Banaria V Banaria 2020

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3Republir of tbe tlbilippines

~upreme Ql:ourt



Petitioner, Present:

PERALTA, CJ, Chairperson,

- versus - CAGUIOA, Working Chairperson,
REYES, J. JR., and
X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


REYES, J. JR., J.:

This resolves the petition for review on certiorari' filed under Rule 45
of the Rules of Civil Procedure seeking to review the Decision dated
October 15, 2014 of the Honorable Com1 of Appeals (Special First Division)

Designated additional member in lieu of Associate Justice Amy Lazaro-Javier per Raffle dated April 22,
Rollo, p. 17-33 .
Penned by Associate Justice Samue l H. Gaerlan (now a Member of the Court), with Associate .Justices
Apolinario D. Bruselas, Jr., and Amy C. Lazaro-Javier (also now a Member of the Court); id. at 34-49.
Decision 2 G.R. No. 217806

in CA-G.R. No. 97264, denying the appeal of herein petitioner by affirming

with modification the Judgment 3 dated May 23, 2011 rendered by the
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 216 (Quezon City) in Civil Case No. Q-
0452212, and its Resolution dated April 14, 2015, denying petitioner's
motion for reconsideration.

The Antecedents
The instant petition arose from the Complaint filed by respondents for
Damages with the RTC of Quezon City against petitioner.

As borne by the records of the case, respondents are brother

(Marcelino S. Banaria), sister (Paulina Banaria-Gelido ), sons (Ernesto A.
Banaria and Panfilo A. Banaria), daughters (Gracia Severa Banaria-Espiritu
and Reina Clara Banaria-Magtoto ), granddaughters (Gracia Isabelita
Banaria-Espiritu, Anne Marie Espiritu-Pappania, Maria Lourdes Divine
Banaria-Duran), and grandsons (Geoffrey Banaria-Espiritu and Justin
Banaria-Espiritu) of the late Pasacasio S. Banaria, Sr. (Pascasio), while
petitioner Adelaida C. Navarro-Banaria (Adelaida) is the legal wife of
Pascasio and stepmother of the Banaria siblings. 5

Pascasio, the family patriarch, at the time of the filing of the

complaint, was already frail and suffering from physical and mental
infirmity incapacitating him to fully functioning on his own without any
assistance. 6

The act.ion for damages of respondents stemmed from the alleged bad
faith, malice, and deliberate failure of Adelaida to keep her word and honor
her promise to bring Pascasio to his 90 birthday celebration held on
February 22, 2004. Such special event was prepared by the respondents and
the non-appearance of Pascasio during the event allegedly caused loss and
injury to the respondents.7

Respondents alleged that the planning of the event started as early as

February 2003 or a year before the planned 90th bi1ihday celebration to be
held on February 22, 2004. Between November 2003 and January 2004,
respondents were in continuous contact with Adelaida to remind her of the
upcoming event. Adelaida, for her part, confirmed Pascasio's attendance
during the event although it coincides with the death anniversary of
Adelaida's mother. The plan was to bring Pascasio to the venue in the early
morning of February 22, 2004 before proceeding to her hometown in Tarlac.

RTC Decision was not attached.

Penned by Associate Justice Samuel H. Gaerlan (now a member of the Court), with Associate Justices
Apolinario D. Bru5elas, Jr., and Amy C. Lazaro-Javier (now a member of the Court); rollo, pp. 50-53 .
Rollo, p. 35.
Decision 3 G.R. No. 217806

Adelaida promised respondents that she will try her best to attend the
birthday celebration in the evening after going to Tarlac. 8

On February 13, 2004, Reina and Gracia Severa, who are both
residing in the United States, arrived in the country to attend the bi1ihday
celebration of their father. They were able to visit their father and Adelaida
in their home on February 14 and 15, 2004. Adelaida promised them during
their visit that Pascasio would be present in his scheduled 90 birthday

However, much to the dismay of the Banaria siblings as well as their

guests, Pascasio was nowhere to be found in his 90 birthday celebration.
Respondents continuously called Adelaida but they were not able to contact
her. Almost 200 guests were at the venue waiting for Pascasio to come. The
siblings deemed it proper to continue the celebration even without the
birthday celebrant himself. Worried that there might be something untoward
that happened to their father, respondents went to the nearest police station
to report Pascasio as a missing person. However, they were advised by the
police officers that before a person can be considered missing, there should
be a 24-hour waiting period. Thus, respondents just entered their concern in
the police blotter. The next day, the missing person repmi was officially
made after Pascasio and Adelaida have not been seen or heard for more than
24 hours. 10

