Antistat: Online Air Ionizer

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Online air ionizer

Antistat AMW

Effective against static charge Static electricity is a nuisance, and a hazard, and attracts dirt!

Area of application
Electrostatic charges may significantly interfere with various pro-
Customer benefits duction processes and become rather troublesome. If the polarity
✓ Troublefree operation of the charges differs, their attractive and repulsive forces not only
✓ Greater product affect the warp threads. They cause sheets of papers to cling
quality together, feathers and fibres develop lumps and attract dirt parti-
✓ Reduced risk of acci- cles from everywhere onto surfaces that should be clear and clean.
dents Sudden discharges of highly charged coils, rollers, spools, bales or
carts when touched accidentally are unpleasant and may trigger
hazardous reactions.

The elimination of electrostatic charges is therefore indispen-

Product highlights sable for many production processes to ensure troublefree
✓ Suitable for high and operation!
low product speeds
✓ Complete ionisation
of the air

Principle of operation Electrostatic charges are created through friction and subsequent
separation of two materials if their positive and negative charge
carriers (ions) cannot be discharged from the respective object
because it is non-conducting.
1 Generator
2 Ionizer 1
3 Ionizer 2 (only for thick products)
Electrically conducting air
Discharge must therefore create an electrically conducting bridge
from the isolated charge carrier islands to the ground or general
mains. Ionized air – that is, electrically conducting air – is ideal as
such a bridge because it touches the charged islands everywhere
and without fail.
The Antistat AMW generates such conducting air. High alternating
voltage, applied through large series resistors to the needles of the
ionizer rods, creates strong electrical fields around the needle tips.
The molecules of the air are split (ionized) in the area of these
fields ; the air around the tips becomes conductive and can dis-
charge the electrical charge from the charged object when
reaching it.

Typical applications

Three vital aspects
n The ionizer bars should be fixed so that they almost touch the
surface of the material (no farther away than 20 mm).
n Heavyweight material may have to be discharged at both sides
(see diagram below).
n Static can be generated again wherever there is friction or sep-
aration. It should be discharged, therefore, at that point where
it is proving troublesome.

Ionizer bar

Typical applications
When winding fabric, especially in case of synthetic products, the
materials may become electrostatically charged due to friction. Dis-
charge is absolutely required to allow processing the product fur-
ther without defect and hazard-free for the machine operator.

This is the case, for example, after the

stenter. Double-sided discharge is
required for heavy products.

Plaiting unit, tucker

The product may continue becoming statically charged while run-
ning through the production line. To avoid risks for workers and
damages to the material, the product should be discharged once
more during plaiting. The ends of the swivel range are a suitable
location, for example.

2 ionizers at both ends of the swivel


Typical applications

Warping machine
The warping machine is used to prepare loom beams for the
weaving mill. During this process the fibres normally run through
eyes or combs. There they become charged and can therefore
repel one another. Fibre breaks or irregular entry into the shear rod
are the result when the product is not discharged.

Discharge after the comb

Sizing machine
When the product is sized, the threads become electrostatically
charged while drying on drum driers or by rubbing against each
other. Threads may tear as a result or run unevenly. Discharge
immediately before the loom beam makes sure that the weft
threads can be wound without problem.

Discharge immediately before the

loom beam

Service and Support


With innovative and trend-setting technology, Mahlo has been set-

ting standards for decades in the field of measuring and control
systems for the industry sectors of textiles, nonwovens and fin-
ishing, laminating, coating & converting, film and extrusion as well
as cellulose, paper and calendering.
In addition to the technology, direct contact with our customers is
especially important to us. This includes intensive assistance and
customer care wherever the customer is located and a global
service and representative network including 24-hour replacement
part service.
Mahlo customers can safely count on the know-how of our experts
in any situation, whether installation and startup, conversion of
existing systems or maintenance of their machines.

Technical data

Device Antistat AMW
Voltage Generator
Version High-tension transformer, totally enclosed in a block
of hardened resin, and doubly protected by series-
connected resistors. Impervious to heat
Outputs Two 2 x 5 kV secondary outputs to feed up to a
maximum of two 10 kV ioniser bars
Dimensions 210 mm x 150 mm x 130 mm
Weight 5.1 kg
Power supply 1 x 125 / 230 VAC
Line frequency 50 / 60 Hz
Power consumption 10 VA
Ioniser bars
Version A series of synthetic blocks joined together on a
supporting rail; two 3 m long high-tension cables,
permanently connected to the blocks
Dimensions Length: working width + 100 mm, Cross-section: 22
mm x 40 mm
Weight 0.7 kg/m

Technical data


Antistat AMW (91-015371)

You’re not just a number for us. Your individual
needs and special requirements are our highest
priority. We are there for you with our expertise,
our leading technology and full dedication. So you
can always play to win.

Monitoring and control systems, automation


Best-possible technical support and know-how transfer are written in capital letters at
Mahlo. Thanks to an international network of agencies and service centres, customers have
at their disposal competent support worldwide. We are there for you 365 days a year, 24
hours a day. Just get in touch with us!

✓Service partners in over 100 countries

✓Direct service and spare parts delivery
within 24 hours
✓Remote diagnostic system
✓Service Hotline: +49-180-5062456

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Antistat AMW-12 84-000309, 2, en_GB

04/2019 Subject to revision!
© 2019 Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

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