Integration of A Single Cylinder Engine Model and A Boost System Model For Efficient Numerical Mapping of Engine Performance and Fuel Consumption

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Integration of a single cylinder engine model and a boost system model for
efficient numerical mapping of engine performance and fuel consumption

Article  in  International Journal of Automotive Technology · January 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s12239-012-0001-z


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3 authors, including:

Dohoy Jung Dennis N. Assanis

University of Michigan-Dearborn University of Delaware


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International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1−7 (2012) Copyright © 2012 KSAE
DOI 10.1007/s12239−012−0001−z 1229−9138/2012/062−01



D. JUNG1)*, K.-H. KWAK2) and D. N. ASSANIS2)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI 48128-1491, USA

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121, USA

(Received 9 February 2011; Revised 8 July 2011)

ABSTRACT−A numerical engine mapping methodology is proposed for the engine performance and fuel consumption map
generation. An integrated model is developed by coupling a single cylinder GT-Power® engine model with a MATLAB/
Simulink® based boost system model to simulate a turbocharged diesel engine over the entire engine operating speed and load
ranges within reasonable computational constraints. A single cylinder engine model with the built-in multi-zone combustion
modeling option in GT-Power® is configured as a predictive engine model. The cycle averaged simulation result from the
engine model is used as the boundary conditions of the boost system including intake and exhaust manifolds and a turbocharger.
The boost system model developed in MATLAB/Simulink® platform calculates the intake and exhaust conditions which are fed
back to the engine model. The integrated system model predicts the performance and fuel consumption of a turbocharged diesel
engine with better predictive capability than mean value engine models. Its computational time is fast enough to simulate the
engine over the entire engine operation range compared to multi-cylinder engine models.

KEY WORDS : Engine modeling, Engine mapping, Turbocharged diesel engine, Multi-zone model, Engine performance,
Engine fuel consumption

1. INTRODUCTION and can result in inaccurate and unrealistic maps due to non-
linear characteristics of engine maps especially in cases of
Integrated vehicle power train system simulation with power turbocharged diesel engines. Therefore, numerically generat-
generator, drive train, and vehicle dynamics plays important ing engine maps using a fast executing high-fidelity engine
roles in product planning or vehicle concept development of simulation can be an efficient alternative solution.
conventional and electric drive vehicles including battery One of relatively simple methods for engine modeling is
electric, hybrid electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. using a mean value engine model (Jenson et al., 1991; Jung
Vehicle simulation models can be used for feasibility study, et al., 2002; Jacobs et al., 2003; Canova, 2004). This
configuration comparison, and preliminary estimation of approach provides low frequency data of the engine
vehicle performance and fuel economy during the early- performance and intake and exhaust flow rates and
stage of conceptual design studies before building expensive temperatures for turbocharger operation. However, the
prototype vehicles. Vehicle simulation models for this purpose mean value modeling is not versatile and has limited
typically employ a lookup table based engine model due to predictive capability because parameters for a typical mean
its simplicity and computational efficiency in integrating the value model have to be re-calibrated for different engine
engine model into a vehicle model. designs or engine controls. Calibration process of the mean
However, complete engine performance and fuel consump- value modeling requires comprehensive engine test data over
tion maps over the entire engine operating speed and load wide operating conditions.
ranges are not often available for an engine that would More detailed and predictive modeling of an engine
suitable for a new conceptual vehicle. The experimental requires comprehensive information on the engine design,
engine mapping is not an option or time-consuming and specifications, and control. Modern diesel engines are
expensive if the suitable engine is not in production. typically turbocharged to compensate the lower power
Generating maps by extrapolating limited data points or density due to inherent lean fuel air mixture. To model a
available data from different size of type of engines is risky turbocharged diesel engine a multi-cylinder engine model is
required to calculate the mass flow rates and temperatures
in the intake and exhaust manifolds, which are resulted from
*Corresponding author. e-mail: [email protected] the interaction between the engine cylinders and the

