Resi Book
Resi Book
Resi Book
Los Alamos
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Keywords: crack compliance, x-ray, finite element method, harden, carburize, quench, phase
transformation, transformation induced plasticity, martensite, austenite
Abstract. The residual stress profile in a hardened layer of steel was measured and then compared
with a finite element prediction. A thick ring made of low alloy gear steel was case hardened by
carburization and quenching. The residual hoop stress variation in the 1 mm thick hardened layer
was measured using the crack compliance method, in which surface strains are measured as an axial
slot is incrementally extended from the outer surface inward using wire electric discharge
machining (EDM). The surface residual stresses were also measured using x-ray diffraction. The
results compared very well with finite element predictions using DANTE, a heat treatment
simulation software package interfacing with the finite element code ABAQUS. The heat treatment
cycle is simulated in an uncoupled serial analysis of carburization by diffusion, quenching by
conduction and convection including phase transformation kinetics, and finally a structural analysis
incorporating TRansformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP). Accurate residual stress profiles require
detailed knowledge of the heat transfer coefficients of the quench media as well as alloy-dependent
descriptions for phase transformation kinetics and TRIP strains.
The process of carburization followed by quenching is widely applied to steels. It produces a surface
layer with both increased hardness for wear resistance and compressive residual stresses for fatigue
resistance. Unfortunately, such treatment can also produce distortion and internal quench and
fatigue cracks. The furnace and quench schedules produce complex thermal histories in which parts
experience thermal expansion and contraction simultaneously along with phase transformations
which introduce significant volume changes. The complex interaction and relative timing of these
competing factors determine the residual stresses and distortion.
In the past, attempts to model the effects of phase transformations have met with mixed success.
Empirical methods of incorporating a temperature dependent yield strength to simulate a phase
change do not account for the volume change or any additional plasticity [1,2]. Mimicking the
phase change with large changes in the thermal expansion coefficient can capture the effects of the
spherical volume change but not the accompanying microplasticity [1,3,4]. Calculations which
account for the dilatational volume change explicitly, but not the microscopic deviatoric strains,
exhibit large discrepancies with measured residual stresses [1,5,6,7,8]. Properly accounting for the
coupling between the thermal, mechanical, and microstructural mechanisms is crucial for accurately
predicting the residual stresses and distortions. In particular, modeling the microstructural phase
transformations and path-dependent material behavior is critical.
Because of the complexity of developing a predictive model, experimental validation is essential.
However, measurement of residual stresses in a relatively thin (~1 mm) hardened layer is difficult.
On a specimen similar to the one measured in this paper, neutron and x-ray diffraction
measurements encountered several difficulties [9]. The neutron diffraction measurements required a
complicated analysis because the carbon gradient resulted in a strong variation in the stress free
lattice spacing. It was also difficult to achieve the required spatial resolution. The x-ray
measurements failed to show the tensile interior stresses required to balance the compressive surface
stresses. This was postulated to be caused by accumulation of errors from the layer removal process
used to give a depth profile.
Mechanical, or relaxation, methods offer several advantages for measuring residual stresses in
heterogeneous materials. Unlike with diffraction methods, multiple phases, texture, and microstress
variations have negligible effects on macrostress measurements. However, there are other
difficulties. The layer removal and sectioning methods lack the spatial resolution required for the
thin hardened layer in this study [10]. Measurements with the hole-drilling method would require
special care because of the possibility of introducing stresses during machining of hardened steel
[11]. The method used in this study, the crack compliance method, gives excellent spatial resolution
of stresses and uses electric discharge
machining, which cuts even the hardest materials
with ease.
Specimen Preparation
A 0.2% carbon content steel ring, Fig. 1, was
carburized using a boost-diffuse cycle for 3.25
hours at 900 oC and then at 840 oC for 0.75
hours, to form a carbon content of 0.85 wt. % at
the surface. The ring was quenched in molten
salt for 4 minutes with its axis vertical, followed
by air cooling to room temperature. Finally, the
ring was tempered at 177 oC for 1.5 hours.
Figure 1. Specimen size and measurement locations.
