LP0057HA101 Dipl in Marine Surveying Web

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23rd November
24 May 2011
Enrolling now

Core Modules
1 The Maritime Industry and Marine Survey Practice
2 Budgeting and Accounting for Surveyors Paul Russell, MSc. BA (Hons) MIMarEST
3 Effective Writing and Reporting Head of School,
4 Naval Architecture for Surveyors Maritime Operations and Logistics Centre,
5 Marine Surveying Law North West Kent College, UK
6 Marine Surveying Insurance
7 Marine Incident Investigation
8 Safety Surveys “The course provides current information, gives an
9 Hull and Structural Surveys
10 Fundamentals of Marine Engineering excellent opportunity to learn new skills and improve
on existing knowledge.”
Specialist Modules (S M Dillon, Noble Denton Consultants Ltd)
A Non-Liquid Cargo Surveys
B Liquid Cargo Surveys
C Surveying of Superyachts
D Marine Environmental Surveying
E Marine Engineering Surveying
F International Safety Management (ISM) Code
Offshore Units This course meets The Royal Institution of
Naval Architects (RINA) requirements for
Continuing Professional Development.

Supported and The Diploma in Marine Surveying is recognised by the

Approved by Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and
Technology (IMarEST) as contributing to the Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) needs of its members.

Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7406 Visit: www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com/ms

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sustainable forests and is chlorine free
Dear Colleague,
As the first international qualification for marine surveyors, Lloyd's Maritime Academy and the Maritime Operations and Logistics Centre have
been educating marine surveyors, potential marine surveyors and associated maritime professionals since 1998. Over 2,000 participants from all
corners of the world have taken, or are currently taking, the Diploma in Marine Surveying.

The course is designed primarily to support the valuable and important work that marine surveyors around the world carry out. It also aims to
help recruit future surveyors, not just from the dwindling number of seafaring professionals, but also from non-seafarers that have the academic
ability and an interest in learning about marine surveying. This course provides the knowledge to assist in your personal and professional
development towards becoming an informed, professional marine surveyor.

The maritime world is truly international and in order to give marine surveyors and seafarers every opportunity to study, distance learning is the
chosen method of delivery. This eliminates geographical boundaries and barriers because modules are delivered via the course website. Students
can access the modules wherever they are in the world and have the opportunity to interact with other course participants in a secure and
dedicated environment.

The Diploma in Marine Surveying meets the Continuing Professional Development criteria for the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) and
the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) and is also accredited by the Nautical Institute.

Successful completion of the course provides a credit rating towards an Open University undergraduate degree as well as towards the units
required to obtain a masters degree at Middlesex University, through a work based learning degree programme for successful diploma candidates

We are confident that you will find this unique diploma provides you with a level of knowledge and skill that will benefit you and your employer.

We look forward to receiving your application to enrol.

Paul Russell, MSc. BA (Hons) MIMarEST

Course Director, Head of School, Maritime Operations and Logistics Centre, North West Kent College,UK


DISTANCE LEARNING A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S Maritime Administration of Latvia
ABS Europe Ltd Maritius Port Authority
Increasingly, we all face more pressures in our business lives. AET Ship Management PTE Ltd Meridian Shipping
AIG South East Asia Ltd Metropolitan Police
Finding time to attend courses of any kind can be very difficult Anglo Eastern Ship Management Mideast Shipmanagement
and well meant plans are often put aside indefinitely. Australian Maritime Authority Ministry of Defence (UK)
BAE Systems
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (India) Put. Ltd
Bermuda Ports
National Maritime Safety Authority
Distance learning can be the solution to your training needs. Bibby International Services (IOM) Ltd
National Ports Authority South Africa
Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM)
You can enjoy the full benefits of studying, whilst still in BP Shipping Nato Undersea Research Centre
employment using this freedom and flexibility to your Caribbean Maritime Institute Noble Denton Consultants Ltd
Carnival Cruise Line Norfolkline Shipping B.V.
advantage. Denholm Ship Management Ltd North of England P&I Association
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Oldendorff Carriers
In addition to up to date study material, the course content Disney Cruise Line P&O Ferries
DNV Petroleum Services Panama Canal Authority
includes: Dolphin Drilling Ltd Petroships Pte Ltd, Singapore
Dubai Drydocks Port Authority Jamaica
Emirates Shipping Company Port of London Authority
• Self assessment questions Everards
• Tutor marked assignments Exxonmobil
Rolls-Royce Naval Marine
Fincantieri SpA
• Case studies Germanischer Lloyd Royal Bahamas Defence Force Navy
• Online interactive learning Grenada Port Authority Royal Caribbean Lines UK Ltd
Halliburton (KBR) Royal Fleet Auxiliary
• Sample exam questions online Hellenic Register of Shipping Seafarers International Research Centre
• Online course forum and chat room HM Customs and Excise Shell Tankers
Horizon Cruises Ltd Steamships Ltd
• Access to tutors and course authors Interglobal Shipping Ltd Stena Line UK
International Register of Shipping (INC) TECTO
You can set the pace at which you learn applying the International Telecom Group Teekay Shipping Ltd
Irish Coast Guard Tidewater Marine International
knowledge, skills and expertise gained from the materials to Irish Ferries Ltd
Trident Offshore Ltd
your work straight away. Irish Naval Service
Tritec Marine Consultants Ltd
Jadaf Dubai, Govt. of Dubai
(Dubai Ship Docking Yard) US Shipping Partners
Kenya Ports Authority Vanuata Maritime Authority
KPMG V-Ships Ltd
Lloyd's Register Wallenius Marine
Maersk Marine Services Watson Farley & Williams
Malta Maritime Authority Wilson Ship Management AS