2 D. JUNG, K.-H. KWAK, and D. N. ASSANIS

turbocharger. Multi-cylinder engine modeling requires the

design information of the intake and exhaust systems. Data
extraction from 3-D CAD models is often required to
prepare the geometrical input data for the intake and exhaust
systems (Park et al., 2010). In addition the performance and
efficiency maps of turbine and compressor are needed for
turbocharger modeling (Merker et al., 2006). However,
detailed turbocharger characteristics maps are often unavail-
able. When dealing with a virtual engine for conceptual studies
the engine and turbocharger matching should be performed
numerically prior to generating maps.
On the other hand modeling of a single cylinder engine is
relatively simpler and does not require intake and exhaust
manifolds data. However, conditions of intake and exhaust
manifolds need to be predefined as boundary conditions. In Figure 1. Flow chart of the program.
case of turbocharged diesel engines determining boost and
exhaust conditions becomes problematic without correspond-
ing engine test data when generating engine performance requires the performance and efficiency maps for a
and fuel economy maps. turbocharger as input data. In case the turbocharger maps
In this study, a numerical engine mapping technique is are not available a set of typical maps implemented in the
developed by coupling a single cylinder GT-Power® engine program is scaled to find a proper size and scale the maps
model from Gamma Technologies Inc. with a MATLAB/ for the engine prior to engine map generation.
Simulink® based boost system model to generate the The integrated single cylinder engine - boost system
engine performance and fuel consumption maps with very model predicts the performance and fuel consumption of a
limited information of the engine specifications, design and turbocharged diesel engine with better predictive capability
control. The proposed methodology is developed to than mean value engine models. Its computational time is
overcome the issues of a multi-cylinder engine model as fast enough to simulate the engine over the entire engine
well as the limitation of using a single cylinder engine operation range compared to multi-cylinder engine models.
model for the numerical engine mapping of typical A MATLAB/Simulink® model for the injection control is
turbocharged diesel engines. also developed and implemented to specify injection
Detailed modeling approach developed in this study is parameters such as injection duration and injection timing at
presented in the next section. In the following section, each operation points.
validation of the single cylinder engine model against the Figure 1 shows the flow chart of the program. The
experimental data from a heavy duty turbocharged diesel program is divided into two parts. In the first part, the
engine is presented. Finally simulation results from the model estimates engine conditions for turbocharger scaling
integrated model are presented and discussed. routine. The scaling routine generates a set of properly
sized turbocharger maps by scaling the base turbocharger
Table 1. Communication variables between GT-Power®
A single cylinder engine model with a built-in multi-zone and MATLAB/Simulink®.
combustion modeling option in GT-Power® is configured Input signals (From Sim- Output signals (From GT-
as a predictive engine model. The engine model calculates ulink® to GT-Power®) Power® to Simulink®)
cyclic mean values of engine variables such as intake/
exhaust flow rates, exhaust temperatures, peak cylinder Mass of fuel injected Mass of air in cylinder at IVC
pressure, equivalence ratio, etc. While intensive properties are Engine speed Peak cylinder pressure
remained the same extensive properties are multiplied by the Boost pressure Brake torque
number of cylinders to calculate the values corresponding to a
multi-cylinder engine using the results from the single Injection profile multiplier Intake manifold pressure
cylinder engine model. These mean values from the engine Injection duration multiplier Temperature exhaust manifold
model are fed to a boost system model developed in
Injection timing Exhaust mass flow rate
MATLAB/Simulink® platform. The boost system model
consists of intake and exhaust manifolds and turbocharger. Inlet temperature Intake mass flow rate
The boundary conditions of the single cylinder model, Exhaust environment pressure Equivalence ratio
which are the pressure and temperature of the intake/
exhaust manifolds are recalculated by the boost system Exhaust environment temper-
model and delivered back to the engine model. The model

