6 Traffic Analysis Techniques
6 Traffic Analysis Techniques
6 Traffic Analysis Techniques
This chapter presents an introduction to graphical techniques
for analyzing space-time relationships, graphical and
mathematical techniques for analyzing traffic queues and
delays, and analysis of transportation networks.
The analysis of traffic flow is the basis for
design of:
transportation system operating strategies
Space-time diagrams are used in several different ways.
Where the problems involved are simple enough, they may be
used to provide direct graphical solutions. In more
complicated cases, they may be used as an aid in developing
analytical solutions to control problems, simulation models,
and theoretical models of traffic flow.
The solution to the second part involves finding the time the
westbound train must leave in order to arrive at the critical
point at the proper time, if it travels at 90 km/h. as can be
seen, the earliest possible arrival time for the westbound train
at the west end is 3:00 p.m. The latest it could leave the east
end and arrive at this time is 2:00 p.m. if it leaves at 1:30 p.m.,
it should travel the first 30 km at an average speed of 36
Most space-time problems are complicated enough that it is
not efficient to use graphical methods for routine solutions. In
this case, space-time diagrams are often used to derive
analytical relationships, which may then be used to produce a
large number of solutions quickly and accurately. An example
of this type of use of space-time diagrams is the derivation of
basic relationships used in the analysis of capacity for airport
runways used for landings only.
Runway capacity is largely a function of the air traffic rules
used by the air traffic control system. A fundamental rule
states that, when flying under instrument conditions, all
aircraft at a given elevation must maintain certain minimum
longitudinal distance separations. The reason for this rule is
that under instrument conditions, the responsibility for
maintaining aircraft separations lies with the air traffic
controllers, rather than the pilots, and it is fairly easy to verify
distance separations on the radar screens used by the
Normally, the minimum distance separation is 3 nautical
miles; however, because of wake turbulence caused by
wingtip vortices, larger separations are required on the final
approach path to the runway for aircraft following wide-body
jets. A second fundamental rule states that there can be only
one aircraft on the runway at a time. In most cases, however,
the minimum distance separations in the air will be more
critical than the runway occupancy times.
Under instrument conditions, all aircraft using conventional
instrument landing systems must be traveling in the direction of
the runway and on the same glide path from a point known as the
entry gate to the runway threshold. This path from the entry gate
to the runway threshold is known as the common approach path.
Prior to the entry gate, aircraft may be on various headings or at
different elevations. Consequently, minimum distance separations
between aircraft must be maintained from the time the lead
aircraft arrives at the entry gate until it passes the runway
threshold. More modern microwave landing systems allow
relaxation of the requirement that all aircraft approach the runway
on the same heading, and as will be seen from the analysis, this
increases the capacity of the runway.
The speed of the trailing
aircraft is equal to or greater
than that of the lead aircraft.
Consequently, it is gaining on
the lead aircraft as it travels
along the common approach
path, and the critical distance
separation occurs just as the
lead aircraft arrives at the
runway threshold.
𝑤= (𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒)
2µ(1 − 𝑝)
𝑡= (𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦)
2𝜇(1 − 𝑝)
Stochastic queuing systems are said to be;
Platform capacities
Yard operations
Water Transportation;
Loading/unloading operations
Morning peak traffic upstream of a toll booth is given
below. The toll plaza consists of three booths each of
which can handle an average of one vehicle every 6s.
Using a queuing diagram, determine the maximum
queue, the longest delay to individual vehicle, and the
total delay.
7:00-7:10 200 200
7:10-7:20 400 600
7:20-7:30 500 1100
7:30-7:40 250 1350
7:40-7:50 200 1550
7:50-8:10 150 1700
A ramp meter operates during the morning peak period. Ramp
meter cycles vary with time as shown in the table below. The
Metering scheme allows one vehicle per cycle to pass the signal.
The table below givs the number of vehicles demanding service
on the ramp during particular time intervals, the cumulative
demand for the ramp for the morning peak, and the ramp meter
cycle for each interval. Using Queuing diagram, determine the
maximum queue, the maximum delay to any vehicle, and the
total delay.
TIME PERIOD 15-min. Vol. Cumulative Vol. Meter Cycle,s
6:30-6:45 75 75 6
6:45-7:00 100 175 10
7:00-7:15 125 300 12
7:15-7:30 110 410 12
7:30-7:45 80 490 10
7:45-8:00 65 555 6
The density (vehicle per unit distance) of traffic in a queue is generally
much greater than that of free flowing traffic.
Direct Surveillance - used to estimate density.
Occupancy – (the fraction of time vehicles are over the detector) is a
measure often used as a substitute for density.
A second reason that queue density is of interest is that it can be used
to determine the physical length of the queue, and hence, the amount
of space that must be provided or store it. As a general rule, it is
desirable to avoid situations in which the queue from bottleneck blocks
traffics not bound for that bottleneck. In this case the queue is said to
spill back into the upstream section.
Network Analysis
■ Is the mathematical analysis of complex working procedures in
terms of a network of related activities.
■ In order to use the algorithm, it is necessary to set up the network, identifying all
nodes, links, and link costs. For purposes of hand calculation, the networks should be
represented by a diagram. Nodes are represented by a circle split by a horizontal line.
In the space above the line, each node is identified by a unique number or letter. In the
space below the line, a node label will be written. This label will consist of the cost of
reaching the node from the source by the minimum path to that node and the last node
on the minimum cost path from the source. Links are represented by lines connecting
the nodes, and link costs are written beside the links.
Minimum Cost Path Algorithm
■ The algorithm consists of a process of node labeling. The key to this process is that
nodes are labeled in ascending order of the cost of reaching them from the source
node. This is accomplished by repetition of the following steps:
1. Let the most recently labeled node be designated i. Generate tentative labels for
all previously unlabeled nodes that can be reached directly from node i, and
eliminate the links between node i and these nodes from further consideration by
making a mark through them. The cost portion of the tentative label for node j is
the cost of reaching node i plus the cost of link ij, and the last-node portion is i.
Minimum Cost Path Algorithm
2.. If no tentative label yet exists for the node in questions, add the label just
generated to a list of tentative labels. If a previous label does exist, compare the
tentative label just generated with the old one. If the cost portion of the new label
is less than that of the old one, write down the new label and eliminate the old
label by striking through it. If the cost of the new label is greater than that of the
old one, ignore the new label and keep the old one. In case of ties, either label, or
both, may be kept, depending on the application
3. Search for the list of tentative labels to find the least-cost tentative label, and
label that node on the network diagram. Eliminate the node just labeled from the
tentative label list (it is now a final label).
Minimum Cost Path Algorithm