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Afroza Sharmin Shanta Summer-2020

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“Customer Service Quality and Satisfaction

Measurement of UBER”

Afroza Sharmin Shanta

This report is submitted to the school of Business and Economics, United International
University as a partial requirement for the degree fulfillment of Bachelor of Business
“Customer Service Quality and Satisfaction
Measurement of UBER”
Submitted To:

Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Submitted By:

Name: Afroza Sharmin Shanta

ID: 111 143 281

Major: Marketing

Trimester: 12th

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Date of Submission: Jan 31, 2021
Letter of Transmittal


Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Subject: Submission of the Internship Report on “Customer Service Quality and Satisfaction
Measurement of UBER”

Dear Sir,

I would truly like to apply my internship highest on "Uber Bangladesh Customer Service
Efficiency and Satisfaction Assessment" which was arranged as a submission for the full BBA
program of the United International University. While working on the paper, I take also
attempted to uphold each key philosophy that you consume recommended. It was a great
pleasure to work on this new task, and I enjoyed my internship at UBER Bangladesh as well.
The Expert has also expanded its assistance wherever necessary.

I would really like to appreciate you for your direction and consistency with me. If you like
comparable details to evaluate your internship report, it would be my tremendous satisfaction to
offer you the same.

That's why I'd be questioning in case you go through my record and deliver your appraisal of my
paintings given my predicament.


Afroza Sharmin Shanta

ID: 111 143 281


From the beginning, I did not wish much more than to express my gratitude to the Profound
gratitude goes me the strength and freedom to complete the record within the time expected.

I just can not want anything more than to express gratitude to Mahfuza akter (Team Lead-Supply
Acquisition) who brought me to every step of my entry level position.

I also need to say thank you to Saquib Ahmed (Greenlight Manager) and Nur Mohammad Rony
(Key Account Manager), to all the drivers and accomplices who are helping me to establish the
reality and to all the citizens of UBER Bangladesh, for their guide that I was given to set up my
archive. Basically, I painted with them, tried to share their ideas, their feelings and their
dependence on my knowledge, I organized a document from my point of view. At a certain point
in time, I would be grateful to all people who look at this study and who will benefit from the
support and pre-determination of this text.

Executive Summary

The common approach for the paper is a single drawing because the 'Qualitative Customer
Service and Measurement of UBER' is in depth and accomplice. As UBER Bangladesh is the
largest age-oriented transport organization in Bangladesh with at least 10 000 engines, this
affiliation is commonly inferred.

To set up this intelligent report each fundamental and discretionary measurement was used.
Among the resources, measurements particularly collected from the internal yearly record of
UBER Bangladesh. I have constructed this archive under five areas which are given below.

The starting fragment of this record offers with appearance, objective, inheritance, degree, and
cutoff points of the report. To fathom the advancing overall execution of UBER Bangladesh on
which the report proceeds. The resulting part involves the association profile of UBER
Bangladesh. A short depiction of the evaluation of UBER Bangladesh was given on which I
chose for my record.

This company aims at UBER Bangladesh land, its vision, its control and impartiality, its
administration and its natural factors and its market summary. The third part of this liquidation
aims to demonstrate a compilational analysis that shows the effects of all things considered, why
the kilometers are enormous and what the route is and how the theoretical building is passed on.

The fourth piece of the report invests huge energy in the general population and the model for
the current notification records arrangement strategy and quantifiable examination. The fifth
portion joins disclosures and admonishment. In this portion, I am hoping to two or three

considerations bases to concentrating on how to manage the circle fall which impacts the overall
display of the affiliation. The 6th piece of the end part tried to put the essence of the report.

UBER Bangladesh has passed a comprehensive way considering it is offering kinds of help. As
of now, it has acquired a strong business place organization work. Preferably, UBER Bangladesh
will safeguard to hold the limit and be best around there. To hold the organization's work
undertaking, need to offer extra and more vital respect for the sponsor maintenance and

Table of Contents
1.1 Background of the Report.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of the Report........................................................................................................................1

a. Primary objectives..........................................................................................1
b. Specific objectives..........................................................................................1
1.3 Motivation of the Report.......................................................................................................................2
1.4 Scope & Limitations of the Report.........................................................................................................2

1.5 Definition of Key Terms:........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Company Analysis..................................................................................................................................6

2.1.1 Overview & History....................................................................................6

2.1.2 Trend & Growth..........................................................................................7
2.1.3 Customer Mix............................................................................................11
2.1.4 Product/ Service Mix.................................................................................12
2.1.5 Operations.................................................................................................15
2.1.6 SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................15
2.2 Industry Analysis..................................................................................................................................16

2.2.1 & 2.2.2 Specification of the Industry and Size, Trend and Maturity of the
2.2.3 External economic factors.........................................................................16
2.2.4 Technological Factors...............................................................................17
2.2.5 Barriers to entry.........................................................................................17
2.2.6 Suppliers Power.........................................................................................18
2.2.7 Buyers Power............................................................................................18
2.2.8 Threats of Substitute..................................................................................19
2.2.9 Industry rivalry..........................................................................................20
3.1 Literature review.................................................................................................................................23
3.2 & 3.3 Measurement tools Survey Techniques.....................................................................................23
3.4 Data collection Procedure...................................................................................................................24
3.5 Respondents Detail..............................................................................................................................25
4.1 Position, Duties, and Responsibilities..................................................................................................28
4.2 Training................................................................................................................................................29
4.3 Contribution to Departments functions..............................................................................................29
4.4 Evaluation............................................................................................................................................30
4.5 Skills Applied........................................................................................................................................31
4.6 New Skills developed...........................................................................................................................31
4.7 Application of Academic Knowledge...................................................................................................32
5.1 Recommendations for improving the departmental operation...........................................................35
5.2 Key understandings.............................................................................................................................36
5.3 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................37