maps. In the second part, the model for engine mapping and the enthalpy changes.
executes simulation and generates data for the entire engine
operating points. Then the data are post processed to Wt, is = m· t cp, t ( Tin, t – Tout, t, is ) (2)
generate the engine maps.
where Wt, is is the isentropic power and is the mass flow
2.1. Single Cylinder Engine Model rate across the turbine, cp,t is the specific heat.
In this study a single cylinder model is used rather than The actual power of the turbine, Wt can be found by
complete multi-cylinder model or mean value model in combining equation (1) and (2) with isentropic turbine
order to efficiency.
• perform the engine simulation in reasonable computa- γt – 1 ⁄ γt
tion time, Wt = ηtmt cp, tTin, t 1 – ⎛⎝ --------- (3)
Pin, t ⎠
• avoid or minimize the modification of the engine model
for different types of engines, where ηt is the efficiency of the turbine. The definition of
and predict reasonable engine performance and fuel the isentropic efficiency is given as
consumption of a generic turbocharged diesel engine
Tout, t – Tin, t-
specified with very limited information of the engine ηt = ------------------------- (4)
Tout, t, is – Tin, t
specifications, design and control.The minimal essential
engine specifications that should be provided as user inputs The temperature of the turbine outlet is derived from the
are bore, stroke, compression ratio, connecting rod length, isentropic efficiency of the turbine as
injector nozzle diameter, the number of nozzle per injector, γt – 1 ⁄ γ t
and the number of cylinder. Any other design variables that Tout, t = Tin, t – Tin, tηt 1 – ⎛⎝ --------- (5)
Pin, t ⎠
are not specified by the user are estimated following the
guidelines by Heywood (1988). Intake and exhaust valve
diameters are determined based on the engine bore size (B) 2.2.2. Compressor
as 0.35·B and 0.3·B respectively. A constant value of 0.25 The compressor model is similar to the turbine model. The
is chosen as the typical value for maximum lift to valve following equations can be derived in the same way used
diameter ratio. Predefined generic cam profiles from an for the turbine.
existing heavy duty engine are scaled to match the valve γ –1⁄γ
· 1 Pout,-t⎞ t t
lifts and durations. Wc = ----- m· ccp, c Ta ⎛⎝ --------- –1 (6)
ηc Pin, t ⎠
Eighteen variables are transferred to the boost system
model from the engine model and vice versa. The variables γc – 1 ⁄ γc
1 Pout,-c⎞
are listed in . shows the single cylinder engine model in Tout, t = Tin, c + Tin, c ----- ⎛⎝ ---------- –1 (7)
ηc Pin, c ⎠
GT-Power® and communication block with MATLAB/
Simulink®. The MATLAB/Simulink® model takes these where the subscript c stands for compressor.
output signals and calculates input signals listed in for the
single cylinder engine model. The calculated signals are 2.2.3. Efficiency of turbocharger
transferred back to the engine model as its input signals. The efficiency of the turbocharger is obtained from a
turbocharger map. The turbocharger map typically contains
2.2. Turbocharger Model four measured variables: corrected shaft speed, corrected
mass flow rate, pressure ratio across device and efficiency.
2.2.1. Turbine Corrected terms are used to eliminate effects of the inlet
Power produced by a turbine in a turbocharger can be pressure and temperature to the efficiency of the device.
expressed with the isentropic efficiency and the enthalpy The shaft speed and pressure ratios are used as independent
difference across the turbine inlet and outlet. The enthalpy is variables to find the efficiency and the mass flow rate. The
a function of temperature for an ideal gas. For isentropic shaft speed of the turbocharger is calculated with a
process of a turbine the ratio of inlet and outlet temperatures dynamic equation.
can be expressed with the pressure ratio as · ·
ηm ( Wt – Wc )
ω· = --------------------------- (8)
T Pout, t, is-⎞
γ t – 1 ⁄ γt

out, t, is
------------- = ⎛⎝ ------------- (1)
Tin, t Pin, t ⎠
where ω is the angular velocity of shaft, ηm is the
Where Tout,t,is is the gas temperature at turbine outlet for mechanical efficiency of the turbocharger and I is the
an isentropic process, is Tin,t the gas temperature at turbine inertia of the turbocharger.
inlet, and Pin,t and Pout,t are the pressures at turbine inlet and To calculate the pressure ratio across the turbocharger, a
outlet. γt is the specific heat ratio. filling and emptying model is employed to calculate the
Isentropic power is expressed with the mass flow rate pressures in the buffering volume in the intake and exhaust
4 D. JUNG, K.-H. KWAK, and D. N. ASSANIS