Respondents called and went to the Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC), where Adelaida works but they failed to see her there.
Afterwards, respondent Paulina was able to talk to one of Adelaida's maids
named Kit. Kit told Paulina that she went to Tarlac with Pascasio and
Adelaida in the morning of February 21, 2004 but went their separate ways
upon reaching said province. However, when asked about the whereabouts
of Pascasio and Adelaida, she said that she did not know where they were.

In the evening of February 23, 2004, Marcelino, Pascasio's brother,

told the other respondents that Pascasio and Adelaida were at their residence
then at 7-B Sigma Drive, Alpha village, Quezon City. Respondents went to
the said place to ask Adelaida her reason why Pascasio was not able to
attend the birthday celebration. Adelaida reasoned that Pascasio did not want
to go to the party. When asked why Adelaida broke her commitment to
bring Pascasio to the paiiy, Adelaida uttered the words, "I am the wife."

Thus, the Complaint for Damages filed by respondents against


Id. at 36.
JO Id.
Id. at 37.
12 Id.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 217806

In response, Adelaida rebutted the allegations of the respondents by

saying that she was not privy to the respondents' planned birthday
celebration for Pascasio. She also said that she deemed it wise to spare
Pascasio of the embanassment and humiliation of defecating and urinating
without regard to the people around him brought about by his advanced
age. 13

Eventually, the RTC rendered its May 23, 2011 Decision, which
ordered petitioner to pay the respondents' travel expenses, actual damages,
moral damages, exemplary damages, and attorney's fees. The fallo 14 of the
decision reads:

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, judgment

is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiffs and against the defendant Adelaida
C. Navarro-Banaria ordering said defendant to pay unto the plaintiffs the

1. the total amount of $3,619.00 (US Dollars) which may be paid in

Philippine Currency computed at the exchange rate at the time of payment,
representing the total sum for their (plaintiffs) travel expenses;

2. the amount of P61,200.00, Philippine currency, for the food and

refreshments spent during the birthday of Pascasio S. Banaria, Sr., which the
latter was not able to attend; the amount of P3,000.00 for the birthday cake;
and the amount oH:.!3,275.00 for the balloon arrangements;

3. the amount of P60,000.00, Philippine Currency, for each and every

plaintiff, as and by way of moral damages;

4. the amount of PS0,000.00, Philippine Currency, for the herein

plaintiffs, as and by way of exemplary damages;

5. the amount of P60,000.00, Philippine Currency, as and by way of

attorney's fees; and

the costs of suit.


Aggrieved, petitioner elevated the case to the Court of Appeals,

which, through the assailed October 15, 2014 Decision, affirmed with
modification the Decision of the RTC. The fallo 15 of the decision of the
appellate court reads:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal is hereby

DENIED. The Judgment dated 23 May 2011 of the Regional Trial Court-
Branch 216 (Quezon City) is AFFIRMED with the following
MODIFICATIONS: a) the amount of $3,619.00 (US Dollars) awarded as
actual damages in favor of the plaintiffs-appellees is DELETED for lack of

fd. at 38.
Id. at 48-49.
Decision 5 G.R. No. 217806

factual and legal basis; b) the amount of moral damages awarded for ALL
the plaintiffs-appellees is REDUCED to a fixed amount of Php300,000.00;
c) the amount of exemplary damages awarded in favor of the plaintiffs-
appellees is REDUCED to Php30,000.00; and d) the amount of attorney's
fees awarded to plaintiffs-appellees is likewise REDUCED to phpS0,000.00.

The rest of the challenged Judgment stands.


Despite petitioner's motion for reconsideration, the CA affirmed its

October 15, 2014 Decision via the April 14, 2015 Resolution.

Hence, this petition.

The Issues

The petitioner anchors her prayer for the reversal of the October 15,
2014 Decision and the April 14, 2015 Resolution based on the following

A. Whether the Hon. Court of Appeals erred in ruling that

petitioner violated Articles 19 and 21 of the Civil Code
regarding Human Relations; and

B. Whether the Hon. Court of Appeals erred m granting

damages to the respondents.

