OS On-Site Bldg. Const MGT L4
OS On-Site Bldg. Const MGT L4
OS On-Site Bldg. Const MGT L4
Ministry of Education
February 2011
Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the policies and strategies of
the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by using international standards and international
best practices as the basis, and, adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a
pivotal element. TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new paradigm in
the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and anticipated future demand of the
economy and the labor market.
The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian National TVET-Strategy
and an important factor within the context of the National TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF).They
are national Ethiopia standards, which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome
related to a specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.
This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the Ethiopia
Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.
A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a standard format that
Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining whether the candidate
is competent.
The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the respective occupation with all
the key components of a Unit of Competence:
chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level including the Unit Codes
and the Unit Titles
contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) providers with
information and important requirements to consider when designing training programs for this
standards and for the individual, a career path
Occupational Standard: On Site Building Construction Management Level IV
Unit Title Plan and Organize Work Activities
Unit Code CON BCM4 01 0910
Variables Range
Objectives Specific
Resources Personnel
Equipment and technology
Supplies and materials
Sources for accessing specialist advice
Schedule of work Daily and Work-based
activities Contractual and Regular
Disclosure / Non-disclosure
Work methods and Work methods and practices may include but not limited to:
practices Legislated regulations and codes of practice
Industry regulations and codes of practice
Occupational health and safety practices
Work plans Daily work plans
Project plans
Program plans
Organization strategic and restructuring plans
Resource plans
Skills development plans
Management strategies and objectives
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Standards Performance targets
Performance management and appraisal systems
Occupational standards and safety standards
Employment contracts
Client contracts
Discipline procedures and Internal quality assurance
Internal and external accountability and auditing requirements
Appropriate Appropriate personnel include:
personnel/ authorities Management
Line Staff
Feedback Feedback mechanisms include:
mechanisms Verbal feedback
Informal feedback and Formal feedback
Questionnaire / Survey
Group discussion
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence Set objectives
Planned and scheduled work activities
Implemented work plans
Monitored work activities
Reviewed and evaluated work plans and activities
Underpinning Organization’s strategic plan, policies rules and regulations,
Knowledge and laws and objectives for work unit activities and priorities
Attitudes Organizations policies, strategic plans, guidelines related to
the role of the work unit
Team work and consultation strategies
Underpinning Skills Leading
Planning, Organizing and Coordinating
Communication Skills
Inter-and intra-person/motivation skills
Presentation skills
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications Workplace or fully equipped location with necessary tools and
equipment as well as consumable materials
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning
Context for Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in simulated
Assessment work
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence allocate tasks and roles to relevant personnel
manage process and quality control procedures
solve problems and monitor process improvements
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and industry, its product and technical processes, equipment and
Attitudes resources
technical and specified process parameters
characteristics of raw materials and their properties
processing, measurement, matches
monitoring processes and procedures
quality standards and manual handling procedures
safety and environmental aspects of relevant processes,
including use of chemicals
1. Gather 1.1 Appropriate project plans and specifications are read and
information understood
1.2 Measurements are made and quantities identified from plans
and specifications and which conforms to standards industry
1.3 Labor unit cost projections are obtained and agreed
1.4 Logistic support contracts, supply agreements or equivalent
are obtained and analyzed
1.5 Details of proposed warehousing and physical distribution
systems and related cost factors are obtained
1.6 Information is converted to usable form and stored ready for
retrieval and application
2. Identify and 2.1 The types and numbers of appropriate on-site personnel are
calculate labor identified and the time required on-site is estimated.
cost 2.2 The labor hours for non-contract elements of on-site work are
2.3 Time requirements for work activities and other lead times are
2.4 The costs or rates for required on-site work are calculated.
3. Identify and 3.1 Physical resource requirements are identified.
establish 3.2 Lists of materials are produced and quantities calculated.
resource 3.3 Quantities against project or standard construction contracts
requirements are established.
