"Research Is Seeing What Everybody Else Has Seen and Thinking What Nobody Else Has Thought." Albert Szent-Györgyi

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“Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else
has thought.”
Albert Szent-Györgyi

What would life be without research? Is it

possible for human beings and societies to develop
without research? When local government officials are
engaged in research, what do they try to produce? In
like manner, when teachers conduct research on the
effectiveness of online teaching, what do they want to
achieve? How do these researches come in form? Are
they to test a theory, to generate knowledge, or to apply
established theory or practice? These are just few of the interesting questions
that are definitely answered in this lesson.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

1. recognize the purposes of educational/ social research;

2. compare and contrast the three types of research using a Venn-
3. examine the type of research based on the sample research abstract
given; and
4. realize the value of research by giving its importance in education
and in the society as a whole.


Activity 1

Examine the pictures carefully and determine what purpose of

research is depicted in each. In one sentence, write your answer on the blank
provided below each picture.
Activity 2

Analyze the dialogue of the two teachers below. In two sentences,

distinguish the purpose of each type of research presented.

Two high school teachers discuss basic and applied

research at universities!! (https://dr-monsrs.net)


Purposes of Educational/ Social Research

Understanding the purposes of research is justifying the need for it in

human life. To appreciate the intent of educational and social research, let us
analyze their purposes:

1 Explore issues and find answers to questions. Research is

problem- focused as it investigates interesting, critical and
challenging phenomena in education and in the society. The
answers to these investigations are inputs in improving the
educational practices and in addressing the problems in the
Share policies for better planning and decision- making. Research
is policy- oriented as the recommendations are crafted in the form
of policies that improve the systems and procedures in education
and in the society. Policies generated from it are geared towards
enhancing school governance and student learning outcomes as
well as better social services for quality human life.
Improve the existing theories and practices. Research is action-
driven as it utilizes the theories and development plans which were
generated from it. The theories produced do not only broaden the
body of knowledge but also fill- in the existing gaps. On the other
hand, the development plans become vehicles for introducing
educational and societal changes and innovations.

Concept Check:

How does research improve educational and societal landscape? Give your answer in two (2) sentences.

Types of Research

Research comes in different forms depending on its purpose. Some

researches intend to generate knowledge while others seek to apply the
knowledge that has been constructed. To better appreciate the types of
researches, let us explore the following:

Type of Research Purpose and Feature

Basic research It seeks to generate knowledge in a particular
discipline as it is focused more on knowledge
for knowledge’s sake. This may emanate from
experiences about a phenomenon and the
desire to know more about it. It may also
come from reading of related literatures and
needing to further study about them by testing

Applied research It seeks to improve or design instructional

methods, instruments and processes to ensure
better learning outcomes. It may also include
evaluating a social program as well as
generating policies for a particular community
or group. Applied researches spring from a
problematic situation needing a solution.

Action Research It seeks to find solution to classroom and

school-based problems through a critical
reflection of educational processes and
experiences. Its emphasis is on the immediate
application and not on theory-building or
generalization of application. Problems in
action research come from a situation
encountered such as but not limited to the
mastered competencies, and interventions
needed to address a learning need.

Concept Check:

Construct a Venn- Diagram showing the similarities and differences among the three (3) types of research.


Try This! Read carefully the sample research abstracts. In not more than two
sentences, identify their type and explain why they belong to such type. Write
your answer on the blank provided below.
Sample 1

Sample 2
Sample 3


Check This!
Directions: Write T if the statement is True and F if it is False on the space
provided before each item.
(To be answered in LENS next meeting)

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