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Report
The Task/Temporary Report is a requirement for the United International University's Bachelor
of Business Organisation (UIU). Studies must select a mission or a positioning program at the
beginning of the trimester. In the course of a temporary work programme, the UIU Career
Counselling Center (UIU CCC) is an advisor with a quarter-of-a-year learning practice insight.
When serving in the organisation, understudies must prepare their report on entry stage, as seen
in their professional duties. Again, the research subjects who choose a project must note a
particular organization or area. Based on the impression they have achieved over a quarter of a
year, their hypothesis paper has to be presented. [ CITATION AlM13 \l 1033 ]

I picked up a project document and was able to prepare my business study on a magnificent
global touring company called UBER BANGLADESH by my respectable training staff. My
paper was entitled to "The quality and satisfaction of Uber Bangladesh's customer service
measurement," since it is deeply related to my area of research. [ CITATION Ani17 \l 1033 ]

1.2 Objectives of the Report

Targets are the targets the study aims to accomplish. For any reader who would like to know the
article briefly, there are very relevant sections. The report's goals are divided into two parts.

a. Primary objectives: The main purpose of this article is to obtain the United
International University's bachelor of study degree before it is completed.
b. Specific objectives:
I. Bridging Uber Bangladesh's general ride sharing organisation.

II. Uber Bangladesh's standard of customer service and assessment of satisfaction

III. To share some suggestions to enhance Uber's structures of growth. [ CITATION MdH19 \l
1033 ]

1.3 Motivation of the Report

The investigate endeavored to perceive the “Client care quality and satisfaction
measurement of UBER Bangladesh”

Acquiring knowledge: To do the brief occupation I examine masses of segments. I

assemble a ton of segments essentially. I see, how UBER Bangladesh work their action,
how they handle their accessories, drivers, and customers.

Applying academic knowledge: at the point when I get any endeavor to

perform, I by and large endeavor to apply my educational data here and getting
accomplishment in applying my scholastic information.

Adding knowledge: I research stores of components from here and get heaps of capacity. Which
help me in my future calling.[ CITATION Mas19 \l 1033 ]

1.4 Scope & Limitations of the Report

Scope: The scope of the company is critical for the venture plan which includes clear
entrepreneurship objectives, outcomes, highlights, capabilities, assignments and cut-off times. As
such, work should be undertaken to complete the undertaking. Any review of these studies will
gain from recognizing how Uber captures the part in the entire industry and what kind of
methodologies Uber used in Bangladesh to support it, as an unknown organisation. In order to
find out their shortcomings on the progress line, Bangladeshi organisations should contrast the
limited time procedures of Uber. [ CITATION Ani17 \l 1033 ]

In addition, the undergraduate studies should contrast their ideas with the practical activities
carried out by Uber.


There are limits to and test. In describing the constraints of a test, the pursuer is reliant on
knowing all the more likely under what circumstances. Clear representations of the obstacles to
an inquiry further reveal that the scientist has a broad understanding of his research. The
shortcomings of this article are as follows:

a.Lack of exact data: Data from limited time Uber rides schemes is difficult to assemble as
Uber's Bangladesh business did not encourage understudies to visit their heads off during the day
hour, because they were busy excessively.

b.Short project period: The time period for this role in this relatively short time frame was just
three months in duration and knowledge on Social Events was especially large.

c.Lack of past investigations: The special exercises of Uber Bangladesh can not be examined.

d.Scope of discussion: I don't have different critical length of relationship of coordinating

researches and making scholarly papers of a particularly huge size unreservedly, the growth and
meaning of conversation in my paper are undermined in different levels showed up diversely
according to made by experienced subject matter experts.

After all of these inconveniences somehow, I have sort out some way to add up to all the critical
data to make my report a significant one.[ CITATION Mas19 \l 1033 ]

1.5 Definition of Key Terms:

a. Customer Service Quality: "The definition of the customer as well as how our service
satisfies its needs" we outline suppliers first class. Both our services and our desires are
key components of pleasure.

b. Satisfaction Management: Customer satisfaction is a metric that determines how happy
consumers are with the goods, facilities and capacity of a company. Customer pride figures,
including polls and reviews, help a company to assess if its offerings and goods can better be
enhanced or adapted. And how well we handle the satisfaction of our clients according to
schedule is called Satisfaction Management.

c. Customer Mix: Customer blend is the deals driven by a specific sort of customer fragment
communicated as a level of the business' complete deal.

d. Product Mix: Item blend, otherwise called item collection or item portfolio, alludes to the
total arrangement of items and/or services offered by a firm.

e. SWOT Analysis: SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats) assessment is a

system used to evaluate a business' forceful capacity and to expand vital making arrangements.
SWOT assessment evaluates inside and outside factors, notwithstanding present day and future
potential.[ CITATION Has19 \l 1033 ]

Chapter 2: Company & Industry Preview

2.1 Company Analysis

2.1.1 Overview & History

Uber is a transport on demand and is unhappy with the taxi business as a whole. The Uber game
plan has made people tap their cells successfully and a taxi appears in their area at any moment.
Uber is one of only a few technological organizations, worth over 50 billion dollars around the

Uber innovations inc. is an American non-public enlist office headquarters in sam Francisco,
California, US, working in more noticeable than 500 towns worldwide. It develops the business
place and works uber auto transportation and dinners dispatching through compact applications.
Moreover, UBER has a straightforward assumption to apply advancement to ensure our
metropolitan networks extra accessible all the while lessening obstruct and tainting. With there,
it before long offers organizations more than 500 towns all through 74 worldwide territories,
with 5000000 uber adventures made each day simply equivalent to their focuses and goals. Uber
conveyed in Bangladesh on 22 November 2016. As of now, UBER is transforming into another
method of transportation with its rich core interests.[ CITATION Fat08 \l 1033 ]
Name of the organization UBER
Type Privately held company
Industry Transportation delivery(commerce)
Owner Travis Kalanick, Garrett Camp
Founded March 2009
Headquarter San Francisco, California
Founded in Bangladesh 22nd November 2016
Headquarter in Bangladesh Road:12, Sector:12, 36

