is not possible and by Visser (1989), basin filling may have followed a long
the term rain-out complex is used. Similar stratigraphic period (20 Ma) of extensive glaciation, uplift, and erosion
complexes composed of in situ rain-out and slumped across the Paraná and Karoo basins for which no sedi-
facies dominate the correlative Dwyka Formation of mentary record survives.
southern Africa (Visser, 1989) and are also reported from During filling, the Paraná basin acted as a steep-sided
many other glaciated basins (e.g., Young and Gostin, trap for prolific volumes of glacially produced sediment,
1991; Eyles, 1993). Typical gamma ray, resistivity, and primarily sand and mud, delivered by glacial meltwaters
dipmeter logs of diamictites are shown in Figure 8c. (Figure 11). The alternation of sandstone and shale
Dipmeter logs are patternless, probably as a result of members in each formation most likely records an
extensive resedimentation, whereas other geophysical overall long-term tectonic control rather than any alter-
logs show a fairly uniform pattern reflecting a fine- nation of climate (glacial–interglacial cycles) or climati-
grained, shale-like matrix. cally driven glacioeustatic or glacioisostatic changes.
Shales form massive blanket-like units across the Stratigraphic cross sections show that shales overstep
basin and accumulated by the settling of fines from sandstones (see Eyles et al., 1993), which indicates basin
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 173
(a) (b)
formations (from the bottom up): Sachayoj, Charata, and Chaco-Tarija Basin of Bolivia and
Chacabuco. In contrast, correlative strata in the south are Argentina
grouped into the Ordoñez and the conformably overlying
Victoriano and Rodriguez formations (Mingramm et al., The Chaco-Tarija basin is an asymmetric intracratonic
1979; Russo et al., 1979) (Figures 2, 12b). Well logs show basin that extends more than 1000 km from Peru in the
alternating packets of mudstone, sandstone, and diamic- north to Argentina in the south (Figures 1, 13, 14). Figure
tite containing marine faunas. Stratigraphic, sedimento- 1 shows a much simplified assessment of the structural
logic, and structural similarities with the Paraná basin fill setting of the basin emphasizing the first-order control by
suggest that the same depositional systems developed in late Proterozoic terranes (see Tankard et al., 1995). The
both basins. Nevertheless, both basins appear to have northern boundary of the Chaco is defined by the linear,
been separated by the Asunción arch and likely reflect lineament-defined margin of the Guapore shield of
subsidence of independent fault-bounded subbasins Brazil; to the south, the basin is closed by the Puna and
controlled by late Proterozoic lineaments (F. Wiens, Michicola arches in northwestern Argentina.
personal communication, 1992). In the Chaco-Traija basin, strata deformed during the
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 175
Figure 11—From glacial source to reservoir rock: depositional model for glacially influenced sandstone turbidites of the late
Paleozoic Itararé Group of Brazil. The key to deposition of thick sandstone members (Figures 7, 8) is the occurrence of a
major influx of glaciofluvial sediment and repeated downslope resedimentation by slumps and slump-triggered turbidites.
Position of major feeder channels is controlled by basement faults (Figure 10). Correlative channels are preserved along the
Namibian coastline of southern Africa. Slumps may be generated by earthquakes recording intracratonic faulting during
basin subsidence. Source rocks are Devonian and Permian shales; areally extensive blankets of shales and diamictites (not
shown) form seals. Alternation of sandstone and muddy members in the Itararé Group (Figure 6) may reflect low relative sea
level and progradation of braid deltas, followed by highstands of relative sea level and deposition of transgressive muds.
(Lopez Gamundi, 1986; Starck et al., 1992). There, the Rocha-Campos et al. (1977) described marine fossils,
base of the succession (Tupambi Formation) contains including Levipustula levis Maxwell and Limipecten cf. L.
shallow water indicators and striated boulder pavements; burnettensis Maxwell, from the Taiguati and San Telmo
available data suggest a large deltaic system in close formations (Figure 16) (see also Sempere, 1995). These
proximity to ice and meltwaters. It is likely that this area authors summarize previous work, arguing for a marine
represents the source area for the channeled sandstones connection to the Chaco-Tarija basin and discuss a range
deposited to the north in Bolivia (Figures 13, 17a). of paleogeographic settings. The considerable thickness
It is not yet possible to reconstruct the larger deposi- (hundreds of meters) of sandstone-filled channels in the
tional system or water depths within the Chaco-Tarija Chaco-Traija basin suggests rapid subsidence. Deposi-
basin. The orientation and distribution of channels in the tion occurred within an extensional tectonic regime
basin (Figure 13) suggests that the term fan is not appro- involving rapid basement subsidence in response to
priate because the characteristic diverging pattern of transpressional movements along the nearby Pacific
distributary channels and a single source typical of plate margin. A marine connection to the northwest to
classic fan bodies cannot be identified. “Classic” fans the paleo-Pacific Ocean appears likely, but the basin
develop on simple, unconfined basin floors with a single proper may have had a restricted (brackish) circulation
feeder channel (e.g., Walker, 1992) in contrast to other system dominated by freshwater input from terrestrial
fans that occupy confined basins and do not show a ice centers to large deltas (Figure 17a).
simple diverging network of channels.
A useful morphologic analog for the channel system of
the Chaco-Tarija basin is provided by the eastern
Canadian continental slope and basin plain, which has HYDROCARBONS AND RESERVOIR
experienced repeated Pleistocene glaciation. Hesse and CHARACTERISTICS
Rakofsky (1992) have described a basin-wide network of
converging and subparallel (“Yazoo type”) submarine Foreland basins
channels cut on the floor of the Labrador Sea (Figure
17b). Thick, massive turbidite sands comprise the In the foreland basins of Argentina, stratigraphically
dominant in-channel facies and interfinger with chaoti- complex glacial deposits are poorly prospective because
cally bedded slump facies resulting from the collapse of of a dearth of reservoir quality sandstones and appro-
channel walls. Fine-grained, muddy turbidite facies priate source and seal rocks. In addition, as a conse-
comprise typical overbank facies. Inactive channels are quence of Andean tectonics, most potential reservoirs
buried below thick, mud-rich debris flow deposits origi- have been breached by erosion. Secondary high-risk
nating from the downslope collapse of glacial sediments targets for exploration probably occur in the Andean
dumped along the upper continental slope. These facies foredeep and in footwall basins where upper Paleozoic
are comparable to those of the Chaco-Tarija basin. sandstones lie adjacent to Triassic source shales. Only in
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 177
Intracratonic Basins
In the intracratonic basins of Argentina, Brazil, and
Bolivia, the principal role of late Paleozoic glaciers has
been to scour surrounding highlands and cratons and to
furnish large volumes of glaciofluvial sand and mud to
rivers feeding coastal deltas and their channelized
submarine equivalents (Figures 11, 17a). Repeated
sediment instability was caused by faulting (earth-
quakes?) and downslope reworking of glaciofluvial
sediment by sediment gravity flows along steep fault-
controlled basin margins. These processes resulted in the
focusing of sand along structural lineaments and the
formation of thick, prospective sandstone bodies.
Chaco-Tarija Basin
In the Chaco-Tarija basin, the Bolivian National Oil
Company (Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos,
or YPFB) recovers hydrocarbons from glacially influ-
enced submarine channel fills (Figures 13, 16, 17a). These
Figure 13—Distribution of Carboniferous strata in the strata host significant reservoirs in about 30 oil fields
Chaco basin of Bolivia and schematic distribution of large- (e.g., McCaslin, 1979; Montes de Oca, 1989) and are
scale submarine channels. (After Salinas et al., 1978; sourced from Devonian shales. Oil fields are located in
Tankard et al., 1995. See also Eyles, 1993.) thrust sheets with diamictites as seals. Westward tilting
178 Eyles et al.
(a) (b)
Guapiara lineament in Brazil and the trend of the cratons, thereby focusing glacial meltwaters and
Damara belt in southern Africa (see Tankard et al., 1995, sediments into structurally controlled depocenters. Other
and figure 16.9 in Eyles, 1993). In the Paraná basin, they basins lacking any basement control on drainage appear
contain significant postglacial coal deposits. to lack the means of focusing sediment and water,
With only about 30 wildcat wells, the Chaco-Paraná resulting in dispersal of coarse sediment around the
basin of Argentina is the least studied of all the glacially basin margins. Structurally controlled sources and
influenced basins in southern South America. As a result depocenters appear to be persistent through time and
of lithostratigraphic similarities and lack of independent may promote basin subsidence as a result of rapid
detailed information, exploration targets and inferred sediment loading adjacent to faulted basement. In turn,
reservoir charactistics are likely to be similar to those this may enhance sediment instability and downslope
described for the Paraná basin of Brazil. mass flow by earthquakes, leading to the accumulation
of thick turbidite sandstones. The axiomatic assumption
made by many petroleum geologists that the terms
DISCUSSION glaciated basin and poorly prospective are synonomous is
clearly misplaced.
The tectonostratigraphic model established here for
prospective glacigenic sandstones in intracratonic basins
in central and southern South America may be of wider
application. Broadly similar tectonic controls on the
formation of glaciated intracratonic basins in Australia Acknowledgments N. Eyles and C. H. Eyles thank the
can be identified (Eyles, 1993), and a common character- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
istic of several of these basins is the presence of thick, for funding fieldwork in South America and for providing an
prospective sandstones (e.g., Grant Group of the International Scientific Exchange award to support G.
Canning basin; O’Brien, 1992). In contrast, other late González Bonorino’s sabbatical leave at the University of
Paleozoic glacially influenced basins are dominated by Toronto. González Bonorino thanks NSERC for making this
muddy facies, such as shales and rain-out diamictite collaborative work possible and the Eyles for their hospitality.
complexes, with an absence of thick sandstones (e.g., França’s stay at Toronto was funded by Conselho Nacional de
Karoo basin; Visser, 1989). This contrast can be argued to Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologo, Petrobras, and
be a direct result of regional basement structure and the NSERC. We thank Tony Tankard, Edison Milani, Paul Potter,
presence or absence of major lineament systems that Paulo dos Santos, Tony Rocha-Campos, and Fernando Wiens
controlled drainage patterns, sediment sources, and for discussions. The ideas presented herein are those of the
depocenters. Eyles et al. (1993) showed that basement authors. The manuscript was reviewed by Johan Visser, Tony
lineaments play a fundamental role in basin filling by Tankard, and Barend van Hoorn, whom we thank for their
capturing meltwater runoff from glacially scoured valuable comments.
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 181
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Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation
in the Chaco Basin of Paraguay,
with Comments on Hydrocarbon Potential
F. Wiens
Geo Consultores
Asunción, Paraguay
T his study of the Chaco basin is based on field studies of outcrops and on exploration data. The Chaco
basin covers 246,725 km2 of western Paraguay and consists of several depocenters or subbasins, each
with a unique tectonostratigraphic record. In the northwest, the Curupaity and Carandaity subbasins contain a
well-developed Paleozoic succession. In contrast, Mesozoic subsidence was marked in the southern Pirity and
Pilar subbasins and in the shallow Bahia Negra platform and San Pedro low to the east. These depocenters are
separated by structural highs. Uppermost Proterozoic–Recent sedimentary sequences are present in the Chaco
The subsidence history of the Chaco basin is recorded in four major unconformity-bounded sequences.
Northwest- and northeast-oriented structural lineaments of Eocambrian Brasiliano origin controlled the
patterns of subsidence. Mesozoic extensional tectonics related to the opening of the South Atlantic reorganized
the structural pattern of the Chaco basin; this episode is expressed in a system of half-grabens. Cenozoic
Andean orogenesis imposed the final structural readjustment and established the Chaco area as a modern
foreland basin.
Upper Devonian marine shales and Upper Cretaceous shales and carbonates are the primary source rocks
for hydrocarbons. The principal reservoir zones are Carboniferous channel sandstones in the Curupaity and
Carandaity subbasins and stratigraphic and structurally controlled sandstone reservoirs of Mesozoic age in the
Pirity subbasin.
Wiens, F., 1995, Phanerozoic tectonics and sedimentation in the Chaco basin of Paraguay, 185
with comments on hydrocarbon potential, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J.
Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 185–205.
186 Wiens
Figure 2—Simplified geology of Paraguay. The study area of the Paraguayan Chaco basin is on the western side of the
Paraguay River.
to Tertiary tectonism. That some of these structures are The Itapucumí Group is subdivided into a basal trans-
still active is evidenced by internal drainage patterns in gressive unit (shale, arkosic sandstone, and conglomerate
the Bahía Negra–Pantanal area and weak seismic activity. beds up to 25 m thick) and a major calcareous sequence
(Wiens, 1986). The carbonate interval consists of bitumi-
nous and laminated limestones that alternate with
PHANEROZOIC STRATIGRAPHY abundant oolitic and conglomeratic beds and
interbedded shales, parts of which show grades of meta-
The Phanerozoic succession in the Paraguayan Chaco morphism. The Itapucumí Group is 250–400 m thick.
ranges from Eocambrian to Recent. This interpretation is Biostratigraphic dating is based on algal remains and
based on outcrops in the northern Chaco basin and on Scyphozoae remnants and suggests a latest Proterozoic–
exploration data and is accompanied by outcrop and Cambrian age (Beurlen and Sommer, 1957; Correa et al.,
well data from eastern Bolivia (e.g., Tucavaca, Roboré, 1979; Hahn et al., 1982; Hahn and Pflug, 1985; Aceñolaza
and Santiago de Chiquitos), outcrop and well data from et al., 1989). These deposits were generated by transgres-
the sub-Andean belt of Bolivia and Argentina, hydro- sion over a continental platform, resulting in a shallow,
carbon exploration data from the Argentinian Chaco, warm marine environment.
and geologic data from eastern Paraguay (Figures 2, 9). The Cerro León Group is of Early Ordovician–Silurian
The Precambrian basement beneath the Chaco is poorly age (Figures 4, 9). It crops out in the Cerro León massif in
understood. Nevertheless, it is believed to resemble the the northern Chaco basin (Wiens, 1991) and in the
surrounding Río Apa and Río Tebicuary subcratonic Cordillera de los Altos area of eastern Paraguay. Only
blocks of eastern Paraguay or the Brazilian shield of one exploration well in the Carandaity subbasin has
eastern Bolivia. reached Lower Ordovician strata (Parapití-1 well)
(Figures 11a, b). This section represents a transgressive-
Paleozoic regressive cycle linked to the geodynamic evolution of
the early Paleozoic Pacific margin.
The Itapucumí Group is of latest Proterozoic–Cambrian Although the lowest Ordovician levels reached in the
age. Outcrops occur along the Paraguay River in the area Chaco basin contains dark marine shales and siltstones
of Puerto La Victoria. It is correlative to Eocambrian sedi- with lingula (Vistalli, 1989), a conglomeratic unit with
mentary rocks of the Corumbá Group in Mato Grosso do skolithos is its equivalent in the Cordillera de los Altos.
Sul, Brazil, and the Tucavaca Group in eastern Bolivia The lowest Ordovician is the La Paz Formation (Wiens,
(Wiens, 1986) (Figure 10). 1989), which in the northwestern Chaco is a black, pyritic
Figure 7—Segment of a north-south seismic line showing the northwestern flank of the Pirity subbasin and subsidence along listric
normal faults (southwestern Paraguayan Chaco basin; section D–D' on Figure 3).
Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation, Chaco Basin of Paraguay, Hydrocarbon Potential
Figure 8—Segment of a north-south seismic line showing the southeastern flank of the Pirity subbasin and disposition along a
normal discordance (southwestern Paraguayan Chaco basin; section E–E’ on Figure 3).
192 Wiens
Figure 9—Comparative stratigraphic chart of the Paraguayan Chaco basin, western Paraguay, with adjacent correlative
areas in eastern Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil.
Figure 10—Stratigraphy of the Eocambrian along the Río Apa subcraton and the southern border of the Guaporé shield in
Paraguay, Brazil, and Bolivia.
shale interval with interbedded siltstones and sand- and 335 m (Parapiti-1 well) (Clebsch, 1991). An open-file
stones. Don Quixote-1 well penetrated 172 m of this Pennzoil–Victory Oil (1972) report records crinoid stems
shaley sequence (Clebsch, 1991). A low-energy lagoon in the shales. Wolfart (1961) reports arthrophycus,
environment is inferred. The entire sequence is an brachiopods, and gastropods from the coarser intervals
upward-coarsening progradational unit deposited in a near the top. A Llandoverian age is suggested.
restricted environment. The Ordovician–Silurian Cerro León Group is wide-
Marine regression persisted throughout the Silurian, spread, blanketing the Paraguayan Chaco eastward
depositing thick sandstones with shaley interbeds. These (López-1 and Orihuela-1 wells), across the San Pedro low
gradational deposits are the uppermost La Paz formation (Asunción-1 and Asunción-2 wells), and reaching the
and the Santa Rosa Formation (Wiens, 1989). Measured main Paraná basin (Wood and Miller, 1991). Isopach
thicknesses vary between 135 m (Don Quixote-1 well) maps of the lower Paleozoic sequence (Figures 11a, b)
Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation, Chaco Basin of Paraguay, Hydrocarbon Potential 193
Figure 15—Seismic time contour distribution of the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene Palo Santo Formation in the Pirity
subbasin, southwestern Paraguayan Chaco basin (contours in seconds; l, hydrocarbon exploration wells). (Adapted from
Clebsch, 1991.)
Figure 16—Structural and stratigraphic profile of southwest-southeast Paraguay (section B–B’ on Figure 3).
1980). The succession drapes the structural margins stones with thinly interbedded siltstones and fine-
of the Pirity subbasin. A period of regional or grained sandstones. A regional “green horizon”
epeiric basin type of subsidence is indicated. Lacus- marker bed that originated in a lacustrine setting is
trine and local ephemeral fluvial environments characteristic (Gómez Omil et al., 1989). It is a 2–10-
persisted. These depositional environments have m-thick calcareous shale and oolitic limestone with
resulted in a monotonous succession of red clay- gypsum levels.
198 Wiens
Hydrocarbon potential in the Paraguayan Chaco is
related to the Paleozoic and Mesozoic marine shales and
carbonates (Figure 17). Although no commercial hydro-
carbon discoveries have yet been made, the Chaco
remains a relatively unexplored frontier region.
Hydrocarbon seeps occur in the Tucavaca area of
eastern Bolivia in lowermost Phanerozoic Itapucumí
Group limestones and shales. Surface gas indications are
reported from correlative bituminous sedimentary
deposits in northeastern Paraguay and Goias (Brazil).
Paleozoic marine shales and carbonates reach thick-
nesses of 2500 and 3600 m in the Carandaity and
Curupaity subbasins, respectively. Organic material in
the upper parts of the succession in the least deformed
interior parts of the subbasins (e.g., Katarina-1 well)
tends to be immature. In the deeper parts of the section
and along the margins of the subbasins, the level of
organic maturity ranges from mature to overmature
(e.g., Don Quixote-1 well). The increasing geothermal
Figure 17—Summary of the Paraguayan stratigraphy and maturity with depth results in decreasing gas wetness.
its hydrocarbon potential. l, source rock; m, reservoir
Similar conditions occur along structural highs where
increasing geothermal gradients (Figure 18), fracturing,
and contemporaneous magmatism have matured the
The middle Eocene–early Pleistocene Chaco Formation sedimentary rocks, even to low-grade metamorphic
is a 500–1000-m-thick cover succession demonstrating conditions (e.g., Toro-1 well).
that the various depocenters of the Paraguayan Chaco The part of the sequence with the most hydrocarbon
had lost their individual identities. They were replaced in potential is undoubtedly the Devonian San Alfredo
the early Tertiary by an overfilled regional downwarp. shales. The Lower Ordovician Cerro León shaley section
The Andean orogen became the major supplier of also has some potential; in Argentina and Bolivia there
sediments. are producing fields in this interval. Dry gas (Mendoza-1
The lower Chaco Formation of middle Eocene–late and Mendoza-2 wells) and oil shows (Toro-1 well) are
Pliocene age was dominated by continental deposition noted. High-gravity oil most likely occurs in the upper
(Mingramm et al., 1979), which was interrupted in the parts of the sections in the interior of the subbasins, but it
southeastern Chaco by a short interlude of shallow probably changes to wet gas, condensate, and even dry
marine transgression (middle Miocene) (Russo and gas in the lower sections. Structural highs may be gas
Chebli, 1979). This marine incursion from the Atlantic prone.
(Chebli et al., 1989) reached as far as the Boquerón high Mesozoic transgressive marine deposits of the Palo
and the central Chaco uplift. Santo Formation are a local hydrocarbon play in the
The late Pliocene–early Pleistocene upper Chaco Pirity subbasin. Gas and oil indicators in the Berta and
Formation comprises alternating fine-grained sandstone, Palo Santo formations suggest potential for smaller oil
siltstone, and claystone. The succession coarsens to the concentrations (Schlumberger, 1987; Fernandez Garrasino,
west, toward the growing Andean orogen. These 1989). This interval contains producing fields in northern
sediments represent the most important aquifers in the Argentina. The sedimentary distribution, local
Paraguayan Chaco (Tullstrom, 1973; Osterbaan, 1988; magmatism, and geothermal gradients are restrictive.
Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation, Chaco Basin of Paraguay, Hydrocarbon Potential 199
Figure 19—North-south structural and stratigraphic profile of eastern Paraguay (section C–C ' on Figure 3).
1. Latest Proterozoic–Cambrian marine clastics and Hydrocarbon potential in the Paraguayan Chaco
limestones of the Itapucumí Group were deposited. basin is related to Paleozoic and Mesozoic marine shales
2. An erosional unconformity separates these rocks and carbonates in each of the sedimentary subbasins and
from Early Ordovician–Silurian and Early to the way these sedimentary sequences abut the struc-
Devonian marine shales and sandstones of the tural highs. The Lower Ordovician Cerro León Group
Cerro León and San Alfredo groups. and Devonian upper San Alfredo Group shales are
3. An angular unconformity intervenes between these source rocks in the Carandaity and Curupaity subbasins.
and Early Carboniferous–Early Permian shallow Oil generation is inferred for the lower parts of the
Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation, Chaco Basin of Paraguay, Hydrocarbon Potential 201
sequence in the center of each subbasin and along the Chebli, G. A., O. Tofalo, and G. E. Turzzini, 1989,
flanks of the basin margin highs. Prospective reservoir Mesopotamia, in G. Chebli and L. Spalletti, eds., Cuencas
intervals include Devonian intraformational sandstones, sedimentarias argentinas: Serie Correlación Geológica,
Carboniferous channel sandstones, and Mesozoic sand- Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, no. 6, p. 79-100.
Clebsch, C. A., 1991, The geological evolution of the
stones. Mesozoic extension created a variety of structural
Paraguayan Chaco: Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Technical
traps. University, Austin, Texas, 185 p.
Upper Cretaceous marine transgressive deposits of Cordani, U. G., 1984, Estudo preliminar de integraçao do
the Palo Santo Formation are the most prospective units Precambriano com os eventos tectónicos das bacías sedi-
in the Pirity subbasin. Along the southeastern flank of mentares brasileiras: Boletím Ciencia-Técnica-Petróleo,
the Boquerón high, Devonian shales were block faulted Seçao: Exploraçao de Petróleo, Publicaçao, Petrobras-
during Mesozoic extension and were unconformably Cenpes-Sintep, no. 15, 28 p.
overlain by Cretaceous and Tertiary clastics and shales, Correa, J. A., F. C. L. Correia Filho, G. Scislewski, C. Neto, L.
forming viable hydrocarbon targets. A. Cavallón, N. L. S. Cerqueira, and V. L. Nogueira, 1979,
The Chaco basin of Paraguay remains largely unex- Geología das regioes centro e oeste de Mato Grosso do
Sul. Projeto Bodoquena: Ministerio das Minas e Energía,
plored. The geology suggests that it has significant
DNPM, Serie Geología Basica, v. 3, 111 p.
hydrocarbon potential. Counterparts of the Paraguayan Fernandez Garrasino, C. A., 1989, La cuenca Chaco-Paranense
Chaco basin in Bolivia and northern Argentina are major argentina: Sus tendencias evolutivas y algunas posibili-
producers of oil, gas, and condensate. dades exploratorias: Boletín de Informaciones Petroleras,
Tercera Epoca, no. 6, p. 2–17.
Fernandez Garrasino, C. A., and J. J. Cerdan, 1981, La
Formación Santa Rosa (Devónico inferior) en la Argentina
Acknowledgments I wish to acknowledge H. J. Welsink and y sus posibles equivalentes: Octavo Congreso Geológico
A. J. Tankard for suggestions to the paper, C. A. Fernandez Argentino, San Luis, actas III, p. 193–202.
Galliski, M. A., and J. G. Viramonte, 1985, The Cretaceous
Garrasino for detailed discussions, M. P. de Pella and A. J. L.
paleorift in northwestern Argentina: a petrological
de Di Sopra for typing, J. R. Britez Urdapilleta for drafting, approach: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 1,
and J. D. Ray and R. Diana for technical assistance. I am espe- p. 329–342.
cially grateful to George Kronman of Amoco Production Godoy,V. E., 1990, Caracteristicas hidrogeologicas e hidro-
Company for preparing the color display of the geologic map. químicas de la región oeste del Chaco paraguayo: Publica-
ciones del Departamento de Agua para el Chaco,
Filadelfia, 147 p.
Gómez Omil, R. J., A. Boll, and R. M. Hernandez, 1989,
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No. Operator Well Name and No. Location Year Subbasin or Total Depth TD: Geologic Formation Hydrocarbon BHT (°C) Gradient
Area (m) Indication (°C/100m)
1 Union Oil Co. Santa Rosa - 1 21°45' S 1947 Carandaity 2.310 m Cerro León Lower Oil show — —
61°41' W (south) Gr Ord./Sil.
2 Union Oil Co. La Paz D - 1 21°53' S 1948 Boquerón high 2.210 m Cerro León Silurian — — —
60°58' W Gr
3 Union Oil Co. Pirizal D - 1 23°03' S 1948 Pirity 3.148 m Sta. Barbara Lower Oil show — —
60°38' W Fm Tertiary
4 Union Oil Co. Picuiba B - 1 20°40' S 1949 Carandaity 2.290 m Low. San Devonian Oil show — —
61°56' W (central) Alfredo Gr
5 Union Oil Co. Orihuela B -1 23°24' S 1949 Pte. Hayes 2.046 m Cerro León Lower — — —
58°40' W uplift Gr Ord./Sil.
6 Pure Oil Co. Madrejón - 1 20°25' S 1957 Central Chaco 1.728 m Cerro León Lower Oil show 20.34 0.76
59°29' W uplift Gr Ord./Sil.
7 Pure Oil Co. Lagerenza - 1 20°00' S 1958 Lagerenza high 2.893 m Cerro León Lower Gas show 31.50 0.85
61°00' W Gr Ord./Sil.
8 Pure Oil Co. Lopez - 1 21°46' S 1959 Central Chaco 1.737 m Cerro León Lower — 16.20 0.52
59°58' W uplift Gr Ord./Sil.
9 Pure Oil Co. Mendoza - 1R 20°12' S 1959 Carandaity 3.244 m Cerro León Lower Gas blow 28.35 0.66
61°41' W (north) Gr Ord./Sil.
10 Placid Oil Co. Mendoza - 1 20°07'30" S 1966 Carandaity 794 m Up. San Upper — 12.96 0.73
61°45'20" W (north) Alfredo Gr Devonian
11 Placid Oil Co. Mendoza - 2 20°02'20" S 1967 Carandaity 1.247 m Up. San Upper Gas blow 13.32 0.50
61°52'10" W (north) Alfredo Gr Devonian
12 Placid Oil Co. Mendoza - 3 20°03'10" S 1967 Carandaity 704 m Up. San Upper — 11.79 0.67
61°53'10" W (north) Alfredo Gr Devonian
13 Pennzoil & Vict. Alicia - 1 20°57'02" S 1971 Carandaity 1.306 m Up. San Upper — 11.88 0.36
Holdings 61°48'57" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
14 Pennzoil & Vict. Brigida - 1 21°18'50" S 1971 Carandaity 1.513 m Up. San Upper Oil show 12.42 0.35
Holdings 61°55'22" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
15 Pennzoil & Vict. Cristina - 1 21°26'54" S 1971 Carandaity 643 m Up. San Upper — 9.09 0.30
Holdings 61°53'26" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation, Chaco Basin of Paraguay, Hydrocarbon Potential
No. Operator Well Name and No. Location Year Subbasin or Total Depth TD: Geologic Formation Hydrocarbon BHT (°C) Gradient
Area (m) Indication (°C/100m)
16 Pennzoil & Vict. Dorotea - 1 21°17'01" S 1971 Carandaity 854 m up. San Upper — 10.08 0.34
Holdings 62°08'54" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
17 Pennzoil & Vict. Emilia - 1 20°06'34" S 1971 Carandaity 1.222 m up. San Upper — 11.16 0.39
Holdings 62°07'14" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
18 Pennzoil & Vict. Federica - 1 21°35'02" S 1971 Carandaity 800 m up. San Upper — 9.36 0.27
Holdings 62°11'59" W (south) Alfredo Gr Devonian
19 Pennzoil & Vict. Gabriela - 1 21°46'43" S 1971 Carandaity 1.016 m Up. San Upper Oil show — —
Holdings 62°00'02" W (south) Alfredo Gr Devonian
20 Pennzoil & Vict. Hortensia - 1 21°30'29" S 1971 Carandaity 765 m Up. San Upper Oil show 9.54 0.31
Holdings 61°39'27" W (south) Alfredo Gr Devonian
21 Pennzoil & Vict. Isabel - 1 21°01'14" S 1971 Carandaity 946 m Up. San Upper — 10.53 0.35
Holdings 61°27'40" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
22 Pennzoil & Vict. Julia - 1 20°36'05" S 1971 Carandaity 1.281 m Up. San Upper Oil show 11.52 0.34
Holdings 61°37'03" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
23 Pennzoil & Vict. Katerina - 1 20°44'30" S 1971 Carandaity 1.143 m Up. San Upper — 11.07 0.34
Holdings 61°33'50" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
24 Pennzoil & Vict. Luciana - 1 20°10'40" S 1972 Carandaity 819 m Up. San Upper — 10.26 0.37
Holdings 61°43'10" W (north) Alfredo Gr Devonian
25 Pennzoil & Vict. Marta - 1 20°16'31" S 1972 Carandaity 828 m Up. San Upper — 10.08 0.35
Holdings 61°40'27" W (north) Alfredo Gr Devonian
26 Pennzoil & Vict. Nola - 1 20°07'49" S 1972 Carandaity 760 m Up. San Upper — 9.90 0.36
Holdings 61°47'13" W (north) Alfredo Gr Devonian
27 Pennzoil & Vict. Olga - 1 21°25'13" S 1972 Carandaity 1.172 m Up. San Upper — 11.70 0.39
Holdings 61°52'41" W (central) Alfredo Gr Devonian
28 Pennzoil & Vict. Don Quijote - 1 21°37'47" S 1972 Carandaity 2.895 m Cerro León Lower Oil show 22.68 0.54
Holdings 61°56'43" W (south) Gr Ord./Sil.
29 Repsa & Cía. Palo Santo - 1 23°10'20" S 1974 Pirity 3.763 m Cerro León Silurian — 24.30 0.46
Petrolera del Chaco 60°46'08" W Gr
30 Esso, Aminoil & Berta - 1 22°32'47" S 1976 Pirity 4.789 m Berta Fm Upper — 29.52 0.47
Chaco Expl.Co. 61°00'38" W Jurassic
No. Operator Well Name and No. Location Year Subbasin or Total Depth TD: Geologic Formation Hydrocarbon BHT (°C) Gradient
Area (m) I ndication (°C/100m)
31 Texaco & Marat. Cerro León - 1 19°49' S 1976 Lagerenza high 1.970 m Cerro León Lower Gas show 18.90 0.60
Co. 60°56' W Gr Ord./Sil.
32 Texaco & Marat. Toro - 1 20°07'58" S 1977 Fte. Olimpo 3.418 m Cerro León Lower Oil show 27.27 0.59
Co. 58°57'04" W high Gr Ord./Sil.
33 Texaco & Marat. Gato - 1 20°03'30" S 1978 Fte. Olimpo 1.646 m Cerro León Lower Oil show 15.30 0.50
Co. 58°52'30" W high Gr Ord./Sil.
34 Chaco Expl.Co. Parapiti - 1 21°00'00" S 1977 Carandaity 3.000 m Cerro León Lower Gas show 21.96 0.52
61°00'00" W (east) Gr Ord./Sil.
35 Chaco Expl.Co. Parapiti - 2 21°34'00" S 1977 Carandaity 2.370 m Cerro León Lower — 19.80 0.54
62°00'00" W (central) Gr Ord./Sil.
36 Cía. Petrolera del Anita - 1 22°53'24" S 1978 Pirity 4.129 m Berta Fm Upper — 27.00 0.48
Chaco 61°30'18" W Jurassic
37 Cía. Petrolera del Gloria - 1 22°56'55" S 1979 Pirity 4.016 m Berta Fm Upper — 25.74 0.46
Chaco 60°38'04" W Jurassic
38 Occidental Carmen - 1 23°15'07" S 1985 Pirity 4.511 m Cerro León Silurian — 31.14 0.54
61°18'14" W Gr
39 Occidental Tte. Acosta - 1 22°44'55" S 1987 Pirity 4.268 m Berta Fm Upper — — —
60°25'15" W Jurassic
40 Occidental Nazareth - 1 22°39'17" S 1987 Pirity 4.025 m Berta Fm Upper — 24.93 0.43
59°51'37" W Jurassic
41 Cano Martinez Independencia -1 20° 09' 45"S 1993 Carandaity 609 m Up. San Upper Gas blow — —
61°46' 24"W (north) Alfredo Gr Devonian
Phanerozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation, Chaco Basin of Paraguay, Hydrocarbon Potential
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin
and Significant Paleolatitudinal Shift, Central Andes
P. E. Isaacson
E. Díaz Martínez
Department of Geology
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho, U.S.A.
D evonian–Permian data of western Bolivia and adjacent regions are used to construct a paleogeography
of the central Andes. Four phases characterize the sedimentation history. (1) Shallow marine clastic
deposition occurred through the Devonian (Lochkovian–Frasnian), with an increase in sedimentation in
Emsian–Eifelian time. Lithofacies distribution and sediment thicknesses indicate primarily a western source.
Endemic, high-latitude (>55˚ S) fauna with several megafaunal originations in Bolivia also contain organisms
characteristic of North Africa and northeastern United States (Middle Devonian megafaunas and Late
Devonian palynomorphs). (2) Latest Devonian–Early Carboniferous (Famennian–Viséan) sedimentation is
characterized by glaciomarine and fan-deltaic sedimentation. Clasts are derived from underlying sedimentary
units and andesitic, granitic, and tuffaceous rocks. (3) A middle Carboniferous (Serpukhovian–Bashkirian)
hiatus in sedimentation occurred, its age and duration varying across the region. (4) Siliciclastic and carbonate
deposition occurred in Late Carboniferous–middle Permian time (Moscovian?–Artinskian). The clastics were
derived from a western source. Carbonate rocks (Copacabana Formation) were deposited in situ, in low
latitudes (≤ 25˚ S lat). Devonian sedimentation is inferred to have occurred on continental crust in a foreland
setting, with a western magmatic arc. Restoration of the San Nicolás batholiths (U-Pb zircon, 425 and 394–388
Ma) relative to the Devonian basins suggests that they may have constituted the magmatic arc. Intra-arc basins
may have existed near present-day coastal Peru. Following the middle Carboniferous hiatus, sedimentation
continued in a back-arc region, although differentiation of distinct Carboniferous and Permian basins, the
intrusion of plutons inboard of and within the basin along strike, and extensional faulting in the Late Permian
indicate major changes in the tectonic setting, possibly including a reorientation of the subducting slab to a low
angle. Uncertainties in the tectonic setting interpretation are introduced by the incomplete stratigraphic record,
which is obscured in the Altiplano and Cordillera Occidental, and by the undefined history of plate boundary
interactions, such as possible postdepositional strike-slip motion and tectonic erosion along the plate margin.
E l estudio de la secuencia del Devónico a Pérmico del oeste de Bolivia y zonas adyacentes permite la
reconstrucción de la paleogeografía de una parte de los Andes Centrales, cuya historia sedimentaria
puede dividirse en cuatro fases. (1) Sedimentación siliciclástica en una cuenca marina somera durante la mayor
parte del Devónico (Lochkoviano a Frasniano), con un aumento de la sedimentación durante el Emsiano y
Eifeliano. La distribución de facies y espesor de sedimentos indican un área fuente situada hacia el oeste. La
fauna endémica de latitudes altas (>55˚ S), con algunos taxones característicos de Bolivia, se mezcla con organ-
ismos característicos del norte de Africa y NE de Estados Unidos (megafaunas en el Devónico medio y pali-
nomorfos en el Dévonico superior). (2) La sedimentación del Devónico tardío y Carbonífero inferior
(Fameniano a Viseano) está caracterizada por depósitos glaciomarinos y de abanicos deltaicos. La composición
de los clastos es de rocas sedimentarias de las unidades subyacentes y de granitoides, andesitas y tobas
volcánicas. (3) Durante el Carbonífero medio (aproximadamente Serpukhoviano y Bashkiriano) tiene lugar
una interrupción en la sedimentación, de edad variable según las zonas, que resulta en la erosión parcial o total
de la secuencia del Carbonífero y Devónico subyacente. (4) Durante el Carbonífero superior y hasta el Pérmico
medio (Moscoviano a Artinskiano) tiene lugar sedimentación mixta siliciclástico-carbonatada. Las areniscas
indican un área fuente al oeste. Las rocas carbonáticas fueron depositadas en latitudes bajas (≤ 25˚ S). La sedi-
mentación del Devónico tuvo lugar en un ambiente tectónico de antepaís situado entre un arco magmático
marginal al oeste y un cratón al este. La posición de los batolitos de San Nicolás en Peru (datado en 425 y
394–388 Ma) en relación a la cuenca sedimentaria sigiere que estes plutónes habrían formado parte del arco
magmático. Los depósitos devónicos del SW de Peru constituirían el relleno de cuencas de intra-arco, mientras
que faltaría el registro sedimentario de la zona proximal de la cuenca de antepaís, probablemente cubierto bajo
el Altiplano y la Cordillera Occidental. La reorganización de la cuenca e intrusión de plutones durante el
Carbonífero y Pérmico, así como la tectónica extensional durante el Pérmico superior, indican reajustes e inter-
relaciones entre los bordes de placas posiblemente relacionados con desplazamientos transcurrentes y dismin-
ución del ángulo de subducción de la placa.
Isaacson, P. E., and E. Díaz Martínez, 1995, Evidence for a middle–late Paleozoic foreland 231
basin and significant paleolatitudinal shift, central Andes, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S.,
and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 231–249.
232 Isaacson and Díaz Martínez
Figure 1—Geography of central Andes mountains and Figure 2—Simplified tectonic map of Bolivia, with tectonos-
adjacent regions discussed in this paper. tratigraphic domains. 1, Altiplano; 2, Huarina fold and
thrust belt; 3, Cordillera Real; 4, Tarija-Teoponte; 5,
northern sub-Andean fold and thrust belt; 6, central and
southern sub-Andean fold and thrust belts; 7, Brazilian
shield. Thrusts (from Spanish): CANP, main Andean thrust;
INTRODUCTION CCR, Cordillera Real thrust; FCC, Coniri thrust. (After
Sempere, 1987, 1990.)
Several recent syntheses of Devonian stratigraphy,
biostratigraphy, tectonics, and igneous events in Bolivia,
Peru, and northern Chile (Figure 1) permit a tentative
reconstruction of middle Paleozoic events in that region. Huarina fold and thrust belt (Figure 2). The main tectonic
Earlier workers (e.g., Ahlfeld and Branisa, 1960) had structure of this belt is the stacking of Upper Ordovi-
suggested that the thick Devonian clastic rocks in the cian–Lower Triassic sedimentary rocks in a series of
region were deposited in a “geosynclinal” setting. Other tightly imbricated folds and thrusts verging to the
work has supported a passive margin during Devonian southwest. The Huarina belt is separated from the
time (Zeil, 1979), with Late Ordovician and Late Cordillera Real domain to the northeast by the Cordillera
Carboniferous–Permian orogeny bracketing the other- Real thrust and from the Altiplano domain to the
wise quiescent sequence. southwest by the Coniri thrust. Although the sedimen-
The Bolivian Central Andes comprises a series of fault- tary sequence was partially eroded and deformed during
bounded tectonostratigraphic domains (Sempere et al., the Hercynian orogeny of Dalmayrac et al. (1980) and
1988) (see Figure 2), which are substantially different from Martínez (1980), most of the tectonism took place during
previous physiographic divisions used in Bolivian the several Andean (i.e., much younger) phases of defor-
geologic literature (Ahlfeld and Branisa, 1960; Russo, mation.
1966; Rodrigo and Castaños, 1978). These domains It has been suggested that the Paleozoic sedimentary
display a distinct tectonic shortening and relative rocks in the Altiplano of Bolivia are the result of complex
displacement as a result of Cenozoic Andean orogeny filling of a northwest-trending back-arc basin encom-
(Sheffels, 1990; Roeder and Chamberlain, 1995). However, passing most of the present-day central Andes (Sempere,
they are not to be confused with allochthonous terranes 1989). Closure of the basin, together with uplift and
because they have all been linked at least since the early thrust faulting during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Paleozoic and are not exotic to South America. With Andean orogenic cycle, resulted in the construction of
respect to these domains, the middle and late Paleozoic of the present Andes Cordillera. The overprint of this defor-
the northern Altiplano is exposed in the northern third of mation complicates the study of the pre-Andean history
the Charasani-Ayoma-Atocha unit, also called the of the western margin of Gondwana.
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin, Paleolatitudinal Shift, Central Andes 233
Figure 3—Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian lithostratigraphy, central Andes and adjacent regions. (From Newell et al.,
1953; Díaz, 1959; Eckel, 1959; Dalmayrac, 1977; Isaacson, 1977; Marocco, 1977; Isaacson et al., 1985; Oller and Sempere, in
Duarte, 1989; Bahlburg and Breitkreuz, 1991; Starck et al., 1993.)
Figure 4—Paleogeographic map of the central Andes for Figure 5—Paleogeographic map of the central Andes for
late Early Devonian (Emsian) time. Major structural Middle Devonian time (Eifelian–Givetian). Maximum trans-
elements responsible for the Bolivian-Peruvian basins gression, subsidence, and deposition is within the basins
include the Late Ordovician accretionary volcanic- at this time, as shown by sedimentation within the
magmatic Puna terrane, sialic Arequipa massif (with its Solimoes and Arce basins (da Silva, 1988). The Madre de
Early Devonian San Nicolás batholiths), and Brazilian Dios basin also received significant sedimentation at this
shield. (Latitudes from Isaacson and Sablock, 1990.) The time (Isaacson et al., 1995).
“Bolivia basin” (Frutos and Tobar, 1975; Suárez-Soruco
and Lobo-Boneta, 1983) includes the Beni basin (Díaz,
1959), whose margins have yet to be defined. The “Peru Late Devonian–Lower Carboniferous
basin” (Mosmann et al., 1986, his figure 11) includes the Diamictites and Related Rocks
Ucayali and Madre de Dios basins, the latter possibly
having limited stratigraphic development in the Early Located above shallow marine shales (Colpacucho
Devonian (Isaacson et al., 1995). The northwest Peru Formation) and at the base of the Cumaná Formation in
orogeny, proposed by Isaacson (1989), appears as a
the northern Altiplano of Bolivia is a diamictite unit
highland in the reconstruction of deMelo (1988).
(Figure 6), which can be traced for more than 30 km
along strike from Isla del Sol to Cumaná (Lake Titicaca
area), with a variable thickness of 60–70 m (Díaz and
Lema, 1991a). It is dated as Famennian (pusillites–lepido-
westward-propagating, shallow water clastic deposits phyta palynozone) by Vavrdová et al. (1991, 1993), and it
with a nearby magmatic terrane source (Davidson et al., may continue into the Tournaisian. Clasts within the
1981; Isaacson et al., 1985). The Brazilian shield is compo- diamictite are subangular to well rounded and range
sitionally similar to the Arequipa massif (Dalmayrac et from coarse sand to boulder size. Clasts are composed of
al., 1980). Orogeny folded and metamorphosed quartz arenite, granitoid, quartzite, conglomerate, and
Devonian and lower Paleozoic flysch in central Peru, intermediate volcanic rock (Díaz et al., 1993). Their
although these effects are not evident in the Bolivian and variable composition, together with some striated and
northern Chilean Devonian sequences. Also, part of the faceted clasts, suggests a glaciated heterogeneous source
Devonian sequence may have been eroded in central terrane.
Peru, and Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) clastic There are two major lithofacies associations. The
rocks unconformably overlie it (Mégard, 1973). Evidence lower is dominated by laminated mudstone with drop-
of orogeny decreases away (east-southeastward) from stones, interpreted as ice-rafted and suspended sediment
central Peru, such that only a slight angularity exists deposits. Deposited next on an erosional base is a
between Devonian and Carboniferous rocks in Bolivia massive, matrix-supported diamictite with deformed
(Laubacher, 1974, 1977; Isaacson, 1975). sandstone lenses and boulders up to 2 m long. This is
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin, Paleolatitudinal Shift, Central Andes 235
Figure 7—Vertical profiles typical of Carboniferous deposits in the northern Altiplano of Bolivia. Sections: 1, Copacabana
area (Hinchaka, Santa Ana, Siripaca, Belén); 2, Cumaná; 3, Calamarca; 4, Carabuco; 5, Ancoraimes; 6, Yaurichambi; 7,
Colquencha. Dual numbers indicate formations: 1.2, Copacabana Formation (also Permian in part; see Figure 11); 2.1,
Yaurichambi Formation; 1.3, Siripaca Formation; 1.2, Kasa Formation; 1.1, Cumaná Formation (see Figure 10). D, Devonian.
Lithologic symbols: a, limestone (with dolomite and sandstone); b, mudstone, including coal (Siripaca Formation); c,
sandstone, including conglomerate; d, diamictite, conglomerate, and sandstone.
adjacent ranges developed an ice cover that existed It is not necessary to propose changes in climate,
during the late Famennian, Tournaisian, and part of the tectonics, or source area to explain the differences in
Viséan. The scattered diamictites that accumulated in a modal composition and textural characteristics between
fan delta setting (Kasa Formation) record the gradual the fine-grained, quartz-rich sandstones of the lower
retreat of the glaciers to the ranges. Increase of sediment member of Kasa Formation and the feldspathic sand-
input and subsidence rates possibly related to activity in stones of its upper member. It has been shown that
the magmatic arc also influenced accumulation patterns hydraulic sorting, current reworking, and differential
in the Kasa Formation. The locally unconformable weathering processes present in coastal areas and
character of the base of this cycle is thus most likely shallow clastic shelves can result in such differences
related to the erosional and depositional processes (Mack, 1984; Dickinson, 1988). These processes are
typical of a glaciomarine environment, instead of enhanced by storm and wave reworking. Suttner et al.
emersion and subaerial erosion. Apart from the erosive (1981) presented some interesting examples of modifica-
character of the gravity flows and mass transports tion of petrofacies due to different sedimentary environ-
common in a glaciomarine environment, it is possible to ments, comparing alluvial fan and clastic shelf deposits.
develop erosional discontinuities in deep marine envi- They concluded that the same provenance area but a
ronments during glacial periods as a result of bottom different transport distance and depositional environ-
density currents from adjoining glaciated areas (Johnson, ment can result in different petrofacies. This case study is
1974). similar to what is found in the Kasa Formation.
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin, Paleolatitudinal Shift, Central Andes 237
The depositional setting and modal composition of graphy, producing deposits with variable thicknesses on
the coarse feldspathic sandstones in the Kasa Formation the east shore of Lake Titicaca to the north and in the
were greatly affected by the cold climate and sparse Colquencha zone, 60 km south of La Paz, in the Altiplano.
vegetation during their deposition as evidenced by the Paleosols in the Yaurichambi Formation indicate a warm
few plant fossils found in it. Azcuy and Suárez-Soruco climate during this part of basin evolution, continuing
(1984) mention equisetae, lycopsidae, and monopinnate with accumulation of the carbonate deposits in the
plant fronds from the Kasa Formation, which they Copacabana Formation.
assigned to Nothorhacopteris. This genus has been found As shown in Figure 8, the Copacabana Formation in
in the Kaka Formation (Figure 3), which has an Early northwestern Bolivia shows a complex interplay of sand-
Carboniferous palynologic assemblage, a recycled Late stones, terrigenous mudstones, various limestones,
Devonian assemblage, and a total absence of gymno- dolomites, caliches, and other lithologies (Isaacson et al.,
sperm pollen. 1993). Lithofacies change significantly over short
The transition of the Kasa to the Siripaca Formation, distances, both up-section and in a west-east direction.
however, marks an important change in the paleogeo- For simplicity, we have divided the formation into two
graphy and paleoclimate of the basin, including the principal units: the lower unit, comprising cycles 1 and 2,
disappearance of glaciers as temperatures rose, an and the upper unit, comprising cycles 3 and 4 (Figure 8).
increase in vegetation cover, and a reduction of relief in The lower unit tends to be dominated by siliciclastic
the source areas. Climatic change resulted from rocks, whereas the upper unit is mainly carbonates.
movement of this part of Gondwana to lower latitudes Beginning at a moderate-relief (30–40 cm) caliche
(Caputo and Crowell, 1985; Veevers and Powell, 1987; surface (at Yampupata and Yaurichambi), fine-grained
Díaz et al., 1993). During this same period, however, the sandstone was deposited, followed by greenish gray
global paleoclimate picture changed to one of general (tuffaceous) siltstone with thin (2–3 m) beds of extensively
cooling (Veevers and Powell, 1987; Sablock, 1993). bioturbated carbonate mudstone. Next are sandstone
channels, with more persistent bioturbated mudstones
Middle Carboniferous Hiatus (containing large productoid brachiopods) and green silt-
stones following them. Another caliche occurs in
The Siripaca Formation represents the filling of the siltstone–sandstone, followed by lime mudstone–wacke-
Bolivia basin and the final Paleozoic regression to the stone with fenestral fabric and tepee structures. An exten-
north or northwest. At the Copcabana Peninsula, this sively cross-bedded, coarse-grained sandstone (shoal?)
formation has a small (1.5-m-thick) coal bed. Its age and occurring above another caliche terminates the lower
rank are not known, although it has been excavated for lithofacies. At Ancoraimes (northeast of the Peninsula de
local use. During the Serpukhovian and Bashkirian, a Copacabana sections), initial results suggest less obvious
period of intense subaerial erosion and nondeposition caliches, as well as alternating thinner sandstone and
followed in the Altiplano, while deposition continued in wackestone–packstone carbonates. Separating the two
adjacent basins of the central and southern sub-Andean basic lithofacies is another caliche, which is followed by
(Macharetí Group) and northern sub-Andean regions lenticular medium-grained sandstone, mudstone, and
(Kaka Formation (Sempere, 1990). As a result of the shell-rich laminated sandy dolomite, suggestive of
northward retreat, the stratigraphic gap recorded by the tempestites. Green, laminated, volcanogenic (Isaacson et
middle Carboniferous unconformity is quite variable. al., 1995) mudstone follows, punctuated by well-biotur-
This final regression is probably related to two global bated and fossiliferous mudstone–wackestone. Green,
events that took place during the Namurian A or late cross-bedded, coarse-grained sandstone (including some
Viséan to Serpukhovian (Saunders and Ramsbottom, litharenite) interbedded with claystone and minor
1986), which were produced by the onset of the main mudstone (with current-stable brachiopod shells)
glacial episode in Gondwana (Veevers and Powell, 1987). comprise the uppermost beds of this unit. Several caliches
also occur. A significant bioturbated and fossiliferous
Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian packstone–grainstone caps the sequence at Yampupata,
Carbonates and Siliciclastics where the uppermost beds may be missing.
Units overlying the Copacabana Formation are
Marine deposition resumed in the Kasimovian (or variable. Where significant erosion is not apparent,
even earlier in the Bashkirian; Isaacson et al., 1995) when presumably by fluvial systems depositing sandstones,
transgression represented by the Yaurichambi and there is a gradual changeover to siliciclastic-dominated
Copacabana formations occurred. Transgression and minor carbonate lithologies (such as at Cumaná). A
proceeded slowly, as seas advanced from the north. complex suite of lithologies terminates the Copacabana
Progressive changes in local base level produced a Formation.
blanket of fluvial, deltaic, and coastal deposits Using several features that indicate subaerial exposure
(Yaurichambi Formation) at the base of the transgressive as defined by Flügel (1982) and Esteban and Klappa
sequence. Paleocurrent orientations are from several (1983), eustatic cycles within the Copacabana Formation
directions in this sequence, recording a major reorganiza- are apparent. The features include fenestral fabric, tepee
tion of basin drainage system (Sempere et al., 1986; structures, and caliches. Complicating the cycles,
Marocco et al., 1987; Barrios and Beccar, 1988). The trans- however, are apparent tectonic adjustments of the basin.
gressive deposits filled the newly created paleotopo- For example, cycles 1, 2, and 4 (Figure 8) have terrige-
238 Isaacson and Díaz Martínez
Figure 8—Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and previous stratigraphic nomenclature of the Copacabana Formation (Late
Carboniferous–Early Permian), western Bolivia. Cycles, hiatuses, caliches (triangles), and sedimentary petrology are as
discussed in this paper and in Isaacson et al. (1993).
nous influxes from the west that may have abruptly d’Orbigny, 1842), as well as unusual in abundance and
infilled the basin, such that they substituted shallower diversity, has also been thought to be part of a cold-
depositional systems for slightly deeper ones. Cycle 3 water “austral” province (Clarke, 1913). Late Carbonif-
contains lagoonal claystone, which indicates temporary erous–Permian faunas have also been described
quiescence in the western source area(s). We suggest that (Dunbar and Newell, 1946; Newell et al., 1953) and have
even with Early Permian marine onlap (Vail et al., 1977), been biogeographically linked to West Texas in the
the northwestern Bolivian depositional basin maintained United States.
a position close to sea level.
Devonian Paleobiogeography
PALEOBIOGEOGRAPHY Devonian paleobiogeography of the central Andes
was influenced by three major factors: the paleogeo-
Work on the paleobiogeographic significance of the graphic setting, the high latitudinal position (and cold
central Andean Devonian–Permian faunas has depended temperatures) of the region during Early Devonian time
on the abundance and components of recovered faunas. (Figure 4), and the apparent influx of slightly warmer
The Devonian, long considered to be “classic” (e.g., water during Middle Devonian time (Figure 5). The
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin, Paleolatitudinal Shift, Central Andes 239
Figure 9—Paleobiogeographic map of the central Andes Figure 10—Paleobiogeographic map of the central Andes
for Emsian time. High-latitude cold water currents main- for Middle Devonian time. Lower latitudes (see Figure 15)
tained the low-diversity Malvinokaffric faunas. Vestigial and transgression permitted entry of Tropidoleptus and
warm water currents from Colombia and possibly interior other taxa from North Africa. The residual Malvinokaffric
North America are responsible for the Eastern Americas stock supported a limited diversity in Bolivia and adjacent
Realm faunas of the possible intra-arc basins of southern regions. (From Isaacson and Sablock, 1990.)
Peru. Connections to the Amazonas basins are ephemeral.
(From Isaacson and Sablock, 1990.)
Early–Middle Devonian time was probably influenced
by extensive basin development within Peru, Chile, and
highly endemic Malvinokaffric faunas (Richter and Bolivia. The high latitudinal position of this region
Richter, 1942) of southern South America, Antarctica, allowed colder water Malvinokaffric fauna to colonize
and South Africa have long been assumed to have lived much of South America. The lowest latitudinal penetra-
in cold water (Figure 9), with evolutionary ties to Eastern tion of Malvinokaffric faunas (e.g., Australocoelia, as
Americas Realm organisms of the northern Appalachian reported by Mégard, 1973) roughly corresponds to a
basin in the United States (Boucot, 1971; Isaacson, 1977). postulated cold water subpolar gyre that paralleled the
It has been suggested that Early Devonian Eastern western margin of South America up to about 40˚ S lat
Americas Realm brachiopods in interior southern Peru (Figure 9). During Middle Devonian time, subsequent
(Boucot et al., 1980) entered the region by means of an northward movement of western Gondwana coupled
influx of warmer water and that the migration routes with marine transgression introduced the warmer water
may have been restricted by intra-arc basins (see Figure Eastern Americas Realm fauna farther south into Bolivia.
14). Higher in the Andean sequence, however, the much Also, selected brachiopod taxa arrived from North
lower diversity post-Malvinokaffric fauna (Figure 10) has Africa. Isaacson and Perry (1977) suggest that Tropi-
been tentatively identified Isaacson and Sablock, 1990). It doleptus arrived in Bolivia via the Amazonas basin. Other
consists of the circum-Atlantic brachiopod genus Tropi- taxa (e.g., Globithyris or Rhipidothyris) may also have
doleptus (Isaacson and Perry, 1977) and other taxa. It taken advantage of this seaway, although the full
appears that Globithyris (or Rhipidothyris), which is above complement of North African taxa is not found in
Tropidoleptus in the Devonian sequence (Isaacson, 1974), Bolivia.
may have moved from Libya, where both taxa are
present in the Idrí Formation of Givetian age (Havlicek Carboniferous Paleobiogeography
and Röhlich, 1987). This Middle Devonian fauna,
however, does not achieve the diversity of Hamilton and While there are few Bolivian Carboniferous marine
other Givetian fauna in New York and North Africa. megafaunas, Isaacson et al. (1985) reported on Early
Distinct faunal provinciality exhibited during Carboniferous (Tournaisian) brachiopods from northern
240 Isaacson and Díaz Martínez
Chile (see Figure 14). Dutro and Isaacson (1991) have (1981), and it is quite distinct from the nearby
shown that this assemblage is characterized by relatively Durhaminid Province in the western and northwestern
large, stout shells in several brachiopod families, United States. Considering the biogeographic separa-
although it is generally of low diversity. These “big tions within North America, it is remarkable that a single
shells” also occur in central Peru, northwestern Argen- South American–North American province existed,
tina, eastern México (Oaxaca and Tamaulipas), eastern thereby demonstrating a close paleogeographic link
Appalachians (eastern West Virginia), Libya, Iran, and between the two regions.
southeastern Australia, suggesting that the Chilean Ross (1973) defined a mid-Andean and mid-continent
occurrence represents a relatively cosmopolitan (albeit (southern United States) biogeographic unit that extends
facies-controlled) fauna. through Mexico and Morocco to south of Santiago, Chile.
Rösler et al. (1989) have described a “pre-Glossopteris Ross further stated that the Mid-Continent (U.S.)
flora” of Early Carboniferous age from the Siripaca Fusulinid Province of the Late Carboniferous–Early
Formation. They suggest, furthermore, that the plant Permian was paralleled by rugose corals and ammonoid
fossils, including Nothorhacopteris, Paracalamites, and lyco- cephalopods. Gobbett (1973) identified distinct links with
phytes, show little transport and were deposited in Tethyan forms, as well as widespread cosmopolitan taxa.
nearshore sediments of the Siripaca Formation. Erwin et Boucot and Gray (1979) described a southern (warm)
al. (1992) have identified a warm, temperate Carbonif- marine surface circulation gyre, which equally affected
erous flora from coastal Peru, which was part of a coastal Gondwana (South America) and the southern
climatic belt between the tropical Euramerican Realm United States, while a northern gyre affecting western
and the cool Gondwana Realm in Bolivia. North America allowed contrasting faunas to exist over a
Newell et al. (1953) have discussed the significance of short paleogeographic distance.
Pennsylvanian marine faunas from Peru. They are
cosmopolitan, although they have a slightly reduced
diversity (compared to coeval North American faunas).
Until more palynomorph and paleobotanical informa- PALEOGEOGRAPHY
tion is forthcoming from Bolivia, however, little can be
concluded about its biogeographic placements. Early–Middle Devonian Paleogeography
Paleogeographically, these events would have paleogeographic reconstructions of Gondwana for the
restricted formerly “open” seaways along eastern Peru, Late Devonian, with the northern Altiplano placed at
western Bolivia, and northern Argentina and Chile 55˚–65˚ S lat (Isaacson and Sablock, 1988, 1990).
sometime during the Devonian. Therefore, Late The offshore marine shelf setting of the units under-
Devonian glaciation in Bolivia (Vavrdová et al., 1991; lying and overlying the upper Colpacucho Formation
Díaz et al., 1992) and along the upper Amazon basin implies a much higher accumulation rate taking place at
(Rocha Campos, 1983; deMelo, 1988) may have occurred the same time in proximal areas of the basin, closer to the
on substantially uplifted “orogenic” terranes in central shore (Powell, 1988). Absence of corresponding facies
and western Peru. However, there were marine seaways and thicknesses at the Carboniferous sections to the east
adjacent to these features and black shale deposition in favor a western or, less likely, southern source for the
the upper Amazon region (Hünicken et al., 1988). diamictites. The isotopic dating and geochemistry of
these granitoid boulders should give some insight into
Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous their provenance and the paleogeography of the basin.
Paleogeography Based on a recently revised lithostratigraphic subdivi-
sion of the Carboniferous system in the Altiplano basin
Recognition of a probable source for the clasts in the of Bolivia (Díaz, 1991; Díaz and Lema, 1991b), a general
diamictite (Cumaná Formation) is of major significance outline of its paleogeographic and paleoclimatic
for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Carbonif- evolution is proposed. Deposition began with glacioma-
erous basin. The Paleozoic northwest-southeast trending rine deposits (Cumaná Formation) during late
back-arc basin of the central Andes (Sempere, 1989), Famennian time, marking the base of a complex thick-
which was limited on the west by the Precambrian ening and coarsening sequence resulting from coastal
Arequipa massif and on the east by the Brazilian shield, progradation (Ambo Group). This sequence includes
was partially disrupted by the Eohercynian belt in wave- and storm-dominated shallow clastic shelf
Famennian–Viséan time (Dalmayrac et al., 1980; deposits (lower member of Kasa Formation). Interbed-
Sempere, 1989, 1990). Provenance studies of the granitoid ding of these marine units with braided alluvial plain
clasts in the diamictite provide a candidate for the deposits records the progradation of a fluvial- and wave-
glaciated highlands. Large clast size (up to 2 m in dominated fan delta complex (upper member of Kasa
diameter in the Quebrada de Chamacani) and geologic Formation), probably as a result of tectonic and glacial
setting could have preserved the original geochemical activity in local uplifts. The overlying sequence marks an
and isotopic composition in the cores of the boulders. important change in fluvial style, from braided streams
However, there are no known studies dealing with this in the Kasa Formation to meandering streams in the
problem, thus leaving three potential source areas: (1) the Siripaca Formation. This latter unit accumulated in a
Eohercynian belt, limiting the basin at the time to the east fluvially dominated deltaic plain that records the filling
(Sempere, 1987); (2) the early Paleozoic Puna magmatic of the basin under conditions of less sediment influx and
arc (“Faja eruptiva de la Puna”) to the south (Coira et al., lower depositional slope. The Siripaca Formation marks
1982; Allmendinger et al., 1983); or (3) the Arequipa the end of the Ambo Group, followed by an erosional
massif to the west. We suggest that the extensive period that removed Lower Carboniferous and Upper
transport of debris from the Puna would not have Devonian deposits in some areas.
permitted occurrence of the large clasts.
Famennian glaciomarine units in northwestern Late Carboniferous–Early Permian
Bolivia support the concept of a Late Devonian glacial Paleogeography
episode in South America, described by Caputo (1985),
Caputo and Crowell (1985), and Veevers and Powell During the Late Carboniferous, a transgression from
(1987). A single alpine glacial advance and retreat may be the north began, accompanied by migration of alluvial
inferred from the overall sequence and relatively small and coastal deposits into the Altiplano (Yaurichambi
thickness of the unit. Recent studies of both modern and Formation). Development of a shallow carbonate ramp
ancient glaciomarine settings allow for the differentiation followed, which persisted into the Permian (Copacabana
of polar, subpolar, and temperate styles of deposition Formation).
(Crowell, 1988; Matsch and Ojakangas, 1988; Brod- The evolution of the Bolivia basin records important
zikowsky and Van Loon, 1991). Rounded clasts, climatic changes related to the shifting of this part of
suspended sediment plumes and debris flows (indi- Gondwana toward lower latitudes. Contemporaneous
cating episodic sediment influx), abundant dropstones events included global climatic and eustatic changes
and striated clasts, and subglacial meltwater outflow (onset of the main Gondwana glaciation) and regional
deposits overlying the diamictite all imply a warm-based tectonism (Eohercynian deformation). Interaction of
(wet) ice body and a probable temperate glacial setting. these factors influenced Carboniferous sedimentation in
Despite the scarcity of ice-rafted sediment in the modern the Altiplano.
model of temperate glacial deposition from the Gulf of A warm climate apparently occurred in northern and
Alaska (Molnia, 1983, 1988), a high iceberg sedimentation western Bolivia (Yaurichambi and Copacabana forma-
rate is inferred from iceberg sedimentation theoretical tions) at the same time that sedimentation in Argentine
models for temperate glacial environments (Dowdes- and southern Bolivian basins was under glacial influence
well, 1988). This temperate setting is in agreement with (Hambrey and Harland, 1981). This can be explained by
242 Isaacson and Díaz Martínez
the high-latitudinal gradient of temperatures taking ates and evaporites appeared in Pennsylvanian time.
place during the glaciation episodes, creating a warming Given the recent work in northern Chile (e.g., Hervé et
and narrowing of the equatorial zones (Raymond et al., al., 1981; Rivano and Sepúlveda, 1983), however, it
1989; Raymond, 1990; Sablock, 1993). appears that marine connections existed between that
Figure 11 presents a suggested basin configuration for region and northern Bolivia, at least ephemerally. From
Bolivia and northern Chile during Early Permian time. the distribution of Permian rocks, it also appears that the
Isopach information comes from the present study and Potosi salient (Figure 11) separated the main Bolivian
from Rodrigo and Castaños (1978). More recent Bolivian basins from a marine connection to northern Chile.
information (Isaacson et al., 1995), however, suggests that Newell et al. (1953) described a Permian orogeny in the
the Upper Carboniferous–Permian extends into the region and suggested that it caused uplift in the
northern sub-Andean subsurface, with a possible Cordillera Occidental. The admixture of volcanogenic
highland separating the Lake Titicaca (exposed) units detritus with carbonates in northern Chile (Niemeyer et
from areas to the north and northeast. Also, B. Mamet al., 1985) may confirm this suggestion. Newell et al.
(personal communication, 1993) has identified (1953) suggested, furthermore, that the orogeny formed a
“Morrowan” formaminifera from the Pando X-1 and “borderland” along the western coast of South America
Manuripi X-1 wells, thereby documenting that carbon- (Newell et al., 1953). We ascribe this event to the wide-
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin, Paleolatitudinal Shift, Central Andes 243
spread Gondwanan events of Dalmayrac et al. (1980), Ocona phyllonite zone is a major thrust zone repre-
although sedimentation related to it (Collasuyo senting the northeastern margin of an orogenic belt.
Formation and equivalents) is beyond the scope of this There was a separation of staurolite-andalusite schists
study. (Ocono) from Mollendo granulites; evidence suggests a
The Early Permian was a time of relatively reduced contact between them. The age of the Mollendo gran-
tectonic activity, as the northern margin of Gondwana (at ulites is from Rb-Sr whole-rock work by Cobbing et al.
about 0˚–5˚ S lat at this time) (Rapalini and Vilas, 1991) (1977) and from U-Pb concordia plots. Gneisses (Rb-Sr)
had completed coupling with Laurussia (Ziegler, 1989). near Arequipa give an age of 991 ± 52 Ma. Zircons give a
Assuming that little north-south austral shortening has U-Pb age 1100 ± 50 Ma from granulites (Dalmayrac,
taken place in the latitudes between northern Gondwana 1977). Late Precambrian–early Paleozoic Atico plutonism
and Bolivia–northern Chile (at about 20˚–25˚ S lat; includes granulite facies metamorphic rocks, as well as
Veevers, 1984), we propose that central Chile (Santiago pink granites, pegmatites, aplites, dolerites, gabbros, and
region) would have been at about 40˚–45˚ S lat. The diorites. Deformation occurred about 450 Ma, and a lead
glacial episode in northern Bolivia indicates that the loss occurred during late Precambrian orogenesis, meta-
glacial advances took place before Late Carboniferous morphism, and uplift (600 Ma). There is an early
time. Crowell (1978) suggested that the glacial activity Paleozoic Marcona sequence of low grade metasedimen-
across Gondwana (Paraná basin and Malvinas Islands) tary rocks (greenschist facies). Deposition of these rocks
ended during the latest Carboniferous. It appears that the occurred between 440 and 390 Ma. The San Nicolás
continuing northward drift of Gondwana into lower batholith occurred about 390 Ma (Mukasa and Henry,
latitudes (Rapalini and Vilas, 1991), occurring with the 1990).
initial assembly of Pangea, contributed to the demise of
glaciation. Onshore prevailing winds at low southern Oriente of Peru and Brazilian Shield (Bolivia)
latitudes transported across nearly 8000 km of land
(eastern and central Gondwana) would have been mois- In Peru, there were three major orogenic cycles
ture deficient, producing an arid zone across western (Carlier et al., 1982): Precambrian, Hercynian, and
Gondwana. The extremely long fetch (180˚–200˚ of long- Andean. Precambrian magmatism in the Huanuco
itude) available to circum-equatorial currents may have region consists of metaigneous ultramafic to mafic
contributed to higher latitude warming trends along the serpentinites, metagabbros, and metadiorites; syntectonic
Gondwana margin. metatonalites; and posttectonic dioritic and granitic
The global transgression, peaking during the Early intrusive bodies. Precambrian formations in the eastern
Permian, was probably not a relatively significant event Cordillera include two large outcrops in central Peru
(Vail et al., 1977). The transgressive highstand was the (6˚–13˚ S lat). The Huanuco region consists of granulites
lowest of the Paleozoic and indeed one of the lowest dated at about 600 Ma using U-Pb from zircons.
during the Phanerozoic. (For a discussion of exposed Magmatism within the Precambrian belt includes acid
continental land area during the Phanerozoic, see Tardy and basic synsedimentary rocks, ultrabasic and basic
et al., 1989.) The Early Permian can thus be considered as complexes, orthogneiss, and posttectonic intrusions.
the beginning of a long-term global warming trend in There is a lack of chemical analysis for the orthogneiss
Bolivia, which apparently persisted through the Eocene. bodies, but they are thought to be Precambrian–
Cambrian in age. The relationship between the post-
tectonic intrusions and the lower Paleozoic sequence is
unclear. Some plutons appear to be pre-Carboniferous,
IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC as they are nonconformably overlain by the Ambo
BASIN-BOUNDING FEATURES Group south of Chullay.
Precambrian events comprising the Brazilian shield of
Figure 12 summarizes Precambrian, Ordovician, eastern Bolivia (Figure 12) have been summarized by
Carboniferous, and Lower Permian igneous and meta- Litherland et al. (1985) and include gneisses, granulites
morphic rocks that occur in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and and other protoliths (>1400 Ma), the San Ignacio Schist
Chile. Diverse lithologies and events form the Precam- and plutons (about 1300 Ma), and the Rodonia–Sunsas
brian complexes that were apparently uplifted from time granites (1000 Ma). The most significant aspect of the
to time, thereby supplying sediment to the Bolivian and shield elements in Bolivia, however, is that they parallel
Peruvian basins. Brief descriptions of igneous and meta- the outboard Andean belts (Litherland et al., 1985). More
morphic rocks bounding the depositional settings are recent work by Salinas (1992) has shown evidence for
described here. some late Precambrian and Cambrian plutons and
Ordovician dikes and sills in Bolivia.
Arequipa Massif
Pampean Ranges of Argentina
According to Shackleton et al. (1979), there are discrete
igneous and depositional episodes within the Arequipa The Pampean cycle is described as being equivalent to
massif, as follows. Precambrian Mollendo metamor- the Brasiliano cycle farther east (Rapela et al., 1982). It
phism includes metasedimentary rocks, sillimanite- took place before 570 Ma, as evidenced by the age of
bearing gneiss, and staurolite-andalusite schists. The postkinematic plutons. The granitoids in the northern
244 Isaacson and Díaz Martínez
Figure 13—Cross-sectional model of the western Gondwana margin during the Early Devonian, including the San Nicolás
batholiths (Mukasa and Henry, 1990). It is suggested that crustal loading by the Arequipa (sialic) massif provided subsidence
for thick, clastic-dominated Devonian sedimentation, which further loaded the crust and continued subsidence.
part of the Pampean Ranges can be separated into three GEODYNAMIC MODEL
main types: pre- and synkinematic granitoids, late
kinematic granitoids, and postkinematic granitoids. The Figure 13 presents a preliminary southwest-northeast
Cafayate Granite (tonalite to granite) is the largest cross-sectional model of the central Andes during Early
granitoid unit in the Sierra de Quilmes and is interpreted Devonian time. Many aspects of the model require more
to have a 475-Ma emplacement age. The Cuchiyaco detailed information, including detailed biostratigraphy,
Granodiorite is a smaller pluton in the eastern part of the modeling of facies architecture, and consequent basin
Sierra de Quilmes. The Cerro Amarillo Granite is a post- analysis. The San Nicolás batholiths (Mukasa and Henry,
tectonic granitoid. K-Ar mineral ages indicate that most 1990) are a response to subduction and creation of a
of the units were intruded during the Paleozoic, magmatic arc, which comprised the Arequipa massif and
spanning 300 Ma. Low Sr ratios in various granitoid possibly other magmatic arcs to the south into Chile.
groups means that parental magma was derived from Attendant uplift of the Arequipa massif produced a
the upper mantle, accompanied by melting of local western land source that contributed much of the coarser
basement rocks. The main characteristic of the basement lithofacies in the adjacent foreland basin (central Andes).
in the Pampean Ranges is that no east-west control of The Paleozoic arc-trench gap is now missing, and its
granitoid emplacement is indicated (from Rb-Sr data). disposition has been debated extensively. It could have
There are four peaks of igneous activity detected: pre- been attritionally subducted during more active
and synkinematic bodies older than 500 Ma, late Mesozoic and Cenozoic subduction, or it could be part of
kinematic bodies (475 Ma), and two postkinematic units a rifted allochthonous terrane now comprising another
(440 and 340 Ma). region. Insufficient data are available to resolve this
Northern Chile Fragmentary evidence supporting the existence of a
foreland basin includes very thick, rapid siliciclastic sedi-
The presence of Precambrian rocks is not well docu- mentation along a La Paz “depocenter” (foredeep?)
mented in northern Chile. There are quartz-mica schists through late Paleozoic time, as well as periodic silling of
that are intruded by Ordovician (“Lila”) granites (450 subbasins (e.g., between the Belén and Ayo Ayo sections
Ma), thereby dating the protoliths as pre-Ordovician. The of Isaacson, 1977) by syndepositional basement block
Ordovician sedimentation and attendant volcanism faulting(?). Considering that Devonian siliciclastics were
ended with the Ocloyic deformation phase and its syn- mostly deposited in shallow water, the foreland may
kinematic granitic plutonism (Boric et al., 1990). There is have been a response to thrust fault loading on relatively
significant plutonism in northern Chile (318–225 Ma), thick crust. This would produce a large, shallow-water
marking Hercynian events there (Boric et al., 1990). foreland basin (Tankard, 1986).
Evidence for a Middle–Late Paleozoic Foreland Basin, Paleolatitudinal Shift, Central Andes 245
Figure 14—Summary of stratigraphy, plutonism, biogeography, suggested relative sea levels, paleolatitude, and basin
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Acknowledgments We acknowledge the donors of the
Biogeography, Plate Tectonics, and the Changing Environ-
Petroleum Research Fund (American Chemical Society), who ment: Corvallis, Oregon State University Press, p. 465–482.
provided support for fieldwork resulting in this paper. The Boucot, A. J., P. E. Isaacson, and G. Laubacher, 1980, An Early
National Geographic Society provided partial support for field Devonian, eastern Americas faunule from the coast of
data presented here. Through assistance from the Servicio southern Peru: Journal of Paleontology, v. 54, p. 359–365.
Geológico de Bolivia (GEOBOL) and Yacimientos Petrolíferos Breitkreuz, C., and H. Bahlburg, 1985, Paleozoic flysch series in
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Tectonic Evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina
R. Mon J. A. Salfity
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán–CONICET Universidad Nacional de Salta–CONICET,
Tucumán, Argentina Salta, Argentina
S everal superimposed tectonic stages distinguished by varying structural styles are recognized in the
Andes of northern Argentina (22˚–28˚ S lat). The oldest structures occur in the Precambrian crystalline
basement. This basement forms the central core of the region and is made up of several multiply deformed
belts. These belts were intruded by several generations of granitoids and were amalgamated during the
Panamerican orogeny (Late Brazilian orogeny, 700–600 Ma). A westward-vergent foldbelt containing Ordovi-
cian marine sediments shows eastward-dipping axial plane cleavage. It lies along the western border of the
crystalline core and acts as host rock to pretectonic intrusives. Development of the folding is assigned to the
Late Ordovician Ocloyic orogeny. The sub-Andean ranges and Puna Silurian–Devonian successions were
folded during the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous at the beginning of the Gondwanan cycle (Chañic
orogeny). This tectonic cycle is represented in several late Paleozoic basins that surround the study area. The
inversion of those basins probably took place during the middle Permian San Rafael orogeny.
The Andean cycle commenced with the opening of rift troughs filled with thick continental deposits during
Early Cretaceous–Eocene time. The inversion of these troughs began with the late Eocene Inca movements, but
was completed during the Miocene Quechua and Pliocene–Pleistocene Diaguita orogenies. From late
Oligocene time onward, continental basins developed, and an extensive Miocene–Pleistocene volcanic arc orig-
inated on the western flank of the study area. These Cretaceous–Cenozoic basins were inverted by the Diaguita
orogeny. Andean tectonics caused clearly differentiated morphostructural units. The most westerly of these is
the Puna Plateau, characterized by Precambrian basement and Paleozoic rocks sheets that were thrust over
Tertiary continental successions. East of the Puna, the Eastern Cordillera represents a tectonic stack of Precam-
brian basement and Paleozoic rock sheets thrust eastward over the sub-Andean ranges. This latter belt forms
the outermost unit, made up of large faulted anticlines. South of 27˚ S lat, a change occurs in the architecture of
the Andean foreland. The sub-Andean ranges and the Eastern Cordillera are replaced by faulted blocks of
Precambrian crystalline basement and Paleozoic granitic intrusions, which form the Pampean ranges. This
paper summarizes the evolution of the oil-bearing basins of northern Argentina.
E n los Andes del noroeste argentino (22˚–28˚ S) se distinguen varios pisos superpuestos con distintos
estilos estructurales. Las estructuras más antiguas se advierten en el basamento cristalino precámbrico,
núcleo central de la región, constituido por varios cinturones polideformados. Estos fueron intruidos por varias
generaciones de granitoides y amalgamados durante la orogenia Panamericana (700–600 Ma) (Brasiliano
superior). Un cinturón plegado constituido por sedimentos ordovícicos marinos, y por intrusivos pretec-
tónicos, que muestra clivaje inclinado hacia el este, se encuentra a lo largo del borde occidental del núcleo
cristalino. El desarrollo de este plegamiento se atribuye a la orogenia Oclóyica del Ordovícico superior. Los
depósitos del Silúrico-Devónico de la Puna y de las Sierras Subandinas fueron plegados durante el Devónico
superior-Carbonífero inferior al principio del ciclo Gondwánico (orogenia Cháñica). Este ciclo tectónico está
representado en varias cuencas del Paleozoico superior que rodean el área estudiada. La inversión de estas
cuencas se produjo por efecto de la orogenia San Rafael durante el Pérmico medio.
El ciclo Andino comenzó con la apertura de cuencas elongadas rellenadas con depósitos continentales del
Cretácico-Eoceno inferior. La inversión de estas cuencas comenzó con la orogenia Incaica en el Eoceno tardío,
pero se completó con las orogenias Quechua del Mioceno y Diaguita del Plioceno-Pleistoceno. A partir del
Oligoceno tardío se desarrollaron las cuencas neógenas y desde el Mioceno al Pleistoceno evolucionó un arco
volcánico en el flanco occidental del área estudiada. Estas cuencas cenozoicas fueron invertidas por la orogenia
Diaguita. La tectónica Andina originó unidades morfoestructurales claramente diferenciadas. La más occi-
dental es la Puna, caracterizada por láminas de basamento precámbrico y de Paleozoico corridas sobre las
rocas continentales terciarias. Hacia el este de la Puna la Cordillera Oriental representa un apilamiento
tectónico de escamas de basamento precámbrico y de rocas paleozoicas corridas sobre el cinturón de las Sierras
Subandinas. Este último forma la unidad más externa, constituida por grandes anticlinales fallados. Al sur de
27˚ S ocurre un cambio en la arquitectura del antepaís andino. Las Sierras Subandinas y la Cordillera Oriental
son reemplazadas por bloques fallados de basamento cristalino y de plutones graníticos, que constituyen las
Sierras Pampeanas. Este artículo incluye una reseña de la evolución de las cuencas productoras de hidrocar-
buros del norte argentino.
Mon, R., and J. A. Salfity, 1995, Tectonic evolution of the Andes of northern Argentina, in 269
A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America:
AAPG Memoir 62, p. 269–283.
270 Mon and Salfity
intense as along the western slope of the Andes in The Precambrian crystalline basement consists of
northern Chile. Only the western border of the region several belts having different lithologic and structural
has been affected by a Neogene volcanic arc. characteristics (Figure 4). Low-grade schists predominate
The basins in northern Argentina that are most along its eastern border where three belts of mutually
prospective for oil exploration are situated north of 26˚ S discordant structural styles are observed. All of them are
lat. This area was studied in most detail, although the covered unconformably by Cambrian and Ordovician
maps and regional considerations were extended to 28˚ S beds. The Puncoviscana-Lules belt is a narrow external
lat (Figures 1, 3) to give a broader overview. Hydro- strip, in places only slightly deformed, and with a
carbon exploration is taking place in the productive predominantly westward vergence. The Choromoro belt
Tarija, Olmedo, and Metán basins. Thus far, exploration is located farther west and shows a greater degree of
in the Tres Cruces, Alhuampa, and Paganzo basins has deformation, eastward vergence, and kink folds with
not been successful. partially boudinated limbs. Its deformation is older than
600 Ma, and it is intruded by postkinematic granitoids
with isotopic ages near 600 Ma (Halpern and Latorre,
PRECAMBRIAN BASEMENT 1973; Omarini et al., 1985). Between 26˚ and 27˚ S lat, the
Aguas Blancas belt appears as a stretch of westward
The Precambrian basement lies between 23˚ and 34˚ S vergent and intensely microfolded schists.
lat (Figures 1, 3, 4) and separates the Andean chain from The central part of the crystalline basement core
the Chaco plain and the Chaco-Paraná basin. They crop contains more highly deformed units than the regions
out at the edge of the eastern Andes between 22˚ and 27˚ along the eastern border. The layered Schists belt, charac-
S lat. This belt of outcrops widens southward in the terized by intense tectonic layering that was later folded
Pampean ranges, forming a broad block-faulted on a microscale, grades westward into the Gneiss belt
foreland. The Pampean ranges are structurally separated (Figure 4). Postkinematic garnets in the layered Schists
from the Andean chain. From 22˚ to 26˚ S lat, the Precam- belt give 580–540 Ma ages (Bachmann and Grauert,
brian crystalline basement is covered by Cambrian and 1987). The western margin of the crystalline core is made
Ordovician marine successions. To the east, it plunges up of intensely deformed rocks. Mylonite belts along the
below the early Paleozoic succession. These deposits eastern edge of the Puna and at El Peñón can be corre-
partially fill the Chaco plain and the Chaco-Paraná basin lated with the Fiambalá complex (1200 Ma) (Villar and
(Fernández Garrasino, 1989). South of 24˚ S lat, the Coleman, 1986). Between these two mylonite belts, a
western edge of the Precambrian basement is tectonically low-grade schist belt crops out (the Laguna Blanca belt).
related to the Cambrian and Ordovician units. Neverthe- These rocks show a completely different structure to
less, it is also unconformably overlain by these deposits those of the neighboring units (Figure 6).
south of 27˚ S lat (Turner, 1967). Some isolated polydeformed schists crop out away
The relationships among the northern Argentina crys- from the crystalline core (Arequipa-Antofalla belt) and
talline basement, the Brazilian shield, the Precambrian are separated from it by the lower Paleozoic Ocloyic belt
basement in northern Chile, and the Arequipa craton are (Figures 4, 5). They can also be assigned to the Precam-
not known (Figure 5). The most westward outcrops of brian basement (Segerstrom and Turner, 1972). These
the Puna, separate from the crystalline core, seem to be schists are intruded by basic dikes (Allmendinger et al.,
continuous with the northern Chilean outcrops. 1982).
Polydeformation is the main structural characteristic The numerous granitic plutons intruded in the central
of the northern Argentine basement where multiple crystalline basement record a wide range of origins and
episodes of folding and metamorphism have succes- ages (Mon and Hongn, 1991). The structural relation-
sively overprinted one another. The folds show a ships among the distinct Precambrian belts and the
predominant eastward vergence. Considering the entire granitoid intrusives are schematically shown in the inter-
crystalline basement, the degree of metamorphism and pretative cross section of Figure 6, which corresponds to
deformation increases to the west. The metamorphic Precambrian time.
belts have been intruded by several generations of
granitic rocks. Although the age of the crystalline
basement is constrained by the Cambrian and Ordovi-
cian deposits that cover its flanks and its northern SEDIMENTARY AND TECTONIC
margin, radiometric dating shows considerable scatter. EVOLUTION OF PALEOZOIC BASINS
Ages range from 1500 Ma to late Paleozoic (Cingolani
and Varela, 1975; Bahlburg and Breitkreuz, 1991; Rapela Cambrian and Ordovician
et al., 1992; Toselli et al., 1992). The significance of the
isotopic data younger than 600 Ma is uncertain, and The lower Paleozoic sedimentary evolution of the
these dates probably reflect isotopic rejuvenation region began with the deposition of a 2000-m-thick
(Bachmann and Grauert, 1987; Mon and Hongn, 1991). Cambrian quartzite (Mesón Group) (Turner, 1960). This
The most recent radiometric data seems to confirm ages crops out as a narrow belt in the present-day Eastern
older than 1000 Ma (Varela and Dalla Salda, 1992; Dalla Cordillera (Figures 3, 6). Deposition is believed to have
Salda et al., 1993; Demange et al., 1993; Mc Donough et taken place in an elongate north-south striking rift
al., 1993). (Salfity et al., 1975). The Mesón Group covers the low-
Figure 3—Geologic map of northwestern Argentina. Key: 1, Precambrian; 2, Precambrian and Phanerozoic granitoids;
3, Cambrian; 4, Ordovician; 5, Silurian–Devonian; 6, upper Paleozoic; 7, Cretaceous; 8, Tertiary sediments; 9,
Tertiary–Quaternary volcanics; 10, Quaternary sediments; 11, salar; 12, thrusts.
Tectonic Evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina 273
Ocloyic Foldbelt
The Ocloyic foldbelt of the central Andes in northern Figure 7—Present-day location of the main post-Ocloyic
Argentina (Mon and Hongn, 1991) abuts the western depocenters. Isopach lines are in kilometers. Key: 1,
flank of the crystalline core (Figures 3, 4, 6). This foldbelt Silurian–Devonian; 2, late Paleozoic; 3, Triassic; 4, Creta-
consists of Ordovician deposits covered by a discordant ceous and Tertiary; 5, Tertiary; 6, northern edge of the
Silurian–Devonian succession. Its structure and strati- Chaco-Paraná basin; 7, wedgeout of the Serra Geral lava
graphy clearly distinguish it from the Precambrian crys- flows; 8, faults and lineaments; 9, depocenter; 10, hydro-
carbon field.
talline basement. The Ocloyic foldbelt contains pre-
tectonic granites, assigned a Late Ordovician age. The
Ocloyic deformation is especially visible in the Ordovi-
cian marine sequence of the western Puna basin. separated the Chaco-Paraná basin from the Andean
North of 24˚ S lat, in the Eastern Cordillera, unde- region from at least Early Silurian time onward. North of
formed Cambrian–Ordovician deposits lie with angular 22˚ S lat, where the Ocloyic orogeny was less intense, this
unconformity on the Precambrian crystalline basement positive element does not reach the surface.
