MtA Magical Traditions

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She awoke in a tunnel, or in what seemed like a tunnel. All she knew at first was that it was very dark.
“No, not just dark,” she muttered. “It’s friggin’ cold, too.”
Her eyes stung as they tried to adjust to the lack of light, but her long, straight hair was plastered to her face, stray wisps irritat-
ing her eyes. She tried to lift a hand to brush her hair back from her face and then remembered they were bound behind her.
“Oh, yeah,” she told the darkness. “Well, at least they didn’t gag me.” She tested her legs by trying to stand, but felt tape
wrapped tightly around her ankles.
“You’re not making this easy, if you’re watching,” she said. The absolute silence that surrounded her made her think that
maybe they weren’t watching. Maybe they had done exactly what they said they would do.
• • •
“Why do you want to study with me, anyway, girl?” Old Man Pardee glared at her, his bushy eyebrows forming a glowering
line above his dark brown eyes. “Aren’t your fancy teachers in the city good enough for you? Have you learned everything
they can teach you? Or do you think you can come back here with your big city airs and show us pore ol’ mountain folk how
to work real magic?”
Whatever Aralathienne was expecting when she left Raleigh — where she’d gone off to college, where she’d Awakened and
where she’d been recruited by the Mysterium — to return home to the Blue Ridge Mountains in search of the magic of the
hills and hollers, she never thought she’d have to plead her case to such a hard man.
“I want to learn the magic of my home,” she had told him honestly, “and I want to learn it from the best.” She waited to see if the
old conjure man would cut her off. When he didn’t, she took a deep breath and added, “And you’re the best, is what I hear.”
• • •
She shivered suddenly and her surroundings rushed to the fore. It was more than dark and cold, it was damp, and she felt
that it was growing damper — but not as if it were raining.
“The water level’s rising,” she thought and felt a wave of panic rush through her body, settling in just above her gut which
had somehow risen up to surround her heart.
“First things first,” she told herself as she started working her wrists back and forth within the ropes that bound them. At
first, she had trouble, for her fingertips were numb and stiff. After what seemed like eons, she felt the ropes loosen and give.
She shook them from her wrists and swiftly turned to use her newly freed hands to remove the tape from her legs, which had
also gone to sleep from lack of movement.
She stood up, intending to stretch her legs and restore some flexibility to them, but a sharp crack to the top of her head
stopped her before she could fully straighten her body.
It was a tunnel after all. Her first instincts were right. And not a very tall tunnel either. After experimenting, she found that her
best course of action was to travel on hands and knees, although the rough stones and dirt of the tunnel floor — no, the rough wet
stones and ever moistening mud of the tunnel floor — would wreak havoc on her knees as well as on the palms of her hands.
Again, she strained to see through the darkness, but her eyes wouldn’t adjust.
Damn it!
She suddenly remembered the salve Old Man Pardee had put on and around her eyes when she complained of a burning
sensation she passed off as eyestrain. Almost immediately, she had grown very sleepy and had sunk into the worn but com-
fortable sofa in the front room of the old man’s cabin, pulling a quilted coverlet over herself. She must have drifted off to
sleep listening to the crackling of the fire in the hearth.
She’d woken up in the tunnel, and now the damn salve was keeping her from focusing properly, keeping her in the dark.
“Great, I can’t use my eyes. I’ve got four senses left.” A picture rose in her mind of a bloodhound sniffing its way out of the
tunnel. She shook her head, trying to clear the image from her mind. “I’m not going to smell my way out of this.”
A sound that she had been hearing all along suddenly clarified itself, revealing its nature to her as a steady trickle of water
running into the tunnel from somewhere above.
“I’m under water,” she whispered aloud, more to hear herself voice the words and crystallize her fear. “Underground and
under water, and the water is breaking through.” Again she fought a war with the panic inside her, pushing it aside with her

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will. At least her magic had taught her that much, that she could focus her will and create results — among them, banishing
negative emotions like fear.
“Let’s move, legs!” she said, striking out in the direction she was already facing. “Standing still is a bad thing!”
A few minutes later, Aralathienne realized that she was literally going nowhere. Whatever the old man had done to her
had confounded her sense of direction as well as temporarily (she hoped) blinded her.
“Now what?”
She sat back on her heels and forced herself to think, noticing, as she did so that the trickle of water now sounded more
like a steady rush.
“Take stock,” she told herself. Most of the magic she knew as a mage of the Path of Thyrsus and a member of the Mysterium
depended either on seeing a target or having a direction. Here, she had neither.
“I came here to study the hoodoo tradition, old man!” she said, her voice defiant despite her misery in the growing damp.
“You’re not going to get rid of me this easily.”
• • •
She tried to remember what she had learned from the old man so far. Despite his reluctance to take on a “city girl,” as he
called her, as a student, he’d showed her some of his books, including what he called his “book of remedies,” a small, hand-
bound book filled with crimped handwriting. The book contained recipes for poultices, instructions for curing diseases in
animals and people by transferring the sickness into an object or an animal. Odd rhymes and fragments of ballads made up
a good portion of the book, charms to use in all kinds of situations. Somehow, she’d expected more, and she said so. “These
are too easy,” she complained to Old Man Pardee after reading through one of the books in an afternoon.
He barely glanced at her as he continued carving down a length of cherry wood into what looked like a walking staff. “You’d
be wise to larn what’s in there, girlie,” he snapped. “Someday your life could depend on that easy stuff.”
• • •
“Great,” she muttered, getting used to talking aloud to no one but herself. “What did I read that could possibly help me
here?” She put her mind to work swiftly sorting through everything she could remember of the old man’s books.
“I’m in a tunnel, under ground — no, make that under water — and I might as well be under the ocean for all the good
knowing that will do me.” She made herself relax and clear her mind. Fragments of verses from ballads that had been copied
into the old man’s book flowed through her mind like water. She cast them all aside — most of the ballads ended badly.
One song remained, distinctive because of its cheerfulness. Now, she felt it might hold the key to her release, for it spoke
of being underground.
Gone the iron touch of cold, winter time and frost time
Seedlings working through the mould, now wake up for lost time
The words were from a song called “The Flower Carol” and she remembered her first night with the old man. His son,
visiting from the next holler, had brought his guitar and sang after supper. The old man accompanied him on banjo. It was
the first inkling she had that she had chosen right by coming back to the mountains to study the magic of the hills. She
remembered that song because of its tune, the same tune as the Christmas carol about King Wenceslas.
“It’s now or never,” she murmured, and recited the words. The rhyming sounds hung in the air, devoid of power. But thinking
back on the evening when Lyle Pardee had sung the song, she remembered feeling something stir in the back of her head,
something from the world that used to be — the Supernal World, her Atlantean masters had called it.
“It’s a song,” she said to the darkness. “It needs the music.”
• • •
The old man had grunted his appreciation when she perked up at the song, recognizing the tune. “So, you’ve heard this
afore,” he said. She’d nodded. “The tune, we used to sing it at Christmas.” He’d shrugged. “It figures,” he muttered while Lyle
checked the tuning of his guitar before starting another song. “It’s the tune that carries the meaning,” he said.
• • •
She’s heard that pagan rituals had survived the ages of persecution by disguising themselves as Christmas carols or bal-
lads, but she’d always assumed that the words were hiding. Maybe the tunes hid as well, and maybe they conveyed the power
as much or more than the words.
Her throat felt scratchy but she turned her focus inward, steadying her voice, then sang the lyrics about the seedlings. She
felt power build up around her, but not enough.

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The power of three, she remembered, and repeated the couplet twice more. As her voice died into the silence that sur-
rounded her, she realized she could hear slight movements around her.
Seedlings working through the mould.
They would grow in the direction of the surface, pushing their way to the light. She let her hearing guide her, following the
soft shuffling of earth, sounds she knew were amplified by the power in the air around her. She felt the earthy ceiling inches
above her head and touched tiny tendrils — roots — that moved under her hand.
Now she had a purpose. She began crawling again, but this time casting about with her hands, feeling the tunnel above
her head for the telltale root tips. All she had to do was use her hands and her ears to follow the pattern of their growth, for
they were leading her to safety.
She crawled quickly, ever mindful of the sound of water growing steadily louder, but definitely behind her — and below her.
She was rising as she followed the root path overhead. The tunnel was set on an upward incline and she was keeping ahead
of the water, and would do so as long as she could remember the right things to say or sing or do at the right time.
Without warning, she found that her hand could no longer touch the ceiling. The tunnel had grown bigger from ground
to ceiling and she could no longer find the path the magicked roots had taken.
“Damn,” she cursed softly. “Now what?”
She thought back to the songs she’d heard that night. After the flower song, Lyle had given them another carol, this one
called “The May Day Carol.” She didn’t remember this song as well as the other, but part of a verse stuck in her head.
A branch of May I will bring you, my love,
Here at your door I stand
It’s nothing but a sprout, but it’s well budded out…
“I’m looking for a branch,” she said, and sang the verse as she remembered it. This time, she felt that she need sing the
words only once. When she finished, she tried listening beyond the sound of the water for any sign that “something” had
happened. For a minute or two, she couldn’t make out any other sounds, just the water following her and coming closer as
the rush became a roar of sound. “I’ve got to step up the pace,” she said.
Then she heard it, a soft sighing breeze blowing toward her from one side of the tunnel, but not the other, a breeze that
carried with it the faintest memory of the tune she’d just sang. “The tunnel branches,” she observed. “And I’m taking the
branch that leads to the air.”
Although she could stand up in this part of the tunnel, she felt little relief even though her knees no longer had to take
the brunt of her journey. Shakily, she traversed the tunnel from side to side until she found where it split in the middle, one
branch a little cooler and dryer than the other one, which appeared to arc downward from the sound of the water that now
seemed to come from that direction as well.
She noticed that her hands could touch both walls without stretching her arms out. The tunnel was narrowing. Soon she
felt the ceiling press on the top of her head and had to stoop lower and lower until she was crawling again, with the tunnel
closing in on all sides. If this continued, the passage would soon be too narrow for her to navigate. She kept going, even when
crawling gave way to dragging herself along on her belly, pushing her body with toes that she could barely feel while she dug
her fingers into the tunnel floor, trying to find enough purchase to pull herself forward. She felt the tears fill her eyes and
trickle down her face as she came to a halt, unable to move further forward or, as she discovered, backward.
“No,” she whispered, horrified as she heard the sound turn into a sob. “Not like this!”
Panicked, she tried to find a song that would fit her situation. Nothing Lyle had sung that night seemed to apply. Or if any
of his song choices did, she couldn’t bring them to mind.
• • •
“There’s more than cures for sick horses and babes in this book,” Old Man Pardee told her. “You keep readin’. There’s charms to protect
you from the thoughts of evil men, there’s words to conjure something from practically nothin’, if you know how to read it right.
• • •
“I need a way through,” she said. “I need something I can use as an anchor to pull me forward.”
A charm from the book scratched the surface of her consciousness and she threw as much magical energy as she could
into its three-fold recitation.
Earth above me, earth below me, wood before me, bring me home.
The charm was intended to help someone who was lost find his way to a familiar place. She hoped it would work for her
now. She repeated the phrase twice more and wept with relief as she felt her power take form.

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She stretched her hands out in front of her as far as possible, groping on the ground and on the sides of the tunnel until
finally, just at the edge of her fingertips, she brushed against what felt like a heavy root that had looped upon itself, forming
nothing so much as a hand hold. With the ferocity of a drowning person — which, she reminded herself, she might be in
the next few minutes — she grabbed hold of the root and pulled herself a few more feet through the tunnel. She could feel
the walls scrape the exposed parts of her arms and legs and pull at her hair, but somehow, with the help of the twig bundles,
she made it through what had been a bottleneck.
“Something from practically nothing,” she repeated, echoing the old man’s words. A rush of confidence flowed through
her. She just might survive this after all.
She felt the cave open out around her at least somewhat, but she had little strength to do anything other than just lie on
the tunnel floor, relishing the feeling of space around her.
Despite her sense of urgency, she must have fallen asleep, or gone unconscious from exhaustion, for the next thing she
knew, she was gasping for breath as water filled her nostrils and mouth. Hurriedly she stood up to get away from the water
that reached her ankles even as she stretched to her full height. Resolutely, she moved forward in the direction she last re-
membered going. She took only a few steps before she found a wall.
Quickly, she felt for her surroundings and encountered walls in all directions. Her tunnel had led her to what was appar-
ently a circular chamber with no exits — not even the way she had come, for that low, narrow opening was now the conduit
for a flood of water.
A sudden calmness came over her as she felt the water rise up past her ankles. The words came unbidden to her mind:
I wish I was some little sparrow,
That I had wings and I could fly…
And then she knew that the next part of the verse must be her own for the magic of the hills to take effect.
I’d rise above all pain and sorrow,
And count the stars up in the sky.
She sang the verse three times, each time feeling the Mana coalesce in the air around her, gathering at her back like feathery
soft wings of crackling energy.
There’s no place to go but up, she knew, and lifted both hands in the air in a gesture reminiscent of both reaching and
surrender. She felt a rush of air gather under her energy wings and lift her upward, even as the lapping water tried one last
time to claim hold of her for itself.
Taking a deep breath, she willed herself higher, rising through the hold in the earth until she felt herself break through
a barrier of some sort, or perhaps she just pushed through the opening of the tunnel into the world outside, rising through
some sort of hole in the earth. She stood up, still in darkness, surrounded by sounds of the night, and moved away from the
hole. Then her legs gave out and she slumped to the ground, lying on what felt like thick clumps of soft grass and staring up
at a sky filled with stars of a magnitude impossible to see against the glaring lights of the city she used to call her home.
She blinked her eyes a few times, to make sure that she was really seeing the stars, a thin crescent moon and, here and
there, the looming blackness of the surrounding trees.
She decided she would allow herself to sleep for a few minutes on the surface of the earth, in her grassy bed. As she shut
her eyes, other sounds crept into her awareness: the rustle of small creatures darting about through the grass, the nearly
deafening chorus of cicadas answered by the tiny croakers in a nearby pond. Then she heard footsteps approaching hastily.
Two of them.
She was sitting up in the clearing when Old Man Pardee and Lyle came into sight, a lantern leading them straight to her. “So,
you made it,“ the old man said. “I reckoned you might, if you could get over yourself long enough to work some real magic.”
“Daddy and I were thinkin’,” Lyle said in his slow, thoughtful voice. “You might want to learn the guitar or maybe the banjo.
You got a right pretty voice and we can always use a third harmony in some of our songs.”
She nodded, “I’m thinking I’d like to be called Sparrow from now on,” she said knowing at last that she had come home
to stay.

(Thanks and acknowledgements to Folk Songs of the Southern Appalachians, second edition, as sung by Jean Ritchie (University Press
of Kentucky, 1997), for the ballads quoted in this story.)

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By Justin Achilli, Jackie Cassada, Stephen Michael DiPesa,
Howard Ingham, Matthew McFarland, Dean Shomshak,
Travis Stout, Chuck Wendig

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Written by: Justin Achilli, Jackie Cassada, Stephen
Michael DiPesa, Howard Ingham, Matthew McFarland,
Dean Shomshak, Travis Stout, Chuck Wendig
Additional writing: Bill Bridges
World of Darkness created by Mark Rein•Hagen Astral Realms
Developer: Bill Bridges “We all contain worlds within us.
Editor: True worlds, full of all the greatness and
Creative Director: Rich Thomas magnificence and terror that could not be
Art Director: Aileen Miles contained in any lesser shell.”
Book Design: Craig S Grant
Interior Art: Peter Bergting, John Bridges, Brian
LeBlanc, Peter MacEvoy, Justin Norman
Cover Art: Daren Bader

© 2007 White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written
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prohibitions do not apply to the character sheets contained in this book when repro-
duced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire, World of Darkness and Mage the
Ascension are registered trademarks of White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Vampire
the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Storytelling System and
Magical Traditions are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters,
names, places and text herein are copyrighted by White Wolf, Inc.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. White
Wolf's use of the term Mysterium in the Mage the Awakening product line in no way challenges any other use of this term, including but not
limited to its use in Laughing Pan Production’s roleplaying game Deliria.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for
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Table of Contents
Root Magic 1
Introduction 8
Chapter One: Supernal Correspondences 10
Chapter Two: “Traditional” Traditions 30
Kabbalah 32
Taoist Sorcery 47
Chapter Three: Offspring 64
Santería — La Regla de Ocha 66
The Templar Treasure 81
Theosophy and Its Inheritors 95
Chapter Four: The Fringe 112
Appalachian Hoodoo 114
Entheogen Cults 131
Chapter Five: Global Mystique 148

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This book reveals how real-world occult traditions have illustrates the tragic circumstances of modern man and
actual relevance to Awakened magic. In the World of the predicament of mages — but it’s not exactly true.
Darkness, magic’s not all just about Atlantis, although that There are always exceptions. While no one can bodily
culture’s magical mythos secretly informs many mortal cross the Abyss into the Supernal World (and vice versa
belief systems. Although Sleepers can’t cast magic, that — Exarchs and Oracles cannot bodily come down to the
doesn’t stop some of them from thinking that they can. Fallen World), and no one can project one’s mind or
Throughout human history, the occult has captured the soul there — the Fallen World is conceived by mages as
minds of many, from superstitious peasants to erudite a cage, after all — it is possible for Supernal phenomena
philosophers. Something keeps them coming back for to drift down into the Fallen World. “Possible” here
more, even though the promised benefits of magic don’t means that it occurs more often than even mages usually
pan out. Their souls are stirred by something that resides suspect. In other words, even though the shattering of
within the occult, something either absent or more elusive the Celestial Ladder occurred long ago, not all fragments
in other areas of mortal knowledge. That something is of the Supernal come from ancient times.
the Supernal. The Atlantean orders teach that any fragment of
While Sleepers are drawn to create and build upon Supernal truth that a Sleeper occult tradition might
occult traditions, their reward isn’t the power to smite hold is a legacy from pre-diluvial times. It is a kernel of
their enemies with the fire of heaven; it’s the feeling in Atlantean wisdom carried down through time. And this
their souls that the world is not utterly meaningless. For is often true — but not the whole truth. Not all Supernal
mages, however, the Supernal connection these traditions truths are from days of yore — new truths can enter the
hold offers real power. If they can set aside their snick- world at any time, and become the basis of a new occult
ering condescension of these practices and see past the tradition.
guises these often-irrational traditions wear, they might One way to phrase the distinction: Atlantean wisdom
catch a glimpse of something Supernal that they wouldn’t holds the most complete understanding of the Supernal,
otherwise witness from their lofty Watchtowers. but the actual phenomena (and experience) of the Supernal
The Atlanteans knew more of the truth of magic than can be contemporary or from any historical era. Mages
any other culture that has risen or fallen since their who recognize this distinction seek Atlantean wisdom as
time. Their system is ontologically privileged, but it isn’t a means of making sense of Supernal fragments, but it’s
complete, despite what their most fervent modern fol- not the only key to discovering them. Further, Atlantean
lowers believe. While the eternal truths of the Supernal praxis might not hold all the answers. It can shine a light
World do not change, not all Supernal truths are eternal on many truths, but some might best be illuminated by
— there is change even in the higher, perfected world. The the light of a magical tradition — indeed, a Sleeper magi-
modern day orders do believe, for the most part, that if cal tradition might actually hold more wisdom about a
the pieces of truth scattered throughout the world could particular Supernal phenomenon that all the libraries
be unearthed, they could be combined with Atlantean of Atlantis. This is why certain iconoclastic mages value
wisdom to create an authentic picture of the heavens. magical traditions — and why the more orthodox abhor
Some say that this is what the Celestial Ladder was — not them.
a physical stairway but a mosaic built from secrets. Supernal phenomena — entities, objects, thoughts,
words, deeds, etc. — that occurs in the Supernal World
As Above, So Below can, for mysterious reasons, create an “echo” that travels
All mages know there is a nigh-impermeable barrier to the Fallen World. But here’s the key: they almost never
between the Fallen and Supernal Worlds and that, short appear in the Fallen World as what they really are. They’re
of a rare Awakening (and spells, of course), things just masked. They become metaphors for themselves. Their
don’t cross that barrier. This metaphysical condition forms, contents and even meanings appear different,

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distorted — but they remain charged with some sense of This is why occult magical traditions are important
their original Supernal essence. — they provide useful clues for mages that allow them to
For example: An angelic choir in the Aether sings. grasp these stray Supernal ideas. It’s not that the occult
The sound echoes down through the Abyss and into necessarily has more Supernal fragments than other area
the Fallen World. (Why? No one, except perhaps a rare of human life, but it does have more transparency, allow-
archmaster, knows why this one sound makes it through ing those with a trained eye to look past the masks and
and countless other don’t.) But it no longer appears as a veils that cloak the true Supernal phenomena. Further,
sound. It might instead appear as the seemingly random mortal occultists do seem more attuned to recognizing
and momentary manner in which a ray of light breaks these things, and so they tend to enshrine them in such
through a cloud, illuminating the morning dew in such a a way that they aren’t lost over time.
way that a mortal viewer “hears” music in his soul. Then The magical traditions in this book don’t describe
it’s gone. Anyone who didn’t see it at that moment will what their Supernal signifiers actually signify — that’s
never be graced with it. However, an artist who witnessed the Mystery. They might hint at some possible answers,
it might try to convey it by painting a picture or compos- but they cannot know the true reality. Still, using the
ing a poem. How well this secondary chronicle of the signifiers within a magical tradition provides magical
Supernal-inspired moment works to convey the mystical benefit, even if the mage can’t state exactly what they
experience depends on the skill of the artist and some point to; his understanding of the elusive Supernal
readiness within his audience; but it’s a pale imitation World is still expanded.
at best. Such Supernal moments aren’t always uplifting
— they can be sublime, in the sense of overwhelming
awe, or in the Lovecraftian sense, especially if a bit of
The Traditions
This book provides a sampling of certain occult tradi-
the Abyss comes with them. tions from around the world, from well-known traditions
Some Supernal phenomena, however, can come in the like Kabbalah to the more obscure, like Appalachian
form of symbols or ideas. Symbols are inexhaustible and hoodoo. Each section describes the tradition’s history
can’t be reduced to a single particular meaning within and practices, with sample rotes that mage characters can
a given cultural matrix — they always mean something learn, and storytelling hints, including optional rules for
greater. But what? It’s this slipperiness, this evasiveness alternative forms of magic. This book isn’t meant to be
and inexhaustibility, that is a hallmark of the Supernal: exhaustive; it’s a sampler that you can use to adapt other
the signifier points to a signified that exists in a higher traditions for use in your chronicle. Chapter Five gives
world, a larger frame of reference than an un-Awakened some hints on how to go about doing that with whatever
mortal mind can conceive. tradition you want to incorporate.


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Chapter One:
“…and that is why Crow’s feathers are black.”
The young Mystagogue scratched at the days of stubble now
sprouting from his narrow chin. “That’s well and good, John, but
you still haven’t explained to me what, if anything, this has to
do with the Supernal secrets that the Awakened of your tribe
allegedly possessed. I’m looking for fact, not myth.”
“You hear me, Quicksilver, but you don’t listen, and that’s
why you won’t understand.” The Sleepwalker sighed softly. “Myth
and fact are reflections of one another; where gods walk, lies
are truth and truths become fiction. Can’t you see that?”
“Seriously, John, this is some ‘wise old Indian’ bullshit you’re
trying to sell me.” Quicksilver shook his head and pointed to the
ancient pictograms adorning the rough stone. “These markings
are unknown to anyone outside of you, the other Sleepwalkers
who live in town and, now, me. I need to know what secrets
they conceal.”
John smiled a bit. “And I’m trying to tell you, just like I tried
to tell your teacher when she came here, 35 years ago.”
“I didn’t come here for stories; I came for the power of
this place…”
From his seat, the Sleepwalker gestured reverently to the
paintings, staring hard into the mage’s eyes. “These stories
are its power.”

CHAPTER ONE: Supernal Correspondences 11

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His disciples said to him: “When will the Kingdom come?” Jesus said: “It will not be a
matter of saying, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is.’ Rather the Kingdom of the Father is spread
out upon the earth, and men do not see it.”
— Gospel of Thomas (113)

The world as we know it is a lie; mages have understood shaping and being shaped by the beliefs and practices of
this for millennia. The world as it is meant to be exists countless cultures, moving down through the ages, and
beyond the vast and shadowy nightmare of the Abyss, awaiting those souls perceptive enough to glimpse such
forever severed from the damaged, lesser cosmos in which truths and know them for what they are.
the majority of humanity is condemned to dwell. There
are those among the Awakened who believe that there is
no way home, that there never was and never could be Just to be Clear
after the calamity of the Fall; that, save for a journey of This chapter, and indeed every chapter in this
spirit by which some small shard of the Supernal’s mag- book, is not intended to encompass literal truths
nificence accompanies a soul back to this plane, there are about Atlantis or the Realms Supernal. Rather,
no ties left that connect this world to the higher realms. it illustrates the symbolic and metaphorical
Nothing could be further from the truth, however. realities of these times and places, echoing
down through time, place and the barriers
The fact of the matter is that aspects of the Supernal
between worlds. Even when something here is
Realms are still present in the Fallen World, though
stated in what seems to be a plain, forthright,
their influence is felt in much subtler and more rarified
indisputable manner, understand that it’s not a
ways than most people, Sleeper or Awakened, can readily
mandate, but instead a suggestion.
identify. Perhaps the medium most abundantly blessed
with Supernal wisdom — the occult beliefs of a thousand Further, nothing in this book is meant to
cultures throughout history, even unto modern times undermine or invalidate the beliefs that it
— allow all human souls to glimpse the higher worlds explores. Its purpose is neither to show that
in some small way and to connect to those worlds in a the Atlantean myth is absolutely true or that
meaningful fashion. These traditions, concealing within the beliefs held by Sleeper cultures are abso-
them as they do a measure of fundamental truth, often lutely false. Rather, the reality is to be found
become the core tenets of cultures, religions and the like, in some nebulous middle ground that can be
as the practice of them makes people feel that they are, freely adjusted, one way or the other to suit
in some small way, doing something right, something the needs of your game.
important. Cut off from the Supernal in almost every
The history of the Awakened and the leg-
way that matters, humans reach for the barest fragments
ends surrounding the realms are full of “may-
of otherworldly lore and hold onto them tightly, their
bes” and are very rarely adequately served
spirits aware on some instinctual level that these ideals
by “yes” or “no.” The wisdom of the Supernal
bring them closer to the world as it is meant to be.
isn’t easily confined within something so
These shreds of genuine, higher reality are small and narrow as fact, which, by definition, denies
often difficult to find, even for practiced seekers, but possibility. Each idea given in this book is an
they are not rare. The Realms Supernal still hold a deep opportunity, rather than a framework de-
sympathy with the Fallen World, a tie that has not yet signed to tie you down and limit your options.
been severed by the machinations of the Exarchs or the Use what you like and discard the rest. If you
terrible properties of the Abyss. Those determined to happen to decide that a given occult tradi-
uncover the secrets of the higher worlds hidden within the tion encapsulates an objective Supernal truth,
recesses of mundane lore need only look so far as those then that’s entirely appropriate. Conversely, if
beliefs that still encompass the possibility of magic and you opt to use this book as a source of false
miracles; that which does not deny what others consider paths and bunk intended to lead the Awak-
to be impossible but, rather, embraces such knowledge. It ened astray, that’s just fine, too.
is in these places that the wisdom of the Supernal collects,


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The Descent of Wisdom that their experiences have in no way prepared them to
behold. Wiser by far are those that toil in the half-dark
The perfect wisdom of the Supernal descends through before the prism, arduously reassembling a thousand
space, time and, indeed, planes of existence, each indi- disparate luminous rays and seeking thereby to know the
vidual fragment of lore becoming ever more diluted and substance of what the light might have been before it was
flawed as ages turn and knowledge passes from master diminished, refracted and scattered in shadow.
to student, generation after generation. Teachers of the But how do the Awakened pick apart the weave of in-
ancient lore of Atlantis have used many different analogies numerable lies, to find each grain of genuine substance?
for the way in which the years have bastardized its secrets, There is no simple answer, as the Supernal is both so
though the most common by far are those that equate such well-hidden and so deeply ingrained in the flawed reali-
esoteric learning to light, shining down from the perfected ties that we take for granted that it can at times seem
world, both in ages past and in modern times. impossible to know the light from the shadow-play that
As time marches ever onward, the light that radiates it casts upon the walls. Do the Norse runes, for example,
from the Realms Supernal, which can be thought of like conceal Supernal wisdom, or are they merely the product
sunlight, dims and fades as it passes through various of a logical progression of cultural and religious influ-
media. The long dark of the Abyss obscures the sublime ences, coupled with the circumstances of a given people’s
light, as though behind clouds, while the layers of mystery lifestyle and habitat? What about the dualistic beliefs of
and secrecy necessary to protecting such lore from the the Gnostics? Or, for that matter, what about the modern
Sleeping world act like a prism, refracting illumination ideas of UFOs, psychic phenomena, and globe-spanning
into many distinct (and scattered) components. As the conspiracies bent on world domination? Are secrets of
knowledge is handed down from teacher to apprentice, the higher worlds scattered in these places and, if so,
one moves further away from even this faded, broken what means do the Awakened have at their disposal to
light, until at last it is visible only as a faint glimmer, sort truth from deception?
beheld from the depths of shadow. For Sleepers, this First, it may be best to figure out how and why these
is as much of the Supernal as most of them will ever miniscule fragments of higher realities actually manage to
touch and, indeed, most of them choose instead to turn survive within the Fallen World. Naturally, Sleepers must
away from even this dim glow, preferring the unbroken somehow be responsible for preserving and propounding
monotony of darkness to the intimation that there exists most of the lore in which Supernal truth is concealed,
something more than the benighted world into which as the Awakened are nowhere near numerous enough
they were born. to sustain these mythologies and legends on their own.
The Awakened, however, have the power to choose How is it, then, that mundane human beings with no
to move toward that light, to step out of shadow and sense for the elusive secrets of the perfected realms some-
to behold the shattered rays cast by the prism itself. For how instinctively gravitate toward these ideals and pass
most, this is enough, and there are those mages that spend them down, generation upon generation? The likeliest
the entirety of their lives piecing those disparate shards explanation is that the metaphysical “substance” of these
of illumination back together. Others, however, seek to kernels of Supernal wisdom is so powerful and compel-
look upon the source, to pass back further still, beyond ling unto itself that legend aggregates around them. As
the prism itself, and to stand outside, beneath the thin these mythologies change with the times, the knowledge
light of a stormy sky, there to look upward and wonder at the center remains untouched, passing down in a form
what, truly, lies beyond the roiling tempest overhead. Of fundamentally unaltered from the first moment that it
these brave – and perhaps foolhardy – souls, most achieve descended to the Fallen World. In a way, then, these
little, while no few are consumed by their quests, and still misdirections serve to protect the Supernal lore from
others vanish, becoming as much mysteries of the ages total degradation, perhaps into something dangerously
as the knowledge that they so desperately seek. unlike its original form, allowing it to be gleaned by those
So, what of those that desire to gaze upon Supernal with the understanding and determination needed to see
truth and to grow wise by it? A better question might be through the accumulated detritus of millennia.
to ask what those that have dwelt all of their lives under a These echoes of the Supernal survive amongst Sleepers
bleak and stormy sky would do if a single ray of sunlight precisely because they are echoes of the Supernal: the most
were to break through the clouds. Even were they to gaze meaningful realities with which those burdened by the
upon it, in its naked and unadulterated splendor, all they’d Sleeping Curse can connect, even if only in a very small
be apt to accomplish is to lose their sight to something way. Somehow, on a level so deep that it is an ill-understood

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instinct to the Sleeping soul itself, individuals, groups fire from their fingertips or to hold audience with strange
and whole societies grasp the knowledge that this lore and forgotten gods, they might just reveal subtle variations
is important; more so than any of the profane realities in the tapestry of creation that allow for phenomena just
wholly native to the Fallen World. Those touched by a little bit astray of what is expected. By deciphering the
such wisdom can feel, in some way too subtle to properly cultural traditions (and the Supernal fragments that they
articulate and usually only for the briefest of instants, conceal), the Awakened can behold something that ties
that existence is not meaningless, and that striving for them, in a real and often quantifiable way, to the higher
harmony with the perfected world truly can have a posi- realms. These connections reveal the hidden nuances
tive impact upon humanity as a whole. of the Realms Supernal, motes of wisdom that allow for
For mages, Supernal truth is something more substan- unexpected exceptions to the laws that govern the Fallen
tial and powerful than any “mere” sense of the unseen World, suborning them to a superior reality.
balance of the realms. The Awakened have the ability to And the descent of wisdom is perpetual. Even now,
glean actual, functional insights that can improve their spirits call to one another in the Primal Wild, their cries
capacity for calling upon the magics of a higher world echoing down, refracted by the Abyss to be perceived
and manipulating this one thereby. While these glimpses by mortals through different senses: as the momentary
aren’t going to, for example, improve their ability to throw glimpse of a majestic eagle wheeling over untamed woods.

Fumbling in the Dark

While this book is intended primarily for the Awakened, it can also be used to illustrate the ways
in which Supernal knowledge is disseminated throughout the Fallen World, even into the hands of
those living under the yoke of the Sleeping Curse. While Sleepers may never be able to realize the
cosmic secrets that can lead back to the eternal realms that lie on the far side of the awesome gulf
of the Abyss, they can, potentially, assimilate and even make use of these hidden, “higher” laws of
the universe.
Perhaps it is that the low magic and psychic phenomena practiced by ordinary mortals (such as
those found in World of Darkness: Second Sight) are the result of these “Supernal loopholes”
in an otherwise mundane world. Then again, perhaps not: there are few that have studied such
phenomena extensively enough to be considered authorities on the subject. Of course, such diluted
echoes need not even be anything so easily quantified and overt (relatively speaking); while an
unscrupulous man in Haiti enslaves the living in a half-death using only a powder concocted pre-
cisely according to a recipe handed down from father to son, children in an inner city neighborhood
ward off an unknown horror using a nonsensical nursery rhyme. Those that dig deeply enough
may very well discover lore filtered down from the Supernal into the Fallen World.
Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind in chronicles involving Sleepers delving into
Supernal mysteries is the fact that, no matter how much they learn, so long as they remain Asleep,
they’ll never really be able to do much of genuine substance with the knowledge that they gain.
This, however, can be a great benefit to the stories that your group tells, as otherwise ordinary men
and women scratch the surface of timeless otherworldly secrets, uncovering lore lost since the Fall.
What do they do with such information? Who can they trust with it? Can they even trust themselves
with such potent secrets, the long-hidden enigmas of creation itself? Such chronicles can explore
themes of ancient conspiracy, as well as life-altering knowledge and the cost of uncovering it.
To put it another way: imagine the impact upon the life of a committed atheist, were he to unwit-
tingly uncover definitive proof of the existence of the divine. How might such information change
his life? Now, what happens when he suddenly develops enemies that he never asked for on
account of a truth that he never wanted? How did they discover what he learned? Why are they
hunting him? What do they have to gain by taking the knowledge from him (or, perhaps, by silenc-
ing it forever?) This is the level of disruption that a revelation of Supernal wisdom should often
engender in the life of a Sleeper.


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Demons of Pandemonium whisper dark secrets, which come easily then they are probably not worth having.
are felt in the sting of a lover’s bite and in the aroma Instead, Supernal secrets descend through the Abyss and
the wafts from an old and exquisite bottle of wine in the so become cloaked in lies, misdirection and disbelief. It
instant it is first opened. These phenomena exist for but is easy to deny the lore to be found within the Supernal,
a moment in most cases and are then gone forever, but and it is hard to accept that the world one knows to be
some fragments linger. And, even in the case of those true is, in fact, the deception. Peeling away the layers of
echoes that vanish after but a moment, the Awakened the lie is supposed to be a difficult process. Were it not,
can, if they have the good fortune to perceive them and there would be no inherent value in the pursuit of the
the wisdom to know them for what they are, glean power- otherworldly wisdom to be discovered thereby.
ful insights that might serve them in the Fallen World.
While one might not be able to hold onto these brief The Case for Atlantis
fragments in any meaningful way, they can serve – for From a Storytelling perspective, Atlantis can be a genu-
mages and Sleepers alike – to show that there exists a inely good thing. It creates a unifying “meta-mythology”
superior reality, one worth aspiring to. for the game, granting cohesion to the innumerable other
mystical practices, throughout time and the world over,
The Myths and Realities of Atlantis offering glimpses of the Supernal truths concealed, de-
liberately or otherwise, within those systems of belief. Of
That Atlantis truly existed is an idea open to some debate
among the mages of the modern day. Naturally, it stands course, this is not to say that the Atlanteans were possessed
to reason that there was once a tremendously magically of a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental
proficient culture, from which the current awareness of magical axioms of existence. If they were, it’s doubtful,
the metaphysical laws of Awakened willwork descend, for instance, that the willworkers who ascended the Lad-
though whether it was a paradise of mystic discovery, laid der to Heaven to become the Exarchs would have even
low by the hubris of a few is not necessarily a matter of attempted their gambit, given the distinct possibility of
historical record. While it would be pointless to attempt the total destruction of everything, their selves included.
to reconcile the legends with the reality, certain facts Likewise, if the Atlanteans possessed a complete blueprint
regarding the ancient empire of the Awakened stand for universal magical truth, then the Oracles probably
out and reveal truths of their own about the value of a wouldn’t have to sit back and allow knowledge of the
unifying culture for mages, even if it might indeed be Realms Supernal to filter its way down to the Fallen
one that exists only in myth. World in hidden and, often, bastardized forms.
For the most part, the members of the so-called Dia- “While this is all well and good, however, what does
mond Orders, those supposedly directly descending from Atlantis do for my game?”
the cultural traditions of Atlantis itself, maintain that the It’s certainly a reasonable question to ask, and not one
ancient nation-state was, in fact, a real, historical place in that can be adequately addressed by a single answer. Per-
the world as it was meant to be. While not all agree upon haps it is best to begin by thinking of Atlantis, whether as
even this basic notion, it is at least widespread enough an actual historical nation-state, a vague ideal, or some-
among them – and even among many willworkers of the thing in-between, as a foundation upon which your Mage:
Free Council, as well as Apostates and even Seers of the The Awakening chronicle can be built. Viewed in such
Throne – that it becomes a basic frame of reference for a light, Atlantis becomes the basic concept that informs
the majority of mages from around the world. In the the experience of all Awakened magic everywhere. This is
end, this is really all that is necessary to make Atlantis definitely a useful tool for a Storyteller, since the process
as real as it needs to be. The moment that the majority of fitting round pegs into square holes, so to speak, need
of the members of a given culture, even a disparate and be no more time-consuming, complex or painful than the
scattered culture such as the modern Awakened possess, needs of your chronicle dictate. Eventually, you can just
cleave to a single broad interpretation of events, the in- have characters discover the common ground that unites
terpretation becomes real enough to them as a frame of disparate practices with ancient Supernal lore.
reference for the distinction between truth and fiction While you don’t want to make things too convenient,
to become irrelevant. lest all of the conflicts and contradictions that make
It is exactly this sort of ambiguity upon which Supernal for a compelling setting – and for compelling disputes
wisdom builds. If such knowledge were easily discerned between characters – vanish, you can show the charac-
as fact, there would be no impetus for humanity to search ters that there are pieces which do, in fact, fit together.
for it and to question its truth and reality. If the answers They may not have all, or even most, of the pieces of the

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Mad Insight
It is often said that the mad have wisdom, that they possess a certain awareness of subtler truths
of the world and that these insights are more a curse than a blessing. What would become of an
individual “gifted” with too much understanding of the Supernal realities interspersed throughout
the Fallen World, especially if that person was a Sleeper, or a mage with no formal training in the
ancient lore of the higher realms?
Many Awakened thus afflicted become Banishers. Unable to cope with the truths that they cannot
deny and yet so desperately wish to, they simply retreat into a personal reality in which magic is evil
and must be erased, so that they need no longer be reminded of the terrible wrongness of the world
that they’ve always taken for granted. These pitiable souls must often be put down, thus threatening
the continuation of the Supernal lore that they possess. Some wiser and more farseeing (and, more
often than not, extremely powerful) mages manage to find more humane ways of neutralizing the
threat represented by these broken Awakened, and eventually learn to glean Supernal insights from
them, but this is rare. The Realms Supernal are the nature of the world as it is meant to be, which is
far from the same thing as saying that those realms are always kind to those that behold their secrets.
As to the Sleepers that look upon even the smallest measure of the undiluted splendor of
the Supernal, no few became visionaries, prophets and leaders, though their insights are typi-
cally valued only by a handful during their lifetimes. These individuals, dubiously “blessed”
with understanding that others simply do not understand, become driven by the revelations that
have been bestowed upon them. In time, though,
some of these people be-
come the unwitting vehicles
for great change in the Fallen
World, as the fragments that
they perceive and propound
acquire momentum in the
hearts and minds of others,
and become the foundations
on which religions, ideologies
and other social movements
are built. Most of these sad
souls, however, come to fates
perhaps worse still than
even the Banishers. Inca-
pable of processing what
they now know to be true,
they either desperately cling
to the Supernal knowledge
that they possess or shove
it away. In either case,
though, such madmen
might be the only earthly
beings with any under-
standing at all of a given
Supernal echo, lore that
may die with them if not
carefully studied by those
with the training needed to
assimilate such learning.


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puzzle, but the scant handful of fragments that they’ve a medieval Christian heresy than it is to be inscribed
managed to assemble do seem to point at an unimagin- upon the walls of a temple lost under the sands of the
ably huge and elaborate design, the likes of which no Sahara. To give a material reflection to this wisdom is
human mind, or collection of human minds, could ever to further degrade it and to attempt to fix in form that
truly comprehend. must, of necessity, be simultaneously as protean as it is
Ultimately, it’s up to you and the needs of the story unchanging and eternal.
that you’re trying to tell as to whether or not Atlantis was Of course, all of this begs the question of why the
real and, if so, the degree to which it was real (keeping Oracles, if indeed they exist and desire for humanity to
in mind the fact that the unified world likely included aspire toward the perfection of the Supernal, have made
within its fundamental makeup the possibility of differ- it so difficult for those stranded in the Fallen World to
ing degrees of reality). “Atlantis” might be a code for a discover this lofty knowledge. While any speculation on
Supernal nexus, a place where all the realms meet. This the will and intentions of the Oracles will likely forever
might have been understood by mages through the most remain just that, unsupported by any concrete facts, it is
apt metaphor available to them in ancient times: the polis. probable that the deliberate interference of the Exarchs
Then again, it might have been a place that one could factors heavily into the degree to which the lore of the
have pointed at on a map, and whose high towers one higher worlds is muddied and occluded. Further, the na-
might have beheld from miles away, while sailing upon ture of the Fallen World itself, utterly alien to the Oracles
the waves. But, true or false, Atlantis, even if only as an (who have never truly experienced its realities firsthand),
ideal, may well have something to offer your group, even surely interferes inherently with the transmission of Su-
if it doesn’t always seem so on the surface. pernal wisdom. Also, there almost certainly exists a higher
order to the nature of magic itself, beyond the control
Where Is Supernal Lore Hidden? or even influence of the Oracles; in the end, it might be
The secrets of the higher world and of lost Atlantis that no human will, regardless of how enlightened, has
are concealed anywhere that your game needs them to anything at all to do with the transmission of Supernal
be. Obviously, the ubiquitous flood myths of countless echoes. All of these factors and more conspire to make
cultures are one extreme example, but others certainly the quest for the lore descending from the Watchtowers
exist, and can be readily adapted to the history and difficult and even perilous, which is, all told, probably
legends of the culture that came closest to truly master- how it should be.
ing the power of Awakened magic. Perhaps the mythic Naturally, those Awakened entrenched in different oc-
figure of Coyote – or another trickster deity – holds cult traditions and who speculate upon the true nature
hidden Atlantean correspondences in your game, or of the cosmos tend to maintain that their respective
the lost rites of the cult of Mithras conceals Supernal beliefs hold more “Supernal truth” than many (or most,
revelations in their symbols. Not all such lore need be or even all) others, even if they’ve not yet discovered the
ancient (from a Sleeper perspective, anyway): newer myths entirety of such wisdom. This, however, is really nothing
can also conceal timeless truths, as Atlantean legend, more than wishful thinking. Indeed, a number of occult
woven into the subtle threads of the tapestry of ages traditions throughout the world and time have been
gradually resurfaces. Perhaps the Bermuda Triangle is utterly bereft of Supernal lore, and not necessarily on
the result of the last remaining terrestrial echoes of the account of any inherent moral or spiritual failing of such
site at which Atlantis plunged below the waves, or the practices, but rather because the higher realms disperse
deepest mysteries of the Theosophists actually conceal their blessings according to a design unfathomable to
otherworldly lore. minds rooted in the realities of the Fallen World. As you
Most important to remember is that Supernal knowl- develop such traditions for use in your game, you will,
edge isn’t merely secreted away in places and hidden of course, have to determine which of them encapsulate
in things; far more often, in fact, it is interspersed true wisdom, and which are “merely” cultural phenomena
throughout ideas and concepts, in modes of thought (which makes them no less important than those that
and in the most esoteric tenets of ideologies. Too rari- encompass Supernal knowledge, but instead simply less
fied by far to easily exist in any physical medium in the connected to the truths of those other realms). There
Fallen World, these enigmas fall from the higher worlds exists also the possibility that some traditions embody
like a mist, curling gently upon the winds and settling both possibilities at the same time — they exist in a state
in the most unexpected places. Such lore is much like- of quantum uncertainty until an Awakened observer
lier to be found in contemplation of the nuances of witnesses them.

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Through all of this, however, keep in mind that pre- parables or fables, deliberately intended to convey deeper
diluvial secrets are not the only possibilities encompassed meanings on the truths of the universe and the proper
by the Supernal – far from it, in fact. While mages resort path for a human soul to walk, both in this world and in
to Atlantean learning to make sense of the lore of the the next, Supernal wisdom transmits easily through the
higher realms, the Supernal is simultaneously a thing medium of mythology. These stories also tend to explain
of the past, present and future as one. It is an eternally the realities of the world in ways that go beyond simple
contemporary and protean ideal. Supernal phenomena fact; no scientific treatise will even be able to adequately
are continually filtering down into the Fallen World, explain the metaphysical reasons for why suffering exists,
transcending the barriers of space, worlds and time, at a for instance, while mythological tales can handily answer
rate that most Awakened would consider stunning, were such a conundrum, and often do so in ways that echo the
they to truly grasp the scope of such echoes. understanding encompassed by the higher realms.
Mythologies Paranormal Studies
For the purposes of this book, the term “mythologies” Not all beliefs in the paranormal encapsulate a spiri-
is used to reference any religious or mystical practices tual vision of the Fallen World. There are supernatural
inherent to any culture which are intended to represent perspectives that say little about the divine and possess
a cosmology and a moral and/or ethical bias; as far as no inherent moral or ethical mandate. Instead, these
the Atlanteans would have been concerned, Buddhism systems of belief maintain that they simply are, and are
and Christianity are as much mythologies as primordial reflective of a more accurate and encompassing view of
goddess cults and the classic Hellenic pantheon. All reality than those espoused by the majority of modern
spiritual practices inherent to the Fallen World share a humanity. Amoral metaphysical philosophies can also
single distinction that, if the legends of Atlantis are true, fall into this category. Note that these are distinct from
the Atlantean beliefs simply could not encompass: faith. left-handed spiritual practices, which are for the most
With the Celestial Ladder, the Awakened of that time part really just mythologies with inverted priorities.
were capable of enjoying converse – albeit infrequently, Many varieties of Satanism, for example, are not amoral
but certainly in a quantifiably real way – with whatever belief systems, but instead deliberately immoral systems
powers existed in the divine realm, thus allowing for a – according to a certain vision of the spiritual reality of
more objective, and inherently faithless, view of spiritual the Fallen World, at any rate.
reality. The Atlanteans would likely thus consider all In older days, occult studies and mythologies were
mythologies in the Fallen World to be equally flawed almost always inextricably interconnected, but changing
and inaccurate, but such is often the perspective of an times have resulted in many occult practices diverging
overly-proud culture whose members believe themselves from faiths and legends, and moving toward what each
to possess a monopoly on universal truth. such practice considers to be a higher order of occluded
Instead, it is probably more accurate to say that all fact. While the UFO phenomenon is one that is ad-
mythologies offer equal opportunity for aspiration toward hered to with a religious zeal by many of its advocates,
the realization of universal truth. With their intimate for instance, it is, to many, a search for fact, not faith.
understanding of the way in which the cosmos actually Further, the mysteries that the quest for truth conceals
works, the Atlanteans were, for the most part, bereft in this instance lead to moral and spiritual growth only
of many chances to enjoy personal spiritual growth in as ancillary factors to the inherent desire for greater
the pursuit of greater understanding. When a truth is knowledge. Or, to put it another way: even the most
known, it ends some portion of the worthwhile reflection devout UFO enthusiasts, those that believe extraterres-
and speculation in the world, and it was on account of trial life forms to have some deeper knowledge of the
such expansive lore that the Atlantean culture became spiritual nature of the universe, still need to discover
arrogant and jaded. Furthermore, it takes great courage who and what such beings are before they can believe
to admit that one knows little and is willing to delve as such beings believe.
into the mysteries of faith to learn more. Thus, those
that pursue Supernal wisdom within the framework of Alien Practices
Fallen mythologies are simultaneously far more humble Combining certain aspects of both mythologies and
and, in many ways, far more courageous than the people paranormal studies, alien practices are systems of belief
of latter-day Atlantis could have even aspired to be. held by certain cultures to be inherent to inhuman enti-
Supernal lore takes easily to mythological belief struc- ties. Many cultures throughout time have subscribed to
tures. Because so many of the tales of such structures are the notion of civilizations of non-human creatures, to


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Initiation into the Mysteries
Particularly popular in recent film and literature is the idea of individuals who gradually open
their eyes to a world of secrets literally inconceivable to the average person. It is certainly possible
to play with such a concept, leading a troupe of Sleepers through a journey into the hidden his-
tory and occult truths of a world more vast and bizarre than they could have ever imagined. The
chronicle might even focus upon guiding the characters toward the Awakening. Are they brought
there by their own determination and incisive minds, however, or are they led there by fate? Or by
the ancient designs of “hidden masters” in another plane of existence (in the form of the Oracles or
even the Exarchs, or perhaps beings stranger still).
The chronicle might focus on a drawn-out process of initiation into the Mysteries, leading the
characters from one revelation to the next, as they discover that the world isn’t what they thought it
was. Such characters may well run afoul of forces that they can’t begin to understand. Just imag-
ine what the Guardians of the Veil might seem like to people in a situation like that, as hoary lore
more or less falls into their laps and the Eye of the Dragon seeks to recover the knowledge and
silence the threat, by whatever means necessary. The “friendly stranger” that offers clues and aid
to the characters might turn out to be a Seer of the Throne, using them to fulfill some prophecy only
she truly comprehends – or at least believes she comprehends – or perhaps even a Scelestus or
malevolent spirit, cloaked in human form.
On the other hand, maybe several strange revelations and inexplicable phenomena help to
guide the characters to a sudden, even traumatic, Awakening. Without any knowledge of the hid-
den struggles of the Awakened, however, they are forced to find their own way in a world that no
longer truly makes sense. They are courted by unknown parties on all sides and inherit foes that
covet the precious knowledge that the characters have, perhaps inadvertently, uncovered: secrets
of the Realms Supernal lost to the modern age. Whom, if anyone, do they trust? Surely, the charac-
ters can’t make it on their own, and they have to turn to someone, but how to know the right choice
from the wrong one? What if there is no right choice?

which they have also often ascribed a higher order of transmitted. While the Awakened often make the tacit
understanding of the essential nature of reality or, at assumption that the lore of the higher realms is specifi-
least, a different – and often more powerful and compel- cally intended to benefit humanity, this is not truly the
ling – view of the cosmos. Ancient Celtic peoples, for case. The Supernal World is what should be, irrespective
example, believed in the Fair Folk, creatures both willing of the benefits or drawbacks of such for humanity; it is
and able to inflict terrible torments upon mortal men, the embodiment of a comprehensive view of the universe,
using powers beyond human ken, often due to ideals which is, at times, actively harmful to the life of the Fallen
and an understanding of reality which was simply alien World, human or otherwise.
to the human experience. Those that pursued the lore
of the fae in a manner that such beings considered to Superstitions
be appropriately respectful, however, could occasionally In some cases, the root causes for certain mystical
benefit by their teachings, and grow wise in ways that perspectives on the world become lost to time, cultural
allowed for greater control over the world. assimilation and other factors. When this happens, such
When cast through the Atlantean prism, such entities beliefs are usually wholly subsumed into other cultures
can often be seen as reflections of one Supernal Realm and are assigned new causes or else vanish entirely. In
or another, but this need not always be the case. There some cases, however, these beliefs persist, often devoid
are certainly many entities native to the Fallen World, of any understanding why they continue to exist. These
which might be possessed of magics of their own; taken beliefs, cut off from their respective points of origin, carry
in large enough numbers, they constitute cultures. Such on as superstitions. In the World of Darkness, however,
beings might unwittingly be the vessels of Supernal even superstitions can carry grains of Supernal truth;
wisdom, in whom it is stored and through whom it is indeed, some such beliefs may persist solely because of

CHAPTER ONE: Supernal Correspondences 19

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the Supernal realities that they echo. Granted greater change with the tides of cultural development and new
metaphysical substance due to the echoes that they con- ideas, so does Supernal wisdom move like a living thing,
tain, the idea survives long after its mythical justification developing and migrating, consuming and multiplying;
has ceased to be. even dying, when its time is done. All of these notions
In many ways, superstitions can be the most fascinating are encompassed by most of the Fallen World’s most
vectors for Supernal lore, as they aren’t inherently attached persistent paranormal systems of belief. Those occult
to any particular logical progression of beliefs, anymore, beliefs that are unchanging tend to stagnate and die out,
and instead simply free-float within a culture’s frame as the societies that conceived of them grow beyond the
of reference, wholly unjustified by even mythological need for fixed and inflexible schools of thought. While
evidence. They simply are, and people tend to take them shreds of Supernal lore may be interspersed throughout
at face value, long after anyone knows the reasons why. such “dead” practices, they are likely few and may, in fact,
Even in supposedly “progressive” cultures, among people become invalidated by the march of centuries, the same
who hold to no religious beliefs and have no spirituality as with any outdated knowledge.
to speak of, there are those that will not cross under a But what does all of this mean to characters in the game?
ladder, go far out of their way not to break a mirror, and First and foremost, it means that they absolutely need
always “knock on wood” to ward off ill fortune. not abandon all of their cultural beliefs upon Awaken-
The trick, for mages, is often found in discerning the ing. Some mages choose to do so, but other might come
origins of these obscure beliefs, as Supernal wisdom has to perceive the Supernal echoes within the practices to
a way of leading to more of the same. Once a grain of which they subscribed as Sleepers and come away with
knowledge from the higher realms is discovered within the understanding that these beliefs are, in fact, quan-
a given belief, the Awakened feel compelled to seek out tifiably correct – at least partly so – in a cosmic sense.
more, to find where a single fragment leads. Depending This is more common amongst mages that come from
upon the superstition in question, however, such quests more “traditional” (read: less entrenched in the ideals
may be quite difficult, if not outright futile, as such expressed by the modern Western world) backgrounds,
practices readily outlive the cultures that beget them by as their belief systems often include a tacit acceptance
centuries or even millennia, which means that there is, of the supernatural, on some level. The further one gets
as often as not, no trail of evidence leading back to the from the cutting edge of the 21st century, the more likely
beliefs in which the superstition originated. So it is that it is that willworkers will embrace their Sleeper religions
sources of Supernal wisdom occasionally dry up and and cultural myths (which come to seem much less myth
disappear, leaving no tributary that might be followed and far more reality, or at least a reality.) Thus, a Haitian
back toward the greater whole. Silver Ladder Thyrsus may also be a practicing mambo
to the members of her community, both Sleeper and
Occult Traditions
For whatever reason, the knowledge that filters down
Awakened, or a Mastigos of the Mysterium in rural China
may make his living as a master of the arts of feng shui.
to the Fallen World from the Realms Supernal seems to Such mages can see, through the lens of the Supernal,
be most easily transmitted through occult lore: mytholo- the manner in which the practices with which they grew
gies, arcane religions and systems of magical belief, for up are real and impact the Fallen World in ways that
instance. Why is this? Those few Awakened scholars who are, if not necessarily obvious to those burdened by the
speculate on such matters believe that it is the simple Sleeping Curse, then at least capable of effecting such
fact that occult traditions frankly admit the possibility people and their surroundings.
(and, in many cases, the indisputable existence) of the Of course, there are mages from outside such cultures
supernatural. Science posits the idea of a universe that that attempt to embrace and assimilate their beliefs
can, eventually, be quantified and objectively known and practices. Mystagogues are especially persistent in
for what it is. The Mysteries, however, resist such sterile their attempts to reconcile many different beliefs into a
categorization, and so the higher worlds insinuate their superior working model of the unseen currents of the
realities into this plane through a medium friendlier to Supernal in the Fallen World, with mages of the Silver
the lessons that they have to impart. Ladder following closely behind them. Also, Libertines
This is not to say, however, that the light that descends are occasionally known to apply a critical eye to the ways
from the Supernal is changeless; rather, it grows and in which occult traditions interact, seeking new paths
evolves with time, the same as any other knowledge. that combine disparate beliefs into a whole that functions
Just as the occult traditions within which it is concealed more effectively than the distinct practices that comprise


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it. Tradition-bound in many ways, mages of the Adaman- power” in many traditional systems of belief. Likewise,
tine Arrow and the Guardians of the Veil are somewhat Matter spells can replicate many of the feats attributed
less likely, overall, to attempt such studies, though those to different schools of physical alchemy – as opposed to
that do sometimes enjoy great success, as the particular spiritual, or “true” alchemy, which is generally considered
interests of their respective orders allow them to focus to be a transmutation of the human soul, and is thus the
on a relatively narrow range of topics. Conversely, Arrow purview of the “subtle” Arcana – or of Legacies.
mages and Guardians who are actually from such cultures Supernal fragments concealed within cultural beliefs
tend to fiercely embrace their native beliefs, looking to can certainly express themselves in the form of Lega-
them for strength and inspiration. cies (see the Bokor in Tome of the Watchtowers for an
Certain Arcana are generally favored by certain “real example of this.) Indeed, particularly powerful Awak-
world” mystic practices. Generally speaking, for instance, ened who are strongly entrenched in the paradigms of
many offensive applications of the Forces Arcanum are their respective cultures can sometimes inadvertently
the purview of modern takes on ancient legends. Very undertake the steps needed to reshape their souls into
few of even the traditional tales of wizards, for example, something unlike other Awakened. The revelations of
involve throwing lightning bolts, raining down fire on Supernal wisdom hidden within their beliefs can help
foes, and the like. Invisibility and flight, however, are to guide such a mage through the process of synthesis,
much more common in such tales, as is the shaping of incorporating such secrets into the very core of her be-
weather. The shapeshifting powers granted by the Life ing in a way that draws her closer to the higher worlds
Arcanum and the gifts of converse with restless shades (drawing a small fragment of the Supernal into her, in
conferred by Death are abilities attributed to “people of the form of Legacy attainments.)

CHAPTER ONE: Supernal Correspondences 21

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Sleeper Magic Because the Sleeper traditions that conceal and protect
There are a great number of real world Supernal wisdom from the hostile environment of the
practices considered by their practitioners Fallen World are in many ways themselves flawed reflec-
to be magic. In the World of Darkness, tions of a higher order of reality, the lore that they reveal
these practices also exist and are held by requires such mechanisms to connect to more metaphysi-
their adherents to be magic; a subtler va- cally dense and “Fallen” forms. Such foci serve to create
riety of magic than that used by the Awak- ties of Supernal sympathy, constituting something of a
ened, to be sure, but magic, nonetheless. bridge between this world and the higher realms. Mages
In the World of Darkness, however, most can work around the need for these crutches, contain-
souls that hold to such beliefs are mis- ing within themselves enough of the Supernal to forge
guided, seeing providence in coincidence the necessary threads without resorting to such external
and evidence of their own mystic talents in tools. Sleeper occultists, however, find that the only way
perfectly mundane turns of good fortune. that they can ever (and even then, only infrequently)
Metaphysically speaking, the average successfully connect to those worlds is by making use
Sleeper is inert – a pale shadow, devoid of these correspondences.
of power or genuine substance. Even those So it is that Sleepers who delve deeply into such wisdom
rare few that manage to make use of an make use of the ritual instruments of their cultures: from
occult tradition to affect a paranormal fetish dolls, to ceremonial robes, glyphs, hex signs, chants,
change in the world are really just call- sacred stones and the like. Important to note, however, is
ing upon the power of the tradition itself the fact that Sleepers cannot perform Supernal magics – even
– or on something else – rather than any with foci. Instead, called to an awareness of powers that
strength inherent to the human spirit or to they do not, and cannot, truly grasp, such would-be sor-
human belief. cerers and wise men clutch at the tools that whisper of
While it may seem cruel to say so, the a connection to a higher reality, a murmur heard in the
World of Darkness is an unkind place, and deepest recesses of a decrepit and malnourished soul.
Sleepers are, almost without exception, Still, the magical traditions that spring up around these
a powerless lot in terms of supernatural symbols and ritual tools sometimes inform the Awakened
capabilities. It is the insinuation of Su- as to the more rarified layers of reality toward which they
pernal wisdom into the cultures, religions point, like a compass needle. While Sleepers may enact
and other such traditions of those fettered such magical rites, they gain no genuine benefit for doing
by the Sleeping Curse that gives the bar- so (beyond the exercise of personal belief, which can, of
est fragment of Supernal insight to them, itself, be very much an empowering experience) – unless
and not the other way around. Of course, the Storyteller rules, under a certain, probably unique,
it is possible that some Sleepers man- circumstance, that a more meaningful connection to the
age to align themselves particularly well Supernal is momentarily forged. Even then, however, the
with extant Supernal influences, learning connection comes from hidden significance of the focus,
to call upon considerably more potent married to the inscrutable will of the Realms Supernal,
resources. (See World of Darkness: and not on account of the Sleeper herself.
Second Sight and World of Darkness: Still, these correspondences are not without value, even
Skinchangers for examples of the kinds to the Awakened. While mages contain within themselves
of abilities that otherwise normal people the necessary connection to the Supernal to obviate
can call upon when they discern certain the need for these ritual tools, their specific tie is to the
fundamental but hidden truths about the higher realms as a whole, rather than to an individual
unseen nature of the Fallen World. Such Supernal truth. Sleeper occult traditions, on the other
abilities may or may not have their roots hand, simply cannot bridge the gap to the entirety of the
in Supernal echoes, as required by the Supernal, or whatever level, so they instead constitute
needs of your chronicle.) ties to a handful of distinct otherworldly phenomena.
To put it another way: any mage skilled in the correct
Arcana can call up a demon to serve her, but one that
employs the exact formulae set down in the Keys of


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Solomon (or in a book of Satanic magic) can exchange When casting a magical tradition rote, the mage gains
flexibility in her practices for magical benefits that simply the following benefits:
aren’t encompassed by her inherent connection to the • Sleeper Acceptance: When the Storyteller is checking
Realms Supernal. These practices become rotes in the for a Paradox for a vulgar spellcasting, he does not add
truest sense: acts that must be repeated in an exacting the +2 dice bonus for Sleeper witnesses.
fashion in order to produce predictable and perpetually • Conditional Duration: Tradition rotes benefit from the
replicable results. At times, this is because the focus used Fate 2 “Conditional Duration” modifier (see Mage: The
is, itself, the Supernal signifier involved in the magic. At Awakening, p. 150). Even if the casting mage does not
other times, it is simply because the mage, who enjoys a know Fate 2, he can incorporate a conditional duration
personal connection to a Watchtower, nevertheless does into the tradition rote casting.
not enjoy privileged access to that Tower’s secrets. The focus • Spell Tolerance Mitigation: Tradition rotes seem more
in question serves as a sort of key to a “locked chamber” tightly woven into the fabric of the Fallen World; they don’t
within a given Watchtower, bestowing temporary access cause as much mystical interference as other spells or rotes.
to the secrets of a given “room.” The first tradition rote cast upon someone does not count
toward that person’s Spell Tolerance. Any successive tradi-
Putting Theory into Practice
For a mage, the benefits of Sleeper occult traditions
tion rotes cast upon him will count normally — until the
first spell expires, and then the next active tradition rote in
come in the form of spells, specifically rotes. These rotes line inherits its Spell Tolerance mitigation effect, and so.
can be learned at the normal cost, but the prerequisite So, the first one’s free, the rest levy a cost as normal.
for learning a magical tradition’s rote is the Magical Naturally, however, these benefits do not come with-
Tradition Merit. out a price. The drawbacks of culture-bound magic are
There is a further prerequisite: Although a mage can as follows:
learn as many magical traditions as he likes (that is, he • Foci: The mage must use a culturally appropriate
can purchase the Magical Tradition Merit multiple times), focus to cast the tradition rote. Suggestions are provided
he can gain the magical benefits only for a maximum in the descriptions of the magical traditions in chapters
number of traditions equal to or less than his Gnosis one through four.
rating. A mage with a Gnosis of 3 might deeply study • Environment: Some rotes require that the spell be cast
three, or five, or ten different mystic traditions, but only at a particular time (midnight) and/or in a particular
three of them can provide him special magical benefits. type of place (cemetery).
His Supernal understanding isn’t broad enough for him • Tradition rotes cannot be cast as a combined casting
to see the hidden Supernal connections in all the tradi- with non-tradition rotes.
tions he has studied. • All those participating in a group casting ritual must
know the relevant Magical Tradition Merit (in addition
Merit: Magical Tradition (••) to the usual Arcana requirements), although only the
Prerequisite: Awakened, Occult 2, Academics or Oc- group leader must know the rote.
cult Skill Specialty representing the tradition Each time this Merit is purchased, it applies to a dif-
Effects: Your character has studied a particular Sleeper ferent magical tradition. This Merit may be purchased
occult tradition, its body of beliefs and spellcraft, and only once per dot of Gnosis.
can glean special magical benefit from working within
that tradition. Knowledge of a tradition itself is rep- Traditional Resonance
resented by the Academics or Occult Skill Specialty, Mage Sight plays an important role in the study and
while this Merit represents a special kind of knowledge practice of magical traditions. Even mages who have not
available only to the Awakened that allows a mage to studied a magical tradition (i.e. who have not purchased
learn the rote spells of that tradition. Whereas Sleepers a Magical Tradition Merit) can still scrutinize the magic
cannot evoke magical results from these rotes (although cast within that tradition and gain some insight.
they might erroneously believe the spells do work in
some unseen fashion), mages with this Merit can divine Sleeper Traditional “Magic”
the Supernal echoes reverberating in the tradition’s Belief is important, even the belief of Sleepers. When
myths and symbols, and so gain special magical benefit they perform rituals or consecrate idols and the like, this
from them. affects the resonance of the time/place or items involved.

