Design and Control of Condensate-Throttling Reboilers
Design and Control of Condensate-Throttling Reboilers
Design and Control of Condensate-Throttling Reboilers
Two reboiler designs, vapor throttling and condensate throttling, were studied to (1) quantify the
conditions under which the condensate-throttling scheme is superior in terms of smaller area re-
quirements and (2) compare the dynamic performance of the two alternatives when used on a
distillation column. A design procedure which incorporates the process requirements at the maximum
and minimum specifications is proposed. The following factors that affect the design were explored:
heating medium, pressure level, turndown requirements, and heat-transfer coefficient. The con-
densate-throttling design saves heat-transfer area when the turndown ratio is quite large or when
the pressure level of the heating medium approaches the critical pressure. The dynamic performance
of the condensate-throttling reboiler is shown to be inferior to the vapor-throttling reboiler. Dis-
tillation column control is significantly degraded if the distillation time constant is less than about
4 times the reboiler time constant. Several control system changes and process modifications are
presented that improve the dynamics of the condensate-throttling design.
I &
flow instabilities. The heat-transfer equations are com- the valve flow coefficient, the shell-side pressure, tem-
bined with the control valve design equations to form the perature, flow rate, and liquid enthalpy at the maximum
steady-state model of the system. and minimum conditions.
At the maximum energy input condition, the heat- First a value for the pressure inside the reboiler at the
transfer equation is maximum conditions was guessed (Papastathopoulou,
1987). Equations 1-3 were used to get a value for the valve
flow coefficient (evl).Equations 7-9 yielded another value
The vapor-side energy balance is for the valve flow coefficient (evz).If CV1and Cv2were not
equal, another value for P,, was guessed.
Qmax = F m a x ( H v - hmax) (2) There is an upper limit and a lower limit in the values
used for the reboiler pressure. P,, must be less than the
The control valve design equation is supply pressure (P,) because of the pressure drop across
Fmax = f(xmax)Cv(Pv - Pma)1'2 (3) the valve. The lower limit is imposed by heat-transfer
limitations. The shell-side (heating medium) temperature
where f(x,,) = 1. must be higher than the tube-side (process fluid) tem-
The following thermodynamic relations are also used: perature. For the solution, the initial guess for P,, was
some value near the upper limit. Then Pmax was changed
hmax = h(Pm,) (4) by using the bisection method.
H, = H(P,,T,) (5) 2. Condensate-Throttling Design. The design was
again based on the fact that the maximum and minimum
Tmax TPmax) (6) energy input requirements of the process must be attain-
able. For all operating conditions, the pressure down-
At the minimum energy input condition, the equations stream from the condensate valve was considered constant
are and specified by the process requirements. At the maxi-
Qmin = UminA(Tmin - TB) (7) mum conditions, the control valve was wide open.
At the maximum energy input condition, the equations
Qmin = F m i n ( H v - hmin) (8) describing the system are
Fmin = f ( x m i n ) C v ( P v - Pmin)"' (9) Qmax = UmaxA(Tv - TB) (12)
12 5 L
D steam
o Hepcane
b Benzer'le
v netnanol
0 Isobutsne
E Cyclohexane
r Table 111. Effect of the Turndown Ratio (Heating Medium:
turndown ratio
A , m2
vapor throttling
C" 5240.0 2820.0 430.0 540.0
Fmam kg/h 165 800.0 193 700.0 168450.0 210 600.0
Fdesign, kg/h 125800.0 111600.0 133 900.0 126 300.0
Fmim k / h 51 850.0 28370.0 56610.0 31 310.0
2 t ,,T
, "C 146.8 141.2 148.0 148.0
Tdeslgnr O C 139.0 127.5 141.6 133.1
Tmint "C 119.5 108.3 116.0 102.0
Pmam atm 3.41 3.01 3.5 3.5
pdesign,atm 2.86 2.17 3.5 3.5
Pmin, atm 1.78 1.32 3.5 3.5
Yma, m 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ydesign, 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Ymin, m 0.0 0.0 3.2 4.2
f (xmin) 0.1 0.1 0.26 0.09
12 5
I I I '
I ' I
Omax-l a n d e s i g n
0 Omin-0 5 Q d e s ~ o n
- sol
0 Qmax/Qmln 1 2 / 0 5
0 omax/omin 1 2/0 3
A Osax/omln i 4/0 5
l o o L
i 1
2'5 t //
I , I , l , 0 0
0 0 0 0 2 s so 7 5 100 125
0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 100
Turndown R a t i o
Figure 4. Effect of the turndown ratio on the heat-transfer area Figure 5. Effect of the minimum valve opening on the heat-transfer
savings. area savings.