For more information tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7406

Tutor marked assignments form the assessed coursework for the whole course and count towards a maximum of 40% of a Diploma
candidate’s mark. The examination at the end of the course offers up to a maximum of 60% of the final mark gained by a candidate.

Module One • Effective use of the email system • ISM code/evidence

Paul Russell MSc. BA (Hons), MIMarEST • Dispute resolution
The Maritime Industry and Head of School, Maritime Operations and • Summary and future developments
Marine Survey Practice Logistics Centre, North West Kent College, UK Captain John D Owen
Part I - The Marine Surveyor's Senior Claims Manager, The Swedish Club, P&I
Customer Base Club & Hull Insurance, Greece
• The structure of the maritime industry
• The purpose of maritime transport Module Four
• Strategy for maritime safety Naval Architecture for
• Occupational health and safety
Surveyors Module Seven
• Quality and audits
• ISM Code • Basic concepts Marine Incident
• Port State Control • Flotation Investigation
• Risk management and formal safety • Stability Part I - Marine Incident Investigation
assessment • Strength • Legal aspects of marine incident
Part II - Marine Survey Practice • Safety investigation
• Marine surveyors, survey organisations • Impact of the computer • Systemic nature of incidents
and how you define them • Design considerations • The gathering of evidence
• Knowing your customers • Human factors • The analysis of evidence
• Types of surveys Eric Tupper • Case studies
• When things go wrong An Honorary Vice-President and Fellow of Part II - Witness Interviewing Techniques
• How to go about a survey the Royal Institution of Naval Architects • The social skills of interviewing
• Setting up in business as a marine (RINA), Member of Royal Corps of Naval • Questions and question types
surveyor Constructors (RCNC), UK • The cognitive interview
Captain Rodger MacDonald MSc. • Dealing with special cases
Secretary General of the International • Keeping within the law
Federation of Shipmasters' Associations, UK Dr David Lawrence
Robert Tallack BSc, FNI Module Five Managing Director,
Director, IDG Maritime Ltd, UK Maritime Research Ltd, UK
Marine Surveying Law
Part I - Professional Negligence
• The Law of Contract
• The Law of Tort (negligence)
Module Two • Extent of liability Module Eight
Budgeting and • Responsibility for the acts of others Safety Surveys
• An outline of civil procedure
Accounting for Surveyors Part II - Maritime Law
Part I - Introduction to Safety Surveys
• Money in business - the business model • The role of the IMO
• Registration and conveyance of ships
• Business entities • The role of governments
• Admiralty Court jurisdiction
• Financing businesses and assets • SOLAS and COLREGS
• Collisions and salvage
• Understanding accounts • Surveys and certification
• Towage and pilotage
- Profit and loss account • Classification societies and IACS
• Pollution
- Balance sheet • Harmonising surveys and certification
• Introduction to shipping law
- Cash flow statement • Documents of compliance
• Carriage of goods by sea - the
• Elements of costing • Reports and records
contract of carriage and bailment
• Budgeting, budgetary control • Sub-standard ships
• Global and package limitation
and forecasting • Port State Control
• Time charterparties
• Working capital control and Part II - Life-Saving Appliances
• Voyage charterparties
management • Introduction
• Law of evidence for expert witnesses
• Capital project appraisal • Preparation for surveys
Anthony Beck • Personal life-saving appliances
• Key performance indicators Barrister, UK
• Interpretation of accounts • Lifeboats and rescue boats
Paula Giliker • Life rafts
Nigel Smith FCA FCCA Professor of Law, University of Bristol, UK
Principal, The Financial & Management • Launching and embarkation
Training Consultancy, UK arrangements
• Survival craft communications
• Visual signals
Module Six • Muster list, emergency instructions,
Marine Surveying manning of survival craft and
Module Three maintenance
Effective Writing and Insurance • Line-throwing appliances, emergency
• Introduction lighting and general alarm systems
Reporting • Marine insurance law • Testing and type approval of life-saving
Part I - Effective Writing and • Interaction of marine policies appliances
Reporting • Cargo - carriage of goods by sea • Survey training
• Introduction • Hull and machinery Part III - Fire Protection, Detection
• Preparation • Other policies and Extinction
• Structure and style • P&I • Introduction
• Report writing - Scope of cover • Preparation for surveys
• Professional presentations - The 'pay to be paid' rule • Structural fire protection
Part II - Information Technology - People claims (personal injury) • Fire detecting equipment
in Marine Surveying - Collisions and salvage • Fixed fire-extinguishing equipment
• Overview of Information Technology - Fixed and floating objects (FFO) • Miscellaneous fire-fighting equipment
• Selecting and choosing practical - Towage and pilotage • Fire control plans
and cost-effective IT equipment - General average Part IV - Navigational Aids and
• Using IT to your advantage - Pollution Equipment
• Digital photography • Limitation and forum shopping • Introduction
• The internet and the World Wide Web • Ship inspection regimes • Preparation for surveys