Road, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
Website www.uber.com

Slogan We will ride together

Helpline 09612111777

2.1.2 Trend & Growth

Trend1. Employment rate:

 Effect on the Industry: Bangladesh is a small country made out of India and, from one
viewpoint, Myanmar. The fundamental issues for public advancement are the monetary
issue in Bangladesh, yet the joblessness rate in Bangladesh is altogether low, simply 4.5
percent in 2010. (Workforce Survey 2010, BBS). In the event that underemployment is
applied to the joblessness rate, the joblessness rate for 2010 will hit as high as 24.0
percent. An investigation by two Senior Research Associates of Policy Research Institute
(PRI) shows that the gross compensation of a ride-share vehicle proprietor is around
60,000 BDT each month. It is an open entryway for the riding application industry to get
workforce.1 Not just has ride-sharing tackled the mass issue of discovering vehicles, yet
additionally the locale made business open entryways for in excess of 40,000 individuals.
A Dhaka tenant's typical month-to-month installment is determined at around BDT
30,000 every month, half of what can be paid by a Uber vehicle proprietor. [ CITATION
Agr13 \l 1033 ]

 Effect on your association clearly: Bangladesh is needed to contribute 25% of Uber's
development in the district in 2019 with 100,000 driver assistants and around 2,500 new
accessory enlists each week, an official statement said. Simply a basic piece of the more
extensive vehicle territory is taken up by Ride-share. [ CITATION Mas19 \l 1033 ]

 Bangladesh is needed to contribute 25% of Uber's development in the district in 2019

with 100,000 driver assistants and around 2,500 new associate enlists each week, an
official statement said. Simply a basic piece of the more extensive vehicle territory is
taken up by Ride-share. For Uber, it is a tremendous open door. Since joblessness exists
in Bangladesh, it would not be hard for us to get enough representatives. Winning
joblessness often benefits the labor force with low wages or commissions. [ CITATION
Ani17 \l 1033 ]

 How may the factor change throughout the following 5-10 years: It will assemble new
business openings and it will expand past Dhaka city after five additional individuals
came to consider the ride-sharing application following 10 years. [ CITATION Mah10 \l
1033 ]

Trends2. Traffic condition

 Effect on the Industry: With 36% of the metropolitan populace of the country living in
the capital of Dhaka, it has gotten perhaps the most thickly populated metropolitan zones
on the planet. As shown by the World Bank check, ordinary traffic speed has tumbled
from 21 km/h to 7 km/h throughout the most recent 10 years, just marginally above
typical strolling speed. Dhaka Blockage ingests up to 3.2 million working hours daily. In
relationship with the horrendous measurements, the bike draws out a groan of lightening
in energetic metropolitan occupants being the fastest strategy for transportation. This
condition makes an open entryway for ride-sharing Apps. As we see to our everyday life
a large number individuals use public transportation like area transport. In relationship
with the appalling measurements, the bike draws out a groan of easing in young
metropolitan occupants being the fastest technique for transportation. This condition
makes an open entryway for ride-sharing Apps. As we see to our everyday life a large
number individuals use public transportation like area transport. [ CITATION Neh17 \l 1033 ]

 Effect on your organization straightforwardly: With 36% of the metropolitan populace of

the country living in the capital of Dhaka, it has gotten quite possibly the most thickly
populated metropolitan regions on the planet. As demonstrated by the World Bank
measure, typical traffic speed has tumbled from 21 km/h to 7 km/h throughout the most
recent 10 years, just marginally above ordinary strolling speed. Dhaka Blockage retains
up to 3.2 million working hours daily The road is still jam stuffed and his optimal vehicle
stack at SHABAGE MORE on a sign, which happens, truth be told, condition. It's an
open entryway for Uber to develop business thusly. Make the apprentice accessible.

 How may the factor change over the course of the following 5-10 years: over the long
haul, in Dhaka City, gridlocks increment by 15 minutes for every sign.[ CITATION Has19 \l
1033 ]

Trends3. Increment on web employments

 Effect on the Industry: The Ride-Sharing application is utilized on the web. As per the
super current figures delivered by the telecom controller, the extent of net customers in
Bangladesh has surpassed the ninety million imprint, and most of them get association
with the web on cell gadgets. Toward the finish of February, 2018, versatile web use hit
83.141 million.
 Effect on your organization straightforwardly:

It is incredible information for a ride-sharing application likes Uber in spite of the fact
that booking of vehicles is made by means of the stage.

 How would conceivably the viewpoint trade over the ensuing 5-10 years: Hopefully,
following five after 10 years 1 GB of net % will expense 10-12 tk.

Trends4. Tension on open vehicle

 Effect on the Industry: While the country has acquired money related terms ground over
the long haul, metropolitan specialists concur that the capital city required quality travel
naval forces to facilitate the upgraded lifestyle of people. They said that for all intents and
purposes the entirety of the city's current 8,000 metro stations are mismatched for
working in a capital city like Dhaka and that top notch and superior grade ought to be
supplanted standard and pleasant ones working out a broad dispose of Plan such as the
one that has displaced a significant amount of CNG-run two-stroke cars from all 2003.
Professor Nazrul Islam, Buet's accident research institute (ARI) pioneer Prof. Moazzem
Hossain, Prof. Sarwar Jahan, a Buet's urban and regional planning section, as well as
Iqbal Habib, metropolitan expert and planner, have devised perspectives in their talks
with UNB and previous administrators of the University Grants Commission. Prof.
Sarwar Jahan. The cars in the capital should have been Prof. Nazrul Islam. commendable
standards. " Dhaka's present-day delivering organizations are well beneath the
fundamental normal. To diminish the reliance of people on private vehicles, we should
ensure productivity and amicable and voyager very much arranged vehicle

administrations.9 The silly grating for ride-sharing application organizations on open
vehicle open entryway. Since they will get voyagers with no issue. [ CITATION MAB11 \l
1033 ]

