Processes: New Design of The Reversible Jet Fan

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New Design of the Reversible Jet Fan
Miroslav H. Benišek, Ðord̄e S. Čantrak * , Dejan B. Ilić and Novica Z. Janković
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade 35, Serbia;
[email protected] (M.H.B.); [email protected] (D.B.I.); [email protected] (N.Z.J.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: 18 November 2020; Accepted: 15 December 2020; Published: 17 December 2020 

Abstract: This paper presents two designs of the axial reversible jet fan, with the special focus on
the impeller. The intention was to develop a reversible axial jet fan which operates in the same
way in both rotating directions while generating thrust as high as possible. The jet fan model with
the outer diameter 499.2 ± 0.1 mm and ten adjustable blades is the same, while it is in-built in two
different casings. The first construction is a cylindrical casing, while the second one is profiled
as a nozzle. Thrust, volume flow rate, consumed power and ambient conditions were measured
after the international standard ISO 13350. Results for both constructions are presented for three
impeller blade angles: 28◦ , 31◦ and 35◦ , and rotation speed in the interval n = 400 to 2600 rpm.
The smallest differences in thrust, depending on the fan rotation direction, as well as the highest thrust
are achieved for the first design with the cylindrical casing and blade angle at the outer diameter of
35◦ . Therefore, it was shown that fan casing significantly influences jet fan characteristics. In addition,
the maximum thrust value and its independence of the flow direction is experimentally obtained for
the angle of 39◦ in the cylindrical casing.

Keywords: axial fan; reversible; jet; design; thrust; energy characteristics

1. Introduction
Reversible jet fans are present in road tunnels ventilation and garages, underground car parks,
fire protection, good air quality systems, etc. They are designed to operate efficiently in both
directions and produce adequate jets. Tunnel jet fans are, in fact, a substantial, i.e., core part of the
tunnel ventilation, as well in smoke extraction systems. They should combine the highest technical
requirements like efficiency and performance, as well as noise emission. Numerous CFD calculations
have been performed in order to study the road tunnel ventilation and firefighting systems [1–8].
One of the choices for impulse ventilation of the tunnels is jet fan. “Impulse ventilation of tunnels
involves the application of one or more jets of air into a tunnel, to drive the airflow in a desired direction.
In essence, the kinetic energy of a high-velocity jet is transferred, with various degrees of efficiency,
into the kinetic energy of slower-moving tunnel air” [4]. Therefore, the role of the jet fans is to provide
an impulse to the air flow. “The average jet velocity is in the range of 30 to 40 ms−1 ” [4].
Experimental determination of tunnel ventilation axial ducted fan performance using a two-sensor
hot wire X-probe with added pair of near-wall positioning pins is presented in [9]. Experimental
results, obtained in the laboratory in the 1:19 scale tunnel, are used for ventilation performance
of CFD test in a uni-directional traffic road tunnel [3,9,10]. Proposal for the improvement of CFD
models of the tunnel fire development based on experimental data are also reported [7]. Improvement
of the aerodynamic performance of a tunnel ventilation jet fan is performed by the application of
multiobjective optimization technique [11].
Contemporary CFD tools include aerodynamic optimization of axial fan impeller with
its blade geometry, guide vanes if they exist, casing and nozzle shapes, etc. Fan energy

Processes 2020, 8, 1671; doi:10.3390/pr8121671

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characteristics, i.e., the aerodynamic fan curves, prior to experiments, could be estimated numerically.
Experimental validation could be done according to the international standard ISO 13350 [12].
Three high pressure reversible fan concepts, like a two-stage counter rotating fan, a single-stage
high speed fan and a two-stage fan with a single motor and impeller on each end of the motor shaft are
presented in paper [13].
Paper [14] presents the designed reversible jet fan, obtained experimental data and CFD results.
Reversible aerodynamic design, in fact, limits the maximum fan pressure side [13]. Paper [15] presents a
numerical optimization procedure for performance improvement of a jet fan. Authors in [16] point out that
aerodynamically desirable axial fan rotor blades, which would have identical aerodynamic performances
in both flow directions, are still insufficiently developed. They present a method to profile these blades.
This paper presents a design of the reversible jet fan, geometries of two versions of the casings
and experimentally obtained data. The axial fan impeller is the same in both cases, while casings
are different. Experimentally determined thrust, after ISO 13350 [12], power and volume flow rates
for various fan rotation speeds in both rotating directions are presented in this paper. The intention
was to design the impeller with good characteristics in both rotating directions, so the automatic fan
speed control system could adopt the rotation direction depending on draft direction in the car tunnel.
This should result in better maintenance of environmental conditions in car tunnels.

