Origins of Sports Medicine Info

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– Written by Emin Ergen, Qatar

Sports medicine has always been difficult Over the last century, in many countries profession to address this problem and is
to define because it involves a wide scope around the world there has been a considered to be the science of diagnosis,
of healthcare for professional athletes and growing need – and therefore interest – in treatment and prevention of diseases.
recreationally active individuals. It provides sports medicine. This is due to increased These fundamental practices date back
them with diagnostic, curative, rehabilitative participation in physical activity following thousands of years. Medicine was probably
and preventive medical services. Athletes many national projects promoting health first institutionalised by the Ancient
and active individuals demand expertise and and exercise. The aim of this article is to Egyptians. The earliest known physician is an
sport-specific knowledge, for issues varying give a historical background to the areas of Egyptian, Imhotep (2980 BCE), whose name
from musculoskeletal to environmental medicine and science which have developed was given to a temple university in Men-Nefer
stresses; cardiological to dermatological into sports medicine and sports science. (Memphis), where (the so-called ‘father of
and endocrinological to psychological. The Attempting to identify the origins of sports medicine’) Hippocrates studied. In those days,
moral, legal and health-related challenges medicine requires a look at mainstream the fertile soil of the River Nile was called ke-
(such as doping) surrounding professional medicine. Furthermore, as medicine is a meth (watered wet brown soil), while Ancient
athletes further contributes to the unique scientific discipline, its relation to other Egyptian physicians were known as sunu or
and complex picture presented to the areas – especially sports sciences, should be swnw (pronounced ‘sewnew’). Sunus were
doctors who treat them. Finally, prevention defined. Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) priest-magician-
is an area of increasingly specialised physicians or healers. The combination of the
interest, knowledge and expertise. Many HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF MEDICINE AND two terms; ke-met sunu is pronounced as met-
believe that sports medicine will make its SPORTS MEDICINE sunu (ke is the article and not pronounced
most significant contributions in the area The question “how to live healthily?” with met) which is very close to the Latin
of prevention. The benefit to health and is very old. The issue of healthy living is term medicina and may have been adopted
quality of life from participation in physical directly related to diseases, diagnosis and by ancient Greek scholars, then transformed
activity – at all levels – is clearly apparent. treatment. Therefore, medicine is the oldest into Latin over time.

Image: The Edwin Smith papyrus, the world's oldest surviving surgical document. Written in hieratic script in ancient Egypt around 1600
BC, the text describes anatomical observations and the examination, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of 48 types of medical problems in
exquisite detail. Jeff Dahl, PD-Old-100 Wikimedia Commons.

In India, a collection of texts including century AD by Ibn Abillsaibial. The work century BCE, who is thought to have been
therapeutic exercises called ‘Arthava Veda’ was known as Kitab Shah Shun al-Hindi in one of Hippocrates’ teachers.
can be found in written sources around Arabic or alternatively as Kitab i-Susurud. The Ancient Greek physicians including
8th century BCE. Unfortunately, little is The 9th century Persian physician Rhazes Hippocrates and Galenos and also the
known of this rich cultural heritage. For was familiar with the text. Obesity was Islamic physician Ibn-I Sina (Avicenna),
example, Susruta (600 BCE) left important known to Susruta, who related it to diabetes were able to dissociate medicine from
information on the relationship between and heart disorder. He recommended religion to a more secular practice. These
health and activity. Susruta was an ancient physical work to help cure it and its side three pioneers of modern medicine served
Indian surgeon commonly credited as the effects. their profession well by documenting their
author of the treatise Sushruta Samhita. He The evolution of medicine has shown observations and differentiating medicine
is dubbed the ‘founding father of surgery’ a distinct characteristic which is based from the metaphysic. That is why, in English,
and the Sushruta Samhita is identified as upon – and entirely dependent on – human ‘physician’ refers to a medical doctor –
one of the key historical commentaries health. For example, wrapping a corpse with someone who is studying the exact nature
on the medical science of surgery. He is linens for mummification has probably of a disease. In other words, physicians
said to have been a physician originally lead to taping and bandaging for fixation study matter and energy in physical terms
of South India, who practised in Varanasi of broken and injured extremities in later related to health and health disorders.
and lived some time between the period years. Relating medicine to exercise (more The term ‘science’ is derived from
of 1200 to 600 BCE. The Sushruta Samhita specifically sport), the first use of therapeutic the Latin word ‘scientia’ which means
was translated into Arabic during the 8th exercise is credited to Herodicus in the 5th ‘knowledge of something’. More specifically,