(South American para-autochthonous). In the Ordovi-
cian beds, deformation increases gradually to the west Silurian–Devonian Basin
toward the Puna. The deformation ranges from less
deformed sequences to beds affected by intense west- The intracontinental Silurian–Devonian basin of the
verging folding with east-dipping axial plane cleavage. Peruvian and Bolivian Andes extended into northern
Folding did not affect the Precambrian crystalline Argentina. The Argentine part of the basin consists of
basement where the Ocloyic foldbelt is replaced by a two depocenters separated by the Puna arch (present-
west-verging fault belt. The Ocloyic foldbelt shows a day Eastern Cordillera) and the Central craton (Figure 6).
simple folding style, with folds having a single axial The eastern basin coincides with the present-day sub-
plane cleavage surface. Andean ranges and the Chaco plain (Figure 7), while the
South of 24˚ S lat, the contact between the Ocloyic western basin coincides with the Puna. These were intra-
foldbelt and the Precambrian crystalline basement is continental basins, the eastern one containing thick
tectonic. The Precambrian crystalline basement and its platform deposits. This foreland basin corresponds to an
intruding granitoids clearly ride over the Ocloyic foldbelt extensive half-graben fill that thins toward the east. To
(Mon and Hongn, 1988, 1991) (Figure 4). The Ocloyic the west, these deposits are bounded by thrusts that have
orogeny produced the uplift of the Precambrian crys- marked the eastern edge of the Central craton and
talline basement between 22˚ and 34˚ S lat. This elevation Eastern Cordillera probably since Ordovician time
generated a high (Central craton) (Bracaccini, 1960) that (Baldis et al., 1976). Over the western side of the basin,
276 Mon and Salfity
deposition was more than 3000 m thick at the northern Inversion tectonics of the late Paleozoic basins
end. The deposits gradually thin toward the east and probably coincide with the inter-Permian movements
south (Figure 7). The southern end of the present basin (San Rafael orogeny) (Figure 2). The inversion is only
coincides with the northeast-southwest striking Charata recorded in the western Pampean ranges within the
arch (Padula et al., 1967). Other structural highs associ- Paganzo basin realm (Salfity and Gorustovich, 1983)
ated with similar striking faults, such as the Michicola (Figure 7).
and Quirquincho arches, bound more modern depocen-
ters (Figure 7).
The Silurian–Devonian deposits of the western Puna CRETACEOUS–EOCENE AND NEOGENE
basin (Aceñolaza et al., 1972) are represented by isolated
outcrops beneath upper Paleozoic rocks. These beds are SUBSIDENCE
up to 120 m thick and were deposited in a shallow The tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Creta-
marine environment (Donato and Vergani, 1985). They ceous continental basins of northern Argentina are
discordantly overlie folded Ordovician beds of the reflected in the Salta Group rift. The pre-Cretaceous
Ocloyic foldbelt. These deposits correspond to the basement is heterogeneous and consists of Precambrian,
eastern border of the platform basin that extended into Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and
northern Chile, where thicknesses of more than 2500 m Carboniferous units. This basement underwent strong
are recorded (Bahlburg et al., 1987) (Figure 6). Farther subsidence during the first stage of synrift sedimentation
west, in the Coastal Cordillera, they consist of a thick when the former Ocloyic and Chañic structures were
Upper Devonian–Carboniferous turbidite succession reactivated (Salfity, 1979).
deposited in a narrow intracontinental trough (Bahlburg At the beginning of the Cretaceous, a series of grabens
et al., 1987; Niemayer, 1989). Sedimentation appears to opened in northern Argentina, at first as isolated
have migrated from east to west, following increasingly depocenters that were later connected. The most
intense subsidence in that direction. prominent of these depocenters are the Lomas de
Olmedo, Tres Cruces, Sey, Alemanía, and Metán troughs
Chañic Belt (Reyes, 1972; Salfity, 1980; Schwab, 1984) (Figure 7).
The southern limits of this tract of basins were the
The Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous Chañic Traspampean and Pampean arches (Padula and
orogeny is represented by a regional-scale unconformity Mingramm, 1963). The Lomas de Olmedo trough
(Figures 2, 6). This orogeny caused the reversal of the developed between the Michicola and Quirquincho
Silurian–Devonian foreland basin. Chañic deformation arches (Vilela, 1965; Salfity, 1982). The basin also
was also associated with tilting in the Chaco-Paraná contained internal structural highs such as San Pablo and
basin, where the Carboniferous lies unconformably on Salta-Jujuy (Reyes, 1972) (Figures 6, 7).
the Devonian and Precambrian. In the Argentine Puna, The rift depocenters follow three main structural
the Carboniferous also lies discordantly on the trends: north-south, northwest-southeast, and northeast-
Silurian–Devonian succession. southwest. The latter is the most important and is the
In the Chilean coastal Cordillera belt, Upper result of reactivation of the Chañic structures (Bianucci et
Devonian–Carboniferous turbidites were intensely al., 1984; Salfity, 1985). The Kimmeridgian(?)–Campanian
folded during the Toco orogeny (Bahlburg et al., 1987). synrift red beds of the Pirgua Subgroup filled the basins.
This orogeny is considered to be coeval to or slightly Cretaceous extension is believed to have started at the
younger than the movements of the Chañic orogeny. The time of the Araucan movements and was accompanied
Toco orogeny produced south- and southwest-vergent by alkaline volcanism and plutonism (Figures 2, 6). The
folding, with east- and northeast-dipping axial plane postrift sediments were characterized by sandstones and
cleavage (Bell, 1987; Bahlburg et al., 1987). limestones (Yacoraite Formation) in a restricted
carbonate basin (Marquillas, 1985). The final filling of the
basin occurred during the Eocene, when lacustrine and
Tectonic Framework of Upper Paleozoic fluvial deposits accumulated.
Deposits Internally, the Salta Group basins record no regional
angular unconformities. The sedimentary fill was punc-
The Carboniferous (continental) and Permian tuated only by local or regional discontinuities reflecting
(marine) deposits are distributed on either side of the sedimentary or volcanic processes.
Puna arch (Figures 6, 7). In the Tarija and Chaco-Paraná
basins, the Carboniferous is represented by diamictite,
shale, and sandstone sequences more than 1000 m thick
(Mingramm et al., 1979). In the western Puna basin, the The Salta Group basins underwent uplift and erosion
continental Carboniferous succession is about 200 m on at least three occasions after it was completely filled
thick, and farther south in the Paganzo basin it is more (Salfity and Marquillas, 1994) as a result of the following
than 2000 m thick (Figure 7). In the Tarija and Puna events: (1) Inca movements during the late Eocene–early
basins, the Carboniferous lies on Silurian–Devonian Oligocene, (2) the second pulse of the Quechua orogeny
deposits. In the Chaco-Paraná and Paganzo basins, it lies in the late Miocene, and (3) the Diaguita orogeny in the
on Precambrian, Ordovician, and Devonian deposits. Pleistocene (Figures 2, 6).
Tectonic Evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina 277
During the Inca movements, the Salta Group basins Neogene basins, reactivated the ancient faults bounding
started to emerge, interrupting sedimentation and the Salta Group basins. These faults began the reverse slip
resulting in erosion and stripping of several different during the Quechua orogeny. Some normal faults that
formations of the postrift stage. These movements were bounded the Cretaceous Pirgua Subgroup graben became
generally basinwide, although structurally they were not west-vergent thrusts in the central sub-Andean ranges,
intense. The erosion was recorded along the western between 24˚ and 25˚ S lat (Figure 3). Similarly, Cretaceous
flank of the Pampean arch (Salfity et al., 1993). After the east-west striking south-vergent normal faults reactivated
Incaic event, many of the Salta Group basins remained by the Diaguita orogeny are known in the Calchaquí
buried under Paleogene and Neogene deposits. Sedimen- Valley at 26˚ S lat (Grier et al., 1991) (Figure 3).
tation occurred from late Oligocene (Pehuenche
movements) time onward. The deposition took place
within a foreland basin in the sub-Andean ranges and CENOZOIC STRUCTURES
within intermontane basins in the Puna region (Figure 6).
The Neogene continental sequences of northern The Cenozoic Andean chain was formed through
Argentina contain no contemporaneous volcanic units in interaction of the Nazca plate with the South American
their basal sections. This reflects a period of magmatic plate. This occurred from Miocene time onward (Dewey
calm between the Eocene and the middle Miocene that is and Bird, 1970; Jordan et al., 1983). Within this sector of
characteristic of northern Argentina (Moya and Salfity, the eastern Andean slope there are belts of varying struc-
1982). tural style. The most westerly of these corresponds to the
The second episode of the late Miocene Quechua Altiplano or Puna. This plateau has an average elevation
orogeny produced folding and erosion of the Salta of 4000 m above sea level with internal drainage feeding
Group formations in several parts of the basin. The enclosed depressions and salt flats. It is formed by
upper part of the Tertiary conglomeratic interval Cenozoic volcanic arc and plates of Paleozoic rocks
contains boulders from the Yacoraite limestone and other thrust eastward. Among them, remnants of the Creta-
Salta Group units (Russo and Serraioto, 1979). They ceous and Tertiary continental cover are found. South of
consist of thick psephitic successions deposited in 24˚ S lat, the eastern edge of the Puna is made up of
taphrogenic basins. Precambrian basement sheets thrust eastward over the
The profuse volcanic activity is attributed to the Cretaceous and Tertiary continental successions. These
Miocene–Pleistocene ensialic magmatic arc that started to deposits fill the Calchaquí Valley depression. North of
develop on the western flank of the Puna (Figures 1, 3, 6). 24˚ S, the Puna is not clearly separated from the Eastern
The host rocks of this volcanic arc are believed to be Cordillera. The structure of the Puna at depth is shown
Paleozoic or Precambrian rocks that make up the schematically in Figure 8e.
Andean arch (Salfity and Marquillas, in press) (Figure 6). The Calchaquí Valley forms an elongate north-south
The Andean arch approximately coincides with the depression. From 24˚ to 26˚ S lat, it extends between the
Huaytiquina high and developed along the western Puna and the Eastern Cordillera and farther south into
flanks of the San Pablo and Traspampean arches (Figures the Pampean ranges. The valley is bounded by reverse
6, 7). All the highs are composed of Precambrian or faults that display definite horizontal components,
Paleozoic rocks. Neither the Cretaceous rocks nor the commonly set en echelon, indicating a transpressive
basal part of the Tertiary sequence of the Uyuni, Puri- setting associated with sinistral rotation. The vergence of
lactis, Arizaro, and Antofalla basins (Figures 6, 7) hosted the faults along each border is toward the axis of the
the volcanic arc. depression. The edges of the Calchaquí Valley are largely
The conspicuous reversal of the Salta Group basins made up of Precambrian basement rocks. Folded Creta-
occurred during the compressive Diaguita orogeny. This ceous and Tertiary sedimentary rocks crop out in the
orogeny was the most important of the Andean depression.
movements (Figure 2), which folded and faulted the The Eastern Cordillera is a fold and thrust belt
Cretaceous and Cenozoic sedimentary columns and following the eastern side of the Puna. South of 24˚ S lat,
commonly reactivated the pre-Cretaceous basement. the Calchaquí Valley separates these two geologic
Their effects reached eastward as far as 64˚ W long provinces. The highest ranges in the Eastern Cordillera
(Figure 3), eastward of which the Salta Group basins reach altitudes above 5000 m. The Eastern Cordillera
remain covered by the Orán Group deposits which are consists mainly of sheets of faulted Precambrian
about 3000 m thick (Figure 6). These movements did not basement, but it shows marked along-strike differences
attain the north Puna. in its stratigraphy. North of 25˚ S lat, it contains thick
The effects of the Diaguita orogeny were particularly Cambrian and Ordovician strata. Between 25˚ and 26˚ S
pronounced. At present, lacustrine deposits of the lat, the Paleozoic successions are replaced by Creta-
Yacoraite Formation are found 4500 m above sea level, ceous–Tertiary continental rocks that have a combined
100 km to the west-northwest of Salta. Furthermore, the thickness greater than 4000 m. The Tertiary deposits lie
oil wells, drilled 160 km to the northeast of Salta in the on Precambrian basement south of 26˚ S lat due to the
southern Lomas de Olmedo depocenter, have penetrated absence of Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks (Figure 7).
the top of the Yacoraite Formation at 6100 m below the North of 24˚ S lat, the Eastern Cordillera is a thrust belt
surface. The Diaguita orogeny, which involved pre- with eastward vergence and a typical piggy-back struc-
Cretaceous basement, Salta Group deposits, and tural style. The thrust displacements of Precambrian
Mon and Salfity
Figure 8—Regional cross sections of northwestern Argentina. See locations in Figure 3. Key: (A) Transitional contact between the Puna and Eastern Cordillera
and the deformed Cambrian graben. (B) Thin-skinned northern sub-Andean ranges (after Aramayo Flores, 1989). (C) Eastern Cordillera thrust over thick-skinned
sub-Andean ranges and the west-verging Santa Bárbara System. (D) Thick-skinned west-verging Santa Bárbara System. (E) Southern Puna, Precambrian
basement thrust over Ordovician deposits, eastern edge of the Puna and Calchaquí Valley. Key: 1, Precambrian; 2, Precambrian and Phanerozoic granitoids;
3, Cambrian; 4, Ordovician; 5, Silurian–Devonian; 6, late Paleozoic; 7, Cretaceous; 8, Tertiary sediments; 9, Tertiary–Quaternary volcanics; 10, Quaternary
Tectonic Evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina 279
basement sheets over younger deposits are more than 10 foreland basin (Figures 6, 7) consists of three transgres-
km (Figure 8a). Southward, the basement blocks on the sive–regressive cycles (Aramayo Flores, 1989; Vistali,
western edge of the Eastern Cordillera are thrust 1989). The Devonian Los Monos Formation is the source
westward (3–4 km displacement) over the Cretaceous– rock and the Santa Rosa Formation is the reservoir
Tertiary successions of the Calchaquí Valley (Figures 3, formed by secondary fracturing (Figure 2). The Devonian
8e). In this sector, the Eastern Cordillera displays reservoirs occur at a depth of 4000 m.
eastward and westward vergence. The back-thrusting is Devonian, Carboniferous, and Tertiary sedimentary
probably related to deep-seated blind thrusts, as is successions are superimposed in the area of the present-
observed in other mountain chains where the subsurface day fold and thrust belt. Gas has been found in Devonian
is better known (e.g., the Variscan belt of Europe, G. reservoirs of the San Antonio and Aguaragüe ranges
Drozdzewski, 1992, personal communication). (Figure 8b) (Aramayo Flores, 1989). Hydrocarbon reser-
The eastern edge of the Eastern Cordillera is marked voirs also occur in the intracratonic Carboniferous Tarija
by a large regional thrust separating it from the sub- basin, as well as in the superimposed Tertiary foreland
Andean ranges (Mon, 1991). The displacement on this basin (Figures 2, 6). Devonian oil from the Los Monos
thrust is as much as 15 km (Figures 3, 8c). Formation migrated into the Carboniferous Tupambi
The sub-Andean ranges form part of the outermost and Tarija formations and Tertiary lower Orán Group
belt of the Andean foreland, as far south as 27˚ S lat. The reservoirs (Aramayo Flores, 1989).
region consists of a foldbelt made up of three large anti- South of the sub-Andean ranges, the Carboniferous
clinoria that are separated by axial depressions. Between successions overlie Devonian strata in the Alhuampa
24˚ and 25˚ S lat, the central anticlinorium shows a basin (Figure 7). No hydrocarbon discoveries have yet
westward vergence with back-thrusts on the western been made in this basin. The Michicola, Quirquincho,
flank of the folds (Figure 8c). As on the western edge of and Pampean arches separate the present Tarija and
the Eastern Cordillera, these structures are probably Alhuampa basins. Commercial hydrocarbons have also
related to subsurface blind thrusts. The structure of the not been found in the continental Carboniferous–
northern segment of the sub-Andean ranges is related to Permian and Triassic successions of the Paganzo basin
basal décollement linked to thin-skinned thrusts (Figure 7).
(Mingramm et al., 1979; Aramayo Flores, 1989) (Figure The intracontinental Cretaceous basins of the region
8b). The remainder of the belt is influenced by substantial are productive mostly from the Lomas de Olmedo
basement involvement in sub-Andean folding (Figures depocenter; there is only one field in the Metán
8c, 8d). depocenter (Figure 7). The sedimentary fill of the Lomas
South of 24˚ S lat, the San Francisco and Juramento de Olmedo depocenter, as well as the other Salta Group
rivers occupy a depression between the thrusts which basins, consists of prerift and synrift continental red beds
marks the eastern border of the Eastern Cordillera and and volcanics of the Pirgua Subgroup (Figure 2) (Salfity
the western heights of the sub-Andean ranges (Figure 3). and Marquillas, 1994). Postrift deposition took place
This depression contains almost 10-km-thick Cretaceous during the latest Cretaceous–Paleogene. The Yacoraite
and Tertiary deposits. The deep structure of this depres- limestone is the most conspicuous stratigraphic unit
sion is not known in detail. However, reconstructions among the postrift formations (Figure 2). This formation
based on surface data suggest a complex structure forms source rock, reservoir, and seal.
(Figures 8c, 8d). The tectonic origin of the Lomas de Olmedo
At 27˚ S lat, the Andean foreland undergoes a pro- depocenter is related to the extensive Araucan exten-
nounced change in structural style (Mon, 1976; Jordan et sional movements along the Central Andes during Late
al., 1983). The sub-Andean ranges are replaced south- Jurassic–Early Cretaceous time (Figure 2). The area
ward by the suite of Precambrian basement blocks of the occupied by the large Cretaceous–Tertiary Lomas de
Pampean ranges, with dominantly west-vergent Olmedo depocenter was originally a structural high,
thrusting. These probably developed as back-thrusts due bounded by northeast-southwest lineaments, probably
to the action of blind thrusts at depth. The most westerly from Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous time onward
blocks are eastward vergent and define an axis of (Figure 7). This high was part of the Michicola arch
tectonic convergence that is the southern continuity of during the time of filling of the Carboniferous Tarija
those observed in the Calchaquí Valley. basin (Salfity et al., 1987).
Erosion occurred in the Lomas de Olmedo area,
affecting the pre-Cretaceous basement from the Late
HYDROCARBON HABITAT Devonian–Early Carboniferous onward. The erosion was
most intense along the northeast-southwest axis of the
The Silurian–Devonian and Cretaceous basins Lomas de Olmedo depocenter (Figure 7). The Silurian–
produce oil and gas in the sub-Andean ranges and in the Devonian succession was partially or totally eroded, so
Chaco plain (Figure 7). Hydrocarbons in Carboniferous that the pre-Cretaceous basement consists of Ordovician,
and Tertiary reservoirs were derived from Devonian Silurian, and Devonian strata. Erosion is believed to have
source rocks. Other basins such as the Alhuampa stripped much of the Silurian–Devonian succession as a
(Chaco-Paraná) and Paganzo (Bolsones) basins are still consequence of which Ordovician rocks directly underlie
being explored. the Salta Group (Padula et al., 1967; Mingramm and
The clastic fill of the post-Ocloyic Silurian–Devonian Russo, 1972; Salfity, 1979; Carlé et al., 1989).
280 Mon and Salfity
The strip along which the greatest amount of erosion Matte and Xu Zhi (1988) for the Variscan belts of central
occurred coincides with the Late Jurassic–Early Creta- Europe and Asia. The terrane situated west of the
ceous (Araucan extensional event) to late Tertiary Ocloyic belt may represent the southern continuation of
depoaxis. The greatest thickness of Cretaceous (Salta the Arequipa craton, which has remained close to South
Group) and Tertiary (Orán Group) successions in the America since 850 Ma (Shackleton et al., 1979; Baeza and
Lomas de Olmedo depocenter is at least 6 km. This Pichowiak, 1988) (Figure 5).
depocenter thus reflects tectonic behavior and erosion The synsedimentary volcanic rocks, the plutons
from late Paleozoic time onward. intruded in the Ordovician beds, and the plutons
The time of oil generation in the Devonian and Creta- intruded along the western border of the Precambrian
ceous basins is believed to have been related to Neogene crystalline basement core had originally been assigned to
burial history. The time of oil migration in the Tarija the eastern Puna eruptive belt (Méndez et al., 1973). Later
basin took place in the late Neogene (Jordan and Alonso, studies (Coira et al., 1982) ascribed them to the roots of
1987). It is interesting that, almost 50 years ago, Reed an Ordovician magmatic arc associated with the
(1946) observed the great difference in age between evolution of the Ocloyic belt. This hypothesis has been
Devonian source rock deposition and late Tertiary trap incorporated in most of the geotectonic models of the
formation in the Tarija basin. He concluded that hydro- region (e.g., Bahlburg, 1990; Dalla Salda et al., 1992a,
carbon generation and migration was driven by Tertiary 1992b). According to Mon and Hongn (1991), the
deformation. granites of the western border of the Precambrian crys-
The oil in the Cretaceous basin is also believed to have talline basement are separated from the Ocloyic foldbelt
been recently generated. Generation probably began at and its magmatic components by a large Ocloyic thrust.
the end of Orán Group deposition (late? Oligocene to Moreover, along the western border of the Precambrian
later Pliocene–early Pleistocene). These sediments cover basement, there are three generations of granitoids. The
the Lomas de Olmedo and Metán depocenters (Figure 7). older plutons are affected by ductile shear belts probably
The optimum overburden thickness for oil genesis was of Precambrian age. Therefore, it is difficult to reconcile
4000–5000 m in the Lomas de Olmedo basin. Migration these characteristics with a single Ordovician magmatic
filled the sandstone reservoirs with primary porosity in arc related to the Ocloyic belt evolution, as has been
the Yacoraite Formation in the Chaco basin and with suggested.
secondary fracture porosity in the Yacoraite limestone in The genesis of the Silurian–Devonian foreland and the
the sub-Andean ranges. Carboniferous intracratonic basins took place after the
Ocloyic orogeny. These basins were affected by vertical
and flexural movements. The Chañic orogeny, approxi-
DISCUSSION mately equivalent to the Toco orogeny of northern Chile,
is represented in northern Argentina by a low-angle
The Precambrian crystalline basement consists of unconformity separating the Carboniferous–Permian
polydeformed metamorphic rocks that were invaded by beds from the Silurian–Devonian succession. The Toco
various generations of granitoids. It is a complex orogeny in the Chilean coastal Cordillera generated a
structure constructed by a variety of units, some of foldbelt with penetrative deformation (Bahlburg et al.,
which are probably allochthonous. This complex was 1987; Bell, 1987). The folding associated with the San
amalgamated by the Pan-American orogeny at the Rafael orogeny in the western border of the Pampean
Precambrian–Cambrian boundary. Since then, the ranges, south of 28˚ S lat, is also represented in the study
basement has suffered little remobilization capable of area by a low-angle unconformity.
changing its internal structure (Mon and Hongn, 1991; Paleozoic tectonic evolution shows a definite
Demange et al., 1993). Paleozoic folding and penetrative westward trend with deformation belts becoming
deformation were restricted to the Late Ordovician– progressively younger in that direction. This behavior
Early Silurian Ocloyic belt and to the Pacific coast Late was suddenly reversed in the latest Paleozoic. From
Carboniferous–Permian Chañic belt. During the greater Jurassic time onward, younger magmatic arcs progres-
part of Phanerozoic time, the crystalline core remained as sively developed to the east along the western slope of the
a positive or nearly positive element. Paleozoic Andes in northern Chile. This intense Mesozoic magmatic
movements resulted in faulting and ductile shear zones activity did not reach northern Argentina. Extensional
along the west edge (H. D. Hongn, 1993, personal subsidence responsible for the Salta basins and associated
communication). magmatism started during the Late Jurassic or Early
The Ocloyic foldbelt evolved between the Precam- Cretaceous (the Araucan event). Extension continued
brian crystalline basement core and a para-autochtho- during Late Cretaceous and Paleogene postrift times.
nous terrane situated farther west represented by the Early Oligocene Inca compression inverted the basin and
Arequipa-Antofalla belt and the crystalline basement interrupted sedimentation. During the Neogene, conti-
outcrops of northern Chile (Figures 4, 5). Both terranes nental sedimentation took place in the sub-Andean
collided along an eastward-dipping continental suture. foreland basin and in extensional intermontane basins of
The folding of the Ocloyic belt may be related to a basal the Puna.
décollement, which does not attain the surface, allowing The Neogene tectonic evolution of this part of the
the sliding of the Ordovician succession over the crys- Andes took place over a segment of the subducting
talline basement (Figure 6). This model was proposed by oceanic Nazca plate that dipped eastward at 30˚ beneath
Tectonic Evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina 281
the continental margin of South America (Jordan et al., Allmendinger, R. W., T. Gubbels, B. Isacks, and T. Cladouhos,
1983). The first important Neogene deformation was the 1993, Lateral variations in late Cenozoic deformation,
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Acknowledgments This paper was greatly improved as a Cingolani, C., and R. Varela, 1975, Geocronología rubidio-
estroncio de las rocas ígneas y metamórficas de las sierras
result of the valuable critical review of A. J. Tankard, H. J. Chica y Grande de Córdoba: Segundo Congreso
Welsink, M. A. Uliana, V. A. Ramos, and an anonymous Iberoamericano de Geología Económica, Actas 1, p. 9–35.
reviewer. Our studies were made possible by grants from Coira, B., 1973, Resultados preliminares sobre la petrología
CONICET of Argentina, Salta National University, and del ciclo eruptivo concomitante con la depositación de la
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286 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard
lación de facies aluviales gravitacionales gruesas, a lo largo de márgenes controlados por falla. Los atributos
presentes en los estratos de granulometrías finas indican influencia periglacial. La suprayacente supersecuencia
Tupe sugiere un gradual cese de actividad en las fallas, a partir de que varios depocentros comenzaron a
unirse. Los estratos del Tupe traslapan sobre la discordancia que los separa de la supersecuencia Guandacol y
cubren algunos de los preexistentes altos intracuencales. Para el tiempo Patquía-De la Cuesta, la cuenca de
Paganzo ya había alcanzado su máxima extensión areal. Se registraron significativas transgresiones en los
estratos del Tupe (Westfaliano-Stefaniano) y Patquía-De la Cuesta (Artinskiano, Kazaniano). Numerosos
estudios geoquímicos señalan que la roca madre de Patquía es generadora de petróleo. Aunque la cuenca de
Paganzo presenta evidencias de ser prospectiva, la misma aun se encuentra poco investigada.
Estudios regionales muestran que las fallas de desplazamiento lateral que controlaron las cuencas del
Carbonífero en el noroeste Argentino, divergen hacia el norte donde se involucran en la saliente del Chaco de
los Andes bolivianos. Las secuencias de Tupambi-Tarija y Escarpment son, en sentido amplio, contemporáneas
con la estratigrafía de Guandacol y Tupe de la cuenca de Paganzo. Estas comparten similares características
depositacionales, típicas de cuencas transtensionales de rápida subsidencia, incluyendo acumulación de facies
aluviales, espesas diamictitas de flujos de detritos, deformación en masa de sedimentos, y estructuras de licue-
facción. La Formación Escarpment con un sistema de drenaje anastomosado, representa una expansión de los
preexistentes depocentros del conjunto Tupambi-Tarija.
The Paganzo basin originated in Early Carboniferous
time as a result of intense tectonism that disrupted the
Precambrian granitic and metamorphic basement and its
lower Paleozoic cover (Gordillo and Lencinas, 1979;
Baldis et al., 1982; Caminos, 1985). The basement already
had a marked anisotropy attributed to terrane accretion
and Neoproterozoic–Cambrian diastrophism of the
Brasiliano event (Figure 1) (Ramos et al., 1986; Tankard et
al., 1995). The Paganzo basin of west-central Argentina
covered 145,000 km2 and spanned about 100 m.y. of the
stratigraphic record. About 4500 m of sediments accu-
Ramos (1988a) has interpreted the basement of
southern South America as a complex mosaic of cratonic
blocks. The Paganzo basin straddles a large part of the
Pampean terrane in the east and the Precordillera and
Chilenia terranes in the west (Figures 1, 2). Predictably,
this basement framework resulted in a highly segmented
depositional landscape. The western depocenters,
consisting of the Calingasta-Uspallata and Río Blanco
basins (Amos, 1972), are separated from eastern
depocenters by the discontinuous proto-Precordillera
ridge (Amos and Rolleri, 1965; Baldis and Chebli, 1969).
The various depocenters were intermittently connected
across this ridge (Lopez-Gamundi et al., 1989; Milana et
al., 1987). This tectonic setting was linked to subduction
in the Carboniferous (Ramos et al., 1986; Mpodozis and
Ramos, 1989).
The predominantly terrigenous clastic fill of this basin
complex reflects successive episodes of deposition in a
variety of marine and continental environments. The
repeated stacking of these depositional sequences,
intraformational deformation, and the numerous uncon- Figure 1—Relationship between Precambrian–early
Paleozoic terranes (modified after Ramos, 1988a) and
formities of various scales suggest a stratigraphic Phanerozoic basin development. The Paganzo basin spans
response to the basin-forming tectonic processes and to three terranes where their boundaries converge. AA,
sea level fluctuations. Although there may be a structural Arequipa–Antofalla terrane; CH, Chilenia terrane; P,
justification for these depocenters or subbasins, the Pampean terrane; PC, Precordillera terrane; PA, Patagonia
overall continuity of the stratigraphic cover suggests that terrane; RP, Rio de la Plata terrane. White rectangle marks
these depocenters were yoked together for much of their study area.
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 287
The overall tectonostratigraphic reconstruction of the
Paganzo basin (Figure 4A) is derived from stratigraphic
relationships, facies characteristics, and seismic interpre-
tation (Figures 5, 6). The Visean-Namurian Guandacol
supersequence (G1–G4 of Figure 4A) is characterized by
Figure 4—Reconstruction of Paganzo basin evolution. (A) an asymmetric basin fill in which coarse facies are
Stratigraphic relationships based on stratigraphic sections,
stacked along the margins of the basins. Subsidence was
field mapping, and seismic interpretation (Figures 5, 6). (1)
The Visean–Namurian Paganzo basin consisted of discrete initially rapid enough to allow stacking of coarse clastics
fault-controlled depocenters. Coarse facies of the along the principal basin-forming faults of an extensional
Guandacol supersequence are stacked vertically adjacent or transtensional system (subsidence rate greater than
to basement-involved faults. (2) The Westphalian–Asselian sedimentation rate). In contrast, the overlying West-
Tupe supersequence records progressive amalgamation of phalian-Asselian Tupe supersequence (T1–T4 of Figure
these isolated basins to form a single basin complex with 4A) had an onlapping relationship that was more wide-
an irregular floor. (3) The late Asselian–Tatarian spread, locally blanketing the interbasin highs for the
Patquía–De la Cuesta supersequences were deposited in a first time.
uniformly subsiding intracontinental sag when the basin Each sequence is characteristically upward fining
was widest. (B) Detail of idealized Guandacol sequence
from gravel-rich and conglomeratic facies to thinly
deposited in a pull-apart basin. Each sequence is charac-
terized by stacking of coarse facies against an active laminated shales, indicating a repetition of similar depo-
basin-bounding fault. Distal facies include varved lacus- sitional processes (Figure 4B). Each has a fault-controlled
trine shales with evidence of turbiditic underflows and stratigraphy.
turbidites. (Modified after Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1993.)
Guandacol Supersequence
METHODOLOGY The Guandacol supersequence contains an Early
Carboniferous flora (Andreis and Arrondo, 1974). It is up
The study area includes the greater part of the basin to 1825 m thick in outcrop. The Guandacol superse-
outlined by Salfity and Gorustovich (1983) between quence was deposited beginning in the late Visean as a
about 27° and 31° S lat (Figure 2), augmented by a few suite of rapidly subsiding depocenters in which sedi-
control points in the Rio Blanco and Calingasta-Uspallata mentation was fault controlled. Subsidence was intermit-
basins. The data base includes 44 detailed stratigraphic tent and at times rapid. This is reflected in vertical
sections measured in outcrop, which were subsequently stacking of coarse facies adjacent to a basin-bounding
integrated with interpreted reflection seismic profiles. A fault, debris flows, and massive synsedimentary defor-
conventional sequence stratigraphic analysis was mation structures. The rate of subsidence exceeded the
applied. The aim was to establish the pattern of basin rate of sediment supply. At other times, the basin was
subsidence on the basis of variations in the nature and largely starved of coarser detritus, and more argillaceous
distribution of depositional systems and sedimentary lacustrine material draped the entire floor of the basin.
facies. The ages of the sequences and their bounding Rhythmic lacustrine deposits, faceted clasts, and giant
surfaces are based on flora, palynomorphs, microfossils, dropstones suggest a periglacial environment during the
and larger marine invertebrates. late Visean and Namurian.
Our interpretation of the marine and terrestrial stratig- The Guandacol supersequence is divided into four
raphy of the Paganzo basin emphasizes relative changes depositional sequences by bounding erosional unconfor-
of base level that are believed to encompass the effects mities (Figures 3, 4A, 7). Each sequence fines upward
both of relative sea level and basin subsidence. On this from gravel-rich and conglomeratic facies to thinly
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 289
Figure 5—Unmigrated seismic line 9052 from Bermejo valley showing erosional truncation of pre-Carboniferous basement
(reflector 1), the Paganzo–Ischigualasto basin complex (between reflectors 1 and 2), and a zone of high-amplitude contin-
uous reflectors attributed to the Cretaceous–Paleogene section (above 2). Reflector 3 separates the Triassic Ischigualasto
basin from the Paganzo basin. The thick section above 4.5 sec on the eastern side is Neogene fill in a tilt-block foreland
basin. See Figure 2 for location.
Figure 6—North-south oriented line 9053 crossing previous line 9052 in Figure 5. Note scale change. See Figure 2 for location.
laminated shales, indicating a repetition of similar depo- debris flows and mudflows.
sitional processes (Figure 4B). Each has a fault-controlled • Laterally continuous sandstones with sharp bases
stratigraphy. The depositional facies (Figures 4B, 7) separated by thinly interbedded mudstones and
include the following: sandstones (Figure 8), locally with massive
slumping. Fernandez-Seveso et al. (1993) have
• Gravel-rich, conglomeratic sandstones with attributed these sediments to turbiditic underflow
multiple channel scours proximally. These have processes.
been interpreted as fan deltas with associated • Laminated shales and siltstones with sandstone
290 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard
Tupe Supersequence
The Tupe supersequence is an Upper Carboniferous
(Westphalian) to Lower Permian (Asselian) succession
separated from the Guandacol by a major unconformity
(Figure 3). Like the Guandacol, the Tupe succession Figure 9—Guandacol–Tupe succession at Bola Hill. Lower
consists of four sequences separated by unconformities. part is fining-upward Guandacol sequences. Lower
Each sequence is a progradational complex that reflects, Patquía–De la Cuesta supersequence at crest is overlain
to varying degrees, deposition in fluvial, lacustrine, and by Triassic basalts. See Figure 2 for location.
marginal marine environments (Figure 10). The Tupe
succession is as thick as 1285 m. Permian age (A. Chaia, 1993, personal communication),
The age of the Tupe succession is believed to be whereas the invertebrates in Tupe sequence 3 have
predominantly Late Carboniferous (Westphalian– Stephanian affinities (N. Sabattini, 1993, personal
Stephanian) on the basis of palynomorphs and fossil communication).
plants (O. Arrondo, D. Ganuza, G. Leunda, and E. Morel, Tupe sedimentation initially reoccupied old depocen-
1993, personal communications). The ostracod genus ters established in Guandacol time. However, the Tupe
Bairdiacypris indicates a Late Carboniferous–Early stage of basin subsidence differed from the earlier
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 291
Figure 11—Tupe succession (sequence 2) onlapping interbasin high of Precordillera basement, Veladero Hill. White sand-
stones are fluvial. See Figure 2 for location.
Sequence 3 varies up to 230 m thick and consists of alluvial fan, debris flow, and braided sheetflood processes
well-sorted eolian sandstones with intraformational that suggest a period of slightly higher rates of subsi-
shale facies of possible interdune origin (Figure 13). dence. In the inner part of the basin, these alluvial facies
are associated with the argillaceous deposits of playa and
Upper Patquía–De la Cuesta perennial lakes. These lakes were probably the result of
Supersequence impounding by alluvial systems or erosional deflation
over the axis of the basin. Restricted marine incursions are
The upper Patquía-De la Cuesta (UPD) is a succession also inferred from microfossils (e.g., acritarchs and
of terrigenous clastic deposits that formed in ephemeral ostracods) and limestone interbeds. The lacustrine to
river, playa lake, perennial lake, and marginal marine restricted marine deposits contain oil-prone bituminous
settings (Figure 13) (Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1993). This shales (Figures 13, 14). We infer a restricted marine and
is an Upper Permian succession consisting of four fringing coastal plain paleogeography with a warm,
stacked depositional sequences. The stratigraphy is most humid climate. This lower sequence is equivalent to the
complete in the northern part of the basin. The UPD Vitiacua Formation of southern Bolivia (Sempere, 1995).
terminates with a major unconformity that truncated as The margins of the second depositional sequence
deeply as the Tupe supersequence in the central part of were characterized by small fluvial channels that fed
the basin where the Triassic Ischigualasto basin subse- shoalwater mouth bars. Finer grained interdistributary
quently developed (Figures 5, 9), suggesting that a bay and marsh deposits were widespread and contain
period of structural inversion separated the Permian and plant remains, palynomorphs, and terrestrial inverte-
Triassic basins (Perez et al., 1993). The upper Patquía is brate fossils such as Anthracosiasea sp. (G. Leunda, 1993,
up to 730 m thick. personal communication).
The age of the upper Patquía is believed to be early A regional unconformity forms the base of the third
Late Permian on the basis of palynomorphs in the lower depositional sequence. It contains eolianites, fluvial
two sequences (Aceñolaza and Vergel, 1987; G. Leunda, deposits, and shallow lacustrine deposits with
1993, personal communication). interbedded sheetflood sandstones (Figure 13). Sequence
The lowest depositional sequence was deposited 4 at the top of the Paganzo succession is dominated by
unconformably on a lower Patquía eolianite by distal sandstones attributed to ephemeral river deposition.
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 293
The Paganzo basin fill reflects a complex tectonic and
paleogeographic setting involving intermittent fault-
controlled reactivation of old basement terranes and
extrabasinal sea level and climatic influences (Tankard et
al., 1995).
Much of the Carboniferous Guandacol and Tupe
deposition occurred in periglacial settings as evidenced
by the varved lacustrine shales with dropstones, faceted
clasts, diamictites interpreted as muddy debris flows, the
predominance of humid braided fluvial deposits, and the
plant ecology (O. Arrondo, E. Morel and E. Ganuza,
1993, personal communication). There is little direct
evidence for glaciation in the Paganzo basin. However,
glacial pavements and tillites have been recorded in the Figure 14—Potential oil-prone source rocks (two dark
proto-Precordillera and Mogna–Las Salinas ridges (Figure bands) in upper Patquía (sequence 1). Sierra de Narvaez
2) (Lopez-Gamundi et al., 1989; Milana and Bercowski, ridge is in the background. Puerta de las Angosturas
1990) where there was topographic control. In contrast, section, northern part of Paganzo basin. See Figure 2 for
post-Tupe Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coastal location.
elevations are believed to have had a cold, temperate
paleoclimate, as suggested by foraminifera and mollusc
fossils in the Huentelauquén Formation on the coast of
central Chile (Rivano and Sepúlveda, 1985). By lower
Patquía time, climatic warming had set in. Glacial envi- coincided with accumulation of bituminous black shales
ronments are not characteristic of other Early Permian in the Paganzo basin (Figure 14) and the Vitiacua
Gondwana basins (Zalan et al., 1987; Visser, 1991; Eyles, Formation of the Tarija basin. Organic-rich shales of this
1993). However, Zalan et al. (1987) and Russo et al. (1986) age also occur in the Iratí Formation of the Paraná basin
have documented Early Permian glaciation in the Paraná and the Whitehill Formation of the Karoo basin (Franca
and Chaco-Paraná basins, respectively. et al., 1995; Tankard et al., 1995, their figure 23).
By the end of early Patquía time, the climate was In Gondwana reconstructions, the Late Carbonif-
universally arid, and desert dune fields were wide- erous–Early Permian Paganzo basin was located
spread, as was the case for the fluvial-eolian Cangapi between 30° and 45° S lat, compared to 70° S lat in the
Formation in the Tarija basin of northwestern Argentina. Early Carboniferous (Smith et al., 1981; Scotese and
This warming trend also resulted in a pronounced sea Barrett, 1990). Consequently, glacial paleoclimates over-
level rise during the late Kungurian or Kazanian printed Guandacol deposition; these were the late
(Sempere et al., 1992; Sempere, 1995). This episode Visean–early Namurian and late Namurian glacial peaks
294 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard
Figure 15—Tectonic model for evolution of Paganzo basin complex. Initially the Paganzo developed as a number of discrete
basins by reactivating old basement fabrics. In the Late Carboniferous (Tupe time), these were joined together in a single
wide basin. (Modified after Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1993.)
(J. C. Crowell, 1990, personal communication). Eyles basins were predominantly terrestrial depocenters. The
(1993) has reviewed this geology and attributes this early Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy in the Paganzo basin
glaciation to oblique collision, rotation of large crustal is poorly understood, but lithostratigraphic, biostrati-
blocks, and glaciation on tectonically uplifted areas. graphic, and radiometric age data place it above the
During the Late Carboniferous, the world became Chañic unconformity (Polansky, 1970; Ramos and
distinctly colder as the Gondwana ice sheets expanded Ramos, 1979). In the Precordillera, Carboniferous strata
(Dickins, 1993). However, the characteristics of sedimen- overlie folded pre-Carboniferous rocks.
tary facies show that the upper Tupe Paganzo basin was Guandacol deposition occurred in small, isolated
already at warmer latitudes. These latitudinal differences depocenters (Figure 15). Despite their small size, a rela-
also explain why Carboniferous sedimentation rates tively thick succession (nearly 2000 m) of sandstones and
were higher in the Paganzo and Tarija basins than in the conglomerates were stacked adjacent to a basin-
Paraná and Chaco-Paraná basins (see Russo et al., 1986; bounding fault (Figure 4), suggesting that the rate of
Zalan et al., 1987); the former basins were periglacial at subsidence exceeded the rate of sediment supply.
that time. Massive synsedimentary deformation (Figure 4)
Much of Paganzo deposition occurred in a succession supports this interpretation. Braided alluvial fan and
of transgressive-regressive cycles. An abrupt lowering of debris flow deposits suggest a rugged relief. The
sea level from the late Namurian to early Westphalian, Guandacol depocenters strongly resemble the transten-
together with a change in the rate of subsidence, resulted sional pull-apart basins of strike-slip zones (e.g., Nilsen
in the unconformity between the Guandacol and Tupe and McLaughlin, 1985). Ramos (1988b) has interpreted
successions. Maximum flooding occurred during the strike-slip faults in Mendoza Province in a right-lateral
Westphalian and Stephanian (Tupe sequences 2 and 3). sense due to displacement of the Chilenia terrane. Thick
There was a smaller advance in the Artinskian (lower sedimentary sections above the Pampean-Precordillera
Patquía) (see Figure 16). The Upper Permian (Kazanian) and Precordillera-Chilenia sutures contain Visean fossils,
organic-rich or bituminous shales in the upper Patquia, thus dating the initiation of Guandacol basin formation
Vitiacua, and Irati formations all indicate a warm, post- to the Visean.
glacial climate and pronounced transgression (Sempere Fault-controlled subsidence initially formed small
et al., 1992). half-grabens in the eastern part of the Guandacol basin.
A long history of early–middle Paleozoic basin These pull-apart basins subsided intermittently in a
evolution ended with the Late Devonian–Early Carbonif- series of rapid spurts over a 35-m.y. interval. This episode
erous Chañic orogeny (Aceñolaza and Toselli, 1976; was succeeded by the widespread Tupe complex as the
Salfity and Gorustovich, 1983). This diastrophic phase is small basins of the transtensional system ceased activity
expressed throughout southwestern Gondwana by a and the various depocenters were amalgamated in a
substantial hiatus. The basin deposits on either side of uniformly subsiding depression. This change in basin
this regional unconformity are very different. The early dynamics is marked by a regional unconformity. The
Paleozoic basins were largely underfilled marine basins. Tupe succession onlapped this unconformity and over-
In contrast, the Carboniferous and Permian successor lapped the older interbasin highs and, for the first time,
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 295
shear couple dissected the more passive Pampean ppm, high 4000 ppm). The organic matter is
basement (Figure 17). composed mainly of agglutinated amorphous
This system of composite wrench faults and a types with a low woody component. Some of the
network of transtensional and transpressional compo- best samples contain botryococcus algae and disin-
nents is common in areas of oblique convergence (Ryan tegrated pollen grains and occasionally have more
and Coleman, 1992). These composite plate boundaries than 85% spongy amorphous material. Microscopic
may also result in rotation of crustal blocks. The Pie de and chromatographic analyses indicate lacustrine
Palo block within the Precordillera terrane (Figure 2) type I and II kerogens with sapropelic affinities.
may be an example. Rapalini (1989) has already docu- These geochemical studies suggest good to very
mented oblique convergence and block rotation along good potential for oil generation.
this margin of Gondwana. Subduction during the
Carboniferous has been described by Ramos et al. (1986) The upper Patquía–De la Cuesta shales were
and Mpodozis and Ramos (1989). Fielding and Jordan deposited in lacustrine and restricted marine environ-
(1988) have addressed the Recent deformation of the ments during a prominent transgressive phase that was
Precordillera and Sierras Pampeanas in the Andean influenced by a warm, temperate postglacial climate (see
foreland as a tilt-block province. Dickins, 1993). The highest source potential occurs in
shales near the base of the upper Patquía–De la Cuesta
(Figure 14). These oil-prone shales are particularly wide-
spread in the northern part of the basin; this facies is
HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF more arenaceous toward the south. Generated oil is
PAGANZO BASIN observed in outcrop where it fills pores, cavities, and
fissures and is even associated with andesite sills.
Routine geochemical studies, including total organic The results of fieldwork, exploration wells, and
carbon (TOC), C15+ extractable bitumen, optical identifi- seismic interpretation suggest that Upper Permian
cation of organic macerals, elemental analyses, gas chro- source rocks are probably widespread in Paganzo strati-
matography, thermal alteration indices (TAI), and graphic units that are now preserved in Tertiary tilt-
vitrinite reflectance have been performed on hundreds of block basins. There is also source rock potential in the
surface samples gathered from 32 sections, as well as on Triassic Ischigualasto basin (Figure 5) similar to the Cuyo
cuttings samples from the Salinas de Mascasín well basin. Surface oil occurrences in the Paganzo basin have
(Figure 2) (Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1991). All argilla- been known for many years (Fernandez-Seveso et al.,
ceous units in the Paganzo basin were sampled and 1991; G. Kelly, 1993, personal communication). These
potential source rocks identified. The TOC and include asphalts and impregnated oil in Tertiary
extractable bitumen histograms (Figures 7, 10, 13) outcrops of Niquivil Viejo (Figure 2). Heavy oil has also
represent basinwide averages. Weathering alteration of been reported in wells in the Bermejo, Niquivil (northern
surface samples was adjusted as follows: TOC × 1.3 and part of Mogna–Las Salinas ridge), and Las Salinas areas.
C15+ extractable bitumen × 2. The following results were Except for wells drilled near the basin edge in the Salinas
obtained: de Mascasín, which reached the Tupe, no wells in either
the Paganzo or Ischigualasto basin have reached source
• Guandacol dark shales (Figure 7) have low to rock depth. All of the wells drilled in Tertiary sediments
moderate TOC values (range 0.1–2.5%, max. 5%). and continental red beds are of probable Cretaceous age.
The C15+ extractable bitumen values are low The Paganzo basin is still largely untested, although
(0–700 ppm). Woody and cuticular characteristics there is substantial evidence to suggest that it is
suggest a gas-prone succession. prospective.
• Tupe carbonaceous shales are not encouraging
(Figure 10). Sequences 2 and 4 deposited in lacus-
trine environments should have the best potential,
but TOC values are low to moderate (range REGIONAL PALEOGEOGRAPHIC
0.5–2.5%, max. 7%). The C15+ extractable bitumen is IMPLICATIONS
very low (0–200 ppm, locally 600 ppm). Organic
material consists of gas-prone woody structures, The sedimentary facies, stacking arrangements, and
herbaceous material, cuticles, and sporomorphs. distribution of the Paganzo Group reflect the geody-
Even marine mudstone facies are lean (see Villar namic setting of a suite of pull-apart basins. These basins
and Lopez-Gamundi, 1993). evolved after the basal Carboniferous Chañic dias-
• The lower Patquía–De la Cuesta mudstones were trophism by transtensional processes, perhaps related to
deposited in strongly oxic conditions. Organic dextral convergence of Chilenia (Ramos, 1988b). Indeed,
material includes microplankton, botryoidal algae, Lower Carboniferous Guandacol counterparts are well
sporomorphs, and woody structures. exposed in Paganzo latitudes (Archangelsky, 1986;
• The upper Patquía–De la Cuesta shows a dramatic Gonzalez and Bossi, 1986; Lopez-Gamundi et al., 1989;
increase in source potential (Figure 13), with good Cingolani et al., 1990).
TOC values (average 1.2%, max. 5%) and excellent The Paganzo basin is at one end of the Precordillera
C15+ extractable bitumen content (range 250–2000 thrust belt and tilt-block province that dominates north-
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 297
sediments form a widespread cover. An anastomosing linked pull-apart basins. Guandacol deposition reflects
network of Escarpment paleovalleys has been mapped rapid accumulation, facies stacking, and synsedimentary
from a relatively dense grid of seismic lines (Figure 18) deformation adjacent to basin-bounding faults. Tupe and
(YPFB proprietary files). These paleovalleys erode deeply Patquia–De la Cuesta stratigraphy gradually onlapped
into the Machareti section and have themselves been the interbasin highs as the earlier transtensional basins
eroded by pre-Cretaceous structural inversion. The were amalgamated in a single, broadly subsiding basin
Escarpment paleovalleys are typically up to 500 m deep (Figure 17).
and consist internally of stacked channel sandstones and This ancient system of crustal strike-slip faults
mudstones. There were at least five episodes of paleo- diverges northward where it combines with the east-
valley incision and aggradation suggesting intermittent west Boomerang Hills–Chiquitanas suture to form the
base level changes. deep Chaco basin of southern Bolivia (Figure 18). The
In the upper Mandiyuti, the San Telmo Formation Chaco salient of the Bolivian Andes reflects this thick
contains poorly bedded diamictites with striated clasts, sedimentary pile.
shallow cross-bedded fluvial sandstones, and varved In the Boomerang area, seismic data shows exten-
lacustrine shales with plant fossils. Pollen assemblages in sional reactivation of basement structures during the
the varved shales of the Cañada Honda well indicate a middle Paleozoic. This may coincide with Early
nonmarine aquatic environment of Stephanian age Carboniferous Tupambi deposition.
equivalent to the Tupe of the Paganzo basin (Azcuy, The Machareti and Mandiyuti groups of Bolivia and
1979; W. A. M. Jenkins, 1991, personal communication). northernmost Argentina are stratigraphically equivalent
We infer a periglacial outwash plain paleogeography. to the Guandacol and Tupe supersequences, respec-
tively. The paleogeographic setting of stacked braided
alluvial fans and lacustrine sediments in the Machareti
DISCUSSION Group, together with evidence of rapid subsidence,
suggest a tectonic setting similar to that of the Guandacol
Fieldwork and subsurface data provide convincing Paganzo basin. We believe that extensional or transten-
evidence that the Permian–Carboniferous Paganzo basin sional processes also affected the Machareti. However,
started its history as a suite of isolated but structurally the Tarija and Chaco depocenters were shallower but
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 299
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Mesozoic Rifts
H. J. Welsink E. Martinez
Perez Companc O. Aranibar
Neuquén, Argentina J. Jarandilla
Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
T he southern Altiplano rift basin forms part of the Cretaceous rift system that extends from Peru to north-
western Argentina. Seismic and potential field data suggest that basin formation was controlled by a
preexisting structural grain consisting of northwest-southeast and northeast-southwest tectonic lineaments
within a Precambrian–Paleozoic basement. Variable extension was achieved through transfer fault zones that
coincide with northwest-southeast trending lineaments. Rift subsidence can be divided into an early rift (Berri-
asian–Cenomanian) and a late rift episode (Turonian–Campanian) with a total accumulation of up to 1000 m of
sandstones and shales. A period of tectonic quiescence followed that resulted in a regional sag basin character-
ized by thin-bedded, calcareous lacustrine deposits. This sequence includes the oil-prone shales and reservoir
carbonates of the El Molino Formation, which has been correlated with the hydrocarbon-producing Yacoraite
Formation in northwestern Argentina.
At the beginning of the Tertiary, rift-related subsidence had ceased and was gradually replaced by subsi-
dence resulting from Andean compression. An Eocene unconformity marks the subtle change to this new
episode of basin formation. This was followed by a major Oligocene unconformity that characterizes the onset
of increased subsidence rates related to the emplacement of large thrust sheets of the Eastern Cordillera. More
than 4 km of synorogenic sediments accumulated in the adjacent Altiplano foredeep. Inversion of the Creta-
ceous rift structures took place during this compressional phase. In the southern Altiplano, this inversion
resulted in hydrocarbon traps similar to those in the rift basins of northwestern Argentina.
L a cuenca de rift del Altiplano del sur es parte del sistema extensional cretácico andino, extendiéndose
desde Perú hasta el noroeste argentino. Datos sísmicos, gravimétricos y magnéticos sugieren que la
evolución de la cuenca fue controlada por un marco estructural preexistente que consiste en lineamientos
tectónicos de rumbo noroeste-sureste y noreste-suroeste dentro de un basamento precámbrico-paleozoico. La
extensión variable fue conseguida por zonas de fallas de transferencia que coinciden con lineamientos de
rumbo noroeste-sureste. La subsidencia del rift es divida en un episodio de rift temprano y tardío, con una
acumulación total de hasta 1000 m de areniscas y pelitas. Continuó un período de quietud tectónica que resultó
en una cuenca de subsidencia regional caracterizada por depósitos lacustres calcáreos en capas delgadas. Estos
sedimentos incluyen las pelitas generadoras de petróleo y calizas reservorio de la Formación El Molino, la cual
fue correlacionada con la Formación Yacoraite, productiva de hidrocarburos en el noroeste argentino.
En el inicio del Terciario, la subsidencia del rift había concluido siendo reemplazada gradualmente por
subsidencia resultante de la compresión andina. Una discordancia eocena marca el cambio sutil a este nuevo
episodio de formación de cuenca, seguido por una discordancia oligocena que caracteriza el incremento en las
velocidades de subsidencia relacionado al emplazamiento de láminas de corrimiento en la Cordillera Oriental.
Mas de 4 km de sedimentos sinorogénicos fueron acumulados en la adyacente antefosa del Altiplano. La
inversión de las estructuras cretácicas de rift ocurrió durante esta fase compresiva. En el Altiplano del sur esta
inversión resultó en trampas de hidrocarburos similares a las documentadas en las cuencas de rift del noroeste
Welsink, H. J., E. Martinez,. O. Aranibar, and J. Jarandilla, 1995, Structural inversion of a 305
Cretaceous rift basin, southern Altiplano, Bolivia, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H.
J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 305–324.
306 Welsink et al.
During the Cretaceous, several basins developed
along the western margin of South America, now a
major hydrocarbon-producing province (Macellari,
1988). Bolivia forms an exception, as production pri-
marily comes from Paleozoic reservoirs. As a conse-
quence, the southern Altiplano is an area considered to
be potentially prospective but yet without commercial
hydrocarbon production. The presence of a gas seep in
Corregidores, an oil seep in Colchani, and impregnations
of solid petroleum in Casira (Figure 1) have allowed us
to define possible Cretaceous and Devonian source rocks
(Edman et al., 1989).
The present study was undertaken to reevaluate the
hydrocarbon potential of the Vilque area in the southern
Altiplano (Figure 1) and to document inversion of rift-
related structures along the northern flank of the San
Pablo high that until recently had not been considered
part of the Andean rift basin (Figure 2). Comparison of
these structures with those of the oil-producing rift
basins of northwestern Argentina creates opportunities
favorable for exploration in the Altiplano.
(Aranibar and Martinez, 1990; Cady and Wise, 1992). and during this period acquired much of the geologic
Figure 1 shows a simplified division into three segments and geophysical data. Surface mapping covered 40,000
separated by major northwest-southeast tectonic linea- km2, and 8900 km of seismic reflection data were shot.
ments. The southern segment includes the southern YPFB also collected gravity data and was responsible for
Altiplano basin, which is constrained by three major the registration of an aeromagnetic survey in 1969.
tectonic elements. To the west and north, the Uyuni- Results of these studies are discussed in several propri-
Kenyani fault zone forms a linear suite (or belt) of trans- etary YPFB reports that were used in this project.
pressional structures that contain Ordovician, Silurian, Only five wells have been drilled (Figure 1), all of
Devonian, Cretaceous, and Tertiary sediments. To the which were dry. However, the Vilque well in the
east, westward-verging thrust sheets expose a similar southern Altiplano had dry gas shows in the Neogene–
stratigraphy. This fold and thrust belt is a westward- Oligocene San Vicente Formation. Based on these disap-
verging backthrust belt of the main Andean thrust pointing well results, this first phase of exploration was
system (Roeder, 1988). The San Pablo high and the terminated. Interest in the area was renewed in 1986 with
volcanic belt of the Western Cordillera form the southern reinterpretation of seismic data of the southern Altiplano
margin of the study area. and digital conversion of the gravity data. Most recently,
an extensive aeromagnetic survey was acquired in 1989.
Exploration History Preliminary results of these recent studies are given by
Aranibar and Martinez (1990) and Yalamanchili et al.
Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), (1991). The present paper presents an interpretation
the Bolivian national oil company, executed the first resulting from the compilation and integration of all
phase of Altiplano exploration between 1960 and 1976, available data.
308 Welsink et al.
El Molino 38–350 m Basal conglomerates and sandstones followed by stacked shallowing-upward sequences
comprising thin-bedded calcareous lacustrine deposits; black marls
Chaunaca 64–400 m Lacustrine siltstones and shales, thin-bedded basal limestones, fossiliferous
Aroifilla 15–560 m Fluviolacustrine sandstones and shaly siltstones, evaporitic levels
Vila-Vila 920 m Shallow marine arkosic sandstones
Catavi 1600–3530 m Shallow marine shelf sandstones
Uncía 100–195 m Dark gray mudstones, sandstones interbedded with graptolite-bearing layers
Llallagua 60–350 m Packages of quartzitic sandstones and rhythmic dark gray mudstones; turbidites and
submarine fans
Cancañiri 100–540 m Diamictites, debris flows and slope deposits; heterogeneous glaciomarine deposits
Structural Inversion of a Cretaceous Rift Basin, Southern Altiplano, Bolivia 309
Figure 6—Generalized
tectonostratigraphic chart of
the southern Altiplano
showing major unconformity-
bounded sequences derived
from seismic data and
regionally integrated with
measured field sections.
Arrows in last column
indicate fault activity: down,
normal; up, reverse
(inversion or thrusting). S,
source rocks; R, reservoir
rocks; white areas, shale;
solid triangles, diamictite.
Lithologic symbols same as
in Figure 4.
Gravity and Magnetic Trends mark the Uyuni-Kenyani fault zone. Internally, these
trends are dissected by northwest-southeast transverse
The gravity values of the southern Altiplano basin lineaments. A major change to north-south and
decrease progressively to the east (Figure 7); a –460 mgal northwest-southeast trends occurs north of Uyuni and is
minimum coincides with the 6000-m high mountains, characterized by a first-order transverse lineament that
suggesting that gravity values decrease with increasing marks the northern limit of the Uyuni-Kenyani fault
elevation (Cady and Wise, 1992). Depth to magnetic zone (Figures 1, 7).
basement exceeds 3000 m below sea level and increases Secondary ENE to WSW magnetic trends (Yalaman-
toward the central Altiplano (Yalamanchili et al., 1991). chili et al., 1991) are not resolved on the Bouguer gravity
Major lineaments were identified on the gravity and map. This is because gravity data only record Paleozoic
aeromagnetic data. Figures 7 and 8 show these linea- trends, while magnetic data also show structural trends
ments superimposed on the Bouguer gravity map of the in magnetic (Precambrian) basement. Similar discrepan-
southern Altiplano. In this area, the orientations of the cies are also present on the rifted margin of eastern
anomalies are mainly southwest-northeast and clearly Canada (Welsink et al., 1989b).
312 Welsink et al.
Late rift Wedge shaped Half-graben fill. Early rift succession reflects the decaying rift intensity
Chaunaca that culminates with deposition of Miraflores limestones. Continuing
Aroifilla expansion of the rift and late stage transition to thermal sag.
Early rift Seismically moderate to high amplitude and moderate continuity, with
Miraflores to Macha onlap onto Paleozoic basement.
three distinct areas (Figure 14). The transverse gravity recognize. Examples from the southern Altiplano,
and magnetic lineaments correspond to the boundaries however, show a progressive suite of structures that
of these structural segments. formed in response to low- and medium-grade inversion
North of the Vilque well, the basin has an unfaulted (Figures 10, 11, 12, 13, 15).
western margin and deepens toward the east. The central The sequence of structural inversion is well illustrated
segment is the deepest part of the basin; it is bounded to in the area between lines 2587-28 and 2585-28. Along line
the east by a Paleozoic high (Murusa) that is clearly 2587-28 (A–A', Figures 9, 10), there is no evidence of
defined by seismic, gravity, and field data. To the west, inversion and the seismic reflectors show only normal
listric basin-bounding faults have opposite polarities. The fault separations. Southward, line 25106-28 (B–B', Figures
southern segment is characterized by shallow depocen- 9, 11), shows the first indications of inversion at the rift
ters along the northern flank of the San Pablo high and borders. Subtle anticlines formed by forced folding are
by shallow intrusives interpreted from the aeromagnetic associated with inversion of the rift-bounding faults.
data (Yalamanchili et al., 1991). Line 2586-28 (C–C', Figures 9, 12) records a funda-
mental change in basin geometry across a transverse
lineament and also illustrates the development of a major
INVERSION pop-up structure bounded by reverse faults. The eastern
reverse fault is the most important. The extensional faults
Structural inversion involves the reactivation of an clearly cause normal stratigraphic separations, as well as
extensional fault system during contractional deforma- reverse separations after passing through the null point
tion. The process affects individual faults as well as entire (see Williams et al., 1989). This structure is shown on line
basins (Williams et al., 1989). This implies that an 2585-28 (D–D', Figures 9, 13) where, in what was then the
inverted structure requires a preceding extensional center of the rift, the western reverse fault formed the
phase. In highly deformed areas where destruction of the main fault. Seismic lines farther south do not show any
extensional geometries is severe, inversion is difficult to evidence of inversion and only a few rift structures.
314 Welsink et al.
Figures 14 and 15 show that the contractional struc- and gas seeps in the Altiplano mark the presence of a
tures are contained within the zone of rifting, thus mature Cretaceous source rock and an additional source
strongly supporting their correlation. The presence of rock that is believed to be of Paleozoic age (M. Cirbián,
Cretaceous rift deposits in the main thrust sheets of 1992, personal communication). This additional source
the Altiplano (e.g., Uyuni-Kenyani, Andamarca, and rock increases the prospectivity of the Altiplano
Sevaruyo) (Figure 1) indicates that they resulted from compared to northwestern Argentina, where Paleozoic
inversion of extensional faults within the Cretaceous rocks are progressively eroded from north to south.
Andean rift basin (Figure 2). In the southern Altiplano, the seismic data show
evidence of substantial amounts of normal faulting that
resulted in large fault traps and depocenters that were
HYDROCARBON PERSPECTIVES favorable to generation of hydrocarbons. Traps include
tilted normal fault blocks that were formed during Creta-
The development of extensional basins in the ceous extension and contractional structures due to
Altiplano and in northwestern Argentina was initiated at inversion or newly formed thrusts during the late
the beginning of the Cretaceous. Early and late rift stages Oligocene and later. We believe that inversion has locally
were succeeded by a Late Cretaceous regional sag basin destroyed the Cretaceous traps and caused remigration
characterized by thin-bedded calcareous lacustrine of Paleozoic oils. Cretaceous oils possibly migrated into
deposits (Cherroni, 1977; Boll, 1990). These sediments these newly formed traps, analogous to entrapment in
represent the source and hydrocarbon reservoir intervals northwestern Argentina (Bianucci et al., 1982).
in northwestern Argentina (Yacoraite and Olmedo It has been shown that transfer zones not only form
formations). In the Altiplano, the equivalent rocks of the trap door structures but also control the facies distribu-
El Molino Formation have recently been identified as a tion of reservoirs and source rocks in the depocenters
potential source rock (Edman et al., 1989; M. Cirbián, that they separate (Tankard et al., 1989; Welsink et al.,
1992, personal communication), and several reservoir 1989a). Consequently, exploration opportunities are
and seal intervals are known to exist (Figure 6). Active oil strongly affected by the transfer zones and could differ
Structural Inversion of a Cretaceous Rift Basin, Southern Altiplano, Bolivia 315
from one depocenter to the other. The negative results of trends northeast-southwest. The Uyuni-Kenyani fault
the Vilque are thus not representative of the entire zone subparallels the first-order lineaments of north-
southern Altiplano. Good exploration opportunities western Argentina, while other conspicuous transverse
remain in the area. lineaments trend northwest-southeast (Figures 2, 7, 8).
Integration of seismic, gravity, and aeromagnetic inter-
pretations of the southern Altiplano suggests that these
DISCUSSION smaller second-order transverse lineaments acted as
transfer faults during extension. On a larger scale, two
Figure 2 shows the broad-scale outline of the Creta- first-order northwest-southeast lineaments divide the
ceous rift system as it developed in the Altiplano and in Altiplano into northern, central, and southern segments
northwestern Argentina. In northwestern Argentina, (Figures 1, 2). We believe that these first-order lineaments
there is a clear relationship between tectonic lineaments, in the Altiplano functioned as first-order transfer faults to
locations of Early Cretaceous volcanism, and configura- control the style and type of basin formation (see
tion of the Cretaceous depocenters. These predominantly Tankard and Welsink, 1989).
northeast-southwest trending first-order lineaments are The analogy between the northwestern Argentinian
associated with the basement arches characteristic of the rift basins and those of the southern Altiplano is evident
Pampean terrane (Baldis, 1990). The Aconquija lineament in the seismic data. The seismic line published by
(Figure 2) separates the crystalline basement of the Bianucci et al. (1982) clearly shows the inversion of the
Pampean massif and the northwestern Argentinian rift rift sequence in the Lomas de Olmedo basin (Figure 2) by
system that developed north of it by reactivation of the reactivation of extensional faults. The rift system was
anisotropic Precambrian basement and Paleozoic rocks variably affected by the Andean deformation. In the
(Salfity, 1985). In the Altiplano, a single major lineament Lomas de Olmedo basin, inversion developed to an early
Figure 10—Uninterpreted and interpreted seismic line 2587-28 (A–A' in Figure 9), showing a central horst flanked by half-
grabens with opposite polarities. Numbered sequences correspond to those in Figure 6 and Table 2. Line is not migrated.
(Vertical exaggeration 3:1 at 1. 5 sec two-way time.)
Structural Inversion of a Cretaceous Rift Basin, Southern Altiplano, Bolivia 317
Figure 11—Uninterpreted and interpreted seismic line 25106-28, unmigrated (B–B' in Figure 9). Same rift geometry as in line
A–A' (Figure 10), but with incipient inversion of the basin-bounding faults. (Vertical exaggeration 3:1 at 1. 5 sec two-way
318 Welsink et al.
Figure 12—Uninterpreted and interpreted seismic line 2586-28, unmigrated (C–C' in Figure 9), showing a change in rift
geometry south of a major transverse fault between B–B' and C–C'. Note the major inversion of the rift center and the break-
through at the eastern rift margin. (Vertical exaggeration 3:1 at 1. 5 sec two-way time.)
Structural Inversion of a Cretaceous Rift Basin, Southern Altiplano, Bolivia 319
Figure 13—Uninterpreted and interpreted seismic line 2585-28, unmigrated (D–D' in Figure 9). Widening of rift and break-
through at previously western rift margin. (Vertical exaggeration 3:1 at 1. 5 sec two-way time.)
320 Welsink et al.
stage and was not fully developed until it reached the 1993). Extension of the northwestern Argentinian rift
Alemania and Metán basins (Grier, 1990). This style of system into northern Chile is therefore not likely. Recent
variable deformation also characterizes the southern work and reflection seismic indicate the presence of indi-
Altiplano rift basins (Figure 15). vidual half-grabens such as the Salar de Atacama basin
The stratigraphies of the southern Altiplano and (Flint et al., 1993). The regional sag basin may have
northwestern Argentina are similar at the scale of the connected the areas prior to Andean contraction.
unconformity-bounded sequence (Figure 16). The simi- Along the length of the Andean orogen, the develop-
larity at this scale suggests that the two areas were ment of a suite of extensional basins is attributed to the
tectonically linked and shared the same processes in the Mesozoic evolution of the western continental margin of
evolution of their basins (rift and sag). Linkage was South America (Uliana et al., 1989). These basins line up
achieved through reactivation of northwest- and en echelon with rift basins across the South American
northeast-trending lineaments. However, they were not continent in the zone between the Agulhas-Malvinas
yoked together until deposition of the El Molino and transform and the Martín García high, offshore Uruguay
Yacoraite formations (Cherroni, 1977). The similarity in (Figure 17). Their location and NNW-SSE orientation
structural and stratigraphic evolution characterizes the suggest that they are related to reactivation of the
Cretaceous rift basins of southwestern Bolivia and north- Paleozoic structural fabric (Uliana et al., 1989). Although
western Argentina. This linkage suggests obvious explo- this reactivation is generally attributed to evolution of the
ration attractions of the Bolivian Altiplano. Pacific subduction margin, the influence of South
Conversely, the tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of Atlantic rifting may also have been important. Based on
the Salar de Atacama basin (Figures 2, 16) is different and the trend and ages of alkaline volcanism (148 Ma for
reflects a transition from a back-arc to a fore-arc basin Salado basin, ~128 Ma for northwestern Argentinian
setting during the Cretaceous and Tertiary (Flint et al., basin, and 82.5 Ma for Andean basin), Grier (1990) corre-
Structural Inversion of a Cretaceous Rift Basin, Southern Altiplano, Bolivia 321
Figure 16—Comparison of
stratigraphy, deformation
style, and timing in adjacent
areas during the Cretaceous
and Tertiary: Salar de
Atacama (northern Chile),
southern Altiplano
(southern Bolivia), and
northwestern Argentinian
basins. Arrows represent
type and timing of faulting;
white areas, shale; v,
volcanic rocks. Lithologic
symbols same as in Figure
4. (Modified after Flint et al.,
1993; Salfity and Marquillas,
1981; G. D. Vergani, 1993,
personal communication.)
322 Welsink et al.
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324 Welsink et al.
E. Martinez
O. Aranibar
J. Jarandilla
Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos
Casilla 1659
Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Geometry and Seismic Expression of the Cretaceous
Salta Rift System, Northwestern Argentina
T he foothills of the central Andes of northwestern Argentina hinder the interpretation of the complex
structural rift system developed during late Mesozoic extension. Andean compressive deformation
inverted the Salta rift system, resulting in a series of complex structures with trends oblique to the main Andes.
The Lomas de Olmedo basin, a failed branch of the rift system located east of the Andean orogenic front, was
selected to undertake deep reprocessing of the available industrial seismic lines. A 150-km-long seismic section
of the basin, recorded with Vibroseis and dynamite sources, was reprocessed. Extended correlation applied to
the Vibroseis seismic data yielded reliable results down to 9 sec two-way travel time. Acoustic horizons identi-
fied within this interval include the deepest synrift deposits in the axial part of the basin and a deep oblique
discontinuity in the crust. On this basis, a complete cross section of the basin was made. This study documents
the asymmetry of the rift, with a prominent zone of thermal uplift in the northern edge. Truncation of the
Paleozoic beds and identification of a deep oblique discontinuity at 7–8 sec (18–21 km deep) suggest that a
northward-dipping detachment controlled the asymmetry of the system. The rift structure is mildly modified
by folding related to Cenozoic tectonic inversion in the southern sector of the basin. This inversion was
controlled mainly by strike-slip displacements along the previous normal faults.
E l pie de monte de los Andes Centrales del noroeste de Argentina esconde la interpretación de un
complejo sistema estructural desarrollado durante la extensión mesozoica tardía. La deformación
compresiva ándica invirtió el sistema del rift Salta, produciendo una serie de estructuras complejas con arrum-
bamientos oblícuos a los Andes. La cuenca de Lomas de Olmedo, una rama abortada del sistema de rift local-
izado al este del frente orogénico ándico, fue seleccionada para realizar un reprocesamiento profundo de lineas
sísmicas disponibles de la industria. En particular fue seleccionada una línea sísmica de la cuenca de 150 km de
longitud, registrada en su mayor parte con Vibroseis y complementada con dinamita. Un algoritmo de
correlación extendida se aplicó a los datos sísmicos de Vibroseis alcanzándose resultados confiables hasta
profundidades correspondientes a 9 segundos de tiempo de travesía doble. Los horizontes acústicos identifi-
cados dentro de este intervalo de tiempo incluyeron tanto los depósitos más profundos de sinrift en la parte
axial de la cuenca, como una profunda discontinuidad oblícua en la corteza. Sobre esta base fue confeccionada
una sección completa de la cuenca. Los resultados de este estudio documentaron la asimetría del rift, con una
zona prominente de levantamiento térmico a lo largo del borde norte. El truncamiento de los estratos paleo-
zoicos, así como la identificación de una profunda discontinuidad oblícua a los 7–8 segundos de doble tiempo
de travesía (aproximadamente 18–21 km), sugieren que un nivel de despegue inclinado hacia el norte controló
la asimetría del sistema. La estructura de rift fue suavemente modificada por el plegamiento relacionado a la
inversión tectónica cenozoica en el sector sur de la cuenca. Esta inversión fue en parte acomodada preferente-
mente por desplazamientos de rumbo a lo largo de las fallas normales previas.
Comínguez, A. H., and V. A. Ramos, 1995, Geometry and seismic expression of the Creta- 325
ceous Salta rift system, northwestern Argentina, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J.
Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 325–340.
326 Comínguez and Ramos
The Salta rift comprises a complex suite of extensional
troughs that characterize the Late Cretaceous–early
Tertiary paleogeography of northwestern Argentina. The
western part of the rift was inverted during the Andean
deformation in the late Tertiary and has since been
involved in the complex fold and thrust belt. To under-
stand the original structure of the Salta rift system, it was
necessary to study the easternmost branch, adjacent to
the present orogenic front of the Andes. The purpose of
this study is to document the geometry and seismic
expression of the Lomas de Olmedo basin in an area
where compressional deformation was only mild or
nonexistent (Figure 1). We have used these data to
interpret the tectonic setting and evolution of the rift
This research is part of the CONICET–CAPLI
(Argentine National Science Foundation, Argentine
Committee for the Lithosphere) program undertaken as
a join venture by Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales
(YPF S.A.) and the Universities of La Plata and Buenos
Aires. The aims of this research program are to study
and reprocess seismic reflection data that have a poten-
tially deep record.
Figure 1—Isopach map of the Salta rift system and its rela-
tionship to the Andean basin of Bolivia. The outlines of the
FIELD WORK AND PROCESSING Amazonia and Arequipa cratons are shown. (Based on
A 150-km-long section of seismic data from three field Salfity, 1982.)
programs acquired by YPF S.A. from 1981 to 1983 were
reprocessed (Figures 2, 3). Vibrators were used as a
source in the southern sector of the line; the remaining
record involved dynamite. Final collection of data from
these programs required major efforts from both the
mathematical processing of multichannel seismic infor-
mation and monitoring of the preliminary results prior to
the final seismic section (Figure 4).
The YPF Alto de la Sierra well (ADSL x-1) was used as
a control to constrain interpretation of the various
acoustic horizons. Geologic information from several
abandoned wells near the line contributed to a broader
understanding of the seismic data. In the Appendix we
desribe the mathematical reprocessing, its relevance, its
limitations on interpretation, and its impact on the inter-
pretation of the Cretaceous rift.
The location of the Cretaceous Andean basins and the
Salta rift system in this part of South America is
controlled by late Precambrian–Cambrian tectonic
fabrics. This is expressed in the various Precambrian
cratons that were amalgamated during the Pampean
orogeny in the Early Cambrian. The complex distribu-
tion of the basins is partially controlled by a triple Figure 2—Isopach map of Lomas de Olmedo basin and
junction involving the Amazonia, Arequipa, and Pampia Salta rift system showing the Andean orogenic front. West
cratons (Ramos and Vujovich, 1994). The Lomas de of the front is a severe inversion of the rift. Also shown is
Olmedo basin subsided along the suture between the the location of the seismic line. (Based on Salfity, 1980;
Amazonia and Pampia cratons. Gómez Omil et al., 1989; Ferreiro, 1989; Carle et al., 1991.)
Geometry and Seismic Expression, Cretaceous Salta Rift System, Northwestern Argentina 327
Figure 4—Migrated seismic line 4196 with vertical exagger-
ation of about 4× to enhance the relationship between
prerift and synrift deposits. Note that in the axial part of the
basin (CDP 4200–4500), the seismic character of the synrift
deposits contrast with the basement fabric. See geologic
interpretation in Figure 7.
328 Comínguez and Ramos
Prerift Sequences
the east of the study area. The Silurian and Devonian
The western part of the rift succession was deposited sequences were deposited in a foreland basin east of the
over the Puncoviscana Formation. This unit comprises Ocloyic orogenic front. This front developed during the
Precambrian–Lower Cambrian turbiditic deposits that Late Ordovician collisional event, which was related to
fringe the western edge of the middle–upper Precam- final docking of the Arequipa terrane (Ramos, 1986).
brian Pampia craton. The Lomas de Olmedo basin was There is a strong contrast in strength attribute between
developed on lower Paleozoic deposits that were previ- the Precambrian basement character and the lateral
ously deformed during the Chanic orogeny at the end of coherency of the Cambrian–Ordovician deposits, as
the Devonian (Turner and Méndez, 1975). determined by color demodulation analysis in the north-
The subsurface map traversed by the seismic lines western area (Figure 5). The seismic velocity of these
shows that the present trend of the subcrops reflects the rocks ranges between 5800 and 6000 m/sec. It is apparent
unconformity between the synrift and the Paleozoic that the basement consists of crystalline Precambrian
deposits (Figure 4). Although this unconformity and the rocks of the Pampia craton, similar to that intersected in
present outcrop pattern were well known in the sub- several exploration wells farther east (Russo et al., 1979).
Andean region, as recognized by Reyes (1959) in The seismic characteristics of the various Paleozoic
northern Argentina and southern Bolivia, it was tradi- units are shown in Figure 6. One of the most conspicuous
tionally attributed to a pre-Cretaceous folding since acoustic horizons corresponds to the top of the Las
Padula’s (1959) work. However, the approximate east- Breñas Formation (Table 1). The lateral coherence traces
west orientation does not fit any of the Paleozoic trends this horizon throughout most of the rift system
of deformation mapped in northwestern Argentina by (Acevedo, 1986). Seismic interval velocities for these
various authors (e.g., Turner and Méndez, 1975). deposits computed from stacking velocity analyses range
Bianucci and Homovc (1982) were the first to recognize from 4100–4500 m/sec in the northwestern part of the
that the prerift doming, uplift, and differential erosion basin to more than 4600 m/sec in the central and deeper
were a consequence of an early stage of Cretaceous rift parts of the seismic line.
development. The southeastern part shows that subhorizontal beds
In the present study area and along the seismic lines, of the Las Breñas Formation are preserved with a thin
the units listed in Table 1 are recognized. This strati- cover of Copo Formation at the southern end of the line
graphy is combined with the succession identified in the (south of CDP 5.400). A strong angular unconformity
sub-Andean belt of Argentina and Bolivia. The Cambrian– truncates the Paleozoic deposits in the northern area
Ordovician deposits belong to a westward-facing clastic (Figures 5, 6), while in the southern area it is represented
platform, with the shore zone located a few kilometers to by a paraconformity (Figure 7).
Geometry and Seismic Expression, Cretaceous Salta Rift System, Northwestern Argentina 329
Figure 6—Uninterpreted and interpreted migrated seismic line 4196, northwestern part, with vertical exaggeration of about
4× to enhance the Paleozoic stratigraphy. Vertical scale is two-way time, in seconds.
330 Comínguez and Ramos
Figure 7—(Top) Migrated seismic line 4196; see Figure 4 for location. (Bottom) Geologic interpretation of the seismic line and
location of the Alto de La Sierra x-1 exploration well. (continues across facing page)
Figure 7 (continued)
mentation of the Pirgua Subgroup, is also associated with consists of lava flows of trachyandesitic composition
alkaline granitoids (the 96–155 Ma El Aguilar, Cobres, intercalated with the Los Blanquitos Formation of the
and Tusaquillas stocks; Méndez et al., 1979). The ages of Tres Cruces basin (Coira, 1979).
basaltic volcanism decrease toward the east (Bossi and A third volcanic cycle is widespread at Río Capillas
Wampler, 1969; Reyes et al., 1976; Valencio et al., 1976). over the Salto-Jujeña high (Figure 2) along the Puntitas–
The second magmatic cycle of the Salta Group (Salfity, El Totoral lineament of the Lomas de Olmedo basin
1982) is also contemporaneous with the Pirgua Subgroup (Bianucci et al., 1981) and the Alemanía basin (63–55 Ma)
and has two eruptive centers. One is located in the (Cortelezzi et al., 1979; Omarini et al., 1987). The rocks of
depocenter of the Alemanía basin (see Figure 3) and is the third volcanic cycle are mainly basalts (Cortelezzi et
represented by the Las Conchas basalt (76–78 Ma); it also al., 1979) and lamproitic dikes (Omarini et al., 1987). A
interfingers with the upper levels of the Las Curtiembres fourth volcanic cycle, consisting of volcanic rocks
Formation. The Las Conchas basalt is volumetrically the emplaced in the Yacoraite Formation, is represented by
more important unit. It is characterized by basanites, the Palmar Largo volcanics. These volcanics were
mugearites, and tephrifonolites with abundant peridotite emplaced during reactivation of normal faulting and are
xenoliths. These extrusives were explosive and had composed of olivine basalts, andesites, and leucoan-
multiple centers of eruption. The other eruptive center delacites (Carle et al., 1991).
332 Comínguez and Ramos
The evolution of these volcanic rocks records Table 2—Interval Velocity and Depth Versus Timea
migration of the volcanic centers from the northeast-
trending fault margins of the various basins in the Early Two-Way Time Interval Velocity Depth
Cretaceous (first volcanic cycle), to the axis of maximum (msec) (m/sec) (m)
subsidence in the Alemanía and Tres Cruces basins by 0–825 2081 0–858
the end of the Cretaceous (second volcanic cycle). The 825–1200 2630 858–1351
third and fourth volcanic cycles migrated to the eastern- 1200–1425 2846 1351–1671
most basin and were restricted to the edge of the Salto- 1425–2475 3568 1671–3544
Jujeña high and the axis of the Lomas de Olmedo basin. 2475–2925 3979 3544–4439
The general trend within the Pirgua Subgroup is from 2925–3150 4112 4439–4901
peralkaline to subalkaline rocks, indicating greater 3150–3450 4576 4901–5587
melting in the source associated with increasing 3450–5700 5767 5587–12074
extension and larger eruption volumes. The fourth cycle 5700–7350 ~7000 12074–~18000
is again more alkaline, showing minor reactivation of the
aLINE 04196, CDP = 4385.
tabular geometries and lateral persistence. The Yacoraite Subgroup. However, in the southern half of the area,
Formation represents a shallowing-upward sequence of there is evidence of faulting in the Balbuena Subgroup.
carbonate and subaqueous clastic facies. Eolian clastics When analyzed in detail, it is clear that the faults are
typify the Lecho Formation (Gómez Omil et al., 1989). mostly associated with minor folding (Figure 10)
The Olmedo Formation is composed of black shales and (Chiarenza and Ponzoni, 1989). These folds are attributed
anhydritic evaporites that reach a maximum thickness in to contraction related to strike-slip displacement along
the central part of the basin. This formation developed in the previous normal faults. Incipient positive flower
hypersaline lakes in the depocenters of the basin which structures are locally associated with these faults. Strike-
were surrounded by mudflats, while the northern slip displacements are related to interaction of Andean
margin of Lomas de Olmedo basin received some fluvial compression and the oblique west-southwestward trend
sands. Based on a rare microfauna, a Campanian–Maas- of the rift structures.
trichtian age is inferred for the Yacoraite Formation. Beneath these basin-forming faults along the southern
The upper sag deposits are represented by several part of the line, there is a conspicuous subhorizontal
units of the Santa Bárbara Subgroup. The Mealla, Maíz reflector between 7 and 8 sec (about 18–21 km depth)
Gordo, and Lumbrera formations record the evolution of (Figure 11). This acoustic marker separates relatively
a closed basin (Cazau et al., 1976). Their shales, marls, transparent (except for faults) upper crust from highly
and local carbonates were deposited in a suite of reflective lower crust (stacking velocities show an
ephemeral lakes with variable discharge and flooding increase in interval velocity that coincides with the lower
that alternated with fluvial deposits. Based on their fossil zone). Similar reflection patterns elsewhere have also
fauna, a Paleocene–Eocene age is assigned to the Santa been interpreted as the interface between upper and
Bárbara Subgroup. The sag phase succession is more lower crust (e.g., Peddy and Keen, 1987). For example,
than 2200 m thick. compare the intracrustal boundary shown in Figure 11
The basin was finally filled by a tabular body of distal with that illustrated by Hall (1989, his figure 1).
fluvial sediments of late Cenozoic age characterized by The top of the reflective zone dips northward at 3.5˚
seismic interval velocities ranging from 2600 to 2800 beneath the depocenter. This dipping reflector is inter-
m/sec. These are the synorogenic deposits related to preted as parallel to the detachment zone that controls
successive uplift and east-shifting of the Andean the rift system. However, it is not visible in the northern
orogenic front. This front is presently located more than part of the reprocessed seismic line because of insuffi-
120 km west of the seismic line. cient source energy and possibly because, with increasing
depth, the discontinuity loses its identity and is dis-
persed in a ductile lower crust.
An outstanding feature of the study area is the SALTA RIFT
asymmetry of the rift system (Figure 7). This asymmetry
is evidenced by the degree of doming preserved in the The seismic evidence shows that northwestern
prerift deposits, as well as in the distribution and vertical Argentina was subjected to extension during most of
throws of the normal faults. Doming was greater along Cretaceous and early Tertiary time (see Uliana et al.,
the northern margin of the basin (Figures 5, 6), as shown 1989). Compared with neighboring rift systems, such as
by the present truncation of the Paleozoic units. In the Chaco-Paraná rift of northeastern Argentina, north-
contrast, truncation is not recognized in the southern western Argentine rifting may have been linked in time
part of the section (Figure 9), suggesting that doming and space to the extensional regime responsible for the
was mild or nonexistent. opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. Extensional
This truncation is noticeable not only in the subsurface stretching of these basins decreased at these latitudes
of the basin but has also been mapped in the Sierras toward the west. This is inferred from the magnitude of
Subandinas, west of Tartagal (Reyes, 1959, 1978). This the β-factor, the chemical composition of the basaltic
topography has been recognized as the Michicola arch lavas (alkaline basalts in the Salta system and continental
(Vilela, 1967), but its origin is controversial. Salfity (1980) flood basalts of tholeiitic composition in the Chaco-
attributed this arch to the Late Ordovician orogenic front, Paraná basin), and the relative volume of the basalts,
while other authors have interpreted it as a peripheral with a minimum in the Salta rift.
bulge associated with Andean shortening. The west- The asymmetry of the rift is partially controlled by the
northwest trend of the Michicola arch is parallel to the west-northwest trend of the suture between the
rift basin, and its age is older than the rift deposits. Its Amazonia and Pampia cratons. This suture has the same
regional distribution indicates a genetic link with orientation as the Michicola arch. Ramos and Vujovich
doming prior to the tectonic collapse of the basin. (1994) argue that the late Precambrian–Early Cambrian
A series of east-west trending normal faults bound suture between these two blocks is northward dipping,
both flanks of the basin. The northern faults have greater implying that the main detachment of the rift system
throws than their southern counterparts. Most of the developed synthetically to the earlier subduction zone.
faults cease normal displacement by the top of the Pirgua The focus of doming at the northern margin of the
Figure 9—Uninterpreted and interpreted migrated seismic line 4196, southeastern part, with vertical exaggeration of about 4×
to enhance the Paleozoic stratigraphy. Compare the structural attitude of the subhorizontal Paleozoic deposits with the tilted
attitude shown in Figure 6.