3.4 Supplier prices for materials and consumables are obtained.
3.5 Plant or equipment requirements are identified and costed.
Variables Range
Plans and/or sketches or drawings
specifications statements of requirements
include: materials lists and quantity schedules
building codes
materials specifications
Plant or on-site equipment such as compressors, pumps,
equipment generators, portable lighting, lifting equipment and
requirements portable compaction equipment etc
include: heavy equipment such as wheeled and tracked
earthmoving equipment, trucks and articulated vehicles
mobile and/or tower cranes
communications equipment
Unit costs may tiling per square meter
include painting per square meter
but are not limited masonry walls per meter square
to the construction cost per square meter
cost of: installation of sanitary ware per unit
laying of foundation per meter
laying of slabs per meter square
installation of pipes per meter
laying of steel tray roofing per meter square
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must
Competence be able to provide evidence of:
identifying the materials required for a project
gathering information about material supply
interpreting measurements and calculating quantities and costs
planning and allocating human resources
identifying and costing other related costs such as those
required to meet statutory and planning approval processes
producing documentation which meets the timeframes and
quality standards established by the organization
communicating effectively, both verbally and in writing
Underpinning Building Code and Plumbing Code of Ethiopia and Ethiopian
Knowledge and standards relevant to the industry sector
Attitudes Government building and construction codes, standards and
Government regulations relevant to the form of building or
construction being undertaken (e.g. WorkCover)
Types of building and construction drawings and specifications
Types, scope and usage of labor through the employee and
subcontractor systems
Operation and structure of organisational costing and
contracting system
Costing techniques and standard procedures
Underpinning Calculate labor hours and costs
Skills Calculate materials quantities and costs
Extrapolate labor and materials costs from written information
Read drawings and specifications
Technological skills to facilitate use of the organization’s
software and office technology Including appropriate costing
software programs
Utilise appropriate costing software programs
Variables Range
Medium-rise is
Building codes and standards of Ethiopian
determined by:
Assessment evidence of suitability as described in the Building Code of
methods include: Ethiopia
verification method as defined in the Building Code of Ethiopia
comparison with Building Code of Ethiopia Deemed-to satisfy
expert judgment as defined in the Building Code of Ethiopia
Performance the performance requirements of the Building Code of Ethiopia
requirements determined to be relevant to a specific project
include: performance requirements contained within other legislation
applicable to a specific project
performance-based contractual requirements that must be
fulfilled by any party
Design requirement durability
factor of safety
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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be
Competence able to provide evidence of:
compliance with organizational quality procedures and
application and interpretation of relevant documentation and
codes and accurate application of Building Code of Ethiopia
performance requirements relating to design and construction
of a building
demonstrated understanding of some assessment methods
available to determine compliance with the Building Code of
identification of typical faults and problems and proposed
action to rectify
Underpinning Basic design principles and the behavior of structures under
Knowledge and stress, strain, compression, bending or combined actions
Attitudes Building Code of Ethiopia performance hierarchy
Definitions and common technical terms or usage specified
under general provisions of Building Code of Ethiopia
General nature of materials and the effects of performance
Interpretation and analysis of working drawings and
Relevance of Ethiopian standards, legislative and OHS
requirements, codes and practices
Relevant/applicable licensing arrangements
Medium-rise: Determined according to building codes of
Purpose and function of structure and methods of
Environmental impacts on the design, implementation of the
Underpinning Skills Interpreting Ethiopian Code of Standards and Building Codes
Classifying buildings
Analyzing and applying a range of solutions to a construction
Resources Resource requirements for assessment include:
access to Building Code of Ethiopia and relevant documents
project documentation, including design brief and drawings,
specifications, construction schedules and other supporting
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting
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Occupational Standard: On Site Building Construction Management Level IV
Apply Site Surveys and Set Out Procedures to Building
Unit Title
Unit Code CON BCM4 05 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the necessary outcomes required for applying
site surveys and set out procedures to medium-rise building and
construction projects. It addresses the skills and practices
required to measure, record and interpret data using measuring
and leveling equipment and to set out building projects.
1. Set out a 1.1 Site information and dimensions are identified from site plan
building on and checked against plan drawings.
selected site with 1.2 Survey pegs are measured to ensure correct identification
minimal profiles occurred before pilot pegs are positioned.
1.3 Profiles pegs set-up on site at a working distance from pilot
pegs and parallel to pilot line.
1.4 Marks to indicate outside of building or other structural
members are made following safety procedures.
1.5 Cut and fill calculations are conducted without error.
2. Prepare and test 2.1 The various components of leveling devices are identified.
leveling devices 2.2 Basic tests on leveling device accuracy are performed
according to manufacturer specifications.