The Court's Ruling

After a careful perusal of the arguments presented and the evidence

submitted, the Comi finds no merit in the petition.

Petitioner contends that she did not commit any violation under
Article 19 of the Civil Code by alleging that the testimonies of the
respondents were pure sunnises and conjectures. Aside from that, petitioner
avers that respondents failed to prove bad faith, malice and ill motive on her
part. Because of this, petitioner posits that there can be no award of actual,
moral and exemplary damages under the principle of damnum absque
injuria or damage without injury since her legal right was not exercised in
bad faith and with no intention to injure another.

Article 19 of the Civil Code provides that every person in the exercise
of his rights and in the performance of his duties must act with justice, give
everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith. The principle
embodied in this provision is more commonly known as the "abuse of right
principle." The legal consequence should anyone violate this fundamental
Decision 6 G.R. No. 217806

provision is found in Articles 20 and 21 of the Civil Code. The correlation

between the two provisions are showed in the case of GF EQUITY, Inc. v.
Valenzona, to wit:

[Article 19], known to contain what is commonly referred to as the

principle of abuse of rights, sets certain standards which must be
observed not only in the exercise of one's rights but also in the
performance of one's duties. These standards are the following: to act
with justice; to give everyone his due; and to observe honesty and
good faith. The law, therefore, recognizes a primordial limitation on all
rights; that in their exercise, the norms of human conduct set forth in
Article 19 must be observed. A right, though by itself legal because
recognized or granted by law as such, may nevertheless become
the source of some illegality. When a right is exercised in a manner
which does not conform with the norms enshrined in Article 19
and results in damage to another, a legal wrong is thereby
committed for which the wrongdoer must be held responsible. But
while Article 19 lays down a rule of conduct for the government of
human relations and for the maintenance of social order, it does not
provide a remedy for its violation. Generally, an action for damages
under either Article 20 or Article 21 would be proper. 16 (Emphasis

While Article 19 of the New Civil Code may have been intended as a
mere declaration of principle, the "cardinal law on human conduct"
expressed in said article has given rise to certain rules, e.g., that where a
person exercises his rights but does so arbitrarily or unjustly or performs his
duties in a manner that is not in keeping with honesty and good faith, he
opens himself to liability. The elements of an abuse of rights under Article
19 are: (1) there is a legal right or duty; (2) which is exercised in bad faith;
(3) for the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring another. 17

Consequently, when Article 19 is violated, an action for damages is

proper under Article 20 and 21 of the New Civil Code. Article 20 pertains to
damages arising from a violation of law. 18

For starters, there is no question that as legal wife and guardian of

Pascasio, who is physically and mentally infirm, Adelaida has the principal
and overriding decision when it comes to the affairs of her husband
including the celebration of the latter's 90th birthday.

However, it must be noted Adelaida's right, as with any rights, cannot

be exercised without limitation. The exercise of this right must conform to
the exacting standards of conduct enunciated in Article 19. Adelaida was
clearly remiss in this aspect.

50 1 Phil l53, 166 (2005).
Metroheights Subdivision Homeowners Association, Inc. v. CMS Construction and Development
Corp., G .R. No. 209359, October 17, 20 18.
Nikko Hotel Manila Garden v. Reyes, 492 Phil 6 15, 627 (2005).
Decision 7 G.R. No . 217806

Glaring is the fact that long before the scheduled date of Pascasio's
90 birthday celebration, Adelaida was already informed about the event. As
early as February 2003 or a year before the scheduled event, Adelaida was
already reminded of the event by the respondents to which she confirmed
Pascasio's attendance. Even though Adelaida alleges that she was not privy
to any birthday celebration for Pascasio, the fact remains that she was
continuously informed and reminded about the scheduled event. She even
contributed PS,000.00 for the costs.

Following Adelaida's testimony that Pascasio had already decided not

to attend his birthday celebration a day before such event, she should have
contacted the respondents immediately for the respondents to be able to take
appropriate action. Adelaida knew fully well that the respondents already
spent a considerable amount of money and earnest efforts were already made
to ensure the success of the event. The least that Adelaida could have done
was to inform the respondents immediately of any unforeseen circumstance
that would hinder its success and to ave1i any further damage or injury to the
respondents. Moreover, considering that numerous guests were invited and
have confirmed their attendance, she placed the respondents in a very
embarrassing situation.