Figure 10—Uninterpreted and interpreted migrated seismic line 4196, central sector, with vertical exaggeration of about 4×.
to show the incipient tectonic inversion of the rift system. Note the minor folding near the normal faults, indicating possible
contraction related to strike-slip displacements.
336 Comínguez and Ramos
Figure 11—Window of the deep southern sector of the seismic line of Figure 2, showing the inclined seismic discontinuity
between 7 and 8 sec two-way time.
basin establishes the area of maximum thermal uplift An understanding of the thermal history of the basin
and highest thermal gradients prior to the collapse of the and the consequent rift and synorogenic filling indicates
rift (Figure 12). This normally coincides with the area of that the northern part of the Lomas de Olmedo basin had
maximum lithospheric attenuation (Wernicke and Tilke, maximum lithospheric thinning, with relatively large
1989; Kusznir et al., 1987). As the detachment theory additions of heat into crust. This asymmetry must be
predicts, however, maximum lithospheric attenuation taken into account when evaluating the hydrocarbon
may be offset from the locus of fault-controlled subsi- potential of Lomas de Olmedo basin.
dence. In the Lomas de Olmedo rift system, the litho-
spheric attenuation is north of the fault-controlled axis of
the basin. The position of the doming is consistent with
the northward-dipping, oblique, deep reflector that Acknowledgments The authors wish to express their
presently controls the asymmetry of the rift. gratitude to the management of YPF S.A. for their logistical
The synrift deposits are more than 5000 m thick above support of the CAPLI research program, as well as to Cristina
the rift axis. The fault-controlled subsidence that accom- Vistalli, Hugo A. Bianucci, Osvaldo Acevedo, and Jorge
modated this synrift fill is also associated with alkaline González Naya for their helpful comments during the research.
basaltic volcanism (Fraga and Introcaso, 1990). Although The authors acknowledge Teresa Jordan, Suzanne M. Kay, and
sedimentation of the Balbuena Subgroup marked the Andrés Boll for their review of the manuscript. This project
beginning of the sag phase due to thermal subsidence, was also supported by the Antorchas Foundation of Argentina.
interfingering of alkaline basalts at Palmar Largo with
Yacoraite limestones indicates temporary reactivation of
the tensional regime. The basalts are mainly associated REFERENCES CITED
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Asociación Geológica Argentina, Revista v. XXV, no. 1, oriental de los Departamentos de Santa Victoria e Iruya,
p. 9–44. provincia de Salta, República Argentina: Boletín Academia
Okaya, D. A., and C. M. Jarchow, 1989, Extraction of deep Nacional de Ciencias, v. 51, no. 1-2, p. 11–24.
crustal reflections from shallow Vibroseis data using Uliana, M. A., K. T. Biddle, and J. Cerdan, 1989, Mesozoic
extended correlation: Geophysics, v. 54, no. 5, p. 552–562. extension and the formation of Argentine sedimentary
Omarini, R. H., J. A. Salfity, E. Linares, J. G. Viramonte, and S. basins, in A. J. Tankard and H. R. Balkwill, eds., Exten-
A. Gorustovich, 1987, Petrología, geoquímica y edad de un sional tectonics and stratigraphy of the North Atlantic
filón capa lamproítico en el Subgrupo Pirgua margins: AAPG Memoir 46, p. 599–614.
(Alemanía–Salta): Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Geológ- Valencio, D. A., A. Giudicci, J. A. Mendía, and G. J. Oliver,
icas, Jujuy, v. 7, p. 89–99. 1976, Paleomagnetismo y edades K/Ar del Subgrupo
Geometry and Seismic Expression, Cretaceous Salta Rift System, Northwestern Argentina 339
Vibroseis Data lution prior to the velocity analysis; (2) use of the
Claerbout (1976) finite difference migration algorithm; and
The section of the line where three Mertz vibrators (3) complementing the fault analysis with color complex
were used (CDPs 4000–5900 in Figure 2) involved 48 demodulation techniques (Taner and Sheriff, 1977).
recording channels per shot point with equal 100-m
receiver group intervals and a 100-m displacement from Explosive Source Data
shot to shot along 100 km of the line (24 fold). We were
able to combine two separate field programs into a single Sources involved 13–16 kg dynamite charges were
geometry simulating a unique regional experiment used in the sector defined from CDP 3076 to 4000 in the
because their respective field parameters coincided. A northern sector of seismic line 04196 (see Figure 2). Field
14–56 Hz 16-sec linear upsweep was used, while a field work consisted of 96 recording channels per shot point
record of 21 sec was collected at a sample rate of 4 msec. with equal 50-m receiver group intervals and a 50-m
The “self-truncating” extended correlation algorithm displacement per shot. Thus, fold was 48. The record was
(Okaya and Jarchow, 1989; Cominguez and Ramos, 1991) 6 sec long with a 2-msec sample rate (although a 4-msec
was used to cross correlate between the sweep and the resample rate was later used for economy).
record. The original frequency band of 14–56 Hz was Prior to channel stacking, a deconvolution operation
preserved for the first 4 sec of the seismic section, with with unmodified phase (zero phase deconvolution) was
the upper frequency decreasing from 4 sec at a rate of applied, which resulted in flattening of the amplitude
2.625 Hz/sec. The frequency band corresponding to spectrum along the 16–50 Hz frequency band. With this
different time levels of the Vibroseis seismic section is operation, precise seismic velocity analysis was ensured
summarized in Table A-1. up to 6 sec of trace length (in turn, a good acoustic
A 16-sec section was originally calculated. However, response from the crust was found to occur in this
despite careful monitoring work intended to remove sector). Likewise, since phase characteristics of the
noisy zones in each correlated trace of the field gathers, diffracted signals were kept unmodified, they could be
we were unable to image acoustic horizons in the deeper properly focalized by the migration process.
parts of the crust because of the relative signal decay on Special techniques such as finite difference migration
the traces. Consequently, it was decided to reduce the and complex demodulation were used in a similar way
final migration to 9 sec. to that of the section sector where vibrators were used.
Other important aspects of the Vibroseis data A summary of field parameters is presented in Table
processing were (1) application of “zero phase” deconvo- A-2 for both Vibroseis and explosive data.
340 Comínguez and Ramos
Table A-1—Frequency Bandwidth at Various Time Levelsa Table A-2—Lomas de Olmedo Field Parameters
C. J. Schmidt C. H. Costa
Department of Geology C. E. Gardini
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.A. Departamento de Geología
Universidad Nacional de San Luis
San Luis, Argentina
R. A. Astini
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
Físicas y Naturales P. E. Kraemer
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales
Córdoba, Argentina Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Córdoba, Argentina
D os sistemas serranos (Sierras Chicas de Córdoba y Serranías Occidentales de San Luis), pertencientes a
las Sierras Pampeanas Orientales de Argentina y formados por basamento ascendido a lo largo de
fallas con rumbo meridional y vergencia oeste durante el Neógeno, son parte de un rift Cretácico inferior
invertido. Su geometría y ubicación a 2000 km del margen Atlántico, junto a la geometría de la inversión
neógena, dependen de la fábrica previa existente en las rocas del basamento. Los rumbos de las fallas de rift
invertidas son consistentes con la extensión ocurrida en el Cretácico inferior con direcciones ortogonales con
respecto al centro de divergencia centro-atlántico. El rumbo nor-noroeste fue producido por rifting dextral
oblicuo a lo largo de antiguas suturas del basamento, que condicionaron la generación de depocentres aislados
como cuencas transtensionales de tipo “pull-apart.” Las Sierras Chicas constituyen los contrafuertes más orien-
Schmidt, C. J., R. A. Astini, C. H. Costa, C. E. Gardini, and P. E. Kraemer, 1995, Cretaceous 341
rifting, alluvial fan sedimentation, and Neogene inversion, southern Sierras Pampeanas,
Argentina, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South
America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 341–358.
342 Schmidt et al.
tales de las Sierras Pampeanas y fueron elevadas por el corrimiento Punilla, buzante al este. Remanentes de tres
depocentros cretácicos se preservan en las Sierras Chicas, en donde se registran dos megasecuencias con
vulcanitas intercaladas. Las sedimentitas fueron depositadas en hemigrávenes restringidos, donde predomi-
naron abanicos aluviales y barreales salinos. Las paleocorrientes indican que el lineamiento Punilla se comportó
como una falla normal durante la sedimentación.
La inversión neógena del fallamiento normal cretácico sobrecorrió fanglomerados proximales sobre su
antigua área de aporte. Sucesiones cretácicas en el bloque superior del corrimiento Punilla fueron plegadas
conformando un monoclinal con vergencia oeste en el área de la Sierra de Pajarillo. El flanco empinado del
monoclinal se apoya sobre una cuña fallada de basamento cataclásticamente deformado.
Las Serranías Occidentales de San Luis son similares a las Sierras Chicas de Córdoba, desarrollando durante
el Cretácico paleoambientes análogos. En San Luis peuden también reconocerse depocentros menores contro-
lados por fracturas. Las fallas normales cretácicas están controladas por la fábrica del basamento. La inversion
Neógena de las Serranías Occidentales produjo retrocorrimientos y corrimientos de atajo en el bloque inferior
(“short-cut faults”), una sección verticalizada limitada por fallas en la Sierra de Las Quijadas y un marcado
cambio de rumbo de nor-noroeste a noreste en la orientación de los corrimientos de basamento en la Sierra del
The effects of Early Cretaceous crustal extension
during the initial breakup of Gondwana were felt far
inland from the continental margin in Argentina. The
general trend of these rift basins were oblique to the
Atlantic spreading center (Figure 1) (Gordillo and
Lencinas, 1967a,b, 1979; Yrigoyen, 1975; Criado Roqué et
al. 1981; Uliana et al., 1989). However, the details of
rifting are obscure because of limited surface exposure
and the lack of subsurface information.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the pattern of
Neocomian rifting and Neogene inversion along the
Sierras Chicas of the Córdoba Province and the Serranías
Occidentales of the San Luis Province and to examine the
extent to which basement fabric has influenced later
deformation. We also consider why the rifts penetrated
the South American plate so far inland and why it has an
orientation oblique to the trend of the Atlantic spreading
center. The study is principally field based. Cretaceous
rifting was examined mainly through the provenance of
the nonmarine rift fill and the identification of probable
Cretaceous faults. Neogene inversion was examined
through field mapping and some kinematic studies.
The inverted Cretaceous rift basins of the southern
Sierras Pampeanas are located in the Sierras Chicas and
the Serranías Occidentales of San Luis (Figure 2).
Neocomian sediments in the Serranías Occidentales of
San Luis were first described in detail by Flores (1969),
who interpreted these hills and the Neogene Beazley
basin (Figure 2) as a small (15,000 km2) Cretaceous conti-
nental depocenter, which is referred to as the San Luis
basin (Flores, 1979; Riccardi, 1988) (Figure 1). The
geometry of the eastern basin in the Sierras Chicas is
inferred from isolated outcrops scattered over a wide
area within the range.
The effect of Andean deformation on the southern
Sierras Pampeanas has been outlined by Gordillo and Figure 1—Location of known or inferred Neocomian rift
basins in Argentina and Chile. Locations of study areas are
Lencinas (1979), Criado Roqué et al. (1981), Jordan and
shown in boxes. C, Córdoba; SL, San Luis; SJ, San Juan.
Allmendinger (1986), and Introcaso et al. (1987). In Terranes: CH, Chilenia; PC, Precordillera; WP, western
general, the major Neogene thrusts are spaced 50–100 Pampean; EP, eastern Pampean; RP, Rio de la Plata
km apart. They strike approximately north-south and are craton; PEL, Pelotas. (After Uliana et al., 1989; terrane
mostly west-verging. Anomalous trends do exist, boundaries after Ramos, 1988.)
Cretaceous Rifting and Neogene Inversion, Southern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina 343
nowhere is the complete succession present because of areas to the west and south (Uliana et al., 1989). In the
postdepositional Andean uplift and erosion. The lower late Paleozoic–Jurassic, the Sierras Chicas and other
megasequence is dominated by locally derived basement Córdoba ranges (Figure 3) apparently maintained a
detritus, whereas the upper megasequence is interlay- positive tectonic relief compared to the areas toward the
ered with mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks east and west (see Jordan et al., 1989).
(Figure 4). Stratigraphic columns for the four principal
outcrop areas indicate that the two megasequences can Sierra de Pajarillo
generally be correlated from place to place (Figure 4). The northernmost outcrops of Cretaceous rocks in the
They also suggest that the three areas containing lower Sierras Chicas cover an area of about 400 km2, including
megasequence rocks (Figure 4, sections a, c, d) were the Pajarillo, Copacabana, and Maza ranges north of
separate depocenters within the larger rift basin, as Capilla del Monte (Figures 5, 6). These outcrops plunge
compared to areas such as La Cumbre (Figure 4, section below the Neogene Salinas Grande basin (Figure 3) on
b) which have a thin lower megasequence. the north, so the original extent of the basin is unknown.
These synrift continental deposits rest noncon- These sedimentary rocks are assigned to the lower
formably on upper Precambrian and lower Paleozoic megasequence (Figure 4). They were deposited in
basement rocks. It appears that intraplate rifting in the alluvial fan and playa lake environments in a small half-
Sierras Chicas was largely restricted to the Neocomian graben under arid climatic conditions (Pezzi and Astini,
and that it had no Triassic or Jurassic precursor as in 1992; Astini et al., 1993) (Figure 7). Deposits range from
346 Schmidt et al.
Figure 6—Structural cross sections from the Sierra de Pajarillo and Capilla del Monte areas. See Figure 5 for locations.
Neogene Inversion
Evidence suggests that the Cretaceous basins of the
Sierras Chicas were structurally inverted along the
previous synsedimentary normal faults. Our discussion
will focus on the Capilla del Monte area (Sierra de
Pajarillo and area to the south), with a briefer discussion
of the evidence for inversion of the other basins.
toward the north-northeast, approximately normal to the higher than the highest basement peak (Uritorico at
strike of the fault zone. 1950 m). A minimum dip separation of 1500 m is implied.
The paleocurrent data and the proximal nature of the Speculation that this east-trending fault zone, and its
hanging wall conglomerates of the more westerly thrust parallel counterpart in the basement rocks about 5 km
of the Punilla fault zone clearly suggest that this thrust farther south, were active during Cretaceous deposition
was the bounding normal fault for the Sierra de Pajarillo is supported by analyses of paleocurrent directions for
basin and for the deposits of the Sierras Chicas to the the Cretaceous succession on the north side of the fault
south and that it was reactivated during the Neogene. (locations 2–5, Figure 8). They indicate a southern source
There was probably little or no Cretaceous deposition to perpendicular to this fault zone (Astini et al., 1993). The
the west of the Punilla fault zone. deposits against the fault zone at Los Terrones are
Like the western boundary faults of the Punilla fault composed of middle to proximal fan facies, suggesting
zone, the east-west trending fault that borders the Sierra close proximity to an uplifted basement source. This fault
de Pajarillo basin on the south is clearly reactivated. The zone may have been an intrabasinal structure during
fault zone at this contact is nearly vertical with the south rifting and acted to isolate the Pajarillo basin on the north
side up. The Cretaceous rocks at Los Terrones (Figure 5) from the rest of the half-graben (Figures 7, 8). This fault
on the north side of the zone are locally turned up zone may have been a tear fault parallel to transport
against this fault and dip northward at 20˚–30˚ (section during Neogene shortening, thus permitting the
B–B', Figure 6). Dip separation is unknown, but the base basement block on the south to move vertically more
of the Cretaceous rocks on the south side is projected than the block containing the Pajarillo basin on the north.
Cretaceous Rifting and Neogene Inversion, Southern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina 351
Little detailed sedimentologic work has been done on composed of the same lithologies as the footwall
the El Gigante Group. However, sedimentologic studies basement rocks. In addition, imbrication of tabular clasts
of the different formations (Manoni, 1985; Rivarola and Di indicates an eastward paleocurrent trend; the conglomer-
Paola, 1992) indicate depositional settings and paleoenvi- ates fine away from the fault. The footwall basement
ronments similar to those of the Cretaceous deposits in block was probably the source of the clasts in the La
the Sierras Chicas: alluvial fans and bajadas with a small Cruz, suggesting that this eastern fault was the original
braidplain and playa lakes in an arid climate. Cretaceous normal fault boundary separating the
The Lagarcito Formation (up to 250 m thick) contains Creatceous conglomerate fan from its basement source.
a basal conglomerate-mudstone-gypsum association Because the Neogene thrust does not appear to have
overlain by red sandstone. These have been interpreted reactivated the normal fault, the thrust is interpreted as a
as playa lake deposits grading upward to higher energy short-cut fault.
fluvial deposits (Manoni, 1985). Although assigned a The La Cruz unconformably overlies the larger mass
Late Cretaceous age (Yrigoyen, 1975), vertebrate fossils in of basement exposed to the east. This mass is thrusted
the sandstones suggest an Early Cretaceous age eastward over Upper Triassic rocks along its eastern
(Bonaparte, 1970, 1971; Sánchez, 1973). These rocks are border (location 5, Figure 13). The basement rocks of this
more widespread than the El Gigante Group (Manoni, larger mass are different from the western fault-bounded
1985) and are attributed to a postrift sag stage of defor- sliver, consisting of quartz feldspathic gneisses, schists,
mation and deposition. and amphibolites with an extensively developed
mylonitic fabric (Simon and Rossello, 1990; Castro de
Neogene Inversion Machuca and Carrizo, 1993). The fact that no mylonitic
basement clasts occur in the La Cruz Conglomerate
Evidence that the western boundary thrust of the indicates that the source of the clasts was probably the
Serranías Occidentales was a down-to-the-east normal nonmylonitic basement to the west.
fault during the deposition of the Cretaceous rocks is It is likely that basement fabric controlled the orienta-
reasonably well documented for each of the four ranges tion of the Cretaceous normal fault and the Neogene
of the system. Furthermore, in the Sierra Guayaguas and faults (frontal thrust and back-thrust). Although foliation
Sierra del Gigante, the fabric of the basement rocks can attitudes vary considerably within the basement masses,
be shown to have influenced the trend of both Creta- the strong mylonitic fabric of the main basement mass is
ceous normal faulting and Neogene thrust faulting. parallel to the normal fault on the west (345˚, 70˚ E). In
addition, the western sliver of basement does not have
Sierra Guayaguas the same mylonitic fabric, suggesting that the normal
A critical observation for the inversion history of this fault follows a fundamental north-northwest trending
range is that two masses of basement rocks in the boundary in the basement (i.e., between mylonitic and
northern part of the range are separated by a narrow belt nonmylonitic rocks). Simon and Rossello (1990) reported
of Cretaceous conglomerates (probably the La Cruz that the kinematic indicators in the mylonite are consis-
Conglomerate). The western mass, composed mainly of tent with largely dip-slip motion (top to the west) with a
quartzites and amphibolites, is a fault-bounded sliver 300 minor sinestral component. The age of the movement
m wide and 2 km long (location 6, Figure 13). The associated with the mylonitization is unknown, but
western boundary fault is the principal east-dipping Simon and Rossello (1990) and Martino et al. (1993)
Neogene thrust. The eastern boundary fault separates the suggest a Paleozoic age.
basement block from the La Cruz Conglomerate. The The steep eastward dips of the mylonitic zones on the
conglomerate dips 35–40˚ W into the fault, and the fault western side of the main basement mass give way to
dips steeply toward the east (70–80˚). The conglomerate moderate westward dips on the eastern side of the mass.
on the hanging wall adjacent to the fault is made up of In fact, the attitude of the mylonitic fabric on the eastern
proximal debris flows with clasts up to 2 m in diameter side on the hanging wall of the back-thrust (location 5,
354 Schmidt et al.
recession of the Cretaceous mountain front and the and a bimodal provenance. In both areas, the lower
possibility that more proximal facies are now on the megasequence has a short fining-upward succession
footwall of the Neogene thrust. covered by a thick upward-coarsening succession that
The southern boundary of the basement massif is a we interpret as deposition during a long period of quies-
northeast-trending normal fault that dips 50˚ SE (location cence after a brief period of active, fault-controlled subsi-
3, Figure 13). The conglomerates are proximal clast- dence (see Blair and Bilodeau, 1988). An upper succes-
supported debris flows with the largest clast size sion (Lagarcito Formation) representing a sag phase of
exceeding 2 m. The conglomerates fine rapidly south- deposition is present in the San Luis basin, which may
eastward, and cobble imbrications in the middle and correlate with the rocks of the upper megasequence from
proximal fan facies indicate transport from the north. the Sierras Chicas.
These rocks were assigned to the lower conglomeratic In the Sierras Chicas rift system, comparatively little of
sequence (Los Riscos) by Flores (1969) (Figure 15). Near the original geometry and none of the presumed inter-
the fault contact, they are horizontal or dip gently into connectivity or yoking of depocenters is preserved. The
the fault. Away from the fault, they dip 10–15˚ SE, Pajarillo depocenter has a bimodal sediment transport
defining a broad hanging wall roll-over undisturbed by and at least one important cross fault. The Los Condores
Neogene thrusting. Foliation in the gneisses of the depocenter shows a reversal of sediment transport
footwall dips parallel to the normal fault, strongly direction from the west-bounding fault to the east-
suggesting basement fabric control. This normal fault is bounding fault between the lower and upper megase-
on strike with the northeast-trending segment of the quences. Nevertheless, the geometry of the three
Neogene thrust that bounds the range (location 1, Figure principal preserved depocenters seems relatively simple
13). Apparently the abrupt change of trend of the compared to documented examples of tensional rifts
boundary thrust at this location (from north-south to (e.g., Leeder and Gawthorp, 1987) and transtensional
northeast-southwest) was influenced by the normal fault, systems (e.g., Nilsen and McLaughlin, 1985). Perhaps
and the portion of the normal fault southwest of location this is because the level of exposure permits only the
1 was reactivated as a thrust. Where the normal fault earliest fault-sediment patterns to be examined.
changes to a thrust, proximal Riscos conglomerates on However, the simplicity may be real because of the
the hanging wall of the normal fault grade into the more fundamental control exerted by the west-verging Punilla
distal overlying La Cruz Conglomerate on the hanging and La Calera fault zones that follow earlier basement
wall of the thrust. fabric. Consequently, a westward asymmetry may have
The frontal Neogene thrust that bounds the Serranías dominated the fault-sediment pattern all along the
Occidentales continues southward from Sierra del Sierras Chicas.
Gigante into the Cerrillada de La Cabra (Figure 13). The surface exposures of the Serranías Occidentales
Rocks interpreted to be Cretaceous in age (probably represent less than 25% of the known surface area of the
Lagarcito Formation) are found in scattered outcrops on San Luis basin. In spite of documented cross faults and
the footwall of the thrust. Although the Lower Creta- bimodal sediment transport directions, our surface
ceous rocks appear to be confined to the region east of observations are biased toward the overwhelming
the Cretaceous normal fault that became the range importance of the western boundary fault system that
bounding thrust, the Upper(?) Cretaceous fluvial section follows the basement fabric all along the ranges. Future
(sag facies) appears to continue to the west of the fault examination of seismic data for the other 75% of the
here. According to Manoni (1985), seismic and well data basin will probably reveal a more complex fault-
indicate that the Lagarcito continues westward to the Rio sediment pattern. Nevertheless, the importance of the
Desaguadero fault, which is its sedimentary depositional reactivated west-verging western boundary fault system
or erosional limit. is established, and we suggest that a dominant westward
asymmetry will eventually be revealed for this basin in
seismic sections.
In the San Luis basin, Cretaceous rifting was superim-
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS posed on earlier Triassic rift basins in the north and
south (Criado Roqué et al., 1981; Uliana et al., 1989), but
Although no physical connection has been demon- in the Sierras Chicas, there is no evidence for rifting
strated, the two north-south elongate Cretaceous rift before the Neocomian. This observation may be
basins in the southeastern Sierras Pampeanas have important to petroleum potential and future exploration
several characteristics in common. Besides nearly south in the Levalle basin and Macachin trough
identical ages, the similarities include (1) a westward (Figure 1). These subsurface basins are directly in line
asymmetry with east-dipping normal faults dominating with the Sierras Chicas rift trend. If these subsurface rifts
the rift basin geometry and depositional setting; (2) a are the uninverted continuation of the basins of the
lower depositional sequence dominated by proximal Sierras Chicas, they may not contain sediments older
debris flows grading upward and laterally into mid-fan, than Neocomian. Furthermore, because the sediments
braidplain, and playa lake deposits; (3) lava flows at the were deposited under arid conditions without significant
top of the lower megasequence or base of the second lacustrine facies, the source rock potential of these basins
megasequence of deposition; and (4) the presence of may be limited. It is possible, however, that these unin-
depocenters characterized by intersecting fault trends verted basins do have a younger lacustrine facies that has
356 Schmidt et al.
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Structural Inversion and Oil Occurrence in the
Cuyo Basin of Argentina
M ost of the hydrocarbon reserves in the Cuyo basin are contained in 15 oil fields that are mainly struc-
turally controlled. They include several pools in the 40 million m3 range. Tectonic analysis based on
seismic data tied to well control suggests that most closures relate to folds and reverse faults that are geneti-
cally associated with an earlier extensional fault system that developed during the early Mesozoic collapse of a
late Paleozoic orogenic belt. Reconstruction of the source rock (Middle Triassic Cacheuta Formation) and
reservoir paleogeography (Triassic–Tertiary Potrerillos, Río Blanco, Barrancas, and Papagayos formations)
indicates that synsedimentary extension and differential subsidence were key factors that induced an irregular
distribution of organic-rich strata and porosity development.
Cenozoic contraction linked to Andean orogenesis inverted the Triassic half-grabens and created structural
closures. This resulted in local reservoir enhancement and access to effective charge after late Cenozoic
regional migration. Prospective closures consist of elongate, irregularly spaced to en echelon anticlines and
plunging noses. Axial surfaces display eastward or westward vergence, and shallow folds are replaced at
depth by faulted structures (e.g., Tupungato, Barrancas, La Ventana, and Río Tunuyán fields).
The roots of the structural highs involve stratigraphic depocenters and high-angle faults that show normal
separation at depth and reverse separation at intermediate levels (e.g., Vizcacheras field). The amount of
inversion decreases from west to east, and in the most deformed areas, the cores of the folds were penetrated
by faulting and popped up structures shaped as bivergent thrust wedges bounded by master faults and
converging back-thrusts.
Dellapé, D., and A. Hegedus, 1995, Structural inversion and oil occurrence in the Cuyo 359
basin of Argentina, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of
South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 359–367.
360 Dellapé and Hegedus
Figure 2—Schematic cross section based on seismic lines and wells. Tectonic inversion of the western trend of productive
anticlines and half-grabens is shown. See Figure 1 for location.
Figure 3—Schematic cross section showing initiation of tectonic inversion. The sedimentary wedges are not well developed.
See Figure 1 for location.
features began to develop at the same time as initiation Because the Tertiary succession is piled up without
of Triassic extension. The present-day structures were marked angular unconformities and because Pliocene
outlined after Cenozoic Andean tectonism. strata of the Mogotes Formation are involved in the
Anticlinal closures are aligned along three north- shallow folding, the period of contractional deformation
northwest striking structural trends (Figure 1). The is attributed to a fairly young age (Padula, 1972; Jordan
western series of folds includes culminations at and Ortíz, 1987).
Cacheuta, La Pilona, Estructura Intermedia, Tupungato, Seismic sections across the northern part of the Cuyo
Piedras Coloradas, Chañares Herrados, and Alto Verde. basin show definite evidence of asymmetric extensional
The central trend includes the following structures: Cruz structures during sedimentation of the Middle and
de Piedra, Lunlunta, Barrancas, Carrizal, Río Tunuyán, Upper Triassic sequences. A series of master faults
La Ventana, Vacas Muertas, Punta de las Bardas, and El induced sedimentary thickening into half-graben type
Quemado. The eastern trend is more subdued both at the tectonic depressions (Figures 3, 4, 5). The deformation
surface and in the subsurface and comprises the sequence involves three stages: (1) extension, block
Rivadavia, Zampal, and Vizcacheras structures. rotation, and half-graben fill; (2) regional sag and differ-
The individual culminations are connected through a ential subsidence; and (3) compression and inversion.
series of structural saddles. All of them show asymmetric
cross sections, with steeper flanks commonly linked to Extension, Block Rotation, and
conspicuous reverse faults. Seismic control demonstrates Half-Graben Fill
that shallow folded configurations at Tertiary and upper
Mesozoic levels are replaced at depth by less obviously During this episode from about 245 to 232 Ma,
folded strata displaying a series of differentially interval A–B was deposited (Figures 3, 4, 5). Geodynamic
displaced and rotated fault block geometries (Figures 3, control is attributed to extensional collapse of a late
4). These contrasting architectures are associated with Paleozoic orogen developed after intracratonic compres-
stratigraphic intervals that have laterally varying thick- sional deformation and crustal thickening near the
nesses. They are ultimately linked to a deformational margin of the Gondwana supercontinent (Mpodozis and
history that superimposed contractional strain on an Kay, 1990; Legarreta et al., 1993). The extensional episode
older extensionally induced basement fabric. is recorded in the suite of listric and planar faults.
Structural Inversion and Oil Occurrence in the Cuyo Basin of Argentina 363
Figure 4—Schematic stratigraphic section showing distribution of sedimentary units and sequence boundaries. Not to scale.
(Courtesy of L. Legarreta.)
Figure 5—(a) Interpreted seismic section and (b) geologic cross section in an west-east orientation. Note the tectonic
inversion in the western part. Numbers on contacts are ages (in Ma). Symbols as in Figure 4.
Structural Inversion and Oil Occurrence in the Cuyo Basin of Argentina 365
interpreted as a transfer zone between half-graben within the 2000-m-thick Tertiary succession demon-
systems rotated in opposite directions. strates that normal faulting was not active during the
The magnitude of inversion changes laterally and Cenozoic.
shows variable expression at successive stratigraphic Well data and geologic analysis of the seismic sections
levels. Therefore, it is possible for the inversion to be support the interpretation shown in Figure 3, which
inconspicuous at basement level while significant defor- shows a general east–west thinning and locally thick
mation of strata is present at the base of the Tertiary. This Triassic sections due to normal fault offsets. Near the
implies that the post-Triassic and Tertiary successions structural culminations, the Triassic succession thins and
were deformed due to folding while the basement is devoid of reservoir quality sandstones.
reacted rigidly and lacked noticeable arching. In those
zones where inversion was milder, the sag stage Creta- Inverted Normal Faults
ceous deposits were locally shortened and flexed
without faulting (Figure 3). At more advanced stages of Inception of the compressional stress field associated
deformation, the cores of the folds were penetrated by with Andean orogenesis is reflected in reverse reactiva-
faulting and developed “pop-up” wedges flanked by tion of the inherited normal master faults (Figure 3).
downward-convergent reverse faults that are believed to Seismic images of intermediate and young stratigraphic
reflect inverted antithetic and second-order synthetic horizons demonstrate reverse separations. The newly
accommodation faulting. developed structural fabric includes back-thrusting along
Some of the master faults that were reactivated as antithetic faults, block arching, and general uplift of the
reverse faults are linked to zones of antithetic deforma- area that hosts the Vizcacheras oil pool.
tion interpreted as converging back-thrusts. These faults Due to its location distant from the mountain front,
play an important role in some of the oil-bearing struc- the Vizcacheras block suffered only relatively moderate
tures, which locally has a direct effect on hydrocarbon compressional stress compared to the patterns recorded
trapping. The presence and degree of development of for the western trend. The local structure at Vizcacheras
these structures depends on the magnitude of the local shows only a modest amount of inversion. The present
compressional stresses. The most common structural structural culmination reflects close proximity to mildly
traps are related to arching at shallow levels, while a inverted antithetic faults and dips toward a structural
reduced magnitude of fold-related closure is more low on the hanging wall side of the original half-graben.
common at depth. At greater depths, blocks that The present trapping configuration is believed to be an
preserve noninverted normal offsets are largely unex- inverted rollover feature.
plored, but appear to be affected by burial depth and
deteriorated reservoir quality.
VIZCACHERAS BLOCK Syndepositional faulting was not only an important
factor controlling the structural evolution and final
In spite of its condensed sedimentary development, geometric configuration of many hydrocarbon traps, it
the stratigraphy of the Vizcacheras block records all of also exerted a considerable influence on source rock and
the depositional events documented in the thicker reservoir distribution in the Cuyo basin.
sections to the west. One similarity is the thick sandstone
sections deposited in depressions (Figure 3) during the Source Rock Distribution
thermal sag stage (Barrancas and Papagayos formations).
An analysis of seismic sections and well control demon- The persistence of lacustrine systems throughout
strates significant variations in fault activity. Triassic deposition favored organic productivity and
preservation. The main source rock interval of the Cuyo
Normal Faults basin is in the Cacheuta Formation. Thinner and less
organic-rich members also occur in the Las Cabras,
Normal faults formed boundaries for early Mesozoic Potrerillos, and Río Blanco formations. The area near La
depocenters. The oldest Triassic sequences were Pilona, Tupungato, Piedras Coloradas, and Chañares
deposited on the downthrown side of the faults, while Herrados represents the best hydrocarbon “kitchen” in
the upturned flanks of the blocks remained above depo- the basin because of its thick, organic-rich shales and
sitional base level. These normal faults have dip separa- adequate thermal history (Chebli et al., 1984; Jordan and
tions on the order of 1000 m. Ortíz, 1987). The region near Vizcacheras and Rivadavia
Differential block faulting was active during depo- is less favorable because of its reduced thickness and less
sition of the Late Triassic and younger Mesozoic than optimum level of organic maturity.
sequences. Displacement rates were subdued but still Comparison of lithofacies distributions and faulting
sufficient to induce lateral changes in facies and in thick- patterns shows that listric faulting created depositories
nesses. An essentially parallel set of seismic reflections adjacent to the fault plain that supported preservation of
366 Dellapé and Hegedus
T he Malargüe fold and thrust belt formed by Mesozoic rift inversion during Tertiary compressional
orogeny. Mesozoic extension created the Neuquén basin in west-central Argentina and controlled most
structural styles and the geometry of the fold and thrust belt, which is characterized by basement-cored oppo-
sitely verging structures. Subsidence curves and palinspastically restored isopach maps of Mesozoic sedimen-
tary fill describe a complex pattern of asymmetric half-grabens bounded by major faults of opposite polarity
and accommodation zones related to a rift phase during Late Triassic–Early Jurassic time, as well as Middle
Jurassic–Early Cretaceous postrift regional subsidence. Balanced cross sections show the relationship between
preexisting extensional fabrics and contractional basement-involved thrusts and back-thrust structures that
generated the half-graben inversion. Overpressured shales and three evaporite levels favored formation of
duplexes, triangle zones, and detachment of the cover as a result of basement-involved shortening.
L a Faja Fallada y Plegada de Malargüe resultó de la inversión tectónica del rift mesozoico, generada por
los movimientos compresivos terciarios. Este sistema extensional, que originó la Cuenca Neuquina en el
centro oeste de Argentina, controló en gran parte el estilo y la geometría de la faja fallada y plegada, caracteri-
zada por involucrar el basamento en el núcleo de estructuras con vergencias opuestas. El análisis del relleno
sedimentario del rift mesozoico mediante curvas de subsidencia y mapas isopáquicos palinspastizados,
permitió caracterizar depocentros relacionados con fallas maestras de polaridad cambiante, que se vinculan
mediante zonas de acomodación. Se determinó también una etapa rift durante el Triásico Superior-Jurásico
Inferior y una etapa de subsidencia termal durante el Jurásico Medio-Cretácico Inferior. La relación entre la
geometría inicial y la estructura actual de la faja fallada y plegada se muestra mediante secciones estructurales
balanceadas en las que el basamento se halla afectado por corrimientos y retrocorrimientos que inviertieron los
hemigrabenes. La presencia de niveles evaporíticos y pelitas euxínicas sobrepresionadas en cobertura favoreció
la formación de duplexes, zonas triangulares y pliegues de despegue.
Manceda, R., and D. Figueroa, 1995, Inversion of the Mesozoic Neuquén rift in the 369
Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Mendoza, Argentina, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and
H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 369–382.
370 Manceda and Figueroa
Figure 1—Geologic map of the Malargüe tract of the Neuquén basin. (Adapted from Kozlowski, 1992.)
Inversion of the Mesozoic Neuquén Rift, Malargüe Fold and Thrust Belt, Mendoza, Argentina 371
Figure 2—Stratigraphic column of the northwestern Neuquén basin. (Adapted from Groeber, 1946; Legarreta and
Gulisano, 1989.)
Inversion of the Mesozoic Neuquén Rift, Malargüe Fold and Thrust Belt, Mendoza, Argentina 373
Figure 5—Palinspastically restored isopach map of the Figure 6—Palinspastically restored isopach map of the
Cuyo Group, which mimics the previous structural relief. Cuyo Group and pre-Cuyo stratigraphy. These two
Contour interval is 100 m. intervals combined accentuate the structural geometry of
the basins. Contour interval is 100 m.
Five balanced cross sections for the Malargüe fold and
thrust belt were prepared using surface data, reflection
seismic data, and exploration wells. The sections were
selected to show the present relationship between half-
grabens and Tertiary deformational relief (Figures 1, 4).
Figure 9—Structural rela-
tionships among half-
grabens and interpretation
of the basin-forming
extensional fault system.
Generalized cross
sections show changes in
structural style along
strike and changes in
polarity of the master
Inversion of the Mesozoic Neuquén Rift, Malargüe Fold and Thrust Belt, Mendoza, Argentina 377
Figure 10—Cross section A, Diamante River area. The Atuel half-graben in the west is inverted, generating a complex duplex
system. The structure in the Diamante River area involves basement and reflects the southward plunge of the Cordón del
Carrizalito. See Figure 4 for location.
Figure 11—Cross section B, Salado River area. Note the detachment folding in front of the Las Leñas anticline and the
triangle zones east of the Los Blancos anticline. (Cañada Ancha zone was adapted from Condat et al., 1989.) See Figure 4 for
378 Manceda and Figueroa
Figure 12—Cross section C, Malargüe River area. La Valenciana anticline is formed by inversion of the Jurassic depocenter,
producing a triangle zone at its edge. The presence of back-thrusts in the Tricolor hill are believed to be subordinate to the
main deformation; it verges toward the foreland. See Figure 4 for location.
Accommodation Zone Cross Section quently, the hanging wall of the back-thrust involves
basement. Hayward and Graham (1989) have described
Similar characteristics of deformation affected the these characteristics as a shortcut fault. Toward the east,
basement-cored accommodation zones with a duplex the available data suggest that the inverted faults have
verging toward the foreland in Bardas Blancas (Manceda rooted in the synrift succession without generating
et al., 1990, 1992) and fault-bend folding in La Batra, shortcuts (see Suppe, 1986). Asymmetry toward the
where it is associated with a southward plunge of the foreland forms surface topography in the Sierra de
Malargüe anticline (cross section D, Figure 13). Palauco, Ranquilco-Del Petiso, and Cerro Fortunoso
In contrast, the Portezuelo del Viento structure and La areas.
Zeta and La Guanaca faults (Figure 13) as well as the
subsurface Los Cerrillos structure verge in the opposite Interpretation
direction. These structures are not associated with
inversion tectonics, nor are they related to a Jurassic The cross sections show that the Atuel-Valenciana and
depocenter. Instead, they appear to reflect adjustment to Palauco half-grabens were inverted by Tertiary compres-
fold and thrust belt deformation. sional tectonics, forming large-scale structures. Neverthe-
The sedimentary cover, which drapes a thin Jurassic less, there are other anticlinal structures in the foldbelt,
succession along the accommodation sidewall, has such as Sierra Azul-Bardas Blancas, Sierra de Cara Cura,
developed duplexes similar to the belt found between Sierra de Reyes, and Bloque Dedos-Silla (the Dorsal del
the Campanario Mountain and Portezuelo del Viento Tordillo of Davidson and Vicente, 1972, and Legarreta
and the triangle zone of Bardas Blancas (Plozkiewicz, and Gulisano, 1989), that do not correspond to the
1987; Manceda et al., 1990). thickest Jurassic synrift deposits. These are attributed to
structural inversion of normal faults that formed the
Palauco Rift Cross Section internal structure of the half-grabens. However, these
antithetic secondary faults are difficult to map because
Structural inversion is conspicuous in the Palauco the database is not dense enough to record their subtle
half-graben where Tertiary compressional tectonics have form.
reactivated the basin-forming listric normal faults in a Although tenuous, the large-scale structure associated
reverse sense. Both the Jurassic fill and the basement with the Cordillera del Viento is attributed to structural
have been compressed and elevated (cross section E, inversion of the Chacay Melehue half-graben. This has
Figure 14). The asymmetry of the structures toward the generated a back-thrust toward the west that explains
west is based on abundant well control. A significant the abrupt relationship between basement and the
characteristic of the Palauco structure is that only the synorogenic prism. To the east, the Jurassic succession
low-angle listric normal fault has been reactivated, while lies unconformably on the basement which at the surface
the high-angle component has not been affected. Conse- dips slightly to the east.
Inversion of the Mesozoic Neuquén Rift, Malargüe Fold and Thrust Belt, Mendoza, Argentina 379
Figure 13—Cross section D, Rio Grande area. As cross section C, the principal deformation is toward the foreland; there are
also subordinate back-thrusts. The thickness of the Jurassic succession has decreased adjacent to the accommodation
sidewall. Contraction of the basement is absorbed in duplexes that also affect the sedimentary cover to the west. Toward the
east, deformation is expressed in triangle zones (Bardas Blancas). See Figure 4 for location.
The Rio Grande high forms the Sierra Azul anticline records the initiation of Malargüe deformation. Toward
and an associated structural depression to the east that is the west, it is probable that older ages will be found.
expressed as the Río Grande valley. This depression is The average shortening derived from balanced cross
confined to the west by the thrust structure and to the sections is 38 km, suggesting an average rate of deforma-
east by back-thrusts of the Palauco anticline. This depres- tion of 0.7–0.9 mm/yr.
sion has a complex structure within the cover where
opposing vergences occurred in the late Miocene.
The sudden changes in vergence and structural styles CONCLUSIONS
that were controlled by the Jurassic rift infrastructure are
clearly reflected in the present north-south structural The Malargüe fold and thrust belt has been explored
trends. This is also true for the transfer shortening for many years. Numerous hydrocarbon discoveries
between the Malargüe structure and the inverted have been made in deformed structures that had an
depocenter in Palauco, where vergences are opposite, earlier history of subsidence along extensional fault
and between the Bardas Blancas structure and the systems. This exploration database has been used to
inverted depocenter of La Valenciana, where vergences reconstruct the history of basin subsidence and subse-
are similar. quent inversion. The principal results of this study are as
Timing and Rate of Deformation
• Jurassic sedimentation initially occurred in half-
The Tertiary synorogenic prism is separated from grabens that had regular along-strike changes in
older basin fills and basement by angular unconformi- polarity. Such changes in polarity, timing, and
ties. The earliest synorogenic deposits in the external part structural styles imply offsetting accommodation
of the foldbelt are dated as late Eocene on the basis of zones (see Gibbs, 1984; Lister et al., 1986).
Deseadense age mammals (Gorroño et al., 1979), about • Subsidence is attributed to rift and postrift
39 Ma. Based on stratigraphic considerations, Uliana and processes, each with at least two episodes of
Dellapé (1981) and Legarreta and Gulisano (1989) have enhanced subsidence.
suggested an early Eocene age, nearly 55 Ma, but there is • The principal basin-forming faults of the half-
no paleontologic confirmation. This angular unconfor- grabens, and even the secondary internal fabrics of
mity between the synorogenic prism and the Malargüe these basins, suffered varying degrees of reactiva-
Group, which is the youngest sedimentary unit of the tion and inversion during the Tertiary Andean
Riográndico cycle (Legarreta and Gulisano, 1989), orogeny.
380 Manceda and Figueroa
Figure 14—Cross section E, Sierra de Palauco area. Coincident with the initial extensional geometry, compression has
resulted in a change in the sense of deformational vergence. Inversion of the Palauco half-graben toward the west is
observed. See Figure 4 for location.
• Basement involvement and the opposing directions Bond, G., and M. Kominz, 1984, Construction of tectonic
of vergence were controlled by the initial architec- subsidence curves for the early Paleozoic miogeocline,
ture of the basin. southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: implications for
• Shortening derived from balanced cross sections subsidence mechanisms, age of breakup, and crustal
thinning: GSA Bulletin, v. 95, p. 155–173.
averaged 32%, suggesting a mean rate of deforma-
Condat, P., E. Kozlowski, E. C. Cruz, and R. Manceda, 1989,
tion of 0.7–0.9 mm/yr. Estructura del anticlinal Cañada Ancha, Mendoza: Boletín
de Informaciones Petroleras, Tercera Epoca, no. 19, p. 2–14.
Davidson, M. J., and J. C. Vicente, 1972, Características paleo-
Acknowledgments We wish to thank YPF S.A. for geográficas y estructurales del área fronteriza de las
allowing publication of this paper and our colleagues in the nacientes del Teno (Chile) y Santa Elena (Argentina),
Neuquén Exploration Area and Development Projects Area in Cordillera Principal, 35° a 35° 15’ de latitud Sur: Quinto
Buenos Aires for helpful discussions. V. A. Ramos, E. Congreso Geológico Argentino, v. 5, p. 11–55.
Dellapé, D. A., C. Mombrú, G. Pando, A. C. Riccardi, M. A.
Kozlowski, H. Welsink, and especially A. Tankard provided
Uliana, and G. E. Westermann, 1979, Edad y correlación de
careful review of this manuscript, and their comments served la Formación Tábanos en Chacay Melehue y otras locali-
to greatly improve it. dades de Neuquén y Mendoza. Con consideraciones sobre
la distribución y significado de las sedimentitas lotenianas:
Obra Centenario del Museo de La Plata 5, p. 81–105.
Digregorio, R. E., C. A. Gulisano, A. R. Gutierrez Pleimling,
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382 Manceda and Figueroa
Daniel Figueroa
Proyectos Exploratorios, YPF S.A.
Av. R. Sáenz Peña 777
1364 Buenos Aires
Tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the
Neuquén Basin, Argentina
G. D. Vergani A. J. Tankard
Perez Companc Tankard Enterprises
Neuquén, Argentina Calgary, Alberta, Canada
H. J. Belotti
H. J. Welsink
Perez Companc
Neuquén, Argentina
T he tectonic evolution of the Neuquén basin spans about 220 m.y. of Mesozoic–Cenozoic subsidence.
Initial rifting in the Triassic was driven by extensional collapse of the Permian–Triassic orogen. This
period of extension was accommodated by inherited structural inhomogeneities and a southwest-oriented
extensional stress field. From the Aalenian onward, fault-controlled subsidence was replaced by regional subsi-
dence. Several episodes of structural inversion modified the shape of the depocenter and rejuvenated fringing
sedimentary source areas. The most significant inversion occurred in the late Oxfordian–earliest Kimmeridgian
when the Dorsal de Huincul was formed. This Late Jurassic diastrophism marks a fundamental reorganization
of extensional stress fields related to fragmentation of southwestern Gondwana and the Atlantic opening. Late
Jurassic–Cretaceous extension was northwest directed. This history of tectonic evolution is reflected in a
complex structural framework, at least two major hydrocarbon source rock intervals, and numerous reservoir
L a evolución tectónica de la cuenca Neuquina, desarrollada a través del Mesozoico y Cenozoico, abarca
unos 220 m.a. El inicio del rift en el Triásico tardío fue provocado por un colapso extensional del
orógeno permo-triásico. Este período de extensión fue motivado por un campo de esfuerzo extensional de
orientación sudoeste-noreste, e influenciado por inhomogeneidades estructurales inherentes al sustrato. A
partir del Aaleniano la subsidencia controlada por fallas fue reemplazada por subsidencia de carácter regional.
Varios episodios de inversión tectónica modificaron la forma del depocentro y rejuvenecieron las áreas de
aporte sedimentario. La inversión mas significante ocurrió en el Oxfordiano tardío–Kimmeridgiano temprano.
cuando se formó la Dorsal de Huincul. Este diastrofismo del Jurásico tardío, marca una reorganización funda-
mental de los campos de esfuerzo extensionales, relacionados con la fragmentación del sudoeste del
Gondwana y la apertura atlántica. La extensión acaecida durante el Jurásico–Cretácico tuvo orientación
noroeste-sudeste. Esta historia de evolución tectónica se refleja en un marco estructural complejo con al menos
dos intervalos de roca generadora de hidrocarburos y numerosas rocas reservorio.
Vergani, G. D., A. J. Tankard, H. J. Belotti, and H. J. Welsink, 1995, Tectonic evolution and 383
paleogeography of the Neuquén basin, Argentina, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H.
J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 383–402.
384 Vergani et al.
Patagonia preserves a long history of Phanerozoic
basin formation. In Late Permian–Early Triassic time, the
Paleozoic basins were subjected to an episode of wide-
spread compressive inversion that was relatively
selective. Conspicuous deformation belts include the
Sierras Australes, Sierra Grande, Precordillera, Sierra
Pintada, and South Patagonia (see Cobbold et al., 1986).
This period of mountain building was a precursor to
intermediate and acid magmatism of Permian–Triassic
age (Rapela and Kay, 1988; Kay et al., 1989; Uliana et al.,
1989). The Choiyoi Group (Figure 2) is a rhyolite-
ignimbrite suite of enormous proportions that is closely
associated with extensional tectonics and molasse depo-
sition. Uliana and Legarreta (1993) attribute these associ-
ations to extensional collapse.
The Neuquén basin records at least 220 m.y. of basin
subsidence. The preserved basin fill consists of an Upper
Triassic–Cenozoic succession that is at least 7000 m thick.
It is punctuated by several unconformities that reflect
intermittent subsidence, as well as several episodes of
structural inversion (Figure 2). The most conspicuous
inversion structure is the Huincul dorsal, or arch, of early
Figure 1—Location of Neuquén basin in west-central Kimmeridgian age. Structural inversion was an
Argentina, showing its relationship to the Sierra Pintada, important component of hydrocarbon trap formation.
North Patagonian massif, and the younger Andean
Cordillera to the west.
There are six principal stages of basin evolution. (1)
Norian–Sinemurian extension was accompanied by
molasse deposition. (2) Renewed extension in the Pliens-
The tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the bachian–Toarcian involved extensional faults that parti-
Neuquén basin began during the Late Triassic and Early tioned the basin into several fault-controlled depocen-
Jurassic as a result of extensional collapse of the ters. This was also the time of Los Molles source rock
Permian–Triassic orogenic belt (see Dewey, 1988). deposition. (3) Aalenian–Oxfordian postrift regional
However, the basin has an even longer ancestry (Tankard subsidence resulted in amalgamation of the previous rift
et al., 1995). The Mesozoic Neuquén basin has a complex depocenters. (4) The latest Oxfordian and early
structural framework that was affected first by northeast- Kimmeridgian Araucanian diastrophism and inversion
oriented extension in the Triassic and Early Jurassic and marks a fundamental reorganization of extensional stress
then by northwest-directed extension related to Late fields. (5) Renewed subsidence in the Late Jurassic–Early
Jurassic–Cretaceous fragmentation of western Gondwana Cretaceous was initiated by extensional processes.
and the Atlantic opening. The most conspicuous structure Several unconformities record intermittent subsidence of
is the Huincul dorsal, or arch. It is attributed to Kimmerid- an epeiric basin. The Vaca Muerta is a prolific source
gian inversion of an earlier rift depoaxis; this deformation rock interval. (6) In the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary, the
is known as the Araucanian event. The importance of the Neuquén basin was subjected to progressive growth of
Huincul inversion is that it marked the reorganization of the Andean fold and thrust belt and reactivation of older
the Mesozoic stress fields and coincided with the initia- extensional faults in a reverse sense.
tion of rifting along the eastern seaboard of Argentina The principal tectonic elements comprising the
and the conjugate margin of South Africa. Neuquén basin are summarized in Figure 3. The
Numerous studies have addressed the stratigraphic essential ingredients that form this tectonic architecture
evolution of the Neuquén basin (e.g., Marchese, 1971; include Triassic–Jurassic extensional processes, multiple
Tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina 385
Figure 2—Tectonostratigraphic column for the Neuquén basin showing major basin-forming stages. The unconformity-
bounded stratigraphy is based on seismic stratigraphy, well control, proprietary exploration reports, and literature. Los
Molles and Vaca Muerta are the principal source rock intervals. The relative sea level curve is based on Haq et al. (1987) and
adjusted to the DNAG (Decade of North American Geology) time scale. A–G, seismic markers.
386 Vergani et al.
Figure 3—Maps showing (A) principal tectonic framework of the Neuquén basin and (B) associated oil and gas fields and
locations of seismic lines and cross sections.
Figure 4—Structural and paleogeographic framework of early Neuquén basin. (A) Extensional architecture of Late
Triassic–Early Jurassic rift phase. Abbreviations: A, Añelo; BC, Barda Colorada; BV, Bajada Vidal; CC, Cara Cura range;
Ch, Chacaico; CL, Catan Lil; CSN, Chihuido de la Sierra Negra; Co, Challacó; CV, Cordillera del Viento; DCh, Dorsal de los
Chihuidos; EL, Entre Lomas; ES, El Sauce; EV, Estancia Vieja; GA, Gobernador Ayala; Ha, Huantraico; PA, Piedra del
Aguila; PH, Plaza Huincul; RC, Río Colorado; RN, Rio Negro; Sa, Sañico; SR, Reyes range; TCh, Tres Chorros; VM, Vaca
Muerta. (B) Early rift paleogeographic reconstruction. (C) Lower Cuyo Group late rift paleogeography showing isolated rift
depocenters. (D) Upper Cuyo Group postrift phase in which previous fault-controlled depocenters were amalgamated in a
broad downwarp.
388 Vergani et al.
Figure 5—Seismic section showing Bajada Vidal trough and boundary fault, as well as the transition from rift subsidence to
the postrift cover sequence. Vertical exaggeration is 4.2:1 at 1.4 sec (two-way time). See Figure 3 (line D) for location.
and has generated a narrow half-graben along strike. basin by a horst that coincides with the Dorsal de los
Well and seismic data suggest that over 1500 m of synrift Chihuidos (Marchese, 1971).
sediments of the pre-Cuyo and lower Cuyo groups accu- In the western part of the basin, a north-south exten-
mulated in the half-graben (Figures 4B, C). The Bajada sional fault system controlled deposition of the Cuyo
Vidal fault is about 70 km long and appears to connect Group sediments. An important structural lineament
with the Estancia Vieja fault (Figure 4A). Toward the marks a depositional axis, from the Cordillera del Viento
north, the Entre Lomas fault is offset from the Bajada southward along Tres Chorros, Chacaico, Catan Lil, and
Vidal fault and is of opposite polarity (Figures 4A, 6). As Sañico. To the north, this trend extends into the Mendoza
a result, this fault has generated a narrow half-graben. province (Manceda and Figueroa, 1993). From the Early
These narrow, deep fault-bounded Entre Lomas and Jurassic onward, evolution of the Neuquén basin was
Bajada Vidal troughs suggest a component of transten- characterized by regional subsidence interrupted by
sional subsidence. periodic inversion.
The faults in the Gobernador Ayala and Río Colorado
areas merge westward with the north-south extensional Lower Jurassic Rift Stratigraphy
system (Figure 4A). The Chihuido de la Sierra Negra
faults belong to a basement high that limited the lower Transition to the Cuyo Group is marked by a lower
Cuyo Group sediments to the north (Figures 4A, C). Pliensbachian unconformity and deposits representative
Cuyo deposition was also constrained in the center of the of marine paleoenvironments. These lower Cuyo strata
Tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina 389
Figure 6—Seismic section showing Entre Lomas fault-controlled trough and transition to postrift subsidence. The narrow,
deep trough suggests transtensional subsidence, possibly related to a Riedel shear. Vertical exaggeration is 3.2:1 at 1 sec
(two-way time). See Figure 3 (line E) for location.
390 Vergani et al.
Figure 7—Isopach distributions reflecting (A) northeast-oriented extensional regimes in the Early–Middle Jurassic and
(B) northwest-directed extension in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. Isopachs are based on seismic and well control and
integrated proprietary reports. (Courtesy of YPF and Perez Companc.)
Figure 8—Paleogeographic reconstruction following Callovian inversion. (A) Basal continental and marine sedimentary
cover of the lower Lotena Group. (B) Upper Lotena deposition of evaporites and limestones in a structurally closed basin.
systems prograded. Despite this freshwater influx, It was also a precursor to more massive latest Oxfordian–
marine invertebrate assemblages indicate normal marine early Kimmeridgian inversion along the Huincul arch
salinities (Riccardi, 1983). In the western part of the basin and the start of a new phase of basin subsidence.
(e.g., Vaca Muerta range), Lajas Formation sedimentary
facies suggest high-energy shelf and mesotidal ranges Late Jurassic Inversion Tectonics
(Dean, 1987), implying a paleogeography that was
partially open to the west. The provenance for the deltaic General uplift and erosion affected much of the
and fluvial sediments was toward the east and southeast Neuquén basin during the Callovian, especially the
(Uliana and Legarreta, 1993). Seismic sections record the Dorsal de Huincal area and the western and south-
offlapping progradational geometries, while exploration western parts of the basin (Figure 8A). In the north-
wells demonstrate the lithologic associations. The postrift western parts of the basin, inversion resulted in erosion
sequence comprises the upper Cuyo Group and its of upper Bajocian–lower Callovian strata (Dellapé et al.,
constituent Loma Negra, Lajas, Challaco, and Punta 1979; Gulisano, 1981).
Rosada formations (Figure 2). These grade into or Inversion of rift-related fault blocks was particularly
interfinger with Los Molles topset beds. By the end of conspicuous along the Dorsal de Huincul, but also
Cuyo deposition, the Neuquén basin was increasingly affected other extensional tracts. The continental deposits
silled and had a restricted circulation, as evidenced by in the basal part of the Lotena Formation were derived
the Tábanos evaporites (Figure 4D). Figure 2 shows that from inverted fault blocks and deposited as synorogenic
inversion was possibly initiated in the Callovian, molasse (Figure 8A). Partial erosion of upper Cuyo strata
suggesting a depositional response (evaporites and lime- occurred along the margins of the basin. These rocks are
stones) to inversion-assisted shallowing. absent in the Cordillera del Viento and in the Reyes and
Cara Cura ranges (Figure 4A) (Gulisano, 1981). In the
Dorsal de Huincul, it is difficult to estimate the amount
of Callovian erosion because younger erosional events
LATE JURASSIC–CRETACEOUS were even more substantial.
SUBSIDENCE At the end of this period of inversion, marine to evap-
oritic facies were deposited in a widespread downwarp
An early Callovian unconformity marks a conspic- that we attribute to relaxation of compressional stresses.
uous change in the style of sedimentation to the This initial sedimentary drape is reflected in the upper
evaporite-limestone dominated Lotena Group (Figure 2). Lotena Formation. These deposits shoal upward into
392 Vergani et al.
Figure 9—Late Jurassic Araucanian inversion which focused on the southern extensional tract. (A) Structural inversion and
partitioning by northwest-directed transfer faults. (B) Late Jurassic Tordillo paleogeography.
evaporitic rocks of the Loteniano-Chacayano sequence, inversion, nor was the extensional system to the south of
which includes La Manga, Barda Negra, and Auquilco the inverted belt (El Sauce and Río Negro trend, Figure
formations (Figures 2, 8B). 4A). This selective deformation is characteristic of the
A second and even more intense period of inversion inversion that covers an area 300 km long and 50 km
occurred in the late Oxfordian and earliest Kimmerid- wide (Figure 9A).
gian. This deformation, known as the Araucanian event, The transfer faults acted as structural boundaries
was focused on the old Piedra del Aguila–Barda during inversion. In the Plaza Huincul area, tectonic
Colorada–Chacaico trough and extended eastward to inversion was segmented by northwest-trending transfer
Estancia Vieja (Figures 4A, 9A). The inversion process faults that differed from the southwest-directed
was typically selective, avoiding some extensional struc- extension of the Early Jurassic (Figures 7A, 9A),
tures while reactivating others. Besides inversion of the suggesting that this Late Jurassic inversion was a
Dorsal de Huincul tract and the southern and south- response to fundamental reorganization of regional
western parts of the basin, isolated structures were stress fields. These Late Jurassic transfer faults offset and
uplifted in the Chacaico, Vaca Muerta, Reyes, and Cara separated some areas of inversion from others that were
Cura ranges (Figure 4A) where Cuyo and Lotena succes- unaffected by inversion. An example is the Barda
sions were deeply eroded. Colorada half-graben, which was intensely inverted
Figures 10 through 14 show the character and dimen- relative to the neighboring El Sauce half-graben (Figures
sions of this Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian deformational 10, 12); the latter was not deformed. The change from
event. Over 2000 m of Choiyoi, pre-Cuyo, and Cuyo compression to extension within this area has been inter-
Group sedimentary rocks were partially eroded in the preted as the result of transpression and transtension
Plaza Huincul area (Ploszkiewicz et al., 1984). North- within a wrench fault system (Orchuela et al., 1981;
northwest directed transfer faults divided this inverted Ploszkiewicz et al., 1984). We suggest that an initial rift
belt into three sectors (Figure 9A), each showing phase was followed by repeated tectonic inversions.
decreasing deformation toward the east (compare Structural inversion significantly restricted the
Figures 10, 13, 14). In the west, this phase affected the Neuquén basin. Fluvial deposits at the base of the
Vaca Muerta, Chacaico, and Cara Cura ranges by trunca- Tordillo Formation are thickest in the west where they
tion of the Cuyo and Lotena Group (Figure 11). In are augmented by large volumes of pyroclastic material
Estancia Vieja (Figure 14), the northwest-oriented (Gulisano, 1981). Thinner fluvial units are preserved
inversion only affected the east-west fault trend between uplifted fault blocks in the southwestern part of
bordering the pre-Cuyo and Cuyo depocenters. The the basin. Tectonic quiescence and a low-relief source
Bajada Vidal extensional fault was not affected by the terrain resulted in stratigraphic onlap of the Tordillo
Tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina 393
Figure 10—Uninterpreted and interpreted seismic section showing structural inversion of the western part of Dorsal de
Huincul in the Barda Colorada area. Vertical exaggeration is 2:1 at 1 sec (two-way time). See Figure 3 (line A) for location.
across basin margin ramps and intrabasin highs (Figure Andico cycle (Figure 2) (Gulisano et al., 1984a). Mitchum
9B). In the southeastern parts of the basin, the sediments and Uliana (1985) describe the progradational strati-
are typically finer grained and are attributed to lacustrine graphy of this Mendoza sequence, including the prolific
and eolian paleogeographies (Arregui, 1993); they are Vaca Muerta source rocks (see their figures 5–16).
known as the Catriel and Sierras Blancas formations
(Figure 2) (Marchese, 1971). Early Cretaceous Subsidence
The final phase of continental sedimentation during
the Tithonian coincided with regional subsidence which During the early Valanginian, a major change in the
we attribute to compressional relaxation (see Bally and pattern of basin subsidence resulted in interruption of the
Snelson, 1980). Marine encroachment and expansion of marine sedimentation that characterized the previous
the basin is reflected in the Mendoza Group of the cycle. The western and southern parts of the basin were
394 Vergani et al.
again subjected to inversion and regional uplift. Inversion Figure 12—Interpretation of Dorsal de Huincul inversion of
of older extensional faults was intense in the Dorsal de earlier extensional basins. Inversion is a selective process,
Huincul area and its extension toward the southwest. and in this reconstruction, it has deformed the Barda
Colorada half-graben while the neighboring El Sauce half-
Along the eastern margin of the basin, moderate uplift
graben continued to subside. 1, Paleozoic basement; 2,
resulted in minor stratigraphic truncation (Figures 5, 15). Pre-Cuyo early rift; 3, Lower Cuyo late rift; 4, Upper Cuyo
Seismic data (Figure 13) show truncation of the lower postrift; 5, Lotena Group. Not to scale.
Mendoza Group beneath the Valanginian unconformity
along the northern flank of the Huincul arch. Mendoza
stratigraphy was also eroded along the eastern margin of
the basin (Figures 5, 6). The inverted areas contributed oriented linear trends reflect reactivation of Triassic–
sediments to the interior of the basin where they were Early Jurassic transfer faults in a normal sense (Welsink
preserved to variable thicknesses. Westward, fluvial et al., 1995). These characteristics are consistent with the
sandstones and conglomerates graded laterally into their northwest-directed transfer faults that dissect the Dorsal
distal equivalents in the basin center (Figure 15) (Gulisano de Huincul and mark a reorganization of stress fields.
et al., 1984a). In the east, thin-bedded fluvial deposits of
calcareous sandstones and shales interfingered with
marine shales and carbonates toward the north. This Late Cretaceous Subsidence
clastic succession forms the Mulichinco Formation
(Figure 2). Farther north, carbonates of the Chachao Renewed tectonic activity and inversion during the
Formation were deposited on a platform flanking the earliest Cenomanian was characterized by subtle erosion
passive eastern margin of the basin (Figure 2). and northward thinning of the Rayoso Group in the
Tectonic quiescence characterized this basin from western part of the basin (Figures 2, 16) (Uliana et al.,
Valanginian time onward and resulted in renewed 1975). This event is recognized in outcrop along the
marine transgression and deposition of the platform Dorsal de Huincul and is conspicuous in well and
sediments of the Agrio Formation. These sediments seismic data (Figures 10, 12). Along the eastern margin of
interfingered with prograding fluvial clastics of the the basin, seismic sections show moderate truncation of
Centenario Formation along the margin (Figure 2). A the Rayoso Group and development of a slightly angular
general shallowing of the basin was accompanied by unconformity (Figures 5, 6, 10, 13). Correlation of wells
evaporitic and clastic sedimentation within a realm of and field sections shows that the unconformity is wide-
regional subsidence. This Rayoso Group represents the spread in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the
culmination of the Andico cycle. The Lower Cretaceous basin (Uliana et al., 1975; H. Sosa, 1994, personal commu-
Mendoza-Rayoso succession is punctuated by several nication).
unconformities that define the stacking of multiple trans- This tectonic phase reactivated the provenance areas
gressive-regressive sequences, reflecting intermittent that resulted in accumulation of continental deposits of
subsidence and eustatic processes (Figure 2) (see the Neuquén Group. This sedimentation persisted until
Mitchum and Uliana, 1985; Uliana and Legarreta, 1993). the end of the Cretaceous, at which time the continental
Figure 7B illustrates the Upper Jurassic–Lower Creta- and marine deposits of the Malargüe Group marked the
ceous isopachs that record the style of basin subsidence culmination of the Riográndico cycle (Figure 2)
following post-Araucanian relaxation. Local northeast- (Legarreta and Gulisano, 1989).
Figure 13—Seismic section showing inversion in the central part of Dorsal de Huincul in the Aguada Villanueva area. Vertical
exaggeration is 1.5:1 at 1 sec (two-way time). See Figure 3 (line B) for location.
396 Vergani et al.
Figure 14—Seismic section showing structural inversion in the eastern part of the Dorsal de Huincul in the Estancia Vieja
area. Note deformation decreasing toward the east. Vertical exaggeration is 2.3:1 at 1 sec (two-way time). See Figure 3
(line C) for location.
Tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina 397
Figure 18—Cross section showing fold and thrust belt, frontal syncline, Dorsal de los Chihuidos, and basin margin.
No vertical exaggeration. See Figure 3 (line F) for location.
Figure 19—Cross section showing external fold and thrust belt, frontal syncline, and basin margin. No vertical exaggeration.
See Figure 3 (line G) for location.
the marine shales of the Cuyo and Mendoza groups in overlain by Oligocene basalt flows of variable thickness.
which overpressured zones occur locally. Evaporites of In the southern part of the basin, continental deposits of
the Rayoso Group form a major upper detachment level the Michihuao Formation, possibly of Oligocene–early
in the northern part of the basin. These detachment levels Miocene age, underlie the sandstones and tuffs of the
control the deformation style in the foldbelt and its Collón Cura Formation. Finally, fluvial deposits uncon-
eastern flank (Figures 18, 19). In this important hydro- formably overlie the various Tertiary units. This succes-
carbon province, the interpretation of a triangle zone is sion is known as the Pliocene Tristeza Formation, which
based on seismic and well data (Ploszkiewicz, 1987; is better developed toward the north. Late Tertiary
Viñes, 1990). The thin-skinned structural style developed intrusive events (Huincan and Desfiladero Negro forma-
from north of the basin to the Agrio River in the south. It tions) occurred in both depositories and also affected the
is characterized by en echelon box folds with different Jurassic–Cretaceous stratigraphic column by intrusion of
vergences and local extent. intermediate and basic dikes and sills.
Thrust belt loading produced several internal
depocenters by fault reactivation and flexural subsidence
(Figure 17). In the west, thick volcanic suites known as
the Serie Andesitica are overlain by fluvial and lacustrine DISCUSSION
sedimentary deposits that are intercalated with tuffs and
andesites of late Oligocene–early Miocene age (Uliana, The tectonic evolution of the Neuquén basin involved
1978; Rapela and Kay, 1988). Miocene clastic and pyro- several episodes of extensional subsidence and structural
clastic deposits of the Collón Cura Formation follow inversion as the Patagonian lithosphere adjusted to two
unconformably (Figure 2). A Recent basaltic and major reorganizations of regional stress fields. This basin,
fluvioglacial succession covers much of this area. together with other Mesozoic basins of Patagonia, is
Discontinuous fluvial and intercalated volcaniclastic tectonically linked to Paleozoic precursors. First, many of
sediments are present at the foot of the external fold and these basins overlie Paleozoic depocenters, suggesting
thrust belt. During the Eocene–early Oligocene, clastic that they developed by reactivation of preexisting struc-
and pyroclastic sediments of the Carrere Formation were tures (see Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard, 1995, their
deposited (Uliana, 1978). These are unconformably figure 1). Second, Middle Triassic–Early Jurassic exten-
Tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina 399
Figure 20—(A) Northeast-directed transfer faults accommodated extension of the Triassic–Early Jurassic rift basins. (B) The
change to a northwest-directed σ3 reactivated these transfer faults in a normal sense, as shown by local northeast-oriented
isopach trends. In contrast, faults subparallel to the extension direction were reactivated as transfer faults.
sion is attributed to extensional collapse of the Permian–- al., 1989; Tankard et al., 1995; Welsink et al., 1995). Figure
Triassic orogens (Tankard et al., 1995). Dewey (1988) 4A shows a network of extensional faults that formed
relates extensional orogenic collapse to overthickened Triassic–Early Jurassic rift basins. The northwest trends
crust beneath orogenic belts and structural anisotropy. (e.g., Entre Lomas and Bajada Vidal) and the north-south
Extension of these Triassic–Jurassic basins in southern structural trends (e.g., Catan Lil, Chihuidos, and Reyes)
South America was accomplished by northeast-oriented imply a σ3 oriented toward the southwest. The pattern of
transfer faults (Welsink et al., 1995, their figure 17). These fault offsets, different scales of extensional tracts, variable
faults were parallel to the extensional stress at that time structural styles, and northeast-trending structural
(Figure 20A). A Basin and Range type of extensional boundaries or sidewalls suggest that the Triassic–Early
mechanism (see Wernicke, 1985; Verrall, 1989) is inferred Jurassic period of rifting involved northeast-oriented
for these early rifts. transfer faults. From Aalenian time onward, fault-
The Early Jurassic Neuquén succession contains controlled subsidence gradually decreased and the
diverse assemblages of invertebrate faunas that suggest discrete rifts and their intervening basement highs were
normal marine salinities and circulation. The volumi- yoked together in a broad postrift basin that subsided
nous freshwater influx reflected in the alluvial Challaco uniformly. This Triassic–Jurassic history of rift and
and Punta Rosada formations was insufficient to dilute postrift subsidence describes the first stage of basin
the basin, suggesting a direct westward connection to the subsidence spanning about 50 m.y. and is typical of
Pacific. This interpretation is supported by mesotidal extension.
sedimentation of some Lajas facies (Dean, 1987). These From Callovian time on, the Neuquén basin was
mesotidal ranges, marine affinities of the invertebrate subjected to periodic compressional reactivation of the
faunas, and volcanic materials in the Cuyo succession earlier extensional structures, locally creating massive
together support a back-arc setting for the Neuquén inversion structures. The largest of these, and the most
basin behind an irregular volcanic chain that permitted prominent structural element in the Neuquén basin, is
periodic exhange of water. the Dorsal de Huincul, or Huincul arch. The Late Jurassic
The structural framework of the Neuquén basin is inversion marks a fundamental reorganization of
complex because it has been repeatedly reactivated regional stress fields and the start of a new phase of basin
through different phases of Mesozoic extension and subsidence. The principal diastrophism and inversion
overprinted by several episodes of structural inversion. along the Huincul trend dates to the late Oxfordian–
Regional relationships provide a useful guide (Uliana et earliest Kimmeridgian. Seismic data show that variable
400 Vergani et al.
geometries of inversion along strike on the Huincul tectonics, with the climax of mountain building in the
structure were compartmented by regular northwest- Miocene and Pliocene. The importance of this Andean
trending offsets that suggest transfer faults of that orogeny was its influence on structural trap formation by
orientation. Post-Kimmeridgian deepening of the fault reactivation, especially in the northwestern part of
Neuquén basin was progressive toward the northwest the basin, and the blanketing effect of the thick foreland
(Figure 20B). The coincidence of local northeast- basin cover on source rock maturation.
trending isopachs and Triassic–Jurassic transfer faults There is obvious structural control on the distribution
suggest that this deepening was the result of the reacti- of oil and gas fields (compare Figures 3B, 4A). The giant
vation of transfer faults in a normal sense. Although in Loma La Lata oil and gas field, for example, is controlled
some cases faults cut as high as the Quintuco Formation, by intersecting northeast- and northwest-oriented faults
most of the fault activity is concealed beneath the thick along which an inversion anticline has formed. Else-
blanket of postrift sediments. Broad anticlinal warping where, the structural relationships of inversion and
and flexuring are evidence of deep-seated tectonic erosion are an important control of field distribution.
activity. Most oil and gas fields have a structural component of
This new structural framework precisely matches the trapping. Purely stratigraphic traps are less significant.
style of Late Jurassic–Cretaceous extension that preceded
fragmentation of southwestern Gondwana and the
opening of the South Atlantic. Extension along the
southern margin of South Africa and the eastern Acknowledgments We thank R. Allen, C. Arregui, F.
seaboard of Argentina and Uruguay (e.g., Santa Lucia, Drysdale, D. Lehto, D. Loureiro, R. Manceda, H. Piana, L.
Punta del Este, Salado, Colorado, and Outeniqua basins) Rebori, H. Sosa, M. Uliana, and R. Viñes for helpful discus-
started in about the Kimmeridgian (Tankard et al., 1995). sions. Typing was done by K. Bojarski and drafting by R.
These extensional tracts were linked to a system of west- Colombres. Finally, we thank the management of Perez
northwest diverging wrench faults. Examples include the Companc, especially R. Blocki and H. Marchese, for support
Agulhas-Malvinas fracture zone and the Martin Garcia and permission to publish.
trend, implying σ3 oriented toward the northwest in Late
Jurassic–Cretaceous time (Welsink et al., 1995). In this
sense, the Late Jurassic Dorsal de Huincul is directly
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402 Vergani et al.
A. J. Tankard
Tankard Enterprises
P.O. Box 81002
Calgary, Alberta T2J 7C9
Hydrocarbon Accumulation in an Inverted
Segment of the Andean Foreland :
San Bernardo Belt, Central Patagonia
G. O. Peroni G. Laffitte
A. G. Hegedus YPF S.A.
J. Cerdan Buenos Aires, Argentina
L. Legarreta
M. A. Uliana
Buenos Aires, Argentina
T he San Bernardo (“Bernárdides”) structural province is a multiply deformed belt transecting the peri-
Andean segment of the Argentine Patagonia. It is distinctly separate from the fold and thrust belt along
the western South American continental plate. The structured zone encompasses a NNW-SSE trending band
about 600 km long and 100 km wide. The area includes faults and folds that involve Precambrian–middle
Paleozoic basement, upper Paleozoic–Jurassic terrestrial to marine sedimentary and volcanogenic wedges, and
Cretaceous nonmarine fill of the intracratonic San Jorge basin. The Cretaceous cover is dominated by discontin-
uous, narrow, box-shaped folds associated with east- and west-verging reverse faults. Oil finds are restricted to
the low-lying unbreached segment between the Senguerr and Deseado rivers where anticlinal structures
developed by contractional reactivation of preexisting normal and strike-slip faults.
Oil generation is attributed to amorphous, largely algal-derived organic matter (TOC, 1–3 wt. %) formed in
brackish to alkaline stratified lakes. Modeling suggests that oil generation occurred from 110 to 30 Ma. Low-
gravity oil (15–25˚ API) resulted from biodegradation and washing. The reservoir comprises alluvial, channel,
and meander belt facies and multistory sandstone sheets. Stacked pay intervals are separated by shales, which
limit interconnectedness in the fields. Porosity loss is due to authigenic zeolites and devitrified glass by-
products in a volcaniclastic grain framework. Traps were formed in the Miocene by compression and inversion
of Jurassic half-grabens, expressed in local pop-ups, folds, and weakly inverted structures. Local uplift has
resulted in erosional removal and breaching of some traps. Hydrocarbon migration was facilitated by a
normally charged system and vertical drainage during the first phase of migration. The sandstone and tuffa-
ceous shale generally impeded migration. Late inversion processes favored hydrocarbon scattering.
Peroni, G. O., A. G. Hegedus, J. Cerdan, L. Legarreta, M. A. Uliana, and G. Laffitte, 1995, 403
Hydrocarbon accumulation in an inverted segment of the Andean foreland: San
Bernardo belt, central Patagonia, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink,
Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 403–419.
404 Peroni et al.
erosión entre los rios Senguerr y Deseado, donde las estructuras anticlinales se desarrollaron como conse-
cuencia de la reactivación compresiva de fallas de rumbo y normales preexistentes.
La Generación de Petróleo es atribuída a materia orgánic amorfa, mayormente derivada de algas (TOC
1–3%), formada en lagos estratificados de tipo salobre y alcalino. El modelado geoquímico sugiere que la
generación de petróleo comenzó alrededor de los 110 Ma y continuó hasta los 13 Ma. Petróleos densos (15-25º
API) son el resultado de biodegradación y lavado. El Reservorio comprende facies aluviales, de canales y fajas
meandrosas, y cuerpos arenosos laminares de tipo multiepisódico. Es común la presencia de reservorios
apilados, separados por lutitas que limitan la interconexión de capas dentro de los campos. Las limitaciones en
la porosidad se relacionan con ceolitas autigénicas y otros minerales relacionados a la devitrificación de trizas
volcánicas. Las Trampas consisten en pliegues anticlinales, “pop-ups” localizados y estructuras débilmente
invertidas, que se formaron en el Mioceno como consecuencia de compresión regional e inversión de los hemi-
grábenes jurásicos. Algunos alzamientos localizados provocaron remoción erosiva y desventramiento de
algunas de las trampas. La Migración de los hidrocarburos se relaciona con un sistema de carga normal y con
drenaje vertical durante la primera fase de movilización. Las areniscas de tipo discontínuo y las pelitas tobáceas
dificultaron la migración, y el carácter tardío de la inversión estructural favoreció la redistribución dispersiva de
los hidrocarburos.
This paper describes the geology and hydrocarbon
habitat of the San Bernardo belt, a structured segment of
the central Patagonian foreland that forms the western
edge of the Cretaceous San Jorge Basin (Figure 1) (Lesta,
1968; Lesta and Ferello, 1972; Fitzgerald et al., 1990). The
oil generation-migration system and trapping style
depart markedly from classic sub-Andean patterns in
which hydrocarbons are associated with marine source
rocks and subtle structural traps superimposed on a
mildly sloping foreland ramp. In contrast, the larger
fields in the buried part of the San Bernardo deformed
belt appear to be linked to lacustrine source rocks and to
high relief structures shaped by Neogene compressional
inversion of pre-Cretaceous extensional fault systems.
The study area in the Chubut and Santa Cruz
provinces dominates the meseta landscape of central
Patagonia. This area is known as the Patagonides (Keidel,
1925) or the San Bernardo foldbelt. The San Bernardo is
characterized by a NNW-SSE striking band of compres-
sional structures more than 600 km long and about 100
km wide (Figure 1). From the western margin of the
Somuncura massif, it extends southward, crosses the
western margin of the San Jorge basin, and finally reaches
the central part of the Deseado massif. Its eastward distri-
bution is restricted by the little-deformed crust under-
lying the South American Atlantic margin (Urien and
Zambrano, 1973). Toward the west, the structural belt is
confined and separated from the Andes by a 150–250 km
wide tract of little-deformed foreland. The most
depressed and least eroded part of the Bernardides belt
occurs between the Senguerr and Deseado river valleys
(Figure 2), where commercial oil pools have been found.
From a hydrocarbon perspective, the study area is Figure 1—Regional map of southern Argentina and Chile
adjacent to and has much in common with the most showing the location of the San Bernardo belt, principal
sedimentary basins (gray), and mountain ranges (shown
prolific of the Argentine oil provinces, the Cretaceous San by crystalline rock symbol). Hachures show location of the
Jorge basin. Production in the San Jorge began in 1907. San Bernardo belt. The rectangle outlines the area shown
Since then, over 50 medium to large fields and many in Figure 2.
smaller fields have been developed. Cumulative oil
production is greater than 350 million m3 (2.2 billion bbl).
Hydrocarbons in Inverted Segment of Andean Foreland: San Bernardo Belt, Central Patagonia 405
Economic Basement
Igneous and sedimentary rocks in central Patagonia of
pre-Middle Triassic age are generally assigned to the
“basement” by the oil industry. These rock assemblages
include a variety of deformed metamorphic units
reflecting early–middle Paleozoic sedimentation at the
Pacific margin of Gondwana. They have been affected by
the subsequent orogenic evolution of the Patagonia
region (Miller, 1976; Hervé et al., 1981; Hervé, 1988;
Hervé and Mpodozis, 1990; Gonzalez Bonorino, 1991),
late Paleozoic intrusive events (Lesta et al., 1980) with
magmatic arc affinities (Forsythe, 1982), and Carbonif-
erous–Permian marine and nonmarine deposits attrib-
uted to fore-arc and back-arc settings (Ramos, 1983; Gust
et al., 1985) (Figure 3).
Lower–Middle Jurassic
A suite of terrigenous clastic and volcanic rocks as
thick as 2500 m is confined to north-northwest oriented
hanging wall extensional troughs, referred to as Lias and
Tobífera or Lonco Trapial (Ugarte, 1966; Lesta and Ferello,
1972). These sedimentary wedges rest on deformed
basement or on the upper Paleozoic succession. The
depocenters are commonly located adjacent to fold-
related thrusts. Substantial facies and thickness changes
are observed in outcrop (Cortiñas, 1984) near bounding
faults. The seismic geometries of these unconformity-
bounded tilted block wedges (Fitzgerald et al., 1990)
suggest that they postdate the onset of extension. The
facies vary widely between subaerial and normal marine
conditions (Musacchio, 1981; Cortiñas, 1984). Several
stratigraphic intervals, especially the upper members,
include volcaniclastic components (e.g., De Giusto et al.,
1980; Cortés, 1990) that were deposited as lahars and
alluvial fans constructed by debris flows; these were fed
into lacustrine systems and restricted marine seaways.
Coarse detritus from basement rocks were shed across
exposed fault scarps.
Upper Jurassic–Neocomian
The 2000–3000-m-thick Upper Jurassic–Lower Creta-
ceous Las Heras Group records the transition from
restricted sedimentation within multiple depocenters to
amalgamation into a more widespread interior basin
system (Fitzgerald et al., 1990). Persistent subaqueous
depositional environments and limited clastic supply are
reflected in the transgressive internal geometry
(Fitzgerald et al., 1990), the predominantly low
sandstone to shale ratio, and the pervasive black
mudstone and carbonate facies (Lesta and Ferello, 1972;
Barcat et al., 1989). A Classopollis-dominated pollen flora,
ostracod faunas, and widespread zeolites indicate the
Figure 2—Schematic map showing main structural existence of large and persistent saline to alkaline lakes
features and oil fields in the central San Bernardo belt. See and a semiarid climate (Van Niewenhuise and Ormiston,
Figure 1 for location. 1989). Occasional foraminifera in some wells (Laffitte and
Villar, 1982) record an episodic connection with the
Pacific realm.
406 Peroni et al.
Figure 3—Chronostratigraphic summary of San Jorge basin. Numbers on the left are ages (Ma) attributed to the principal
sequence boundaries (SB). (Modified after Fitzgerald et al., 1990.)
Figure 4—(a) Regional east-west seismic section I and (b) interpreted geologic cross section, showing location of the San
Bernardo belt isolated within a noninverted segment of the Patagonian slab. See Figures 1 and 2 for location.
ernmost Santa Cruz, is conspicuous because of its broad configuration of the fold tract shows limited along-strike
structural features that involve the Cretaceous–lower persistence of the main structural elements. The overall
Cenozoic sequences. The areas north and south of this structure forms a series of blocks characterized by linear
middle segment that span the central Deseado and elements with slightly different prevailing orientations.
western Somoncura massifs expose deeper horizons and Smaller folds and faults with oblique orientations
show the structural attitude at the level of the earlier provide a link between these main segments.
Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary and volcanic Many of the anticlines are sinuous to subparallel. In
successions. The following discussion focuses on the detail, they are discontinuous and irregularly spaced,
central part of the Bernardides where long and arcuate and they locally relate to one another in en echelon or
anticlines, broad synclines, and a variety of associated relay patterns (Feruglio, 1929). Their cross sections show
faults provide opportunities for hydrocarbon exploration relatively short wavelengths and medium to high ampli-
(Figure 4). tudes. Large folds are usually narrow to box shaped with
The best exposures of the fold trend occur in the intact cores, and in most cases, at least one of their flanks
Musters–Colhue Huapi lake region in central Chubut is cut by reverse faults. The surface anticlines have asym-
(Figure 2), where the Bernardides form a distinct group metric profiles, but they lack a consistent vergence
of anticlinal mountains separated by broad synclinal direction. Backward and forward vergences alternate
valleys. South of the Senguerr River “elbow,” the folds along and across the Bernardides belt (Feruglio, 1929;
plunge beneath the level of the Patagonian meseta Sciutto, 1981), and several of the larger anticlines display
(Figure 5), but industrial seismic imaging demonstrates along-strike changes in facing direction.
their continuity as far south as the Deseado River valley. Seismic control demonstrates that steep to slightly
South of that latitude, the northward-oriented folds crop overturned limbs generally evolved into longitudinal
out again over the northern fringe of the Deseado massif. thrusts. Changes in vergence appear to be associated
Along the western side of the belt, transition to the with relay transfers between thrusts located along each
nonfolded adjacent domain is abrupt and defined by a of the flanks. In consequence, sections across fold culmi-
sharp increase in the structural relief (Fitzgerald et al., nations show the core zones as bivergent thrust slices or
1990) along steep fold limbs or reverse faults. The eastern downward-pointing “pop-up” wedges (Figures 6, 7).
margin of the folded zone displays a more gradual loss The southern plunge of the Castillo anticline illustrates
of structural relief across a zone where the folds interfere the nature of along-strike changes in shortening style
with east-west oriented normal fault blocks. The internal (Figure 8). A series of right-lateral tear faults accommo-
408 Peroni et al.
Figure 7—Geologic cross section based on seismic line IV showing structural styles that form the anticlines exposed near
Rio Deseado–Cerro Bayo. See Figure 2 for location.