2.3 The effects of maladjustment in leveling devices according to
standard operating procedures are identified and recorded.
3. Operate leveling 3.1 Temporary adjustments to 'set up' leveling equipment are
devices carried out in accordance with standard operating
3.2 Horizontal and vertical angles are determined using leveling
3.3 Site is set out to specifications using leveling device.
4. Mark and 4.1 Set out grid and levels are determined.
determine levels 4.2 Contour plans are prepared from grid levels to specified
on a grid for tolerances and stated contour intervals.
contouring and
volume 4.3 The volume of solids, the surface being leveled and
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calculations contoured is determined to the specified tolerances.
5. Compute 5.1 The angular relationship between different bearings (whole
coordinates, and circle) is demonstrated.
bearings, and 5.2 The bearing and distance between coordinates are
distances related calculated.
to grids and
general set out 5.3 The coordinates of a point given the bearing and distance
work from a point with known coordinates are calculated.
5.4 Offsets from a coordinated point given the bearing and
distance from a point with known coordinates are determined.
5.5 The information necessary to set out a structure, using a site
plan is determined.
5.6 OHS is observed throughout the whole process
Variables Range
Cut and fill area and volume of land to be leveled
calculations area of land to be filled
volume of fill required
use of appropriate software
Tools and pegs
Equipment laser
optical plummets
Leveling equipment laser
includes: theodolite
EDM equipment
optical plummets
Occupational OHS requirements are to be in accordance with
Health and Safety legislation/regulations/codes of practice, organizational safety
(OHS) policies and procedures and project safety plan. This may include
protective clothing and equipment
safe use of tools and equipment
workplace environment and safety
handling of materials
Variables Range
Tools and Computers and appropriate software
Equipment Standard manuals
Stationery materials
Standard Developed specifications
specifications Detailed specifications, which address specific components
may include: such as mechanical, structural, electrical or other requirements
Documentation requirements arising from building information
Industry Standard specifications
Preliminary or outline specifications
Prescriptive and Prescriptive requirements: detail relating to materials and
Performance quality of work, quality assurance, nominated subcontractors,
requirements provision of site access/facilities and costs
include: Performance requirements: standards of work, work schedules
and milestones
Data sources Publications and journals
include: Computer data files
Statistical summaries
Policy statements
Media reports
Local, state or territory, and federal government documents
and registers.
Contractual type of tender
obligations include: insurance requirements
expected performance levels
prescriptive requirements
occupational health and safety issues
Variables Range
Information May include but not limited to
verbal or written and graphical instructions, work schedules,
plans/specifications, memos, maps, material safety data sheets
(MSDS), diagrams or sketches and graphics
Regulatory/legislative requirements pertaining to operations and
the environment
Manufacturers' specifications and instructions
Organization work specifications and requirements.
Instructions issued by authorized personnel
Bill of quantities Is an itemized list of materials required in constructing/producing,
maintaining or repairing a specific structure
Financial and probity and honest dealing
business accurate and timely development and maintenance of
principles financial records
accountability and integrity
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects The competence is observed through the following aspects:
of Competence apply efficient methods of computation
apply efficient measurement of work
apply counter checking procedures
apply efficient acquisition procedures
ability to effectively deal with delays
capacity to evaluate the system and to recommend and
implement remedial or improvement based changes
ability to develop resource supply schedules and to priorities
events allowing for possible contingencies
Required Demonstrate a knowledge of
knowledge Computation
Drawing reading
Data organization and systematic analysis
Quantity surveying
Basic managerial skills
Effective administration and monitoring of the procurement
system and processes
Required skills Demonstrate the skill on:
Plan and prepare for work
Measure quantities of work
Check and correct quantities
Technological skills to enable effective administration and
monitoring of the procurement system and processes
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implication Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with necessary
tools and equipment as well as consumable materials
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting
Variables Range
Technology May include but are not limited to:
Office technology
Industrial technology
System technology
Information technology
Training technology
Management May include but not limited to:
concepts Real Time Management
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence Studied and selected appropriate technology consistent with
work requirements
Applied relevant technology
Maintained and enhanced operative ability of relevant technology
Underpinning Awareness on technology and its function
Knowledge and Repair and maintenance procedure
Attitudes Operating instructions
Applicable software