Image: Page of text from the Susrutasamhita, an ayurvedic textbook, on various surgical procedures and surgical instruments. The text
presents itself as the teachings of Dhanvantari, King of Kasi (Benares) to his pupil Susruta. PD-Old-100 Wikimedia Commons.

‘scire’ or ‘scindere’ in Latin means ‘to know, medicine has been multidisciplinary – with (980 AD) and died in Hamedan (1037 AD). He
distinguish or seperate something from an obligation not only to treat injuries, became a doctor at the age of 19 and wrote
another’. Until the Enlightenment, the but also to instruct and prepare athletes1. 450 papers of which 240 are available today
word science referred to any systematic Galen went to Rome in 162 AD and made and 40 are related to medicine. His two
or exact recorded knowledge. Philosophy his mark as a practicing physician. He famous books in medicine are Kitabü's-Sifa
was moral science and others were natural observed the effects of a sedentary lifestyle (‘Book of Healing’) and El-Kanun fi't-Tıb (‘Law
sciences. More recently, science has come to and the health consequences of inactivity, of Medicine’). El-Kanun fi’t-Tıb was the main
be restricted to ‘natural science’ only, which e.g. obesity. Galen’s treatise ‘On the exercise textbook in many European medical schools
is then divided into physical and biological with the small ball’ (medicine ball today) until 1650.
sciences, with social science also included has been welcomed by scholars of ancient Ibn-I Sina (Avicenna) gives examples of
as a ‘soft’ science as it uses scientific sports for its description of ball games and healthy lifestyle (including exercises) in the
methodology1. also by scholars of ancient medicine for its Law of Medicine.
We have to ask ourselves whether discussion of the benefits of exercise. Galen He also classified the sciences as:
medicine is a scientific discipline or not? argues that everyone should engage in • El-ilm ül-esfel (natural sciences)
Remember back to a childhood visit to a games of this type. • Mabad-üt-tabia (metaphysics)
doctor and it may be argued that medicine He recommends: “take fresh air, get a • El-ilm'üll-âli (logic)
is a clinical practice only. There is however, good sleep, eat and drink properly, control • El-ilm ül-evsat (mathematics)
a heavy research component via clinical emotions and empty bowels once a day!” Girolamo Mercuriale’s book De Arte
studies, therefore, some medical scholars He adds: “no activity is exercise unless you Gymnastica is considered to be the first
have emphasised that medicine is: ‘the art become breathless”. comprehensive book explaining human
of healing using scientific methods’. The Of course, it is not only the ancient movement, while Ramazzini can be
term ‘doctor’ in Latin is another word for Egyptian physicians or Hippocrates regarded as the ‘father of occupational
describing a physician and means teacher – and Galen who have contributed to the medicine’ for his work De Morbis Artificum
someone who teaches how to stay healthy development of sports medicine. There Diatriba (‘Dieases of Workers’)4.
or what to do when sick2. are other famous physicians as well. Ibn-I Santorio Santorius was a friend of Galileo
In the 2nd century AD, the first ‘team Sina (Avicenna 980 to 1036), Gerolamo and Professor of Medicine at Padua, and
doctor’, Galen (also known as Claudius Mercuriale (1530 to 1606), Santorio Santorius was one of the first researchers on human
Galenos; 131 to 201 AD), was appointed as (1561 to 1636) and Bernardino Ramazzini metabolism. He used innovative techniques
doctor of the gladiators in the Pergamum (1633 to 1714) were just some of the doctors for his studies, recording changes in
Kingdom. The physician only became who also practiced sports medicine by daily body temperature with the first air
involved if there was an injury. Whether developing techniques to promote health thermometer. He also measured pulse rates
or not there was good communication and fitness and ensuring the safety and with Galileo’s ‘pulsilogium’ (pulsiometer).
between the trainer-coach and the well-being of everyone who participated in Ever inventive, Santorius studied digestion
team physician back then is a matter of athletic competition3. by constructing a wooden frame that
speculation, what was clear, however, Avicenna (Ibn-I Sina) is an eminent name supported a chair, bed and work table.
was that from the very beginning, sports in medicine. He was Persian, born in Buhara Suspended from the ceiling with scales, the