Table 1—Summary of Structural and Depositional Evolution Controlling the Oil System in the San Bernardo Belt
basement faults distributed throughout the contractional observations and wide dispersal of points on Van
zone. The displacement of the focus and the magnitude Krevelen plots reveal a mixture of terrestrial and aquatic
of contractional structuring across the Bernardides were vegetable remains and the presence of type I, II, and III
probably accommodated by strike-slip displacement kerogens, similar to those found in nonmarine basins in
along former graben-bounding and transfer faults. China (Talbot, 1988).
Observations under transmitted light microscopy,
however, demonstrate the dominance of amorphous
organic matter. Organic matter counts show that the
HYDROCARBON HABITAT presence of Celiphus rallus-like nonmarine algae (Figure
11) coincides with the prevalence of amorphous matter
Source Rocks (Figure 12). Where the algae are scarce or absent, the
samples record an increased proportion of terrestrial
Several authors have recognized the hydrocarbon- matter (woody and coaly). The association of algae and
generating potential of the black shale and mudstone in low terrigenous levels suggests that the presence of high-
the Aguada Bandera, Guadal, D 129, and equivalent yield organic matter resulted from peaks in lake produc-
intervals (Laffitte and Villar, 1982; Rodrigo Gainza et al., tivity, attributed to highstand conditions. Several oils in
1984; Yllañez et al., 1989; Van Niewenhuise and the San Jorge basin have been correlated with source
Ormiston, 1989). These Upper Jurassic–Neocomian rocks dominated by amorphous matter and identified as
deposits preserve total organic carbon (TOC) and soluble type II or III kerogens (Yllañez et al., 1989).
organic matter (SOM) levels well above the source On the basis of the deep to shallow water interpreta-
threshold. TOC content ranges between 1 and 2% and tion of the San Jorge lacustrine depositional systems
locally above 3%; SOM is locally above 1000 ppm, and (Fitzgerald et al., 1990) and the apparent vertical changes
total thicknesses may exceed several hundred meters in in organic matter type and richness (G. Laffitte, personal
places. Thickest developments are known at Cerro communication), we suggest a secular change in the
Guadal, Aguada Bandera, Meseta Senguerr, Paso Río productivity and preservation regime. Uppermost
Mayo, Mata Magallanes, and Aguada del León. Visual Jurassic–lower Neocomian organic-rich accumulations
414 Peroni et al.
(b) (c)
Hydrocarbon-bearing zones consist of tuffaceous
sandstone strata in the Aptian–Campanian Castillo and
Bajo Barreal formations (Sciutto, 1981). The reservoir
interval thickness spans 1000–2000 m in which the indi-
vidual productive members typically show limited
lateral continuity.
Studies of outcrops adjacent to some of the fields
(Sciutto, 1981; Galeazzi, 1989; Meconi, 1989; Figari et al.,
1990) demonstrate that most of the reservoirs consist of
sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone filling fluvial
paleochannels of various types. Distinctive sandstone
facies include sheet-type accumulations above mobile
channel belts, ribbon deposits linked to fixed channels,
and nonchannelized depositional lobes attributed to
crevasse splaying. They mostly represent multistory Figure 12—Geochemical profile of the organic-rich interval
complexes showing a high degree of internal hetero- in well A. See Figure 2 for location.
geneity. Paleocurrent measurements by Meconi (1989) of
outcrops at the Senguerr River elbow indicate a south- In most fields, the average pay thickness varies
eastward flow direction that shifts to an eastward flow between 7 and 12 m and is usually distributed in three or
toward the younger part of the sequences. These changes four zones. Reservoir quality is mediocre and generally
in flow direction reflect variations in discharge. Earlier inferior to most San Jorge basin reservoirs, a hydro-
conditions of braided patterns and bed load dominance carbon province not noted for performance of its indi-
were replaced by facies attributed to high-sinousity vidual producing zones (Eussler, 1970). Petrographic
rivers and mixed load sedimentation (Galeazzi, 1989). studies by Teruggi and Rosetto (1963) recognize a
Hydrocarbons in Inverted Segment of Andean Foreland: San Bernardo Belt, Central Patagonia 415
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p. 251–289. Society Proceedings, v. 83, p. 649–709.
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Hydrocarbons in Inverted Segment of Andean Foreland: San Bernardo Belt, Central Patagonia 419
G. O. Peroni
A. G. Hegedus
J. Cerdan
L. Legarreta
M. A. Uliana
Astra C.A.P.S.A.
Exploración y Producción
Tucuman 744, Piso 7
1049 Buenos Aires
G. Laffitte
Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales S.A.
Roque Sáenz Peña 777
1049 Buenos Aires
Andean Basins
S ub-Andean Peru comprises the Marañon, Ucayali, and Madre de Dios basins which, together with three
subsidiary basins, cover an area of 370,000 km2. These basins extend considerable distances northward
into Ecuador and Colombia and southeastward into Bolivia. More than 5 billion bbl of recoverable oil have
been discovered in these basins, of which over 1 billion bbl of oil and almost 7 tcf of gas are in Peru.
The Tertiary foreland basins in front of the Eastern Cordillera are filled with up to 4 km of Tertiary molasse
sedimentary rocks. The basins are mainly of Miocene age and overlie older Paleozoic and Mesozoic depocen-
ters. Three major compressional episodes are recognized: a Middle Triassic event, an Early Cretaceous event
associated with major unconformities in some areas, and a regionally pervasive late Miocene–Pliocene
(Quechua III) event expressed in thrusting and compressional folding over most of sub-Andean Peru.
Two families of oils are differentiated in the Marañon basin, related to Permian and Cretaceous source
rocks. Three groups of oils in the Ucayali basin derive from Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic
sources. Oil samples in the Madre de Dios basin correlate to Devonian and Carboniferous shales. A variety of
trap types have been identified. The foreland can be divided into areas where preexisting faults have been
reversed by late Tertiary compression and flexural uplift, and areas unaffected by this deformation where
older, more subtle traps are important. To the west, the sub-Andean belt comprises regions where basement-
involved thrusts predominate and other areas characterized by thin-skinned thrusting. The Oriente-Marañon-
Ucayali basin complex has at least one large hydrocarbon accumulation in each trap type. The level of explor-
ation is low, and many areas are virtually unexplored.
L a zona sub andina del Perú incluye las cuencas de antepaís de Marañón, Ucayali y Madre de Dios asi
como las cuencas de Santiago, Huallaga y Ene en el piedemonte. Conjuntamente estas cuencas cubren
unos 370 000 km2. Las cuencas se extienden hacia el norte en Ecuador y Colombia y hacia el sur en Bolivia. Mas
de 5 billones de barriles han sido descubiertos en estas cuencas, de los cuales un poco más de un billon de
barriles de aceite y casi 7 TCP de gas en Perú.
En frente de la Cordillera Oriental las cuencas de antepaís están rellenas por hasta 4 km de sedimentos
molásicos Terciarios. Estas cuencas de antepaís son principalmente de edad Miocena y cubren cuencas Pale-
ozóicas y Mesozóicas. Se reconocen tres episodios principales de deformaciones compresionales: un evento en
el Trias medio, un evento en el Cretáceo inferior asociado con una discordancia regional en ciertas áreas y un
evento de edad Mioceno tardio-Plioceno (Quechua III) expresado por pliegues y cabalgamientos los cuales se
observan regionalmente en el sub andino Peruano.
Se distinguen dos familias de aceites en la cuenca de Marañón que provienen respectivamente de rocas
fuentes Pérmicas y Cretácicas. En la cuenca Ucayali se reconocen tres tipos de aceites que derivan respectiva-
mente del Devónico, Carbonífero, Pérmico y Triásico. Unas muestras de petróleo de la cuenca Madre de Dios
corelacionan con unas arcillas del Devónico y del Carbonífero. Se identificaron varios tipos de trampas. La
zona de antepaís se puede dividir en dos; con un área donde unas fallas antiguas fueron invertidas durante la
compresión del Terciario superior con levantamiento de las estructuras y flexura de los sedimentos, y un área
que no ha sido afectado por esta ultima deformación y donde unas trampas más antiguas y más sútiles son
importantes. Hacia el oeste el cinturón del piedemonte incluye zonas donde los cabalgamientos involucran el
basamento y otras zonas donde los cabalgamientos no involucran el basamento y se horizontalizan en la
cobertura sedimentaria. La cuenca Marañón-Oriente tiene por lo menos una acumulación de hidrocarburos
importante en cada tipo de trampa. El nivel de exploración es bajo y varias áreas están virtualmente inexplo-
Mathalone, J. M. P., and Montoya R., M., 1995, Petroleum geology of the sub-Andean 423
basins of Peru, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of
South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 423–444.
424 Mathalone and Montoya
Putumayo Brazilian
Shield 80
Maranon 50
Number of Fields
Santiago High BRAZIL
A Basin
2 km Base
Cretaceous Contour
Contaya 20
Bagua High Oil Field
Basin Gas Field
Basins 2
Huallaga Lines of 1
Basin section on Fig. 3 0
8° Pucallpa
Eastern B' Regional seismic 0 10 30 100 300 1000 3000
Cordillera line Fig. 4 Field Size (Million BBLS Oil)
E. Ucayali
Andes B Well location
Mountains Shira Basin for Fig. 10
W. Ucayali Fitzcarrald (MMBBLS) WELLS
Basin High Putumayo 400 MM 67 22 33%
C'Madre (Colombia)
De Dios Maranon/Ucayali 1,350 MM* 113 29 26%
Basin BOLIVIA (Peru)
km D
75° 71°
Figure 2—Field size distribution and discovery rates for
Figure 1—Foreland basins of Peru showing tectonic Ucayali-Marañon-Oriente-Putumayo basin complex. The
framework and distribution of oil and gas fields. Locations reserve total for the Marañon and Ucayali basins (1350
of Figures 3, 4, and 10 are shown. million bbl) includes 600 million bbl proven and probable
condensates estimated for the Camisea area.
The sub-Andean foreland basins span the length of (BOPD). Exploration, in contrast, decreased in the late
the Andes from Venezuela in the north to the southern- 1970s as other operators were unable to emulate the
most tip of South America. All the major basins and success of Petroperu and Occidental. In the middle 1970s,
many of the smaller basins are hydrocarbon bearing, and Cities Service and Andes Petroleum recorded over 2000
all have been substantially deformed relatively recently. km of seismic data in the Madre de Dios basin and
The Marañon, Ucayali, and Madre de Dios are the drilled five dry holes; these are the only wells drilled in
principal foreland basins. Each has subsidiary basins, the Peruvian Madre de Dios. In 1979–1980, Shell signed
such as the Ene, Huallaga, and Santiago basins, where blocks 38 and 42 in the southernmost Ucayali basin.
they have been deformed and partitioned in the foothills Some seismic acquisition followed the drilling of the
of the Andean fold and thrust belt (Figure 1). Sepa well, which recovered only a small amount of
Despite the drilling of the first well (the Agua Caliente Carboniferous oil. The San Martin well, spudded in 1983,
field discovery) in 1938, exploration of the sub-Andean flowed 41 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMCFGD)
basins of Peru has mainly taken place from 10 to 25 years and 1626 bbl of condensate per day (BCD) from Creta-
ago. During this time, most of the 122 wildcat wells were ceous sandstones. The Cashiriari wildcat well drilled in
drilled and seismic coverage was extended to much but 1986 flowed at similar rates mainly from the same reser-
not all of the prospective basinal areas. The results of this voirs. Present proven reserve estimates are about 6.5 tcf
exploration effort and the large volume of geologic work gas and 400 million bbl of condensate. Mipaya 1X,
in the area, particularly by Petroperu and Occidental however, encountered modest amounts of gas in
who discovered most of the oil during this phase, Permian reservoirs, indicating that not all the major
indicate that a complex petroleum system exists, with surface anticlines in this area were charged with large
multiple hydrocarbon sources from lower Paleozoic to gas-condensate accumulations. Failing to reach an
Cretaceous. agreement to develop this resource, Shell ceased all
On the strength of these oil discoveries, a trans- exploration activities in 1988 and also relinquished the
Andean pipeline was completed in 1977 for an annual Madre de Dios basin foothills acreage where they had
production in excess of 100,000 bbl of oil per day recorded 500 km of seismic data.
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru 425
Depth - km
Depth - km
5 Tertiary-Recent
10 Cretaceous
15 U - Trias - Jurassic
Triassic Salt
Depth - km
5 Upper Paleozoic
10 Lower Paleozoic
15 Pre - Ordovician
Depth - km
0 50 100 km
Figure 3—Geologic cross sections through the foreland basins of Peru showing the composite form of pre-Cretaceous
extensional basins that have been modified by younger encroachment of the Cordilleran fold and thrust belt. The climax of
Andean deformation and foreland basin subsidence occurred in the late Cenozoic. See Figure 1 for locations (A–A' through
D–D'). (Modified in part from Petroperu, 1989.)
By the end of the 1980s, there was little exploration of basement fabric was established by accretion of conti-
the sub-Andean basins in Peru, with only Petroperu and nental fragments or terranes to the edge of the Brazilian
Occidental being active. Mobil Exploration signed blocks shield. At the end of the Precambrian and beginning of
covering most of the Huallaga basin in 1989, recording the Cambrian, the Brasiliano tectonic event created the
seismic data prior to drilling a dry well. Production from structural framework that has been repeatedly reacti-
the Peruvian sub-Andean fields also dropped, from vated throughout the Phanerozoic (Sempere, 1995). Early
128,000 BOPD in 1980 to 77,000 BOPD in 1992, reflecting Paleozoic sediments were deposited on a fault-controlled
the lack of new discoveries. During the 1990s, however, passive margin adjacent to a collision zone (Figure 3).
in response to more favorable contract terms, a number Subduction-related granitoids were emplaced in
of companies have negotiated contracts and exploration southern Peru in Late Ordovician–Early Devonian time
activity is again increasing. Figure 2 summarizes the field (Mukasa and Henry, 1990). Late Devonian–Early
size distribution for the Oriente, Marañon, and Ucayali Carboniferous deformation is reflected in a regional
basins. unconformity resulting from the Chanic orogeny of
This paper presents a simple, integrated review of the northwestern Argentina (equivalent to the Caledonian).
petroleum geology of the sub-Andean basins of Peru. Tertiary orogenesis built the Andean fold and thrust belt
Some data from the Oriente basin of Ecuador are included as well as the flexural foreland basins. Compressive reac-
because it is completely contiguous with, although tivation and inversion of the older basement-involved
surprisingly different from, the Peruvian Marañon basin. fault system dissected and partitioned the foreland basin
into several depocenters (Figure 3).
The Marañon basin is part of a much larger structural
BASIN SETTING basin that includes the Oriente basin of Ecuador and the
Putumayo basin of southern Colombia (Figure 1). The
The Peruvian margin of South America preserves a whole province is a typically asymmetric foreland basin
long history of deformation and basin formation. The covering 320,000 km2. The western margin of the basin
426 Mathalone and Montoya
Top Cretaceous
Base Cret.
Base Pucara Fm
Top Carb.
0 25 50 km
Figure 4—Regional seismic cross section, Marañon basin, showing Paleozoic extensional fault and half-graben, westward-
thickening Mesozoic succession, basement-involved thrusting to the southwest, and a thick Tertiary foreland basin succes-
sion. Tertiary compression has reactivated the Paleozoic normal faults in the reverse sense and created local forced folds.
See Figure 1 for location.
consists of the 50–200-km-wide sub-Andean belt of Cashiriari and San Martin gas fields. The Ucayali basin is
thrusted Mesozoic sedimentary rocks that abut the large separated from the adjacent Ene basin of the foothills by
Santiago, Huallaga, and Ene basins (Figures 1, 3). The the reactivated Shira high (Figures 1, 3).
Marañon and its subsidiary basins contain up to 4000 m The Madre de Dios basin, covering 120,000 km2, is a
of Tertiary molasse deposits that were shed from the southward-dipping foreland basin bounded on the south
Cordillera rising to the west. The extreme western part of by a 40–70-km-wide zone of detached thrusts that form
the basin is dominated by a series of back-thrusts that the sub-Andean foothills. More than half of the basin lies
isolated the Santiago basin (Rodriguez, 1982). Under- in Bolivia where it is bounded on the east by the Madidi
lying the Tertiary molasse fill is a westward-thickening high (Figure 1). The Madre de Dios basin is notable in
Cretaceous clastic section that contains much of the that the foreland monocline appears to be virtually un-
source and most of the proven oil reserves as well as an deformed, although there are large gaps in seismic
older Triassic–Jurassic wedge. A suite of Paleozoic rift coverage. The succession consists of Devonian–Permian
basins have suffered minor inversion in the eastern marine shales and carbonates, thin Cretaceous conti-
foreland. The geometry of this basin fill and the local nental strata, and the ubiquitous Tertiary cover sequence.
inversion are shown in the seismic profile of Figure 4. The thin Devonian–Cretaceous argillaceous section
In contrast to the broad simplicity of the Marañon exceeds 1500 m in the depocenter near the Bolivian
basin, the Ucayali basin is formed into a series of west- border. A major unconformity separates the Devonian
dipping asymmetric lows by massive basement-involved and Carboniferous rocks. Only eight wells have been
east-verging thrusts (Figure 1). There are two principal drilled in this remote basin (including three in Bolivia),
depocenters, the West Ucayali basin (or Pachitea basin) where exploration focuses on Paleozoic intervals in
and the East Ucayali basin (Figure 3), which coalesce to contrast to the basins farther north where the Mesozoic
the north. The Ucayali basin is bounded on the north by section is the major target.
the Contaya and Cushabatay uplifts, on the west by the
overthrusted Andean range, and on the south by the
Fitzcarrald high that constricts the basin. This high is STRATIGRAPHY
associated with a northeast-trending normal fault system
of Paleozoic origin and with an abrupt change in the Paleozoic
trend of the Andean Cordillera and associated faults.
The sedimentary fill of the Ucayali basin is similar to The sedimentary section of sub-Andean Peru ranges
the Marañon basin, comprising up to 3000 m of Tertiary from Ordovician to Recent in age (Figure 5). Although
continental molasse clastics overlying westward-thick- the present geometry of the basin reflects late Tertiary
ening marine-dominated wedges of Triassic, Jurassic, deformation, most of the succession is of significance to
and Cretaceous age. Unlike the basins farther north, the hydrocarbon exploration (Figure 6). Economic basement
Paleozoic section in the Ucayali basin is marked by for the petroleum industry in eastern Peru comprises
conspicuous thickening of the Devonian Cabanillas upper Precambrian metamorphic formations with a
Formation to over 800 m in the Camisea area. The dominant northwest-southeast grain above the lower
dominant structural form of the Ucayali basin is major Proterozoic cratonic rocks of the Arequipa massif, under
basement-involved thrusting, but in the extreme south, the present Eastern Cordillera and sub-Andean basins to
there is a zone of thin-skinned thrusting and folding that the west and the Brazilian shield to the east. The earliest
is expressed in the anticlines that form the giant Paleozoic rocks deposited over this basement are the
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru 427
organic-rich shales and arenites of the Ordovician marine subordinate tuffs. After a period of nondeposition in the
Contaya Group. Less than 1000 m are preserved, Namurian, the Westphalian was marked by transgres-
although considerably greater thicknesses are thought to sion and deposition of the Tarma Formation, a thin cover
have been originally deposited in southern Peru. The of sandstones, carbonates, and local tuffs. The lack of
Ordovician thins eastward onto the Brazilian shield and coarse clastics reflects a low-relief source area. These
is absent over some regional highs such as the Contaya terrigenous strata are generally followed unconformably
and Shira platforms, indicating the antiquity of these by the thicker carbonate Copacabana Group of West-
structural elements. phalian–Early Permian age. These are typically fossilif-
Little Silurian deposition or erosion is thought to have erous platform carbonates that grade laterally into evap-
occurred; fine-grained marine clastics of the Devonian oritic facies. The Copacabana limestones covered most of
Cabanillas Formation overlie the Ordovician with only sub-Andean Peru, except over the Contaya arch (Figure
minor disconformity. Glacial sedimentary rocks in 1) where the Cretaceous erosively overlies lower
Bolivia indicate possible eustatic sea level fall at this time. Paleozoic rocks (Eduardo, 1991).
The Devonian Cabanillas Formation is thickest (over The Copacabana Group is succeeded conformably by
1500 m) beneath the Madre De Dios basin near the the Ene Formation, comprising up to 600 m of black
Bolivian border. This formation is mainly shale prone organic-rich shales and dolomites with minor sandstones
with local development of coarse-grained clastics in (Figure 7). This is a regressive hypersaline sequence that
small coarsening-upward deltaic sequences. Deforma- originally covered most of the area prior to Triassic
tion during the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous erosion. All of these formations onlap the western and
is expressed in local low-grade metamorphism and a southern flanks of the Contaya high, which is believed to
stratigraphic hiatus in the Marañon and Ucayali basins have been emergent throughout the late Paleozoic.
(Figure 5). Toward the end of the Permian and earliest Triassic, the
Carboniferous–Lower Permian sediments were entire area was uplifted and continental clastics and
deposited in a basin with a northwest-oriented depo-axis volcaniclastics of the Mitu Formation were deposited in
broadly following the trend now occupied by the Eastern small, fault-bounded extensional basins. The Mitu
Cordillera. The lowest Carboniferous rocks are the Formation is one of the few pre-Andean units that clearly
fluvial clastics of the Dinantian Ambo Group, shows thickening into faults, implying syndepositional
comprising conglomerates, sandstones, shales, coals, and faulting.
428 Mathalone and Montoya
Brazilian Brazilian
Shield Shield
Maranon/Oriente Maranon/Oriente
Basin Basin
Iquitos Iquitos
4° L. Triassic 4°
U. Permian Correlation of
L. Permian oil with Pucara
Carboniferous group source
Devonian Pucara Outcrop
to Ordovician
Outcrop sample
Basement TOC >2.5%
Mountains Andes
Mountains Madre
De Dios
Lima Ene Lima Ene
12° A Basin B Basin
Pacific Pacific
Ocean Ocean
0 100 200 0 100 200
km km
Figure 8—Triassic basin. (A) Middle Triassic subcrop map. (B) Isopach of Triassic–Jurassic Pucara Group and total organic
carbon (TOC). (TOC largely after Touzett and Sanz, 1985.)
abundant plant remains. The sandstones are up to 350 m section consists of terrestrial sedimentary rocks.
thick and generally have favorable reservoir characteris- The Upper Cretaceous Vivian Formation is the most
tics. Like the rest of the Cretaceous stratigraphy, these important reservoir zone of the Peruvian sub-Andean
clastics were largely sourced from the Brazilian shield. basins (Figure 11B). It is generally a single sandstone
The uppermost Albian–lowermost Turonian Agua body, but thickens into a series of sandstones as much as
Caliente Formation grades from fluvial in the southern 150 m thick in the northeastern Marañon basin. In the
area to estuarine and marginal marine in the north. Bio- Oriente basin of Ecuador, its counterpart, the Napo M-1
stratigraphic evidence suggests a depositional hiatus sandstone, is widely eroded due to post-Cretaceous
within this formation spanning much of the Cenomanian uplift.
(the so-called Mochica event). The depositional environment of the Vivian
The greatest Cretaceous transgression occurred Formation varies over the area. It is fluvial in the north-
during the Coniacian and early Santonian when the eastern Marañon basin, the eastern part of the Ucayali
shale-prone Chonta Formation was deposited (Figure basin, and the entire Madre de Dios basin, but has
11A). The lower part of the Chonta Formation is marginal marine affinities to the west. A large number of
commonly arenaceous with nearshore glauconitic sand- wells were drilled by Occidental in the northern part of
stones, up to 3 m thick, interbedded with ripple cross- the Marañon basin adjacent to the Ecuadorian border. In
laminated mudstones. These bar and shoal deposits this area, the lower Vivian sandstones are clean, cross
grade upward into dark organic-rich inner shelf shales. bedded, and were deposited as elongate bodies with
Although present over most of sub-Andean Peru (Figure paleocurrents directed toward the southwest (Augusto et
10), the shales are best developed in the northern part of al., 1990). The sparcity of carbonaceous detritus indicates
the Marañon basin and its continuation in the Ecuado- an arid alluvial plain. The upper sandstones locally form
rian Oriente basin (Napo Formation), as shown by the marginal marine bar and channel sandstones. Overall,
organic carbon distribution (Figure 11A). The formation the Campanian Vivian Formation was deposited during
thins and becomes sandier toward the east and south a major regression following the Chonta highstand.
concomitant with shallowing. Farther south, in the South Most of the Maastrichtian interval was nondeposi-
Ucayali and Madre De Dios basins, the entire Cretaceous tional in the Madre de Dios basin, but is represented in
430 Mathalone and Montoya
Maranon/Oriente Maranon/Oriente
ECUADOR Basin Basin
Iquitos Iquitos
4° PERU 4°
-5.0 Foothills
-4.0 basin with
complex thrusting C.I. = 200 m
and folding
Basin C.I. = 1 Km
8° Pucallpa Pucallpa 8°
Basin Ucayali Basin Ucayali
Mountains Andes
Sub-Andean De Dios
Thrust Belt -1.0 Basin
De Dios
-2.0 Basin
12° A Lima Ene
Basin -3.0 B Lima Ene 12°
Pacific -4.0
Ocean Ocean
0 100 200
0 100 200
75° 71° 75° 71°
Figure 9—Cretaceous basin. (A) Depth to base of Cretaceous (partially after Salas, 1991). (B) Isopach of Cretaceous basin fill.
the Ucayali basin by three thin, terrigenous clastic units and subordinate sandstones. The unit is up to 300 m
with a combined thickness generally less than 250 m. The thick in the extreme west, but considerably thinner
lowest unit, the Cachiyacu Formation, represents a minor elsewhere. The overlying Pozo Formation is a sandstone
marine transgression and deposition of littoral to and tuff interval that is covered with thin shales attrib-
estuarine dark gray shales and interbedded, fine-grained uted to marine incursion. This upper Eocene–lower
sandstones. These shales form a good seal. The marginal Oligocene unit is ascribed to increased erosion of the
marine Cachiyacu Formation grades upward into red rising Cordillera and concomitant sag of the flexural
floodplain mudstones of the Huchpacayu Formation. basin due to the applied orogenic load; this deformation
The Cretaceous sequence of the Ucayali basin is capped is referred to as the Incaic event.
with thin marginal marine sandstones and shales of the The Oligocene–middle Miocene is represented by the
Casablanca Formation. These Maastrichtian clastics are Chambira Formation composed of thick, red shales with
not documented in most of the Marañon basin, where it locally interbedded alluvial plain sandstones. Typical of
is believed that they were eroded prior to the Tertiary. the other Tertiary molasse units, the Chambira thickens
westward into the Andean foreland basin. The upper
Tertiary Miocene Pebas Formation comprises mainly red bed
shales with local evaporites, reflecting tectonic quies-
The foreland basins of Peru contain a molasse wedge cence before the late Miocene–Pliocene Quechua phase
up to 4000 m thick that was deposited in front of the III deformation. The Pliocene is dominated by coarse-
encroaching Andean fold and thrust belt, mainly in late grained clastics that were deposited in response to this
Tertiary time. These deposits are of little commercial deformation.
interest, except for their sealing capabilities. The rapid
deposition of these molasse sediments and the formation
or modification of structural traps affects the generation, TECTONIC FRAMEWORK
migration, and entrapment of petroleum in earlier
deposits. The processes that formed the sub-Andean basins of
The Paleocene Yahuarango Formation, which Peru were related to evolution of the plate margin. An
conformably overlies the Cretaceous succession, Atlantic-type passive margin characterized the
comprises a westward-thickening wedge of red shales Cambrian–Early Ordovician continent edge. In western
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru 431
Figure 10—Cretaceous stratigraphic correlation. (The Ecuadorian example is after Canfield, 1991.)
Bolivia, the Puna trough accumulated over 10,000 m of a depositional hiatus (Figure 5).
flysch deposits (Dalmayrac et al., 1980). The earliest Extensional faulting occurred during the Carbonif-
collision is dated as Middle Ordovician with magmatic erous and Early Permian and was followed by minor
arc accretion, including the Puna eruptive belt of Mendez middle Permian (late Hercynian) compression. These are
et al. (1972). Subduction-related strike-slip deformation attributed to the transtension and transpression
and associated transtensional and transpressional condi- described by Sempere (1995) and have been overprinted
tions controlled basin formation until the Triassic by younger Andean deformation. The Paleozoic succes-
(Sempere, 1995). The modern subduction system is dated sion beneath most of the sub-Andean basins is largely
as Early Jurassic as the continental platform was undeformed. The Late Permian and Early Triassic were
subjected to an episode of extension before the opening characterized by extensional faulting with extensive
of the Atlantic Ocean. Conspicuous tectonic events at the magmatism in the present Andean region. A Middle
beginning of the Cretaceous and late Miocene (Quechua Triassic event is recorded in much of the Marañon and
III) reflect changes in plate convergence and stress fields. Ucayali basins. The subcrop of the units below the
The compressional tectonism resulted in inversion of Pucara Formation (Figure 8A) shows the patchy preser-
previous depocenters and eastward encroachment of the vation of Paleozoic rocks often in half-grabens at this
Andean fold and thrust belt. This late Tertiary deforma- unconformity.
tion created many of the structural traps and led to The Triassic–Jurassic Pucara Formation was deposited
source rock maturation and hydrocarbon generation and in a marine basin with a depocenter located where the
migration. Eastern Cordillera is now. The growth of a regional high
The earliest regionally identified deformational event during the Late Jurassic is suggested by the distribution
in sub-Andean Peru occurred during the Late Devonian of the Sarayaquillo Formation, which is restricted mostly
and earliest Carboniferous; this is referred to the Eoher- to the Marañon and Ucayali basins. Earliest Cretaceous
cynian and is equivalent to the Chanic orogeny of Bolivia tectonism is interpreted (Figure 4) on the basis of local
and northern Argentina. Deformation was intraconti- unconformities.
nental, resulting from contraction between the Arequipa A Late Cretaceous compressional event is ascribed to
massif to the west and the Brazilian shield. Compres- low-angle subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the
sional structures include northwest-oriented folds, Peruvian margin. Compressional structuring occurred at
cleavage, and metamorphism (Mégard, 1978; Martinez, this time throughout the Andean region, including the
1980). Over the thicker continental crust, there was little Altiplano (Sempere, 1995). However, the Marañon and
deformation. However, the diastrophism is expressed in Ucayali basins went largely unscathed because they were
432 Mathalone and Montoya
Brazilian Brazilian
Maranon/Oriente Shield Shield
Basin Maranon/Oriente
1 0
12 00
14 0
Iquitos Iquitos
PERU 9000 4°
9500 100
C.I. 20m
0•2-1•5% SP ILD
9500 Ucayali THICKNESS
0•2-1•1% Basin
8° Pucallpa 8°
Pucallpa Huallaga
40 60
Andes Ucayali SP ILD
Mountains Basin Mountains Madre
DECREASING Madre 10 0 De Dios
De Dios 2 0
12° A Lima Ene
Basin B Lima Ene
Pacific Pacific 40
Ocean Correlation C.I. 0.5% Ocean
of oil with AVERAGE
0 100 200 0 100 200
Cretaceous TOC
km km
Figure 11—(A) Upper Cretaceous Chonta Formation showing TOC distribution and oil to source correlation. (B) Isopach map
of the Upper Cretaceous Vivian Formation and comparison of lithostratigraphy between the Forestal-1 and Corrientes wells,
which reflects basin dynamics.
on the fringe of this depositional tract. This tectonism is more recent Cushabatay high to form the saddle
believed to have been the start of Andean deformation between the Ucayali and Marañon basins (Figure 1). This
and mountain building. Sempere (1995) dates this event thrusting is associated with a major sinustral wrench
as late Turonian or early Coniacian. zone that trends WNW-ESE (Vernet and Xavier, 1990).
The Incaic period of compressional deformation took The Ene foothills basin was further separated from the
place in the early–middle Eocene and is thought to have Ucayali basin by thrust reactivation of the preexisting
been responsible for much of the shortening in the Shira high. All the foothills basins (Santiago, Huallaga,
central Andes. Like the previous Peruvian phase, and Ene) continued to develop as piggy-back basins and
however, there was no marked deformation in the sub- were intensely deformed along with the western margins
Andean basins. Instead there was regional flexural of the principal foreland basins.
tilting, onlap, and renewed structural growth. The Marañon basin was generally less deformed by
During the Miocene, three compressional events Quechua III movements than the Ucayali basin; the latter
ascribed to Quechua tectonism built the Andes into the is surrounded by major basement-involved thrusting
modern mountain belt (Mégard, 1984; Sempere, 1995). and inversion structures. The eastern foreland of the
There is no evidence in the sub-Andean basins (e.g., Marañon basin was reactivated by this deformation.
intra-Tertiary angular unconformities or onlap onto the Many listric normal extensional faults were inverted. The
flanks of folds) for the first two phases, but halotectonic western edge of the Marañon basin, although well
and halokinetic structuring may have been a response. faulted in the Paleozoic, did not suffer pronounced
The late Miocene Quechua III event, however, pro- inversion or structural telescoping, except for subtle
foundly affected most of sub-Andean Peru, as evidenced folding and forced folding above older structures.
by the present form of the foreland basins. A large set of Quechua III deformation persisted locally through the
salt-facilitated thrusts and back-thrusts (Figure 3) Pliocene.
separated the Santiago and Huallaga basins from the This late Tertiary or Quechua tectonism was respon-
main Marañon basin (Rodriguez, 1982). Farther south, sible for formation of hydrocarbon traps, including
the Contaya high was reactivated and thrust with the thrust anticlines, inverted normal fault structures, subtle
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru 433
folding, forced folds, and structural enhancement of minor reserves in sandstones of the Permian Ene
stratigraphic reservoirs and seals. Figure 12 shows the Formation. The Sepa-1X well in the southern part of the
seismic expression of these types of structures and the Ucayali basin recovered a few gallons of 33˚ API oil from
way they have contributed to a variety of oil and gas the Upper Carboniferous Copacabana limestone. Farther
fields. north in the eastern Ucayali basin, oil shows have been
reported from the La Colpa well. At the other end of the
basin, oil seeps between the northernmost Ucayali basin
PETROLEUM GEOLOGY and Huallaga basin are believed to be sourced from the
Triassic Pucara or older rocks.
Oil and gas seeps occur along the eastern edge of the Oil and gas seeps have been reported from the
Andes from Ecuador to northwestern Argentina. Oil Andean foothills adjacent to the Madre de Dios basin,
seeps in the Ucayali basin led to the early discovery of and a small oil accumulation apparently occurs in
the Maquia and Agua Caliente oil fields. Many oil seeps Devonian sandstones in the Bolivian part of this basin.
from Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary rocks occur in The Pariamanu well recovered a small amount of 44–53º
the Santiago basin, reflecting compressional and API oil from Carboniferous sandstones, while the Puerto
transtensional tectonism as well as the sand-prone Primo well recovered a few barrels of 42˚ API oil from
Tertiary basin fill. A suite of surface seeps between the Devonian sandstone. Like the southern Ucayali basin,
Huallaga and Marañon basins are associated with salt the occurrence of oil and gas indicates a Paleozoic origin
diapirs. for hydrocarbons in the Madre de Dios basin.
There have been 122 wildcat wells drilled in the sub-
Andean basins of Peru, mainly in the last 25 years. These Reservoir and Seal
have resulted in the discovery of 740 million bbl of recov-
erable oil in the Marañon basin and about 400 million bbl Almost all of the producible hydrocarbons discovered
of recoverable condensate liquids (7 tcf of gas) in the in the sub-Andean foreland basin are reservoired in
Ucayali basin. Potential reserves (resource endowment) Cretaceous clastics. Small amounts of oil have leaked
are considerably greater, including condensates from the into basal Tertiary sedimentary rocks of the Marañon
Shell Cashiriari and San Martin discoveries in the basin, and gas is trapped in sandstones of the Permian
Ucayali basin. Ene Formation in the southern Ucayali basin. However,
Oil in the Marañon basin is reservoired principally in the Cretaceous succession remains the focus of
terrigenous clastics of Cretaceous age, with a subordinate petroleum exploration in the Marañon and Ucayali
amount in Tertiary reservoirs. These oils are usually basins.
undersaturated with respect to gas, have formation Devonian sandstones of the Cabanillas Formation are
volume factors typically less than 1.1, and a range of enveloped in potential source rocks in the Madre de Dios
gravities from 10˚ to 42˚ API (see Appendix Tables A1 basin. A small discovery of oil reservoired in these
and A2). More than half of this crude oil (450 million bbl) clastics has been made in the Bolivian Madre de Dios
is reservoired in the Upper Cretaceous Vivian Formation. basin. Most of these sandstones are discontinuous and
Nearly all of the remaining 290 million bbl is reservoired generally of poor reservoir quality. Carboniferous sand-
in the Cretaceous Chonta Formation immediately below stones in the basal Tarma and upper Ambo formations
the Vivian Formation (Figure 5). also have an irregular distribution in the Ucayali and
The distribution of hydrocarbons in the Ucayali basin Marañon basins. They are fine-grained to conglomeratic
is different from that of the Marañon, being dominated sandstones with electric log porosity values exceeding
by gas. The giant Cashiriari and San Martin discoveries 15%. These reservoirs are overlain by Carboniferous–
made by Shell in the mid-1980s comprise over 7 tcf of gas Lower Permian Copacabana limestones. These platform
and 400 million bbl of condensate; probable reserves are carbonates are generally impermeable, but are suscep-
believed to be much larger. These fields, as well as the tible to compressional fracturing and are believed to
smaller Mipaya field, are located in the southern part of have doubtful seal integrity.
the Ucayali basin. The Copacabana carbonates are overlain by shales of
The small Aquaytia gas-condensate field (250 bcf) was the Permian Ene Formation, which has effective sealing
discovered in the western Ucayali basin. Some small oil properties. A shallow marine sandstone unit up to 50 m
accumulations have also been discovered in the Ucayali, thick occurs in this formation over much of the Ucayali
such as the Maquia light oil field, in a tract of oil-bearing and Ene basins. Significant amounts of gas are trapped in
compressional structures adjacent to the Contaya high this sandstone unit in the Mipaya and Cashiriari fields.
(Figure 1). The first oil discovery in the sub-Andean Although reservoir quality is poor to moderate, this
foreland basin was Agua Caliente (14.7 million bbl of 44˚ intraformational sandstone is an attractive secondary
API crude), on a down-plunge culmination on the objective in the Ucayali basin.
northward-plunging anticline that separates the east and Cretaceous sandstones sealed by overlying Creta-
west Ucayali basins (Figure 3). ceous or Tertiary shales are present in each of the sub-
Like the Marañon basin, most of the petroleum Andean basins. They are thin in the Madre de Dios basin,
discovered in the Ucayali basin is reservoired in Creta- but thick and more continuous in the Ucayali and
ceous clastics. There are, however, some important Marañon basins (Figures 9B, 10). The Aptian transgres-
exceptions. The Mipaya and Cashiriari gas fields have sive Cushabatay sandstones have a variable thickness
434 Mathalone and Montoya
Near Top Cretaceous
Near Top Cretaceous
Base Chonta Fm
Base Cretaceous 3.0
Base Chonta Fm
0 1 2 km
0 1 2 km
(SEC.) (SEC.)
0.0 1.0
0 1 2km
p Creta
Near To 1.0 1.5
ta Fm
Base Cre 2.0 Near Top Cretaceous 2.0
ic Salt
Base Chonta Fm
3.0 2.5
Base Cretaceous
0 1 2 km
Top Devonian
4.0 3.0
0 1 2 km 0 1 2 km
Figure 12—Seismic expression of the main structural styles of proven hydrocarbon traps. See Figure 16 for locations.
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru 435
Near Top Cretaceous
Near Top Cretaceous 2.0
Base Chonta Fm
Base Cretaceous
m ent
0 1 2 km
0 1 2 km
To p Cr
1.0 Near
ta Fm
Base 1.0
ta ceo
e Cre
Near Top Cretaceous
2.0 an
oni 2.0
e Dev
Base Chonta Fm
Base Cretaceous
3.0 3.0
0 1 2 km Base Devonian 0 1 2 km
Figure 12 (continued)
distribution but exceed 500 m in outcrop in the Cusha- porosities up to 25%. Permeabilities are variable, ranging
batay hills. Porosity generally varies between 10 and 22% from negligible to 1000 md. The Agua Caliente sand-
and permeability is moderate to good. The Cushabatay stones are sealed by shales of the lower Chonta
Formation has tested gas at 18 MMCFGD from the Formation. However, intraformational sandstones of the
Cashiriari-1X well in the southern Ucayali basin and oil Chonta Formation locally vary up to 300 m in thickness
at 2000 BOPD, where horizontal permeability is higher and form important reservoirs in the Marañon and
than 700 millidarcys (md) in the Agua Caliente field Ucayali basins. These shallow marine sandstones are
(Touzett, 1975). The equivalent Hollin Formation in the sealed by overlying intraformational shales that are also
Ecuadorian Oriente basin contains major oil reserves. capable of sealing large gas columns. Most of the
The Cushabatay shales of the overlying Raya Formation, reserves in the Corrientes field are reservoired in the
although locally interbedded with siltstones and sand- Chonta Formation (Cetico and Pona members), where
stones, are effective seals. For example, although the the porosities are about 21–23%. Horizontal permeability
Cushabatay is relatively sand-prone in the southern in this field (often over 1000 md) is controlled by deposi-
Ucayali basin, it is still capable of sealing large gas tional environment, such as marine barrier bars and
columns in highly deformed structures such as the fluvial channels. Reservoir continuity and connectedness
Cashiriari field. is good in the fluvial sandstones, but surprisingly poor in
The Agua Caliente Formation is commonly thickly the shorezone deposits. Figure 11 shows the stratigraphic
bedded, texturally and mineralogically mature, and has variation between the Forestal-1 and Corrientes 12 wells.
436 Mathalone and Montoya
The Campanian Vivian Formation is the most wide- of the Ambo Formation are best preserved in the basins
spread reservoir interval and varies between 20 and 160 of southern Peru (Figure 8A). Several organic-rich and
m in thickness (Figure 11B). The Vivian is attributed to coaly intervals with over 5% carbon are reported from
sedimentation in shorezone and fluvial depositional the Madre de Dios and South Ucayali basins where the
environments. It contains more than half of the oil in the Ambo Formation is a fairly ubiquitous gas and light oil
Marañon and Ucayali basins, mainly because of its strati- source. Like the Devonian source rocks, its distribution is
graphic position as the highest sealed reservoir in the patchy and maturity is high, usually over 2% Ro (Soto
Cretaceous succession. It is erosionally truncated over and Vargas, 1985), in the North Ucayali and southern
most of the Ecuadorian Oriente basin (where it is termed Marañon basins. The Upper Carboniferous and
the M-1 sandstone), and in the northeastern part of the lowermost Permian stratigraphy generally has lower
Marañon basin. This sandstone is generally homoge- source rock potential. The Copacabana Formation
neous, forming a continuous aquifer over most of the (Figure 5) consists mainly of lean platform carbonates,
basinal areas, although significant isolated units have with local interbedding of dark algal-rich shales in which
been described in the Shiviyacu field (Augusto et al., the TOC content in the overthrust belt of the western
1990). Reservoir parameters are generally excellent, and Madre de Dios basin may exceed 4 wt. %. The Copaca-
permeabilities are commonly over 1000 md; even sand- bana may therefore be a possible source of oil in the
stones with porosities less than 10% have acceptable South Ucayali and Madre de Dios basins.
permeabilities. The Vivian sandstone, sealed by Creta- The Copacabana Formation is overlain by hypersaline
ceous or Tertiary shales, is thus an excellent reservoir organic-rich marine shales of the middle Permian Ene
interval where strong water drive typically results in Formation. These shales are up to 300 m thick in outcrop
recoveries well over 40% of the original oil in place. and have an average TOC of 2–3 wt. % (maximum of
Clastic reservoirs occur throughout the Cretaceous 7 wt. %). Kerogen types I and II predominate, indicating
succession. Even below 4000 m depth, reservoir quality is a high oil-generating potential. The Ene Formation, like
favorable; the 1 md equivalent porosity cut off for the the other pre-Triassic units, has a patchy distribution
Vivian Formation is deeper than this depth. Very porous (Figure 7), but it is one of the most important oil source
Maastrichtian sandstones produce from the Maquia field rocks in the foreland basins of Peru.
in the Ucayali basin, and basal Tertiary and Paleozoic Overlying the prominent Middle Triassic unconfor-
sandstones are believed to have reservoir potential in the mity is the widespread Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic
Marañon basin. Generally, however, Cretaceous clastics Pucara Formation, a westward-thickening wedge in the
are the primary focus for exploration in the Marañon and Marañon and Ucayali basins (Figure 8B). This formation
Ucayali basins, with upper Paleozoic rocks of secondary is absent from the eastern margin of the foreland basin,
importance. In contrast, the Paleozoic section is more including the South Ucayali and Madre de Dios basins.
important than the Cretaceous in the Madre de Dios The Pucara Formation comprises platform limestones,
basin due to better development of reservoir sandstones organic-rich limestones, and some interbedded organic-
in proximity to mature oil source rocks. rich shales. Individual units of organic-rich shales and
shaley limestones thicker than 50 m are exposed in the
Source Rocks Cushabatay Mountains, where the formation exceeds
1000 m in thickness (Figure 8B). Data are limited, but in
Potential oil and gas source rocks occur in the some outcrops, TOC content in samples ranges up to
Paleozoic and Mesozoic succession (Figure 5). Organic- 5 wt. % and samples are dominated by a sapropelic oil-
rich shale deposits occur in the Ordovician Contaya prone kerogen. It is believed that the Pucara Formation is
Formation and in Silurian deposits. These units, an important potential oil source rock in the western
however, are always overmature and unlikely to Marañon and Ucayali basins.
contribute substantially to the hydrocarbon system ( Soto Upper Cretaceous shales of the Raya and Chonta
and Vargas, 1985). More promising are the Devonian formations (equivalent to the Napo Formation of
shales of the Cabanillas Formation, which are thin and Ecuador) are part of the oil-prone shale blanket that
preserved as small remnants in the Marañon and North spans northwestern South America from Venezuela to
Ucayali basins (Figure 8A). In the South Ucayali and Peru. The principal oil-prone source rocks include the
Madre de Dios basins, the Devonian section can exceed Chonta Formation of the north Marañon basin and the
1500 m in thickness, with abundant but surprisingly Napo Formation of the Oriente basin, where the average
variable distribution of gas and liquid sources. (The TOC exceeds 3 wt. % (Figure 11A). There is also an
Devonian Los Monos and related shales are believed to isolated but important source area in the northwestern
be the source of the gas and liquids in the Bolivian Chaco Marañon basin (Figure 11A). These formations were
basin.) The Cabanillas shales in the overthrust belt have a deposited in a shelf setting that shoals southward in the
total organic carbon (TOC) content that locally exceeds Marañon basin. Their counterparts in the South Ucayali
3 wt. % and consists of structured and unstructured type and Madre de Dios basins are coarse-grained terrestrial
II kerogens. Some sections, however, have little source deposits with little source rock potential. Minor source
potential; the distribution of these low potential sections potential may exist in the shales of the Tertiary Pozo
is not clearly understood, but might be related to Formation, in which TOC content locally exceeds only
intraformational erosion. 0.5 wt. %. A few oil shows have been recorded from this
The Lower Carboniferous deltaic and marine clastics unit.
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru 437
Brazilian Brazilian
Shield 0.7 Shield
Maranon/Oriente Maranon
Basin Basin
Iquitos Iquitos
4° PERU 4°
Ro (%)
0. 0.6
C.I. 0.5 °C/100m GAS
to a Nominal 0.8
3.5 20°C Surface C.I. = 0.1%Vitrinite Reflectance
1. .0
0 .6
8° Huallaga
Pucallpa 8°
Basin Ucayali Basin Ucayali Basin
Madre Madre
De Dios De Dios
Basin Andes Basin
0.8 1
Pacific Pacific
Ocean Ocean
0 100 200 0 100 200
km km
Figure 13—(A) Geothermal gradient. (B) Geochemical maturity at the lowest Cretaceous interval, expressed as vitrinite
reflectance (% Ro).
28 SOURCE ROCKS Iquitos Carboniferous
MARINE IV Perm./Carb./Dev.
24 Basin
? V Carb./Dev.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8° Pucallpa
Aguaytia ?Perm./?Carb.
C13 AROMATICS % PDB Huallaga Condensate /?Dev.
Andes Ucayali Basin
12° Ene
Figure 14—Oil to source correlation based on C13 stable 0 100 200
been used in the Peruvian basins. (Ecuadorian data from 75° 71°
Dashwood and Abbotts, 1990.)
Figure 15—Oil generation, migration, and entrapment
erous and Devonian clastics and are related to intrafor-
mational source rocks.
Five groups of reservoired oils are recognized in sub- in the Huayuri field (Flores, 1991) supports this interpre-
Andean Peru (Figure 15). In the Marañon basin, large tation of remigration. Several authors (Sofer et al., 1985;
areas of mature to overmature Permian Ene Formation, Dashwood and Abbotts, 1990) suggest that much of the
Triassic–Jurassic Pucara Formation, and Cretaceous oil discovered in the Marañon and Oriente basins was
shales occur in the western depocenters. Ene strata also generated from the western margins of the basins before
fill rift basins beneath the eastern parts of the foreland Miocene deformation of the Eastern Cordillera inter-
basin. All the oils of the Ecuadorian Oriente basin and vened.
the northernmost Marañon basin are believed to be The oils of the Marañon and Oriente basins have a
related to a single Cretaceous group of source rocks broad range of API gravities (Figure 15), especially in the
(group I). A second group of oils in the southern Upper Cretaceous Vivian Formation. Only one of the
Marañon basin has strong Permian source rock affinities Chonta Formation oils (San Jacinto) is slightly biode-
(group II). Oils in the northern Ucayali basin show graded, but many Vivian Formation oils are severely
Permian and possible Triassic Pucara Formation influ- altered by bacterial degradation. The base of biode-
ences (groups IIIa and b). The large gas-condensate graded oil is at about 2800 m, significantly deeper than
reserves of the Cashiriari and San Martin fields appear to the 85ºC isotherm that is believed to exclude bacterial
be related to Permian and Carboniferous sources, with activity. It is inferred that significant migration and
some liquids possibly derived from the Permian Ene biodegradation predated the middle Miocene phase of
Formation (group IV). Finally, oils in the Madre de Dios basin subsidence.
basin appear to be derived from Devonian and Carbonif- A family of very light, shallow oils in the Oriente and
erous shales. Figure 15 summarizes these groups as well Ucayali basins occur in young thrust anticlines. Sofer et
as the distribution of the mature source rock intervals. al. (1985) convincingly argue for two phases of oil
The Peruvian foreland basin has a multiple source migration into the Vivian reservoirs of the northeastern
petroleum system that varies from basin to basin as well part of the Marañon basin. The salinity of formation
as within individual basins. Evidence of variation in water is generally a guide to meteoric water penetration,
crudes within the Cretaceous succession (group I) although not to its timing. There is a loose relationship
indicates separate pulses of primary migration and between decreasing API gravity due to biodegradation
possibly remigration. A tilted residual oil–water contact and decreasing salinity of formation water.
Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru 439
75° 71°
The Marañon basin is a westward-facing composite
foreland basin that was built on earlier extensional and Figure 16—Structural provinces, showing distribution of
transtensional basins. The late Tertiary–Pleistocene fold trap types. Location of seismic field sections of Figure 12
are indicated.
and thrust belt forms the foothills and isolates the Ene,
Huallaga, and Santiago basins (Figure 3). The dominant
structural style of the eastern ramp of the foreland basin has had a more complex history, possibly involving
consists of reactivated and inverted normal faults of Eocene Incaic compression before Miocene Quechua III
Paleozoic age (Figure 16). Toward the west, these older modification. The Aguaytia gas field in the Ucayali basin
extensional structures were depressed directly by the illustrates the modifying effects of Triassic salt flow on an
applied overthrust load without inversion (Figure 12). otherwise simple compressional structure. Structures
The sub-Andean foothills can also be divided into two such as South Tambo are subtle drape folds formed
structural domains. To the west, faulting is dominated by above older structures. Many of these low-amplitude
thrusts that detach in Triassic salt in the north or folds are characterized by slight thinning of the Creta-
Devonian shale in the south. Toward the east, an uplifted ceous section over their crests, suggesting the onset of
zone is dominated by basement-involved thrusting compression in the middle Cretaceous. The large 150-
(Figure 16). million-bbl Capahuari field is an example of this struc-
The Ucayali basin is generally more deformed than tural type.
the Marañon basin. Detached thrusts continue Late extensional movement and differential
southward from the Marañon basin, but the Ucayali compaction of the Paleozoic section in the western
basin is surrounded on all sides by basement-involved foreland created forced folds in the Cretaceous and
thrusting (Figures 3, 16). The sub-Andean thrust belt Tertiary sections. This has resulted in low-amplitude
continues southward from the Huallaga basin to the closures where forced folds are superimposed on a
Camisea area at the southern end of the Ucayali basin regional dip. The Huasaga structure is an example
where it is separated from the Ene basin by the reacti- (Figure 12). Withjack (1989) has described the dynamics
vated Shira high. In contrast, the Madre de Dios basin of forced folding. The foreland of the Madre de Dios
comprises a largely undeformed southward-dipping basin is virtually unstructured as illustrated by the
foreland ramp in the north and a thin belt of foothills seismic line through the Pariamanu structure in Figure
thrust structures in the south. 12. The thin Cretaceous section is little deformed except
Figure 12 shows the seismic expression of these struc- for forced folds.
tural styles. The Yanayacu and Chambira fields indicate Thrust deformation includes basement-involved
the youthfulness of inversion, which involved much of structures such as the Agua Caliente field in which oil is
the Tertiary section. The 150-million-bbl Corrientes field trapped in the basal Cretaceous Cushabatay Formation,
440 Mathalone and Montoya
and thin-skinned thrusting, which created a series of of thrust belt loading (Quechua III tectonism). The result
closed anticlines such as the Camisea and Mipaya fields of this deformation has been structural trap formation
(Figure 12). Figure 16 shows the regions of Peru where and rapid burial maturation imposed by the thick
each of the four main structural types predominate. Tertiary molasse wedge. Due to the relative youth of
some of the petroleum systems, together with remigra-
tion of oils generated earlier, very young structures are
capable of trapping giant hydrocarbon accumulations.
CONCLUSIONS The sub-Andean foreland basins of Peru cover an area
Slightly over 5 billion bbl of recoverable hydrocarbon of more than 370,000 km2. With a density of only one
liquids have been discovered in the Ucayali-Marañon wildcat well per 3000 km2, a substantial amount of
basin complex, including the contiguous Oriente and exploration is required to realize Peru’s petroleum
Putumayo basins of Ecuador and Colombia, respectively. potential.
Over 1 billion bbl of these reserves have been found in
the Peruvian Marañon and Ucayali foreland basins by
113 wildcat wells. The success rate is about 25%. Few
wells have been drilled, and no substantial discoveries Acknowledgments Most of the information presented in this
have been made on the Peruvian side of the Madre de paper was provided by Petroperu, to whom the authors extend
Dios basin. their thanks. Permission to publish was also granted by
Hydrocarbon source rocks in the sub-Andean basins Eurocan Ventures, for whom some of the work had been done
of Peru range from Devonian to Late Cretaceous in age. on a proprietary basis. Thanks are extended to Antoine Fabre,
Most of the oil and gas discovered is in Cretaceous also of Eurocan Ventures, for his assistance. The authors would
terrigenous clastic reservoirs, although there are also also like to thank the reviewers, George Kronman, Robert
significant Paleozoic prospects. The petroleum is Meneley, and particularly Tony Tankard, for their constructive
contained in four principal trap types. Basement- help. Finally, the authors would like to express their gratitude
involved or thin-skinned thrusts dominate the western to Jo-Lynn Cole who created all the artwork in this paper.
basin tracts and the Andean foothills, respectively,
whereas the eastern foreland is characterized by reacti-
vated older faults and the central area by forced folds
and subtle anticlines. REFERENCES CITED
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Authors’ Mailing Addresses
Salas, G., 1991, Factores geologicos de control de acumula- Jeremy M. P. Mathalone
ciones de Hidrocarburos en las cuencas del Oriente PetroSantander Inc.
Peruano: Exploracion petrolera en las cuencas subandinas, 5847 San Felipe, Suite 1650
Simposio Bolivariano IV, Bogota, Colombia, trabajo 29. Houston, Texas 77057
Sempere, T., 1995, Phanerozoic evolution of Bolivia and U.S.A.
adjacent regions, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suarez, and H. J.
Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG
Memoir 62, this volume. Manuel Montoya R.
Sofer, Z., J. E., Zumberge, and V. Lax, 1985, Stable carbon CIA Consultora de Petroleo S.A.
isotopes and biomarkers as tools to understanding genetic Mariano de los Santos 198
relationship, maturation, biodegradation and migration of Of. 405, San Isidro
crude oils in the northern Peruvian Oriente (Marañon) Lima 27
basin: Organic Geochemistry, v. 10, p. 377–389. Peru
442 Mathalone and Montoya
Figure A.1 shows the distribution of exploration wells in the (A) Marañon, (B) Ucayali, and (C)
Madre de Dios basins. This information is provided as a basic reference. Tables A.1 and A.2
summarize the oil and gas fields discovered in the Marañon and Ucayali basins, respectively,
including the producing stratigraphy, typical porosities, and API gravities.
Sta. Lucia
Sta. Clara-1 Rayo-1
2°S Huaya-3X
San Cachiyacu-1
Jacinto Huaya-4X Maquia
Tangarana-4X Ponasillo
Forestal Ext 1X Inuya-1
SANTIAGO Carmen Amaquiria-32X Brazil
Shiviyacu Forestal HUALLAGA
BASIN Macusari Pilar-1 Bartra Pacaya
Huayuri Jib Ext Tigre-22X BASIN Cashiboya-29X
Capahuari N. Jibaro Pisque-1 Tiruntan-1X
Capahuari Sur. Margarita Coninca-2 8°
Andoas-52X Martha
Maynas Tahuaya-1
Tambo Bolognesi-62X
Yanez-14X Sur Dorisa Plantayacu-83X Aguaytia-1
Huasaga-1X Ceci Valencia Nva. Esperanza
Otorongo Pucacuro-1 Aguaytia-3X Zorrillos PUCALLPA
Chapuli-1X Pavayacu Huangana Nanay-26X
Huitoyacu Capirona S. Juan Neshuya 5-1
Intuto-23X Belen-4X Tamaya-2X
Sungachi-2X Copal-15X IQUITOS
Chambira-4X Aerico-18X Agua Caliente Platanal-1X
Corrientes 9°
Piuntza Chambira mazon Chonta-1
Rio A 4°S Sanuya-3X
Tigrillo-3X Este-123X
La Colpa-1X
Dominguza Patoyacu-36X Nahuapa-24X
Ungumayo-1X Rio Caco-4X
Rio P
Maranon 8-1
Rio Uca
AN Viracocha-7X Samiria
BE MO Zapote-3X
Samiria Sur-3X ENE
TA Yurimaguas-1X BASIN
IN 11°
Loreto-1X Tapiche-2X
Shanusi-2X CAMISEA
La Frontera-3X Mipaya-5X
LA OROYA San Martin-1X
Sta. Lucia
Oil well
Dry well B Ri
Dry well Brazil
HUALLAGA Sta. Clara-1 Rayo-1 Oil shows an Armihuari-4X 12°
Oil shows tar
BASIN Huaya-3X Gas Condensate well o Cashiriari-3X
Gas Condensate well
Huaya-4X 13°
76°W 74°W 76°W 75°W 74°W 73°W
0 20 40 60 80 100 km
Refinery Trans Andean 0 20 40 60 80 100 km
Pipeline Refinery
ba Bolivia
11° R. Peru
San Martin-1X
M Manuripi
Mipaya Segakiato-2X an Rio Cariyacu
12° r Puerto Primo
Los Amigos
Armihuari-4X Madre
De Dio Bolivia
s River
er iv
Beni R
Oil well RU
Dry well 0 20 40 60 80 100 km ST
Oil shows LT
Gas Condensate well
Field Operator/ Main Porosity Gravity Estimated Original Gas Original Oil
Year Discovered Reservoirs (%) (°API) Recovery (%) Reserves (tcf) Reserves (MMbbl)
Agua Ganso Azul Cushabatay 23 44 45 — 13.0
Caliente 1939
Raya 18 22 1.7
TOTAL 14.7
Aguaytia Mobil 1962 Cushabatay 18 68 55 0.25 20.0
Cashiriari Shell 1986 Vivian 18 64–66 65 (gas) 1.4 77.0
Chonta 19 64–66 65 (gas) 1.2 66.0
Agua Caliente 17 64–66 65 (gas) 1.9 105.0
Cushabatay/Ene 14 64–66 65 (gas) 0.3 17.0
TOTALS 4.8 265.0
Maquia Oriente 1957 Casablanca 30 37 33 5.0
Vivian 30 37 46 13.1
TOTAL 18.1
Mipaya Shell 1987 Ene 12 60 70 (gas) 0.1 4.0
Pacaya Petroperu 1982 Cachiyacu 16 31 35 0.4
San Martin Shell 1984 Agua Caliente 17 60–62 70 (gas) 1.0 88.0
Cushabatay 13 60–62 70 (gas) 0.6 53.0
TOTALS 1.6 141.0
GRAND TOTAL 6.75 463.2
aAll reserves quoted are proven. Probable and possible liquid reserves of the Cashiriari and San Martin Fields are in the order of the proven reserves.
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central
Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone
P. Baby R. Limachi
Grenoble, France E. Mendez
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
I. Moretti
Rueil Malmaison, France J. Oller
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
B. Guillier
Quito, Ecuador M. Specht
Paris-LaDefense, France
A coupled study of the kinematics of thrusting and hydrocarbon maturation has been carried out in the
northern and central sub-Andean belt of Bolivia to define the petroleum potential of the area. In
addition to the classic Devonian source rock (Tomachi–Tequeje formations to the north and Iquiri–Limoncito
formations in the central area), two other source rock intervals are recognized: the Retama Formation (Upper
Devonian–Lower Carboniferous) and the Copacabana Formation (Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian).
These are the most prospective units in northern Bolivia and are of marine origin. The structural style varies
from north to south due to variations in the sedimentary column involved in the thrusts. The orogenic front
was guided by the northern boundary of a Paleozoic sedimentary wedge. In the Boomerang area, this
boundary is oriented obliquely to the regional shortening and controlled the development of a prominent
transfer zone. To the north, the thrusts are wider and the amount of shortening increases. The western part of
the northern sub-Andean zone is characterized by a very thick Tertiary piggyback basin fill.
Two phases of hydrocarbon maturation are recognized. The first began in Early Carboniferous and affected
mostly Devonian strata. Formation of structural traps during this period occurred rarely. The entire basin was
then deeply eroded in Permian–Jurassic time, causing any hydrocarbons that may have formed to be lost. The
second phase of maturation was contemporaneous with Andean deformation and with the resulting burial
under the Tertiary cover in the foreland basin and in piggyback basins on thrust structures. The hydrocarbon
expelled during this period may fill the Andean anticlines. The known source rocks are not proven to be gas
prone, but current discoveries indicate a high gas to oil ratio that may be due to secondary cracking in the
source rock. Because the initial potential of the source rocks is low, expulsion of heavy compounds is expected
to be weak.
Baby, P., I. Moretti, B. Guillier, R. Limachi, E. Mendez, J. Oller, and M. Specht, 1995, 445
Petroleum system of the northern and central Bolivian sub-Andean zone, in A. J.
Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG
Memoir 62, p. 445–458.
446 Baby et al.
tamiento aumenta. La parte oriental del sub-Andino norte se caracteriza por un espeso relleno sedimentario
terciario contemporáneo de la deformación andina.
Dos fases de maduración de hidrocarburos han sido reconocidas. La primera empieza al principio del
Carbonífero donde la columna sedimentaria paleozoica es espesa; afecta principalmente al Devónico. Las
trampas estructurales de este período son muy raras. Entre el Pérmico y el Jurásico, la cuenca ha sido profunda-
mente erosionada, y los hidrocarburos generados probablemente han desaparecido. La segunda fase de madu-
ración es contemporánea de la deformación andina. Se debe a la fuerte subsidencia y sedimentación terciaria en
la cuenca de ante-país y en las cuencas transportadas por los corrimientos. Los hidrocarburos expulsados
durante este segundo período pueden haber rellenado anticlinales andinos. No se ha mostrado que las rocas
madres conocidas son propensas a generación de gas, pero los hidrocarburos descubiertos indican una alta
proporción gas-petroleo. Se interpreta como el resultado de un crácking secundario en la roca madre. El bajo
potencial inicial de las rocas madres hace que la expulsión de los componentes pesados debe ser reducida.
As in many compressional areas, the petroleum
potential of the sub-Andean zone of Bolivia depends on
the relative timing between structuring and maturation.
All the known source rocks are Paleozoic in age.
Therefore, a study of the petroleum system requires a
study of the geology, the kinematics of thrust emplace-
ment, and the kinetics of the various source rock matura-
tions. The results of these studies are presented. Differ-
ences in the sedimentary columns and structural styles
from north to south are emphasized, and the potential
source rocks are defined and their maturation docu-
mented. In some cases, we address the maximum
amount of burial before the Andean deformation; there is
considerable uncertainty because of the amount of
The sub-Andean zone of Bolivia is a complex foreland
fold and thrust belt (Roeder, 1988; Sheffels, 1988, 1990;
Baby et al., 1989, 1992, 1993) that forms the eastern edge
of the central Andes mountains (Figure 1). It is bounded
along the edge of the Cordillera Oriental by the Main
Frontal thrust (CFP), whereas the orogenic front extends
Figure 1—Simplified tectonic map of Bolivia showing the
below the Beni and Chaco plains to the east. Deformation
location of the sub-Andean zone, a complex fold and thrust
started in the late Oligocene and is continuing today belt, and the studied cross sections. In its central part, the
(Sempere et al., 1990). The material involved in sub- Bolivian sub-Andean zone forms a bend (Santa Cruz bend)
Andean thrusting in Bolivia consists of an Ordo- characterized by the prominent Boomerang-Chapare
vician–Cretaceous series and an upper Oligocene–Recent transfer zone. In the northern and central part, the propaga-
continental foredeep fill. The preorogenic sedimentary tion of the orogenic front was guided by the northern
series show lateral variations in facies and thickness that boundary of the Paleozoic sedimentary wedge. SC, Santa
play an important role in controlling the structural Cruz; CFP, Main Frontal thrust; BCTZ, Boomerang-Chapare
geometry (Baby et al., in press). In its central part transfer zone.
(16°–17° S lat), this fold and thrust belt forms a bend
(Santa Cruz bend) characterized by a prominent transfer southern sub-Andean zone (18°–22° S lat), which is
zone. From north to south, the structural geometry oriented north-south. This southern sub-Andean zone is
displays variations in the amount and direction of short- not discussed in this paper.
ening (Figures 1, 2).
Three structural zones are recognized: (1) the northern Northern Sub-Andean Zone
sub-Andean zone (13°–17° S lat), which is oriented
northwest-southeast; (2) the central sub-Andean zone The Paleozoic succession (Figure 3) is nearly complete
(17°–18° S lat), which changes from a northwest- for the Ordovician–Permian and is unconformably
southeast to a north-south orientation; and (3) the overlain by a Mesozoic sandstone cover up to 800 m
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 447
Figure 2—Cross sections constructed and balanced from field studies and subsurface data. The structural geometry shows
important variations from north to south. The preorogenic sedimentary succession shows lateral variations of facies and
thickness that are important in controlling the structural geometry. C.F.P., main frontal thrust. See Figure 1 for locations.
thick. Toward the northeast, the thickness of the Ordovi- of the northern sub-Andean zone is characterized by a
cian decreases, the Silurian series disappears, and the very thick (6500–7000 m) Tertiary piggyback basin fill
Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian successions (Alto Beni syncline). The main décollement level is at the
progressively wedge out. At the top of the preorogenic base of the Paleozoic column (Ordovician shales). The
stratigraphic column, the continental foreland deposits other décollement levels are shallower and are located in
are up to 5000 m thick. Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian shales. The
The thrusts are wide, with their wavelengths always foredeep basement slopes at 4°. The maximum amount
being more than 10 km (Figure 2A, B). The western part of shortening is 135 km.
448 Baby et al.
Due to facies variations, a large number of formation
names have been introduced into the literature. Never-
theless, the stratigraphic column has been recently
rearranged and published by YPFB-ORSTOM (Sempere,
1990; Oller, 1992). We use this stratigraphic framework to
date the source rock formations.
To describe the various source rocks fully, the
Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB)
database has been used and augmented with new data
collected by sampling outcrops and wells. The classic
source rock of the Bolivian sub-Andean zone is the
Devonian and probably the Silurian, but two other
Paleozoic formations are believed to have some
potential. Locally, an Upper Cretaceous source rock
(Flora Formation) with limited potential is known in the
northern sub-Andean zone.
The Silurian source rock, of Wenlockian–Prodolian
age (430–410 Ma), reflects siliciclastic deposition on a
marine platform. The Upper Silurian is known in the
southern sub-Andean zone and foreland, in the central
part, and in a small part of the northern sub-Andean
zone, as shown in Figure 5A. Its thickness increases from
north to south, where it is up to 1500 m thick. The few
samples available to us do not permit a detailed evalua-
tion or even a confirmation of the original petroleum
Figure 3—Generalized stratigraphic column for the potential of this interval. Nevertheless, marine type II
northern sub-Andean zone of Bolivia. Two main erosional source rock characteristics are used for the modeling
unconformities are present in the Triassic (about 205 Ma) procedure to quantify the maturity of a hypothetical
and upper Oligocene (27 Ma) sections. The latter resulted
from the beginning of Andean deformation. The Middle
Silurian source rock.
Triassic erosion probably occurred during an episode of
extension related to the initiation of Gondwana fragmenta- Devonian
tion. Two prominent nondepositional unconformities are
present in the Cretaceous (144–68 Ma) and Paleocene The Devonian succession is Lochkovian–Famenian in
(53–27 Ma) sections. age (410–360 Ma). Its depositional setting was essentially
the same as during the Late Silurian (marine platform
deposition). Its thickness increases toward the south,
Central Sub-Andean Zone where it is 1500 m thick south of the Boomerang. Its
regional distribution is shown in Figure 5B. The basin
The preorogenic stratigraphic column is characterized extends northward into Peru and southward into
by a Paleozoic sedimentary wedge (Figure 4). It is a Argentina and Paraguay. The Devonian has been eroded
continuous succession, ranging from Ordovician to to the northeast; the age of erosion is discussed later.
Carboniferous in age and thinning northward onto the Source rocks include the Tomachi and Tequeje forma-
Precambrian–Cambrian Brazilian shield. It is uncon- tions in the north and the Iquiri and Limoncito forma-
formably overlain by 500 m of Mesozoic rocks and more tions in the central part of the basin.
than 1600 m of upper Oligocene–Recent deposits. We have not found immature Devonian samples and,
The orogenic front (Figures 1, 2C) is characterized by consequently, have not determined the kinetic parame-
the Boomerang-Chapare transfer zone, which is inter- ters. Since the depositional environments of the Tomachi
preted as an oblique ramp. The propagation of the and Iquiri formations are the same as the Retama
orogenic front was guided by the northern boundary of Formation of Carboniferous age, the type Retama section
the Paleozoic sedimentary wedge, which is oriented described below is used to model the Upper Devonian
obliquely to the regional shortening direction (Baby et al., source rocks. The Tequeje and Limoncito formations
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 449
Figure 4—Sedimentary wedge of the Boomerang area, in the central sub-Andean zone. The two main erosional unconformi-
ties (Triassic and upper Oligocene) and the two prominent nondepositional unconformities (Cretaceous and Paleocene) are
also present in this region. See Figure 1 for location.
(Middle–Lower Devonian) correspond to more distal This Tmax value is relatively high, and the maturity level
deposits, therefore classic marine type II kerogen charac- of this sample is not certain. Nevertheless, Rock-Eval
teristics have been chosen for the modeling. pyrolysis of old source rocks, such as Devonian source
rocks in Algeria, commonly show high Tmax values on
Retama Formation immature samples (C. Ducreux, 1993, personal commu-
nication). Optical data show a vitrinite reflectance value
The shaly beds of the lower Retama Formation of of 0.5%, which confirms the immaturity of this sample.
Carboniferous age, also called Toregua Formation, show On this basis, we use the computed kinetic parameters
reasonably good potential. Deposition started in the late for the modeling.
Famenian (360 Ma) and may have continued to the
Visean (327 Ma). The Toregua Formation, corresponding Copacabana Formation
to siliciclastic deposits of a marine platform, is an alterna-
tion of shaly and sandy beds which form the potential The Copacabana Formation of Permian age is a
reservoirs. This formation is present in the Madre de marine platform succession formed by an alternation of
Dios basin and in the northern sub-Andean belt (Figure shallow water (50-m) limestone, shale, and sandstone.
5C). It is about 500 m thick. Deposition began in the Stephanian (307 Ma) and
Retama source rock potential has been proven in the continued to the Early Permian (270 Ma). It is present in
Pando-X1 well (Madre de Dios basin). The total organic the Madre de Dios basin, in the northern sub-Andean
carbon (TOC) content exceeds 2 wt. % over a 100-m belt, and to a lesser extent in the central zone (Figure 5D).
interval, with a hydrogen index (HI) of more than 600 Where it has not been eroded, it is up to 800 m thick.
mg HC/g. All of the shaly beds have some potential Rock-Eval pyrolysis confirms the petroleum potential
(TOC > 1 wt. %). of this formation. Recorded TOC values vary from 1 to 9
Kinetic parameters have been determined on a sample wt. %, and the maximum HI is about 440 mg HC/g.
from the Pando-X1 well (HI = 660 mg HC/g and Tmax = Unfortunately, we have insufficient data to define the
445˚C) using OPTKIN software (Espitalié et al., 1985). true thickness of the active source rock interval.
450 Baby et al.
Figure 6—Oil and gas windows in the Lliquimuni balanced cross section. (A) Present day and (B) pre-Andean deformation.
deposited sediment is assumed to be constant during the and default marine type II characteristics for the Lower–
sedimentation process, in contrast to the overthrust Middle Devonian and Silurian. The maturation of this
sediments, which were already heated. There are two kerogen is slower than a classic type II kerogen (e.g.,
ways to overcome this problem. One can either impose a Toarcian of the Paris basin in GENEX), resulting in an
steady-state solution or artificially increase the surface estimated oil window 800 m deeper than the default
temperature to simulate a temperature closer to that of value for a gradient of about 25°C/km.
the overthrust sediments. With GENEX software, the expelled quantities are
When a steady-state solution is imposed, the relax- calculated as a function of the saturation in the source
ation time is zero. The error resulting from active rock. An expulsion threshold is defined by the user
thrusting is mainly a function of the thrust thickness and (Forbes et al., 1991). When the saturation is less than this
the rate of thrusting. The relationship of this error to the value, there is no expulsion. An arbitrary value of 15%
rate of thrusting has been calculated (Endignoux and has been used in this study.
Wolf, 1990), showing that the error is negligible for
normal rates of horizontal displacement. In this study,
the uncertainties about the timing of thrust emplacement
are so large (a few million years) that it would be inap- RESULTS
propriate to use a more sophisticated approach.
Because thermal data are scare, an average heat flow Northern Sub-Andean Zone: Lliquimuni
of 55 mW/m2 has been used for the modeling. No rifting Cross Section
phase has been included. Neither do we have enough
data to describe heat flow variations through time. A Geometry
constant value for the basal heat flow is thus used. There The northern part of the sub-Andean zone is underex-
are also uncertainties regarding the amount of Triassic plored, with only four wells having been drilled. One of
erosion as well as the burial history. These constraints, these (LQM-X1) is included on the balanced cross section
especially for Silurian and Early Devonian maturation, (Figure 6) and another is located on the Boya trend, 50
limit us to a qualitative interpretation. km south of the section. The 235-Ma erosional event
Maturation has been calculated using kinetic para- appears to have stripped up to 800 m of section. Late
meters derived from the Pando well (type Retama) for Oligocene erosion (27 Ma) was more limited; 100 m of
the Toregua Formation and the Upper Devonian section erosion is inferred for the missing section.
452 Baby et al.
Figure 7—Maturity in the Pelado structure, based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis and the subsidence history of a fictitious well,
Pelado-2 (see Figure 6 for location). (A) Subsidence history and hydrocarbon windows. (B) Calculated and measured
hydrogen index. (C) Calculated and measured Tmax values. (D) Transformation ratio of the various source rocks.
Subsidence and deposition of the deep Tertiary geometry of the thrust structures shows a later phase of
piggyback basin of the Alto Beni syncline (Figure 2A) deformation. We attribute this out-of-sequence propaga-
was controlled by Andean deformation. Seismic data tion phase to a 2.5-Ma event, which corresponds approxi-
show two unconformities within this basin fill. On the mately to the age of deposition of the conglomeratic
eastern and western flanks of the Lliquimuni anticline, Tutumo Formation. Farther east, deformation was
the sedimentary cover is up to 6000 m thick (Figure 6). younger, from 6 Ma to the present.
The unconformities within the Miocene have not been
dated, but they are known to be related to the thrusting Petroleum System
phases of the Lliquimuni and Pelado structures. For The Silurian stratigraphy in our cross section is
modeling purposes, we have used the ages of the known only west of the CFP (Figure 2A) and was not
Tertiary formations and intra-Miocene unconformities of modeled. The other three source rocks (Devonian
the southern sub-Andean zone (Marshall and Sempere, Tomachi and Tequeje formations, Toregua Formation,
1991; Gubbels et al., 1993), which we have correlated to and Copacabana Formation) are present to the west (see
the northern sub-Andean area. Ages of 11 and 6 Ma are Figure 5); eastward the Permian and Carboniferous
inferred for the Miocene unconformities (Figure 3). The sections are missing.
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 453
Figure 8—Maturity in the foreland of the Lliquimuni cross section, based on the subsidence history of a fictitious well, Eva-
Eva 1 (see Figure 6 for location). (A) Subsidence history and hydrocarbon windows. (B) Transformation ratio of the various
source rocks.
Calibration was undertaken on the Pelado structure Devonian source rock matured during this period. The
for which geochemical data (Tmax and HI) are available second phase of hydrocarbon generation was initiated by
(Figure 7). The maturation index, especially for the Andean thrusting during the late Oligocene and affected
Paleozoic source rocks, remains low along the western all the source rocks. Burial maturation is attributed to
anticlines. On the Pelado structure, Rock-Eval pyrolysis thick accumulations in the Alto Beni piggyback basin
has shown that the Copacabana Formation is immature and in the sub-Andean foreland basin during the
(Figures 7B, C), suggesting that it never was buried Neogene.
under Tertiary sediments. Farther east, seismic data Up to 4500 m of Neogene sediments were deposited
record a Tertiary section that is uniform in thickness as prior to deformation in the eastern region. The rate of
well as facies. These data suggest that the Pelado sedimentation during the Neogene was very high. The
structure developed as an early thrust that formed the thermal transient effects resulted in deep oil windows
orogenic front and carried the Alto Beni piggyback basin. (about 5.4 km depth) and late maturation.
Subsequently, the orogenic front migrated toward the
east where the Miocene cover occurs in new structures
such as the Sierra Chine, Fatima, and Eva-Eva (Figure 6).
Northern Sub-Andean Zone:
Figure 7A shows that in the Pelado structure, the two
Isiboro Cross Section
Devonian source rocks matured during the Permian. Geometry
Triassic erosion was not substantial and maturation
The only petroleum play in this section is the Isiboro
persisted to the present. The Copacabana and Toregua
frontal anticline. Other structures were deeply eroded
formations are still immature. In the piggyback basin
due to the large amount of shortening (58%) that
westward of the structure, these two source rocks
occurred in this area. Two wells have been drilled in the
matured during Andean deformation due to the thick
Isiboro anticline, and one (SSA-X1) is included in the
synorogenic deposits.
balanced cross section (Figure 9). Compared to the major
For comparison, Figure 8 shows the maturity in a ficti-
Triassic erosion, the late Oligocene unconformity was
tious well (Eva Eva-1) located on the foreland where only
relatively insignificant. The amount of Triassic erosion
the Lower and Middle Devonian source rocks are
increased from southwest to northeast, where up to 700
present. The maturity appears to have occurred in the
m of section were removed.
Neogene and is attributed to foreland infilling. The oil
window was reached during Charqui deposition (6 Ma). Petroleum System
The transformation ratio of the Tequeje Formation is now
about 70% (Figure 8B). The Copacabana, Retama, and Devonian Tomachi
The complete balanced cross section with the present and Tequeje source rocks are believed to have the same
oil windows is shown in Figure 6. There were two characteristics as their northern counterparts. The
phases of hydrocarbon generation. The first preceded Silurian with marine affinities is included as a potential
Andean deformation and began during the Carbonif- source rock interval (see Figure 5). Eastward, the
erous and affected the thick Devonian sections. Only the Permian and Carboniferous intervals are missing.
454 Baby et al.
Figure 9—Oil and gas window in the Isoboro balanced cross section. (A) Present day and (B) pre-Andean deformation.
Figure 10 shows a comparison between the maturity the Upper Cretaceous section was thinned to about 300
along the edge of the external part of the preorogenic m. Triassic erosion was substantial and removed at least
basin (well IS. 1) and along its internal part where the 2 km of Paleozoic deposits.
Devonian section is thick (well IS. 3).
Two phases of hydrocarbon generation occurred. Petroleum System
Figure 9 shows the source rocks that were matured The Copacabana and Toregua formations are missing
before and during Andean deformation. Maturation of (Figure 5). We used two source rocks in our model: the
the Silurian and Devonian sections started during the Devonian (Limoncito and Iquiri formations) and the
Devonian in the internal part where the Paleozoic is very Silurian. Rock-Eval data from the Santa Rosa X2 well
thick (up to 4000 m). Toward the east, burial resulted record a Tmax of about 440°C in the Limoncito Formation,
from foreland deposition that was contemporaneous which corresponds to the beginning of the oil window for
with Andean deformation. As in the Lliquimuni cross this type of organic matter (Retama kinetic parameters).
section, the oil window is relatively deep (up to 5 km) The subsidence and maturity measured and calculated on
due to the large amount of sedimentation. the San Juan X2 well are shown in Figure 12.
Figure 11 summarizes these maturation results on the
Central Sub-Andean Zone: Boomerang balanced cross section, showing present-day and pre-
Cross Section Andean oil windows. Even before Andean deformation,
the Silurian and Lower–Middle Devonian source rocks
Geometry were mature. Maturation started at the beginning of the
This cross section spans the principal hydrocarbon Carboniferous and expulsion was completed by the end
province of Bolivia. It is well constrained by subsurface of the Carboniferous. No structural traps are known for
seismic data and by the Santa Rosa X2 and San Juan X2 this period, thus limiting exploration opportunities to
wells (Figure 11). The Boomerang zone is formed by the stratigraphic plays. These source rocks are now in the gas
deformed border of the Paleozoic sedimentary wedge. window. During the Andean deformation, only the
Well data permit quantification of late Oligocene erosion; Upper Devonian section entered the oil window.
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 455
Figure 10—Maturity in the Isoboro cross section, comparing (A) fictitious well IS. 1 in the foreland with a thin Paleozoic
section to (B) fictitious well IS. 3 in the hinterland with a thick Paleozoic section. See Figure 9 for locations of wells.
456 Baby et al.
Figure 11—Oil and gas windows in the Boomerang balanced cross section. (A) Present day and (B) pre-Andean deformation.
FINAL GAS TO OIL RATIO development of a prominent transfer zone. To the north,
the thrusts are wider and the amount of shortening
The present proven reserves show that the sub- increases. The western part of the northern sub-Andean
Andean zone, and especially the Boomerang area, are zone is characterized by a thick Tertiary piggyback basin
mainly gas prone. All the major fields (Carasco, Katari, fill.
Palometa, Santa Rosa, Sirari, Vivora, and Yapacani) Geochemical analysis documents four source rocks in
produce gas and condensate. Nevertheless, the source the Paleozoic sedimentary wedge: the Retama Formation
rocks are of marine origin and not gas prone. We (Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous), the Copaca-
attribute this to the very low initial potential of the source bana Formation (Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian),
rock. Any oil generated has not yet been expelled but the Devonian deposits (410–360 Ma), and probably the
rather remains in the source rock where burial and matu- Silurian section (430–410 Ma). Specific kinetic parameters
ration continue. Lighter compounds are formed and for the Retama Formation show a later maturation
migrate into the Andean structures. compared to other marine type II source rocks.
Our modeling emphasizes two phases of hydrocarbon
generation. The first occurred from the Devonian to
CONCLUSIONS Carboniferous due to deepening of the Paleozoic basin.
Hydrocarbons expelled before the Triassic are believed
In the northern and central sub-Andean zone of to have filled stratigraphic traps. Because of the absence
Bolivia, the propagation of the orogenic front was guided of structures and widespread erosion, most of these
by the northern boundary of the Paleozoic sedimentary hydrocarbons have probably been lost. The second phase
wedge. In the Boomerang area, this boundary is oriented of maturation is attributed to burial by Tertiary deposi-
obliquely to the regional shortening and it controlled the tion in the foreland and piggyback basins.
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Sub-Andean Zone 457
Figure 12—Subsidence and maturity in the San Juan X2 well (see Figure 11 for location). (A) Burial history and hydrocarbon
windows. (B) Hydrogen index versus depth.
458 Baby et al.
Acknowledgments This study resulted from a research Sempere, T., G. Hérail, J. Oller, and M. G. Bonhomme, 1990,
convention between YPFB, ORSTOM, and IFP. We thank C. Late Oligocene–early Miocene major tectonic crisis and
Ducreux (BEICIP) for the Rock-Eval analyses and kinetic related basins in Bolivia: Geology, v. 18, p. 946–949.
parameters and J. L. Pittion (Total) for the geochemical results Sheffels, B., 1988, Structural constraints on crustal shortening
in the Bolivian Andes: Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts
interpretation. GENEX is an IFP commercial product
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 170 p.
marketed by BEICIP. We thank Jim Maloney, Mike Perkins, Sheffels, B., 1990, Lower bound on the amount of crustal
and an anonymous reviewer for their comments on an earlier shortening in the central Bolivian Andes: Geology, v. 18,
version of this manuscript. p. 812–815.
Soler, P., and T. Sempere, 1993, Stratigraphie, géochimie et
signification paléotectonique des roches volcaniques
basiques mésozoïques des Andes Boliviennes: Comptes
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Structural Styles and Petroleum Occurrence in the
Sub-Andean Fold and Thrust Belt
of Northern Argentina
H. J. Belotti
L. L. Saccavino
G. A. Schachner
Perez Companc
Neuquén, Argentina
T he sub-Andean fold and thrust belt of northern Argentina is characterized by a set of north-northeast
and south-southwest oriented structural trends. Major oil and gas accumulations occur in the eastern
sub-Andean ranges, including the Ramos, Aguaragüe, Campo Duran, and Madrejones fields. Thin-skinned
deformation involves a tectonic wedge that generated triangle zones bounded by a lower detachment in the
Silurian Kirusillas Formation and by an upper detachment at the base of the Upper Devonian Los Monos
Formation. In the Ramos and Aguaragüe structures, this configuration creates a distinct disharmony between
the tectonic wedge and its passive roof. The shortening is accommodated by major tectonic thickening of the
Los Monos Formation, while the overlying Carboniferous and Tertiary units are deformed into box folds. In
the Aguaragüe structure, these overlying units are cut by imbricate thrusts that offset the box fold crest
eastward with respect to the anticlinal axis of the underlying tectonic wedge. The Campo Duran structure
represents an early stage of this process without active folding of its passive roof. In contrast, the Madrejones
structure transferred shortening to the foreland, forming the Ipaguazu structure. Balanced cross sections were
used in the interpretation of structural styles and hydrocarbon traps to resolve the structures and reduce the
exploration risk.