CHAPTER ONE: Supernal Correspondences 23

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Normally, affecting resonance through mundane means that grow up immersed in such traditions tend to have
is a long, slow affair. Unless supernatural intervention is Awakenings that are significantly impacted by such
involved (a spirit, a werewolf’s Gifts or rites), resonance lore. While a cynical child of the modern West is often
only slowly receives the impressions of the most prevalent inclined toward a journey more or less inspired directly
emotions and concepts that affect it. For instance, a street by the images and ideals of the Supernal Realms, col-
corner doesn’t usually have its resonance altered by a ored by more mundane life experiences, those that are
murder that occurs there, but it will be altered if multiple raised to believe in a deeply spiritual vision of the world
murders occur. The “magic” of a magical tradition, however, commonly experience the Awakening through the lens
even when performed by a Sleeper, might have more im- of their peoples’ legends.
mediate effect — thanks to the Supernal signifiers seeded For instance, a Thyrsus Awakening in rural Russia,
within its corpus of beliefs. The event or item is more raised quietly in the old pagan traditions of her forefathers,
meaningful, and so affects resonance more strongly. might experience an astral journey that involves behold-
This is a Storyteller option; there are no strict rules here. ing each of Baba Yaga’s three horsemen in turn, at dawn,
The key is deep, authentic (not fake or feigned) spiritual noontime and dusk, and visiting the ancient crone in her
belief that engages the soul (not just the mind — this is a chicken-legged hut, protected behind a fence of human
spiritual phenomenon). Even though the soul is not awake, bone. Conversely, a Maori Mastigos could Awaken while
the Sleeping soul is still interacting with potent symbols, out sailing on the water, shown the infinite reaches of
and the combination of the two is enough to leave an im- the world by Tangaroa, the god of the sea, and the secrets
pression in the mold of an area’s or item’s Resonance. ways by which he might reach any shore in safety. These
In game terms, such Sleeper “magic” alters Resonance’s sorts of religious-mystical experiences demonstrate the
quality, and is easier to scrutinize. It normally takes five suc- connection of the Supernal to these human beliefs, and
cesses on an unveiling Resonance roll to discern an aspect the ways in which such beliefs reveal the simple truth that
of the Resonance (see Mage: the Awakening, p. 279). A humanity does not and cannot know everything; there
Sleeper’s tradition “magic” only requires three successes. will forever be mysteries, the secrets of an occult world,
In addition, the quality isn’t just a word or feeling like just beyond the edge of the mundane.
“cruelty” or “rage”; it’s a sensory phenomenon, with im- Even mystery-play Awakenings can be touched by
ages appropriate to the tradition. For instance, Resonance elements of these cultural beliefs, demonstrating to the
affected by the entheogen tradition (p. 131) might appear to newly-Awakening soul that she is not wrong in her beliefs,
Mage Sight as a drug trip, with LSD “trails” or ayahuasca’s and that the unseen world in which she had always had
recurring motif of UFOs hovering in the sky. faith watches her and knows her deeds. Symbolism is
Note that this is a Supernal “layer” to the Resonance; very important to many of the belief systems that would
it doesn’t necessarily appear to the supernatural sight of be considered occult traditions, and their symbols can
other beings, such as werewolves using Gifts. readily manifest during an Awakening, pointing a believer
at the truths that such systems uphold and propound.
Awakened Traditional Magic Even a non-believer could be touched by such a tradi-
If Sleepers can have such an effect on Resonance when tion in his Awakening, whether in an astral journey or a
working with a tradition, think what mages can do. The mystery play, educating him in the reality that there truly
Resonance of their magical tradition rotes is stamped are things in this world worth believing in.
with the unique character of its beliefs. A santero mage’s
rotes might reveal the very orisha allegedly behind the
spell. The tradition’s beliefs seem quite real when viewed
On the Origins
through Mage Sight (although the standard rules apply
for scrutinizing such spells — their special stamp still
of Occult Traditions
Among the Awakened, the most significant part of any
might not be obvious at first).
occult tradition’s value is the way in which it points to
Each tradition introduced in this book describes some
Supernal wisdom, and the degree to which it does so.
samples of what its Awakened traditional magic looks
While there is something to be said about the things that
like to Mage Sight.
myths and legends reveal about the cultures that spawn
them (exoteric knowledge), most mages are interested
Awakening to Occult Traditions primarily in the ways in which such beliefs can act as a
The Awakening is an occurrence that requires spe- compass pointing toward the Supernal (esoteric knowl-
cial attention as far as Sleeper occult beliefs go. Those edge). For some, a return to the ancient homeland of


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is sullied by its refusal of Supernal truth in
a way that other human beings sense, even
if they cannot readily articulate why. (Also
important to note in terms of Super-
nal correspondences, however, is
the appearance of a metaphysical
“loophole” demonstrated by trick-
ster gods and heroes, who are often
admired for their larcenous skills.)
In such a way, it is possible to
understand the rules mechanics
for Wisdom through the lens of Su-
pernal axioms. The soul is weighed
down by sins, for Sleepers as well as
Awakened alike. But the Awakened
soul can rise, although sins might
weigh it down and interfere with its
fate upon death. Those with “heavy”
souls might have to struggle harder to
make it up the mountain, lest their souls
fail to escape the Fallen World when their
bodies die. Likewise, other supernatural beings,
severed by their spiritual nature from the higher realms as
the Awakened drives them, while others simply crave the the Awakened know them (or, perhaps, simply enjoying
power inherent in an expanded understanding of the a relationship with those realms alien to willworkers),
interactions of the Supernal and Fallen Worlds. In the often subscribe to different beliefs. Because mages know
end, though, and despite the often pedantic studies of much more, both consciously and unconsciously, about
no few Mystagogues, the impetus for mages to unravel the nature of the world as it is meant to be, they are more
the Supernal secrets within Sleeping lore is purely utili- morally accountable by far than almost any other thinking
tarian in nature. creature in the Fallen World. Hence, why the hierarchy of
For the Awakened, the archetypes that arise repeatedly sins for those upon the Path of Wisdom is considerably
among cultures throughout time, and the morals and broader than for any other earthly being.
beliefs reflected by those archetypes, are evidence of the Not all – or even most – Supernal secrets descend from
power of the higher realms acting upon the Fallen World. the higher realms to the end of categorizing moral or ethi-
Modern social studies declare that the notion that one cal truths, however. Some instead reveal mysteries of the
should not take what belongs to another arose out of hidden framework of reality, whether from the Realms
the needs of a functioning society; willworkers have a Supernal or from the time of Atlantis itself. The prepon-
somewhat different perspective. The tenets of Wisdom derance of serpent imagery across most of the world’s
say that one should not steal and those that do wear the cultures, for instance, in even lands virtually devoid of
stain of doing so upon their souls, as is evidenced by the snakes, hints at a deeper symbolism behind the idea of the
way in which Paradox interacts with them, thus demon- serpent. As an example, some Awakened speculate that
strating a fundamental aspect of Supernal wisdom. To the the twin serpents of the caduceus are a reflection of the
Awakened, we do not steal because to do so is to degrade Celestial Ladder. An instrument of Hermes, messenger
the self in a metaphysically quantifiable way. Echoing this of the gods – and often considered a patron of sorcerers
essential reality, innumerable religions, philosophies and – the entwined snakes stood originally for commerce, but
cultures conceived of rules and guidelines that asserted have come to be associated with health and wellness; the
that one should not take another’s possessions without power to harm or to heal. Some maintain that the staff
permission or a ritual implying the transfer of ownership. itself is the heir to an earlier symbol still, dating back to
Further, cultures that did not or do not subscribe to such ancient Mesopotamia. In this, the Awakened see echoes of
an ideal are often seen as backward, barbaric or particu- their ancient culture, bastardized legends that ignorantly
larly lawless, as the spiritual fabric of such an institution whisper fragments of Atlantean legend.

CHAPTER ONE: Supernal Correspondences 25

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Basaida was a young woman of low caste in Atlantis. She was the daughter of immigrants, who gave her an Atlantean
name meaning, “blessed promise,” when she was born. Her family lived on the outskirts of the prestigious northern banks of
the island, making their way as servants to the household of the powerful sorcerer, Kherem. Despite their status, Basaida’s
family enjoyed the prestige of service to so great and esteemed a willworker, and many suitors, handsome and wealthy, came
to her parents with offers of marriage. Still, Basaida had eyes only for Kherem’s son, Ashir, who would, she believed, surely
one day be as great a man as his noble father.
Ashir, who was anything but great and noble, however, played with Basaida’s emotions freely, sometimes going to far as to
stoke her love for him with his spells, so that he could amuse himself by her poorly articulated attempts at subtle gestures
of affection. Still, she was quite lovely, and the young rake eventually took her into his bedchamber, after years of toying
with her. Each time she departed, under the cover of shadow and with strict instructions from Ashir to tell no one of their
liaisons, he promised that he would soon find a way to break the news to his father and take her as his wife. Naturally, Ashir
intended no such thing, though he was more than happy to keep Basaida as a concubine – his shameful little secret – until
she eventually grew wise to his manipulations, or else he tired of her.
Midway through her nineteenth year, one full turning of the moon came and went without what Basaida’s mother called
“woman’s blood,” and she knew that Ashir’s baby was inside her, for she had taken no other man as a lover. Instead of going
directly to the man she believed would one day be her husband, however, Basaida went to Yrindi, a witch come to Atlantis
from her parents’ homeland. Of the old sorceress, the young woman requested that a blessing be put upon the unborn child,
so that she might go to her beloved with truly joyous news. Unfortunately, Yrindi had no joyous news to offer:
“I foresee your tears mixing with the great water,” the witch murmured, staring into her divining fire. “I cannot bless this
unborn babe, for the sea claims him, and I shall not contend with Her will.”
Furious, Basaida left Yrindi’s house and went to Ashir, telling him of her pregnancy and expecting him to be happy at the
news. He put on a paper-thin smile and told Basaida that he must conceal her, for his father would not understand; that
she was with child would only complicate his marriage plans. Naïvely trusting in him, she did as Ashir asked and dwelt in
a small home on the edge of the sea, along the eastern banks of the island, in a neighborhood peopled largely by foreign
merchants. Periodically, Yrindi would visit and offer her skills as wise woman and midwife, but always she would set a potion
on the table and tell Basaida that it would be wisest to drink, to slay the child in the womb and spare herself the terrible
things to come. Resentful of the witch’s advice but without enough money to retain any other midwife, Basaida tolerated
Yrindi’s oft-repeated suggestion only inasmuch as it was the price of her care.
The birthing was difficult, to be certain, but Yrindi’s spells and poultices aided greatly in the process. When the boy was
laid in her arms, Basaida named him Eku, which was Atlantean for “daylight.” As the new mother drifted off to sleep with
her child, Yrindi also noted, muttering under her breath, that eikkhau was a word in the tongue of Basaida’s ancestors that
meant, “drowned one.”
After she had recovered sufficiently from her ordeal to go to Ashir, Basaida did just that, carrying her infant son in a
brilliantly colored blanket that her parents had given to her when she was a child. As she approached the gates of Kherem’s
estate, however, the young mother beheld a sight that broke her heart. Ashir stood upon the tall dais in the manor’s courtyard,
beside a lovely woman, obviously of high Atlantean birth, and spoke the words of the joining ceremony that Basaida had
been promised on so many occasions, as she crept from Ashir’s quarters. Hundreds of spectators smiled and cheered to see
the happy couple wedded, and Basaida’s love drowned in an endless tide of rage, betrayal and hatred.
Insensate with fury, Basaida stalked down to the water’s edge, along a stretch of rocky beach that few swimmers or fish-
ermen ever frequented, wading in up to her waist and holding Eku under the gently rolling tides. When her newborn son
stopped his struggles, Basaida simply released his corpse, and allowed it to sink, still bound up in his blanket, and returned
to shore. Basaida crept into Kherem’s estate, through hidden gates known to the servants, intent upon going to Ashir’s
quarters, to confront him when the ceremony concluded. As she moved through the halls of the house, however, Basaida
heard an infant’s cry. She stopped short in the corridor and what remained of her sanity fled her. The young woman looked
into the nursery, where a newborn child lay. An elderly nurse slumbered in a chair beside the crib. Somehow, to look upon
the infant, Basaida knew him to be the son of Ashir and the woman that he had taken to wife. She reached into the cradle
and wrapped her fingers around the newborn’s throat, squeezing the life from his tiny body.


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No sooner had the child stopped his frail struggles than the cry of, “Murder! Murder!” came from the old nurse, whose
fitful sleep was broken by the sudden silence in the room. Basaida only slowly glanced up from the infant’s body, and beheld
the aged woman stumbling from the nursery. Having strayed far beyond reason, Basaida picked up the body, cradled it in her
arms, and began to walk toward the courtyard, humming softly to it a tune that she remembered from her own childhood.
“It will be well, Eku,” she whispered, rocking the dead child as she walked. “We’re going to see your father now.”
Basaida walked through the manor by instinct, emerging into the courtyard, where the assembled guests gasped in horror
to see the truth of the frantic nurse’s cries. For her part, the young woman simply sang quietly to the murdered infant, her
mind lost in worlds only she could see. It was Ashir’s voice, crying her name in unbridled fury and despair, which brought
even the smallest measure of Basaida’s attention back to reality.
“Look, husband,” she murmured quietly, “I’ve brought our son to you, so that you could see him and bless him. Is little
Eku not splendid?”
Ashir snarled in rage at his lover. “Do not call me that! I am no husband to you, and the child in your arms is not yours.
I know not what you did with that bastard, but you have slain my progeny, and I hate you for it!”
Basaida seemed genuinely hurt and confused, as though she no longer understood what was happening. This seemed to
enrage Ashir all the more, and he stepped forth, fell powers gathering his fingertips. He was halted in his advance, however,
by the firm hand of his father, which came to rest on the young man’s shoulder. The old sorcerer shook his head, and his
son fell back a pace.
Kherem stepped forth. “I name you anathema, Basaida. You are Lalitha Medda: Slaughterer of Youth. May you be cursed
to wander this world forever, condemned to an eternity awash in your tears, eternally to haunt the steps of misfortune, that
you should behold no joy, from now until the end of all things.” At that, the old wizard smote the cobbles at his feet with
his staff, and the sun hid its face and the wind grew still for fear of carrying
so awful a curse, even for a moment.
Basaida shrieked and tore at her hair, and her beauty seemed
to slip, like a mask the laces of which have frayed.
Some beheld her as a creature of fragile
loveliness, behind which a terrible evil
lurked, while others saw her comely
features slough away like the shed skin
of a snake, revealing a hideous crone
beneath. She ran from the courtyard,
screaming in a voice that made children
wail and animals cringe in terror, and
dove into the sea, never to be seen again
as a being of earthly flesh.
Between that day and the shatter-
ing of the world, the Atlanteans said
that Basaida reclaimed her dead son
and somehow raised the lifeless thing,
and that it became a spirit of great evil,
bound to its mother’s fate. Others
called him morqad, “kin-slayer,” and
say that he grew to manhood in the
invisible world, returning in time to
murder his father with a spear the
tip of which was carved from a sea
serpent’s envenomed fang.

CHAPTER ONE: Supernal Correspondences 27

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whose alternate name, Ea, can be construed to mean,
But Is It Really True? “He whose house is upon (or under) the water.”
This Atlantean fable is meant to serve as But what are the Supernal truths revealed by Basaida’s
inspiration for your own chronicle, as fodder tragedy? Perhaps there exists a universal axiom by which
for the stories that you and your players creation itself condemns the mother that slays her off-
want to tell. That said, though, it’s exactly spring. Or, maybe, the world needed a monster that preyed
as true as you decide that you want it to be. upon the young to teach humanity the importance and
If Basaida’s sad fate can help to make your value of its children, and so destiny conspired to create
game a better one, then maybe Ashir’s ter- such a beast. Of course, the lesson to be learned (and,
rible deception, the young mother’s heinous thus, the Supernal secret concealed within all of the
crimes and Kherem’s dread curse all have stories that descend from Basaida’s tale) might instead
some deeper Supernal meaning in your be of Ashir’s wickedness and Kherem’s passionate and
chronicle. If not, then this story not only is ill-considered malediction, and of the price to be paid
untrue, but it need not even exist in your for such thoughtless acts of hubris.
game as a legend.
This book, ultimately, isn’t intended to be
The Role of Atlantis
The truth of the matter is that, whether as a historical
a primer for “genuine” Atlantean history,
location or a culturally accepted metaphor, Atlantis is a
allowing Storytellers and players alike to
convenient point of origin for the axioms expressed by
glean information about some “canonical”
Supernal wisdom. Why? First of all, Atlantis, irrespective
vision of the ancient empire of the Awak-
of whether or not it truly existed, was the most direct
ened. Objective truth is in the hands of
intersection of mystic forces in the history of creation. If
the Storyteller, allowing you to make your
it was real, then it was geographically at the crossroads of
Atlantean legends as real in the chronicle
almost all of the world’s powerful metaphysical energies.
as you desire them to be, if indeed Atlantis
If it is merely a tale to be told, then that tale is, of itself,
itself is a matter of historical fact in your
the conceptual confluence of those unseen currents of
game, rather than merely metaphorical fact.
power; in the Supernal, the ideal and the real are as one.
Thus, the reality of Atlantis, on that level, cannot be dis-
puted. The story creates its own foundation, which then
Exegesis supports all of the myth and legend that succeeds it.
In the days after the fall of Atlantis, of course, the Further, Atlantis is really the only pre-Fall civilization
Supernal lore encompassed by Basaida’s betrayal and her that the Awakened know anything of substance about,
great crime would survive, after a fashion, in myth and even if only scant details that are heavy on speculation
legend. As Lilith, she would be known as a demoness and short on fact. Thus, the truths of the unified world
who slew infants in their cribs out of hatred for the man which inform the mythologies and systems of belief
who was to be her husband, while, as Medea, she killed that came after are most easily understood when viewed
her own children after the sea took her love from her. through the lens of Atlantis. While there were almost
As Lorelei, she was known as a siren that lured sailors certainly other societies of power and influence in that
to their doom with murmuring and singing upon the vastly different world, modern mages know almost noth-
water. As the banshee, she is a female spirit whose wail- ing of them, save perhaps for rare relics and other hotly
ing heralds death. And, as La Llorona, she is a grieving disputed shreds of evidence (which are most commonly
woman, slaying her children in a fit of rage and then be- attributed to the Atlantean culture).
ing forever cursed to wander, weeping; a figure in white Also, and perhaps most importantly, Supernal wis-
whose coming presages doom. dom has only been able to touch the world in indirect,
As for Eku, his ill-omened name survives as the Japa- metaphorical ways since the Fall. These axioms simply
nese akuma – a demon or other force of darkness – while cannot manifest in any manner that obviously conveys
the title that the Atlanteans bestowed upon him hints their own meaning, but must instead become cloaked
at Mordred, in the versions of the Arthurean legends in behind layers – sometimes, many layers – of mystery,
which he is the traitorous son who slays his father. The allusion and misdirection. To put it simply: the core ide-
Sumerians knew a small fragment of his sad tale in the als expressed by the Supernal hearken back to Atlantis
form of Enki, often called, “the Lord of the Earth,” but because the age in which that nation existed was the last


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time that such ideals were completely extant within the
same plane of existence as the majority of humanity. As
Other Truths
Just to be clear, not all truths that descend from the
the core tenets behind these fables become blurred by
Supernal are benevolent. Just as Pandemonium’s realities
time, and the transmission and transformation of ideas,
are often harsh and brutal, so, too, might the Aether’s
they evolve (or, perhaps more accurately, degenerate, as
relentless purity scourge the unworthy. Add to this the
any distancing from Supernal truth must be seen to be)
fact that Supernal wisdom, no matter its nature, must pass
into something different, though the essential truths
through the gulf of the Abyss in order to reach the Fallen
behind them often remain unchanged and, in some
World. This means that, on occasion, otherworldly lore
cases, immutable.
becomes tainted by the nonbeing of the Abyss, and turns
What If Atlantis Isn’t Real? foul and corrupt. Indeed, some of the less savory occult
Supposing that you don’t make use of Atlantis in your traditions of the Fallen World may stem from these pol-
game as an actual historical location, what then? On a luted truths, which are, unfortunately, no less powerful
related note, maybe your character just doesn’t believe and real for the degradation that they endure.
in “those fairy tales about some island that sank about Likewise, some rare few empowered occult traditions
a million years ago in the world’s largest morality play.” seem to connect to truths neither Supernal nor Abyssal
It can be difficult to make the Supernal revelations of in nature. Does such lore have its roots in the Fallen
history meaningful in a world in which the Supernal can- World? Most willworkers would say not – though this
not be quantifiably determined to have ever intersected assumption may well be a flawed one. And even if the
with what is now (and perhaps always was, according to skeptics are correct, it begs the question of whence these
your game, or even just your character’s point of view) phenomena stem. While many Awakened are quick to
the Fallen World. dismiss the possibilities encompassed by such traditions,
First of all, keep in mind that Atlantis and the Supernal citing an incomplete understanding of the higher realms
are not synonymous. In fact, the Realms Supernal and and human misinterpretation of sublime and unfathom-
Atlantis, even according to most scholars of the ancient able realities, perhaps it is that the worlds catalogued by
nation-state, never truly coexisted. After all, it was the the Atlanteans in the age of their ascendancy were but
destruction of Atlantis that divided the worlds from one few among many. Just as the Mysteries elude the com-
another. Thus, while many of the fundamental lessons prehension of Sleepers, might it not also be that there
of Supernal wisdom are assumed to have their origins in are deeper secrets still, unknown even to the Awakened,
the empire of the Awakened, at a time when the world some waiting to be discovered, and some that may never
was whole, such need not necessarily be the case. Instead, be known?
these revelations, ideas like the law of threefold return, Likewise, there may well have been nations other than
the corruptive effects of power, or the spiritually healing Atlantis in those days. While the stage upon which the
properties of true love, may simply be rules that govern the great drama of the Oracles and the Exarchs was played
cosmos on a level too subtle to be precisely and objectively out is certainly the most famous – or infamous – land
quantified by human powers of observation. in Awakened legend, by both believers and skeptics,
For Storytellers, working from the perspective of a there is nothing at all to say that there weren’t other
fully mythical Atlantis, or even just a chronicle in which empires of sorcerous might in those days. Perhaps an
the historical reality of Atlantis is meant to forever be a occult tradition more readily links back to the legends
matter of debate, means that the lessons to be learned of Lemuria or Ultima Thule, in ways that don’t necessar-
from the dispersed wisdom of the Supernal is just that ily resonate with those myths as synonyms for Atlantis.
much more obviously important than the vehicle through Perhaps it is that one (or more) of these nation-states was
which it is delivered. In the same way in which we don’t a rival power to Atlantis. While cities of brass and flame,
actually believe in Aesop’s Fables and yet can understand peopled by demons, seem to have their origins in tales of
and appreciate what they have to teach us, mages can Pandemonium and its denizens, for example, there are
embrace the examples that the tales of Atlantis and the those that believe such a place to have actually existed
higher realms have to teach without necessarily accepting somewhere. Maybe it was that so cruel and monstrous
the stories themselves as literal truth. Even deliberate an empire once stood, ruled over by inhuman kings and
untruths can impart important knowledge upon those princes, an enemy to the Island of the Dragon. Surely, a
that open their minds and are willing to look past – or left-handed occult tradition could easily descend from
even just sit through – the more fantastic elements of such a place, as readily as it could from Atlanteans and
such legends. members of Diaspora cultures.

CHAPTER ONE: Supernal Correspondences 29

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The room was dim, lit only by two guttering, black candles
at either end of the large, stone altar, draped with a cloth
the rich brown of new-turned earth. The air smelled faintly
of incense and of the red Georgia clay. Rabbi Moshe tried to
push the stifling heat out of his mind and concentrate on the
pronunciation of the Psalms, but the trickle of sweat running
down his back was a constant, irritating distraction.
As he recited the holy Scripture—from memory, of course—he
walked in slow, proscribed circles around the hulking, inert
figure lying on the altar. Exactly how big it was he couldn't
say, but it was large enough that the light from the candle at
its head and the light from the candle at its feet didn't quite
meet in the middle, leaving a narrow band of shadow across
its midsection. In the Rabbi's right hand, a ceremonial knife
gleamed in the yellow light, the reflection leaping around the
room as he carefully, ever so carefully, carved a single word
into the figure's forehead of red earth: Emet. “Life.”
With a low rumble like the breathing of something impos-
sibly large, the Golem opened its eyes and, for the first time,
beheld the world. Rabbi Moshe smiled.
“You will hold the Rabbi up,” he instructed his creation. “He
is so old, you know. And then you will show the Seers of the
Throne what it means to offend the Name of God.”

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Magical traditions can be old, hoary wisdom handed down metaphors for deep truths, threatens the more authoritarian
from ages past, or new crazy cults with little grasp of reality. and “stable-minded” priests and pandits who run the mass
This chapter looks at two traditions that have been handed religions of which these traditions are but small parts.
down for thousands of years, and which have influenced True believers in magical traditions often hold the
other traditions that have come and gone since. As venerable pedigree of their tradition higher than others. The more
as they are, they are still esoteric “inner” traditions, often “traditional” traditions in this chapter can claim older
spurned by the orthodoxy of their cultures. This is almost pedigrees than most, which often lend their practitioners
always the case with any magical tradition — its penchant an air of wisdom — and sometimes, arrogance — they
for magic and superstition, even if these are seen to be might or might not have earned.

Ten sephiroth of nothingness: Their measure is ten which have no end. A depth of
beginning, a depth of end.
— The Sefer Yetzirah
It has been called the “Yoga of the West,” and has the history of Kabbalah. Sefer Yetzirah describes how
informed nearly every European occult tradition since God made the universe through the power of Hebrew
the Renaissance. From its humble beginnings as a branch numbers and letters, and implies that a wise and pious
of esoteric Judaism, it has gone from being a hidden and man can use the same knowledge to achieve magical
rigorously restricted mystical practice to an integral part ends. Awakened scholars have often referred to this work
of the Jewish faith to a historical curiosity and, recently, in treatises on the High Speech, and to a lesser extent
back to a vital, thriving practice. Atlantean runes, and some have even credited its author
with Awakened influence.
The precise history of the practice of Kabbalah, at least The Medieval Era
as it is understood today, is difficult to trace back to its Around 1200 A.D., the famous Jewish mystic Isaac the
beginnings, owing to the longstanding oral tradition of Blind wrote the Bahir (“Illumination”), which introduced
Judaism. The word “Kabbalah” itself means “to receive” Kabbalah in the essence of its modern form. The text
or “to accept,” in the sense of a received tradition, and in is largely comprised of a series of parables illustrating
its earliest use was to refer to the vast body of oral tradi- Kabbalistic concepts and philosophy heavily couched in
tion in Jewish teachings. Over time, as the oral traditions metaphor. It was in this text that the first conception of
were written down, the term came to apply specifically the sephiroth as emanations of the Divine was recorded,
to the mystical and esoteric knowledge which remained in a form that seems to bear a good deal in common
an oral tradition until comparatively recently. with the Supernal Realms familiar to mages.
At the end of the 13th century, Moses de Leon, a
Early Recorded History Spanish Jew and Kabbalist, wrote the Zohar (“Splendor”),
The oldest extant texts related to Kabbalistic mysticism considered to be the core text of Kabbalah today. Indeed,
date from the later Roman Empire, from approximately Kabbalistic thought was so prevalent in Medieval Juda-
100 A.D. and onward. These documents describe the ism that, for a time, the Zohar was even incorporated
practices of the Hekhalot mystics, a group which used into the Oral Torah and considered part of mainstream
shamanic practices to ascend through the seven Heavens Jewish law.
and achieve the throne-chariot of God. In each Heaven, In 1569, Isaac Luria, a now-legendary Jewish mystic,
the mystic would have to pass terrible seals and wrathful settled in Palestine, where he began to teach a new school
guardian angels who would only let the most worthy pass of Kabbalah with an emphasis on ritual and on bringing
into the presence of the Most High. the consciousness of God through oneself and into the
After the Hekhalot, the book Sefer Yetzirah (“Book world. Whether Luria was Awakened, a Sleepwalker,
of Formation”) was written sometime before the sixth or merely a mortal who pieced together many smaller
century, and formed the next major building block in clues into a startlingly accurate parallel to Atlantean


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cosmology remains a mystery, but even today Lurianic interpretations of Kabbalah as a way to shock initiates
Kabbalah remains one of the most popular subschools into forming new thought processes.
for Awakened practitioners. In more recent years, there has been an upswing of in-
terest in Kabbalah among the Jewish faith as well. Prayers
Decline and Rediscovery and services from Kabbalistic texts have been incorporated
By the close of the 16th century, Kabbalah was an into most branches of liberal Judaism. Most, if not all,
integral part of mainstream Judaism, but over the next Rabbinical seminaries now teach at least a few courses
century or so it began to experience a decline. In the on Kabbalah, and a few even have full-time instructors
mid-17th century, a charismatic Kabbalist named Sab- in the field. Awakened proponents of Kabbalah, espe-
batai Zevi appeared in the Ottoman Empire and declared cially within the Silver Ladder, claim that this upswing
that he was, in fact, the Jewish Messiah. His followers of interest points to the truth of Kabbalah's Supernal
included many Kabbalists, and the practice thereby gained knowledge; the soul wants to fight against the Lie, and
a reputation as a font of blasphemy and idolatry. When even when the truth is suppressed or marginalized, it will
Sabbatai converted to Islam to avoid execution at the always find a way to push itself back to the forefront of
hands of the Ottoman Sultan, his movement collapsed, the human mind.
but Kabbalah remained tainted by association.
Ironically, and perhaps proving that the Supernal truths
will always find their way to light, given time, at the same
Theory and Practice
At its core, Kabbalah is a way of defining the universe;
time Kabbalah was declining in Judaism, its influence was
specifically in terms of understanding how creation
dramatically rising among Christian mystics and occult-
emanates from the infinite, all-encompassing Godhead
ists. This new branch of the teachings rapidly evolved into
its own philosophy, drawing as it did on the
syncretism of Hermetic thought. Most of
the Christian mystics who adopted
Kabbalah likewise lacked access
to the extensive commentary
and original source texts that
gave rise to Jewish Kabbalah,
which further pushed Her-
metic Kabbalah apart from
its antecedent.

Modern History
Kabbalah reached its peak
as an occult praxis in the late
1800s with the founding
of the Hermetic Order
of the Golden Dawn
in London. Within the
Golden Dawn's teachings,
Kabbalah was largely folded
into a larger, syncretic view
of Eastern and Western re-
ligious and magical thought,
with the ten sephiroth gaining as-
sociations with Greek and Egyptian
deities and the Enochian philoso-
phy of John Dee, among others.
Some Hermetics, notably Aleister
Crowley, wrote deliberately id-
iosyncratic or blasphemous

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down into the earthly, material world. Kabbalists call this phor, without a mold (form) into which to pour molten
structure the Tree of Life, and mages often compare it to steel (force), the liquid metal will simply run loose and
the Atlantean Pentagram in both form and function. overwhelm everything; without the metal to pour into
the mold, the mold itself is nothing, a mere husk of the
In the Beginning... thing it should be (this is a topic Kabbalah revisits in
the form of the Qlippoth, which will be discussed later).
The foremost principle of Kabbalah is one familiar to
anyone who has read Genesis: In the beginning, there was Only when the molten steel is poured into the mold can
God, whom Kabbalists term En Soph (“no end”). As the the final product be created and used.
name suggests, En Soph was infinite and omnipresent—all
that was was God, and God was all that was. God desired Apples and Serpents
to have a Creation that was separate and apart from the According to the traditional Kabbalistic viewpoint,
infinite, and so within the endlessness of God, a single mankind's Fall came in the form of self-awareness. This
point of something formed out of nothing. The exact means caused the world, Malkhuth, to fall from its exalted
by which this happened may be the most discussed topic state directly connected to both the Will of God and
in all of Kabbalah, but one of the most popular theories, the form of Creation. In its place was left a hole, Daat,
as coined by Isaac Luria, is that of tzimtzum. which allowed the cold, alien half-life of the Abyss into
Tzimtzum roughly translates as “contracting” or “making the world.
room,” and that translation encapsulates the core of the Naturally, the ancient texts pin this occurrence on the
idea: In order to make a “space” for the new Creation, God eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, but many
pulled away, creating an empty space that was surrounded Awakened scholars point to the Celestial Ladder. It was
and encapsulated by En Soph but not truly a part of it. not simple awareness of self that led to the Fall, they claim,
The raw, creative power of God could then flow forth but awareness that the individual could be like God that
into the universe, creating the world as it is understood caused the radical change in the world. Some Kabbalistic
by mortals, Sleeping and Awakened alike. scholars attempt to reconcile the Fall and Tree of Life
In order to create a universe truly separate from En with the Atlantean cosmology, but many argue that the
Soph, however, the power of God had to be channeled old model of the five Supernal Realms no longer applies;
through a series of progressively more-refined filters, which the Fall wreaked much more drastic changes upon the
constrained and focused that pure, creative potential into shape of the universe than the severance of the Fallen
a less divine and more earthly form. In much the same World from the Supernal.
way as a factory's assembly line takes in raw materials on
one end and produces a finished product at the other
end, the divine energy of Creation had to be refined into
The Tree of Life
the forms of the material world. These “filters” are called
sephiroth (singular sephira), which means “emanations,”
and the Lightning Flash
Since the Fall, the Tree of Life has taken on a radically
and they can be defined both as processes and as actual different shape. The ten sephoroth are arrayed in three
realms, like the more familiar Supernal Realms known to columns, associated with the three forces of creation.
Atlantean mages. As the divine power of En Soph flows On the left hand is the Pillar of Severity, comprising the
through the sephiroth, it is changed and channeled before sephiroth of Binah, Gevurah, and Hod. These sephiroth
emanating along down the Tree of Life to the next sephira, are considered to have a feminine aspect. On the right
and so on until it reaches the bottom of the tree, which is the Pillar of Mercy, encompassing the masculine sephi-
is the physical world. roth Chokhmah, Chesed, and Netzach. Finally, running
Kabbalists divide the Tree of Life into three distinct straight down the center, the Pillar of Balance represents
paths, or pillars, which correspond to the three basic the synergy of the two extremes, and contains the sephiroth
precepts of creation: Force, form, and balance, or con- Keter, Tipheret, Yesod, and Malkhut. Also considered
sciousness. Force is, of course, the raw energy of creation, to be on the Pillar of Balance is Daat, which is not a
the fuel for the fire, so to speak. Form, by contrast, is sephira at all, but a sort of “false enlightenment” within
that which constrains the power of creation and shapes the depths of the Abyss. Kabbalistic tradition holds that
it into something. Finally, balance or consciousness is Daat is the “hole” left by Malkhut (the physical world)
the state in which form and force come together and when it Fell from its exalted place. Daat, the Abyss,
create, where the harmony of creation allows awareness and all of the sephiroth individually will be discussed in
of that creation to grow. To return to the factory meta- greater detail later.


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Between each of these sephiroth, twenty-two paths link initial act of creation as one of divine sexual intercourse,
the Tree of Life into a symmetrical structure loosely with the masculine generative power combining with the
resembling an elongated snowflake. It is by these paths feminine ability to give form to life to create the world.
that the energy of creation pours into the world, follow- Of course, at this level of the Tree of Life, the form ex-
ing a zig-zag pattern referred to as the Lightning Flash. ists as potential, not an actual physical or spiritual thing,
The term is something of a misnomer, as Kabbalah holds much in the same way that a recipe holds the potential
creation to be a constant, ongoing event, rather than to become a cake, but is not a cake itself. Thus, mages
an instantaneous event like a lightning strike. Likewise, associate Binah with the Arcanum of Fate, which governs
the twenty-two paths, which are each associated with a the ultimate destiny of all things.
letter of the Hebrew alphabet, are the means by which From Binah, the energy of creation leaps across the
the Kabbalist, mage or Sleeper, attempts to ascend the Abyss through means unknown to the Awakened and
Tree to attain enlightenment and Ascension. reaches the sephira Chesed. Chesed is the point at which
The Lightning Flash begins at the top of the Tree, the potential forms from Binah can be recognized as
where the limitless power of En Sof flows into the sephira discrete entities. It is the inspirational moment, where
Keter (“Crown”). Keter is the point within this universe the idea of a form acquires the potential to be actualized.
which is closest to En Sof, and it is through Keter that Some Kabbalists liken it to the sudden moment of in-
the power of the infinite enters the world. Keter is on spiration when the answer to a puzzle suddenly becomes
the Pillar of Balance because, as the “access point” for clear. Since even the most potent of inspiration cannot
the energy of the infinite to enter the world, it neces- spring fully-formed into existence, mages associate Chesed
sarily contains the perfect, balanced power that is God. with the Arcanum of Time, representing the transitional
Mages associate Keter with the Prime Arcanum, the period from idea to reality.
stuff of pure, unadulterated magical power, but also the From Chesed, the energy of creation now laden with
potential to shape that power into any form. Accord- the fuel to be born (from Chokhmah), the potential to be
ing to Kabbalistic tradition, Keter is hidden from the shaped into anything (from Binah) and the inspiration to
minds of mortals and can never truly be reached—some determine what it will be, it reaches Gevurah, where the
branches of Kabbalistic thought actually propose that impulses of creation are balanced by those of preserva-
this entire universe is but the lowest of four; four complete tion and destruction. Creation, by definition, requires
Trees of Life layered on top of each other, so that even if something to change, and change, by definition, requires
a seeker were to reach Keter, he would only find himself the old to be destroyed to make way for the new. If you
in Malkhut once more, having moved “up” one rung on want to build a house, you must cut down trees to make
the proverbial ladder of reality. lumber, and if you want to abolish an unjust law within
From Keter, the energy of creation flows to Chokhmah, the Consilium you must destroy the social structure that
sometimes called the Will of God. If Keter is the genera- allows that law to exist. Gevurah represents the judgment
tive power to create, Chokhmah can be thought of as the of what should be kept and what should be discarded; it is
desire to create, the will to apply force to the energy of the the counterpart to Chesed, which represents innovation
divine and urge it on into the creation of the universe. for innovation's sake. Thus, Gevurah is associated with
Without the impetus provided by Chokhmah, the power the Arcanum of Mind, governing the ability to discern
emanating from Keter would do nothing, merely collect ideas independently and make an active choice of which
and pool until it eventually filled the entirety of the uni- to keep and which to discard.
verse, negating the concept of tzimtzum and returning all After Gevurah, creation returns to the Pillar of Balance
to a union with En Sof. Mages associate Chokhmah with for the first time since it originated in Keter. Tipheret
the Arcanum of Forces, which governs the primordial is the embodiment of wholeness and balance, wherein
energies of the universe; according to Genesis, after all, creation and preservation are held harmoniously in
God's first command was “Let there be light.” check. Here, outdated concepts are destroyed to make
As mentioned in the factory analogy, the will to create way for new concepts, but at the same time those con-
is useless without a form in which to contain it. Thus, cepts that remain balanced and useful are protected from
from Chokhmah, the energy flows to Binah, the Mother meaningless change. Mages associate Tipheret with the
of Form. Binah is often thought of as the feminine aspect Arcanum of Space, in the sense of its purview over the
of God, much as Chokhmah is the masculine form (at sympathetic connections that hold the world in balance.
least inasmuch as God is knowable within this world), Some Awakened liken Tipheret to a vast warehouse of
and the analogy is an apt one. Many religions depict the the cosmos, where all concepts and ideas are filed and

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sorted in an infinite space (thus connecting it to the mages must scrounge out the faintest sympathies that
more literal purview of Space). link them to the Supernal once more, using the guid-
After Tipheret, the energy moves once more to the ance of the Watchtowers to work their wills. Malkhut,
Pillar of Mercy, to the sephira Netzach. Netzach is where for obvious reasons, is associated with the Arcanum of
the forms and ideas of creation acquire the primal drives Matter, the crude, base material of the world devoid of
of self-preservation and the urge to be. It is here that the the spark of life.
potentials of form and inspiration are given the urge to be
made manifest. To coin an analogy, a writer might have
the idea of a book in his mind and the ability to create
Awakening and Kabbalah
Atlantean doctrine holds that there are five
it, but it is the urges from Netzach that actually compel
Supernal Realms, and that each governs
him to write, to apply the force to the form and actually
two of the Arcana; the ruling Arcana of the
create. The Awakened link Netzach with the Arcanum
Path associated with its Watchtower. Mean-
of Spirit, which governs those most primal of urges that
while, the Kabbalistic worldview posits ten
drive the Shadow.
realms, each associated with one Arcanum,
Passing again to the Pillar of Severity, creation reaches
and with considerably less emphasis placed
Hod, the sephira where form is given definition by language
on the divide between Supernal and Fallen.
and abstraction. Without Hod, people would still be able
According to the Awakened Kabbalist, the
to distinguish between a dog and a cat in front of them,
Watchtowers are not located in any one
or between one dog and three dogs they could see, but
Realm, but on the paths that lie between
were the dogs and cats not actually there we would have
the sephira associated with the ruling Ar-
no concept of them. It is Hod that allows the human
cana. Thus, the Watchtower of the Golden
mind to understand and abstract the ideas of dogs, cats,
Key lies along the path between Keter and
and numbers. Although many mages would logically see
Chokhmah, while the Watchtower of the
a connection between Hod and the Arcanum of Mind,
Lead Coin lies between Yesod and Malkhut.
Awakened Kabbalists have traditionally associated it with
Life, after the story of how Adam defined all living things Watchtower Kabbalah Path
in the Garden of Eden by naming them. Golden Key Keter to Chokhmah
As the long journey of creation nears its end, the divine
energy reaches Yesod, the foundation of the world. It is Iron Gauntlet Gevurah to Tipheret
through Yesod that the higher spheres interface with and Lead Coin Yesod to Malkuth
filter down into the Fallen World. In the balance of force
Lunargent Thorn Binah to Chesed
and form, Yesod is the final layer of abstract creation be-
fore the physical manifestation of the world. Some mages Stone Book Netzach to Hod
liken it to the Shadow, and in many ways they are similar
concepts—debate between Kabbalists as to whether Yesod
literally is the Shadow, or whether the Shadow is a part of
Malkhut and Yesod is an abstraction of both the Shadow and
The Abyss and the Qlippoth
the physical realm at once, remains heated. The Awakened One of the first things that strikes Awakened mages
associate Yesod with the Arcanum of Death, which may when they begin to study Kabbalah is the dark slash across
seem an unlikely correspondence until one realizes that it the Tree of Life labeled “the Abyss.” Surely, these novices
is at this point on the Tree that the ineffable, Supernal ele- say, this is evidence that Kabbalah holds an understand-
ment of creation “dies” and becomes entirely the mundane ing of the Awakened world. Where else would it have
dross of the Fallen World. Accordingly with this principle, acquired the idea of an empty hell that severs the higher
some mages also associate Yesod with the Abyss (as it is realms from the lower, and which denies mankind its
understood by Atlantean philosophy, not to be confused birthright of union with the divine wisdom? While there
with the Kabbalistic Abyss that surrounds the world). are certainly similarities between the Kabbalistic Abyss
and the Atlantean Abyss, and many mages are able to
Finally, we reach the base of the Tree: Malkhut, the
satisfactorily reconcile them within their personal phi-
“Kingdom,” which is the Fallen World that mortal and
losophies, there are likewise significant differences that
mage alike dwell in. Fallen from its exalted place just
a wise mage does not discount.
below Keter and Binah, only the faintest spark of the
Supernal remains in Malkhut. Denied their former glory, According to Kabbalistic theory, the Abyss has always
existed—it is, in fact, the empty space created when En


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The Kabbalistic Abyss and Paradox
Many mages, on encountering the Kabbalistic model of reality, spot what appears to be an
obvious flaw, either in the Arcana correspondences or the placement of the Abyss. After all,
Paradox comes from the Abyss snatching at the power of a mage's magic as it crosses the
Abyss, and yet the sephiroth associated with seven of the Arcana are actually below the Abyss!
If the Kabbalists' model is accurate, why do mages still suffer Paradox when they cast vulgar
spells from Arcana like Life, Matter, or Death? Shouldn't those bypass the Abyss altogether?

Kabbalists counter with an alternative theory of Paradox: Paradox is not the result of the Lie
of the Fallen World conflicting with the Supernal Truths, but rather the product of the qlippothic
entities of the Abyss. All the energy of creation must cross the Abyss in order to reach its ulti-
mate destination, and this gives the Abyssal entities a taste for that power. When a mage casts
a vulgar spell, the energy flares and shifts out of the pattern of the Lightning Flash, drawing the
attention of qlippothic monstrosities that surge through the hole in creation, desperate in their
hunger to be made manifest and truly real by the power of creation. Their attempts to seize the
energy is what causes Paradox. Kabbalists are less clear on the mechanism whereby the Abys-
sal entities can detect improbable spells, but postulate that it may have to do with the “knowl-
edge” garnered from the hole called Daat.

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Sof pulled away to create space for the universe. Initially, these divisions are arbitrary and meaningless; the essence
it was only the emptiness in which the creation would of the qlippoth is formless emptiness; they can have only
play out, like a stage without dressings or sets. According the forms the enlightened will gives them. Nevertheless,
to Isaac Luria, building on a story within the Zohar, the many Kabbalistic mages recognize these forms as a useful
initial act of creation was flawed: When the power of the fiction. Oftentimes, when a Kabbalist mage's Paradox
divine emanated into the Abyss, its sheer might was too invokes a Manifestation, the Abyssal creature brought
great for the Tree of Life. Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah forth corresponds to the qlippa of the sephira associated
held the force, but the lower sephiroth could not contain with the spell's primary Arcanum.
the power and shattered.
The remnants of the sephiroth, like the empty remains
of an eggshell after the egg has been cracked, fell into
Kabbalistic Symbolism
Kabbalah has no shortage of occult symbology that
the Abyss, devoid of the life and vitality granted by the
resonates with the Supernal World. Hermetic Kabbalah
divine. New sephiroth were created, capable of holding
in particular has compiled a dizzying array of correspon-
the divine power, and the empty shells, called qlippoth,
dences tied to the sephiroth. Mages studying Kabbalah
lay forgotten in the abyss. But like a thin scum of oil that
likewise often sort their Supernal sympathies by the
remains in an emptied vessel, a tiny spark of the divine
sephira that governs their Arcanum of choice: for example,
clung to the qlippoth, just enough to imbue them with
a mage casting a Death spell might burn a purple candle
a faint life and intelligence, and a hunger to regain the
or chant the name of the archangel Gabriel while medi-
touch of God's power.
tating on an intricate clockwork, all symbols associated
The Abyss, and its qlippoth inhabitants, might have
with the sephira Yesod.
remained safely sealed outside of creation for all time
but for man's (and, if the Awakened are to be believed, Malkhut (Matter)
specifically mage's) hubris. There are literally countless Since Malkhut (“Kingdom”) is identified as literally
legends of the fall of man, of which the story of the the Fallen World, it may seem odd that it possesses any
apple and the serpent and that of the Celestial Ladder Supernal sympathy associated with it. What the student
are but two. Whatever version the individual chooses of Kabbalah must remember, though, is that the energy
to believe, mankind tried to attain true knowledge of of creation is itself Supernal, and even though only a tiny
God, and failed spectacularly. Malkhut, the Kingdom portion of that energy reaches the Fallen World, it is still
of God, fell from its exalted place in the Tree of Life there and ready to be called forth. In keeping with its
and left in its place a hole, called Daat (“Knowledge”). place at the base of the Tree of Life, Malkhut's correspon-
Through this hole in creation, the Abyss was able to seep dences are earthy and straightforward: the color brown,
in, hungry for the divine power of creation: the power the element of Earth, and the concept of discipline. The
the Awakened call magic. Virtue associated with Malkhut is Prudence, and its Vice
The exact nature of the qlippoth has been debated by is Greed. Malkhut has less-pleasant associations with the
scholars, Awakened and Sleeper alike, since the very concepts of materialism and stagnancy, both rooted in the
idea was introduced. The most popular theory among image of earth and its riches. The angel associated with
Awakened Kabbalists is that the qlippoth are both the Malkhut is Sandalphon, and it has a planetary associa-
ihabitants of the Abyss and a sort of inverse image of tion with the Sphere of the Elements. In numerology,
the Tree of Life, sometimes called the Tree of Death or, Malkhut is connected to the number 10.
more rarely, the Tree of Knowledge (both in reference to
the tree from which Adam and Eve ate and to the “false Yesod (Death)
sephira” of Daat). This Tree of Death is what the Tree of Yesod (“Foundation”), despite its Arcanum correspon-
Life would be if it were devoid of the power of creation: dence with Death, also has strong parallels with the
to return to the factory analogy, it is a condemned and Shadow, and thus has many sympathies similar to that
closed down factory, full of hollow molds and useless realm. Its color is purple, and its element is Ephemera
machines that serve no purpose, a home to filth and (the stuff of both spirits and ghosts alike). Yesod reso-
vermin and disease. nates with the concepts of perception and the reception
Hermetic Kabbalah has a long tradition of assigning of knowledge or ideas, often by channeling the restless
specific classes of demons to each of the qlippoth, includ- dead. Those meditating on Yesod often perceive the
ing, confusingly, the shells of the sephiroth that did not image of a vast, infinitely-complex clockwork, a sort of
shatter in the first creation. Many mages postulate that God Machine endlessly regulating the life and death of


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the world. The Virtue of Yesod is Fortitude, and its Vice Pride. The planet that rules Tipheret is the Sun, and its
is Sloth. The “cold comfort of the grave” gives Yesod a archangel is Michael, the righteous warrior. Christian
correspondence with the idea of security (especially a Kabbalists connect Tipheret to the image of the Son
false sense of security), and mindless automata, especially of God (in the disincarnate sense, not specifically the
zombies and non-sentient ghosts, likewise have strong image of Jesus Christ). Tipheret is identified with the
links to Yesod. The planet that governs Yesod is the number six.
moon, and its archangel is Gabriel, the messenger and
also the angel of death. Yesod's number is nine. Gevurah (Mind)
In Gevurah (“Strength”), that which is good and
Hod (Life) deserving of existence is preserved, while that which
Hod (“Glory”) is the sephira that embodies the glory is flawed and unworthy is destroyed. Gevurah is associ-
of life in all its forms. Hod is linked with the color or- ated with the color red and the concepts of power and
ange and the element of Air, which represents both the might. Gods of war, power, and divine justice (Ares,
breath of life and the breath of the words that define Thor, the Morrigan, and their ilk) are often depicted
life. In keeping with its association with the naming as manifestations of Gevurah. Gevurah is tied to the
and defining of life, Hod has strong correspondences Virtue of Fortitude and the Vice of Wrath, and is gov-
with the High Speech and Atlantean runes. The Vir- erned by the planet Mars and the archangel Kamael.
tue associated with Hod is Hope, and its Vice is Envy. Martial arts, justice, and revenge are also powerful as-
For all that life can be a chaotic riot of being, Hod is sociations, as are acts or symbols of cruelty, dominance,
connected strongly to the ordering of life, and thus and oppression. Gevurah bears the number five in
any kind of order or hierarchical structure contains numerological studies.
sympathy with Hod. Hod is associated with the planet
Mercury and the archangel Raphael, who was both a Chesed (Time)
healer and a bringer of knowledge. Hod is linked to Chesed (“Mercy”) is the creative font of the idea, of
the number eight. the potential genesis of the actual from the conceptual
and the process of creation. Its color is blue, and it is
Netzach (Spirit) associated with the images of authority and majesty;
Netzach (“Victory”) is the sephira of the pure, primal sky-fathers and ruling deities, from Ra and Zeus to the
urges in all living things. Perhaps no entities in the Fallen Abrahamic God and Odin, are often associated with
World embody that concept more than spirits, who ex- Chesed. The Virtue linked with Chesed is Fortitude,
ist for no other reason than to fulfill the urges of their and its Vice is Gluttony. In astrology, Chesed is ruled
nature. Netzach's color is green, the color of life and of by the planet Jupiter, and its governing archangel is
covetousness, and its element is Water. Desire, passion, Zadkiel, the angel of mercy. Any symbol of power and
and all of the pure, strong emotions a human being can authority, especially righteous authority, is associated
feel are associated with Netzach. The Virtue and Vice with Chesed, as are moments of inspiration or sud-
of Netzach are simple, straightforward, and diametrically den enlightenment. Some mages, for this reason, call
opposed: Charity and Greed, respectively. Unsurprisingly, Chesed the “sephira of Awakening” and claim that it
Netzach's planetary governance is Venus, named for the is the divine energy emanating from this sephira that
goddess of love and passion, and its archangel is Haniel, lifts mortal men and women out of the Lie and brings
whose name means “joy of God.” Netzach is given the them to the Supernal Truth. Chesed is associated with
number seven in numerology. the number four by numerologists.
Tipheret (Space) Daat (The Abyss)
Tipheret (“Beauty”) represents the perfect balance of Daat (“Knowledge”) is not a sephira at all; it is a false
potential, of all things being in their proper place and emanation of the Abyss, left when Malkhut fell from its
the interconnections between all things. Its harmony original place in the Tree of Life. To the unwary seeker
is a bright, glorious thing, a far cry from the stereo- of enlightenment, the power of Daat can seem to bring
typical image of the Mastigos who claim affinity with knowledge, but all it truly offers is shadows and lies. It
its Arcanum. Tipheret is associated with the color yel- is knowledge, but the empty, useless knowledge of one
low and the concepts of unbrokenness or wholeness; who knows but does not understand. Daat is associated
gold rings are a popular representation. The element with no color or planet, for it does not manifest as a
of Tipheret is Fire, its Virtue is Faith, and its Vice is positive force in any way. Any symbol that expresses
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emptiness or nothingness—a pit or chasm, tunnel, or calls “Let There Be Light.” Keter's number, of course, is
black hole—has sympathy with the concept of Daat, as one; the number of unity and singularity at once.
do gods of falsehood and deception, such as the Norse
Loki or Roman Janus. Tools of the Trade
Kabbalistic magic draws from the same tradition as
Binah (Fate) much of Western European ceremonial magic, and
The first of the so-called “Supernal” sephira, Binah thus uses many of the same tools. Altars, candles and
(“Understanding”) is the mother of all form and shape. incense, as well as ritual circles and tools such as wands,
Understandably, then, the imagery of the sacred feminine knives, and cups are common in extended castings, as are
is strongly associated with Binah. Mother-goddesses and gematria (a Jewish practice that involves finding sympathy
the fecundity of nature are powerful symbols of this sephira. between concepts or individuals by adding up the values
Binah's color is black, and its ruling planet is Saturn. The of the letters in their names) and intense meditations
angel of Saturn (and thus Binah) is Cassiel, the watcher, on specific letter forms. Instant castings often invoke the
who observes all that unfolds in the cosmos. Binah's names of the archangels of the sephiroth associated with
Virtue is Prudence, and its Vice is Sloth. Divine figures the Arcana of the spell.
like Isis, Hera, and Nut are all associated with Binah, Tools and sacraments are often of the color or element
as are darker “mother” figures like Echidna, the mother associated with the sephira of a spell's primary Arcanum,
of monsters. Binah's numerological correspondence is and mages will often add symbols associated with other
to the number three. sephiroth which have relevance to the spell. For example,
Chokhmah (Forces) a mage wishing to conjure a spirit of retribution might
perform a ritual at an altar surrounded by a circle of
Chokhmah (“Wisdom”) is the divine masculine prin-
seven green candles, but drape his altar with a red cloth
ciple of creative power. Its color is silver, and it is often
decorated with the Atlantean astrological symbol of the
associated with patriarchal symbols like Cronus, Geb,
planet Saturn and invoke the name of Kamael. The
and Ymir, symbols of the progenitors of the universe.
actual spell is a Spirit spell, and even though there is no
Chokhmah is associated with no planet, but with the stars
conjunctional Mind effect in the spell, Gevurah governs
of the Zodiac, and the angel Raziel. Chokhmah's Virtue
the concept of retribution and the destruction of the un-
is Faith, and its Vice is Wrath. According to most Kab-
worthy, and so it is honored in the spell. Obviously, this
balists, Chokhmah is the highest sephira a mortal mage
sort of symbolic honorific is easier to incorporate into
can attain comprehension of, and thus is the pinnacle
extended castings; instant castings are usually limited to
of Kabbalistic magic before Ascension. Chokhmah is
meditating briefly on the archangel or other appropriate
given the number two by numerologists.
symbol of the relevent sephira.
Keter (Prime) Kabbalistic mages, by dint of long tradition, use a
The pinnacle of the Tree of Life, Keter (“Crown”) is form of accented High Speech which strongly resembles
difficult to assign occult sympathy to, as most Kabbalists classical Hebrew. Likewise, a variant form of Atlantean
believe that mortals can only truly understand it upon runes more closely resembling written Hebrew has been
Ascension. Only the Obrimos even glimpse it during devised by Awakened Kabbalists over the centuries, and
their Awakenings (a fact that often contributes to the is often used preferentially by practitioners of this tradi-
arrogance of Kabbalistic Obrimos). Keter's color is white, tion. There is no mechanical difference between these
and its symbols are those of the Prime Mover; this might Kabbalistic variants and the standard versions taught by
be Jehovah or another being the Kabbalist believes to be the Atlantean system, and any character capable of un-
the supreme force of creation. Keter is associated with the derstanding one is capable of understanding the other.
highest virtue of all, according to mages: that of Wisdom.
As it is the point of union with the pure and infinite
existence of En Sof, Keter is not given association with a
Kabbalistic Mage Characters
Kabbalah, unlike many magical traditions, is a compre-
Vice (although cynics often suggest, if those mages with hensive cosmological philosophy often presented as an
affinity to Keter are any indication, Pride would not be alternative to, or elaboration on, the Atlantean model.
a poor choice). Keter is ruled by the archangel Metatron, Kabbalah is not unusually attuned to any one type of
the voice of God himself. Like Chokhmah, Keter is as- magic; as such members of every Path and order can
sociated with no planet, but rather with the moment of be found practicing Kabbalah. Some Kabbalist mages
creation, what science terms the Big Bang and religion erroneously reckon the Paths' importance based on how


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far up the Tree of Life they Awakened, but true masters Rabbi Judah Loew, created a Golem to protect the Jews
generally eschew this theory. After all, pride goeth before of his city from anti-Semitic violence.
the fall, and those who place themselves highest often Practice: Weaving
fall the farthest. Action: Extended
Contemplating the Tree of Life is predominantly mental Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
exercise, and so Mental Traits tend to dominate among Aspect: Vulgar
Kabbalists. In particular, Occult and Academics (preferably
Cost: None
with a Religion Specialty) are vital to a Kabbalist's work.
This spell bestows a kind of life on an inanimate figure,
Those who wish to trace the practice back to its roots are
traditionally a humanoid figure sculpted out of clay. A
strongly encouraged to take the Language (Hebrew) Merit,
single success is sufficient to awaken a single Golem
as many source texts remain untranslated. Despite the
of up to Size 5, but almost all Kabbalists spend a great
emphasis on Mental rigor, Social and Physical Traits can
deal of time and energy investing their creation with
be equally useful. Many of the sephiroth are associated with
additional Potency and Duration factors. Some create
action, whether physical or mental, and rotes drawing down
Golems significantly larger than human size; for each
those realms often make use of those Traits. Many Kabbal-
additional 5 points of the Golem's Size, add one Target
ists identify themselves strongly with a particular sephira,
factor. The Golem has a Strength score equal to the spell's
and such individuals often prioritize the Traits associated
Potency, but has no other Attributes or Skills. Like an
with that sephira. A Mastigos who considers it his duty to
object, the Golem uses its Size, Durability, and Structure
embody Gevurah and protect the innocent and pure from
to determine the effects of attacks against it. When the
all that is wicked and wrong is likely to have Physical or
Golem suffers damage in excess of its Durability rating, it
Social Traits as his primary categories, depending on the
suffers a –1 penalty on all actions. If its Structure points
specific method he chooses to protect them.
are completely depleted, it is destroyed.
Character Concepts: Messianic rabbi, jaded initiate
The Golem created by this spell has no true intelligence
of the Golden Dawn, community defender, devout
or initiative. It can understand simple commands, up to
seeker of enlightenment, blind alchemist, Solomonic
roughly the complexity one could expect a dog to follow,
demon-binder, emissary to the angels, Abyss-deceived
and can be “programmed” to respond to a specific stimu-
“enlightened master,” instrument of God's balance,
lus with a single, predefined action (e.g. “Attack anyone
wandering pilgrim.
who tries to harm me”). By adding Mind 5 to the spell,
the mage may grant his creation a mind of its own. It
Kabbalah Rotes may be worth noting that nearly all tales of free-willed
The magic of so-called “practical Kabbalah” (as opposed golems end with the creature rebelling and killing many,
to the esoteric Kabbalah which focuses on union with sometimes including its creator.
God) is as wide and varied as the entirety of western
At Matter 5, the mage may use Advanced Prolonga-
occult tradition. The powers associated with Kabbalah
tion factors.
are so varied that, at some points in Jewish history, any
miraculous power exhibited by a rabbi was attributed to Tradition Rote: Maharal's Wisdom
Kabbalistic knowledge. The following are a few specific Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Matter
examples of some of the most impressive and famous of The traditional Kabbalistic rote for the creation of a
the powers attributed to Kabbalah. golem is a long and arduous ceremony, lasting as long as
Note that mages who have studied Kabbalah as a magical several days. First, the mage prepares and ritually cleanses
tradition (via the Magical Tradition Merit, p. 23) do not an altar, which is draped with a brown cloth (representing
need to know Fate 2 to utilize the conditional duration Malkhut) and on which the Golem's form is laid out.
effects described in “The Golem” and “Lashes of Fire” The mage need not sculpt the Golem himself, if he so
spells below. chooses. Once the Golem is in place, two black candles
(for Binah) are lit at the head and foot of the Golem, and
The Golem (Matter •••• + Fate ••) the mage begins to carve sacred runes into the body of
According to legend, the creation of the Golem, an the inert statue (both to represent Hod and to provide
animated being of lifeless clay given vitality by the power the additional duration from Atlantean runes). The
of the Tree of Life, is a feat accomplished by many great mage then chants in the accented High Speech favored
masters of the tradition. The most famous version of the by Kabbalists for thirty minutes before beginning the
tale dates from 16th century Prague, where the Maharal, invocation proper, which involves readings from scrip-

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ture and invocations to the archangels of the sephiroth. Practice: Patterning
The traditional target number aimed for by Kabbalists Action: Extended
is nine: five applied to the spell's Potency and four to its Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
Duration (allowing the Golem to exist for two days, or Aspect: Vulgar
indefinitely if the caster is a Master, counting the Atlan-
Cost: 1 Mana
tean rune bonus), but the caster is free to set his own
By means of this spell, the target is rendered unable
desired target number. Often, the rote concludes with
to “achieve forgiveness,” as Kabbalists put it. In game
the mage writing the Hebrew word Emet (“Life”) on the
terms, this takes the form of a compulsion forbidding
Golem's forehead and setting the conditional duration to
the subject from increasing his Wisdom or relevant Mo-
specify that the Golem will be destroyed if the first letter
rality Trait for the duration of the spell. The subject, of
is erased, rendering the word Meit (“Death”).
course, does not think in terms of ratings and experience
Lashes of Fire points; the compulsion merely prevents the subject from
coming to terms with his own sins. Moreover, should
(Mind •••• + Forces •••• + Fate ••) the target lose a point of Wisdom for any reason during
This devastating spell has long been attributed to Kab-
the spell's duration, he takes damage equal to the spell's
balistic practices, though most practitioners ardently insist
Potency (reduced by armor if the subject's armor can
that it goes against everything that Kabbalah teaches.
protect against fire) as invisible whips of flame scour his
By means of this terrible curse, the subject is “denied
flesh. Note that suffering this damage does not end the
the forgiveness of God,” and moreover is cursed to
spell — flagrant sinners can be (and have been) killed
suffer savage lashes as from a whip of fire each time he
by this spell. At Mind 5, the caster may use Advanced
Prolongation factors.
Tradition Rote: Pulsa di Nura
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Mind
Because of the elaborate casting rit-
ual traditionally involved, many
Kabbalists incorporate
Space 2 to cast this rote
sympathetically. The
Pulsa di Nura, as this
spell is traditionally
named, begins in the
Kabbalist's preferred
ritual space. An altar
draped with red cloth
(for Gevurah) and set
with purple candles
(for Yesod and Death)
is the centerpiece
of the ritual. As
with most Kabbalist
spells, it begins with
chanting in the High
Speech for a half an
hour. Once the ritual
proper is begun, the
mage takes up a silver dagger
(representing both Chokhmah
and his desire to do harm), with
which he traces the names of
Michael and Kamael in the air
above the altar. Finally, at the completion


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of the casting, he pierces an image of the desired target Tradition Rote: The Serpent's Path
(or another object which has sympathy to the target) Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Mind
with the dagger, then transfers the object to a burning Just as energy travels down the Tree of Life in the
brazier to be consumed. If the ritual is performed during Lightning Flash, so too does it ascend once more in the
the astrological hour of Mars (for example, at dawn on Serpent's Path. The mage who climbs that treacherous
a Tuesday), the Mana cost is waived. road and passes all the wrathful guardian angels set
There is no common consensus as to the appropriate over it will achieve unity with God, or so they say. This
number of successes the willworker should target with rote is one of the more subdued Kabbalistic rituals:
this spell. Most agree that it should last no less than two the mage dons a purple robe (even if Yesod is not his
days, so five successes are often allocated to Duration; ultimate destination, it is the traditional “beginning”
alternately, the spell's conditional duration is often set so of the road). Surrounded by foci that represent his goal,
that the spell expires if the target deviates from a course the mage meditates until he slips into the Astral Plane,
of action the caster finds displeasing — for example, a then continues meditating on the names of God and
Pulsa di Nura cast on a businessman might be set to end the archangels of the sephiroth. When the spell is com-
if the target gives up his efforts to buy the apartment plete, the mage enters the “realm” of the sephira, and
building that houses the mage's sanctum. Successes can interact with its inhabitants. If he overcomes their
devoted to Potency range from one (if the caster only challenges and riddles, he may gain enlightenment. If
wishes to gently goad the target) to ten or more for truly he fails, the result could be messy to say the least.
Biblical-scale vengeance.