For more information email: [email protected]

In order to sit the examination for the Diploma one specialist module must be studied in addition to the core
modules. More than one can be studied but a separate examination must be taken for each specialist module.
A maximum of two exams can be taken in one year

• Navigational aids and equipment

• Testing and type approval of navigational
Ed. Damian Crowley
Director of MARITAS Ltd and Specialist Module A North West Kent College, UK - Electrical equipment
DeeSea Ltd, UK Robert Curry C.Eng FRINA - Deck machinery
Non-Liquid Cargo Senior Staff Consultant, Hull Paul Russell MSc. BA (Hons),
Surveys Structures, ABS Europe Ltd, UK MIMarEST
Part I Head of School, Maritime
Module Nine • General principles Specialist Module D Operations and Logistics Centre,
• Origins of damage North West Kent College, UK
Hull and Structural • Storages Marine Environmental
Surveys • Lashing/securing Surveying Specialist Module F
• General cargo Part I - Marine Environmental
• Introduction • Heavy lifts Surveying
International Safety
• Ship and large yacht structures
• Primary hull-girder and local loads
• Unitised cargoes • The need for marine environmental Management (ISM)
• Bulk cargoes surveying
• Structural design criteria • Hazardous cargoes • The main categories of marine
• Materials of construction • Deep tank cargoes • Study, interpretation and
environmental surveying
• Deterioration of materials • Specific surveys enforcement
• Surveys, surveillance and
• Welding • Bills of lading - Thirteen lessons with examples
monitoring techniques of marine • Techniques for implementation of a
• Preparation for surveys Part II habitats and communities
• Failures of ships’ structure • Damage and loss surveys Safety Management System (SMS)
• Assessing the environmental in a shipping company
• Periodic surveys of ships’ hulls • Marine insurance impact of oil pollution incidents in
• Inspections of the ship's structure • General average • Initial assessment, action plans for
the marine environment creating and implementing a SMS
• Using ultrasonic measuring equipment • Adjusting marine insurance claims • Assessing the impact of the ports
• Recoveries • Operation of the system ashore and
• Putting theory to practice and shipping industry on the
Captain Matthew Greenen FNI on-board and training of the entire
Robert Curry C.Eng FRINA marine environment personnel (training seminars and
Senior Staff Consultant, Hull Structures, (Hon) MIIMS • Assessing the environmental manuals)
ABS Europe Ltd, UK Senior Lecturer, Nautical Science impact of the introduction of non- • Assessment and presentation for
and Industrial Health & Safety, UK native marine species certification
• Case studies ISM Audit
Specialist Module B Part II - Potential Risks and Impacts • Special ISM audit techniques
of Shipping on the Marine • Continuous compliance assessment
Module Ten Liquid Cargo Surveys Environment Miscellaneous
Fundamentals of Marine • An introduction to liquid cargo
• Oil spills
• Operational pollution
• How to present your system to the
possible customer
Engineering • Origins of damage • Invasive species in ballast water • How to restart a dormant existing
• Introduction to marine engineering • Stowage of liquid cargo • Anti-fouling paints system
• Ship design and engine room layouts • In-transit care and control • Ship-breaking/recycling • Theoretical efficiency of the ISM
• Diesel engine working principles • Liquid commodities • Air pollution Code
• Slow, medium and high speed engines • Petroleum products Alistair Davison • Necessary and probable
• Diesel engine parts • Chemicals Partner, Environmental Resources improvement
• Other main means of propulsion • Liquefied gas Management (REM) of management of safety
• Power transmission • Animal/vegetable oils and fats Dee Davison Captain John Dickie
• Boilers Malcolm Champion et al., Consultant, Dee Davison Lecturer, Faculty of Maritime
• Feed systems Marine Surveyors, Minton, Treharne Associates, UK Studies, Glasgow College of
• Piping systems and pumps & Davies Ltd, UK Captain Moin Ahmed Nautical Studies, UK
• Gas exchange systems Maritime Safety and Environmental
• Fuels and fuel systems Specialist Module C Specialist, UK Specialist Module G
• Lubricants and lubricating systems
• Cooling systems
Surveying of Warranty Surveys
• Starting air systems Superyachts Specialist Module E including Mobile
• Shafting and propellers • Overview of the reasons for and the Marine Engineering Offshore Units
• Refrigeration, air-conditioning and types of survey required by Surveying