frame recorded changes in weight. For 30
years, Santorius slept, ate, worked and even
engaged in sexual activity in the weighing
contraption to regularly record how much
his weight changed as he ate, fasted or
excreted. He invented the term ‘insensible
perspiration’ to account for differences
in body weight, because he believed that
weight was gained or lost through the pores
during respiration. Often depriving himself
of food and drink, Santorius determined that
the daily change in body mass approached
1.25 kg. Santorius’ book of aphorisms, De
Medicina Statica Aphorismi (1614 AD),
received worldwide attention and acclaim.
Although he did not explain the role of
nutrition in weight gain or loss, Santorius
nevertheless inspired later researchers in
metabolism, particularly during the 18th
August Bier (1861 to 1949), a pioneer of
anaesthesiology and Arlie V. Bock (1888
to 1984), who studied circulatory and
blood responses to exercise, were also key
figures in implementing sports medicine
as a formal field of study in Europe and the
United States, respectively. Image: Ibn Sina (Avicenna). PD-Old-100 Wikimedia Commons.
The list of other researchers who,
although not directly related to exercise,
contributed largely to human physiology in
general includes:
• Luigi Galvani (1737 to 1798, muscular • F rederick Gowland Hopkins (1861 altitude physiology and muscular fatigue.
electrical potentials). to 1947, vitamins and amino acids – Using traces recorded with the ergograph
• Alessandro Volta (1745 to 1827, won the Nobel Prize in Experimental (concentric contractions of the flexor
physiological tetanus). Physiology). muscles of the middle finger that were
• William Beaumont (1785 to 1853, • Francis Gano Benedict (1870 to 1957, volitionally or electrically stimulated), he
digestion). metabolism and heat exchange during was able to characterise muscle fatigue
• James Lind (1716 to 1794, seamen’s exercise). and associate its occurrence with central
nutrition and immunity). Italian physiologist Angelo Mosso (1846 or peripheral influences. He showed
• Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743 to 1794, to 1910) holds a significant place in the that exercise would increase muscular
metabolism, nutrition and exercise history of exercise physiology. At the first strength and endurance while delaying
physiology). International Congress of Physiologists in the occurrence of fatigue – which he
• Justus von Liebig (1803 to 1873, proteins Basel, Switzerland 1889, Mosso discussed postulated was a chemical process that
in exercise and strength). his findings on muscular fatigue while involved the production of toxic substances
• Claude Bernard (1813 to 1878, homeostasis demonstrating the function of an ergograph such as carbonic acid. The phenomenon of
– metabolism during exercise). (work recorder). After receiving his degree in contracture was described and his collective
• Edward Smith (1819 to 1874, closed circuit Medicine and Surgery from Turin, Italy in studies led to the formulation of laws
spirometry). 1870, Mosso was able to study and interact pertaining to exhaustion and to the 1891
• Emil du Bois Reymond (1818 to 1896, with renowned physiologists Wilhelm publication of La Fatica (Fatigue). Besides La
neuromuscular physiology). Ludwig, Emil Du Bois-Reymond, Hugo Fatica, Mosso is remembered as a scientist
• August Chaveau (1827 to 1917, heat Kronecker and Etienne Marey. By 1879, with a love for physiology, a concern for the
production during muscular work). he was a Professor of Physiology at the social welfare of his countrymen and as
• Adolf Fick (1829 to 1901, myotonography). University of Turin, where he conducted one who sought to integrate physiological,
• Russel Henry Chittenden (1856 to 1943, research pertaining to blood circulation, philosophical and psychological concepts in
low-protein diet). respiration, physical education, high- his experimental studies.