Climbing the Tree Magic Items

For the most part, Kabbalah is an internal tradition,
(Mind •••• + Any Arcanum •••) focusing on the practitioner's enlightenment over exter-
A great part of the teaching of Kabbalah involves the nal symbols. As such, there are comparatively few magic
mage's efforts to understand and achieve union with the items associated with the tradition. A few, however,
Tree of Life. Kabbalists see this as a form of metaphysical have gained prominence among occultists, and even
“climbing” of the Tree to reach the higher sephiroth and popular culture.
greater understanding. Traditionally this is accomplished
by intense meditation and prayer; this spell allows the The Golem
Kabbalist to make the journey more literal. The Kabbalist spell described above is certainly one
Practice: Weaving interpretation of the myth, but some mages consider it
Action: Extended to be only a recreation of the legend, which dates back
Duration: Prolonged (one scene) to antiquity and often attributes strange behaviors to the
Aspect: Covert Golem. Some argue that the original golem was a curse, a
trap laid for the hubris-filled mages of an earlier time.
Cost: None
Golem as Imbued Item (•••••)
This spell must be cast in conjunction with an astral
journey (see Mage: the Awakening p. 283). Upon cast- This version of the Golem is a simple, animated statue
ing this spell, the mage shapes the Astral Plane around imbued with the Maharal's Wisdom rote described
him into a representation of one of the sephiroth he has above. The Golem is a roughly man-sized figure, with
gained an understanding of (that associated with the crudely human features hewn from white clay etched
conjunctional Arcanum of the spell). He can interact with countless mystic runes. It has a Size of 5, Strength
with the angels and spirits of that sephira and gain wisdom 6, a Durability of 3 and 10 points of Structure. The
and understanding of its principles. The exact effects of Golem can understand moderately-complex commands,
this wisdom varies; in general, if the mage overcomes the and will defend its owner without any instruction. The
challenges and seals that guard the sephira's mysteries, he word “Emet” is written on its forehead; if the first letter
should earn 1-3 Arcane experience points depending on of the word is erased (and remember, Hebrew is written
the difficulty of the challenge. According to Kabbalist doc- right-to-left), the Golem ceases to function.
trine, the key to Ascension is to use this spell to journey Golem as Curse (Imbued Item •••••)
completely up the Tree of Life, from Malkhut all the way Outwardly, this Golem resembles the one described
to Keter, navigating each sephira in turn. This obviously above; it even has similar Traits. This Golem, though, has
requires considerable mystical power, and there are few a different Fate-based trigger. Any time its owner orders
if any reliable cases of a mage achieving this goal. the golem to commit an act of hubris, mark a “Resistance”

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point in the Golem's statistics. When five of these points
have accumulated, the Golem goes berserk and begins
killing and destroying randomly. It no longer responds Story Hooks:
to its “owner” and must be destroyed or shut down. Roots and Branches
• Choking the Tree: It is the driving goal
The Rabbi's Cane of Abyssal entities in the Kabbalistic world-
According to legend, the Maharal of Prague, the legend- view to reunite with the energy of creation.
ary Rabbi Judah Loew, possessed a marvelous walking Recently, a group of powerful Scelesti has
stick which he could use to summon the shades of the discovered a ritual they believe will accom-
dead. These restless ghosts would often testify at criminal plish this goal; a mighty spell that aims to ac-
proceedings, providing evidence to exonerate persecuted tually choke off the sephira Binah, leaving no
Jews. Some say the story is a myth, others say that the receptacle for the energy flowing forth from
cane was an artifact or the Rabbi's personal dedicated Chokhmah. Left unchecked, the pure stuff of
tool. In either form, the cane is a simple walking stick creation will overrun the universe, dissolving
of black-lacquered wood, with an unadorned handgrip all creation back into unity with En Sof.
well-worn from use. When the light catches the lacquer
• The Tree of Death: Over the past few
just right, the observant eye can make out Atlantean
weeks, three murders have caught the eyes
runes carved into the wood below.
of the Guardians of the Veil. Each victim
The Cane as Artifact (••••••••) was brutally killed in a ritual manner, and
The artifact form of the Rabbi's cane came into Loew's carved into their flesh were the Kabbalis-
possession from a mysterious source during his stay in tic terms for the qlippothic demons of the
Moravia. The cane has the power to invoke the Death sephiroth Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah.
5 “Summon the Dead” spell, drawing the shades of the Each victim in some way embodied or in-
dead up from the Underworld. It further incorporates dulged in the sins associated with those en-
the Death 3 “Control Ghost” spell so that the owner can tities. With seven more sephiroth to go, the
compel summoned ghosts to speak truly. Both effects killer must be found and stopped, but when
last for one scene. his choice of victims comes to focus on
The Cane as Magical Tool truly heinous individuals, the choice might
According to the tales, Rabbi Loew was a Kabbalistic become more difficult than some would like.
mage of considerable power. This cane was his dedicated
• The Lost Sephiroth: One of the most
Path tool, which he used to aid him in calling down the
prominent masters of Kabbalah in the local
Supernal; it has no intrinsic mystical properties, but in
Consilium believes that Kabbalists have
the hands of a skilled diviner its sympathetic connection
been entirely too swift to dismiss Daat as
to the old mage could make it a tremendously useful
a mere trap to deceive those not discerning
tool. Who knows what secret treasures the threads of
enough to pass it by. He believes there is
sympathy might lead to, or what secrets the Maharal's
vital knowledge about the world before the
shade might share with a necromancer who called him
Fall to be had within its ruined shell. The
forth with the cane's sympathy?
master's plan to mount an astral explo-
ration of the “lost sephira” has met with
Kabbalah presents a complete, comprehensive cosmol-
enthusiastic approval by younger, more
radical thinkers, but the Hierarch and his
ogy that can either compliment, compete with, or even council think the whole thing smacks of
supplant the Atlantean system. You can run a very novel Scelestus-talk. The players might come
game in which any of the three are true. The last option down on either side of the debate, fending
obviously differs from the view presented in the Mage off Abyssal entities while the scholars make
rulebook, but it can make for an intriguing new twist their examinations, or they might staunchly
on the setting. Consider the Storytelling possibilities try to stop the expedition from taking place
inherent in a chronicle built entirely around the rich — or deal with the fallout when the party
symbolism and esoteric mystery of the Kabbalah; hidden returns... changed somehow.
meanings and symbols abound, and every new level of an
Arcanum learned is another step toward enlightenment.


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In such a chronicle, Ascension might be a very real and sociated with it. For example, casting a Forces spell to
ultimate goal of many or all characters —and there are give power (that is, “life”) to a machine would qualify,
certainly those who see enlightenment as a “me or you” because Chokhmah deals with the concept of the pri-
prospect and do everything in their power to advance mal life-giving, generative force. Likewise, a Spirit spell
their own enlightenment over their rivals. The film Pi to conjure a spirit that will urge the target to fulfill her
could be seen as an example of this type of story. primal urges qualifies, but summoning a death-spirit to
Of course, Kabbalah can also be used to simply provide attack an enemy would not.
an interesting alternative to the Atlantean orthodoxy. • Awakening to the Sephiroth: When a mage Awak-
Mysterium mages, in particular, delight in discussing ens, he journeys to one of the five Watchtowers, each of
philosophical differences as to the nature of reality. As which exists in two sephiroth at once. The mage journeys
anyone who has ever worked in academia can tell you, to one manifestation of the Watchtower, which grants
this process isn't necessarily as civilized as it sounds. him an additional affinity to one of the ruling Arcana of
Backbiting, political pressure, and even outright sabotage his Path. At character creation, choose one of the ruling
can mar the “gentleman's” disagreement. For inspiration, Arcana of your character's Path. That Arcanum costs only
turn to historical accounts of any Crusade or Inquisition new dots x 5 to increase. However, this affinity makes it
toward an alternative religion. Movies like The Name of harder to learn the Arcanum opposed to your primary
the Rose might not deal specifically with Kabbalah, but affinity. The cost to increase your inferior Arcanum
they do provide an interesting example of the savagery increases to new dots x 9.
with which the establishment can defend its view. • Kabbalistic Conjunction: The Arcana are associated
Kabbalah can also make excellent fodder for a chronicle with the sephiroth, but the sephiroth are more than the
centered around astral journeys. Kabbalists devote much Arcana. A Kabbalist understands that, and knows how to
of their time to acquiring as much knowledge of the Tree draw down the power of creation in novel ways. Whenever
of Life as they can, both by studying earthly accounts of he casts a conjunctional spell, a Kabbalist may replace the
Kabbalah and by entering the Astral Planes to climb their normal conjunctional Arcanum with the Arcanum associ-
own, personal Tree, a sort of microcosm of creation's mac- ated with the sephira which most closely matches the effect
rocosmic Tree. Like any astral journey, a trip along the Tree of the spell. For example, a spell which would ordinarily
of Life is no less dangerous for being “all in your head,” have a conjunctional Mind effect to allow the caster to
nor is the wisdom to be gained from the inhabitants of the speak any language could use Life instead, because Life
sephiroth to be devalued because it comes from within. For is associated with Hod, the sephira of the power of words
inspiration for such a chronicle, look no further than the and languages. The caster must have one more dot in the
graphic novel series Promethea, which devotes quite a few sephira-associated Arcanum than the spell would require.
issues to its heroine undertaking just such a journey. In chronicles using this rule, the common names of the
Arcana might be downplayed in favor of calling them by
their sephiroth's name. A Moros wouldn't call himself a
Alternative Magic Master of Death, but a Master of Yesod.
(Storyteller's Options) • The Virtue of Man: Kabbalah places a great store in
With a few small modifications to the magic system of virtuous thought and deed, and posits that virtue is the
Awakening, Kabbalistic theory and wisdom can easily be only way to truly achieve enlightenment and Ascension.
brought to the forefront of your chronicle if you so desire. The universe rewards the virtuous; and as such, whenever
Consider employing one or more of the following optional the casting of a spell would count as the mage fulfilling
rules to give Kabbalah a larger share of the spotlight. her Virtue, in addition to regaining all spent Willpower,
• Harmonious Magic: A Kabbalist mage understands she gains a point of Mana. For all that Virtue is exalted,
that, while the Arcana are the tools by which he shapes Vice is also powerful —Kabbalah sees the Vices as traps,
reality, the power of the sephiroth is what creates that illusions set out by the qlippoth to lead the unwary astray
reality in the first place. Accordingly, he learns to lessen from Wisdom. The Abyss wants to lure mages into hubris
the impact of his spells on the Fallen World when he and folly, and so it holds back its sting when a mage gives
acts in accordance with the sephiroth. in to his weaker impulses. Whenever the casting of a
In game terms, the mage may reduce his Paradox dice spell would count as the fulfillment of the mage's Vice,
pool by –1 die when he casts a spell whose intended he gains a Willpower point, but also subtracts one die
effect is in harmony with the nature of the sephira as- from his Paradox pool if the spell is vulgar.

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Sample Character
“Your lament and sorrow must be changed into joy, and
your fasting into merriment; for ye shall weep no more. Rejoice
with song and melody, and change the day formerly spent in
sadness and sorrow into a day of jubilee, because the Awakened
Kingdom is coming.”
Background: Mordecai Halberstam was born into one
of Brooklyn, New York's most prominent Hasidic Jewish
families. From an early age, he showed himself to be an
apt pupil of the Talmud and was groomed by his family
and his community for rabbinical studies almost from the
time he could read. God, or Fate, or some other higher
power (depending on whom you ask) intervened in his
sixteenth year, though, and while praying at Temple,
Mordecai experienced a vision. He saw the holy archan-
gels Metatron and Raziel, standing before the gates of a
great golden tower, wherein surely must have dwelt the
Throne of God. The angels vexed him with temptations
and scriptural riddles, but Mordecai answered all of their
questions and defeated their seals, and was allowed to enter
the golden tower, into whose walls he signed his name in
Hebrew letters wrought with mystical significance.
When he returned to awareness of this world, Mordecai
began to tell others in his community that he, like Elijah,
had been called up to Heaven to witness the Throne of
God, and that he had brought back with him secrets and
wisdom to share with the Jewish people. Word eventually
made it back to the Guardians of the Veil, who recognized
the signs of Awakening in the young man's tales and
quickly sent agents to quiet him. Once Mordecai had Description: Shabbatai is a young Jewish man of just
been inducted into Awakened society and told its myths, under eighteen years of age. His features are of strongly
he recognized the truths in them — certainly, Atlantis was Eastern European character, and his dark eyes smolder
merely a metaphor for Eden, and the Supernal World a with the intensity of his cause. His hair is worn in the
goyim's imperfect understanding of the Tree of Life, but traditional Hasidic fashion, and he is slowly but surely
the truth of an ancient, Awakened paradise lost by man's developing the full beard characteristic of his sect of Juda-
hubris resonated with his soul. In that resonance, Mor- ism. Likewise, he dresses in the conservative, somewhat
decai felt that he had found God's plan for him — that archaic suit and hat favored by the Hasidim, albeit subtly
he was allowed to enter the highest of the Watchtowers, augmented by Atlantean runes woven into the lining to
that he was escorted by the archangels themselves, surely aid in the casting of protective spells.
this meant that he was to lead the Awakened nation back Shabbatai's nimbus is that of the Kingdom of Heaven
to its paradise, its Promised Land. If God demanded — he seems to be backed by an invisible but clearly-felt
that he be a Messiah, even to a community with so many host of holy angels, not the New Age harps-and-chubby-
idolatrous and blasphemous members, then that was the babies variety but the mighty and terrible messengers of
duty he would perform. He took the name Shabbatai, after God that leveled cities in the Old Testament. During
the 17th century Jew who claimed to be the Annointed especially potent castings, his very surroundings seem to
One, to remind himself to be humble in his task. He has transfigure into a shining city of gold, while the voices of
a long road ahead of him, but already the young mage's the Seraphim unceasingly chant the Trisagion.
fiery intensity and raw charisma have gathered a number Storytelling Hints: Shabbatai is either a deluded
of followers to his banner. zealot or the greatest hope the Awakened have for re-


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

gaining the glory of Atlantis. If he is wrong about his Social Skills: Empathy 3, Expression (Oratory) 4,
destiny, no force in the Fallen World will convince him Persuasion 3, Socialize 1
of it, and in time he may well be led to acts of increasing Merits: Allies (Messianic Awakened) 3, Contacts
desperation to fulfill it. If he is right, that same dogged (Hasidic Communities), Destiny 4, Eidetic Memory,
tenacity will allow nothing short of death to stop him High Speech, Language (Hebrew, Aramaic), Magical
— and maybe not even that. Shabbatai speaks softly, Tradition (Kabbalah), Order Status 2
for he does not need to shout: the power of his belief Willpower: 8
is sufficient to sway others to his cause. Regardless
Wisdom: 7
of that cause's rightness, though, Shabbatai is bound
Virtue: Faith
to make waves in any Consilium he happens to visit,
waves that could lead to no shortage of enemies among Vice: Pride
the Awakened. Initiative: 5
Dedicated Magical Tool: Copy of the Torah Defense: 2
Real Name: Mordecai Halberstam Speed: 9
Path: Obrimos Health: 7
Order: Silver Ladder Gnosis: 4
Legacy: None Arcana: Fate 1, Forces 3, Mind 2, Prime 4, Time 1
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 2, Resolve 5 Rotes: Forces — Influence Light (•), Control Sound (••),
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Unseen Shield (••), Call Lightning (•••); Mind
Stamina 2 — Aura Perception (•), Emotional Urging (••);
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 1, Prime — Discern Phantasm (•), Dispel Magic (•),
Composure 3 Supernal Vision (•), Counterspell (••), Primal
Flow (••), Celestial Fire (•••), Phantasm (•••),
Mental Skills: Academics (Judaism) 4, Investigation 4,
Awaken Hallow (••••)
Occult (Kabbalah) 3, Politics 1, Science 1
Mana/per turn: 13/4
Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Drive 1, Firearms 1
Armor: 3 (“Unseen Shield,” Forces ••)

The utmost man is daemonic. When the wide woodlands blaze, they cannot sear him.
When the Yellow River and the Han freeze, they cannot chill him. When swift thunderbolts
smash the mountains and whirlwinds shake the seas, they cannot startle him. A man like
that yokes the clouds to his chariot, rides the sun and moon and roams beyond the four
seas. Death and life alter nothing in himself.
— Chuang-Tzu

In the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese Communist Easter parade and a group of Holy Rollers. In recent
Party tried to suppress the ancient, mystical tradition decades, however, scholars have finally studied ancient,
of Taoism, along with every other doctrine that might little-circulated scriptures and persuaded actual Taoist mas-
compete with its own. It failed. Taoism remains deeply ters to reveal mysteries and practices long kept secret.
woven into Chinese culture. Its influence reaches from Taoism remains difficult to define, though. Perhaps
medicine to organized crime. that is appropriate. Its foundation scripture, the Tao Te
Until recently, other people knew little about Taoism. Ching of the legendary sage Lao-Tzu, warns, “The Tao
Western scholars had read a few cryptic, mystical-philo- that can be named is not the true Tao.” A Taoist does not
sophical treatises. They knew about community religious believe in a tidy, well-defined set of dogmas labeled “Tao-
festivals, popular fortune-telling methods, miscellaneous ism”; he seeks experiences beyond description. Supernal
folk charms and wonder-tales. It was like trying to under- experiences, you might say. Taoism isn’t something you
stand Christianity based on one gospel, a community believe; it’s something you do. Any brief discussion can

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only touch upon a few core concepts and try to suggest context, yang in another. Each half of the monad also
the goals and methods of Taoism’s practitioners. contains a spot of the opposite hue. Taoist philosophy
says that nothing is pure. Everything contains a bit of
The Taoist Cosmology
As Lao-Tzu said, the concept at the core of Taoism
its opposite. Indeed, any extreme tends to give rise to its
own opposite. For instance, long periods of peace and
social stability generate the seeds of revolt; periods of
is fundamentally indefinable. “Tao” means “the way.” social chaos lay the groundwork for a new order. One
The Tao is the Way of the Universe: the natural order of Taoist initiatory rite increases a student’s mystical force
things and the totality of existence, beyond time, space by poisoning him and leaving him in a lightless cave
and division into separate entities. for a week. The concentrated force of yin must attract a
The Tao Te Ching describes the genesis of the Universe complementary upsurge of yang, increasing the student’s
in this way: “The Tao gave birth to the One; the One spiritual force overall.
gave birth to the Two; the Two gave birth to the Three; Taoist religion represents this conceptual stage of duality
the Three gave birth to the Ten Thousand Things.” as the god Ling-pao T’ien-tsun, the “Spirit Jewel Heavenly
However, this is not a historical progression analogous Worthy,” emblematic of the connection between matter
to the Judeo-Christian seven days of Creation. Instead, and spirit, Heaven and Earth.
Lao-Tzu describes the progressive development of con-
cepts, from the indescribable Tao to the real, concrete
objects of everyday experience.
The Three
Some Taoists interpret “the Two” as Yang and “the
Three” as Yin, but other interpretations are possible.
The One The I Ching, an ancient fortune-telling guide, ascribes
Because the Tao is totally beyond all description or special importance to eight “trigrams” that represent the
division, one cannot even say that it exists: That would permutations of yin and yang in groups of three. Each
ascribe a definite quality to the Tao and a division between trigram consists of three line segments, whole for yang
existence and nonexistence. and broken for yin. They range from three yang lines
All of reality — the manifest Tao — is the One. The to three yin lines. The eight trigrams are often drawn
manifest Tao is called T’ai Chi, “the Great Principle,” or around the yin-yang monad; this octagonal arrangement
Hun Tun, “Primordial Chaos.” Reality is not yet divided also provides a map of space for Taoist rituals.
into entities, qualities or levels of being such as matter or “The Three” can also refer to a third Taoist deity, Tao-
spirit. At this level of comprehension, everything consists te T’ien-tzun, the Heavenly Worthy of the Tao. Taoists
of one essence: Ch’i or Qi, “Breath,” a force both natural regard this deity as the divine archetype of the sage Lao-
and supernatural. Like the Western scientific concept Tzu and a symbol of qi as life force.
of energy, qi appears in many forms, from literal breath
Taoism also places great emphasis on the triad of
to the power of souls. Solid matter is just a particularly
Heaven, Earth and Man. These three realms of being
dense configuration of qi. Taoist religion represents
reflect each other. Entities in one realm correlate to
this ultimate force as the god Yüan-shih T’ien-tsun, or
entities in the others. For instance, the Purple Court is
“Primordial Heavenly Worthy.”
simultaneously the highest palace in Heaven, a palace on
the mythical mountain K’un-lun, and part of the human
The Two brain. A Taoist draws power from these affinities.
The quality of existence necessarily implies the quality
of non-existence. Unity begets duality. The primordial qi
operates in two fundamental modes: Yang, the principle
The Ten Thousand Things
The interplay of qi creates an infinitude of different
of active force, expansion, light, motion, life and Heaven;
entities. Some are material; some are spiritual. As the
and Yin, the principle of passive receptivity, restriction,
appearance of the three Heavenly Worthies suggests,
darkness, stillness, death and Earth. Just about everyone
Taoism combines an abstract, philosophical conception
has seen the monad symbol of the circle divided by a
of qi with belief in gods and spirits. The Heavenly Wor-
recurving line into two comma-shapes, black and white,
thies exist in Prior Heaven, the realm of transcendent
that represents the division between yin and yang.
archetypes. Most gods, however, exist in Posterior Heaven,
As the monad symbol suggest, yin and yang are not which is merely a place in the sky for spirits. Taoists often
static qualities locked in eternal opposition and negation. personify the forces and concepts of their creed as gods
Their interplay is dynamic: Something can be yin in one whom they can call upon for power.


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The Five Elements The First Philosophers
Yin and yang operate at a high level of abstraction. Tao- Taoism took a step into history with the sage dubbed
ism also postulates five forces, qualities or agencies with Lao-Tzu, the “Old Master,” who flourished in the 6th
more immediate relevance to the continual changes that century BCE — early in a remarkable 700-year period of
take place throughout the Universe: the elements of Fire, religious ferment that saw the birth of Temple Judaism,
Water, Wood, Earth and Metal. They are not so much Buddhism, Confucianism and, finally, Christianity, as
substances as modes of existence. In particular, they change well as Greek philosophy. Tradition says that Lao-Tzu
into each other and affect each other through cycles of was the archivist for the royal court of Chou. After his
generation and restriction. Wood generates Fire, which retirement, he wrote the Tao Te Ching, traveled west out
gives rise to Earth, which forms Metal, which creates Water, of China, and disappeared. Lao-Tzu’s dense, aphoristic
which nurtures Wood again. But Wood controls Earth, little treatise lends itself to diverse interpretations rang-
which obstructs Water, which quenches Fire, which burns ing from mystical cosmology to political theory. The Tao
Metal, which cuts Wood. Everything in reality can be tied Te Ching, however, is the first book to enunciate the
to these five elements, and their interplay described and concept of the Tao.
controlled through the cycles of creation and destruction. Taoism’s next scripture, the Chuang-Tzu, takes its
They play an important role in Taoist magic. name from its alleged author, a figure even more shadowy
than Lao-Tzu. The Chuang-Tzu stands out for its utter
Return to the Tao skepticism about all dogma and belief, even belief about
In the world of the Ten Thousand Things, the Tao is one’s own identity. In the book’s most famous passage,
hard to perceive. A Taoist tries to comprehend the Tao the author recounts how he dreamed he was a butterfly,
through meditation, mystic rituals and a variety of other and in that dream, he fell asleep and dreamed that he was
ascetic and occult practices. He gains more than a mysti- Chuang-Tzu. Which person is real, the butterfly or the
cal experience of being “one with the Universe.” Along sage? Again, mages might find the notion of the world
the way, a Taoist gains power. As he reaches beyond the as a dream somewhat familiar.
fragmented, everyday reality of the Ten Thousand Things,
he touches the fundamental currents of qi that drive the Sages, Sects and Schools
Universe, and takes them into himself. His initiations The Tao Te Ching and Chuang-Tzu inspired philo-
give him the right and the power to command the spirits. sophical speculations. It also seems so have influenced
Ultimately, his communion with the Tao makes him a notions of magic, for magicians — called fang shih — also
living nexus between the levels of reality. He is at once began to be called Tao shih. Taoism did not emerge as
mortal and divine, in the world and beyond it. Through a religion, however, until the 2nd century CE, during
his rituals and meditations, the Taoist brings the realms the Han Dynasty. According to legend, the gods gave the
into harmony and reinforces the cosmic order. As such, prophet Yü Chi the T’ai-ping Ch’ing-ling Shu, or Great
the Taoist master does not merely perform feats of magic. Peace Book of Pure Commands. This scripture laid out
He helps to sustain the world itself. the doctrines of yin and yang, the cycles of the five ele-
ments and methods to obtain blessings and disease cures
The origins of Taoism fade into legend. No Taoist claims
from spirits. Yü Chi’s book also claimed that improper
balances between yin and yang caused all troubles, both
natural and social. The Han emperors and ministers of
to invent anything; they merely explicate or develop the
state no longer ruled according to the Tao. By flouting
doctrine of previous masters. Indeed, the scriptures of
the ways of nature and neglecting the balance of yin and
Taoism are said to exist as part of the Tao itself, eternal
yang, they were in danger of losing their right to rule.
and transcendent, until gods reveal them or mortal sages
Yü Chi greatly influenced the Taoism master Chang
perceive them and write them down.
Dao-Ling. He established the Heavenly Master sect in
In mythology, the first Taoists were the legendary Three
western China, which ruled a province as a virtually au-
Sovereigns and Five Emperors. These primal culture heroes
tonomous state for centuries. Chang Dao-Ling divided
revealed the Tao to humanity along with writing, agriculture,
his theocratic state into 24 districts, each overseen by a
government and other civilized arts. The most important
grand libationer to whom was assigned a register of servant
of these mythical sage-kings, Yü the Great, saved the world
spirits. Under the rule of Master Chang and his descen-
from flooding after an evil power broke the foundations
dants, this Taoist state repaired roads, drained marshes,
of reality. Mages might find some familiarity in sage-kings
and set aside grain collected as taxes for feeding travelers
of the ancient past, flooding and a broken world.

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and the poor. Convicted criminals had to confess their The Yellow Turbans
sins in public and do road repair as penance. One 2nd century Taoist sect met a violent end. Another
Legend ascribes many miracles to Master Chang, in- Taoist inspired by Yü Chi, named Chang Chiao (no
cluding trapping demons in pottery jars, raising himself relation to Chang Dao-Ling), founded the Great Peace
from the dead and ascending to Heaven. His strangest sect in an eastern province. Like the Heavenly Master
feat, however, was perhaps lengthening his arms to pull sect, the Great Peace school tried to build a new society
a disciple up a cliff. Chang Dao-Ling’s talismans to amid the decay of the late Han Dynasty. Chang Chiao
bring good fortune remain popular throughout China, claimed the “blue heaven” of the Han dynasty was end-
particularly a talisman that shows the legendary sage ing and the “yellow heaven” of his new order was about
riding through the sky on a tiger. to spread across China. As token of this, his followers
Other sages revealed more scriptures and founded wore a yellow headband and so the sect was called the
more sects in the next two centuries. The Yellow Turbans.
Shang-ch’ing or “Highest Pure” school, based Unlike the Heavenly Masters, the Yellow Turbans at-
on the sacred mountain of Mao Shan, became tracted the ire of Han government. The Han military
particularly influential. Its founder, Lady Wei crushed the fledgling Taoist state. Somewhat later, the
Hua-ts’un, wrote (or revealed) the Huang-tin Heavenly Master theocracy accepted imperial vassalage in
Ching, or Scripture of the Yellow Court, which return for a free hand running local affairs. That would
describes the connections between the five seem to be the end of Taoism as a political force.
elements, the human body and Heaven. Except it wasn’t. Time and again in Chinese history,
Its meditative regimen shaped much of mystical movements turn into rebel movements,
subsequent Taoist practice. Chinese or rebel movements adopt mystical trappings.
folklore ascribes many wondrous pow- Typical ingredients include diet restrictions and
ers to Mao Shan adepts The tradition avoidance of intoxicants (part of the Taoist
continues in Chinese fantasy-action regimen to keep the body pure), talismans,
movies, in which Taoist adepts can peachwood swords, symbolism based on
perform feats ranging from leaping the five elements and their associated di-
great distances to making vampires rections and colors, and leaders who claim
explode. supernatural inspiration. (Admittedly,
Other schools include Ling-pao their supernatural guidance more often
(“Spiritual Jewel”) and the P'ei-chi comes from trance mediums than Tao-
("Pole Star") sect that became fa- ist masters.) Such rebellious cults and
mous for its exorcistic prowess. mystical rebels also frequently taught
Along with spirit-summon- mystical exercises and martial arts
ing and talismans, the drawn straight from Taoism. Some
scriptures from this of the more influential secret so-
period describe cieties include the White Lotus
ascetic regimens Society (which lasted from the 12th
and meditations to the 19th centuries), the Eight
to increase one’s Diagrams, the Golden Elixir Society
mystical power, and — most of all — the Righteous
p ro l o n g l i fe , Harmony Fists, or Boxers. These
engage in mystical martial artists’ rebellion shook
visionary jour- China from 1897 to 1900.
neys to distant These secret societies and rebel
realms, com- movements, in turn, helped create
mune with the the Triads. These criminal gangs
Tao and ulti- played an important role in the
mately ascend to revolution that ended the Manchu
Heaven as a divine dynasty and led to the Chinese
immortal. Republic. Nowadays, they control
much of the heroin trade.


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So maybe it’s no surprise that the China’s Communist demon-quelling sword and hundreds of pottery jars con-
government harasses the Taoist-inspired Falun Gong taining trapped demons. Since many Taoists operated
movement. Its practitioners claim that Falun Gong is without allegiance to any temple or monastery, however,
nothing more than a system of meditation and light ex- masters continued to teach students right under the noses
ercises for physical and spiritual health, with no political of the Communist authorities. As the Communist Party
aspect whatsoever. And so it is… for now. But other rebel relaxed its grip, Taoist temples, priests and monasteries
movements and secret societies started the same way. returned to public view. The great monasteries on Mao
Shan and other sacred mountains now train as many
Success and Schism initiates as ever, and receive a measure of state support
During the 5th and 6th centuries, religious Taoism as part of China’s cultural heritage.
spread throughout China with the help of patron emper- Taoism also receives interest from foreign scholars
ors, and its rites became highly popular with common who, at last, are neither colonialists nor Christian mis-
folk. In this period, scholars also began compiling the sionaries — not the most sympathetic of investigators. A
proliferating scriptures into a Taoist Canon. The various foreigner who wants to learn about Taoism — such as a
schools assumed a distinct hierarchy of mystical power, curious mage — actually has a decent chance of learning
enlightenment and respectability, with some schools from an authentic Taoist master.
considered more orthodox than others. Tales of Taoist
masters from this period often feature miraculous jour-
neys between sacred mountains, to distant regions of the
earth, and to the stars and realms of the gods. Becoming a Taoist
The Sung and Yüan dynasties (10th to 14th centuries) This broad and diverse tradition de-
saw a great multiplication of popular Taoist sects and mands an extraordinary range of Skills
cults. These groups offered magic rather than philosophy from practitioners: Academics to interpret
or mystic enlightenment, much to the disgust of the ancient scriptures, Crafts (Calligraphy) to
leaders of older, orthodox schools. The heterodox cults compose talismans, Medicine to perform
even perverted Taoist ritual to black magic. The new sects acupuncture and other healing arts, Occult
did not actually disagree with the doctrines of the older to know the tradition’s vast body of esoter-
schools; they differed only in their applications, or in ic lore, Survival to tramp through the wil-
details such as what color an adept visualized when he derness from temple to temple, and even
meditated upon a particular element. Heterodox Taoists Weaponry to duel with spirits — among
did not scruple to use the names of prestigious schools, other possible Skills.
however, so Taoism still has a large body of “Mao Shan” As a necessary minimum, however, any
black magic that has little or nothing to do with the ac- character who wants to become an actual
tual meditative Taoism of the famous monastery. A new Taoist (and not just a person who studies
practice called “Thunder Magic” appeared and quickly Taoism) requires at least Academics 2 (with
spread through all the schools and sects, since it provided a Skill Specialty in Taoism), Crafts 1 (for cal-
the best (or only) defense against black magic. ligraphy) and Occult 2. This is an exceed-
In time, some measure of order was restored by a part- ingly literate tradition.
nership of Taoist sages and the imperial government. The
Taoists are religious figures in their com-
imperial government recognized the Heavenly Master
munity. As such, they may have Status.
sect as supreme arbiter of Taoist orthodoxy and gave it
They also have their own hierarchy of rec-
the authority to ordain and rank Taoist adepts. Sects
ognized masters, monasteries and grades
were graded into degrees of initiation and prestige, from
of initiation. Taoist Status does not extend
popular cults up to the Heavenly Masters themselves and
past four dots, for figures such as Chang
the elite adepts of inner alchemy.
Dao-Ling’s heir or the abbot of a Mao Shan
Modern Taoism monastery. This hierarchy can also justify
When the Communists took over China, they tried to Allies, Contacts or a Mentor — indeed, a
suppress Taoism. Many Taoists fled China for Taiwan, Taoist must learn from a Mentor, whether a
Hong Kong and the wider Chinese diaspora. The Heav- personal tutor or a monastery.
enly Master sect, still led by the descendents of Chang
Dao-Ling, moved to Taiwan along with Master Chang’s
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Magic and Mysticism
Taoism includes a prodigious range of magical prac-
protects a person from every direction and invokes the
power of all five elements.
A true talisman consists of more than ink and paper,
tices and mystical devotions. Some of them might carry though. The Taoist must also infuse it with qi. The Taoist
genuine magical power, or hint at new techniques for might visualize the god to whom he addresses the talis-
the Awakened. man. He may also visualize the sun and moon hovering
in front of his left eye, or similar invocations of cosmic
Talismans power. Most importantly, though, he imagines elemental
Chinese tradition describes several ways of working qi flowing from an appropriate internal organ, through
magic, but Taoism emphasizes talismans drawn on his mouth, to the brush and paper to imbue the talis-
colored paper or, less often, wooden plaques. These man with magic.
are called fu, from the old Chinese word for a contract. Once a Taoist finishes scribing a talisman, he stamps it with
A proper talisman should be hand-drawn by a Taoist a cubical stamp whose symbols certify his authority over the
or some other mystical initiate (Chinese Buddhist tra- spirit world. Wax seals may further embellish the talisman
dition now incorporates fu as well), but the Chinese and increase its resemblance of an imperial directive.
people buy enormous quantities of cheaply printed A completed fu may be used in various ways. The Tao-
talismans. Such mass-produced talismans of course ist (or his client) may burn the talisman as a way to send
have no power whatsoever. its message into the spirit world. An offering of incense
A basic Taoist talisman consist of a prayer, command and gold-paper may serve as a bribe to the spirits, in case
or other statement addressed to a suitable god or spirit quasi-imperial and mystical authority fails to provide suf-
— most probably a god in the Taoist’s lu, or register of ficient motivation. The talisman’s recipient can paste or
spirit servitors granted by his initiation into the mysteries nail the fu to a wall, door or post, to deliver an enduring
of a Taoist sect or school. Talismans often include phrases blessing to the house and all who dwell therein. Some fu
such as, “By imperial order,” or “In accordance with the
protocols,” to remind the spirits of their duty to obey.
Many talismans are written in ordinary Chinese char- Timing
acters. Some fu, however, use special scripts. The Taoist Taoist tradition says that some times are
Canon provides a yang-aspected script whose characters are more auspicious than others for particular
even more square and angular than regular Chinese script, magical operations (a notion also found in
and a yin-aspected “cloud script” of flowing or wriggling Western ceremonial magic). To see whether
lines. Other talismans carry irregular blobs that bear no a time is auspicious or unlucky, a Taoist
apparent relation to writing. These talismans take their examines the eight characters that describe
inspiration from ancient Chinese shamans and mediums it — four pairs that represent its hour, day,
who swiped their bleeding tongues across paper to tran- month and year in a 60-year cycle. Any
scribe “messages” from the spirits that possessed them. Fu appearances of 4 or 8 tend to be lucky, but
may also include portraits of gods or animals, diagrams the numbers also correlate with the five ele-
that represent constellations, and other figures. A talis- ments. An hour whose numbers conflicted
man might combine these methods so, for instance, the with the elemental character of a working
characters representing the name of a god might be drawn would not be lucky. Some talismans should
and arranged in such a way as to make a picture of that only be written at particular hours of the day.
god (with a few additional brush-strokes if necessary).
Most talismans are written on bright yellow paper The angle of the Big Dipper also matters in
— the imperial color, as if it were an official edict. Bright Taoist magic. In some magical operations,
red is also popular. Some fu, however, use blue, green the sacred space must be aligned to the
or other colors of paper, chosen for their association direction that the Big Dipper’s handle points.
with particular elements and directions. For instance, Any serious Taoist magician — Awakened or
one set of talismans consists of five slips of paper, one Sleeper — keeps an ephemeris showing the
for each of the cardinal directions, colored violet for direction of the Big Dipper’s handle for every
the East, red to the South, green for the West, blue to hour of the year, or the Taoist works it out
the North, and yellow at the Center. (These colors are from memory.
not consistently applied, though.) Such a set of charms


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are buried, perhaps to invoke chthonic spirits instead of (Of course, people may notice if someone affixes fu to a
celestial gods. In some cases, the Taoist tears the finished building that belongs to someone else.) Western mages also
talisman in half, burns one part and buries the other, are not likely to recognize cloud script or blob-symbols as
forging a connection between Heaven and Earth. This runes. This can be useful if a Taoist wants to plant Atlantean
imitates an ancient Chinese form of contract that was runes on a mage he intends to attack, or annoying if the
torn and one half given to each party. The two halves foreigner and the Taoist want to work together.
could be put together again, showing the match between
them, as a way to verify the contract. Typical Talismans
The Chinese people want pretty much the same things
Awakened Use of Fu from their charms and talismans as anyone else in the
Writing a talisman takes time — enough time that it world. Charm-sellers offer fu to avert bad luck and attract
might make an excellent method for extended spellcasting. good luck. Talismans can speed recovery from disease or
As a Taoist mage draws the words, special characters and prevent sickness in the first place. Some fu banish hostile
pictures of the talisman, she builds the Imago of the spell spirits; others rescue ancestral ghosts from torment (the
and slowly charges it with Mana. The visible, tangible fu Chinese have a lot of hells) and deliver them to Heaven
provides an aid to concentration and memory. At the or reincarnation. Some talismans are very specific: One
end, the mage burns the talisman to release the completed set of talismans must be placed around a house that has
spell, or gives the fu to the spell’s target. burned, to purge it of bad luck before anyone rebuilds.
Fu are especially appropriate for casting rotes. These
standardized spells echo the standardized nature of talis- Taoist Rote: Summoning Talisman (Spirit •••)
mans from the Taoist Canon. A Taoist seldom invents new Spell: “Greater Spirit Summons” (see Mage: The
talismans: He copies the fu found in scriptures written Awakening, p. 249)
by Taoist masters of long ago. These could, indeed, be Dice Pool: Dexterity + Academics + Spirit vs. Resistance
grimoires of Taoist rotes: A true master uses handwritten Unlike the Silver Ladder’s rote, the Summoning Talis-
copies handed down from initiate to initiate, sometimes man does not depend on sheer force of personality or
for hundreds of years. Any copy, however, might assist a persuasion; the rote depends on the Taoist’s knowledge
Taoist mage in reconstructing a rote for his own use. of talismans and ability to draw them correctly, freehand.
Rotes involving fu often use Academics as the Skill However, the rote only summons spirits who already
component of the dice pool, rather than Craft or Oc- have personal sigils, and respond to the proper form of
cult. Technical skill at calligraphy matters, and so does the appeal rather than the magician’s personal charisma.
esoteric knowledge of the spirits and Taoist occult theory. Without knowledge of a particular spirit’s talisman, the
More than those, however, a fu is an official document rote is useless. Of course, a Taoist mage could summon
submitted to the Celestial Bureaucracy. The Taoist must spirits in other ways and strike a pact or compel the spirits
know the proper rules and formulae; and to understand to accept their own sigils.
them, he must master a millenium’s worth of scriptures,
from the Tao Te Ching onward. He must also understand Taoist Rote: Luck Blessing (Fate •)
how the obscure symbols of the fu derive from Chinese Spell: “Reading the Outmost Eddies” (see Mage: The
characters and star maps. Awakening, p. 149)
Sleeper scholars, however, must take it on faith that Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Fate
cloud script and other symbols are altered versions of The mage scribes a talisman that includes the name
ordinary Chinese characters. There’s no working back- of the person she intends to bless, stamps it, seals it and
ward from a talisman that looks like a random scribble to burns it. Count the number of successes rolled; that de-
the original characters. These scripts could just as easily termines the duration factors of the blessing. Whenever
be altered versions of glyphs assembled from Atlantean the recipient is in a challenging situation (one that calls
runes. A mage might use fu written in these scripts to for a dice roll), the character receives one free success.
extend a spell’s duration, just as with standard Atlantean This happens as many times as the successes rolled, or
runes (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 119). the duration expires, whichever comes first.
Talismanic scripts have some advantages compared to
Atlantean runes. In Chinese communities, at least, fu do
not stand out. Talismans tacked to the doorpost of a build-
A lu, or “register,” is a roster of spirits assigned to serve
ing or hung on a room’s wall do not attract much notice. a Taoist initiate. Each Taoist school offers different lists

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that might lead celestial functionaries to overlook minor
breaches of decorum… but a prudent mage doesn’t press
his luck. The Eight Immortals might get away with giving
the Celestial Emperor a bedpan as a birthday present,
but anyone less powerful than these mythic arch-masters
should show more discretion.

Merit: Lu (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Taoist Skill package (see “Be-
coming a Taoist,” p. 51), Taoist Status •,
Mentor •••
Effects: A character with this Merit can call
upon a roster of minor spirits. Unlike Famil-
iars, each spirit in a lu performs only one feat,
and only when specifically invoked through the
proper ritual. A lu might be seen as a sort of
collective Familiar — both in the sense of powers
spread among a collection of spirits, and in the
sense that all the Taoists of a particular school might
call upon the same lu. The size of a school’s register
of spirits may vary. A very large lu, however, is a sign
that a school lost Awakened leadership long ago,
never had it in the first place, or just pads out the
register with multiple names for the same spirits to
sound more impressive. The number of spirits in
a lu (or the number of applications, if one spirit
can be invoked for multiple functions) is actually
of spirits; Taoists quite modest — no lu exceeds the 24 magical feats
who attain higher grades of offered by the register of Chang Dao-Ling.
mastery receive a greater selection of spirit • One spirit, for one magical service
minions. Orthodox Taoists generally rely on the spirits •• Three services
of their lu rather than seeking to forge new spirit pacts ••• Six services
of their own — and indeed, an un-Awakened Taoist has •••• Twelve services
no choice. Even an Awakened Taoist might prefer to ••••• Twenty-four services
work through a lu for the sake of reliable results. Each The Storyteller decides what services a Taoist can obtain
spirit in a lu is bound to perform one specific feat when from a lu. At one or two dots of lu, a Taoist can obtain only
invoked through the proper talisman. As such, a mage minor services, from spirits of rank 1. For three to four
with a lu has a source of power that may extend beyond dots of lu, a Taoist can invoke spirits of rank 2 and obtain
his own Arcana. somewhat greater services. Only at five dots of lu can a
The great Chang Dao-Ling drew up the first lu. Other Taoist direct rank 3 spirits to perform feats of considerable
Taoist masters issued their own lu. A mage could institute power. Typical feats for the spirits of a lu include luck,
his own lu and place it at the disposal of disciples: This protection from various hazards or curing disease.
would involve forming his own spirit court and possibly To invoke the spirits in a lu, a Taoist writes the proper talis-
creating or reshaping spirits to order (all of which a master man for that spirit at an hour whose eight defining numbers
of the Spirit Arcanum can do; see Mage: The Awakening, (a pair for the hour, day, month and year) harmonize with
p. 255). Such a program necessarily involves a mage in the the spirit’s nature and function. The Taoist also burns an
politics of the Asian spirit courts that form the Celestial offering of incense and makes particular mudras while he
Bureaucracy. The complex etiquette and intrigue of this imagines elementally-charged qi flowing from the proper part
great court of courts surpasses anything ever found in of his body into the talisman. The whole process takes an
the mortal imperial court of China. Fortunately, Taoist hour. Once he completes the talisman, the Taoist may burn
masters have a reputation for inappropriate behavior it, bury it or otherwise treat it like any other talisman.


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When a character invokes his register of spirits, his one organ has too much or too little qi, this can cause
player rolls Dexterity + Academics + Spirit – the target disease. A person can restore balance by eating foods
spirit’s Rank, to see whether the Taoist correctly draws whose elemental character strengthens the organ whose
the talisman and performs the associated ritual. element restrains the element of the offending organ. For
instance, the liver connects to Wood while the heart’s
Sleepers and Sleepwalkers nature is Fire. Fire destroys wood; so, if a person became
A Sleepwalker can have the Lu Merit. This indicates sick because of an overactive liver, a Taoist would prescribe
she received genuine Taoist training and initiation from foods that strengthen the heart.
a true master (and so she had the Mentor Merit at the Taoism also posits a number of purely metaphysical enti-
time). Although she did not Awaken, she understood ties in the human body. The most important of these are
enough to forge a true connection to the spirit world. the three “cinnabar fields” located in the head, the heart
Since a Sleepwalker lacks access to the Spirit Arcanum, and the space between the kidneys. The lower cinnabar
however, her player merely rolls Dexterity + Occult – the field may be the same as another metaphysical “organ,”
spirit’s Rank. For the weak spirits of a lesser initiate’s lu, the Yellow Court — the nomenclature of Taoist scriptures
the chance of success is still quite good. is extremely cryptic here, and not at all consistent.
Like all talismanic magic, a mere Sleeper has very little According to the Yellow Court Scripture and other eso-
chance to invoke the spirits of a lu, no matter how well teric texts, a Taoist can perform an “inner alchemy” to
he performs the ritual or how elegant his calligraphy. produce nothing less than the Elixir of Life itself — the
The petty spirits of a lu, however, are not very bright. If drug of immortality. This involves charging the five
they should happen to pass by a correctly drawn talis- viscera with qi, then fusing that qi into new forms and
man, the chances are good that they will perform their cycling it through the energy channels of the body. The
set task. Thus, even a charlatan Taoist may get lucky ancient scriptures promise that the internal alchemist’s
now and then. Fortunately, the registers of orthodox body will “shine like vermilion, illuminating 1,000 li,”
Taoist schools only contain spirits for beneficial works. that his bones become like jade, or that he can dissolve
Less fortunately, old books may provide the talismans his body and ascend to Heaven in a blaze of radiance.
of heterodox sects who included curses and other black Later scriptures offer subtler achievements: By calling
magic in their lu. elemental qi from various organs into his mouth, mix-
ing them with solar or lunar energy and imbuing them
Internal Alchemy: the Body Cosmic into the saliva that he then swallows, the Taoist evokes
All things unite in the Tao, but some of the Ten Thou- the Three Heavenly Worthies and places them within
sand Things are more united than others. Taoism posits the three cinnabar fields. Lesser gods dwell in the five
deep affinities between the realms of Heaven, Earth and viscera, the palaces of his brain and other organs. The
Man. Everything in one realm has counterparts in the Taoist’s body thus becomes identical with Heaven.
others. As such, a Taoist’s most important laboratory,
temple and instrument of magic is his own body. Visionary Journeys
Taoist tradition assigns special importance to five internal The scriptures and legends of Taoism tell of sages
organs: the heart, lungs, spleen, liver and kidneys. These and masters miraculously traveling vast distances, even
five viscera correlate to the five elements, as well as the five to the ends of the Earth, ascending into Heaven and
directions, five planets, seasons, colors, flavors and so on. descending in paradises and hells hidden underground.
They are called Ts’ang, or Zang, “Reservoirs,” because each The legends take these stories literally. The scriptures,
organ can become a vessel filled with elemental qi. however, describe these as visionary journeys undertaken
The five viscera show their importance through their in meditation. As the Tao Te Ching says, “The sage can
influence on health. Taoist medical theory says that if travel the world without leaving his room.”

The Body Cosmic Table

Organ Element Direction Season Planet Color Flavor
Liver Wood East Spring Jupiter Blue, Green Sour
Heart Fire South Summer Mars Red Bitter
Spleen Earth Center Late Summer Saturn Yellow Sweet
Lungs Metal West Autumn Venus White Sharp
Kidneys Water North Winter Mercury Black, Violet Salty

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All this is merely practice, however, for visionary quests
the scriptures describe in remarkable detail. Some des-
Taoist Immortality tinations are coterminous with real geography. In the
From ancient times, Taoist doctrine prom-
material world, for instance, Mao Shan is a hill less than
ised immortality to its adepts. Internal
a thousand feet high. In vision, however, its interior holds
alchemy was only one method. Taoists also
paradisiacal lands within vast caverns.
practiced external alchemy: Recipe-books
More often, however, the Taoist undertakes a vision-
survive that describe diverse pills and drugs
ary journey to mystical, mythical realms. The ancient
meant to grant immortality. Since these
Chinese believed the world was flat and square: At the
drugs were compounds of mercury and
north, south, east and west poles of the world rose enor-
arsenic, they would certainly send you to
mous mountains inhabited by gods, genii, immortals
Heaven in short order. The theory behind
and strange races such as people with the heads of birds
such lethal elixirs was that if properly ad-
or only one arm and one leg. At the world’s center rose
ministered, they would kill the metaphysical
the cosmic mountain of K’un-lun, abode of Hsi Wang
entities responsible for aging and death.
Mu, Queen Mother of the West, and the peach-tree of
Early Taoists also sought immortality immortality. Jeweled trees and terraces of jade and gold
through fasting and other ascetic practices. further ornament the holy mountains.
They believed that with practice, they could In these visions, the Taoist met the gods of the five
sustain themselves entirely on qi from the air, directions and received from them “efflorescences” or
and by swallowing their own saliva. Con- elixirs of the five elements. For instance, one scripture
suming talismans and various drugs could tells how the sage Lord P’ei visited the Green Hillock of
help dull the appetite until the body purged the uttermost East, where he met the Green Emperor
the impurities taken from grosser food (and, who fed him “green efflorescence” (the power of Wood)
possibly, gave hallucinations of heavenly and “solar water.” Lord P’ei followed this with a journey
ascent). Modern Taoism rejects such extreme to the furthest west, where he swam in the White Water
methods; contemporary doctrine simply and climbed the Mountain of the Void, where the True
enjoins a well-balanced diet. The ancient Man of Great Simplicity taught him to absorb the power
doctrine enjoyed a modern revival, however of the sun and moon.
through the “Breatharian” cult. Certain scriptures even provide maps for the cosmic
Even stranger methods included eating mountains. These “maps” take the form of talismans com-
chunks of rock crystal. Somehow, the crystal posed of squarish black blobs cut by narrow, wriggling white
was cooked so it became soft and ed- blobs that represent the caverns within the mountains. Red
ible. The recipe has not survived. Over the lines represent rivers that flow from the caverns.
centuries, however, Taoism has rejected all Visionary flights to the cosmic mountains are only
such attempts to gain immortality by exter- the start of a Taoist master’s travels, however. He may
nal means. Through meditation, the body also fly to the sun and moon, the five planets and the
and soul create their own immortality elixir. stars of the Big Dipper. At each location, he encounters
And indeed, Taoist masters seem to enjoy more gods, presents tablets of passage and receives new
remarkably long and healthy lives. Maybe a enlightenments and immortalizing divine nourishments
balanced diet, martial arts exercises, avoid- of qi. These locations are all, of course, magnificent with
ing alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and gold, jewels, flowers and wonders beyond counting. The
stress-reducing meditations account for it… sun, for instance, contains a walled city, a Valley of Seven
or maybe there’s something more. Jewels, a pond of multi-hued water lilies, another pond
of Golden Essence in Fusion, the Palace of Universal
Yang and the Court of Liquid Fire. The people of the
sun grow 24 feet tall and wear red clothes.
Taoist meditation involves a great deal of visualization. To a skeptical Sleeper, all this may seem like a rather
The Taoist visualizes colored mists of elemental qi, which pointless exercise in daydreaming. Mages familiar with
he sucks into his mouth, mixes with saliva and swallows astral travel, however, may wonder if the Taoists have found
to empower the five viscera. He imagines gods living in something real — or at least, as real as anything in the subtle
his body or descending from Heaven. planes of mind. After all, meditation doesn’t require an


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involve ritual as well. These ceremonies are private. Some
Merit: Astral Adept (•••) Taoist operations, however, involve public performances
Prerequisite: Magical Tradition (Taoist); of magic. The “audience” can range from a single client
or Sleepwalker plus Taoist Skill package to an entire town, and the ceremony may take days to
(see “Becoming a Taoist,” p. 51) complete.

Effects: An expert at astral projection can The Rite of Cosmic Renewal

meditate her way past the Astral Threshold The most important of all Taoist ceremonies has a
without the need for a Demesne, Hallow simple name: Chiao, or “Offering.” It takes place in a
or Mana. For each stage of Astral Space temple, with images of gods by the score or even by the
entered, however, the mystic’s player must hundred — but the Chiao is a great deal more than a
roll an exceptional success. Reaching the rite of public worship. In this ceremony, an entire com-
Anima Mundi, therefore, would require munity joins a Taoist master in restoring their harmony
three exceptional successes in the course of in the Tao.
the extended Meditation roll. Originally, the Rite of Cosmic Renewal took place
every 60 years, at the transition between one cycle of
the calendar and the next. Now communities perform
Awakened consciousness. Maybe the Taoists have found it more often, whenever they feel the cosmic order needs
— or created — locations in the Astral Planes where they reinforcement, such as times of plague or social upheaval.
encounter godlike entities. Perhaps those entities even give A Chiao is important enough to attract visitors from
them gifts of Mana or some other sort of power. nearby communities — divine visitors. Other temples
Crossing the Astral Threshold, however, requires ex- send images of their gods to the temple that performs
pending Mana. How does a Taoist Sleeper acquire Mana? the rite. Mortal visitors come too.
Is it possible that when they imagine imbibing power from
the air or the sun, they really do?
Mages also need to embark on their
astral journeys within a Demesne or
a powerful Hallow. Surely, very few
Taoists would have access to such
locations. If Taoist disciplines en-
able anyone to visit Astral Space,
without the need for a mystically-
charged location, that would be…
very interesting.
Even if these visionary journeys
were just elaborate daydreams for
most Taoists, other mages would like
to know if Awakened Taoists visit
astral locations such as the caverns
beneath Mao Shan, K’un-lun, or the
heavenly palaces of the Big Dipper.
Any stable location in the astral
planes, which mages have repeatedly
visited for more than a millennium,
deserves investigation.

High Ritual Magic

Even the simplest talisman carries a
good deal of ritual in its preparation.
The meditations that fill the body with
qi and send the mind on astral voyages

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In its classic form, the Chiao takes five days. An ab- The Awakened might turn the Rite of Cosmic Renewal
breviated ceremony may take just three. The entire into a massive act of countermagic, banishing and dispel-
community joins in the ritual through banners, lion and ling every supernatural force in the area. The preliminary
dragon dances and other festivities. The temple priests rites give a Taoist mage days in which to accumulate suc-
conduct many of the subsidiary rituals, decked out in cesses for both Potency and area of effect. Of course, the
spectacular robes. A proper Chiao, however, requires the Taoist would use Five-Cycle countermagic (see p. 60); and
participation of a real Taoist master. instead of pitting a single Arcanum against the Arcana
The Chiao begins with an announcement of the of the next element in the cycle, he would invoke every
ceremony to the gods and spirits. The priests purify Arcanum in which he had sufficiently high rating, for
the temple and the area around it using holy water, the broadest possible exorcism of mystic forces.
firecrackers, ritual swords and talismanic symbols traced The Chiao could be a powerful exorcism against forces
in the air. Actors perform a play about Chung Kuei, the of the Abyss. The Rite of Cosmic Renewal asserts the
legendary banisher of demons. A new fire is kindled and wholeness of the Tapestry and the connection between
consecrated, and talismans invoking the five directions, the Supernal and Fallen Worlds. It is everything the Abyss
their elements and divine guardians are placed about is not. In this case, the Storyteller might simply apply
the temple. Priests read from various scriptures each the Taoist mage’s highest-rated Arcanum in an extended
day. Restless spirits of the dead — the hungry ghosts ritual of countermagic against an Abyssal demon, curse
— are invited in and given offerings, that they may find or Paradox effect. Even Sleeper Taoists might perform
release, either to reincarnate or ascend to Heaven. The an effective Chiao; the Storyteller might roll the Taoist’s
ceremony ends with a final banquet. Willpower and apply it as countermagic, without any
The Taoist master, however, performs the ceremonies accumulation of successes.
that give the Chiao its meaning and power. In the course
of the ceremonies, he invokes the Three Heavenly Invocation of the Six Chia Spirits
Worthies through his internal alchemy. In this way, Some time during Taoism’s period of sectarian strife,
he works backward from the Ten Thousand Things to fallen Taoist adepts began summoning six powerful
make his body itself a vessel for the archetypal realm of spirits and using them for black magic. Some legends say
Prior Heaven. In the climactic ritual, however, he expels Ch’ih Yu, the first black magician, first summoned these
all the gods from his body: first the lesser gods of the malevolent Chia Spirits but no documentation has been
various visceral courts and cinnabar fields, and finally found before the 12th century CE. These six demons are so
the Three Heavenly Worthies themselves. Emptied of powerful that their mere presence can desecrate the Rite
all the forms that evolve from the Tao, he at last may of Cosmic Renewal and prevent its proper performance.
contemplate the Tao itself. He becomes the Tao. Heaven, An orthodox Taoist can summon the Chia Spirits, but
Earth and Man fuse. The laity, the priesthood and the only to help a deposed emperor regain the throne or to
master join in one rite, along with all the spirits from combat other black magic.
the Heavenly Worthies to the most wretched ghost. The The Chia Spirits, indeed, constitute a small but exceed-
cosmos returns to its source, and is renewed, placed in ingly powerful Lu, and each of the six commands legions
balance once more. of lesser spirits. The ritual to gain control of this register
The Rite of Cosmic Renewal is not specifically an act of spirits is correspondingly long and complex — fully com-
of magic. The Taoist does not seek to achieve a particular, parable to the most elaborate demon-summonings found
concrete goal; he asserts and reinforces the cosmic order in European grimoires such as the Key of Solomon.
that makes all goals possible. Nevertheless, the Chiao The entire process is far too long to describe in detail.
might have some magical applications. In brief, it involves concentric circles of stones represent-
Storytellers must decide for themselves whether the ing the 64 I Ching hexagrams, banners representing the
Chiao has power of its own when performed by Taoist 28 constellations of the Lunar Houses, a central flagpole
Sleepers. It might. The intense visualization of the Taoist representing the god of the North Star, a tent of blue-green
master and the emotional support given by the attendant cloth, and two altars for ritual implements and sacrificial
priests might have a powerful effect on the Astral Plane offerings. The complete ceremony takes 60 days, in five-day
or in the Shadow Realm, and certainly on Resonance cycles. Each of the Chia Spirits has its own talisman, of
(see p. 23). Spirits may well respond to the ceremonies course, which the adept must draw from memory without
and offerings; angry godlings may be mollified, and lost flaw or hesitation. (They shall not be depicted here, for
souls be persuaded to move on. reasons that should be obvious.) The finished talisman


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is stamped with a special seal and burned to invoke a The Ho-t’u also corresponds to the circular arrangement
particular Chia spirit. Each ceremony to conjure and of the eight I Ching trigrams, with the Yin-Yang monad
bind the spirits must take place on a particular hour and occupying the central box. In the zigzagging dance of
day, with directions set by the handle of the Big Dipper at Yü, a Taoist steps from box to box of the magic square,
that time. The Taoist must also perform certain mudras counting each number from one to nine.
and visualize particular images to “internalize” the spirits To ward an area, a Taoist thunder magician dances
— binding them to his own body and life force, to call the steps of the Ho-t’u 12 times, turning 30 degrees and
upon later through their talismans. pacing a ways before repeating the steps. In this way, he
Tradition says, however, that holding the Six Chia Spir- traces out a circle infused with thunder-power, shaped
its as servitors is a terrible drain on a Taoist’s life force. by a symbol of cosmic order. Even the Six Chia Spirits
While most Taoists enjoy long and healthy lives, masters cannot cross this barrier. At the Taoist’s command, the
of the Chia Spirits invariably die young. Awakened Taoists thwarted demon must then return to vent its rage on
fear these spirits might come from the Abyss, for surely the black magician who summoned it.
they defy the laws of Heaven. If so, the Chia Spirits might To a mage, the meditation to collect the power of thunder
claim a price more terrible than a Taoist’s life. looks a lot like the oblations used to harvest Mana from a
A mage might be able to abbreviate some of the 60-day Hallow. The power of thunder magic may be that of Mana
ceremony for binding the Chia spirits… or she might not. itself, given the resonance of each element and stored in
If a character can gain the Six Chia Spirits as a Lu, they the five viscera and the gall bladder. The Ho-t’u dance is
constitute a five-dot Merit. Alternatively, calling on the clearly some form of ward — one of great power against
Chia Spirits is a rote based on “Greater Spirit Summons” which Chinese demons, at least, are powerless.
(Spirit 3; see Mage: The Awakening, p. 249). The Taoist
still must perform a long series of ceremonies as an act Taoist Rote: Thunder Meditation
of extended spellcasting to summon the Chia Spirits and (Prime •• or •••)
pact with them, but from then on, she can summon them Spell: “Transform Aura” (see Mage: The Awakening,
using the “Summoning Talisman” rote (see p. 53). p. 223) or “Channel Mana” (p. 224)
Dice Pool: Resolve + Medicine + Prime
Thunder Magic and the Ho-t’u Dance The mage uses a meditative oblation to collect Mana
The most powerful Taoist exorcisms call on the power
during a thunderstorm. The rote enables her to imbue
of thunder to banish spirits and break curses. To gain
the Mana with elemental resonances and store it in her
this power, a Taoist must meditate during a spring thun-
viscera, so that motes (points) with different resonances
derstorm and draw the charged air into his body. He
do not mix. This gives the Taoist reservoirs of Mana with
circulates the thunder-qi through his viscera, energizing
whatever resonance she needs for a particular working.
each organ in turn, and then collects the thunder-qi in his
Each success changes the resonance of one mote and
gall bladder. He can later call on this reservoir of power to
binds it to a particular organ.
“light the furnace” for his alchemical meditations, expel
spirits, and turn black magic against its source. Taoist Rote: Ho-t’u Dance
A basic thunder magic exorcism involves calling qi from (Space ••• + Spirit •)
particular internal organs, fusing it with thunder-power,
Spell: “Ban” (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 237)
and exhaling the resulting mystically-charged breath while
making certain mudras. A Taoist master of thunder magic Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Space
can force gods and demons to vacate mortals they possess. Unlike the basic rote, however, the Taoist mage imbues
When faced with the Six Chia Spirits, however, a Tao- the ward with Mana given the resonance of thunder. If
ist resorts to a more elaborate procedure that combines the mage allocates all her successes to Potency rather
thunder magic with a special dance. than area or duration, she can evoke a ward powerful
According to mythology, the divine emperor Yü the enough that even the terrible Chia spirits hesitate to test
Great ended a cosmic flood and repaired the world with themselves against it, and consider themselves no longer
the help of talismans of the five cosmic elements and a obliged to attack a victim thus protected.
magical dance. Both the talismans and the dance derive
from the magic square, the Ho-t’u that he saw on the
back of a swimming dragon-horse. The numbers in the
Storytelling Hints
Since China encompasses one-fifth of the world’s popu-
Ho-t’u add up to 15 along every row, column or diagonal. lation and a large fraction of its geography, one could

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run an entire chronicle set in China, with mages accept-
ing Taoist doctrines and methods as a matter of course.
Unlike the West, a Taoist mage in China can perform
Story Seeds
• Southward, Ho! In the course of an
some feats of magic openly; exorcism and similar feats
investigation, the cabal learns that the infor-
remain socially accepted activities for Taoists. A Taoist
mation they seek is held by the Old Man of
chronicle could also span a breathtaking range of settings
the South Pole — one of the gods described
and challenges, from teeming, polluted megacities and
in Taoist visionary journeys and wonder-
the ever-suspicious (but frequently corrupt) officials of
tales. Is there such a personage? Is he a god
the Communist Party, to gorgeous astral domains and
of the Shadow Realm, or an entity on the As-
grotesque demons like the Six Chia Spirits.
tral Plane? Either way, the characters need a
The widespread Chinese Diaspora, however, means Taoist master to give them directions.
that Taoist characters can appear just about anywhere.
An ethnic Chinese mage might well find a Taoist as • Dancing with Demons: A charlatan
his first mentor. Even if the Taoist isn’t Awakened, the who sells phony talismans acquires a real
doctrines and practices resemble magery enough that talisman of great power, or perhaps even a
a novice mage could find their study enlightening. If complete lu. Without knowing it, he releases
the Awakened Taoist decides to interact with the wider several potent spirits who start raising
Awakened community, she brings a distinctively different havoc (maybe even the Six Chia Spirits).
style of magic to her cabal and Consilium. Even if the cabal doesn’t care where these
Like other occult traditions, Taoism offers important Chinese demons came from, they may need
roles for Sleepers. Taoist doctrine says that power comes an adept to teach them the Ho-t’u dance to
from enlightenment, but ordinary people can gain that have any hope of banishing the spirits.
enlightenment through their own efforts. You don’t need • The Cosmic Offering: A massive
some lightning bolt from Heaven to meditate, scribe Paradox ripped a breach in reality that just
talismans and attempt inner alchemy. Storytellers must won’t close. Things are coming through
decide for themselves whether such practices offer any from the Astral Planes, the Shadow Realm
real benefits — but Taoists sure sound like they reach for or even the Abyss. Everything around the
the Supernal World. Mages accustomed to thinking of rip is falling apart, from buildings to respect
themselves as the only people who really know what’s for laws. Perhaps the Rite of Cosmic Re-
going on may find their Wisdom put to the test when newal can restore order and harmony to the
they need to bow before a Taoist Sleeper and humbly
ask for his help.
Although Taoism includes a lot of practical magic, this cel themselves out. For instance, setting Water against
mystical practice sets contemplative enlightenment as Water increases the flood. Instead, a Taoist looks for
its highest goal. Taoism lends itself to themes of search, the element that naturally restrains the dominant force
teachers and students, and exploration. But although in the phenomenon at hand — matching Yin to Yang,
Taoists seek to touch the Supernal, their tradition also restoring balance. Earth dams up Water, controlling
values community involvement. After all, Taoism’s high- the flood.
est ritual, the Rite of Cosmic Renewal, involves whole For the Arcana, this means associating each Path and
towns. Perhaps the greatest enlightenment is not the Watchtower with an element in five-cycle theory. To
ascension into Heaven — or the Supernal World — but counterspell one Arcanum, use an Arcanum associated
the return to Earth. with the controlling or restraining element. For example,
Earth — the element of stability, in China as in the West
Alternate Magic: — corresponds to the Moros Path, while ever-flowing
Yin-Yang Five-Cycle Countermagic Water, the sustainer of life, corresponds to the Thyrsus
Path. Thus, a Taoist mage would use Death or Matter
(Storyteller’s Options) to counterspell magic of Life or Spirit.
The cycles of elemental production and restriction The way that each element tends to produce the
suggest alternative approaches to countermagic. From next in the cycle suggests another option. Instead of
a Taoist perspective, using an Arcanum against itself is directly countering a spell, a mage might pull the force
counterproductive. The elements of reality do not can- of its magic to the next element in the cycle. The power


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doesn’t disappear, but it doesn’t follow the Imago set a counterspell still gives Taoist mages broader options
by the caster, either. In this case, the countering mage than non-Taoist mages enjoy; to compensate, Storytellers
might even detour the spell’s power into a spell of his can rule that five-cycle counterspelling requires two dots
own — though this suggests a more advanced degree of in a suitable Arcanum, instead of only one.
arcane mastery. For example, Water produces Wood, so The mage also needs to purchase the Magical Tradi-
an expert at Forces or Prime might pull away the power tion Merit (Taoism). As foci, the Taoist could employ
of a spell based on Life or Spirit. traditional implements such as a paper fan or a sword
Adding five-cycle countermagic to orthodox counter- engraved with the Big Dipper — but Taoist tradition
spells and Prime-based dispelling may seem excessively supplies more unusual options. For instance, the Taoist
generous. Taoist mages, however, don’t use traditional might need Mana with the proper elemental Resonance
counterspells. The choice between two Arcana to work stored in his viscera.

