Assign 2

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Que. 1. Let F be a field and n be a positive integer (n ≥2). Let V be the vector space of all
n ×n matrices over F. Show that which of the following sets of matrices A in V are
subspaces of V?
(a) all invertible A;
(b) all non-invertible A;
(c) all A such that AB = BA, where B is some fixed matrix in V;
(d) all A such that A2 = A.

Ans.- To prove that given U set is subspace of V or not, this must satisfy these conditions of
existence of subspace
a. 0 ∈ U (Additive identity property)
b. a, b ∈U implies a +b ∈ U (closed under addition property)
c. x ∈F and a ∈U implies x * a ∈ U (closed under multiplication property)
so let’s attempt sections one by one and check the condition of subspace- suppose n=2

(a)Given matrix U is all invertible A

This is not a subspace because if we take an example of unit matrix

A= 1 0
[ ]
0 1
−1 0
0 −1 ]
and let .

Then both A and B are invertible (A, B ∈U) but their sum

A+ B= [ 00 00]
is not invertible (A+B ∉ U).
‘0’ matrix is not invertible because a matrix to be invertible it’s determinant must be non-
zero. So the subset of all invertible A is not closed under addition property so it is not a
subspace of vector V.

(b)Given matrix U is all non-invertible A

Non invertible matrices are those whose determinant =0. Suppose
[ 10 00]

and B=[ 0 0 ]
0 1
both are non-invertible matrices (A, B=∈U) but their sum

A+ B= 1 0
[ ]
0 1
is invertible(determinant=1).

so (A+B ∉ U) this is not satisfying the again property of closer under addition. So given set
of matrices is not a subspace.

(c). Given set U is- all A such that AB = BA, where B is some fixed matrix in V
To check this set, suppose A1 and A2 satisfying the condition
A1B=BA1 …..(1)
A2B=BA2 …..(2)
c ∈ F is any constant. Then

(cA1+A2) B= cA1B+A2B…………….(distribution property)

(cA1+A2) B = cBA1+BA2 = B(cA1) + BA2 = B(cA1+A2) ……….(by eqn. 1 and 2)

Thus by theorem: A non-empty subset U of V is a subspace of V if and only if for each pair

of vector, A, B in U and each scalar c in F the vector cA + B is again in U.

cA1+A2 satisfying the theorem and subspace criteria so this set is a subspace.

(d) Given set U is- all A such that A2 = A

To verify the subspace property suppose

A= 1 1
[ ]
0 0

and satisfying (A2 = A) ∈ U now assume

B= 0 0
[ ]
0 1
and here (B2 = B) ∈ U. now

A+ B= [ 10 11] and ( A+ B ) =[ 10 31 ]

(A+B)2≠A+B so this subset is not closed under addition property so it is not a subspace.

Que.2. Let V be the vector space of all functions from R into R; let V e be the sub-set of
even functions, f(-x) = f(x); let Vo be the subset of odd functions, f(-x) = -f(x).
(a) Prove that Ve and Vo are subspaces of V.
(b) Prove that Ve + Vo = V.
(c) Prove that Ve  Vo = {0}.
Ans. To prove the subspace condition of Ve and Vo in different modes let’s go on section a
(a)Here we are following this theorem
Theorem -1 A non-empty subset U of V is a subspace of V if and only if for each pair of

vector, A, B in U and each scalar c in F the vector cA + B is again in U.

(1)The 0:RR so 0(x)=0(-x)=0 for all x ∈ R is even or odd. So 0 is included in Ve and Vo.

Now for sum and multiplication condition can verified by theorem 1.

(2)Let’s assume that f , g ∈V e sub set andc ∈ R field and h∈ cf + g then h must satisfy above
h(x)= c f(x) + g(x) … .(1)
now h(-x) = c f(-x) + g(-x) = c f(x) + g(x)……. (2) (because f, g∈V e)
by equation 1 and 2 h(-x) = h(x), h ∈V e so Ve is a subspace.

Now for Vo assume f, g ∈ Vo and c ∈ R field and h=cf + g then h must satisfy theorem-1
h(x)= c f(x) + g(x) ……… (3)
now h(-x) = c f(-x) + g(-x) = -c f(x) - g(x)…….(4) (because f, g∈V o)
by equation (1) and (2) h(-x) = - h(x), h ∈ Vo so Vo is a subspace.