2. Reversible Jet Axial Fan Designs

The design is developed in cooperation of the Hydraulic Machinery and Energy Systems
Department (HMESD) University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UB FME) and
company Rudnap Group Minel Kotlogradnja from Belgrade, Serbia, where it was also manufactured.
The demand from industry was to develop jet fan prototype with the following characteristics: volume
flow rate—Qp = 17 m3 s−1 , impeller outer diameter—Da,p = 0.71 m, fan rotation speed np = 2950 rpm,
fan motor power—Pp = 39 kW and axial force, i.e., thrust—Fz,p = 938 N. Here, index “p” denotes
“prototype”. Axial thrust is calculated using the Equation (4). According to the reference [4]:
“The average jet velocity is in the range of 30 to 40 m/s.” This is, also, fulfilled for this prototype.
These conventional jet fans are aligned parallel to the tunnel axis. The maximal achievable thrust
(Fz,p,max ) is calculated using Equation (6) in [4]. This relation could be simplified for the axial fan
impeller in a free stream in the following way:

Fz,p,max = ρAj cz ,j (cz ,j − cz ,fs ), (1)

where ρ is air density, Aj is the jet fan outlet cross section, cz,j is the jet axial average velocity and cz ,fs is
the free stream velocity, i.e., air velocity in the tunnel in the region without jet fan influence. Of course,
the effective thrust is lower and calculated as follows:

Fz,p = ρAj cz ,j (cz ,j − cz ,fs )ηp ηp,inst , (2)

where ηp is the jet fan efficiency, and ηp,ins is the jet fan installation efficiency. In some cases, it could be
assumed that ηp = 1 [4]. Installation efficiency depends on the jet fan position in the tunnel. It could be
assumed that ηp,ins = 1, if the jet fan is positioned in the middle of the tunnel, without the influence
of other fans, other obstacles, as well as tunnel surfaces [4]. However, influence of the wall on the
propulsion jet is studied in [16]. Therefore, the installation efficiency (ηp,ins ) could be estimated on the
basis of Equation (9) in [4], which is derived using the experimental data presented in [17]. In the case
of the presented constructions, the guide vanes and slanted silencers do not exist, so the regulation
could be performed only by the fan speed rotation number. For the flow direction purpose, the flow
straighteners in the “cross” shape are in-built in both silencers. The flow straighteners need to eliminate
or, at least, minimize the turbulent swirling flow, which occurs behind the axial fan impellers [18],
and maximize the axial velocity component which generates thrust. The sound power level according
to the A-weighting was not experimentally determined.
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Jet fan head, i.e., pressure rise, could be determined in the following way:

∆pt,p = Pp ηp /Qp = 39·103 ·0.55/17 ≈ 1262 Pa, (3)

where the jet fan efficiency could be estimated as ηp = 55%. Besides Equation (2), thrust could be also
determined as follows:
Fz,p = ρQp cz,p = ρQp 2 /A = 938 N, (4)

where cz,p is average axial velocity calculated as cz,p = Qp /A and surface of the cross-section.
The jet fan model parameters are determined on the basis of the similarity law and equality
of coefficients such as flow (ϕ), head (ψ), power (λ) and efficiency (η). Reversible jet fan model is
developed using the following parameters: Da = 0.5 m (punctually 499.2 mm ± 0.1) and fan power
P = 3 kW. By introducing power coefficient (λ) as follows:

λp = Pp /(Da,p 2 up 3 ), (5)

where up is circumferential velocity on diameter Da,p . Equality of these coefficients for the prototype
and model lead to the equation:

n =np (P/Pp (Da /Da,p )5 )1/3 = 2251 rpm. (6)

Flow coefficient is derived, on the basis of kinematic similarity, as follows:

ϕ = 4Q/[ua (Da 2 − Di 2 )π], (7)

where Di is hub diameter.

Flow coefficients for the model and prototype are equal:

ϕ = ϕp (8)

It is assumed that non-dimensional diameter (ν), defined as ν= Di /Da , is equal for the model
and prototype:
ν = νp (9)

Volume flow rate of the jet fan model could be determined on the basis of Equations (7)–(9) as follows:
Da n 500 3 2251 m3
Q = Qp · · = 17 · · = 4.53 . (10)
Da,p np 710 2950 s

Head coefficient (ψ) is defined after the dynamic similarity as follows:

ψ = 2Y/ua 2 , (11)

where Y is fan head defined in the following way:

Y = ∆pt /ρ, (12)

where ∆pt is difference of total pressures after and before the fan, i.e., total pressure rise in the jet fan.
Applying Equations (11) and (12), as well as introducing the equality of model and prototype
head coefficients lead to the following expression:
!2 !2
2251 2
Da n 500
∆pt = ∆pt,p · · = 1262 · · = 364.41 Pa. (13)
Da,p np 710 2950
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Using Equations (4) and (7), the following expression is derived:

Fz 1 − ν2
= π3 · ϕ2 · ρ · . (14)
D4a · n2 1202

Right hand side of the Equation (14), by assuming that air density is equal, depends only on flow
coefficient and dimensionless radius, which are identical for the model and prototype, so the following
equation for thrust could be derived:

Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW4

! !2 4  2 4 of 13
Da n 500 2251

Fz = Fz,p = · 938 = 134.32 N. (15)
Da,p np 710 2950
4 2
 Da   n  4
 500   2251 

In this way, all necessary  for

Fz =data  jet fan
 Fz ,model
p =   
design  ⋅ 938
are = 134.32 N.
determined. (15)
 Da, p   np   710   2950 
The greatest challenge was to develop axial fan impeller geometry to provide the same energy
In this in
characteristics way,
bothall directions.
necessary data It isforeven
jet fanmoremodel design arefor
important determined.
the reversible axial fan functionality
in traffic The greatest
tunnels challenge
where was tocould
pressure develop varyaxialinfan impeller
regions geometry
close to thetoinlet,
sameIn energy
this case,
characteristics in both directions. It is even more important for the reversible axial fan functionality
due to the fact that the complete fan construction cannot be rotated, or simpler geometries where
in traffic tunnels where pressure could vary in regions close to the inlet, i.e., exit. In this case, due to
blade angles cannot be adjusted, it is clear that axial fan impeller geometry must be symmetrical.
the fact that the complete fan construction cannot be rotated, or simpler geometries where blade
This angles
resultbe in adjusted,
the axialitfan impeller with symmetrical blades. They should be designed in
is clear that axial fan impeller geometry must be symmetrical. This
the waywouldto result
use symmetrical
in the axial fanairfoil
impellerand with to besymmetrical
symmetrical to the
blades. axisshould
They normalbe to the chord,
designed in thei.e.,
wayin this
case,toalso camber line, which divides it in two halves. The fan is designed
use symmetrical airfoil and to be symmetrical to the axis normal to the chord, i.e., in this case, alsoafter the law of constant
in the radial direction,
line, which dividesi.e.,
it inconstant
two halves. circulation
The fan isin order toafter
designed achieve higher
the law energy
of constant headefficient
in the fans,
i.e., equal direction, i.e., constant
distribution alongcirculation
the radius. in orderThetoresult
achieveis higher energyblade
the twisted efficient fans, i.e.,
presented inequal
Figure 1a.
Threaded distributionM20 along
used radius. The result
for blade is the twisted
positioning in theblade
axial presented
fan hub.inSix
Figure 1a. Threaded
symmetrical profiles
connection M20 is used for blade positioning in the axial fan hub.
and their geometry are shown in Figure 1a. Geometry parameters for the first and sixth one are Six symmetrical profiles and their
geometry are shown in Figure 1a. Geometry parameters for the first and sixth one are presented in
presented in Table 1, where r-radius measured from the axial fan rotation axis, R1—radius at the blade
Table 1, where r-radius measured from the axial fan rotation axis, R1—radius at the blade
leading/trailing edge, R2—radius of the profile pressure/suction side, β—profile angle measured from
leading/trailing edge, R2—radius of the profile pressure/suction side, β—profile angle measured
the fan rotation axis and ymax—maximum thickness. Profile maximum thickness is positioned in the
from the fan rotation axis and ymax—maximum thickness. Profile maximum thickness is positioned
center in thethe
of straight
center of thecamber
straight line,
camber which line, has
which constant length
has constant alongalong
length the blade L =L106
the blade mm.
= 106 mm.


Figure 1. Cont.
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Figure 1. (a)1.Geometry
(a) Geometry
of of
thethe impellersymmetrical
impeller symmetrical blade
Reversiblejet jet
axial fan with
axial specified
fan with specified
normal and reverse
and reverse flowflow directions.

Table 1. Table of the geometry parameters of the symmetrical blade profiles (No. 1 and 6).
Table 1. Table of the geometry parameters of the symmetrical blade profiles (No. 1 and 6).
r [mm] R1 [mm] R2 [mm] β [⁰] ymax [mm]
r [mm] 125R1 [mm]3.5 R2 690
[mm] 0 β [010.6
] ymax [mm]
250 2.1 1653 35 5.6
125 3.5 690 0 10.6
250 2.1 1653 35 5.6
Geometry of the whole construction of the reversible jet axial fan, with specified normal and
reversible flow directions, is presented in Figure 1b, where: 1—impeller, 2—AC motor, 3—impeller
casing, 4—profiled
Geometry impeller
of the whole hub cap, 5—silencer
construction (sound suppressor),
of the reversible 6—flow
jet axial fan, withstraighteners, 7—AC and
specified normal
motor support and 8—AC motor cable casing (pipe form). Flow straighteners
reversible flow directions, is presented in Figure 1b, where: 1—impeller, 2—AC motor, 3—impeller are not specially
casing, due to impeller
4—profiled the intention
obtain similar flow
5—silencer characteristics
(sound suppressor), in both directions.
6—flow They are only
straighteners, 7—AC
sheet metal parts which form the “cross” geometry.
motor support and 8—AC motor cable casing (pipe form). Flow straighteners are not specially profiled,
Asynchronous electric motor with two poles is placed in the casing in the way not to disturb
due to the intention to obtain similar flow characteristics in both directions. They are only sheet metal
fluid flow. Axial fan casing with a hub and carrier is designed in the way to stabilize operation and
parts connection
which form withthethe“cross” geometry.
The jet fan has electric
profiledmotor with two
bell-mouth inlet,poles is placed
and casings have in thediameter
inner casing in the mm,
of 500 waywhile
not to disturb
fluid is
flow. Axial
584 mm fan casing
(Figure with aconsists
1b). Casing hub and carrier is designed
of perforated in the
plate, mineral way
wool to steel
and stabilize
envelope, and
which with the electromotor.
minimize noise. Flow straighteners (Figure 1b, position 6) decrease generated turbulent
swirling flow jet and
The jet fan has profiled direct the flow. Namely,
bell-mouth thecasings
inlet, and main role is toinner
have improve generated
diameter jet strength,
of 500 mm, while i.e.,outer
maximize thrust and fan efficiency.
is 584 mm (Figure 1b). Casing consists of perforated plate, mineral wool and steel plate envelope,
The jet noise.
which minimize fan model Flowisstraighteners
designed for (Figure
the following parameters
1b, position determined
6) decrease above:
generated fan rotation
turbulent swirling
speed—n = 2251 rpm, volume flow rate—Q = 4.53 m3s−1, impeller outer diameter—Da = 0.5 m and
flow jet and direct the flow. Namely, the main role is to improve generated jet strength, i.e., maximize
axial force—Fz = 130 N. It has ten adjustable blades and dimensionless ratio ν = Di/Da = 0.5. The
thrust and fan efficiency.
manufactured jet fan model is presented in Figure 2.
The jet fan model is designed for the following parameters determined above: fan rotation
speed—n = 2251 rpm, volume flow rate—Q = 4.53 m3 s−1 , impeller outer diameter—Da = 0.5 m
and axial force—Fz = 130 N. It has ten adjustable blades and dimensionless ratio ν = Di /Da = 0.5.
The manufactured jet fan model is presented in Figure 2.
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Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 13