At the same time, work was also being

performed in North America, especially in the
USA. The first article on exercise physiology
was published in 1855 in the USA (Byford
WH. On the physiology of exercise. Am J Med
Sci 1855). Dudley A. Sargent (1849 to 1924),
the Director of Hemenway Gymnasium at
Harvard University, developed a system for
physical examination including strength
testing and anthropometric measurements.
He also designed individual exercise
programmes based on this data. His Sargent
Jump Test is still in use today. Atwater and
Bryant (1900) studied boat crew members
from Harvard and Yale and found a typical
diet consisted of 15.6% protein, 40.7% fat,
44.2% carbohydrates, totalling 4085 Kcal/
day. The inception of the Modern Olympic
Games in the 1890s and the formation of
the International Olympic Committee in
1894 may have stimulated some interest in
exercise physiology and sports physiology, in
parallel to other medical disciplines, which
also influenced the development of sports
In Europe, August Krogh (1874 to 1949),
from Denmark (who was interested in
science from an early age and wrote his
first work with Christian Bohr, inventor of
the tonometer), collected data relevant to
‘the Greenhouse Effect’. Krogh and Bohr
published work in 1904 demonstrating that
when carbon dioxide binds to haemoglobin,
it decreases the affinity of haemoglobin
for oxygen (thus promoting unloading of
O2) – ‘the Bohr Effect’. They showed that
oxygen passes from alveolus to capillary
via passive diffusion in 1906. Archibald V.
Image: Reproduction of De Arte Gymnastica by Girolamo Mercuriale. PD-Old-100 Wikimedia
Hill and Otto Meyerhof shared the 1922 Commons.
Nobel Prize with their studies on muscle
glycolytic metabolism5,6. All related to
exercise physiology and sports medicine in
The very first attempt to measure
human gas metabolism, while performing The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory including some unpleasant scenarios – like
quantified physical work, can be traced was established in 1927 as part of the walking across the desert with only a donkey
back to the year 1790. Developments in Harvard Business School. Many people and a dog for company. The Harvard Fatigue
ergometery in the 19th and 20th centuries credit the Laboratory as the origin of Laboratory was closed in 1947, however
are well documented. Later, in 1929, exercise physiology in the United States. interest in exercise physiology continued
Germans Hugo Wilhelm Knipping and Director David Bruce Dill was interested during the second half of the 20th Century,
Ludolph Brauer were the first to analyse in environmental effects on exercise when the American Physiological Society
cardiopulmonary function during exercise. performance and – among other topics – he began publishing the Journal of Applied
But the first ergospirometry apparatus studied the effects of altitude on exercise Physiology (JAP) in 1948. Krebs and Lipmann
that met all scientific requirements was and thermoregulation during exercise. Dill won the Nobel Prize in 1953 for their study
introduced in 1950s7. was often a subject in his own studies – on the Krebs Cycle and CoEnzyme A.

The term ‘doctor’ in Latin is a word for
describing a physician and means
teacher – someone who teaches how to
stay healthy or what to do when sick.