(b) Now to Prove that Ve + Vo = V

Now suppose f is any function in V or f ∈ V then
f ( x)+f (−x)
f e (x )= =f e (−x) so f e (x ) is an even function
f ( x ) −f (−x)
and f o ( x)= = −f o ( x)
So f o ( x) is an odd function.
f = f e ( x )+ f o ( x) where f ∈ V, fe ∈ Ve and fo ∈ Vo
so finally we can write
V= Ve + Vo
hence proved
(c) Now to Prove that Ve  Vo = {0}
Now suppose f is any function in V or f ∈ V e ∩V o so
Since f ∈ Ve then f(x) = f(-x) (5)
but if f ∈ Vo then f(x) = - f(-x) (6)
then in using equation (5) in (6) then
f(x) = - f(x)
and as a result
which implies f(x) = 0 means f can be either even or odd that implies f is the zero function.
hence proved

Que.3. Prove the following. Let V be a vector space. Assume V has a basis consisting of
n elements. Then any linearly independent set of n vectors in V is a basis of V.
Let S span a vector space V, then there is a subset of S that is a basis for V.
We have seen that any vector space that contains at least two vectors contains infinitely
many.  It is uninteresting to ask how many vectors there are in a vector space.  However,
there is still a way to measure the size of a vector space.  For example, R3 should be larger
than R2.  We call this size the dimension of the vector space and define it as the number of
vectors that are needed to form a basis.  To show that the dimensions is well defined, we need
the following theorem.
Theorem: If  S =  {v1, v2, ... , vn} is a basis for a vector space V and T = {w1, w2, ... , wk} is a
linearly independent set of vectors in V, then k  n.
If S and T are both bases for V then k = n.  This says that every basis has the same number of
vectors.  Hence the dimension is will defined.
The dimension of a vector space V is the number of vectors in a basis.  If there is no finite
we call V an infinite dimensional vector space.  Otherwise, we call V a finite dimensional vector
 If k > n, then we consider the set
R1 = {w1, v1, v2, ... , vn}
Since S spans V, w1 can be written as a linear combination of the vi's.  
w1 = c1v1 + ... + cnvn
Since T is linearly independent, w1 is nonzero and at least one of the coefficients ci is
nonzero.  Without loss of generality assume it is c1.  We can solve for v1 and write v1 as a
linear combination of w1, v2, ... vn.  Hence 
T1 = {w1, v2, ... , vn}
is a basis for V.  Now let
R2 = {w1, w2, v2, ... , vn}
Similarly, w2 can be written as a linear combination of the rest and one of the coefficients is
non zero.  Note that since w1 and w2 are linearly independent, at least one of
the vi coefficients must be nonzero.  We can assume that this nonzero coefficient is v2 and as
before we see that 
T2 = {w1, w2,v3, ... , vn}
is a basis for V.  Continuing this process we see that 
Tn = {w1, w2, ... , wn}
is a basis for V.  But then Tn spans V and hence wn+1 is a linear combination of vectors in Tn. 
This is a contradiction since the w's are linearly independent.  Hence n ≥ k. So T is a basis
with n elements for the vector space V.

Que.4. Find the following:

(a) A basis of U = {p ∈ P4(F): p (6) = 0}.
(b) An extended basis of part (a) such that it forms a basis of P4(F).
(c) A subspace W of P4(F) such that P4(F) = UW.
Let’s start with (a)
If p(x) is a polynomial and p(a)=0 then a is said to be a root of p(x) and p(x) =(x-a) q(x)
where the degree of q(x) is one less than the degree of p(x).
Let p(x) ∈ P4(F) be such that p(6)=0. Then, by the result shown above p(x) = (x-6) q(x) where
q(x) ∈ P3(F).
{p(x) ∈ P4(F)| p(6)= 0}={(x-6) q(x)|q∈ P3(F)}
Now we can go for right side of the above equation {(x-6) q(x)|q∈ P3(F)}.
1, x, x2, x3 is a basis of P3(F) now check of {(x-6), x(x-6), x 2(x-6), (x-6) x3} forms a basis of
If q(x)= a+ b x+ c x2+d x3 ∈ P3(F) then
(x-6) q(x)= (x-6) (a+ b x+ c x2+d x3)
(x-6) q(x)= a(x-6) + b x(x-6) + c x2(x-6) +d x3(x-6)
This implies that {(x-6), x(x-6), x2(x-6), (x-6) x3} generate U.
Now check its linear independency assume that
a(x-6) + b x(x-6) + c x2(x-6) +d x3(x-6) = 0
this implies that
-6a+ (a-6b) x+(b-6c) x2+(c-6d) x3+d x4= 0
A polynomial is zero if and only if all its coefficients are zero. Hence
a=0 (1)
a-6b= 0 (2)
b-6c=0 (3)
c-6d= 0 (4)
d= 0 (5)
by solving above equation from (1) to (5) a, b, c, d= 0 so {(x-6), x(x-6), x2(x-6), (x-6) x3} is
linear independent.
This shows {(x-6), x(x-6), x2(x-6), (x-6) x3} is a basis of U.

(b) An extended basis of part (a) such that it forms a basis of P4(F)
To prove this we will use the concept- if v1, v2,…., vn is a linearly independent set in a vector
space V, and if w ∉ span (v1, v2,…., vn) then {w, v1, v2,…., vn} is linearly independent.
The set
B= {(x-6), x(x-6), x2(x-6), (x-6) x3}
is a basis of U= {p(x) ∈ P4(F)| p(6)= 0} which is a subspace of P4(F).
Now we want to extend B to a basis of P4(F). The space P4(F) has 5 dimensions and subspace
has the 4. We must add one vector to B to get a basis of P4(F).
B has polynomial all of which are multiples of (x-6). So any linear combination of them will
produce a polynomial which also is a multiple of (x-6). The polynomial which is not multiple
of (x-6) cannot span B.
So add 1 to B, because B’s elements are LI since B is basis of U and no linear combination of
the U can generate 1.
Thus {1} ∪ B = {1, (x-6), x(x-6), x2(x-6), (x-6) x3} is LI in P4(F).
Finally adding constant polynomial 1 to the basis of U is one possible way to extending it to a
basis of P4(F).

(c) A subspace W of P4(F) such that P4(F) = UW.

B is a basis of U. So U span(B). Adding 1 to B gives P4(F). now we have to define W =span
{1}. Firstly let’s prove that P4(F) = UW
Since U ∪ W contains all the basis elements of P4(F), the vector space U ∪ W contains P4(F)
that is
P4(F) U+W on the other hand since both U, W  P4(F)
U+W  P4(F)
Now prove U W ={0}
Let v ∈ U W So
v = c1(x-6) + c2 x(x-6) + c3 x2(x-6) + c4 (x-6) x3 since v∈ U and v =c0 (scalar multiple of 1)
since v∈ W. By equating the both v expressions
c1(x-6) + c2 x(x-6) + c3 x2(x-6) + c4 (x-6) x3 = c0
- c0+ c1(x-6) + c2 x(x-6) + c3 x2(x-6) + c4 (x-6) x3 = 0
We are equating a linear combination of the basis elements of P4(F) with zero. This can hold
true when all the multipliers are zero. So all ci’s are zero which implies v= 0. That is the only
vector in U W is the zero vector. So define W= span{1} and shows P4(F) = UW.

Que.5. You might guess, by analogy with the formula for the number of elements in the
union of three subsets of a finite set, that if U 1, U2, U3 are subspaces of a finite-
dimensional vector space, then dim(U1 + U2 + U3 ) = dim (U1) + dim(U2) + dim(U3) -
dim(U1∩ U2)- dim(U1 ∩ U3) - dim(U2 ∩ U3) + dim(U1 ∩ U2 ∩ U3))
Prove this or give a counterexample.
Ans. To give the counterexample
Example -1:
suppose V=R2
U 1={(x , 0): x ∈ R },
U 2={( 0 , y ): y ∈ R }
U 3={(x , x) : x ∈ R }
Then U1 + U2 + U3= R2 so the dim(U1 + U2 + U3 )= 2 and
dim (U1) = dim(U2) = dim(U3)= 1
dim(U1∩ U2)= dim(U1 ∩ U3) =dim(U2 ∩ U3) = dim(U1 ∩ U2 ∩ U3)= 0
so according to given formula
dim(U1 + U2 + U3 ) = dim (U1) + dim(U2) + dim(U3) - dim(U1∩ U2)- dim(U1 ∩ U3) - dim(U2
∩ U3) + dim(U1 ∩ U2 ∩ U3))
our guess reduced to 2=3 which is absolutely false.

