Quiz in Unit II. Instructional Planning
Quiz in Unit II. Instructional Planning
Quiz in Unit II. Instructional Planning
1. As a teacher how can careful planning bring out the best qualities in your students?
As a teacher, I should start with a simple idea and then slowly evolves into a tremendous
lesson that will resonate with every student. I will ensure that all materials are ready to go before
the lesson begins and takes advantage of opportunities to extend the lesson beyond its core
concepts. Thus through careful planning, it gives each lesson a better chance to be a hit, to
captivate each student, and to provide my students with meaningful learning opportunities.
Moreover, to be able to bring out the best qualities of my students, I should have prepared
purposeful teaching-learning activities to enhance my student motivation and to foster
intellectual agility. With that, my students will have an opportunities to create, to practice and
sharpen a number of skills, including the ability to articulate and defend positions, consider
different points of view, and to enlist and evaluate evidence.
Indeed, it is imperative that planning have a sense of direction or a road map that we can’t lose
sight of what we wanted to teach, begin with the purpose and allow our students to claim it their
own, stick with knowledge, skill acquisition and values formation, also connected to our
student’s life experiences which make them self-propelled as we teach.
2. What do you think would be the result if there is poor planning on the part of the teacher?
I think the result of teaching may wander aimlessly without ever achieving its objective
and also the students may never achieve the objectives of the course. Or what they teach may
not relate to what they taught earlier and it may not lead to what they will teach later. In sum,
lack of planning can lead to the consequences such as poor learning, frustration for both the
teacher and the students and a waste of time, effort and money.