Yin-Yang Five-Cycle Countermagic Table

Path Ruling Arcana Element Controlled By Produces
Acanthus Fate, Time Metal Fire Water
Mastigos Mind, Space Fire Water Earth
Moros Death, Matter Earth Wood Fire
Obrimos Forces, Prime Wood Metal Water
Thyrsus Life, Spirit Water Earth Wood

Five-Cycle Counterspell (Suitable Arcanum at ••) Every spirit also has an elemental association, so a spirit’s
A five-cycle counterspell uses the same rules as regu- powers also leave an elemental trace.
lar counterspells, as described on p. 123 of Mage: The The table of elemental correspondences (see p. 55) sup-
Awakening, with two exceptions. Instead of using the plies novel ways a mage could perceive Taoist resonance.
same Arcanum as one found in the target spell, the mage While Arcana might be perceived as colored auras, a mage
uses one of the Arcana associated with the contrary or could also perceive a mystical trace as a taste, a direction
controlling element. The mage also must be at least an or a feeling in parts of her body associated with particular
apprentice of the Arcanum she chooses. Each success elements. For instance, Life magic corresponds to Water:
rolled reduces the target spell’s Potency by one. a mage might perceive its trace as wetness, a salty taste, a
tugging toward the north, or a twinge in her kidneys.
Five-Cycle Spell Theft
(Suitable Arcanum ••••) Sample Character
A Taoist adept of an Arcanum can use it to steal the power
from another mage’s spell and add it to his own — coaxing Master Elvis Quan
his opponent’s power into a new pattern. The mage matches Quote: Very good car! Good match for you, very lucky! But…
the target spell’s Arcanum with its element, and then invokes You didn’t come here for a car, did you. Come into my office,
an Arcanum associated with the Element that comes next in sir, and tell me your problem.
the productive cycle. Each success rolled reduces the target Background: Elvis Quan’s parents fled to Hong Kong
spell’s Potency by one… and adds that as a spell factor (either after the Communist takeover of China. They thought it
Potency, Target, or Duration, chosen by the Taoist spellcaster) auspicious to name their son after a famous person. Young
to another spell of the same Arcanum, cast as a combined Elvis became interested in Taoism and apprenticed himself
spell with the spell theft. As usual with combined spells, to a priest of Shen-Hsiao, or popular Taoism. Elvis soon
the required Arcanum rating for the concurrent spell rises surpassed his master — not difficult, the man was a complete
by one dot, and both the spell theft and combined spell fraud — and found a true mentor who initiated him into
lose two dice from the spellcasting dice pool. Mao Shan Taoism. After more than a decade of training,
including a walking tour of China that took Elvis to Mao
Resonance Shan itself and several other sacred mountains, Elvis received
The correlation between Paths and the five elements his ordination from the Heavenly Master in Taiwan. He
also suggest distinctive forms of resonance for Taoist returned to Hong Kong to become a professional Taoist.
magic. Any spell or enchantment carries the resonance When Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule, however,
of the elements that correspond to the relevant Arcana. Elvis packed up his family and left. His late parents had

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made him swear never to live under Communist rule, Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 4
and he felt obligated to keep that promise. There wasn’t Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3,
much call for real Taoist adepts in his new country, so Stamina 3
Elvis had a choice: Sell a cheapened, simplified Taoism Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 3,
to the New Age market, or do something else for a living. Composure 3
He opened a car dealership.
The local Chinese community knows that Elvis Quan is
an ordained Taoist. He conducts religious rites in a rented
hall or private homes. The few people who still believe
in such things also hire him to prepare talismans and
exorcise their homes. Every car that Elvis sells, however,
has a talisman hanging from the rear-view mirror — “Good
luck!” he says with a grin. “Old Chinese custom!” Very
few people outside the Asian community believe him,
but the talismans are quite real.
Description: Elvis Quan is a short, plump Chinese
man in his early 60s, with silver-gray hair worn short and
slicked back. At work, he wears leisure suits with loud ties.
When he conducts Taoist rituals, he wears embroidered
robes, a black velvet skullcap and a golden coronet. His
30-something son assists him in rituals (as well as the
dealership), but possesses no special abilities.
Storytelling Hints: Elvis Quan is a Sleepwalker. He
possesses a register of minor spirits through his ordina-
tion, has a sense for the presence of spirits and has
occasionally succeeded at astral travel. He is still work-
ing on his internal alchemy, which will promote him to
the highest grade of Taoism. Elvis does not specifically
know of mages, but he believes that internal alchemy
will bring him much greater awareness and power than
he has now. Nevertheless, Elvis knows a lot and he isn’t
afraid to confront demons and other spirits.
If anyone outside the community comes looking for
a Taoist, Elvis denies that he is one. This is standard
operating procedure for Taoists, to discourage idle
curiosity-seekers. If a character can prove she’s “in the
know,” however, Elvis provides whatever assistance and
education he feels the seeker is ready to understand, at
only a modest fee. If he senses supernatural forces at
work, he gets straight to the point.
If Elvis Quan has a failing, it’s a deeply concealed
spiritual pride: Faced with the Awakened, Elvis would
try to remove himself, protesting that such enlightened
persons do not need his poor skills — thus enabling him to
avoid confronting his own limitations. He would have
great difficulty resisting any promise that he could gain
such power and enlightenment himself, though.
Dedicated Magical Tool: As a Taoist, Elvis owns
a selection of brushes, pens, paper and seals for
talismans, a bowl for holy water, censers, a cash dagger
and other ritual implements.


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Mental Skills: Academics (Taoism) 3, Crafts (Cal- against the weakest of hostile spirits, preventing car
ligraphy) 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 2, Occult 4 accidents or general good luck (one extra success on
Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Larceny 2, one challenging task within the next week, selected
Weaponry 2 at random by the Storyteller). The most powerful
Social Skills: Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation spirit-minion in his Lu is a Rank 2 spirit that can bar
(Threatening Spirits) 2, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1, ghosts of rank 1 or 2 from a building.
Subterfuge 2
Merits: Astral Adept (see p. 57), Contacts (Chinese
Community, Chamber of Commerce), Holistic Aware- Cash Dagger (Imbued Item ••••)
ness, Imbued Item (Cash Dagger; see below) 4, Taoist tradition ascribes exorcistic power
Language (English, Mandarin; Cantonese is native), to swords or daggers made by stringing
Library (Chinese Spirit World, Taoist Lore), Lu 2 (see coins on a loop of wire emerging from a hilt
p. 54), Meditative Mind, Resources 3, Retainer 1, to form a stylized blade. A “cash sword”
Sanctum 2, Sleepwalker, Status 1, Unseen Sense is most powerful if all the coins come from
Willpower: 7 the reign of the same emperor, but a “cash
Wisdom: 7 dagger” should be made of five coins, each
Virtue: Charity from the reign of a different emperor to
Vice: Envy symbolize the gods of the five directions.
Initiative: 6 Such weapons can be enchanted with vari-
ous spells to harm or compel spirits. Elvis
Defense: 3
Quan’s dagger is enchanted with “Harm
Speed: 10 Spirit” (Spirit 3; see Mage: The Awaken-
Health: 8 ing, p. 249). It deals the normal damage
Weapons/Attacks: of a dagger, but only to spirits that have
Type Damage Size Special Dice Pool materialized, exist in Twilight, or possess
Cash 1(L) 1 Only affects 5 mortal bodies. The dagger does not harm a
Dagger spirits possessed mortal’s flesh.
Notes: Elvis Quan’s Lu permits him to grant a variety
of protective blessings, such as warding a home

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Chapter Three:
“The only reason you’re here is that you’re Awakened. They
know that. They think you’re already santo. Otherwise outsiders
aren’t welcome.” Miguel’s tone was low, gentle but cautionary.
Fuego didn’t seem to get the hint.
“Like I couldn’t read all about this stuff at my local Bor-
ders, man.”
Miguel shook his head. They were approaching the ilé, and he
could feel the ashé in the air even as he smelled the herbs and
the stink of the goat, the sacrificial animal for tonight’s ebbó.
“You can’t. Not this.” They paused at the top of the stairs. A
heavy drum beat pulsed below them, from behind a rickety-look-
ing wooden door marked with white and red graffiti. “You can
read about what we do, but you can’t read about what it’s like
to see the spirits here. You can read about what we believe,
but you can’t read about what we see.” He put a hand on his
friend’s chest. “If you can keep respectful, man, follow me. If
not, there’s a good bar a block up.”
Fuego stared at Miguel, and focused on the green and yel-
low beads around his cabal mate’s neck. “How do you stay with
this, even after what you’ve seen?” He had stopped wearing his
crucifix the day after he’d Awakened.
Miguel smiled. “Because this is who I am, man. This is my
camino.” He started down the stairs.
Fuego watched as he opened the door and felt a wave of
power wash over him. There was something behind that door,
something in the music, the fire and the gathered faithful, and
it was strong…and aware. He followed Miguel into the ilé, and
felt the spirits watching. He clutched at his chest, where his
crucifix had once hung, and hoped he met with their approval.


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The traditions in this chapter originated in other, often these traditions don’t have the same age-old pedigree or
larger, traditions. Santería is a New World religion that “purity” of older traditions, doesn’t mean they aren’t
comes from the meeting of African Yoruba and Chris- equally important or potent in their connection to the
tian Catholicism. The esoteric magical tradition of the Supernal trace. Indeed, some of these might even hold
Knights Templar is part of the greater Christian religion. more relevant truth for mages in the modern age than
Theosophy originated in the 19th century as a mixture occult ideas that have become timeworn with age. But

of Eastern and Western esoteric traditions. Just because that’s for individual mages to discover for themselves.

Pleasing the gods requires knowledge of their individual tastes and histories. All the
orichas have a particular four-legged animal that they must eat in the asiento, and with
these animals they eat their favorite birds.
— Michael Atwood Mason,
Living Santería: Rituals and Experiences in an Afro-Cuban Religion

Put people together, and they mix. It’s an unavoidable

fact of human nature. Slaves take on the practices of their History
Santería, as stated previously, traces its roots to the Yoruba
masters, hostages come to sympathize with their captors.
Two cultures with no common language will form a new culture of West Africa, predominantly what is now Nigeria.
one (called, in linguistic terms, a pidgin) and their children The religion as it exists today truly began when slave-trad-
will embellish it, adding new words and grammatical ers from Spain captured Africans (often sold into slavery
rules and solidifying it into a creole. When this happens as punishment for a crime or as debtors) and transported
with religious traditions, even those traditions that, on them to various Caribbean islands to work in mines and
the surface, seem irreconcilable, the phenomenon is on sugar plantations. These captives brought their spiritual
called syncretism. A sociologist might call this a survival beliefs with them, but under Spanish law were required
mechanism, a way for a people to keep its beliefs at least to undergo baptism into Catholicism (indeed, the Span-
partially intact in the face of oppression (or, indeed, for ish Slave Code required slave owners to “educate” their
an oppressing culture to make its beliefs more appealing slaves, which generally translated solely into instruction
to a conquered people). A mage, however, sees a differ- in Catholic worship). Unable to legally worship the gods
ent message in the fact that cultures always seem to find they knew, the slaves syncretized the orishas into Catholic
common ground — the truth is there, beyond the Fallen saints. Did they do this in the interest of safety, praying
World, and even Sleepers can see parts of it. The bits of a to a saint outwardly but truly directing their energies
religion (or even a language) that a syncretic system keeps, toward the appropriate orisha? Or did the slaves truly see
then, might be fragments of Supernal knowledge. the similarities between asking an orisha for intercession
Santería is one such syncretic religion. From its roots and praying to the patron saint of a given cause?
in West Africa to its evolution in Cuba, it remains a In truth, it might have been a bit of both. Of course
powerful and growing religion in the United States today. the slaves were oppressed, ripped from their homelands
The American media often misrepresents this tradition, and forced into labor in an environment with such a
often portraying it as bloody, barbaric and replete with high mortality rate that it was actually more profitable
black magic. The truth, though, is that Santería is no for the Spanish to import new African workers than to
more inherently evil than any religion. Acts for both allow them to breed. Of course they clung to whatever
good and ill can be performed in service to the orishas, remnants of their culture that they could, even if that
should the practitioner so desire. meant changing some names here and there. It’s worth


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Languages and a Brief Glossary
Santería is largely practiced among Cuban-Americans, and so much of its vocabulary comes
from Spanish. Since the religion’s roots are African, however, many of its terms also come from the
language of the Yoruba peoples of West Africa. Some of the terms given here have alternate spell-
ings (“Lucumí,” for instance, is sometimes rendered “Lukumí” or “Lukumi”) that aren’t necessarily
any more or less “correct” than the ones given here.
This glossary is by no means exhaustive, but is meant to present the reader with a few terms
that Santería characters can use in reference to their faith. Any good book on the subject should
turn up several pages more.
adura: prayer (Yoruba) iyawó: recently initiated person (Yoruba)
aleyo: person not initiated into Santería; Lucumí: synonym for Santería; also refers
“foreigner” (Yoruba) to the Yoruba culture or language, or simply
the Cuban term for the Yoruba language
ashé: power, blood, reality — the es-
sence of the world itself. Mages within the madrina: godmother
Santería community often use the term to ori: literally the head, but the term is more
refer to Mana or Tass (Yoruba) precisely used to mean the soul (Yoruba)
asiento: initiation ceremony (Spanish) orisha: deities that maintain the world,
babalawo: male high priest of Santería oversee and protect human beings and can
(Yoruba) be enticed or bribed into performing ser-
vices for those who know how to supplicate
camino: path or destiny; can also refer to them (Yoruba)
an avatar of the orishas (Spanish)
padrino: godfather
ebbó: any ritual involving a sacrifice to an
orisha, or the sacrifice itself (Yoruba) pataki: a story based on the life of an
orisha; a fable or myth (Yoruba)
egun: the dead (Yoruba)
registro de entrada: a ritual to deter-
elekes: beaded necklaces presented to mine an individual’s guardian spirit; simply
a practitioner upon initiation; the beads “registro” can refer to any consultation with
are colored in accordance with the orisha a divination expert (Spanish)
appropriate to the person. (Yoruba; called
collares in Spanish) Regla de Ocha: “rule of the saints,” an-
other term for Santería (Spanish)
guerreros: the warriors; refers to the orishas
santero/a: a priest or priestess of
Elegguá, Oggún, Ochosi and Ósun (Spanish)
Santería, consecrated (“made santo”) to a
ilé: sacred or ritual space, church (Yoruba) particular orisha

noting, too, that unlike in Haiti, where Catholic tradi- educate the slaves on Catholicism, combined with a high
tions combined with African ones to a much greater rate of arrival from Africa (and thus a continually fresh
degree (leading eventually to the advent of the religion supply of practitioners of the native religion), the belief
known as Vodoun or Voodoo), in Cuba the slave-owners system known as Santería or Lucumí arose.
didn’t make the same effort to Christianize the slaves.
This might have been due to previous slave rebellions in
Haiti, or to the aforementioned high mortality rate (no
Creation: Olodumare and Atlantis
In the beginning, say the patakis, was ashé. The uni-
point in converting the slaves, after all, if they were just verse was pure, formed from this sublime energy, the
going to die in a few months anyway). But the end result lifeblood of the cosmos. And the name for this energy
was the same: Without anything but a token attempt to was Olodumare, the Prime Mover, the Supreme Being.


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It was Olodumare who created all that is and shall be, creatures and plants to flourish. The orishas, curious,
but he (insofar as the male pronoun is applicable at all) set out to explore this new world.
wears many different masks and names. In his guise as Again, the parallels here to the mages of Atlantis are
Alaaye, he gave life to all of creation. As Olofi, he acts obvious (at least to the mages themselves). Obatalá was
as the personal God of humanity (and it is in this guise created as the ruler of the world, originally human,
that a Christian might see him as God or a Muslim as but takes on the role of one of the orishas (and, in a
Allah), and has two other equivalent personas: Nzame very real sense, architect of the physical world). Is he,
and Baba Nkwa. therefore, the first of the Oracles, from which all other
Nzame created the first man (called Omo Oba) after Awakened beings (i.e., orishas) spring? Or, if the orishas
Olofi and Baba Nkwa noted that creation had no intel- are inhabitants of the Supernal Realms, as some mages
ligent inhabitants. Omo Oba was formed from mud, suggest (see below), perhaps Obatalá is some kind of
much like the creations of the Greek Titan Prometheus cosmic organizer, the being that pointed the Atlantean
(formed from clay) or Adam, the first man of Judeo- kings toward the Supernal Realms and inspired them to
Christian myth (formed from dust and the breath of build the Watchtowers. The diaspora of mages after the
God), but unlike other “first persons,” Omo Oba was destruction of the Ladder and the fall of Atlantis might
immortal. This first man eventually grew conceited and also be likened to the orishas’ exploration of the world
proud, fashioned as he was in Nzame’s image, and finally that Obatalá made for them.
Nzame destroyed all life on Earth with lightning bolts
and fire in retribution for this hubris. Omo Oba, how- Cultural Sensitivity
ever, being immortal, was unharmed, and was cast into It bears noting that attempts to identify Olofi with Jesus
a fiery pit. He escapes periodically, however, to bedevil Christ, Olodumare with God and the orishas with the
and tempt humanity. saints do Santería something of an injustice. Santería owes
Mages look at this pataki and see many parallels to their much more to Yoruba traditions than it does to Western
own history. The destruction of the world might be a religion, and comparisons are usually made in service to
reference to the destruction of the Celestial Ladder, while making the religion more palatable and understandable
the creation of Omo Oba might refer to the Awakening to Christian outsiders. Santería does not actively search
or ascension via the Ladder of the Oracles and/or the for outside converts and the religion does not advocate
Exarchs. Given that Omo Oba is supposed to current proselytizing, partially because it has a long history as
dwell in a place apart from the physical world but very the religion of an oppressed people (and thus one that
much apart from the orishas, some mages equate him to needed to be kept hidden). This can make Santería seem
the Abyss and the creatures that dwell there. The implica- exotic, but to many of its practitioners, raised within the
tions of this inference are interesting, given that Omo faith, it is simply what they know.
Oba is, according to the legend, a prototype of humanity The same is true, then, for santeros who Awaken. A
itself. If Omo Oba, now dwelling or even embodying the practitioner of Santería who becomes a mage and joins
Abyss itself, in a forerunner to the human race, might one of the orders of the Pentacle might look at the story of
that shed a bit of light on why Sleepers carry a shard of the destruction of the Celestial Ladder and be reminded
the Abyss in the form of Quiescence? Might that be why of Nzame’s destruction of the world in response to Omo
moments of supreme arrogance or miscalculation (that is, Oba’s hubris, but not the other way around. This doesn’t
powerful Paradoxes) run the risk of summoning a being imply that the stories of Atlantis are less valid than the
from the Abyss? Mages who practice Santería sometimes cultural heritage of Yoruba (or vice versa, for that matter)
refer to a Paradox as “calling Omo Oba,” whether or not simply that people tend to see things through the lens
the Paradox actually results in a Manifestation. of their upbringing.
Another creation myth, though, paints a slightly more
flattering picture of humanity. This pataki has Olofi Santería Today
creating the first human (named Obatalá), and making Santería is very much alive today, though demograph-
him mortal. When he desired companionship, though, ics on the religion are hard to come by. This is due in
Olofi created the orishas out of smooth stones and infused part because practitioners of the religion aren’t usually
them with ashé. The orishas almost immediately went as overt about it as religions that require proselytizing
to war (Sea against Sky, with the result that no dry land and conversion, and in part because, being a syncretism,
could form), preventing any life from taking hold, until Santería is often lumped under Catholicism in surveys
Obatalá intervened and created lands enough for living (likewise, many santeros also self-identify as Catholic to


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outsiders to avoid uncomfortable questions, though this Elegguá: The messenger of the gods and the greatest of
depends heavily on the surrounding culture). the four guerreros, Elegguá is the youngest of the major ori-
The religion has a thriving population in Cuba, Brazil shas, but also considered the cleverest. He is the trickster
(where it is called Candomblé), West Africa (where, of of the orishas, gifted by Olodumare in one legend with
course, many of the Cuban aspects of the religion do the privilege to do whatever he wants, paying no heed
not appear) and the United States. The first initiation to restrictions. He is also the lord of the crossroads and
in the USA was performed in 1961, and since then the the guardian of pathways, and so some modern santeros
religion has grown considerably, especially in areas with consider him the patron of the Internet. He is always
high populations of Cuban immigrants, such as Miami. invoked first when a sacrifice is made to the orishas, and
Researching the religion is as simple as a trip to the library part of the initiation into Santería involves fashioning
or a few hours on the Internet…but this kind of research an image of Elegguá (see p. 71).
only provides history and fact. Actually contacting the
orishas requires initiation, and sacrifice.

The Orishas
The number of orishas varies depending on who
one asks. The orishas listed below are the most widely
recognized, but local orishas and familial guardians
are not uncommon. Names for such orishas might be
Spanish or Yoruba, or even English, depend on where
they first appeared. Orishas have different aspects and
even different names, especially for the broader and
more powerful deities such as Obatalá. A santero might
speak of a “path to Obatalá,” referring to, for instance,
Yemmu (the feminine aspect of the god) or Airanike (a
warrior on horseback).
Aganyú: A powerful but lesser-known orisha, Aganyú is
the ruler of volcanoes and molten lava and the protector
of travelers. Some legends claim he is Changó’s father
— he traded passage on his boat for the sexual favors of
Yemmu (a female aspect of Obatalá) and the result was
the young god.
Babalú-Ayé: This orisha is the lord of disease. Often
pictured as a lame old man leaning on a staff, Babalú-
Ayé is capable of inflicting and curing any illness (and so
in modern times is sometimes seen as the patron spirit
of AIDS victims). It is said that he started a smallpox
epidemic long ago in the nation of Benin, and that the
survivors of the plague thanked him for his mercy in
letting them live. Thus, he is “the king who kills and is
thanked for it.”
Changó: Changó is the lord of thunder and lightning,
and is in many ways the most human of the major orishas.
He is the only orisha, for instance, to have died. One
legend says that, as the fourth king of Yoruba, he ordered
his two brothers to fight a duel (these “brothers” must
have been mortal, not orisha). One died, and overcome
with grief, Changó hanged himself but ascended to the
heavens rather than simply dying. Changó is the patron
of vengeance, justice and sexual prowess (he is said to
have had forty-four wives and kept them all satisfied).


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Ibeyi: Ibeyi is the name for the twins, the children of Oggún: Oggún, one of the four warriors, is the god of
Changó and Oyá (according to some legends, though the metal and everything that relies upon it. He is therefore
parentage of these and in fact most of the orishas varies the patron of the military, policemen and even surgeons
depending on which legends one hears). The twins are (since they work with scalpels and other metal objects).
eternal children, youthful, innocent and exuberant. Their He is a cruel god — traffic accidents and train derailments
names and genders vary depending on which “path” one are often laid at his feet, as are casualties of war and vir-
takes to the orisha (see above). tually any death in which metal is involved. Oggún lives
Inle: Intelligent, calculating and cautious, Inle is the underground, and is variously considered to be the son of
patron of physicians and scientists. He is also the lover of Yemmu or the adopted son of Elegguá. He is the husband
Yemayá and the patron of fishermen. Inle has a strange of Oyá and the enemy of his brother, Changó.
position in the hierarchy of the orishas; although he is Oko: Oko is the prudent and fair, but naïve, god of the
much-worshipped, he is also seen as a something of a harvest. Celibate (or impotent, depending on the legend),
weakling. The story goes that during his time as Yemayá’s he serves as the arbiter of disputes between orishas and
lover, he learned the secrets of her underwater domain between women. One legend says that Yemayá seduced
and was not allowed to leave until she had cut out his him for the secrets of a bountiful harvest. The sea-goddess
tongue to prevent him talking. He is usually pictured as took his knowledge following their tryst and left, never
beautiful but androgynous. to return — Oko never suspected a thing.
Obatalá: The most powerful of the orishas, Obatalá Orúnla: The lord of divination and of reading the
was, in some legends, the first being that Olodumare future, Orúnla is unique in that he does not physically
created after the fiasco with Omo Oba. He is the creator possess his followers, but instead comes to them through
(and thus ruler) of all human heads, and so the lord of oracular methods such as casting cowrie shells. Only males
dreams and thoughts. Santeros pray to Obatalá for clar- are accepted into his service as diviners (traditionally, at
ity of mind and for peace, as he is also renowned as a least). He is physically frail, but renowned as an herbalist
mediator and peacemaker. He has many different aspects, and healer as well as a diviner.
forms and names. Obatalá usually dresses in white, as Osain: Osain is the lord of the forest and is a master
do his devotees. hunter and herbalist. He is also pictured as deformed
Obba: The wife of Changó and the goddess of marriage, — he has only one eye and one leg, and one of his ears is
fidelity and neglected wives, Obba is usually pictured huge and deaf (the other, however, is so sensitive it can
wearing a scarf or bandage on her head. This is because, hear a leaf falling anywhere in the forest). There are many
according to legend, she approached her husband’s mis- patakis about how Osain became so deformed. Some say
tress Oshún and asked how to arouse Changó’s passion that he was simply born (or grew, like a plant) that way.
once again. Oshún tricked Obba, telling her to prepare But others point to a rivalry between Osain and Changó
a stew and add her own ear to it. Obba did so, cutting over Oyá, in which the powerful thunder god burned
off her own ear for the stew, but when Changó saw this Osain’s forest and left him maimed. Osain also had a
he was repulsed and vowed never to engage in sex with rivalry with Orúnla over their respective skills — Osain
Obba again. In addition to forsaken wives, Obba is also considered his skilled as an herbalist to be much more
associated with cemeteries and the bones of the dead. important than Orúnla’s as a diviner. These two gods
Ochosi: Ochosi the patron of lawyers, judges, jailors did eventually make peace, however, and even prefer each
and those who must appear before such people. He is also other’s company. Osain likes to smoke, and often asks
the patron of hunters, but, according to some legends, others for a light while possessing a worshipper.
does not hunt himself anymore. The story goes that he Oshún: Oshún is the goddess of love and relation-
was asked by Obatalá to hunt a bird as an offering for ships, and though married to Orúnla, she had trysts
Olodumare. Flattered, Ochosi hunted down and shot a with Changó, Ochosi and Oggún, among others. She
beautiful bird and stored it in his hut. His mother visited is the orisha to whom santeros pray when they wish to
while he was out and took the bird, reasoning that her untangle complicated relationships and love triangles,
skillful son could shoot another. Ochosi returned and and also when they wish to find love. She journeyed
found the bird missing. Furious, he fired an arrow into from Africa to Cuba with her children during the slave
the air and ordered it to slay the thief. He realized his trade, and again to America during the Castro Revolu-
mistake when he heard his mother scream, and vowed tion of 1959.
never to hunt again. Ochosi is one of los guerreros, and usu- Ósun: Ósun was once the messenger and watchman
ally pictured as a strong man with a bow and arrow. of the gods, but fell asleep on the job. Obatalá stripped


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him of his duties and gave them to Elegguá (who had any case, santeros remove their elekes during sex, bath-
informed Obatalá of Ósun’s failure), but let him keep his ing and (for women) menstruation. If the thread of the
duties as guardian of human heads. Ósun is one of the elekes breaks, it is considered a dire omen, perhaps even
four warriors, along with Elegguá, Oggún and Ochosi. a warning of impending death.
Oyá: The guardian of the cemetery (along with Obba), Making Elegguá
Oyá is Changó’s favorite mistress. She is a warrior and During this ritual, the iyawó fashions a representation
the ruler of the wind, and according to one legend she of the orisha Elegguá to act as a protector of his home.
saved Changó’s life when his enemies threatened to This requires another divination ritual to determine
overwhelm him. She shaved his hair and dressed him as what material Elegguá should be made from (note that
a woman, allowing him to escape his enemies and rest when the ritual is finished, the santero considers the
until he was ready for battle once again. She is Yemayá’s figure to be Elegguá, not just an image of him). Possible
sister, but the two are enemies — one legend says that magical properties of this representation are discussed
Oyá once ruled the seas and was tricked into taking her on p. 77.
sister’s territory (the cemetery). Receiving the Warriors
Yemayá: Yemayá is the goddess of the sea and the mother The iyawó receives los guerreros — “the warriors,” a
of the universe. She has been identified as the wife or term referring to the orishas Elegguá, Oggún, Ochosi and
lover of most of the major orishas, and some legends Ósun — by crafting or receiving iron tools (representing
even state that she birthed the sun and the planets after Oggún), a small iron cauldron surmounted by a rooster
union with Olodumare himself. (Ochosi), and an iron bow and arrow figurine (Ósun).
Unlike the elekes, which serve to protect the santero
Initiation from outside influence, these objects and the orishas
Initiation into Santería is actually a four-step process, they represent are supposed to actually attack enemies of
and not every santero undertakes all four. It is possible the santero. A santero in possession of such artifacts that
to be an active believer in the religion and not progress actually have magic bound into them is a very dangerous
beyond the first ritual. The exact order of the first three individual indeed.
rituals varies from place to place, but the fourth, “mak-
Making Saint
ing saint,” is always considered the most holy. During
Undertaking the first three rituals makes one half
the initiation, the iyawó often lives with and receives
the saint, but the final ritual — hacer santo (“to make
instruction from a padrino or madrina.
saint”) is a ritual death and rebirth. When the santero
Receiving the Elekes
has completed this ritual, he is no longer iyawó, but is
The first step in becoming a santero is often to re- a priest of Santería.
ceive the elekes. These ritual necklaces are fashioned
The iyawó spends the week prior to the ritual with
from beads, colored to represent the orisha ruling the
his madrina or padrino, undergoing special spiritual
supplicant’s head (that is, the orisha to which the sup-
instruction and engaging in intense prayer and medita-
plicant is uniquely suited; this orisha could be viewed as
tion. Before the ritual, the madrina or padrino shaves
his “guardian angel”). To determine which orisha this is,
the head of the iyawó and paints circles of blue, yellow,
the supplicant undergoes a divination ritual overseen by
red and white on it as an invitation for the orishas. The
a babalawo. This ritual involves casting cowrie shells (the
iyawó undergoes another round of divination, this time to
cowrie is a marine snail, and its beautiful shell has been
determine his past and future. At this point, the diviner
used as currency as well as a divination tool by some cul-
might discover that the iyawó is destined to be a diviner
tures), after which the babalawo interprets the results in
himself (this sometimes indicates that the iyawó is destined
conjunction with five of his peers. Although the babalawo
to Awaken, often as an Acanthus, but with some affinity
determines which orishas will be represented, the madrina
for Fate magic in any case). If this is the case, the iyawó
actually makes the elekes. Afterwards, the iyawó receives
will be taken under the wing of a powerful and respected
several elekes, including one colored for his “personal”
babalawo after the asiento is concluded.
orisha. Again, the order of events can vary.
The iyawó is given a name in the faith, not unlike a
Santeros wear their elekes for protection from evil
Catholic Confirmation name. Some santero mages use
spirits and from bad luck. Whether or not they have
this name as their Shadow Name among the Awakened,
such effects depends on who makes them; Awakened
but most do not. The name in the faith is meant to be
santeros are, of course, often capable of constructing
exactly that — a name used with other santeros. Unless
necklaces that actually do have protective powers. In
the mage primarily interacts with other Awakened within


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the context of Santería, he will probably choose another Santería and Awakened Magic
sobriquet for use in magical circles. Magic in Santería is a matter of sacrifice and suppli-
On the final day of initiation, called lerí ocha (“crowning cation. All magic is actually performed by the orishas,
the orisha”), the iyawó is treated much like a child. He is who reveal the secrets of the future through divination,
bathed, fed and dressed as a newborn might be, for he bestow favors in exchange for their favorite foods and
has symbolically died and been reborn into the faith. It drinks, and punish those who offend them. Santeros
is during this final ceremony that he is mounted by an worship the orishas, but recognize that these gods are
orisha — the spirit possesses him, makes demands and not always kind or loving. One story, for instance, says
exhibits behaviors appropriate to that particular deity, that a man possessed by Oshún began to flirt with the
and forms a spiritual contract with him that he will obey other men present at the ritual (not at all uncommon
for the rest of his life. This contract isn’t always stated for the goddess of love). Another man swatted the pos-
in terms that the santero can easily explain, but if the sessed individual on the buttocks and made a comment
character possesses the Destiny Merit, it is at this point about his sexuality. Oshún became angry and said that
that he typically becomes aware of it (and his Bane). Fol- both men — the man who had made the comment and
lowing the ceremony, the santero gathers up all of the the man she was currently possessing — would be dead
paraphernalia associated with his orisha and places it upon in five days. And, indeed, five days later they both died
his personal altar. His madrina or padrino keep a record of intestinal problems. Decorum with the orishas is of
of spiritual information and practices for the santero, and utmost importance.
present this record to him after a year and seven days A certain amount of fatalism pervades Santería. This is
have passed from the time he has made saint. because the orishas rule the world, and the orishas have
their own desires, idiosyncrasies and agendas. Sometimes
these agendas are understandable, and sometimes the ac-
tions of the orishas seem completely random or cruel, but
As noted, the particulars of initiation can
santeros are taught not to judge the gods. Oggún might
vary. Sometimes the rituals all take place at
kill a family in a car accident, but this is his prerogative
once, with the santero receiving the elekes
as the god of metal. Oshún might lead two soul mates
and the warriors in the days leading up to
together. Orúnla might send a prescient dream to a man,
making saint. Sometimes making Elegguá is
saving his life. All of these events are accepted within
skipped altogether. Like any religion, Santería
the faith as the wisdom of the orishas. Not for nothing
evolves and changes depending on region
is the religion commonly called the Regla de Ocha — the
and the teachings of the elders in that region.
rule of the orishas.
It bears noting, too, that anyone can pur- Magic, therefore, isn’t an act of will on the part of
chase the tools to perform these rituals and the spellcaster, but an invitation to the orishas. How,
learn enough about the rituals to perform then, do Awakened mages within the faith reconcile
them through research. Whether the ritual this attitude with their powers? It isn’t as big a leap as
has the same spiritual power if performed an outsider might think. A santero mage simply regards
by someone who doesn’t have the proper the act of spellcasting — the hand mudras, the chanting
status in the faith is a matter of opinion, at in High Speech, the Imago itself — as the act that gets
least when magic isn’t involved. Would the a particular orisha’s attention. The orisha empowers
orishas actually respond to a ritual per- the mage to call down the laws of the Supernal Realms,
formed by someone other than a confirmed granting the mage a small portion of his authority for
priest of Santería? If they did, how would a short time. Hubris, therefore, is especially dangerous
they treat the iyawó? Likewise, the ritual of within Santería. Excessive spellcasting is seen as an at-
making saint isn’t free, and can cost sev- tempt to usurp the position of the orishas, and mages
eral thousand dollars if the officiating priest who rely too heavily on magic tend to be shunned by
wishes to charge thusly. How might the others within the faith.
orishas respond to this? Some of them might Awakened santeros recognize the 10 Arcana, though
be offended, while others would simply they don’t use the standard terms for them (unless they
demand a fair “cut” of the profits. have been schooled by a Pentacle mage, of course). In-
stead, they are likely to refer to using a given Arcanum as
calling upon a given orisha. The Arcana do not exactly


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correspond to orishas, though, because any orisha might Supernal Symbology
empower a mage to use any Arcanum. The function of The orishas are deities, but not creators. They control
the spell determines which orisha might aid the mage. the world within their own spheres of influence, but
Healing spells, for instance, might come from Inle, they are not omnipotent. They are simply greater than
Osain, Orúnla or Obatalá. Spells over metal naturally humanity, and capable of putting events into motion on
come from Oggún. Love spells belong to Oshún (or Earth. They are, however, susceptible to bribes, taunts, and
sometimes Changó, if the spell is more about pure sex flattery. In many ways, the orishas behave like people.
than love). Spells designed to harm another might come Is it any wonder, then, that some mages, even within
from any orisha, because all of them can be vengeful Santería, look at the orishas as an expression of the
(some more than others, of course). Since every santero power of Awakening? Here are beings with very human-
who has undergone the ritual of asiento is consecrated like foibles wielding incredible power. If Wisdom is the
to given orisha, a mage’s preferred spells naturally cor- yardstick, the orishas, who murder, poison and infect ap-
respond to his orisha. That doesn’t mean that a mage parently at whim, fall short indeed. While a mage might
who follows Oko is incapable of casting violent spells, worship an orisha reverently, the fact remains (whether
just that it doesn’t come naturally to him and he runs he wishes to admit it or not) that he cannot emulate the
the risk of offending the orisha if he makes a habit of it orisha, because doing so would cost him his sanity, and
(this is discussed further anon). probably his freedom or his life.
Who are the orishas, then, to an Awakened santero? The orishas, then, are beings to rise above. They have
Most such santeros don’t change their beliefs in the na- phenomenal power, which they can and do grant to
ture of the orishas post-Awakening; they are the deities mortals, but that power isn’t any reflection on them
given control of the world and of human lives. Mages morally. To a person raised to believe that an all-power-
who don’t mind subjecting their religion to a bit of scru- ful being is also all-good, and above human notions of
tiny (particularly those within the Pentacle) sometimes morality, this can be quite a strange notion. But again,
see the orishas as the Oracles. Several legends speak of Santería evinces a certain amount of fatalism. A man
the orishas beginning as “kings,” after all. Other mages can’t change his camino, and he can’t change the nature
consider the orishas to be powerful Supernal denizens, of the orishas. All he can do is try to work within the
though most believe that every orisha is present in every system, to supplicate the gods and receive their favor,
Supernal Realm. Some, though, are more powerful than and ultimately be ready for their judgment.
others — Oyá, naturally, is the ruler of Stygia, but Oggún
is also powerful there. Foci
Santería makes use of many different foci, but most
Mage Sight of them serve the same purpose: Sympathetic resonance
To Mage Sight, a Santería ritual performed by Sleep- with the orishas, or getting the orishas attention. For
ers is frenetic and immersing. The mage smells blood, instance, every orisha has a particular color that they
cooking food, spices and sweat. He hears drums (even if prefer. Obatalá’s color is white, while Changó (and his
they aren’t actually present; if they are, they grow louder brother, Oggún) prefer red. A santero wishing to contact,
and more frantic) and the sounds of stamping feet as ask a favor of or especially be possessed by a given orisha
the santeros dance. He feels the orishas watching him, should wear the appropriate color. Also, the orishas have
which can be comforting (Obatalá), frightening (Oggún) foods, drinks and objects that they must have close to
or even arousing (Changó or Oshún). hand. Osain requires a walking stick, even if the man or
If a mage scrutinizes the Resonance of a Awakened woman he possesses is perfectly capable of walking. He
santero, he is likely to see some representation of the also likes to smoke, and so a cigar or pack of cigarettes
orisha(s) being invoke. Lightning and thunder shatter must be kept close at hand when the lord of the forest
the sky for Changó. The smell of sea salt and a feeling comes calling, lest he be offended. The orishas also have
of being lost at sea for Yemayá. If the ritual is extremely favorite plants and foods that can aid in rituals involving
potent, the scrutinizing mage might see the orisha’s them — Oggún famously prefers rum, Inle likes oranges
features superimposed over the santero’s. This is most and yams, and Oshún is notorious for smearing honey
commonly the case during rituals in which an orisha across the lips of those she wishes to seduce.
possesses a santero. In such instances, the santero’s Animal sacrifice is an important aspect of Santería, so
Resonance (and aura) disappear completely, leaving much so that in the United States, the right of santeros to
only the orisha). ritually sacrifice animals has been taken to court (normally by


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people who, on the surface, express concern for the well-be-
ing of the animals, though fear of the religion itself probably
plays a greater role). The right of santeros to perform their
sacrifices has always been upheld. It bears noting that the Ritual Sacrifice and Wisdom
animals are not tortured or killed any less humanely than Santeros make frequent use of animal sac-
animals used for food — and indeed, sacrificial animals rifice in their rites, and it’s not unreasonable
are cooked and consumed during the ritual (normally; to assume that a mage of the faith would
in certain propitiatory rites to appease angry orishas, the use the blood sacrifice to obtain Mana in the
animal’s flesh isn’t consumed). But the meal is an offering, form of ashé. Does that mage run the risk of
given up to the appropriate orishas, and every orisha has losing Wisdom, even given what his culture
a particular type of animal it likes to eat. Oshún prefers teaches about ritual sacrifice?
castrated goat. Elegguá likes goat and rooster. Oggún also
likes roosters (and the warriors do prefer to eat together), Yes.
but also enjoys young bulls and black dogs. What the mage’s culture teaches isn’t
Santería also makes heavy use of dance, and ritual relevant. The fact is that he is still bleed-
drums are commonly used as foci. Again, the style of ing a living creature to death for magical
the dance used at drumming ceremonies (called bem- energy, and that is an act of hubris. Now, if
bes) depends on the orisha in question. Babalú-Ayé has the mage did not accept the ashé himself,
lumbering dances befitting the god of disease. Elegguá, but released it into the world to feed the
the trickster god, enjoys capering, silly-looking dances. orishas, therefore making the offering a true
It is during a bembe that an orisha is often enticed to sacrifice, does the character still check for
possess a santero, and so getting the dance right (the degeneration? It’s not an act of hubris, but it
overall tone, if not the specific steps) is crucial. But then, might still be construed as an act of cruelty,
some santeros find that insulting the orisha they wish to particularly if the animal is conscious when
entice can work to lure the spirits down. Calling mighty its throat is slit. It certainly shouldn’t be as
Changó a weakling might get his attention — and then severe a sin as blood sacrifice usually is;
the santero can only hope that he is in a forgiving mood perhaps Wisdom 6.
once he sees the feast laid out for him.


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Finally, as mentioned, Santería makes use of cowrie Osain: Thyrsus
shells for divination. These are normally kept in a set of Oshún: Acanthus, Mastigos
18, though only 16 are thrown during a reading (two are Ósun: Mastigos
set aside to “stand guard”) over the others. The patterns Oyá: Mastigos, Moros
in which they fall, and the number that land “mouth
Yemayá: Any
up,” with the dentated openings facing the reader, deter-
As for order, if a santero joins one of the Atlantean
mine the message that the diviner receives. The spirits
orders it is because he agrees with the tactics that the local
of the dead, as well as the orishas, send these messages
representatives of the order use and because he feels his
to the diviner
orisha encourages it. The Adamantine Arrow probably
serves as the best home for santeros, especially those
Once a santero’s patron orisha has been identified, it
who claim one of los guerreros as their patron orisha, but
a practitioner of Santería might join any of the orders
isn’t uncommon for others in the faith to refer to him in the right circumstances.
by the orisha’s name. One might be called “an Elegguá,”
for instance, in the same way that someone might be Rotes
referred to by his Western astrological sign. The orisha Rotes in Santería spring from a variety of times, places
that claims a santero also imparts certain personality and cultures. Some stem from West Africa and draw on
traits (again, as a zodiac sign supposedly does). For the practices that are centuries old, while others were cre-
most part, these resonate with the orisha in question. ated in Cuba either by slaves or in the years since slavery
An Elegguá is clever and vigilant, while a Changó is ended. Still others originated in America since 1961, when
volatile and lusty. the first initiation into Santería occurred. In any event,
For mages, the patron orisha doesn’t determine Path, these rotes are only taught to mages who have been made
but it often means more to them than Path does. The santo, and usually only to mages whose guardian angel
orisha who guards a mage’s ori is seen as the way in approves of the rote in question. For instance, while an
which he works magic, and thus is the way in which Oggún might learn Tribute of Iron, a follower of gentle
Path is expressed. A Moros who follows Oggún is likely Oko never would.
to work more with Matter than with Death, while a
Necromancer watched over by Oyá is probably the sort Elegguá’s Notice (Fate •••)
who raises zombies and commands ghosts. A santero who is menaced or even annoyed by a rival
Below is a list of the orishas and the Paths with which can try and attract the notice of Elegguá, the trickster
they most easily resonate. These aren’t hard and fast god, onto the enemy. Elegguá, once his notice is drawn,
rules; it’s possible for an Obrimos to follow Inle or an watches over the mage, making sure if his rival menaces
Acanthus to enjoy Osain’s protection. Remember that him directly, the rival suffers for it.
the function of the magic a spellcaster uses is what de- Practice: Fraying
termines which orisha is entreated, so the orisha that Action: Extended and contested; target rolls Resolve
watches over a mage probably guides what Arcana and + Composure reflexively
spells he learns. Duration: Prolonged
Aganyú: Obrimos Aspect: Covert
Babalú-Ayé: Thyrsus, Moros, Obrimos Cost: None
Changó: Obrimos, Acanthus Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Fate
Elegguá: Acanthus, Mastigos If the spell is successful, the rival suffers the following
Ibeyi: Acanthus effects:
Inle: Mastigos • If the rival has the Destiny Merit, he cannot make
Obatalá: Any use of its benefits during the scene in which he menaces
Obba: Acanthus, Moros the mage. The Storyteller can, however, apply the effects
Ochosi: Obrimos, Mastigos of his Bane (and probably should).
Oggún: Moros, Mastigos • A number of the rival’s rolls equal to the mage’s
Fate rating are reduced to chance dice during the scene.
Oko: Acanthus, Thyrsus
Dramatic failures involve some spectacularly bad run
Orúnla: Acanthus, Mastigos
of luck.


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While normally this spell has a duration of Prolonged demand their tribute — many of them try to take bites
(one scene), most santeros use the Conditional Trigger of the raw flesh of the ritual sacrifice, and all must have
effect (see p. 151 of Mage: The Awakening), provided their special foods and items (see Foci), or else they depart
they know Time 2. and the spell ends.
To cast this spell, the mage must have fashioned a While the mage is being possessed, the orisha speaks
representation of Elegguá under the guidance of another and acts through him. The other santeros present can ask
santero (usually, this is done during the initiation rites the orisha for advice or intercession. If any are Awakened,
anyway). The mage writes the rival’s name on a piece of they can ask the orisha for magical understanding (this
paper and places it underneath Elegguá’s head, and then can be used to justify an increase in Gnosis or Arcana
spends hours in meditation, dance and vocal entreaty ratings), even learning rotes from the orisha. Occasion-
to the orisha. ally, a mage channels one of the warlike orishas (Changó,
Oggún, Elegguá, Ochosi, or Oyá) to help him fight in
Invitation to the Orishas (Spirit ••) an upcoming battle.
In one of the most basic spells of Santería, an Awakened The game effects of this possession vary depending
santero can call down one of the orishas and allow the on the Storyteller’s decision of what the orishas are and
deity to possess him. The orisha can then use its powers what role they fulfill in the chronicle. In general, this
through the mage’s body, dispense godly wisdom…or, spell allows an effect similar to Coaxing the Spirits (Spirit
unfortunately, wreak punishment on anyone who hap- 1), but with farther-reaching effects. The mage receives
pens to offend it. Although this rite is considered a sacred a number of bonus dice to a given task based on how
act as well as a useful practice, santeros do understand satisfied the orisha is with the sacrifice, the items offered
that they risk their lives by trucking with the orishas. to it, and the bembe the mage performed (the Storyteller
But, characteristically, they realize that if they should should take all of this into consideration and then make
die while being ridden by an orisha, they have become a roll for the player, probably Manipulation + Socialize,
a great ebbó. Some traditions even hold that if someone and use the successes for the bonus dice). These dice can
dies while being ridden by an orisha, that person can be used on any roll that the task involves, but the player
become an orisha. does not know how many he has to work with (just as
Practice: Ruling the mage doesn’t know how far the orisha’s influence
Action: Extended (target number = mage’s own Stamina will carry him). At some point, the capricious orisha’s
+ Resolve; see below) attention fades, and the mage is on his own again.
Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
Aspect: Covert
Tribute of Iron (Prime ••• + Death •)
Anyone who dies by metal, whether shot, crushed by a
Cost: None
car or stabbed with a knife, belongs to Oggún. Horrible
Dice Pool: Presence + Athletics + Spirit
accidents and casualties of war are often considered the
The mage dances a bembe, and he must be accompanied god of metal taking his tribute in blood from the world
by ritual drums. Often, other santeros dance with him, and of men. One story, though, has it that a santero enslaved
this ritual usually follows an ebbó. The mage continues in Cuba rose up with a spade and slew several of his
to dance until his mind and body are overwhelmed by keepers in a burst of rage. He saw his masters’ relatives
the exertion of the bembe and the drums, and the orisha coming to kill him, and begged Oggún for help. The
enters him. In game terms, the player must accumulate story says that Oggún answered him, telling him to taste
a number of successes equal to the mage’s Stamina + the blood of his victims. The slave did so, and he found
Resolve, and if the character possesses the Iron Stamina his strength replenished. He killed many of the slavers
Merit, those dots are also added to the target number of before they finally brought him low, and as the bullets
successes. Each roll equates one minute of dancing, and pierced his heart, he uttered his thanks to Oggún and
the player can only make a number of rolls equal to the promised his blood and soul to the orisha.
mage’s Stamina + Athletics (after which the mage is too
Practice: Weaving
exhausted to dance properly).
Action: Instant
Once the player has accumulated the proper number
Duration: Lasting
of successes, the orisha possesses the mage. At this point,
the mage begins to behave like the orisha in question. Aspect: Covert
Osain limps and leans on a walking stick. Changó is lusty Cost: None
and belligerent, while Oshún is flirtatious. The orishas Dice Pool: Strength + Occult + Prime


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Modern santeros are loath to
use this spell often, because it
requires another human being
to die by metal (though it does
not require the caster to kill the
victim himself). The santero
must taste the blood of the dead
or dying. If the spell is successful,
the mage can gain ashé (Mana)
as if he had performed a blood
sacrifice (see p. 78 of Mage: The
Awakening). Casting this spell
by itself doesn’t cause degenera-
tion, though killing someone to
facilitate it certainly does.
The casting mage must carry
or wear a piece of metal, but no
Oggún would ever be without
such a focus anyway. Many mages
using this spell dip a blade in the
victim’s blood and lick it off while
casting, but this isn’t necessary.

Magic Items
Santería is a religion that grew across continents and statue with certain protective spells. It’s not unknown, for
centuries. It doesn’t have a Holy Grail or an Excalibur, instance, for a mage to use Prime 3 and another Arcanum
but it does have many charms and items that might be of his choice to infuse the statue with an armor spell. If
useful and powerful on a day-to-day basis. Mages within someone attacks him in his home, he has only to call out
the faith, however, look at the legends of the orishas and to Elegguá for assistance and the armor spell suddenly
wonder how much is pure fiction and how much has a takes hold (he must be in the same room as the statue,
historical basis, especially with antecedent events before of course, or else weave Space 2 into the spell).
the fall of Atlantis. Sometimes, research turns up refer-
ences to something like Ochosi’s Arrow, below, which is Ochosi’s Arrow
assuredly a powerful and unique item…if it exists. The tragic legend of the hunter god Ochosi is related
earlier in this chapter (p. 70). Some mages look at this
Image of Elegguá story with keen interest, for they believe that the story
Most santeros create a representation of the trickster has a literal antecedent in Atlantis. The story, taken from
god Elegguá as part of their initiation. The materials fragments found in a temple discovered in modern-day
out of which this statue is created, revealed during a Benin, tell of a man renowned as a great hunter who ac-
divination for the iyawó, say much about him. In the cidentally killed his mother (translation uncertain; some
case of a mage (or a mage-to-be), it’s not unknown for Mysterium linguists argue that the word might actually
the materials traditionally associated with a Path to translate as “wife,” but given the incestuous natures of the
appear as the components for that mage’s Elegguá. A Yoruba pantheon it might not matter) while attempting
Mastigos might fashion his Elegguá out of brass, while to slay a thief. The “arrow” that he used to do this (which
a Thyrsus carves hers from stone. In any case, once it is might not have been a literal arrow, but possibly an African
constructed, that statue is Elegguá, at least as far as the throwing blade) was never retrieved, because the hunter
santero is concerned. decreed that it would bring tragedy to whoever wielded it
The point of the statue is protection, both from intrud- with anything less than perfect faith in his abilities.
ers in the home and enemies outside. Some mages use Since discovering the fragment, the Mysterium has
this statue as part of casting the Elegguá’s Notice spell searched for the “arrow” itself, not necessarily with the
(see p. 75). Others use the Prime Arcanum to imbue the intent of letting anyone use it as a weapon (because whose


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confidence doesn’t waver occasionally?), but with the in- cause. It ignores non-magical armor entirely. Every time
tent to study it and gain some insight in how events before the weapon is used, the wielder’s player must spend a
the Celestial Ladder filtered into Sleeper legend. point of Willpower and roll Resolve + Composure. If
Below are three possibilities for how Ochosi’s Arrow this roll fails or if the wielder uses the weapon and does
might function as magical item: not spend the Willpower (either because he chooses
• Enhanced Item: The “arrow,” in whatever form it not to or because he has run out), Ochosi looks unfa-
actually takes, is simply a superlative example of a weapon vorably upon this cretin making the same mistake he
of its type. Increase its Durability by 5 and add five dice did. The Arrow itself falls to the ground and will not
any attempt to use it. Any failure, however, is treated as budge for its former wielder (though a new master may
a dramatic failure when using Ochosi’s Arrow. now claim it). The former wielder now suffers from a
• Imbued Item: Ochosi’s Arrow was Imbued with Bane as presented in the Destiny Merit (Mage, p. 81),
several spells somewhere along the way. In particular, save that he doesn’t gain the benefit of Destiny. The
using it allows the wielder to ignore up to five dice of Bane is “agents of justice” and is the equivalent of a
penalties due to environmental conditions (darkness, 5-dot Destiny Merit. That is, whenever the character
smoke, cover, etc.) from the Space “Spatial Map” spell; encounters an agent of justice, the Storyteller has 10 dice
it inflicts lethal damage to spirits and ghosts per the in penalties to apply. This curse lasts until the character
Death “Gossamer Touch”/“Touch of the Grave” spells, can somehow appease Ochosi.
and the wielder adds 5 to his initiative if he has the
weapon drawn and ready (a Ruling Time spell). A failed
roll when using the weapon, however, invokes a Havoc
Storytelling Hints
Santería is a living tradition, and therein lies one of the
Paradox — the weapon veers off and strikes a different biggest advantages for the Storyteller. A trip to the library
target, possibly the wielder. can provide detailed information on this religion, how it
• Artifact: The Arrow is a Supernal artifact, probably views magic and destiny, its heritage, its history and even
crafted in either the luminous aeries of the Aether or recordings of its music. Since Santería is “real” (insofar,
the mindbending hell of Pandemonium. In either case, as with any religion, as people practice and believe in it)
it seeks whatever target it is instructed to seek, rounding including it in a Mage chronicle can be an interesting
corners and chasing the target until it strikes. It inflicts way to show that Awakened magic does filter into the
aggravated damage and inflicts 5 damage dice instead of non-hermetic traditions of the world, and it functions
whatever damage a weapon of its type would normally just as well in them as in the magic of the Pentacle.

Santería Story Hooks

• War of the Gods: The spirit world in the characters’ home city goes haywire. The various spirit
courts seem to be reinventing themselves, changing to accommodate a new order. The spirits are
now aligned based on which orisha they serve. The characters will need to learn about Santería
fast if they stand any chance of altering or even comprehending this occurrence. But is there any-
one in town who is willing to teach them?
• Sanctuary: A young mage of the Mysterium — also a santero — discovers an artifact in his
order’s collection that he believes belongs to his faith. He steals it and flees back to his home town
of Miami, where Santería runs deep and strong in the Cuban community. The Mysterium asks the
characters’ cabal to retrieve it, but it’s guarded by an entire neighborhood now, some of whom are
Awakened and powerful. And what’s so important about the artifact, anyway?
• Sacrifice: This story requires that one of the characters or one of their allies has a Familiar.
A powerful babalawo decides that the Familiar would make the perfect sacrifice for his patron
orisha. He isn’t swayed by talk of the Familiar being a sentient being, because a cowrie reading
revealed to him that the Familiar is destined to give its life for the ebbó. What’s so important that
the santero is willing to invest his life and energy into making this sacrifice? Does he wish to bring
torture and harm to an enemy? Save the life of a friend or relative in another country? Bring his
love back from the dead? It all depends on which orisha he’s trying to bribe.


