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Journal of Acute Medicine xx (2014) 1e6

Original Research

Antibacterial activities of acetonides prepared from the seed oils of

Calophyllum inophyllum and Pterocarpus osun
Adewale Adewuyi a,b,*, Omolola H. Fasusi c, Rotimi A. Oderinde c
Department of Chemical Sciences, Redeemer’s University, Mowe, Ogun State, Nigeria
Centre for Lipid Research, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India
Industrial Unit, Department of Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Received 21 January 2014; accepted 20 February 2014


Calophyllum inophyllum and Pterocarpus osun are underutilized plant species in Nigeria, but these have the potential to serve as a source
material for various industries, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Over the years, the search for antimicrobial agents from cheap and
renewable sources has been on the rise. In this study, oil was extracted from the seeds of C. inophyllum and P. osun, analyzed for fatty acid
composition, and the oils were then converted into acetonides by simple chemical reactions. The acetonides synthesized from these oils were
tested for antimicrobial activities. The oil yield from C. inophyllum (41.96  2.0%) and P. osun (10.16  0.5%) was fairly high. C18:1 was the
most dominant fatty acid in C. inophyllum (36.88  0.20%), whereas C18:2 was the most dominant form in P. osun (38.97  0.50%). Acetonides
were produced from the oils with a yield of 91.70% for C. inophyllum and 92.10% for P. osun. The synthesis was monitored and confirmed using
the PerkinElmer Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer. The acetonide from C. inophyllum inhibited the growth of organisms such as
Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, whereas the oil had inhibitory activity against Bacillus subtilis and Staph-
ylococcus aureus. Acetonides from P. osun did not show any inhibition activity against the studied organisms.
Copyright Ó 2014, Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acetonide; Antibacterial agent; Calophyllum inophyllum; Fatty acid; Pterocarpus osun

1. Introduction purposes. These credentials have given seed oil a face-lift in

the oleochemical industries.
Seed oils are esters of glycerol and fatty acids, which are The modification of seed oil properties is important to
found either in the free state or in a combined state with other extend their applications in various industries. One area of
compounds such as proteins and carbohydrates.1e3 Apart from these modifications involves the introduction of branched
the possibility of being a food source, many of the known seed chains and other functional groups such as the hetero atoms.
oils are used in the manufacture of cosmetics, varnishes, paint, Such a modification could play a vital role in the medicinal
lubricants, and plastics. In addition to having agricultural values of some of these seed oils, because some of them have
potential, seed oils are renewable resources for developing been reported to serve as important purgatives and are also
novel products with superb qualities and multifunctional useful in the manufacture of ointments and lotions for treating
various skin diseases.4e6
Although several reactions to synthesize such materials
have been reported in the past, using safe, nontoxic, and
* Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Sciences, Redeemer’s environmentally friendly chemicals has been of great interest
University, Mowe, Ogun State, Nigeria; Centre for Lipid Research, India
Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India.
and yet challenging. To this effect, our aim is to use simple
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Adewuyi). reaction pathways to produce nontoxic products such as
2211-5587/Copyright Ó 2014, Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Adewuyi A, et al., Antibacterial activities of acetonides prepared from the seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pter-
ocarpus osun, Journal of Acute Medicine (2014),