In the vapor-throttling scheme, when designing for larger pressure of the condensate tank, and it may or may not
turndown ratios, the heat-transfer area increases, whereas be possible to change it to a new level of operation. A split
the valve flow coefficient decreases (Table 111). The size range control valve system (one big and one small valve
of the valve is determined by the minimum heat-input in parallel) can be used with the condensate-throttling
specifications. Notice that a smaller valve will result in scheme to overcome this problem. A t normal operating
higher pressure drops, which implies bigger losses in the conditions, the small valve remains wide open and the flow
available temperature differences for heat transfer. This rate is adjusted by changing the opening of the large valve.
is an intrinsic characteristic of the vapor-throttling design. When the opening of the large valve drops below lo%, the
I t implies that the savings in the area because of the control of the flow rate is maintained through manipula-
condensate-throttling design become larger as the turn- tion of the opening of the small valve. The flow rate
down ratio increases. becomes zero when both valves are entirely closed.
In the condensate-throttling scheme, the design of the Figure 5 shows how the percent valve opening at the
reboiler for larger turndown ratios results in larger heat- minimum conditions affects both the vapor-throttling and
transfer areas and bigger valves (Table 111). In this design, the condensate-throttling designs. The heating medium
the area and C, are determined by the maximum heat- is steam. As the percent valve opening at the minimum
input requirements. The increased heat-transfer area conditions decreases, the savings in the heat-transfer area
makes possible the transfer of the required amount of heat reduce toward zero. When a split range control valve is
at the minimum and the design conditions, while using used, the minimum valve opening is not a limitation. In
smaller flow rates and higher liquid heights. such cases, there is less incentive for choosing the con-
There can be a rangeability problem in the conden- densate-throttling reboiler design.
sate-throttling design. Table I11 shows that for a turndown 4. An Industrial Application. Table IV gives spec-
ratio of 1.510.3 = 5 the valve opening at the minimum ifications for an actual commercial reboiler that was de-
conditions is less than lo%, which for control purposes is signed for a very large turndown ratio. The reboiler of this
undesirable. Redesign of this system for a higher pressure tower was designed for a heat-transfer rate of 55 X lo6
downstream of the condensate valve (that is, for a smaller Btu/h and a turndown ratio of 1.2710.18 = 7.1. The
pressure drop across the valve) cures this problem and heating medium was steam at a supply pressure of 2.36
gives a percent valve opening at the minimum conditions atm. The discharge pressure was 2.02 atm. The saturation
bigger than 10%. In most cases, the pressure downstream temperature of the process fluid was 110 " C . Since the
from the condensate valve is determined by the operating design was for a big turndown ratio, the condensate-
2298 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 12, 1988
VT CT VT 6 1~
1i2.0 7
0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0
Figure 8. Temperature on a tray of the column. Disturbance in the
I supply pressure of the steam (T,, = 16 min, 7 d = 1.6 min, 7R = 5.83
1 min).
292 0
1. Effect of the Column Characteristics. Up to now,
a certain distillation column design was considered with
i 7, = 16 min, 7 d = 1.6 min, and reboiler time constant of
7~ = 5.83 min.
An increase in the process dead time results in a slower
t \ and more sluggish response of the system. The overshoot
becomes bigger and the settling time longer. The effect
of the process dead time is the same for both reboiler
designs (vapor and condensate throttling).
The effect of the process time constant on the overall
performance of the system is presented in Figure 9. The
process dead time satisfies the relation 7 d = 0.17,. The
27601 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I
reboiler time constant is 5.83 min.
3 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 When the process time constant is 8 min, the effect of
T I M E (MINI a 5.83-min reboiler time constant is very significant. The
Figure 7. Comparison of vapor (VT) and condensate (CT)throt- deterioration in the performance of the condensate-
tling. Disturbance in the feed flow to the column ( T =~ 16 min, 7 d throttling design is large. The settling time becomes about
= 1.6 min, Q = 5.83 min). 6 times longer and the overshoot more than twice that of
the corresponding quantities for the vapor-throttling
In Figure 7 the behavior of both the steam-throttling scheme. When the time constant is 32 min, the perform-
and the condensate-throttling designs is presented. The ance of the condensate-throttling scheme differs only
disturbance is a step change in feed flow coming into the slightly from that of the vapor-throttling scheme. In this
column. case (7, = 32 min, rR= 5.83), either of these schemes can
In the vapor-throttling design, the transition is handled be used effectively.