Superyachts • General introduction to warranty
ventilation • Introduction surveys and the background to
• Deck machinery and equipment - Class surveys
- Scope of marine engineering marine insurance
• Steering gear - Safety surveys
surveys • Selection and appointment of the
• Electricity and electrical equipment - Pre-delivery surveys
- Preparation for survey warranty surveyor
• Bridge control and emergency systems - Breakdown surveys
- Techniques • Commercial and professional
• Safety and operation of diesel engines - Damage surveys
• The role of classification societies relationships between the warranty
• The survey of yacht machinery and surveyor, the client, the
• Maintenance of ship’s machinery - Ensuring that the ship and
Eur Ing Alec D Coutroubis - Primary power plant surveys machinery are of the correct underwriting market and the
Principal Lecturer, Teaching Fellow, quality classification societies
- Auxiliary machinery • Details of surveying mobile
University of Greenwich, UK - Electrical equipment - Surveying powers of the Chief
Engineer offshore units
- Navigation and communication • Deadweight surveys and the
equipment - Prevention of detention by Port
State Control inclining experiment
- Safety and fire fighting equipment • Floating stability of the self-
• Breakdown surveys and fault - Type approval of equipment
• The work of the independent elevating platform and the semi-
finding submersible platform
- Main power plant faults marine engineering surveyor
- Discussions with engine room • Overview of the typical work of the
- Pumping systems warranty surveyor and issuing the
• Faults and defects - hull and deck staff
- Handling of equipment certificate of approval
- Surveying hull structures Ed. Captain Rodger MacDonald
- Defects in coatings - Prime movers and power
transmission MSc.
Paul Russell MSc. BA (Hons),
MIMarEST - Auxiliary machinery (inc HVAC Secretary General of the
systems) International Federation of
Head of School, Maritime - Pumps and pumping systems
Operations and Logistics Centre, Shipmasters' Associations, UK

For more information tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7406

Lloyd's Maritime Academy has for
COURSE DIRECTOR : over 30 years provided training
programmes for the maritime and
Paul Russell MSc. BA (Hons) MIMarEST transport industry. Through face-to-
face seminars, bespoke training and
Paul Russell completed a traditional engineering cadetship with distance learning courses, Lloyd's Maritime Academy enables
Cunard Shipping Services. During his sea-going career he served career enhancement and progression regardless of work
commitments or location. Working with leading academics
on all types of ships from passenger ships to super tankers and
and industry bodies, Lloyd's Maritime Academy is the trusted
gained his class one certificate in 1983. His sea service included brand for professional development within the shipping,
medium speed engines powering small tankers; slow speed ports, transport and logistics industry.
engines driving bulk carriers and a steam plant providing the
power for container ships. Paul saw service as assistant to the
Previously known as the National
superintendent during the building of Cunard’s new Ro-Ro ship, Sea Training Centre, the Maritime
the Atlantic Conveyor at Swan Hunter’s shipyard on the River Operations and Logistics Centre
Tyne. (MOLC) at North West Kent College
delivers education and training to
professional marine personnel by a variety of flexible delivery
After his sea-going career Paul was recruited by the National Sea methods through it’s Maritime Open Learning Division. It is
Training Trust to introduce marine engineering education and one of only a few organisations in the UK that is approved by
the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) to issue certificates
training into the college at Gravesend. Subsequently Paul also under the International STCW95 standard. The centre has also
took charge of the college estates and finances and during this attained Grade 1 status by the UK Education Inspectorate for
time he studied to obtain a Masters degree in Educational "excellence in teaching and learning and partnerships with
industry". Recently the department has expanded its
Management at the University of Greenwich. In 1996 Paul was provision to include courses under the wider area of Supply
appointed as Head of School at the Maritime Operations and Chain Management and added “Logistics” training to its list of
Logistics Centre at North West Kent College. quality provision.


