Poor 1 Pts Fair 2 Pts Good 3 Pts Excellent 4 Pts

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Sorting and grading are terms which are frequently used interchangeably in the food processing

industry, but strictly speaking they are distinct operations. Sorting is a separation based on a
single measurable property of raw material units, while grading is
“the assessment of the overall quality of a food using a number of attributes”. Grading of  fresh produce
may also be defined as ‘sorting according to quality’, as sorting usually upgrades the product.
Criteria and Methods of Sorting
Sorting is carried out on the basis of individual physical properties. Weight is usually the most
precise method of sorting, as it is not dependent on the geometry of the products. Eggs, fruits or
vegetables may be separated into weight categories using spring-loaded, strain gauge or electronic
weighing devices incorporated into conveying systems

Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Depth of reflection Poor Fair Good Excellent
Writing Writing Writing Writing
demonstrates lack demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates an
of reflection on the minimal reflection general reflection in-depth reflection
selected topic, with on the selected on the selected on the selected
no details. topic, including a topic, including topic, including
few supporting some suporting supporting details
details and details and and examples.
examples. examples.
Required Poor Fair Good Excellent
Writing does not Writing includes Writing includes Writing surpasses
include the the a few the required the required
required components of the components of the components of the
components of the selected topic. selected topic. selected topic.
selected topic.
Quality of Poor Fair Good Excellent
Information has Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly
little to do with the relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main
main topic. topic. No details topic. It provides topic. It includes
and/or examples 1-2 supporting several supporting
are given. details and/or details and/or
examples. examples.
Structure & Poor Fair Good Excellent
Writing unclear, Writing is unclear, Writing is mostly Writing is clear,
disorganized. and thoughts are clear, concise, and concise, and well
Thoughts make not well organized. organized with the organized with the
little to no sense. Thoughts are not use of excellent use of excellent
expressed in a sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph
logical manner. structure. Thoughtsstructure. Thoughts
are expressed in a are expressed in a
logical manner. logical manner.
Grammar Poor Fair Good Excellent
There are There are more There are no more There are no more
numerous spelling than five spelling than five spelling than three spelling
or grammar errors or grammar errors or grammar errors or grammar errors
per page of writing per page of writing per page of writing per page of writing
reflection. reflection. reflection. reflection.

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