manifolds. Based on the mass conservation, the 1st law of A single rectangular shape injection profile is used and
thermodynamics with the ideal gas assumption, the rate of scaled for the fuel injection amount and injection duration
temperature change in the buffering volume can be derived as in the model. The discharge coefficient of the injector was
assumed to be 0.7 which is a typical value for diesel
· 1 ·
Tv = ------------- [ Hnet, v – m· v ( hv – RTv ) ] (9) injectors with non-tapered nozzle unless the user specifies
m v c v, v
the value. Number of holes per injector and nozzle size are
where user inputs. The injection rate is calculated from the
difference of the injection pressure and the cylinder
· ·
Hnet, v = Qin + m· in hin – m· outhout (10) pressure with the given injector geometry and can be
expressed by the following equation.
Qin is the heat transfer rate to the volume, mv is the
instantaneous mass in the volume, hv is the instantaneous m· = CdAn 2ρl∆P (17)
enthalpy of the gas in the volume and R is the gas constant.
Then, rate of change of the pressure in the volume is where ρl is the density of liquid fuel and An is the nozzle
expressed as hole area.
· 1 ·
Pv = ----- ( m· vRTv – mvRTv ) (11) 2.4.2. Injection timing
Injection timing varies depending on the engine design and
where Vv is volume of the buffer. control strategy over the operating range. The impact of
injection timing on engine performance is well known. An
2.3. Turbocharger Map Scaling injection timing strategy for minimal fuel consumption is
Proper turbocharger map is essential for the engine implemented in the model. For a given mass of fuel at each
modeling but it is often not available from the manufacturer. operating point, injection timing is determined to achieve
Thus turbocharger scaling routine previously developed by the best BSFC with two constraints: equivalence ratio limit
Lee (2009) is implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink® and maximum cylinder pressure.
model. In the scaling routine, baseline turbine and compressor Injection timing is one of the variables affecting the
maps are scaled to achieve maximum compressor efficiency equivalence ratio because injection timing affects the
at the rated power point. The scaling routine assumes exhaust gas properties and, in turn, the boost pressure.
similar geometry and same impeller/blade tip speed for a Typically maximum allowable equivalence ratio is limited
scaled turbocharger. at the maximum torque point to regulate the smoke
· · emission and the limit is adjusted at higher engine speeds for
------12 = m
------22 (12) better combustion efficiency. Maximum cylinder pressure is
D1 D2 typically limited to avoid any excessive mechanical stress
and engine durability problems (Lee, 2009). The maximum
N1 D1 = N2 D2 (13) fuel injection at a given engine speed is also limited by the
equivalence ratio limit.
η1 = η2 (14)
3.1. Experiment Data
where m· is the mass flow rate, D is the impeller diameter, The experimental data is collected from a Detroit Diesel
N is the shaft speed and η is the efficiency of the device. Corporation (DDC) Series 60 heavy-duty six cylinder
The subscripts, 1 and 2 denote the baseline and scaled diesel engine. The engine specification is listed in and test
turbo-machinery, respectively. conditions are presented in . The engine speed is changed
The scaling factor is defined as from 900 rpm to 2100 rpm with 300 rpm increment at 50 %
· load and the engine load is increased from 25 % to 100 %
α=m ------2 (15) with 25 % load increment at 1800 rpm.
m· 1
then, the diameter and the shaft speed can be expressed as 3.2. Engine Model Simulation Result
Prior to integrating the turbocharger model with the single
D-1 N
----- 1
= -----2 = --- (16) cylinder engine model, the test conditions given in Table 3
D2 N1 α are simulated using the single cylinder engine model with
Details of the scaling routine are described in Lee (2009). predefined intake and exhaust port conditions from the
experimental data. The simulation results are compared
2.4. Fuel Injection with the experiment data for the validation of the engine
2.4.1. Injection duration model. The multi-zone combustion model in the GT-

Table 2. Engine specification.

DDC 60 cylinder turbocharged intercooled engine
Bore (mm) 130
Stroke (mm) 160
Displacement volume (L) 12.7
Compression ratio (-) 15
Rated speed (rpm)9 2100
Rated power (kW) 350
Injector nozzle number (-) 8
Injector nozzle diameter (mm) 0.2

Table 3. Engine test conditions.

Case No. Speed (rpm) Load (%) Pboost (bar)
1 900 50 1.14
2 1200 50 1.44
3 1500 50 1.57 Figure 3. Comparison of BMEP between experiment and
4 1800 50 1.7 GT-Power engine model. (a) Engine speed sweep: case 1-5
(b) Engine load sweep: case 6, 4, 7 and 8.
5 2100 50 1.81
6 1800 25 1.25
7 1800 75 2.27
8 1800 100 2.93

Figure 2. Cylinder pressure and apparent heat release rate

at engine speed of 1800 rpm and 50% load (case 4).

