2.1 Chapter 1 WH Question (1) .En - Id.id - en
2.1 Chapter 1 WH Question (1) .En - Id.id - en
2.1 Chapter 1 WH Question (1) .En - Id.id - en
1. Definition
2. Example
3. Exercise
1. Definition
The W-question is the term used to refer to questions starting with “Wh” and “H”. These questions are used to investigate information about something,
place, reason, person, or so on. It is also used for object * or even subject ** investment.
- Object *: material objects that can be seen and touched or a person or thing that becomes
the goal of a particular action or feeling.
(countable noun)
2 │ Chapter 1
How far Distance How far is your home from this campus?
this test?
In learning Wh-Questions, students first have to understand what complementary is. This addition will always appear after the
Wh-Question. However, this kind of question usually comes right before the main verb.
✓ Auxiliary verbs are helpful verbs (be, do, have / has, will, whould,
➔ With tools
- Sipaeprataynadninggm I won
3. practice
* Record your answers into a video, then upload them to your YouTube channel and