Figure 2. Developed
FigureDeveloped axial
2. Developed fan
axial fanimpeller
fan impeller with
impeller with itscasing
with its casingand
casing andAC
and AC
AC electric
electric motor.

The reversible
The reversiblejet fan
jet fanfan
jet 3D3D
3D model
model was
was developed
developed inin
in academic
academic software
software package
package CATIA
CATIA V5R18V5R18 V5R18
(64 (64
bit) bit)
(64 for the
bit)for flow
theflow analysis.
flow analysis.
analysis.This model
This model
model hadhadcertain
had level
certain level ofof
of “intelligence”
“intelligence” basedon on
based on the
the the
Knowledge tools,tools, which
which provided
provided bladeangle
blade angleeasy
easy variation
variation andandblade
shapevariation according
variation according to to
its angle position. In
position. In this way,
its angle position. this way, clearances
way, clearances
clearances are are minimized.
are minimized.
The second
The second construction
construction is
is withwithnozzles
nozzles and flow
and flow straighteners
flow straighteners
straightenersasas shown
as shown
shownin in
Figure 3. It3.
in Figure
Figure 3.has has
It has
nozzles with inner diameter 440 mm (Figure 3b).
with inner
nozzles with inner diameter
diameter 440 440 mm
mm (Figure
(Figure 3b).

(a) (b)

3. 3. Thesecond
The second construction
construction of the casing:
of the (a) at the
casing: (a)thrust measurement
at the table and (b) nozzle
thrust measurement table and
(a) (b)
(b) nozzle geometry.
Figure 3. The second construction of the casing: (a) at the thrust measurement table and (b) nozzle
3. Experimental
3. Experimental TestTest
Experimental investigationofofthe
investigation thedesigned
designed jetjet fan
fan was
was conducted
conductedonon thethe
designed and and
3. Experimental
manufactured thrust measurement
Test measurement
thrust Rig table in the Laboratory of the Hydraulic Machinery
table in the Laboratory of the Hydraulic Machinery and Energyand Energy
Systems Department at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade (Figure 4).
Systems Departmentinvestigation
Experimental at the Facultyofofthe
designedEngineering University
jet fan was conductedof Belgrade
on the (Figure 4). and
manufactured thrust measurement table in the Laboratory of the Hydraulic Machinery and Energy
Systems Department at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade (Figure 4).
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(a) (b)

Figure 4. Thrust
Thrust measurement table in the laboratory: (a) 3D model for calibration and (b) real model.