Power® engine model is calibrated with the experiment

data from Case 4. Cylinder pressures and apparent heat
release rates from the model and the experiment are
compared in . After the calibration the other cases in Table
3 are simulated and the brake mean effect pressure (BMEP)
predictions are compared with the measured values for the
validation of the single cylinder model over the engine Figure 4. Comparison of experiment data and model
speed and load ranges. shows that the single cylinder prediction in engine speed sweep case.
6 D. JUNG, K.-H. KWAK, and D. N. ASSANIS

4. The comparison of the brake torque and the BSFC shows

less than 10% errors compare to the experimental data. The
followings are uncertainties in the model that affect the
accuracy of the model:
• Intake/exhaust manifolds geometry is not given.
• Heat transfer from the manifolds is not considered.
• A generic cam profile is implemented.
• Extrapolations of the turbocharger maps at low shaft
speed region are performed due to coarse turbocharger

3.3.2. Engine load sweep case

The comparison of the engine load sweep case is presented
in . The boost pressure predictions are well matched with
the experimental data except Case 6 (25% engine load
case). In Case 6 the boost pressure is over predicted by
about 10%. Higher brake torque and lower BSFC were
observed in Case 6 but converse results are observed in
other cases. The errors in brake torque and BSFC are
within ±9 % range.


A numerical engine mapping methodology is developed for

the generation of engine performance and fuel consumption
maps that are intended to be used in vehicle power train
system simulation for design concept evaluation with
limited technical information on engine specification,
design, and control. The key enabler of this proposed
method is coupling a single cylinder engine model and an
Figure 5. Comparison of experiment data and model external turbocharger model for the balance of model
prediction in engine load sweep case. fidelity and computational efficiency. The model was
evaluated with a set of experimental data from a heavy duty
diesel engine. Major findings and conclusions are as
engine model can predict engine performance over the follows:
wide range within 10% of errors. • The stand-alone single cylinder engine model, which is
used as a predictive mean value engine model, predicts
3.3. Integrated Model Simulation Result the engine performance output within 10 % errors.
To evaluate the overall performance and accuracy of the • The boost pressure prediction by the turbocharger sub-
integrated model boost pressure, brake torque and brake model in the integrated system model shows more
specific fuel consumption (BSFC) from the model are deviation from the experimental data at lower engine
compared with the experimental data. Note that the speeds. Extrapolations of the turbocharger maps at low
injection timing from the experimental data was used shaft speed region are considered to be one of the major
instead of the baseline injection timing strategy described uncertainties that affect the accuracy in estimating the
in section 2.4.2, for the evaluation purpose of the model. turbocharger efficiency and the mass flow rate.
• The comparison of the simulation results with the
3.3.1. Engine speed sweep case experimental data shows that the model predicts the
The comparison in Figure 5 shows that the boost pressure engine performance and fuel economy in a good
calculated by the turbocharger model follows the trend of qualitative manner with reasonable accuracy even though
the experimental data. The boost pressure is under the model is configured with limited engine specifications
predicted at lower engine speeds with the error of 12% in and basic control strategy.
Case 1, but the error is decreased with increased engine The model accuracy can be further improved with more
speeds. The brake torque from simulation result shows information such as detailed turbocharger maps, accurate
lower torque than experimental data. The result is expected fuel injection profile, geometry of intake/exhaust manifolds
because the stand-alone engine model predicts lower etc. However, it should be reminded that the purpose of the
BMEP in the engine speed sweep case as showed in Figure study is to develop a numerical tool that can predict the

engine behavior in a reasonable manner with limited Jensen, J.-P., Kristensen, A. F., Sorenson, S. C., Houbak, N.,
technical information on the engine to generate the engine and Hendricks, E. (1991). Mean value modeling of a
performance and fuel consumption maps. small turbocharged diesel engine. SAE Paper No. 910070.
Jung, M., Ford, R., Glover, K., Collings, N., Christen, U.,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS−The authors would like to and Watts, M. J. (2002). Parameterization and transient
acknowledge the technical and financial support of the validation of a variable geometry turbocharger for mean-
Automotive Research Center (ARC). The ARC is a U.S. Army value modeling at low and medium speed-load points.
Center of Excellence for Automotive Research at the University SAE Paper No. 2002-01-2729.
of Michigan.
Lee, B. (2009). Dual-Stage Boosting Systems: Modeling of
Configurations, Matching and Boost Control Options.
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