Communication techniques
Health and safety procedure
Company policy in relation to relevant technology
Different management concepts
Technology adaptability
Underpinning Relevant technology application/implementation
Skills Basic communication skills
Software applications skills
Basic problem solving skills
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implication Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with necessary
tools and equipment as well as consumable materials
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Variables Range
Occupational Consider proper installation of service devices
Health Safety Ensure proper handling and utilization of service devices
Types and sources May include but not limited:
of information Working drawings (sanitary, electrical)
Water supply may town supply
include: tank storage supply relative to the public water supply and
reservoir heights
single and two stage pumping for multi-function and single
Sewerage a local authority sewerage drainage system
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able
Competence to provide evidence of:
compliance with OHS and organizational quality
procedures and processes within the context of this unit of
application and interpretation of relevant
documentation/codes/legislation relating to performance of
service installations
accurate application of principles relating to performance of
service installations
identification of typical faults and problems and necessary
action taken to rectify
identification of service installations and hazard categories
according to Building Code of Ethiopia and job specifications
Underpinning Ethiopian standards and manufacturer specifications
Knowledge and design concepts and principles relating to service installations
Attitudes hazards in relation to devices and systems used according to
Ethiopian standards and other codes or standard operating
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installation methods
nature of materials and effect on performance relating to service
relevant licensing arrangements applicable
service installation terminology and definitions
work drawings and specifications
Underpinning Identifying and evaluating different methods used of water
Skills supply, storage and layout
Evaluating methods of sewerage and drainage disposal and
their layouts
Identifying mechanical ventilation, air distribution and their
Evaluating the range of hot water systems
Evaluating effective natural lighting for a range of situations
Outlining the requirements for general electrical and electronic
service installation
Complying fire protection standards requirement
Resources Resource implications for assessment include:
documentation, including design brief drawings, specifications,
codes, design concepts, construction schedules and other
necessary supporting documents
research resources, including systems information and data
access to relevant legislation of regulations and codes of
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting
Variables Range
Briefings/handover Work inspection
details Location of potential hazards
may include Pre-tour safety meetings
Task Specific - Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Register of equipment maintenance
Assist with supervision of teams
Statutory Occupational Health and Safety
adherence may Duty of care
include: Environment
Codes of practice
Communications Two-way radio
may include: Intercom
Written instruction
Oral instruction
Hand signals
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of It is essential that competence is fully observed in the critical
Competence aspects of:
maintain equipment
manage subordinates
train subordinates
maintain proper communication
ability to build positive team spirit and effectively manage
overall team
Underpinning Occupational Health and Safety obligations
Knowledge Company and statutory guidelines, procedures and practices
Hand signals and non-verbal gestures
1. Determine areas 1.1 Specific risks for the range of occupations in the workplace
of potential risk are identified and prioritized.
in the building 1.2 Construction site safety is evaluated and construction
and construction hazards and potential risk areas are identified in accordance
workplace with legislative requirements for OHS and company
1.3 Hazards are identified and prioritized and required
approaches to remediation are documented.
2. Inspect and 2.1 Inspection of the workplace is conducted to identify specific
report on areas risks for the range of identified occupations.
of specific risk
2.2 Expert advice and advice from workplace personnel is sought
as appropriate.
2.3 An inspection report is completed in accordance with best
practice and statutory obligations.
3. Advise on 3.1 Recommendations are made from findings of inspection
implementation report.
of control 3.2 Relevant parties are consulted regarding compliance issues
measures at the relating to statutory requirements.
building and
construction 3.3 Agreed control measures are implemented in conjunction
workplace with relevant workplace personnel.
3.4 Effectiveness of control measures is monitored and reviewed.
4. Establish and 4.1 Effective strategies for communicating occupational health
review and safety policy and practice are determined in consultation
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communications with appropriate personnel.
and educational 4.2 Communication strategies and educational programs
programs specific to the building and construction industry and in
accordance with statutory requirements and best practice are
4.3 The effectiveness of the communication and educational
programs are reviewed.