L a faja plegada y fallada subandina del norte de Argentina está caracterizada por un conjunto de estruc-
turas orientadas norte-noreste a sur-suroeste. Los principales yacimientos de hidrocarburos descubiertos
se ubican en su sector oriental, incluyendo los yacimientos de Ramos, Aguaragüe, Campo Duran y
Madrejones. La deformación de lámina delgada involucra una cuña tectónica que generó zonas triangulares,
con despegue inferior en la Formación Kirusillas (Silúrico) y despegue superior en la base de la Formación Los
Monos (Devónico Superior). En las estructuras de Ramos y Aguaragüe esta configuración genera una marcada
disarmonía entre la cuña tectónica y su techo pasivo. El acortamiento es resuelto por un fuerte espesamiento de
la Formación Los Monos, mientras que las unidades suprayacentes carboníferas y terciarias, son deformadas
en pliegues tipo cajón. En la estructura de Aguaragüe, estas últimas unidades son afectadas por corrimientos
imbricados que desplazan hacia el este la cresta del pliegue somero con respecto al eje anticlinal de la cuña
tectónica infrayacente. La estructura de Campo Duran representa una etapa temprana en el proceso de este
modelo, sin plegamiento activo de su techo pasivo. En contraste, la estructura de Madrejones transfiere su
acortamiento hacia el antepaís, formando la estructura de Ipaguazu. Secciones estructurales balanceadas
fueron usadas en la interpretación del estilo tectónico, y entrampamiento de hidrocarburos, como así también
resolución de estructuras y reducción de riesgos exploratorios.
Belotti, H. J., L. L. Saccavino, and G. A. Schachner, 1995, Structural styles and petroleum 545
occurrence in the sub-Andean fold and thrust belt of northern Argentina, in A. J.
Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG
Memoir 62, p. 545–555.
546 Belotti et al.
The sub-Andean fold and thrust belt is a deformed
belt that continues from the border between Peru and
Ecuador into northern Argentina in a northwest-
southeast to NNE-SSW direction (Figure 1). In northern
Argentina, it covers an area of nearly 11,000 km2 and is
characterized by thin-skinned deformation that extends
from the Eastern Cordillera in the west to the Chaco
plain in the east (Figure 2).
The Eastern Cordillera formed in response to
compressive stress from the west that also involved the
crystalline basement (Mingramm et al., 1979) in a thick-
skinned fashion (see Vann et al., 1986). Part of the short-
ening was transmitted toward the sub-Andean fold and
thrust belt along a detachment level located at the base of
the Silurian Kirusillas Formation, and part was accom-
modated by back-thrusts at the front of the Eastern
Cordillera (Figure 3).
The Chaco plain (Russo et al., 1979) is located to the
east of the sub-Andean ranges. It represents the foreland
that was not affected by the Andean deformation.
The fold and thrust belt in Argentina is divided into
two sectors according to structural and petroleum char-
acteristics. The western sub-Andean ranges are more Figure 1—Location map of the sub-Andean ranges in
structurally complex and in an early stage of hydro- South America and their relationship to other major
tectonic elements.
carbon exploration. Only minor hydrocarbon reserves
have been discovered in Carboniferous and Tertiary
units in the Baja de Oran range (Figure 2). The eastern
sub-Andean ranges are less complex and in a slightly
more advanced stage of exploration. The main hydro- lithologic contrast determines the conspicuous sub-
carbon discoveries have occurred in Devonian, Carbonif- Andean structural style (Aramayo Flores, 1989). The
erous, and Tertiary reservoir rocks. diversity of names for the Devonian units has been
During the 1950–1970 period, Yacimientos Petrolíferos summarized by Acevedo (1986) who correlated seismic
Fiscales (YPF), the Argentinian national oil company, and well data between northern Argentina and southern
discovered significant hydrocarbon accumulations in Bolivia.
each trend. Many of these fields are large in size. The aim The Carboniferous and Triassic units are separated by
of this study is to describe the structural style and mode strong erosional unconformities and include mainly
of hydrocarbon entrapment of the principal fields in the continental and proximal shelf deposits (Stark et al.,
eastern sub-Andean ranges. Well and seismic data and 1992b; Stark, 1995). These units do not have pronounced
surface geology were used to construct balanced cross mechanical contrasts and consequently behaved
sections, some subsequently verified through seismic passively during folding.
modeling. In the Cretaceous, all of these units were affected by
regional uplift and erosion related to the formation of the
Lomas de Olmedo rift basin (Moreno, 1970; Bianucci et
GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK al., 1981; Gómez-Omil et al., 1989; Di Persia et al., 1991;
Comínguez and Ramos, 1995). Figure 5 shows that
The stratigraphic succession in the sub-Andean ranges Paleozoic units were eroded progressively deeper
comprises Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary marine and toward the south and east. As a result, Tertiary sedimen-
continental sedimentary rocks. The total sedimentary tary beds (Tranquitas and Chaco formations) overlie
column is about 10,000 m thick. The basal Ordovician Triassic rocks of the Cuevo Group at the Bolivian border
units were not involved in the Andean deformation and Silurian rocks of the Kirusillas Formation at the
(Figure 4). The lowest deformed Paleozoic rocks are southern end of the sub-Andean ranges (Figures 6, 7).
Silurian–Devonian units comprising alternating sand- Erosion of the Paleozoic sequence limited the southward
stones and shales. Basal proximal sandstones and development of the thin-skinned sub-Andean ranges as
conglomerates attributed to storm-dominated processes the lower detachment level within the Kirusillas
in a shallow marine basin are overlain by a pelitic shelf Formation became eroded and compressional stresses
succession. The base and the top of the sequence are inverted the basement-seated extensional faults of the
formed by angular to regional unconformities (Bottcher northwestern Argentinian rift system (Bianucci et al.,
et al., 1983; Stark et al., 1992a; Stark, 1995). This distinct 1982; Grier, 1990).
Structural Styles and Petroleum Occurrence, Sub-Andean Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Argentina 547
sandstones of the Tupambi Formation produce gas and Seal rocks include shales of the Los Monos Formation,
condensate in the Campo Duran and Madrejones fields. shales and diamictites of the Tarija Formation, and shales
Porosities average 13% and permeabilities 17 md. This in the Las Peñas and Tranquitas formations (Figure 4).
formation thins and becomes tight southward of these
fields. Secondary sandstone reservoirs of the Tarija, Las
Peñas, and Tranquitas formations produce oil in the Traps and Timing
Tranquitas, Lomitas, and Lomitas Bloque Bajo fields. The
silica-cemented quartz arenites of the Santa Rosa Traps are predominantly structural. Hydrocarbon
Formation produce gas and condensate in the Ramos accumulations are related to relative positions within the
field. thrust sheet, such as anticlinal crests, faulted anticlines,
Structural Styles and Petroleum Occurrence, Sub-Andean Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Argentina 549
Figure 7—Tracing of a seismic section east of the fold and thrust belt, showing major unconformities (solid lines) bounding
six Paleozoic–Tertiary sequences. See Figure 5 for location.
and faulted vertical fold limbs. However, combined STRUCTURAL STYLES OF THE EASTERN
stratigraphic and structural traps are possible in Tertiary
and Carboniferous sedimentary rocks related to fluvial
sandstone deposits. The eastern sub-Andean ranges comprise a set of
Based on the Tertiary stratigraphic record, the devel- elongated structures that trend NNE-SSW, forming the
opment of the fold and thrust belt began in the late San Antonio, Aguaragüe, Campo Duran–Madrejones,
Miocene or early Pliocene (Ahlfeld and Branisa, 1960; and Ipaguazu ranges (Figure 8). The principal hydro-
Mingramm et al., 1979; Martínez, 1980; Jordan and carbon reserves are located in the Ramos, Aguaragüe,
Alonso, 1987). New 40Ar-39Ar dates demonstrate signifi- Campo Duran, and Madrejones fields. Smaller fields
cant upper crustal shortening within the Eastern include the San Pedrito, Macueta, Tranquitas, Lomitas,
Cordillera after 10 Ma. In the adjacent sub-Andean Lomitas Bloque Bajo, and Ipaguazu (see Figures 8, 11).
ranges, the deformation also occurred after 10 Ma To determine the structural style, we constructed a
(Gubbels et al., 1993), confirming a link between both series of balanced cross sections (Figure 8) using well
morphostructural units (Figure 3). During Andean defor- data, seismic lines, and surface geology (see Dahlstrom,
mation, hydrocarbons migrated toward the structures. 1969; Suppe, 1983; Woodward et al., 1985; Mitra and
550 Belotti et al.
Namson, 1989; Dahlstrom, 1990). The balancing method generates a fault-bend fold (see Suppe, 1983) with a lower
we applied consisted of conservation of bed length of the detachment in the Kirusillas Formation and an upper
competent units (e.g., Santa Rosa and Huamampampa detachment at the base of the Los Monos Formation
formations). The less competent successions (e.g., Los (Figure 9). The tectonic wedge verges eastward causing
Monos Formation) were areally balanced. Several of delamination of the sedimentary units (Figure 10). This
these cross sections were seismically modeled to check major sole thrust has a total shortening of 5.5 km, which is
their validity and correspondence with the available transferred to the overlying units by means of the upper
seismic data. detachment level. The sedimentary sequence that overlies
The Ramos and Aguaragüe ranges have high relief the tectonic wedge is folded into a box fold geometry. A
and steep surface dips. As a result, seismic profiles zone of complex deformation, occurring in a zone of high
provide data on their western flank and across the fluid pressure within the Los Monos Formation, is
synclines between ranges. In the Campo Duran, present in the core of the fold. This results in a coinci-
Madrejones, and Ipaguazu ranges, seismic data are better dence between the axis of the box fold at the surface and
because of the gentler topography and rather low dips at the crest of the tectonic wedge at depth.
the surface (see Figures 13, 16). The large Ramos field produces gas and condensate in
fractured quartz arenites of the Santa Rosa and
Huamampampa formations within the tectonic wedge.
RAMOS RANGE The oil–water contact is believed to be similar in both
formations, thus questioning the sealing capacity of the
The Ramos structure is the southernmost morpho- Icla Formation (Figure 9).
structural unit of the San Antonio range (Figure 8). The San Pedrito and Macueta fields are located to the
Others to the north are the San Pedro and Macueta struc- north of Ramos field and produce oil from the Carbonif-
tures. The trend is about 70 km long in Argentina and erous Tupambi Formation. In Bolivia, the San Alberto
extends into the San Alberto structure in Bolivia. field produces small amounts of oil from the Tarija
The Ramos structure has an asymmetric configuration Formation (Quevedo Velasco, 1977), and a recently
that is limited to the north by an oblique ramp that drilled deeper exploratory well discovered large
generated a steeply dipping closure. To the south, the amounts of gas and condensate in the Devonian
structure is gently dipping and ends near the extensional Huamampampa Formation.
faults that bound the Cretaceous Lomas de Olmedo rift To the south of Ramos, the Cretaceous unconformity
basin (Figure 5). The oldest outcropping sedimentary truncates the Los Monos Formation (Figures 5, 6),
sequence is the Tertiary Tranquitas Formation. The resulting in a change of the structural style. Here, the
structure is subdivided into two main areas on the basis upper detachment is in the Tertiary Tranquitas
of structural style. In the northern area, the structure Formation, and the shortening to the upper units is trans-
consists of a triangle zone (see Gordy et al., 1977; Jones, ferred as a fault-propagation fold to the eastern Tomasito
1982; Woodward et al., 1985) where the tectonic wedge range (Figure 8).
Structural Styles and Petroleum Occurrence, Sub-Andean Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Argentina 551
Figure 14—Tracing of seismic section used as the basis of Figure 15—Seismic model used to construct the Campo
the Campo Duran structural cross section (Figure 13). Duran structural cross section (Figure 13).
Velocity pull-up affects the Devonian, Silurian, and Ordovi-
cian sequences beneath the sole thrust.
in the thrust sheet compared to the lower velocities of the Monos Formation that is known as the Ipaguazu
Tertiary units in the adjacent synclines. A similar pull up structure (Figure 16). Total shortening is about 2.7 km
exists in the Aguaragüe range (Lesta and Kozlowsky, and decreases northward into Bolivia.
1992). The large Madrejones field produces gas and conden-
To the north, the Madrejones structure is a fault-bend sate from the Carboniferous Tupambi Formation. It
fold that has the same basal detachment level as the involves a broad anticlinal crest with some minor thrusts
Campo Duran structure. The difference between the two affecting the Carboniferous and Tertiary units. To the
is that shortening on the sole thrust in the Madrejones east, the Ipaguazu field contains noncommercial hydro-
structure is transferred to the foreland, forming an carbons in the Tupambi Formation on the western
eastward-verging fault-propagation fold above the Los faulted flank of the structure (Figure 16).
554 Belotti et al.
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Jordan, T. E., and R. N. Alonso, 1987, Cenozoic stratigraphy C.C. 181
and basin tectonics of the Andes Mountains, 20°–28° south 8300 Neuquén
latitude: AAPG Bulletin, v. 71, p. 49–64 Argentina
Northern South America
H. R. Balkwill F. I. Paredes
G. Rodrigue J. P. Almeida
I ndustry reflection seismic profiles from the northern part of the Oriente basin display families of
basement-rooted structures ranging in age from early Mesozoic (and possibly Permian) to Quaternary. We
interpret the Mesozoic-Cenozoic structures to be kinematically and chronologically compatible with tectonic
events displayed in the contiguous Andean Cordillera. Late Triassic (and Permian?) extensional structures may
have been linked to an intra-Cordilleran rift regime. Widely developed Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous conver-
gent structures are coeval with transpression along the western margin of the South American plate. Late
Cretaceous and Cenozoic convergent structures are responses to major episodes of plate marginal terrane
accretion and plate convergence. Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic phases of structuring are displayed on seismic
profiles as a network of steeply dipping northward-trending faults that have risen from Precambrian crystalline
basement into the Phanerozoic cover rocks. Northward-elongated sharply hinged folds generated in cover
rocks by slip on basement faults are traps for Oriente basin oil fields.
L os perfiles de reflexión sismica disponibles dentro de la industria de la parte norte de la cuenca del
Oriente, muestran varios typos de estructuras asociadas con el basamento que datan desde el Mesozoico
superior (y posiblemente del Pérmico) haste el Cuaternario. Las estructuras del Mesozoico-Cenozoico se inter-
pretan cinematica y cronológicamente compatible con eventos tectónicos que se manifiestan adyacentes a la
Cordillera Andina. Tales eventos son los siguientes: Las estructuras de extensión del Triasico Superior pueden
ester asociadas a un régimen de "rift" intra-cordillera. Las estructuras convergentes, ampliamente desarrolladas
al Jurasico Superior-Cretacio Inferior, son contemporaneas con la compresión a lo largo del margen oeste de la
place suramericana. Las estructuras convergentes del Cretacio Superior y del Cenozoico son resultados debido
a mayores episodios de acreción de terrenos y de convergencia de la place. Las differentes etapas de desarrollo
de las estructuras del Cretacio Superior y del Cenozoico se manifiestan como un conjunto de fallas de fuerte
buzamiento de dirección norte, que surgen del basamento cristalino Precambrico hasta la cobertura Phanero-
zoica. Los pliegues agudos de type tumbados de direccion norte, generados en la cobertura por deslizamiento
de fallas al nivel del basamento, son trampas pare los campos de la cuenca del Oriente.
Balkwill, H. R., G. Rodrigue, F. I. Paredes, and J. P. Almeida, 1995, Northern part of Oriente basin,
Ecuador: reflection seismic expression of structures, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink,
Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 559-571.
560 Balkwill et al.
Geochemical analyses indicate that the oil migrated into quality ranges from poor to excellent; the quality and
these structures from Cretaceous source rocks in areas coverage are adequate for regional mapping purposes.
now comprising the eastern Cordillera and southern- Tschopp's (1953) paper on early oil exploration in the
most parts of the Oriente basin (Dashwood and Abbotts, Oriente region provides a standard valuable reference
1990). Rivadeneira (1988) suggested that Lower Jurassic for stratigraphic nomenclature and early concepts of
source shales in southern Ecuador and northern Peru Oriente geology. Canfield et al. (1982) have provided an
may have provided some of the oils. informative paper on the geology of the large Sacha oil
Petroleum exploration progressed generally eastward field in the western part of the basin (Figure 1).
and southward across the Oriente basin. Large, topo- Dashwood and Abbotts (1990) have summarized Oriente
graphically expressed anticlines of the sub-Andean basin petroleum geology, with an emphasis on the
foothills were drilled in early operations (Tschopp, 1953). geochemistry of oils and source rocks. Abundant unpub-
Present exploration is directed mainly to subtle struc- lished geologic and geophysical reports have resulted
tures concealed beneath the Oriente jungle (Canfield et from work by the staff of Petroecuador (formerly Corpo-
al., 1982; Dashwood and Abbotts, 1990). More than 550 racion Estatal Petrolera Ecuatoriana, or CEPE).
wells have been drilled, most of which bottomed in This paper provides representative reflection seismic
Mesozoic rocks. A few wells penetrated through the sub- profiles across the northern part of the Oriente basin to
Mesozoic unconformity to Paleozoic strata and to illustrate the styles and ages of oil-bearing and prospec-
Precambrian crystalline basement. In excess of 30,000 km tive structures and to provide evidence for interpreta-
of CDP reflection seismic data have been acquired since tions of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic environment of
1961. The average seismic grid is about 4 x 4 km, but it is the basin. Much of the material and concepts resulted
denser in some areas. Data have been recorded and from a collaborative regional study by CEPE and Petro-
processed usually to 5-6 sec (two-way time). Seismic Canada explorationists in 1987-88 (Balkwill et al., 1988).
Northern Part of Oriente Basin, Ecuador: R Reflection Seismic Expression of Structures 561
REGIONAL SETTING and Phanerozoic strata lie under the moderately incised
sub-Andean domain. These rocks are largely correlative
By reason of its great elevation (locally higher than 5000 with the less disturbed rocks of the eastern part of the
m), the Cordillera forms the dominant physiographic basin. Two anticlinoria (Napo and Cutucu uplifts)
province of Ecuador (Gansser, 1973) (Figure 1). The moun- separated by an intervening structural depression (Puyo
tainous Cordillera consists of two subparallel belts depression) dominate the structural geometry of the sub-
separated by a narrow graben. The Western Cordillera has Andean domain (Figure 1). Westward-dipping steep
a basement of Upper Cretaceous oceanic crust that was thrusts, which bring ruggedly incised Cordilleran crys-
obducted onto the margin of South America in latest talline rocks against the unmetamorphosed sub-Andean
Cretaceous-early Tertiary time and subsequently restruc- rocks, form an abrupt western boundary for the sub-
tured by Tertiary plate dynamics (Daly, 1989). The Eastern Andean foothills.
Cordillera (Cordillera Real) consists of an infrastructure of
polydeformed, variably metamorphosed Mesozoic and
older rocks, with a superstructure of Cenozoic andesitic STRATIGRAPHY
flows, volcaniclastics, and associated sedimentary rocks.
Jaillard et al. (1990) recognized an initial Mesozoic The Oriente basin cover rocks range in age from
tectonic event (possibly as old as Permian) in the region of Silurian to Quaternary; regional lithostratigraphic, bio-
the Cordillera Real. It involved Triassic continental margin stratigraphic, and reflection seismic evidence allows delin-
rifting, linked possibly northward through Colombia to eation of several megasequences (Figure 2). The succession
the vast Tethyan rift domain of the proto-Caribbean and thickens westward and southward to more than 5 km at
mid-Atlantic. The Triassic rift domain was superposed in the border with Peru (Figure 1).
the Early Jurassic by a marine trough (Santiago trough) in Only a few wells have reached crystalline basement
which carbonates, shales, and subaerial volcanic rocks under the Oriente foreland basin cover. From this meager
accumulated. From detailed mapping of outcrops in the well control and from regional mapping of shallow reflec-
Cordillera Real, Aspden and Litherland (1992) proposed a tion seismic character, the basement under the entire
tectonic scenario for subsequent Jurassic-Cretaceous Oriente is believed to consist of Proterozoic metamorphic
development of the Cordillera Real. They interpreted the and plutonic rocks of the Amazon craton (Baldock, 1982;
western margin of the pre-Mesozoic craton to lie near the Canfield et al., 1982). As a generalization, radiometric ages
eastern edge of the Cordillera, where large-scale calc- of Amazon craton rocks decrease systematically
alkaline volcanic and plutonic activity commenced in the westward, outlining northwest-trending geochronologic
late Early Jurassic and continued to middle Late Jurassic. provinces that may represent terranes affixed successively
Structural fabrics mapped in the Cordillera by Aspden to an Archean core during the early-middle Proterozoic.
and Litherland (1992) indicate dextral transform and The youngest province recognized thus far (Sunsas mobile
eastward overthrusting along steeply dipping shear zones. belt) may represent a phase of ensialic deformation,
The shear zones bound distinctive tectonic-lithologic metaphorphism, and plutonism during the interval 1100-
assemblages ("divisions"), which they interpreted as 900 Ma (Teixeira et al., 1989; deMatos and Brown, 1992).
allochthonous terranes, accreted to the margin and Regional gravity data indicate that the sialic crust under
deformed from the latest Jurassic to middle Early Creta- the Oriente basin is about 30-35 km thick (Feininger and
ceous (about 125 Ma). In addition, they correlated uplift of Seguin, 1983).
the Cordillera Real and major resetting of mineral ages in Paleozoic rocks in the sub-Andean foothills are
the middle Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary (85-55 Ma) with assigned to the Pumbuiza and Macuma formations
convergence generated by accretion of the allochthonous (Tschopp, 1953). From these outcrops and some deep
oceanic rocks now comprising the basement of the wells, the Pumbuiza terrigenous clastics have yielded
Western Cordillera and Costa (Figure 1). marine fossils ranging in age from Late Silurian to Early
Neogene plate reorganization in the eastern Pacific Carboniferous. The Macuma carbonates and clastics
caused accelerated convergence at the northwestern contain fossils ranging in age from Late Carboniferous to
margin of South America, resulting in great uplift of the Permian (Canfield et al., 1982).
Cordillera, a surge of andesitic volcanism, and develop- The Pumbuiza and Macuma formations cannot be
ment of present-day Andean morphology (Herron, 1972; easily separated on most seismic profiles (Figures 3,4,5,6).
Daly, 1989). There is sufficient regional control to outline a western
The Oriente basin province consists of two physio- region of Pumbuiza-Macuma rocks under the proximal
graphic-structural domains. A topographically low, part of the Oriente foreland and an eastern domain along
jungle-covered eastern region has a floor of Precambrian the Ecuador-Peru border. The two domains of Paleozoic
crystalline basement, overlain by a westward-thickening strata are separated by an irregularly shaped northward-
wedge of slightly folded and faulted Phanerozoic cover elongated region of Precambrian basement (Figure 1). The
rocks. A system of large, westward-dipping reverse faults Paleozoic strata typically lie in isolated structures bounded
(and locally an eastward-facing steep monocline) by basement-rooted faults that display large-scale reversal
separates the eastern Oriente subprovince from a of dip slip (Figures 4, 5, 6). The combined thickness of
contiguous sub-Andean segment. Moderately to strongly Pumbuiza-Macuma beds in some of these structures is
folded and faulted eastward-displaced cratonic basement greater than several hundred meters (Rosania and
562 Balkwill et al.
Figure 2--Stratigraphy of the northern part of the Oriente basin. (Adapted from Canfield et al., 1982; Rosania and Morales,
1986; Petro-Canada proprietary reports.)
Morales, 1986). recovered from some well samples (M. Rivadeneira,
The basement fault-bounded structures that define Petroecuador, 1988, personal communication). Regional
inliers of Pumbuiza-Macuma strata commonly contain a seismic evidence from northern Peru (Marañon basin--
superimposed succession, hundreds of meters thick, of not available for display--shows that the fault-bounded
conglomeratic, nonmarine, terrigenous clastics (Figures clastic rocks are older than the Jurassic Chapiza
3, 4, 5, 6). These successions are indistinctly layered on Formation. Balkwill et al. (1988) have suggested that the
most seismic profiles. They lie in structures interpretable graben-associated beds might be broadly correlative
as post-Macuma extensional half-grabens subsequently with the Mitu Formation of the Peruvian Andes. We
modified by reversal of dip slip. The rocks were drilled now propose that the rocks represent isolated rift
at a location near seismic line CP 3530 (Figure 6). They elements that were linked westward to the cratonic
have long been considered as correlatives of the Jurassic marginal Triassic rift regime recognized recently in the
Chapiza Formation of the sub-Andean Foothills because Cordillera Real by Jaillard et al. (1990) and Aspden and
of their texture and red color and because they were Litherland (1992).
evidently younger than Macuma strata and older than Lower Jurassic marine carbonates and shales
Cretaceous (Tschopp, 1953). No firmly diagnostic fossils (Santiago Formation) crop out in the Cutucu uplift
have been reported from the enigmatic strata from this (Baldock, 1982). These rocks and coeval volcanic breccias
location or other wells where the fault-bounded beds and tuffs were deposited in an initially deep narrow
have been drilled, although possible Triassic spores were trough, superimposed on the Triassic rift domain of the
Northern Part of Oriente Basin, Ecuador: R Reflection Seismic Expression of Structures 563
Figure 3--Part of the reflection seismic proflie CP 48 from the eastern Oriente basin (see Figure 1 for location). Vertical scale
for this and all following seismic displays is in seconds (two~way time). Rock units: PC, Precambrian basement; Pz,
Pumbuiza-Macuma formations; Tr, Triassic beds; Kh, Hollin Formation; Kn, marker in Napo Formation; Tt, top of Tiyuyacu
Formation. Note the paraconformable contact of Paleozoic strata with basement, the local truncation of Macuma beds
beneath indistinctly layered Triassic beds, and the structural disruption of Triassic and older rocks and their truncation
beneath subhorizontal basal Cretaceous strata.
Cordillera Real Qaillard et al., 1990). Platform carbonates demonstrating Jurassic syndepositional uplift along the
of the upper part of the Santiago Formation are present in western margin of the Oriente basin. The clastic rocks and
the southern part of the Oriente basin. Coeval nonmarine the overlying volcaniclastic Misahualli Member (Figure 2)
strata may extend northward along the axial part of the are approximately coeval with some large Jurassic calc-
basin. alkaline plutons in the easternmost part of the Cordillera
Coarse-grained, Jurassic red beds assigned to the Real. Aspden and Litherland (1992) propose that the
Chapiza Formation in the sub-Andean foothills (Baldock, intrusive phase was followed by latest Jurassic-Early
1982) may be partially coeval with Santiago strata Cretaceous accretion and eastward thrusting of exotic
(Aspden and Litherland, 1992). The Chapiza clastic terranes against the western margin of the Cordillera
wedge tapers and becomes finer grained eastward, Real.
564 Balkwill et al.
Figure 5--Part of reflection seismic section CP 3588 from the eastern Oriente basin. Rock units as in Figure 3. Note the trun-
cation of Triassic beds beneath Cretaceous strata and the middle Tertiary inversion of Triassic extension fault. The late
Tertiary (far left) and middle Tertiary (left center) narrow contractional "pop-up" anticlines are focused at the base of
Triassic strata, possibly from intrastratal slip associated with a basement reverse fault. Moderately westward-dipping intra-
basement reflectors were activated as slip surfaces in late Cenozoic convergence. The basement-rooted late Cenozoic
reverse faults with opposed vergence define a large crustal "pop-up" and associated forced folds in the cover rocks.
Figure 6--Part of reflection seismic section CP 3530 from the northeastern Oriente basin. Rock units as in Figure 3. Note the
variably dipping intrabasement reflectors, the paraconformable contact of Paleozoic strata with basement, and the indis-
tinct reflection character of Triassic rocks.Large-scale structural disruption and truncation of Triassic beds occur beneath
basal Cretaceous Hollin Formation. Note the inversion of the Triassic half-graben by late Cenozoic contraction.
Northern Part of Oriente Basin, Ecuador: R Reflection Seismic Expression of Structures 565
Hollin quartz arenites, possibly as old as Aptian nantly fine-grained and are a few hundreds of meters
(Aleman and Marksteiner, 1993), form the basal beds of thick. Locally prominent disconformities between the
the Cretaceous megasequence. Hollin strata lie uncon- Tiyuyacu Formation and overlying Orteguaza strata
formably above an erosionally planed surface developed mark important intrabasin structuring in Eocene or
on previously structured older rock units ranging from Oligocene time (Figure 2). The structural relief developed
Precambrian basement to Chapiza red beds (Figures 2 during this interval delineated elongate anticlinal traps in
through 12). Unpublished biostratigraphic determina- Cretaceous sandstones that host the largest oil fields in
tions (Petro-Canada proprietary information) indicate the Oriente basin (Canfield et al., 1982).
that the Hollin Formation, which is locally up to 130 m The upper terrigenous clastic sequence (Oligocene
thick, is diachronously younger eastward. The sand- Orteguaza Formation and overlying strata) represents
stones are coastal and shallow marine facies of Creta- depositional responses to accelerated convergence of
ceous clastic wedges that prograded westward into the cratonic and oceanic crust at the western margin of the
Oriente basin from its eastern margin (Figure 2). The South American plate. This was accompanied by
distal marine facies (Napo Formation) is as thick as a few vigorous uplift of the Andes and eastward-shedding of
hundred meters; it may range in age from Albian to coarse-grained clastic wedges into the contiguous Oriente
Campanian (Dashwood and Abbotts, 1990). foreland basin. Orteguaza beds lie above truncated
The eastern part of the Napo succession contains Tiyuyacu beds in the periphery of the sub-Andean belt.
southwest-tapering and southwest-fining stacked Eastward from there, the basal Orteguaza strata (which
wedges of quartz arenites and subarkoses, informally contain some thin marine beds) occupy paleodepressions
named from upper to lower, the M1, M2, U, and T sand- in the broad folds that were developed in underlying
stones. The sandstones are separated by shales and lime- Tiyuyacu beds during middle Tertiary tectonism. Large
stones (the latter also having some informal member amounts of latest Tertiary-Quaternary clastic detritus
designations). Local intraformational parasequence were shed basinward through the Puyo structural
boundaries are evident in the Napo Formation lying depression (Figure 1). The entire Cenozoic depositional
above elongate, northward-trending paleostructural cycle of eastward-prograding clastics and the older cover
highs (Figure 7). Subtle intra-Napo relief on these rocks under it are undergoing present-day structural
elements may represent local erosion and winnowing of modification by neotectonic movement on basement
strata and/or onlap by basal beds of the overlying reverse faults (Figures 5, 6, 9,10,11,12).
parasequence. Some leaching of Napo limestones at the
local unconformities indicates that the paleotopographic STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY
highs were sometimes exposed. The upper part of the
Napo Formation was truncated progressively westward Division of the Oriente basin into the sub-Andean and
from the axial part of the basin prior to deposition of eastern Oriente domains was originally based on topo-
overlying beds of the Maastrichtian - lower Tertiary Tena graphic expression of structures (Tschopp, 1953). Most of
Formation (Figure 2). the sub-Andean part of the Oriente consists of large, high,
Upper Maastrichtian-Cenozoic strata consist of coarse- northward-trending strike ridges, with outcrops of folded
to fine-grained, mainly nonmarine terrigenous clastic Paleozoic and younger strata cut by steeply dipping
detritus shed eastward in response to uplift and erosion reverse faults. The eastern Oriente is a very low, morpho-
of the Andean orogenic belt. The lower part of this logically subdued terrain where underlying structures
succession, the Tena and Tiyuyacu formations, are domi- are manifested only locally by gentle surface dips and
566 Balkwill et al.
Figure 8--Eastern part of seismic section CP 149 from the north-central Oriente basin. Rock units as in Figure 3. Note the
opposed vergence of basement-rooted reverse faults and associated "kink-band" forced folds. Fault at left is early
Tertiary age, with differential thickening of Tiyuyacu Formation (Tt), and fault at right is middle Tertiary age, associated
with thickening of post-Tiyuyacu strata.
Figure 10--Part of seismic section CP 3514 from the northeastern Oriente basin. Rock units as in Rgure 3. Note the
westward-dipping late Cenozoic basement-generated "pop-up" anticline; fault at the eastern margin of structure may reach
the surface.
subtle alignments of drainage elements. influenced structures generated within those strata. In
Abundant industry reflection seismic profiles show that other places, the basement fabrics are truncated abruptly at
the most significant structures in the foreland comprise a the upper surface of the basement and seem not to
network of steeply dipping faults arranged in north- influence the cover rocks. It is inferred from this that the
trending en echelon sets (Figure 1). The faults rise from basement discontinuities originated during Proterozoic
basement into various stratigraphic levels in the cover rock events and that some of these have been reactivated--as
succession and have disrupted the cover rocks as forced innate zones of brittle failure at various times in the
(drape) folds. The strike directions of basement faults in Phanerozoic, depending on the state of stress and the
the eastern Oriente subdomain are approximately parallel nature and orientation of the basement inhomogeneity.
with structural trends in the contiguous sub-Andean Napo The genetic origins of the basement fabrics may represent
and Cutucu uplifts. Faults north of Curaray River strike large thrust faults or shear zones imparted during Protero-
north-northeastward, parallel to the general trend of the zoic accretionary events.
Napo uplift, and the foreland faults south of the Curaray Lower Paleozoic (Pumbuiza) rocks in Cutucu uplift
River strike north-northwestward, parallel to the Cutucu were folded and faulted prior to deposition of overlying
uplift. A broad inference is that the regional structural Carboniferous (Macuma) beds (Tschopp, 1953). The
trends owe their parallelism to an interconnected through- Pumbuiza and Macuma megasequences are difficult to
going deep basement fabric. Because many of the separate (except locally) in the subsurface of the northern
basement faults have undergone kinematic reversal in Oriente basin. We could not discern evidence from the
their histories, they are discussed here in a chronologic seismic data of significant middle Paleozoic structures.
Proterozoic and Paleozoic
A network of basement-involved half-grabens and
The oldest structures evident on northern Oriente other relict structural depressions extend from the
seismic profiles are moderately dipping prominent reflec- northern Oriente basin southward to Rio Curaray, thence
tions in basement, shown in some profiles near the eastern southeastward into the Marañon basin of Peru (Figures 3,
border of Ecuador (Figures 4, 5, 6). The bundles of strong 4, 5, 6). The half-grabens commonly contain two strati-
reflectors interrupt a generally diffuse basement seismic graphic sequences. The lower succession consists of
character, commonly lacking distinctive planar reflection moderately well-stratified strong reflectors that are subpar-
characteristics. Some of the basement fabrics have struc- allel internally and with the underlying basement contact.
tural continuity into Phanerozoic cover rocks and have We interpret these rocks as carbonates and clastics of the
568 Balkwill et al.
Macuma Formation and older Pumbuiza Formation. The steep dips from crystalline basement and cut overlying
upper sequence, with its indistinctly layered, diffuse to Cretaceous-Cenozoic strata or have developed sharply
vaguely apparent internal reflection characteristics, are hinged, asymmetric forced folds with relief of a few tens
conglomeratic terrigenous clastics penetrated by the well of meters to hundreds of meters (Figures 4-12). The
drilled near seismic line CP 3530 (Figure 6). basement-generated faults and folds have critical signifi-
We interpret the extensional elements and their coarse cance for hydrocarbon exploration. All of the major fields
clastic infill to be relict cratonic inliers, genetically linked thus far discovered in the eastern Oriente basin, such as
to the Triassic rift regime that Jaillard et al. (1990) and the Sacha field (Figure 1), are low-relief structural traps,
Aspden and Litherland (1992) mapped in the Cordillera owing their existence to closure on these elements
Real and which extend along the eastern Andes of (Canfield et al., 1982).
Colombia and Peru. The oldest seismically recognizable Late Cretaceous
The early Mesozoic rift assemblage and older rocks structures are low relief, northward-elongated paleoto-
were significantly folded, uplifted, and erosionally pographic highs against which beds in the upper part of
planed prior to preservation of basal Cretaceous deposits the Napo Formation are seen to thin (Figure 7). Napo
(Figures 3, 4, 5, 6). This impressive intracratonic conver- limestones are leached at the crests of some of these
gent tectonic event reached eastward as far as the structures. We interpret these elements as small-scale
western part of Solimoes basin, western Brazil, where Late Cretaceous convergent uplifts of basement. They
deep seismic profiles show evidence of major Late appear to be embryonic foreland basin responses to the
Jurassic - Early Cretaceous reverse faulting, uplift, and Late Cretaceous transpressional convergence that
planation before deposition of the oldest preserved Aspden and Litherland (1992) interpreted for the
Cretaceous strata (deMatos and Brown, 1992; see also Cordillera Real.
Petrobras, 1983). The evidence of intra-Cordilleran trans- Differential thinning and thickening of the Tena-
pressive accretionary convergence during the Late Tiyuyacu succession, across basement-rooted reverse
Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, elucidated by Aspden and faults and forced folds, demonstrate that basin conver-
Litherland (1992), provides a possible dynamic cause for gence accelerated in the early Tertiary from mild begin-
this important intraplate event. nings in the Late Cretaceous (Figures 8, 9). The early
Tertiary foreland convergent phase was dynamically
Cretaceous-Cenozoic compatible with the regionally convergent tectonic envi-
ronment that prevailed in the Cordillera (Daly, 1989;
Cretaceous-Cenozoic representatives of the network Aspden and Litherland, 1992). A late Cenozoic surge of
of Oriente basin faults extend upward with moderate to basin compression, coincident with convergence and
Northern Part of Oriente Basin, Ecuador: R Reflection Seismic Expression of Structures 569
Figure 12--Part of seismic section CP 149 from the sub-Andean foothills, northwestem Oriente basin. Rock units as in
Figure 3. Note the westward-dipping late Cenozoic reverse fault and splays, as well as the eastward-dipping antithetic
reverse faults.
great uplift of the Andes, is made evident by the amounts basement faults and associated folds comprise two
of structural relief generated on structures far out in the immense lobes, which meet at a structural reentrant
foreland basin (Figures 5, 6,11) as well as in the sub- crossed by the Curaray River (Figure 1) and extend from
Andean foothills (Figure 12). there westward to the Puyo depression (Figure 1). This
Some of the Cenozoic faults are up-section projections vaguely defined zone is about 30 km wide. Within it there
of faults displaying Triassic (and Permian?) normal slip. are abundant, short, variably oriented Cenozoic faults and
Slip on the Cenozoic components of these vestigial struc- associated folds. The zone separates the dominantly north-
tures has been in a reverse sense (Figures 4, 5, 6). Many northeastward structural grain of the northern Oriente
other basement faults with Cenozoic slip or forced-fold basin and Putamayo basin from the dominantly north-
flexure do not coincide with early Mesozoic (or Paleozoic) northwestward grain of the southern part of the basin and
structures (Figures 8, 9,10,11). Whether or not relict Marañon basin.
basement fabrics determined their locations cannot be We lack deep crustal reflection seismic data that might
demonstrated. The amounts and times of reverse slip and delineate the fashion in which the network of Oriente
associated forced-fold flexure vary across members of the basin basement faults are adjusted in the lithosphere.
Cenozoic network, even for faults in close proximity Focal depths for sub-Andean foreland earthquakes in
(Figure 9). For the large fault that forms the leading edge Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador are in the range of 8-38 km,
of the faulted domain north of Curaray River (Figure 1), indicating that all of the crust and possibly the uppermost
the region of greatest Cenozoic reverse slip coincides mantle are involved in deformation (Suarez et al., 1983).
approximately with the position of greatest Triassic (and At those depths, the basement faults may meet a zone of
Permian?) normal slip (Figure 6), indicating that some of intracrustal detachment or shear, possibly inherited from
the inherited basement anisotropies are particularly Proterozoic terrane fabrics, similiar in style and kinematics
susceptible to large-scale stress adjustment. East-dipping to the Andean foreland of western Argentina (Jordan and
reverse faults, antithetic to the large westward-dipping Allmendinger, 1986; Cahill et al., 1992).
reverse faults that form the leading edge of the disrupted
foreland, have created anticlinal "pop-up" culminations
that range in width from a few kilometers to many kilo-
meters (Figures 5,10). Some other east-dipping antithetic CONCLUSIONS
faults forming pop-ups are detached in ductile cover rocks
above basement rather than being rooted in basement Reflection seismic data from the northern Oriente basin
(Figure 11). display families of structures having different ages and
The regional geometry of Cretaceous-Cenozoic struc- styles that involve Precambrian crystalline basement and
tures in the Oriente foreland indicates that the network of Phanerozoic cover rocks. We interpret these cratonic struc-
570 Balkwill et al.
tural elements as products of episodic plate events along reservoirs (mainly Hollin and Napo sandstones) on
the Ecuadorian margin of the South American craton. northward-elongated, low-relief folds developed above
Episodic terrane accretion established the Amazon the basement-rooted reverse faults (e.g., Canfield et al.,
craton in the Proterozoic (Litherland et al., 1985; deMatos 1982). We have shown that some of the structures origi-
and Brown, 1992). The Oriente basin Paleozoic strata nated in the Late Cretaceous, some in the early Tertiary
were deposited on a widespread shallow marine shelf and have since been dormant, and others have rejuve-
(Baldock, 1982); the regional tectonic setting of the basin nated or moved initially in the late Cenozoic and were
during deposition of these rocks has not been elucidated. episodically rejuvenated in the Cenozoic. Critical rela-
Half-grabens containing continental red clastics may tionships may exist in terms of the ages of fold closure
be remnants of a Triassic (and Permian?) rift domain, and the times of regional oil migration and charging of
linked westward to the Gondwana rift system demon- traps.
strated in the eastern Andes of Ecuador, Colombia, and
Peru (Jaillard et al., 1990; Aspden and Litherland, 1992).
The Triassic rift elements and the Paleozoic and Precam-
brian rocks lying under and between them were reverse
faulted and uplifted during a phase of widespread Acknowledgments The writers thank Petroecuador and
intraplate convergence within the western South Petro-Canada for permission to publish this material, much of
American craton. This was possibly associated with plate which resulted from a collaborative Petroecuador/Petro-Canada
marginal transpression in the eastern Cordillera Real in regional project in 1988. We thank reviewers Norman
the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. The Jurassic and Haimila, Robert Meneley, and Howard White for their
older rocks and structures were erosionally planed prior constructive comments.
to deposition of basal Cretaceous (Aptian?) Hollin sand-
A second phase of transpressional convergence in the
Cordillera Real in Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary time Aleman, A. M., and R. M. Marksteiner, 1993, Mesozoic and
was concurrent with obduction of oceanic crust now Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Marañon basin in south-
lying under the Western Cordillera and Costa. This eastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru
convergence prompted development in the Oriente (abs.): AAPG Bulletin, v. 77, p. 301.
basin of a network of low-relief basement reverse faults, Aspden, J. A., and M. Litherland, 1992, The Geology and
mainly having northward strikes. Propagation of the Mesozoic collisional history of the Cordillera Real,
Ecuador: Tectonophysics, v. 205, p. 187-204.
faults generated elongate folds in lower Tertiary and Baldock, J. W., 1982, Geology of Ecuador (Explanatory
older cover rocks. Late Cenozoic accelerated conver- Bulletin of the National Geological Map of the Republic of
gence of the South American and Pacific (Nazca) plates is Ecuador): Ministerio de Resursos Naturales y Energeticos,
continuing to accentuate the relief on some of the Direccion General de Geologia y Minas, Quito, Ecuador,
basement-rooted reverse faults and their associated 59p.
folds. Some small-scale intrastratal detachment may Balkwill, H. R., F. I. Paredes, and J. P. Almeida, 1988, Relation-
have taken place locally as adjustment to inversion of ships of intra-crustal delamination, stratigraphy, and oil
basement faults (Figure 5). However, we have seen no prospectivity, Oriente basin, Ecuador: Segundo Congreso
evidence in the seismic profiles from the northern Latinoamericano de Hidrocarburos, Rio de Janeiro, p. 1
Oriente basin of the large-scale, thin-skinned thrust /15-15/15.
Cahill, T., B. L. Isacks, D. Whitman, J. L. Chatelain, A. Perez,
structures seen in the sub-Andean foothills of the Llanos and J. M. Chiu, 1992, Seismicity and tectonics in Jujuy
basin of Colombia (Cooper et al., 1995). Province, northwestern Argentina: Tectonics, v. 11,p. 944-
We interpret the evidence from the regional seismic 959.
grid to indicate that the basement under the Oriente Canfield, R. W., G. Bonilla, and R. K. Robbins, 1982, Sacha
basin has a complex, anisotropic fabric consisting of large oilfield of Ecuadorian Oriente: AAPG Bulletin, v. 66,
and small basement blocks that lie above a deep, region- p.1076-1090.
ally distributed intrabasement detachment zone. This Cooper, M. A., F. T. Addison, R. Alvarez, A. B. Hayward, S.
basement fabric was probably inherited from Proterozoic Howe, A. J. Pulham, and A. Taborda, 1995, Basin develop
tectonic events. The fabric is capable of large-scale adjust- ment and tectonic history of the Llanos basin, Colombia, in
ment to regional intraplate stress regimes, whether in A. J. Tankard, R. Suarez, and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum
basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, this volume.
divergence or convergence. Daly, M. C., 1989, Correlation between Nazca/Farallon plate
The relatively subtle structures of the Oriente basin, kinematics and forearc basin evolution in Ecuador:
rooted in a zone of basement delamination, can be Tectonics, v. 8, p. 769-790.
viewed as embryonic examples of the types of large- Dashwood, M. F., and I. L. Abbotts, 1990, Aspects of the
scale, high-relief basement-involved foreland deforma- petroleum geology of the Oriente basin, Ecuador, in J.
tion spectacularly displayed in some other sub-Andean Brooks, ed., Classic petroleum provinces: Geological
regions, such as the Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina Society of London Special Publication, no. 50, p. 89-117.
(Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986), and in the western deMatos, R. M. D., and L. D. Brown, 1992, Deep seismic
United States (Lowell, 1977). profile of the Amazonian craton (northern Brazil):
Large oil fields in the Oriente basin are in Cretaceous Tectonics, v.11, p. 621-633.
Northern Part of Oriente Basin, Ecuador: R Reflection Seismic Expression of Structures 571
Feininger, T., and M. K. Seguin, 1983, Simple Bouguer gravity Suarez, G., P. Molnar, and B. C. Burchfiel, 1983, Seismicity, fault
anomaly field and the inferred crustal structure of conti- plane solutions, depth of faulting, and active tectonics of the
nental Ecuador: Geology, v.11, p. 40-4. Andes of Peru, Ecuador, and southern Colombia: Journal of
Gansser, A., 1973, Facts and theories on the Andes: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 88, p. 10,403-10,428.
the Geological Society of London, v. 129, p. 83-131. Teixeira, W., C. G. Tassinari, U. G. Corani, and K. Kawashita,
Herron, E. M., 1972, Sea-floor spreading and the Cenozoic 1989, A review of the geochronology of the Amazonian
history of the east-central Pacific: GSA Bulletin, v. 83, p.1671- craton: tectonic implications: Precambrian Research, v. 42, p.
1692. 213-227.
Jaillard, E., P. Soler, G. Cartier, and T. Mourier, 1990, Geody- Tschopp, H. J., 1953, Oil explorations in the Oriente of Ecuador:
namic evolution of the northern and central Andes during AAPG Bulletin, v. 37, p. 2303-2347.
early to middle Mesozoic times: a Tethyan model: Journal of White, H. J., R. A. Skopec, F. A. Ramirez, J. A. Rodas, and G.
the Geological Society of London, v.147, p.1009-1022. Bonilla, 1995, Reservoir characterization of the Hollin and
Jordan, T. E., and R. W. Allmendinger, 1986, The Sierras Napo formations, western Oriente basin, Ecuador, in A. J.
Pampeanas of Argentina: a modern analogue of Rocky Tankard, R. Suarez, and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of
Mountain foreland deformation: American Journal of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, this volume.
Science, v. 280, p. 737-764.
Litherland, M., B. A. Klinck, E. A. O'Connor, and P. E. J.
Pitfield, 1985, Andean-trending mobile belts in the Brazilian
shield: Nature, v. 314, p. 345-348. Authors' Mailing Addresses
Lowell, J. D., 1977, Underthrusting origin for thrust-fold belts
with applications to the Idaho-Wyoming belt: Wyoming H. R. Balkwill
Geological Association Guidebook, 29th Annual Field G. Rodrigue
Conference, p. 449-455. Petro-Canada Resources
Petrobras, 1983, Acre and upper Amazon basin, Brazil, in A. W. P.O. Box 2844
Bally, ed., Seismic expression of structural styles: AAPG Calgary, Alberta T2P 3E3
Studies in Geology Series, no.15, v. 2, p. 2.2.4-9 - 2.2.4-15. Canada
Rivadeneira, M., 1988, Characteristicas geological fundamen-
tales y problemas exploratoria que plantean las principales
cuencas sedimentarias ecuatorianas: Segundo Congreso
F. I. Paredes
Latinoamericano de Hidrocarburos, Rio de Janeiro, p. 1/18- J. P. Almeida
18/18. Tripetrol Petroleum Ecuador
Rosania, G., and M. Morales, 1986, Compilacion paleo- av. Gonzalez Suarez 432
geografica del Oriente Ecuatonano: Segundo Congreso Quito
Colombiano de Petroleo, Memorias Tomo 1, p. I/5-I/21. Ecuador
Reservoir Characterization of the Hollin and Napo
Formations, Western Oriente Basin, Ecuador
T he Oriente basin of Ecuador has produced a substantial amount of oil over the past 20 years. Nearly
3 billion bbl of oil have been recovered from the principal reservoirs in the Cretaceous Napo and Hollin
formations. Subtle north-south structures, commonly associated with Andean-related faulting, have trapped
much of the recoverable hydrocarbons in the thicker sandstones deposited within the Hollin and Napo reser-
voirs. East to west thinning of these reservoir units also contributes to the formation of stratigraphic traps. Both
the Hollin and Napo formations comprise successions of eastward-sourced fluvial and deltaic sedimentary
deposits that prograded westward into shoreline and marine shelf parasequences. The Albian Hollin reservoir
interval consists of a dominant alluvial plain sandstone sequence (Main Hollin sandstone) that occupies much
of the Oriente basin. In the western Oriente, the uppermost Hollin section grades vertically into open marine
strata with isolated tidal- and storm-influenced sandstone bodies. The overlying Napo stratigraphy also
consists of sand-rich fluvial and deltaic deposits in the eastern Oriente and abruptly changes to marine shales
and limestones and lowstand valley-fill sandstones in the western part of the basin. Extensive structural and
stratigraphic trap potential remains within the Napo and Hollin strata in the Oriente basin. High-resolution
geophysical techniques and detailed geologic reservoir characterization facilitate successful exploitation of
these remaining reserves.
E n los últimos veinte años la Cuenca Oriente del Ecuador ha producido una cantidad sustancial de
hidrocarburos. Alrededor de tres mil millones de barriles de petroleo han sido recuperados de los reser-
vorios principales de las formaciones cretácicas Hollin y Napo. Estructuras sutiles orientadas norte-sur,
comunmente asociadas con fallamiento de edad Andina, han entrampado la mayoría de los hidrocarburos
recuperables dentro de los espesos depósitos arenosos de los reservorios de Napo y Hollin. La formación de
trampas estratigraficas ha estado favorecida por los adelagazamientos este-oeste de dichas unidades reservo-
rios. Las formaciones Napo y Hollin comprenden una sucesión de sedimentos deltaicos y fluviales alimen-
tados desde el este, los cuales progradaron hacia el oeste integrando parasecuencias de zonas de playa y
marino-plataformicas. El reservorio Albense Hollin consiste de una secuencia predominantemente arenosa de
planicie aluvial (Arenisca Hollin Principal) la cual se encuentra ocupando la mayoría de la Cuenca Oriente. En
el occidente del Oriente, la sección superior de Hollin grada verticalmente a sedimentos marino-abiertos con
cuerpos arenosos influenciados por mareas y tormentas. La sobreyacente estratigrafia de Napo tambien
consiste, en el este del Oriente, de depósitos deltaicos y fluviales ricos en arena, los cuales cambian abrupta-
mente a calizas y lutitas marinas, y areniscas “lowstand” de relleno de valle en la parte oeste de la cuenca.
Existe enorme potencial en trampas estructurales y estratigraficas dentro de los estratos Napo y Hollin de la
Cuenca Oriente. Las técnicas geofísicas de alta resolución y la caracterización geologica de los reservorios
facilitaran una explotación exitosa de las reservas remanentes.
White, H. J., R. A. Skopec, F. A. Ramirez, J. A. Rodas, and G. Bonilla, 1995, Reservoir char- 573
acteristics of the Hollin and Napo formations, western Oriente basin, Ecuador, in A. J.
Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG
Memoir 62, p. 573–596.
574 White et al.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6—Core photographs from the Main and Upper Hollin formations. Photographed slabs are from conventional 10-cm
whole-diameter cores. (a) Typical planar cross bedding within the braided fluvial facies. (b) Cross-bedded sandstones and
thin mudstones of the coastal plain facies. (c) Interbedded sandstones and shales of the tidally reworked Upper Hollin shore
zone facies. (d) Open marine glauconitic sandstones beneath the capping limestones of the Upper Hollin.
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 579
blanket occurs throughout the Oriente basin, except in always interbedded with marine shelf shales (lenticular-
the extreme northeast. It consists of two distinctive litho- bedded burrowed mudstone). The quartzitic beds origi-
facies associations. The lower shore zone deposition nated as nearshore, tidally reworked marine sands. The
comprises a sandstone and shale complex that varies up glauconite-rich sands accumulated more seaward of the
to 15 m thick in the western Oriente. The upper open shoreline as storm-generated sand waves. These shoals
marine sequence caps the overall abandonment of the incorporated whatever quartz sand reached the middle
Hollin depositional system. shelf position, as well as the glauconite-replaced fecal
The shore zone lithofacies consist of fine- to medium- material derived on the shelf, and any reworked inverte-
grained planar to trough cross-bedded sandstones, very brate shell debris. It is likely that fossil abundance
fine to fine-grained ripple laminated sandstones, and increased away from the clastic shoreline. The shelf area
burrowed lenticular-bedded mudstones. Above the basal beyond the glauconitic shoals provided sites for thin but
mudstones, the shore zone locally displays a vertical widespread carbonate deposition.
profile of stacked cross-bedded and ripple-laminated The fossiliferous, micritic limestone and marls
sandstone with minor shale interbeds. A few kilometers capping the Upper Hollin record the final phase of
away, the profile may be dominantly lenticular Hollin deposition as the sea transgressed eastward over
mudstone and isolated, thin sandstones of limited the Cretaceous Oriente margin. Because of the typical
reservoir quality. The majority of the ripple sandstones thickness of the limestones (less than 2 m), seismic
contain abundant clay drapes within the lamination. The amplitude contrast at the top of the Hollin is generally
coarser sandstones occasionally exhibit strongly oblique minimal. The acoustic contrast does increase locally
cross-bedding orientations. Lenticular mudstones are where limestone thickness increases.
moderately to weakly burrowed (Chondrites, Planolites,
and minor Teichichnus) with rare ripple-laminated Pungarayacu Area
sandstone lenses.
A variety of shoreline to shallow marine depositional The Pungarayacu concession is located on the
environments combined to create the shore zone litho- basinward margin of the Napo uplift. It is noted for a
facies. A continued transgression of the tidally influ- large, shallow, heavy oil reservoir that has been
enced coastal plain resulted in the formation of sand- evaluated by Petroecuador (Almeida et al., 1983). The
dominated bay head deltas, estuaries, and subtidal Pungarayacu #2 well is representative of the entire
shoals. Muddy tidal flat and shallow marine mud depo- Hollin section in this area west of the Oriente basin. Eight
sition locally dominate the shore zone lithofacies. braided channel sandstone packages are present in the
Main Hollin. Significant mudstone intervals separate
Open Marine Deposition several of the upper channel sequences. These
The open marine succession completes the trangres- mudstones indicate periodic abandonment and aggrada-
sive Upper Hollin depositional sequence. It may range tion of the alluvial plain. The lower channels, above the
up to 15 m in thickness. The lithofacies consists of glau- Misahualli volcanics, are sand rich and devoid of
conitic and quartzose sandstone, limestone, marl, and interbedded mudstone. Figure 7 shows a north-south
shale. Ripple-laminated, very fine to fine-grained oriented cross section through three of the Pungarayacu
quartzose sandstones are commonly thin bedded and wells. Rapid facies changes occur within the distal or
moderately burrowed and occur at the base of the open westward fluvial components of the Main Hollin. The
marine succession. In the upper part of the open marine abundance of mudstone suggests that the braidplain
sequence, glauconite-rich sandstones (Figure 6d) are depositional system responsible for the Main Hollin
capped by a thin veneer of micritic and fossiliferous lime- became a mixed sand and mud system as it prograded
stones and marls. The sandstones are typically very fine westward. The Upper Hollin is represented by relatively
to fine-grained quartz with fine- to medium-grained thin mud-rich beds, subordinate quartzose and glau-
glauconite which vary up to 1 m in individual bed conitic sandstone, and capping limestone.
thickness and form sharp-based tabular units. Mudstone Hollin stratigraphy is well exposed along the
rip-up clasts occasionally overlie scour surfaces. Sedi- Hollin–Loreto road in the Pungarayacu area on the Napo
mentary structures include trough cross bedding, ripple uplift (see de Souza Cruz, 1989). A composite section of
lamination, and flaser bedding. Bioturbation often oblit- the Main and Upper Hollin strata exposed in the roadcut
erates all primary sedimentary structures. This unit is shown in Figure 8. The Main Hollin consists princi-
contains an open marine biota, including ammonites and pally of the braidplain facies, which unconformably
both thick- and thin-shelled bivalves. In the glauconitic overlies the Misahualli volcanics. The braidplain succes-
sandstones, the glauconite content is locally in excess of sion is locally saturated with oil. The outcrop shows
50% of the framework grains. Capping limestones (fossil- well-developed levee and floodplain deposits (Figure 8).
iferous wackestones) and marl beds generally measure The lower braided channel sandstones in this section are
less than 2 m thick and are well lithified. Vuggy porosity comparable with the Bijou Creek model. The capping
due to shell dissolution occurs sporatically. beds of the Main Hollin are correlative with the coastal
The basal quartzitic sandstone and shale of the open plain sandstones observed in cores from the western
marine facies are interpreted to be of subtidal shoal Oriente. Shale interbeds in the coastal plain facies are
origin. These sandstones are generally thinner than the both more numerous and thicker than those observed in
overlying glauconitic shoal deposits and are almost the braidplain deposits.
580 White et al.
Figure 7—Hollin sandstone cross section, Pungarayacu concession, eastern Napo uplift. Inferred correlations demonstrate
the more frequent facies changes in the western Oriente. See Figure 1 for location.
The Upper Hollin deposits present in this roadcut are shows the lithologies and stratigraphic relationships of
part of the shore zone deposition. Individual channels the Napo in the western Oriente basin. The Napo T, U,
have a lenticular geometry 30–150 m or more wide and and M sandstone units are related to a series of regres-
1–3 m thick. The strata are interpreted to be of tidal flat sive-transgressive cycles that built the Napo stratigraphy.
and tidal channel origin. No exposures of the open There were at least four such cycles in the western
marine facies of the Upper Hollin were observed here, Oriente basin. Only the T and U intervals deposited
such as the glauconitic sandstones or carbonates. De sands in the western Oriente basin. To the east in the
Souza Cruz (1989) interpreted the Main Hollin as origi- central Oriente (e.g., Shushufindi field), these sequences
nating from braided fluvial and eolian paleoenviron- are indistinguishable because of their stacked, sand-rich
ments. We see little evidence for eolian deposition. We character which resulted in their amalgamation.
agree with de Souza Cruz that the Upper Hollin in this Mapping of the Napo transgressive shales (referred to as
outcrop is estuarine, although the tidal range need not the lower, middle, and upper Napo shales) define a
have been macrotidal. northeast-southwest Napo shoreline trend within the
western Oriente basin.
Seismic reflection data show that Napo stratigraphy
has substantial acoustic contrasts that can be resolved,
NAPO STRATIGRAPHY AND depending on data quality and signal processing. The
DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS most conspicuous acoustic change is at shale-limestone
interfaces. The sandstones generally have gradational
The Napo Formation consists of organic-rich shales, contacts. The least resolvable acoustic contrasts occur
bioclastic grainstones and packstones, and terrigenous within the U and T sandstones where they thin
sandstones believed to have been deposited in fluvial, westward and are difficult to distinguish seismically.
deltaic, marginal marine, and marine shelf environments Geophysical modeling of the U sandstone shows a subtle
during the Late Cretaceous. The Napo Formation amplitude increase where the sandstone is well
conformably overlies the Upper Hollin Formation and is developed. A marked amplitude increase also occurs
in turn overlain unconformably by the Tena Formation where the U sandstone is replaced laterally by limestone.
(Maastrichtian–Paleocene). Total Napo thickness exceeds Seismic models for the T sandstone indicate subtle
275 m over much of the western Oriente basin. Figure 9 amplitude decrease where the sandstone is well
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 581
Figure 11—Napo regressive–transgressive cycle of sedimentation showing rapid progradation followed by sea level rise
with marine onlap.
Figure 13—Hollin paleogeography in Albian time. (A) Braided alluvial plain. (B) Initial transgression during Main Hollin
coastal plain deposition. (C) Upper Hollin shore zone deposition in tidally influenced nearshore environments. (D) Open
marine sedimentation ending Hollin sedimentation.
Figures 13 and 14 show a series of block diagrams that Hollin depositional systems. Wells suggest that the
summarize the paleogeography during Hollin and Napo shoreline was close to the Guyana shield at the end of
time. The Albian braided alluvial plain was built on the Hollin deposition. The late Albian maximum flooding
edge of the Guyana shield and covered the Oriente basin event (Lower Napo Shale) essentially closed Hollin sedi-
farther west than the Napo uplift. The position of the mentation.
Albian shoreline has been obliterated by Andean defor- The Napo Formation consists of several transgressive-
mation. Inundation by a late Albian sea level rise estab- regressive packages related to Late Cretaceous eustatic
lished fluvial, deltaic, estuary, and tidal shoal environ- sea level fluctuations (Figure 12) (Haq et al., 1988),
ments (Figures 13b, c, d). The delta and estuarine sand including the Napo T and U (Figure 14). The successive
accumulations now form excellent hydrocarbon reser- parasequences in the Upper Hollin and Napo formations
voirs in addition to the Main Hollin. Sand sedimentation were deposited in a basin with a ramp margin (see Van
rates are inferred to have been very rapid within the Wagoner et al., 1988). This model implies that relative sea
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 585
Figure 14—Napo paleogeography during Cenomanian–Turonian time. (A) Early Cenomanian marine shelf deposition domi-
nating much of the Oriente. (B) Napo T sandstone deposition in the western Oriente. (C) Transgressive marine mud deposi-
tion (Middle Napo Shale). (D) Turonian marine shelf sedimentation prior to sea level lowering and deposition of the Napo U
sandstone cycle.
level did not fall below the shelf break, which precludes RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION
lowstand sediments within lowstand fan or prograding
wedge settings. The Hollin and Napo shore zone to shelf Reservoir-Scale Heterogeneity of the Hollin
facies tract transgressed and regressed several times. The Lithofacies
quartzose sandstones of the Upper Hollin, T, U, and M
sequences were deposited after maximum sea level fall The Coca-Payamino and Gacela fields in the north-
and within depocenters (eroded valleys) created during western Oriente basin have sufficient well density to
falling sea level. Eventually both the T and U were allow detailed stratigraphic correlation. Well spacings
inundated and covered with limestone shoals and shelf range up to 3 km in the Gacela field and average about
muds during the subsequent sea level rise. The ramp 1 km along the Coca-Payamino structure. The NNW-SSE
margin model permits major shifts of the shoreline, espe- orientation of the Coca-Payamino is nearly orthogonal to
cially where the rate of sedimentation exceeded the rate the east-west depositional pattern interpreted for the
of subsidence. Hollin strata. Figure 15 is a simplified cross section
586 White et al.
Figure 15—Stratigraphic cross section of the Hollin lithofacies in the Coca-Payamino field, western Oriente basin. Lithofa-
cies have been determined from cored intervals in the field. The top of the Upper Hollin is commonly a succession of thin,
fossiliferous limestones. See Figure 1 for location.
through Coca-Payamino field and illustrates the local intervals. Two sandstone types are present: quartzose
variation of depositional facies interpreted for each well sandstones occur in each facies, while glauconitic sand-
along the structure. Overall, the Coca #4 well contains stones occur only in Upper Hollin and Napo intervals.
the thickest development of the coastal and shelf Figure 17 shows the framework and diagenetic charac-
sequences mainly because of thicker shore zone sand- teristics of the Hollin and Napo sandstones.
stones. A relatively thin veneer of coastal deposits is Quartzose sandstones (Figure 17a) volumetrically
present in each well, except in Coca #7, where the equiv- dominate the arenaceous deposits. Grain size varies
alent interval is dominated by a braided channel. The substantially within a single cored interval. The coarsest
Main Hollin remains consistent throughout the structure. detritus in cores or outcrops occurs in the braidplain
Figure 16 shows the overall lithofacies variations depositional system of the Main Hollin succession. In the
between two wells in the Gacela area immediately south Tiguino #3 core, for example, the braided stream sand-
of the Coca-Payamino field. In the Gacela #1 well, both stones contain beds dominated by coarse to very coarse
the glauconitic sandstones of the shelf and the tidal sand- quartz grains, as well as local quartz granule conglom-
stones of shore zone origin are thicker than their counter- erate lag. The average grain size of the Main Hollin is
parts in the Gacela #2 well. The shelf sandstones in the medium grained. Bimodal grain size segregation in slip-
Gacela #2 are not as glauconite rich as those in Gacela #1 face laminae is typical of much of the cross bedding. The
and have retained significant reservoir porosity. Finally, western Oriente Pungarayacu area has the finest grained
the coastal plain deposits in Gacela #1 appear to be Hollin channel sandstones encountered in the Oriente
absent in Gacela #2. The coastal plain facies is believed to area. Excellent porosity and hydrocarbon staining occur
interfinger with braided channel lithologies. throughout the Oriente in the fine-grained to granule
These two field examples suggest that the Main Hollin textured lithologies. Sandstones in the Upper Hollin and
braided stream sandstones are remarkably consistent in Napo successions also vary significantly in grain size, but
character across each field. The coastal plain, shore zone, generally within the very fine to medium-grained size
and open marine units, by comparison, show significant range; they have locally excellent porosity and perme-
compartmentalization that is largely a function of deposi- ability (Figure 17b).
tional environment. Optimum field development must Glauconitic sandstones of the Upper Hollin shelf
account for this lateral and vertical heterogeneity. facies tract and each of the Napo intervals consist of a
framework of glauconite and quartz grains (Figure 17c).
Sandstone Petrography Glauconite content varies from trace to dominant.
Typically, the glauconite grains are about 200 µm larger
A representative suite of sandstone samples from than associated quartz grains. Whereas the quartz in the
Hollin and Napo facies was examined using standard shelf sand shoal facies was reworked from deltaic and
petrographic techniques. From this analysis, it is shore zone deltas, the glauconite was locally derived by
concluded that similar sandstone framework and diage- diagenetic replacement of biogenic material. Glauconite
netic characteristics occur in each of the reservoir grains are easily compacted under moderate overburden
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 587
Figure 16—Stratigraphic correlation in Gacela field 5 km southwest of Coca-Payamino. Thickness and lithofacies variations
are especially noticeable in the coastal plain and open marine facies.
pressure and may form a pseudomatrix that occludes the The burial diagenetic history of the Cretaceous
original primary porosity. Where the percentage of glau- reservoir sandstones reflects several processes that
conite is less than about 20% of the sandstone occurred in the following order:
framework, the quartz-dominated framework retains
much of the original porosity, resulting in significant • Limited mechanical compaction of framework
reservoir potential. In contrast, the dark green, laterally grains
equivalent glauconitic sandstones are tight due to • Early calcite and pyrite precipitation
framework grain compaction. • Dissolution of unstable framework grains
Quartz dominates the detrital framework in all sand- (feldspars)
stones except the glauconite-rich shelf facies. The quartz • Precipitation of silica overgrowths
is generally monocrystalline and less commonly poly- • Precipitation of kaolinite clay minerals
crystalline; it has a strong undulose extinction. Feldspars
and micas are subordinate to rare, but more abundant in Calcite precipitation occludes the initial porosity in
the Napo T and U sandstones. Feldspar composition thin sandstone beds, especially adjacent to shale
varies from sodic plagioclase to potassic feldspar. Unless interbeds where it forms small, spherulitic concretions.
encased in early calcite cementation, most surviving These calcite-cemented sandstones show no evidence of
feldspar grains exhibit moderate to extensive secondary mechanical compaction, suggesting that protective
leaching. Secondary leaching during burial diagenesis cementation occurred at an early stage. Pyrite precipita-
helped reduce the feldspar content. The provenance is tion in the form of concretionary cements or framboids
believed to be the feldspar-rich granitic Guyana are characteristically associated with the organic debris
basement to the east. However, the possibility of a trapped within the sandstones and shales. Early mechan-
quartzose Paleozoic sandstone source overlying the ical compaction is again limited to isolated grain inter-
basement is also possible. Other components of the penetrations. Organic debris and pyrite crystals are
sandstone include heavy minerals such as zircon and concentrated along stylolite-like surfaces.
coalified plant debris. Silica overgrowths are ubiquitous throughout the
588 White et al.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 17—Petrography of Hollin and Napo reservoir sandstones as seen in thin section photomicrographs and scanning
electron micrographs. (a) Plane light view of Main Hollin braidplain sandstone. (b) Quartzose sandstone of Napo U interval.
(c) Glauconitic sandstone of the Upper Hollin open marine facies. (e) Diagenetic kaolinite occupying isolated pores in thin
section. (f) Scanning electron micrograph of secondary silica overgrowths and kaolinite clay mineral.
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 589
quartz arenites of the Hollin and Napo sequence and this interval. In the quartz-dominated Main Hollin,
provide the framework support that has preserved sediment texture is the primary factor controlling pore
porosity to reservoir depths in the Oriente basin. geometry and connectivity.
Although the overgrowths (Figure 17d) make up only a Figure 18a shows the porosity–permeability data for
small percentage of the sandstones, they strengthen the the entire Upper Hollin in a single Coca-Payamino well.
highly porous sandstones while only slightly reducing Permeability ranges over six orders of magnitude, and
overall primary porosity. Mechanical testing of these no distinct trends are discernible in the overall data set.
sandstones documents the high compressive strength The poorest permeabilities are associated with glau-
required to break the strong silica-cemented framework. conitic sandstones and clay-rich interbeds. Figures 18b
The amount of porosity attributable to framework-grain and 18c illustrate the wide range of measured porosity
dissolution is not significant compared to the primary and permeability in this highly heterogeneous
intergranular porosity preserved by silica overgrowth. formation. Quartz-rich zones are of high reservoir
Precipitation of kaolinite clay minerals followed over- quality and comparable to those found in the Main
growth formation. The kaolinite typically fills small Hollin. Median values for porosity and permeability are
clusters of pores, but does not seriously affect sandstone 8.6% and 1.67 md, respectively. A histogram of grain
permeability (Figure 17e). Kaolinite diagenesis density (Figure 18d) further demonstrates the diversity
succeeded silica overgrowth formation (Figure 17f), but of minerals present in this interval.
preceded oil emplacement. Such relationships are Mercury injection extended range capillary pressure
common and invariably associated with the oil–water data were generated to examine reservoir rock quality,
contact where differentially stained sandstones may determine size and sorting of pore throats, and evaluate
occur below the base of the oil-saturated sandstones. seal capacity. Shales within the Upper Hollin (Figure 19)
are microporous and considered to be effective seals.
Petrophysical Characteristics Because of inhibiting diagenetic effects, glauconitic sand-
stones have bimodal pore throat size distributions and
complex pore geometries (Figure 20). Further reduction
Electric Log Response
in reservoir quality can result from extensive diagenetic
The stratigraphic and sedimentologic characterization pyrite and the abundance of detrital clay drapes and
of the Napo and Hollin reservoirs has been facilitated by coalified plant debris.
using core studies combined with electrical log evalua- Figure 21a shows the porosity-permeability data for
tions. Many of the mineralogic characteristics observed the Main Hollin Formation in a single Coca-Payamino
in cores have a petrophysical log response. Carbona- well. A clear cluster of data in the 15–20% porosity range
ceous debris on cross bed slip faces induces a stronger and greater than 100 md permeability demonstrates
shaly gamma ray response than would be expected from excellent reservoir quality. The Main Hollin is a “clean”
core examination. A clean gamma ray deflection is uniform sandstone, although thin, impermeable clay-rich
typical of a clean sandstone, but a higher gamma interbeds are not uncommon. Figures 21b, c, and d illus-
response may indicate relatively clean sandstones conta- trate the quartz-dominated nature of the Main Hollin.
minated with carbonaceous laminae, shaly sandstone, or Median values for porosity and permeability are 18.6%
carbonaceous limestone or marl. Glauconite and pyrite and 1013 md, respectively. Mercury injection data
reduce the resistivity. The glauconite-rich sandstones (Figure 22) show unimodal well-sorted and well-
result in some of the lowest resistivity responses on connected pores, further substantiating high reservoir
observed logs. Pyrite is locally abundant as a dissemi- quality. Most pore throat radii are larger than 1 µm, with
nated replacement fabric or as concretions in all litholo- most pores greater than 10 µm in width.
gies. Dolomitic shales tend to have higher resistivity than Anisotropy within the Main Hollin causing direc-
nondolomitic shales due to carbonate cementation of tional preferences in permeability is minimal. Horizontal
pore space. These shales are the most resistive clastic and vertical permeabilities were measured on full-
lithofacies in the Oriente basin. diameter core to determine the potential for reservoir
Fluid chemistry is also reflected in log response, and fluid coning. In the quartz-rich zones of the Main Hollin,
its effects limit the usefulness of resistivity or SP curves horizontal and vertical permeabilities are almost equal
for facies correlation. Low salinities within the Main (Figure 23). This indicates that cross bedding and other
Hollin succession limit the reliability of the SP curve and sedimentologic features do not create anisotropy in this
also moderately affect the resistivity curve. The presence sand body.
of oil is noticeable regardless of lithology.
Rock Mechanics
Porosity–Permeability Relationships, Pore
Uniaxial and triaxial compression testing was
Geometry, and Capillarity
performed on four lithologies from the Hollin formation:
Multiple rock types occur in the Hollin formation shale, limestone, glauconitic sandstone, and quartzose
because of variations in depositional environment. The sandstone. These data were critical in the assessment of
most important factors affecting porosity preservation borehole stability and other engineering evaluations
are lithology, compaction, and diagenesis. Porosity and useful for horizontal drilling parameters (Ramirez and
permeability generally correlate in the Upper Hollin Rodas, 1992). Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria were estab-
despite significant mineralogic differences throughout lished under triaxial load on four samples for each
590 White et al.
Figure 18—Porosity–permeability relationships of the Upper Hollin Formation. (a) Porosity versus permeability (to nitrogen
at an estimated net effective reservoir pressure of 2250 psi). (b) Permeability histogram of all lithofacies of the Upper Hollin.
(c) Porosity histogram of all lithologies. (d) Grain density histogram for the Upper Hollin.
lithology. Compressive strengths were measured at based on “fresh state” water-oil relative permeability
9520–25,170 psi for shale, 16,700–28,040 psi for limestone, measurements. Wettability indices in the Upper Hollin
8370–27,550 psi for low-percentage glauconitic support the theory of intermediate to slightly oil-wet
sandstone, and 5100–16,870 psi for clean sandstone conditions. Asphaltinic oils (up to 15.2% asphaltene by
(Figure 24). Tensile strengths ranged from 1760 psi for weight) are common near the oil–water contact. Hollin
shale to 660 psi for clean sandstone. wetting tendencies could have significant impact on
production (fluid flow characteristics) and reservoir
Wettability development scenarios, such as water flood potential.
Both the Upper and Main Hollin demonstrate inter-
mediate to oil-wetting tendencies based on qualitative
and quantitative indicators. Localized development of CONCLUSIONS
mixed wettability or preferentially oil-wet characteristics
can be mineralogy specific, that is, glauconite-rich rocks Core descriptions have shown that four depositional
tend to show stronger oil-wet conditions. Complex pore systems comprise Hollin stratigraphy: braidplain and
geometries formed by small, irregular pore throats lead coastal deposits of the Main Hollin Sandstone, and shore
to high immobile saturation of the wetting phase. Irre- zone and open marine shelf facies in the Upper Hollin
ducible water saturation tends to be low, with an average Formation. This reconstruction enlarges on previous
of 15%, and residual oil saturation ranges from 25 to 40% interpretations of marine-influenced Hollin fluvial depo-
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 591
Figure 19—Petrophysical properties of Upper Hollin shales. (a) Mercury saturation versus injection pressure. (b) Pore size
distribution of reservoir seals in the Upper Hollin.
592 White et al.
Figure 20—Petrophysical properties of Upper Hollin glauconitic sandstones. (a) Mercury saturation versus injection
pressure. (b) Pore size distribution.
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 593
Figure 21—Porosity–permeability relationships of the Main Hollin quartzose sandstones. (a) Porosity versus permeability (to
nitrogen at an estimated net effective reservoir pressure of 2250 psi). (b) Permeability histogram of quartzose sandstone. (c)
Porosity histogram for sandstones. (d) Grain density histogram for the principal reservoir sandstones.
sition. Sandstones in overlying Napo strata in the depositional system of the Upper Hollin succession has
western Oriente basin are also divided into two variable sandstone distribution, with local good quality
sequences (T and U intervals). reservoir development. The capping open marine sand-
The Hollin braidplain depositional system is a stones are moderately prospective, especially where
sandstone-dominated unit that comprises most of the glauconite content is low. Stratigraphic trapping
Hollin succession. It is also the most prolific reservoir potential is implied by the heterogeneity of these litho-
zone in the western part of the basin. The braided fluvial facies.
sandstone units have excellent continuity and connec- Fluviodeltaic Napo sandstones are prolific producers
tivity, as shown by analysis of closely spaced wells. of oil from fields in the central part of the Oriente basin.
However, shale interbeds and thicker channel abandon- These stacked channel and shore zone sandstones have
ment mudstones adversely influence local permeability. reservoir characteristics similar to the underlying Hollin
It is believed that the braidplain deposits are most fluvial sandstone reservoirs, albeit with local hetero-
productive in structural traps where there is limited geneities. Toward the west, the Napo sandstones occupy
stratigraphic trapping potential. valley-like, topographic lows; these sandstones have
The coastal plain depositional system consists of locally significant reservoir potential.
braided and meandering river sediments, overbank A better understanding of the Hollin and Napo
floodplain strata, and deltaic-estuarine deposits. Even stratigraphy and distribution of reservoir quality sand-
between closely spaced wells, sandstone–shale ratios stones will help to optimize wellbore placement during
may be variable. Similarly, the overlying shore zone field development. This understanding has been further
594 White et al.
Figure 22—Petrophysical relationships of the Main Hollin sandstones. (a) Mercury saturation versus injection pressure. (b)
Pore size distribution from mercury injection data.
Reservoir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 595
Figure 24—Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria for the Main and Upper Hollin lithologies. (a) Upper Hollin shale. (b) Upper Hollin
limestone. (c) Glauconitic sandstone (high quartz content, Upper Hollin). (d) Main Hollin reservoir sandstone.
R. Marocco R. Baudino
ORSTOM Laboratoire de Modélisation des Bassins Sédimentaires
Paris, France Université de Pau
Pau, France
A. Lavenu
Université de Pau
Pau, France
A n important characteristic of Neogene basin evolution in the Andean Cordillera was the formation of
intermontane basins. These basins were initiated in the late Oligocene with reactivation of Andean
tectonism and were abandoned in the latest Miocene (about 7 Ma). Their sedimentary fill and structures record
the Neogene tectonic history. The sedimentary fill of these basins comprises two megasequences. The first
consists of fluvial and overlying lacustrine deposits attributed to basin opening. The second is composed essen-
tially of proximal fluvial sedimentary units and reflects the closure of the basins in the latest Miocene.
Structural analysis of the Neogene basins shows that their evolution was controlled by the regional tectonic
stress. Synsedimentary folding and fracturing show that the direction of stress experienced a clockwise
rotation in the Neogene, thus explaining variations in the behavior of the faults bordering the basins as well as
the different stages of their evolution.
Marocco, R., A. Lavenu, and R. Baudino, 1995, Intermontane late Paleogene–Neogene 597
basins of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru: sedimentologic and tectonic characteristics, in
A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America:
AAPG Memoir 62, p. 597–613.
598 Marocco et al.
an V a
0° Quito 0°
A nde
D -G
4° PERU 4°
s te
Cajamarca BRAZIL
8° 8°
Figure 1—Location of basins in an Andean-type orogenic
rd i
lle r
12° 12°
The phenomena that cause folding and uplift of
Ayacucho Cuzco
orogenic belts are also responsible for the genesis of Al
foreland basins and intermontane basins (Figure 1). The
We la
s te no
sedimentary fill of these basins and their bounding struc- Nazca
as rd i Puno
t lle
tures are controlled by the tectonic forces that build the
16° ra 16°
orogenic belt. Sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and struc-
La Paz
tural analysis of the synorogenic basins allows a recon-
rio B
26.8 Ma (Lavenu et al., 1992). The oldest dated rocks
Biblián Formation in the Cuenca basin (Noblet et al.,
r io
1988). The presence of volcanic units, dated at 19.5–14.2 L
rio D
r io
Ma by Kennerley (1980), is evidence that volcanic activity
was persistent during basin subsidence (Marocco et al.,
2° r io 2°
In Peru, the youngest volcanic series underlying the gr
intermontane basins belongs to the Calipuy Formation in
ain A
rio Pa
the north (Cobbing et al., 1981), to the Huanta, Castrovir- Cuenca
reyna, and Ayacucho formations in central Peru G
rio Santia
(Mégard, 1978), and to the Tacaza Formation in the south D -G
M 4°
(Newell, 1949). The Calipuy Formation has been dated at 4°
V 100 km
80° 76°
72° 70°
sequences of the type shown in Figure 9A. The sequence
0° 0° begins with an erosive base and is overlain by a lower
conglomeratic or coarse pebbly sandstone bed with
common large-scale trough cross stratification and
pebble imbrication, corresponding to channel fill. Above
these are finer grained conglomerates of longitudinal bar
4° 4°
origin (see Collinson, 1986), with or without coarse hori-
zontal lamination. The overlying sandstones have hori-
zontal lamination (Figure 9A) or ripple structures attrib-
uted to low water stage. The sequence is commonly
200 km
capped with several meters of claystone or siltstone in
C ajam arca
which small floodplain channels may be incised. These
SM 8° sedimentary rocks can be divided into larger decameter-
C ba
or hectometer-scale sequences. The latter are either
C ordillera Blanca batholith
H uaraz fining-upward, as in the lower parts of the sedimentary
fill of the Cuenca (Noblet et al., 1988) and Vilcabamba
12° Lima
A yacucho lated in the fluvial sequences confirms the proximal
C uzco character of the sedimentation.
A cho
T Titicaca
by conglomeratic coarsening-upward sequences
A requipa
the fill in each of the basins studied (Figures 5, 6, 7, 8).
La Paz
Chota basin Cuenca basin Vilcabamba basin
1 2 3
1 2 3 Llacao Fm
5000 1 2 3
angular unconformity
8 Ma
16. 3 Ma
Lacustrine turbidites
Azogues Fm
Loyola Fm turbidites
local angular unconformity
20 Ma A
1000 400
Biblián Fm A
Debris flow
Debris flow
0m Om angular unconformity 0m
Paleozoic 26 Ma Loma Blanca Fm
Saraguro Fm
Figure 5—Stratigraphic sections of the Chota (Barragán, 1992), Cuenca (Noblet et al., 1988), and Vilcabamba (Marocco et al.,
1993) basins, Ecuador. Circled letters refer to megasequences A and B. Columns: (1) alluvial fan, (2) fluvial, and (3) lacustrine.
Gilbert-type deltas were formed (Gilbert, 1885) which The catastrophic sedimentary facies are represented
distributed sediments into the lake. The river floodplain by high-density megaturbidites that locally form thick
sediments are mainly argillaceous and suggest swamps successions in the Cuenca (Noblet et al., 1988; Noblet and
where bioturbation and rooting occurred. Biochemical Marocco, 1989) and Girón-Santa Isabel basins (Mediav-
sedimentation may have also occurred in these shallow illa, 1991). Figure 10 shows an idealized lacustrine
zones, resulting in limestone with algae lamination and a megaturbidite sequence containing all the elements
fetid smell due to hydrocarbons, such as in the observed in various outcrops. The lower part of the
Vilcabamba (Figure 5) (Marocco et al., 1993) and sequence consists of debris flows (see Middleton and
Rumichaca basins (Figure 8) (Mégard et al., 1983). Evap- Hampton, 1976; Lowe, 1982) with erosional basal discon-
orites are attributed to lake margin precipitation, such as tinuities that may be channeled but are generally flat
in the Vilcabamba (Figure 5) and San Marcos basins with flute, prod, or groove casts. Clasts in a typical debris
(Figure 6) (Bellier et al., 1989). In deeper offshore zones, flow are centimeter to decimeter scale, whereas intra-
sedimentation was mainly due to suspension processes. clasts of lower lacustrine strata can reach a diameter of
This resulted in shales and very fine grained deposits several meters. Large clasts are commonly concentrated
that are white or pale yellow, well-stratified, and laterally at the top of the bed, indicating that they were trans-
persistent. Slump blocks and slump scars locally indicate ported at the top of the turbidity flow before it solidified
the paleoslope of the lake and suggest some tectonic (Middleton and Hampton, 1976; Lowe, 1982).
instability (e.g., Vilcabamba basin) (Marocco et al., 1993). Sandstones overlying the debris flows are character-
Thin, low-density Bouma-type (1962) turbidite beds of istic of the high-density turbidites described by Lowe
centimeter to decimeter scale are commonly intercalated (1982). The S1 unit (or facies) of Lowe is the lowest. It is
within the fine-grained sedimentary beds. Finally, in all composed of coarse sandstones that are locally microcon-
of the basins, the abundance of interbedded volcanic and glomeratic and preserve some traction structures as well
volcaniclastic strata in the lacustrine fill suggests contem- as poorly developed flat or oblique laminations. The
poraneous volcanic activity. second unit, S2, is composed of thin, centimeter-scale
602 Marocco et al.
San Marcos Basin Ayacucho Basin
1 2 3
Namora Basin
1 2 3
Lacustrine deposits
6 Ma
7.2 Ma
7 Ma
7.4 Ma
Cretaceous Molinoyoc volcanics
9.0 Ma
angular unconformity
angular unconformity
9.3 Ma
A 2000 Upper Huanta
0m angular unconformity
Figure 6—Stratigraphic sections of the San Marcos and
10 Ma
Namora basins, northern Peru. Circled letters refer to
megasequences A and B. Columns: (1) alluvial fan, (2) Lower Huanta
fluvial, and (3) lacustrine. (After Bellier et al., 1989.)
17. 3 Ma
18. 3 Ma
angular unconformity
Tinajani Basin
Quaternary 1 2 3
Rumichaca Basin angular
low density
1 2 3
1000 angular unconformity
high density
14 Ma
5 - 20 m
18 Ma
A angular unconformity
19 Ma
rhyolitic tuff Tinajani
22 Ma volcanics
27 Ma
basalt 0m angular unconformity
debris flow
0m Puno group
Pucará Group
Figure 8—Stratigraphic sections of the Rumichaca (Mégard
et al., 1983) and Tinajani (Sébrier et al., 1988) basins, south-
central and southern Peru, respectively. Circled letters
refer to megasequences A and B. Columns: (1) alluvial fan,
(2) fluvial, and (3) lacustrine.