The test rig (Figure 4), i.e., the thrust measurement table, is composed of numerous numerous elements.
The fundament of the test rig construction is manufactured
rig construction manufactured with massive steel U-shaped profiles
(Figure 4a, 4a, position
position1).1).It isItheavy
is heavyand and provides
provides operating
operating stability
stability importantimportant for obtaining
for obtaining precise
measuring measuring results.
results. Rails are Rails are assembled
assembled withplate
with the steel the steel
to theplate to the fundament
fundament (Figure 4a, (Figure
position4a, 2)
position 2) so that axial fan with wheel chair could safely move along the rails
so that axial fan with wheel chair could safely move along the rails and enable axial force, i.e., thrust and enable axial force,
i.e., thrust measurements
measurements (Figure 4a,
(Figure 4a, position position
3). On 3). On the table,
the measurement measurement table, a wheel
a wheel fundament fundament
is attached, also
is attached,
made of steel.also made
This wheel of steel.
(pos. 5) This wheel (pos.on5)the
is positioned is wheel
positioned on the (pos.
fundament wheel4)fundament
by the axle.(pos.Wheel 4)
by the axle.
rotation Wheel by
is possible rotation
the use is of
possible by the one-row
radial rolling use of radial rolling
bearing. Steelone-row
with 3
polished cable with
mm in diameter 3 mm
(pos. in diameter
6) moves over it(pos.
and6) moves over
connects weightsit and connects
carrier (pos.weights
7) withcarrier (pos.weights
calibrated 7) with
(pos. 8) and weights
wheel (pos.
and wheel carrierchair.
hasWeight carrier
two parts, has two
of which theparts,
lower ofone
which the lower
is used one is
for holding
used for holding
calibrated weightscalibrated
and the upperweights oneandis a the
hookupper one is a on
for hanging hook
thefor hanging
steel rope. Iton the steel
is also rope. and
calibrated It is
madecalibrated and made
of steel. Wheel chair ofis, steel.
on theWheel chairconnected
other side, is, on thevia other side, connected
measuring tape, with viaa measuring
force transducertape,
(pos. a 9).
force transducer
This (pos. 9). This
is a construction foris force
a construction
transducer for force transducer
calibration. calibration.
Calibration Calibration
preceded each
measurement. each measurement.
During measurements During measurements
the steel cable the steel cable isHowever,
is dismounted. dismounted. the However, the force
force transducer is
always connectedis always via connected
measuring viatape
(pos. 11)tape (pos.
with the11) with the wheelchair,
wheelchair, and it is mounted
and it is mounted on the steelon
the steel
carrier carrier
(pos. 10), (pos.
which10), which appropriate
provides provides appropriate
axial forceaxial force measurements.
measurements. The VishayThe forceVishay force
model 355,model type С3,355,hermetically
type C3, hermetically
sealed, was sealed,
used was
pos. 1).5,Specified
pos. 1). Specified
total error total error %
is ±0.02 is
±0.02% of rated output, which is here for
of rated output, which is here for C3, 50 kg, i.e., ±10 g. C3, 50 kg, i.e., ±10 g.
A force transducer was carefully calibrated at the thrust measurement table by first loading
up to 45 kg and afterwards unloading due to hysteresis determination. A linear characteristic is
obtained. A measuring tape transfers axial force from the axial fan to the force transducer. It provides
stable work and precise measurements. A signal conditioner is used for the axial force transducer
signal conditioning and acquisition. A frequency regulator is used to control the axial fan rotation
speed. A digital frequency regulator DS2000, company MOOG, Serbia, was used. It has a three-phase
regulator which works over the voltage interval from 65 V till 506 V and frequencies from 50 till
60 Hz. Working temperature interval is 0 till 40 ◦ C. A multifunctional measuring device Testo 450 with
appropriate probes was used in these experiments for measuring air temperature and humidity, as well
as for velocity measurements with attached vane anemometer probe. On the basis of the velocity
measurements, in positions specified by ISO 5801 [19], the volume flow rate was determined. It is
compared with the ones calculated on the basis of the measured axial velocity in the following way:
Q = Da (Fz π/ρ)0.5 /2, where ρ is air density. A mercury barometer measured atmospheric pressure
before each test. Fan rotation speed was determined by a stroboscope DRELLOSCOP 3009.

Figure 5. Connection of the force transducer with wheel chair: 1—force transducer, 2—force
transmitter carrier, 3—measuring tape, 4—wheel chair, 5—axial fan, 6—rails, 7—steel plate for
connection of rails with wheel chair loaded with reversible jet fan and 8 - fundament.
made of steel. Wheel chair is, on the other side, connected via measuring tape, with a force transducer
(pos. 9). This is a construction for force transducer calibration. Calibration preceded each
measurement. During measurements the steel cable is dismounted. However, the force transducer is
always connected via measuring tape (pos. 11) with the wheelchair, and it is mounted on the steel
carrier (pos. 10), which provides appropriate axial force measurements. The Vishay force transducer
Processes 8, 1671
2020, 355,
model type С3, hermetically sealed, was used (Figure 5, pos. 1). Specified total error is ±0.02 %8 of 12
of rated output, which is here for C3, 50 kg, i.e., ±10 g.

Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 13

A force transducer was carefully calibrated at the thrust measurement table by first loading up
to 45 kg and afterwards unloading due to hysteresis determination. A linear characteristic is obtained.
A measuring tape transfers axial force from the axial fan to the force transducer. It provides stable
work and precise measurements. A signal conditioner is used for the axial force transducer signal
conditioning and acquisition. A frequency regulator is used to control the axial fan rotation speed. A
digital frequency regulator DS2000, company MOOG, Serbia, was used. It has a three-phase regulator
which works over the voltage interval from 65 V till 506 V and frequencies from 50 till 60 Hz. Working
temperature interval is 0 till 40 °C. A multifunctional measuring device Testo 450 with appropriate
probes was used in these experiments for measuring air temperature and humidity, as well as for
velocity measurements with attached vane anemometer probe. On the basis of the velocity
measurements, in positions specified by ISO 5801 [19], the volume flow rate was determined. It is
compared 5. Connection
5. Connection
with of the
the ones offorce
the transducer
calculated force transducer
on the with of
basis with
wheel wheel 1—force
chair: chair:
the measured 1—force
axial transducer,
velocity in 2—force2—force
the following way:
transmitter 0.carrier, 3—measuring tape, 4—wheel chair, 5—axial fan, 6—rails, 7—steel plate for
Q = Da (3—measuring
Fzπ / ρ ) / 2 , where
carrier, ρ is air density.
tape, 4—wheel A mercury
chair, 5—axial barometer
fan, 6—rails, measured
7—steel plate atmospheric
for connectionpressure
of rails
connection of rails with wheel chair loaded with reversible jet fan and 8 - fundament.
with wheel
before eachchair loaded
test. Fan with speed
rotation reversible
wasjet fan and 8—fundament.
determined by a stroboscope DRELLOSCOP 3009.
4. Experimental Results and Discussion
4. Experimental Results and Discussion
In the Inconducted experiments,
the conducted experiments,thethe
following physical
following physicalvalues
have been
been measured: axialforce,
measured: axial force, i.e.,
thrust, velocity field at the fan inlet and outlet, fan rotation speed, electromotor power,
i.e., thrust, velocity field at the fan inlet and outlet, fan rotation speed, electromotor power, air air temperature,
humidity and atmospheric
temperature, humidity and pressure. Measurements
atmospheric were performed
pressure. Measurements for various
were performed forangle
various positions
angle of
both positions of both sets,
blade impeller blade controlled
impeller sets,
at controlled
the outeratdiameter
the outerD a : β
diameterRa =D28
a: ◦Ra
β , =
31 ◦ , 33
28°, ◦ , 35
31°, ◦ , 39
33°, ◦ and
35°, 39° 45◦
as well asvarious
for well as for
fanvarious fan speeds
rotation = 400,n =800,
rotation nspeeds 400,1200,
800, 1200,
2080,2080, 2200,
2200, 2500and
2500 and2565
2565 rpm.
rpm. Measurements have also been performed for both fan rotating, i.e., flow
Measurements have also been performed for both fan rotating, i.e., flow directions and are presented directions and are
presented in Figure 6.
in Figure 6.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 6. Reversible
6. Reversible jet jet
fanfan characteristicsin
characteristics inthe
the function
function of
rotationspeed andand
speed angle βRa for
βRa for
both flow directions: (a) volume flow rate, (b) internal consumed power, (c) thrust and (d)
both flow directions: (a) volume flow rate, (b) internal consumed power, (c) thrust and (d) efficiency. efficiency.

The fan efficiency is calculated, only after the contribution of the kinetic energy at the fan outlet,
i.e., in the jet, as follows:
Processes 2020, 8, 1671 9 of 12

The fan efficiency is calculated, only after the contribution of the kinetic energy at the fan outlet,
i.e., in Processes
the jet,2020,
as follows:
8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
η = Qρc2 /2P, (16)

where c is velocity at the fan outlet and ρ air density. η = QρcIt/2P,

is assumed that the inlet velocity is zero. (16)It is
where onc is
the basis of
velocity at the approximated
the fan outlet and ρ airinternal
density.power, presented
It is assumed thatintheFigure 6b.
inlet velocity is zero. It is
calculated on the basis of the approximated internal power, presented in Figure
All fan characteristics, normally, increase with the fan rotation speed. Hierarchy of increasing 6b.
the volumeAllflow
fan characteristics,
rate and thrust normally, increase with
with increasing thethe fan rotation
blade angle, upspeed. Hierarchy
to the angle of 39◦increasing
, is obvious.
Fan characteristics depend on flow direction for all angles, but the smallest differenceobvious.
the volume flow rate and thrust with increasing the blade angle, up to the angle 39°, is is obtainedFan for
characteristics depend on flow direction for all angles, but the smallest difference is obtained for angle
angle 39◦ .
The best angle position (βRa ) of the blade impeller blades is determined on the basis of a large
The best angle position (βRa) of the blade impeller blades is determined on the basis of a large
amount of experimental
amount datadata
of experimental (Figure 6). 6).
(Figure Measuring
resultsforfor the angleposition
the angle position atatthethe outer
outer diameter
βRa = 39◦
βRa =are
39°presented in the
are presented following
in the following charts
(Figure 7).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FigureFigure 7. Reversible
7. Reversible jet fan
jet fan characteristicsininthe
characteristics thefunction
function of the
the fan
both flowflow
directions and angle βRa β=Ra39
and angle = ◦39°: (a)volume
: (a) volume flow
rate,(b) internal
(b) consumed
internal consumedpower, (c) thrust
power, and (d)and
(c) thrust
(d) efficiency.