Variables Range
Specific risks for falls from height
various falling objects
occupations within scaffolding
the building fall protection and access equipment
construction formwork
industry relate, but cranes, hoists and lifting gear
are not
pressure equipment
limited to:
welding, cutting and gouging processes in the construction
industry in particular, oxy-acetylene commonly used high risk
construction equipment, including:
explosive powered tools
compressed air nailing tools
high pressure jetting systems
material conveyors
other commonly used construction equipment, including:
concrete mixers
manually operated power tools
hand held tools
mechanical trowels
demolition, including asbestos removal
spray painting
working on roofs
abrasive blasting
working at heights
pre-stressing and post-tensioning operations
civil construction work, including excavation and trenching
masonry and concrete cutting
steel fixing
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precast concrete manufacture installation
concrete pumping
steel construction
protruding objects
stacking and storing materials
exposure to ultra violet light (UVL)
environmental conditions
Class 1 electrical work
Legislative OHS requirements are to be in accordance with Federal or
requirements regional legislation and regulations and may include:
for OHS must be protective clothing and equipment
adhered use of tools and equipment
to in all planning workplace environment and safety
and handling of materials
implementation use of firefighting equipment
use of first aid equipment
noting that:
hazard control and hazardous materials and substances
personal protective equipment may include that prescribed under
legislation, regulation and workplace policies and practices
safe operating procedures may include but are not limited to:
recognizing and preventing hazards associated with
the use of tools and equipment
trip hazards
underground services
surrounding structure and facilities
hazardous materials
other machines
working at heights
working in proximity to others
worksite visitors/the public
working in confined spaces
environmental requirements to cover water quality management
must address waste management, storm-water protection and
clean-up protection
legislative requirements may require the development and use of
site safety plans and safe work methods statements
An inspection prescribed self-assessment tools identified by a relevant
report may state or territory authority (relevant legislation must be applied)
include: check lists
hazard sheet
company safety procedure forms
Relevant parties designers
include manufacturers and importers
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person must be able to demonstrate:
Competence ability to identify daily work requirements and allocate work
ability to interpret financial documents in accordance with legal
Underpinning Current workplace/ occupational health and safety (OHS)
Knowledge and legislation and advisory standards
Attitudes Concrete Pumping Supplement
Work on Roofs Advisory Standard
Falling Objects Advisory Standard
Falls from Heights Advisory Standard
Steel Construction Advisory Standard
Excavation Advisory Standard
Scaffolding Advisory Standard
Demolition Advisory Standard
Formwork Advisory Standard
Construction Workplace Advisory Standard
Manual Handling in the Building Industry Advisory Standard
1. Plan to meet 1.1 The needs of customers are investigated, assessed and
internal and defined to be included in the planning processes
external 1.2 standards and plans are developed to address key quality
customer issues
requirements 1.3 Opportunities for customers and colleagues to give feedback on
products and services are provided
1.4 Review changes in internal and external environments and
integrate findings into planning for quality service
2. Manage 2.1 Customer service standards and expectations are clearly
delivery of communicated to colleagues
quality 2.2 Staff performance is managed to consistently meet the
products organization’s quality and delivery standards
and/or 2.3 Coaching and mentoring are used to assist colleagues to deal
services with customer service issues
2.4 Customer service is monitored in the workplace to ensure
standards are met in accordance with enterprise policies and
3. Monitor, adjust 3.1 Strategies to monitor progress in achieving product and/or
and review service targets and standards are developed and used
customer 3.2 Strategies to obtain customer feedback are developed and used
service to improve the provision of products and/or services
3.3 Resources are developed, procured and used effectively to
provide quality products and/or services to customers
3.4 Decisions to overcome problems and to adapt customer service
and products and/or service delivery are taken in consultation
with appropriate individuals and groups
3.5 Records, reports and recommendations are managed within the
organization’s systems and processes
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Evidence of the following is critical:
of Competence ability to develop pro-active approaches to the delivery
and monitoring of quality customer service within a
specific tourism/hospitality context
knowledge of quality service principles and processes
Underpinning relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
Knowledge and business operation, especially in regard to occupational health
Attitudes and safety and environmental issues, equal opportunity,
industrial relations and anti-discrimination
the roles and responsibilities of management in ensuring
quality service within an enterprise
concept of total quality service and total quality management
and its application
the organization’s policies and procedures for dealing with
the principles and techniques involved in the management
and organization of:
customer needs research
strategies to obtain customer feedback
customer relations
customer behavior
problem identification and resolution
quality customer service delivery
ongoing product and/or service quality
record keeping and management methods
strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing
ways to improve customer service relationships
consultation and communication techniques
leadership and mentoring techniques
management of relationships to achieve strategic
planning responsibilities
strategies for contributing to the achievement of goals
Underpinning implementing quality assurance in the workplace
Skills establishing standards
monitoring and evaluation
staff involvement and reward
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information
on workplace practices and OHS practices.