Crack Compliance. The crack compliance method [12,13] involves incrementally introducing a
slot into a part containing residual stress. Strain gages on appropriate surfaces measure strain at each
increment of slot depth. These measured strains are used to solve for the original residual stresses.
This method has successfully profiled residual stress variation with depth in surface regions as thin
as 100 µm [14] and through parts as thick as 166 mm [15]. The primary advantage of the crack
compliance method is its excellent spatial resolution. It can also easily measure the stress intensity
factor caused by a crack in a residual stress field [16].
Residual stress variation with depth is determined from the measured strains using a series
expansion approach [17]. The unknown residual stresses are written as a series expansion,
σ θ (r ) = ∑ Ai Pi (r ) , (1)
i =1
where the Ai are unknown coefficients, the Pi are some functional series, and r is the slot depth
direction, which for this ring is the radial direction measured from the outer surface in. Then for
each term in the series the strain that would be measured at the strain gage location, the compliance
function Ci, is calculated. Using superposition, the strains for the Eq. 1 stresses can be written as
ε θ (r ) = ∑ Ai Ci (r ) . (2)
Finally, a least-squares fit is performed between the measured strains and those given by Eq. 2,
resulting in the coefficients Ai and, hence, the stresses from Eq. 1. The least squares fit makes this
inversion procedure very tolerant of noise and errors in the strain measurements.
On the surface of the ring, thermally compensated strain gages with gage lengths of 0.81 mm
were mounted so that one gage would be as close as possible to the cut and the other would be about
1 mm farther away, see Fig. 1. A quarter-bridge circuit was used to read the strains. A slot was made
in 100 µm depth increments using wire electric discharge machining (wire EDM) while the
specimen was submerged in 20° C de-ionized water. The machine was set for a fine surface finish to
minimize the recast layer. A 50 µm diameter tungsten wire was used for cutting the first slot and
made a slot about 89 µm wide. The cutting was 600
stopped when the wire broke at 1.35 mm depth. gage1
The strains measured during this test are shown in gage2
Strain (µε)
Fig. 2. A second cut was made at a set of gages 400 fit
120° circumferentially away from the first cut 300
using a larger wire, a 100 µm diameter zinc-coated 200
wire, in order to cut deeper. The 110 µm wide slot
was stopped at 2.8 mm depth when the strain 100
reading began to level off. 0
The stresses were expressed (Eq. 1) as a Fourier
series to improve the stability of the fit near the 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
domain endpoints, which is a commonly observed Depth (mm)
problem with polynomial expansions [13]. The Figure 2. Strains measured during cutting of
compliance functions were calculated using a first slot and fit given by Eq. 2.
numerical solution for a finite-width rectangular
slot in a semi-infinite medium [18]. The actual slot has a round bottom, but this has no effect on the
compliances for the gage locations used in these tests [19]. Approximating the curved ring as
locally flat is acceptable because the maximum slot depth (2.8 mm) is small compared to the radius
of curvature (28.5 mm). All of the measured strains were used in the least squares fit except the first
few measured by the more distant gage because of their low magnitude. The strains given by Eq. 2
after the fit are shown in Fig. 2 for the first cut. Errors in the stress prediction are estimated using a
Monte Carlo analysis and used to select the appropriate expansion order [20]. A four-term Fourier
series was optimal for the shallow cut, and eight terms were used for the deeper cut.
The use of wire EDM to measure residual stress has been extensively studied [12]. Analysis
revealed no EDM effect on our measurements of the ring. This is probably because we used a “fine
surface finish,” or “skim cut,” setting. It may also have resulted from using new anti-electrolysis
power source, which is supposed to improve the integrity of the machined surface.