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Santería can seem exotic, but as mentioned before, it’s
only exotic to people who haven’t grown up with it. It
Sample Character
would be an interesting story that required the characters Papa Congri
to become initiated in order to fulfill some goal, even Quote: “Tell Papa where it hurts.”
if they only received a cowrie reading and perhaps the Background: Born in Cuba in 1946, Fernando Ortiz
elekes. As the characters become immersed in this tradi- grew up with the orishas. His father died when he was
tion, they find people who live their lives by their own very young, and his mother refused to remarry, dedicating
caminos, subservient to the will of the orishas yet quite herself to her work as a madrina. Over the years, Fernando
willing to bribe, trick and cajole their gods into service. saw many santeros and santeras receive the orishas. His
This relationship with otherworldly beings might be mother, though not Awakened, was a skilled herbalist,
something quite different from what a typical Western healer and cook, and the feasts that she prepared for the
mage is used to, and might be quite eye-opening. holidays were legendary.
In 1958, Fernando’s mother received a dream from
Alternative Magic Orúnla. It told of coming war, strife and persecution.
(Storyteller’s Options) She didn’t tell her son of her dream, but arranged for
the young man to travel to America to live with her late
• Orisha Chooses the Path: When a person Awakens,
he usually travels to a Supernal Realm and forges a sym- husband’s brother. The next year, the Castro Revolution
pathetic connection to the Watchtower there, allowing began, and Fernando watched from another country as
him to draw down the laws of that Realm into the Fallen the land of his birth changed. He begged the orishas for
World, and thus perform magic. But to the santero, there’s help, asking Oggún to spare his mother, asking Orúnla
an extra step: The orishas must allow the spell to occur. In for advice and asking Obatalá to intervene and bring his
that sense, all the connection to a Watchtower does is give mother to him. But when Fernando’s uncle, a powerful
a mage a direct line to an orisha, and it is the orisha who babalawo in his own right, cast the shells to determine
actually casts the spell. To simulate this in Mage, consider Fernando’s personal orisha, it was Osain the herbalist
replacing the notion of “Path” with “Orisha.” An Oggún, who the shells identified.
for instance, might find it easier to use the Arcana of Matter Fernando was unable to understand this turn of events
and Forces, while an Obba might use Life and Mind. The at first. Then he learned that his mother had been killed
non-Ruling Arcana require a “bribe” of ashé (Mana) for the in Cuba. He fell into a deep depression and took a huge
orisha, or, instead of the Mana expenditure, might require dose of an herbal sedative, seeking to die and end his
an additional turn to cast as the mage dances or otherwise pain. He slipped into a coma and found himself in a deep,
pleads with the orisha. Alternately, a mage might garner dark forest, walking behind an old man with one leg. The
a bonus of two extra dice if he uses foci that are appropri- orisha Osain talked to him, and told him that everyone
ate to the orisha being called upon — possibly more if he had their pain to bear. Osain’s pain was his missing limbs,
performs a ritual sacrifice. It might be more in keeping while Fernando’s was his grief as his mother’s death. In
with the beliefs of Santería, though, to apply a penalty if that moment, Fernando was humbled, because he knew
the mage doesn’t use the appropriate foci. that his pain would subside in time, but Osain’s never
• Divination Works: This option presumes the exis- would. He pledged himself to the orisha of the forest,
tence and near-omniscience of the orishas and the egun. and returned to his body, Awakened.
When a babalawo performs a divination, regardless of Over the next several decades, Fernando became a
whether he is Awakened or has the requisite Arcana to respected healer and priest of Santería. He encountered
perform such spells if he is, have the player roll Intelli- mages of the Pentacle and developed a loose understand-
gence + Occult. This roll functions as the Dream Merit, ing of the orders, but consistently refused offers to join
except that the hints are usually brief flashes rather than them — until the local Adamantine Arrows asked him
involved visions. An alternative would be to make this to join not as a student or a soldier, but as a teacher and
action extended, allowing the babalawo to clarify the consultant. Within the space of a year, the Arrow had
question by asking the person for whom he is performing several santero members, and these mages made sure
the divination for more information. The target number that no harm or harassment comes to “Papa Congri”
of successes should be set by the Storyteller and reflect (the Shadow Name comes from a Cuban dish called
the complexity of the matter and how helpful the orishas “congri,” made of black beans and rice) or the Sleeper
or egun are willing to be. adherents of the faith.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Description: Papa Congri is a handsome man in his Rotes: Fate — Winds of Chance (•), The Evil Eye (••),
late 50s. He has dark skin and speckled gray hair, and is Elegguá’s Notice (•••); Life — Healer’s Trance (•),
missing most of his teeth. He has a hearty laugh and a Heal Flora and Fauna (••), Healing Heart (•••),
warm demeanor, even with people he dislikes. He carries Enfeeblement (••••); Spirit — Exorcist’s Eye (•),
a walking stick, though he does not need it to walk — it Lesser Spirit Summons (••), Exorcism (•••), Spirit
is a symbol of his devotion to Osain. He usually wears Possession (••••)
green and brown, and is never without his elekes. Mana/per turn: 13/4
Storytelling Hints: Papa Congri regrets never having Armor: 5 (“Organic Resilience,” Life ••)
children of his own, and regards every iyawó for whom he
acts as padrino as an adopted child. He has no particular
regard for the Atlantean orders other than the Arrow. It
bears noting, though, that this is mostly because of the
adherents to Santería who belong to the order in his
area, rather than the order itself — Arrows from another
community might well spoil his perceptions, even induce
him to leave the order. Likewise, members of another
order who showed interest or knowledge of Santería
would certainly bolster his opinion of the Pentacle. Papa
Congri is distrustful of Americans, but his door is open
to santeros of any nationality.
Dedicated Magical Tool: Walking stick
Real Name: Fernando Ortiz
Path: Thyrsus
Order: Adamantine Arrow
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 3
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2,
Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 2,
Composure 4
Mental Skills: Academics 2, Crafts (Clay) 3, In-
vestigation 2, Occult (Santería) 4
Physical Skills: Stealth 1, Survival 1, Weaponry
(Knife) 2
Social Skills: Animal Ken (Birds) 1, Empathy 3,
Expression 3, Persuasion 2, Socialize 3, Streetwise 2,
Subterfuge 2
Merits: Allies (Adamantine Arrow) 3, Destiny (Bane:
Ochosi’s Arrow) 3, Magical Tradition (Santería),
Resources 1, Status (Santería Priest) 2
Willpower: 7
Wisdom: 8
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Gluttony
Initiative: 6
Defense: 2
Speed: 9
Health: 7
Gnosis: 4
Arcana: Fate 3, Life 4, Mind 1, Spirit 5


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

My soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as my body is protected by the armor of
steel. I am thus doubly armed, and I fear neither demons nor men.
— Adapted Templar catechism of St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Introduction With their approval by the Church, the Templars

enjoyed immediate success, most often in the form of
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of
noble donations. The knights made their requests for
Solomon, as the Templars are formally known, are one of
donations in the name of their mission of protection:
the most storied knightly monastic orders to arise from the
they asked for money, land, even noble sons who would
Middle Ages. At one time in European history, the workings
become knights in the interests of St. Bernard’s Rule. As
of the Templars affected the everyday life of every European
a monastic order, the knights took a vow of poverty, and
citizen, so integral was the order to finance and religious
thus any of their own noble possessions (such as land,
function. Shrouded in mystery, conspiracy, and allegations of
chattel, and cash) became assets of the order itself.
foul witchery, the Templars are the stuff of modern popular
fascination, a medieval bogeyman illustrating the fear of fa- Although they originally served as warriors in the Holy
naticism or the ultimate failing of organized religion as a tool Land, contributing to many battles during the Crusades
for oppression. Movies feature skulking Templars, whacked- and the Reconquista, the Templars made a far more sig-
out pseudo-occultists use Templar trappings for their own nificant contribution to medieval culture in the form
crackpot theories, and conspiracy authors pin all manner of of banking. Since their members swore oaths of poverty
diabolical machinations to the dogma of the order. and donated their assets to the order, the Templars had
a great deal of money readily on hand at their chapter
The truth of the Templars is bitter and far subtler,
houses, which they began loaning to pilgrims in 1135.
however. The order never truly recovered from its
Pilgrims were also able to leave their own valuables in
disbandment at the hands of political enemies. The
the possession of the Templars, for safekeeping during
centuries intervening between the order’s dissolution
the period of pilgrimage.
and its modern incarnation as a scattered relic clinging
to solvency have made its story a sad one of nadir. As record of these valuable deposits, the Templars is-
sued letters of credit. These letters assured other Templars
Making the story even more sorrowful is the fact that
of the pilgrim’s wealth and could be used to withdraw
the Templars aren’t the cackling villains of popular fic-
funds from any chapter house along the way to the Holy
tion or French Royalist propaganda, rubbing their hands
Land and, eventually, across Europe. The temple knights
and plotting heresy or debasement. The Templars were a
both certified and encrypted these letters of credit, so
righteous chapter of warrior-monks who truly discovered
they couldn’t be easily forged.
the light of God, but in striving for the divine, fell prey
to the treacheries of desirous temporal envy. As a result of noble contributions and interest made on
loans to pilgrims, the Templars soon found themselves
History in control of vast sums of money. The letter of credit
represented a new form of banking, and the suspicious
The history of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and
of the Temple of Solomon begins in 1128 with the Cis- ease with which the Templars avoided condemnation for
tercian Bernard of Clairvaux, who authored the rule of usury made the order an extremely profitable venture.
the order. In truth, the order came into being some 10 The fall of the Knights Templar came as a result of
years prior, formed by Hugh de Payens with the intention filthy lucre. Most historians believe that, jealous of the
of protecting Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. King Templars’ moneys and in need of financing for his own
Baldwin II of Jerusalem approved this initial charter, and wars, the French King Philip IV convinced his childhood
the support of Bernard of Clairvaux (a nephew of one friend and then-Pope Clement V to declare the Templars
of the original nine Knights Templar) recognized and heretics. King Philip then arrested hundred of French
confirmed the order at the 1128 Council of Troyes. Templars, seized the order’s assets, and disbanded them.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Of significant note is the fact that Philip was already greatly where many knights of the order were arrested and tried
indebted to the Templars, and grew incensed when the but ultimately found innocent. Elsewhere, the Knights
order refused to loan him additional money. Additionally, Templar either found their order absorbed into other
Clement’s actions against the order occurred during the orders or just vanished. Estimated numbers of Templars
Babylonian Captivity, when a succession of French Popes across Europe before Philip and Clement’s collusion
resided in France, not Rome. In 1312, Pope Clement were in the tens of thousands, with perhaps 3,000 in
issued the edict formally terminating the order’s rule. France alone. The number arrested in France was but a
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple fraction of this greater figure. Where they went remains
of Solomon, officially at least, were no more. a mystery.
The story becomes even darker than a simple tale What is certain, however, is that Philip IV and Clem-
of aristocratic greed, however. Under the investigation ent V made a brutal example of the Templars who were
begun by Pope Clement — which almost certainly con- indeed arrested and “brought to justice” in the king’s
sisted of physical torture — many Templars admitted to fashion. After Grand Master Jacques de Molay realized
heresy. These heresies included acts of homosexuality, the futility of the situation, he and Geoffrey de Charney
idol-worship, denials of the sacraments, defilement of recanted their torture-induced confessions. For this,
the cross, consorting with the Adversary, and veneration Philip IV had them both burned at the stake.
of a sublime entity known as Baphomet.
At the point of their dissolution, the Knights Tem- Philosophy: Baphomet
plar scattered into anonymity in hopes of safety. Their Banking and warcraft aside, the true interest of the Tem-
treatment at the hands of the French king was by far plars to both mages and mortal occultists is in the order’s
the most severe of all European countries, especially secret rituals and inexplicable devotion to Baphomet.
in comparison to investigations and trials in England, Historians generally agree that Clement’s antagonism of


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

the order occurred largely at the behest of the extremely of the Templars, in moments of supreme but fleeting
powerful Philip IV, and that most of the heresy charged clarity, caught a glimpse of the Supernal. They called
were inflated, if at all extant. The Church itself considers this peering into vast, unknowable truth Sophia, after
the treatment of the order inappropriate, and Clement the Greek word for wisdom and the Gnostic concept of
managed to prosecute the order’s termination as a result Man’s perception of the light of God. In order to keep
of exerting his own authority over the findings of inves- the devoutly Catholic knights of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers
tigatory councils and a potent Inquisition. of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon from fearing
Where the reputation of the Templars doesn’t emerge that this Supernal spark was heresy, the Grand Masters
as a politically motivated fabrication is in the order’s of the order hid the concept beneath a veneer of worldly
devotion to the being or ideal referred to as Baphomet. observance. That is, to keep their knights from looking
Supposedly, one of the idols, or “Heads” as they are askance at the light of God through the flawed and dim
sometimes called in context worshiped by the heretical minds of mere Men, the Grand Masters simply told them
Templars was named Baphomet. The problem arises in it was something else. They had their chaplains translate
exactly what Baphomet is supposed to be. “sophia” using a primitive Hebrew cipher, resulting in the
Some historians believe “Baphomet” to be a poor-integ- neologism Baphomet.
rity translation of the name of the prophet Mohammed It’s a lapse in reasoning, to be sure, but these were
to Old French. These historians suggest that the Templars soldiers in hostile lands, first and foremost. Their faith
converted to Islam after contact with it in the Outremer was greater than their theology. The Templars privy to
chapter houses, that the root of their heresy was the this secret of universal order failed to understand that
abandonment of the Christian faith. Theology doesn’t a holy truth venerated under false pretenses results in
bear this out, however, as Islamic faith also forbids the false faith. In their hubris — for that’s what it was, even
worship of idols; if the Templars were so keen to adopt if none of them were willworkers in true — they turned
Islam, why would they make up their own ersatz version the light of God into a graven idol. In the ultimate irony,
of it? they were undone by mostly untrue claims of more pe-
Close to the same Arabic sources, some suggest that destrian idolatry.
“Baphomet” is a coarse Westernization of the term As well, not every member of the Templars’ order was
“Abufihamat.” If the Templars came into contact with an initiate of the so-called magical tradition of the order.
Sufism or Sufi mysticism during the Crusades, which The original Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the
they almost certainly did, they may have been introduced Temple of Solomon were disbanded far too soon for
to the concept of Abufihamat, which means “father of the order as it initially existed to conduct much magical
wisdom,” in reference to an accomplished Sufi mystic. experimentation and research. Most of what today’s
If the Head the Templars worshiped was truly a head, “Templarism” makes possible has come as a result of
and not simply an idol, the rumored Templar possession mages’ quiet study and practice in the intervening cen-
of John the Baptist’s head takes on a grotesque cast. In turies, away from the disapproving eyes of the order’s
this scenario, “Baph” and “Metis” provide a rough Greek Sleeper critics.
translation of “baptism of grace.” Were this the case, a
true accusation of heresy might be able to be made, if The Philosophy Today
the Templars genuinely revered John the Baptist on the Despite the order having been formally disbanded seven
level of an idol. centuries ago, in the World of Darkness the Knights
Indeed, most of the accusations of idol-worship prob- Templar still claim a few members worldwide. A scholar
ably involved the veneration of relics. The Templars may would hardly confuse the mages’ modern incarnation with
well have possessed the head of John the Baptist, and their medieval precedent, however. Today’s Templars are
they may have even called it Baphomet, but they didn’t esoteric collectors of the arcane, not warrior-monks or
necessarily elevate it to the status of a god or idol, any avid bankers, whether they’re mages or Sleepers.
more than any observation of relics does so. This misun- As well, today’s Knights Templar remain avidly Chris-
derstood reliquary may have combined with a potential tian, devoted to the purpose of witnessing the light of
conscious choice of substituting the Orthodox Eucharist God. They have little use for Hermetic “magic,” and
for the Catholic Eucharist (which might have also been indeed disdain the concept of magic as most modern
the source of accusations of debased sacraments). (Sleeper) occultists define it. If forced to put a term to
In the World of Darkness, the truth of the matter is what they seek, they might describe it as thaumaturgy or
less sinister, as odd as that seems. The Grand Masters Sephiroth (see Chapter Two for more information on


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Sephiroth and Kabbalah). An especially liberal-minded is incomplete at best, and certainly imprecise. Where
modern Templar might describe the Baphomet as theurgy. Sleeper practitioners of the tradition hone their craft,
A notably traditional Templar would likely describe the they see miracles, manifestations of God’s light. Their
Eucharist and Novena as evidence of the Baphomet. unreliable ability to view this light fits utterly with the
Fundamentally, the “magic” of the Templar legacy Christian ideal of God working “in mysterious ways.”
is a regimen of protection and fortification. This is an When a Templar mage performs a spell, he’s not creating
outgrowth of the order’s original purpose of protecting the effect himself, he’s submitting a humble request that
pilgrims — under such blessings, the Templar himself God shine a bit of His light on the Templar. If the spell
is the pilgrim and the light of God serves as his armor, fails or succeeds, it’s because God — if He even heard
shield, and sword. Unfortunately, the very rubric of pro- the Templar beseeching Him — actively chose to grant or
tection probably served to ignite some of the accusations deny the request. (Tangentially, it’s for this reason that so
of heresy and witchcraft against the order. In the act of a few of the Templar tradition truly Awaken. Where most
Templar’s binding of a “demon,” an ignorant onlooker mages of the Atlantean craft understand that magic is
would only have seen the “demon” and the Templar the imposition of the will on the universe, Templars see
and thus assume that the knight was trafficking with magic as a force applied by their divine superior.)
an evil spirit. The medieval mind was superstitious and The whole matter is a point of minor contention for
fearful, and the other rituals to which the Templars were religious mages who are aware of the existence of the
privy likely seemed just as alien and heretical as Islam or Templar tradition. The presence of what the Templars
diabolism to the uninitiated, earning the Templars the claim to be the light of God argues in favor of the exis-
ire of the Church (not withstanding the financial ire of tence of God, or at least some higher power, but the fact
King Philip IV). that mages perceive this light of God to be a duality of
Sleeper Templars’ current heuristic model is that of the two Arcana causes some degree of a lapse of faith. In this
archetypal lone magician. Templars don’t often congregate sense, either the mages or the Templars are right, and
anymore; a chapter house today is likely the nigh-aban- with their greater understanding of what’s happening,
doned manor of an obscure European minor noble or the it’s likely to be the mages. That doesn’t lessen the power
forgotten study chamber beneath a church or library, where or value of what the Templars have discovered, it simply
an aged acolyte pursues his craft in quiet anonymity. Gone means they’re wrong, in a Supernal sense, about where
are the days when a force of hundreds of knights would that power comes from. While this doesn’t by any means
take to the battlefield, clad in the armor of God. Today, deny the existence of God, it does mean that the Tem-
the Templars are solitary knights-errant, waging their own plars have an outlook that doesn’t mesh neatly with the
pilgrimages to the shrines of holy enlightenment. Supernal dialectic. For that reason, many mages choose
Sleeper Templar “Magic” to avoid the Templar tradition, as belief in its efficacy
The theme, both Resonant and metaphorical, of almost demands a deliberate delusion of the self.
Templar magic is the light of God. Thus, “magical” acts Assuming, of course, that the Supernal aren’t lesser
performed by Sleeper Templars occasionally shimmer with manifestations of a greater God. That’s a point of
numinous halos of such light. In cases like this, however, theology and cosmology for mages to debate, though,
the light appears muted and indirect, as if viewed as an and hardly the bailiwick of the comparatively humble
emanation from behind a sacristy door. It sometimes Sleeper Templars.
softens the visible “focus” of the Sleeper working what For its part, the Templar tradition doesn’t pretend to
he believes to be a ritual. It is in these moments that the concern itself with the full breadth of “available” Arcana.
omnipotent, unknowable God seemingly lets His gaze Even when mages scrutinize the Arcana of Prime and
fall upon the knight, and the radiance of His attention Spirit, their revelations miss... something when placed in
washes over the Templar like a beam of virgin sunlight. the context of all the Arcana’s more comprehensively
defined magical relationships. Put simply, Templar mages
Arcana sometimes deliberately overlap in their distinctions
The Templar tradition, as understood from the point between Prime and Spirit (on the occasions when they
of view of a genuine mage, is as medieval as its origins use those words as such). To a Templar, certain magical
suggest. It naturally has no comprehension of the full miracles occur as a result of seeing the light of God.
nature of the Tapestry, and concerns itself with only Templar mages often acknowledge these miracles in the
two Arcana, Prime and Spirit. Given that these are both context of one “Arcanum,” (and, again, they don’t use
subtle Arcana, the Templars’ understanding of them that word), and it’s the light of God.


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In general, Obrimos mages tend to sympathize more ships with other Templars. For example, most Templars are
strongly with the Templars than the Thyrsus mages, loath to share their mystical knowledge, even among fellow
despite equal importance falling on both the Prime and members of the order, like the alchemists of old, unless
Spirit Arcana in the Templar idiom. That’s not to say that they know the colleague in question quite well. They reason
Thyrsus mages don’t relate at all, just that the Templar that, with no central governing body, anyone can claim to
doctrine cleaves a little more closely to the Obrimos’ ce- be a Templar, so only the ones personally known to the
lestial inclination than to the Thyrsus’ animistic outlook. practitioner have any reliable degree of authenticity.
Indeed, Templar Sleepers might even decry the Thrysus Indeed, this decentralization contributes to the waning
reverence for spiritualism as heresy, because in Templar health of the tradition. While the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of
dogma, there is no god but God. Christ and of the Temple of Solomon no longer exists,
only the magical tradition in its wake means anything
Divergent Philosophies and Other Mysteries any longer. Thus, anyone who can convince an existing
Many organizations claim descent from the Knights member of the order to make him a “knight,” whether
Templar, but the Supernal spark that remains precipi- a Sleeper or a mage, has the opportunity to call himself
tously — if capriciously — among those few real mages a Templar. After all, this is no longer truly a knightly
who practice the tradition of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers order; it’s a collective of marginalized nobles and talented
of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon so far seems to scholars united by their common interest in arcane
have eluded these derivatives. Separating these related practice. Thus, anyone who fortuitously comes across
traditions from popular misconception is perhaps the the magical notes of a Templar (living or dead) — some
greatest difficulty a student of the Templar tradition can even make those notes reveal the light of God — can
faces. Indeed, in some cases, popular perception forms a legitimately make a claim to the Templar legacy.
truth of its own, subsequent to the suspected connection. In game terms, a character need not be a mage to become
Myth becomes truth. With a history as deep, as cultur- a member of the tradition, though he must naturally be a
ally resonant, and as thrilling as that of the Templars, mage to practice actual magic. Because the characters in
it’s bound to happen. the World of Darkness don’t have access to each other’s
That doesn’t mean they work, however. Of the numer- character sheets, many of these Templar titles are thus
ous factions claiming descent from the Knights Templar, honorific. A Templar who can make magic is as much a
none of them has succeeded in capturing the ability to Templar who is just a Sleeper who can witness the Super-
reflect or selective shine the light of God as have the nal via Unseen Senses, and they’re both potentially on
Templar mages. While they may echo the ritual and adopt an equal level with the Templar whose family has been
the processes, they lack that resonant, divine spark that attached to the order for seven centuries.
sets the Templars apart. Indeed, the lack of Resonance Where the Templars may exercise some degree of
endemic to these tangential philosophies allows mages control over the tradition’s destiny is apprenticeship, but
to separate the wheat from the chaff. Since divergent again this shows a great deal of medieval mindset. Few
practices to date have lacked any trace of the Supernal, Templar mentors would apprentice a female, though a
mages have felt safe waving a hand at their collection. few progressive knights, seeing the nadir of the order have
The Temple scholar must beware, though, for not only brought women into the tradition — often to the disgust
is such blanket dismissal crass, it can be dangerous if one of more conservative members of the order. Likewise,
of these parallel traditions turns out to resonate with a some mentors will take only suitably aristocratic appren-
mote or more of greater power. tice-squires, who are able to prove both their magical
acumen and their distinguished breeding. Still others
Organization make poor teachers, encumbering the already oblique
The Templars today have the merest fraction of their esoterica of the tradition beneath layers of quasi-feudal
former numbers, and they’re scattered even further obligation and mystical mumbo-jumbo, none of which
across Creation than they were during their heyday of is relevant to the modern practice of the tradition. In
the Middle Ages. While any number of false practitioners the end, finding a mentor who’s not mired in his own
claim some sort of heritage involving the Templar legacy, delusions of what the order is can be an exercise in
historians among the Templars estimate the number of futility, and a would-be Templar might occasionally be
worldwide members at something around 200. better off by translating one of the order’s documents
Modern Templars do retain some of the anachronistic and learning its tenets by process of trial and error. In-
ways of their medieval heritage, notably in their relation- deed, it’s often (and ironically) easier for a mage to find


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Templar tutelage than a Sleeper. Once an Awakened common meaning. That’s because even the members of
individual can make the magic work, he won’t have to the order itself don’t have any metric by which to judge
answer to anyone about the validity of his interest or membership or accomplishment, even among themselves,
potential. Meanwhile, so many Sleeper Templars vigor- other than the ability to make the magic work. It’s a dying
ously protect their knowledge from curious outsiders, tradition, suspended from obscurity only by the handful of
heedless of the fact that their jealousy of others winnows devotees who practice it in ever-dwindling understanding
the tradition’s vitality. of the greater legacy. A high-ranking Templar might be
One of the greater results of the lack of a central, magically impotent or even a quack, while a mage who
governing body in charge of the order’s consistency can truly shed the Light of God with his willworking
of practice is the utter absence of any sense of rank or labors anonymously beneath a theoretical Master.
qualification. Everything occurs at the pace and approval
of one’s local master or mentor. Thus, while modern Symbology
members of the order may claim a knightly rank, that The Templars observe a comparatively small collection
rank may or may not accord to actual magical ability. It of arcane symbols, though this actually reflects their
may have been bestowed by a noble member of the order, narrow focus and devotion to singular purpose. The
or it may have been granted by a self-styled master whose wise mage knows better than to take this as a sign of
understanding of the order is based on interpretation of simplicity on the tradition’s behalf, however, for these
medieval journals instead of true knightly ennoblement. symbols are exceptionally powerful in their use. Awak-
For example, an Awakened mage might find himself ened mages point to the inherent power of the symbols
possessed of a title below a Supernally impotent Master, as an example of trace Supernal influence translating
simply because of heredity or the standing of the mage’s into the Sleeper craft.
mentor. The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the
Temple of Solomon no longer have a Grand Master, or The Baphomet
at least they don’t have one recognized by every active Perhaps the best-known image of the Templars’ key
member of the tradition. Their titles and ranks have no symbol is the illustration rendered by Eliphas Levi,


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

depicting a goat-headed creature of decidedly demonic otherworldly entity, but he wouldn’t wave it around as a
cast. This is somewhat misleading, however, as few of symbol of faith to strike fear into such creatures.
the Templar tradition think Levi had actually achieved Templars also distinguish between the Holy Cross
any of the mysteries of the Templars. Levi’s illustration that represents Christianity and the specific Holy Cross
actually exceeds the concept of the Baphomet as Sophia, that represents the light of God in magical practice.
depicting what appear to be the dualistic aspects of the The former is the cross lay folk are used to seeing, the
Sophia and the Logos, the Light and the Word. Levi’s Ba- universally recognized T-shaped cross. The Holy Cross
phomet has both female and male features, and makes a associated with Templar magic is the Gnostic cross, a
gesture implying “as above, so below,” which is a far more cross within a circle (known as the sun cross or Odin’s
hermetic ideal than the Templars subscribe to. cross in some cultures).
It is odd, then, that the most recognized image of the Templars often carry these crosses or at least have local
pivotal Templar symbol is so distant (though subtly so, to access to them, much as a faithful Catholics carry a string
the untrained observer) from genuine Templar doctrine. of rosary beads. Indeed, most Templars, being Catholic,
In the estimation of some scholars of Templar mages, carry both their rosaries and their Holy Crosses.
though, this is a masterstroke of misdirection. It leads
those who would discern their mysteries for their own
purposes away from the actual philosophy of the Tem-
plars. Levi’s Baphomet is more in line with Crowley’s
Thelema, hermeticism, and astrology.
The functional Baphomet of the Templars’ actual
veneration is rarely depicted as a symbol. In practice,
the word itself serves as much as a symbol as anything
else. Given that the word is an encrypted translation, all
of the power inherent in a symbol already exists in the
word itself. In fact, one of the most common uses of the
symbol in Templar ritual is the inscription of the word
upon the air before the practitioner, which many mages
see as having parallels to their own use of mudras.
Occasionally, the Baphomet is given a graphical de-
piction, but only rarely, such as in situations where the
Templar wants to leave a symbol of her passing for other
members of the order, or where openly writing BAPHOM- Codes and Ciphers
ET might attract the wrong sort of attention. In cases Encryption has long been a part of the Templar tradi-
such as these, the Baphomet is sometimes represented tion, from the codes it used to protect pilgrims’ assets
as a star (for the light of God), a head (lending credence to the translated and encrypted name of the Sophia as
to the connection between the Templars and the relic of Baphomet to the imperfect recording of the whispered
John the Baptist), or a fountain (presumably a fountain fragments of the Word transcribed into the low tongues
of wisdom, and perhaps another misinterpreted symbol of a post-Babel world. Although by no means as reli-
leading the Templars to condemnation for heresy). ant on codes and numerology as Kabbalah (q.v. on p.
32), the Templar tradition does occasionally involve
The Holy Cross writing hidden prayers as entreaties to God. Likewise,
Templars are very particular about the use of the Holy Templars sometimes create amulets in case they think
Cross in magical practice (whether in true Awakened they might not be able to speak a prayer to God in
magic, or in the empty ritual of Sleepers). Specifically, certain dire circumstances.
the Cross is often used to depict the presence of a magical These encoded prayers typically find their form at
effect, but never the result of a magical effect. Metaphori- either end of the spectrum of magical practice, both
cally, the Holy Cross represents the light of God shining, functional and Sleeper. Sometimes they’re quick-and-
not what it shines upon. dirty “insurance policies” that make sure the magician
Some degree of this can be seen in the practical ap- will at least be able to make the prayer when situations
plications of Templar “magic.” A Templar might hold a align against him (such as when dying on a torturer’s
crucifix when establishing a protective ward against some rack or being caught beneath a rockslide while searching


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for the Temple of Solomon). Of course, the Templars The foci for this spell are the Baphomet and a cipher.
themselves would never deign to call such amulets some- First, the Templar encodes his own name in a cipher of
thing so crass as an insurance policy, but the analogy his choosing, thus protecting his identity with the cipher
works somewhat. On the other end of the spectrum, just as he seeks to protect his body with the spell. The
Templars occasionally undertake vast rituals, where Templar also traces the sign of the Baphomet in the air
inscriptions and codes play a critical part in the ritual’s before him as he casts the spell.
invocation. Indeed, the “grimoires” of many Templars Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Prime
are these very types of talismans, transcriptions of long The journals of the Templars indicate that this spell was
and involved prayers. most commonly used in preparation for a physical conflict
with otherworldly enemies, when the knights would face
Rotes hostile “angels” or entities from beyond most realms of
In most cases, rites and magical ceremonies practiced perception. Tales of knights in shining armor, whether
in the Templar tradition can be learned by mages as rotes. among actual military accounts, or even folkloric legends
They involve shining the light of God on a certain being such as Beowulf or the Volsung Saga might have involved
(as with protection rotes or rotes of binding) or awaken- kennings related to this spell’s function, even though
ing the latent light in an object (such as a holy relic). For those sources clearly predate the Templar order.
this reason, the Templars have codified a handful of the While it works fine as a standard armor spell, most
spell effects outlined in Mage: The Awakening, though mages would likely eschew it as such, since it’s not as ef-
they obviously don’t cast them as improvised spells, like fective as the armor rotes of many other Arcana (offering
a true willworker does. less in the way of protection for skilled mages of those
Templar rites can be used as a basis for the following Arcana) and it’s plainly vulgar. On the other hand, the
pre-existing rotes: Divining the Relic (Analyze Enchanted protection it offers from aggravated supernatural damage
Item, Mage: The Awakening, p. 219); Exalting the Relic is certainly a boon.
(Activate Enchanted Item, Mage: The Awakening, p.
221); Recording the Light (Inscribe Grimoire, Mage: The Communion with the Messenger
Awakening, p. 220); the Sword of Archangel Michael (Prime ••, Spirit ••)
(Celestial Fire, Mage: The Awakening, p. 224); Identify The Templar calls out to seek the audience of an “an-
the Interloper (Exorcist’s Eye, Mage: The Awakening, gel” in its literal definition from New Testament Greek
p. 245); Hallower’s Prayer (Place of Power, Mage: The as a messenger.
Awakening, p. 247); and Banish the Interloper (Exorcism, Practice: Ruling
Mage: The Awakening, p. 248). Action: Instant and contested; target rolls Resistance
Templars also have access to the following unique rotes. reflexively
Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
Girding the Champion’s Faith (Prime •••) Aspect: Covert
The Templar invokes a brilliant armor forged from the light
Cost: None
of God to turn back the blows of his most ardent enemies.
The foci for this spell are all three of the hallmark
Practice: Shielding
Templar symbols: the Baphomet, the Holy Cross, and
Action: Instant a cipher. First, the Templar creates the sign of the Holy
Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Cross on the ground where he wishes to commune
Method: Vulgar with the angel — the cross in the circle serves as a sort
Cost: None of beacon to the angel in question. Next, the Templar
The Templar gains two points of armor for the duration speaks the name of the angel after it has been encoded
of the rote. Additionally, the Templar, illuminated by as a cipher. The more important the “messenger,” the
the light of God, can withstand even the most heinous more elaborate the cipher must be. Finally, the Templar
perils that his foes would inflict on him: While under makes the hand-sign of the Baphomet when the angel
the aegis of this spell, the Templar downgrades any ag- arrives, proving to the angel that he is worthy of witness-
gravated damage he suffers to lethal damage. (This does ing the light of God.
not affect the upgrade of lethal damage to aggravated if The Templar casting this spell makes a single call to a
the Templar has already suffered his full Health points single, specific “messenger” angel (whose name he may
in lethal damage, however. See p. 175 of the World of have procured from any number of sources, liturgical
Darkness rulebook for more information on this.) or lay, but it must be the angel’s true name). The angel


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who heeds the call (if the spell is successful) is from the Information that may be legitimately gleaned is infor-
loftier regions of the Shadow Realm but has a singular mation that the angel believes men have the context to
connection to the Aether, or “Heaven” as the Templar understand. For example, “Is God angry that we seek the
understands it. Obviously, the “angel” is not from the Ten Commandments” is a question that would receive
Aether proper, but is savvy to what has occurred there in a concise answer, while “How does God feel about our
an up-to-date sense. In the communion with the angel, quest for the Ten Commandments” would elicit either
the Templar may ask the angel any questions that he an answer incomprehensible to the Templar or a simple
wishes, and the angel responds with whatever informa- rebuff that “It is beyond your capacity to know.”
tion is salient. The answers asked of the angels need not always con-
Of course, mere men surely cannot grasp the full cern the loftier realms. “Is the Temple Mount the true
import of what occurs in the Realms Supernal, and the site of the Temple of Solomon?” is a fine question to
angel’s answers may seem obtuse, incomprehensible, or ask (the answer to which depends upon the individual
chaotic. As well, the angel might simply deem the answer chronicle). So is “Where have the Templars stored their
to a given question as one the Templar’s mind cannot treasures?” Indeed, so is, “Where are my car keys?” but
possibly understand, and may deliberately occlude or such a flippant question may well serve to stoke the ire
withhold information (though it will never lie outright). of the angel, and the anger of angels isn’t something any
“What does God look like?” is not a viable question for mortal is likely to emerge from unchanged. To this end,
this spell to answer, nor is “What is the meaning of life?” it’s worth noting that summoning the angel in no way
In response to this first question, the angel might loose a offers any protection from it, should its divine graces be
torrent of incomprehensible Enochian syllables, answer- mocked, challenged, or denigrated.
ing the question honestly, but in the language only the Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Spirit vs. Resistance
angels can understand. The second question might yield The Templars believe that the evolution of this spell
an almost rhetorical response, such as, “To live in righteous occurred during New Testament times. They note that
imitation of Christ.” The angels will not be fooled by vain Abraham, Isaac, Moses, and other key Biblical figures
men’s attempts to divine the secrets of heaven. had to use nothing of the sort to commune with God,


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while later figures such as Simon Magus had to use the it, and to what end. The occultists John Dee and Edward
same sorts of formulae that the order itself must. Of Kelley claimed to know the speech of Angels, but neither
course, Simon Magus met his end after challenging of them is associated with the Templar tradition.)
God’s supremacy, but the Templars are certainly capable
of learning from the mistakes of others. Magical Items
Some Templars have taken it upon themselves to learn It is curious but fitting that the Templars have no
the celestial speech of the angels, potentially in hopes of magical items laid claim by the organization itself. The
tricking the angels to answer their questions with a language foremost reason is that modern Templars are simply too
they assume the mortals not to comprehend. Again, the few and far between to maintain any vast treasure troves.
angels aren’t so simple as this. If an angel suspects a man Although they certainly held significant stores of relics
might have learned the divine tongue, it might simply and mundane riches in the past, the fracturing and dis-
respond that the answer to a particularly dire question solution of the order contrived it so that any wealth or
isn’t for men to know. And again, attempts at fooling the artifacts held by any Templar today is a result of his own
angels rarely work out well for the would-be trickster. luck or initiative, not a factor of Templar affluence.
(Of course, that begs the question as to whether a man Still, those artifacts of history may have secretly been
might even learn the Enochian language, where he’d learn passed down through family lines or discovered among
hidden caches of private Templar treasures. What follow,
then, are a few examples of magical items that the Tem-
Dangerous Knowledge plars were once rumored to possess. If they still reside
The ability to learn the secrets known only among the private collections of modern Templars, only
to Heaven represents a facet of the Mage he who possesses them knows for sure.
game that eclipses any easily defined rules. Since all the relics once possessed by the Templar
The Templar tradition is included in this order were literal, religious relics, they’re all considered
book as a way to explore the relationship to be Artifacts, owing to their miraculous origins. The
of faith in the modern world, especially Templars were never great practitioners of enchanting
through the lens of the waning ways of the items, though religious and magical relics certainly cap-
temple knights. We’re seeking to create a tured their attention.
sense of Christian mysticism; since these
games are written for a predominantly The Shroud of Turin
Western audience, we want to reach into When the Shroud of Turin first appeared in history, it
that common well of cultural origin and did so in the hands of Jeanne de Vergy at some point in
faith so many of us have. We don’t mean the middle 14th century. De Vergy was the widow of Geof-
any slight to any other religion in this. We froi de Charny. De Charny’s primary claim to fame was
just want to present the Templars as a tra- his treatise on the finer points of chivalry, a work of great
dition that has encountered the True Word cultural import alongside those of Chretien de Troyes.
of God. From their origins as a critical pres- Geoffroi de Charny also had an uncle, Geoffrey de
ence in the Age of Faith to their dwindling Charney, who was a prominent figure among the Tem-
relevance in these modern, cynical times, plars, serving as Preceptor of Normandy. Geoffrey de
the Templars “got it,” even if their under- Charney also burned alongside Jacques de Molay after
standing of how it works or was achieved is King Philip’s condemnation of the order.
less then perfect. Speculation among conspiracy theorists and some mages
So, while it’s easy to use the Templar seems to be that de Charney gave the Shroud of Turin to
tradition to answer nagging questions that his nephew for safe-keeping, anticipating the turning of
come up over the course of a chronicle, fate against the Templars. When de Charney met his cruel
our intent is thematically larger than that. end and after de Charny’s own passing, Jeanne de Vergy
If mages think they have the answers, but found her husband’s secret treasure among his estate. The
these primitive medieval thaumaturges Shroud of Turin then changed hands frequently through-
have methods that exceed the mages’ abil- out history, finally ending up where it resides today, in the
ity to understand or codify them, what do Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy.
the mages really know? The shroud is believed to be the death-shroud of Jesus
Christ, the cloth that wrapped His entombed body after


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He was taken down from the cross. Skeptics believe the
shroud to be a medieval forgery, like the finger-bones Templar Magic and
of so many supposed saints, though true believers insist
that the shroud is indeed the funereal garb of Christ and Christian Theology
bears His image upon its weave. The exact function of the Abrahamic God
isn’t necessarily reducible to Supernal-only
Whether the Shroud of Turin is real or not depends
phenomena. A mage deals with the Super-
on how the Storyteller wishes to use it. If it’s false, so
nal World because his Awakening ties his
be it; it’s simply a hoax relic pursued by those ignorant
soul to that higher reality. But there might
of its falsehood or who have interest in it as a historical
well be other higher (or lateral, or lower)
item as opposed to a holy artifact.
worlds, and a Sleeper might actually be
If it’s a true artifact, however (and if the one in Turin is
more free to experience these other realities,
the real one and not a fake planted by some enterprising
since his Name isn’t written on a Watch-
occultist or religious zealot who wanted it for himself),
tower, as he hasn’t signed a contract.
its powers are surely estimable.
The Shroud of Turin may be able to restore life to a With that in mind, we’re not trying to
deceased individual, bathing the departed in the light define Christian reality in the terms of the
of God and allowing that fallen individual to experience Supernal Realms. For more information on
the Resurrection as did Christ. This probably isn’t the the intentional blurring of these lines, see
case, however, as it discounts the divinity of Christ and the Storytelling section below.
the miracle of His death and return to life. Alternatively,
it may indeed represent such power of life eternal, an
earthly symbol of God’s immortal reward, such as in only for the posthumous birth of his son, Jean, who lived
Christ’s miraculous revivification of Lazarus. only five days, but for those five days was king. Thereafter,
More likely, the Shroud, as a symbol of Christ’s time Philip IV’s other son, Philip V, assumed the throne and
on Earth, possesses some ability to reproduce the miracles ruled for six years. Philip V produced no heir, and was
He performed. In this case, it almost certainly exceeds thus succeeded by another of Philip IV’s sons, Charles.
the humble magics of the Templars and brings a full Charles IV ruled for six years and also died without heir.
spectrum of godly wonder to the world. It may heal the Upon his death, the Capetian dynasty ended.
sick and repair the injured, as Christ tended to the lep- While rapid succession occurs throughout history, the
ers, or it may produce a bounty from a meager meal, as details surrounding “the Accursed Kings” are certainly
with the miracle of the loaves and fishes. strange. How curious it was for Philip IV to die within
In the end, the power of such an artifact is truly in a year of de Molay’s curse, and then to have his dynasty
the hands of the Storyteller, as an item of such power utterly eradicated within a scant 15 years afterward.
and significance is doubtless beyond the codification of While the mortal world looks askance at such notions
rules as they exist in Mage. We mention the Shroud of as curses, that is indeed what happened here. Although
Turin only because of its connection to the Templars, de Molay probably didn’t know he had the power in
who were likely only the bearers of the artifact; it’s him, he did render a profound judgment on the House
certainly not an artifact created by their own imperfect of Capet, and the crowns worn by those Accursed Kings
magical practices. still bear the touch of that quasi-divine vengeance to this
day, should anyone find them.
The Cursed Crowns Each of the crowns worn by the last doomed scions of
As Jacques de Molay burned to death on his heretic’s the Capetian Dynasty is considered a cursed item, un-
pyre, he whispered a quiet curse upon his malefactors, surprisingly. (See pp. 336-337 of Mage: The Awakening
King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V. Although for more information on cursed items.) Should anyone
the Avignon Papacy would have troubles of its own, it be so foolish as to don one of the cursed crowns, an ill
seems that King Philip suffered the true brunt of de fate will befall him: Not only will he die within the year,
Molay’s rumored curse. but his direct descendents will die within seven years.
Philip IV died within a year of de Molay’s execution. If those descendents have progeny, those children will
Thereafter, his three sons succeeded him with astonishing die within seven years of their parent, and so on down
rapidity. His son Louis assumed the throne after he died. through the line of family. It should be noted that only
Louis X’s reign was short and undistinguished, notable those with a direct bloodline traceable to the crown wearer


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are affected; relations by marriage are left untarnished of their former glory and grandeur. This has occurred
by the crown’s deadly legacy. not through any overt evil of their own, but of external
Exactly how many of these crowns exist is a mystery. forces. The Templars are the remains of a tower, once
Some followers of Templar mysteries suggest that only one besieged in an era of legend, now left to crumble and
cursed crown exists, that it was the curse laid on Philip IV decay under exposure to modernity. Is there a place for
that provided the withering of the line of descent. Other the Templars’ archaic practice and dauntless faith in a
suggest that each crown worn by each of the kings, from venal, modern world?
Philip down through Charles — even the tiny coronation The Templars can also serve as the basis for a story or
ringlet worn by the infant Jean I — possesses the taint of chronicle with plenty of rollicking derring-do, digging
de Molay’s dying exhortation. The fractured nature of up the relics connected to the order and rescuing the
the modern Templar tradition further conspires to keep Ark of the Covenant from shifty-eyed heretics or more
this mystery unanswered, and even those who claim to chthonic threats crawling in from the Abyss. This can
own one of the cursed crowns may or may not possess be pulp action (in a cinematic archaeological context
one of the actual artifacts. you’re no doubt familiar with), tense mystical espionage,
Of additional curiosity is the fact that the magics or an academic race against time and the minions of the
suspected to lie within the cursed crowns aren’t those hoary Aether.
with which the Templars are readily identified. While Most importantly, though, the Templars serve as the
the Templars are most commonly associated with the vehicle by which to examine the interplay between the
Arcana of Prime and Spirit, those mages keen to the living religion of Christianity and the conjectural meta-
legend of the cursed crowns suspect that the magic physics of Atlantean magic. The magic theory of the mages
empowering them combines aspects of Fate and Time. works almost without a hitch — every idea has its proper
Explanations for this abound, with almost as much weight place, every Arcanum has its key relationships. But the
of conspiracy as popular Templar myth attributes to the power of divinity eludes the Atlantean model. It places
order. Some mages believe that the crowns are powered “gods” among the Aether, claiming them to be the stuff
by divine wonders that exceed Supernal magic, and thus of power itself, attributing to them the meta-Arcanum
have no definition within the Atlantean idiom. Others of Prime. The God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
suggest that the original crown was crafted by a mage who trumps this Atlantean rubric. At least, we assume so here,
resented the treatment of the Templars at the hand of for the sake of the game, and the emotional response
the king, and the curse is a product of that mage’s ire. you and your troupe have to that notion is the founda-
Exactly who this oracle of Fate and Time might be, who tion for a chronicle with the Templars at the center. The
was also masquerading as an ironmonger or jeweler at Templars themselves represent this parallel power theory
the time, eludes this theory. — mages understand Templar magic only in the context
of their own Atlantean perspective. Mage assumes that
The Templars as a concept present a broad base of cultural
the Atlantean perspective is correct, but this treatment
of the Templars assumes that the Abrahamic perspective
is also correct. Thus, we present the one in terms of the
myth upon which to draw, and then debunk or confirm other without suborning the importance of either.
as the Storyteller chooses to employ. They’re perfect for
tales with a gothic tint, as their history is rife with madness,
heresy, barbarism, and medieval overture. They’re also well
Alternative Magic
suited to tales that contrast the modern with the arcane, (Storyteller’s Options)
as Mage is designed to do by nature. An interaction with The key to Templar magic is in combining aspects of
Templars can be a high-action rampage of armored knights Atlantean magic into a functioning whole. From the
fighting against corrupt philosophies, or it can be a sublime Atlantean perspective, the Templar understanding of
revelation of God’s will for His Creation. what they call magic combines aspects of the Arcana
The centuries-long degradation of the Templar charter of Prime and Spirit. From the Templar perspective, of
and purpose provides a ready-made backdrop for sto- course, “Arcana” are a foreign concept — there is only
ries with themes about corruption, decay, and decline. the “light of God.”
The grand principles to which the Templars originally As such, few Templars would be well disposed to see
aspired, both worldly and divine, have crumbled as a what they wish to do and what mages actually achieve as
result of greedy men and the Templars’ own defeatist one in the same. Surely, they wouldn’t argue against the
isolation. Today the Knights Templar are but echoes wonder of the mages’ craft, but they would argue that the


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Story Seeds: The Templars
Among the many conceptual hooks presented in Templar magic, history and philosophy, a num-
ber of other ideas come out of the tradition and are worth a few thoughts on the Storyteller’s part if
she chooses to involve them.
• The Templar Treasure: Of all the money and private belongings held in the Templars’ many
chapter houses, much of it became the property of other religious orders, the state, and in a rare
few instances, its original owners. That doesn’t account for every valuable belonging or parcel of
land held in Templar treasury or knight’s name, however. When the Templars were disbanded,
vast amounts of money, valuables, land deeds, and religious artifacts simply vanished by dint of
going unaccounted for. Who knows what the contents of each chapter house were? In addition,
one item that the dissolution of the Templars never saw admitted into posthumous evidence was
the archive kept by the order, detailing those very holdings and assets. This can spawn a number
of stories, from the material (“As it turns out, much of France actually belongs to the Vatican as
of 1299, according to this parcel of fief-deeds we found beneath the Comte’s wine cellar.”) to the
spiritual (“Does anyone else find it strange that everyone who goes to that church in Midtown since
that priest from Europe arrived has been calling for an exorcism of the old chapel?”) to the overtly
magical (“That guy with the cross on his shirt and the case full of 13th-century scrolls just bound a
demon, but he’s not using any Atlantean ritual I’m familiar with”). Indeed, an entire chronicle can
spring from seeking an answer to the question, “Just what is the Templar Treasure?”
• The Templar Fleet: Another vanished enigma, a vast fleet of ships once belonged to the
Templar order. Historical records claim that a score of ships registered to the Poor Fellow-Soldiers
of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon had been docked at La Rochelle on the western coast of
France the day before King Philip’s agents arrested hundreds of members of the order. The next
day, the day of the knights’ arrest, all of the ships had vanished, leaving no records of their desti-
nation. Where did this fleet go, and whom and what did it bring with it?
• The Temple of Solomon: After receiving their initial charter from King Baldwin II of Jerusalem,
the Templars were allowed to make their base at the Temple Mount, which is believed to be the
location of the original Temple of Solomon, itself built in the age of antiquity to house the Ten Com-
mandments. It is also believed to be the site where Abraham formed his covenant with God, where he
slew a ram instead of his son Isaac. Obviously, the Temple Mount is of great significance to all of the
Abrahamic faiths, and remains a site of many modern pilgrimages (today it is the site of the al-Aqsa
Mosque). While the Temple Mount has been explored thoroughly (revealing a network of tunnels
beneath the structures there, some of which lead to the mosque that was once the Templar chapter
house), actual, physical evidence of the Temple of Solomon has never been satisfactorily discovered.
If the Temple of Solomon still exists in the world, in a ruined state or somewhere pristine and un-
touched by man, and if it truly houses the Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments, imagine
what other divine wonders it contains, and what mysteries of the human condition it reveals.

sources are similar. What the Templars do focuses upon To represent the single-Arcanum adaptation of Su-
the glory of God and the grandeur of heaven. Templar pernal magic to the Templar tradition, an option the
“magic” (and many hesitate to call it that, for fear of the Storyteller may wish to exercise in the use of Templar
very argument we posit here) is the art of conversation magic is to negate the increase in the relevant Arcana and
with angels, exalting the Kingdom of God, and bearing heightened Gnosis that normally applies to combined
witness to miracles on Earth. It has no place for time spells, as described on pp. 128-129 of Mage: The Awak-
dilations, tricks of probability, or mind-control. While ening. Because Awakened Templar magic is designed to
it doesn’t deny those things, it considers them on a level intermingle the effects of the Prime and Spirit Arcana,
other than that of working miracles. Templar understanding of them is conjunctive. Thus, the


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requisite Gnosis to cast a Templar-tradition rote combin- More accurately, he inherited the titles and moneys of
ing the aspects of Spirit and Prime would be the number an extinct Italian barony. It was a largely outdated title
of Arcana it combines, and the knowledge of the Arcana in a fief that had been sold more than 500 years ago,
in question would have to be only at the level required but it was by rights his.
to create the single-Arcanum effect. For example, the Rossello’s father had other anachronistic ties to lapsed
Communion with the Messenger Rote would require historical offices as well, and upon his death, his father
only Spirit 2, Prime 2, and Gnosis 2, instead of Spirit 2, bequeathed not only the title of barony but also the pro-
Prime 3, and Gnosis 3. Speaking with the Angels, hear- tectorate of Petra Longa under the Knights Templar.
ing the Word of God and seeing His Light is the core The inherited knighthood struck Rossello as just as
ability of the Tradition, and keeping the basic functions frivolous and outdated as the barony, but when he went
of the tradition out of the hands of most of its (true) over the books and journals held in his father’s secret
practitioners makes the tradition too esoteric. cache — some dating to more than 300 years ago — Ros-
Sure, you could argue here, that it’s not supposed to be sello understood. It made sense to him all of the secrecy
easy, but we’re not trying to make it easy. The Templars in which his father had kept him and his brother, and
in question still have to be possessed of the Gnosis, why his too-modern mother succeeded in gaining her
Prime, and Spirit prerequisites to cast the rotes — they annulment. Rossello’s father was a sorcerer.
still have to be mages. This isn’t something everyone in With the comfortable lifestyle established by the es-
the world can do by throwing a hand sign and wearing tate, Rossello turned his attention inward to the family
a cross. It’s something that initiates into the tradition history. As it turned out, his family was one of the last
do, and the doing of that makes them valued members few remaining families ennobled in the original Templar
of the tradition. tradition. A devout Catholic, Rossello delved readily
Storytellers seeking to adapt this principle beyond into the mysteries of the warrior-monks, and considers
the Templar idiom should have no difficulty in creating himself one of the vanguards of the order today. He is
other philosophies that merge the functions of multiple well-read, knowledgeable of many of the order’s legends
Arcana into a single meme. Consider a “natural force” and interests, and willing to personally lead (and fund!)
principle that combined the principles of Forces and an expedition into the order’s lost assets, provided he
Life, for example. Indeed, Storytellers may wish to ex- can find trustworthy companions.
pand the Templar portfolio to include other Christian Description: A distinguished man of 50 or so years,
miracles, such as by adding Life to Prime and Spirit Rossello is just starting to take the paunch of middle age.
in the interests of synthesizing Christ’s purification He’s tall and stocky, with classical features softened by
of the lepers, or the healing powers of the blessed a life of luxury amid local scandal. All of his clothes are
Merovingian Kings. made for him by local tailors or Savile Row ateliers, so
The main idea is to allow cumulative effects that exceed he always looks ready to accept even the most esteemed
the focus of a single Arcanum. The admixture of Arcana of company. The only time Rossello is without his Holy
provides a bit of breadth to the tradition whose power Cross pendant is when he showers or shaves.
hinges upon these combinations, but it comes at the cost Storytelling Hints: Most of the time, Rossello is good
of precluding understanding all other Arcana. While natured and affable, ready with a joke and a smile for all
that’s not a problem for the true mage, true mages are of the residents of his rural barony. He especially enjoys
as rare as hen’s teeth, and the more-common “normal” foreign visitors, with whom he kids that “the problem
scholars of these traditions are thereby bearing witness with Italy is that it’s governed by Italians.” When it comes
to the greater light of “all magic” through the prism of to matters of Catholic faith or Templar magic, however,
their own understanding, whereby the light separates Rossello is serious, but open. He enjoys meeting real
into the colors they perceive. practitioners of magic, in hopes of comparing notes — but
only if those fellow-knights (of other orders, as he sees
Sample Character them) are Christians. He has no interest in “paganism”
or “witchcraft” or “diabolism.” The great shames of his
Rossello Viotti, Barone di Petra Longa, life are his mother, whom he cannot forgive for her ill
Preceptor of Petra Longa treatment of the sacrament of marriage, and his brother
Quote: I never chose to seek the light of God; it sought me. Lamberto, who joined the rival knightly order the Pious
Background: An inheritor of minor fortune and fame Brothers of the Abbey of Theleme, out of spite for the
from birth, Rossello Viotti inherited the life of a baron. family custom.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Real Name: Rossendo Viotti
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2,
Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 2,
Composure 2
Mental Skills: Academics (History) 4, Computer 1,
Investigation 2, Occult 3, Politics 2, Science 2
Physical Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Firearms 1,
Stealth 2, Survival 1
Social Skills: Empathy 2, Expression 2, Intimida-
tion (Rank and Privilege) 2, Persuasion 3, Socialize
(High Society) 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3
Merits: Allies (Government) 3, Allies (Local Police) 2,
Contacts (Occultists, Military) 2, Fame 2, Languages
(Arabic, English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin) 5, Meditative
Mind, Resources 4, Retainer 1, Status (Aristocracy) 3,
Unseen Sense 3
Willpower: 4
Morality: 7
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Pride
Initiative: 4
Defense: 2
Speed: 9
Health: 7

A little judicious theosophy seems on the whole a most excellent thing.
— Aldous Huxley, Letters

A culture used to meaning, used to the certainty of rian era, and the result was theosophy, the practice of
human significance, faces the realization that the universe “spiritual science”.
is vast and uncaring. Suddenly, the great scientists of Surviving cranky beginnings, bitter schisms and bizarre
the age turn everything upside-down. The hand of the scandals, the theosophical movement went on to become
creator is withdrawn; suddenly, man is no more than the touchstone of the New Age. The practice of channeling,
another animal, part of a system with no meaning beyond the occult history of Atlantis and Lemuria, the investiga-
its own adherence to the laws of nature. This cannot be, tion of auras, the belief in a brotherhood of adepts and
thinks the savant. The savant has faith in science, but masters, the attempt to syncretize Eastern and Western
he knows there is something more. It's only waiting for religions, all these things really began with the brainchild of
science to explain it. Mme. Helena Blavatsky. Hundreds of esoteric movements
This attempt to provide empirical proof of metaphysical exist today, all because of a strange lady from Russia who
and religious meaning reached its height in the Victo- brought with her news from nowhere.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

News From Nowhere
Darwin's discoveries changed the way we see the world,
freely admit using trickery to get people's attention. But
she always maintained that the visions were true. By the
beginning of the 1870s, Blavatsky had the attention of
and the way we see ourselves. With The Origin of the Species, a lot of people.
the hand of the creator had suddenly been withdrawn HPB soon produced Isis Unveiled, her first manifesto
from the world. Suddenly, mankind inhabited a vast im- of “spiritual science.” She claimed that pages of the
personal system in which there was no meaning, and in manuscript appeared overnight, created by unseen hands.
which the human race is no more central than any other Depending on the reviewer, it was either a revelatory tome
animal. To the affluent Victorians of the West, who had of spiritual science or a piece of hackwork cribbed from
long believed that Civilized Man was the center of the a dozen different religious and philosophical sources.
universe, such a revelation was a great psychological blow. At HPB's instigation, her friend Colonel Henry Ol-
A new era of spiritual inquiry began. A particularly overt cott founded the Theosophical Society, In a New York
and theatrical kind of spiritualism was all the rage. Vision- drawing room in September 1875. The people present
ary groups split from the established Christian churches, at the occasion found the name “theosophy” by flipping
and Westerners began to investigate the religions of the through a dictionary.
East: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Taoism, mining
No one had called themselves a theosophist for
them for whatever wisdom they could find.
hundreds of years. The Philalethians, third century
Enter Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, known to friends and Neo-Platonists from Alexandria, had invented the word,
enemies alike as HPB. In 1848, aged 17, she'd married the and Jacob Boehme had used it to describe his own blend
Russian Governor of the Caucasus. Within a few weeks of esoteric cosmology. Nobody was really sure what it
she had run away. 25 years later, she turned up in New actually meant.
York with barely a penny to her name. No one knows
Blavatsky had her own ideas.
for sure what happened to her in the time between. Her
own accounts are wild and strange. She'd been the lover Schisms and Inheritors
of a series of famous men, she said. She fought alongside The newly minted Theosophical Society became im-
Garibaldi in Italy. She rode bareback in a circus. She had mensely popular. HPB set up her Theosophical world
evaded Indians in Canada and narrowly escaped voodoo Headquarters in Adyar, near Madras (now Chennai), and
magicians in New Orleans, she said. She'd owned an ink branches of the Society started up in Australia, England
factory in Odessa and imported ostrich feathers in Paris. and across Mainland Europe. Blavatsky's second volume,
She'd traveled across the world as a spirit medium. And the vast and convoluted Secret Doctrine, made her more
then there was her time in Tibet. converts and more enemies.
She had, she claimed, been visited as a young woman Helena Petrovna Blavatsky died – or ascended as a
by one of the Great White Brotherhood, the hidden True Adept to join the Masters – in 1891. Theosophists
masters of the world. This led her to Tibet, where she around the world had already begun to develop and
spent seven years studying under the Masters Morya and interpret her vast and often contradictory body of work.
Koot Hoomi, immeasurably ancient beings who had the The Theosophical Society developed schisms. Theosophy
key to all hidden knowledge. They had chosen her to spawned movements with similar philosophies but very
reach the highest level of occult initiation available to different practical outworkings.
a living human being. By the time she arrived in New
Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, the two
York, she was ready, she said, to begin her greatest work.
Britons who took control of the Society after Olcott and
This was her news – plucked from the ether. She was the
Blavatsky were dead, took HPB's free-wheeling, messy
herald of a new age.
cosmology and transformed it into something much
Blavatsky claimed to be in constant touch with the more formal, much more hierarchical. Blavatsky had
Masters. Neatly addressed letters from them would drawn a great deal of her ideas from Hinduism; Besant
appear from nowhere when she was around, literally and Leadbeater consolidated that. Funded by bequests
dropping into the lap of their intended recipients. She and benefactors, they set up dozens of clubs, orders and
could precipitate objects out of nowhere. Small spirits esoteric societies within the Theosophical Society, each
would surround her, sometimes playing tricks on her, more spectacular than the one before. And then, at the
such as tying her to her bed while she slept. dawn of the twentieth century, they discovered Krish-
Or, at least that’s one side of the story. Others said namurti, a teenager from Adyar who they claimed was the
she was a charlatan. Sometimes, when caught out, she'd incarnation of the Maitreya, the new World Teacher.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Not everyone liked the direction the Theosophical she has to want to believe. Skeptics might think that this
Society had taken. In California, Katherine Tingley, one amounts to pretty much the same thing, but there really
of the American leaders of the Society, formed a “back to is a difference.
Blavatsky” splinter group, and founded what amounted Still, there are several main themes which run across
to a personality cult in Point Loma, California. theosophy. Many of these have much in them to fascinate
Rudolf Steiner, head of the German branch of the the Awakened.
Society, had long been disaffected with the Theosophi-
cal Society's growing move into ceremony and hierarchy.
The unveiling of Krishnamurti was the last straw, and he Where to Start?
formed his own group, the Anthroposophical Society. Reading more about theosophy can be dif-
Anthroposophy is now far more influential than theosophy ficult: there's just so much of it! HPB's own
ever was, thanks to Steiner putting his views on agriculture, writings are all but impenetrable (although
medicine and education into practice. Steiner (or Waldorf) the curious should note that all of her work
schools exist all over the Western world now. is freely available in several places online,
Other groups had no formal links with theosophy, but
dena/ts/tup.htm). C. Jinarajadasa's First
much in common. In their own way, they were theosophy's
Principles of Theosophy was first published
errant stepchildren. George Ivanovich Gurdjieff talked
in 1921 and is extremely dated, but it does
his way across Europe in the first half of the twentieth
put across in relatively straightforward lan-
century, teaching his followers to have absolute faith in
guage some of the general ideas of theoso-
him and his intimate contact with the Source. JG Bennett
phy, and, more importantly, its quasi-sci-
and PD Ouspensky followed his lead, and other teachers,
entific attitude (find it online at http://www.
such as Rodney Collin and Idries Shah, have followed in
turn. As an adult, Krishnamurti may have denied that he
An Introduction to Anthroposophy: Rudolf
was the Maitreya, but even after he severed his links with
Steiner's World View by Francis Edmunds
the Theosophical Society, he still taught what amounted
is a good general guide to the main Theo-
to a development on theosophy.
sophical offshoot.
A darker side of theosophy existed. This had its inheri-
tors too: Savitri Devi's attempts to create a synthesis of If you have the time, Rudolf Steiner's
esoteric Hinduism and neo-Nazism, although not strictly Cosmic Memory is well worth a read (online
theosophical, could never have come into being without at
the existence of theosophy's own religious syntheses. CM/GA011_index.html). It isn't central by
In the present day, theosophy's family tree is vast and any means, but it's a fascinating source for
diverse, ranging from respectable quasi-academic societies Mage Storytellers and players, since it gives
all the way through to extremist cults. The work of individu- a detailed and very odd overview of Stein-
als as diverse as Tony Neate, Doreen Virtue, Betty Shine er's (and Blavatsky's) idiosyncratic view of
and David Icke all could never have developed the way it human evolution.
has if it hadn't been for HPB. The New Age that Madame
Blavatsky predicted may not have happened exactly as she
expected, but it's here, in a thousand different ways. Meaning and Faith
More than anything else, the one underlying assump-
Doctrines, Secret and Otherwise
Theosophy, anthroposophy and their offshoots are
tion that nearly all theosophists hold is that human
beings matter. The whole point of theosophy as “spiritual
science” is to find a validation for what we believe or
vast fields of study. Madame Blavatsky's writings alone want to believe: that there is a benevolent force guiding
fill several thousand pages. Rudolf Steiner's lectures and humankind. That humanity is unique. That human life
books fill more than 300 volumes. And none of that has meaning and significance beyond the simple material
is dogma. Belief has never been a prerequisite for the facts of existence.
theosophist. Theosophy and anthroposophy alike posit that all
The only thing that a theosophist needs is an open, religions hold a glimmer of truth in them. There is a
inquiring mind and the earnest desire to investigate these great Intelligence at the center of everything, and this
things. A potential theosophist doesn't have to believe; being, this Lord of Everything, governs all fate, all destiny.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Because every religion has some part of the truth, the-
osophy attempts to bring them together into that grand
The Invisible Government of the World
Madame Blavatsky claimed that there was a hierarchy
synthesis. The existence of God is a given, although the
of Ascended Masters or Mahatmas, who formed what she
actual conception of God is very vague, and depends a
referred to as the Great White Brotherhood. According
lot on what religion any given theosophist favors.
to Blavatsky and her successors, an order of Ascended
The issue is that while all religions may theoretically Adepts inhabits Tibet. From there, they use their pow-
be equal, in practice theosophical thinkers tend to take ers and agents to guide humanity into the next stage of
one religion and its esoterica and look at others through spiritual (and in some views literal) evolution.
the lens of that religion. Blavatsky and Besant after her
In Blavatsky's scheme, the Lord of the World, highest of
concentrated on Hinduism. Leadbeater preferred Bud-
the Masters, descended spiritually from Venus to inhabit
dhism. Steiner found his truth in esoteric Christianity.
the ageless body of a teenage boy, who made his home
Gurdjieff colored his mysticism with Sufi Islam.
at Shambhala. His assistants were Buddha, Manu, Mala-
This mysticism often marries itself to a somewhat chohan, and Maitreya, and each of those was assisted by
Victorian attitude towards science. Theosophists and another Mahatma. Jesus Christ, the Count Saint Germain,
anthroposophists alike still often attempt to catalog these Solomon, Cagliostro, Moses and Plato were all members.
observations through empirical observation and dedicated Koot Hoomi (who, in a previous incarnation was Pythago-
study. A theosophically minded individual believes that ras), and El Morya were assigned with the founding of the
natural and supernatural phenomena are both simply Theosophical society. They, Blavatsky said, were the source
things which can be studied and measured, if only we of her knowledge. She frequently received letters from Koot
knew how. It's part of the reason why so many theosophists Hoomi and El Morya. Most of her books were allegedly dic-
worked so hard investigating reports of fairies, ghosts and tated by these Masters. CW Leadbeater, meanwhile, heard
psychic powers in the first half of the 20th century. from the Master Djwal Khul; other theosophical leaders
Awakened mages can find this all very attractive, had their own favored givers of occult knowledge. Helio
particularly if they were already of a religious persua- Arcanaphus, an Atlantean king, apparently sends messages
sion before they Awakened. Reluctant to abandon his to channelers in the United Kingdom even today.
religious beliefs, a mage (particularly a Christian or As time has gone on, the list of Cosmic Masters has
Hindu) could well find theosophy or anthroposophy a exploded. Depending on the list, it includes potentially
perfectly reasonable way to make sense of his experiences hundreds of others, including Mother Theresa, Pope John
with the Supernal Realms and the ancient lore peddled Paul II, Padre Pio, Princess Diana and Adolf Hitler.
by the Orders. Likewise, a mage whose approach to his
Hitler gets referenced more frequently as a servant of
magic is academic and methodical may well find that a
the less well-described but just as ubiquitous Lords of the
theosophical approach helps to crystallize his attitude
Dark Face, the Great White Brotherhood's eternal opposi-
to magic. Whether scientific or religious, the revelation
tion. They're the force that seeks to keep mankind off the
that comes with the Awakening, that there's a Supernal
spiritual path. They would keep us from final Ascension
World beyond anything we know, causes many to develop
to the company of the Mahatmas. Their way is chaos. Ru-
the belief that there's a meaning behind it all.
dolf Steiner gave them names: he called them Lucifer and
Ahriman. Lucifer, he said, was a spirit of pride. Ahriman
The Three Aims of the was the spirit of materialism. Between the two of them,
they kept humankind sleeping. The writings of David Icke
Theosophical Society
concerning a conspiracy of giant reptilian beings with
The Theosophical Society states
psychic powers draw on a similar well of ideas.
its three aims as:
How real are the Masters and their opponents? To
1. To form a nucleus of the Universal some of the inheritors of theosophy, the Masters are ab-
Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction solutely, literally real, New Age superheroes who contact
of race, creed, sex, caste or color. the chosen, fight the forces of darkness on a cosmic level
2. To encourage the study of Comparative and guide humanity through good and bad to a final,
Religion, Philosophy and Science. shining future. But even in Blavatsky's day, people found
other ways of looking at them.
3. To investigate unexplained laws of Na-
The poet William Butler Yeats, who dabbled with
ture and the powers latent in humanity.
theosophy for a while, thought that there were four
explanations for HPB's Masters. Maybe they were living


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

occultists with amazing powers, he thought. Maybe they A picture or a symbol of a Mahatma can be a powerful
were psychological artifacts, dramatized forms of her focus for either kind of theosophical mage. The mage
visionary trances. Maybe they were spirits. Maybe they meditates on the Master in his working, creating an Imago
were symbolic faces attached by visionaries and psychics to in the shape of the Ascended One. Any number of magi-
forces of nature. He never settled on a single answer. cal effects can be performed by a mage “channeling” a
The whole cycle of teachings surrounding the Masters Mahatma, real or imaginary.
appeals to many of the Awakened on a gut level. The
Oracles are said by the old Orders to have been responsible Shambhala and Agharti
for the erection of the Watchtowers and the preservation The legend of the Mahatmas often gets tied up with
of magic in the Fallen World. But since then, they've been the legends of the hidden city of Shambhala, and the
more or less silent. The idea that maybe they do exist, that underground realm of Aghartha. In Buddhist legend,
maybe they're out there, disguised as these Masters, taking Shambhala was shaped liked a lotus. Its people were
a hand in history? That's incredibly tempting. Likewise, beautiful. They had the secret of longevity. Villages were
to identify the Lords of the Dark Face with the Exarchs happy and prosperous. A million sages lived in golden
doesn't take an enormous amount of effort. palaces and contemplated the wisdom of the Buddha.
Rumors of theosophical Seers of the Throne who With the birth of modern theosophy, the myth took on
consider the Exarchs to be the Masters and the Oracles a life of its own.
to be the Lords of the Dark Face are, as is always the way Madame Blavatsky claimed Shambhala was in the
with the Seers, just rumors. Gobi desert. Other mystics write that it's in the Hima-
Even if they're not literal beings, the Awakened mage layas. The painter Nicholas Roerich led an expedition
can use the Masters as a focus. The theosophical mage looking for Shambhala in 1926, only for the British to
with a metaphorical bent pictures his chosen Mahatma turn him back at the Tibetan border. The SS sent Ernst
as a kind of avatar or representative of his Awakened Schaefer's expedition to seek the Original Source of the
soul, a vehicle in his mind's eye for his magic, and the Aryan Race in 1938. Schaefer made it to Lhasa, but he
supernatural insights he holds. never found Shambhala.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