Instead of making good on her prior commitment, Adelaida allegedly

followed Pascasio's wish of going to Tarlac and arrived thereat in the
afternoon of February 21, 2004. At that time, Adelaida still had the
opp01iunity to contact the respondents and inform them that they will not be
able to come, but she did not. Her excuse, that Pascasio grabbed her cellular
phone and caused damage to it, is feeble and unrealistic. We find incredulous
that Pascasio, who was allegedly infirm, would be able to grab the cellphone
from Adelaida and throw it away, when he cannot even move on his own
without any assistance. And even if true, there are certainly other means of
communication aside from her cellphone if she really wanted to call the

Adelaida also neglected to contact the respondents immediately after

their return to Manila on February 23, 2004. If she was sincere in bringing
Pascasio to his bi1ihday celebration, then she would have immediately called
the respondents upon returning to Manila to inform them of their
whereabouts and to state the reason for Pascasio non-attendance.

We find it dubious that Pascasio would refuse to attend his birthday

celebration. Respondents have sufficiently established that it was an annual
tradition for the famiiy to celebrate the bi1ihday of their father Pascasio.
Besides, the allegation that Pascasio refused to attend his birthday
celebration because of an alleged misunderstanding with his two sons was
not duly proven. Common sense dictates that he should have conveyed about
the matter to Reina and Gracia Severa when they visited him on February 14
and 15, 2004, but he did not.
Decision 8 G.R. No. 217806

All in all, the foregoing shows that Adelaida intentionally failed to

bring Pascasio to the birthday celebration prepared by the respondents thus
violating Article 19 of the Civil Code on the principle of abuse of right. Her
failure to observe good faith in the exercise of her right as the wife of
Pascasio caused loss and injury on the part of the respondents, for which
they must be compensated by way of damages pursuant to Article 21 of the
Civil Code.

Actual damages are compensation for an injury that will put the
injured party in the position where he/she was before the injury. They pertain
to such injuries or losses that are actually sustained and susceptible of
measurement. Except as provided by law or stipulation, a party is entitled to
adequate compensation only for such pecuniary loss as is duly proven. Basic
is the rule that to recover actual damages, not only must the amount of loss
be capable of proof; it must also be actually proven with a reasonable degree
of ce1iainty, premised upon competent proof or the best evidence
obtainable. 19

We find proper the modification made by the CA to delete the award

of $3,619.00 (US Dollars) as actual damages for lack of factual and legal
bases. We also agree that actual damages in the amount of P61,200.00 for
the food and refreshments spent during the birthday of Pascasio, the amount
of !!3,000.00 for the birthday cake and the amount of P3,275.00 for the
balloon arrangements should be paid as these expenses were incurred by
respondents for Pascasio's grand birthday celebration.

As for moral damages, the CA is correct in granting a lump sum of

P300,000.00. Moral damages are not punitive in nature but are designed to
compensate and alleviate in some way the physical suffering, mental
anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings,
moral shock, social humiliation, and similar injury unjustly caused to a
person. In the instant case, the respondents clearly suffered serious anxiety,
humiliation and embarrassment in front of all guests who expected that
Pascasio would be present in the event.

The award of exemplary damages of 1!30,000.00 is likewise affinned.

Exemplary damages, which are awarded by way of example or correction
for the public good, may be recovered if a person acted in
a wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or malevolent manner towards
another party, as in this case.2 The aim of awarding exemplary damages is to
deter serious wrongdoings. 22

International Container Terminal Services v. Chua, 730 Phil. 475,489 (2014).
l ee v. People, G.R. No. 205746 (Notice), April 3, 201 3.
Japan Airlines v. Simangan, 575 Phil. 359, 377 (2008).
Air France v. Gil/ego, 653 Phil. 138, 153 (20 I0).
Decision 9 G.R. No. 217806

By the same token, the CA correctly awarded attorney's fees in the

amount of P50,000.00 in favor of the respondents considering that they were
constrained to file a case because of petitioner's acts characterized by bad
faith, malice and wanton attitude which were intentional to inflict damage
upon the former.

WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The Decision dated

October 15, 2014 of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED.




Associate Justice
Decision 10 G.R. No. 217806


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the
conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the
case was assigned to the wiiter of the opinion of ,


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