easier and the system moves quickly to the new steady The main point is that, when the reboiler time constant
state. The deviation of the column temperature from its is in the order of magnitude of the process time constant,
final value is smaller in absolute magnitude and the set- the performance of the condensate-throttling scheme is
tling time is less. Thus, when the reboiler time constant poor. But when T, becomes 4-5 times bigger than TR the
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 12, 1988 2301
-G' 108.0 If \ CT I
w H \
96.0 96.0
0. 40.0 80.0 120.0 160.0 0 20.0 40.0 60 0 80.0
112.0 112.0 I I l ) I I I
7~=5.83 min
108.0 108.0 1A
96.0 96,O
0. 20.0 40.0 60.0 80 0 0. 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0
'7d=3.2 m'n
..-. 1 0 8 . 0
- 108.0
96 0
o 40 o ao c 120 o 160 o
Figure 9. Effect of the process time constant. Disturbance in the
feed flow to the column ( T R = 5.83 min).
behavior of the condensate-throttling scheme is compa-
rable to that of the vapor-throttling design.
2. Effect of the Reboiler Design. The effect of the
reboiler characteristics on the overall performance of the
296 0
system is shown in Figure 10. When 7R = 2.63 (almost (II
Y 28a o
6 times smaller than 7 J , both reboiler designs behave very
similarly and the dynamic performance is not a restriction U
in choosing either one of them for such an application. g 280 0
A reboiler time constant of 2.63 min is calculated for the
base steady-state reboiler design case (Table VIII) when W
the heat-transfer coefficient is 5110 kJ/(m2 h "C) (250 u
Btu/(ft2 h OF)). This big heat-transfer coefficient can be z
achieved in practice after a reboiler cleaning and start-up. z
However, after some time of the reboiler operation, the
heat-transfer coefficient starts decreasing because of
1 V.eR=5.83min
fouling. In Figure 11, the behavior of such a system is 256 0 I I I I I I I I I ,
presented. The same base case distillation column is used. 0 10 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 0 60 0
Three values for the reboiler time constant are considered. TIME (MINI
The 7R = 2.63 min describes the reboiler behavior during
the start-up period and is the value used for the tuning Figure 11. Effect of variable reboiler time constant. Disturbance
in the feed flow to the column (iP = 16 min, Td = 1.6 min).
of the controller. The 7R = 4.38 min represents the be-
havior of the reboiler after some time of operation when value of industrial applications, 3066 kJ/(m2 h " C ) (150
the heat-transfer coefficient has been reduced to the typical Btu/(ft2h OF)). The 7R = 5.83 min correspondsto an even
2302 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 12, 1988
96 0 1 , I , . , , ,
Figure 12. Condensate-throttling scheme with auxiliary vapor-
throttling reboiler. 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 E0 0 100 C 12J 0
Figure 14. Comparison between the PI and the PID control of the
condensate-throttling design. Disturbance in the feed flow to the
1 ~ 16 min, T~ = 1.6 min, T R = 5.83 min).
column ( T =
optimum ' 4
This study was concerned with the design and the con- T R = reboiler time constant, min
T~~ = time constant of the temperature transmitter, min
trol aspects of the condensate-throttling reboiler scheme.
T~~ = time constant of the flow transmitter, min
It was found that the condensate-throttling design results
7, = time constant of the valve, min
in significant savings of the heat-transfer area when
turndown ratios are large or when pressures are near the Subscripts
critical pressure of the heating medium. B = of the process fluid
The valve opening a t the minimum conditions was design = at the design conditions
critical for the overall design. If smaller values of f(xmin) max = at the maximum conditions
can be used, the savings in the heat-transfer area of the min = at the minimum conditions
condensate-throttling design become very small. In a split out = downstream from the condensate-throttling control
range control valve scheme, the minimum valve opening valve
is not a limitation. v = at the supply conditions of the heating medium
2304 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1988, 27, 2304-2322
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Engineering, Lehigh University, 1987.
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A simple heuristic method for the synthesis of initial sequences for sloppy multicomponent separations
is proposed. In this type of separation, some components being separated may simultaneously appear
in two or more product streams. Included in the proposed method are (i) effective and flexible tools
for representing the synthesis problem, called the component assignment diagram (CAD), and for
analyzing the technical feasibility of separation tasks or product splits, called the separation
specification table (SST); (ii) practical design guidelines for the shortcut feasibility analysis of product
splits; and (iii) simple rank-ordered heuristics for the synthesis of initial separation sequences. Of
particular significance in the method is the quantitative consideration of the feasibility of product
splits. The proposed method has been applied to a number of industrial separation problems. The
results show that the heuristic method offers a simple and effective means for design engineers to
generate several good initial sequences for sloppy multicomponent separations prior to the final heat
integration and separator optimization.