A greater demand on sport, science and Sports Medicine Federation (FMSI) was issued by the Ministry of Health, which
medicine influenced these spheres to come founded in 1929. During the First Polish regulate on competitive sport activity
together in co-operation and merge into Sports Physicians’ Congress (1937) in (1982), non-competitive sport activity (1983),
sports medicine and sports science. Worochta, the Polish Sports Physicians competitive sport activity for disabled
The world’s first sports medicine Association was established, while the people (1993) and professional sport activity
establishment took shape in Dresden, Finnish Society of Sports Medicine was (1995). Since 1950, it has been mandatory
Germany, in 1911. The ‘First Congress founded in 1939. In 1945, Charles University for all professional and amateur athletes to
for the scientific investigation of sports in Prague (Czech Republic) established the obtain a medical certification for eligibility
and physical exercises’ was held in 1912 first institute of sports medicine in a medical to play sport. In 1971, the Italian Government
(Oberhof, Germany) and the term ‘sports faculty, led by Dr Jiri Kral. Previously, Jan set about safeguarding the health of all
physician’ or ‘sportarzt’ (coined by Arthur Evangelista Purkyne (1850, Czechoslovakia) those practicing sport at competitive and
Mallwitz) was first used in 1913. The first put forward the idea of the favourable effect non-competitive level with laws (regularly
sports medicine journal was published of body training for human health. Along updated) that regulate preventive pre-
by the French Society of Sports Medicine with several important research topics, participation screening in competitive
(SMEPS) in 1922. Further sports-related the first wireless transmission of heart and non-competitive sports. Competitive
medical societies followed suit, publishing frequency and cardiological observations athletes must undergo an annual preventive
journals in 1921 in The Netherlands and in during sport events were studied this screening protocol including a past medical
1922, in Switzerland. Thirty-three physicians institute9. history, clinical evaluation, urinalysis,
from 11 countries participating in the In addition to the above-mentioned electrocardiogram at rest and after a step
2nd Winter Olympic Games in St. Moritz countries, Scandinavian, Mediterranean and test, and pulmonary function tests. This
founded the ‘Association International Balkan Countries also have longstanding evaluation can only be performed by a
Medico Sportive’ (AIMS). In 1934 the name of traditions in sports medicine. board-certified Sports Medicine Physician,
the organisation was changed to ‘Fédération In 1958, after the 2nd World War, the first who is legally responsible for the accuracy
Internationale de Médecine Sportive (FIMS)’. School of Specialisation in Sport Medicine of the assessment and makes the final
FIMS was predominantly a European was established in Milan, Italy, by Professor judgement on eligibility to participate in
organisation until the IOC recognised FIMS Rodolfo Margaria. Today, Italy is one of the sport.
as “the designated competent international few countries with a public system of pre-
organisation for biological and medical participation medical examinations for SPORTS MEDICINE AND SPORT SCIENCES
research to medicine and sport and medical sports activities. In Italy, people playing The division between science and sport
care of athletes”. FIMS was later recognised sport organised by national federations or had two major consequences. Firstly, at the
by the World Health Organisation (WHO) sports promotion bodies have to undertake a end of the century, at a time when sport was
and the International Council of Sports and periodic medical visit to obtain a certification gaining mass popularity, there was very
Physical Education (ICSPE) in 19608. of eligibity to play. The screening tests little scientific interest in boosting athletic
The establishment of further sports and physical examinations are also sport- performance. Secondly, athletes and their
medicine societies followed. The Italian specific. They are listed in special decrees coaches showed little knowledge of, or


