Journal: Name: Christshielyn M. Lozada Section: 2 G1 Psychology Lesson: 9
Journal: Name: Christshielyn M. Lozada Section: 2 G1 Psychology Lesson: 9
Journal: Name: Christshielyn M. Lozada Section: 2 G1 Psychology Lesson: 9
THIRD REPUBLIC (1981-1985)
In studying the Period of Third Republic (1981-1985), I learned that third republic has been
lifted on January 2, 1981 through the leadership of our former President Marcos who lifted Martial
Rule. It is said that, the Philippines was became a new nation that could bring every Pilipino people
life change under his leadership. This is called as the New Republic of the Philippines but some
historian called this as Third Republic. The reason why it is called as third republic because this is the
third period run in our country. The First Republic happened during the Philippine Republic of Emilio
Aguinaldo when we first got our independence form the Spaniards on June 12, 1898 while Second was
when the Americans granted us our independence on July 4, 1946. Finally, this period, January 2,
1981, was the Third Republic when we were freed from Military Rule of President Marcos.
I also learned that during this period, many Pilipino people in our country suffered under the
leadership of President Marcos by his iron man hand rules in our country. People seethed with
rebellion and protest because of the continued oppression and suppression in this period. Thus, through
his Martial Rule many Pilipino hope for the help of our former Senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr, to be
their voice for the pain and sorrow they experience in this period but sadly the idol of Filipino masses
was brutally murdered on August 21, 1983, that leads every Filipino to became brave enough to
convey their grievances and voices for the government because of the grief they are experiencing.
When it comes to Filipino Poetry in this period of Third Republic are themed as romantic and
revolutionary. Writers are freely and openly in expressing their own feeling and emotion in creating
their own poems against the government which can be seen through the color, profane and language
they used.
I also know that many Filipino songs dealth with themes which are naturally happened in our true to
life or real-life situation such as grief, poverty, aspirations for freedom, love of God, of country and of
fellowmen. It also said that many composers and revisers like Coritha, Eric, Jose Corazon de Jesus, C.
De Guzman and Freedie Aguilar, grieved over Ninoy Aquino’s treacherous assassination composed
songs. Some example of these are LABAN NG BAYAN KO and BAYAN KO. LABAN NG BAYAN
KO are composed by Coritha and Eric which they first sung during the National Unification
Conference of the Opposition in March 1985 and sung during the Presidential Campaign Movement
for Cory Aquino to inspire the movement against Marcos in February 1986. The other one BAYAN
KO, is originally written by Jose Corazon de Jesus and C. De Guzman during the American Period was
and revived by Freddie Aguilar.
This Philippine Films during this period have a yearly Festival for all Filipino Films. A film
that portrayed people’s love for sex that made every viewer relate in their real-life situation.
Furthermore, some producers of this film took an advantage of this at the expense of public morality of
every Filipino in this period.
In this republic, I also understand that because of tragic murdered to Senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr,
people reacted with shock, appalled by the suddenness and the unexpectedness of events. Alfredo
Navarro Salanga, a consistent writer of Philippines Panorama Magazine in his column “Post-
PrandalReflections” aptly said it: “darkness in the mind and soul is how some forgotten poet puts it. Its
suddenness was so profound that we couldn’t but react to it in any other way.”
Elemental to us (poets or writers) was how to grasp to some meaning –in a symbol, a phrase or word –
in the language of heart and tongue, the poet’s only candles. So we tried to reach out in the next and
perhaps the only way we could: by putting pen to paper and speaking out –as partisans in a
human drama. Poets, surprisingly, by common consent, found themselves writing on a common
Reproduction of some of them is reprinted here. We aptly call them Protest Poetry of the ‘80’s. The
themes of most during this time dealt with courage, shock and grief over the “treachery inflicted upon
As I learned today, the influence of the media on the psychosocial development of children is
profound. Thus, it is important for physicians to discuss with parents their child’s exposure to media
and to provide guidance on age-appropriate use of all media, including television, radio, music, video
games and the Internet. Based on Sheila S. Coronel, a PANORAMA staff stalwart, reporting on the
state of the media during these times said: it was a year of ferment, and change, of old problems made
more oppressive by the new throbbing beat of the times.” For journalists, it was a year loaded with
libel charges, lawsuits and seditious trials which they gallantly bore as harassment suits.
JAJA (Justice for Aquino, Justice for All) Movement called for a boycott of government –controlled
newspapers in protest of media suppression. People picketed newspapers offices with coffins to
symbolize the death of press freedom.
In campuses, newspapers were set afire to protest lack of free expression. Journalists suffered
physically and otherwise.
Journalists of 3 major dailies demanded a dialogue with their publishers to “restore credibility and
respectability” to newspapers. Opposition tabloids flourished. They sold our papers with the red news
to the starved public; hence, smut magazines like the TIKTIK, PLAYBOY SCENE, and SAKDAL
also played the sidewalks.
Radio led by RADIO VERITAS started reporting coverage of demonstrations. Information Minister
Gregorio Cendaña called the tabloids the “mosquito press” and called their new “political
However, there was a perceptible liberalization of editorial policies in the major newspapers.
As I know and learned Children Books made children happy while reading it, so with the help of this
children can easily understand some things in this earth at their early age. Furthermore, this period, a
well-loved form of children stories was written to helps every child develop their reading skills and
listening analyzation. As stated in this period,
the Children’s Communication Center (CCC) directed by poet and writer Virgilio S. Almario already
has built up an impressive collection of these kinds of books. In this period some children books are
published such as Plays for children by Jame B. Reuter S.J (New Day Pub.) on 1982, Story Telling for
Young Children and; Jose and Cardo by Peggy Corr Manuel.
As I learned the purpose of writing fables is to convey a moral lesson and message. Fables also give
readers a chance to laugh at the follies of human beings, and they can be employed for the objective of
satire and criticism. They are very helpful in teaching children good lessons based on examples. Just
like say’s in this period. The people’s cry of protest found outlets not only in poetry but also in veiled
prose fables which transparently satirized the occupants of Malacañang. Among those that saw prints
1. The Crown Jewels of Heezenhurstby Sylvia Mendez Ventura
2. The Emperor’s New Underwear by MeynardoA. Macaraig
3. The King’s Cold by BabethLolarga
4.The Case of the Missing Charisma (unfinished) by Sylvia L. Mayuga.
In all the fables, the king, differently referred to as Totus Markus or the king or Haring Matinikwas
meant to poke fun at the ruler at Malacañang; similarly, Reyna Maganda or the Queen, was a veiled
thrust at his queen. They were both drunk with power and were punished in the end for their misdeeds.
I learned that Philippine literature in English at this time has its roots in the efforts of the United States,
then engaged in a war with Filipino nationalist forces at the end of the 19th century. During this period
Isagani Cruz, writing about Philippine literature in the “Age of Ninoy,” makes the following
observations: “Philippines literature is definitely changing,” and he summarizes these as follows:
1. Change in the direction of greater consciousness in content and form.
2. Change in the number of readers and the number of writers and the kind of class of writers.
Writers who joined the ranks came not only from the established or professional groups but from all
ranks –clerks, secretaries, drivers, housewives, students; in short, the masses.
3. The resurgence of Balagtasismo and the continued dominance of Modernismo. While Balagtas is
moturned its back on the American challenge to Philippine literature its conservative conventions,
Modernismo adapted Americanization for its own ends.
4. The birth of a new poetic movement still dims in outline.
5. The apparent merging of the erstwhile separate streams of oral and written literature.