Figure 10—Example of a megaturbiditic sequence in the
Azogues Formation, Cuenca basin, Ecuador. TB, Bouma
A B turbidite; DF, debris flow; S1, S2, S3, Lowe’s (1982)
0 cm 100 divisions of a megaturbidite. (After Noblet and Marocco,
7 1989.)
(Izquierdo, 1991), Girón-Santa Isabel (Mediavilla, 1991),
and Nabón (Winkler et al., 1993) basins of Ecuador
Cuzco region in southern Peru (Figure 4) (Cabrera, 1988)
show a fining-upward sedimentary organization, but
0m they are younger than the basins of this study and are
still evolving.
The available chronologic data show that sets A and B
Figure 9—Two types of fluvial sequences observed in the are not the same age in all basins. In the Cuenca basin
sedimentary fill of the Río Chota Neogene intermontane (Noblet et al., 1988) (Figure 5), the age of the disconti-
basins, northern Ecuador. (A) Proximal fluvial sequence, nuity between sets A and B is bracketed between 20 and
lower part of the Río Chota basin sedimentary fill. (B) Two 16.3 Ma. In the Ayacucho basin (Mégard et al., 1984)
sequences (1 and 2) of alluvial fan deposits, upper part of (Figure 7), set A starts at about 15 Ma and finishes at
the Río Chota basin sedimentary fill. (After Barragán, 1992.) about 10 Ma. Finally, in the Tinajani basin, set A was
deposited between 18 and 14 Ma. The term megasequence
used here for convenience to name the sedimentary sets
regional in nature (climatic changes, tectonic modifica- A and B is valid only at the scale of an individual basin.
tions, or eustatic variations in marine basins). This This may reflect the lack of detailed biostratigraphy. The
section addresses the large-scale organization of the fossil flora in the Ecuadorian basins was studied more
deposits or megasequences in the basins. than 50 years ago. A reexamination of these flora may
The intermontane basins shown in Figures 5, 6, 7, and indicate that the megasequences are contemporaneous
8 preserve two types of stratigraphic columns: upward- even between basins.
fining set A and upward-coarsening set B. Thicknesses The discontinuity between megasequences A and B is
vary from hundreds of meters to kilometers in the always well defined. It generally consists of an angular
Cuenca and Vilcabamba (Figure 5), Ayacucho (Figure 7), unconformity, as in the Cuenca (Figure 5), San Marcos
and Tinajani (Figure 8) basins. This two-set organization (Figure 7), and Tinajani basins (Figure 8). However, even
is also observed in other basins, including the Loja without discordances, the discontinuity is expressed by a
604 Marocco et al.
drastic change in the sedimentary rocks, from distal beds Santa Isabel basins are absent. Neither did the
at the top of megasequence A (low-energy lacustrine) to Vilcabamba basin receive as much volcaniclastic material
proximal deposits with a notable increase in grain size at as the Cuenca basin. Turbidites filled the lake and were
the base of megasequence B (lacustrine megaturbidites, overlain by proximal prograding fluvial strata; these in
proximal fluvial). turn were succeeded by typical coarsening-upward
alluvial fan deposits such as those previously described
Megasequence A (Figure 9B). Turbidites or megaturbidites have not been
The lower megasequence (A) begins with proximal recognized in the other basins. Thus, megasequence B
fluvial deposits that grade abruptly into deep lacustrine reflects a significant change in sedimentation from
strata. In the upper part, sequences 20–100 m thick of quiescent lacustrine to progressively coarser. This change
shoaling-upward lacustrine deposits are generally is attributed to the increasing tectonism that affected
present, showing deep facies in their lower parts and basin and provenance areas, as evidenced by the
progressively shallower facies in their upper parts. In the progressive discordances observed in this megasequence
southern Ecuador Vilcabamba basin (Figure 5) (Fierro, in the Cuenca (Noblet et al., 1988), Vilcabamba (Fierro,
1991; Marocco et al., 1993), the top of the lacustrine 1991), and Chota basins (Barragán, 1992).
shoaling-upward sequences preserve swamp facies: In the Namora (Figure 6) (Bellier et al., 1989) and
limestones with algal laminations and a fetid smell and Ayacucho basins (Figure 7) (Mégard et al., 1984), the
coal and evaporite beds that are exploited manually. The coarse alluvial fan deposits forming the top of megase-
thickness of the lower fluvial part of the series varies quence B are overlain by lacustrine deposits of latest
among basins. It exceeds 1000 m in the Cuenca basin, Miocene age, radiometrically dated at 7–6 Ma in the
where it constitutes the Biblián Formation (Figure 5) Ayacucho basin (Ayacucho Formation) and at 7.2 Ma in
(Noblet et al., 1988), whereas it is generally thinner than the Namora basin. This lacustrine sedimentation, which
100 m in the other basins. The Cuenca basin, however, reflects a conspicuous modification of the tectonic regime
has subsided more than the other basins. about 7 Ma, coincides with a discontinuity or interrup-
In summary, during deposition of megasequence A, a tion in the compressive regime that was building the
progressively more distal location of the source areas is central Andean orogenic belt. Such uppermost Miocene
reflected in the general fining-upward trend. This pattern lacustrine strata have not been observed in the other
is interpreted as a sedimentary response to basin subsi- basins, either because they have been eroded or because
dence. The initial depression was controlled by fault volcanic activity concealed their presence. In the Namora
systems, which trended parallel to the latest Oligocene and Ayacucho basins, the local structural framework and
orogenic fabric (roughly north-south in Ecuador and tectonic regime is believed to have resulted in reactiva-
NNW-SSE in Peru) and which concentrated drainage. tion of subsidence, thus creating a lacustrine basin
The earliest deposits of the basin were fluvial. Subse- contemporaneous with lesser amounts of thrusting in
quently, marked subsidence trapped the river systems neighboring areas, which explains the absence of coarse
structurally, resulting in widespread lacustrine deposi- sedimentation.
tion of the lower megasequence in the Neogene Andean
basins. However, the early Miocene was also character-
ized by a eustatic sea level 100 m higher than the present TYPES OF BASIN EVOLUTION
(Haq et al., 1987). If the rate of uplift in the central Andes
during the Neogene (0.15 mm/year) estimated by The tectonic evolution of the Neogene intermontane
Sébrier et al. (1979, 1988) is valid, the lakes must have basins of the central Andes can be grouped into two
been at a relatively low altitude, a few tens or hundreds main types according to the orientation of their
of meters above sea level 20 Ma ago. In this setting, the bounding structures in relation to the orientation of the
high sea level may have maintained a high base level, Neogene stress fields. The first type is the strike-slip
favoring preservation of a lacustrine regime, which was, basin, of which we review the Cuenca basin of Ecuador
nevertheless, controlled by subsidence. as an end-member (Noblet et al., 1988). The second type
of basin is linked to reverse faulting activity; we
Megasequence B emphasize the Rumichaca basin of central Peru (Mégard
Megasequence B is marked in its lower part by the et al., 1983). However, because of the variable nature of
abrupt change from a low-energy sedimentation regime Neogene stress fields, each basin has evolved through
to one of coarse sedimentation. Thus, in the Cuenca basin several stages of the stress regime: extension, transpres-
(Figure 5), quiescent lacustrine sedimentation of the sion, and compression. Each basin is characterized by a
Loyola Formation grades upward into turbiditic and dominant stress stage, the one that lasted longest and
megaturbiditic sedimentation of the Azogues Formation controlled most of the sedimentation of that basin and
(Noblet et al., 1988). This is also characteristic of the deformation of its environs.
Girón-Santa Isabel basin located just southwest of the From a structural perspective, our knowledge varies
Cuenca basin (Mediavilla, 1991) and which was probably greatly from basin to basin, with the Cuenca basin being
connected to it. In the Vilcabamba basin (Figure 5), the the best known. This complicates comparison, especially
base of megasequence B is also composed of conspicuous where an author has emphasized only one aspect of
coarse turbidites (0.5-mm-diameter clasts); however, basin evolution. For example, in the northern Peruvian
megaturbidites such as those in the Cuenca and Girón- basins of Namora, San Marcos, and Cajabamba, Bellier et
Intermontane Late Paleozoic–Neogene Basins of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru 605
Figure 17 summarizes the evolution of the Neogene
intermontane basins of Ecuador and Peru. Their
evolution begun about 28–26 Ma ago with renewed
Andean tectonism after a long period of relative inac-
tivity following the 42-Ma late Eocene compressive
episode (Sébrier et al., 1988). The evolution of these
basins ended at about 7 Ma. The Ayacucho and Tinajani
basins in Peru do not follow the two nearly simultaneous
Figure 15—Evolution of the Neogene intermontane basins of southern Ecuador (after Noblet et al., 1988). (A) Location of
probable ancient faults sealed by Saraguro Formation deposits. (B) First synsedimentary tectonic event, with compression
oriented N 30° E. (C) Second synsedimentary tectonic event, with N 60° E compressional direction. (D) Third synsedimentary
tectonic event, with an east-west compressional direction. Dotted pattern is sedimentary deposits synchronous with defor-
megasequence models; the opening phase in the resulting in opening of the basins. Progressive blocking
Ayacucho ended about 10 Ma (Figure 7) and in the of the wrenching movement caused clockwise rotation of
Tinajani about 14 Ma (Figure 8). There are two possible the stress, until it reached an east-west shortening
explanations for this difference: either basin evolution in direction (about 7 Ma), roughly parallel to the direction
Peru south of Ayacucho is different from that of the of convergence. This caused reverse faulting activity
northern regions or the chronostratigraphy (especially along the north-south faults, which provoked closure of
radiochronology) for all the Peruvian basins needs to be the basins.
revised. The extension observed in the Río Chota basin during
The initiation of basin formation and subsidence deposition of megasequence A is difficult to interpret. It
coincided with the last major reorganization of the is perpendicular to the compression direction that
Pacific oceanic plates at 27–25 Ma, which caused affected the more southward regions (such as the Cuenca
partition of the Farallon plate into the Cocos and Nazca and Vilcabamba basins) during the same period. Because
plates (Handschumacher, 1976; Pilger, 1984). This new of local characteristics, extensional structures in the Río
organization was associated with reorientation (N 80° E) Chota basin probably presented a better expression than
and acceleration of the convergence rate between the compressive structures. The similarities in patterns of
Nazca and South American plates (Minster and Jordan, evolution of the Ecuadorian basins is also observed in the
1978; Pilger, 1983; Duncan and Hargraves, 1984). Girón–Santa Isabel (Mediavilla, 1991), Nabón (Winkler et
Taking global geodynamic reorganization into al., 1993), and Loja (Izquierdo, 1991) basins, including the
account, Lavenu and Noblet (1989) proposed a model for ages of the sequences and their bounding surfaces and
the evolution of the Ecuadorian Neogene basins (Figure their tectonic characteristics. Only the Zumba basin,
14). The 50° obliquity between the convergence direction straddling the Ecuador–Peru border, is largely unknown.
and the orientation of the Ecuadorian active margin The Peruvian margin, at least south of the
caused the northward displacement of the coastal block, Huacabamba deflection (south of 5° S lat), does not
which accreted in the latest Cretaceous (Mégard et al., comprise accreted terranes, which may explain the
1986). This displacement induced a dextral translation important differences in geodynamic evolution seen
movement along the preexisting north-south faults, among the Neogene basins of Peru and Ecuador. Basin
610 Marocco et al.
Figure 16—Geologic map and cross sections (AC) of the Rumichaca basin (after Mégard et al., 1983). J, Jurassic (Pucara
Group); Ki, Lower Cretaceous (Goyllarisquizga Formation); Ks, Upper Cretaceous (Chulec Formation); 1, volcanics; 2, lacus-
trine limestones; u, intraformational angular unconformity.
evolution in Peru has been controlled by active margin or compression that was oblique to the preexisting
processes and Andean fold and thrust belt deformation faults controlling the basins. This opening phase of
since the late Oligocene. Simultaneous with eastward basin formation lasted until the end of the early
encroachment of the thrust belt, the Andes were uplifted. Miocene, that is, when the main stress directions
The adaptation of preexisting structures to these two changed from NNE-SSW to northeast-southwest
processes explains the origin of the Neogene intermon- (Figure 15).
tane basins. Bellier et al. (1989) interpreted the extension 2. The second stage represented by megasequence B
during the deposition of megasequence A in the defines basin closure during the middle–late
Namora, Cajabamba, and San Marcos basins as a result Miocene as compression progressively approached
of the flow of Andean material toward the trench due to an east-west orientation. Movement along the
gravity forces and weak coupling within the subduction bordering faults in a reverse sense caused uplift of
zone. If this explanation is correct, then the presence in the margins and influx of progressively coarser
Ecuador of a coastal terrane between the trench and the sediments that overfilled the basin.
rising Andes must have opposed this gravity flow.
Evolution of the Neogene intermontane basins of the There is insufficient stratigraphic information to
Andes of Peru and Ecuador follows two stages: correlate megasequences A and B of the Neogene inter-
montane basins with those of the coeval sub-Andean
1. The first stage represented by megasequence A foreland basin or coastal basins with confidence. In the
spans the establishment of the initial basin in which sub-Andean basin of northern Peru, Marocco (1993) has
progressively more distal sediments accumulated. shown that sedimentation proceeded in three coars-
This period was contemporaneous with extension ening-upward megasequences (sequence N1, 28–10 Ma;
Intermontane Late Paleozoic–Neogene Basins of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru 611
central Andes at 28–26, 17–15, 10, 7, and 2.7 Ma (Sébrier
et al., 1988)? The angular discordances possibly express
Vilca- Ayacucho Rumi- Tinajani short breaks or kinematic modifications in the tectonic
Chota Cuenca S. Marcos chaca
bamba Cajabamba
continuum. Sempere (1991) has come to a similar conclu-
ca 7 Ma
sion in his study of the Cenozoic basins of Bolivia.
11 Ma
Miocene A B Acknowledgments We thank T. Sempere and an
anonymous reviewer for their discussions which have helped us
? to improve the original manuscript. We are also grateful to J.
16 Ma
? ? ? A
Delfaud and E. Jaillard for helpful discussions. This work has
Lower been supported by ORSTOM and IFEA.
Miocene A
23.5 Ma
A ?
26-28 Ma Baby, P., T. Sempere, J. Oller, L. Barrios, G. Hérail, and R.
BASIN Paleogene Lower
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Cretaceous Mesozoic Liassic Oligocene Marocco, 1990, Un bassin en compression d’âge oligo-
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Basin Development in an Accretionary, Oceanic-
Floored Fore-Arc Setting: Southern Coastal Ecuador
During Late Cretaceous–Late Eocene Time
S outhern coastal Ecuador is an accreted terrane underlain by an oceanic crust formed during the Aptian-
Albian. To the southeast, the oceanic crust is overlain by Cenomanian–Coniacian fine-grained pelagic
deposits, coarse-grained volcaniclastic turbidites of Santonian–Campanian age, and Maastrichtian–middle
Paleocene tuffaceous shales. Toward the northwest, late Campanian–Paleocene volcaniclastic beds and lava
flows of island arc composition rest on the oceanic crust. This results from the opening of a marginal basin
between an early Late Cretaceous island arc (Cayo arc) and a latest Cretaceous–Paleocene island arc (San
Lorenzo arc).
In the late Paleocene, the accretion of the Cayo remnant arc to the Andean continental margin caused a major
deformation phase that affected only the southern part of coastal Ecuador. There, deformation was sealed by
thick, coarse-grained, quartz-rich turbidites that constitute the infilling of an early fore-arc or slope basin. A
subsequent tectonic event in the early Eocene is believed to have resulted in emergence of the entire area.
At the early–middle Eocene boundary, new fore-arc basins were created that filled with mud and clastic
shelf deposits. A marked disconformity is overlain by coastal to continental coarse-grained deposits of late
middle–early late Eocene age. These express a major tectonic phase attributed to definitive collision of coastal
Ecuador with the Andean margin. The entire area then emerged, until the formation of new fore-arc basins in
the latest Oligocene–Miocene.
The late Paleocene, earliest Eocene, and early late Eocene tectonic events are the most important deforma-
tion phases to affect southern coastal Ecuador and represent its progressive accretion to the margin. The
creation of repeated fore-arc basins can be attributed to subsidence from crustal erosion of the upper plate
because each subsidence event succeeded an important compressive phase that must have favored coupling
and tectonic erosion. This complex geologic history has implications for burial and maturation of organic
matter and must be taken into account in guiding oil exploration in coastal Ecuador.
L a Costa Sur del Ecuador es un terreno acrecionado formado por una corteza oceánica que se formó en el
Aptiano-Albiano. Al Sureste, fué cubierta por depósitos pelágicos finos de edad Cenomaniano-Conia-
ciano, seguidos por turbiditas volcanoclásticas gruesas del Santoniano-Campaniano y por lutitas tobaceas de
edad Maastrichtiano-Paleoceno medio. Al Noroeste, turbiditas volcanoclásticas gruesas y coladas volcánicas
de arco insular, datadas del Campaniano-Paleoceno descansan sobre la corteza oceánica. Estos sedimentos se
depositaron en una cuenca marginal que se abrió entre un arco insular activo durante la parte temprana del
Cretácico superior (arco Cayo) y un arco insular, activo en el Cretácico terminal y Paleoceno (arco San
Jaillard, É., M. Ordoñez, S. Benitez, G. Berrones, N. Jiménez, G. Montenegro, and I. Zambrano, 615
1995, Basin development in an accretionary, oceanic-floored fore-arc setting: southern coastal
Ecuador during Late Cretaceous–Late Eocene time, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J.
Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 615–631.
616 Jaillard et al.
En el Paleoceno superior, una fase de deformación mayor que afectó solo la parte Sur de la costa ecuatoriana
representa probablemente la colisión del arco remanente Cayo contra la margen andina. Está sellada por
potentes turbiditas gruesas ricas en cuarzo que constituyen el relleno de una primera cuenca de ante-arco o de
talud. Un nuevo evento tectónico importante en el Eoceno inferior provocó probablemente la emersión de todo
el area.
En el límite Eoceno inferior-medio, una segunda cuenca de antearco se formó y fué rellenada por sedi-
mentos lutáceos y arenosos de plataforma. Una discontinuidad está cubierta por depósitos gruesos costeros o
continentales datados del fin del Eoceno medio y base del Eoceno superior. Estos depósitos expresan una fase
mayor relacionada con la colisión definitiva de la Costa con la margen andina. La Costa emergió despues, hasta
la formación de nuevas cuencas de antearco en el Oligoceno terminal-Mioceno.
Las fases tectónicas del Paleoceno superior, Eoceno inferior y Eoceno superior basal son las más importantes
conocidas en la Costa ecuatoriana y traducen su acreción progresiva con la margen. La erosión tectónica parece
ser responsable de la creación repetida de cuencas de antearco, ya que cada fase de subsidencia sigue una fase
compresiva que, al favorecer la fricción en el plano de subducción, provocaría la erosión mecánica de la base de
la placa superior. Dicha evolución sedimentaria discontinua aclara las condiciones de enterramiento y madu-
ración de la materia orgánica, y la estructura geológica compleja que resultó debe ser tenida en cuenta para
futuros trabajos de exploración petrolera.
Coastal Ecuador has been identified as an allochtho-
nous terrane of oceanic origin (Goossens and Rose, 1973;
Juteau et al., 1977; Lebrat et al., 1987), accreted to the
Andean continental margin during Late Cretaceous–
early Tertiary time (Feininger and Bristow, 1980;
Shepherd and Moberly, 1981; Lebrat et al., 1987). The
allochthonous nature of coastal Ecuador is supported by
a gravimetric survey (Feininger and Seguin, 1983) and by
paleomagnetic studies that show a 70° clockwise rotation
of this area has occurred since the middle Cretaceous
(Roperch et al., 1987). Since the Eocene, these regions of
accreted basement have remained in a fore-arc setting
(Figure 1) (Benitez, 1983; Mégard, 1987; Daly, 1989;
Marksteiner and Alemán, 1991).
In coastal Ecuador, two main zones have been recog-
nized. They are separated by the present-day Chongón-
Colonche fault which has been interpreted as a major
paleogeographic feature (Canfield, 1966; Benitez, 1983,
1992). North of the Chongón-Colonche fault, on the
Chongón-Colonche Cordillera and in the Manabí basin
(Figure 2), the stratigraphic succession is characterized
Figure 1—Location map of the southern coast of Ecuador.
by middle or upper Eocene beds unconformably
overlying the Cretaceous–lower Paleocene interval.
South of the Chongón-Colonche fault, the stratigraphic
succession of the Santa Elena Peninsula is characterized successive sedimentary basins. This study was part of a
by a thick upper Paleocene sequence and by the develop- scientific cooperative agreement between the Ecuadorian
ment of the deeply subsided Progreso basin of Neogene state oil company Petroecuador-Petroproducción and the
age (Figure 3). French Institute of Scientific Investigations for Develop-
The occurrence of oil in southern coastal Ecuador ment in Cooperation–ORSTOM.
motivated several geologic studies that have led to
numerous and often contradictory interpretations. In this
paper, we present a synthesis of the available strati- PREVIOUS WORK
graphic and sedimentologic data, as well as new field
work and paleontologic studies. These efforts have The discovery of small oil fields in the southwestern
refined the stratigraphic framework and have enabled us part of the Santa Elena Peninsula at the beginning of this
to revise the sedimentologic and paleogeographic inter- century led to detailed paleontologic and micropaleonto-
pretations and to modify earlier interpretations of the logic studies of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary
tectonic and sedimentary evolution of this area. This stratigraphy of southern coastal Ecuador (e.g., Sinclair
paper specifically addresses the Cenomanian–Eocene and Berkey, 1923; Olsson, 1931, 1942; Thalmann, 1946,
interval, during which the geologic history is marked by Cushman and Stainforth, 1951; Sigal, 1969) and estab-
changing paleotectonic settings and development of lished regional stratigraphic relationships (Sheppard,
Basin Development in an Accretionary Fore-Arc Setting, Southern Coastal Ecuador 617
Figure 3—Stratigraphic
framework of the sedimentary
units of southern coastal
2000-m-thick succession of fining-upward, coarse- ramis sp., Buryella aff. tetradica, Cenosphaera sp., Dicty-
grained volcaniclastic sandstones and conglomerates, omitra aff. andersoni, Lychnocanoma sp., Phormocyrtis striata
including a spectrum from high- to low-density exquisita, Protoxiphotractus sp., and Stylosphaera sp.
turbidites with shaly intercalations (Figure 4). Planktonic indicate a Paleocene age. These outcrops are altered,
foraminifera and dinocysts indicate a late Santonian– weakly metamorphosed (Sheppard, 1937), and intensely
Maastrichtian age (Thalmann, 1946; Bristow 1976; deformed, thus precluding any precise estimate of
Benitez, 1990; Gamber et al., 1990). Reworked foram- thickness or detailed sedimentologic analysis (Figure 5).
inifera indicate a shallow-marine provenance, and scarce However, the lithology is comparable to that of the
paleocurrent data suggest a west-directed transport Guayaquil Formation, suggesting a similar depositional
(Benitez, 1990). This coarse-grained sedimentation environment.
contrasts markedly with the underlying fine-grained The deformation of the Santa Elena Formation
deposits and indicates that an important tectonic and involves gently southward-dipping shear planes and
geodynamic change occurred by late Coniacian–early tight folds with ENE-WSW to WNW-ESE trending axes,
Santonian time. The Cayo Formation is attributed to associated with a penetrative axial plane cleavage
erosion of a volcanic terrain, which is thought to have dipping gently toward the south. The overall deforma-
been an island arc (Wallrabe-Adams, 1990; Marksteiner tion of the formation clearly increases toward the
and Alemán, 1991) (Figure 4). However, further southwest. The orientations of axial cleavages and shear
geochemical and mineralogic studies are necessary to planes, the warping of the folds, and the analysis of the
identify the provenance precisely. displacement criteria indicate a heterogeneous deforma-
tion associated with north- to NNW-directed thrust
Manabí Area Coarse-grained volcaniclastic conglom- vergence. Because it affects lower upper Paleocene beds
erates associated with basalt flows and dikes that were (Santa Elena Formation) and is covered by uppermost
known as the Cayo Formation (Faucher et al., 1971) are Paleocene coarse-grained deposits, this major tectonic
now referred to as the San Lorenzo Formation (Lebrat et event is of late Paleocene age (about 57 ± 2 Ma, according
al., 1987) (Figure 4). These beds rest on massive basalts to Haq et al., 1987).
ascribed to the Piñon Formation (Faucher et al., 1971).
They have yielded late Campanian radiolarians at Northeast of Chongón-Colonche Fault The little
Machalilla (Romero, 1990). In the Manta area, deformed Guayaquil Formation conformably and grada-
interbedded pillowed basalts as well as dikes and small tionally overlies the Cayo Formation (Figures 4, 5). It
plutons cross cutting the formation have yielded crops out only north of the Chongón-Colonche fault. It
Santonian–early Eocene radiometric ages (85–52.9 Ma), consists of about 400 m of dark, siliceous tuffs and shales,
with a maximum during the late Campanian–early with numerous cherts and subordinate thinly bedded
Maastrichtian (77–72 Ma) (Goossens and Rose, 1973; Hall turbidites, which contrast with the underlying coarse-
and Calle, 1982; Pichler and Aly, 1983; Lebrat et al., 1987; grained Cayo Formation. Thalmann (1946), Sigal (1969),
Wallrabe-Adams, 1990). These volcanic rocks have an and Faucher et al. (1971) identified planktonic
island arc composition and are much less altered than foraminifera of Maastrichtian age, with a probable
the rocks of the Piñon Formation (Lebrat et al., 1987). At extension into the Paleocene. This was confirmed by
Machalilla, the occurrence of numerous andesitic Benitez (1991), Gamber et al. (1990), and our work
boulders and clasts derived from the Cayo Formation because of nannofossils and radiolarians that indicate an
indicates that the deposition is coeval with synsedimen- early late Paleocene age (tympaniformis zone) for the top
tary tectonic deformation that caused subaerial erosion of of the formation near the town of Guayaquil.
the formation. Paleocurrents are locally directed toward The Guayaquil Formation is attributed to pelagic sedi-
the WSW (Romero, 1990). Chemical and geologic data mentation that was coeval with mild or distal volcanic
have shown that the San Lorenzo Formation can be activity (Figure 4). The lack of any significant quartz-rich
attributed to erosion of an active island arc (Lebrat et al., detritus suggests either that southern coastal Ecuador
1987; Marksteiner and Alemán, 1991). was located far from a continental source or that the area
was sheltered from any significant continental detrital
Maastrichtian–Early Late Paleocene supply. The increasing amount of calcareous nodules or
South of Chongón-Colonche Fault The Santa Elena beds toward the top of the unit suggests a slight shal-
Formation crops out only in the Santa Elena Peninsula lowing-upward trend (Benitez, 1991) and possibly a
(Figures 3, 5). It has long been considered a stratigraphic deepening of the carbonate compensation depth (CCD).
equivalent of the Guayaquil Formation (Sinclair and The late Paleocene tectonic phase that followed the depo-
Berkey, 1923; Thalmann, 1946; Canfield, 1966). We have sition of the Santa Elena Formation ended this phase of
recently confirmed this interpretation. Some outcrops on sedimentation.
the peninsula have yielded the radiolarians Amphy-
pyndax tylotus, Archaeodictyomitra lamellicostata, Diacantho- Northwest of the Chongón-Colonche Fault In the
capsa granti, and Stylospongia sp., among others, and the Manabí area, coarse-grained graywackes intercalated
calcareous nannofossils Arkhangelskiella cf. scapha, Coccol- with basaltic flows and ash beds yield Maastrichtian–
ithus paenepelagicus, Micula decussata, Quadrum gartneri, Paleocene(?) microfaunas (Sigal, 1969; Faucher et al.,
and Watznaueria barnesae, which indicate a latest Creta- 1971), which are consistent with the Maastrichtian–
ceous age. In other samples, the radiolarians Bathropy- Paleocene radiometric ages obtained from the top of the
620 Jaillard et al.
San Lorenzo Formation (Hall and Calle, 1982; Lebrat et and shales (Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977). These
al., 1987; Wallrabe-Adams, 1990). Therefore, magmatic sediments were deposited on submarine fans largely by
activity related to an island arc went on in this area while high-density turbidites, with a minor amount of low-
the Guayaquil and Santa Elena formations were being density flows (Moreno, 1983; Benitez, 1983). Various
deposited (Figure 4). This observation, together with the formations have been recognized (Marchant, 1961; Small,
lack of Cenomanian–Coniacian deposits in this area, 1962; Canfield, 1966). However, their stratigraphic
suggests that the volcaniclastic sedimentation is diachro- succession is not established and they cannot be used for
nous and the volcanic activity migrated from the mapping purposes, thus detracting from their usefulness
Guayaquil area in the early Late Cretaceous and toward (Benitez, 1992).
the Manabí area in the latest Cretaceous–Paleocene. On the basis of benthonic foraminifera, the Azúcar
Group has long been considered early Paleocene in age
(Thalmann, 1946; Small, 1962; Benitez, 1992; Marksteiner
Late Paleocene–Early Eocene and Alemán, 1991), although the mollusk fauna suggests
a younger age (Olsson, 1942; Canfield, 1966; Sigal, 1969;
Late Paleocene Faucher et al., 1971; Daly, 1989). In contrast, the plank-
The conspicuous Azúcar Group is known only south tonic foraminifera (e.g., Globigerina cf. velascoensis, G. trilo-
of the Chongón-Colonche fault (Figures 3, 5). Although culinoides, G. aff. daubjergensis, Globorotalia angulata and G.
the lower contact has not been observed, it is most mackannai, Small, 1962; Moreno, 1983; Litton Resources
probably unconformable on the Santa Elena Formation, proprietary report, 1986; Gamber et al., 1990) are of
as suggested by the analysis of seismic lines (Marksteiner middle–late Thanetian age (pseudomenardii and velas-
and Alemán, 1991). The Azúcar Group consists of at least coensis zones), and indicate that most of the benthonic
1500 m of conglomerates, pebbly sandstones, sandstones, foraminifera are reworked (Figure 5).
Basin Development in an Accretionary Fore-Arc Setting, Southern Coastal Ecuador 621
Figure 8—Chronostrati-
graphic sketch of the middle
Ypresian–Lutetian trans-
gression along the
report, 1956) (Figure 5). The Socorro Formation consists secondary gypsum veinlets, and heavy mineral laminae
of laminated shales, siltstones, and fine-grained sand- and exhibits characteristics typical of clastic shore zone
stones of an outer shelf environment, intercalated with sequences (shoreface to foreshore). Although no
some thick-bedded turbiditic sandstones. Slumped beds complete section has been studied, the depositional envi-
(including Clay Pebble facies) and turbidites are ronment and evolution are thought to be comparable to
common near the base and decrease upward, suggesting that of the Socorro and Seca formations of the Santa
a decrease in tectonic activity. The Socorro Formation Elena Peninsula. In the Manabí basin, undated layers of
grades upward into the Seca Formation, a sequence of the San Mateo Formation locally rest on volcanic rocks
laminated shales, siltstones, and marls that reflect ascribed to the Lower Cretaceous Piñon Formation
climatic or seasonal influences, as well as thin-bedded (Figure 8).
sandstones attributed to storm processes and subordi-
nate turbidites (Figure 9). In the Seca Formation, the Middle–Late Eocene (Bartonian–Early
upward increase of bioturbation, calcareous content, and Priabonian)
neritic fauna indicate a shallow shelf environment. The
Socorro and Seca formations contain calcareous nanno- In southern coastal Ecuador, the middle Eocene
fossils, planktonic foraminifera, radiolarians, mollusks, sequence ends with continental to shallow marine
and reworked benthonic foraminifera in the turbiditic coarse-grained graywackes and lithic sandstones that
beds, which together indicate an early–late Lutetian age abruptly overlie the Lutetian marine sequence. These
(Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977; Jiménez and Mostajo, deposits are called the Punta Ancón Formation along the
1990; Gamber et al., 1990). Sedimentary measurements present-day coast of the Santa Elena Peninsula and the
indicate NNW- to WNW-directed paleocurrents and a San Mateo Formation (upper part) in the Manabí basin
northwest-dipping paleoslope (Figure 9). (Figures 5, 8). On the inner part of the Santa Elena
Peninsula and in the Chongón-Colonche Cordillera, the
North of Chongón-Colonche Fault In the southern so-called Zapotal Formation apparently comprises two
part of the Chongón-Colonche Cordillera, the 350-m- stratigraphic units. One consists of coarse-grained,
thick Lutetian sequence is known as the Las Masas poorly dated, continental to coastal deposits with
Formation. In the Manabí basin, contemporaneous beds molluscan fauna (Hannatoma fauna) and rare marine
are 500–1500 m thick and correspond to the lower part of microfauna that broadly correlate with the lower
the San Mateo Formation (Figures 5, 8). The foraminiferal Priabonian beds of northern Peru (Verdún Formation)
and radiolarian content indicate a Lutetian–early late (Olsson, 1931; Paredes, 1958; González, 1976; Bristow
Eocene age for the entire San Mateo Formation and Hoffstetter, 1977). The other unit consists of fine-
(Cushman and Stainforth, 1951; Sigal, 1969; Bristow and grained, clastic marine deposits dated as late
Hoffstetter, 1977; Navarrete, 1986; Contreras, 1990). Oligocene–early Miocene by planktonic foraminifera,
However, the Bartonian and late Eocene faunas were suggesting that it belongs to the overlying mainly
probably found in the coarse-grained upper part of the Neogene sedimentary cycle (Bristow, 1975; Bristow and
formation. The Las Masas and lower San Mateo forma- Hoffstetter, 1977). We agree with Olsson (1931), Canfield
tions are made up of partially calcareous shales, silt- (1966), and Sigal (1969) that the coarse-grained lower
stones, sandstones, and graywackes. South of Puerto part of the Zapotal Formation is partially equivalent to
Cayo, thin-bedded turbidites, tempestites, and rippled the Punta Ancón Formation of Bartonian–early
beds indicate a shelf environment that was shallower Priabonian age. This implies that a major sedimentary
than that of the Cerro Formation. In San Mateo west of hiatus of Oligocene age separates the lower and upper
Manta, the 700-m-thick Lutetian–Bartonian San Mateo parts of the Zapotal Formation.
Formation (Contreras, 1990) includes plant fragments, We are able to confirm the Bartonian age of the Punta
624 Jaillard et al.
Formation and contains the Hannatoma molluscan fauna tion (lower Zapotal and upper San Mateo formations)
of early late Eocene age (Olsson, 1931; González, 1976). and reworking of Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks. These
North of Manglaralto, the Punta Ancón Formation coarse-grained deposits grade westward (Manabí
grades northward into conglomerate-prone deposits that present-day coast) into fan delta deposits (upper San
correspond to the upper part of San Mateo Formation of Mateo Formation) and south- or southwestward into
Bartonian–early Priabonian age (Cushman and Stain- alluvial plain systems (lower Zapotal Formation) and
forth, 1951; Sigal, 1969; Navarrete, 1986; Contreras, 1990). coastal deposits (Punta Ancón Formation) (Figure 12).
Along the present-day coast, it consists of a few hundred This paleogeographic setting, together with the volcanic-
meters of coarse-grained conglomeratic lenses and beds rich nature of the deposits (Figure 13) and the locally
of alluvial origin intercalated within the shoreline important pre-Bartonian unconformity, clearly indicate
sandstone sequence, indicating a fan delta depositional that the Chongón-Colonche Cordillera was drastically
setting. Farther east and southeast in the Julcuy area, the rejuvenated near the Lutetian–Bartonian boundary and
San Mateo Formation consists of a 600-m-thick sequence submitted to intense erosion. Late Priabonian–late
of coarse-grained conglomerates similar to the lower Oligocene time is characterized by a widespread sedi-
Zapotal Formation, with imbricated polymictic clasts, mentary hiatus (Canfield, 1966; Sigal, 1969; Bristow and
debris flows, and olistoliths apparently deposited in an Hoffstetter, 1977; Benitez, 1992).
alluvial fan environment (Figure 11). There, the San Consequently, the Bartonian–early Priabonian time
Mateo Formation generally rests directly on Cretaceous span (about 42–38 Ma, after Haq et al., 1987) is inter-
rocks (Cayo, San Lorenzo, or Piñon formations), indi- preted as a period of pronounced tectonic activity that
cating strong pre-Bartonian erosion and a conspicuous culminated in emergence of the entire area during the
basal unconformity. In the entire Manabí area, paleocur- late Priabonian. In the Santa Elena Peninsula, the late
rents indicate a NNW- to northwest-oriented transport Eocene deformation resulted in open folds trending
(Egüez, 1985; Santos et al., 1986a; Contreras, 1990) north-south to northeast-southwest associated with east-
(Figure 12). southeast gently dipping reverse faults, which indicate a
In summary, the Bartonian–Priabonian paleogeo- grossly ESE-WNW compression associated with WNW-
graphy comprises a central area (Chongón-Colonche ward thrust movements. Such deformation has not been
Cordillera, Manabí hills) marked by alluvial fan deposi- observed in the Neogene deposits.
626 Jaillard et al.
Between the Late Cretaceous and late Eocene, the
oceanic-floored allochthonous terranes of southern
coastal Ecuador underwent a complex geologic evolution
that included island arc related and marginal basin sedi-
mentation, collisions associated with prominent shear
deformation, basin subsidence, and several phases of
uplift. The Cenomanian–middle Paleocene phase was
characterized by pelagic and volcaniclastic sedimenta-
tion in a marginal basin that was remote from silicic
detrital influx. Late Paleocene–early Eocene time was
marked by intense tectonic deformation, voluminous
silicic detrital influx, and prominent sedimentary breaks
and ended with widespread emergence of coastal
Ecuador. These phenomena are attributed to collision of
southern coastal Ecuador with the Andean continental
margin, which caused the creation of an early, short-
lived fore-arc or slope basin. Middle Eocene time began
with a tectonically induced diachronous transgression.
This was followed by a middle Eocene shallowing- Figure 15—Estimated sedimentation rates in southern
upward sequence that represents the infilling of a new, coastal Ecuador during Late Cretaceous–late Eocene time.
short-lived fore-arc basin. Late Eocene is marked by
locally unconformable, coarser grained, shallow-marine
and continental deposits. The latest Eocene emergence of
southern coastal Ecuador is attributed to a major “can presumably form structural basins within which
compressive event preceding the development of a new substantial thickness of shelf or slope deposits can accu-
stage of fore-arc basin subsidence in the latest mulate.” Southern coastal Ecuador exhibits such a
Oligocene–Miocene. complex structural and sedimentary evolution, which
The late Paleocene and early Eocene tectonic phases can be explained by a multiple accretionary history
recorded in the Santa Elena Peninsula are undoubtedly (Figures 14). The hypothesis, according to which
the most intense deformation episodes undergone by mélange or a giant olistostrome formed during Paleo-
coastal Ecuador. The first was responsible for numerous gene time (Colman, 1970), has not been confirmed by our
gently dipping shear planes, subisoclinal folds, and study.
pervasive cleavage. The second apparently formed tight One striking feature of this evolution is the close asso-
vertical folds and faults. In contrast, the present-day ciation between phases of uplift and the succeeding
structure of the middle Eocene beds displays only subsidence, which created successive short-lived fore-arc
reverse faults and gentle folding with dips usually less basins separated by periods of erosion (Figure 15). This
than 30°, which are probably due mainly to the late suggests the existence of a genetic link between compres-
Eocene tectonic phase. From the late Eocene onward, the sive tectonic phases responsible for uplift and the subse-
Andean deformation shifted eastward in the present-day quent subsidence associated with extensional tectonism.
Andes toward the sub-Andean zone. However, the Such a relationship has been noted in the present-day
effects of these early tectonic phases have been largely margins of Japan and Peru and is believed to be due to
ignored or at least underestimated in the eastern regions. tectonic erosion of the edge of the continental margin
Except for Feininger and Bristow (1980), Roperch et al. along the plane of subduction (Von Huene et al., 1985;
(1987), and Lebrat et al. (1987), southern coastal Ecuador Suess et al., 1988; Von Huene and Lallemand, 1990). It is
has generally been analyzed and interpreted from an inferred that during the compressive phases responsible
autochthonist point of view. The recognition of for emergence, coupling between the oceanic and conti-
numerous tectonic events during the Late Cretaceous– nental lithospheres increased substantially, thus
late Eocene clearly indicates, however, that this was a provoking tectonic erosion of the lower surface at the
very mobile zone that underwent various types of trans- edge of the continental margin. This loss of mass along
lation and rotation (Roperch et al., 1987). Scholl et al. the continental margin was sufficient to initiate tectonic
(1980, p. 568) noted that “lateral tectonic accretion can subsidence of the fore-arc zone and the creation of
create a geographically wide ocean margin of exceptional subsiding fore-arc basins as the compressive stresses
structural, lithologic and stratigraphic complexity,” and decreased (Von Huene and Scholl, 1991).
Basin Development in an Accretionary Fore-Arc Setting, Southern Coastal Ecuador 629
Southern coastal Ecuador is an example of small oil experience of Andean and active margin geology during joint
fields located in an accretionary fore-arc setting. The field work. The final content of this manuscript was consider-
origin and evolution of the organic matter was controlled ably improved by a thorough review by D. Scholl and stimu-
by the geologic history. The organic-rich, fine-grained lating discussions with G. Mascle.
deposits of Cenomanian–Coniacian and Maas-
trichtian–middle Paleocene age (Calentura and
Guayaquil formations) form good potential source rocks REFERENCES CITED
for oil generation (Alvarado and Santos, 1983; Petro-
ecuador proprietary report) and have probably sourced Alvarado, G., and M. Santos, 1983, El miembro Calentura y la
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tary strata were deposited in an anaerobic marginal basin nieria Geología Minería y Petróleo, Guayaquil, v. I.A., 18 p.
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Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Jurassic–Neogene
Crustal Evolution
D. Roeder R. L. Chamberlain
Institut für Lithosphärenforschung Blue Eagle Exploration Inc.
Justus Liebig–Universität Salisbury, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Giessen, Germany
T he Eastern Cordillera of Colombia is an east-vergent Dahlstromian fold and thrust belt of Neogene age
involving 5–10 km of upper crust, 3 km of synrift fill of an early Atlantic embayment, and 11 km of
Cretaceous thermal sag basin fill. The Mesozoic rift event created an estimated 67–100 km of extension in a 200-
km-wide field with an average extensional strain (β) of 2. The fold and thrust belt contains 170 km of imbricate
thrust overlap at its front and at higher thrusts and 60 km of west-vergent back-thrusting at its west slope and
at its crest affected by incipient plateau collapse tectonics. The Oriente foreland load flexure suggests a rigid
lithosphere and more than 100 km of intracontinental subduction.
We have assembled and numerically processed public domain data about the surface geology, Mesozoic
basin history, and subsurface structure in the Oriente foothills. Andean crustal data and northeastern Pacific
plate tectonic data suggest a Miocene age change from low-dip subduction to Recent steep-dip subduction.
Therefore, a polyphase history of foreland upthrusts redeforming the fold and thrust belt is unlikely. However,
upper crustal detachment and foreland upthrusting prior to Cordilleran thrusting is possible.
L a Cordillera Oriental de Colombia es una faja fallada y plegada con vergencia oriental, de estilo similar
al definido por Dahlstrom y edad neógena. Involucra 5 a 10 km de corteza superior, 3 km de relleno
sintectónico depositado en el inicio de una bahia atlántica, y 11 km de sedimentitas cretácicas relacionadas a
subsidencia termal. La extensión mesozoica está estimada en 67 a 100 km en una franja de 200 km de ancho,
con una deformación promedio (β) de 2. La faja plegada y fallada posee 170 km de acortamiento en los corrim-
ientos imbricados en su frente oriental y corrimientos someros, y 60 km en los retrocorrimientos de vergencia
occidental en su pendiente oeste. La porción crestal está afectada por una tectónica extensional incipiente. El
flexuramiento por carga del antepais oriental sugiere una litósfera rígida y mas de 100 km de subducción intra-
Fueron reunidos y procesados numéricamente datos de dominio público acerca de la geologia de super-
ficie, desarrollo de la cuenca mesozoica y estructuras en el subsuelo pedemontano oriental. El análisis de los
datos relacionados a la corteza andina y a la tectónica en el noreste de la placa pacífica sugieren un cambio en
la inclinación de la subducción, de baja durante el Mioceno a mas empinada en épocas recientes. De acuerdo a
lo expuesto, es poco probable un desarrollo polifásico de corrimientos redeformando la faja plegada y fallada.
Por lo tanto, existirían despegues en la corteza superior y deformación del antepaís anteriores al fallamiento
Roeder, D., and R. L. Chamberlain, 1995, Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Jurassic– 633
Neogene crustal evolution, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum
basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 633–645.
634 Roeder and Chamberlain
In central Colombia (Figure 1), the Eastern Cordillera 500 km C
rises out of the Atlantic initial embayment, which is the
depositional site of one of the largest hydrocarbon source
rock bodies on earth (Shirley, 1992). By restoring the fill M
of this rifted embayment and by involving the crust in
balancing efforts along an Andean cross section, it may
be possible to decide among three different geologic
interpretations. (1)
Our preferred interpretation involves Neogene upper
crustal and supracrustal low-angle thrust imbrication (4)
above a cratonic lithosphere. The allochthonous crust B
exhibits at least 170 km of crustal overlap on an east- (2)
vergent (frontal) imbricate thrust system and involves
30–60 km of internal compression and back-thrusting. It
shows a crustal volume deficiency despite a 40-km Q
(+8 km) deep Moho root. We see the volume deficiency
as inherited from the Mesozoic Atlantic-type rifting and
not as the product of a late Andean episode of upper Figure 1—Location map of northwestern South America,
including Colombia and parts of Panama, Venezuela,
crustal foreland upthrusting. However, early Andean Ecuador, and Peru. Light gray, Guyana shield; dark gray,
foreland upthrusting at a future site of the present Andean orogenic elements, with thrust faults at edges.
Eastern Cordillera is possible. Indexed cross sections are from (1) Colletta et al. (1990),
These tectonic results are consistent with Andean (2) Valderrama (1982), and (3) Meissnar et al. (1976);
subduction of the steep or steepening type during the (4) Peru-Chile trench. Cities: P, Panama; M, Maracaibo; C,
Neogene, with Neogene volcanism, and with the Caracas; B, Bogota; Q, Quito.
Neogene trend of Andean crustal thickening crossing the
Mesozoic Atlantic embayment. In this paper, we use the
term Dahlstromian to refer to a structural geometry and consistent with major wrench faulting and can be
tectonic rheology developed for subsurface exploration presented without the wrench faults. However, our
of fold and thrust belts (e.g., Bally et al., 1966; Dahlstrom, results should be modified in the future to incorporate
1969), critically reviewed by Ramsay and Huber (1987) the effects of wrench faulting.
and formally named by Roeder (1991). In Figure 2, we juxtapose three major competing and
The present study adds a third interpretation by using in part speculative interpretations of the standard cross
the database and selected parts of the geologic theory section. All three versions are valid geologic achieve-
used in two competing and complementing published ments, and their review, even at their incompletely docu-
cross sections (Colletta et al., 1990; Dengo and Covey, mented state, can help in guiding the major investments
1993). It is also based on a field reconnaissance in 1982 needed in sub-Andean hydrocarbon exploration. We
with H. Doust (The Hague) and J. Kirkpatrick (Denver) have standardized and simplified the graphic appear-
and on an introduction to Andean structure in 1982 by R. ance of the three versions, and to each section we have
Butler (Columbia, SC). added a best guess of the present crustal thickness.
We have extrapolated the Moho position 650 km to
the north from the trans-Andean geophysical profile of
THREE TECTONIC MODELS Colombia and Ecuador (Case et al., 1973) by using trends
shown on the Bouguer gravity map of Colombia
As shown in many cross sections (De Cizancourt, (Bermudez et al., 1985) and using an assumed confor-
1933; Campbell and Bürgl, 1965; Campbell, 1974; mity between a northward-decreasing Bouguer anomaly
Estrada, 1982; Butler, 1983), the Eastern Cordillera of and a northward size reduction of the Moho root (Ocola
Colombia is a bivergent fan of thrusts toward the Middle et al., 1975; Meissnar et al., 1976). The flank dips of the
Magdalena and Oriente lateral foredeeps. It coincides Moho root are constrained by flexural load models of the
with a 9–12-km-thick Jurassic and Cretaceous depo- Oriente and Middle Magdalena foredeep basins.
center. A standard cross section 200 km long between the In all three sections in Figure 2, the 36-km-deep Moho
Magdalena river and the Oriente lowlands near Aguazul root implies an excess crustal depth of 19 km and an
and Cusiana (Figure 2) crosses this fold and thrust fan at excess crustal area of 1500 km2. As in other orogens, the
a site covered by quadrangle mapping (Ulloa and excess area can be explained by magmatic addition
Rodriguez, 1978; Renzoni et al., 1983). (James, 1971) or by crustal overlap (Giese et al., 1982;
Mapped in great detail and over long distances, strike- Mattauer, 1986). The choice between these alternative
slip faults are a major constituent of Andean tectonics in explanations is not apparent from direct local observa-
the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. In the present tion. However, in the three parts of Figure 2, the juxtapo-
context, however, wrench faults are virtually ignored. sition of upper crustal silhouettes and the Moho root
The arguments developed in the present paper are design shows varying degrees of conformity.
Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Jurassic–Neogene Crustal Evolution 635
50 KM
(b) DENGO AND COVEY (1993)
50 KM
50 KM
Figure 2—Three versions of a standard cross section of the Eastern Cordillera, central Colombia. Black, Cretaceous–
Paleogene sedimentary rocks; white, Jurassic; gray, upper crust and predeformed Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks. An
estimated best-fit curve of the Moho seismic velocity discontinuity has been added. (a) Redrawn after Colletta et al. (1990),
extended downward to include the base of the brittle upper crust and estimated Moho position. (b) Redrawn after Dengo and
Covey (1993), with the base of the brittle upper crust and estimated Moho position added. (c) Prepared for present paper,
obtained by applying a mobilistic interpretation of Neogene tectonics to the cross section by Dengo and Covey (1993).
The eastward-sloping Moho segment beneath the initiated as rift flanks and extensional normal faults.
Magdalena Valley is a result of the projection of the Between compressionally reactivated faults or upthrusts,
Moho root along strike. Its connection with the second upper crustal panels dip toward the the orogenic center
Moho deep beneath the Central Cordillera is not docu- more steeply than the asumed best-fit Moho. Disre-
mented. This aspect is a point in favor of the crustal garding unmapped strain, the shortening by reverse
thrust model (Dengo and Covey, 1993). faulting shown in this cross section is 29 km.
Integrated over a width of 130 km, this bulk strain is
First Tectonic Model: Inverted Rift Basin equivalent to a negative elongation of 18%, and it would
thicken the 10-km-thick undeformed lower crust to 12
and Upthrusts km. Applied to the total crust and disregarding erosion,
Figure 2A illustrates the interpretation by Colletta et the bulk strain represents an excess cross-sectional area
al. (1990) in a redrawn form. Colletta et al. (1990) have of 650 km2, about half of the excess area of the Moho
explained the Eastern Cordilleran bivergent fan as a root. This mismatch is purely geometrical because it is
compressional inversion of an extensional basin complex poorly constrained and because it disregards important
and its rift fill. Fault blocks of pre-Jurassic rocks mapped geologic aspects of rift formation and inversion. The
by Colletta et al. (1990) are shown to 12.5 km below mismatch, therefore, is only a weak argument against the
basement top. To facilitate the comparison of all three tectonic model of Colletta et al. (1990).
interpretations, we have extended the faults downward
at a constant angle as mapped. At a geotherm of Second Tectonic Model: Low-Angle
24°C/km, the base of the fault blocks represents the Thrusting Followed by Foreland Basement
brittle–ductile transition just prior to fault displacement. Upthrusts
Dips and displacements of the faults reflect an upthrust
style (Harding and Lowell, 1979; Bally et al., 1985) of low Figure 2B is a new display of the interpretive cross
strain, inverting steeply dipping rift flanks and strike-slip section of Dengo and Covey (1993). This is the most
faults. As is typical for inverted rift fill (Bally et al., 1985), advanced and best documented of the three interpreta-
faults are assumed or observed to steepen downward. tions shown. Its authors propose a Neogene succession
Many of the faults shown are assumed to have of two groups of events affecting a Mesozoic passive
636 Roeder and Chamberlain
extensional margin, its sedimentary prism, and its REFLECTION SEISMIC DATA: ORIENTE
oceanward-thinning crust. Andean subduction transmits
part of its compression into an eastward-vergent
supracrustal low-angle thrust fault. This thrust propa-
gates through the Mesozoic sedimentary strata as a Figure 3 is based on seismic data suggesting that the
complex bundle of ramping, back-thrusting, and eastern mountain front of the Cordillera Oriental
upward-soling Dahlstromian thrust faults (Suppe, 1983; (Colombia) is part of a fold and thrust belt and not part
Roeder, 1991). After an estimated 105 km of emplace- of a basement upthrust province. The figure is a repro-
ment (determined by line balancing and snip restoring), portioning, or squash plot, of a reflection seismic profile
the upper crustal thrust system is overprinted by steeply shot that has been processed and interpreted by industry
dipping basement-involved foreland upthrusts. These (Triton Colombia proprietary report). The seismic line
late Andean structures bring up the basement, show crosses the Cusiana trend in the footwall of the Yopal
strike slip, and are the sites of observed and historical thrust and is located parallel to the cross section (Colletta
seismicity. et al., 1990) and offset at an unspecified distance.
The Oriente foredeep is explained only in part by The seismic line shows an undisturbed foreland with
upper crustal overlap load, but most of the steep west dip about 4 sec (two-way time) of conformable events from
in the foothills segment of the upper crust is left unex- Tithonian–Miocene basin fill, perhaps unconformably
plained. The mountainward dip of the Magdalena basin overlying Paleozoic rocks below 4 sec. In the north-
floor is explained by Dahlstromian tectonics in the upper western third, a northwest-dipping series overlies and
crust. The basin floor is the bedding system of a hanging truncates an antiformally warped middle unit. The
wall ramp transported on top of a footwall flat. This contact intersects the edge of the line at 3 sec, and it is
crustal doubling may form a transition to the thick crust clearly a thrust fault in a flat-ramp position. Its surface
beneath the Central Cordillera (not shown in Figure 2). trace has been mapped as the Yopal thrust (Hebrard,
Kinematic or orogenic successions of transcrustal low- 1985; Colletta et al., 1990). At its base, the antiformally
angle thrusting succeeded by upper crustal foreland warped middle unit also truncates reflections belonging
detachment are common not only in the Andes (Jordan to the foreland series. This contact can be interpreted as a
and Allmendinger, 1986) and the North American ramp-on-ramp thrust fault.
Cordillera (Miller et al., 1992) but also in the Alps The ramp top of this thrust fault does not visibly
(Trümpy, 1980) and other collision belts (Dewey et al., break the topographic surface. Most likely it merges with
1986). This would support the kinematic interpretation a blind top detachment at about 1.5 sec. Figure 3 does not
by Dengo and Covey (1993). However, we suggest a show, but would be consistent with, a coherent foreland
different interpretation of this succession of styles. reflector at the base of the detached series. Based on this
The interpretation by Dengo and Covey (1993) is interpretation, the Oriente foothills show a minimum of 8
consistent with a Talwani-type Bouguer gravity model km of thrust displacement and a structural style diag-
closely fitting the available data. However, there is poor nostic for detached fronts of fold and thrust belts (e.g.,
conformity between the upper crustal blocks and the Mitra, 1986, 1992; Bally et al., 1985; Sobornov, 1991; Vann
assumed best-fit Moho. et al., 1986).
L 1
C M L 2
G CB 3
Figure 3—Reflection seismic profile across the east front of the Eastern Cordillera near the oil field of Cusiana (Colombia). Hand-made line tracing after unpublished
data acquired in 1982 by Triton Colombia, Inc., displaying a predrilling geologic interpretation by Anonymous of Triton, Inc. Vertical scale is in seconds two-way time.
Shaded lines with letters are stratigraphically identified seismic reflectors. TM, Guyabo (Miocene); L, near top of Leon (Oligocene); C, near top of Carbonera
(Oligocene); M, near top of Mirador (Eocene); CB, near top of Cuervos-Barco (Paleocene); G, near top of Guadalupe (Upper Cretaceous); CS, Upper Cretaceous; PAL,
perhaps Paleozoics; BSMT, near top of crystalline basement.
Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Jurassic–Neogene Crustal Evolution
638 Roeder and Chamberlain
Figure 4—Schematic cross section of a site of McKenzie-type extension or longhorn basin, developed from a calculated load
flexure and a snip restored transcrustal low-angle shear. Black, postrift sedimentary rocks; gray, crust. See discussion in
the text.
thickness of 8.5 km is predicted by the McKenzie subsidence curves. However, stratigraphic control is
model. At an intracratonic rift with 1.5 (β) exten- needed to identify synrift and postrift deposits.
sion, a 2-km-thick synrift fill will accumulate.
2. Restoration of the rift-induced thermal anomaly is Longhorn Basin Geometry
driven by the amount of thermal dispersivity that
is specific for silica (Oxburgh and Turcotte, 1974; Figure 4 shows an important two-dimensional aspect
Turcotte and Schubert, 1982). It causes subsidence of the strictly one-dimensional and Airy-type McKenzie
at an exponentially decaying rate with a time model as discussed. Subsidence during the rift and
constant of 62.8 Ma. The amount of subsidence postrift phases regionally affects slabs of lithosphere by
depends on the time point and span of thermal flexurally loading them. The effect of flexural loading
subsidence observed and on the density of the generates a basin shape informally called longhorn or
sediment fill, which typically consists of a passive steer’s head basins.
margin series. The stratigraphic record shows the Thermal subsidence takes place during tectonic quies-
exponentially decaying subsidence rate. At a 120- cence. It acts as a line load (Heiskanen and Meinesz,
Ma ocean–continent interface, 6 km of thermal 1958), affecting not only the rift site but also the quiescent
subsidence fill (or passive margin fill) is predicted forelands of the rift with a predictable exponential decay
by the McKenzie model. in the dimension of distance away from the rift. Thermal
subsidence basins or longhorn basins are sag shaped
Polyphase Rifting with a depocenter over the rift site and a zero edge at a
distance proportional to the elastic wavelength of
Complex plate configurations in young oceans cratonic lithosphere. This distance is commonly between
commonly generate more than one rift tectonic event. 100 and 500 km from the rift site (Watts and Ryan, 1976).
The subsidence effects of successive events will overlap We interpret the Tithonian–Paleocene succession of the
and generate errors in predicting thicknesses of actually Eastern Cordillera to be a pre-Andean longhorn basin.
deposited stratigraphic units. This may explain why the Figure 5 is a segment of the restored cross section by
thickness of the Eastern Cordilleran Cretaceous substan- Colletta et al. (1990) with a vertical exaggeration of 400%.
tially exceeds the thickness predicted by the McKenzie A silhouette at the top of Figure 5 shows the section as
model. To apply the McKenzie model appropriately to published (Colletta et al., 1990). Our selected segment
the Cretaceous depocenter of the Eastern Cordillera of covers the area between the Oriente foothills and the
Colombia, it is important to decide if any of the discor- Comichoque thrust near Tunja. It includes the strati-
dant stratigraphic units are rift fill or overlapping graphic succession of Tithonian–Paleocene/Maas-
sediment aprons deposited during phases of thermal trichtian age, with local pockets of Jurassic strata. Colletta
decay. This decision will be based more on stratigraphic et al. (1990) have interpreted the thickness variations as
analysis and less on precise numerical applications. caused by syn- or predepositional block faults.
Younger synrift tectonics may dissect the passive Our reinterpretation of the standard cross section of
margin apron of a slightly older thermal subsidence the Eastern Cordillera is based mainly on a different
event. In this setting, the second-phase synrift fill may interpretation of the rift tectonics. The Jurassic deposits in
have a postrift lithology. Polyphase rifted passive the Magdalena valley area are described as fluvial
margins may accumulate a multitude of the predicted gravels, wadi fill, and rhyolitic volcanic rocks (e.g.,
postrift fill. Extensional passive margin successions Butler, 1983; Arango et al., 1976; Renzoni et al., 1983). As
much thicker than 6 km are common. With enough shown in Figure 6, we interpret these deposits as synrift
control of thickness and ages, their stratigraphic record fill. We explain the Tithonian–Maastrichtian succession
may show the diagnostic pattern of stacked cuspate as shallow water to subtidal and open marine deposits
Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Jurassic–Neogene Crustal Evolution 639
55 KM 30 KM 18 KM 45 KM 8 KM
V. E. = 400 %
50 KM (H, NOT V)
Figure 6—Stratigraphic cross section of Eastern Cordilleran Cretaceous data in Figure 5, from Cocuy basin, Colombia. Data
are palinspastically arranged along a numerically defined line-loaded flexure. The horizontal distances inserted between the
columnar and shaded segments are interpreted as distances lost during Andean fold and thrust tectonics.
1 2 3 4 5 A B
5 KM
100 KM
Figure 7—Two cross sections of eastern Colombian Llanos basin and adjacent Eastern Cordillera. (a) Structural cross
section with four times vertical exaggeration (redrawn after Valderrama, 1982). Gray, Tertiary foredeep; black, Cretaceous
postrift; white, Jurassic and Paleozoic basement; A, possible site of zero deflection near Rio Guaviare; B, possible site near
mapped edge of Guyana shield. Well 2 is La Gloria. Internal tectonics of Valderrama (1982) are not shown. (b) Simulation of
basin structure from Valderrama (1982) with line-loaded flexural beams having different rigidities and maximum deflections.
See discussion in text.
A successful model is shown in two black lines. It Structural Implication of the Flexural Load
honors the shallow flat Llanos basin floor and assumes Model
an edge of zero deflection near point A in the shallow
and poorly controlled basin. The successful model also Geologic reality is certainly more complex than our
honors the Cretaceous base of well 2, as well as a crustal numerical emulation of load flexure, but we have used
deflection of 12.5 km near Tunja in the Eastern the flexure model in building the structural cross section.
Cordillera. We have achieved the successful emulation Differentiating the flexural load equations suggests
by adding two flexures. Combining several flexures is numerically that the foreland slope beneath the Eastern
geologically admissible as a form of polyphase deforma- Cordillera dips mountainward at 4.2°–4.5°. Following
tion because of the viscous aspects of the physical model Lyon-Caen et al. (1985), the implied rigidity suggests an
(Karig et al., 1976). Andean load overlap on the order of 100 km.
The first of the added flexures consists of a long wave The long-wave flexure reflects a cratonic lithosphere
flexure of a rigidity D = 1.7 × 1024 Nm. It is equivalent to with a small end load, such as a quiescent passive
a flexural length of 400 km, and it suggests a lithospheric margin succession. The flexure does not show the
elastic thickness of 50 km. The second of the added presence of the Andes or a major crustal subduction.
flexures is a short-wave flexure of 2.6 × 1023 Nm, which Maps by Valderrama (1982) show a northeastward and
is equivalent to a flexural length of 250 km and an elastic divergent strike of the long-wave deflection.
thickness of 26 km. All other possible flexure parameters The short-wave flexure is similar to the flexure
(including two of them in Figure 7b shown by dashed implied by the postrift succession of the longhorn basin.
lines) lead to curvatures of the foreland basement top Its implied crustal thickness is that of crust directly
which miss one or two of the required three control underlain by asthenosphere. This setting is equally
points. possible in extensional and compressional regimes (Bird,
Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Jurassic–Neogene Crustal Evolution 641
50 KM
Figure 8—Structural cross section of allochthonous parts of the southeastern half of the Eastern Cordillera, located at the
site of the cross section of Colletta et al. (1990) (Figure 2A). Black, Cretaceous–Paleogene; white, Upper Jurassic and
contents of buried Bogota basin; gray, Paleozoic rocks and upper crust. Cross section follows interpretation by Dengo and
Covey (1993) but admits some modifications.
1979; Brown et al., 1992). As in other passive margin imbricated beneath a roof thrust sheet composed of
edges, it could have survived the Tertiary and Andean Jurassic rocks above crystalline or Paleozoic rocks.
load deflection. However, the maps (Valderrama, 1982) The foothills are shown with the bed-parallel refolded
show that its strike is Andean. Therefore, either its origin detachment by Dengo and Covey (1993) at the base of
is Andean or Neogene, or the Andean orogenic belt the Neogene section involved in the Zapatosa syncline or
locally follows the trace of a Mesozoic lithospheric scar. equivalents. In the cross section, this thrust is shown to
merge with a frontal thrust that has emplaced basement
Eastern Cordillera: Present Structure or Paleozoic rocks over Cretaceous. From east to west,
the foreland succession below the frontal thrust contains
Figure 8 shows a portion of our reinterpretation of the the Cusiana structure or equivalent, an emergent group
cross section by Dengo and Covey (1993). Critical details of slabs forming salient mountain ranges and outliers,
of it are based on the arguments developed in the and a large buried thrust sheet with thick Cretaceous.
foregoing pages. This slice is only implied by the shape of the Zapatosa
At the assumed crustal thickness of 18 km (not shown syncline, and it is a structural petroleum prospect.
in Figure 8), a simple doubling with modest thrust The shape of the Bogota basin has been assumed from
overlap could explain the proposed best-fit Moho root. Dengo and Covey (1993), but we have added a west-
The supracrustal imbrication of 175 km suggested by the ward tilt. Its fill is shown with the Jurassic signature, but
longhorn model fits the flexural space only if the crust it could also consist of Cretaceous, as suggested by
has been severely thinned during the Jurassic extension. Dengo and Covey (1993).
To satisfy the gravity field (Dengo and Covey, 1993), we
assume that imbrication has concentrated on the upper Andean Geodynamics
crust and on detachment between upper crust and
mantle (Bird, 1979; Mattauer, 1986; Isacks, 1988). A complete geodynamic interpretation of the Andes
The concepts of thrust wedge dynamics (Davis et al., of Colombia would explain the amount of crustal and
1983) suggest that the Moho overlap may be located at sedimentary imbrication, the origin of this compression,
the base of the imbricate stack and that it ties in with the and its timing relative to plate tectonic events. Such an
Foothills detachment at the base of the Mesozoic interpretation is not possible with present data and
sediments (Figure 2). The footwall of this Moho overlap understanding. However, the speculative and unusual
is the load-deflected Llanos lithosphere. The hanging subsurface interpretation in the present paper may be
wall of the Moho overlap is a complex imbricate stack served by a discussion of its geodynamic significance.
that evolved out of the jumbled and block-faulted center This discussion may also help in exploring other Andean
of the former longhorn basin. segments and other foreland fold and thrust belts.
The cross section in Figures 2 and 8 shows three In our view, the prethrusting distance across the
crustal slices of the C type (Hatcher and Hooper, 1992) Eastern Cordillera is constrained by the restored width of
which may emerge at the surface along strike to the the Tithonian–Paleogene longhorn basin. This implies
north and to the south. Only the top slice shows signifi- large overlap on major thrust faults. The commonly
cant back-thrusting. The imbricate structure of upper exposed pre-Mesozoic rocks suggest that basement or
crust, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic sedimentary strata upper crust and Paleozoic tectonite are largely involved
suggests that the sediment panels between the C-type in the thrust slices.
slices are westward dipping. This generates more thrust
overlap and deeper pockets of sediments. This also Estimated Strain of Tithonian Rift
generates additional space beneath the Arabuco
anticline. We are therefore showing this structure as a To illustrate the postrift pre-Andean configuration of
duplex associated with the crystalline front as commonly the standard cross section, we have prepared a vaguely
realized in orogenic belts (Roeder, 1989). In the assumed line-balanced snip restoration (as described by Roeder,
Arabuco duplex, we have drawn the Cretaceous as 1991), shown in Figure 9. This restoration suggests that
642 Roeder and Chamberlain
X' 50 KM
50 KM
Figure 9—Snip restoration of cross section in Figure 2C to pre-Andean, post-Cretaceous state, in two segments with overlap
of central part, joining at X and X'. Black, Cretaceous–Paleogene sedimentary rocks; shaded, Paleozoic rocks and upper
crust; solid and dashed line, Moho. Foothills imbrication above Oriente foreland crust has remained unrestored for clarity. In
the computer-aided snip restoration, arbitrary graphic fragments are detached, translated, and rotated by simple shear. The
snip restoration then is cosmetically modified to restore graphic coherence.
the Eastern Cordillera is underlain by the upper crustal subduction and absence of volcanism. These conditions
shards of a Wernicke-type extensional structure are not evident in central Colombia.
(Wernicke, 1985). Possibly, the two separate crustal slabs In our own interpretation, foreland upthrusts may
overlying the eastern foreland are remnants of repeated have occurred in an early Neogene event of flat plate
events of low-angle extensional detachment. The poorly subduction. Parts of the Central Cordillera are deformed
constrained position of the Moho suggests a mantle in a style known from thin crust with a steep geotherm
upwarp, which is appropriate for an extensional center. (Isacks, 1988). An architecture of Mesozic and older
The restoration suggests that a restored length of 200 metasedimentary rocks involved in polyphase folding
km is affected by extensional strain (β) of about 2 and and soaked in post-kinematic granitoids is displayed on
ranging from 0 to 3. This lengthening would be consis- many Colombian geologic maps of the Central
tent with an extensional bulk strain on the order of Cordillera. Figure 10 shows a schematic cross section of
67–100 km. common style elements in flat plate subduction. The
most internal, or subductionward, part of this orogen
shows polyphase folds detached in the asthenosphere
below thin crust and lithosphere, described as type F
STRUCTURAL STYLE OF EASTERN basement structure (Hatcher and Hooper, 1992). Toward
CORDILLERA the external front, there are crustal thrust slabs described
as type C basement slabs, also detached in the litho-
In the Eastern Cordillera of central Colombia, sphere but with thicker, cooler upper parts. Farthest out
numerous outcrops of pre-Mesozoic tectonite are located is a field of foreland upthrusts detached in the lower or
within a field of very thick Mesozoic strata and are middle crust.
affected by thrust faults and several major mapped
strike-slip faults, not formally included in the present
analysis. The dip-slip components of Andean tectonics in
the Eastern Cordillera may be interpreted in two ways, COLOMBIAN ANDES: LITHOSPHERIC
and a choice is not possible from direct observation at CONFIGURATION
present. Either they reflect the preserved shoulders of
Mesozoic rift structures, or they suggest that the late Figure 11 is a composite lithospheric cross section of
Andean thrust transport was preceded by an event of the Andes in central Colombia. It shows a compilation
foreland upthrusts and mid-crustal detachment as and interpolation of the crustal and lithospheric data
described from Andean segments of flat plate subduc- available from the Andes in central Colombia. The cross
tion (Isacks and Barazangi, 1977; Isacks, 1988; Jordan et section shows the Peru-Chile subduction near its
al., 1983). There is some indirect support for the interpre- northern end (Meissnar et al., 1976). The complex slab of
tation as foreland upthrusts. Dengo and Covey (1993) the Panama-Carnegie plate mosaic has an estimated
invoke a late Andean architecture of foreland upthrusts elastic thickness of 28 km obtained from bathymetric
and a steep, abrupt fault limiting the Dahlstromian data (Lonsdale, 1978). A thermally defined base of litho-
foothills architecture. sphere is given at 70 km (Meissnar et al., 1976). The
As is understood at present (Isacks and Barazangi, Wadat-Benioff zone is in the “steep” category of the
1977; Isacks, 1988), upper crustal detachment and bimodal system (Isacks and Barazangi, 1977). The Andes
foreland upthrusts occur exclusively with flat plate may be underlain by a rising asthenospheric body if the
Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Jurassic–Neogene Crustal Evolution 643
Figure 10—Sketch cross section of cratonic edge of an Andean orogen with flat plate subduction. Black and white,
supracrustal rocks; dark gray, crust; light gray, upper mantle; white dashed lines, brittle and plastic detachment surfaces.
100 KM
100 KM
Figure 11—Schematic cross section of Andes and Peru-Chile subduction in central Colombia through latitudes 2°–4° N,
located as (3) in Figure 1 and based on Figure 2C (and on Case et al., 1973; Meissnar et al., 1976; Bermudez et al., 1985).
Black and white, supracrustal rocks; dark gray, crust; black line, Moho; light gray, upper mantle, with two definitions of the
base of lithosphere.
steepening took place during the Neogene. Its wall Acknowledgments Our interpretation has been reviewed
pressure along a horizontal density gradient is assumed and criticized by Mark Golborne, Scot Krueger, and Angela
(Le Pichon, 1983) to power the compression and root Thompson. This paper has received improvement through
formation in the Eastern Cordillera. However, this is not professional reviews and explanations by Jean Letouzey (Rueil-
supported by hard data. Also, the available density Malmaison) and Mark Cooper (Calgary). It has also received
gradient is only the minute and contested difference support from ARCO International and the German Research
between asthenosphere and lithosphere (of 0.05–0.1 Foundation (DFG). We thank them all.
g/cm3). More likely, therefore, sub-Andean thrusting is
powered by flow pressure in the rising and spreading
asthenosphere as it is pushed up ahead of deeper
material displacements.
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origin of this Moho curvature is unlikely. More likely, 1:1,500,000.
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Mitteilungen, v. 52, p. 479–495. phere and continental margin basins: Tectonophysics, v.
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1:100,000. Geometry and kinematics of inversion tectonics, in M. A.
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convergence, in M. P. Coward, D. Dietrich, and R. G. Park, Geological Society of London Special Publication 44,
eds., Alpine tectonics: Geological Society of London p. 3–15.
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Roeder, D., 1991, Compressional tectonics and the balancing Europe, second edition: Shell Internationale Petroleum
of crustal cross sections, in P. Giese, D. Roeder, and R. Maatschappij B.V. and Geological Society of London,
Nicolich, eds., Joint Interpretation of geophysical and 216 p.
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basins: evidence for an insufficient topographic load:
AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, p. 704–712.
Shirley, K., 1992, Cusiana a world-class discovery: Colombia
Authors’ Mailing Addresses
find wows explorers: AAPG Explorer, August, p. 1, 16–19. D. Roeder
Suppe, J., 1983, Geometry and kinematics of fault-bend Institut für Lithosphärenforschung
folding: American Journal of Science, v. 283, p. 684–721. Justus Liebig–Universität, Senckenbergstr. 3
Sobornov, K. O., 1991, The formation of fold-nappe structure D-35390 Giessen
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Trümpy, R., 1980, Geology of Switzerland, part A: an outline
of the geology of Switzerland; part B: geological excur-
sions: Basel, Schweizerische Geologische Kommission, R. L. Chamberlain
104 p. Blue Eagle Exploration Inc.
Turcotte, D. L., and G. Schubert, 1982, Geodynamics; applica- 625 Green Road
tion of continuum physics to geological problems: New Salisbury, North Carolina 28147
York, John Wiley, 450 p. U.S.A.
Geodynamic Evolution of the Eastern Andes,
Colombia—An Alternative Hypothesis
Peter B. Jones
International Tectonic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
R ecent hypotheses of the Miocene–Pliocene structural evolution of the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes in
Colombia have proposed a divergent fan model combining a system of southeast-verging, basement-
rooted thrust faults beneath the eastern edge of the Cordillera with a system of northwest-verging thrusts
rooted in the basement beneath its western edge. However, structural relationships within the western thrust
system indicate that its faults are superficial posttectonic gravity-driven features. This leads to an alternative
hypothesis for the evolution of the Colombian Andes, which has significant structural, stratigraphic, and
temporal implications for hydrocarbon exploration.
In the new model, the Eastern Cordillera and Perija Andes are interpreted as elements of a single
southeast-verging thrust sheet with minor imbrications. Initially, this thrust sheet moved east-southeastward
as a blind thrust sheet with triangle zone (buried thrust front) geometry, creating the continuous uplifted area
of the Eastern Cordillera, Santandar massif, and Perija Andes. The overthrust sheet was subsequently trans-
ported “piggy-back” farther southeast to its present location by emplacement of the underlying Merida
Andes thrust system, for a total shortening of approximately 185 km. According to the new model, the
incipient leading edge of this overthrust sheet was offset by an oblique lateral ramp. After deformation, the
resultant lateral step in the footwall was accommodated by normal fault movement in the overthrust sheet,
forming the Bucaramanga fault, with an apparent strike-slip offset of 210 km.
Jones, P. B., 1995, Geodynamic evolution of the eastern Andes, Colombia—an alternative 647
hypothesis, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South
America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 647–658.
648 Jones
Figure 3—Cross-section of a
slip sheet with a buried (triangle
zone) thrust front, northern Tien
Shan mountains, Xinjiang,
China, about 250 km west of
Urumchi. Multiple thrusts in the
toe of the slip sheet pass up
into normal faults at its head.
This structure lies at the
northern (trailing) edge of the
south-vergent Tien Shan thrust
system. (From Jones, 1990.)
Similar structures and pro-
cesses have been described by
Graham (1981) and Gramond
(1993) at leading edges of uplifts
in the French Alps.
650 Jones
Figure 5—(a) Regional structure, Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia, showing a suite of north-plunging synclines. (From
Taborda, 1965; Schamel, 1991.) (b) Same area with gravity slide interpretation of synclines along the eastern edge of the
basin. Note the correlation of the Las Salinas thrust with the Lebrija normal fault. High ground is indicated by horizontal
pattern. Location of map area is shown in Figure 1.
et al., 1986). It is not known whether such faults reached southeastward for over 500 km and dies out in the
the surface or flattened in a higher detachment level at Eastern Cordillera. Topographic and geologic maps
the time of their emplacement that has subsequently show an obvious displacement of the Cesar Valley
been removed by erosion. relative to the Magdalena Valley across the Bucaramanga
Buried thrust fronts have been recognized along long fault. This has led most authors (e.g., Dengo and Covey,
stretches of the eastern margin of the Andean chain from 1993) to attribute this offset to left-lateral strike-slip fault
Tierra del Fuego to Venezuela, including the Perija movement of about 210 km. A major problem inherent in
Andes in Venezuela and Colombia (Audemard, 1993), this interpretation is that geologic maps (Ingeominas,
Cordillera de la Costa, Venezuela (Bell and Jones, 1993), 1988; Colletta et al., 1990; Schamel, 1991) show that the
and Merida Andes (Urbina, 1993). A foreland-dipping offset appears to die out completely in a southeastward
monoclinal mountain front characteristic of buried thrust direction within the Eastern Cordillera over a distance of
fronts extends along most of the eastern margin of the only 75 km. It is not possible for that amount of strike-
Eastern Cordillera. In some sectors of the foothills, slip movement to die out over such a short distance.
thrusts such as the Guicarama, Yopal, and Cusiana Even if some of that movement was accommodated by
thrusts in the Llanos foothills may represent reactivation west-verging thrusts within the Cordillera, as suggested
of the originally buried thrust front, rooted in the Upper by Dengo and Covey (1993), most of the movement is
Cretaceous shale section that provided the upper detach- still unaccounted for. However, interpretation of the
ment zone for the original blind thrusting. Bucaramanga fault as a normal fault (Figure 8) accom-
modating the vertical displacement of an underlying
lateral ramp eliminates that problem. Movement on the
NATURE OF THE BUCARAMANGA fault would be mainly vertical, 10 km or less, an amount
FAULT that can die out along strike over a short distance. The
apparent offset is a function of the shape of the original
The third element in this tectonic reappraisal involves Perija–Eastern Cordillera overthrust sheet, and the
the Bucaramanga fault, a regional linear near-vertical amount of apparent offset corresponds to the length of
fault that extends from the Caribbean coast of Colombia the original lateral ramp.
652 Jones
Figure 10—Sketch maps to show the tectonic evolution of the Colombian Andes. The marker (+) in the lower right corner of
each panel indicates a fixed reference point. (a) Before movement, showing the Perija and Eastern Cordilleran sectors
connected by a lateral ramp. Arrows indicate direction of movement. (b) East-southeastward movement of the combined
thrust sheet oblique to the lateral ramp, producing a transpressional structural environment northeast of the Santandar
Massif and a tensional environment above the footwall lateral ramp. (c) Southeastward transport of the combined sheet by
the underlying Merida Andes thrust system to its present position.
Geodynamic Evolution of the Eastern Andes, Colombia—An Alternative Hypothesis 655
Figure 11—Kinematic model of the evolution of the Cordillera Orientale. These computer-synthesized balanced cross
sections were created on equal horizontal and vertical scales but have been compressed 5:1 horizontally for space reasons.
(a) Before movement, showing location of major faults. The normal fault in the Lower Cretaceous is speculative, inserted to
suggest a range of possibilities of the configuration of the Lower Cretaceous basin. (b) Blind thrusting stage, with buried
thrust front (triangle zone geometry) at the leading edge of the advancing blind thrust sheet. Erosion through the uplifted
roof section breached the upper detachment zone within the Upper Cretaceous shale. Loss of overpressure forced transfer
of displacement to the foothills thrusts. (c) Present configuration. Nature of Llanos foothills front is uncertain. Slip sheet in
the Magdalena Valley has created the Cimitarra syncline and San Fernando anticline to the west of it.
656 Jones
Figure 12—Comparison of (a) the Colombia Andes and (b) the southern Canadian Cordillera. In the Canadian example, the
Flathead and Clark ranges are analogs of the Perija and Eastern Cordilleras, respectively. The Livingstone Range is
analogous to the Merida Andes. Gravity sliding occurs in both regions. Dashed lines indicate structural trends. (From Gordy
et al., 1977; Ingeominas, 1988.)
thrust sheet was formed by inversion of the earlier fault. through some parts of the synclinal slip sheets should
It is also possible that the Lower Cretaceous section is encounter low-angle normal faults downthrown to the
truncated gradually eastward by the Upper Cretaceous west, with consequent omission of section. This appears
unconformity. to have happened in the Colorado field (Figure 13),
where the Tertiary Chorro Formation directly overlies a
Structural Traps variety of older rocks. In the original interpretation of
this structure (Taborda, 1965), the contact between the
Structural traps in the Magdalena basins occur in Chorro and the underlying Cretaceous section was inter-
strike-slip fault related structures as well as in thrusted preted as an angular unconformity. However, this does
Cretaceous and Tertiary strata. The thrust-related struc- not explain why the upper section is tightly folded while
tures can be divided into two types according to the the lower section is not, a reversal of the usual relation-
proposed model: those overlying east-verging thrust ship across an angular unconformity. If the folding were
faults, such as the Dina and San Francisco fields of the restored to a horizontal predeformation state, the under-
Upper Magdalena Valley, and those associated with lying section would be restored from its present gently
west-verging gravity slides. Although the latter should tilted state to a tightly folded predeformation condition,
have a lower hydrocarbon potential because of their late which is difficult to accept. If that Cretaceous-Tertiary
formation and limited catchment area, several major contact is a low-angle normal fault, the relationships are
accumulations occur in the western limbs of synclines more easily reconciled.
(Schamel, 1991), including the Provincia field in the
Nuevo Mondo syncline.
Low-Angle Normal Faults in the
Magdalena Valley Evidence of a posttectonic gravitational origin for
northwest-vergent thrust faults in the Magdalena Valley
If westward gravity sliding is responsible for some of questions the validity of existing bilateral thrust models
the structures in the Magdalena basin, wells drilled of the Eastern Cordillera and leads to the proposal of a
Geodynamic Evolution of the Eastern Andes, Colombia—An Alternative Hypothesis 657
Dengo, C. A., and M. C. Covey, 1993, Structure of the Eastern Laubscher, H. P., 1987, The kinematic puzzle of the Neogene
Cordillera of Colombia: implications for trap style and Northern Andes, in J.-P. Schaer and J. Rodgers, eds., The
regional tectonics: AAPG Bulletin, v. 77, p. 1315–1337. anatomy of mountain ranges: New Jersey, Princeton
Gordy, P. L., F. R. Frey, and D. K. Norris, 1977, Geological University Press, p. 211–227.
guide for the CSPG 1977 Waterton–Glacier Park field McClay, K. R.,1992, Glossary of thrust tectonic terms, in K. R.
conference: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, McClay, ed., Thrust tectonics: London, Chapman and Hall,
Calgary, 93 p. p. 419–433.
Graham, R. 1981, Gravity sliding in the Maritime Alps, in K. Morley, C. K., 1986, A classification of thrust fronts: AAPG
R. McClay and N. J. Price, eds., Thrust and nappe tectonics: Bulletin, v.70, p. 12–15.
Geological Society of London Special Publication 9, p. Schamel, S., 1991, Middle and Upper Magdalena basins,
335–352. Colombia, in K. T. Biddle, ed., Active margin basins:
Gramond, J.-F., 1993, Normal faulting and tectonic inversion AAPG Memoir 82, p. 283–301.
driven by gravity in a thrusting regime: Journal of Struc- Suppe, J., 1985, Principles of structural geology: New Jersey,
tural Geology, v. 16, p. 1–10. Prentice-Hall, 537 p.
Harrison, J. V., and N. L. Falcon, 1936, Gravity collapse struc- Taborda, B., 1965, The geology of the de Mares concession,
tures and mountain ranges, as exemplified in south- 1965, in Geological field trips, Colombia, 1958–1978:
western Iran: Quarterly Journal of the London Geological Colombian Society of Petroleum Geologists, p. 119–159.
Society, v. 92, p. 91–102. Teal, P. R., 1983, The triangle zone at Cabin Creek, Alberta, in
Ingeominas, 1988, Mapa Geologico de Colombia: Ingeominas, A. W. Bally, ed., Seismic expression of structural styles:
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico-Mineras, AAPG Studies in Geology Series 15, v. 3, no. 4.1, p. 48–53.
Bogota, 2 sheets, scale 1:1,500,000. Urbina, C., 1993, Structural style of the southern flank of
Irving, E. M., 1975, Structural evolution of the northernmost Merida Andes, Venezuela (abs.): AAPG Bulletin, v.77,
Andes: USGS Professional Paper 846, 47 p. p. 352.
Jones, P. B., 1982, Oil and gas beneath east-dipping under- Vann, I. R., R. H. Graham, and A. B. Hayward, 1986, The
thrust faults in the Alberta foothills, in R. B. Powers, structure of mountain fronts: Journal of Structural
ed.,Geologic studies of the Cordilleran thrust belt: Rocky Geology, v. 8, p. 215–227.
Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver, p. 61–74. Ward, D. E., R. Goldsmith, A. Jimeno, J. Cruz, H. Restrepo,
Jones, P. B., 1987, Quantitative geometry of thrust and fold and E. Gomez, 1977, Mapa geologico del Cuadrangulo H-
belt structures: AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, v. 6, 12, “Bucaramanga”–Colombia: Instituto Nacional de
26 p. Investigaciones Geologico-Mineras, 1:100,000.
Jones, P. B., 1988, Significance of blind or low-angle normal
faults: AAPG Bulletin, v. 72, p. 203.
Jones, P. B., 1990, Oil and gas beneath east-dipping under-
thrust faults in the Alberta foothills, with author’s post-
script (Chinese translation of Jones, 1982, with additions):
Journal of Xinjiang Petroleum Geology, v. 11, p. 191–198.
Jones, P. B., 1993, Gravity sliding, thrusting, and petroleum Author’s Mailing Address
traps in the Magdalena basins and Cordillera Orientale,
Colombia (abs.): AAPG Bulletin, v. 77, p. 327. Peter B. Jones
Julivert, M., 1970, Cover and basement tectonics in the International Tectonic Consultants Ltd.
Cordillera Orientale of Colombia, South America, and a #700, 665 8th Street S.W.
comparison with some other folded chains: GSA Bulletin, Calgary, Alberta T2P 3K7
v. 32, p. 249–271. Canada
Basin Development and Tectonic History of the
Llanos Basin, Colombia
M. A. Cooper
F. T. Addison
R. Alvarez
A. B. Hayward
S. Howe
A. J. Pulham
A. Taborda
BP Exploration (Colombia) Ltd.
Bogotá, Colombia
T he Llanos basin lies east of the Eastern Cordillera in northeastern Colombia. Basin development
commenced with a Triassic–Jurassic synrift megasequence related to the separation of North and South
America in the Caribbean. Basin development continued in the Cretaceous as a back-arc megasequence behind
the Andean subduction zone. Marine deposition was abruptly terminated during the early Maastrichtian due
to final accretion of the Western Cordillera.