Small Small differences

differences of thrust
of thrust areare obtainedfor
obtained angle ββRa
forangle Ra = 39 depending on the flow direction

= 39° depending on the flow direction in
fan (Figure 7c). It is almost independent of the flow direction.
in fan (Figure 7c). It is almost independent of the flow direction. This was the This was the aim of this
aimdesign. In this
of this design.
case, the maximum thrust is achieved in both directions (Figures 6c and 7c). The fan was also tested
In this case, the maximum thrust is achieved in both directions (Figures 6c and 7c). The fan was
for βRa = 45°, but thrust started to decrease, i.e., is significantly lower for normal flow direction. In
also tested for βRa = 45◦ , but thrust started to decrease, i.e., is significantly lower for normal flow
addition, the highest fan efficiency, calculated after fan contribution to the jet kinetic energy, is
direction. In addition,
reached for angle 39° the(Figures
highest6dfanand efficiency,
7d), and itcalculated
is almost theafter
samefanforcontribution to the jet
both flow directions kinetic
ηI,max =
is reached for angle ◦
39 (Figures 6d and 7d), and it is almost the same for both flow directions
and ηII,max = 41.94%.
ηI,max = 41.45% ηII,max = 41.94%.
and experimental
Obtained results could be scaled-up to the prototype on the basis of the procedure
presentedexperimental results could
in [14]. This procedure involvesbe scaled-up
equality of to
thethe prototype oncoefficients
turbomachinery the basis offorthe procedure
flow, head
and in
presented power. It is procedure
[14]. This shown hereinvolves
that designed
equalitythrust ofturbomachinery
of the 134.32 N for rotation speed 2251
coefficients rpmhead
for flow, afterand
power.Equation (15) here
It is shown is achieved for anglethrust
that designed 39°. Obtained
of 134.32values
N forare Fz = 133speed
rotation N for 2251
n = 2266.8 rpm. Equation (15)
rpm after
is achievedInfor addition,
angle 39 axial fan impeller
◦ . Obtained was tested
values are Fzin=two
N for constructions.
n = 2266.8 rpm. The first construction is a
cylindrical casing, while the second one is profiled as a nozzle. Results for both models are presented
In addition, axial fan impeller was tested in two casing constructions. The first construction is a
and compared in Figure 8. This design was tested for βRa = 28°, 31° and 35°.
cylindrical casing, while the second one is profiled as a nozzle. Results for both models are presented
and compared in Figure 8. This design was tested for βRa = 28◦ , 31◦ and 35◦ .
Processes 2020, 8, 1671 10 of 12
Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 13

(a) (b)

Figure 8. Comparison
8. Comparison of of
thethe fanthrust
fan thrustinincylindrical
cylindrical (1)
profiled casings
profiled for various
casings for various
angles βRa and rotational directions (I-normal and II-reversible flow directions) in the function
angles β Ra and rotational directions (I-normal and II-reversible flow directions) in the function of theof the
fan rotation speed: (a) 28°,
◦ (b) 31°
◦ and
fan rotation speed: (a) 28 , (b) 31 and (c) 35 .(c) 35°.

Angle Angle βRa variation

βRa variation leadsleads to good
to good thrust
thrust in normal,
in normal, while while to worse
to worse onesones in reversible
in reversible flow flow
direction (Figure 8). In all cases, the highest thrust values are reached for the highest fan rotation
(Figure 8). In all cases, the highest thrust values are reached for the highest fan rotation speed, what was
speed, what was expected. The smallest differences in thrust are achieved for βRa = 35° and presented
expected. The smallest differences in thrust are achieved for βRa = 35◦ and presented in Figure 8c.
in Figure 8c. This is obvious for the model 1 with cylindrical casing. The highest values of thrust are
This is obvious
also achieved forfor
the model
this angle1βRa
with cylindrical casing. The highest values of thrust are also achieved
= 35°.
for this angle β
Influence = 35 ◦.
Ra of the flow direction in the reversible axial jet fan is more obvious for the second model
with profiled of the flowFor
nozzle. direction
this caseinsignificantly
the reversible
lower axial jet fan
values is more
of thrust areobvious
achievedforfor the secondβRamodel
all angles .
with This
profiled nozzle.
is obvious forFor
the this casepresented
highest significantly
anglelower values
βRa = 35° of thrust
(Figure are achieved
8c). It could be concludedfor all this βRa .
This is obviouscasingforwas
thenot properly
highest designed
presented angle βRatested
for the = 35◦fan. Construction
(Figure of model
8c). It could 2 resulted in
be concluded a this
lower flow rate and thrust.
nozzle casing was not properly designed for the tested fan. Construction of model 2 resulted in a lower
flow rate Analysis
and thrust. of sources of error and of uncertainty evaluation for the thrust measurement is
provided for the one measurement point (n = 2266.8 rpm) which is close to the designed fan rotation
Analysis of sources of error and of uncertainty evaluation for the thrust measurement is provided
speed (n = 2251 rpm). Calibration uncertainty of axial force (thrust) calibration, i.e., weights used for
for the one measurement point (n = 2266.8 rpm) which is close to the designed fan rotation speed
calibration, is ±0.54 g. Systematic uncertainty combines the uncertainty of transducer and calibration
(n = by
2251the rpm). Calibration
root-sum-square uncertainty
method of axial
and is ±0.075%. forceuncertainty
Random (thrust) calibration, i.e., weights
of thrust measurements used for
at 95%
confidenceis ±0.54
level g. Systematic
is 1.689 uncertainty
%, and total combines
uncertainty of thrustthe uncertainty
measurement is of transducer
1.7%. and calibration
This is in accordance
by the root-sum-square
with the used standard method and is ±0.075%. Random uncertainty of thrust measurements at 95%
ISO 13350.
confidence level is 1.689 %, and total uncertainty of thrust measurement is 1.7%. This is in accordance
with 5. Conclusions
the used standard ISO 13350.
This paper presents the design of the axial jet fan impeller with symmetrical and adjustable
5. Conclusions
blades and experimental results of the testing on the test rig following ISO 13350. Two designs of fan
This are presented
presents the Axial fan wasaxial
of the testedjetfor various
fan angles
impeller withand rotation speeds
symmetrical and in both cases.
adjustable blades
These fans work in pairs for the case of bigger tunnels, and the distance between two pairs of fans is,
and experimental results of the testing on the test rig following ISO 13350. Two designs of fan casings
among other things, defined by the experimentally determined thrust. It could be concluded the
are presented too. Axial fan was tested for various angles and rotation speeds in both cases. These fans
work in pairs for the case of bigger tunnels, and the distance between two pairs of fans is, among other
things, defined by the experimentally determined thrust. It could be concluded the following:

• Herein, the procedure is presented for determination of the jet fan model parameters on the basis of
the parameters demanded for the prototype. This procedure is based on the geometry, kinematic
Processes 2020, 8, 1671 11 of 12

and dynamic similarity law. Anyhow, this approach does not result in the same Reynolds number
(Re), so ∆Re is incorporated in the equation of recalculation/conversion, i.e., efficiency scale-up
from a model to the prototype which is treated in IEC 60193. This is not discussed in the used
standard here ISO 13350 [12].
• The test rig, i.e., thrust measurement table, for experimental investigations was designed and
manufactured after the international standard ISO 13350. A force transducer was carefully
installed and calibrated, and measure of uncertainty was determined.
• The main idea for this research was to design the axial fan with good thrust independent of the
fan rotation direction.
• It was experimentally shown that differences for all fan characteristics depend on the flow
direction in the axial fan, and this was noticed for almost all fan regimes and both casing designs.
Hierarchical distribution of fan characteristics is present for almost all angles and rotation speeds
up to the angle 39◦ . Thrust starts decreasing for the angle 45◦ for normal flow direction (Figure 6c).
Therefore, this could be considered as a stalling effect which could occur for higher blade angles.
Clearance is small in our design, but it increases with the blade impeller angle increment, and it
has the highest value for 45◦ . Therefore, this loss of aerodynamic performance could be the
consequence of the tip leakage vortex, i.e., flow from the blade tip with a strong vortex.
• Anyhow, the maximum thrust, and its almost independence of the flow direction is experimentally
obtained for the angle at the fan outer diameter βRa = 39◦ (Figures 6c and 7c). Flow rate and
power are also independent of the flow direction in this case and reach the highest values for the
maximum fan rotation speed (Figure 7a,b). The highest efficiency, calculated after Equation (16),
is also achieved for this blade angle position (Figure 7d).
• In addition, it is shown that designed value for the thrust Fz = 134.32 N for rotation speed
n = 2251 rpm (Equation (15)) is achieved for angle 39◦ . Obtained thrust value is 133 N for
n = 2266.8 rpm. Therefore, the complete design is proved here.
• It is shown that fan casing significantly influences jet fan characteristics. It has a
convergent–divergent geometry (Figure 3b). This was an attempt to produce a fan with better
characteristics. Some concepts are still under consideration.
• Experimentally determined thrust for the second design is presented and compared with the
first one only for the angles βRa = 28◦ , 31◦ and 35◦ (Figure 8). The smallest differences in thrust
depending on the fan rotation direction are achieved for the first design with cylindrical casing
and angle at the outer diameter βRa = 35◦ (Figure 8c). In this case, a significantly higher thrust is
achieved than for the second design.
• It is shown that jet fan has a small reaction factor, and that in the best case, with the highest thrust,
impeller specific energy is almost completely transformed into the kinetic energy achieving high
velocities, high flow rates and thrust. This is why the efficiency rate is calculated and presented
using Equation (16).
• Experimental results of the axial reversible jet fans testing are very rarely presented in the literature,
so the adequate comparison of the obtained data was not possible. Obtained experimental results
data basis is at disposal for CFD calculations for interested researchers.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization and methodology, all authors; validation, Ð.S.Č., N.Z.J. and D.B.I.;
formal analysis, investigation and writing, all authors; All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic
of Serbia (MESTD RS), contract number 451-03-68/2020-14/200105 (subproject TR 35046) and by the Bilateral project
“Joint Research on the Development Technology of Low-head Run-of-the-river Hydropower”, between MESTD RS
and Ministry of Water Resources in China and Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification Zhejiang International
Science Center, contract number 401-00-00588/2018-09, which authors hereby gratefully acknowledge.
Acknowledgments: This article is partially based on a paper presented at the 40th International HVAC congress,
2009, “Fan for Ecological Condition Sustain in Tunnels” held on 18–19 September 2009 in Belgrade, Serbia,
Processes 2020, 8, 1671 12 of 12

so authors are thankful for technical support to M. Pajnić and M. Begović from Rudnap Group; Minela Kotlogradnja,
Belgrade, Serbia.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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