interest in, contemporary science. Training first time. In 1894, Marey stated his interest 5. G
arrison FH. An introduction to the
techniques were thus explained according in producing instantaneous photographic history of medicine, 4th.edition. WB
to ‘scientific’ notions about the physiology images of “very strong and competent Saunders, Philadelphia, 1929: 17-105.
of exercise that gave wide latitude to the athletes” and at the 1900 Olympic Games in 6. Hollmann W, Prinz JP. Ergospirometry
idiosyncrasies of various practitioners. Even Paris, he used chronophotography to reveal and its history. Sports Med 1997; 23:93-105.
after 1870, as British physiologists began the motions of the world’s best athletes.
7. Hoberman JM. History of the science of
to catch up with their French and German The high-speed photographs and computer
human performance in sport. Available
counterparts, the term ‘scientific training’ models that enable biomechanics experts from:
was used frequently to refer to the regimens to assist runners and throwers today can be History_sport_science.doc Accessed
devised by individual trainers who spoke in traced back to Marey's work. Biomechanics, August 2016
the most rudimentary scientific terms on therefore, was initiated not with the help
8. Tittel K, Wesseling J. 75 Years FIMS,
the basis of personal observations. This ad of physiologists or physicians, but by
Druckhaus GmbH 2005, Germany.
hoc approach is evident in R.J. Lee's Exercise photographers.
and Training: Their Effects Upon Health Sports medicine is a well-established 9. Novotny V. 50 years' of the Institute of
(1873), which scarcely advances beyond the profession with a long historical Sports Medicine at the Charles University
generalities of Sinclair dating from almost background in health sciences. It can also Medical School on the 650th anniversary
of a century earlier. While maintaining that be as regarded a scientific discipline in co- of its founding. Sb Lek 1999;100:139-154.
exercise is important for “the preservation operation with sport sciences. Sport is a Ergen E. From medicine and science
of health and prevention of disease”, Lee cultural phenomenon. Any related aspect to sports medicine and sport sciences:
admits that physiologists had neglected in sport is observed, measured, evaluated, relations, definitions, historical roots.
training as a scientific field. The founder analysed and documented using techniques Available from:
of performance physiology in Germany, and methods by several scientific disciplines kongres/papers/261.pdf Accessed August
Nathan Zuntz, published on a whole series of – so-called sports science(s). Coaching, 2016.
topics relevant to the biology of the athlete: like clinical medical practice, applies the
circulation, respiration, energy metabolism, information gained through studies in
nutrition, muscular work and altitude sports science. Both serve to benefit active
physiology. In 1899 his son, Leo Zuntz, people and professionals within two distinct
published the first major study on energy perspectives: one pushes the limits, the
metabolism in cycling. In the 1920s, the other protects health within these limits10.
Nobel Prize-Winning muscle physiologist
Archibald V. Hill published several essays
on the integration between his research and
high-performance athletics.
It is clear that some studies in sports
science have been triggered by physiologists
and physicians. This inevitably does not
apply to other sports science disciplines
such as biomechanics. For example, the References
analysis of athletic movement was first Emin Ergen M.D.
1. A
ppelboom T, Rouffin C, Fierens E. Sport
made possible by ‘chronophotography’ and medicine in ancient Greece. Am J Professor of Sports Medicine
invented by the great French physiologist Sports Med 1988; 16:594-596. Al Attar for Physical Medicine,
Etienne-Jules Marey (1830 to 1904). As early Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
2. E
rgen E. Roots of sports
as 1872, Marey’s predecessor, the Anglo- Doha, Qatar
medicine. Available from: http://
American photographer Edward Muybridge,
had photographed horses in motion and in
comarticulos/upload/rev01_162.pdf Secretary General, European Federation of
1879 Muybridge announced that he would
Accessed August 2016. Sports Medicine Associations
apply this technique to “all the imaginable
postures of athletes, horses, oxen, dogs 3. P
eltier LF. Geronimo Mercuriali (1530- Chairman of the Education Commission,
and other animals in movement”. Marey’s 1606) and the first illustrated book on International Federation of Sports
sports medicine. Clin Orthop Relat Res Medicine
chronophotography improved Muybridge’s
work by including the precise time intervals 1985; (198):21-24. Chairman, International Archery
that separated these new and startling Federation Medical Commission
4. Buchanan WW. Bernardino Ramazzini
images of bodies and limbs frozen in time – (1633-1714) physician of tradesmen, and
thereby making human and animal motion possibly one of the "fathers" of sports Contact:
both visible and comprehensible for the medicine. Clin Rheumatol 1991; 10:136-137. [email protected]


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