The accretion of the Western Cordillera created the pre-Andean foreland basin megasequence
(Paleocene–early Miocene), which covered the Magdalena Valley, Eastern Cordillera, and Llanos basin. This
megasequence is dominated by fluviodeltaic strata. The overlying Andean foreland basin megasequence
commenced with deformation in the Central Cordillera and Magdalena Valley. The Andean foreland basin
megasequence also includes the Guayabo Formation, which is a classic molasse sequence shed from the devel-
oping mountains of the Eastern Cordillera as deformation moved eastward into the Llanos foothills. The defor-
mation in the Llanos foothills is a combination of inversion of preexisting extensional faults and thin-skinned
The physiography of Colombia is dominated by the
Andes mountains in the western half of the country and
by the Amazon-Orinoco basin in the east. The
Colombian Andes are split into three ranges—the
Western, Central, and Eastern Cordilleras—which to the
south merge into a single range in Ecuador. To the east of
the Eastern Cordillera is Los Llanos, an elevated
savannah that is part of the catchment area for the Rio
Orinoco (Figure 1). Major work that has been done on
the stratigraphy, tectonics, and regional tectonic setting
of Colombia include Hettner (1892), Hubach (1957),
Bürgl (1961), Etayo-Serna (1979), Fabre (1983), McCourt
et al. (1984), Pilger (1984), Aspden and McCourt (1986),
Ben Avraham and Nur (1987), Megard (1987), Pardo-
Casas and Molnar (1987), Burke (1988), Butler and
Schamel (1988), and Montgomery (1992).
The major tectonic events that have influenced the
development of the Llanos basin are all closely tied to the
development of the active margin of western South
America. The regional structural evolution is divisible
into eight major events:
Figure 2—Chronostratigraphic summary diagram for the Llanos basin and foothills based on well and outcrop data. The sea
level curve of Haq et al. (1987) has been adjusted to the BP time scale.
progressively eastward throughout the Tertiary. The resulted in deposition of a series of basal, shallow marine
resulting stratigraphy is a highly punctuated succession and shoreline Cretaceous sandstones, which progres-
of Upper Cretaceous–lower Tertiary strata, representing sively onlapped farther eastward onto the Guyana shield
periodic marginal deposition in major contemporaneous (Figure 2). These sandstones are depositional sequence
depocenters to the west and north. The stratigraphic K50 (Une Formation equivalent) (Hubach, 1931).
record becomes more complete westward in the Eastern In the Turonian–early Coniacian (91–88 Ma), global
Cordillera and the Magdalena Valley, although Tertiary sea level rise (Haq et al., 1987), combined with anoxic
rocks are only sparsely preserved in the Eastern upwelling conditions, resulted in deposition of a succes-
Cordillera because of late Miocene and Pliocene uplift sion of marine mudstones, cherts, and phosphates
and erosion. The following basin evolution model has (Figure 2). These sediments formed an excellent marine
been developed on the basis of available published infor- source rock (sequence K60, Gacheta Formation) (Miller,
mation and by integrating recent BP well, seismic, and 1979) in the Llanos area. This sequence is the equivalent
outcrop data. of prolific source rocks such as the Villeta Shale
Rocks older than the Late Cretaceous include a succes- Formation in the Upper Magdalena Valley (Beltrán and
sion of Paleozoic metamorphic and sedimentary rocks Gallo, 1968) and the La Luna Formation of the Middle
that have only been penetrated in a few wells in the Magdalena Valley and western Venezuela.
Llanos. Triassic–Lower Cretaceous rocks are absent in Sequence K60 deposition was terminated by a fall in
the area except for possible small, localized synrift relative sea level in the Coniacian–early Santonian (88–85
sequences. Upper Cretaceous strata thus generally rest Ma). The Llanos foothills area was on the eastern margin
directly on Paleozoic basement. of the basinal system. Sequences K70 and K80 (which
Upper Cretaceous deposition of the back-arc megase- equate approximately with the Guadalupe; Hettner,
quence was initiated in Cenomanian time (98–91 Ma) 1892) were deposited at this time and represent two
during a regional transgression that drowned the major cycles of eastward shoreline progradation, aggra-
exposed Paleozoic rocks of the Llanos region and dation, and retrogradation. They are dominated by high-
662 Cooper et al.
TYPE LOG SIGNATURE sequence K80 is a shale unit that has been mistakenly
identified as the Maastrichtian–Paleocene Guaduas
RAY NAMES Formation (Figure 3) (Sarmiento, 1992) in some of the
earlier wells in the Llanos foothills (e.g., Medina-1).
Recently acquired data by BP has conclusively dated
these youngest Cretaceous rocks in the foothills as
500 m The final accretion event in the Western Cordillera
commenced at the end of the Cretaceous. A relative drop
in sea level, probably linked to the onset of compression
to the west, resulted in a fundamental change in the
T90 nonmarine deposition of the pre-Andean foreland basin
1000 m
1500 m
Renewed deposition commenced about 60 Ma in the
late Paleocene in response to a far-reaching transgres-
sion. The Barco Formation (Notestein et al., 1944) forms
the basal transgressive part of sequence T20, which was
2000 m
T80 laid down on a major unconformity surface. It mainly
deposition included marine-influenced, sand-rich, valley
fill deposits that passed upward into muddier coastal
GACHETA plain sediments. Continued transgression eventually
submerged this middle Mirador alluvial plain and estab-
lished a shallow marine shelf across the Cusiana area.
Offshore muds and sandy bioturbated shoreface progra-
dational cycles punctuated by sand-rich fluvial and
estuarine valley fill deposits comprised latest Eocene
Figure 3—Comparison of stratigraphic schemes for the
Llanos foothills and Llanos basin. The symbols in the deposition, forming the upper part of the Mirador
sequences column are the same as in Figure 5. The Formation. All of the coarser grained sandstones in the
symbols in the stylized resistivity log column indicate the Mirador Formation in the Llanos foothills are extremely
depositional environments and are the same as in Figure 2. mature quartz arenites.
After sequence T30 deposition, four major cycles of
marine-influenced lower coastal plain deposition
energy, quartz-rich shoreface sandstones supplied from occurred in the Llanos basin and foothills (sequences
the Guyana shield to the west and exhibit a widespread T40–T70). These sequences are ~34–16.5 Ma and are
distribution across the Llanos basin and foothills. The traditionally termed the Carbonera Formation (Notestein
Campanian K80 sandstones form the oldest proven et al., 1944). These cycles are bounded by widespread
commercial reservoir unit in the foothills. At the top of maximum flooding surfaces. Each cycle consists of a
Basin Development and Tectonic History of the Llanos Basin, Colombia 663
coincided with the first significant deformation and º
72 'W
uplift in the Eastern Cordillera and hence with a signifi- 30
cant loading event that tectonically enhanced the relative
rise in sea level and the highstand systems tract that
al., 1944). Evidence for partial emergence of the Eastern
Cordillera is that sequence T80 becomes more sand
prone in the western part of the foothills, suggesting that 72
there was a supply of coarse clastics derived from the
The final depositional episode in the Llanos was the
El Morro-1
deposition of about 3000 m of coarse continental clastics
in sequence T90 (Guayabo Formation) (Hubach, 1957)
from ~10 to 2 Ma ago. This last phase of deposition
marks uplift of the Eastern Cordillera immediately west
of the foothills and migration of the foreland basin axis to
the current location of the Eastern Cordillera foothills
(Figure 2). Deposition of this molasse unit caused rapid Cupiagua-1
ºW Cusiana-4
Guaicaramo Cusiana-4 Cusiana-2A Leticia-1
Fault System Cusiana
Yopal Fault Fault
0 5 10 Km
Figure 5—Cross section through the Cusiana field in the Llanos foothills. See the “proposed sequences” column in Figure 3
for the key to the stratigraphic units.
H. Passalacqua Y. Gou
F. Fernandez Beicip
Cedex, France
Intevep, S.A.
Caracas, Venezuela F. Roure
Cedex, France
T he eastern Venezuelan Coast Ranges result from oblique convergence along the South
American–Caribbean plate boundary, expressed at the surface by the El Pilar dextral strike-slip fault. A
crustal-scale, balanced NNW-SSE cross section has been constructed across this major transfer zone that links
oceanic subduction of the Lesser Antilles with continental subduction of the Andes. It shows a major discrep-
ancy between the cover and basement lengths, which can be explained by tectonic inheritance from the
Tethyan margin and an initially thinned crust and basement tilted blocks. The section, interpreted down to the
Moho, is constrained by magnetic and gravimetric profiles. A major gravimetric low along the axis of the
Maturín basin shows the progressive northward deepening of the Moho. Positive magnetic anomalies on the
southern flank of this basin probably result from shallow basaltic intrusions along the thinned part of the pale-
omargin or from crustal heterogeneities. A high-density intracrustal wedge is needed to fit the gravimetric
high north of the Serranía; the solution requires a deep crustal root beneath the belt and a northward-dipping
South American Moho. The results of successive gravimetric and magnetic modeling studies are compared
with the present-day seismicity of the South American–Caribbean plate boundary. Shallow seismicity is
restricted to the eastern part of the El Pilar fault, whereas deep focal mechanisms pick out a northwestward-
dipping subduction slab off the northeastern Venezuelan and Trinidad coasts.
A consistent geodynamic model involving northward-dipping subduction of at least 70 km of South
American continental lithosphere is thus proposed for the area. The El Pilar fault is a shallow structure that
branches at depth on an intracrustal backstop and at the surface transfers the lateral motion required to balance
the northward-dipping subduction in an oblique convergence regime. Petroleum generation was initiated in
the early stages of the flexural evolution of the eastern Venezuelan basin, and early generated oils migrated
over long distances from the inner parts of the belt toward the Orinoco to fill the traps of the Faja Petrolífera.
Tectonic overburial also induced a late stage petroleum generation, with shorter migration of oil toward the
frontal structures (the El Furrial and Orocual trends).
L a Serranía del Interior resulta de la convergencia oblicua a lo largo del borde de las placas Suramericana
y del Caribe, que se expresa en superficie por la Falla de El Pilar, de rumbo deslizante dextral. Para este
trabajo se construyó una sección balanceada hasta la corteza a partir de información de superficie y subsuelo, a
través de esta zona de transferencia que une la subducción oceánica de las Antillas Menores con la subducción
continental de Los Andes. La sección geológica en cuestión, se extiende desde la Falla de El Pilar hasta el Rio
Orinoco con rumbo NNW-SSE, cruzando el cinturón de cabalgamientos de la Serranía del Interior, volcados
hacia el sur y la Cuenca de antepaís asociada, la cuenca de Maturín. La geometría actual de esta sección
muestra una discrepancia notable entre las longitudes del basamento y de la cobertura sedimentaria, que se
puede explicar por una herencia tectónica del margen del mar de Tethys y por una corteza inicialmente
delgada y bloques de basamento basculados. La sección geológica, interpretada hasta el Moho, fue controlada
por perfiles magnéticos (transformados al polo) y gravimétricos. El mapa de anomalía de Bouguer muestra un
mínimo de grandes proporciones que se extiende a lo largo del eje de la Cuenca de Maturín, delineando la
profundización progresiva del Moho por debajo de la zona de estudio. El flanco sur de esta Cuenca está carac-
terizado por anomalías magnéticas producidas probablemente por intrusiones basálticas muy someras en la
Passalacqua, H., F. Fernandez, Y. Gou, and F. Roure, 1995, Crustal architecture and strain 667
partitioning in the eastern Venezuelan Ranges, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J.
Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 667–679.
668 Passalacqua et al.
porción más delgada del paleo-margen o por heterogeneidades en la corteza. Para modelar el alto gravimétrico
al norte de la Serranía fue necesario introducir una cuña de alta densidad; esta solución requiere una raíz
profunda en la corteza por debajo del cinturón de cabalgamientos y el Moho de la Placa Suramericana profun-
dizando hacia el Norte. Los resultados de la sucesivas aproximaciones del modelaje gravimétrico y magnético
se comparan con la sismicidad actual del borde de placas Suramerica-Caribe. En el sector Este de la Falla de El
Pilar la sismicidad es superficial, mientras que mecanismos focales profundos sugieren la presencia de una
placa que subduce al NE de las costas de Venezuela y Trinidad.
Se propone entonces un modelo geodinámico consistente cuya característica principal es una subducción
hacia el Norte de al menos 70 km de litósfera continental de la placa Suramericana (principalmente manto intra
continental y partes de la corteza inferior). La Falla de El Pilar es una estructura superficial que se bifurca a
profundidad en una cuña intracortical y en la superficie transfiere el movimiento lateral necesario para
balancear la subducción hacia el Norte en un régimen de convergencia oblicua. La generación de hidrocarburos
comenzó en las etapas tempranas de la evolución flexural de la Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela, y esos hidrocar-
buros migraron largas distancias hasta la Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco. La sobrecarga tectónica indujo también
una segunda generación, con migraciones mas cortas hacia las estructuras del frente de deformación (alinea-
ciones de El Furrial y Orocual).
Figure 1—Location map showing tectonic setting of northern Venezuela. Box shows study area.
Figure 2—Tectonic setting of eastern Venezuela and present seismicity. SFF, San Francisco fault. (Modified after Fernández
and Pérez, 1974; Burke et al., 1984; Speed, 1985; Bouysse and Westercamp, 1990.)
670 Passalacqua et al.
Figure 3—Geologic map of the Serranía (simplified after Creole Petroleum Corporation, 1965). A–A' locates the modeled
section, and B–B' indicates the part imaged by seismic.
margin (Vignali, 1979; Wadge and MacDonald, 1985; Calc-alkalic volcanic activity related to oceanic
Chevalier et al., 1985, 1988) (Figure 3). Recent offshore subduction is well expressed in the Lesser Antilles, but
extensional structures are superposed on older compres- progressively dies out southwestward, the last morpho-
sive structures between the mainland and Margarita logic expression of the arc being found on Margarita
Island (Case, 1982; Schubert, 1982; Biju-Duval et al., 1983; Island. North of Margarita, an extending back-arc basin
Robertson and Burke, 1989). is developed (the Grenada basin) which separates the
The El Pilar fault and its western extension, the San still active Antilles arc from a fossil arc (the Aves Ridge)
Sebastián fault (Figure 1), connect with the Lesser (Figure 1) (Biju-Duval et al., 1978; Bouysse, 1988).
Antilles frontal thrust to the east and with the Boconó
fault in the Venezuelan Andes to the west. Well Major Tectonostratigraphic Units and
expressed at the surface by the morphologic depression Terranes of the Eastern Venezuelan Ranges
of the Cariaco and Paria gulfs, the present activity of the
El Pilar fault is also reflected in hydrothermal activity South of the El Pilar fault, the recognized Mesozoic
and in seismicity with focal depths shallower than 12 km allochthonous units of the Serranía del Interior, as well as
(Fernández and Pérez, 1974; Kafka and Weidner, 1981; the substratum of the Maturín foreland basin, are
Wadge and Hudson, 1986; Giraldo, 1990). composed of Cretaceous–Paleogene sequences of the old
Elsewhere, recent shallow seismicity is restricted to Tethyan passive margin (Burke, 1988; Eva et al., 1989;
the Los Bajos fault which separates the Serranía del Fourcade et al., 1991). The Mesozoic sequence exposed in
Interior from Trinidad in the east. South of the El Pilar the Serranía and extensively drilled in the foreland rests
fault and west of Trinidad (in the study area), only directly on top of Precambrian basement to the south
diffuse seismicity is presently observed. Deep focal near the Orinoco River, but is detached from its pre-
mechanisms related to the Lesser Antilles arc extend Cretaceous substratum in the north. It becomes progres-
northwestward off the Trinidad and eastern Venezuelan sively thicker northward, reaching a thickness of 3 km in
coasts (Figure 2) (Wadge and Shepherd, 1984; Speed, the allochthon (Potié, 1989).
1985; Westbrook and McCann, 1986; Bouysse and Although they never crop out and have not yet been
Westercamp, 1990). drilled in the area, sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic–
Crustal Architecture and Strain Partitioning in the Eastern Venezuelan Ranges 671
Jurassic age are inferred on the basis of seismic data to Late Cretaceous or Paleogene time and have probably
extend at depth beneath the Maturín basin, northward traveled far along the transform Caribbean–South
to the Serranía del Interior, and beneath either evapor- American plate boundary (Sykes et al., 1982; Dewey and
ites or coal measures along which the remaining sedi- Pindell, 1985; Erlich and Barrett, 1990). In fact, the first
mentary cover has been detached (Roure et al., 1994) foredeep deposits of both the Maturín basin and the
(Figures 4, 5). Serranía are no older than late Oligocene or early
The Maturín foreland basin is filled with synorogenic Miocene, attesting to the Neogene age of the tectonic
terrigenous deposits, mainly deep water turbidites of the inversion of this part of the margin. This suggests an
lower Carapita Formation (lower–middle Miocene) and allochthonous origin for the older metamorphic rocks
nearshore to continental facies of the upper Carapita, La north of the El Pilar. Since deformation of the margin and
Pica, Morichito, Las Piedras, and Mesa formations closure of the Tethyan ocean is supposed to have
(upper Miocene–Plio-Quaternary), which reach a occurred earlier in the west, all these suspect terranes
thickness of 5 km in the axis of the basin (Figure 5). propably originated from a single ancient orogen that
North of the El Pilar fault, various tectonostratigraphic was first emplaced in the west before being dissected
units (terranes) have been recognized, some of them and remobilized during the oblique convergence regime
deriving from the South American paleomargin and of Neogene age.
others directly from the ancient Tethyan ocean (Upper Only relatively young deposits (late Pleistocene Mesa
Jurassic ophiolite from Margarita Island). Unlike the Formation) escaped the compressive deformation, which
autochthon of the Maturín basin or the allochthonous is now active only in eastern Trinidad (Kugler, 1953;
units of the Serranía, these rocks were metamorphosed in Salvador and Stainforth, 1968; Persool, 1990).
672 Passalacqua et al.
Geologic and Geophysical Data Used to north of the Serranía trend. Southward, a more diffuse
Constrain the Models positive anomaly is found along the northern border of
the Guyana shield and may reflect a flexural bulge
In addition to published geologic maps of the Serranía (Figure 7). The magnetic profile is also characterized by
and numerous exploration wells in the Maturín basin, a anomalies on the southern flank of the Maturín basin.
large number of conventional seismic profiles have been
recorded between the outcrops of the Serranía del
Interior and the Orinoco River, allowing good calibration
of the geologic section across the area. Using this CRUSTAL-SCALE, BALANCED CROSS
excellent set of data, we were able to construct a regional SECTION FROM EL PILAR FAULT TO
depth section between the Caribbean coast and the ORINOCO RIVER
Guyana shield, across the El Pilar fault and related struc-
tures. The line discussed here is located in the Bergantín Transport Direction and Orientation of the
block, between the Urica and San Francisco strike-slip Section
faults, and runs across Mount Turimiquire, the highest
peak of the Serranía (Figures 3, 4, 5). Its southern part, Far-traveled “suspect” terranes are found north of the
from the Orinoco to the Morichito basin, is well El Pilar fault, but they cannot be restored to their initial
constrained by seismic lines (Figure 4), whereas its positions that were out of the section. Nonetheless, even
northern part across the Serranía del Interior has been if the area has been affected by oblique convergence,
carefully investigated by field surveys (Figure 5). Using most of the deformation observed south of the El Pilar
Locace software (Moretti and Larrére, 1989), we have fault attests to a NNW-SSE direction of transport for the
balanced and restored this cross section to one possible emplacement of the allochthonous units. In the Maturín
preorogenic configuration (Figure 6). basin, the El Furrial and Orocual frontal thrusts effec-
Since deep reflection or refraction seismic profiles are tively trend WSW-ENE. In the Serranía, the Bergantín
not yet available for the area, we decided to better and Caripe blocks have probably been just slightly
constrain the deep interpretations by using gravimetric rotated counterclockwise during thrust emplacement, as
and magnetic modeling, especially for those parts of the indicated by the dextral motion recorded by the Urica
sections that are not imaged by conventional seismic and San Francisco faults and by the general southwest-
profiles. This includes the regional attitude of the Moho northeast trend of the Pirital out-of-sequence thrust
and the first-order structure of the Serranía del Interior. (Roure et al., 1994) and related folds. Unfortunately, no
Gravimetric and magnetic surveys have been recorded paleomagnetic data are yet available to quantify this
in the past, resulting in good quality regional maps, lateral displacement.
which are available in numerical data banks (Figures 7, The modeled section is northwest-southeast trending
8). These files were used here to compile gravimetric and and parallel to the main transport direction, except north
magnetic curves along the western profile (Figure 9), of the El Pilar fault where cross section balancing was not
which were then used to constrain the modeling and fit attempted. Due to the slight rotation observed for the
the calculated curves with the measured ones. Bergantín and Caripe blocks, a certain amount of lateral
The most obvious feature on the gravimetric map is motion may have occurred along the Pirital thrust or the
the occurrence of a regional anomaly doublet: an San Francisco fault, but it is probably of small amplitude
important low on the axis of the Maturín basin is and has not been taken into account in the present
observed, directly adjacent to a gravity high imaged restorations.
Crustal Architecture and Strain Partitioning in the Eastern Venezuelan Ranges 673
Figure 6—(A) Crustal-scale balanced cross section from the El Pilar fault to the Guyana shield (present geometry). See
Figure 3 for location. A seismic profile of the southern part of the cross section is shown in Figure 4, and a more detailed
geologic interpretation is given in Figure 5. (B) Crustal-scale balanced cross section of initial geometry.
Figure 7—Gravimetric map showing the most relevant tectonic elements. A–A' is the modeled section.
674 Passalacqua et al.
Shortening of the Sedimentary Cover and ducing early (pre-Cretaceous) normal faults that are
Basement Involvement sealed by the Cretaceous. In these new inital geometries,
the thickness of Upper Jurassic synrift sedimentary rocks
The change observed in the seismic image below 2–3 changes laterally between two successive faults.
sec (two-way time) in the Pirital allochthon has been Therefore, most compressive structures involving the
interpreted as indicating pre-Cretaceous basement basement probably reactivate Late Jurassic half-grabens,
involvement along this out-of-sequence thrust, which is and as a result, the actual amount of basement short-
bounded on the west side by a transfer zone, the Urica ening is given by adding the amount of the Late Jurassic
fault (Roure et al., 1994). Similarly, we have assumed that extension to the 45 km first measured.
the San Francisco fault, with a surface geometry similar
to that of the Urica fault, also involved pre-Cretaceous Additional Causes of the Missing
strata at depth and can be divided into two segments: in Basement
the west, a northwest-southeast trending segment acting
as a tear fault with a dextral-normal throw and, in the We increased the amount of basement shortening by
center, an ENE-WSW trending segment accounting for a taking into account the probable occurrence of Late
southward-directed thrust front with only minimum Jurassic normal faults that involve basement. Instead, we
transverse displacement. could have reduced the amount of cover shortening by
By analogy with the younger Pirital thrust, we considering the effects of possible early gliding and
consider that other out-of-sequence thrusts in the Serranía widening of the Cretaceous–Paleogene sedimentary
could also be basement-involved structures. In our initial cover in a precompressive stage, using the seismically
sections, we assumed that basement and Paleozoic– interpreted salt or evaporitic sole as an extensional (or
Jurassic sedimentary sequences were essentially gravitational) detachment level. Such a salt-related
involved in the shortening along the Pirital thrust with a geometry is common along passive margins where evap-
north-south offset greater than 20 km, but also with a orites occur, such as in West Africa (Gabón) and the Gulf
smaller offset along the San Francisco fault and other less of Mexico (Wu et al., 1990).
well expressed structures. The amount of basement and cover shortening was
In both profiles, initial sections and restorations similar along the section, considering that the South
accounted for about 45 km of shortening in the basement American continental crust was thinned northward
and 90 km in the sedimentary cover. We later tried to during the Late Jurassic rifting event. Two contrasting
reduce the discrepancy observed beween basement and solutions could explain the amount of shortening: 45 km
cover shortening by modifying the Cretaceous cut-offs when neglecting precompressive basement extension
beneath the thrusts and by thickening the sedimentary and 90 km when neglecting any precompression gravity
sequence in the initial sections. Nonetheless, we still had gliding of the Cretaceous–Paleogene cover. A median
a big gap on the restored sections between the length of value of 70 km is more realistic. In all solutions, however,
the Cretaceous cover and the length of the Paleozoic or the present length of the section (and of the South
basement. This anomaly can, in fact, be related to the American Moho) is quite different from the initial one
precompressive history of the margin and can be (about 70 km for the median solution). This gap can be
corrected by taking into account the probable occurrence explained by an equal amount of northward-dipping
of extensional structures linked to a Late Jurassic rifting subduction of parts of the South American lithosphere,
event. including the infracontinental upper mantle and possibly
We finally reduced the discrepancy between the even parts of the lower crust (the remaining parts being
amounts of basement and cover shortening by intro- accreted or stacked in a deep crustal orogenic wedge).
Crustal Architecture and Strain Partitioning in the Eastern Venezuelan Ranges 675
Density Susceptibility
Layer (g/cm3) (cgs 106)
Foredeep 2.25 0
Passive margin 2.50–2.55 0
Rift-prerift deposition 2.65 100
Ophiolite 2.75 300
Metamorphics 2.75 300
Upper crust 2.70–2.80 0–3500
Lower crust 2.95 2000
High-density wedge 3.00 1500
Relationships Between the El Pilar of the fault. At depth, strike slip motion is restricted to
Strike-Slip Fault and Deep Structure the backstop (intracrustal indenter), whereas northward-
dipping subduction affects the underlying remnants of
Present seismicity indicates only shallow focal mecha- South American lithosphere (Figure 10).
nisms along the El Pilar fault and near northwest- However, this Venezuelan example of strain parti-
southeast trending strike-slip faults such as the Los Bajos tioning is not unique. Analog examples of oblique
fault (Figure 2). Similarly, both paleomagnetism and convergence (Malavielle and Cobb, 1986) attest to the
transport direction markers show a western origin for common connection between shallow normal or strike-
the tectonic units found north of the fault, whereas all the slip faults and deeper thrust planes whose merging front
allochthons of the Serranía farther south result from a remains almost parallel to the shallow structures. In
slight southward displacement of initial fragments of this southeastern Asia (Fitch, 1970) and in the Western
part of the South American margin. Canadian Cordillera (Mattauer and Collot, 1986; Van den
In the Pyrenees and the Alps, the North Pyrenean Driessche, 1986), oblique motion along the plate boun-
fault and the Insubric line, respectively, are strike-slip dary is equally divided into two components between
faults known to extend only to intermediate depths frontal accretion in a σ1 regime perpendicular to the
before branching on top of a deep crustal indenter margin and strike-slip motion parallel to the margin. The
(Laubscher, 1988; Daignières et al., 1989; Choukroune et same balance between a well-developed fold and thrust
al., 1989). In the same way, the El Pilar fault is here belt and a large parallel strike-slip fault is known to occur
assumed to overlie a high density mid-crustal wedge in California along the San Andreas fault (Mocent and
that acted as a backstop during migration of the defor- Suppe, 1987). Both the stress regime (σ1) and the deep
mation toward the south. Compressive deformation at geometry of this system are now well studied
the front of the wedge (Serranía and Maturín fold and (Wentworth et al., 1984; Wentworth and Zobak, 1989),
thrust belt) is mainly southward-directed, whereas the providing excellent examples for comparison with the
motion at the rear of the backstop is either strike-slip (the eastern Venezuelan margin. Nonetheless, only future
El Pilar dextral fault and related faults) (Jamison, 1991) or deep seismic profiles will be able to establish the depth
extensional (offshore northward-facing normal faults). where the El Pilar fault branches out on top of the
backstop and fold and thrust system, probably not much
Strain Partitioning along the South deeper than 12 km, on the basis of the present shallow
American–Caribbean Plate Boundary seismicity (Figures 2, 7).
interact (the Iberian plate to the south and the European • The El Furrial and Orocual trends were formed
plate to the north), it is known that the brittle European later, providing closer traps for the oil generated
upper mantle acts as a backstop that progressively north of the present Pirital high, at a time when the
wedges the ductile Iberian lower crust out, forcing the Cretaceous source rocks were still immature in
thrusts to propagate southward. In the Alps, the upper these external units.
mantle of the hanging wall (the Apulian or African plate) • More recently, the tectonic overburial of the
probably helps to decouple the middle crust of the external units (related to the Pirital basement-
subducted plate (the European plate), but the composi- involved structure) has induced the maturation of
tion of the indenter itself is probably constantly modified the Cretaceous source rocks south of the Pirital
by the stacking (underplating) of fragments of European high, allowing a very young but short migration of
lower crust which cannot be subducted. oil toward the frontal structures.
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known to occur north of the El Pilar fault, the roots of the
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Stratigraphic Synthesis of Western Venezuela
T he sedimentary basins of western Venezuela contain large volumes of oil. However, most of the large
structures have already been produced. Exploration for new reserves of light and medium oil now
depends on integrated studies that lead to a more comprehensive basin evaluation. This paper presents an
integrated account of the Lake Maracaibo and Barinas-Apure basins of western Venezuela. It is a fully inte-
grated study but focuses on the genetic and seismic stratigraphy of more than 600 wells, reference outcrops,
and 4000 km of reflection seismic data.
Six unconformity-bounded supersequences record the dynamics of Mesozoic–Cenozoic basin evolution
from extension to collision. Supersequence A was deposited during an episode of Jurassic rifting, and superse-
quence B corresponds to the subsequent Early–Late Cretaceous passive margin. Supersequence C marks the
transition to a compressive regime in the Late Cretaceous and early Paleocene. Compression resulted from
collision and obduction of the Pacific volcanic arc with the South American plate. Supersequence D records the
development of the late Paleocene–middle Eocene foreland basin in front of the volcanic arc and emplacement
of the Lara nappes. Supersequences E and F are attributed to modification of the foreland basin by late
Eocene–Pleistocene collision of the Panamá arc. The uplifted Serranía de Perijá, Macizo de Santander, and
Mérida Andes partitioned the foreland basin, creating the present Lake Maracaibo and Barinas-Apure basins.
Supersequence B contains the Cretaceous La Luna source rock (sequences K3, K4, K5). The Colón and
Burgüita formations form the principal supersequence C seals (sequence K6). The principal reservoir units
occur in supersequence D, including the prolific Eocene Misoa and Gobernador formations (sequences T1, T2).
Reservoirs of the La Rosa and Lagunillas formations occur in supersequence F and in the Betijoque Molasse.
Parnaud, F., Y. Gou, J.-C. Pascual, M. A. Capello, I. Truskowski, and H. Passalacqua, 681
1995, Stratigraphic synthesis of western Venezuela, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and
H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 681–698.
682 Parnaud et al.
Western Venezuela can be divided into several struc-
tural units (Zambrano et al., 1970) (Figure 1): (1) the
Guyana shield or Cuchivero granitic province
(Menéndez, 1968); (2) the Mérida Andes mountain range,
which separates the Barinas-Apure basin to the southeast
from the Lake Maracaibo basin in the northwest; (3) the
Serrania de Perijá in the west, which separates the Lake
Maracaibo basin (east) from the Colombian César-
Ranchería basin (west); and (4) the Serrania de Trujillo,
which separates the Lake Maracaibo basin from the Lara
nappes (Stephan, 1985).
These structural units record a long history of basin
evolution (Figure 2). The earliest episode involved the
progressive evolution from extension to a Caribbean–
Tethyan passive margin at the edge of the South
American plate. This evolution spanned late Triassic–
Cretaceous time. It was followed by collision of the
Pacific plate with the South American plate and
building of a Late Cretaceous-Paleocene mountain range
with an associated foreland basin. Collision and
migration of the Caribbean plate since the Paleocene
resulted in the Lara thrust belt and the Eocene foreland
basin. The subsequent Andean orogeny is attributed to
collision of the Panamá arc. This collision also parti-
tioned the Cretaceous passive margin into the post-
middle Miocene Lake Maracaibo and Barinas-Apure
This geologic history is expressed in a hierarchy of Figure 1—Location of the study area and stratigraphic
depositional sequences. On a large scale, the stratigraphy syntheses of Barinas-Apure and Lake Maracaibo basins.
can be divided into Paleozoic and Mesozoic–Cenozoic Cross sections: A–A' is in Figure 3, B–B' and C–C' in
successions. Jurassic extension records separation of Figure 5, and I–I' and J–J' in Figure 15. Circled numbers
North and South America (Pindell and Erikson, 1993; refer to the locations of these numbered figures.
Parnaud et al., 1994). The Mesozoic–Cenozoic succession
contains a suite of unconformity-bounded sequences that
describe the dynamics of basin evolution along the structural–tectonic modifications (Figure 3). Sedimento-
northern part of the South American plate (Figures 2, 3), logically, the Cretaceous and Paleocene consist of a
as follows: heterogeneous carbonate-siliciclastic association. In
contrast, the Cenozoic is represented mainly by a silici-
• Supersequence A resulted from an episode of clastic sedimentary system.
Jurassic rifting. Dating of the sequence boundaries and the maximum
• Supersequence B corresponds to the Early–Late flooding surfaces was established with available strati-
Cretaceous stage of passive margin development. graphic and biostratigraphic information and by
• Supersequence C was a transitional phase of the comparison with the global sea level charts of Haq et al.
Late Cretaceous–early Paleocene passive margin (1987). We believe that tectonism due to emplacement of
deposition behind the compressive arc. the Lara nappes modified the eustatic signature, particu-
• Supersequence D was deposited in a foreland basin larly in the flexured zones such as those located in front
during the late Paleocene–middle Eocene, when of the deformation and along the zone of lateral ramps
collision and obduction of the Pacific volcanic arc that limit the nappes’ extent along the eastern border of
overrode the South American plate and emplaced the lake.
the Lara nappes.
• Supersequences E and F were related to the late
Eocene–Pleistocene phase of foreland basin subsi-
dence caused by collision of the Panamá arc. This
episode of deformation was responsible for separa- The sequences deposited during the Paleozoic were
tion of the Lake Maracaibo and Barinas-Apure identified in several areas, in particular, the Guyana
basins. shield, Mérida Andes, Lake Maracaibo basin, and
Serrania de Perijá. A stratigraphic column for the
Internally, these six supersequences comprise a series Paleozoic of western Venezuela has been established
of minor sequences that reflect eustatic processes and (González de Juana, 1980).
Stratigraphic Synthesis of Western Venezuela
Figure 2—Geotectonic evolution of Venezuelan supersequences A–F. Symbols: M, Machiques; U, Uribante; T, Trujillo; L, Lake Maracaibo; CC,
Central Cordillera; G, Guajira; P, Paraguana; Ti, Trinidad. (Modified after Pindell and Erikson, 1993.)
Figure 3—Stratigraphic chart (see Figure 1, A–A', for location). Legend: 1, continental sandstones and shales; 2, inner to middle shelf carbonates; 3, middle to
outer shelf carbonates and shales; 4, outer shelf to bathyal shales; 5, nearshore regressive sandstones; 6, nearshore transgressive sandstones; 7, phtanites.
Stratigraphic Synthesis of Western Venezuela 685
In the subsurface of the Barinas-Apure basin, it is Táchira, and the Barquisimeto trough in Trujillo. In
difficult to identify supersequence A in seismic sections addition to these troughs, this sequence forms a wide-
without well control. However, southwest of the Barinas spread cover, except in the southwestern part of Apure.
basin, where outcrops show a significant development of Hedberg (1931) initially described sequence K0 in the
this Triassic–Jurassic sequence, some seismic lines Negro River area (Serrania de Perijá), and it was later
display a 1-sec-thick (3000-m) sequence beneath the named the Río Negro Formation (Hedberg and Sass,
Cretaceous (Figure 4B). The base of the supersequence is 1937). It marks the basal continental component of the
obscure, but its top is expressed as a strong unconform- Cretaceous passive margin basin. Although it is wide-
ity. Its seismic signature consists of discontinuous reflec- spread, its age is poorly constrained; available evidence
tions of variable amplitudes. The structural style of these suggests a Neocomian–Aptian age. Seismic resolution is
intervals is generally characterized by normal faults that insufficient to establish the upper bounding surface with
bound small half-grabens. confidence.
In the subsurface of the western part of Lake This Lower Cretaceous sequence has a low hydro-
Maracaibo basin, west of the Icotea structural trend, a carbon potential. Source rocks are unknown, and
half-graben is observed in seismic sections and has an although it has a high sandstone content, reservoir char-
eastward-dpping basin-forming fault. The base of super- acteristics are generally believed to be poor.
sequence A is not recognized, but its upper surface is
marked by truncated reflections. Wells indicate that this Aptian Sequence K1
sequence corresponds to the La Quinta Formation. Continental Rio Negro deposition was terminated by
Because of an apparent absence of source rocks and a Cenomanian–Campanian marine transgression that
poor reservoir characteristics, supersequence A has little flooded the Guyana cratonic platform (Figure 2). This
hydrocarbon potential. There is no production from transgression was episodic as evidenced by a back-
Jurassic levels in the study area. stepping suite of depositional sequences, the first of
which has an Aptian age (Figure 3). The Aptian Apón
Cretaceous Supersequence B: Passive sequence (K1) (Sutton, 1946) is characterized by shallow
Margin marine shelf sedimentation and displays lateral facies
changes. Toward the east (Mérida Andes), littoral sand-
At the beginning of the Cretaceous, a marine trans-
stones form the basal part of the Peñas Altas Formation
gression caused inundation of the Guyana shield. This
(Renz, 1959) (Figure 6). This sequence consists of three
transgression is correlated to the eustatic changes that
parts (Figure 3):
occurred worldwide and lasted until Cenomanian–
Campanian time (Figure 2). Sporadic volcanic material • The lower part is interpreted as a transgressive
within the La Luna Formation suggests the presence of a systems tract (TST) and comprises several retro-
volcanic arc toward the west, implying subduction of the gradational parasequences. This TST corresponds
Pacific plate. The apparent reduction of fault-controlled to the Tibú Member and was deposited in an inner
subsidence, the overall transgressive deepening of the shelf environment where littoral bioclastic bars
basin, and the stratigraphy suggest that Cretaceous developed.
supersequence B was deposited as a passive margin • The middle part forms the maximum flooding
terrace wedge behind a volcanic arc. The passive margin surface (MFS) and include the Machiques Member
phase ended with collision of the Pacific arc and the and its laterally equivalent, the Guáimaros
South American plate and flexural subsidence of Member. Both were deposited in middle shelf envi-
foreland basins. ronments with several intercalations of shallower
During this period of passive margin development, deposits. Based on previous work, an interval rich
several sequences were deposited (Figure 3). Together in Orbitolina texana is equated with the middle
they formed the terrace wedge of supersequence B. The Aptian event (the 111-Ma MFS of Haq et al., 1987).
structural style is characterized by steeply dipping • The upper part of this sequence is characterized by
reverse faults of post-Cretaceous age. Structural a highstand and progradation. This regressive part
inversion of older normal faults are interpreted from is the Piché Member of the Lake Maracaibo zone,
seismic data (Figure 5, C–C’). which was deposited in an inner shelf environ-
In general, it is difficult to differentiate these passive ment. In the Mérida Andes, the central part of the
margin sequences seismically, except for local reflection Peñas Altas Formation was deposited in a littoral
truncations (e.g., onlaps and downlaps) in an otherwise setting in which bars developed.
continuous supersequence B with persistent subparallel
reflections. The internal seismic sequence boundaries In the Lake Maracaibo succession, reflection seismic
separate six depositional sequences, K0 through K5, as data does not clearly distinguish this sequence from
discussed below. other Cretaceous units. Nevertheless, its base does show
local onlaps and its top shows weak truncations. The
Neocomian–Barremian Sequence K0 internal geometry of sequence K1 is marked by three
In the Early Cretaceous, a thick sequence of conti- high-amplitude reflectors (Figure 7A). The thickness of
nental sediments was deposited in three troughs: the this sequence varies up to 300 m, but it is absent in the
Machiques trough in Perijá, the Uribante trough in Barinas-Apure basin (Figures 5, B–B’, and 6). The
Stratigraphic Synthesis of Western Venezuela
Figure 5—(Top) Tectonostratigraphic cross section B–B' of Barinas-Apure basin. (Bottom) Tectonostratigraphic cross section C–C' of Lake
Maracaibo basin. See Figure 1 for locations.
688 Parnaud et al.
Figure 8—Paleogeography of the Albian–lower Ceno- Figure 9—Paleogeography at top of Albian–lower Ceno-
manian depositional sequence K2. Legend: 1, Lara nappes, manian depositional sequence K2. Legend: 1, Lara nappes,
actual position; 2, positive areas; 3, nearshore clastics; 4, actual position; 2, positive areas; 3, nearshore clastics; 4,
inner to middle shelf carbonates and shales; 5, thickness inner shelf sandstones and carbonates; 5, middle shelf
contours in feet. carbonates and shales.
In Perijá and Lake Maracaibo, Canache et al. (1994) data from the Lake Maracaibo area also shows basal
identified a hiatus of early Cenomanian age between onlaps (Figure 7A), as well as an irregular upper surface
sequence K2 and the overlying upper Cenomanian strata that we interpret as a paraconformity.
of sequence K3 (Figures 3, 9). Erosion has partially This sequence, which is regionally persistent (Figure
truncated the Albian sequence. We attibute this hiatus to 8), has a thickness varying up to 600 m. Estimated sedi-
collision of the Pacific volcanic arc with South American mentation rates are 50 m/m.y. in the southern part of the
continental crust and to flexural deformation in front of Mérida Andes and 12 m/m.y. in the shelf zone.
the applied load. A foreland basin is located west of The hydrocarbon potential of sequence K2 lies in the
Serrania de Perijá, and an associated forebulge occurs in Lisure reservoirs with their fracture porosity and in
the Perijá and Lake Maracaibo areas. Forebulge uplift sandstone reservoirs in the Aguardiente (TST) and
resulted in emergence, restricted deposition, and erosion Escandalosa (R Member, HST) formations that preserve
of the upper part of sequence K2 during the early Ceno- intergranular porosity.
manian. This is reflected in a regressive wedge in the
Mérida Andes and in deposition of the highstand regres- Upper Cenomanian–Lower Campanian
sive Escandalosa Sandstone. Following this event, a new Sequences K3, K4, and K5
trangression flooded the entire area. This transgression Foreland downwarping following deposition of Early
probably resulted from renewed compression and Cretaceous sequences resulted in episodic late Ceno-
regional flexural downwarping. Basinal accumulation of manian–early Campanian transgression and three back-
shaly calcareous facies of the La Luna Formation stepping depositional sequences: K3, K4, and K5 (Figure
initiated late Cenomanian sedimentation. 2). These sequences are present in the Serrania de Perijá
In Barinas seismic sections, identification of the and Lake Maracaibo basin as the La Luna Formation and
sequence K2 is generally tenuous. However, there are the Tres Esquinas Member (Stainforth, 1962), in the
some onlaps of the transgressive systems tract (Aguardi- Mérida Andes as the Capacho (upper Seboruco and
ente Formation) and local downlap of the highstand Guayacán members; Sievers, 1888) and La Luna forma-
systems tract (R Member of Escandalosa Formation) tions, and in the Barinas-Apure basin as the Escandalosa
associated with a gentle unconformity at its top. Seismic (P and O members; Renz, 1959) and Navay (La Morita and
690 Parnaud et al.
The thickness of these middle Eocene sequences T2 from Colombia (Carbonera Formation, Notestein, 1944;
and T3 ranges up to 1500 m. Estimated sedimentation and La Sierra Formation, Hedberg et al., 1937). Marine
rates are 20 m/m.y. in the shelf area and 150 m/m.y. in sediments were deposited in the eastern part of the basin
the foredeep. The hydrocarbon potential of these where it was open to the sea (Arauca Member of the
sequences is due to the thick sandstones bodies of the Guafita Formation; Ortega et al., 1987). The base of this
Misoa “C” (TST), Misoa “B” (TST and HST), and Gober- lower sequence corresponds seismically to an unconfor-
nador (TST) formations. mity (Figure 13A) that represents erosion of the Eocene
from west to east and erosion of the Paleocene section
south of Lake Maracaibo basin. There is seismic evidence
Upper Eocene–Lower Miocene that the Carbonera Formation pinches out. In the
Supersequence E: Collisional Basins Barinas-Apure basin, the top of this sequence is difficult
to map, although there are local onlap and truncation
Toward the end of the Eocene, the entire area changed boundaries. The sequence thins toward the north where
(Figure 2). Positive relief in the east and northeast it disappears (Kiser, 1989). To the south, near La Victoria
separated the continental Lake Maracaibo basin from the field, the geometry of this sequence is that of a transgres-
marine basin located in Falcón (Figure 20). Uplifts west sive system characterized by onlaps and a highstand
and south of the Serrania de Perijá and the eastern offlapping or progradational system.
Colombian Cordillera fed a fluviodeltaic depositional The second sequence (T5) was deposited in late
system. Marine circulation from the east continued to Oligocene–early Miocene time during widespread
affect the Barinas-Apure basin. This marine influence marine inundation (León Formation in Lake Maracaibo
extended to the Lake Maracaibo basin at the end of late basin, Notestein, 1944; and Guardulio Member of
Oligocene–early Miocene time. Guafita Formation in Barinas-Apure basin, Ortega et al.,
Two depositional sequences are recognized (Figures 3, 1987). The base of this sequence is unconformable and
20, 21). The first (T4) was deposited during the late marked by truncations and onlaps. The sequence thins
Eocene and early Oligocene in two different sedimentary toward the east of the Lake Maracaibo basin and wedges
domains. A deltaic domain in the western part was fed out along the Icotea structural trend (Figure 5, C–C’).
696 Parnaud et al.
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Gamarra, 1994, Revisión estratigráfica de la sección Guafita: Nueva unidad litoestratigrafica del Terciario en el
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Simposio Bolivariano, Exploración Petrolera de las cidental: Boletin Sociedad Venezolana de Geologos, n. 10,
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Two-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Oil
Generation and Migration in a Transect of the
Eastern Venezuela Basin
E l propósito del presente estudio fue simular en un modelo computarizado en dos dimensiones, la
evolución de una cuenca sobre la base de datos geológicos, geofísicos, geoquímicos, geotérmicos e
hidrodinámicos, con la finalidad de establecer la historia de generación y migraciòn de los hidrocarburos. El
modelaje abarca dos secciones geológicas (plataforma y pre-corrimiento) localizadas a lo largo del transecto
Chacopata-Uverito de la Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela. En la sección de plataforma una roca madre hipotética
equivalente al Grupo Guayuta fue considerada con la finalidad de simular la migración de hidrocarburos. La
reconstrucciòn de la historia termal de la roca madre hipotética, confirma que esta no alcanzó la ventana de
petróleo antes del Mioceno Medio y que la madurez en este sector es debida a la sedimentación de la forma-
ciones Freites, La Pica y Mesa-Las Piedras. La expulsión de los hidrocarburos tuvo lugar principalmente hacia
el yacimiento Oligo-Mioceno y no alcanzó zonas localizadas más alla del campo Oritupano. Esto implica que el
petróleo en la parte sur de la cuenca fue generado por una roca madre localizada en la parte norte, en la actual
zona de deformación. En los últimos 17 m.a. ,el agua ha estado migrando de norte a sur en esta sección. En la
sección pre-corrimiento la expulsión de hidrocarburos comenzo durante el Terciario temprano y migro princi-
palmente hacia los yacimientos del Cretácico temprano (formaciones El Cantil y Barranquín). A finales del
margen pasivo, los hidrocarburos migraron a través del yacimiento Merecure hasta la zona de Onado, antes de
que comenzaran los corrimientos.
Gallango, O., and F. Parnaud, 1995, Two-dimensional computer modeling of oil genera- 727
tion and migration in a transect of the Eastern Venezuela basin, in A. J. Tankard, R.
Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62,
p. 727–740.
728 Gallango and Parnaud
Figure 3—Generalized
stratigraphy of the study
area showing basin types,
source rocks, and reser-
voirs. (From Parnaud et al.,
data, including the following: in the south. This excess pressure diminishes until it
disappears into the Cerro Negro area (Figure 6), where
• Porosity in the principal reservoirs: the the Oligocene–Miocene reservoir is directly in contact
Oligocene–Miocene reservoir (Merecure and with the main upper water-bearing zone (Mesa–Las
Oficina formations) and the upper sandstones of Piedras).
the Mesa and Las Piedras formations (Figure 3)
• Known pressures in both main reservoirs:
Mesa–Las Piedras sandstones and Oligocene– Modeling Results
Miocene reservoirs and associated overpressures
• Aquifer characteristics: Mesa–Las Piedras sand- Several runs were carried out to calibrate the calcu-
stones are the present aquifers in the basin and are lated data against the observed pressure, overpressure,
recharged from the north and discharged into the porosity, temperature, organic maturity, and other
Orinoco River to the south thermal indices. Calculation of pressure was done on the
basis of several hypotheses related to north and south
The existence of a potential source rock is unknown in end-members, with and without active water flow.
the platform section, unlike in the north where the The boundary conditions that best explain the present
Querecual and San Antonio formations of the Guayuta conditions are an open aquifer in the southern area
Group are believed to be prolific. However, to simulate (Orinoco River) and a closed aquifer in the northern area
migration, a hypothetical source rock was assumed at the just south of the deformation front. This allows the
extreme north of the section (Figures 4, 5). Points of observed overpressures in the Oligocene–Miocene
reference and porosities for the platform Mesa–Las reservoir and the almost hydrostatic pressure in the
Piedras, Oficina, and Merecure formations are show in Mesa–Las Piedras sandstones to be simulated. As seen in
Table 1. For reference, pressure data were taken from Figure 7, there is excellent correlation between the calcu-
existing measurements between the main upper aquifer lated and observed overpressures in the sandstones of
(Mesa–Las Piedras sandstones) and the Oligocene– the Oligocene–Miocene reservoir in the northern area of
Miocene reservoir levels of the Merecure and Oficina the section, including the near hydrostatic pressure in the
formations ( Figure 6). Mesa–Las Piedras sandstones, as well as the Miocene
In the phreatic, water-bearing Mesa and Las Piedras sandstones in the southern section. In Figure 8, the actual
formations, a slightly higher pressure than the hydro- distribution of overpressures can be observed to
static pressure is noticed. The differential pressure diminish toward the south where there is contact and
reflects the altitude above sea level of the northern equilibrium between the Miocene sandstones and the
recharge zone; pressure decreases progressively until water-bearing Mesa and Las Piedras formations. The
discharge into the Orinoco River. In the Oligocene– porosity calculation done with the TEMISPACK pro-
Miocene reservoir located in the northern area near the gram was verified at several control points containing
deformation front, an important difference in pressure information about the two main reservoirs (Mesa–Las
occurs that is related to tectonic loading by thrust sheets Piedras and Oligocene–Miocene) (Table 1). In Figure 9, a
Two-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Oil Generation and Migration, Eastern Venezuela Basin 731
Figure 5—Present day regional cross section showing the distribution of the seven lithofacies considered in the models.
732 Gallango and Parnaud
Porosity (%)
Sector Las Piedras Oficina Merecure
Onada (km 120) 35 11 9
Oritupano (km 80) 35 15 17
El Salto (km 55) 35 25 29
Cerro Negro (km 30) 35 31 35
South Cerro Negro (km 17) 35 35 35
Figure 8—Computed overpressure distribution (in MPa) at the present time for the platform section. The white area repre-
sents the region of hydrostatic pressure.
Figure 10—Water flow (in m/m.y.) in the platform section at the present time.
Figure 11—Vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) distribution in the platform section at the present time.
Two-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Oil Generation and Migration, Eastern Venezuela Basin 735
Figure 12—Hydrocarbon saturation (%) in the platform section at the present time. Arrows indicate the principal direction of
hydrocarbon migration.
Figure 13—Reconstructed stratigraphy in the prethrusting section at the end of early Miocene time.
736 Gallango and Parnaud
Figure 14—Reconstructed facies distribution in the prethrusting section at the end of early Miocene time.
Well F0
TEMISPACK and laboratory data do not agree
because much higher maturity values were obtained
from the laboratory data. The results shown in Figure
15a suggest that at the end of the passive margin stage
and just before the onset of thrusting, the sedimentary
column (Querecual–lower Carapita) and the associated
organic matter had not reached the maturity level shown
by these formations today. This suggests that the
maturity level observed at present must have been
acquired after the passive margin stage and that it was
associated with tectonic and sedimentary subsidence Figure 15—Reconstructed vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) distri-
(Miocene–Pleistocene deposits, La Pica, and Mesa–Las bution in the prethrusting section at the end of early
Piedras). Miocene time for (a) well F0 and (b) well F3.
Two-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Oil Generation and Migration, Eastern Venezuela Basin 737
Modeling Results
As for the platform section, several models were
performed for the prethrusting section with various
parameters. A porosity-depth law was assumed for the
Merecure Formation on the basis of what is already
known for the platform zone. A normal pressure distrib-
Figure 16—Reconstructed vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) distri- ution and a heat flow of 42 mW/m2 calibrated for the
bution in the prethrusting section at the end of early
platform section were used.
Miocene time for well F1.
In the south, from El Furrial to the southern limit of
the source rock (Figure 15a), maturity was attained after
Wells F1 and F2 thrusting and was associated with either tectonic
loading or sedimentation prior to the early Miocene.
Simulated and laboratory results indicate an excellent
This sedimentation includes the upper Carapita, Freites,
correlation for both vitrinite reflectance values and Tmax
La Pica, and Mesa–Las Piedras formations. The maturity
(Figure 16). The later implies that present maturity levels
level reached at the end of early Miocene time matches
from the studied formations were established before
the present maturity and was acquired before thrusting
thrusting and during passive margin subsidence and,
in the area corresponding to the Pirital sheet (Figure 16).
consequently, that the maturity of the Pirital sheet section
In the Serranía del Interior, the high maturity level was
was acquired in the early Miocene.
acquired after the early Miocene and may be related to
Well F3 tectonic loading due to thrusting (Figure 15b). Figure 17
There is no correlation between laboratory and shows the maturity level reached at the end of the early
simulated maturity (Figure 15b) in this well. The present Miocene throughout the simulated section.
maturity level varies between 1.5 and 2% Ro, while To study hydrocarbon migration, a simulation with-
maturity values reached at the end of the early Miocene out secondary cracking was undertaken using the low
(calculated by TEMISPACK) were no greater than 1.5% gas–oil ratio observed over the entire area (356 m3/m3).
Ro and varied between 1.0 and 1.5% Ro. On this basis, it Saturation resulting from maturity, expulsion, and
is concluded that the sedimentary column and the associ- migration of hydrocarbons leads to several conclusions.
ated organic matter attained this high maturity level after Hydrocarbon expulsion began during the early Tertiary
the passive margin stage due to the sedimentation of a (Figure 18). At first, expulsion took place toward the
postorogenic formation (the Naricual Formation) or by Lower Cretaceous reservoir through the El Cantil
the tectonic emplacement and loading of thrust sheets. It Formation (Figure 18). Migration and expulsion toward
is possible that a higher geothermal gradient occurred the Merecure reservoir took place at the beginning of the
during the development of the passive margin. early Miocene (Figure 19). At the end of the passive
The Guayuta Group (Querecual and San Antonio margin stage, the principal migration invaded the entire
formations) was identified as a source rock with marine Merecure reservoir and may have reached the Onado
organic matter (type II). This source rock extends from area. At lower levels (Barranquín Formation), oil satura-
the southern edge of the Pirital thrust (177 km) to the tion is high. The supposed Jurassic deposit was not
northern part of the section (Figures 13, 14). It consists of saturated by hydrocarbons. The transformation ratio of
shales and pelagic limestones. The present maturity the source rock varied from 10 to 55% at the end of the
levels for the Guayuta Group are variable, with vitrinite early Miocene (Figure 20).
reflectance values of 0.6% Ro being observed in the The prethrusting section model produced several
southern zone and increasing to 2.0 % Ro in the Serranía interesting results. The expulsion of hydrocarbons took
del Interior (R o > 1.3%). With this extremely high place preferentially toward the reservoir levels of the El
maturity level, the present average TOC ranges from 2.0 Cantil and Barranquìn formations. In a second stage,
to 6.0 wt. %, which indicates that the original TOC was migration took place toward the Merecure reservoir
higher than 6.0 wt. %. through which hydrocarbons migrated before thrusting
TEMISPACK modeling and high TOC values suggest started in the Onado area. The transformation ratio of the
an oil potential higher than 20 kg HC/t of rock. Consid- source rock at the end of the early Miocene was in the
ering that the northern area was not simulated because range of 10–55%, which implies that an important
of limited information, very high values of S2 (80 kg/t) remnant potential generator existed for the period
have been estimated to overcome previous limitations. during and after thrusting.
738 Gallango and Parnaud
Figure 17—Maturity (% Ro) of organic matter in the prethrusting section at the end of early Miocene time.
Figure 18—Hydrocarbon saturation (%) in the prethrusting section at the end of Oligocene time.
Two-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Oil Generation and Migration, Eastern Venezuela Basin 739
Figure 19—Hydrocarbon saturation (%) in the prethrusting section at the end of early Miocene time.
Figure 20—Computed transformation ratio in the prethrusting section at the end of early Miocene time.
740 Gallango and Parnaud
F. Roure
Rueil-Malmaison, France
T wo main petroleum provinces are described for the central part of the Eastern Venezuelan basin. These
include the southern foreland platform near the Orinoco, with its heavy oil fields of the Faja Petrolifera,
and in the north, the giant El Furrial and related traps in the frontal thrusts of the Serrania. To identify the
petroleum systems and define attractive petroleum plays in this complex foreland fold and thrust belt system,
an integrated geologic model of the area has been built using stratigraphic, structural, reservoir, and geochem-
ical data. The major results of the study are as follows: (1) a reliable stratigraphic synthesis including updated
ages; (2) a coherent structural interpretation in the thrusted zones validated by a balanced north-south cross
section, with relevant new interpretations being the discovery of out-of-sequence thrusts (Pirital thrust) and the
involvement of upper crust in the deformation; (3) the description of reservoir and hydrodynamic models that
emphasize the importance of the major Las Piedras, Oficina, and Merecure reservoirs; and (4) characterization
of three different source rocks of marine and continental origin in the Guayuta Group (two marine sources)
and Carapita Formation (one continental source).
To better understand the petroleum generation in this area—the maturation of potential source rocks,
expulsion, and migration of the hydrocarbons—one- and two-dimensional numerical modeling has also been
attempted in the platform area for times before and after thrusting. This method has given an estimate of
420–1350 billion bbl of generated oil, of which 6–15% have been recognized within the study area.
Parnaud, F., Y. Gou, J.-C. Pascual, I. Truskowski, O. Gallango, H. Passalacqua, and F. Roure, 1995, 741
Petroleum geology of the central part of the Eastern Venezuela basin, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S.,
and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 741–756.
742 Parnaud et al.
Figure 1—Tectonic setting of the Eastern Venezuelan basin and locations of the major oil fields. Note the two main
petroleum provinces (Faja in the south and frontal units of the Serrania in the north).
Petroleum Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin 743
Prerift Megasequence
The prerift megasequence that developed during the
Paleozoic is identified on seismic profiles (Figures 2, 3). It
is associated with the Hato Viejo and Carrizal formations
of the Guarico subbasin which were deposited in coastal
to neritic marine environments. The sequences encoun-
tered by drilling are composed mainly of fine- to coarse-
grained sandstones, which are slightly calcareous and
intercalated with conglomerates and green shales. Stover
(1967) has dated the Carrizal Formation as Late
Devonian–Early Carboniferous. This sequence reaches a
thickness of about 1.5–2.0 sec (two-way time), or about
3000–5000 m.
Rift Megasequence
The rift megasequence developed during Late
Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous time and has been described
as the La Quinta Formation west of the study area in the
Espino graben (Hedberg, 1950; Bartok, 1993) (Figure 1).
This formation, which was deposited in a continental
environment, is composed mainly of red shales with
Figure 2—Map of study area showing locations of the
basaltic sills. This megasequence is seismically recog-
seismic profiles and structural sections. The study area nized in half-grabens (Figure 3) and reaches a thickness
includes 5000 km of seismic reflection lines and more than of 0.6 sec, or about 3600 m.
200 wells.
Passive Margin Megasequence
GEODYNAMIC EVOLUTION AND The passive margin megasequence covers the Creta-
STRATIGRAPHIC MODEL ceous–Paleogene and is characterized by three principal
transgressive phases that developed from north to south
The geodynamic evolution of the Eastern Venezuelan and culminated during Turonian, Paleocene–early
basin can be divided into four major episodes (Eva et al., Eocene, and Oligocene time, respectively (Figure 3).
1989): These events match the general eustatic sea level chart
(Vail et al., 1977). Although this megasequence is clear on
• A prerift phase in Paleozoic time seismic lines (Figure 3), the base has not yet been recog-
• A rifting and drifting phase during Jurassic and nized either in wells or in outcrop.
earliest Cretaceous time, characterized by The initial transgressive phase commenced with
grabens, the creation of oceanic crust in the deposition of the basal sandstone of the Barranquin
Tethyan-Caribbean domain, and a regional Formation (Van der Osten, 1957). The maximum trans-
breakup unconformity (Eva et al., 1989; Bartok, gressive advance is marked by the deposition of platform
1993) carbonates that are diachronous in a north-south
• A passive margin period during the direction within the basin and clearly seen on seismic
Cretaceous–Paleogene lines (Figure 3). This transgression is defined as the inter-
• A final phase during oblique collision in the mediate Cretaceous sequence. In the El Pilar area to the
Neogene and Quaternary that resulted in north (Figure 1), these limestones correspond to the
formation of the Serrania del Interior and transfor- upper level of the Barranquin Formation of Barremian
mation of the passive margin basin into a foreland age and, in the southernmost area of outcrops, to the
basin. This collision of the Carribean plate with Albian El Cantil Formation (Figure 4). In the El Furrial
744 Parnaud et al.
Figure 3—Seismic profile and structural interpretation of the Jurassic–Cretaceous sequence. See Figure 2 for location.
field, these limestones are of Aptian–Turonian age and During the Paleocene–Eocene, the next transgression
belong to the El Cantil, Querecual, and San Antonio followed the Maastrichtian regression; it is represented
formations. In the southern part of the basin (Mata area), by the San Juan Formation. In outcrops, the San Juan
these strata belong to the Tigre Formation and indicate Formation contains regressive submarine fans facies (Di
the maximum advance of the transgression during the Croce, 1989) and in the El Furrial area, deltaic-estuarine
Turonian (Figure 4). facies. This new facies encountered in one of the wells of
In the El Furrial area, another intermediate facies has the study area is laterally equivalent to the San Juan
been drilled between the Tigre and San Antonio forma- Formation and is referred to as the Musipan Formation
tions. It is characterized by sandstones rich in organic of Maastrichtian age (Figure 4).
matter, fossiliferous dolomitic limestones (with echino- The final transgression that developed during the
derm fragments), and the presence of glauconite. Oligocene commenced with deposition of the basal
Partially silicified phosphatic layers associated with sandstone of the Merecure Formation. This sandstone is
dolomitic limestones are common. the main reservoir of the El Furrial area (Figure 5). The
The main source rocks were deposited during this Merecure Formation was deposited in a continental envi-
transgressive phase (Talukdar et al., 1988; Gallango et al., ronment in the southern part of the basin (Cerro Negro
1992; Alberdi and Lafargue, 1993). They are organic-rich area) and in an inner shelf environment within the
marine mudstones deposited in a bathyal environment northern part (outcrops of the Serrania del Interior). It is
between the Pirital high and the El Pilar fault and a composed mainly of alternations of fine- to coarse-
mixed organic facies that occurs in a platform environ- grained sandstones and shales, the source of the
ment to the south between the Pirital high and the defor- sediments being the Guyana shield to the south. The
mation front. These source rocks correspond to the Merecure Formation changes facies toward the north; the
Querecual and San Antonio formations of Cenoman- sandstone shales out into the Areo and Carapita forma-
ian–Campanian age and are coeval with the deposition tions, which are attributed to an outer shelf environment
of platform carbonates to the south (Figure 3). (Stainforth, 1971).
Petroleum Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin 745
Oblique Collision Megasequence main seal for the Oligocene–Miocene reservoirs (Freites
and Oficina formations) (Figure 5) and is also regarded
The passive margin megasequence ended during the as a potential source rock with mixed organic matter
Oligocene when it was terminated by the collision of the types (continental and marine). However, the foredeep
Carribbean plate against the South American plate and was mainly filled during the Pliocene–Pleistocene with
the basin changed into a foreland basin. The oblique the younger La Pica and Las Piedras deposits, represen-
collision migrated progressively eastward during the late tative of shallow marine to continental environments
Oligocene to earliest Miocene, dividing the foreland (Figure 5). The maximum cumulative thickness of the
basin into three areas (Figure 1): (1) a southern area (from oblique collision megasequence is about 6000 m.
Cerro Negro to Oritupano) corresponding to the Near the deformation front and in the allochthon, the
platform zone, (2) a central zone (from Acema-Casma to synorogenic deposits contain numerous unconformities
Pirital) corresponding to the foredeep, and (3) a northern that help to separate the various formations (Figure 5)
area (north of the Pirital fault) corresponding to the over- and date the deformation:
thrust area.
• The lower Miocene Naricual Formation (Socas,
Diachronism of the thrust belt load applied to the
1990) records the initiation of uplift of the Serrania
northern border of the South American continent led to
del Interior in the north and a coeval southward
an eastward migration of the foredeep (Stephan et al.,
propagating deltaic system.
1985). In the west, the latest passive margin megase-
• The Chapapotal Member is related to the Pirital
quence sedimentary rocks are Paleocene, thus indicating
thrust of middle Miocene age.
early tectonic events in that area. In eastern Venezuela,
• The Morichito Formation corresponds to the conti-
however, no tectonic activity has been recognized in the
nental infill of a piggy-back basin transported by
rock record prior to the late Eocene. However, the
the Pirital thrust (Roure et al., 1994).
foredeep also migrated from north to south, which was
• Turbiditic sedimentary deposits of the lower
related to stacking of the allochthonous units caused by
Carapita Formation have a possible northwest to
collision of the plates (Rossi, 1985; Potié, 1989).
southeast transport direction.
The foredeep, located south of the deformation front,
was isolated from the platform by the slope. In the Each of these formations, except for the Morichito, were
foredeep itself, the thick shale sequence of the Carapita deposited in bathyal environments in front of the thrusts
Formation was deposited first. This formation is the that generated them.
746 Parnaud et al.
Figure 5—Conceptual cross sections showing the deposition of Oligocene and early Miocene sediments. (A) Regional
model; (B) local model.
STRUCTURAL CROSS SECTIONS AND American plate boundary) to the basin axis corresponds
to a south-vergent system. Its compressive structural
MAJOR PETROLEUM TRAPS style is characterized by the following:
The analysis of more than 5000 km of seismic reflec- • Thin-skinned tectonic units consist of Cretaceous–-
tion lines has been supplemented with surface geologic Tertiary deposits that are detached from their
data, computer-assisted techniques to restore structural substratum along a major décollement at the
cross sections (Roure et al., 1994), and integration of Jurassic–Cretaceous interface (evaporites or coal
gravity and magnetic modeling to construct a coherent measures located at an average depth of 10–15 km)
structural model (Figure 6). (Figure 6) (Roure et al., 1994). Shallower detach-
ments occur elsewhere in the tectonic pile, espe-
Structural Styles cially at the boundary between the indurated
Two different tectonic provinces have been recog- Mesozoic and Paleogene platform deposits and the
nized. The autochthonous province extends from the poorly lithified Neogene Carapita Formation.
basin axis to the Orinoco River. It is extensional and There is probably another décollement level within
characterized by normal faults trending N 60º–70º E the Paleozoic–Jurassic succession.
(Figures 7, 8) and transcurrent faults that are younger in • The deformation front of the allochthonous
the southern part than in the north. Strike-slip faults province locally corresponds to a triangle zone,
trending N 70º W are also present in the northern part of with progressive wedging of the foredeep
the province, affecting both Cretaceous and Paleogene Carapita Formation by the Mesozoic and
deposits. Northward-dipping gravity collapse faults Paleogene sequences in the El Furrial ramp
affect the Miocene–Pliocene sedimentary rocks. anticline (Figure 9). Other fishtail or triangle struc-
The allochthonous province that extends from the El tures occur behind the deformation front, that is,
Pilar fault (a major east-trending, dextral strike-slip fault along the Pirital high.
representing the surface trace of the Caribbean–South • Kilometer-scale cylindrical folds and associated
Petroleum Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin 747
Figure 6—Structural cross sections across the Maturin basin from the Serraniato to the Faja. See Figure 2 for location. (A)
Present stage. (B) Initial stage. (Modified after Roure et al., 1994; Passalacqua et al, 1995.)
Figure 7—Seismic profile showing normal faulting in the foreland platform area. See Figure 2 for location.
thrusts trending N 60º–70º E are mainly ramp anti- (Roure et al., 1994).
clines, such as in the El Furrial area (Figures 6, 10). • Dextral transcurrent faults with a N 50º–60º W
• The thrust sequence is mainly a piggyback direction (Urica, San Francisco, and Los Bajos
sequence, with local out-of-sequence thrusting or faults) (Figures 1, 9) separate the Serrania del
fault reactivation in the inner parts of the tectonic Interior into areas of diachronous structural
wedge (Pirital and Manresa faults) (Figure 6) evolution (Munro and Smith, 1984).
748 Parnaud et al.
Figure 8—Seismic profile showing traps in the Faja. See Figure 2 for location.
An intermediate zone showing compressive and However, the Urica fault only represents a tear fault that
extensional structural styles can be interpreted between borders the allochthon in the west. This fault does not cut
the allochthonous and autochthonous provinces. through the basement, with the initial border fault of the
Mesozoic inverted basin being located to the east (Roure
Balanced Structural Cross Sections et al., 1994).
Depth-converted line drawings compiled from the Geodynamic Evolution and Diachronous
seismic profiles and additional well and outcrop data Tectonics
have been used to build preliminary geologic cross
sections from the El Pilar fault in the north to the Orinoco Integration of the focal mechanisms of earthquakes
River in the south (Figure 1). They were then balanced with gravity and magnetic modeling of the crustal archi-
with the Locace software, an example of which is shown tecture of the belt (see Passalacqua et al., 1995) indicates a
in Figure 6. Details of these restorations are given minimum amount of type A subduction of the South
elsewhere (Passalacqua et al., 1995; Roure et al., 1994). American lithosphere beneath the Caribbean plate. The
These balanced cross sections show a shortening amounts of subduction are too limited to develop associ-
discrepancy between the passive margin sedimentary ated volcanism. The regional geodynamics are effectively
rocks (about 80 km) and between the pre-Cretaceous dominated by oblique collision (transpression) between
deposits and the upper crust (about 45 km). This differ- the Caribbean and South American plates. From Eocene
ence implies that the upper crust is also involved in the time until the present, the Caribbean plate and associated
shortening process, with a deep detachment either structural stresses have migrated eastward. This
between the brittle (upper) and ductile (lower) crust or at migration caused diachronism in tectonics and sedimen-
the crust–mantle interface. tation along the entire northern border of Venezuela, as
Moreover, the pattern of compressive deformation well as strain partitioning across the plate boundary
was probably influenced by the history of the crust (Stephan et al., 1985; Passalacqua et al., 1995).
during the rift phases (inversion of the previous normal This west to east migration and partitioning of the
faults). This inversion is best imaged along eastward- compressive stress is shown by the growth of major
trending seismic profiles that cross the Urica fault zone structural elements:
(Figure 9), where thick basinal strata of a Mesozoic
subbasin (El Furrial and Pirital units) are thrust over • Progressive eastward displacement of the
thinner and still autochthonous strata of the foreland. Caribbean plate along the El Pilar fault
Petroleum Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin 749
Figure 9—Seismic profile showing the Urica transfer fault. See Figure 2 for location.
Figure 10—Seismic profile showing the El Furrial structure. See Figure 2 for location.
From an exploration prospective, three main areas are shallow for the surface aquifer or deeper for the
recognized (Figure 1, 11, 12): Oligocene–Miocene aquifer. In contrast, the main
discharge was restricted to the Orinoco River banks, with
• The platform area from Aguasay-Casma to Cerro a secondary discharge in the delta zone for the surface
Negro, where the objective is the Oligocene–- aquifer. A deep north to south drainage thus existed
Miocene reservoir with intergranular primary within most of the subbasin area, while in the southern
porosity and western parts, the flow direction at shallow depths
• The El Tejero-El Furrial-Orocual thrust zones, was from west to east. Because vertical communication
where the objective is the Merecure sandstone with exists among the different aquifers in the Orinoco heavy
secondary and primary porosity oil belt, this direction is also preserved there, so that the
• The Pirital high zone, where the objectives are the drainage within the deeper Oligocene–Miocene reservoir
Las Piedras, Morichito, and Merecure sandstones, is from west to east.
with primary porosity, and the Cretaceous lime- Due to later thrusting, the deep aquifer is no longer
stones with secondary fracture porosity continuous; it has been subdivided so that the meteoric
refill area of the Serrania is now bypassed. The Las
Hydrodynamic Model Piedras transit paths were not modified, but the Oligo-
cene–Miocene drainage pattern was totally reorganized.
Based on pressure data and formation water composi- In the eastern part (Oritupano area) (Figure 12), a
tion distributions, combined with the integration of new connate water refill area is recognized that was formerly
structural data, a hydrodynamic model is proposed for hidden by the large flow of meteoric water. This connate
the subbasin (Figure 12). This model involves two phases water is the product of compaction (dewatering) of the
separated by the last thrust emplacement of the El Furrial thick foredeep deposits. The El Furrial–Orocual thrust
and Pirital structures. unit is isolated and characterized by mixed formation
Prior to recent events, two major topographic highs waters and high pressures, reaching 75–80% of the litho-
may have represented the necessary recharge area for static load. Along the Orinoco heavy oil belt, the pattern
meteoric refill of the Las Piedras and Oligocene–Miocene was not changed; meteoric waters still migrated in each
aquifers: the Serrania del Interior to the north and the aquifer from the Mesa highs to reach their exsurgence
paleohighs to the west. The transit zones were either along the Orinoco River banks.
Petroleum Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin 751
Figure 11—Conceptual cross section showing the major petroleum plays of the Eastern Venezuelan basin.
Source Rocks
Three distinct source rocks have been identified. The
principal source rock includes parts of the Querecual and
San Antonio formations (Figures 4, 13). The organic
matter has a marine origin, with an average TOC content
of 2–6 wt. % and a petroleum potential higher than 5 mg
HC/g rock. This source rock is widely distributed in the
Serrania del Interior. A secondary source rock lies within
the San Antonio and Querecual formations (Figures 4, Figure 12—Map showing the hydrodynamic system of the
13), but it has a mixed organic matter type, mainly conti- Maturin subbasin.
752 Parnaud et al.
Figure 13—Hydrogen index (HI) versus oxygen index (OI) and HI versus Tmax diagrams of the major source rocks. (Units are
mg HC/g TOC for HI and mg CO2/ g TOC for OI.)
Petroleum Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin 753
Hydrocarbon Kitchens
Numerical modeling has been applied to simulate the
maturation of the Cretaceous potential source rocks
(Gallango and Parnaud, 1995). The Carapita source rock,
which is essentially gas prone, has not been investigated
because of the lack of information. However, it is
probably the source for numerous biogenic gas shows
encountered in the foredeep. Despite its poor oil
potential (type III organic matter of continental origin), it
could have generated small quantities of oil. The
discovery of terrestrial oil in a recent well may relate to
the Carapita source rock, unless it is derived from the
terrestrial organic matter contained in parts of the
Querecual Formation.
Results from numerical simulations of the maturation
of the source rocks help to identify three major kitchens
(Figures 14, 15). The first is located in the autochthon and
El Furrial areas. It contributed to a reduced petroleum
generation potential from Miocene to present time. The
source rocks of this domain are presently in the gas Figure 14—Oil maturity distribution along the Chacopata-
window and have a high transformation ratio. Uverito transect. See Figure 2 for location.
The second source rock kitchen corresponds to the
Pirital slab. It has a moderate petroleum generation
potential and acquired its present maturity during the but eroded sedimentary sequences. In the Pirital area, oil
early Miocene (episode of maximum burial). Petroleum generation started very early, by the end of Cretaceous
was generated in this area from Paleocene to middle time. A later phase of oil generation was initiated during
Miocene time. The maturity index varies from south to the thrusting episode and provided more mature crudes,
north, with vitrinite reflectance values of 0.65–1.30% Ro but in limited quantities. Without considering possible
in the present overthrust zone and a transformation ratio gas generation, between 300 and 930 billion bbl of oil
of 15–95% in the area investigated. Petroleum generation have been generated in this area.
probably occurred during two distinct episodes in the In conclusion, the total amount of generated oil within
Pirital allochthon. During the first episode, prior to the study area is estimated to be between 420 and 1350
thrusting, an immature crude was probably generated billion bbl.
that migrated southward toward the Orinoco subbasin.
In the second episode, a minor amount of more mature Origin of Hydrocarbons and Trapping
crude was also generated. The total amount of petroleum
generated in the Pirital kitchen is estimated to be On the basis of the distribution of oil fields (Figure 1)
between 120 and 420 billion bbl, without taking into and the simulation of hydrocarbon generation, various
account gas generation (Parnaud et al., 1992b). migration paths and episodes of trapping are envisaged
The third kitchen relates to the Serrania del Interior (Figure 15). To the south in the Cerro Negro area (Figures
itself and is characterized by a high petroleum potential. 1, 15), the oil has a marine signature. It is clearly derived
This area is presently in an uplifted position, and its from the first generation of the marine source rocks of
maturity level does not fit with the present burial depths. the Querecual and San Antonio formations, which began
This high maturity level was reached prior to thrusting in early Paleocene time in the Serrania del Interior area.
during early Miocene time. It implies either a high geo- In the Acema-Casma central area (Figures 1, 15), there
thermal gradient at that time or the recent erosion of an is a mixture of mature and immature oils, all of which
overlying tectonic unit (tectonic overburial) or unknown were derived from a marine source. As in the Cerro Negro
754 Parnaud et al.
This integrated geologic model of the Eastern
Venezuelan basin provides crucial data on the sedimen-
tary fill, internal structural architecture, and evolution of
the basin. Four major episodes of basin evolution are
recognized: prerift, rift, passive margin, and foreland
basin. The change from passive margin to foreland basin
evolution is dated as latest Oligocene or early Miocene. It
is essential to distinguish the Merecure Formation in the
El Furrial area, which is attributed to the Oligocene
passive margin, from the Naricual Formation whose
Figure 15—Tectonic evolution of northern Venezuela. Serrania outcrops belong to the early Miocene foreland
Conceptual cross sections showing the locations of oil basin. The outcrop equivalent of the Merecure Formation
kitchens and changes in migration paths during the geo- is the Oligocene Los Jabillos Formation. A new correla-
dynamic evolution. (A) Passive margin stage: source rock tion of the Cretaceous sequences is proposed for the El
deposition. (B) Passive margin stage: early maturation, Furrial area. The Musipan Formation is believed to be a
expulsion, and migration. (C) Type B subduction: long southern equivalent of the San Juan Formation, whereas
distance migration to the Faja petrolifera del Orinoco. the El Furrial Formation is a lateral equivalent of the San
(D) Type A subduction: late and short distance migration to
the El Furrial and Pirital traps; present-day kitchen.
Antonio Formation (to the north) and the Tigre
Formation (to the south).
The cross section balancing has constrained the burial
area, these crude oils correspond to the first generation history of the potential source rocks, enabling us to
from the Querecual and San Antonio formations, starting simulate the petroleum generation. Major results of this
in the Paleocene in the area of present-day deformation. study address the petroleum potential of the basin. The
In the Central Onado and northern Furrial areas differences observed among the crude oils are due to the
(frontal thrust units) (Figures 1, 6, 15), the occurrence of a effects of biodegradation, maturity variations, and
very mature crude oil of marine origin is related to a natural mixing processes. Most of the oils were derived
second episode of generation that was associated with from a marine source: the San Antonio and Querecual
the rapid tectonic overburial of the Querecual and San Cretaceous formations.
Antonio formations. During this episode, part of the The source rock for the terrestrial crude oil has not
generated crudes probably still migrated southward and been identified. The Querecual, San Antonio, or Carapita
reached the Onado traps, although most of the oil could formations could have generated this crude. Distinct
migrate no farther than the frontal structures (e.g., El episodes of maturation, expulsion, and migration of
Furrial). hydrocarbons are recognized. Early maturation mainly
Petroleum Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin 755
resulted from sedimentary overburial, with the Colombia, Ecuador y Peru: Asociación Colombiana de
generated oils having migrated long distances from the Geología y Geofísica de Petróleo, Bogota, 45 p.
present Serrania area toward the flexural bulge (Orinoco Gallango, O., and F. Parnaud, 1995, Two-dimensional
fields). In contrast, late stage maturation was related to computer modeling of oil generation and migration in a
transect of the Eastern Venezuelan basin, in A. J. Tankard,
tectonic overburial, with the resulting crudes having
R. Suarez, and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South
migrated short distances to fill the frontal traps of the America: AAPG Memoir 62, this volume.
allochthon (El Furrial field). Gallango, O., M. Escandon, M. Alberdi, F. Parnaud, and J.-C.
Pascual, 1992, Hydrodynamism, crude oil distribution, and
geochemistry of the stratigraphic column in a transect of
the eastern Venezuela basin (abs.): GSA, Abstracts with
Programs, p. A214.
Acknowledgments The authors thank Intevep, S.A., for Gonzalez de Juana, C., J. Arozena, and X. Picard-Cadillat,
permission to publish this paper and the industry sponsors 1980, Geología de Venezuela y de sus cuencas petrolíferas:
Corpoven, S.A., Lagoven, S.A., and Maraven, S.A., opera- Caracas, Foninves ediciones, v. 2, 1051 p.
tional affiliates of PDVSA, for the financial support of the Hedberg, J. D., 1950, Geology of the eastern Venezuela basin
project and for providinge the subsurface data required for the (Anzoategui-Monagas-Sucre-eastern Guarico portion):
GSA Bulletin, v. 61, p. 1173–1216.
study. This paper has also been greatly improved thanks to the
Munro, S. E., and F. D. Smith, Jr., 1984. The Urica fault zone,
comments of M. Cooper, M. Daly, A. J. Tankard, and an northeastern Venezuela: GSA Memoir, v. 162, p. 213–215.
anonymous reviewer. Parnaud, F., I. Truskowski, Y. Gou, J. Di Croce, and J.-C.
Pascual, 1992a, Stratigraphic model of the Chacopata-
Uverito transect (eastern Venezuelan basin) (abs.): GSA,
Abstracts with Programs, p. A360.
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Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas de Venezuela, Formation of eastern Venezuela: Asociación Venezolana
756 Parnaud et al.
F. Roure
B.P. 311
92506 Rueil-Malmaison
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics of the
Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin,
Venezuela and Colombia
C. E. Macellari
Shell Oil
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
E l complejo contacto de las placas del Caribe y Sudamérica registra una fase cretácica tardía a eocena de
colisión de terrenos, que fue seguida por desplazamientos laterales derechos durante el Eoceno al
Reciente. Este estudio analiza la estratigrafía depositada durante esta última etapa en una serie de cuencas
“pull-apart” episuturales. Basado en el estudio de sísmica regional, pozos, trabajo de campo, y análisis de liter-
atura, esta sucesión se divide en cuatro secuencias deposicionales limitadas por discordancias. Estos ciclos son:
Eoceno superior–Oligoceno inferior; Oligoceno superior–Mioceno inferior; Mioceno medio–superior, y
Plioceno–Reciente. Los remanentes de depositación del Eoceno tardío y del Oligoceno temprano están mayor-
mente restringidos a depocentros angostos orientados noroeste-sudeste, que fueron controlados por fallas.
Durante el Oligoceno tardío al Mioceno tardío, la sedimentación aún estuvo controlada por fallas, pero fue mas
distribuida arealmente. Los ritmos de sedimentación en estas fallas de crecimiento fueron extremadamente
altos (hasta 350 m/m.a.), pero decrecieron en general a travéz del tiempo.
Durante el Eoceno, el eje de máxima subsidencia estuvo ubicado en la parte occidental del Golfo de
Venezuela, en el contacto entre unidades autóctonas y alóctonas emplazadas durante un evento collisional
previo. Durante el Oligoceno y el Mioceno, el eje de subsidencia máxima estuvo ubicado mas hacia el este, en
el surco del Urumaco, y al este de la Ensenada de La Vela. Al mismo tiempo un depocentro orientado este
noreste-oeste sudoeste comenzó a desarrollarse en la cuenca de Falcón en respuesta flexural a la carga
producida por un frente de corrimiento que avanzaba desde el sur. Finalmente, durante el Plioceno el ritmo
mas alto de sedimentación se localizó al sur del Golfo Triste, en una cuenca “pull-apart” creada por el
desplazamiento lateral-derecho de las fallas de Boconó y Oca.
Macellari, C. E., 1995, Cenozoic sedimentation and tectonics of the southwestern 757
Caribbean pull-apart basin, Venezuela and Colombia, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and
H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 757–780.
758 Macellari
Figure 1—Tectonic and basin map of northwestern South America and location of study area. (Modified from Stephan, 1985.)
are middle(?) Cretaceous tholeiitic pillow basalt and of these is the Oca fault, which has a documented
diabase of possible oceanic crust origin. Upper Creta- displacement of at least 15–20 km (Feo-Codecido, 1972;
ceous rocks interpreted as a primitive magmatic arc are Tschanz et al., 1974).
superimposed (Beets, 1972; Silver et al., 1975). Uplift and
erosion during the Paleogene resulted in deposition of a
conglomerate that is exposed on central Bonaire (Pijpers,
1933; Beets et al., 1977). This conglomerate includes clasts STRATIGRAPHY
of chert, volcanic rocks, and serpentinite, along with
fragments of gneiss, marble, and various schists, which The present study concentrates on the Eocene and
may indicate a continental provenance (Pijpers, 1933). younger strata that were deposited around the South
Bonaire Basin—The elongated Bonaire basin extends American–Caribbean plate margin. To simplify and
south of the islands of Curaçao and La Orchila and better understand equivalent events throughout the area,
contains more than 4000 m of Cenozoic deposits (Case et the complex Cenozoic stratigraphy was analyzed in
al., 1984). This basin is an offshore extension of the Falcón terms of unconformity-bounded depositional sequences.
basin (Silver et al., 1975; Case et al., 1984), but it is Four major cycles (D, C, B, and A) extending from the
underlain by a transitional to oceanic crust (Edgar et al., upper Eocene to the Pliocene were identified (Figure 2).
1971; Case et al., 1984). Because of the diversity of facies and terminology, these
Cordillera de la Costa—The Caribbean system in cycles are described independently for each geographic
north-central Venezuela is represented by the Cordillera area.
de la Costa, which is composed of a series of east-west-
trending tectonic belts. These consist of Mesozoic Guajira Peninsula
metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks that were
emplaced south- or southeastward over Paleogene flysch Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the northern and
(Bellizzia, 1972; Maresch, 1974; Beck, 1978). eastern Guajira Peninsula area are preserved in three
Guajira Peninsula—The Guajira Peninsula has a core basins (Figure 3): the Cocinetas, Portete, and
of Cretaceous metamorphic rocks that are exposed in the Chichibacoa.
Serranias de Cocinas, Macuire, and Jarara and are
surrounded by relatively thin and mildly deformed Cocinetas Basin
upper Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. The oldest preserved The Cocinetas basin is a low area enclosed by the
structures in the Guajira Peninsula are a series of Serranias de Cocinas, Jarara, and Macuire. The basin
southeast-verging thrusts that place allochthonous over opens to the southeast where it extends with southeast-
autochthonous Cretaceous rocks. ward dip into the Golfo de Venezuela (Renz, 1956; Bürgl,
Falcón Basin—The Falcón basin is an east-west 1960; Rollins, 1965; Thomas, 1972a,b) (Figure 3). Tertiary
depression developed in northwestern Venezuela. sedimentary rocks rest unconformably on Cretaceous
Subsidence related to both extensional opening between metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The total thickness
wrench fault systems and flexural loading by an of outcropping strata is more than 2500 m (Rollins, 1965),
advancing thrust front resulted in the deposition of but the Guajira-1 well penetrated less than 1000 m of
more than 6000 m of Oligocene and younger clastics and Cenozoic strata (Figures 3, 4).
reefal limestones. The area surrounding the Falcón basin
displays three structural styles. The first is found in the Cycle D (upper Eocene)—Sedimentation in the basin
stable highs of the Dabajuro platform and Paraguaná started in the late Eocene with the Macarao Formation.