 Effect on your organization straightforwardly: Uber can create utilization of this open
door and can build up a solid business procedure in Dhaka City to develop its business.
[ CITATION Fat08 \l 1033 ]

 How may the factor change throughout the following 5-10 years: With uber and another
rideshare application, people will be more loose following 5-10 years since people use
application sharing services more. Uber would likewise need to manage application
sharing stages for amateurs. [ CITATION Mah10 \l 1033 ]

Trends5. The high populace thickness in Dhaka city

 Effect on the Industry: In only 125 square miles, the 14.6 million inhabitants of Dhaka
live in (325 square kilometers). The capital of Bangladesh is just about 75% thicker than
Hong Kong at in excess of 115,000 people for each square mile (Figure 1) or 45,000 for
each square kilometer (Figure 2).10 As by far most presently live in the metropolitan
region, it is an open entryway for the whole business. [ CITATION Ari20 \l 1033 ]

 Effect on your organization straightforwardly: A solid chance for Uber is the high
populace thickness in Dhaka City. Uber can undoubtedly deliver income by utilizing the
present circumstance. [ CITATION Ari20 \l 1033 ]


 Industry Impact: According to the measure of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, GDP
advancement in money related 2017-18 is probably going to be 7.65 percent, up from
7.28 percent a year earlier.25 So, it is suggested that our economy is improving bit by bit
so that there will likewise be an immense change in the improvement of our lifestyle. We
can spend a touch more on the quick and smooth movability that UBER offers us at the
present time. A nice number of rides can influence more customers, so the two customers
and companions will profit. Individuals are more anxious to purchase a vehicle and join
uber, which expands the measure of driver end and individuals get open rides that
expansion the measure of driver end Increase the finish of the customer to have a
respectable effect. [ CITATION Neh17 \l 1033 ]

 Company Impact: Individuals are keen on spending more on administrations like UBER
when a total economy is satisfactory. Extraordinary money related development for this
sort of association is something worth being thankful for in light of the fact that the
endeavor will be high and customers are glad to pay for this help for ride-sharing.
[ CITATION Agr13 \l 1033 ]

2.1.3 Customer Mix

 Corporate personnel: Corporate staff, if Uber the major client. Dhaka's traffic
congestion grows day after day, making Uber one of the better remedies.
 University students: Uber also relies on university students.
 Corporate People: Businessmen have not been really dependent on Uber in the past.
They are now growing in numbers.
 Others: Other people like housewives are really focused on Uber because they save time,
time and security [ CITATION MdH19 \l 1033 ]

2.1.4 Product/ Service Mix

UBER has five product types in Bangladesh.

 Premium UBER
 Moto UBER.


UBER X UBERX: The most useful and pleasant approach to getting around Dhaka. We have
you filled, No matter if you're looking for a ceremony trip and just have to spread your legs out
and stretch. Choose UBER X when you book a ride and drive to the convenience of a home.
Value targets, open four-seater cars in your grab tap. We take all the models from 1991 to 2005
[ CITATION Fat08 \l 1033 ] to UBER X .

UBER PREMIER (Introducing PREMIER – A Step above the Everyday Ride): At Uber, we strive
to make every ride a stunning confront for every single one of a vast number of riders such as you.
Presenting PREMIER-with UBER, your
premium economy insight. We are proud to
inform this ride option to you after quite a
while of configuration and input. We jump-
started in a tasty style, too. The current and
ex-public stars of Sylhet Sixers, Sabbir
Rahman, Hasibul Hossain, and Faruque
Ahmed were part of the first to use
PREMIER as they progressed for a gathering towards their group office. Model Jannatul Peya also
received a PREMIER while in transit to a Friday night engagement in Gulshan Dhaka, not to be
outclassed. With your critique, and joining all you've recognized in your drives with us and our car
owner, PREMIER was created for you.[ CITATION Has19 \l 1033 ]

Uber XL (Low-cost rides for a large group): Uber XL is a rental car that is affordable. So
whether you're with such a bunch of friends or want a more spacious trip with out, in fact.

Uber XL is the automotive carrier for you, burning a hole in your wallet. After submitting an XL,
you will be picked up by at least 6 people - including yourselves. Kia Sorrento, Toyota
Highlander, Ford Explorer, Hyundai Santa Fe, Ford Flex, Toyota Sienna, etc.[ CITATION MAB11 \l

1033 ]

UBER MOTO (MOVE WITH MOTO): We've come to the full circle. We provide you with
something for your everyday convenience along with cheap and quick sedan drives at UBERX
and PREMIER. The integration of MOTO with Dhaka is one of the world's busiest cities, there is
no better way to save time and jams than MOTO and no one greater than our nationalist
cricketing giant, Mashrafe Binin, to kick-start our journey Mortaza. Mortaza. This morning,
Mashrafe had his first MOTO experience in the city. Being an ardent motorcycle enthusiast,
along with his first enjoyment, he becomes very satisfied and looks forward to how MOTO can
add even more element to how the metropolis runs.[ CITATION Ari20 \l 1033 ]

UBER Hire (multiple destinations: extended time): Motorists can e-book long-term
trips around the regular meetings, sales, or just around the area. UBER lease. We are
constantly thinking of modern methods to boost the interaction for our riders and driver-
companions, this provider seeks to book a UBER long-term tour to meet the metropolis'
particular travel needs, especially visitors, business travelers, senior residents, and
performing professionals. Maintains a convenient and cost-effective price tour
experience,"Our supplier continues to purchase a UBER at the long tournaments to meet
the unique travel needs of the metropolis, especially visitors, business travelers, senior
citizens and legal experts. We think that recent developments boom the experience of
our riders and our human drivers. maintains a convenient and expensive service
Experience price tour, " [ CITATION MAB11 \l 1033 ]
(Bass, 2018).

