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23 - Pre Intermediate Test 2

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- Present Simple, Present Continuous - Have/has got - But,

and, however 6. Annie _____ from Ireland.

A) come
1. Where _____ on holidays? B) is coming
A) you go C) comes
B) do you go D) coming
C) do you going
D) are you go

7. We _____ to a party next Saturday.

A) go
2. I _____ to work now. Good-bye! B) goes
A) go C) are going
B) went D) went
C) am going
D) goes

8. She _____ for dinner this evening.

A) come
3. I _____ a book about astrology these days. B) came
A) am reading C) comes
B) read D) is coming
C) am reads
D) reading

9. _____ to go out tonight?

A) Do you want
4. I _____ lots of books every year. B) Are you wanting
A) will read C) Is you want
B) am reading D) Would you want
C) read
D) am going to read

10. I _____ four languages.

A) am speaking
5. Nurses _____ after people in hospital. B) speak
A) looks C) speaks
B) is looking D) am speak
C) will look
D) look

11. Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.

A) is getting up
B) got up
C) get up
D) gets up

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17. Turn the T.V off. No one _____ it!

A) watches
12. Oh, someone _____ in my seat! B) watch
A) is sitting C) is watching
B) sits D) watched
C) will sit
D) sit

18. She is not ready. She _____ her hair.

A) is washing
13. I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I _____ B) washes
C) washed
A) will cook D) wash
B) am cooking
C) cook
D) cooked
19. Derek’s good at golf but he _____ very often.

A) aren’t play
B) isn’t playing
14. Jack’s a policeman but he _____ a uniform.
C) doesn’t play
A) doesn’t wear D) didn’t play
B) isn’t wearing
C) no wear
D) wears
20. The sun _____ in the day time.

A) shine
B) shone
15. I _____ a pain in my leg.
C) is shining
A) has D) shines
B) having
C) have
D) am having
21. In Britain people _____ on the right.

A) are driving
B) drives
16. Mrs. Steele _____ to her boss. I’ll tell her you phoned.
C) drive
A) talked D) drove
B) talks
C) talk
D) is talking
22. This is a great party! Everyone _____.

A) dance
B) is dancing
C) dances
D) are dancing

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23. What _____ in your free time? 27. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on
well together. She likes staying at home in the
A) are you doing evening __(27)__ watching television with parents.
B) do you do __(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to
go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a
C) you do café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out
D) are you do very much these days. My sister is six years older
than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to
save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married
this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__,
we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister
24. How many children _____? __(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair.
__(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s
A) are you do very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.  
B) do you have
A) however
C) do you have got
B) so
C) and
D) because

25. I _____ a shower every morning.

A) have got
B) am having 28. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on
well together. She likes staying at home in the
C) have
evening __(27)__ watching television with parents.
D) has __(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to
go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a
café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out
very much these days. My sister is six years older
than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to
26. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married
well together. She likes staying at home in the this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__,
evening __(27)__ watching television with parents. we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister
__(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to __(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair.
go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a __(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s
café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.  
very much these days. My sister is six years older
than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to A) Because
save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married B) And
this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__,
C) So
we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister
__(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair. D) But
__(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s
very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.  

A) and
B) but
C) so
D) because

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29. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on 31. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on
well together. She likes staying at home in the well together. She likes staying at home in the
evening __(27)__ watching television with parents. evening __(27)__ watching television with parents.
__(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to __(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to
go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a
café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out
very much these days. My sister is six years older very much these days. My sister is six years older
than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to
save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married
this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__, this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__,
we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister
__(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair. __(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair.
__(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s __(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s
very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable. A) very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.  
Because B) And C) So D) But
A) and
A) Because B) so
B) And C) because
C) So D) but
D) But

32. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on

30. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on well together. She likes staying at home in the
well together. She likes staying at home in the evening __(27)__ watching television with parents.
evening __(27)__ watching television with parents. __(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to
__(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a
go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out
café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out very much these days. My sister is six years older
very much these days. My sister is six years older than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to
than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married
save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__,
this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__, we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister
we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister __(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair.
__(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair. __(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s
__(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.  
very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable. A)
however B) so C) because D) and A) However
B) So
A) however
C) But
B) so
D) And
C) because
D) and

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33. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on 35. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on
well together. She likes staying at home in the well together. She likes staying at home in the
evening __(27)__ watching television with parents. evening __(27)__ watching television with parents.
__(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to __(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to
go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a
café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out
very much these days. My sister is six years older very much these days. My sister is six years older
than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to
save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married
this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__, this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__,
we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister
__(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair. __(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair.
__(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s __(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s
very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.   very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.  

A) so A) but
B) because B) so
C) and C) however
D) however D) and

34. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on 36. My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on
well together. She likes staying at home in the well together. She likes staying at home in the
evening __(27)__ watching television with parents. evening __(27)__ watching television with parents.
__(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to __(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to
go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a
café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out café. I have exams soon, __(29)__ I’m not going out
very much these days. My sister is six years older very much these days. My sister is six years older
than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She’s trying to
save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married save some money __(31)__ she’s going to get married
this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__, this year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__,
we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister
__(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair. __(33)__ we both have brown eyes __(34)__ dark hair.
__(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s __(35)__, we are very different in character. She’s
very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.   very quiet, __(36)__ I’m a lot more sociable.  

A) but A) however
B) so B) but
C) however C) and
D) and D) so

37. I _____ a bicycle when I was young.

A) have
B) am having
C) had
D) have got

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38. He_____ a shower in the morning. 40. What time _____ lunch in general?

A) have got A) does you have

B) has B) have you got
C) am having C) do you have
D) have D) are you having

39. He _____ milk in his coffee. 41. The Pope _____ in Vatican.

A) never has A) live

B) has never got B) lived
C) has never C) lives
D) have never D) will live

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Answer Key:

1: B 22: B
2: C 23: B
3: A 24: B
4: C 25: C
5: D 26: B
6: C 27: C
7: C 28: D
8: D 29: C
9: A 30: D
10: B 31: C
11: D 32: C
12: A 33: B
13: B 34: D
14: A 35: C
15: C 36: B
16: D 37: C
17: C 38: B
18: A 39: A
19: C 40: C
20: D 41: C
21: C

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