2 A. Adewuyi et al. / Journal of Acute Medicine xx (2014) 1e6

acetonides from seed oil. In this study, we have chosen 2. Materials and methods
acetone for the cyclic ketal reaction because of its low cost
and general availability. The process used is reversible as 2.1. Materials
the acetonides can be hydrolyzed to diol, which in turn
can produce the acetonides once again.7,8 Although aceto- The mature seeds of C. inophyllum and P. osun were
nides are widely used in medicinal and pharmaceutical collected from the trees grown in the garden of the University of
industries,9e11 they are usually prepared using only synthetic Ibadan (Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria). They were identified at the
agents, and not from biomass such as Calophyllum ino- Herbarium Unit, Department of Botany, University of Ibadan.
phyllum and Pterocarpus osun seed oils. Acetonide synthe- All solvents and chemicals used in this study were of analytical
sized from renewable resources such as biomass will be grade and were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
environmentally safe, as these are both biodegradable and
cost effective. 2.2. Determination of fatty acid composition
Underutilized seed oil can serve as a cheap renewable
source to achieve this purpose. C. inophyllum and P. osun are The fatty acid composition of the seed oils of C. inophyllum
examples of underutilized plants that can be used in this re- and P. osun was determined as described by Adewuyi et al.19
gard. C. inophyllum is a large evergreen plant. It is mostly In brief, the fatty acid contents of the oils were determined as
cultivated in all tropical regions of the world, including several methyl esters. First, the oils were converted into methyl esters
Pacific Islands, because of its decorative leaves, fragrant by refluxing at 70 C for 3 hours in 2% sulfuric acid in
flowers, and spreading crown.12 It is a popular ornamental methanol. Second, the resulting methyl esters were extracted
plant. It is a low-branching and slow-growing tree with a broad into ethyl acetate, washed free of acid, and passed over
and irregular crown. It is usually 8e20 m (26e66 ft) in height. anhydrous sodium sulfate. Finally, the fatty acid composition
The flower of the tree is 25 mm (0.98 in.) wide. The plant was analyzed using an Agilent 6890 N series gas chroma-
flowers throughout the year. The fruit is round, and upon tography system (USA) equipped with a flame ionization de-
ripening it wrinkles and its color changes from yellow to tector on a split injector. A fused silica capillary column (DB-
brownish red. The chemical properties of the oil have been 225; 30 m  0.32 m i.d., J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA)
previously reported by Adewuyi et al,13 and the fatty acid was used with the injector and the temperature of the detector
composition was reported by Ajayi et al,14 with C18:1 being maintained between 230 C and 250 C. The oven temperature
the most dominant fatty acid in the oil. was programmed at 160 C for 2 minutes and finally increased
P. osun is a forest tree that belongs to the Papilionaceae to 230 C at 4 C/minute. The carrier gas was nitrogen at a flow
family15 and is characterized by a spreading crown. The wood rate of 1.5 mL/minute. The area percentages were recorded
of the tree is marketed as African padauk.16 The extracts (in using a standard ChemStation Data System (Agilent, USA).
crude form) of P. osun are applied locally in the eastern part of
Nigeria as a medication for the treatment of chicken pox in 2.3. Epoxidation of oils of C. inophyllum and P. osun
children.17 The antioxidant potentials and attenuation of
acetaminophen-induced redox imbalance by P. osun has also The epoxidation was carried out in a 150-mL three-necked
been reported previously.18 round-bottomed flask equipped with a magnetic stirrer and a
At present, there are no specific applications of the oils of thermometer to monitor the reaction temperature. The whole
C. inophyllum and P. osun in Nigeria as they are considered apparatus was kept in an oil bath to maintain the desired
underutilized. The use of biomass as feedstock for the pro- temperatures. Approximately 46 mL of oil from C. inophyllum
duction of bio-based products is gaining increased attention and P. osun was separately added into the flask, followed by an
and in this regard, we focused on the antibacterial potentials of addition of 5 mL of 100% formic acid. The mixture was
acetonides synthesized from the seed oils of C. inophyllum and continuously stirred at 15 C. To this mixture, 14 mL of
P. osun. hydrogen peroxide was dropwise added and the mixture was

H2 C O C CH2-CH=CH-(CH2)na-CH2-CH3
H2 C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)na-CH2-CH3
H2O2 O
H C O C CH2-CH=CH-(CH2)nb-CH2-CH3 H2CO2 H C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)nb-CH2-CH3
H2 C O C CH2-CH=CH-(CH2)nc-CH2-CH3
H2 C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)nc-CH2-CH3

Seed oil O
Epoxidized seed oil
na, nb and nc = mole
Fig. 1. Epoxidation of the seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pterocarpus osun.

Please cite this article in press as: Adewuyi A, et al., Antibacterial activities of acetonides prepared from the seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pter-
ocarpus osun, Journal of Acute Medicine (2014),

A. Adewuyi et al. / Journal of Acute Medicine xx (2014) 1e6 3

H2 C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)na-CH2-CH3 H2 C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)na-CH2-CH3

O Acetone O
H C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)nb-CH2-CH3 Fecl3 H C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)nb-CH2-CH3
H2 C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)nc-CH2-CH3 H2 C O C CH2-CH - CH-(CH2)nc-CH2-CH3
Epoxidized seed oil
na, nb and nc = mole
Fig. 2. Synthesis of acetonides from the epoxidized seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pterocarpus osun.