2.1.5 Operations
At first Uber was based on Dhaka, but then expanded into other major cities such as
Chittagong, Sylhet, etc. The full country coverage will be given in the future.
2.1.6 SWOT Analysis

 The High supply power
 very well established name of brand
 pretty strong linkage to a rapidly aging population

 Approved by the government


● Driver’s availability

● Unfair employee remuneration

● Payment system
● User connectivity to the Internet
● User’s computer
● The ability of users to provide enough personal information over the Internet


● The rising Internet usage trend

● Speedy approval from the client
● limited availability of the labor force
● Bangladeshi economic development
● Government policy right now favorable


● Political unrest can cause damage

● Number of competitors
● Fuel cost
● Customers have many options[ CITATION MdH10 \l 1033 ]

2.2 Industry Analysis

2.2.1 & 2.2.2 Specification of the Industry and Size, Trend and Maturity of the

We pick UBER from the Ride-Sharing Industry which offers applications related to online
vehicle management. This means our management cannot get our new management around the
network without a web traveler. Our prompt or main contestants are pathos, shohozes, tomas,
amarbike, taxiwala, cholo, obhai. However, mass transit is excluded from the industry, such as
transport, cart, CNG, leguna and so forth. As these administrations of public vehicles do not give
administration on the network transport or elsewhere. The CNG cart and cab have long enjoyed a
restrictive infrastructure . We can see that Bangladesh's people have welcomed the revolutionary
idea of ride-sharing assistance. The rapid prevalence of ride sharing apps was seen, and the
outdated organisation. Each individual is constantly looking for ride-sharing applications like
Uber for a pleasant and quick journey, but open cars in Bangladesh meet their needs

It will take 10/12 years for this industry to arrive at the mature level. [ CITATION Mah10 \l 1033 ]

2.2.3 External economic factors

1. High Tax and VAT rate

2. High Price of Internet

3. Inflation rate

2.2.4 Technological Factors

1. Internet sluggish speed 1.

2. Mobile banking system difficult

3. Privacy of data

2.2.5 Barriers to entry

The risk of new trainings is mild in view of our review.

Simple to copy: The management or task plan the company is focused on at the moment is not
manufacturing and is not costly to imitate parcel costs. After their submission, it is not difficult

to double the riding bid and highlight goal. This suggests that the threats presented by more
entrants are high.

Govt. Limitation: In this sector, too, Govt. has a flaw. Office Secretary Shafiul claimed that
organisations would not have to provide public authority for their incomes, but the selection of
Tk 100,000 with an annual restaurant charge of Tk 10,000 for a full one-year term would have to
be charged. 28 At present, the web application for ride sharing needs to maintain eleven
principles which are seriously impeded by the government.29 section. [ CITATION MdH10 \l 1033 ]

Item separation: There is no differentiation of goods in the ride-sharing application industry

because separate contenders, such as Shohoz, pickme and obhai, offer similar assistance, but
pathao just has separation because they also handle food and package transportation through its
application. In this sector, it is not sufficient. In these lines, the separation of objects is low and
therefore there is a high chance of new entrants. [ CITATION Agr13 \l 1033 ]

Normal innovation: Both businesses use the same invention in this application field. You offer
your assistance, you do not have full separation, likewise (wellbeing and security, use the web,
need an advanced mobile phone, ride imparting to confront book or companions). The
organization thus enters the emerging competition successfully, which is why the challenges to
transportation are small. [ CITATION AlM13 \l 1033 ]

Solid brand and client dedication: In this application section, there is no clear brand or client
loyalty. A customer uses all the administrative resources available. In comparison with UBER,
however, Pathao is fundamentally comparative application management in this field, but it has
no brand consistency in the mind of the user, since the client requires another application
management which depends on the variety of styles, values, descriptions and administration.
Therefore, the new firm essentially enters the market. In this way, the chances of new admission
are minimal. This is a market in which engagement is weak because it is a recent concept in
public transport. About the same way. [ CITATION Ari20 \l 1033 ]

2.2.6 Suppliers Power

Due to our research, suppliers have a solid trade intensity.

The reappropriation protocol approaches Uber. No cars or drivers are owned by Uber. The group
struggles with the legally binding assumption that all drivers have their cars and operate
separately with Uber. The supplier of Uber is the owner of vehicles, cruiser owners. Therefore,
owners have the opportunity to select the applications of the other association, such as pathao,
for us to get a ride back when Uber has not received any ride demand. So here, Uber suppliers
have a high capacity for haggling.

However, Uber has no other alternative but to reappropriate from the suppliers, as it directly
impacts the brand of Uber and its famous image in terms of the potential possibility that
something awful happens. [ CITATION Has19 \l 1033 ]

2.2.7 Buyers Power

Based on our analysis bargaining power of buyers is strong.

Switching cost: In this industry customer switching cost is low. The following desk suggests
the fare of various such carrier providers.

Name of the App Base Fare per km

Uber Moto Tk.30 + Tk.12/km

Uber Car Tk.40+Tk.3/minute+Tk.18/km

Pathao Ride Tk.25+Tk.12/km

Pathao Car Tk.50+Tk.2.5/minute+Tk.20/km

Shohoz bike Tk.30 + Tk.12/km

So, it's clearly visible miles that the coverage for faring which is almost like every other one. In
addition, many consumers rely on cost reductions and promotion codes. So, if they are not
happy or if the provider is not friendly to them, they can migrate to different service vendors
without problems. As a consequence, customers' bargaining power is disproportionate.
[ CITATION Ani17 \l 1033 ]

Informed about seller product, price, place, promotion: Customers have the right to comment
directly about their level of service in this industry. And but it also has an SMS new feature and
customer service helpline in the ride-sharing app manufacturing industry by which the rider or
the user really can easily communicate only with the better support canter for their level of
service. And also, only because the entire ride-sharing app has a webpage, the rider or customer
care communicates through the Facebook and the customer care shares any comments online
related to the service on this page. All human beings recognize that the provider is good or
awful, and each employer acknowledges what kind of variables they want to improve. So,
customers do have extra power.[ CITATION MAB11 \l 1033 ]

