The Town Times: Newspaper Assignment

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The Town Times

Volume 1, Issue 1 September 16, 2015

Due Date Newspaper Assignment

Don’t Forget
Maple Valley– The Each student review or an idea of
 All newspaper articles are local English class will be creating just their choice.
written in the third person. has been given the the front page of their
Ex. Bubba Smith lost his Students will also
chickens during a storm exciting task of paper. They must
be sure to spell-check
last week. creating the front include a picture to
and edit their work.
 Newspaper articles answer page of their very own go with their main
the 5 W’s…. Who, what, newspaper. story. Their picture
where, when, why???
may be hand-drawn,
 Newspaper have editors Students will
from the internet, or a
who look for and correct be the editors of their
grammar and spelling magazine. They must
own newspapers and
mistakes… check yours! not forget to include a
will be responsible for
developing a theme
for their newspaper. Besides a main
For example, the story, (with a picture
students could choose and headline)
to do a newspaper on students must also
snowboarding, music, include some other Katy Smith won a Gold
skateboarding, travel, features in their Medal at the 2015
World Ski
Requirements for an animal, or another newspapers. For Championships held in
this Issue topic of interest. example, ads, sports Switzerland over the
 Title Banner (name of weather, movie weekend.
newspaper, date, etc)

 Creative, catchy headline for

the main story

 A main story of at least 150

Creativity Counts!!
 Photo and caption for main
story Students must Stories can be
keep in mind that a funny, silly, true, or
 Excellent grammar and
spelling newspaper should be entirely made-up.
interesting to read. However, they must
 Other features
Nobody wants to read answer the five W’s—
(ads, weather, sports...)
a boring article. who, what, where,
 A theme that carries through when, why??
the whole paper

© Addie Williams 2011

Create A Newspaper - Brainstorming Name:

Newspaper / Theme Ideas

What Happened??

Why Did it Happen??

When / Where Did it Happen?

Who Did This Happen To?

© Addie Williams 2011

© Addie Williams 2011
© Addie Williams 2011
© Addie Williams 2011
Newspaper Marking Rubric Name:________________

Not Quite Yet Good Start You did it! Wow!

2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks

Main Article  Not written in 3rd  May not be written in  Written in 3rd  Written in 3rd person
person 3rd person. person.
Ideas &  Interesting and
information  Main article is too  Minimal information  Interesting story captivating story
short / lacking

Newspaper  Does not look like a  Some attempt to  Well done layout, title  Excellent layout, title
newspaper make project look like banner, date etc. banner, date etc.
Presentation & a newspaper
Content  Missing many  All criteria are  All criteria are
criteria  May be missing one included included and done
or more criteria very well
 No evidence of a  Theme is well done
theme  Theme is not carried  Theme is very well
through all of the  Picture with a done in all aspects of
 Picture—no caption paper caption paper

 Picture—no caption  Picture with an

engaging caption

Conventions  Frequent errors in  Errors in basic  May be some errors  Occasional errors
spelling simple writing language are in complex language using complex and
grammar noticeable complicated writing


© Addie Williams 2011

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