Peninsula, where there is only minor deformation of a This unit is exposed only in small topographic lows along
thin Cenozoic cover over a Mesozoic metamorphic the eastern margin of the Serrania de Cocinas. In the type
basement. The second style is represented by regional section, the Macarao Formation is 240 m thick and
northwest-southeast striking growth faults developed contains gypsiferous silty shale, fine-grained glauconitic
between the major highs (Golfo de Venezuela, Urumaco sandstone with shale interbeds, and massive limestone
trough, offshore Aruba, and eastern La Vela Bay) (Thomas, 1972a,b). The age of this formation is still
(Payne, 1951; Audemard and Demena Arenas, 1985; debated, but the bivalve fauna includes the diagnostic
Boesi and Goddard, 1991). Changes in stratigraphic species Venericardia (Venericor) guajirensis and Turritella
thickness along these faults indicate that they were chira, indicating a late Eocene age (Stainforth, 1962a;
active during Oligocene–Miocene sedimentation. The MacDonald, 1964; Rollins, 1965; Thomas, 1972a,b).
third style occurs along the Falcón anticlinorium which
forms the inverted part of the basin. The anticlinorium is Cycle C (upper Oligocene–lower Miocene)—The
formed by elongated east-west folds superimposed on Siamana (or Sillimana) Formation lies unconformably on
previous tectonic styles. The contact between the anticli- top of the Macarao Formation. It is exposed around the
norium and the flat-lying strata of the coastal plain is margins of the basin, especially in the northwest between
marked by a zone of north-verging thrusts and asym- the Serranias de Cocinas and Jarara. The Siamana
metric and overturned folds, which are well exposed Formation consists of a lower conglomeratic member
south of Coro. and an upper limestone member (Renz, 1960). The upper
Prominent features of the Falcón basin are the east- limestone prograded across the underlying unit, and in
west right-lateral wrench faults. The most conspicuous the western part of the basin, it directly onlaps Jurassic
Figure 2—Upper Eocene–Recent stratigraphic chart for the Guajira Peninsula, Falcón basin, and Paraguaná areas.
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 761
Figure 4—Stratigraphic correlation of measured sections and well in the Cocinetas basin. See Figure 3 for locations.
762 Macellari
Figure 5—Correlation of wells in offshore Chichibacoa basin. Only the resistivity logs are shown. See Figure 3 for location.
an early Miocene age and includes the Globorotalia kugleri, has strong affinities with the Cantaure Formation of the
Catapsydrax dissimilis, Catapsydrax stainforthi, and lower Paraguaná Peninsula, indicating a middle–late Miocene
Globigerinatella insueta zones (Thomas, 1972b; Duque- age (Thomas, 1972a,b).
Caro, 1974).
Chichibacoa and Portete Basins
Cycle B (upper Miocene)—The contact of the Uitpa These basins extend north of the Serranias de Macuire
and Jimol formations has been described as gradational and Jarara (Chichibacoa) and north of the Serrania de
(Renz, 1960; Rollins, 1965; Thomas, 1972b). However, Cocinas (Portete) (Figure 3). Both basins merge and
Hunter (1974) recognized an abrupt lithologic break continue into the southern Caribbean Ocean. They
between the two. Duque-Caro (in Thomas, 1972a) also display a progressive northward increase in sedimentary
noted a marked hiatus between the top of the lower thickness to more than 4000 m.
Miocene and the base of the upper Miocene on the basis
of foraminiferal zones. A marked downward shift of Cycle D (upper Eocene)—Onshore, this cycle is repre-
coastal onlap is observed at the base of the Jimol sented by the Nazareth Formation (Renz, 1960; Stainforth,
Formation on geologic maps. Lithologically, the Jimol 1962b). It is exposed in a discontinuous belt north of the
Formation is composed of a calcareous sandstone or Serrania de Macuire. Two lithologic units are distin-
sandy limestone with some clay interbeds (Rollins, 1965; guished in the type section: a 30-m-thick lower unit
Thomas, 1972b). The shallow marine molluscs in these consisting of conglomerate, calcareous sandstone, and
beds indicate a middle Miocene age (Rollins, 1965; limestone, and an upper unit comprising 35 m of pebbly
Thomas, 1972b). Duque-Caro (in Thomas, 1972a) placed limestone with abundant marine macrofossils and
the Jimol Formation in the early late Miocene Globorotalia interbedded sandstones (Thomas, 1972a,b). The maxi-
menardii zone. This unit is over 600 m thick east of Uitpa mum thickness of the Nazareth Formation is 290 m. The
(locality 2, Figure 3), but thins rapidly toward the old contact with the Siamana Formation is believed to be
shoreline to the west (Rollins, 1965). unconformable because the two formations have different
The uppermost Tertiary of the Cocinetas basin is dips. The age of the Nazareth is interpreted as late Eocene
represented by the Castilletes Formation. This formation on the basis of foraminifera (Nummulites jacksoniensis) and
was deposited conformably on the Jimol, but it onlaps the echinoid genus Oligopygus (Thomas, 1972b). Contem-
older Cenozoic strata along the margins of the basin. poraneous strata are present in the Uashir, Puerto
Rollins (1965) distinguished two lithologic units in the Estrella, and Chimare wells (Figures 3, 5, 6). In the
Castilletes Formation: a lower limestone and an upper Chimare well, cycle D rocks overlie a metamorphic
claystone, with a combined thickness of 690 m. However, basement and include 48 m of shale. These sedimentary
the formation thins to less than 100 m to the west rocks become coarser and thicker toward the south
(Thomas, 1972b). The rich macrofauna of the Castilletes (Puerto Estrella well).
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 763
Figure 6—Interpreted seismic line in offshore Chichibacoa basin. See Figure 3 for location.
Figure 7—Interpreted regional seismic line through northwestern Falcón basin. Note major fault generating the Urumaco
Cycle C (upper Oligocene–lower Miocene)—This cycle about 1050 m. There are no age-diagnostic fossils in this
corresponds to the outcropping Siamana and Uitpa unit (Bürgl, 1960). In the subsurface, cycle B is wide-
formations. The thickness of cycle C ranges from less spread and is composed of shale and mudstone with
than 200 m in the south to over 1000 m in the north. The minor intercalations of limestone and rare coal (Santa
Uitpa Formation is probably slightly older in the Portete Ana well) (Figure 5). The subsurface thickness of cycle B
basin than in the adjacent Cocinetas basin, extending ranges from a few hundred meters at the southern end of
from the Globigerina ciperoensis ciperoensis zone (latest the basin to a maximum of 2290 m in the Punta Gallinas
Oligocene) to the Globigerinatella insueta zone (late early well. Its age is believed to range from middle to late
Miocene) (Thomas, 1972b). Miocene.
Within the Chichibacoa basin, available seismic data
indicate that cycle C is composed of three packages (C3, Cycle A (Pliocene)—Cycle A sedimentary rocks are
C2, and C1). At the base, C3 was deposited throughout exposed only along the northern edge of the Guajira
the basin, except for the eastern Chimare high, where the Peninsula, where they include solution-pitted sandy
Santa Ana well shows that Cenozoic sedimentation limestones that unconformably overlie the Taroa
began slightly later (Figure 5). This unit is composed of Formation (Thomas, 1972b). This 30-m-thick sequence is
sandstone with local coal seams and subordinate shales. included in the Gallinas Formation of Thomas (1972b). In
Seaward, these strata grade into shale (Chimare-1) and the subsurface, cycle A is more argillaceous and contains
limestone (Punta Gallinas-1). Subcycle C2 was deposited mudstone with subordinate sandstone and limestone. A
only in the deepest part of the basin. These sedimentary total of 580 m of Pliocene strata were penetrated in the
rocks, dated in the wells as late Oligocene, were appar- San Jose-1 well (Figure 5).
ently deposited after the pronounced late Oligocene sea
level drop (within the Globorotalia opima opima zone; Vail Falcón Basin
and Hardenbol, 1980). This interval is composed of
limestone in the Punta Gallinas-1 well and sandstone in The Falcón basin is an ENE-WSW elongated uplift,
the more proximal facies of the Uashir-1 well. with a core of older Oligocene strata and alkaline basaltic
The younger subcycle C1 was deposited throughout intrusions of Oligocene–Miocene age (K-Ar age of 22.9 +
the basin with fairly uniform thicknesses (770–1150 m). It 0.9 m.y.; Muessig, 1978, 1984) that are succeeded to the
consists of shale and interbedded sandstone and north by progressively younger Cenozoic strata. The
limestone attributed to the maximum transgression. basin contains a thick Oligocene–Miocene sequence that
Subcycle C1 equates with the lower Miocene Uitpa shale. was deposited in a series of NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW
trending troughs (Figure 7) (Wheeler, 1963; Muessig,
Cycle B (middle–upper Miocene)—In outcrop, cycle B 1984; Boesi and Goddard, 1991). Rocks of the Falcón anti-
is included in the Taroa Formation, which rests discon- clinorium are strongly folded and overturned along
formably on the Uitpa Formation. It is composed princi- north-verging thrusts. This deformation is attributed to
pally of sandy limestone, calcareous sandstone, pebbly transpressive displacement of the Oca fault (Figure 1).
conglomerate, and subordinate mudstone (Thomas,
1972b). These rocks cap the mesas along the northern Cycle D (upper Eocene)
and northeastern coasts of the Guajira Peninsula. The Sedimentation in the Falcón basin probably started in
maximum measured thickness of the Taroa Formation is the late middle Eocene in western Falcón and as late as
764 Macellari
Figure 8—Oligocene paleogeography of the Falcón basin (cycle C). (Modified from Wheeler, 1960.)
early late Eocene in eastern Falcón. Sediments related to Cycle C (Oligocene–lower Miocene)
the initial formation of the basin in western Falcón are Sedimentation in the Falcón trough began during early
represented by the Agua Negra Group of upper middle late Oligocene time (Wheeler, 1963; Diaz de Gamero,
Eocene age (Figure 2). These rocks are included in the 1977a, 1985). These rocks form a suite of facies deposited
Santa Rita, Jarillal, and La Victoria formations (Guevara, during a marine transgression that was punctuated by a
1967). The Santa Rita Formation contains 400–500 m of regressive episode near the Oligocene–Miocene
coarse conglomerate, sandstone, and marl with boundary. The regressive episode separating subcycles
interbedded limestone (Guevara, 1967). Its lower contact C2 and C1 is represented by a widespread sheet of coarse
is not well exposed, but it is usually in fault contact with clastics. Cycle C rocks are well exposed in the Falcón anti-
older Eocene strata (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). clinorium. They were deposited on Eocene strata to the
These strata are conformably overlain by the Jarillal west, on metamorphic Cretaceous rocks to the east, and
Formation, up to 375 m of dark shale with sandstone on Paleocene–Eocene turbidites in the center of the basin.
intercalations (Guevara, 1967). The invertebrate fauna Five different areas of deposition are recognized in the
and palynomorphs indicate a middle Eocene age Falcón basin (Figures 2, 8).
(Wheeler, 1960; Hunter, 1974, 1978).
The upper part of the Agua Negra Group is the La Central Area—The central area is the main depocenter
Victoria Formation, comprising 2400 m of dark shale with of the Falcón basin. Sedimentation started with the El
interbedded sandstone and coal (Sutton, 1946; Guevara, Paraiso Formation, the lower part of which is a 205-m-
1967). The La Victoria Formation was deposited predomi- thick chert-rich sandstone with shale interbeds (Wheeler,
nantly in a lacustrine environment with an incursion of 1963; Diaz de Gamero, 1977a), followed by a quartz and
brackish water (Sutton, 1946; Gonzalez de Juana et al., chert pebble conglomerate (Gonzalez de Juana et al.,
1980). 1980). The upper member of the El Paraiso Formation
In eastern Falcón, Eocene rocks are more than 400 m consists of 330–450 m of dark shale with interbedded
thick and are included in the dark calcareous shales of quartzose sandstone. This interval becomes more arena-
the Cerro Misión Formation (Figure 2) (Renz, 1948). The ceous toward the south. The upper El Paraiso is inter-
shales contain microfossils of the Globigerinatheka semiin- preted as a regressive sequence that prograded toward
voluta zone (late Eocene) (Hunter, 1974). The Cerro the north and northeast (Figure 8).
Mision disconformably overlies middle Eocene rocks An impoverished microfaunal assemblage dominated
(Hunter, 1972, 1974; Diaz de Gamero, 1985). by arenaceous foraminifera occurs in this unit. The taxa
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 765
Figure 9—Early Miocene paleogeography of the Falcón basin (subcycle C1). (Modified from Wheeler, 1960; Gonzalez de
Juana et al., 1980.)
suggests brackish depositional environments. The upper Miocene; Diaz de Gamero, 1977b).
portion of this formation has fauna diagnostic of the During the early Miocene, subcycle C1 was deposited
Globorotalia opima opima zone (middle late Oligocene); the (Figures 2, 9). Regional subsidence resulted in onlap and
lower interval may be included in the Globigerina amplia- overstepping of the previous margins of the basin. In the
pertura zone (early late Oligocene) according to Diaz de center of the basin, sedimentation started with shales of
Gamero (1977a,b). the Agua Clara Formation, a sequence of dark ferrugi-
A thick sequence of dark silty shale in the center of the nous shale with intercalations of silty and calcareous
Falcón basin is included in the Pecaya Formation (Diaz sandstones that are locally glauconitic (Gonzalez de
de Gamero, 1977a,b). Sandstone and limestone intervals Juana et al., 1980). The shales are usually very fossilif-
are more numerous toward the margins of the basin erous and locally have a petroliferous odor. The lower
(Wheeler, 1963). Within the Pecaya, the San Juan de la part of the Agua Clara Formation contains the Cauder-
Vega Member consists of shales with interbedded alito Limestone, a richly fossiliferous unit containing
sandstone, siltstone, and minor limestone (Figure 2). The corals, bryozoans, bivalves, gastropods, and large
sandstones contain shell fragments and are strongly foraminifera. The thickness of the Agua Clara varies
bioturbated (e.g., Ophiomorpha). The San Juan de La Vega from 1320 to 1600 m (Wheeler, 1963). Because this unit is
Member tapers to the west and east and was probably preserved only along the margins of the basin, the
sourced from the Dabajuro high (Figure 8). The biota molluscs and foraminifera indicate shallow water envi-
indicate shallow marine deposition within the deeper ronments (Diaz de Gamero, 1977a). The age of this unit
water Pecaya shale (Diaz de Gamero, 1977a). This unit spans the early Miocene Catapsydrax dissimilis to Praeor-
reflects lowstand deposition possibly associated with the bulina glomerosa zones (Diaz de Gamero, 1977b).
pronounced worldwide drop in sea level that took place Along the southern and southwestern margins of the
in the Globorotalia opima opima zone (see Vail and Sierra de San Luis, subcycle C1 was initiated with the
Hardenbol, 1980). Pedregoso Formation (Figures 2, 9). This shale,
The Pecaya Formation is 600 m thick in central Falcón, interbedded sandstone, and bioclastic limestone have
but it thickens westward to 1300 m. The lower part of the been interpreted as proximal turbidite deposits (Diaz de
Pecaya contains a fauna diagnostic of the Globorotalia Gamero, 1977a). This unit ranges in thickness from 120 m
opima opima zone (middle late Oligocene), whereas the in the east to 940 m in the west (Wheeler, 1963). The rich
upper part includes taxa associated with the Globigeri- microfauna indicates the early Miocene Globigerinoides
noides primordius and Catapsydrax dissimilis zones (early primordius and lower Catapsydrax dissimils zones
766 Macellari
(Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). This formation was is called the Agua Salada (Diaz de Gamero, 1985) or
probably deposited in a deep water environment that Hueque depocenter (Wheeler, 1963). South of this high,
shallowed toward the top (Diaz de Gamero, 1977a). strata are considerably coarser grained and are included
in the Guacharaca and Casupal formations (Renz, 1948;
Western Falcón—In the western Falcón basin, the Blow, 1959; Diaz de Gamero, 1985) (Figures 8, 9).
Pedregoso Formation is more arenaceous and thicker
and correlates with the Castillo Formation (Figures 2, 8) Cycle B (middle–upper Miocene)
(Wheeler, 1960, 1963). The Castillo is conformable on the
At the end of the early Miocene, the pattern of sedi-
basinal facies tract of the Pecaya shale. Farther west, it
mentation in the Falcón basin changed significantly as a
has an angular contact with Eocene strata (Figure 2). The
result of a relative drop in sea level or rapid uplift associ-
Castillo is dominated by sandstone and conglomerate,
ated with the early stages of deformation. After this
with lesser amounts of shale and coal seams (Wheeler,
event, renewed subsidence initiated a new cycle of sedi-
1963). The unit was deposited under marine conditions
mentation, which at first blanketed the entire basin,
toward the center of the basin, with brackish and even
including topographic relief such as the Dabajuro
continental facies influencing the western margin. The
platform and the Paraguaná Peninsula, which lacked a
main depocenter of the Castillo Formation (up to 1480 m)
cycle C cover. Newly uplifted areas to the south
forms a belt parallel to the old western coastline. Lacking
provided considerable sedimentary input. Cycle B sedi-
index fossils, the age of the Castillo is estimated as late
mentation occurred in shallow or restricted environ-
Oligocene–early Miocene on the basis of its stratigraphic
ments, except in the northeastern part of the basin (Agua
relationships (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980).
Salada) and the northern Paraguaná Peninsula (V. F.
Coro High—The reefal complex of the Sierra de San Hunter, 1986, personal communication) where deep
Luis developed along the southern margin of the Coro water facies persisted.
high during Oligocene–Miocene time (Figures 8, 9).
While the core of the reef is included in the San Luis Central Area—In the center of the Falcón basin,
Formation, forereef and open marine facies of the Pedre- cycle B starts with the Cerro Pelado Formation (Figures
goso Formation were deposited southward. In contrast, 2, 7, 10). This formation consists mainly of laminated
peri-reefal facies interfingered with deltaic and coastal sandy shale and interbedded fine-grained sandstone
shale and sandstone facies of the Patiecitos Formation, (Liddle, 1946). The sandstones are usually cross bedded
and with sandstone and conglomerate facies of the and contain ripple cross lamination and lignite seams up
Guarabal Formation along the northern margin to 1 m thick (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). The Cerro
(Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). Pelado was deposited unconformably on top of the Agua
The San Luis Formation consists of massive reef lime- Clara shale. It is about 1000 m thick and is replaced to the
stones containing large foraminifera, algae, and locally east by shales of the Agua Salada Group. Diaz de
large brain corals and bivalves (Wheeler, 1963). The Gamero (1977b) assigned the Cerro Pelado to the Globoro-
maximum growth of the reef is restricted to the eastern talia foshi peripheroronda zone (early middle Miocene).
part of the Serrania de San Luis, where reefal limestones The overlying Socorro Formation crops out in the hills
are more than 100 m thick (Diaz de Gamero, 1977a). The of western Falcón and in the Cumarebo zone. In the type
minimum thickness of the San Luis Formation is section, near the town of Socorro, the Socorro has a basal
estimated to be 800 m (Wheeler, 1960), and its age is shale (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980) and an upper
inferred to be late Oligocene (Globorotalia opima opima sandstone interval. The upper fine-grained sandstones
zone) to early Miocene (Catapsydrax stainforthi zone; are oil reservoirs in the Cumarebo field. The Socorro
Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). Formation is 1570 m thick but thins to 660 m south of
Coro (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). The microfauna of
South-Central Falcón—The south-central Falcón the lower part of the succession is assigned to the
basin also developed carbonate facies along the southern Globorotalia foshi foshi zone (earliest middle Miocene)
extension of the Coro high (Figures 8, 9). The entire (Diaz de Gamero, 1977b). The Socorro Formation was
Oligocene–lower Miocene sequence (cycle C) consists of deposited in a coastal environment to the west, which
a series of ridge-forming limestone, sandstone, and shale became gradually more open marine to the east
up to 125 m thick, which together form the Churuguará (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). The Socorro succession
Formation (Wheeler, 1963). The Churuguará has a grades upward into the Urumaco Formation in the
conformable contact with the Jarillal Formation below Urumaco trough area and into the Caujarao Formation
and the Agua Clara Formation above. Foraminifera in farther east.
the lower part of the section are indicative of the Globoro- The Caujarao Formation includes 1220 m of shale and
talia opima opima zone (middle late Oligocene), whereas interbedded marl, limestone, and fine-grained sandstone
the upper part contains early Miocene foraminifera that are oil bearing in the Cumarebo field (Payne, 1951).
(Wheeler, 1963). Rapid facies changes are reflected in a diverse strati-
graphic nomenclature (see Gonzalez de Juana, 1937;
Eastern Falcón—In the eastern area of the Falcón Petzall, 1959; Payne, 1951; Senn, 1935; Vallenilla, 1961;
basin, deposition during cycle C also formed a variety of Ministerio de Minas, 1970; Gonzalez de Juana et al.,
facies. North of the Esperanza-Guacharaca high, deep 1980). The Caujarao Formation was deposited on a
water shales (Agua Salada Group) accumulated in what marine platform in a warm, tropical sea (Petzall, 1959).
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 767
Figure 10—Middle–late Miocene paleogeography of the Falcón basin (cycle B). (Modified from Wheeler, 1960; Gonzalez de
Juana et al., 1980.)
The rich fauna indicates an age ranging from the Globoro- have occurred in a piedmont-coastal area, with a pro-
talia menardii zone (late middle Miocene) to the Globoro- venance located to the south (Gonzalez de Juana et al.,
talia acostaensis zone (late Miocene) (Diaz de Gamero, 1980). On the Dabajuro Platform, La Puerta strata rest
1977b). directly on Eocene rocks. The maximum thickness of this
Toward the west, in the area of the Urumaco trough, unit (2140 m) was encountered in the QMC-1X well
the Caujarao is replaced by the Urumaco Formation (Figure 11).
(Figure 10). These are more proximal facies than the
Caujarao Formation and include marine and nonmarine Northeastern Falcón—In the northeastern Falcón
shale, sandstone, and coal seams. The thickness of the basin, sediments deposited during cycle B are included
Urumaco Formation is about 1675 m (Ministerio de in the upper part of the Agua Salada Group (north) and
Minas, 1970; Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). the Pozón Formation (south) (Figure 10). In the Agua
La Vela Formation is conformable on the Caujarao Salada depocenter, the base of cycle B is represented by
Formation in the Coro area. It includes 590 m of the El Salto Formation. According to Diaz de Gamero
calcareous sandstone with shale interbeds, reflecting (1985), this unit has four lithofacies: (1) olistostrome
beach and estuarine depositional environments blocks 1–5 m in diameter of sandstone, siltstone, and
(Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). The age of the La Vela coal, encased in shale; (2) fine-grained sandstone in beds
Formation ranges from the Neogloboquadrina dutertrei 20–50 cm thick; (3) massive siltstone with plant remains
zone to the Globorotalia margaritae zone (late at the base coarsening upward into sandstone; and (4)
Miocene–early Pliocene) (Diaz de Gamero, 1968). The La thick sandstone beds. The El Salto is estimated to be
Vela Formation is succeeded to the east by more open 800–900 m thick. According to Diaz de Gamero (1985),
marine facies of the El Veral Formation and to the west the El Salto Formation is a deltaic deposit related to
by more continental facies of the Codore Formation. growth faulting and turbidity current processes. These
deltaic sediments encapsulated in an otherwise deep
Western Falcón—Sediments deposited in the western water Agua Salada sequence are attributed to a sea level
Falcón basin during cycle B are included in the La Puerta lowstand. The age of this unit ranges from the Praeorbu-
Group or Formation (Figures 2, 7, 10, 11). This unit lina glomerosa to the Globorotalia foshi peripheroronda zone
comprises claystone, sandstone, and lignite overlain by (Diaz de Gamero, 1985).
massive and cross-bedded sandstone that is capped by South of the Agua Salada depocenter, the upper part
varicolored shales (Halse, 1937). Deposition is believed to of the sequence contains 150–300 m of shallow water
768 Macellari
Figure 11—Correlation of wells in western Falcón basin across the Oca fault.
carbonates of the Capadare Formation (Figure 10). of the uplifted Falcón anticlinorium (San Gregorio and
Capadare sedimentation started in the early middle Coro formations). In the northeastern coastal area, sedi-
Miocene (Globorotalia foshi foshi zone) and continued into mentary rocks are composed of calcareous clay, fossilif-
the late middle Miocene (Diaz de Gamero, 1985). erous marl, and argillaceous limestone (Punta Gavilán
South-Central Falcón—In south-central Falcón basin,
cycle B rocks are represented by the Pozón Formation.
This is a shaly succession with glauconitic sandstones Paraguaná Peninsula
and marls at the base (Renz, 1948). Reworked The Paraguaná Peninsula extends north of the Falcón
foraminifera at the base suggest that the Pozón formation basin into the Caribbean Sea. Structurally, the peninsula
was locally preceded by erosion (see Renz, 1948). The is the northern part of a NNW-SSE trending high.
Pozón Formation is up to 1040 m thick. Micropaleon- Cenozoic sedimentation started at least by the late early
tology assigns these rocks to the Globigerinatella Miocene (cycle B), but seismic data suggest that early
insueta–Globigerina bulloides zones (early middle Miocene and even late Oligocene sediments might have
Miocene–late Miocene; Diaz de Gamero, 1985). accumulated in more restricted areas north of the
peninsula (Figures 2, 8, 9, 10, 12).
Southeastern Casupal—In the southeastern Casupal The Cenozoic sequence rests on metamorphic and
depocenter, Casupal sandstone and conglomerate are igneous basement. These sediments surround igneous
succeeded by 1300 m of shale, clay, and limestone of the and metamorphic highs in a series of concentric cuestas
Agua Linda Formation (Ministerio de Minas, 1970) dipping seaward up to 10°. Regional seismic lines show
(Figures 2, 10). The Agua Linda is conformable on the that the thickness of the Cenozoic stratigraphy increases
Casupal Formation and is overlain disconformably by progressively away from the center of the Peninsula
the Capadare limestone (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). where the basement is exposed. In the southern part of
the peninsula, the Manuel-1 and Cardón-1 wells encoun-
Cycle A (Pliocene) tered 1067 m and 1159 m of Cenozoic strata, respectively
A major phase of basin inversion took place during (Figures 8, 9, 10). Manuel-1 bottomed in red beds of
the Pliocene. Coarse clastic facies were deposited north unknown age (possibly late Oligocene or early Miocene)
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 769
Figure 12—Interpreted northwest-southeast seismic line, Paraguaná Peninsula. The “Paraguaná reflector” is a high-
amplitude event at, or close to, the base of the sedimentary sequence. This reflector probably represents a volcanic body,
most likely a sill, since it appears to be slightly discordant with other stratal surfaces.
La Vela Bay
La Vela Bay is an offshore extension of the Falcón
basin and contains a similar stratigraphy. It displays a
regional tilt to the south and southeast, where more than
4500 m of strata have accumulated. The eastward
increase in thickness is controlled by eastward-dipping
growth faults (Figure 13). Seismic and well information
indicate the presence of cycles C, B, and A (lower
Miocene–Recent). The contact between cycles C and B
forms a persistent reflector (reflector “C”) (Biju-Duval et
al., 1979) or a regional unconformity (Gonzalez de Juana
et al., 1980). Figure 13—Structure at the top of the Cauderalito
Thirteen exploration wells and a dense seismic grid limestone and location of wells in the La Vela Bay (from
make La Vela Bay, one of the best known of the southern Corpoven).
Caribbean basins, although much of this information is
still confidential. The basement, reached in eight wells,
consists of gneiss, phyllite, and metamorphosed igneous
rocks, dated radiometrically as Cretaceous (Gonzalez de
Juana et al., 1980). In the southwestern part of the bay,
770 Macellari
Figure 14—Interpreted seismic line in offshore Aruba. Note the conspicuous tilting of cycle D strata prior to deposition of
cycle C.
Cenozoic sedimentation began with a continental red the Casupal (south) and Agua Salada (north) depocen-
bed sequence of shale, siltstone, and fine-grained to ters. The former is characterized by a predominantly
conglomeratic arkosic sandstone (Gonzalez de Juana et coarse clastic fill, whereas the latter contains more argilla-
al., 1980). An Oligocene age is inferred for these beds ceous facies.
(Vasquez, 1975). The Cayo Sal-1 well (Figure 8) penetrated a middle
Overlying this red bed sequence are the sandstones Eocene–Quaternary section. A basal middle–upper
and dark claystones of the Guarabal Formation. These Eocene shale is followed by a 1900-m-thick cycle C unit
strata form discontinuous pockets restricted to relatively (Oligocene–lower Miocene), composed of sandstone,
small depocenters that have a maximum thickness of shale, and limestone in an overall upward-fining succes-
550 m (Corpoven, 1980, proprietary report). The sion. Cycle B (lower Miocene–lower Pliocene) includes
Guarabal is the backreef facies of the San Luis reefal 1450 m of claystone and sandstone capped with
limestone tract. This formation has been interpreted as an limestone. The youngest strata encountered are 380 m of
important source of oil in the La Vela Bay area clay and limestone of Pleistocene age.
(Corpoven, 1980, proprietary report). The Guarabal is
followed by the Agua Clara Formation, consisting of the Aruba
basal Cauderalito limestone and calcarenite, followed by
dark shale with local thin limestone and calcarenite The island of Aruba is located on the westernmost
interbeds (Vasquez, 1975; Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). extension of the basement high that extends from La
These argillaceous rocks are also considered to be oil- Orchila to Aruba (Figure 1). Aruba has a core of Creta-
prone source rocks in the area (Boesi and Goddard, ceous igneous and metamorphic rocks, surrounded by a
1991). rim of thin upper Cenozoic deposits. Seismic surveys
The base of cycle B is formed by the Socorro west and southwest of Aruba show a thick sedimentary
Formation, an 850–1740-m-thick claystone succession sequence (Figure 14). Three seismic lines were available
with intercalations of calcarenite and fine- to medium- for this study. Elsewhere on the southwestern Caribbean
grained sandstone. This is followed by 260–580 m of margin, the reflector that separates cycles B and C
glauconitic calcarenite with interbedded medium- (reflector “C” of Biju-Duval et al., 1979) is interpreted as a
grained to conglomeratic sandstone of the Caujarao late early Miocene unconformity (Hunter, 1974, 1986).
Formation. The upper part of the cycle B section is the La The ages of younger unconformities are based on corre-
Vela Formation, comprising mudstone, calcarenite, and lation with the global sea level chart of Vail and
fine-grained sandstone. The uppermost rocks of La Vela Hardenbol (1980).
Bay (cycle A) include fine-grained sandstone with subor- A rapid increase in sedimentary thickness is observed
dinate siltstone, claystone, and limestone. These beds are west of Aruba. This change is controlled by a northwest-
assigned a Pliocene–Pleistocene age and are 120–145 m southeast trending normal fault parallel to the south-
thick (Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). western Aruba coast. A maximum of 5000 m of Cenozoic
sedimentary rocks is observed, but common sedimentary
Offshore Eastern Falcón (Golfo Triste) thicknesses vary between 2500 and 3500 m. Based on
regional correlations, this stratigraphy is believed to
Cycles A, B, and C are observed in regional seismic overlie Cretaceous basement similar to that exposed in
lines of the Golfo Triste. The stratigraphy and structure Aruba.
are apparently a continuation of the trends along the The succession attributed to cycle D is up to 1400 m
eastern coast of Falcón (Figures 8, 9, 10). The extension of thick, but generally ranges from 150 to 450 m. These
the Cerro Mision–Chichiriviche high to the east separates rocks were block faulted and tilted prior to deposition of
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 771
the overlying cycle C (Figure 14). The large acoustic lines, well logs, and measured outcrop sections. Data for
impedance of the basal part of cycle D may indicate the the Bonaire basin were derived from seismic lines inter-
presence of well-lithified limestone similar to the preted by Biju-Duval et al. (1979).
Nazareth and Macaro formations of the Guajira Maximum sedimentary thicknesses are preserved
Peninsula. The Nazareth was also block faulted and both east and west of the Paraguaná Peninsula. Two
tilted before deposition of cycle C strata. These rocks are depocenters are observed in the Golfo de Venezuela area.
possibly equivalents of the Butuco Limestone, which is The western depocenter has up to 7500 m of Eocene
poorly exposed in Aruba. In the northwestern part of the strata, whereas the eastern depocenter has as much as
basin, this block-faulted sequence is associated with 7500 m of upper Oligocene–Miocene rocks. The
reflectors that are alternatively strong and weak and also depocenter located east of the Paraguaná Peninsula has
discontinuous laterally. These may be interpreted as a up to 7000 m of upper Oligocene–Pliocene strata. Discus-
continental sequence developed in the initial rifting of sion of the isopachs of cycles D, C, and B, as well as the
the basin. postcollisional geologic history of this area, are presented
Strata interpreted as equivalent to cycle C are widely here.
distributed offshore from Aruba, where they have a rela-
tively uniform thickness, indicating a period of regional Cycle D
subsidence. Maximum thickness of these rocks is about
2400 m. Cycle C rocks are correlated with the Siamana Cycle D (upper Eocene) overlies Mesozoic and
and Uitpa formations of the Guajira Peninsula and with Paleogene rocks related to the older Caribbean compres-
the El Paraiso–Pecaya–Agua Clara sequence of the sional event. This cycle includes the Macarao and
central Falcón basin. Nazareth formations in the Guajira Peninsula, formed by
Deposits attributed to cycle B are distributed erosional debris derived from the nearby landmasses,
throughout the basin and increase in thickness west and followed by deeper marine sedimentation. These
southeast of Aruba. The thickest section is preserved in deposits are confined to the northeastern and south-
the southeastern part of the basin, where up to 1800 m eastern borders of the peninsula (Figure 15). In the north-
are estimated. The succession offshore from Aruba is western Falcón basin, sedimentation was initiated with
believed to reflect a deep water section of shale and clastics of the Santa Rita and Jarillal formations. The
mudstone. At least four subcycles are recognized in the Paraguaná Peninsula was a positive feature during this
cycle B sequence, forming a series of prograding clino- time. In the eastern Falcón basin, cycle D was initiated
forms (Figure 14). These cycles are best defined near the with deposition of the Cerro Misión shale. Eocene sedi-
Aruba high and toward the southeastern part of the mentary rocks are also preserved in the Golfo Triste area.
Aruba basin. They reflect relative sea level fluctuations Up to 2000 m of continental and shallow marine strata
and substantial sediment influx. Similar progradational occur in the Aruba area. The nature of the rocks in the
wedges are observed in La Vela Bay. Cycle B is possibly Bonaire basin is unknown, but they are believed to
equivalent to the Socorro, Caujarao, and La Vela forma- consist of shale and turbidites.
tions of La Vela Bay and of the north-central part of the Subsidence during cycle D was controlled by progres-
Falcón basin. Pliocene–Recent cycle A sediments increase sive extension of an already discontinuous landmass.
in thickness away from Aruba, ranging from 100–300 m. Paleohighs outlined rhomboidal depocenters that were
Three dry wildcat exploration wells recently drilled in closer before the initiation of late Eocene extension of the
the Aruba region support these stratigraphic relation- southern Caribbean margin. This geometry suggests that
ships. Curet (1992) documented three sequences that are the Paleocene Serie Domi conglomerate of Bonaire was
separated by regional unconformities. The lower shed from the Paraguaná Peninsula. The complex iso-
sequence, apparently correlative of cycles D, C3, and C2, pachs in the western Falcón basin are the result of right-
ranges in age possibly from the late Eocene to the latest lateral displacement of previous NNW-SSE trending
Oligocene (Globorotalia kugleri zone). The sequence is depocenters by the Oca and associated faults (Feo-
composed of varicolored mudstone followed by clay- Codecido, 1972).
stone with a limestone cap. The middle sequence, equiv-
alent to cycle C1, is composed of deep water claystone Cycle C
and shale of early–middle Miocene age. The upper
sequence, equivalent to cycles B and A, consists of coars- Early Oligocene tectonic activity followed deposition
ening-upward sequences of soft claystone with of cycle D (Figure 16). In the northern Guajira Peninsula,
sandstone interbeds of late Miocene–Pleistocene age. deformation of the Macarao Formation and tilting of the
Nazareth Formation took place during this event. This
was probably also the time of tilting of cycle D rocks in
REGIONAL ISOPACHS AND GEOLOGIC the southern part of the Aruba basin. In the Falcón basin,
this event is marked by a regression and uplift of the
HISTORY southern margin of the basin.
Isopachs of postcollisional strata (Eocene and The late Oligocene was marked by high subsidence
younger) deposited in northwestern Venezuela, the rates and deep water sedimentation throughout the
Guajira Peninsula, and offshore Aruba are shown in study area. The pull-apart basin was well developed and
Figures 15, 16, and 17. They are based on regional seismic bounded to the north by the Aruba-Curaçao-Bonaire
chain, to the south by the platform edge of the Falcón rupted offshore where up to 2000 m of argillaceous
basin, and to the west by the Dabajuro-Guajira platform. material was deposited.
Deposition occurred along two main trends. The first, The Falcón basin was progressively deeper toward
oriented NNW-SSE, was controlled by extension along the east. In the western part of the basin, the Dabajuro
preexisting cycle D troughs. The second, oriented ENE- platform was covered by deltaic and shallow marine
WSW, was aligned along the axis of the Falcón basin. deposits of the La Puerta Formation. These were progres-
Sedimentation in the Guajira Peninsula started with a sively replaced to the east by marine units, including the
basal conglomerate (Siamana Formation) eroded from Cerro Pelado, Socorro, and Caujarao formations, and
the uplifted Jarara, Macuira, and Cocinas highlands. finally by deep water black shales of the Agua Salada
These were followed by early Miocene shale deposited Group. During this time, the Paraguaná Peninsula was
during the maximum Cenozoic trangression, when most largely covered by shale and limestone of the Cantaure
of the Guajira Peninsula was drowned. Cycle C deposits Formation. These sediments were deposited in deep
in the Chichibacoa basin increase in thickness to more water north of the peninsula.
than 1000 m in an offshore direction. In the Cocinas
basin, these strata are usually thinner than 200 m. Cycle A
In the Falcón basin, the locus of sedimentation
migrated east of the cycle D depocenter. No cycle C The original distribution of cycle A has been inter-
deposits are preserved on the Dabajuro platform, which rupted by erosion, thus precluding the construction of an
had subsided rapidly during the previous cycle. Marked isopach. Three depocenters include the Urumaco trough
cycle C subsidence occurred along the axis of the Falcón in the west with up to 1400 m of strata, a depocenter
basin (ENE-WSW), where 3600–3800 m of section are north of the Paraguaná Peninsula with up to 1200 m of
preserved. Up to 3800 m of cycle C sediments were also deposits, and a depocenter in the Golfo Triste area with
deposited in the NNW-SSE trending Urumaco trough, up to 1800 m of Pliocene sedimentary rocks.
where subsidence was controlled by the westward- On land, this sequence is generally shallow marine to
dipping Sabaneta normal fault that forms the eastern fluviodeltaic. On the Guajira Peninsula, the Pliocene
margin of the trough. The southern margin of this Gallinas Formation was deposited after a period of
depocenter is presently offset about 15–20 km by the tectonism. In Falcón, this deformation resulted in basin
right-lateral Oca fault, suggesting that a large amount of inversion and uplift of the Falcón anticlinorium. In the
displacement along this fault occurred after the early lowlands of the Paraguaná Peninsula and in the coastal
Miocene. Cycle C rocks in the Falcón basin developed as area east of Cumarebo, cycle A rocks are composed of
a series of concentric belts ranging from coarse clastics calcareous clay and fossiliferous limestone of the
around the basin margins to deep water shales toward Paraguaná and Punta Gavilán formations, respectively.
the center. In the northern and southern parts of the The most active sedimentation during the Pliocene is
central Falcón basin, thick carbonate reefs developed on observed in the Golfo Triste area, where a thick sequence
regionally high areas. of clay and limestone was deposited.
Maximum transgression took place during the early
Miocene. During this time, the Agua Clara shale was
deposited throughout most of the Falcón basin, while
calcareous facies and reefs continued to develop in the SUBSIDENCE RATES THROUGH TIME
San Luis and Churuguará areas. The northern part of the
Paraguaná Peninsula and large areas of La Vela Bay To better understand the relationships between
were flooded for the first time. tectonics and sedimentation, 53 burial curves based on
well and seismic information were calculated for the
Guajira Peninsula, Falcón, and Aruba areas. These curves
Cycle B are not decompacted and do not include bathymetry.
By the middle–late Miocene, several of the blocks Representative curves are shown in Figure 18. Seven
present during cycle C were dissected and marine sedi- areas with common subsidence characteristics are recog-
mentation took place throughout the study area (Figure nized: northern Guajira Peninsula, Dabajuro platform,
17). The rapidly subsiding Urumaco trough and a Urumaco trough, Paraguaná Peninsula, eastern Falcón
subparallel depocenter east of the Paraguaná Peninsula and La Vela Bay, Aruba, and offshore eastern Falcón.
still maintained their own identities. Cycles C and B are
separated by a pronounced regional unconformity that Northern Guajira Peninsula
has a conspicuous seismic expression (Biju-Duval et al.,
1979, 1982; Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980). Cycle B is Subsidence rates calculated from seven wells were
characterized in La Vela Bay and offshore Aruba by available for this area. Subsidence rates in the northern
sigmoidal clinoforms. Guajira were low during the late Eocene, with a mean
In the Cocinetas basin, cycle B contains offlapping value of 68 m/m.y., but with a large variation between
calcareous sandstone and sandy limestone of shallow localities (Figure 19). The Oligocene was a time of
marine origin (Jimol Formation). In the Portete and reduced subsidence, with mean rates varying between 49
Chichibacoa basins, there is a hiatus between cycles C and 54 m/m.y. A pattern of rapid subsidence was estab-
and B onshore, but sedimentation was almost uninter- lished during the early Miocene (cycle C1) and continued
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 775
Figure 19—Average subsidence rates by area. The coefficient of variation indicates the degree of deviation of the data from
the calculated mean value.
Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Southwestern Caribbean Pull-Apart Basin 777
tation probably started in the early Miocene (Agua Clara pull-apart basin developed east of the Guajira Peninsula
Formation, cycle C1), when the highest rate occurred (367 above the previous compressional setting (see Biju Duval
m/m.y). A high rate of 296 m/m.y. persisted for the rest et al., 1982). The locus of maximum subsidence within
of the Miocene. This area was uplifted during the late this pull-apart basin migrated eastward. The northern
Pliocene, so that cycle A rocks are absent. In summary, part of the Guajira Peninsula, however, developed
subsidence rates in the Urumaco trough were exceed- outside this extensional regime. During the early stages
ingly high, and they decreased and became more uni- of basin formation, maximum subsidence occurred in
form through time, until inversion of the depocenter in parts of offshore Aruba basin and in the northwestern
Recent time. part of the Falcón basin (Dabajuro platform), as well as in
the western Golfo de Venezuela.
Paraguaná Peninsula Deposition during late early Oligocene cycle C3 was
restricted to the offshore portion of the Guajira
Widespread sedimentation on the Paraguaná Peninsula, some areas of the Aruba region, and the
Peninsula began during cycle B (early middle Miocene). rapidly subsiding central part of the Falcón basin. Rapid
However, seismic interpretation suggests that sedimen- sedimentation began during cycle C2 (late Oligocene),
tation possibly started during the early Miocene in particularly in the Aruba region and the central Falcón
restricted northern areas. The early stages of Miocene basin. Rapid subsidence rates are calculated for the early
sedimentation record a moderate (93 m/m.y.) but highly Miocene (cycle C1) of the entire pull-apart system
variable sedimentation rate (Figures 18, 19). During the (100–140 m/m.y.), especially in the Urumaco trough and
rest of the Miocene (cycle B), sediments were deposited northeastern Falcón basin (over 300 m/m.y.), driven by
at a more moderate rate (120 m/m.y.), but again acceler- active growth along northwest-trending faults. High
ated during the Pliocene to 192 m/m.y. In conclusion, in rates (about 100–140 m/m.y.) were maintained through-
the Paraguaná Peninsula, sedimentation rates show a out the region during the middle and late Miocene (cycle
progressive increase through time. B). The Urumaco trough and northeastern Falcón basin
continued with higher rates (295 and 200 m/m.y., respec-
Offshore Northeastern Falcón Basin and tively).
La Vela Bay Because of erosion, data for Pliocene sedimentation
are not accurate for the onshore regions. The locus of
This area had two patterns of subsidence. The part of maximum Pliocene subsidence was located in the Golfo
La Vela Bay adjacent to the Paraguaná Peninsula (La Vela Triste area, where sediments were deposited at a rate of
platform) records lower rates than southeastern localities. 330 m/m.y.
Maximum subsidence apparently took place near the
present coast (Boca Ricoa) (Figure 18) during deposition
of cycle C (mean subsidence rate of 326 m/m.y.). As in CONCLUSIONS
the Urumaco trough area, subsidence rates remained
high, but decreased during Miocene and Pliocene time There has been considerable debate about the exact
(194 and 127 m/m.y., respectively) (Figure 18). location and geometry of the Caribbean–South American
The only data available for offshore southeastern plate boundary. Most recent work agrees that the
Falcón (Golfo Triste) are from the Cayo Sal-1 well. An boundary is located along the South Caribbean marginal
almost constant sedimentation rate of about 90 m/m.y. is fault and continues eastward into the El Pilar fault of
observed for the Eocene–late Miocene. This was followed northeastern Venezuela (Beck and Stephan, 1979;
by a sudden increase in the rate to 320 m/m.y. in the Stephan, 1985). The tectonic history of the Caribbean
Pliocene. chain has been summarized by Bellizzia (1972), Maresch
(1974), and Bellizzia et al. (1980), among others. During
Aruba the Jurassic, rifting occurred in the proto-Caribbean. An
island arc system collided obliquely with the continent in
Aruba subsidence rates are based on interpretation of Late Cretaceous–Oligocene time (Erlich and Barrett,
seismic data. Nine subsidence curves were constructed. 1990; Pindell, 1991), and a foredeep developed where the
Maximum rates occurred during deposition of cycle D crust was loaded. Eventually the allochthonous terranes
(late Eocene?), with a mean value of 226 m/m.y. in were thrust across Paleocene–Oligocene foredeep flysch
restricted depocenters. Subsidence rates remained more (Stephan, 1977, 1985; Beck, 1978).
or less constant during the late Oligocene–late Miocene, A major change in the tectonic regime took place in
with a mean value of 138–147 m/m.y. (Figures 18, 19). the Eocene as the Caribbean plate moved eastward with
Rates finally decreased to a mean of 38 m/m.y. during respect to South America (Stainforth, 1969; Bell, 1972;
the Pliocene (cycle A). In conclusion, subsidence rates in Maresch, 1974). East-west right-lateral transcurrent
Aruba were initially high, then decreased through time. faulting began in northern South America by late Eocene
time. This coincided with andesitic volcanism and
Comparison of Subsidence Rates subduction along the Lesser Antilles arc (e.g., Wester-
camp et al., 1985).
A regional right-lateral strike-slip setting developed East-west displacement between the two plates
during the late Eocene. As a result, a rapidly subsiding resulted in the formation of an extensive pull-apart zone
778 Macellari
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Accretion, in Andes, 102 Andes, see also Eastern Cordillera Araucanian orogeny, 71-73, 394
Adrian Jara Formation, stratigraphy of, Aptian-Albian paleogeography of, Arches, of South America, 65
195 112-113 Architecture
Africa (southern), see also Pan-Africa and asthenosphere, 476-477 of Altiplano, 312-313, 320
basin evolution in, 5-44 backthrusting in, 475 of Gondwana, 8
data point analysis, 84 basement of, 271, 273-274 of South America, 65
Middle Devonian of, 257 basin-bounding features of, 243-244 of Venezuelan Coast Ranges crust,
Aguada Villanueva, seismic reflection bend in, see Andean bend 667-677
profile of, 395 blind thrusting in, 650-651 Arequipa massif, 233-234, 243
Aguaragüe field, cross section of, 552 Cambrian-Devonian evolution of, 214 Argentina
Aguaragüe range Carboniferous of, 233-237, 241 basement of, 271, 273-274
seismic reflection profile of, 534, 537 Cenozoic of, 118-119, 120-121, 122- basin evolution of, 251-265
structure of, 551-552 123, 225, 277-279 basin-bounding features of, 243-244
supersequence of, 255 of Colombia, 642-643 Cambrian-Ordovician of, 271-275
Algae, in organic matter, 414 compared to Canadian Cordillera, Carboniferous-Jurassic stratigraphy
Alluvial fans, of Sierra Pampeanas, 341- 653-654, 656 of, 257-261
356 Cretaceous rift system of, 325-337 Carboniferous-Permian of, 276, 285-
Altiplano Cretaceous paleogeography of, 110- 299
basin architecture of, 312-313, 320 111, 114-117 Cenozoic structures of, 277-279
basin evolution of, 305-322 cross sections of, 461, 465, 466, 467, correlation charts of, 134-135, 134-137,
Bouguer gravity of, 310, 313, 314 475, 477, 643 136-137, 138-139, 270
Carboniferous stratigraphy of, 233- crustal structure of, 639-642 Cretaceous unconformity of, 548
237 data point analysis of, 82 Cretaceous-Tertiary subsidence of,
correlation chart of, 321 Devonian of, 233-235, 240-241 276-277
geologic map of, 310-312 evolution of, 103-127 cross sections of, 153-158, 278
geologic setting of, 306-307, 512-514 geodynamics of, 244-245, 641-642 depocenters of, 275
geophysical data of, 308-309, 310-311, geologic setting of, 460-462, 512-514 gas fields of, 550
313-314, 322 hydrocarbon systems of, 104, 124-127 geologic maps of, 130-155, 272
hydrocarbons of, 307-308, 314-315 igneous events of, 242, 243-244, 271, geologic provinces of, 270
location map of, 512 273-274 glacial deposits of, 168-170, 173-174,
seismic reflection profiles of, 316-319 intermontane basins of, 597-611 174-176
stratigraphic columns of, 309, 311 Jurassic paleogeography of, 108-109 hydrocarbons of, 279-280, 365-366
stratigraphy of, 308, 312 lithosphere of, 461, 477, 642-643 igneous events of, 243-244, 271, 273-
structural inversion in, 321 location map of, 232, 648 274
structure of, 306, 315 new model for structure of, 652-653 paleogeography of, 383-400
and sub-Andean belt, 474 paleobiogeography of, 238-240 Permian of, 276
tectonostratigraphic chart of, 311 paleolatitudinal shift in, 231-246 petroleum geology of, 547-549
Alto Paraguay terrane, 39 palinspastic reconstruction of, 102- Phanerozoic history chart of, 270
Amazon basin, data point analysis of, 83 103 prerift geologic map of, 327
Ambo Group, 216, 235 Permian of, 233, 237-238, 241-243 regional map of, 404
Andean bend and pre-Andean extension, 490 rift system of, 307, 325-337
analogs of, 520 sandstone reservoirs of, 125-126 and sea level trends, 257
décollement levels in, 513 source rocks of, 124-125 sedimentation in, 177, 178
footwall morphology in, 515-516 strain of Tithonian rift of, 641-642 Silurian-Devonian stratigraphy of,
models of formation of, 518 structure of, 208-209, 514-518, 531 253-257, 275-276
orocline interpretation of, 518-521 subduction in, 643 structural inversion in, 341-356, 359-
paleogeography of, 518-519 tectonic evolution of, 269-281, 474- 366, 369-380
sedimentary thicknesses in, 517 477, 654 structure of, 549-554
structure of, 513-515 Tertiary compression in, 40 sub-Andean belt of, 549-554
Andean deformation, see also Andes Triassic-Jurassic paleogeography of, tectonic evolution of, 263, 269-281
in Boomerang Hills, 487-489 106-107 wildcat drilling in, 54-55
climax of, 74 Antarctica, data point analysis of, 84 Arica bend, lithospheric cross section of,
early, 73-74 Apon Formation 477
Ordovician, 212 isopach map of, 708 Aruba
seismic reflection profile of, 28 stratigraphy of, 707 geologic history of, 771-774
782 Index
interpreted seismic line of, 770 Jurassic, 70-72 tectonic map of, 232, 446
isopach map of, 772, 773, 775 late Paleozoic, 68-69 Triassic-Jurassic of, 219-221
stratigraphy of, 770-771 of Llanos basin, 660-663 wildcat drilling in, 54-55
subsidence rates of, 776, 777 of Malargüe basin, 371-373 Bolivia basin, summary of, 245
Asunción arch, cross section of, 85 in Mesozoic, 34-40 Bolivian Andes, data point analysis of,
Asthenosphere, and Andes, 476-477 Neocomian, 71-73 82
Atuel half-graben, cross section of, 377 of Neuquén basin, 383-400 Bolivian orocline, 512
Atuel-Valenciana half-graben of Paganzo basin, 288, 293-296 Bolsones, definition of, 68
cross section of, 375, 377-378 Phanerozoic, 66-67 Bonaire basin, geologic setting of, 759
geometry of, 374, 376 of Rumichaca basin, 607-608 Boomerang Hills
Ayacucho basin, stratigraphic column tectonic controls of, 5-44 Andean deformation in, 487-489
of, 602 Triassic, 69-70 cross section of, 447, 454, 456, 488
Azogues Formation, megaturbidites of, Basin resources, estimates of, 57-60 deformation summary of, 497
603 Bending, synorogenic, 512 fault map of, 487, 490
Azúcar Group Beni basin, stratigraphy of, 216 hydrocarbons of, 490-494
paleocurrents in, 621 Beni-Chaco plain, structural setting of, isopach map of, 498
stratigraphy of, 620-621 208 oil and gas window in, 456
Berta Formation, stratigraphy of, 195 oil fields of, 483
Backthrusting Blind thrusting, in Eastern Cordillera, petroleum system of, 447, 454
in Andes, 475 650-651 pre-Andean deformation of, 489-490
cross section of, 475 Bolivia sedimentary wedge of, 449
definition of, 650 Andean bend in, 511-521 seismic reflection profiles of, 485, 486,
Bahia Negra platform, hydrocarbons of, Andean deformation in, 481-498 491, 492, 493, 495, 496
199 basin-bounding features of, 243-244 stratigraphic column of, 483
Bajada Vidal trough, seismic reflection Cambrian-Caradoc of, 211-212 stratigraphy of, 483-486
profile of, 388 Carboniferous of, 32, 177, 215-218, structure of, 486-487, 488
Barda Colorado area, seismic reflection 233-237 Boomerang-Chiquitanas suture, 29
profile of, 393 Cenozoic of, 221-225 Bouguer gravity
Barinas-Apure basin Chaco basin of, 15 of Altiplano, 310, 313, 314
cross section of, 687, 693 correlation chart of, 132-133, 138-139 of Gondwana, 9
geologic setting of, 682 Cretaceous rift basin of, 305-322 Brasiliano cycle, 11-19, 32, 186-187
location map of, 682 cross sections of, 153-158, 222, 461 Brazil
Mesozoic-Cenozoic stratigraphy of, Devonian of, 213-215, 232-235 correlation charts of, 132-133, 134-135,
685-696 geochemical database of, 527 136-137
Paleozoic stratigraphy of, 682-685 geologic maps of, 130-155, 464, 482 geologic cross sections of, 153-158
Basement geologic setting of, 524 geologic maps of, 130-155
of Andes, 243-244 glacial deposits of, 174-176 glacial deposits of, 171-173, 176
of Argentina, 243-244, 271, 273-274 hydrocarbons of, 224-225, 451-457, wildcat drilling in, 54-55
basin forming, 66 526-531 Brazilian shield, igneous events of, 243
crustal evolution of, 8-10 Jurassic-Cretaceous of, 221 Bucaramanga fault, nature of, 651
extension in, 26 location map of, 460 Bulk strain, of Main sub-Andean thrust,
of Maracaibo basin, 705 Mesozoic paleogeography of, 218, 471-473
of Paganzo basin, 287 220, 223, 224 Buried thrust fronts, definition of, 650
of Patagonia, 405 oil correlation of, 527
shortening in Venezuelan Coast Ordovician of, 212, 213-215 Caipipendi
Ranges, 674 paleobiogeography of, 238-240 cross section of, 541
structural trends of, 9 Paleozoic paleogeography of, 210- geologic history chart of, 531
Basin evolution 211, 218 geologic map of, 539
and 2-D modeling, 728 Pennsylvanian-Triassic of, 218-219 HI/OI diagram of, 528
of Altiplano, 305-322 Permian of, 215 seismic reflection profile of, 540, 541
of Argentina, 251-265, 271-276 petroleum geology of, 224-225, 451- Calentura Formation, stratigraphy of,
block diagram of, 24 457 617
Carboniferous-Permian, 30-32 Phanerozoic stratigraphy of, 209-211, Campo Duran field
of Caribbean pull-apart basin, 778 226-227 cross section of, 553
of coastal Ecuador, 626-629 Silurian of, 213-215 seismic modeling of, 553
Cretaceous, 72-73 source rocks of, 448-450 Campo Duran-Madrejones range,
of Cuenca basin, 605-607 stratigraphic column of, 213, 215, 219, structure of, 552-554
early Paleozoic, 21-30, 68 221, 448 Canadian Cordillera, compared to
of Eastern Venezuelan basin, 743-745 stratigraphy of, 178, 254, 501-507 Andes, 653-654, 656
of intermontane basins, 604-608, 609, structural setting of, 208-209 Cancañiri Formation, stratigraphy of,
611 sub-Andean belt of, 445-457 211-212, 213
Index 783
Cangapi Formation, stratigraphy of, 259 Colombia of Bolivia, 153-158, 222, 461
Cape basin, evolution of, 21 Caribbean pull-apart basin of, 757- of Boomerang Hills, 488
Cape foldbelt, orogenesis of, 35 778 of Brazil, 153-158
Cape-Karoo basin Cordilleran crustal evolution of, 633- of Caipipendi, 541
as depocenter, 19-34 643, 647-657 of Campo Duran field, 553
subsidence curves of, 33 cross sections of, 635, 638, 642 of Capilla del Monte, 346
Capilla del Monte lithosphere in, 642-643 of Central thrust zone, 468
basement foliation of, 349 structure of, 651 of Chaco basin, 85, 189
block diagram of, 346 tectonic provinces of, 660 of Chaco-Paraná, 85-86
cross section of, 346 wildcat drilling in, 54-55 of Chile, 153-158
geology of, 345, 348 Colon Formation of coastal Ecuador, 627
Neogene thrusts of, 348-351 isopach map of, 708 of Cocuy basin, 640
normal faults of, 356 stratigraphy of, 707 of Colombia, 635, 638, 642
Caquiahuaca thrust, 464-467, 473 Colorado field, cross section of, 657 of Cuenca basin, 606
Caranavi anticline, structure of, 469 Competitor analysis, in petroleum of Cusiana field, 664
Carandaity basin exploration, 56-57 of Cuyo basin, 361, 362-364
hydrocarbons of, 199 Computer modeling, of Eastern of Devonian Andes, 244-245
stratigraphy of, 194 Venezuelan basin oil, 727-740 of Eastern Cordillera, 461, 547, 635,
Caribbean plate Copacabana Formation 638, 639, 640, 641, 642
margins of, 722, 757-778 reservoirs of, 433 of Eastern Venezuelan basin, 729,
tectonic provinces of, 758-759 as source rocks, 449, 450 744, 746, 747, 751
tectonic setting of, 700-702 setting of, 216, 427 of El Pilar fault, 673
Caribbean pull-apart basin, evolutionary stratigraphy of, 237, 238, 503 of Gondwana, 244
model for, 778 Cordillera, see Eastern Cordillera; of gravity-driven structures, 649
Castillo anticline, 409 Western Cordillera of Hollin Formation, 580, 586
Cauderalito limestone, structure at top Cordillera de la Costa, 759 of Ipaguazu field, 554
of, 769 Cordillera Oriental, see Oriente basin Jurassic-Recent, 86
Cayo Formation, stratigraphy of, 617-618 Cordillera Real, see Eastern Cordillera of Lomas de Olmedo basin, 337
Celiphus rallus-like algae, 414 Core photos of Llanos basin, 640
Central America, tectonic features of, 701 of Hollin Formation, 578 of Llanos foothills, 664
Central thrust zone of Manuripi X-1 well, 506 of Madrejones field, 554
cross section of, 468 of Pando X-1 well, 506 of Magdalena Valley, 652, 653, 657
structure of, 468-469 Coro high, stratigraphy of, 766 of Main sub-Andean thrust, 467, 468,
Cerro León Group, stratigraphy of, 190, Correlation charts 472
192-194 of Altiplano, 321 of Malargüe belt, 375-380
Cinco Picachos supersequence, 253-254 of Argentina, 270 of Mangan Formation, 607
Chronostratigraphy, see Stratigraphic of Chaco basin, 192 of Maracaibo basin, 687, 721
column, 406 of Cocinetas basin, 761 of Maturín basin, 747
Clay Pebble beds, stratigraphy of, 621- of Eastern Venezuelan basin, 745 of Merida arch, 709
622 of Falcon basin, 760 of Napo uplift, 580
Clinoforms, of Maracaibo basin, 714-716 of glaciated basins, 168 of Oriente basin, 655
Closed rift, definition of, 80, 81 of Madre de Dios basin, 427 of Paganzo basin, 294
Coastal Ecuador of Maracaibo basin, 703 of Palauco rift, 378
basin evolution of, 617-625, 626-629 of Marañon basin, 427 of Paraguay, 153-158, 197, 200
cross section of, 627 of Napo Formation, 583 of Paraná basin, 189
forearc basin of, 626-628 of Paganzo basin, 298 Permian-Triassic, 85
geologic setting of, 617 of South America, 132-139 of Pungarayacu area, 580
location map of, 616 of sub-Andean belt, 427, 431 of Ramos field, 551
paleocurrents of, 621, 624, 625 of Ucayali basin, 427 regional tectonostratigraphic, 23
paleogeography of, 618 of Venezuela, 684, 703, 760 of Rumichaca basin, 610
sedimentation rates of, 628 Critical taper, definition of, 473 of Serranía, 672, 673
stratigraphic column of, 618 Cross sections of Sierra de Pajarillo, 346
Coca-Payamino field, cross section of, of Aguaragüe field, 552 Silurian-Carboniferous, 85
586 of Andes, 461, 465, 466, 467, 475, 477, of southern South America, 153-156,
Cochabamba basin 643 157-158
cross section of, 515 of Argentina, 153-158, 278 of structural inversion, 321, 364
map view of, 515 of Asuñcion arch, 85 of sub-Andean belt, 447, 463, 533, 541,
structure of, 514, 515-516 Atuel-Valenciana half-graben, 375, 549
Cocinetas basin, stratigraphy of, 759-762 377-378 of triangle zone, 649
Cocuy basin, stratigraphy of, 640 of backthrusting, 475 of Tuichi syncline, 473
Codo del Senguerr anticline, 408 of Barinas-Apure basin, 687, 693 of Uruguay, 153-158
784 Index
of Venezuela, 754 stratigraphic column of, 188, 194, 196 of southern Africa, 84
of Venezuelan Coastal Ranges, 672, stratigraphy of, 216-218 of West Texas Permian basin, 83
673 and sub-Andean belt deformation, Delamination, by tectonic wedge, 551
of worldwide foldbelts, 470-471 535-536 Depocenters, of Paleozoic, 19-34
Crude oil, resources of Latin America, 54 subbasins of, 186, 196, 199 Deseado massif, definition of, 64
Crust Chaco Formation, stratigraphy of, 198 Diaguita orogeny, 276-277
of Andes, 639-642 Chacopampeana Plain, geologic setting Diamante River area, cross section of,
of Venezuelan Coast Ranges, 667-677 of, 252-253 377
Cuenca basin Chaco-Paraná basin Diamictites
cross section of, 606 glacial deposits of, 173-174 of Bolivian Andes, 234-236
evolution of, 605-607 sedimentation in, 177 of Itarare Group, 173
megaturbidites of, 603 Chacopata-Uverito transect of Tarija Formation, 179
paleogeography of, 606 location map of, 728 Dorsal de Huincal, see Huincal dorsal
stratigraphic column of, 601 oil maturity along, 753 Dry holes, percentage of, 55
structural map of, 608 Chaco-Tarija basin
tectonic setting of, 605 depositional setting of, 180 Eastern Cordillera
Cuevo supersequence, stratigraphy of, glacial deposits of, 174-176 angular unconformity of, 260
259 hydrocarbons in, 177-178 blind thrusting in, 650-651
Cumana Formation, lithologies of, 235 sedimentation of, 19-34, 178 compared to Canadian Cordillera,
Curaçao Ridge, setting of, 758 stratigraphic columns of, 178 653-654, 656
Curupaity subbasin, hydrocarbons of, Chañic belt, tectonic evolution of, 276 cross sections of, 461, 547, 635, 638,
199 Chañic orogeny, 89, 425-426 639, 640, 641, 642
Cusiana field Chapiza Formation, stratigraphy of, 562- crustal configuration of, 639-642
cross section of, 664 563 foreland basin of, 635-636
seismic reflection profile of, 637 Charagüe, seismic reflection profile of, geologic setting of, 252-253, 512-514,
Cuyo basin 537, 538 561
cross section of, 361, 362-364 Chenque-Challao anticline, 410 gravity-driven structures of, 648-649,
hydrocarbons of, 365-366 Chichibacoa basin 657
inversion in, 359-366, 364 offshore wells of, 762 hydrocarbons of, 654-656
seismic reflection profile of, 364 stratigraphy of, 762-763 location map of, 512
source rocks of, 365-366 Chile new model for structure of, 652-653
stratigraphic column of, 40 basin-bounding features of, 243-244 palinspastic restoration of, 639
stratigraphy of, 361, 363 correlation charts of, 132-133, 134-135, polyphase rifting in, 638
structure of, 360, 361-362 136-137 rift tectonics of, 639-639
tectonic evolution of, 362-363 Devonian stratigraphy of, 232-235 Silurian-Devonian unconformity in,
Cuyo Group geologic cross sections of, 153-158 255
isopach map of, 374 geologic maps of, 130-155 snip restoration of, 476
paleogeography of, 387 igneous events of, 244 stratigraphy of, 258, 259
stratigraphy of, 388-390 Permian paleogeography of, 242 structure of, 277, 461, 641, 642
transfer faults of, 399 regional map of, 404 tectonics of, 546, 634-636
rift basins in, 342 Eastern Venezuelan basin
Chacay Melehue half-graben, 375, 376 Chiquitanas-Boomerang suture, 18-19 computer modeling of, 727-740
Chacay-Lotena Group, isopach map of, Chongón-Colonche Cordillera correlation chart of, 745
375 stratigraphic column of, 620, 622 cross sections of, 729, 744, 746, 747,
Chaco basin tectonostratigraphic evolution of, 751
Carboniferous of, 177 619-623 geodynamic evolution of, 743-745
Cenozoic of, 189-190, 195-198 transgressive deposits of, 622, 623 HI/OI of, 752
cross sections of, 85, 189 Chonta Formation, oil-source correlation hydrocarbon saturation in, 735, 738,
data point analysis of, 82 of, 432 739
Escarpment Formation of, 32 Chota basin, stratigraphic column of, 601 hydrocarbons of, 727-740, 749-755
evolution of, 29 Chubut Group, 406 hydrodynamic model of, 750-751
geologic map of, 187, 482 lithofacies of, 731
geologic setting of, 546 Dahlstromian, definition of, 634 location map of, 728, 743
geothermal gradient of, 199 Data point analysis megasequences of, 743-745
hydrocarbon potential of, 198-201 of Amazon basin, 83 Miocene facies of, 736
isopach map of, 193 of Antarctica, 84 oil fields of, 742
Mesozoic of, 189, 195-196 of Bolivian Andes, 82 petroleum geology of, 749-755
Paleozoic of, 187-189, 190-195 of Chaco basin, 82 pressure zones in, 732-733
pre-Andes deformation of, 498 of Huallaga basin, 83 reservoirs of, 749-750
sedimentary episodes of, 186 of Paraná basin, 82 seismic reflection profiles of, 744, 747,
seismic reflection profile of, 15, 191 of Sierras Chiquitanas, 80 748, 749, 750
Index 785
source rocks of, 730, 737, 752 stratigraphy of, 763-768 of Malargüe belt, 370
stratigraphic columns of, 730, 745 subsidence rates of, 776 of Neuquén basin, 370
stratigraphy of, 730, 731, 735, 743-745 well correlation in, 768 of Occidental, 352
structure of, 746-748 Fan, definition of, 176 Ordovician, 130, 133, 141
tectonic setting of, 742 Fast flexure, 80, 81 of Paraguay, 187
vitrinite reflectance in, 734, 736, 737, Fault-bend fold, 487, 489 Permian, 139-142, 146, 147, 148
738 Field discoveries of Rumichaca basin, 610
water flow in, 734 major, 56-57 of Saldan Formation, 348
Eastern Venezuelan ranges, see also from wildcat drilling, 55 of Serranía, 670
Venezuelan Coast Ranges Field size of Sierra Chicas, 345
geodynamic modeling of, 675-677 95th percentile of, 59 of Sierra de Los Condores, 347
geologic setting of, 668-672 distribution of, 59-60 of Sierras de Cordoba, 343
subduction in, 675-676 in Latin America, 58-59 Silurian, 133, 135, 142
tectonostratigraphy of, 670-671 population statistics of, 58-59 of sub-Andean belt, 464, 469, 525
terranes of, 670-673 worldwide, 58-59 Tertiary, 150-153, 154, 155
Economic basement, see Basement Field size analysis, definition of, 57 Triassic, 143-144, 149, 150
Ecuador, see also Coastal Ecuador Flexural load model, of Andean crust, Vendian-Cambrian, 130, 140
coastal, 615-629 639-641 Ghanzi thrusts, seismic reflection profile
Cretaceous paleogeography of, 582- Flexure of, 12-13
585 fast, 80, 81 Glacially influenced, definition of, 167
depositional systems of, 575-582 slow, 81 Glaciated basins
geologic setting of, 574-575 Foldbelts, cross section of worldwide, correlation chart of, 168
intermontane basins of, 597-611 470 marine sediments in, 165-176
location map of, 574 Footwall morphology, in Andean bend, Glaciation
morphostructural map of, 598 515-516 of Gondwana, 31, 169
reservoirs of, 585-590 Forced fold, definition of, 489 and hydrocarbon reserves, 165-180
seismic expression of structures of, Forearc basin, of coastal Ecuador, 626- Middle Silurian, 88
559-570 628 sediments of, 165-176
stratigraphic column of, 601 Foredeep fill, of sub-Andean belt, 462 Golfo Tristel, stratigraphy of, 770
stratigraphy of, 575-582 Foreland basin, of Maracaibo basin, 717- Gondwana
tectonic map of, 560 719, 720, 721 basin evolution of, 5-44
tectonic setting of, 605 Foreland basins basin map of, 7, 9
wildcat drilling in, 54-55 of Eastern Cordillera, 635-636 Carboniferous paleogeography of,
El Furrial structure, 750 evolution of, 73-74 90-93, 169
El Pilar fault glacial deposits of, 167, 168-170 crustal evolution of, 8-10
cross section of, 673 hydrocarbons in, 176-177 Devonian of, 88-90, 244
and deep structure, 676 of Maracaibo basin, 710-719 evolution of, 208
geologic setting of, 668-672 Paleozoic of Andes, 231-246 glaciation of, 31, 88, 169, 235
Ene Formation, oil-source correlation of, of Peru, 424, 425 Ordovician of, 86-87
428 Paleozoic of, 212, 218
Entre Lomas trough, seismic reflection Gacela field, stratigraphic correlation of, Permian of, 92-95
profile of, 389 587 Phanerozoic evolution of, 66-67
Escarpment Formation, 32, 297 Gariep belt, 11 reconstruction map of, 81
Estancia Vieja area, seismic reflection Gas fields, see also Oil fields Silurian of, 88-89
profile of, 396 of Argentina, 550 structural trends of, 9
Etendeka magnetism, 39 largest in Latin America, 57 tectonic subsidence analysis of, 79-96
Eva-Eva thrust, 464-467 GENEX software, 450-451, 751 Triassic of, 95-96
Exploration efficiency Geochemistry Gravity-driven structures
definition of, 57-58 of organic matter, 414 cross section of, 649
for Maracaibo basin, 58 of sub-Andean belt, 437, 526-531 of Eastern Cordillera, 648-649, 657
for Maturin basin, 58 Geologic maps geometry of, 648-649
for Venezuela, 58 of Altiplano, 310-312 of Magdalena Valley, 649-650, 657
Explosive source data, for Salta rift, 339 of Argentina, 272 in Tien Shan mountains, 649
Extensional arc, definition of, 103 of Bolivia, 464 Guajira Peninsula
Carboniferous, 137, 139, 145 Cenozoic basins of, 761
Faja Petrolifera, 748 of Chaco basin, 187 geologic history of, 771-774
Falcón basin Cretaceous, 147-150, 152, 153 geologic setting of, 759
geologic setting of, 759 Devonian, 135, 137, 143, 144 isopach map of, 772, 773, 775
interpreted seismic line of, 763 of Inicua quadrangle, 469 stratigraphic column of, 760
paleogeography of, 764, 765, 767 Jurassic, 145-147, 151 stratigraphy of, 759-763
stratigraphic column of, 760 of Llanos foothills, 663 subsidence rates of, 774-776
786 Index
cross section of, 337 Magmatism, Triassic-Jurassic, 35-36 passive margin sedimentation of,
field parameters of, 340 Magnetism, of Paraná basin, 39 706-709
isopach map of, 326 Main Andean thrust rift sedimentation of, 705-706
seismic reflection profile of, 264 stages of thrust dynamics, 473-474 sandstone petrography of, 714
stratigraphic column of, 40 tectonics of, 470-471 seismic reflection profiles of, 701, 715-
structure of, 333 Main Hollin Formation, see also Hollin 717
Lonco Trapial, 405 Formation seismic stratigraphy of, 702-704
Longhorn basin, geometry of, 638-639 core permeability of, 595 stratigraphic columns for, 703, 704
Los Blancos anticline, cross section of, deposition systems of, 576-577 stratigraphy of, 682-696, 705-707, 711-
377 Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria of, 596 713
Los Monos Formation petrophysical properties of, 594 subsidence curves of, 709, 710, 715,
HO/OI diagram of, 529 porosity-permeability of, 593 719
as source rocks, 528-529, 547 Main sub-Andean thrust subsurface seismic map units of, 702-
stratigraphic column of, 529 balancing bulk strain in, 471-473 704
Los Roques basin, 758 cross section of, 467, 468, 472 well data of, 701, 702
Lotena Group, paleogeography of, 391 seismic reflection profile of, 472 Marañon basin
Lower Patquia–De la Cuesta superse- stages of thrust dynamics of, 473-474 correlation chart of, 427
quence, stratigraphy of, 291-292 tectonics of, 470-471 exploration wells of, 442
Main thrust, definition of, 469 hydrocarbons of, 424, 433-440
Llallagua Formation, stratigraphy of, 213 Main thrust tectonics, definition of, 469 oil fields of, 443
Llanos basin Malargüe basin, evolution of, 371-373 seismic reflection profile of, 426
basin evolution of, 660-663 Malargüe belt setting of, 425-426
chronostratigraphic summary of, 661 cross sections of, 375-380 Massifs, of South America, 65
cross section of, 640 geologic map of, 370 Maturation, mechanisms of, 126-127
logs of, 662 structural inversion in, 369-380 Maturín basin
stratigraphic column of, 662 Malvinas basin, evolution of, 71-73 cross section of, 672, 673, 747
stratigraphy of, 660-663 Malvinokaffric fauna, 239 exploration efficiency for, 58
Llanos foothills Manabí area, tectonostratigraphic field size distribution in, 59
chronostratigraphic summary of, 661 evolution of, 619 hydrodynamic system of, 751
cross section of, 664 Mandeyapecua thrust, interpretation of, tectonostratigraphy of, 671-672
geologic map of, 663 539 Megasequences
logs of, 662 Mandiyutí Group definition of, 211
stratigraphic column of, 662 evolution of, 297-298 of Eastern Venezuelan basin, 743-745
stratigraphy of, 660-663 setting of, 216-217 of Maracaibo basin, 703-704, 707, 711-
structure of, 663-664 stratigraphy of, 258-259 713
Lliquimuni cross section Mangán Formation, 607 Mendoza area, structural inversion in,
maturity in, 453 Manuripi X-1 well 369-380
oil and gas windows of, 451 core photos of, 506 Merida arch
petroleum system of, 447, 451-453 depositional systems of, 504-507 cross section of, 709
depth/dates of, 503 Jurassic rifts of, 705
Macarao Formation, stratigraphy of, 759 lithofacies of, 506 Mesa Formation, 730
Macharetí Group location of, 502, 503 Mesoproterozoic, crustal evolution in, 8-
evolution of, 297-298 stratigraphy of, 502-504 10
setting of, 216-217 Maraca Formation Mesosaurus, 31
stratigraphy of, 257-258 isopach map of, 708 Miraflores syncline, stratigraphic
McKenzie basin model, 638 stratigraphy of, 707 column of, 221
Macuma Formation, stratigraphy of, 561 Maracaibo basin Misoá Formation
Madre de Dios basin basement of, 705 clinoforms of, 715, 716
correlation chart of, 427 clinoforms of, 714-715 isopach map of, 711, 713
depositional systems of, 504-507 correlation chart for, 703 progradation in, 717
exploration wells of, 442 cross sections of, 687, 721 seismic reflection profile of, 715, 716
setting of, 426 depositional environments of, 704 stratigraphic column of, 693
stratigraphy of, 501-507 exploration efficiency for, 58 stratigraphy of, 712-713
Madrejones field, cross section of, 554 fault map of, 718 Morichito basin
Magallanes basin, evolution of, 71-73 foreland basins of, 710-719, 720, 721 cross section of, 672, 673
Magdalena Valley fossil assemblages of, 704 seismic reflection profile of, 671
cross section of, 652, 653, 657 geologic/tectonic setting of, 682, 700- Mulichinco Formation, paleogeography
gravity-driven structures of, 649-650, 702 of, 397
657 isopach maps of, 708, 711, 712, 713 Multinational oil companies (MNCs),
low-angle normal faults of, 656 location map of, 682 definition of, 56
structure of, 651 paleocurrents of, 714-715
788 Index
Socorro Formation, stratigraphic column of Eastern Venezuelan basin, 730, 745 cross sections of, 425, 447, 463, 533,
of, 624 of Ecuador, 601 541, 549
Socuy Member of Falcón basin, 760 crustal load deflection in, 463
isopach map of, 708 of glacial deposits, 168 crustal shortening in, 539-540
stratigraphy of, 707 of Guajira Peninsula, 760 deformation of, 535-539
Source rocks, see also Hydrocarbons of Guandacol supersequence, 290 evolution of, 74, 397-398
of Andes, 124-125 of Guayaquil area, 618 exploration modeling of, 450-451
of Bolivia, 448-450 of Hollin Formation, 576 foredeep fill of, 462
Copacabana Formation as, 449, 450 of Las Pavas supersequence, 256 gas-oil ratio in, 456
of Cuyo basin, 365-366 of Lomas de Olmedo basin, 40 geochemical evaluation of, 437, 526-
of Eastern Venezuelan basin, 730, 752 of Los Monos Formation, 529 531
Guayuta Group as, 737 of Maracaibo basin, 703, 704 geologic maps of, 464, 469, 525
Los Monos Formation as, 528-529, of Misoa Formation, 693 geologic setting of, 252-253, 446-448,
547 of Namora basin, 602 512, 524, 546-547
Retama Formation as, 449 of Neuquén basin, 372, 385 geothermal gradient of, 437
of San Bernardo belt, 413-414 of Occidental, 354 hydrocarbons of, 424, 433-440, 451-
of sub-Andean belt, 436, 448-450, 526- of Oriente basin, 562, 575, 576 457, 526-531, 547-549
530, 547 of Paganzo basin, 287 imbrication in, 464-466
Toregua Formation as, 450 of Pampean Ranges, 344 location maps of, 512, 532, 546
in upper Patquía, 293 of Peru, 602 main thrust tectonics of, 469-473
South America of Phanerozoic, 21, 253 oil and gas windows of, 451
architectural map of, 65 of Punta Ancón Formation, 624 oil–source correlation, 438
basin evolution in, 5-44 of Rumichaco basin, 603 petroleum geology of, 423-444, 433-
basin map of, 84, 167, 186, 286, 758 of San Jorge basin, 406 440, 452-455
and Caribbean plate boundary, 676 of San Marcos basin, 602 reservoirs of, 433-436, 547-548
geologic cross sections of, 153-156, of San Mateo Formation, 625 sedimentary wedge of, 449
157-158 of Santa Elena Peninsula, 620, 624 seismic reflection profiles of, 434-435,
geologic maps of, 130-155 of Seca Formation, 624 549
geologic provinces of, 131 of Socorro Formation, 624 source rocks of, 436, 448-450, 526-530,
geologic setting of, 64-66 of South America, 132-139 547
glacial record of, 167-168 of sub-Andean belt, 448, 462, 526, 548 stratigraphic columns of, 448, 462,
location map of northwestern, 634, of Tinajani basin, 603 526, 548
701 of Tupe supersequence, 291 stratigraphy of, 216, 426-430, 462-463,
oil and gas in, 53-61 of Vilcabamba basin, 601 524-526
paleogeography of, 67, 69 of western Venezuela, 684, 691, 694, structural trap styles of, 439-440
petroleum basins in, 54, 63-74 696 structure of, 447, 460-462, 463-464,
Phanerozoic correlation in, 129-158 Strike-slip fault, horizontal offset from, 531-541, 549-554
political map of, 460 653 synclines of, 467-468
tectonic features of, 701 Structural inversion tectonic framework of, 430-433
tectonic map of, 758 of Altiplano, 321 triangle zone of, 466-467
South American plate, margin of, 722, in Argentina, 341-356, 359-366 Triassic basin of, 429
757-778 cross section of, 321, 364 Subduction
South Caribbean deformed belt, 758 in Cuyo basin, 359-366 in Andes, 643
Southern hemisphere, paleogeography definition of, 35 in Eastern Venezuelan ranges, 675-
of, 86-96 in Huincul dorsal, 391-396 676
Stasis, definition of, 81 Jurassic-Cretaceous, 39 Subsidence curves
Strain partitioning, in Venezuelan Coast in Malargüe belt, 369-380 analysis of, 80-81
Ranges, 676 Neogene, 348-351, 353-356 for Carboniferous-Permian, 33
Stratigraphic columns in Neuquén basin, 369-380, 391-393 for La Valenciana half-graben, 373
of Altiplano, 309, 310, 311 in Pampean Ranges, 341-356 of Maracaibo basin, 709, 710, 715, 719
of Ayacucho basin, 602 of San Bernardo belt, 403-413 for NW Argentina, 262
of Bolivia, 213, 215, 219, 221, 448 of Sierra Chicas, 348-351 for Paganzo basin, 33, 295
of Boomerang Hills, 483 Sub-Andean belt for Venezuela, 776
of Chaco basin, 188, 194 and Altiplano, 474 Successor basins
of Chaco-Tarija basin, 178 Argentine ranges of, 547 definition of, 19
of Chongón-Colonche Cordillera, basin evolution of, 73-74 of Paleozoic, 19-34
620, 622 basin setting of, 425-426 Superpatagoniano succession, 406
of Chota basin, 601 burial history diagram of, 528 Supersequences
of coastal Ecuador, 618 and Chaco basin, 535-536 of Argentina, 253-261
of Cuenca basin, 601 correlation chart of, 427, 431 of Bolivia, 209
of Cuyo basin, 40, 361 Cretaceous of, 427, 430 definition of, 211
792 Index
of Paganzo basin, 288-296 definition of, 648, 650 crust of, 667-677
of western Venezuela, 683, 685-692 of sub-Andean belt, 466-467 exploration efficiency for, 58
Trujillo Formation geologic history of northwestern, 771-
Tacurú supersequence, stratigraphy of, clinoforms of, 715 774
259-260 progradation in, 717 isopach maps of, 772, 773, 775
Tarija basin, stratigraphy of, 259 seismic reflection profile of, 715 location maps of, 648, 669
Tarija Formation stratigraphy of, 712 seismicity of, 669
outcrops of, 179 Tuichi syncline, cross section of, 473 stratigraphy of, 681-697, 759-774
stratigraphy of, 258 Tupambi Formation, stratigraphy of, 258 tectonics of, 754, 758-759, 669
Tarija-Teoponte belt, stratigraphy of, Tupe supersequence, stratigraphy of, wildcat drilling in, 54-55
216-218 290-291, 292, 293 Venezuelan Coast Ranges, see also
Tecka Range, stratigraphic column of, Turbidites Eastern Venezuelan ranges
171 depositional model of, 176 basement shortening in, 674
Tectonic subsidence, see also Subsidence of Tarija Formation, 179 cross section of, 672, 673
curves of Tupe supersequence, 293 crust of, 667-677
curves of, 80-81, 262, 295, 373 Two-dimensional computer modeling, geologic setting of, 668-672
of Cuyo basin, 363 727-740 geophysical modeling of, 675
of Gondwana, 79-96 gravimetric map of, 673
of Maracaibo basin, 715, 719 Ucayali basin magnetic map of, 674
Tectonic wedge correlation chart of, 427 seismic reflection profile of, 671
creating trap by, 552 exploration wells of, 442 strain partitioning in, 676
delamination by, 551 hydrocarbons of, 424, 433-440 Vibroseis data, for Salta rift, 339
high-density in Venezuelan Coast oil fields of, 443 Vilcabamba basin, stratigraphic column
Ranges, 676-677 setting of, 426 of, 601
TEMISPACK software, 728, 736, 737 Uncía Formation, stratigraphy of, 213 Vilque well, stratigraphic column of, 309
Temperature-burial modeling, for San Undiscovered resources, prediction of, Vitiacua Formation, stratigraphy of, 259
Bernardo belt, 415 60 Vivian Formation, isopach map of, 432
Tepuel basin Upper Hollin Formation, see also Hollin Vizcacheras block, structure of, 365
glacial deposits of, 170-171 Formation
stratigraphic framework of, 169 depositional systems of, 577-579 Wells, wildcat, 54-55
Tepuel Group, stratigraphic column of, Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria of, 596 Western Cordillera
171 petrophysical properties of, 591, 592 geologic setting of, 512-514
Tequeje Formation, stratigraphy of, 502- porosity-permeability of, 590 subduction on, 643
503 Upper Patquía–De la Cuesta superse- Western Venezuela
THEMIS software, 751 quence, 292, 293 correlation chart of, 684, 703
Tien Shan mountains, gravity-driven Uribante rift, Jurassic of, 706 geologic setting of, 682
structures in, 649 Urica fault, seismic reflection profile of, logs of, 694, 696
Tinajani basin, stratigraphic column of, 748 paleogeography of, 683, 688-692, 694-
603 Uruguay 696
Tobifera, 405 correlation chart of, 136-137 seismic reflection profiles of, 685, 688,
Toe addition, definition of, 465 geologic cross sections of, 153-158 692
Tokochi Formation, stratigraphy of, 213 geologic maps of, 130-155 stratigraphic column of, 684, 691, 694,
Tomachi Formation, stratigraphy of, 503 Urumaco trough 696
Tordillo Formation, paleogeography of, interpreted seismic line of, 763 stratigraphy of, 682-696
392 subsidence rates of, 776-777 tectonic evolution of, 683, 700-723
Toregua Formation tectonic setting of, 700-702
as source rock, 450 Vaca Muerta range, outcrops of, 394 Wildcat drilling
stratigraphy of, 503 Venezuela, see also Western Venezuela in Latin America, 54-55
Transpression, Permian-Triassic, 36 Caribbean pull-apart basin of, 757- net oil found by, 57
Traps, see Hydrocarbons 778
Triangle zone Cenozoic tectonics of, 757-778 Yaurichambi Formation, stratigraphy of,
cross section of, 649 cross section of, 754 503