2.2.8 Threats of Substitute

Given the danger of our testing, goods are solid

The alternatives for our industry in the applications are road haulage such as transport, cart,
CNG, leguna, single bicycles and so forth, because individuals effectively receive transport,
cart, CNG, leguna, so there is no convincing reason for PDA and web. In this industry there are
very high risk of alternative goods. Exchange prices are cheaper than application transportation

Our business administrations are limited at the moment, and this is not because Dhaka can only
be used by travelers for a considerable distance but because of aid transportation and cNG, the
outside framework Dhaka is used. The management of the metro can be seen as the immense
possibility of substitution. The moving costs of finding alternate help are often minimal, so that
the consumer can still be replaced. The hazards of replacement materials are solid in this sense.
[ CITATION Neh17 \l 1033 ]

2.2.9 Industry rivalry

Competition between competing companies is robust, based on our research.

Several business competitors: In the application base industry, several rivals, including pathao,
ohai, shohoz, toma, amarbike, taxiwala, cholo, gotilets go, pickme, ezzyr, are present. In this
smartphone sector they also provide related offerings. Therefore, there are many competitors.

Price rivalry: The market rivalry is very good in this sector since our survey shows that almost
90 percent of consumers clearly believe that they are using a different route sharing app to offer
high prices or low prices than others.

Differentiation of product/service: There is no service differentiation in this app industry. In

this way, the competition is strong.

Substitute availability: Substitute availability is high in this app market. Since in alternative
transport industries such as buses, CNG, leguna, etc., travelers have more options to get the
same service and the cost is often less costly. [ CITATION Ari20 \l 1033 ]

Chapter 3: Service quality & Satisfaction
Measurement of Uber

3.1 Literature review
The study focuses mostly on the analysis of Uber Bangladesh, its level of service, and
measurements of satisfaction.

UBER is a mass transit corporation that is facing a worldwide insurgency over a particular
appeal. The UBER Action Plan has allowed people to tap their advanced cells only and at any
conceivable moment a taxi has met their own conditions. UBER is one of only a few internet
firms in the world worth over 50 billion dollars. The important $8 billion commodity has been
given to UBER and has just 60 countries. UBER is a driver-linked e-recovery system for
travelers. Organization based in California must attempt to arrange for residents and drivers cars,
taxis and different types of transportations via cellphone as agents. Garrett Camp and Travis
were the originator of the mental habits and UBER taxi as author of the mobile phone request in
March 2009. The customer support request can be used to register drivers in the customer's area
to present an excursion request which is naturally delivered. Fascinated UBER drivers can talk
and get to the passengers as well. UBER is not a taxi management owner of any organizational
vehicle. The drivers of UBER are owners of private moon point cars. In 600 metropolitan areas
worldwide, including Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, UBER operates. [ CITATION Fat08 \l 1033 ]

Its business increasing day by day so to keep up with changes customer satisfaction measurement
is a necessity.

3.2 & 3.3 Measurement tools Survey Techniques
The successful operation of the inquiry is continuously based on a legitimate theory. It helps to
define and analyze knowledge and evidence in a structured cycle in order to reach a definite aim
and purpose. In this part, too, my area of study, population, inspection of segments, test
procedures, social events data content, knowledge research, and subsequent conclusions and
recommendations. The system I use to set up the assignment as paths:

A population selection of whole elements (private people or items) that have a number
of common functions defined by the mostly researcher-related sampling criteria. In
reality, the population of UBER Dhaka according to age, sexual orientation, and
occupational age was the total number of potential customers.

A appropriate demographic evaluation would be sufficient to include all of them in the

sample in such studies. But any of a sample will involve a broad population. One part of
the population is a demographic pattern.

Therefore, a small group of 3-4 materials drawn by a particular method from an open
population is a sample of this analysis. There is research into the fact that these samples
are made. In this analysis, the population sample had 60 respondents.

An essential element is a sample for test design. This is the form by which a short total
number of the total population is used to infer the total population. The pattern design
method is followed as follows—

● The desired populace.

● Frame sample.

● Ordinary size

Sample Size: UBER Dhaka's clients are the target population of this study. The
population is the set of measurements of theoretically all people, materials or interests.

Study line Frame: For this study, certain sample frames are not available. UBER
Dhaka clients of all ages and genders are considered.[ CITATION MAB11 \l 1033 ]
3.4 Data collection Procedure
For a study, there are a few techniques to adapt the data. The resources are similarly the most
that we can gather. By means of casual meetings, issue-related, book surveys, UBER Bangladesh
interior indexes, all the essential data was gathered at the source. The customers have been met,
therefore. Regardless, the straightforward data assortments occurred in two ways.

• Main Sources of data

• Secondary sources for data

Primary sources of data: Results of an investigation zeroed in on a Customer Satisfaction and

Satisfaction Assessment survey at UBER BD

Secondary sources materials: I went through the connected books for the subjects to acquire
secondary data, followed the investigation paper and papers. Get some answers concerning the

papers and surf the web.[ CITATION Mah10 \l 1033 ]

3.5 Respondents Detail

a. Service Quality

Occupation of Service Good Service Bad Service Moderate


1. Students 70% 10% 20%

2. Corporate 80% 5% 15%

3. Business 60% 20% 20%
4. Others 50% 20% 30%

b. Cost

Occupation of Cost High Cost Low Cost Moderate

Students 70% 5% 25%
Corporate Persons 50% 20% 30%

Business persons 60% 10% 30%

Others 50% 25% 25%

c. Customer Service Response

Occupation of Quick Response Slow Response No Response

Students 50% 50% 0%
Corporate Persons 40% 50% 10%

Business persons 30% 65% 5%

Others 20% 70% 10%

Chapter 4: Internship Experience

Learned from internships is an exceptional source of valuable job experience before starting a
career. In either case, agencies want academic achievement and a test for someone with an
adequate business understanding who is ideally able to mold their business lifestyle. It will often
become the objective of an organisation with first class status. The 3 months of internship has
been a major indicator for being familiar with the world of companies. Furthermore, it
encouraged me to achieve what credentials one might have to achieve.