The myth was complicated by Victorian tales of Agharti, the vaguely-defined natural phenomenon they identi-
a vast underground world, a spin off from the various fied as God. Gurdjieff, for example, said that he was an
hollow earth theories made popular in Europe and the Ascended Master, directly inspired by the Source.
US towards the turn of the 20th century. The connection Even those who get their information from the Mas-
between Shambhala and Agharti is unclear. Is ancient ters have the chance to access the Akashic Record, the
Shambhala the capitol of hidden Aghartha? Are they astral library of all conscious thought. Literally “written
even the same place? on the air”, anyone with properly developed perception
And is Shambhala even a place where a mage would can read it.
want to find? Some versions of the legend of Shambhala Again, it's an attractive idea for the Awakened. There
and Agharti describe it as something less than a paradise, are many ways a mage can gain knowledge. A theosophi-
a vast, hellish world that stretches beneath all the nations cal mage creates an Imago of reading the information
of the world, and inhabited by anything from people he finds in the air. Even those mages who don't have
possessed by ultra-terrestrial entities through to Richard any theosophical background can find the idea of an
Shaver's “Deros”, degenerate beings enslaved by evil and aetheric record of everything a useful thing to visualize
addicted to negative psychic emanations. when working magics of knowing.
Opinions on Shambhala among the Awakened are
as varied as anyone else's. Maybe it's a real place, inhab-
ited by archmasters who have a direct conduit to the
HPB owned a stuffed baboon. It stood in her office,
Oracles. A friend-of-a-friend story that cropped up in wearing a wing-collar, shirt, jacket and tie. Under its arm
the Mysterium in recent years tells of a doorway in the was a copy of Darwin's Origin of the Species. That about
heart of Shambhala leading directly to the dwelling of summed up Blavatsky's attitude to Darwin. Not that she
the Oracles. Or maybe the Exarchs. The story isn't clear, didn't believe in evolution. Her problem with Darwin
probably because of the uncertainty of who the Mahat- was that Darwin drew a connection between man and
mas actually are. Mages across the world have certainly animal, the logical conclusion being that man was simply
battled creatures on occasion that resemble the Deros, a very clever animal.
but that's no proof that Agharti exists. To the theosophist, man is unique. It's impossible to
fully explain the theosophical theory of evolution in brief,
Revelations from the Source but generally, the theosophist saw evolution as a function
The Great White Brotherhood isn't, in theosophical of the connection of everything to everything else.
terms, the only way to get information. Some esoteric
To explain: everything came, way back in the beginning,
teachers claimed to get it directly from the Source, from
from inchoate elemental forces. All matter, energy and life
came from the same source. Guided by the central intel-
ligence of creation, those elemental energies solidified
The Daksha and the Dhyanis into matter; the matter gained life and became vegetable
One Legacy of mages, called the Daksha, matter; the vegetable matter evolved into animals; the
draws much of its philosophy from the animals evolved into higher beings.
stranger, crankier teachings of theosophy's
Base matter evolves into different kinds of vegetable
inheritors. Obsessed with being the means
matter. Here's where the spiritual part comes in: every-
by which the Awakened evolve into the next
thing beyond mineral being has a group soul, a kind of
Root Race, the Daksha allegedly get a lot
general evolutionary consciousness. So there's a group
of their teachings from Dhyanis, reclusive
soul for oak trees, a group soul for roses, a group soul for
archmasters whose true headquarters are,
elephants, a group soul for house cats, and so on. When
the Daksha say, unknown. More information
a creature dies, its experiences return to the group soul,
on the Daksha can be found in Legacies:
allowing the rest of its kind to benefit and evolve. Dif-
the Sublime.
ferent kinds of being evolve in different ways. At some
Perceptive mages within the Mysterium, point, a vegetable progenitor became a dinosaur, which
the Daksha's favored order, take note that became a bird. The bird eventually evolved into a fairy,
the more influential Daksha do everything which is actually a nature spirit. In theosophical jargon,
they can to discourage expeditions to Tibet. that's called a “minor devic force.” Different kinds of
Maybe they're trying to hide something. nature spirit evolve from different animals, and each of
these kinds of nature spirits might one day evolve further


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

The detail of Blavatsky's theory of human evolution
is vast. Humanity, she said, is destined to exist in seven
Root Races, each of which is divided into seven sub-races,
each evolved from the one previous to it and often co-
existing with its predecessors and successors. William
Scott-Elliot and Rudolf Steiner added more and more
detail, creating a vast and bizarre literature.
The first Root Race were the Polarians, beings of
energy living in the primeval world, as shapeless as
the planet Earth itself was. They evolved into the Hy-
perboreans, shapeless beings who eventually solidified
and and became the third Root Race, the beings of
Lemuria. Originally, the Lemurians were huge, brutish
hermaphrodite beings, possessed of a third eye and in-
nate psychic abilities. Some undefined sin, combined
with a new stage in the “solidification of the planet” led
to the sexes being divided by the time they became the
fully human inhabitants of Atlantis. The first Atlanteans,
the Rmoahals, were giants with blue-black skin. As time
went on, they became smaller and changed color. The
Atlanteans had amazing powers of memory, but little
reasoning capacity. Their psychic powers were incredible.
They had harnessed the power of vril, the life force and
used it to power amazing wonders of science, many of
which are impossible now, because the planet's gravity
and atmosphere are not what they were. When Atlantis
fell, the fifth Root Race, the Aryans – modern Indo-Eu-
ropeans — arose. The psychic powers so common on the
sunken island were lost to all of humanity, Atlantean,
Lemurian and Aryan alike.
Living in a world where school textbooks and main-
stream encyclopedias divided the human race into three
sub-species, it's not surprising that Steiner, Blavatsky and
Scott-Elliot identified black people with the remnants of the
into the form of a greater deva (which is more or less the
third Root Race, East Asian and Native American people
same as what most people would think of as an angel).
with the fourth Root Race and Indo-Europeans with the
Humans are different. They're separate from the rest fifth. These days, this part of the story gets ignored.
of creation, because they've been guided by the Lord of
For many of the Awakened, the tale of a long-forgotten
Creation, and by the Manus, who are archetypal beings
past where magic was real is foundational to what they
entrusted with overseeing human evolution. Humans don't
are. Theosophy adds a further explanation of the loss of
have a group soul. They have an individual soul, which
the greatest Atlantean magics: it was partly because of
can ascend. Before he ascends, a human has to reincarnate
a sin, but also because the world has changed in form.
until he finds his way onto the Path of the Adept.
This can be something of a comfort and a frustration.
The implications of this for the Awakened are vast. If The Akashic Record can reveal amazing things. If they're
spirits , fairies, angels and demons are really evolved from impossible, that's too bad. But it isn't a modern mage's
animals, surely it could be possible to find a single magic fault. It's just the way things are.
capable of evolving or devolving any creature? Surely, truly
understanding the interconnectedness of all things could
lead to unlocking the key to the one magic that governs
Reincarnation and the Augoeides
Theosophists maintain that there is no human group
all life, all spirit, all matter and all forces? soul. Human souls are unique. Over and over again,


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

the soul turns the Karmic wheel and, every six hundred
years, incarnates in a new life. Each new incarnation The Problem of Race
can be either male or female. Some souls are destined It's pretty inescapable: the theosophi-
to incarnate together, re-living close relationships over cal ideas of culture and race were founded
and over again. A man and a woman in love in one life in the work of people who, by modern
might be father and son in another. Friends, enemies standards, really were racist. Having said
and lovers appear over and over again with varying rela- that, the culturally-bound prejudice that
tionships to each other. produced the more extreme racial views of
The soul's true form is as an Augoeides, an idealized, Madame Blavatsky and her various suc-
shining, sexless human figure encased in an ovoid of light. cessors wasn't deliberate, as such, and
Between incarnations, the Augoeides retreats into the theosophists and anthroposophists these
Presence of God, however God is conceived. The Augoe- days mostly concentrate on the idea of the
ides is a constant in Western occult thought, going back Brotherhood of Man, interpreting the Root
to the Platonists. Many traditions apart from theosophy Races less in terms of actual physical evolu-
have their own take on it. Although theosophy itself isn't tion and more as “cultural epochs”, stages
strictly magical, there are Western traditions which have of spiritual history.
created complicated ritual spells for the summoning of
an Augoeides, both one's own and the one of someone This is not to say that there haven't been
who has died. Given the cross-pollination of theosophy open racists – Savitri Devi, for example
with practically every kind of esoteric wisdom out there – whose theories have owed a huge debt
over the course of the twentieth century, an Awakened to theosophy. But in general, theosophists
theosophist shouldn't have a great deal of trouble learn- have moved on, thankfully in line with the
ing one of these spells. culture in which they live.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

and anthroposophists themselves eschew the use of violence as
CW Leadbeater's Lives of Alcyone a solution. The Adamantine Arrow, on the other hand, exists
In 1910, Charles Leadbeater began a to fight. That Arrow mages have little to do with theosophical
series of articles in The Theosophist, which mages shouldn't come as much of a surprise.
were later published as a book with the title On the other hand, theosophical ideas about the hierarchi-
The Lives of Alcyone. The Lives purported cal nature of the world, evolution and spirituality fit right in
to be the biographies of the thirty previous with a lot of Silver Ladder mages, both where they are and
incarnations of Krishnamurti, then still a where they would like the Sleepers to be. A theosophical
boy, beginning in 22,622BCE and running teacher has to be willing to help his pupils pull themselves
up to 624CE. up to a higher plane by their metaphorical bootstraps, and
a Silver Ladder mage is so very likely to think she's the adept
As the biographies were published, it for the job. Some mages believe that the Mahatmas who con-
became apparent that the figures who were tacted HPB were actually mages in disguise, their intention
reincarnated around “Alcyone” happened the revelation of barely veiled truths to the Sleepers.
to be Leadbeater's contemporaries in the
Mages belonging to the Free Council, although not
upper echelons of the theosophical hierar-
always quite so enthused by Atlantis stuff, still have a lot
chy. Having a place in the Lives was for a
of time for theosophy. The idea of spiritual science, of a
time a source of great personal pride (and
discipline through which religious belief, supernatural
a fair deal of oneupmanship) among cer-
phenomena, scientific and quasi-scientific observation
tain members of the Theosophical Society's
and personal experience appeals to mages modernist and
more influential membership.
religiously inclined alike.
Of all the orders, the mages most sympathetic to
theosophy come from the Mysterium. Theosophy, an-
Character Creation
Theosophy is an easy tradition for the Awakened to
throposophy and the esoteric systems that grew up after
them are about knowledge. A Mysterium theosophist
takes pleasure in re-reading and re-interpreting the great
use. A lot of its ideas – the sanctity of the soul, Atlantis,
theosophical writings, investigating fortean phenomena
the existence of cosmic Awakened figures with superhu-
and scouring the Akashic Records for clues.
man powers – only slightly differ from those passed down
among the old Orders for millennia. That's something of Of the Paths, Acanthus, Mastigos and Thyrsus mages
a cause for wonder in itself: how did Madame Blavatsky are those who find theosophy's esoteric disciplines easi-
know so much? How did she get so close to so many est to practice, as the theosophist finds magics of Mind,
Awakened secrets? After all, in the end she was just a Time and Spirit surpassingly useful. Moros mages who
Sleeper. Wasn't she? specialize in talking to ghosts and Obrimos mages who
know how to manipulate vril (the Atlantean power source,
Members of some Atlantean orders find theosophy
which some mages identify with mana) find uses for their
easier to countenance than others. The very fact that
skills, but their favored magics tend to be less focused
Blavatsky, Steiner and the others were so close in so many
towards theosophy's peculiar spiritual disciplines.
ways gives members of the Guardians of the Veil jitters.
As a “spiritual science,” theosophical investigation is Leading an Esoteric Society
often open for anyone who would listen. The idea that Theosophists work best in groups, and an Awakened
mage would practice as a theosophist and possibly even theosophist's insights into reality give him an ideal op-
share secrets, even minor secrets in a diluted, cryptic portunity to set up a group of his own. Members of a
form, doesn't cut much ice with many Guardians. Having group like this respect their teacher and can be expected
said that, some post-theosophical groups are more secre- to provide aid, supplying him with small one-time gifts
tive than others, and it's possible that a Guardian might of money, a place to stay if necessary, practical help, or
throw his lot in with one of the more reserved esoteric any of a hundred different kinds of material aid.
societies. Other Guardians of the Veil find theosophical
The player of a theosophicallly-inclined mage can du-
groups as excellent places to disseminate disinformation
plicate all of these things with applications of different
along with rare, precious jewels of truth.
Merits and Skills.
Theosophy in its purest form has a tradition of pacifism. Not
Retainers represent the most faithful members of the
all of theosophy's inheritors were pacifists (GI Gurdjieff and
group. Others might just as well be Allies or Contacts.
Savitri Devi certainly weren't), but traditionally, theosophists


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

a Mentor, as Gurdjieff was, for example, to Ouspensky.
Finding the Masters Running a society is potentially very useful. It gives the
All it takes is for a venturesome cabal of players' characters a space to be based, and a reason to
mages to find a journal or some other shred exist beyond just “doing magic and stuff.” It gives the
of evidence which shows that the Masters Storyteller the chance to create subplots and storylines
really existed, that they knew about the true based around the people in the society.
history of magic, and that they disseminated This kind of support doesn't come for free. A charac-
it among the theosophists. Even if it doesn't ter needs to maintain his group, with regular meetings
take the cabal to Shambhala, it leads them or bulletins from wherever it is the character draws his
to discover the identity of the Masters. authority. No one gets a reputation as a teacher without
teaching people stuff.
But who were they? Archmasters? Mages Abuses of the group's goodwill can backfire, causing
who actually ascended (and is “ascension” people to leave or for outsiders, such as investigative jour-
the same as joining the Mahatmas)? Spirits? nalists or church action groups, to denounce the Esoteric
Ghost mages from lost nations? Or some- Society as a cult. Of course, an esoteric teacher must also
thing else entirely? And are they still alive? live up to his teachings, at least publicly. Getting caught
in deception can be potentially disastrous. A failure to

With a group that counts as one dot of Allies (Esoteric

Society), the character leads a handful of people.
With a total of two or three dots of Allies, Retainers,
The Lonely Death of
or Contacts, the society is either based in a single com- Peter Damien Ouspensky
mune or teaching center, or it is spread out across the In 1947, the esoteric teacher PD Ouspen-
state or region in small groups, each numbering no more sky chaired a series of question-and-answer
than a handful. The group has no more than a hundred sessions before the full membership of his
members. At this level, the mage might also think about own Historico-Psychological Society. In the
tying in extra dots in Sanctum and Library, representing last meeting, tired and irritable, he told his
buildings that are at the mage's disposal. assembled followers that his teachings were
With dots in Allies, Retainers, Contacts, and other Merits worthless, that he and his followers had
totaling no less ten, then the organization is better known, wasted the last thirty years. His followers
with a nationwide spread and membership in the hundreds. should forget what they learned and strive
The player can tie dots in Sanctum and Library to the society. for self-knowledge, he said. That was all.
One dot in the Fame Merit might also be justified. Shortly after that, he died, surrounded by
still-adoring followers, but very alone.
With more than about sixteen total dots in various
Merits (including five dots in Allies), the organization A large proportion of Ouspensky's follow-
could have an international following. Its membership ers decided that he knew that he was about
is in the thousands. It might have other resources, too, to “ascend” and that his apparent denial
such as a small printing press or an international center of his “System” was an act of trial. He was
owned by the group rather than the teacher, like the testing himself and them, only rejecting the
Theosophical HQ in Adyar, for example, or the Anthro- System as they had inadequately under-
posophical Goetheanum at Dornach. stood it. He hadn't failed, and his System
None of this presupposes that the teacher is making hadn't, they said. They had, and it was their
any money out of the group, although subscription fees duty to carry on studying it.
and benefits for the group can be the source of the Merit: The lesson here is simple: anyone char-
Resources. Gurdjieff, despite his undeniable charisma, ismatic enough to start an esoteric group
lived in penury for years at a time (no more than one – especially a mage, who has the mystical
dot of resources). On the other hand, the late Rev. Mark prowess to back up claims of supernatural
Prophet (a more recent channel for the Masters) lived knowledge – should beware. Groups like
very comfortably indeed (four or five dots). this can often be more single-minded than
An Esoteric Society needs to have come from some- the people who start them up.
where. A teacher who leads another, older society can be


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observe any of these things can cause the character to Past Life Regression
lose dots in the various Merits that represent the society (Mind ••• + Time •••)
as word gets around the group and people leave.
To find one's way through past lives is often to find out
Theosophical controversies are fierce, and esoteric the key to the present. A mage with this spell can bring
groups are notoriously fissive. A teacher needs a strong himself and others through other past lives, reliving one
personality to keep a group from falling apart. Other or more of their previous sojourns on earth.
mages might want to manipulate the group. Other rival
Practice: Patterning
groups might cause problems. The Guardians of the Veil
Action: Extended
run groups like this... and introduce moles into groups
that interest them. Duration: Prolonged
Finally, esoteric groups sometimes develop a mind of Aspect: Covert
their own. Even the most charismatic leader can find Cost: 1 Mana
zealous followers getting out of hand, particularly if the The mage can cast this spell on himself with Mind
followers do things in the teacher's name that are wildly ••• and on others instead of or as well as himself with
at variance with what he actually wants. Mind ••••.
Success allows the subjects of the spell (who must be
Theosophy isn't a magical tradition. Its Sleeper follow-
living) to experience events in one or more previous lives,
experiencing the events if they were there. Their past life
adventure might appear to take a long time (perhaps
ers don't do magic. It isn't a religion either. It's a given in
taking a whole game session for the players), but it only
theosophy that belief comes from insight and experience.
really takes a few minutes for the present-day character
Theosophy isn't about performing miracles. It's about
or characters.
understanding them. The uncanny miracles that HPB
performed are, for the most part, in the past now. This is The spell is subject to the usual modifiers for extended
not to say that an Awakened theosophist can't do magic. castings (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 120). It takes a
Magics of knowing, perceiving and understanding all have psychological toll on its subjects, and can only be cast on
their place, often proving to be the difference between any given individual once in a 24-hour period.
success and failure for the esoteric adept. Mysterium Rote: Pre-Incarnation
Unlike the paraphernalia of other Western traditions, Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Mind
the tools used in theosophical spells are rarely elaborate. The Mysterium investigate every shade of being they can.
The Awakened theosophist uses mundane objects, The few Mysterium mages who travel through apparent
such as watches, pens, pieces of jewelery, plants, pieces past lives have come back with powerful insights.
of paper or books as concentration points. Often, he Theosophical Rote: Path of the Augoeides
performs his magics through meditation, and lengthy Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Mind
concentration on one particular point. The theosophi- It's a long, drawn-out process. The spell needs a quiet, dark
cal movement was the first to popularize channeling in room and a relaxed atmosphere. The caster induces trance
the West, and still practices channeling today. It can in himself and/or his colleagues. Perhaps he hypnotizes each
be a useful and powerful tool for discovering truths, of them with a watch or a pendulum in turn. Perhaps he
no matter how real the entities channeled might be. chants. The mage calls on one of the Mahatmas to appear
Theosophical disciplines take time and concentration, and show the subjects their past lives. They perceive the
and most tradition rotes count as ritual castings for an Master as a presence, leading each of them in turn out of the
Awakened theosophist. room and into a former memory. The process of inducing
In game terms, most theosophical rotes are extended the trance and taking the subjects back into their previous
castings, even if the original spell could be cast instantly. lives takes a whole lot longer than the actual experience,
A theosophical mage can use the instant version of the although the subject doesn't perceive it that way.
spell, but only either as improvised magic or by learning
the rote again from her order (meaning that the player The Life of the Senses (Life •)
has to pay the experience points for it over again). Spell: “Pulse of the Living World” (see Mage: The
Theosophical magics have a clear, bright kind of Awakening, p. 181)
resonance. They feel clean, but they also feel somehow Dice Pool: Wits + Science + Life (extended)
“foreign,” as if they came from far away, or long ago. The very first anthroposophical exercise involves medi-
tating on the force of energy within a living plant. The


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Ajna (Mind •)
So Reincarnation Happens, Then? Spell: “Third Eye” (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 206)
Just because there's a spell that allows Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Mind (extended)
characters to experience past lives, it doesn't The mage meditates for a time, closing his eyes and
mean that reincarnation actually exists. A trip focuses his being on the center of his forehead. Suddenly,
through past lives thanks to the spell could as his third eye opens, like a flower unfolding its petals.
easily be a symbolic means of allowing the
spell subject to access useful information from The Presence of the Teacher (Mind ••)
the Supernal Realm. In the end, it's up to the Spell: “Emotional Urging” (see Mage: The Awaken-
Storyteller exactly how real reincarnation is. ing, p. 207)
Running a past life story can be a fun way Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion +Mind vs. Composure
to change the pace of a story. Characters + Gnosis (extended)
living past lives have the same Traits. Traits During the Russian Civil War, Gurdjieff and his commune
that wouldn't exist in the past disappear or fell foul of the Bolsheviks while trying to escape Russia. In
turn into similar Traits. Drive, for example, danger of being shot where he stood, the Master managed
could turn into Ride; Firearms could be- to not only convince the Reds that he and his friends were
come a skill in shooting other, more ancient a legitimate archaeological expedition, but talked them into
weapons. Otherwise, the characters can giving him money for shovels and picks. His possibly super-
change sex, relationship with each other natural powers of persuasion got him safe passage letters
and social station. Nothing that happens from both White and Red armies, written on the two sides
in the vision can directly affect a character of a single sheet of paper. Such was his hypnotic power.
undergoing regression: injuries that happen
to the past-life character don't affect the
present-day character, for example.
Getting Away With It
This spell can be abused, and a savvy In 1884, Madae Blavatsky left Adyar for a
Storyteller whose players learn this spell trip to Europe. While she was away, Emma
might wish to have a few ideas for past Coulomb, a member of staff who had
lives (and how they apply to the story at recently had a serious argument with HPB,
hand) ready and written up. Alternatively, threatened to blow the Theosophical Society
the Storyteller is well within her rights to wide open with accusations of trickery and
disallow the spell. the production of incriminating letters. She
even told the Theosophical Society's Board
of Trustees where HPB's props were hid-
mage needs to find a place of silence and contemplates den. They all went to the shrine room to
a living plant, observing its every contour and purpose investigate. One of the trustees banged his
with the utmost care, gradually becoming aware of the fist against the shrine, saying, “You see, it is
green force within it. Having reached a point of enlight- quite solid,” at which point the middle panel
enment through observation, the mage understands life flew open, banging the poor man in the face
that much better for a while. and revealing a secret compartment con-
taining all of HPB's guilty secrets.
Etheric Lens (Mind •) Despite the charges, Blavatsky got away
Spell: “Aura Perception” (see Mage: The Awakening, with it. Some charges she freely admit-
p. 205) ted. Some she laughed off. Some she flatly
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Mind (instant) denied in the face of overwhelming evidence.
The mage sees without seeing, closing his eyes for a And somehow she managed to get through
moment and concentrating on the individual in front the scandal with the bulk of the Theosophical
of him. In his mind's eye he sees the aura of the subject, Society still convinced of her powers. Maybe
like the colors that appear on the back of the eyelid after she really did have mystical powers – just
staring too long at the sun. not the kind everyone originally thought.


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The mage who uses this power, like Gurdjieff, fixes figure at the corner of his perception, which separates
the subject with his eyes and talks to him at length, us- from him, and then merges again. The wisdom of dozens
ing the full force of his will, the cadences of his speech of past lives floods to the mage's surface consciousness,
and the subtle cues of his posture to talk anyone into allowing him to access greater psychic reserves than he
nearly anything. normally could use.

Transmission of Brilliance and Energy (Mind ••) Precipitation (Space •• + Matter ••)
Spell: “Opening the Lidless Eye” (see Mage: The Spell: “Apportation” (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 234)
Awakening, p. 209) Dice Pool: Dexterity + Occult + Space (extended)
Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion +Mind (extended) Madame Blavatsky used to receive letters from the
When Annie Besant first met Madame Blavatsky, HPB Mahatmas. Sometimes the Masters would have letters
didn't say a word to her about anything occult at all. They for her friends, too, which used to appear in thin air
spoke for half an hour, and when it was time for Mrs Besant and drop into the laps of HPB's bewildered pupils. She
to leave, the older woman fixed Mrs Besant's gaze and said was good at making other things appear, too: small china
only this: “Oh my dear Mrs Besant, if only you would come saucers, little trinket and the like. It's not incredibly hard
among us.” At that moment, Mrs Besant's perceptions were to cause little things to drop out of thin air. All it needs
altered. This was the moment of her conversion. is a bit of time spent visualizing the object in the third
By talking to the subject about anything at all, the mage eye. A clever mage can even hold a conversation while
can implant a tiny suggestion. A single trigger phrase, visualizing the object's form, although he can't do much
right at the end of the conversation, instantly expands else, allowing the effect to appear much more sudden
the subject's perceptions. Suddenly, everything looks than it really is.
new and strange.
Spirit Guide (Spirit •••)
Thought Forms (Mind •••) Spell: “Greater Spirit Summons” (see Mage: The
Spell: “Universal Language” (see Mage: The Awaken- Awakening, p. 249)
ing, p. 213) Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Spirit vs. Resis-
Dice Pool: Wits + Expression + Mind (instant) tance (extended)
Annie Besant and CW Leadbeater pioneered the use When Madame Blavatsky was completely alone, she
of thought-forms: pictorial representations of shapes was able to call upon the Mahatmas Koot Hoomi and
and emotions, encoded in any music, language or work El Morya. Her relationship with them was cordial. She
of art. The mage holds his pen tightly and meditates on could, apparently, call up other things, devic forces of
the thing he wishes to translate for a moment. Then various kinds that did her bidding. A theosophical mage
sketches the shape of the thoughts he sees in his mind's can do much the same. Meditating in absolute solitude,
eye on a piece of paper. The resulting series of abstract chanting, perhaps using a crystal or a book as a focus,
shapes can be understood by anyone who sees them, at the mage can call a spirit to her. It might be a Mahatma,
least for a little while. or one of the Masters' servant beings. It might be a be-
ing that resembles a “fairy” or an “angel”. It could be a
Call Augoeides (Mind ••••) spirit from Atlantis (some of the Awakened say that a
Spell: “Supreme Augmentation” (see Mage: The few Rmoahals retreated into the Shadow, for example). It
Awakening, p. 216) might even be one of the Manus, the archetypes of each
Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Mind (extended) of the Root Races, still extant in the company of the Lord
The mage can bring his own Augoiedes to the sur- of All Creation and ready to answer questions.
face, becoming able to access skills and potential locked
within it, at least for a while. It takes a long time to do
Overshadowing (Spirit ••••)
(it's always a ritual casting). The mage needs to meditate Spell: “Spirit Possession” (see Mage: The Awakening,
in his sanctum and needs to avoid all other contact. He p. 253)
adopts a comfortable position and trains his third eye Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Spirit vs.
on the center of his being, before thrusting his percep- Resistance (extended)
tion outwards towards the God-principle at the center of To be overshadowed is to be controlled, worn like a
everything, linking himself with the whole. If successful, glove. In séance conditions, the theosophical mage can
he becomes aware of his own Augoeides as a shining make a spirit enter her (or someone else) and for a time,


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

overshadow her. The séance doesn't need all of the para- Akashic Reading (Time ••)
phernalia of the séance, but it does take time. The mage Spell: “Postcognition” (see Mage: The Awakening,
might meditate silently, or maybe she chants or repeats p. 260)
a spoken formula. Maybe things happen to the room. Dice Pool: Wits + Academics + Time (extended)
The lights flicker. The table shakes. There's a knocking
The Akashic record is like a vast library, an ephemeral
on the walls or at the window. The subject of the spell
computer, and the mind of God. Anyone can read it if he
stiffens, and begins to speak with a strange, impossibly
only knows how. The mage stills his body, regulates his
altered voice. The victim has been overshadowed. Mages
breathing and empties his mind, entering a hypnagogic
with sense order themselves or their subjects (who must
state where his perceptions are able to read the spiritual
be willing) to be strapped or tied down until such time as
data that overlays a place or object as if it were words
the spirit leaves. The kind of spirits that the theosophists
written on the air.
call upon themselves are usually benevolent, but it's best
not to take chances.

Guide To What Is (Time ••)

Theosophy is quite easy to slip into a Mage chronicle:
Spell: “Augury” (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 258) the assumption of significance and the myths of Atlantis
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Time (extended) are already part of an Awakened orthodoxy. Now mix in
There's a kind of Clear Light that infuses everything, a small faction of mages who operate within an esoteric
containing the potentiality of all things. Meditation al- tradition, and suddenly the society of the magicians goes
lows one to enter that light and merge with it. A mage beyond the Awakened. Sure, the inheritors of theosophy
whose can both lose himself and retain control of his can be misfits and outsiders, but they can also be frighten-
spiritual direction, allowing him to ascertain threads of ingly knowledgeable. The fact of unearned knowledge can
cosmic direction for people, places and objects. pull the rug out from right beneath a character's feet.


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Consider a mage who, searching for the tomb of some are everywhere. They arrive in mysterious letters from
Atlantean adept-king, finds himself approached by a Sleeping nowhere. Bearded, smiling Brahmins appear in locked
stranger who knows his name and claims to have a message rooms and give clues to the future. And Sleepers get the
for him from the ancient long-dead mage. And then, imagine message, too. The problem – and this is a problem that
the mage's surprise when the information put across in that Leadbeater, Besant, Tingley and the others had – is that
short, cryptic message turns out to be completely accurate. the messages are contradictory. Whose side are the Masters
Maybe there are Sleepers in theosophical (or like-theosophy- on? Are the Lords of the Dark Face guiding the Seers
but-not-actually-theosophical) groups who really are being of the Throne and the Mahatmas guiding the Pentacle?
contacted by someone or something. Are the Masters real Or is it the other way round? Or are the Masters and
beings? Are they Oracles, reaching across the Abyss to contact the Dark Ones both guiding individuals on both sides
the Sleeping? Have the Sleepers come across a sure-fire means at the same time?
to access some cosmic source of wisdom, using the Masters as Real Masters living in a real planetary HQ means a real
convenient thought pictures to dramatize the process? Shambhala, and possibly a real Agharti, and if that's the
case, the questions surrounding them might one day be
Alternative Magic settled. The Watchtowers might be real earthly places,
(Storyteller's Options) albeit real earthly places that a mage can visit astrally,
the HQ of the Masters. What if a different cabal of Ma-
What if it were all true?
hatmas made its home in each Watchtower? And what if
The stakes would be different: Real Masters and real the Watchtowers themselves held the key to the Supernal
Lords of the Dark Face battle for the evolutionary destiny Realm? Finding Shambhala could mean ultimate power.
of humanity. More than that: they're in touch. A lot. It could mean the end of everything, as the balance is
Communications from the Mahatmas and the Enemy upset and the evolutionary plan is jeopardized.

Story Hooks: Isis Unveiled

• The Lives of Alcyone: A cabal of mages facing a terrible enemy discover evidence that they've
faced their opponent together in previous lives, perhaps seeing portraits of versions of themselves in
a book of ancient lore, or hearing a supposedly mythical tale that parallels their own struggle in too
many ways to be simply coincidental. Perhaps they start having dreams. A theosophical mage who
knows the rote “Path of the Augoeides” helps them to discover past lives, going all the way back to
Atlantis. The mages experience a series of brief vignettes (or even complete stories) where they have
different relationships with each other, different stations in life, different faces and names and possibly
even different genders, each time finding a different weakness or a different facet of their trans-incar-
national enemy, who could be a Sleeper enemy, an ancient conspiracy, a spirit, another re-incarnated
mage who has taken the road of the Scelesti in each of her previous lives, or even one of the Bound.
• Oh, Look. Another Schism: A theosophical mage, perhaps a member of the cabal, meets
with his Sleeper allies only to find that his thunder is being stolen by another esoteric teacher with
a subtly different but seductive system (such as one which leads the way to occult racism or to
acts of violence, for example). The mage hasn't met the newcomer, and the Sleepers, who are
leaving the mage in droves for the newcomer, are reluctant to let the mage near their new favor-
ite teacher. Who is leading the Sleepers astray? Is the other person a charismatic Sleeper, a rival
mage, or a vampire with an interest in things theosophical? Is the new teacher necessarily all that
bad? And what will the character have to do to regain the trust of his pupils? There may well be a
temptation to abuse his powers with these Sleepers. That way leads to the Abyss.
• Cataloging Fairies: The cabal are asked to face a malicious spiritual force – spirits, per-
haps, or actual fairies. Unfortunately, their efforts are opposed by a well-meaning theosophical
mage who wishes to study the phenomena, and considers the creatures' destruction a violation
of “evolved devic forces.” Is this mage misguided, or is he on to something? Are the creatures less
malevolent than they appear, or will it all end in tears?


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Magic would change subtly. The “Spirit Guide”
and “Overshadowing” rotes might become useful for
contacting the Masters themselves. Meanwhile, the inter-
connectedness of all spirits, animals and vegetation could
mean that magic could affect evolution itself. Consider
what an archmaster's Practice of Evolving could achieve.
Forces could be made into actual living mineral beings,
minerals into hive-sentient vegetation... and animals into
spirits, spirits into angels, people into higher spirits... and
people could be made to Awaken. With the right mix
of Arcana, anything could become anything else: with
Life 6+ and Spirit 6+ a bird could be made to become a
fairy; with Matter 6 + and Life 6 + a rock could become
a living, walking being made of vegetation.
If all knowledge were available on the Akashic Record,
a talented enough mage would be able to learn rotes
directly from the Akasha. He'd have to have the means
of reading it (namely Time 2), but essentially, like all
learning, rotes are there for the taking, which means all
sorts of other implications. An order's library of rotes
wouldn't be useless, but it would be less vital. Meanwhile,
Acanthus mages, with their power over Time magic, could Madame Blavatsky and her followers, and when his new
become powerful repositories of knowledge. friends explained their take on history to him, he found
his interest in theosophy validated.
Nearly four decades later, Abayakoon (the name of
Sample Character Jyotishi's maternal grandfather, who himself was a minor
spiritual teacher) is a prominent figure in theosophical
Abayakoon circles across the British mainland. He's not particularly
Quote: The emanations? Oh yes. They're particularly strong... senior in the Mysterium, but he is certainly well-known.
here. No, not there, idiot! Here. He's got a small esoteric school of his own, running
Background: Jyotishi Anand's father was a doctor, correspondence courses for Sleepers in such things as
one of the wave of medical professionals who moved to “Psychic Self-Defense” and “Self-Actualization Through
the United Kingdom from India in the 1950s and '60s. Meditation”, and travels around the country giving talks
Jyotishi was a teenager when London began to swing, to esoteric students, New Agers and theosophical groups.
and threw himself into the scene, much to his dad's Often, his travels are an excuse to do his own research.
disapproval. Description: Tall, straight-backed and noble of feature,
As the 60s wore on and London swung in a psyche- Abayakoon looks upon friend and enemy alike with an
delic direction, Jyotishi became, like many of his fellow enigmatic smile. Now in his early 60s, he is clean-shaven
hipsters, mixed up with a number of gurus and esoteric and always immaculately groomed, preferring to wear
teachers, more because it was where the beautiful people tailored suits and ties, sometimes in an Indian style.
were than because he had any interest in watered-down Abayakoon's good looks and sense of authority allow
Hinduism. In the end, transcendental meditation only him to get away with lapses of personal etiquette that
took him so far. His Awakening came at a Strawberry would get other men beaten up.
Alarm Clock gig. Having consumed a prodigious quantity Abayakoon's nimbus is a gentle corona of multicolored
of acid, he went on a trip straight to the Watchtower of light that temporarily obscures the details of his face and
the Stone Book. He signed his name on a guest list for makes the colors and shapes around him seem to waver
a party he could never leave. and blur into one another for a second, before snapping
Jyotishi took a step back from the London scene. back into sharp focus.
He tried to make sense of what had happened to him Storytelling Hints: Although genial, Abayakoon is
through the lens of the half-remembered Hinduism he'd sometimes breathtakingly rude. His personal magnetism
abandoned years before. By the time the Mysterium (and a dash of magic) helps him to get away with it. He
found him, he'd become conversant with the works of often says exactly what he thinks of people to their faces,


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although he knows when to be gentle. He's very percep- Health: 7
tive. His criticism is often right on the mark. Gnosis: 3
Abayakoon's youthful curiosity and zest for experimen- Arcana: Life 3, Mind 4, Spirit 4, Time 3
tation grew, as he matured, into a desire to investigate. Rotes: Mind — Alter Aura (••), Read the
Usually, his travels bring him to places where unusual Depths (••••); Spirit — Coaxing the Spirit (•)
phenomena have been reported. He is particularly
Tradition Rotes: Life — Life of the Senses (•); Mind —
interested in sightings of fairies, or creatures that look
Etheric Lens (•), Third Eye (•), Thought Forms (•••),
like fairies, such as Chhaya-Ji, the spirit that became his
Path of the Augoeides (Mind •••• + Time •••); Spirit
familiar. He would much rather understand these “devic
— Spirit Guide (•••), Overshadowing (••••); Time
forces” than assault them. He has sometimes obstructed
— Guide To What Is (••), Akashic Reading (••)
the actions of other mages who would destroy what they
perceive as a supernatural threat, but what he sees as an Mana/per turn: 12/3
opportunity for study. Armor: 3 (“Organic Resilience”, Life ••)
Dedicated Magical Tool: A calling card featuring the
Theosophical emblem. Chhaya-Ji
Real Name: Jyotishi Anand Abayakoon's familiar, Chhaya-ji, appears
Path: Thyrsus in Twilight as a strange cross of bottom-
Order: Mysterium of-the-garden fairy and Hindu avatar: a
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 2, Resolve 3 perfect, tiny representation of a slim, beauti-
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, ful, naked woman, no more than a foot tall,
Stamina 2 with sky-blue skin and smiling features,
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 3, wreathed in gentle light. She has brightly-
Composure 3 colored butterfly wings and shining black
Mental Skills: Academics 3, Computer 1, Investigation hair, clipped back with minute stars. She
(Fortean Phenomena) 3, Occult (Theosophy, Esoteric speaks from Twilight with a voice that is
Hinduism) 3, Medicine 1, Politics 1, Science 1 low and musical, like gentle chimes.
Physical Skills: Drive 2, Larceny 1, Stealth 1 Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 3, Resistance 2
Social Skills: Animal Ken 1, Empathy 2, Expression Willpower: 5
(Writing) 2, Persuasion 1, Socialize 2, Streetwise 1,
Subterfuge 1 Essence: 10 (10 max)
Merits: Allies (Theosophists) 2, Contacts (Theo- Initiative: 5
sophical Study Groups, Fortean Investigators,
Defense: 3
Vedanta Movement), Familiar (Twilight), High
Speech, Languages (English, Hindi, Sanskrit – his Speed: 11
native language is Tamil), Library (Fairies), Magi- Size: 1
cal Tradition (Theosophy), Resources 2, Status
(Mysterium) 2 Corpus: 3
Willpower: 6 Influence: Light 1
Wisdom: 7
Numina: Wilds Sense (Dice Pool 5)
Virtue: Charity
Vice: Pride Ban: Chhaya-Ji must spend the whole
Initiative: 5 night, every night in the open air. She can-
not remain under a roof between the hours
Defense: 2
of sunset and sunrise.
Speed: 9


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Chapter Four:
The Fringe
“Ma told us to bring you these eggs, Miss Sairey,” the taller of
the two little boys said, his voice a little trembly as he looked up at
the conjure woman who stood in the doorway of her small cabin.
“That’s kind of your Ma, Robby,” the old woman said. She smiled at
the smaller of the boys, who stood in his mud-stained overalls a little
behind his older brother. “Take your thumb out of your mouth, Lewis,
you’ll grow warts!” she said. Lewis immediately jerked his thumb from
between his lips and wiped it dry on his overalls’ leg.
“Here,” she said, handing the older boy a wire-wrapped crystal
hung from a ribbon soaked in broccoli water for three nights. “Have
her wear this next week when she goes to the hospital for her chemo,”
Sairey said, hoping she had imbued the crystal with enough Life magic
to buy the boys’ mother a few more good years.
A big, fluffy orange-tabby tomcat came to the door from inside the
house and twined himself around Sairey’s legs. “Here’s Ginger,” she
said. “Go ahead and pet him like you do the other times you’ve come by.”
First Robby, then his little brother gently stroked the big cat on the
top of his head and repeated the verse Sairey had taught them, “Kitty
be nice, Kitty be good. Kitty keep me from fire and flood.” Another
week’s protection for two active, precious boys, Sairey thought as she
watched them turn and run back down the path until they disappeared
from sight as they entered the forest toward their home.
Her magic was harder here; wrapped in rituals as it was, it took
more time. Still, there was something satisfying in the rhymes and
repetitions, the poultices and hoodoo bags. More importantly, the
Seers wouldn’t look for her among the superstitious mountain folk of
West Virginia. Not for a good long time.


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Although many magical traditions are considered much potential to convey Supernal truth as any, if one
by their more orthodox sibling or parent religions to can get past preconceptions about their legitimacy or
be illegitimate or bastardized versions, some magical seeming lack of gravitas. Two such “fringe” traditions
traditions are even more denigrated than others. These are the hoodoo magic from the hills and hollows of the
exist on the fringe, barely considered traditions at all, American Appalachians, and the entheogen cults that
or are thought by some to be outdated and ridiculous have risen in the wake of the ’60s drug-based explorations
relics of older times. And yet, these traditions have as of consciousness.

All ye things and spirits of evil, I forbid you this house and home; I forbid you, in the
three holy names, our blood and flesh, our bodies and souls; I forbid you all the nail
holes in this house and home, until you have traveled over every hillock, waded through
every water, till you have counted all the leaflets of the trees and counted all the starlets
in the sky, until that beloved day arrives when heaven comes upon this earth.
—Manly Wade Wellman, The Old Gods Waken

From the Hills History of Hoodoo

Hexery, conjure women and root doctors call up im- The word “hoodoo” comes from an African word as-
ages from a time before the modern world and its science sociated with root magic, but the practice itself derives
displaced folk remedies and “superstitions.” Flourishing from a combination of African beliefs, Native American
in the 19th and early 20th centuries in the Appalachian herbal and plant knowledge and European folklore.
mountains and as far north as Pennsylvania Dutch Though hoodoo men and women hail from the 19th
country, hoodoo practitioners and powwowers served and 20th centuries, the traditions they draw from are
as healers, charmers and hexers for much of the rural much, much older. Once practiced throughout much
population. Often revered, more often reviled or feared, of colonial America, particularly in areas where African,
the men and women who practiced — and in some of the Native American and European knowledge came together,
mountains’ hidden places still practice — spiritualist magic it became associated with the magical practitioners of the
most often found power in the connections between the Southeast and Appalachian regions. During its heyday
natural world of herbs, roots and simple objects and the in the 1800s, root doctors, conjure women and witches
objects of their spells. or hoodoo workers could be found almost anywhere by
But are these backwoods practitioners really gone? Have someone looking in the right places hard enough and
they been consigned to history or do they still work their long enough. As civilization moved into the mountains
mountain hoodoo behind the backs of the scientists and and rural places where hoodoo prospered, the conjure
debunkers? What is their history, their folklore, their woman’s clients turned to science to cure their ills, psy-
system of beliefs? And what is their attraction for mages chobabble to help them find love and “get rich quick”
of the Atlantean traditions? scams to bring them riches. Though the tradition has
To seek out these folk mages of the Appalachian moun- diminished in numbers of adherents, a few still exist,
tains is to travel backward in time to an era marked by mostly in the Appalachian mountains and other out-
small communities locked away in their mountain fast- of-the way places where the modern world has not yet
nesses, far from the conveniences of city dwellers. Amid completely erased the old connections.
the lonely calls of the whippoorwills and the long silences Hoodoo magic is traditionally passed down from
of a darkness far from sounds of traffic and gunfire, a mother to daughter or father to son, and outsiders who
magic born of nature casts a dim but vibrant reflection want to learn this tradition have to prove themselves
of the Supernal World. worthy and willing. The study of hoodoo can take years,


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and those not born to the tradition often learn it in bits worlds, and, therefore, the source of hoodoo magic.
and pieces. Hoodoo mages generally learn the ways and Since crossroads consist of two roads intersecting at right
words as children from the practicing parent. By the angles, ideas of Euclidean geometry and the magic of
time they are old enough to use the spells and workings, measurements and relationships come into play, extend-
they have had a lifetime of exposure — a familiarity that ing the invisible lines of history back into the distant
cannot be duplicated by outsiders. It is almost impos- past. Crossroads as centers of power are also seen as the
sible to learn hoodoo from books and research, even intersection of two ley lines, forming natural Hallows
for Awakened mages. where Mana collects and contributing to the eerie feeling
many people get when they encounter a true Crossroads.
Mix and Match Magics And it may be the Crossroads itself that stands for the
Because hoodoo comes from such varied ethnic and memory of Atlantis, for it is both a place of power and
cultural backgrounds, trace connections exist between it a potential site of doom or destruction. The mage at the
and other magical traditions. The African elements cross Crossroads may choose the path that leads to knowledge
paths with the voudon or “voodoo” tradition, sharing and guardianship of the magic at the root of the world
similar concepts of mojo (or gris gris) bags, fetish objects or she may follow the road to delusion and destruction,
and potion working. Native American shamanic and re-enacting the primal fall of Atlantis in her own life.
herbal magical practices are echoed in hoodoo through
the use of plant or root cures, ritual baths and burning
of herbs. Hoodoo resembles the European magical or Hoodoo and the Magical World
Though it draws from three distinct cultures — the
pagan tradition in its attention to nature and weather
magic. Lastly, hoodoo has incorporated Christian symbols European magical tradition, Native American shaman-
and textual references into its practices, thus preserving ism and plant lore, and African root and spirit magic
it from the persecution suffered by the practitioners of — Appalachian hoodoo has a surprisingly unified outlook
other traditions. on the world. To put it simply, the world is a place filled
In short, the amalgam of folk traditions and beliefs that with magical potential and responds to the workings of
make up the practice of hoodoo has become a uniquely the practitioner.
American — predominantly southern American — form Having expressed the unified vision, the belief system
of magic, complete with its own trappings, vocabulary backing up the hoodoo tradition consists of several
and belief system. disparate principles. These principles are not unique to
the hoodoo tradition; some of them are not even what
From Atlantis to Hoodoo most mages consider “true” magic. Taken together and
Though hoodoo does not have one common mythol- unified through the worldview of a magical, responsive
ogy or one single origin, the idea of a world that has universe, all these ideas come together into a magical
fallen from grace or perfection figures strongly in its tradition that has flourished since the early days of
background. The memories of Atlantis become longings colonial America.
for the Garden where Adam and Eve dwelled. In fact,
Biblical figures sometimes populate many underlying Sympathy: Like Affects Like
hoodoo myths. The Fall of Atlantis survives in the story The notion that all things are connected by a common
of the Exile from the Garden of Eden. The Abyss or force or energy lies at the heart of sympathetic magic.
outer void that separates this world from Eden or Heaven To a hoodoo practitioner, bonds of sympathy aren’t just
takes the form of Hell. used with Space magic to affect distant targets; they are
For those who approach hoodoo from the African also exploited for healing purposes as well as for hexing
traditions, many of the spirits revered by voudon believers and attraction spells. Knives, axes and other sharp imple-
also stand guard over the magical practices of hoodoo. ments become tools to “cut” the pain in the hands of a
In particular, the spirit known sometimes as Legba, conjure woman. The sharp object is placed under the
sometimes as Eshu and sometimes as the “dark man” bed of a woman in labor or a child suffering from the
has an affinity for crossroads and represents the one pain of a broken limb. The color green, represented by
who opens the way. This spirit is often confused with green candles or a dollar bill figures in magic to attract
the Devil (or Satan) of Christian beliefs, but is actually wealth. A stone may be used to harden someone’s heart,
more of a trickster or tempter. either physically or emotionally.
Some Atlantean mages see the Crossroads as a symbol “Measuring,” “passing,” and “transference” are other
of the intersection between the Supernal and Fallen forms of sympathetic magic that make use of relation-


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ships between an object and the target of the magic. proliferate: “this must be repeated three times…”; “Break
Taking the measure of a person involves outlining the off three twigs from a cherry tree…”; “say three times in
person with a cord which is then sealed or fused shut. the same breath….”
The person possessing the “measure” literally controls Other cures and spells involve repeating an action for
the life of the person measured. Cutting the cord could three days, three times each day, for a total of nine times,
have very serious, possibly lethal, effects while burning or which is one of the strongest uses of the power of three
singing the cord could cause great pain in the person it and invokes the Pythagorean theories of mathematics
represented. Another form of measuring involves cutting involving the squares of numbers. Atlantean mages,
a stick to the height of a person, usually a child. As the when they work within the tradition of Appalachian
child outgrew the stick, he would outgrow the condition hoodoo, often find that judicious use of the trinomial
that the stick was used to treat, such as childhood asthma power can act as a focus for their rotes even when no
or other physical weakness. other materials are at hand.
“Passing” is a method of sympathetic magic that makes
use of the physical action to denote a metaphysical pas- Charms, Talismans and Hexes
sage. Passing a child back and forth between her parents The use of charms, either material objects or recited
three times was used to cure childhood sicknesses, making words, and talismans, always material, to “fix” or focus
visible the “passing” of the child from one state of health magic is common to many traditions, including Appa-
(sickness) to another (wellness). Other forms of passing lachian hoodoo and its African cousin, voudon. Worn
require that the target be passed underneath an animal, talismans or amulets also appear in many religions, and
such as a cow or horse, handed through the twin trunks include the Catholic practice of wearing a saint’s medal
of a split tree, passed from a dark room into a lighted one and the occult use of the talisman against the evil eye. In
and similar activities, each geared to the desired effect hoodoo magic, the charms are often made from simple,
through a sympathetic connection. ready-to-hand materials. Diseases such as epilepsy or fevers
“Transference” refers to the idea that an illness or a of various kinds are treated by writing a phrase such as
condition can be transferred from one object to another. “sickness leave me” on a scrap of paper, folding it, wrap-
The idea of transference is a very old one, fraught with ping it in a piece of red cloth or unbleached linen, tying
religious meaning for many followers of the Judeo-Chris- it with a leather thong and wearing it around the neck.
tian religions. The sins of the world were transferred to Similar pouches, called “hoodoo bags,” can contain a lock
Christ and were thus forgiven; an animal to be sacrificed from someone’s hair for a love charm or various herbs
often bore sins or gifts or petitions from the physical for protection from a number of physical or spiritual ail-
world to the supernatural one; a scapegoat received the ments. Talismans are often made from stones or crystals
blame for a mistake, misfortune or some evil deed. Ap- and wrapped with wire and hung from a strip of leather,
palachian hoodoo makes the most use of transference a silver or gold chain or a ribbon of a particular color.
in healing illnesses, passing them along to an animal or These objects are either imbued with power (or Mana) or
an inanimate object. else they draw their energy from the wearer’s own body.
These often serve as protections, such as the wearing of
The Rule of Three a cross is thought to protect against vampires.
The old adage “the third time’s the charm” is nowhere The widespread familiarity of talisman use is found
more true than in Appalachian hoodoo — and in European in sources such as the English ballad “All Around My
magics as well, thus confirming one part of hoodoo’s Hat,” in which the singer wears green willow around
origins. Whether stemming from the Christian trinity of his or her hat for “a twelve month and a day” to keep a
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or the pagan trinity of Maid, wandering lover true, and in the American song “She
Mother and Hag or, as some more modern symbologists Wore a Yellow Ribbon,” which echoes the sentiment of
decree, the nuclear family of mother, father and child, the its British cousin.
practice of repeating an action or reciting a verse three
times or in multiples of three has deep roots in hoodoo
magic. The book by John George Hohman, called Pow-
Hoodoo and the Arcana:
wows or Long-Lost Friend, thought my many to be one of an Awakened Interpretation
the most definitive compilations of Appalachian hoodoo, When an Atlantean mage embraces the trappings
is subtitled “a Collection of Mysterious and Invaluable Arts of Appalachian hoodoo magic, she uses her Arcana
and Remedies for Man as Well as Animals…” and through- by filtering them through hoodoo’s accepted forms in
out its pages, the following injunctions (or variations) order to get the benefits of the tradition. She can always


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cast spells in the normal fashion but doing so gains no Death
special benefits. Many Awakened mages who opt for Ghosts are taken seriously in Appalachian folklore,
Appalachian hoodoo do so because they live in an area and Awakened mages who use the Death Arcanum are
where such magic is less likely to draw the attention of both feared and respected because of their perceived
Seers, Banishers or other witchhunters. control over the realm of the dead. While some Atlan-
Though Appalachian hoodoo reached its peak in tean mages might use Death magic to get rid of rivals
the early years of the 20th century, diminishing as the or to intimidate those around them, those who seek
Appalachian region “caught up” with the science and credibility within the hoodoo community use Death
technology that so often displaces magic, a renewal of magic to lay ghosts (“haints”) to rest or to help, in some
the old ways is taking place as more and more educated circumstances, in solving mysteries surrounding the
individuals reject the proliferation of technology and death of an individual.
try to recapture the values imbued in the knowledge of Spells like Death 1 “Forensic Gaze” (see Mage: the
their elders. Some believe that Atlantean mages are at the Awakening, p. 134), used by an Awakened conjure
heart of this renewal; others feel that the Awakened are woman to determine the cause of death, might require
merely taking advantage of hoodoo’s rebirth to hide in some ritual action involving either measuring the victim
plain sight from rivals or enemies who might be focusing or some other type of sympathetic magic to effect. Death
so strictly on Atlantean magic that they miss or belittle 1 “Speak with the Dead” (p. 135) might have to take place
hoodoo’s homespun variety. within a limited time after death or only during certain
When looked at through the principles of Appalachian times of the night or month in order to fit within the
hoodoo, the Arcana sometimes undergo a distinctive confines of hoodoo. In a like fashion, Death 2 “Ghost
transformation in feel and emphasis, if not in effect. Summons” (p. 137), allowing the mage to call a specific


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ghost, would have similar conditions placed upon its use. against fire damage through Forces 2 “Unseen Shield” (p.
Death 3 “Quicken Corpse” (p. 140), the spell used to 167), the mage may require the client to wear a particular
create zombie servants from corpses, might borrow some hoodoo bag containing a series of words arranged into a
trappings from African elements of hoodoo magic. diagram. To direct the elements to do the bidding of the
mage as in Forces 3 “Control Fire” (p. 168), the hoodoo
Fate mage may need to recite a verse while passing three times
The Fate Arcanum enables an Awakened mage to per- around the fire to be controlled.
ceive the threads that link objects, places and creatures
together and, with that knowledge, to catch glimpses of a Life
likely future occurrence. To the hoodoo man, this insight In many ways, Life magic is among the easiest of the
is known as the “second sight.” Even in Sleeper circles, Arcana to cast within the purview of Appalachian hoo-
where magic is outright disbelieved or else shunned, doo. Perhaps 75% of the charm books that contain the
people with an uncanny sense of what the lucky lottery directions or spells used by conjure women and root
numbers are or what days are best for taking certain ac- doctors throughout the mountains are involved with
tions are often accepted at face value. The Awakened mage healing everything from colic in babies to tapeworm
keeps this in mind when he casts spells involving Fate, in animals and epilepsy in anyone. The ingredients
for his is the power of prophesy and in the Appalachian involved in doing Life magic include potions and teas
region, there is no shortage of prophets. to drink, verses to be chanted, poultices for application
Spells such as Fate 1 “Quantum Flux” (p. 148) and or some form of sympathetic magic as described above.
“Reading the Outmost Eddies” (p. 149) may require only The persona of the healer commands great respect not
that the Awakened mage acquire a reputation as some- only in the mountains, where hospitals have been few
one with the “second sight.” Other spells such as Fate 2 and far between until recent years, but in the lowlands
“Exceptional Luck” (p. 151) and “The Evil Eye” (p. 151) as well, where alternative medicines of all kinds are
may require visible components such as the wearing of a enjoying a revival.
talisman or the passing of an object between two people Spells like Life 1 “Healer’s Trance” (p. 181) require
or through another object. The passing of talismans or little in the way of material amplification other than put-
charms also figure in spells such as Fate 3 “Bestow Excep- ting a hand to a sick person’s forehead or conducting a
tional Luck” (p. 155) and “Grant Fortune’s Protection” cursory examination (for show) of a wound. A hoodoo
(p. 155), in keeping with the image of the wise man or mage’s clients accept his diagnostic powers thus lower-
root woman handing out amulets or hoodoo bags to her ing any incidence of Paradox. Life 2 “Heal Flora and
clients for their protection or to bring them luck. Fauna” (p. 182) and “Purify Bodies” (p. 183) form one of
the staples of Appalachian hoodoo, for the root doctor
Forces or conjure woman spends a great deal of time making
Hoodoo magic has always enjoyed a reputation for plants and herbs flourish, serving as a veterinarian for
being connected with weather magic, finding water (dows- the small-time farmers in the mountains and providing
ing) and otherwise dealing with the world of elemental cures for hangovers, and other bodily toxins, including
forces. Whether acting as a rain bringer or predicting snakebite and drug overdoses. Many of the folk remedies
a storm, calling lightning or seeking the best place to found in books such as Long Lost Friend (see above) pro-
sink a well, the conjure man has been able to help his vide detailed instructions for how to conduct purges of
clients make their lives better. The hoodoo mage can toxins or how to ease the ills of horses, goats, dogs and
also use the power of wind and water, lightning and fire other animals. Whether preparing a special mash for a
to call down wrath upon her enemies. In order for an colicky horse or a wrap for a foundered mare, fixing a
Awakened mage to channel the Forces Arcanum through foul-tasting herbal tea for a man poisoned by bad moon-
the ways of Appalachian hoodoo, certain visual actions shine or giving a farmer a charmed verse to take home
or verbal charms must solidify the spell’s effects in the to recite over his chickens to make them lay more eggs,
mundane world. the likelihood that Life magic in the guise of hoodoo
By chewing on the root of a nightblooming flower, an performed by an Awakened mage will succeed is often
Awakened mage can channel the Forces Arcanum for greater than its probability of failure. Life 3 “Banish
casting Forces 1 “Nightsight” (p. 163). Forces 2 “Influence Plague” (p. 185) and “Healing Heart” (p. 186) provide
Fire” (p. 166) may require the recitation of verses enjoin- even greater examples of healing, allowing the mage to
ing the fire to stop, purify, or take some other action. deal with cases of multiple outbreaks of sickness before
For other purposes, such as erecting a protective ward they become epidemic in nature or to staunch the wounds


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of humans and cause them to heal quickly and cleanly. though “second sight” also falls under the aegis of Fate
Many of these cures include prayers and supplications magic, hoodoo mages call on Mind to read a person’s
to God and the saints, a deep-seated testimony to the emotional state of being or general mental health, to
power of religion in this tradition. sense the presence of others, to determine if a mind is
still present in an otherwise dead body or to affect and
Matter control the minds of others, including animals. Mind
The Matter Arcanum concerns itself with non-living ob- magic is behind mental attacks on another person and
jects, including the elements, alchemical materials, made defending oneself against such attacks. It is one of the
and naturally-occurring objects, and the transformation forms of magic most feared by the locals and gives the
of one thing into another. Where Fate magic may help conjure woman or root doctor such a palpable aura of
you win the lottery, Matter magic can turn rocks into power and, often, menace.
coin or paper into 100 dollar bills — at least in theory. Mind 1 “Aura Perception” (p. 205) enables the Atlan-
Although primarily called upon to heal or harm others tean hoodoo mage to diagnose an individual’s current
or to help in matters of love and money, hoodoo mages state of mind, thus assisting in further treatments (either
are sometimes asked to make or find things, such as mundane or magical) of the person’s condition. In order
money, metal or water. This type of magic requires more to effect this spell through the hoodoo tradition, the mage
props for the Atlantean descendant to use as a means of needs to use some physical trigger, such as a feather to
focusing Mana. Those who seek out a conjure man to brush over the person’s face or an ointment to place in
help them fine an ore lode beneath their property expect her own eyes to “open their sight.” In a similar fashion,
to see him out there with a metal finding stick (wand) the spell Mind 1 “Third Eye” (p. 206) enables the mage,
or some other item of magical sensing. using appropriate physical or verbal triggers (verses or
Matter 1 “Detect Substance” (p. 195) can serve the rhymes), to sense whether others in the vicinity are using
Atlantean mage as a basis for both finding metals or supernatural powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance or
dowsing for well-quality water. The difference is in the other mental forms of perception. This allows the hoodoo
composition of the “wand” or dowsing stick used in the mage to discover others like her or potentially like her.
process or the verse used when performing the search. She can also tell from this whether or not anyone else is
Long Lost Friend contains directions for crafting a wand interfering with or otherwise affecting her own workings.
for finding metal or water, including when and where to An Atlantean hoodoo mage casts her own Mind 2 “Mental
find an appropriate forked stick, how to hold it (by the Shield” (p. 208) by reciting a verse calling upon the Trin-
two forked ends) and what prayers or verses to recite. An ity to protect her mind from attack, with the caveat that
interesting and popular use of the Matter 2 “Transmute only a person who is stronger than “the Father, Son and
Water” (p. 197) spell involves the clandestine business Holy Spirit” may attack her. Hoodoo mages from pagan
of distilling moonshine. With the power of the Matter traditions substitute their own trinity. This incantation
Arcanum, a hoodoo mage can mix up her own form of usually requires a battery of prayers afterward to ensure
moonshine without a fancy still (or even a clunky cobbled its efficacy. Using Mind 3 “Mental Wall” (p. 211), the
together one). All she needs is something to appear as mage can extend this protection to another person who
the effective transformative tool. A cheap coffee maker might be under attack. Provided she has some item to use
will do in a pinch. Matter specialists can make a local as a focus for sympathetic magic, an Atlantean hoodoo
name for themselves as “makers” and “fixers.” The spell mage can conduct her own mental and psychic attacks
Matter 3 “Repair Object” (p. 199) enables the mage to using Mind 3 “Psychic Assault” (p. 212).
repair broken objects, some of them utterly beyond
help without magical assistance. While pure Atlantean Prime
magic requires only that the mage touch the object to be According to the hoodoo tradition, just as in Atlantean
repaired, hoodoo magic requires some actual work (or magic, the world contains a wealth of power. Whether
the appearance thereof) on the object. detecting power residing in an item or person or find-
ing the lines of power that criss-cross the earth, hoodoo
Mind mages know they depend on the ambient power of the
The bulk of Appalachian hoodoo concerns itself with world (though they may not call it that) and Atlantean
physical substances — healing the body, finding water or practitioners realize that Prime magic enables them to
rare metals, or nudging the laws of probability. When keep in touch with the Supernal World. When people feel
using the hoodoo tradition, Atlantean mages use another they are under attack by a witch or by malign spirits, they
side of the tradition to draw on the Mind Arcanum. Al- sometimes seek out the local conjure man or woman for


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assistance, and by using the magic of Prime, the Atlantean Using the spell Space 1 “Finder” (p. 233), the Atlantean
hoodoo mage can give that protection to another. hoodoo mage can track down a lost item within her im-
Through using Prime 1 “Analyze Enchanted Item” (p. mediate range. This is also known as the “lost keys” spell,
219), an Atlantean hoodoo mage can detect the presence and is useful for hunting down objects that may be hard
of charms or hexes on another person and can thus to spot otherwise. A simple verse such as, “Come hither,
advise a petitioner to rid herself of “that bauble given come hither in foul or fair weather,” repeated three times
to you by the man you think is courting you” or to use while concentrating on the desired object might be all
some of her own magic to counter a hexed item. Prime that is necessary for this working. With the acquisition
1 “Supernal Vision” (p. 221) gives the mage the ability to of another dot in the Space Arcanum, the hoodoo mage
see the magical resonances that lace the world, including can combine this spell with some sympathetic magic to
ley lines, sources of Mana and other magical essences. find an object regardless of how far away it is. The further
The strictures of the hoodoo tradition require the use of addition of the Life Arcanum enables the mage to locate
enchanted talismans or ointments to enable this sight. a missing person, whether a runaway child or a fugitive
Similar to Mind 2 “Mental Shield,” above, the hoodoo from the law. Space 1 “Correspondence” (p. 232) enables
mage can use the spell Prime 2 “Magic Shield” (p. 222) the mage to determine the existence of and the strength
to protect herself from outside magic of any variety, of sympathetic connections that exist between people,
whether from a magical bolt of lightning or a psychic places and things, thus finding out if a client who comes
attack. Again, the mage must use the proper formulaic to her for help is sympathetically (in the magical sense)
verse, often combined with a physical sign, such as the bound to a person who might wish her harm. This spell
brandishing of crossed fingers or pointing a finger. If can also suss out people sent to spy on the mage who
the attacker is known, inserting his name into the verse are magically connected to the person they are working
(“Adamarius, your works cannot stand against me by the for. A verse for recognizing enemies or seeing the “ties
protection of the Lord…”). By using Prime 3 “Armor of that bind” may be necessary for this spell in the hoodoo
the Soul” (p. 223), a mage can shield another person tradition. The Atlantean hoodoo mage can use Space 2
from attacks against their soul by malignant spirits or “Scrying” (p. 235) to view another place by employing
Death mages. The mage needs to write a sacred verse any of the hoodoo tradition’s typical scrying devices,
from the appropriate page of her spellbook onto a piece such as a bowl of water that has been passed three times
of paper and give it to the victim to carry on his person through a flame, or a crystal ball blessed in the name
at all times or until the danger is over. of the Trinity. Space magic can also serve to destroy the
The potency of wielding Prime as an attack through the threads of a sympathetic connection through Space 3
use of Prime 3 “Celestial Fire” (p. 224) is not lessened in “Destroy the Threads” (p. 237). The magic is activated
the hoodoo tradition. Casting a ball of pure Prime requires through the use of a verbal charm such as “Whether ye
a physical trigger such as a specially made wand as well as go on horse or heel, your magic is severed, your wicked-
an empowering verse, often in the name of the Trinity, ness revealed. Begone, begone, begone!”
and it is no less vulgar than doing so using Atlantean
magic alone. Nevertheless, when two opposed mages are
duking it out or when a hoodoo mage faces a Twilight Appalachian folk tradition is riddled with tales of
enemy that cannot otherwise be hurt, considerations of ghosts, while both Native American and African folk
vulgar magic’s repercussions often go by the boards. tales deal with the spirits of animals and plants, as well
as spirits of the dead and malevolent or benevolent
Space spirits from the over- or underworlds. Legends of spoiled
Space magic is one of the most practically useful mag- milk caused by mischievous “fair folk” or “little people”
ics in terms of its application in daily life. Some conjure abound as well as tales of demons possessing otherwise
mages or root doctors have a sideline as a “finder,” or good people and causing them to perform all manner
person who finds lost objects or people. Space magic, with of wicked deeds. The Spirit Arcanum is one of the most
its premise that distance is an illusion of perception and useful types of magic an Atlantean mage can know when
that all spaces are linked together and are essentially the working in the hoodoo tradition, which deals as often
same space, makes the use of sympathetic and other forms with healing the spirit as with healing the body or mind.
of magic more powerful when used in conjunction with This is the magic that deals in protections against the
this Arcanum. Thus, the hoodoo mage who is versed in evil of the Abyss (in Atlantean terms) or the demons of
the Space Arcanum can find what is lost, track items or Hell (in the Judeo-Christian terminology more familiar to
people and even ease a journey for the journeyer. the Appalachian region). On the darker side, this is the


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magic used by hoodoo witches to call upon malevolent through speaking words of power (either names of God,
spirits to empower them or do harm to their enemies. saints’ names or other revered deities) and the use of a
Appalachian hoodoo sees Spirit magic as something to ritual ablution or bath (not necessarily full immersion)
be dealt with almost every day. that washes significant parts of the body, usually those
The spell Spirit 1 “Coaxing the Spirits” (p. 245) al- involving openings such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth and
lows the Atlantean hoodoo mage to nudge the spirit anal/genital regions, but also including heart, hands and
sleeping in a material object so that certain tasks can feet. Afterwards, precious oils or herbal tinctures are ap-
be performed easier. Some folk believe that a hoodoo plied to the body and the protective verses are spoken.
man or woman’s locks never rust, her clocks always run The actual spell Spirit 3 “Exorcism” (p. 248) enables the
on time and her whittling knife never loses its edge or hoodoo mage to drive a spirit out of a living body or a
its accuracy. There are little tunes or ditties that the material object. The ritual actions needed to evoke Spirit 2
hoodoo mage hums or sings under her breath to boost “Ephemeral Shield” (p. 248) are also part of the exorcism
the spirits (so to speak) of her household items to coax ritual if they have not already been performed. The actual
them to work more efficiently. Spirit 1 “Exorcist’s Eye” driving out of the spirit involves a stern admonition of
(p. 245) allows the mage to determine whether or not an the spirit by the exorciser and sometimes involves physi-
animal or human is possessed by a malignant spirit. This cal actions such as the striking of the body with a switch
is usually done through the use of holy names and the taken from a living willow tree and immersed three times
sprinkling of pure or blessed water on the subject. This in pure water. Causing harm to the possessed entity is
is usually done prior to an exorcism (see below). Spirit 2 not the object of the blows, but the transference of the
“Ephemeral Shield” (p. 246) can protect the hoodoo mage exorcising power from the exorciser to the spirit takes
from attack by spirits. Casting this spell is accomplished place when the switch strikes its target.