stirred continuously for 8 hours, while the temperature was cut from the agar and 60 mL of the acetonide solution (100 mg/
gradually increased to 70 C. After the formation of epoxide, mL) was delivered into them. The plates were incubated at
the mixture was cooled to room temperature (25 C) and the 37 C for 24 hours and the observed growth-inhibition zones
epoxidized oil was extracted with hexane, washed with water were measured.
until it becomes free of acid, and passed over sodium sulfate.
This reaction is shown in Fig. 1. 2.5.3. Infrared analysis
The oil and acetonide samples were taken for infrared
2.4. Synthesis of acetonides from the epoxidized oils of analysis using the PerkinElmer Fourier transform infrared
C. inophyllum and P. osun (FTIR) spectrophotometer (USA). The spectra were recorded
in the range of 4000e400 cm1.
Acetonide was synthesized by following the procedure
previously described by Biswas et al.20 In brief, the epoxidized 3. Results
oils (2 g) of C. inophyllum and P. osun were separately
transferred into a round-bottomed flask, followed by the 3.1. Fatty acid composition of C. inophyllum and P. osun
addition of 25 mL of acetone with ferric chloride under con- seed oil
stant stirring and heating for 24 hours to form the acetonide as
shown in Fig. 2. The yield of oil from C. inophyllum and P. osun was
41.96  2.0% and 10.16  0.5%, respectively. The fatty
2.5. Determination of antibacterial activities acid composition of C. inophyllum and P. osun is presented in
Table 1. The most abundant fatty acid found in the oil of C.
2.5.1. Organism and media inophyllum was C18:1 (36.88  0.20%); it was also the
The antibacterial effects of the synthesized oils are tested dominant fatty acid reported by Ajayi et al14 for the oil of C.
against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, inophyllum. C16:1 and C18:3 were not detected by Ajayi
Klebsiella sp., Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas putida, Fla- et al14 in C. inophyllum oil, but in this study, their composi-
vobacterium, and Escherichia coli. The bacteria used for the tions were found to be 0.18  0.05% and 0.31  0.05%,
work were obtained from the Department of Medical Micro-
biology and Parasitology, University College Hospital. They Table 1
were then transferred to the Environmental Microbiology and Fatty acid compositions (wt%) of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pterocarpus
Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Botany and osun seed oils.
Microbiology, University of Ibadan, where the bacterial strains Fatty acids P. osun C. inophyllum
were cultured overnight at 37 C in MüllereHinton agar 14:0 0.12  0.10 ND
(DIFCO; BD Diagnostic Systems, USA). 16:0 15.30  0.20 17.17  0.20
16:1 0.14  0.20 0.18  0.05
18:0 7.61  0.10 18.54  0.10
2.5.2. Antibacterial screening 18:1 19.30  0.10 36.88  0.20
The agar-well diffusion method was used for antibacterial 18:2 38.97  0.50 23.90  0.30
screening. Both the oils and the acetonide synthesized were 18:3 0.16  0.05 0.31  0.05
prepared and screened for the antibacterial activities. In brief, 20:0 2.80  0.02 1.06  0.05
the bacteria were grown on MüllereHinton agar medium (pH 20:1 0.95  0.01 0.14  0.01
22:0 10.41  0.05 0.34  0.02
7.3). The agar medium was poured into plates to a uniform 24:0 4.24  0.02 1.48  0.01
depth of 5 mm and allowed to solidify. The microbial sus- Unsaturated 59.52  0.30 61.41  0.20
pensions at 5  106 CFU/mL were streaked over the surface of Saturated 40.48  0.20 38.59  0.10
the media using sterile cotton swab to ensure the confluent Values are mean  standard deviation of duplicate determinations.
growth of the organisms. The wells (6 mm in diameter) were ND ¼ not detected.

Please cite this article in press as: Adewuyi A, et al., Antibacterial activities of acetonides prepared from the seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pter-
ocarpus osun, Journal of Acute Medicine (2014),