X-ray. Residual hoop stresses were measured along the axial direction on the outer ring surface
(see Fig. 1) for comparison with crack-compliance measurements and model predictions. The
residual stresses were determined using the classical x-ray (d vs. sin2ψ) diffraction technique [21]
and a diffracting plane (222) in the high angle region of 2θ ≈ 137o. These measurements were made
using a Huber stress goniometer with X-rays generated from an 18 kW Scintag rotating anode and
Cu radiation (wavelength ≈ 1.54Å). A 3 mm diameter collimator was used, and the distance from
the sample surface to the tip of the collimator was 40 mm. Stresses were mapped at seven positions
across the surface using an increment of 3 mm. Measurements in positive and negative ψ tilts
confirmed that shear stresses were not present. The ψ angles ranged from 0 to 60o in increments of
15o. The average stress from the six measurement points in the central region of the surface, which
were fairly constant, was compared with the crack compliance measurements and the model.
The modeling strategy adopted here couples differential equations for phase evolution with a
multiphase macroscopic state variable material model. The state variable model is based on a
mixture theory wherein we characterize the mechanical behavior of individual phases and sum their
behavior to obtain the macroscopic response [22,23]. This elastic-plastic constitutive behavior of
the individual phases is highly nonlinear [24]. The reader is referred to Prantil et al. [22] for details
beyond what is covered below and to Denis [25] for a review of phase transformation interactions.
The hypoelastic stress rate, an objective Jaumann rate, is related through Hooke’s law to the
elastic strain rate:
that accounts for variations in phase properties and transformation volume change [26,27,28,29].
Here, φ is the volume fraction of product phase. Transformation strains are both temperature and
carbon dependent. The integrated TRIP strain varies sigmoidally with volume fraction as shown in
Fig. 3. In low carbon steels, this integrated contribution to the strain is significant; i.e. it approaches
the order of the dilatational thermal strains when the deviatoric stress components exceed 100 MPa.
For this application, Eq. 4 has been fit to data obtained from quench dilatometer specimens under
compressive loading. The deviatoric stress is the proportionality constant coupling the TRIP strain
rate to the transformation rate
This model is joined with a new approach to simulating phase transformation kinetics [30]. The
kinetic rate equations for each product phase are derived using a thermodynamic formulation and fit
to experimental data. Below, the volume fraction of austenite, ferrite, pearlite, bainite and
martensite are denoted by Φa, Φf, Φp, Φb, and Φm respectively. The temperature is given by θ and
the carbon concentration by C. A fundamental balance results in the following system of equations
for phase evolution which couples naturally to the differential equations governing the mechanical
and thermal analyses of the quench history:
dΦ f
α β
= v f (C ,θ )Φ f f Φ f f Φ f , final (C ,θ ) − Φ f }
dΦ p ,b α β
= v p ,b (C ,θ )Φ p ,pb,b Φ p ,pb,b
dΦ m 0; θ > M s (C ), , (5)
− v m (C ,θ )Φ m Φ m ; θ < M s (C )
αm βm
Φ f , p,b,m (0 ) = 0.0001
Φa = 1 − Φ f − Φ p − Φb − Φ m )
Figure 4. Predicted and measured CCT curves. where the functions ν(C,θ) as well as the α and
β constants are material dependent quantities that are determined for each material using time
temperature transformation (TTT), continuous cooling transformation (CCT) data, and by studying
the influence of stress on the kinetics through compression and tension experiments. An example of
a typical CCT prediction is shown in Fig. 4.
This work addresses application of the constitutive model, DANTE, developed for the Heat
Treatment Distortion Project (HTDP) at the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS)
[31]. Under this program, an extensive series of tests were performed to fit both the single phase
plasticity [32] and transformation kinetics models. These models have been implemented as a User
Material (UMAT) Interface to the ABAQUS finite element code [33].
The axisymmetric finite element mesh of the ring specimen consisted of 380 quadrilateral
elements with finer discretization used near the carburized case. The ABAQUS four-node linear
displacement element CAX4 was used for the mechanical analysis and the corresponding heat
transfer and mass diffusion element DCAX4 was used for the carburization and thermal analyses.
The calculated carbon profile was in excellent agreement with the carbon concentration measured to
approximately 1 mm depth using a microprobe [31]. Thermal boundary conditions were obtained by
applying measured surface temperatures to a finite element model and computing surface heat
fluxes which are then converted to an equivalent set of surface heat transfer coefficients. The
resulting thermal field is provided as input to the mechanical analysis.
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