Distance Learning
Diploma in Marine Purchasing & Supply
June 2010
Certificate in KPI's for Shipping
June 2010
Diploma in Small Craft Surveying
The Institute of Chartered The Nautical Institute The Marine Society College July 2010
Shipbrokers The Nautical Institute's (NI) aim is to of the Sea Diploma in Ship Management
September 2010
The Institute of Chartered improve the safety and efficiency of The Marine Society and Sea Cadets Certificate in Marine Claims
Shipbrokers (ICS) is the professional shipping operations worldwide recognises the particular value of September 2010
body that represents shipbrokers, through the development of the Lloyd's Maritime Academy's Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Law
managers and agents worldwide. safety culture and the promotion of programmes for seafarers and is October 2010
With 23 branches in key shipping best practice. The NI facilitates the committed to enhancing the well- MBA in Shipping & Logistics
areas, 3,500 individuals and 120 exchange and publication of being of professional seafarers from all October 2010
companies, membership of ICS information and ideas on nautical the sea services - whether they be
shows a commitment to science and seeks to establish and serving, former or prospective www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com/distancelearning
maintaining the highest maintain professional standards. The
professional standards across the Institute is a thriving membership
seafarers. Amongst the London based Seminars
organisation's operations are the Maritime Emergencies
shipping industry. Successful organisation and international promotion and facilitation of
completion of the Lloyd's Maritime professional body for qualified June 2010
seafarers' education; the provision of
Academy Diploma in Marine mariners with over 6,500 members Ship Safety
an exchange onboard book/media June 2010
Surveying provides exemptions to in at least 110 countries. NI service to ships throughout the world;
the Introduction to Shipping course Branches have been established Background to Shipping
expert, impartial and confidential
examinations. and operate in more than 40 September 2010
advice on any matter of concern to
www.ics.org.uk countries to provide essential input seafarers; and assuming a leading role Marine Structural Failures
to local as well as international in promoting the sea as a career. October 2010
professional issues whilst www.mscos.ac.uk Fuel Management
developing the knowledge of their December 2010
national seafarers. www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com/seminars


This course can be delivered directly to your company or organisation by distance learning or instructor led workshops whilst
including a range of additional benefits to meet your specific business objectives:
• Customised delivery - additional company focused content, case studies and examples
• Blended learning - incorporating workshops, online tutoring, additional assessment and skills training
• Flexibility - scheduled to suit your requirements
• Support - dedicated staff providing required progress reporting
To find out more about the benefits of Corporate Training and how distance learning can be
a cost effective means of achieving your training goals, telephone +44 (0)20 7017 4455 or
email [email protected].

For more information email: [email protected]