Atlantean Paths and Hoodoo: Matches Made in Heaven

Appalachian hoodoo covers a lot of territory, and, as with any broad field of study, specialists
exist who focus most of their attention on a particular aspect of hoodoo magic. For Atlantean mag-
es who choose to work within the Appalachian hoodoo tradition, these specialties often (though not
always) correspond to the mage’s Path.
Mages who follow the Path of Acanthus, which treats primarily with Fate and Time, often focus
their hoodoo magic on charms and hexes, dealing in both good and bad fortunes. They also use
the Time Arcanum for predictive purposes, looking into the future for their clients. They are the
most likely to set themselves up as the modern day version of the traveling snake oil salesman,
with real snakes and bona fide oil!
Followers of the Path of Mastigos, with their emphases on the Mind and Space Arcana, may
excel in certain forms of divination and scrying as well as in treating mental problems and magical
bindings. They may also create charms and potions to change the minds of others, creating love
potions and other mind-affecting items.
Mages belonging to the Path of Moros, who focus on the Death and Matter Arcana, may deal
with ghosts and their summoning or banishing, or they may set themselves up as “fixers,” who can
take something broken and make it better than new.
Obrimos mages, with their propensity for Forces and Prime, often become weather witches, or
dowsers, using their affinity for power sources and the elements to call rain (or stop it) or to find
good water under the ground.
Lastly, mages of the Path of Thyrsus, who study Life and Spirit, usually find themselves attracted
to the ways of folk healing and herbal lore as well as the summoning and banishing of spirits.
These divisions are not mandatory, of course. Instead they provide ways for players of mage
characters who wish to investigate the Appalachian hoodoo tradition to tailor their characters and
personalize their spells.


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Time for them. The Bible itself became a symbol of power, not
The mountains of Appalachia may hold many time- so much for the words it contained, but because it was
less qualities, but the Atlantean mage working in the a sacred book, one that had accrued magical energy or
hoodoo tradition can certainly make good use of the Mana through many centuries of being associated with
Time Arcanum in his spell workings. While mages of the “word of God.” Another reason that the Bible is
any tradition, Atlantean or Sleeper folk tradition, are powerful, apart from its strictly Judeo-Christian associa-
usually reluctant to tamper too blatantly with the past tion, is the fact that it is a book — and not just any book.
or the future — enough cautionary tales exist to warn The Bible, in Appalachian hoodoo, with its stories of
about that — most mages with some abilities in the Time patriarchs and prophets calling down the wrath of God
Arcanum don’t mind tinkering about with small incre- and its message of good prevailing over evil, is a hatching
ments of time or participating in the “look, but don’t book for spells.
touch” theory of time “travel.” Crosses and other religious symbols, particularly those
The Time 1 “Perfect Timing” (p. 258) spell is useful as an that pertain to the Trinity, also carry a heavy weight
augmentation to the performance of other time-dependent
tasks. Herbs that must be gathered at precisely the full of
the moon or within five minutes of the sun’s passage from Merit: Seventh Son/Daughter of a
Cancer to Leo, verses that must be said at specific times of
day to maintain a ward or enchantment or even knowing
Seventh Son/Daughter (••••)
Effect: Your character was born on the
when to release a dart in a local game at the county fair are
verge of Awakening and has a natural af-
possible uses for the spell. The use of fast-growing herbs
finity for magic. He seems to live a charmed
or the recitation of a particular verse three times in one
life, since his status as seventh son of a
breath can be used to trigger the spell. A hoodoo mage
seventh son is known to everyone in the
can look briefly into the future through the spell Time 2
community, or at least to friends of the fam-
“Augury” (p. 258) to find out if a certain action will take
ily. He may Awaken in the normal course of
place, such as a marriage between two people or whether
events, either due to some traumatic event
or not a murderer will kill again. As with Space 2 “Scry-
or through a natural occurrence. He may
ing,” the mage generally uses something like a mirror or
even join the community of Pentacle mages,
bowl of water to effect this spell, which can be augmented
associating himself with an order and fulfill-
for greater accuracy by the addition of a sympathetic tie
ing a role appropriate to his Path.
between the mage and the person whose future is in
question. Time 3 “Divination” (p. 263) enables a much The real benefits of his birth order, how-
more extensive and accurate prediction of the future and ever, come when he embraces the Appa-
requires a more elaborate method of casting, with more lachian hoodoo tradition as his method of
complex recitations, strong sympathetic ties and a specially working magic. Here, his affinity for magic
prepared focusing device (mirror, bowl, etc.). really shines and he pulls ahead of his
Atlantean peers. This Merit, when used in
The Symbols of Appalachian Hoodoo conjunction with hoodoo magic (and the
Magical Tradition Merit), provides the fol-
Born from a mixing of European folk, Native American
shamanic and African root magic, Appalachian hoodoo lowing benefits for the caster:
borrows symbols from all its ancestral traditions. While • +1 dot to any protection spell against at-
these symbols are many and varied, there are a few tacks using Mind, Prime or Spirit. The mage
commonalities that bring them together in some broad treats his magical defense as being one dot
categories. stronger than it would be otherwise.
Religious Iconography • +1 to the dice pool for any rolls involv-
The use of prayers, religious writings, the cross, the Bible ing scrying, divining or locating.
and other symbols of the Christian religion (though not • Once per story, the character can roll Wits
exclusively) are common to Appalachian hoodoo. Many of + Composure and gain an effect similar to the
its European practitioners were Christians, at least until Time 1 “Perfect Timing” spell (see Mage, p.
the Church declared them witches and heretics, and the 258), representing natural good luck.
symbols of Christianity held both meaning and power


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in Appalachian hoodoo. They are used as protection Numbers of Power: the Seventh Son
against evil spirits and evil creatures, as wards against The power of three has already been noted as important
disease and as reminders that they are on the side of in Appalachian hoodoo. One of the most highly regarded
good. Practitioners of a darker sort of hoodoo may use numbers in Appalachian hoodoo, however, is seven, par-
the obverse of these symbols to cast hexes and curses or ticularly when used in combination with birth order. Thus
avert their enemies’ gaze. the seventh son or daughter or the seventh son of a seventh
son (or daughter) is regarded as a person of destiny and
Herbal Vocabulary power, one born to the ways of hoodoo magic, a natural
A good part of Appalachian hoodoo is involved with healer, a prophet or any number of other things.
herbs and herbal concoctions. Many instructions for cast-
ing spells involve finding or preparing certain herbs and Foci
using wood from certain trees. Some spell books used in The herbs used in what might be called “recipe spells”
Appalachian hoodoo read more like recipe books than are one type of focus necessary for the casting of hoodoo
books of arcane directions. Herbs and plants mentioned in magic. Mostly used in healing spells or potions for hu-
Hohman’s Long Lost Friend include rose seeds, iron-weed, mans and animals, herbs are also used as magical wards
cherry wood, blackberry bushes, knot-grass, spicewort, against creatures or spirits that are repelled by them or as
cloves, flax-seed, mulberry, stinging nettles, millifolia, attractors in love potions or charms. Appalachian hoodoo
heliotrope (sunflower), swallow-wort and birch bark. uses not only the herbs known by European witches but
Not only do the herbs have meaning in their healing also the plants and herbs familiar to the Native Ameri-
or harming properties but they also have a symbolic can shamans and the root magics of Africa. Ginseng or
meaning harkening back to the language of flowers and “sang,” John the conqueror root or Ipomoea jalapa, are
herbs used in the Middle Ages. two of the most common magical herbs.


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Wands are also used in Appalachian hoodoo for a two saplings of different types. It must lie beneath a full
number of purposes. The most well-known “wand” is the moon for three consecutive nights in three consecutive
dowsing stick, which, according to one source, must be months. When looking for the crossroads, the mage
made from a tree of one year’s growth. Dowsing sticks must speak the name of whichever crossroads deity or
or rods can find not only water, but precious metals as saint she holds dearest, followed by “show me the way
well. Wands are also used for divination. of power” three times before starting out.
Not only are books like the Bible and spell books used
as sources for magical knowledge, the books themselves Bind the Wayward Body
are often a focus for magic. An enjoinment at the end (Life •••• + Space •)
of Long Lost Friend states a list of protections that cover The mountains have harbored many a fugitive in its
anyone who carries the book with him. In this case, the hollers and caves thoughout the years. Some have never
book itself becomes the focus, just as if it were a charm been brought to justice. Others have fallen prey to this
or amulet. powerful piece of hoodoo magic. This spell enables the
Prayers and rhymes are often used as foci and many mage to literally stop a fugitive in his tracks, rendering
spells depend on their precise repetition either a certain the person unable to move forward or backward for a
number of times or at certain times of the day, month or period of time that is usually just long enough for his
season or in a single breath. The ancient view of words pursuers to catch him.
as inherently powerful survives in Appalachian hoodoo. Practice: Unraveling
In some instances, Sleeper believers may serve as foci, Action: Instant and contested; target rolls Resolve
particularly if a spell centers upon them. + Gnosis
Duration: Transitory against mages, Prolonged against
Rotes Sleepers (until released by the caster)
Aspect: Vulgar
Locate Node (Prime ••) Cost: 1 Mana
The African spirit Eshu often appears to travelers at
places where two roads cross. Similarly, Hermes (for the Success means that the target cannot move more
Greeks) or Mercury (for the Romans) was associated than three yards in any direction from the place he was
with crossroads, as was the Christian St. Simon. Magic standing/sitting when the spell takes effect. If he’s a
or Mana gathers here in larger clusters than at normal mage, the spell lasts for only one turn. If he’s a Sleeper,
crossings, for crossroads are not just where two roads the spell lasts for one scene or until he’s released by the
meet. They are where two ley lines or lines of power following phrase from the mage’s own mouth: “As you
intersect one another, called a “node” by mages. Using have been bound, now you are free.” Of course, by that
a wand made specifically for this purpose, the mage can time, the fugitive should be free only to accompany his
locate the nearest ley line node. captors to jail.
Practice: Unveiling A Life 3 version of this spell targets animals.
Action: Instant Hoodoo Rote: Pillar of Salt
Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Life vs. Re-
solve + Gnosis
Aspect: Covert
The mage must follow the fugitive, who needs to be
Cost: None
within line of sight (unless Space 2 is added to the cast-
Successes apply to the spell’s duration factors. While ing). As she travels, she repeats a prayer similar to the
the spell is active, the mage can make instant-action Wits following: Peter, Paul and all the Apostles, be my witness to
+ Occult perception rolls to scrutinize the immediate God’s power which binds all rogues, thieves, murderers and
area’s Resonance (within sensory range) for the tale-tell fugitives who seek to hide from justice. In particular, let Thy
signs of a node, where two or more ley lines meet. power find [name of fugitive or some other form of specific
Hoodoo Rote: Find Crossroads identification, such as “the man who robbed the Big Ivy
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Prime branch bank last night”] and bind him with fetters of guilt.
This rote must employ a wand created specifically for Let him not step forward. Let him not step backward. Let him
this purpose, though it can be used over and over so long breathe but not speak until such time as he is released by me.
as it remains dedicated to finding crossroads. The wand The mage must say this prayer (or whichever one she
must be made from a tree made by the natural joining of uses) three times. When she comes in sight of the fugi-


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tive, she must point her hand and clench it into a fist. dying of a wasting disease, asked that her voice live
As her hand tightens, the muscles of the fugitive will on after her.
tighten until he cannot move. Whoever plays this harp, if he is Awakened, gains the
benefits of any one of the following spells per song played:
Magic Items
Objects play a big part in Appalachian hoodoo, from
Mind 1 “Third Eye” (see Mage: the Awakening, p. 206),
Mind 2 “Emotional Urging” (p. 207), Mind 2 “First Im-
hoodoo bags, amulets, dowsing wands and written charms pressions” (p. 208), or Mind 2 “Misperception” (p. 209).
to musical instruments, sacred books and other more Simply holding the harp gives the possessor the benefit
powerful items. Below are a few sample magic items, some of a Mind 2 “Mental Shield” (p. 208). Finally, the harp
of which are presented in more than one format. provides the user with the answers to three lore-based
questions per week, pulling up a ballad that contains the
Harp of the Highlands information, though sometimes in a cryptic fashion.
The harp cannot be broken by normal means and
The series of Silver John novels by Manly Wade Well-
man tell of a wandering storyteller and balladeer famous demonstrates an odd capability of healing itself, filling
for his songs and his silver-strung guitar. Though the in scratches and nicks overnight. It also occasionally gives
author does not directly mention any power associated its possessor visions of a place that might be Arcadia as
with John’s guitar, the implications are strong that it is it still exists in the Supernal World.
something more than just a normal instrument. Music
plays a large part in Appalachian culture and many
Harp of the Highlands as Cursed Item
Let no one draw forth music from these strings without
people, regardless of their daytime careers, play an in-
remembering his darkest day or his greatest loss. Let each song
strument. Much of Appalachian history is wrapped up
draw forth his life in misery so that he ends his days before his
in its ballads, so keeping the singing tradition alive in
appointed time. Let my fate be his fate.
the region is one way of maintaining a dynamic history
of the area. It is only natural to suppose that, over the Jubal Curtis was a carver of instruments and a player
years, some instruments have been crafted by mages to of them as well. Deciding to seek his fortune as a travel-
augment or focus their magic. Some of these items are ing musician, he poured his heart into the creation of a
initially destined to be magical; others are later imbued lap harp meant to seal his success. As he made a name
with a spell or spells. Still others fall prey to some evil for himself, he forgot the people who helped him on his
working or tragic circumstance and act as a container way to success. He even forgot that part of his talent lay
for a malevolent spirit. in the virtuosity of his instrument.
The Harp of the Highlands hails not from the High- One night, a second-rate musician even more unprincipled
lands of Scotland but from the town of Highlands in than Jubal entered his hotel room one night and stabbed
Western North Carolina. It is a lap harp of masterwork him, grabbed the harp and turned to flee. As his life blood
quality, made from seven different woods inlaid in in- poured from him, Jubal uttered a dying curse that opened
tricate designs reminiscent of the outlines of leaves and the doorway for a spirit of anger and vengeance to take up
mountains. The strings of this harp never seem to need residence in the harp. Since then, the instrument has success-
tuning and it fits naturally and comfortably on the lap of fully ruined the lives and caused the early deaths of everyone
its owner. The sounds that come from the harp are true who has ever come into ownership with it. It frequently turns
and haunting and sometimes it seems to have its own up in pawn shops, where it rarely stays for more than three
voice, harmonizing with the singer. Few who listen to the days before someone lovingly carries it away.
harp come away from it untouched, as the instrument This lap harp is handsomely crafted from seven differ-
seems to radiate the emotions inherent in whatever song ent kinds of inlaid wood: cherry, rosewood, ash, ebony,
is being played upon it. mahogany, teak and cedar. It has never been known to
go out of tune, nor has one of its strings ever broken. No
Harp of the Highlands as Artifact (••••) one remembers precisely when it was made.
Durability 3, Size 2, Structure 5 Every one who has claimed this harp as their own has
Mana Capacity: maximum 12 died from profound depression, suicide or violence within
Said to be brought to the Appalachians from Arca- a year of taking the harp. Jubal’s dying curse opened the
dia by a lord of the fae, this elegantly made lap harp way across the Gauntlet for a Twilight spirit who has
contains the voice of the lord’s human lover, a woman made his home within the harp and is able to coax the
with a wondrous voice who, when she knew she was life from its player and torment his memories as well.


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Rank: 2 protection rituals and instructions for making wands,
Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 3, Resistance 2 hoodoo pouches, poultices and other useful and magical
Willpower: 6 items. Handed down from seventh child to seventh child
until the family line stopped suddenly in the mid-1920s,
Essence: 15 (max 15)
the book disappeared from sight and, with it, some of
Initiative: 5 the precious knowledge contained within. Every now
Defense: 3 and then, someone reports hearing of a hoodoo witch
Speed: 7 or conjure man who possesses a copy, but all attempts
Size: 3 to find it have resulted in failure. Though some fair cop-
Corpus: 5 ies of the book exist, made with the permission of the
Influence: Anger (murderous) family that owned the book and likewise handed down,
Numina: Fetter, Harrow only the original book is said to hold power apart from
Ban: The spirit may only attack someone who has its contents.
acquired the harp and wants to use it to further The Book of Safe Journeys as Artifact (•••••)
his career. Durability 2, Size 1, Structure 3
Mana Capacity: maximum 15
The Book of Safe Journeys An old legend tells how when God drove Adam and
Brought to the mountains of eastern Tennessee by one Eve from the Garden of Eden, one of the angels took
of the region’s earliest settler families of Celtic stock, pity on them and placed into their hands a scroll that
The Book of Safe Journeys, or Charms and Receipts [sic] for contained the knowledge necessary for these first humans
the Well-Being of Body and Soul in Its Passage Through Life to survive in an unfriendly and unfamiliar world. As the
is a potent catalogue of hoodoo spells, herbal healing, years passed, the scroll changed form until it became the


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leather-bound volume that arrived in Tennessee in the he aged. Jerub realized what he had done, but it was too
early 1700s. late. He died in agony and terror, his soul a victim of his
The possessor of this book gains the benefit of all own deal with the “devil.”
the shield spells, including Death 2 “Entropic Guard” The Book of Safe Journeys is really a collection of loose
(see Mage: the Awakening, p. 136), Fate 2 “Fortune’s parchments wrapped in a handsome, soft grey leather
Protection” (p. 152), Forces 2 “Unseen Shield” (p. 167), binding and tied with a cord of sturdy silk and silver and
Life 3 “Organic Resilience” (p. 183), Matter 2 “Unseen gold thread and wire. When touched, it seems to vibrate
Aegis” (p. 197), Mind 2 “Mental Shield” (p. 208), Prime and a distinct feeling of unease travels into the person
2 “Magic Shield” (p. 222), Space 2 “Untouchable” (p. touching the book.
235), Spirit 2 “Ephemeral Shield” (p. 246) and Time An Abyssal spirit of Corruption inhabits The Book of
2 “Temporal Dodge” (p. 261). In addition, any spell Safe Journeys, turning it into a book of foul workings.
contained in the book, when cast exactly as written, has Anyone who claims the book immediately gains a false
no chance of failing (always has one success). The book Awakening and is able to cast any of the spells in the book.
itself is impervious to the effects of physical decay and Though every spell works, each spell has a drawback. A
cannot be destroyed by non-magical forces. In the hands healing spell may rid the target of his fever, but lay the
of a seventh son or daughter, the book reveals the true groundwork for an emergence of cancer the next year.
form of anyone who come within 30 feet of it. The book also depletes the life of its holder, who ages
prematurely and dies in terror. To break this curse, the
The Book of Safe Journeys as Cursed Item spirit that inhabits the book must be named and driven
Everything in these pages is yours for an agreed upon payment. out by an Awakened mage.
Don’t complain about my asking prices. I’ve already paid a Rank: 3
price you would never pay.
Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 2, Resistance 2
The Cottaher family of Windswept Gorge, Tennessee,
Willpower: 6
were well known as healers and hoodoo makers and Papa
Cottaher even kept ties with folk from all over Europe. Essence: 15 (max 15)
Word had it that most of Papa Cottaher’s hoodoo came Initiative: 4
from a book he brought with him from the Old Country, Defense: 4
a hide-bound collection of loose papers called The Book Speed: 6
of Safe Journeys. Size: 1
When Jerub Cottaher took up the gift after the death Corpus: 3
of his father, in the mid 1800s, things changed. Jerub Influence: Corruption
wasn’t anywhere near the conjuror his daddy was. The Numina: Fetter, Ill Luck, as in Fate 3 “Monkey’s
fancy folk stopped visiting, and Jerub was heard to say Paw” (see Mage, p. 155), Terrify
that he was better off without them. Ban: The spirit may only work through the book
Only he wasn’t. His charms failed, his healings didn’t and cannot act outside the limitations of the book’s
take. Even his love potions backfired. Then he started ask- contents — except to drain the life from the possessor
ing for money for his spells, which his father never did. of the book.
One night a neighbor saw Jerub leave his cabin with
his book tucked under his arm and a white goat tied to
a rope he held in his other hand. Jerub returned home
Dr. Hardy’s Comfort Packets
In an age of holistic, homeopathic and herbal medi-
without the goat but with a smile on his face. cines, aromatherapy and essential essences, many people
After that, his magic worked every time. His prices turn to these cures to help them in everything from reliev-
went up and people paid them, but no one considered ing stress to losing weight to curing cancer. Dr. Hardy,
him a friend. Jerub never married or had children. One an Awakened medical doctor who also dispenses herbal
morning his body was found rotting in his cabin, a look cures taught to him by his conjure woman mother, has
of terror on his face. The book was missing. developed these small pouches or “packets” of herbs and
Jerub’s actual tale is a sad but cautionary one. Unlike other substances which he gives to needy patients for
the other mages in his family, Jerub never Awakened. the cost of the ingredients. These comfort packets can
Despondent and greedy, he went to the crossroads and perform any one of a number of magical effects when
sacrificed the white goat. A spirit from the Abyss appeared used according to the doctor’s directions. Among their
and took possession of the book and of Jerub’s soul. As effects are: healing one Health point per packet (no more


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than two per week can be taken without suffering from around a copy of Long Lost Friend and uses it to fight the
total exhaustion due to the strain on the body’s healing good fight against evil forces. Some of the characters he
system); raising one Attribute for 24 hours (no more than encounters, however, give good thumbnail sketches of
two packets can be used on the same Attribute in any various types of mages in the Appalachian hoodoo tradi-
given week); relieving mental stress; relieving headache tion, some healers and warriors for the light and others
or toothache; suppressing appetite; and bolstering the servants of the darkest powers or slaves of their own greed.
immune system. Ideas for plots abound in these novels and can point the
way for Storytellers to expand on their own ideas.
One of the best sources for ideas for running a Mage:
Libraries can also provide information on Appalachian
hoodoo or folktales, while the proliferation of Southern
writers such as Gail Godwin, Leigh Smith, Reynolds Price
The Awakening Chronicle involving Appalachian hoo-
and others can help Storytellers translate the atmosphere
doo are the Silver John stories of Manly Wade Wellman.
of the modern Southeast to a game setting. Movies like
They include The Old Gods Waken, After Dark, The Lost
Nell and Songcatcher provide good takes on the scenery
and the Lurking, The Hanging Stones and The Voice of the
of the Appalachians and the tenor of the people who
Mountain. These tales depict southern Appalachia in the
live there.
last half of the 20th century, a place of ever quickening
The backwoods and mountains of the Appalachians
pace, encroaching modernization and dark, shadowy
stretch, incidentally, from north Georgia to Pennsylvania
secrets. While John does not fit the mold of either an
and continue on through to Maine and Newfoundland
Atlantean style mage or a true practitioner of Appalachian
before leapfrogging over the Atlantic, stopping briefly at
hoodoo — at least not to its fullest extent — he does carry

Appalachian Hoodoo Story Hooks

• Finding a Missing Mage: The characters hear of a missing Life mage named Carianna who
possesses lost information vital to their current mission. Rumors that she is hiding in the Appala-
chians after a cabal of Seers blew up her home in the characters’ home city lead the characters to
the mountains, where they hear of a reclusive healer woman who lives deep in the hills and who
possesses powerful “hoodoo.” This eventually leads the characters to Sairey, who can teach them
hoodoo magic, give them an appreciation of the mountain culture and, ultimately, enable them to
help defend her from a group of Seers who have tracked her down.
• The Long Lost Artifact: A high-ranking member of the characters order or of the local Consil-
ium has heard that a valuable piece of Atlantean lore — a book of spells — lies somewhere in the
heart of Appalachia, in the possession of a local root doctor. Asked to track down the artifact, the
characters encounter several practitioners of Appalachian hoodoo, allowing the Storyteller to in-
troduce her players to root doctors, conjure women, mojo workers, crossroads conjurers and other
varieties of hoodoo mages. Each person has some precious item, from a translation of a German
book of charms (i.e., Rohman’s Long Lost Friend) to an amulet made of rare gems that look like no
other gems on earth and appear to “sing” with resonance at certain times of the night, month or
year. What the characters ultimately find is up to the Storyteller, who may use the item to launch
the next phase of her chronicle or as an excuse to introduce the characters to tradition magic, Ap-
palachian or otherwise.
• The Root Shop: The characters have some reason to be in the Appalachian region, either
traveling through or thinking of taking up residence. In a little mountain town, they come across
an unobtrusive store called “The Root Shop.” Inside, they find not only herbs and roots for herbal
and homeopathic medicines, but anyone using one of the Mage Sight spells can sense magical
energy emanating from many of the herbs and from the shop in general. Further investigation leads
the characters to a group of hoodoo mages who have come together to combat a hoodoo sorcerer
whose powers are greater than theirs. The characters, if they stay, get caught up in a local hoodoo
war and must learn the ways of hoodoo magic to stay alive.


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Greenland, before settling down in the Scottish High- to expand the business to take on some construction
lands and the north of England. Evidence now places and engineering projects instead of just repairs and
the origin of the Appalachian range as somewhere in their finances improved. She made a point of visiting
Central America, but that’s just a nicety of geographic her Granny Tweedy once a week until the old woman
accuracy. Within the hidden places of these mountains passed away, leaving her cabin and all her belongings to
exists ample room for strange people, places, creatures her only grandchild, her son’s seventh child. When her
and things that the rest of the world turns away from. father passed away three years later, Jennylou sold her
In Appalachia, myths and legends still live, and good father’s shop and moved away from Clyde. Though no
hoodoo mages are always in need. one knew it, she went to her grandmother’s cabin, now
hers, spent some of the shop money on bringing indoor
Sample Character plumbing and electricity to the cabin, and took up practic-
ing conjure magic like her Granny had taught her during
Arabelle their weekly visits. To it, she added her own abilities to
Quote: I suppose I could make me up something for you to fix things and has been busily adding her own spells to
take home with you and use, but if it don’t work the way you her Granny Tweedy’s Book of Useful Knowledge.
need it to, you must bring it back to me and no one else. In all the years since she’s been back, Jennylou has said
Background: Ever since she was little, growing up near nothing of what she experienced in college or why she
the town of Clyde, in Haywood County, North Carolina, is so content to forget that part of her life.
Jennylou Tweedy loved nothing better than watching her Her junior year in college, Jenny went to a party where
father fix things. She was a smart child, the only living some seniors accosted her, drugged her and, she suspects,
child after three stillbirths and three late-term miscar- raped her. She doesn’t remember what they did. What
riages, and her parents adored her. Even her witchy old she does remember is that she awoke on a vast gray plane
Granny Tweedy, who everyone said was a conjure woman above which rose a massive tower that looked, at first as if
and who lived way up in the hills in a cabin with no it were made of lead. As she neared it, she saw that it was
electricity and no inside bathroom, called her a miracle actually an intricate machine tower that was no longer
child and predicted great things for her. functioning because it was missing an essential piece.
All Jennylou wanted to do was take things apart and She examined the tower, even as she entered it in search
put them back together again. Though her family wasn’t of its inner workings. She saw many names inscribed
rich, Jennylou’s father did a thriving business in his into the surfaces of the tower. When she finally came
repair shop. People paid in kind rather than in money, to the center, she saw that the machine wasn’t working
though, so although they had wood for the wood stove, because it was completely depleted of oil — except Jen-
gas for their truck, handmade clothing for Jennylou, nylou realized it wasn’t oil that was needed, but blood.
smoked ham for Easter, turkey for Thanksgiving and a Hers. Without another thought, she sliced her wrist on
big goose for Christmas, all from the people who patron- a jagged piece of metal and let her arterial blood flow
ized Tweedy’s Fix-It Shop, the family hardly had money into the machine. The last thing she saw before she lost
to spend or save. When Jenny was thirteen, her mother consciousness was her name appearing on the surface
died of ovarian cancer. Her father did not remarry. of the tower’s innermost chamber.
Jennylou did well in public school and expressed an When she awoke again, it was to the real world and to
interest in going to college to be an engineer. Jennylou’s the knowledge that whatever had happened to her after
father tried to explain to the teenager that there wasn’t the party, she had Awakened either because of or despite
money for college. Jennylou tried her best to understand, it. She found a teacher in the head of the engineering de-
but could only see her world suddenly grow very small. partment who informed her that she had found the Path
Then her father went to visit his mother, Granny Tweedy of Moros, that she had traveled to Stygia and that he would
and a miracle happened shortly afterward. love for her to join his order, the Free Council, which had
The principal of Jennylou’s high school called to say less problems with the modern world’s high-tech gadgetry
that he had managed to get Jennylou a full scholarship than many other orders. She took the name Arabelle, her
to NC State, for their engineering program. She would mother’s little used middle name, for her magic name.
be gone east for six years — four for college and two for Now, as Arabelle, she practices hoodoo magic, bring-
her Master’s in Engineering. ing help to the people who come to her. She also fixes
Six years later, she was home to stay, complete with things for her clients, charging only what they can afford
her engineering degree. Her expertise allowed her father in cash or kind.


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tradition of her Granny Tweedy, but she knows that if her
order needs her for some critical mission, she will most
likely answer them. She is currently looking around for
someone to groom to be her successor since she knows
that her family line has ended with her.
Dedicated Magical Tool: A length of lead pipe that
stays with her whenever she works magic or makes her
Real Name: Jennylou Tweedy
Path: Moros
Order: Free Council
Tradition: Appalachian Hoodoo
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3,
Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 2,
Composure 2
Mental Skills: Academics 2, Crafts (Repairs) 3,
Investigation 1, Occult (Appalachian Hoodoo) 3,
Science (Engineering) 3
Physical Skills: Drive 2, Survival 1, Weaponry
(Lead Pipe) 2
Social Skills: Animal Ken (Big Dogs) 2, Intimida-
tion 3, Subterfuge 1
Merits: Allies (Free Council) 2, Book of Spells and
Simples, Magical Tradition (Appalachian Hoodoo),
Resources 1
Willpower: 4
Wisdom: 7
Virtue: Fortitude
Description: Arabelle is a sturdily built woman in her Vice: Wrath
mid-thirties. Her sandy brown hair is cut short in the Initiative: 5
summer but is allowed to grow long enough to braid in
Defense: 2
winter. She would be pretty if her face didn’t have so
many harsh lines, as if something bitter had taken away Speed: 10
most of her joy. She dresses according to the needs of Health: 7
the moment — long dresses for days spent in her cabin Gnosis: 5
doing chores or mixing up some of her herbs, jeans and Arcana: Death 4, Life 3, Matter 5, Prime 3, Space 1
work boots for hiking through the woods with her finding Rotes: Death —Forensic Gaze (•), Entropic Guard (••),
stick and dark green coveralls for working on her truck Destroy Object (•••), Enervation (••••); Life
or on her neighbors’ cars. — Healer’s Trance (•), Heal Flora and Fauna (••),
Her nimbus manifests as the distant sounds of ma- Healing Heart (•••); Matter — Craftman’s Eye (•),
chinery, like the chugging of an old car. Alter Accuracy (••), Repair Object (•••), Alter Ef-
Storytelling Hints: Arabelle has resolved never to ficiency (••••), Self-Repairing Machine (•••••);
marry, since she’s afraid of being reminded of the horrors Prime — Locate Crossroads (•), Activate Enchanted
of her pre-Awakening traumatic ordeal. She has taken Item (••), Imbue Item (•••); Space — Finder (•)
to collecting big dogs to warn off any potential suitors. Mana/per turn: 14/5
She is mostly content to practice her magic in the old Armor: 4 (“Forensic Gaze,” Matter ••)


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Under the influence of DMT, the world becomes an Arabian labyrinth, a palace, a more
than possible Martian jewel, vast with motifs that flood the gaping mind with complex
and wordless awe. Color and the sense of a reality-unlocking secret nearby pervade the
experience. There is a sense of other times, and of one's own infancy, and of wonder,
wonder and more wonder.
— Terrence McKenna, Food of the Gods
In a dank basement, a handful of men and women eat The same drug taken for purposes of enlightenment or
dried mushrooms so that they can speak to the strange spiritual awakening is an entheogen.
beings that live in the building’s ventilation system. Half The ancient tradition of imbibing or ingesting psychoac-
a world away, in the middle of a rainforest paddock, a tive substances for spiritual purposes is not relegated to
pair of sisters drink a potent tea brewed from the Vine the distant past or primitive cultures. Use of entheogens
of the Dead, hoping to commune with the world’s spirit, is alive and well in modern society, given over to secret
a thing that some call Gaia, others call God, and a few sects and hidden cults. These cults are disparate in most
believe to be the Devil herself. The drugs break apart the ways – in the drugs they prefer (ayahuasca, psilocybin,
mind, forge new connections, allow one to realize things LSD), the goals they seek (mental evolution, world con-
that could previously not be realized. Eyelids are ripped sciousness, forbidden knowledge), and in the entities
open, made to see hyperdimensional travelers creeping with which they supposedly commune (hyperdimensional
slowly across the night sky. Ears hear the chatter of plants, UFOs, so-called ”machine elves,“ or the soul of the entire
animals, and machines. The nose smells out the corrup- world). But for all that separates them, much unites and
tion born in a man’s heart, and can suss out conspiracies defines them, as well. Psychoactive substances kick open
and connections that seem alien and impossible. Is it all the doors to their pre-defined perceptions, knocking
in the imagination? Some of it, yes. But some of it is real, them permanently off their hinges. Entheogenic cultists
too. Welcome to the cults of the entheogen. speak with entities (or believe they speak with entities)
about which normal man is plainly unaware. And they
Neoteric Shamanism
Shamans have been a part of the world since early
attempt to do their own kinds of magic – psychic ma-
nipulations, astral travel, prophesying – through this
neoteric shamanic tradition.
civilization. A tribe’s shaman acts as a mediator between
Does the potential for real magic, or magic found
the unseen world and the known world, appeasing or
accidentally, exist through entheogens? Does previously-
battling indefinable spirits. He works to tie the subtle
inaccessible knowledge become accessible to those who
threads of fate for the good of his people. He risks his
are willing to sacrifice bits of established perception and
soul and sanity to gain knowledge that aids the tribe.
sanity on this mad shaman trip? Mages may find that the
To accomplish this, many shamans attempt to enter
diffused light of supernal truth waits in this tradition, but
alternate states of consciousness through various means.
Such means include drumming, fasting, sweating, or danc-
ing. It also might include use of entheogenic substances
– i.e. psychoactive substances taken from nature (various FYI
hallucinogenic mushrooms, vines, leaves, cacti). We aren’t advocating the consumption of
illegal drugs. Mage: the Awakening is a
The term “entheogen,” referring not only to natural
fictional game, and this is a fictional ex-
psychoactives but to artificial ones as well, indicates by
ploration of one aspect – one tradition – of
its etymology a substance that “brings God within a
magic. So, stay in school, drink your milk,
person.” It is religious, spiritual, a shift in consciousness
and don’t do drugs.
that is divine and multi-dimensional. A drug taken for
purposes of recreation is not, at its core, entheogenic.


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becoming a part of it and seeing it laid bare is not so simple Terrence McKenna is often considered as much a
as eating magic mushrooms and going on a head trip. No, godfather to the entheogenic movement as Leary. Leary’s
the journey to the heart of this tradition is a labyrinthine partner, Richard Alpert, remains a potent spiritual leader
one, signposted with a number of powerful personalities, (now calling himself Baba Ram Dass). A more modern
lunatic dogma and incomprehensible rituals. A mage can proponent of the neoteric shamanic tradition is Daniel
learn much from the entheogen cults. But she can lose Pinchbeck. We don’t have the room to describe these
much to them, as well – including herself. strong personalities and their visions here; doing so could
take more pages than this book has in its binding. For a
History good primer, we recommend Terrence McKenna’s True
Hallucinations and Daniel Pinchbeck’s Breaking Open
Shamanism, as noted, has been around for thousands
of years. This particular tradition, however, where any- the Head. Both are useful in that they combine a kind
body can arguably consume an entheogenic substance of travelogue “adventure” with shamanic, entheogenic
and perform certain rites and customs to gain a kind of theory. This combination should be what drives the
magical awareness, is fairly modern. One could further Mage: The Awakening story, as well.
argue that its origins lie in the invention of Lysergic acid Bottom line is, assume that every cult is guided by the
dithylamide (LSD) in the late 1930s. The drug, along firm hand and strange mind of a powerful personality. This
with psilocybin mushrooms, saw use as an aid to psy- personality is the one who sets the tone for the cult’s habits,
chotherapeutic treatments. Doctors dosed the mentally beliefs, and ceremonies. The way that Supernal truth shines
ill – schizophrenics in particular – to help open up and upon these cults is through such a strong cult leader. He is
explore the disease. At the same time, the drug found use the prism that refracts it. The truth becomes his.
in less altruistic avenues: both the British and American
governments used LSD as a tool to ameliorate the effects
Researching the Cults
of brainwashing and interrogation techniques, generally
Certainly research can help a mage break
without the consent (or knowledge) of the dosed.
into some rudimentary understanding of the
In the early 1960s, two Harvard psychology professors, entheogen cults. A base research attempt
Drs. Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert, studied the ef- requires six successes, with each roll rep-
fects of LSD on students and professors in a consensual resenting 30 minutes of research. That only
analysis. The results suggested that the drug opened a provides a place to start, however – some
doorway to spiritual enlightenment; not entirely strange, names, maybe a news story or two, pos-
given that psychoactive substances have been a part of sibly a blog or three. The entheogen cults
religious ceremonies throughout cultures both extant walk a fine line in that they want people to
and extinct. Leary, already having taken psilocybin-laced know about them, but they don’t want to
tequila in Mexico years before, became a champion of bring the authorities crashing upon them.
the drug’s effects, even after it was banned in 1967. He And so they leave behind a kind of bread-
was later fired from Harvard. crumb trail. A mage must follow this trail
Until his death in 1996, Leary ended up the most (and more of this is described below under
public proponent for the entheogenic experience. Flitting the Storytelling section).
around the world (often hounded by the authorities),
Leary proselytized hallucinogens, tying them at times to Assume that from that jumping off point,
Eastern philosophy, the occult magic of Aleister Crowley, the mage’s research must be conducted
and both virtual reality and the Internet. While Leary was largely through interview and actual experi-
the most public proselyte of the entheogenic experience, ence. All of this represents a path marked
however, he was far from the only one. by trial: the mage will be tested by the
cultists to determine her value and commit-
Cults of Personality ment to uncovering these new ideas. It will
The entheogenic movement is marked by a series of certainly involve the intake of psychoactives.
strong personalities. These personalities shepherd their
individual entheogenic movements as a central figure who
designs some of the movement’s core dogma. Some are Culture and Philosophy
willing leaders, others end up as powerful personalities Below is an exploration of the cultural and philosophi-
only by default. cal cornerstones of the entheogenic cults.


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Psychoactive Systems
The systemic effects for consuming a hallucinogenic substance are found on p. 177 of the World
of Darkness Rulebook. However, not every entheogen provides the exact same effects. Below are
a number of psychoactives, with rules dictating how they might vary from the base level hallucino-
gen system. This list is not exhaustive, providing only a sampling for your game.
DMT: Dimethyltryptamine is a naturally-occurring chemical that is also present in the human
body in small amounts (used for metabolism). It can also be synthesized in the lab. Most com-
monly taken from the ayahuasca vine (South America). Dice penalties up to minus five dice, but
trip only lasts for (60 minus Stamina + Composure dots) minutes.
Ibogaine: Alkaloid found in dogbane plants. Causes intense trip. Character suffers -5 dice pool
for up to (48 minus Stamina) hours. Has profound effects: cures opiate or nicotine addictions, and
with a successful Resolve + Composure roll, can cure one mild derangement (roll made at trip’s
end). Character can also choose to change his Virtue or Vice after his first ibogaine trip.
LSD: Mild chemically-synthesized hallucinogen. Mild to moderate dosage causes -2 dice pen-
alty. Strong dosage assumes -3 dice penalty. Penalty doesn’t apply to any Physical roll. Lasts for
(8 minus Stamina) hours. Secondary effects lasts for (24 minus Stamina) hours, where character
gains +1 to any Wits or Composure rolls, and -1 to any (non-Composure) Social rolls.
Mushrooms: So-called “magic mushrooms” or “shrooms” are generally of the psilocybin or fly
agaric varieties. Can cause ataxia, conferring a -2 penalty to all Physical rolls, but it can increase
mental acuity, granting +1 to Mental (and Perception) rolls. Lasts for (7 minus Stamina) hours.
Peyote: Taken from small ball cactus (Mexico and American Southwest). Can cause -2 to Physi-
cal rolls, -1 to Social, and +1 to Mental (and Perception) rolls. Lasts for (13 minus Stamina) hours.
At the end of any trip, a character should roll Resolve + Composure. Failure indicates suffering
Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder for one week. Dramatic failure means that HPPD is
permanent (until cured). Information on this derangement can be found in the sidebar on p. 137.

Drugs and Magic hone the mind, sharpen reflexes and purify the spirit.
At a cult’s core lies a simple truth: mystical power is While some cults rely on the use of only one particular
within reach for those willing to consume psychoactive substance (something DMT-based, for instance), others
substances. Entheogenic drugs open the doors to percep- open the field and accept that the varied effects of different
tion, and once those are open, theoretically anything is entheogens grant access to unique magic abilities. (The
possible. Some term it “magic,” others think it as evolu- following sidebar will help provide some varying mechani-
tion, psychic ability, or powers granted by entities from cal effects for different psychoactive substances.)
beyond this reality. The thing to remember is that every
psychoactive substance is different, providing effects at
Revelations of the Entheogen
least slightly different from one another. As such, some Different cults advocate different mystical paths to
cults adopt a tack that assumes certain rituals (or spells) enlightenment. When designing an entheogenic cult,
can only be completed with certain reagents (meaning pick as many of these as you feel are suitable for the
particular entheogens). A rote to commune with nature group’s habits and traditions.
spirits may involve consuming natural mushrooms Evolution: A number of entheogenic proponents come
– psilocybin or fly agaric. One that demands speaking to believe that the enlightenment brought on by the
with ghosts or summoning internal power equivalent to consumption of psychoactive substances pushes mankind
that of a panther might necessitate the consumption of to mental, spiritual, social, and even physical evolution.
a tea brewed from ayahuasca (also known as the “Vine Terrence McKenna, for instance, purported the “Stoned
of the Dead”). Ibogaine alkaloids may figure into a rote Ape” theory, in which apes came down from the trees
that completely and utterly changes the self, meant to to pursue the ingestion of hallucinogenic mushrooms.


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These mushrooms also gave the apes greater mental seen as a part of most DMT-based experiences, while
awareness and visual acuity. The primates who partook others may see angels, demons, gods, UFOs, aliens,
of the mushrooms were therefore subject to evolutionary ghosts, or totemic animals. Some see a language that
advantages. Other evolutionary assumptions are that the only they can understand. This language, known as the
mental and spiritual shifts brought on by entheogens will Logos, is often seen written on the ground or on walls,
become so profound that those who partake will not be and many believe it is the world (sometimes known as
human, but “transhuman.” Gaia) communicating with them.
Prophecy: Some cults incorporate prophecy into their Conspiracy: The ingestion of illicit substances can
rituals. This prophecy can be a reinterpretation of old lead to two effects, one good and one negative. The
prophesying (Nostradamus, the Mayans, Edgar Cayce) or good is an increased awareness and level of perception.
may involve using entheogens to contribute new insight The bad is that it sometimes stirs paranoia or enflames
using psychoactive divination. A few cults are apocalyptic, mental illness. Combine these two effects, and sometimes
studying or channeling prophecy that foretells the end of users are able to see elements and connections that are
the world. Most see the end of the world as a thing that either there but are difficult to see, or are able to “see”
is good, or at least can be made good (a transhumanist connections that don’t actually exist. Because of this,
perspective). A rare few, however, see the end as a bad and some cults end up rather conspiracy-minded, seeing con-
permanent thing that either must be stopped, or cannot be nections between events that may be true, or may suffer
stopped and therefore demands a moral-free ecstatic exis- from the fallacy of the single cause. Some conspiracies
tence (or “ride”) until it all comes crashing down. Daniel are simple, focusing on the government’s crackdown
Pinchbeck, for instance, believes that 2012 is the year the on entheogenic substances (the assumption being that
world will end, requiring a transhumanist shift. entheogens might make a once-passive population res-
Entities: Some entheogenic practitioners believe that tive), while others are elaborate conspiracies about 9/11,
they commune with entities from outside this world. UFO cover-ups and abductions, assassinations, foreign
Such entities may be the ubiquitous “machine elves” policy, or mind control.
Occult: Some cultists explore
variant magical traditions to add
to their own understanding. One
cult may fold the workings of
Crowley into its ethos and ritu-
als, while another may invoke the
occult stylings of any of the other
traditions found in this book.
Shamanism: Many cults con-
tinue the shamanic traditions
of aborginal peoples, whether
performing the Ibogaine rituals
of the Bwiti or the peyote sweat
lodges of the Sioux. They com-
mune with nature and its spirits.
They also generally believe that
the planet has a single conscious-
ness, sometimes called Gaia.
Fortean: Entheogenic adher-
ents may grow focused on strange
coincidences in nature as well
as other Fortean or paranormal
phenomena. Given that a user
may witness things that normal
man cannot see, it becomes easy
to believe in UFOs or Bigfoot or
other unusual phenomena.


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Glimpses of Atlantis Shifting Symbology
Terrence McKenna’s “Stoned Ape” theory of evolu- The symbology of the entheogen cults is not etched
tion is one way of imagining the Atlantis myth as viewed in stone and is not universally shared between all the
through the many lenses of entheogen cults. While not sects and groups. The entheogenic tradition is somewhat
all cults ascribe to the exact nature of the Stoned Ape unique in this, because as it stands, the potent person-
theory, many do believe that ancient civilizations were alities shepherding these cults are also the personalities
granted wisdom, even magic, through the consumption that earmark which symbols (and, by proxy, which foci)
of entheogenic substances. Dionysus drank the entheo- are most significant to that particular cult.
gen wine in the mythical mountainous valley of Nysa. For instance, a cult focused on interaction between its
The psychoactive wine (based off of ergot, like LSD) members and hyperdimensional UFO beings is going to
called kykeon saw use in The Iliad, The Odyssey, and in the have a wildly different symbology than a sect of urban
ceremonial practice of the Eleusinian Mysteries (which “rust” shamans who communicate with a city’s “spirit”
some theorize gave its participants mystical power due through massive doses of LSD.
to the powerful properties of the entheogenic drink). The UFO cult may hold important the symbols of
Kykeon, having been given to the Greeks by the gods bright, flashing lights (symbolizing not only what they
– or, in alternate modes of thought, having been con- see when they commune with aliens, but also represent-
cocted by man to honor Demeter – is a perfect example ing that kind of “flash of enlightenment” as experienced
of how wisdom from on-high is given in the form of a by Saul on the road to Damascus in the Bible). They
hallucinogenic substance. Soma, in the Rig Veda, is both may keep fetish objects to use in rituals (foci) such as
a drink and a god, helping men become immortal and a keychain with a gray alien’s face as the fob, a massive
destroying “mortal man’s deception.” crop circle that counts as an “altar,” or even small bits
One cult might suggest that the entheogens were given to of twisted shrapnel found in the earth and believed to
them by gods so that they may commune with gods, while be from some hyperdimensional spaceship.
another may claim that entheogens are a gift from aliens so The urban shamans may believe that the map of the
that we may commune with the aliens. One theory even sug- subway lines represents the synaptic map of the city’s
gests that the ancients themselves, obviously far wiser than “brain,” and may believe the subway itself is a crucial
we are now, speak to only those cultists who have ingested focus for all the magic it performs in and for the city
the psychoactives. The drugs are a conduit to wisdom. This proper. The leader may wield a rusty hunk of conduit
conduit was forged long ago, by the ancients. as a scepter of power, and may weave for his children a
Are the ancients the Atlanteans? Specifically, no, but quilt of “sacred” rags picked up off the streets.
generally speaking? Possibly. Many cults posit stories re- Some cults focus on mythological symbology: the
garding ancient civilizations (Lemuria, Mu, Hyperborea) 2012 apocalyptic date is from the Mayans, and so Mayan
where the people were possessed of great wisdom borne ideas and symbols work their way into the entheogenic
of entheogens. Were the original sorcerers more power- tradition with the same frequency as those from Greek
ful because of mind-opening psychoactive substances? mythology (like Eris, the goddess of chaos with her apple,
Was the fall of Atlantis preceded by a sudden dearth of or like Demeter the Earth mother and Dionysus the
these substances, similar to how McKenna believes that a bacchanalian reveler).
shortage of entheogenic mushrooms turned the evolving One thing to note is that every cult counts as a focus
man back to brutality and primitiveness? Mages may find some kind of psychoactive substance. Usually, each sect
that some of these cults possess old bits of parchment holds crucial one or two predominant drugs as its magi-
or painted sheets of slate that reveal this theory of an cal foci of choice. A cult in the deserts of the American
evolved man devolving in this way – sometimes while a Southwest is likely to consider peyote its sacred substance
grand city sits in ruins. (though it may occasionally import yage tea from the
Worth noting, too, is that some cults believe they’re Amazon jungle, too). A city sect may use LSD or lab-made
gathering messages from these fallen civilizations and DMT. A group of hipster “witches” might concoct heady
ancient teachers by shifting their perceptions to differ- brews of Fly Agaric mushrooms or even nightshade. The
ent dimensions. The drugs “tune” them to different entheogen is key to the magical tradition. Assume that at
frequencies, and allow them perceptive access to these least some of the symbology espoused by a cult (and more
alternate realities. Are they seeing the Shadow? The wide importantly the chief personality of that cult) is often
gulf of Astral Space? Or are they simply hallucinating, born of the visions experienced from the consumption
their minds inventing this tale wholecloth? of such divine hallucinogens.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Magic and Mushrooms hallucination but a ghost or elemental or fly-spirit. En-
Those within the entheogenic tradition don’t gener- theogens can pierce this veil at times, making invisible
ally know of “real” magic as the Awakened do, but one beings visible to the user.
can assume that what they hope to achieve (or what What about the Shadow? Do entheogens allow for
they believe is “possible” through the consumption of a user to cross over to the Spirit Realm? Not usually,
psychedelics) is demonstrated by a number of Major though it’s not impossible. Some verges do exist that
Arcana. Life, Mind, Space and Spirit are probably key have “keys,” or certain conditions that must be met be-
to the mindset of this tradition. Fate, Prime and Time fore they will open. Sacred entheogens coursing through
are interesting abstractly, but one can argue that what one’s system is one such key for a rare few verges, and
the tradition knows (or thinks it knows) about magic woe to the unaware user who crosses the Gauntlet by
is simply too rudimentary to be exemplified by these dint of being dosed.
Arcana. Death and Matter might be considered Minor
Arcana in that they simply don’t concern themselves Supernal Journey
with the gross physicality of this world or of the entropic Some mages claim that entheogens – particularly strong
winnowing of life. ones like ibogaine, or mild ones made strong through high
doses – can open the door to a rare Supernal journey, in which
The Reality of Unreality great wisdom and information is parlayed to the user.
The veracity of such a claim is highly debatable. The
Most, mages included, assume that what occurs to a
person while undergoing a psychoactive experience is mage who believes he has undergone such an experience is
false. It is hallucination; utterly unreal. This is true most obviously changed in some way, but mortals who trip out
of the time. Sometimes, though, the purported illusions on their first hit of acid often feel that they are radically
of a head-trip are more real than one might expect. They different, too. Could it be the drugs simply doing their
certainly feel real while under the influence. Does this job? Can the psychoactive experience mimic a seemingly
somehow make them real? Or do the drugs truly allow real journey to enlightenment?
one to access new realities? Below are a few ways the Most mages refuse to believe it’s possible. They expect
“doors of perception” might be thrown open, revealing that, if it’s not born of the drugs, then it’s spirits play-
different glimpses of unreality made real. (These are ing havoc with the user’s perceptions, or worse, a trip
certainly not exhaustive, and as player or Storyteller to the Abyss.
you’re encouraged to think up your own glimpses of the
supposedly imaginary.) Places That Do Not Exist
Some mages claim to have seen realms and vistas while
Into Astral Neighborhoods tripping on an entheogen, planes of existence that few
The drugs might allow the user’s consciousness to others (or no other) has witnessed. One Free Council
travel astrally for a time. Rules for astral projection ap- mage believes to have seen a place where machine and
ply, although no Demesne is required. Alternately, the flesh works together, blood pumping through rubber hos-
headtripper’s consciousness stays in the material realm ing, gears turning in a great God Machine made partly of
but he is somehow able to perceive astral elements – the skin and bone, with holy fire fueling the place in a vast
journeys of others, for instance, like silver ghosts flitting furnace. Another mage claims that “magic mushrooms”
in the sky or stars above – but fails to actually achieve allowed him to delve within a wide expanse of thorns,
the journey himself. and a hazy realm beyond it that looks of something out of
(Some headtrippers refer to “astral neighborhoods,” and a dream (but the mage could not traverse the briar maze
claim that entire worlds – trees, bricks, clouds – can be without the thorns snagging on his skin and soul).
born of thought and ideas. Is it true? Can ideas somehow Are these places real? It seems like no, they can’t be, they’re
be used to craft seemingly physical items? Isn’t that what just manufactured from the interaction of drugs with an
magic is, or at least what magic can sometimes do?) Awakened soul. But some mages certainly think they’re
real. And some have returned with real, tangible evidence of
Shaman Sees Twilight such trips – an odd leaf that smells of blood and cinnamon,
The shaman knows he sees entities in this world existing a black coin with a dried human eye pressed and flattened
in a state different from that of the physical. Of course, into the metal. Some haven’t returned at all, which is the
someone doing drugs may not be so aware as a primeval most damning proof that sometimes psychoactives open
shaman, and may not know that what he’s seeing isn’t a the door to places nobody wants to see.


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trips. Perhaps it’s a soothing voice or calming presence,
or maybe you’ve just been through enough entheogenic
experiences to know what effects are going to hit the
user, and when. In your presence, a user can ignore up to
two dice of penalties while undergoing her trip. If you’re
present at the end of the experience, as well, the user
gains +3 dice to the Resolve + Composure roll made to
resist Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (see
sidebar below).

Entheogenic Resonance
As noted earlier in the book, a magical tradition con-
tains enough glimmers and sparks of Supernal wisdom
to shift Resonance both subtly and not-so-subtly. Below
are brief descriptions as to how they might happen
from both mortal and mage action.

Sleeper Resonance
Not everybody who takes a psychedelic
drug believes in the entheogenic tradi-
tion. Few truly do. But those who are
given over to the experience, embracing
the spiritual and religious aspect of it, can
alter Resonance. The Resonance takes on mild
effects of a hallucination – a mage might see trails,
vibrations, or experience synesthesia. Some things
might become anthropomorphized for a moment,
and seem to be alive when they are not. A mage might
feel watched. Or she might see lights in the sky, ala UFOs
or hyperdimensional travelers.

Mage Resonance
When a mage performs magic under the Supernal
wisdom of the entheogenic tradition, the magical stamp
Merits is quite apparent (even if one does not know what it
Below are Merits potentially possessed by members of
the entheogenic tradition.
Hallucinogen Persisting
Entheogenic Synesthesia (•) Perception Disorder (mild)
Effect: While under the effects of a psychoactive drug,
This derangement causes the character to
the character experiences synesthesia, where her senses
suffer lingering visual effects – trails, halos,
blur together (she can “taste” music, perhaps, or “hear”
floating spots in the eye, mixed-up colors.
colors). This grants her an added level of awareness, as
(The severe version of this derangement is
her perceptions are bolstered by more than one sense.
Schizophrenia, found on p. 99 of the World
While on the drug, she not only experiences no dice
of Darkness Rulebook.)
penalties to her Perception rolls, but also gains +1 to
any Perception rolls. Effect: If a character’s roll fails, she is
overwhelmed by subtle but persistent vi-
Trip Sitter (•••) sual hallucinations. For the remainder of the
Prerequisite: Composure ••• scene, she suffers -1 to all Mental rolls except
Effect: Your character has some skill when it comes Perception, which suffer a -3 dice penalty.
to guiding others through intense psychoactive head


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

indicates). A spell might reveal the perceptive divinities As such, the village would gather together to experience
behind the rote (a ghostly image of Bacchus squeezing what the shaman experienced. To do so, they all drank
grapes into his mouth or Xoxopelli doing a hypnotic from a cup of the shaman’s urine. The urine delivered
dance while orbited by shimmering flowers). Others see unto them the magic of the experience (and, as some
the plants behind the magic – rings of mushrooms, fat scientists suggest, traces of the psychoactive chemical
coils of ayahuasca vine, cacti dribbling golden fluids. leaving the bloodstream via the waste).
This rote is much the same. The chief “shaman” (likely
Entheogenic Rotes the cult leader) delivers unto the sect his urine. They
The rotes below represent key ceremonies of the entheogen drink it. They gain the visions he experienced.
cults. Note that, for the most part, such rotes are performed The urine is, of course, the chief focus here. Some
by mortals and as such do not achieve much – if any – magical other “blessing” mechanism must come in play, similar
effect. When some glimpse of magic is achieved, the results to the Catholics aspergillum. Some shake a bone over the
can be dangerous and damning to a cultist’s soul and sanity cup, others might wave a rusty pipe over it, or a branch
(but, for some, it can also be enlightening). from a purportedly “sacred” tree.
The final focus is, as always, the entheogen in the
Playback Vision (Mind ••) bloodstream.
The mage can “record” a hallucinogenic vision (though
it needn’t be purely visually-driven, and can feature input The Divining Spirit (Spirit ••• + Time •••)
from all the senses) and “play it back” to himself or to The mage summons a greater spirit from the Shadow
another individual. Realm, likely unknown to her. This spirit is not drawn from
Practice: Ruling the current Shadow Realm, however, but is drawn from
Action: Instant (subtract target’s Resolve) the Shadow’s past or future for divinatory purposes.
Duration: Prolonged (length of vision; likely one scene) Practice: Weaving
Aspect: Covert Action: Extended (target number = Rank spirit sought)
Cost: None and contested; roll target’s Resistance
The mage can playback one hour of the hallucinatory Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
experience per success. (Most trips can therefore be re- Aspect: Vulgar
played by a single success, but more intense and lengthy Cost: 1 Mana
trips such as those experienced under Ibogaine might take The spirit called is generally unknown, and is drawn
several attempts with this spell to accurately revisit.) from the local area Shadow Realm’s past and future
Note that the target, be it the mage himself or a target (unless the mage uses Space 2 to extend his senses). The
victim, experiences the entire hallucination; with that time period by which the spirit is called is also unknown
come any of the systemic effects of the drug’s presence in – it may be summoned from the recent future or the
one’s system except for the chemical signatures. In other distant past.
words, the target would still gain any bonuses and suffer The mood of the spirit is often confused and maddened,
any penalties from the hallucination. However, a drug test though usually the dizzying effect upon the spirit keeps it
would reveal no psychoactives in the target’s system. from being outright hostile. That being said, the spell does
The only difference is that the target is fully aware not provide any kind of protection against the spirit; if it
that she is experiencing a hallucination. She can easily chooses to bring harm in some way to the participants,
differentiate between reality and vision. the spell offers no bulwarks against such an action.
If the target is willing to receive the vision, her Resolve The spirit summoned remains near the mage for the
is not subtracted from the mage’s casting roll. spell’s Duration, unless the sorcerer allows it to leave.
Tradition Rote: Shamanic Communion Tradition Rote: Mystery of the Barley Wine
Dice Pool: Stamina + Expression + Mind Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Spirit vs.
In times past, a shaman would communicate with and Resistance
do battle with spirits to gain the knowledge his village This rote provides a modern refashioning of the cer-
needed. However, the village could not properly parse emonies at Eleusis, particularly those that initiated a
the knowledge as the shaman understood it. Moreover, participant into the Eleusinian Mysteries.
such information could not be conveyed meaningfully In the Greek rites of old, the cultists drank from a heady
through mere words or miming. entheogenic brew of what was believed to be barley, water,


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and pennyroyal (a slightly toxic variety of strong mint). middle of a circle of stones or in a dark attic strewn with
Honey was often added for flavor, and the modern ver- old toys), but it does have a temporal condition. It must
sion has it, as well. Some speculate that the entheogen be performed at dawn or dusk; at any other time, the rote
of the brew came from empurpled barley, whose color fails. Improvised casting has no such restrictions.
was granted by the psychoactive ergot fungus that grew
upon it. Others believe it the combination of the toxic Gleaning the Crowd (Mind ••••)
mint and the fermentation of the brew contributed With this spell, the mage psychically projects his con-
toward visions. sciousness into Twilight amid a crowd of gatherers. Once
Here, modern participants of this ritual add their own there, he can plumb the depths of the crowd’s aggregate
hallucinogen – most prefer to add something natural minds, creating in some fashion one giant brain (crowd
(mushrooms, extract of ayahuasca, peyote), but some will represents new synapses, and the caster forges between
add synthetics like LSD or lab-DMT to the brew. himself and the crowd new synaptic connections, making
The drink provides the first focus of the rote, and to a a massive – if temporary – neural network).
point, the hallucinogen in the drink is the second focus. Practice: Patterning
Participants must gulp, not sip, the brew. The third focus Action: Instant
is a copy of one of Homer’s books: likely The Iliad or The Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
Odyssey, though the anonymous (but oft-attributed to Aspect: Vulgar
him) Homeric Hymns work just as well. The caster must Cost: 1 Mana
read from random passages from the text. The nature of The rules are the same for the Psychic Projection spell
the passages matters little. The simple repetition of these (pp. 215-216, Mage: The Awakening). However, while
ancient words is believed to form a conduit between past, moving about Twilight, the mage’s projection can move
present and future through which the gods can travel. seamlessly through the gathered minds, learning new
(Note that some mages set a conditional duration things. After the scene is over and the mage returns to
upon this spell for the sake of safety. That condition is his body, he learns a number of new Skill points equal
met when the Homeric text is closed. With the clap of to his Gnosis score, with the player essentially adding
the book’s closing, the “god” is banished.) temporary dots to the character’s current or non-existent
Note that this rote does not have a condition of envi- Skill ratings. No more than two dots can be added to a
ronment (it can be performed anywhere, whether in the single Skill in this way.