Example -2:
We consider three subspaces of R3. Let
U1 =span ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0);
U2= span ((1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1));
U3= span ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1)).
Then for i ≠ j, the intersection
Ui ∩ Uj = span ((1, 0, 0)).
U1 ∩ U2∩ U3= span ((1, 0, 0)).
dim(U1) + dim (U2) + dim(U3) – dim (U1∩ U2) – dim (U1∩ U3) – dim (U2∩ U3) + dim (U1∩
U2∩ U3) = 4 ≠ dim (U1 + U2 + U3) = 3.

Que.6. Let V be the set of real numbers. Regard V as a vector space over the field of
rational numbers, with the usual operations. Prove that this vector space is not finite-
Ans. We can prove this in 2 manner
Method -1
Start with contradiction and Assume there exists finite basis V=R, B={b1,b2,……,bn}.
Then B spas set
{q1 b1+q2b2+,……,+qnbn: qi ∈Q }.
B is a basis for R then
R { q1 b1+q2b2+,……,+qn bn: qi ∈Q }.
Q is countable so
Qn { q1 b1+q2b2+,……,+qn bn: qi ∈Q }.
Therefore, R is countable.
That is contradiction so R must have infinite dimension as a vector space over Q, so
conclusion is V is not finite dimensional.

Method -2
R is uncountable (V ∈ R)
Q is countable rational numbers field (F ∈ Q)
Finite union of countable sets still countable so
B= (b1, b2,,……,bn) be finite basis for R
S={qi bi | qi∈ Q , bi ∈ B }
S is the set which is formed by basis B with the help of field Q.
S is countable and R is uncountable and B is basis so here is contradiction.
So as a result R is not a finite dimensional over field Q.

Que.7. Choose x = (x1; x2; x3; x4) in R4. It has 24 arrangements like (x2; x1; x3; x4)
and (x4; x3; x1; x2). Those 24 vectors, including x itself, span a subspace S. Is there any
specific vector x so that the dimensions of S are a) zero, b) one, c) two, d) three, and f)
four. If yes, please provide one example for each.
Ans. To choose vector x so that the dimensions of S are:

(a)dim(S)=0 if x= (0,0,0,0)
Because elements of (0,0,0,0) after rearrangement will provide only (0,0,0,0) and all linear
combination of the zero vector will give only zero vector which is not a linearly independent
vector and hence dimension of S will be zero.

(b)dim(S)= 1 if x= (1,1,1,1)
Because elements of (1,1,1,1) after rearrangement will provide only (1,1,1,1) and linear
combination of the vector (1,1,1,1) will result in multiples of (1,1,1,1) and since (1,1,1,1) is
linear independent vector so dimension of S will be 1.

(c) dim(S)= 2 no x gives dimension 2.

(d) dim(S)= 3 if x= (1,0,0, -1) or (1,1,-1,-1)

This section will include all vectors whose element sum is zero that will produce the degree
Because rearrangement of the elements of (1,0,0, -1) we get three other vectors (0,1, -1,0),
(1,-1,0, 0) and (0,0,1, -1) which are linearly independent and these three vectors span any
rearrangement of the vector (1,0,0, -1) which in turn makes those three vectors, the basis
vectors and hence dimension of S=3.
(1,1,-1,-1) because they form all possible combination perpendicular to (1,1,1,1) to produce
dimension 3.

(e)dim(S)= 4 if x= (1,0,0,0)
Because rearrangement of the element of (1,0,0,0) results in the other three standard basis
vectors (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0) and (0,0,0,1). All these four vectors or we can say standard basis
(1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0) and (0,0,0,1) are linearly independent and span any subset S of
R4 which makes the dimension of S=4.

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