COURSE STRUCTURE be submitted three months before the examination. HOW TO ENROL
TEACHING METHOD : The course is delivered by SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS : Modules contain self- APPLICATION FORM : Choose your preferred start date, complete the
distance learning. assessment questions designed to help participants “Application for Enrolment Form”and send to Danielle Knight at Lloyd’s
DELIVERY : All modules are provided online but consolidate their knowledge. No answers are provided Maritime Academy.
students may also elect to have them delivered by post for these questions. APPROVAL : Your application will be forwarded to the Course Director
for an additional £400. Posted materials are sent for review. Participants will be notified in writing by Lloyd’s Maritime
business rate in the United Kingdom and airmail STUDY TIME Academy if they have been successful or not. This process normally
overseas. Nothing is sent surface mail. An optional air MODULES : Studying time is based upon the takes 2 to 4 weeks to complete. An invoice will also be sent once the
courier delivery is available at a cost of £325 (VAT participant's knowledge, experience and whether participant is accepted onto the course and participants have until this
exempt). English is their mother tongue. As a rough guide, you time to withdraw with no penalty.
CORE MODULES : Ten compulsory core module may spend between 10 and 30 hours studying each FEES
subjects provide the underpinning knowledge for the module in a month with additional time needed to PAYMENT : Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice being issued. If
whole course. complete the tutor marked assignments. you have not received an invoice within one month of applying please
SPECIALIST MODULES : Seven specialist modules to NOTE : The nature of a distance learning programme contact Customer Services tel: (0)20 7017 5510. Please note non
choose from allow participants to focus in greater detail requires students to adopt a disciplined and payment of fees will result in the withholding of course materials.
on key areas of interest. Participants must study at least independent approach to their studies. In order to study DIPLOMA /CERTIFICATE FEE
one specialist module in order to sit the examination. A independently, you will require good time management This covers access to the modules online; the marking of
separate examination must be taken for each specialist skills and self motivation. assignments; tutorial seminar costs; examination costs and issuing of the
module studied. A maximum of two exams can be taken Diploma/ Certificate.
in one year. TUTOR SUPPORT
SEMINARS : There will be two optional seminars held in November Course LP0057
ENTRY QUALIFICATIONS London. Pre-Enrolment: Applications received on or before £500*
A-Level standard or equivalent (High School) November Course LP0057: Friday 15th April 2011 and Enrolment 1: Applications received between 19th May and £3050
Or Thursday 10th November 2011 16th July 2010
EXPERIENCE : Five years plus of relevant experience Enrolment 2: Applications received between 17th July and £3195
Or May Course LP0058 : Friday 9th September 2011 and 22nd Oct 2010
OTHER QUALIFICATIONS : NVQ Level 4 or equivalent Thursday 3rd May 2012 Enrolment 3: Applications received after 22nd Oct 2010 £3340
and minimum DTI Class Two Certificate of Competency.
Or COURSE DIRECTOR : To support you during your studies May Course LP0058
NO FORMAL QUALIFICATIONS : Candidates with no the Course Director is available to help with any Pre-Enrolment: Applications received on or before £500*
formal qualifications but who can demonstrate a problems or technical questions by email at 17th Dec 2010
number of years relevant experience are welcome to [email protected]
Enrolment 1: Applications received between 18th Dec and £3050
apply to enrol. ADMINISTRATION : For matters relating to enrolments, 14th Jan 2011
modules etc., contact Danielle Knight, Course
LANGUAGE Administrator, Lloyd’s Maritime Academy, on Enrolment 2: Applications received between 14th January and £3195
ENGLISH : The course is conducted entirely in English, tel: +44 (0)20 7017 4552 fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7854 22nd April 2011
both verbal and written. Applicants must have an email: [email protected] Enrolment 3: Applications received after 22nd April 2011 £3340
adequate command of English both written and spoken
in order to meet the demands of the course. EXAMINATION *Holding deposit only. Remainder of course charged at Enrolment 1 fee
EXAM DATE : November Course LP0057 HOLDING DEPOSITS : To secure your place early on, applications
COURSE DURATION Friday 11th November 2011 received within the pre-enrolment period will be invoiced for a
November Course: LP0057: Starts 23rd November 2010 refundable holding deposit of £500. Refunds, minus the cancellation fee
May Course LP0058: Starts 24th May 2011 May Course LP0058: as below, will be made if notification of cancellation is received in writing
Friday 4th May 2012 prior to the application deadline for the relevant courses of 2nd
Module one is available on the website on the start date. November 2010 and 3rd May 2011. Refunds will not be granted if
If printed modules are requested, module one is mailed EXAM LENGTH : Three hour open-book examination. notification is received after the relevant date.
on the start date. EXAM LOCATION : Examination is held in London. PRINTED MATERIALS : For participants who wish to receive printed
However, subject to available support facilities, materials there is an additional fee of £400 (VAT exempt).
November Course LP0057: Ends 11th November 2011 arrangements can be made for candidates to sit the
May Course LP0058: Ends 4th May 2012 exam in the location at which they are based at the FOR INTEREST ONLY FEE : The ‘For Interest Only’fee is £2250 (VAT