It allows me to confront the world of industry. The main lessons I found are given below: The

4.1 Position, Duties, and Responsibilities

Position: In this capacity, I will be part of a crew that loves customer generation, business
management, the creation of new markets and relationships. I may be at the forefront of Uber's
leadership and transport's future.

Duties & Responsibilities:

 Learn more about the versatility and survival portfolio

 Construction of information about the causes, requirements and prices of capacity that the
Uber Mobility Platform can provide.
 Find opportunities to develop our products, deals, approach the use of consumer analysis
and business knowledge
 Function with the exclusive components of the Uber business organization to execute
growth practices, including business classes, business teams and teams with professional
 Control tips and accompanying activities using knowledge and observations
 Centered solely on companion performance and effectiveness Proportion studies and
general methodologies
 Scale relationship packs that generate pressure, market share and driver preference

4.2 Training
The Greenlight Group had extraordinary views of its pleasure following the Circle program and
so had a number of superb results on the business. In the latter months the team has encouraged
six staff, five of whom were Circle members. The learning skills they learned helped them to
become better listeners, communicators and team members.

Senior Manager Simon Green has witnessed an exchange in how he communicates with his
customers as well as improve the balance within the crew itself. The London team has seen the
happiness of their employers rise consistently to exceed the rest of the United Kingdom. They
transformed their dialogue with their fellow drivers by taking a coaching approach, which have
lead to improved stories and outcomes for them.

Finally, any other good outcome of the initiative became a joy for the Greenlight crew. Uber also
carries out surveys to find out how workers feel within the organization. After the initiative, they
not only saw an increase in participation but also a spike in the number of workers who were
motivated by their position and grew. [ CITATION Agr13 \l 1033 ]

4.3 Contribution to Departments functions

An achievement second was the year 2020. Tested by racial inequality and the COVID-19
sickness flare-up, the mission gained a gigantic standing for aggregate global cognizance. At
Uber, we reacted by using our organization, presently not exclusively to end up being outside to
be an enemy of bigoted organization, yet in addition for the outward improvement of our
networks around the globe.

About our workers is reported in our 2020 People and Culture Survey. However, it is all about
long-term cultural improvements that contribute to greater representation and a more advanced
sense of belonging. This is a reflected picture of our commitment to progress in the midst of
everything we do about racial and social equity.

The way we stay, paints, and passed COVID-19 upended. For our community of staff going from
office to office, there were new questions around managing belonging culture. This includes a
new coverage which codifies the options for parents and caregivers to do such so that the work is
balanced for those who care for them the most. Since the domestic condition of everyone is

correct, we have established three detailed options: day-round versatility, allocation of working
hours and changeover shifts.

We have even superior emotional health, offered a work-at-home scholarship and cancelled our
overall mid-year success appraisal period, to guarantee that assessments were not changed to the
atmosphere of a wide-ranging painting by individuals. We will continue to make sure Uber is a
market environment where everyone is recommended to excel. [ CITATION Mas19 \l 1033 ]

4.4 Evaluation
During the most recent five months, Uber has been encountering a twofold digit blast in Dhaka,
both on the drivers' side and the riders' side. For each town in Asia, Uber says, this is the
organization's quickest blast. The service was presented on November 22, 2016, in Dhaka. In
half a month, from December 5, 2016, it expanded offerings to 24 hours. The tolls were

additionally reached out to guarantee feasible procedure on January 23, 2017. [ CITATION

Mah10 \l 1033 ]

Dhaka experiences some of the most noticeably awful site guest blockages on the planet. There
is a call for additional choices for solid, productive, and low-valued ways to deal with getting to
and from artistic creations, particularly round driving courses underserved by means of public
conveyance. This is wherein ridesharing and Uber become possibly the most important factor.
Cell phone applications for these services can help super current present framework,
fundamentally private vehicles, extra productively at not any more expense – permitting more
people to the extent their excursions and through introducing less exorbitant, handy options in
contrast to vehicle possession, Uber says.

We are focused on furnishing riders in the city with an issue-free transportation choice and
setting out job open doors for Dhaka drivers. There is a genuine option in contrast to a world that
seems as though a vehicle leaving the zone and acts like a gridlock, and in Dhaka, we are

focused on making this a reality,' said a representative for Uber.[ CITATION MdH10 \l

1033 ]

4.5 Skills Applied

Skills Applied:

Communication skill: I use my oral exchangeability perfectly during my operations in

Uber Bangladesh. I also learned in my department how to effectively accept a message
and send the correct remarks. I build a fun atmosphere with my skill immediately

Networking skills: Handy coordination and networking. I joined various workers
networks in Uber Bangladesh, during which my culture was set up. This unbelievable
insight will aid me in fate.
Marketing ability: As an advertising undergraduate, I would tell that publicity and
promotion are one of the main competences. Due to my first university day, I built and
varnished my skills. I get into their ads and publicity machines in Uber Bangladesh
without any trouble and I apply myself there.
Experience in management: In any area, if you're part of an organisation, it is a must. I
have handled the link between my co-workers and better authority with the assistance of
my control talent.
Teamwork: teamwork is important in solving challenges and tracking missions. In Uber
Bangladesh, I faced exclusive difficult circumstances; we remedy them quickly and
successfully with the assistance of my community paintings.