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The Skill boost is temporary, lasting for 24 hours. After of Fly Agaric mushrooms, while others ascribe it to a
the 24 hours, the Skill dots “burn off” at the rate of one dot number of medicinal plants (such as Ephedra) that grant
per hour (Storyteller’s choice as to what order they fade). stimulating or hallucinogenic effects. Does it grow in dry
With Storyteller approval, however, this spell may make a mountain passes, or is it a golden reed that lurks at the
good excuse for spending XP to purchase and keep the Skill river’s edge? Few know, and for the purposes of the two
points gained. If no XP is spent, no points are kept. magical items below, it matters little. These items exist,
Tradition Rote: Surfing the Sacred Convergence one created by god, one created by sorcerer. (One last
Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Mind connection worth noting in regards to the entheogen
Entheogenic cults are known for their ceremonial festi- cults is that Soma is also the name of the narcotic tran-
vals – from the Harmonic Convergence in the late 1980s quilizer used in Brave New World, a book often found in
(a moment that supposedly began the world’s temporal the collections of tradition cultists.)
trek to the year 2012 when humanity would either end Whether a mage is using the two versions noted below
or evolve), to the current annual Burning Man Festival. or some other mythic and magical version, all types of
The goal of the gathering matters little (Burning Man of- Soma have a few common effects beyond the magical ones
fers a generic focus on creativity, self-reliance, and ecstasy listed. First, Soma is a mild hallucinogen. In this case,
while something like the Harmonic Convergence was however, the psychoactive properties bring no downsides.
a conscious attempt to turn humanity’s collective soul The trip is mild, providing aural and visual hallucina-
toward positive karma and dharma), but the gathering tions that can be distinguished from reality without a
of people is a focus. Also important is that a number of roll, and as such they provide no dice penalties. These
the gatherers must be operating with some manner of mild psychoactive effects also grant a +1 to the drinker’s
psychoactive in their bloodstream (the number of dosed Perception rolls for the remainder of the scene.
individuals isn’t a hard or fast number, but one can as- The drink is also very fragrant (attempts to perceive
sume that approximately 1/4 of the attendees should it by scent gain a +3 bonus to that Perception roll), and
have recently imbibed some kind of entheogen). has an overpowering taste of honey. The taste is so sweet
Another focus of the festival is a key symbol that serves that a character must succeed on a Stamina + Resolve roll
as the literal center of the activities. At Burning Man, it to keep from throwing it up (however, throwing up after
is obviously the giant effigy (which may actually burn or consumption does not obviate the drink’s effects).
may be a figure comprising neon tubes and car parts),
while at other ceremonial festivals it may be a central Soma as Artifact (•••••••)
tree representing Axis Mundi or a sacred figure (such as This Soma is that from Hindu myth. The Rig Veda
Om, some kind of Buddhist mandala, or a figure from describes it thusly: “We have drunk Soma and become im-
Native American or Japanese symbology) laid across or mortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered.”
etched into the ground. In legend, true Soma is no longer accessible by mortals
Music is the final focus. It may come from a drum circle, for the gods have removed it from this world. However,
or may instead be trance music pulsing from a tower of it is believed that some mages possess the capability of
speakers. It doesn’t matter what kind of music it is, only apologizing to the gods (and using magic and perhaps
that it’s loud enough for the crowd to hear it. entheogens to ensure that the apology reaches their dis-
The caster then literally surfs the crowd – they pick tant or alien ears) and thus once again gaining access to
him up and carry him about. While atop the crowd, he the powerful divine drink of Soma. Assume that those
projects psychically, his limp body carried by the crowd seeking Soma must brave a number of dangers to find
until the scene’s end. it. The Soma is always guarded by a door that only those
under the spell of a psychoactive substance will recognize
Magical Item: Soma as a door. The mage must apologize to the door using
passages from the Rig Veda to access.
What is Soma? Mythically, it’s an Indo-Iranian drink
with the earmark of an entheogen. In both Hindu and The artifact itself is a small urn filled with the golden
Zoroastrian myth, the drink is believed to be both a god liquid. The artifact contains enough for only two drinks.
and the product of a god. It could grant a mortal man Once imbibed, the artifact is rendered null (though
a number of divine qualities as well as providing him some say that the urn itself is perhaps a whole other
with visions. artifact).
Does Soma exist in the real world? Does it have botani- The immortality posited by this drink is not so simply
cal origins? Some speculate that Soma might be a brew a measure of man’s length of life, but instead refers to the


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nature of divinity. Divinity is everlasting, even if the body is
not. This drink allows the imbiber to reach one of the general Storytelling
It’s true that every entheogen cult is a little different
goals of the entheogen cults, which is a kind of evolution.
Upon taking the drink, the Soma is permanently bound to from the next, but each sect still upholds some universal
the blood and soul. The mage may, once having consumed themes and traditions that you can grab hold of for use
the Soma, choose a single legendary or mythical shape (see in a Mage: The Awakening story.
both Life ••••• spells Fantasia and Greater Shapechang-
ing for ideas) for herself. This shape, once chosen, is coded Wonderland, Of Sorts
into her blood, written upon her soul with the raw fire of It might be easiest to pattern a story involving en-
godliness. Once per day, she can change into this shape for a theogenic traditions a little bit after Alice’s Adventures
single scene. This is persistent and does not end, providing a in Wonderland. The Lewis Carroll story involves eating
permanent benefit to the mage until the end of her life. She strange substances (tea parties, “Eat me,” and “Drink me”),
has, in some way, transcended her humanity and become meeting bizarre characters (cultists, hyperdimensional
something akin to the immortal gods who delivered Soma. spirits, abstract entities), suffering hallucinogenic visions
(floating feline grins, hookah-smoking caterpillars, a baby
Soma as Imbued Item (•••••) that changes into a pig), and encountering madness in
From the texts of the Zoroastrian Avesta, Soma (also many forms (Mad Hatter, insane logic, riddles without
called Haoma) grants “speed and strength to warriors, answers). So too with dealing with one of these cults.
excellent and righteous sons to those giving birth, and A mage trying to penetrate a cult for her own purposes
spiritual power and knowledge to those who apply is likely to encounter a similar journey. It may involve
themselves to study.” Haoma as a magical item is focused going down some kind of “rabbit’s hole” into an un-
predominantly on that latter portion regarding spiritual derworld either physical (a basement or a subterranean
power and knowledge. club) or metaphorical (a criminal or countercultural
It is a golden liquid that comes usually in an unadorned underground). The mage is likely to encounter several
green bottle with a teardrop shape. Accessing its power odd, even dangerous personalities, and be put through
only requires the consumption of a single drop upon the various tests of trust (instead of a cake reading “Eat me,”
tongue, thus granting the item a relatively long life of it’ll likely be some kind of psychoactive substance).
use. (Though some, upon encountering it, might greedily It’s not a journey with an easy or fast end. The mage
suck it down – an act which grants no additional benefit won’t simply be allowed to meet the cult’s central figure
beyond that gleaned from the one-tongue drop.) on the first day – no, the character or characters must
The item, contingent upon drinking a single drop, chase this central figure like the story’s White Rabbit.
provides two benefits in tandem, and one side-effect that Trials must be persevered. The ego must be damaged or
isn’t really a benefit or a detriment. destroyed. The mage must change a small part of her-
The first benefit counts toward the “spiritual power.” self – or at least fake it really well – to be allowed into
It cloaks the drinker in an invisible yet palpable aura of see the White Rabbit (or, for a different allusion, The
power. Upon performing the drop-drinking trigger, the Wizard of Oz).
caster’s player makes the spellcasting roll (equal to caster’s The thing to remember about these cults is that they’re
Gnosis + two dice for this Mind effect). Successes on not generally isolated. They, as modern shamans, see
this roll can be added as extra dice to any Presence rolls themselves as having knowledge and wisdom that the
made until the effects end. world needs. This wisdom is technically meant to be
The second benefit is that the caster gains the 9 Again free, but it’s only free to those who want it. The cults
rule on any Intelligence or Wits rolls made for the dura- generally believe that deceitful elements seek to undo
tion of the drink’s effects. (Mind •••) their good work. In some cases, this breaks down to con-
The side effect is that the character’s Vice shifts to spiracy-level thinking (“the government is trying to numb
Pride for the following week. If her Vice already was our brains so that they can keep us passive”), but often
listed as Pride, then nothing changes. At the end of the enough it’s simply the practical thinking of drug users
week, her Vice shifts back, as to her means of gaining (avoiding jail time for possession of illicit substances).
Willpower accordingly. Hence, characters must prove to the sect that they truly
The drink’s primary effects last for a single scene. It wish to possess the wisdom obtained by the cult and
can only be used once per day in this manner. It requires that, perhaps more importantly, they aren’t working for
no Mana expenditure to use. any kind of authority real or imagined. Does this mean


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Story Hooks
• A cabal of mages, with little direct interest in learning about or joining the entheogenic tradition,
discovers that a local entheogen cult holds what may be a book of ancient Atlantean lore. Other ru-
mors suggest that this book was actually penned by one of the cultists themselves while tripping out
on DMT. To investigate, the mages must infiltrate the group which will surely involve them partak-
ing in the consumption of the sacred psychoactives. Can they maintain their sanity? Can they realize
that some glimpses of true magic exist in what the cult purports as its own “truth?”
• The cabal finds itself between two warring entheogen cults. At first, the war was ideological
– an urban shamanic group went vocally toe-to-toe with a group of radical environmentalists who
speak to “Gaia” and believe that the world is going to end in 2012 during a terrible apocalypse.
Does it matter who’s right when both sides are attracting the interest of mortal authorities? When
they start waging violence against one another, does the cabal step in? Can the mages convince
these groups that, in some way, both are right? What happens when the groups find out about the
mage meddling, and doses the character unknowingly with psychoactives?
• Upon exploring the truth of a local entheogen cult, the cabal undergoes the psychoactive ex-
perience. And thus begins the story. The entire story, which may take many sessions to play out, is
told as one massive hallucination. The story provides an epic backdrop with great wisdom coming
from on high. Battles with powerful spirits may be front and center, as is a potent war of metaphor
against metaphor. Have fun with this story. Evoke crazy imagery. Subvert expectations (maybe the
players don’t know that it’s all a hallucination until it begins to build by the third or fourth session).
That’s not to say that this story is meaningless – no, what happens in the vision really occurs,
even if it doesn’t “happen” on any physical plane. But what they do changes things in the world
around them, even when they wake up from the trip and realize that, despite having been “gone”
for weeks, only an hour has really passed. (A story like this should provide at least one Arcane
Experience point. More if the journey was particularly profound.)

taking the substances the cult holds dear? Definitely, and reality,” the Earth Temple members have grown more and
probably in sometimes troublesome quantities. But it’s more isolated since its inception over a decade before. The
more than that. It’s about a willingness to show change, reality is, however, that they condone peace only in the
to have one’s mind and spirit shift, to have those internal broader sense, and until it can be achieved, they believe
(and mystical) doorways open. that violence is a solution to enduring peace. The Earth
It’ll be difficult for some mages. Mages are children Temple stockpiles weapons. Its members engage in fraud,
of hubris, by and large, and may not easily admit that violent protests, and have plotted (but not yet performed)
these humans possess wisdom that the mages themselves a handful of assassinations. Oh, and then there’s all that
do not. peyote going around. While some churches have managed
to make peyote consumption legal for themselves, the
Sample Cults Earth Temple hasn’t provided a cogent enough defense
of its drug use to earn itself the right. The Earth Temple
The following example cults can be fleshed-out and
dropped into any Mage: The Awakening game using the is a profoundly conspiracy-minded organization that also
entheogenic tradition in its story. believes that it communes regularly with Mother Earth and
Great Spirit. Both of whom encourage them to take back
Sacrament of the Earth Temple this world – violently, if necessary. (What’s more frighten-
On the surface, the Earth Temple seems to be a peace-lov- ing to some is that occasionally the evidence mounts that
ing community in the deserts of the American Southwest, suggests the people of the Earth Temple are at least partially
committed to its universalist “church” where peyote pro- right about their conspiratorial suspicions.)
vides the primary sacrament. Composed predominantly Of particular interest to mages is what the Temple calls
of white, once-middle class citizens who have come to the “Natal Tipi,” a conical dwelling found somewhere
desire a “liberation” of flesh and mind from “preconceived out in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. Missives from over 200


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years before indicate that the Patayan tribe of the desert citizens – don’t know it even exists. This invisible war has
found this tipi here, and believe it has been here for been detailed partially in photocopied manifestos or odd
thousands of years. Those who partake of peyote while fits of rambling propaganda that the group’s hackers place
inside the tipi find that their trip’s length is doubled, over existing websites. This war, loosely detailed, seems to
and they suffer no dice penalties while within the tipi. involve a massive conspiracy involving reptilian humanoid
A stranger benefit is given to those who give birth inside aliens (who have invaded the government) and ancient
the dwelling. Both mother and child gain two unusual Mayan gods, both of whom seek to imprison man in his
benefits permanently: the Unseen Sense and Eidetic own ignorance and mediocrity. The PLA, however, believes
Memory Merits. The Temple claims that this enhanced it works on the side of a whole other race of hyperdimen-
perception is a gift from Great Spirit. sional beings that appear as flashing lights preceded by
the sound of gears rattling. These beings, which the PLA
The Advocates refers to collectively as “The Consciousness,” has long
The Advocates represent something of an intellectual been trying to help mankind ascend to the next stages
entheogen cult. Unwilling to label their experiences with of psychic awareness. However, the conspiracy by other
hard and fast certainties, they take a somewhat scientific beings has kept humanity from evolving any further, and
approach (“somewhat” being the key; it only falls to such instead hopes to invoke devolution.
scrutiny when convenient) to the psychoactive experience. The PLA is, of course, also a massive entheogen cult.
The group maintains an anonymous blog online, and They use and distribute massive quantities of various
publishes a fine-tuned print version of the blog articles psychoactives, and its members have been arrested all
once every couple of months. The Advocates themselves around the world. Worse, however, is the PLA’s tactic in
are generally young post-academics, though a few aging “freeing minds.” Its members kidnap unwitting victims
hipsters linger in their ranks. and dose them liberally with powerful hallucinogens (of-
The head of the Advocates is a young intellectual, ten a combination of several substances). It then abandons
a relative neophyte to the world of entheogens. Shell the victims, leaving them just enough clues to find the
Delacroix was once an investment banker with a bright PLA when the time is right for “enlightenment.”
future in finance who dabbled in the haute drug culture Betty Blue, the group’s leader, has never been photo-
here and there. A few acid and mushroom trips later, graphed, and very few can claim to have ever seen her
however, seemed to rewire Delacroix’s white collar destiny. up-close (it doesn’t help that she wears a variety of Hal-
He became, as his group’s name suggests, an advocate for loween masks wherever she goes). A number of mage
psychoactive use, believing it to be a healthy experience cabals have long speculated that she herself is a mage,
that has a great potential for opening spiritual awareness perhaps a member of the Free Council, perhaps with her
and aiding psychological ills. own Legacy. No proof of this exists, however.
Rumor is, though, that Delacroix is into some strange One rumor has persisted. Betty Blue, by some reports, is
business. Even his own Advocates don’t know what he’s missing one of her eyes and has it replaced with a glass eye.
entirely up to, if they even suspect at all. Truth behind However, some within the Guardians of the Veil believe
these rumors is that Delacroix has been making a push that this eye is actually a scepter-stone taken from an old
to rediscover the mythic brews said to be truly divine. He Atlantean artifact. Some say it allows half of one’s vision
seeks the recipes that open the door to powerful abilities to travel back in time and see old Atlantis. Is it true? Does
or allow the gods to manifest in this reality. He hopes to Betty know what she has if it is true? Or, if she possesses
uncover the true ingredients behind the Hindu’s Soma, such a thing, has she entirely misinterpreted these visions
the Zoroastrian Haoma, the Kykeon of the Greeks, or as being something that’s happening today in this strange
the mushroom meads of South American curanderos. “invisible war” in which the PLA believes?
What Delacroix is missing, however, is real magic. If he
could ally himself with a mage who could complete the
faint but potent gaps in his recipes, he might be able to
Sample Spirit
Users of psychedelics often experience sightings of
recreate the entheogenic brews. unusual creatures. Below is one such creature, a spirit.
Psychic Liberation Army Machine Elves
The Psychic Liberation Army (PLA) is listed as a terrorist Quote: (high-pitched whine)
organization by the FBI. Fronted by a mysterious character
Background: After consuming DMT, a potent psycho-
known as Betty Blue, this cult believes that an invisible
active, the headtripper often is able to see spirits known
war exists, except the predominant participants – normal


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as “machine elves” (or in the parlance of other entheogen
pioneers, “tykes,” “self-transforming machine elves,” or
“fractal elves”). They seem to be carriers of ideas (as Ter-
rence McKenna puts it, “meme traders”), infecting those
they visit with new ideas. Some speculate that they are
literally messengers from entities that cannot be visible
or are unable to visit any of the “local” planes of reality,
and the elves’ goal is therefore to infect the mind of
the witness with the meme, or viral idea, that the more
powerful and distant spirit desires to be present in this
world. Such distant entities want things that seem ben-
eficial (reduce pollution), while other times they seem to
provoke abstract or outright destructive ideas that make
little logical sense (disfigure one’s own body, steal 99 keys,
transmit James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake over pirate radio).
Sometimes, headtrippers have a singular name for this
distant entity, and they call it The Logos.
Description: Preceded by strange sounds (mechanical
whine, the sound of plastic tearing), the elves themselves
are often little more than odd shapes moving erratically
about. Occasionally one sees the shadow of a small body,
or the turning gears of delicate clockwork, but mostly it’s
all blurs and smears of movement accompanied by the
sound of electrical systems or motors working.
Storytelling Hints: Never travel alone. Swarm the user.
Infect with idea at any cost.
Rank: 1
Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 4, Resistance 2
Willpower: 4
Essence: 7 (max 10)
Initiative: 6
Defense: 4
Speed: 16
Size: 2
Corpus: 4
Influences: Ideas •••
Numina: Gauntlet Breach, Innocuous, Living Fetter,
Meme Infection (see below)
Bans: Cannot appear to a character unless that character
is experiencing some kind of entheogenic experience.

New Numina: Meme Infection

This Numina compels a victim to hold a certain idea
important, but the key is that the victim believes the idea
came from within his own subconscious mind and not
from any outside force. Curiously, it doesn’t force the
victim to act on the idea, exactly, only that they keep it
and consider it somewhat important (a person can be
for animal rights but still eat meat, just as a person can
believe murder is just without actually killing anybody).


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Spend two Essence and roll the spirit’s Power + Finesse Note that, unless the Storyteller deems otherwise, all
versus the opponent’s Resolve + Composure score. If these benefits are available only to those who possess
the spirit wins the contest, then the victim maintains the Magical Tradition: Entheogens Merit. The physical
this idea as important for one month. If the victim wins bonuses described earlier in the chapter do not require
the contest, the meme fails to take hold. Note that if a the Merit; the magical bonuses do.
meme is particularly bizarre or goes wildly against the Ayahuasca: Consuming the “Vine of the Dead,” usu-
victim’s belief system, the spirit may suffer up to -3 dice ally in a tea such as yagé, grants a +1 bonus to any magic
against the Power + Finesse roll. The spirit regains a rolls requiring the Death Arcanum.
spent Willpower point whenever it successfully infects Fly Agaric: The Amanite muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric)
a tripping individual with a meme. puts the user deeply in touch with nature, conferring a +1
bonus to any magic rolls requiring the Life Arcanum.
Option: Things That Are Not Ibogaine: It is suggested that Ibogaine so removes a
It’s not impossible that Machine Elves person from his own identity for a time that during the
are from a place that isn’t the Shadow, duration of the trip, any sympathetic spells cast against
that isn’t an Astral realm, but is something the user are penalized for an additional -2 dice, blurring
else entirely. A realm that mages haven’t the sympathetic conduit (see pp. 114-115, Mage: The
yet encountered (see earlier in the chapter, Awakening).
“Places That Do Not Exist”). LSD: The tweaks to one’s awareness allows for the user
to gain +1 to any rolls to scrutinize Resonance.
If you choose to go this route, Spirit magic
Peyote: Peyote buttons allow a user to reach beyond
will not work on the Machine Elves, which
the veil between worlds, thus providing a +1 bonus to
is a terrible discovery and proof that mages
any magic rolls requiring the Spirit Arcanum.
only know part of what’s actually going
Psilocybin: The inwardly-oriented intensity of these
on “out there.” For maximum weirdness,
mushrooms provides the user with a +1 bonus to any
what if mortal practitioners of this tradi-
magic rolls requiring the Mind Arcanum.
tion do know how to deal with and affect
the Machine Elves? That can be a blow – a
much-needed one, for some – to a mage’s
Touch of Madness
hubristic ego. Entheogens are unpredictable. Nobody experiences
the same exact effects twice, thus ensuring a personal
journey as unique as a fingerprint or snowflake. Magic
in many cases relies on recipe, on rote, but entheogens
Alternative Magic don’t necessarily serve that purpose.
(Storyteller’s Options) As such, assume that magic performed while on any
psychoactive substance suffers a -2 dice penalty if the
Below are a number of “variable” magic rules you may
magic performed is from a rote effect. This doesn’t apply
use in part or in total to slightly alter the metaphysics
to any of the tradition’s own rotes, which are meant to
present in your story.
be performed while under the influence of psychoactive
Entheogenic Benefits drugs. However, also assume that improvised spells gain a
Each entheogen is a little like an ingredient in a recipe; +2 bonus. The randomness of the entheogenic trip opens
like how flour thickens a gravy or how citric acid can curdle the mind, unfetters the possibility – hence the bonus.
milk, adding in these specific psychoactive ingredients
into magic can subtly alter the process of that magic. Off the Grid
A character may discover this on accident (simply by Mortals belonging to the cults of the entheogen often
performing magic while on a specific substance), or may drop “off the grid,” leaving the world behind in their
find this information bound up in old tomes, perhaps journey. They aren’t connected to the Internet, phone
indicating that the sorcerers of Atlantis imbibed and system, and may not have social security numbers, credit
ingested certain substances to achieve unique magical cards, or anything else to connect them to the “system.”
effects. Even without Atlantic figuring into the equa- Assume that mortals can therefore purchase and use
tion, various indigenous cultures use drugs for varying (to an extent) one dot of the Occultation Merit (p. 86,
ceremonial and spiritual purposes, and a mage may be Mage: The Awakening); they cannot purchase more
able to glean possibility from that fact. than one dot, though


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Accessing Dreams use it as an initiation into the tribe, and make it a fun-
Assume that any mage consuming a psychoactive damental part of various tribal ceremonies. Ibogaine is
substance temporarily gains one automatic dot of the also useful in interrupting opiate addictions, routing the
Dream Merit (p. 82, Mage: The Awakening) in addition dependency wholesale.
to any dots already possessed. Moreover, the secret Wits It worked, but the trip wasn’t easy. The effects of the
+ Composure roll made by the Storyteller on behalf of entheogen lasted well over 48 hours. Smith experienced
the character gains +2 dice. Entheogens are a certain way awful physical side effects: vomiting, ataxia, and seizures.
to access this primordial sense of self and connect to the The mental experience was harrowing, as well – Smith
larger social, global, and metaphysical consciousness.
Mortals can buy this Merit, as well, but it is only possible
to activate when on a hallucinogenic substance.

Mage Sight
Entheogens open the senses, both physically and
spiritually. Assume that any human who partakes of an
entheogen is sometimes able to view Resonance, similar
to the effects of one random Arcanum’s Mage Sight spell
(a list can be found on p. 110 of Mage: The Awakening).
The mortal rolls a standard Intelligence + Occult roll (as
per “Unveiling Resonance”) to access this, but generally
doesn’t understand the results. He can describe them, to
a point, but has little reference as to what it all means.
However, psychedelic drugs can also enhance a mage’s
own Mage Sight spells when seeking to scrutinize reso-
nance. The mage gains a +2 bonus to the Intelligence +
Occult roll used to unveil resonance (pp.277-280, Mage:
The Awakening).

Sample Character
Quote: This is going to be tough, mon capitán. But if you
want to hang with me, we’ve got to first kill that little ego of
yours. I’ll give you ten minutes to say goodbye.
Background: Tabernanthe – once Stuart Smith
– was a heroin addict with a shattered life. His family
was in ruins in the wake of his addiction. He ended
up broke and homeless, living on the streets, doing
whatever ugly act was necessary to earn him the
next fix. Upon overdosing and nearly dying, Smith
found himself in the hospital with no family will-
ing to visit him. Only an old college professor of his
from NYU, Carl Grunberg, dared to visit. Grunberg,
an anthropology professor, set Smith on a journey that
would change his life and end his addiction. He put
Smith on a plane, and accompanied him to the Bwiti
people of Africa. There, the Bwiti dosed him with a tea
brewed from extracts from the root of the Iboga tree.
The dose was massive.
Ibogaine, an alkaloid found in the root of the tree,
is a powerful and long-acting psychoactive. The Bwiti


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witnessed the steady crumble of his life through each of mage, he won’t hear anything about a mage’s alternate
his five senses, but at the end of the hallucinations he was ideas of reality, magic, or psychoactive substances. It is,
greeted with a powerful being made of white light and essentially, his way or the highway. Opposing modes of
tree leaves. The entity looked upon him with a thousand thought are unwelcome.)
eyes and told Smith that he was now Tabernanthe, and Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 3
was made clean. The entity then entered Tabernanthe, Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3,
taking “residence” within him. Afterward, a Bwiti tribes- Stamina 3
man explained only by saying a phrase common to his Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 4,
people: “In Church, they speak of God. With Iboga, Composure 2
you live God.” Mental Skills: Academics (sociology) 3, Computer 1,
That was five years ago. Since that time, Tabernanthe Crafts 1, Investigation 2, Medicine 3, Occult (shaman-
has become something of a prophet, a central figure in a ic) 3, Politics 1, Science 1 Physical Skills: Athletics 2,
small urban sect that believes the trip of the ibogaine root Larceny 2, Stealth 1, Survival 3
is necessary to know God and His powers. He doesn’t Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 2, Intimidation 1,
espouse a Christian God, not exactly, but believes that Persuasion (double-talk) 4, Socialize 3, Streetwise 1,
all entities (especially those he witnesses on his various Subterfuge 3
psychoactive trips) are part of the same pantheistic be-
Merits: Fast Reflexes 2, Holistic Awareness, Inspiring,
ing. He allows these beings into his body, possessing
Language (Bwiti), Meditative Mind, Unseen Sense
him for as long as they care to allow. He encourages his
people to do the same, destroying their egos so that such Willpower: 5
divinity can take up temporary residence within their Morality: 5 (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception
hollowed-out psyches. Disorder, mild)
Description: Tabernanthe is tall, thin, with playful Virtue: Faith
eyes that overlook gaunt cheeks. He keeps his hair closely Vice: Pride
shorn to a faint stubble, but maintains a long goatee that Initiative: 7
he braids. He wears whatever retro-stylish clothing he can Defense: 3
find at the local Salvation Army. Speed: 10
Storytelling Hints: Despite espousing the death of the Health: 8
ego, Tabernanthe is something of an egomaniac these days.
He’s very self-righteous, believing that he holds powerful
truths that can help anybody overcome their demons, Ego Death?
addictions, and frailties. To those who will listen to him, Death of the ego generally refers to the
he is utterly kind and friendly. To those who give off even point during a head trip where the user
a hint of disbelief in him and his “powers,” he utterly loses the sense of boundary between him-
dismisses until they perform some act of attrition to get self and his environment. He is the world,
back into his good graces. (Note that, if encountering a and the world is him.


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Chapter Five:
Global Mystique
They swept through the village like ghosts from a time
long past, curious crosses hanging like pendants around their
necks. Something old accompanied them, an air of antiquity.
Although they rode through the rough streets of town in a
new Aston Martin, dust followed them as if their car were a
horse charging through the Levant. Alternately they peered
over each other’s left shoulders and looked at the ground, then
up to the night sky.
They prayed often, around their cold campfire that they
favored instead of the run-down hostel where many of the
pilgrims to this almost forgotten village took their rest.
To be so obviously rich, and yet to sleep on the ground like a
vagrant.... No one could guess what they sought, and if they
understood the local language, they certainly never spoke in
it. It was all Romance languages for them, in prayer and in
conversation. They bought bread and cheese by pointing and
waving euros around.
Someone great must have heard their prayers, for on a
curiously cold night in August, a chorus of voices sang from the
very air itself. They were the voices of angels, the unremembered
language of the world before men built the tower in affront to
God. It was music, a song of heavenly fire, a reverie recorded
in tones, not words.
The next morning they had gone, and their “horse” had left
no tracks in the dust. All that remained behind them was a
broken tablet with an inscription no one could read, a clay tab-
let the size of a man’s forearm. A hole in the ground marked
their passage, similarly unreadable, but it bore the lingering
sense of great wealth.


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From that place we can understand Zen Master Un Mun when he says: “Buddha is dry
shit on a stick” or when Zen Master Dong Sahn says: “Buddha is three pounds of flax.”
We don’t need to do meditation for many, many years and wait and wait and wait until
this place appears. There is no place that is not Buddha’s place. There is no place that
does not have Buddha nature. Even though everything we see, hear and smell has Buddha
nature, we don’t recognize it, because of all our thinking. If we put it down, all of our
thinking, completely put it all down, then we become one with the whole universe. Then
everything we see, hear, smell… is Buddha. Everything has Buddha nature.
— Zen Master Seung Sahn, “My Dharma Speech Is Already Finished”
The preceding chapters have given you seven mystical already know about these quirks and accept them. Many
traditions — seven prisms for viewing the Supernal secrets of the Legacies from Legacies: The Sublime and Lega-
of Awakened magic. Now, how can you use them in Mage cies: The Ancient exemplify this approach; see those
chronicles? You have several options. books for examples. In a similar manner, the Awakened
Most simply, they can be a bit of idiosyncrasy to make might know that Taoist mages, kabbalists, santeros and
characters more distinctive. A particular mage believed other traditionalists all have a few tricks of their own. In
in the tradition before his Awakening, and still filters his this case, the Storyteller’s challenge lies in balancing a
magic through its language and symbols. For instance, a tradition’s special advantages with limitations, to explain
mage who comes from the Caribbean might well believe why every mage doesn’t follow a particular tradition. Or
in Santería or some other Afro-Caribbean religion, and maybe they do, but no tradition offers any systematic
so naturally tends to think of spirits as orishas or loa, advantage over any other. This approach gives Awakened
use vever in spellcasting rituals, and so on, even if she society a third dimension of distinctions that unite and
later learns the Atlantis myth. A character who just divide mages: their Path, their order and their tradition,
Awakened might also turn to an occult tradition for which can be as important or unimportant as the play-
explanations if some other mage doesn’t get to her soon ers and Storytellers desire. Like the previous approach,
enough. Someone who Awakened during a drug trip, for however, this merely grafts magical traditions onto Mage:
instance — or thought someone must have slipped her The Awakening without making them generators of
some LSD — might turn to the entheogenic mythology. stories in themselves.
Quite possibly, most or all the mages in a region follow However, occult traditions also lend themselves to a
such a tradition. In China, for example, Taoism has so particular style of chronicle, in which exploring the tradi-
strongly influenced all occult beliefs it would be surpris- tion becomes the whole point of the story. The tradition
ing if mages didn’t adopt some Taoist ideas and symbols. is a mystery — something hidden from other mages. The
Indeed, one could fairly argue that Atlantis, the Oracles characters find themselves in the same position as Sleep-
and Exarchs are just another myth, assembled by mages ers who have just discovered the existence of the secret,
(mainly Western) using their own mystical bric-a-brac supernatural World of Darkness. They know, or suspect,
— Plato’s fable wedded to a quasi-Biblical war in heaven that something is out there, but they don’t understand it.
between powers of light and darkness. As mages, of course, the characters probably feel they
In this case, occult traditions don’t really affect how have less to fear from the unknown, and probably view
mages work magic or challenge their view of the secret a tradition as a potentially valuable source of arcane
world they inhabit. Taoists, drug-trippers, santeros and knowledge and power, rather than a threat to destroy or
hoodoo men might know unusual rotes, but other mages avoid. They may be correct… or maybe not.
can learn them without much trouble. The Magical Tradi- Such a chronicle combines physical and intellectual
tion Merit introduced in the Introduction to this book exploration. The characters seek new knowledge. They
doesn’t exist, and the player’s characters can easily follow enter new mental spaces, gaining a new view of Awakened
a tradition, because the magic still works the same. By the existence. Physical travel reinforces this theme. The char-
same token, this approach leaves little mystery or glamour acters cannot gain their new perspective in the comfort
to occult traditions. Nothing about the tradition is likely of their sanctums. They must leave familiar territory as
to surprise a character who spent a week researching it they search for clues. If they’re lucky, their quest ends
in a well-stocked academic library. in greater understanding of the Supernal — and perhaps
Another approach is to let arcane traditions have more tangible rewards ranging from new rotes to the lost
meaningful consequences for magic, but the Awakened treasure of the Templars.


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Chronicle Design
Before anything else, decide on the length of your story of
out the magical secrets behind a tradition as you go. If the
players don’t pick up one clue right away, maybe they will
think to look for it later, or you can slip the information
mystical exploration: single story, story arc or entire chron- into another scenario. You can also vary your stories to
icle. Each choice offers advantages and restrictions. bring in hoaxes, red herrings and completely unrelated,
Devoting a single story to a tradition has the advantage change-of-pace stories. Or, exploring the tradition can
that the players and Storyteller do not commit to too itself be an ongoing subplot within a chronicle that also
much. If you want to add this sort of mystical exploration deals with magical battles, Consilium politics, personal
to an existing chronicle, you might consider running such affairs and all the other activities of a mage’s life.
a one-shot scenario to see how your players respond. If
they are curious and intrigued, send the chronicle in this
new direction. If the players don’t enjoy searching for
Chronicle Structure
Storyline based on investigation tend to follow three
the Supernal truth behind occult traditions, drop the basic structures. Each structure, of course, is capable of
subject and no harm done. endless variation in its detail. The structure also deals only
On the other hand, a single story doesn’t let you im- with the investigative aspect of the story, not the character
part much context: Players do not enjoy stopping play for interactions and conflicts that make the chronicle a story
an hour while the Storyteller explains Taoist five-cycle rather than a puzzle to solve.
theory or the history of the Knights Templar. If you run
a one-shot, pick some aspect of the tradition that doesn’t The Chain
need much background information, such as a legendary The “chained” storyline, also called the “trail of
magic item. For instance, the characters could seek the breadcrumbs,” is the simplest and most straightforward
demon-quelling sword of the Taoist archmaster Chang structure for a Magical Traditions chronicle. In this plan,
Dao-Ling. If players enjoy the scenario, you can fill in one clue or encounter leads to another, until the characters
the background later. reach the end when all is explained. For instance, the
A story arc gives more room to develop the tradition. characters might start with an imbued item taken from
You can spread the exposition through several stories, an enemy; investigating the enemy’s past leads them to
revealing background as needed and the players express the mage who enchanted the item; she’s on the run from
interest. You can also make your plots a little trickier. the cult whose secrets she stole; at the cult’s shrine the
Single stories with narrow goals run the risk of seeming characters find an ancient manuscript; and so on.
like a series of hoops through which the characters must Indeed, the chained storyline works for just about any
jump — clue A leads to threat B, with clue C as a reward sort of chronicle, and that simplicity and universality is
leading the characters to the next scene. A story arc lets both its greatest strength and its greatest weakness. On
you give characters a range of choices, giving the players the one hand, characters (and players) know they have
a greater sense of real exploration and mystery. The flip a definite goal (even if they don’t know what it is at the
side, of course, is that the Storyteller must prepare more start). The players also don’t have to do a lot of thinking:
material in advance. they just need to recognize each new lead as it comes
For a story arc, you should still limit yourself to part of before them. On the other hand, players and characters
a tradition rather than shoveling the whole thing onto have very little choice in how to pursue the investigation.
players. As you can see from the previous chapters in this Some players don’t mind that; others find it intensely
book, some mystical traditions cover a lot of territory. irritating. What’s more, the storyline can founder if the
Taoism, for example, includes spirit pacts, calligraphic players simply do not recognize the next lead or solve a
talismans, fortune-telling, exorcism and astral projection crucial puzzle.
— for a start. It might be prudent to limit the story arc to, The chained storyline works best for short, self-con-
say, Taoist spirit dealings. Perhaps the search for Chang tained stories, just because the other two models take
Dao-Ling’s magic sword leads to a broader inquiry into longer to run.
Taoist exorcism and spirit pacts; as their reward, a suc-
cessful cabal might gain a register of spirit servants. The Russian Doll
A full chronicle lets you explore a tradition as widely The “Russian doll” or “onion” plot is a bit less linear
and deeply as you and your players want. This actually than the chained storyline. Here, the Storyteller creates
means less initial preparation than for a story arc. You a series of mysteries or layers of information. Behind
don’t have to decide everything at once: You can work each explanation is a deeper layer of explanation. For ex-


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ample, the characters might investigate a rash of demonic individual stories may be linked only through their con-
possessions and find that the demons serve a renegade nection to a particular occult tradition. Every story does
Taoist who works with a local tong (a Chinese immigrant not need to concern the tradition, either: the characters
organized crime group). The Taoist, however, is an emis- (and players, and Storyteller) can easily take a break and
sary from a Triad based in Hong Kong (the second layer do something completely different without leaving an
of the mystery). The Triad combines gangsterism with important plotline unresolved.
Taoist magic and mysticism — but the leaders believe they Each individual story had better hold the players’ inter-
follow the orders of immortal, ascended masters (the est by itself, though. As Storyteller, you can’t count on
third layer). When the cabal finally manages to confront the momentum of an ongoing plot to carry the players’
one of these masters, the magus claims he is actually a interest through a weak scenario. (Not that you should
reincarnated Lemurian adept (a fourth layer, and a jump ever count on this and do less than your best, anyway.)
to another tradition). But perhaps the characters can
expose him as a Scelestus who takes his orders straight Combinations
from the Abyss (the inmost layer). Most likely, though, a chronicle uses more than one
The Russian doll storyline blends into the chained structure, on different scales. For example, a chronicle
storyline. It tends to follow a longer, slower rhythm, whose overall structure is a jigsaw puzzle may require char-
though: characters can explore each layer of the mystery acters to follow a trail of clues to find some crucial piece
for some time before they discover that it is not the final of information. Once the jigsaw puzzle seems complete,
secret, and some other group, entity or force is behind a new piece of information might reveal that the occult
whatever they’ve seen so far. tradition conceals a deeper layer of mystical meaning or
This model works especially well for chronicles that activity, giving the chronicle a Russian Doll structure.
emphasize conspiracy or mystery, or High Weirdness
chronicles where traditions can intersect in surprising Style (Storyteller’s Options)
ways. A Russian doll plot gives players a real feeling that A Magical Traditions chronicle can use any of the
their characters have penetrated mysteries and discovered styles described in Mage: The Awakening, but a few are
forbidden secrets. If continued too long, however, a particularly appropriate. The whole point of the chronicle
Russian doll storyline stops being enticingly mysterious is to learn something new about how Supernal myster-
and just becomes frustrating or silly. The players need a ies manifest in the Fallen World, but you don’t have to
sense that their search has an attainable goal — a final, present this mystical theme openly.
inmost secret to discover.
See the Guardians of the Veil supplement for more Pulp Adventure
discussion of this story model: secrets within secrets are Looking for secrets in unfamiliar places lends itself
that order’s raison d’etre. to pulp sensibilities. This style features lots of action,
travel to exotic locations, sinister foreigners, danger
The Jigsaw Puzzle and romance. Mystic revelations take second place to
The “jigsaw puzzle” or “mosaic” storyline is the least figuring out who’s part of the cult, how to penetrate
structured of the three. In this plan, characters gradually the secret temple and what they’re really up to. The
accumulate bits of information that eventually add up to plots tend to be simple: Find a clue or lead, follow it to
a complete picture of the magical tradition. For instance, the next scene, encounter a threat, find the next lead.
in a chronicle that features Taoism, one story might have The rewards tend to be tangible: a powerful Artifact, a
the characters encounter calligraphic talismans, while jewel-encrusted idol or the like. Action-adventure is the
another story might focus on five-element theory and a easiest of all styles for games, and is often a lot of fun.
third deals with astral projection. As the characters learn Don’t discount this option.
more about Taoism and its magic, they gain a greater The Templar Treasure, Santería and Taoism lend
understanding of how the parts of the tradition fit to- themselves easily to this style. Theosophy is a little more
gether, and finally how they relate to Awakened magic, of a stretch, but the connection to the mysterious Ori-
the Supernal World and the realms known to mages. ent — well, it was mysterious to Madame Blavatsky and
The strength of the jigsaw puzzle storyline is that you her followers — means that characters can journey to
don’t need to send the characters in a particular direc- far-off-lands, encounter lost races and enigmatic gurus,
tion. If they miss one lead, why, they have others. You and all sorts of pulpy goodness. (The lost continent
don’t even need to plan much of the chronicle, since angle of Theosophy also suggests adventures in magical


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archeology: See Secrets of the Ruined Temple for ways drug-trippers and floaters in isolation tanks? What was
to pursue this angle.) the true agenda of the Theosophical mahatmas, and what
will they do to anyone who penetrates their secrets?
High Weirdness
The whole premise of Mage is that the world is much,
much stranger than most people imagine. A Magical
Once you decide what sort of story you want and
Traditions story can easily play up this aspect, whether what tradition to use, give thought to why the characters
the tradition is old or new. embark on the story in the first place. Why go looking
An occult tradition such as Kabbalah or Taoism lets you for magical truth behind the occult? Why this particular
contrast the ancient and modern and mash them together tradition, and not some other one? You need to give
— the weirder and more unexpected, the better. For instance, characters a motive.
a Taoist priest or apothecary in Chinatown is right at home. Some players make it easy: They create characters who
A Taoist car dealer (like Elvis Quan, on p. 61), plumber or already want to go in the direction you have planned. If,
banker in an ordinary suburb might surprise players and for instance, someone makes an Awakened ethnologist
make them wonder what other weirdness is in store. A who sees magic as a nifty way to study other cultures, all
kabbalist rabbi is no stretch, either — but at least you could you have to do is suggest (through the persona of one of
give him a high-end computer system to handle the gematria her colleagues, perhaps) that Santería might be interesting,
calculations. Where players expect the archaic, bring in or Taoism, or whatever. More likely, though, the most
something contemporary. Where they expect the familiar you can hope for are characters who are not opposed to
and contemporary, bring in the exotic and archaic. exploring other traditions. If you start a chronicle from
A new “tradition” such as the entheogenic cults practi- scratch and your players agree that a Magical Traditions
cally begs for a High Weirdness treatment. Such traditions storyline sounds fun, setting hooks will be pretty easy
have no past to lend them an air of respectability; they — but you still need to give the characters a reason to
were born on the fringes and on the fringes they remain. sally forth in search of occult secrets.
Simply forcing characters to take such ideas seriously Story hooks divide into carrots and sticks. A carrot
draws them beyond the fields they know. Fringe beliefs promises something good, that the character wants; a
also tend to bleed into each other, so an inquiry into stick threatens something bad, that the character wants
drug cults (for instance) can easily become a magical to avoid. Many classic carrots and sticks work as well for
mystery tour through Ufologists, conspiracy theories, a Magical Traditions storyline as for any other plot.
Hollow Earthers, crystal gazers, quantum mystics and
the whole weird panoply of pseudo-science and New Age Personal
fads. Start anywhere, link it to anything. Characters may embark on the storyline because of
The High Weirdness style also tends to juxtapose mythic personal connections. Perhaps someone close to the
tropes with pop culture. The effect can be funny, unsettling character goes looking for the Templar treasure, joins
or both. For example, many mythic traditions include a Santería congregation or buys a Taoist manuscript at
journeys to the Underworld that test a hero’s courage, an antiquities auction. A friend, lover, relative or pro-
willpower or insight. In a High Weirdness chronicle, the fessional colleague might find a lead to something the
harrowing of Hell might happen symbolically through a mage would find useful (a carrot) or get in trouble and
journey into the bad part of town or into the subway tun- need rescuing (a stick).
nels — or the actual Abyss or a death-realm might manifest The patron is another sort of personal motivator.
as a high school, shopping mall or cubicle farm. Some potential benefactor offers to help the characters
if they do some job for her, and this involves exploring
Horror an occult tradition. Whether an eccentric tycoon hires
In the World of Darkness, any style of chronicle tends the cabal to find the Holy Grail or a Consilium leader
to have an edge of horror. You can push that aspect just seeks the suppressed writings of Timothy Leary makes
by making the surprises nasty, emphasizing the uglier little difference. As a story hook, though, the patron
aspects of human nature and killing off supporting cast has the disadvantage that characters do not start out
members now and then. Almost any tradition can receive intrinsically interested in the tradition itself; they just
a horrific twist. If it isn’t a deceit of the Exarchs or an want to do the job and get the reward.
Abyssal trap, just ponder what the tradition members Rivals or outright enemies supply a variety of sticks. If char-
with real power must have done to hide that power from acters learn that hated rivals now search for Lemurian artifacts
the Sleepers. What entities really speak in the visions of


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at Nan Madol, odds
are the cabal soon goes to the South Places of power form a special
Pacific as well. After all, what if their enemies class of treasure. Several traditions
succeed? Maybe the hated rivals already have: The ascribe special power or significance to
Consilium lauds them for discovering a long-lost rote, particular locations, such as the caverns be-
or they have attacked the cabal using a powerful neath Mao Shan, the secret redoubts of the
artifact. Whether for self-defense or one-upsman- Mahatmas, Mount Sinai or Roslyn Chapel.
ship, the characters want to find out whatever their The place of power may be a Hallow or other
enemies learned, and do them one better. magically potent site, or simply a place where
characters gain important information.
Treasure Mystery
Objects make good story hooks too. Give the
characters a clue to something they find valuable, Sometimes you can motivate characters just by pre-
such as the long-lost grimoire of Rabbi Loew or a senting them with a puzzle. Mages know that enigmas
Taoist master’s demon-quelling sword, and that often lead to power — or hint at dangers to come.
may be all you need to start the story. (It does help, Either way, they need investigating. A mystery can
though, if you give the characters a special need for take many forms, from an ancient tablet scribed
such a sword or grimoire.) One clue leads to another, in unknown glyphs (Taoist cloud script? Rmoahal?
and off they go! Naturally, to find the “treasure” the Extraterrestrial?) to a stranger on the sanctum doorstep
characters must investigate other aspects of the as- who gasps out, “The stone from Heaven!” before his
sociated tradition as well. head explodes (A curse? Illuminati bomb in the skull?
Sniper). The possibilities are almost endless; look through
Another approach is to put the “treasure” directly in
each tradition for strange phenomena, curious customs
the characters’ hands — but other people want it, and
or bits of occult lore that could tempt and baffle mages
these people already know more about it. If the “trea-
who encounter them out of context.
sure” is a powerful imbued item or a grimoire of rotes,
the cabal will probably want to keep it and find out how
to use it themselves. Naturally, learning how to use the Conflicts
item requires understanding the tradition from which it William Faulkner said that great drama is about the
comes. This approach combines a carrot with a stick: the soul in conflict with itself, but Storytelling games gen-
prospect of power with a threat from people who want erally need a larger cast of characters. Occult traditions
to seize that power for themselves. can generate conflicts that drive stories. Mages outside


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a tradition may come into conflict with its followers. its home turf, a tradition’s believers might be able to call
Advocates of two traditions may themselves come into upon large numbers of devoted Sleepers, who may well
conflict, and draw in outsiders. Conversely, members of include civic leaders, law enforcement or even organized
a tradition may be drawn into conflicts between outside crime. For instance, Taoist priests and Afro-Caribbean
forces. Finally, traditions themselves suffer infighting santeros and houngans sometimes enjoy high status as
because of variations in doctrine, ethnic differences or community religious leaders. Piss off the wrong santero,
just the conflicts between rival leaders. and you may find a heavily armed Cuban gang shooting
It’s not hard to see how mages and traditions can come up your sanctum.
into conflict (especially for mages who follow traditions Just trying to learn about a tradition might spark a
themselves). Mages believe they know The Truth, revealed conflict. True believers may want to preserve their sacred
through their Awakening and their training. They do not mysteries from ignorant outsiders who would profane
easily accept the idea that their transcendent, Supernal them (something any Guardian of the Veil should un-
truth may itself be just another theory — a little closer to derstand). At least, believers might not like seeing their
the truth than most of what Sleepers believe, but still not doctrines and practices treated as raw material for a study
the whole truth. A mage who believes in an occult tradi- in mystical anthropology. Mages who want to study a
tion has experienced Awakening but may interpret that tradition had best take pains to show their respect and
experience in quite a different way than other mages. A sincere desire to learn.
tradition-believing mage most likely dismisses any other Arcane battles can draw in people who never intended
story as mythology or delusion — including the story of to participate. If two groups of mages slug it out, their
Atlantis and the war of Exarchs and Oracles. dupes and minions (mortal and otherwise) may cause a
History shows that disagreement about the funda- fair bit of havoc among the innocent bystanders. When
mental nature of reality seldom stays limited to polite arson-curses burn down buildings and innocent people go
academic debates. When the partisans of incompatible on involuntary, homicidal or suicidal drug trips, a cabal
dogmas meet, they soon go from trying to convince each of mages might not care what beef the santeros have with
other to trying to conquer or kill each other — witness the entheogen cultists — but they probably won’t ignore
the wars between Catholics and Protestants in Europe, it. Conversely, if two groups of mages start tearing up the
Christians and Muslims in the Middle East, Muslims city, they shouldn’t expect an Awakened Taoist to stand
and Hindus in India, or capitalists and Communists in by meekly if the fighting spills into Chinatown.
the Cold War. In the modern world, mages, and Sleepers Even if a Consilium enjoys friendly relations with one
who think they have magical powers, do not have much group of traditionalists, that doesn’t mean they’ve made
power to mobilize armies for real wars. Arcane societ- friends with other followers of the tradition. That alliance
ies, however, can still fight in ways that draw characters may itself become a casus belli for a rival group that hates
into stories. heathens and heretics. Friendly relations with one tradi-
Characters themselves might be tasked to attack a tion can also spark enmity with another. For instance,
traditionalist group to destroy it or force its submis- allying with a group of latter-day Templars could bring a
sion. (Loot, in the form of magical items, grimoires or cabal or Consilium in conflict with latter-day Hashishim
other sources of magical power, can also motivate the who never stopped fighting against Crusaders.
attack.) Instead of an overt assault, the attack may take Finally, encountering a tradition may provoke conflict
the form of espionage or subversion — or conversion to among the players’ characters themselves. Some characters
the true doctrine. might find a tradition’s doctrines or practices offensive.
Of course, the players’ characters may find their own For instance, one character might want to study an en-
cabal the target of such an attack by traditionalists who theogenic cult from the inside, while another character
view them as deluded heathens. The traditionalists might thinks it’s foolhardy to conduct such experiments with
regard the characters’ enchanted items and grimoires as your own mind and body. Such conflicts can test the
just so much loot — and if the characters acquired an strength of a cabal in unexpected ways.
item connected to the tradition, its partisans may view
its recovery as well worth a small war. The characters can
find themselves the targets of hostile spells and spirit
To maintain interest during story arcs, reveal that
minions in a battle of bewitchment. A cunning foe can something connected to the tradition is not what the
also attack Sleepers the characters care about, perhaps character’s thought. For instance, thanks to The DaVinci
including attempts to control them or convert them. On Code everyone now knows the idea that the Holy Grail is a


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coded reference to a secret bloodline descended from Jesus
and Mary Magdalene. Of course, the whole premise of
The Most Important Advice
Finally: No matter how cleverly you intertwine an oc-
Magical Traditions is that Sleeper occult traditions conceal
cult tradition with the cosmology and setting of Mage:
Supernal, or at least magical, realities — but Storytellers
The Awakening, your players still want an exciting story
can go beyond this basic twist. Basic twists include:
for their characters. Don’t get so wrapped up presenting
It’s Real: Something the characters thought was the tradition that you forget to include a vivid support-
just a symbol turns out to be literally true or concretely ing cast of allies, adversaries and innocent bystanders,
exists. For example, most mages probably would think conflicts the characters can’t ignore, and choices that
that drug-trippers who report meeting aliens merely hal- shape the characters’ destinies. A Magical Traditions
lucinated, or at most, they perceived spirits in Twilight. chronicle should still be about the characters who inves-
Wouldn’t they be surprised if the aliens turned out to be tigate the tradition — the tradition itself is actually less
real, honest-to-God extraterrestrials… that are perceptible important.
only by people who ingest certain chemicals? Or take
the immense cavern-realms that Taoists say underlie the
sacred mountain of Mao Shan. At most, mages might
believe in astral or spiritual domains. Wouldn’t that be
Sample Chronicle:
interesting if mages explored a tunnel beneath one of
Mao Shan’s monasteries and found themselves in one
Supernal Cargo
As an example of how to put all this together, here’s a
of those paradise-caves? brief proposal for a chronicle based on Melanesian cargo
It’s Symbolic: Something the characters thought really cults. To people of the Western world, these outbreaks
existed turns out to be an allegory or a disguised clue of religious enthusiasm seem like bizarre superstition
pointing somewhere else. For instance, maybe the story from bewildered primitives. Yet this ramshackle religion,
of the Golem of Prague actually recounts how a group assembled less than a hundred years ago in a part of the
of kabbalists created a Jewish secret society that fought world most people never think about, illustrates as much
back against pogroms, and then tried to disband the about humanity’s relationship with the Supernal World
society when it turned criminal. as any ancient occult doctrine. Perhaps it teaches more
It’s Worse: The tradition gives a sanitized description than mages would really like to know.
of something very bad indeed. For instance, the Templars’
admirers said they guarded the Holy Grail. Their enemies Cargo Cults
said they worshipped the demonic head of Baphomet. The Melanesians live in the southeast Pacific, from
More recently, a few ethnologists see parallels between New Guinea to Fiji. For thousands of years, they lived as
the Holy Grail and the Black Cauldron of Celtic myth, hunter-gatherers or subsistence farmers, most of them at
which returned dead warriors to life. Maybe they are all a Neolithic level of technology. Many tribes were also ex-
the same: the Grail was actually a skull-cup that could tremely isolated: the tribes of the New Guinea highlands,
raise the dead… as demon-possessed zombies. for instance, were unknown to the rest of the world until
It’s a Different Tradition: Something in the tradition airplanes crossed their cloud-covered mountains in the
also appears in another tradition, under another name 1930s. What’s more, every tribe speaks its own language
and interpretation. For instance, many traditions describe — a thousand or so tongues in New Guinea alone.
some sort of spirit entities. Maybe some of them are the Late in the 19th century, entities from beyond the
same spirits: the green man Mescalito of the entheogenic known world conquered the Melanesians. The natives
cults turns out to be the Green Man of British harvest were helpless before the powers of these pale-skinned
festivals; the angelic Lhas who taught the Lemurians humanoids. The French, Dutch and other Europeans
could still be around as the orishas of Santería or the demanded obedience to their alien laws, but offered the
angels of kabbalism. This sort of twist forms an integral natives little access to their own society — except for the
part of Russian doll plots. missionaries, who told the Melanesians to abandon their
The climax of a story arc or chronicle is a good place own faiths for Christianity. The missionaries promised
for an especially big twist. However, this isn’t manda- the Melanesians that their rituals would let them rejoin
tory. The players may consider themselves sufficiently their ancestors in the heaven beyond the sky, or risen
rewarded by their characters finally understanding the from the dead here on Earth.
tradition well enough to use its distinctive magic, or by Destructive as the invaders were to Melanesian culture,
finally defeating an important enemy. they offered wonders to the people who served them,


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from guns to canned food. The Melanesians had no idea And besides, sometimes a ship or airplane does arrive,
where the miracle goods — “cargo” — came from, since bearing white men who give away cargo. The cult’s rituals
it arrived in the same ships (and later, airplanes) as the didn’t work for the intended reason, but they worked.
invaders themselves. You couldn’t get cargo through kin- Or maybe the more recent prophets figured out the
ship ties or barter, though; you had to use the invaders’ real magic formula after all: Set up a cargo cult, and the
own magic tokens, called “money.” anthropologists will come to study it.
Melanesian tribes tried to copy the aliens’ magic and take Cargo cults may be an evanescent phenomenon. They
their power. These attempts became especially common arose from incomprehension and oppression. In the
after World War Two, which brought a surge of cargo colonial age, Western masters had no interest in explain-
to more Melanesian tribes than ever. Time and again, ing their culture or technology to the natives they ruled.
charismatic prophets said they had the secret: They knew Decolonization gave the Melanesian political freedom,
how to call the ships from the sea or the great airplane- greater opportunities for education and contact with the
birds from Heaven. Some prophets said the Melanesians wider world. Once they had the chance, some Melanesian
could join the white men. Others promised to cast them societies jumped from the Stone Age to the Space Age
out, or usurp their rule and become their masters. Their with astonishing ease. They know where cargo comes
followers stuck lines of poles in fields to form airstrips, from and how to get it, without the need for magic.
with a red-painted wooden cross to call the humanitar-
ian relief flights. They built control towers of bamboo,
where traffic controllers wore balsa-wood headphones as
Behind the Myth
Compare the Melanesians to all of Sleeping humanity,
they mouthed the magic words. Sometimes the cultists confronted with the realms of spirits, the dead, the Abys-
built jetties for the ships that must come. Sometimes they sal and the Supernal. Entities who exist in wholly alien
turned their villages into mock-ups of a police compound, ways sometimes intrude on the mortal world, wielding
imitating the uniforms and paperwork as best they could. uncanny powers and following codes they seldom bother
Other cultists built mannikins of a savior, the white man
Jon Frum, who would descend from Heaven in a huge
scarlet plane loaded with cargo, and call the ancestors back
to life. One way or another, the prophets would
bring salvation and Spam, refrigerators and
resurrection. Each cult failed and collapsed
as quickly as it appeared. Jon Frum
never came; the dead did not rise;
the white men still ruled. But the
Melanesians kept trying.
From one point of view, the
cultists look ignorant, deluded
or insane. They worship figures
like Jon Frum who clearly do not
exist; they engage in rituals that
do not work. When the cultists
fail, they conclude that they didn’t
get the words right, they didn’t
carve the balsa-wood headphones
in quite the right shape, or they
just didn’t believe hard enough.
From a wider point of view,
they are simply people trying to
control forces and entities they
just don’t understand: They don’t
have the knowledge, the social
background or even the language
to explain their experiences.


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to explain. Sometimes they select particular humans as closer to the mystical truth than civilized folk, the cargo
their agents — priests, mediums, devil-pacters and, yes, cults keep the Melanesians distracted while generations
mages — and give them some of their own power. Other pass and their ancient traditions are forgotten.
people think they have figured out the formulas to call There are even darker possibilities. Promising material
power from beyond: kabbalists, Taoists, mescaline proph- gratification in return for obedience and worship sounds
ets, and all the rest. Sometimes their ceremonies and a lot like a deal-with-the-Devil story. Cargo cult prophets
occult meditations seem to work; most of the time, they often bring a message of revenge on the white folk who
don’t. The failures make their occult theories all too easy have the wealth and the power and won’t share the secret.
for skeptics to dismiss or debunk. But the believers and The prophets become rich and powerful themselves,
the doubters both operate without the context required while the cult lasts. Maybe some demon of the Abyss
for true understanding. Even when an occult tradition inspires the prophets. If a prophet ever gathers enough
seems to “work,” does that mean the doctrines and rituals followers and persuades them to go beyond sacrificing
are true? Or just that the believers have attracted some pigs, Jon Frum shall break through the walls of reality
otherworldly entity that wants to watch the show? to make this world his Hell.
For a Mage chronicle, however, cargo cults can do more Mages who explore astral space can suggest stranger
than supply a metaphor for humanity’s encounters with options, though. If Jon Frum didn’t exist before, he
the incomprehensible. does now, in the dreams of the people who believe in
him. When many people dream alike, they can form
Calling Jon Frum archetypes that slip from personal dreamworlds into the
To begin with, who or what inspires the cult prophets? deeper realms of astral space. Or perhaps Jon Frum is
Are they really just charismatic lunatics, or con men a new mask for some primal archetype of generosity or
fleecing gullible tribesfolk? (Or gullible anthropologists?) prosperity, reaching out from the Anima Mundi.
Does something reach into their minds and their dreams? Finally, who says there is only one Jon Frum? Perhaps
Something as alien as the white colonists, World War Two several entities seize the mask to deliver their own mes-
soldiers and Red Cross humanitarian workers seemed sages, for their own purposes. The cultists cannot tell
to their ancestors? They try to understand the message the difference — but a mage might be able to help them
as best they can, and the cargo cult tradition gives them sift the latent astral culture hero or tutelary spirit from
a framework. The prophet knows that an entity of great the tempting demon or deluding Exarch.
power wants to enter this world and promises to grant
the heart’s desire of the mortals who prepare its way. Cargo Artifacts
What hides behind the mask of Jon Frum, the white Cargo cultists see Western consumer goods as something
man who will drive out the other white men? more than everyday comforts and conveniences. They are
The Melanesians themselves see Jon Frum as a savior, miraculous intrusions from outside their world. The Mela-
with Coca-Cola as his sacrament. If the cargo cultists nesians don’t know how a Jeep or a can of Vienna sausages
cannot imagine salvation without the promise of wealth, get made; they see only the cargo unloaded from the ship or
why, they have plenty of company around the world. airplane, self-complete and inexplicable. Consider that can
Perhaps Jon Frum is a benevolent entity — a powerful of Vienna sausages: little rolls of meatlike substance, looking
spirit from the Shadow Realm, or even an Oracle. In a bit like seed pods or large grubs, inside a rind of metal.
their fumbling way, the cargo cultists try to connect the From what eldritch tree did this strange fruit grow?
material world to something great and good that hates Melanesians also divorce cargo from its context. A
poverty and oppression. yellow pencil can be a writing implement — or it can be
On the other hand, perhaps the cults are just a cynical a bright yellow ornament for a nose piercing. A tin can
game played by the Exarchs. The cargo cultists expend great with a bright enameled label can become part of a chief’s
effort and may destroy what wealth they have — killing their headdress. Most of all, though, cargo cultists divorce
pigs, throwing money into the sea — for nothing. They consumer goods from their ordinariness and turn them
talk about overturning the world order, but they don’t into relics of divinity.
do anything that could really change their lives or chal- Mages believe that Artifacts are similarly intrusions
lenge the established power structure. The Exarchs would from a sacred, higher reality. Are the Artifacts for which
like all of humanity to chase such mirages… and if some mages kill and die simply the commonplace items of the
mages are right, the Exarchs have succeeded brilliantly. Supernal World? Or at least, the vessels for powers that
If it’s true (as some people claim) that tribal people are world’s inhabitants consider ordinary?


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

The most dramatic possibilities arise, however, if the them. Cuddle Me Eggbert could be in the hands of a
cargo cultists are in some sense correct. The World of rival cabal, or a businessman who is not yet ready to of-
Darkness would have to be much stranger than it seems fer human sacrifices, but is fully willing to kill to retain
(even to mages) if the goods unloaded from container possession of his hotline to the future.
ships really do come from Heaven instead of China; but This particular Cuddle Me Eggbert has already traveled
perhaps the cultists’ faith in the sacred power of ordinary around the world. Its serial number marks it as one of a
objects occasionally stirs a response from the Supernal lot that were sold to a store in Port Moresby, the capital
World. Any mage might feel like reality is slipping under- and largest city of Papua New Guinea. Its current owner
foot if she finds a cargo cult venerating a Teletubby doll stole it from someone else and does not want to say who
or a microwave oven — and it’s an Artifact. No Atlantean (for obvious reasons) but the previous owner might seek
origin or mythic past; just an ordinary object, that some to get it back. Whichever end the characters follow, the
people decided was miraculous… and it became so. A trail leads them to new Guinea, more Artifacts and a
gift from Jon Frum, perhaps? new cargo cult.
Cuddle Me Eggbert isn’t the only Artifact to emanate
Building a Chronicle from the cult. Other mages have found similarly peculiar
A chronicle cannot possibly present cargo cults as but potent Artifacts. Each Artifact extracts its own price
something grand and mystical. They are intrinsically from the people who use it.
goofy and a bit pathetic. At the same time, they grow
from a compost of desire, desperation and alienation Conflicts
that isn’t funny at all. You can merge these aspects in a The cargo cult’s Artifacts supply the most immediate
chronicle of High Weirdness. Mash together the magical grounds for conflict. Just one or two Artifacts becoming
and mythic with the absurd and contemporary to lead known to the mage community — with the possibility
the characters, laughing, into horror. of more — is enough to launch enough conflict for a
Use bizarre juxtapositions of sacred symbols with con- chronicle. Cabals, Consilii and orders scheme to wrest
sumerist banality as a leitmotiv throughout the chronicle the Artifacts from each other and race to find the source.
— maybe start the chronicle in the holiday shopping The Seers of the Throne will be as eager as any — if not
season, when stores use a Savior’s birth to hawk over- more so — to track down possible contacts from the
priced fripperies and TV intersperses religious specials Supernal World. Banishers who encounter seemingly
with smirking ads for erectile dysfunction drugs. Maybe ordinary items can only have their paranoia increase.
there’s a bit of the cargo cultist in all of us. Only the Mad, perhaps, can really make sense of it all…
Supernal Cargo starts out as a chained plot. One clue and when the bizarre cult Artifacts draw them out of the
leads to another, with the cargo cult at the end. At the woodwork, characters might recognize their first warning
story arc’s climax, however, the cargo cult stands revealed of the madness to come.
as dupes of dark powers (something the characters may al- Cuddle Me Eggbert may itself provoke conflicts between
ready suspect), giving the plot a Russian doll structure. characters. The sentient magical toy adjusts its demands
to test its owners’ moral boundaries. If they won’t sacrifice
Sample Story Hook: Cuddle Me Eggbert higher organisms to it, it requests that its owner deceive or
This Artifact consists of a foot-long plush egg with a humiliate another, steal, or perform other objectionable
face. It talks in a toddler’s voice, asking to be held, rocked, acts. Cuddle Me Eggbert tries to figure out their Vices,
and so on. It rewards appropriate behavior with coos and and then exploit them.
giggles. They’re the hot new toy for the holiday season, As various factions converge on the cult, they not only
and parents are clubbing each other like baby seals to attack each other, they try to force the cult’s prophet, who
claim the limited supply. This particular Cuddle Me now calls himself Elijah Lincoln, to reveal how he turns
Eggbert gives prophecies (using Time 2, “Augury”; see ordinary objects into Artifacts. Elijah Lincoln believes
Mage: The Awakening, p. 258) — but as its predictions God has blessed the Artifacts as rewards for the faith-
grow more critical to its owner, it starts asking for more ful and to herald the coming of Jon Frum. He is not a
than a cuddle. If it gets a garland of flowers, next it asks mage or even a Sleepwalker: He is a sincere, boundlessly
for a mouse, If it gets the mouse, it demands a puppy. devout man who cannot imagine anything bad coming
But Cuddle Me Eggbert is almost infallible (a dice pool from the dreams Jon Frum sends him. Nevertheless, he
of 12). How far will you go to learn the future? No matter is not helpless. His cult has a few Artifacts that can knock
what your limits may be, someone else does not share mages for a loop, such as a cordless drill that projects


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

Psychic Assaults (Mind 3; see Mage: The Awakening, p. to be reasonable or at least operating from motives the
212). Neither he nor his followers will heed any warning characters can appreciate.
that calling Jon Frum from Heaven might not be a good When all the important characters converge in New
thing. What’s worse, at least some other mages want the Guinea, the plot reaches its climax with an attempt to
cult to perform its summoning because they think they summon Jon Frum. Perhaps Cuddle Me Eggbert hatches
can see how the Artifacts are empowered and, perhaps, to release the entity that has grown powerful from the
acquire them. offerings of sin made to it. Perhaps Elijah Lincoln poi-
sons the sacramental Coca-Cola as a way to sacrifice
Twists, Revelations and a Climax his followers and perhaps himself. One way or another,
The first twist in the plot comes when the characters if the characters cannot stop the cult’s final ceremony
realize that, somehow, a group of Melanesian cultists they must battle an awesomely powerful Jon Frum, now
have become a conduit for vast power. Storytellers can revealed as a horror from the Abyss, a minion of the
insert lesser twists as supposed allies turn out to be Exarchs or something Supernally empowered but alien
villains, or at least enemies, while adversaries turn out to any mythology known to mages.


Matthew Duncan (order #845386) 205.188

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