time. To take advantage of this option, contact the exempt).
This covers the core modules only. Students are not expected to
The course ends with an examination course organiser at least 3 months before the exam so
complete the assignments, attend the seminars or sit the exam.
we may make the necessary arrangements. Additional ADDITIONAL SPECIALIST MODULE FEE : One specialist module is
MODULES fees may apply. included in the full Diploma/Certificate fee. Additional specialist modules
PRESENTATION : Electronic versions of the materials in can be studied at a cost of £375 (VAT exempt) per module. A separate
PDF format are available to download from the course AWARD examination must be taken for each specialist module studied.
website. DIPLOMA: Satisfactorily passing all of the tutor marked AIR COURIER FEE : An additional charge of £325 (VAT exempt). This is
EXTRA MATERIALS : The modules are designed to be assignments and examination will result in the award of recommended for those participants who select to receive the printed
self-contained, however, a supplementary reading list a Diploma modules but experience delays in receiving their post due to a poor
will be included in the course handbook. Students can CERTIFICATE : If you choose not to sit the exam, subject postal service in their area. Other overseas mail will be mailed by air.
gain a Pass just by studying the modules. However, in to successful completion of the compulsory tutor Nothing is sent surface mail.
order to achieve Merit or Distinction, students must marked assignments, participants may opt for a INSTALMENTS : The course fee can be paid in 4 equal instalments over
show evidence of further reading or experience. Certificate. The full exam fee must be paid for both the first 8 months of the course. Please indicate this on the application
PLEASE NOTE : Every effort will be made by the Certificate and Diploma candidates. form, if required.
organisers to distribute the materials at the rate FOR INTEREST ONLY : If you wish to take the course to NOT INCLUDED IN THE FEES : Any travel or accommodation costs must
specified. However, occasionally, certain unforeseen broaden your own experience and knowledge and not be met by the participant. If a student chooses to sit their exam at an
circumstances may delay the delivery of a module. to acquire a qualification you may do so. 'For Interest alternative venue, the venue may apply an additional charge to be
COURSE WEBSITE : In addition to access to the course Only' participants will only receive the core modules and covered by the student.
material, the website also provides access to a course will not undertake the assignments, attend the seminars, PAYMENT METHODS
discussion forum and chat room allowing you to or sit the exam. Only the 'For Interest Only' fee is payable. CHEQUE/IMO : Made payable to IIR Ltd
enhance your learning experience through interaction BANK TRANSFER : NatWest Bank, Colchester, Essex, UK. Sort Code: 60-06-
with your fellow participants. Note: This information is provided as a broad outline of 06, Account number: 01825550, Account Name: IIR Ltd, Swift Address:
WEBSITE ACCESS : Access codes and further what students can expect from the course. Accepted NWBKGB2L. Reference: LP0057 or LP0058. Please send a copy of your
information will be emailed to participants after applicants should refer to their course handbook for a transaction receipt and invoice number to the organiser on payment,
enrolment. It is essential that you provide a current, more comprehensive overview of the course structure. fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7827 and ask your bank to include the Reference
personal email address on your application form to LP0057 or LP0058 and the participant’s surname in the transfer
enable us to send you access details without delay. Lloyd’s Maritime Academy is an approved learning instructions. For matters relating to payments of fees and change of
provider on the Enhanced Learning Credits scheme. If details, contact Customer Services tel: +44 (0)20 7017 5510 or at
MARKING STRUCTURE you are a member of the armed forces and wish to enrol, [email protected].
TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENTS : Collectively a please visit www.enhancedlearningcredits.com for more CREDIT CARD : Include number; card type; issue and expiry dates and
maximum of 40% of an exam candidate's total mark. information and quote our learning provider number the card billing address.
EXAMINATION : The examination is worth a maximum 2035. CANCELLATION TERMS
of 60% of an exam candidate's total mark. Once accepted onto the course, withdrawal requests must be received
Lloyd's and the Lloyd's Crest are the registered trademarks of in writing before the start date of the course. We regret that there is a
TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENTS the Society incorporated by the Lloyd's Act 1871 by the £200 cancellation fee (VAT exempt) to cover administration costs. This
TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENTS : The course is assessed name of ‘Lloyd’s’. will either be deducted from any refund due or invoiced if no fees have
by assignments at regular intervals and they are a yet been paid. Requests received after the start of the course do not
compulsory element of the course. Assignments include All information is correct at the time of going to print qualify for a refund. In the unfortunate event that a course is cancelled,
a variety of question types designed to test and due to any unforeseen circumstances may be IIR Ltd are not liable for any costs incurred by participants in connection
understanding of all the core modules. subject to change without prior notice. with the course. However every effort will be made to adhere to the
As a minimum 50% of tutor marked assignments must brochure.

