Third Assignment (Forensic)
Third Assignment (Forensic)
Third Assignment (Forensic)
School of Criminology
1. What is semen?
Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is an organic fluid created to contain spermatozoa. It is
secreted by the gonads (sexual glands) and other sexual organs of male or hermaphroditic animals
and can fertilize the female ovum.
a) Seminal Fluid
b) Formed Cellular elements which includes:
• Spermatozoa or sperm cells 400-500 million per single ejaculation
• Epithelial Cells
• Crystal of Choline and lecithin
3. What are the four major examinations for semen and seminal stains? Explain.
a) Physical Examination
This test is done through observing the physical appearance of a semen. The physical
features include; color, texture, and presence in cloth or other materials.
b) Chemical Examination
• Florence test – for detection of choline (seminal origin)
• Barberio’s test – for deletion of spermine (prostates origin)
• Acid phosphatase test – for deletion of acid phosphate (prostates origin)
c) Microscopic Examination
Initial microscopic examination of semen is first done using 100X magnification.
Observe mucous strand formation, sperm aggregation, and/or sperm agglutination. Non-
specific aggregation of spermatozoa should be recorded but is usually not clinically
To determine the presence of spermatozoa.
d) Biological Examination
As semen samples can show substantial variation, a minimum of 2 properly collected
and transported samples, ideally collected over 2 spermatogenic cycles, should be
examined at 37°C. This may unnecessarily prolong the investigation for patients and is
recommended only if there is a recent insult to spermatogenesis.