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Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Demonstration/Observation with Oral questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in a simulated
Assessment work environment
1. Identify the 1.1 Variances are identified from normal operating parameters;
problem and product quality
1.2 Extent, cause and nature are of the problem are defined
through observation, investigation and analytical techniques
1.3 Problems are clearly stated and specified
2. Determine 2.1 Possible causes are identified based on experience and the
fundamental use of problem solving tools / analytical techniques.
causes of the 2.2 Possible cause statements are developed based on
problem findings
2.3 Fundamental causes are identified per results of
investigation conducted
3. Determine 3.1 All possible options are considered for resolution of the
corrective problem
actions 3.2 Strengths and weaknesses of possible options are
3.3 Corrective actions are determined to resolve the problem and
possible future causes
3.4 Action plans are developed identifying measurable
objectives, resource needs and timelines in accordance with
safety and operating procedures
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency Identified the problem
Determined the fundamental causes of the problem
Determined the correct / preventive action
Provided recommendation to manager
Underpinning Competence includes a thorough knowledge and
Knowledge and understanding of the process, normal operating
Attitudes parameters, and product quality to recognize non-standard
Competence to include the ability to apply and explain,
sufficient for the identification of fundamental cause,
determining the corrective action and provision of
Relevant equipment and operational processes
Enterprise goals, targets and measures
Enterprise quality, OHS and environmental requirement
Principles of decision making strategies and techniques
Enterprise information systems and data collation
Industry codes and standards
Variables Range
Sourced end-users
customers or stakeholders
Legislated Verification of service quality as part of consumer legislation or
requirements specific legislation related to service content or composition.
Safety use of tools and equipment for construction works
procedures workplace environment and handling of material safety,
following occupational health and safety procedures designated
for the task
respect the policies, regulations, legislations, rule and procedures
for construction works
Materials gloves, bucket, scrubbing brush, gauze, cotton and plasters
aluminum foils, gowns, apron, rubber boots, disinfectants,
antiseptics, scalpel blade, stationeries, tap water, alcohol, and
soap, detergents, protective eyewear, overall, cleaning reagents
cleaning materials
Tools and projector, white board, computers, printers, calculators, copying
Equipment machines, bucket, wheelbarrow/trolley for disposal of carcass,
different quality evaluating equipment
Variables Range
Learning and Coaching, monitoring and/or supervision
development Formal/informal learning program
needs Internal/external training provision
Work experience/exchange/opportunities
Personal study and Career planning/development
Performance evaluation
Workplace skills assessment
Recognition of prior learning
Organizational Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
requirements Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and requirements
Safety policies, procedures and programs
Confidentiality and security requirements
Business and performance plans
Ethical standards
Quality and continuous improvement processes and standards
Feedback on Formal/informal performance evaluation
performance Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
Obtaining feedback from clients
Personal and reflective behavior strategies
Routine and organizational methods for monitoring service
Learning delivery On the job coaching or monitoring
methods Problem solving
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence Identified and implemented learning opportunities for others
Gave and received feedback constructively
Facilitated participation of individuals in the work of the team
Negotiated learning plans to improve the effectiveness of
Prepared learning plans to match skill needs
Accessed and designated learning opportunities
Underpinning Coaching and monitoring principles
Knowledge and Understanding how to work effectively with team members
Attitudes who have diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and
Understanding how to facilitate team development and
Understanding methods and techniques to obtain and
interpreting feedback
Understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing
personal development opportunities and options
Knowledge of career paths and competency standards in the
Underpinning Ability to read and understand a variety of texts, prepare
Skills general information and documents according to target
audience; spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation
effective relationships and conflict management
Communication skills including receiving feedback and
reporting, maintaining effective relationships and conflict
Planning skills to organize required resources and equipment
to meet learning needs
Coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to
Reporting skills to organize information; assess information
for relevance and accuracy; identify and elaborate on
learning outcomes
Facilitation skills to conduct small group training sessions
Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural,
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physical and mental backgrounds
Resource Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
Assessment Competence may be accessed through:
Methods Interview / Written Test
Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting
Occupational Standard: On Site Building Construction Management Level IV
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Unit Title Utilize Specialized Communication Skills
Unit Code CON BCM4 16 0510
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use
specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of internal
and external clients, conduct interviews, facilitate group