Personal data supplied is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. The personal information shown on this form, and/or provided by you, will be held on a database and may be shared with
companies in the Informa Group in the UK and internationally. This information may be used for direct marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be available to companies in
the Informa Group, please contact the Database Manager, Telephone +44 (0)20 7017 7077, Fax +44 (0)20 7017 7828, Email [email protected]. Occasionally your details may be obtained
from, or made available to, carefully selected external companies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive details about their products and services, please contact the
database manager.

For more information tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7406

Application for Enrolment Form CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS:
Diploma in Marine Surveying 2010-2011 November Course - 2nd November 2010
Starts 23rd November 2010 OR 24th May 2011 May Course - 3rd May 2011
This form to be returned to: Danielle Knight
Course Administrator
Lloyd's Maritime Academy,
6th Floor, 29 Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DR
Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7854 Email: [email protected] For office use only


Must select one : ❑ November Course - LP0057 ❑ May Course - LP0058

1. Personal Details
Surname/Family name: Forename: Title: Capt/Mr/Ms/Dr/Ing

Gender: M/F Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY):

Nationality: Country of permanent residence:

2. Email address - Course website access and most course correspondence will be sent by email. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY or you could miss out on
important information

3. Mailing Address for Modules and Correspondence - All applicants must complete this section (even if you intend to receive your
materials via the website only).
Course modules and other materials should be sent for the attention of:
At the following address:

Telephone number: Email address:

Please provide a current, private email address to ensure your website username and password are sent to you without delay

4. Billing Address - Who do you wish the invoice for your course fees to be sent to (if not to the same address as above)?
Invoice should be sent for the attention of:
At the following address:

For office use only


Telephone number: Inst SpM Disc

5. Finance – Note: Fees are due within 30 days of receipt of invoice - Tick box(es) as appropriate.
I am taking the full Diploma/Certificate option: (ie: I will receive course materials and information by website only).
November Course LP0057 May Course LP0058
Pre-Enrolment: Applications received on or before £500* Pre-Enrolment: Applications received on or before £500*
18th May 2010 17th Dec 2010
Enrolment 1: Applications received between 19th May and £3050 Enrolment 1: Applications received between 18th Dec and £3050
16th July 2010 14th Jan 2011
Enrolment 2: Applications received between 17th July and £3195 Enrolment 2: Applications received between 14th January and £3195 *Holding deposit only.
22nd Oct 2010 22nd April 2011 Remainder of course
Enrolment 3: Applications received after 22nd Oct 2010 £3340 Enrolment 3: Applications received after 22nd April 2011 £3340 charged at Enrolment 1 fee

I am taking the course ‘For Interest Only’ Online: Fees due £2250 (VAT exempt)
(ie: I will not be completing the tutor marked assignments, attending the seminars nor sitting the examination).
❑ I would like to receive printed copies of the course material in addition to the online course. Fees due £400 (VAT exempt).
❑ I would like my materials sent by air courier. Additional fees due £325 (VAT exempt).
You MUST list your daytime contact telephone number here to ensure air courier delivery. Tel: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Instalment Plan - Yes, I would like to pay my course fees in four equal instalments over the first eight months of the course.
My choice of Specialist Module(s) is/are (I understand that second and subsequent specialist modules cost £375 each):
❑ A. Non-Liquid Cargo Surveys ❑ C. Surveying of Superyachts ❑ E. Marine Engineering Surveying
❑ B. Liquid Cargo Surveys ❑ D. Marine Environmental Surveying ❑ F. International Safety Management (ISM) Code
❑ G. Warranty Surveys including Mobile Offshore Units
❑ I give permission for my details to be passed to other participants on this course.

Diploma in Marine Surveying 2010-2011

6. Employment Details
Present company/employer (name):
Your position:

Work address of present company/employer: Employed since:

Work telephone number: Work fax number:

Work email address:

Approving manager name: Training manager name:

Approving manager job title: Training manager job title (if different):

Approving manager tel: Training manager tel:

Approving manager email: Training manager email:

Name, position and address of your last employer: Employed from:

7. Education
School, College or University name and subjects passed with grades:

8. Relevant Experience
In the absence of formal qualifications, briefly, please state your relevant work experience here or attach a resume:

9. Other Professional Qualifications

Please give details of any professional qualifications and name of professional bodies or associations you may belong to (eg. IMarEST, FNI):

10. Languages Spoken

Mother tongue:

If English is not your mother tongue, please state how long you have been speaking English and/or attained IELTS or TOEFL credits if applicable:

11. References
In the event a reference may be needed to support your enrolment, please give the name and address of one referee and his/her position:

12. Special Needs

Please tick the box and provide details of any physical or sensory disability which might in some way affect your studies or may require specialist
facilities at the seminars or exam

13. Declaration and Data Protection

I have read and understood the conditions outlined on the Course Structure and Administration pages and agree to adhere to them. I confirm that the
statements made by me on this form are correct. I understand that by signing this form, I confirm that I wish to be accepted on to the November/May
(delete as appropriate) Diploma in Marine Surveying distance learning course, subject to approval.

Signed Dated

Lloyd's and the Lloyd's Crest are the registered trademarks of the Society incorporated by the Lloyd's Act 1871 by the name of "Lloyd's".

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