4 A. Adewuyi et al. / Journal of Acute Medicine xx (2014) 1e6

respectively. By contrast, C18:2 was the most abundant fatty 3.3. Antibacterial activities of acetonides from C.
acid found in P. osun (38.97  0.50%). The composition of inophyllum and P. osun
C18:2 was found to be 23.90  0.30% in C. inophyllum,
whereas that of C18:1 was 19.30  0.10% in P. osun. The The use of a natural product and its modified forms as an
composition of C22:0 was 10.41  0.05% in P. osun, whereas antimicrobial agent is an important aspect of natural product
it was 0.34  0.02% in C. inophyllum. The unsaturation level chemistry with the prospect of developing and discovering
of P. osun was 59.52  0.30%, whereas that of C. inophyllum new potent drugs. The synthesis of acetonides and their
was 61.41  0.20%. The unsaturation is an indication of the screening as a potential antibacterial agent is a positive move
level of unsaturated bonds present in these oils. Moreover, the in this direction. The result of the antibacterial activities of the
unsaturated bonds are the points where different functional oils and acetonides of C. inophyllum and P. osun is presented
groups can be introduced into the oils to achieve modifications in Table 2. The oil of C. inophyllum showed inhibition against
or where chemical reactions can take place due to the rich S. aureus and Bacillus sp., whereas the oil of P. osun did not
electron system of the double bonds.21 show any activity against the test organisms. The acetonides
from C. inophyllum showed activity against E. coli (2.6 mm),
3.2. Epoxidation and synthesis of acetonides from the Salmonella typhi (1.6 mm), and P. aeruginosa (3.2 mm),
oils of C. inophyllum and P. osun whereas its oil had inhibition against Bacillus subtilis
(2.0 mm) and S. aureus (3.0 mm). Acetonides from P. osun did
The FTIR spectra showed important peaks explaining the not show any activity against any of the tested organisms.
stretching, bending, and double-bond absorptions of the oil
samples. It was observed that the absorption peaks are almost 4. Discussion
the same for both oil samples. The CeH stretching of ab-
sorption for CH3 occurred at wavelengths of 2926.12 cm1 The fatty acid composition of the oils of C. inophyllum
and 2925.86 cm1 in C. inophyllum and P. osun oils, respec- and P. osun suggests the kind of application that can be given
tively, whereas the CeH stretching of absorption for CH2 to them. The oil of C. inophyllum is rich in C18:1, which is
occurred at wavelengths of 2859.83 cm1 and 2860.20 cm1, similar to what has been reported for some conventional seed
respectively. Two alkane peaks were observed showing the oils.23,24 Some of these conventional seed oils are edible and
bending absorption for CH2 (1451.39 cm1 for C. inophyllum have also been used as industrial feedstock, which has
and 1455.01 cm1 for P. osun) and CH3 (1371.61 cm1 for C. increased their price in markets, and thus creating a
inophyllum and 1367.37 cm1 for P. osun). Peaks corre- competition between their use as food and industrial feed-
sponding to the vibrational frequency of the ester functional stock. This study has revealed C. inophyllum, an underutil-
group were observed in C. inophyllum at 1741.82 cm1 (C] ized plant in Nigeria, as a fairly good source of oil that can
O) and 1162.82 cm1 (CeO), whereas in P. osun, they be considered as a potential alternative for some of these
appeared at 1744.53 cm1 (C]O) and 1163.48 cm1 (CeO). conventional oils due to its high composition of C18:1 fatty
The absorption band of the unsaturated bonds (C]C) acid. The fatty acid composition of P. osun seed oil can be
appeared at 3001.23 cm1 for C. inophyllum and at compared with those reported for some vegetable oils.25
3004.52 cm1 for P. osun. This peak representing unsaturation Besides, the high unsaturation of these oils indicates the
disappeared after the epoxidation with the appearance of a possibility of modification; the high unsaturation (C18:1 and
peak at 832 cm1 in C. inophyllum and at 867 cm1 in P. osun C18:2 fatty acids) is also an indication of health and dietary
corresponding to the epoxy functional group. The epoxidized importance.26,27
oils were separately treated with acetone as shown in Fig. 2 to Conventional seed oils have found application as raw ma-
produce acetonides, with the ketal peaks appearing at terials in several industries either as starting materials for other
1060 cm1, 1080 cm1, 1120 cm1, and 1200 cm1 in the products or as additives.28,29 Production of acetonides from
products.20,22 these oils will be an important contribution to developing local
oleochemical industries in Nigeria as these oils are underu-
Table 2 tilized with no specific use at present; they may be used in the
Antibacterial activities of oils and acetonides of Calophyllum inophyllum and production of other products apart from their present screening
Pterocarpus osun. as possible antibacterial agents. The yield of the acetonide of
Organism C. inophyllum P. osun ACI APO C. inophyllum from its epoxidized oil was 91.70%, whereas
Escherichia coli ND ND 2.6 ND that of P. osun was 92.10%.
Bacillus subtilis 2.0 ND ND ND The use of safe and environmentally friendly biomass as
Klebsiella pneumoniae ND ND ND ND antibacterial agents plays a key role in health care as these
Pseudomonas putida ND ND ND ND have been used to treat diseases in developing countries such
Staphylococcus aureus 3.0 ND ND ND
Flavobacterium ND ND ND ND
as Nigeria and has become a therapeutic modality, which has
Salmonella typhi ND ND 1.6 ND stood the test of time.30 Today, several synthetic product
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ND ND 3.2 ND prototypes have been developed by key actors in this field of
ACI ¼ acetonide from C. inophyllum; APO ¼ acetonide from P. osun; research for commercial purposes, some of which are expen-
ND ¼ no zone of inhibition. sive for low-income earners in developing nations of the

Please cite this article in press as: Adewuyi A, et al., Antibacterial activities of acetonides prepared from the seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pter-
ocarpus osun, Journal of Acute Medicine (2014),

A. Adewuyi et al. / Journal of Acute Medicine xx (2014) 1e6 5

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Please cite this article in press as: Adewuyi A, et al., Antibacterial activities of acetonides prepared from the seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pter-
ocarpus osun, Journal of Acute Medicine (2014),

6 A. Adewuyi et al. / Journal of Acute Medicine xx (2014) 1e6

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Please cite this article in press as: Adewuyi A, et al., Antibacterial activities of acetonides prepared from the seed oils of Calophyllum inophyllum and Pter-
ocarpus osun, Journal of Acute Medicine (2014),

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