discussions, and contribute to the development of communication
Variables Range
Strategies Recognizing own limitations
Utilizing techniques and aids
Providing written drafts
Verbal and non verbal communication
Effective group Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within an
interaction interaction in a non judgmental way
Using active listening
Making decision about appropriate words, behavior
Putting together response which is culturally appropriate
Expressing an individual perspective
Expressing own philosophy, ideology and background and
exploring impact with relevance to communication
Types of Interview Related to staff issues Evidential
Routine Non disclosure
Confidential Disclosure
Interview Establish rapport
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situations obtain facts and information
Facilitate resolution of issues
Develop action plans
Diffuse potentially difficult situation
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence Demonstrated effective communication skills with clients
accessing service and work colleagues
Adopted relevant communication techniques and strategies to
meet client particular needs and difficulties
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Communication process
Attitudes Dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills Full range of communication techniques including:
Full range of communication
Active listening
Role boundaries setting
Establishing empathy
Communication skills required to fulfill job roles as specified by
the organization
Resource Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
Methods of Competence may be accessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written exam
Observation / Demonstration
Context for Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting
Occupational Standard: On Site Building Construction Management Level IV
Unit Title Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operation
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Unit Code CON BCM4 17 0510
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the operation of day-to-day business activities in a
micro or small business. The strategies involve developing,
monitoring and managing work activities and financial information,
developing effective work habits, and adjusting work schedules as
3. Identify daily 1.1 Work requirements for a given time period are identified
work taking into consideration resources and constraints
requirements 1.2 Work activities are prioritized based on business needs,
requirements and deadlines
1.3 If appropriate, work is allocated to relevant staff or
contractors to optimize efficiency
4. Monitor and 2.1 People, resources and/or equipment are coordinated to
manage work provide optimum results
2.2 Staff, clients and/or contractors are communicated within a
clear and regular manner, to monitor work in relation to
business goals or timelines
2.3 Problem solving techniques are applied to work situations
to overcome difficulties and achieve positive outcomes
5. Develop 3.1 Work and personal priorities are identified and a balance is
effective work achieved between competing priorities using appropriate
habits time management strategies
3.2 Input from internal and external sources is sought and
used to develop and refine new ideas and approaches
3.3 Business or inquiries are responded to promptly and
3.4 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the
industry and audience
6. Interpret 4.1 Relevant documents and reports are identified
information 4.2 Documents and reports are read and understood and any
implications discussed with appropriate persons
4.3 Data and numerical calculations are analyzed, checked,
evaluated, organized and reconciled
4.4 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained correctly
and in accordance with legal and accounting requirements
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4.5 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a
timely manner and in accordance with legal requirements
4.6 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up on
7. Evaluate work 5.1 Opportunities for improvements are monitored according to
performance business demands
5.2 Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate necessary
modifications to existing work and routines or changing needs
and requirements
5.3 Proposed changes are clearly communicated and recorded to
aid in future planning and evaluation
5.4 Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical
approach to workplace practices and decisions
Variables Range
Resources may staff
include: money
Business goals sales targets
may include: budgetary targets
team and individual goals
production targets
reporting deadlines
Problem solving gaining additional research and information to make better
techniques may informed decisions
include: looking for patterns
considering related problems or those from the past and how
they were handled
eliminating possibilities
identifying and attempting sub-tasks
collaborating and asking for advice or help from additional
Time management prioritizing and anticipating
strategies may short term and long term planning and scheduling
include: creating a positive and organized work environment
clear timelines and goal setting that is regularly reviewed and
adjusted as necessary
breaking large tasks into smaller tasks
getting additional support if identified and necessary
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects A person must be able to demonstrate:
of Competence ability to identify daily work requirements and allocate work
ability to interpret financial documents in accordance with legal
Underpinning Federal and Local Government legislative requirements affecting
Knowledge and business operations, especially in regard to occupational health
Attitudes and safety (OH&S), equal employment opportunity (EEO),
industrial relations and anti-discrimination
technical or specialist skills relevant to the business operation
relevant industry code of practice
planning techniques to establish realistic timelines and priorities
identification of relevant performance measures
quality assurance principles and methods
relevant marketing, management, sales and financial concepts
methods for monitoring performance and implementing
structured approaches to problem solving, idea management