4.6 New Skills developed

Soft skills: my tender ability to work in Uber Bangladesh has grown. I have found
running ERP programs, database management and critical net-based interactions mainly
with clients and other activities.
Capacity for an environmental assessment: I find out how and how to measure the
climate in Uber Bangladesh. This will benefit those planning to develop a career in the
business area.
Organizational culture: In their industrial subculture, various global enterprises have
parallels. Living in Uber Bangladesh will make me work with any multinational.
Capacity to report: It is one of the most important skills for any corporate employee to
write and have green records professionally. I am very good at reporting and regularly
plan and give feedback.
Issue Resolution: My problem-resolving skills were mediocre when I began in Uber. I
am, however, happy to work mostly to address those problems under specific
circumstances. [ CITATION Fat08 \l 1033 ]

4.7 Application of Academic Knowledge
I even have several chances to use my educational information in Uber Bangladesh. Customer
Service, marketing, environmental analysis, marketing mix and so on. First, I can position them.
I will also learn about Uber Bangladesh Pricing, contact with customers, online advertisement
management and others. With the support and the use of my education I train, and I can tell that
it gets tough, but I enjoy it a lot. I always collaborate with my colleagues and increase top-
quality coordination. I'm better connected day by day with senior management.


I thought of myself as a person who is still on time. However, the idea of timeliness was altered
for me after seeing people practice it in Uber. Being even a minute late to finish a relegated
errand or attend a conference will cost you a lot of money.

Managing Time:

The most valuable thing I learnt during my internship was time management. The fulfillment of
type assignments within the lifeless line is crucial to the progress of the artwork.

Maintaining Chain of Command:

In our daily lives, we do not face the threat of rehearsing the hierarchy of executives, which is
extremely important in corporate lifestyles. Until attempting to hone it, one must first document
his/her senior and then bypass on thoughts. In either case, the director is responsible for
delegating responsibilities to his or her subordinates by their line boss.


It is especially important to have work viability. Regardless of how difficult the assignment is,
one should always be prepared to complete any task assigned to them with the highest level of
perfection. Whether or not one has considered the project, it is his/her duty to discover a suitable
method to complete it and have a successful result.

Corporate Etiquette:

One's mentality reveals his or her identity. It is particularly important to follow corporate
etiquette. When speaking with others, one must be respectful and well-mannered. Carry on in a
manner that speaks to your identity, retain your professional place of work, and cultivate a
studied mindset.

Finally, I would claim that my academic test and professional experience were no longer far
apart. [ CITATION AlM13 \l 1033 ]

Chapter 5: Conclusion and key facts

5.1 Recommendations for improving the departmental operation
Following the review and conclusions of Uber's quality of service and customer satisfaction
assessment practices in Bangladesh, I'd like to share a few suggestions with Uber Bangladesh for
the brand's potential improvement.

a. According to our report, Uber service rates are very high; they should use a fair pricing
strategy to retain long-term clients.
b. As a globally recognised organization, we cannot embrace Uber's poor customer service
contact. Uber wants to boost it right now.
c. Data protection and consumer welfare must also be prioritized.
d. In Bangladesh, there are various external factors, for example, increased traffic,
powerless traffic administrations, absence of stopping, increased pay for purchasers, and
so on, that work in favor of the organization. Any one of these elements presents
incredible opportunities for Uber to fill in the future.

e. UBER is yet to expand into several parts of Bangladesh. The company should go to the
area where it wants to expand and do everything possible to make this dispatch a success.

f. In Bangladesh, many public and public festivals are observed; Uber should concentrate
on these celebrations and deliver limited-time excursions to expand its clients and touch
the enthusiastic link with its buyers.
g. Uber has to present a wellness and annuity package for its riders in order to retain them
for the long haul.

h. Uber must identify the shortcomings of its competitors, such as Pathao in Bangladesh, in
order to generate novel ideas and deliver new unique exercises to enhance rides for both
clients and passengers.

i. Contributions in Bangladeshi streets will evoke a high degree of appreciation from the
Bangladeshi people. To introduce to the general public, Uber will start a tree-ranch on the
pathway and the street's boundaries. [ CITATION Mah10 \l 1033 ]

5.2 Key understandings

Administrations are not regularly attempted to redo dependent on the estimation of the

UBER would not try to adjust the administrations depending on the companions or the driver's
calculation. This may have an impact on the company because an organisation may have set up
an alternative administration depending on a unique assessment of partners and drivers.

Systematic staff training methods: UBER doesn't furnish its laborers with quality
arranging approaches that help handle diverse high and low-regard accomplices.

Worker reward: In the worker grant plot, representatives should be urged to perform
at their most significant level. For the assurance and development of work, laborers
move people to be pleased with their artistic creations. At the point when you plan a
worker grant gadget for our business organization, remember to welcome our
representatives who have no set in stone technique to join and help them construct a
gadget that works for us.

Lack of Coordination: Uber Bangladesh is experiencing contact issues between the

company and its clients. They recently tried to modify the situation. If they can boost
this, Uber can continue to be the leading brand in this market.

Issue with Flexibility: When Uber first launched in Bangladesh, they were the only
brand in the sector; however, they now have several competitors. This raises the
difficulty of the new challenge. [ CITATION MdH10 \l 1033 ]
5.3 Conclusion
Staggering eagerness for ride-by-share innovations has been appeared by arising
organizations and huge organizations. As demonstrated by their overall ordinary
development, the reaction from the offering sharing stage to the customers has been
incredibly sure. Nevertheless, for stage-based governments, there are some pushbacks
on significant issues. For the two riders and drivers, certainty was maybe the most
connected stage, explicitly. Round-sharing is a hot-button between, and to such an
extent, metropolitan territories around the planet.

How the metropolitan networks will be managed this day and a confusing cycle later
on? Like checking out current necessities and examples, it is correspondingly basic to
expect what's to come. The advancement that is as of now at progress rates, can
interfere with plans that are extended lengths of creation. During the city orchestrating
measure, accounting should be considered for future examples of the public power to
avoid stuns in the streets.

Service quality at a sensible cost and better customer communication will make Uber
Bangladesh a 100% profitable Bangladesh ride-sharing business.[ CITATION Has19 \l
1033 ]

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