and time management
Underpinning literacy skills to interpret legal requirements, company policies
Skills and procedures and immediate, day-to-day demands
communication skills including questioning, clarifying, reporting,
and giving and receiving constructive feedback
numeracy skills for performance information, setting targets and
interpreting financial documents and reports
technical and analytical skills to interpret business documents,
reports and financial statements and projections
ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
problem solving skills to develop contingency plans
using computers and software packages to record and manage
data and to produce reports
evaluation skills for assessing work and outcomes
observation skills for identifying appropriate people, resources
and to monitor work
Resource The following resources should be provided:
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Implications Access to relevant workplace documentation, financial records,
and equipment
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Observation/Demonstration with Oral questioning
Context for Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in a simulated
Assessment work environment
Occupational Standard: On Site Building Construction Management Level IV
Unit Title Migrate to New Technology
Unit Code CON BCM4 18 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to apply skills and
knowledge in using new or upgraded technology. The rationale
behind this unit emphasizes the importance of constantly reviewing
1. Apply existing 1.1 Situations are identified where existing knowledge can be
knowledge and used as the basis for developing new skills.
techniques to 1.2 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and used to
technology and enhance learning.
1.3 New or upgraded equipment are identified, classified and used
where appropriate, for the benefit of the organization.
2. Apply functions 2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted according
of technology to the specification manual.
to assist in 2.2 Features of new or upgraded equipment are applied within the
solving organization
problems 2.3 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment is used
for solving organizational problems
2.4 Sources of information is accessed and used relating to new
or upgraded equipment
3. Evaluate new 3.1 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for performance,
or upgraded usability and against OHS standards.
technology 3.2 Environmental considerations are determined from new or
performance upgraded equipment.
3.3 Feedback is sought from users where appropriate.
Variables Range
Environmental May include but is not limited to recycling, safe disposal of
Considerations packaging (e.g. cardboard, polystyrene, paper, plastic) and
correct disposal of waste materials by an authorized body
Feedback May include surveys, questionnaires, interviews and meetings.
Occupational Standard: On Site Building Construction Management Level IV
Unit Title Manage Continuous Improvement System
Unit Code CON BCM4 19 1012
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in
which continuous improvement, innovation and learning are
Variable Range
Sustainability may addressing environmental and resource sustainability
include: initiatives, such as environmental management systems,
action plans, green office programs, surveys and audits
applying the waste management hierarchy in the workplace
complying with regulations and corporate social
responsibility considerations for sustainability to enhance
the organization’s standing in business and community
determining organization’s most appropriate waste
treatment, including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use,
recoverable resources and wastewater treatment
implementing ecological footprint
implementing environmental management systems, e.g.
ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life
cycle analyses
implementing government initiatives,
improving resource and energy efficiency
initiating and maintaining appropriate organizational
procedures for operational energy consumption
introducing a green office program - a cultural change
introducing green purchasing
introducing national and international reporting initiatives,
introducing product stewardship
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
reducing use of non-renewable resources
referencing standards, guidelines and approaches, such as
sustainability covenants and compacts or triple bottom line
supporting sustainable supply chain.
Supply chains network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms
include: them into intermediate products or services and then
finished goods or service, and delivers them through a
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distribution system
procurement, production and distribution, viewed as
interlinked not as discrete elements
Performance budget or cost variance
reports may customer service
include: environmental
other operating parameters
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence of the following is essential:
Competence demonstration of consultation processes to introduce or
evaluate an existing continuous improvement process or
system, including suggested actions or an action plan
generation of an idea or concept which exhibits creative
thinking and which offers the possibility of advantaging the
how the concept or idea was introduced, tested and
evaluated - the idea or concept does not have to have been
shown to work or to be adopted by the business
knowledge of quality management and continuous
improvement theories
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and quality management and continuous improvement theories
Attitudes creativity/innovation theories/concepts
risk management
cost-benefit analysis methods
creativity and innovation theories and concepts
organizational learning principles
quality management and continuous improvement theories
risk management
sustainability practices
industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise
We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts of Ministry of Works
Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who made the development of this occupational
standard possible.