Weekly One Liners 1st February To 7th of February 2021: Union Budget 2021-22 Is Being Presented by FM Nirmala Sitharaman

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021

Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021

Union Budget 2021-22 is being presented by • First of six pillars Aatmanirbhar Yojana in addition
FM Nirmala Sitharaman to the National Health Mission introduce the
Aatmanirbhar Health Yojana with an outlay of Rs
Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman is 64,180 crore over six years. This will strengthen the
presenting the Union Budget 2021 for the 3rd time in a National Centre for Disease Control. Besides this,
row. The Union Budget is the yearly financial report the government will also set up 15 Health
estimating the income and expenditure presented to Emergency Centres.
outline future policies to be adopted by the government • Jal Jeevan Mission with an outlay of Rs 2.87 lakh
for sustainable growth and development. The crore to cover houses and to be implemented over
Economic Survey 2020-21 was released on 29th January five years. Budget 2021 will also launch Mission
2021 by the Chief Economic Advisor of India, Poshan 2.0. Besides this, the launch of urban
Krishnamurthy Subramanian. According to the ‘Swacch Bharat Mission’ 2.0 with an outlay of Rs
1.42 lakh crore has been made.
survey, India’s economy could contract 7.7 per cent in
• Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has
the financial year that ends on March 31.
announced voluntary vehicle scrapping policy.
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman concluded her
Vehicles to undergo fitness test – which is 20 years
Budget speech at 12.50 pm. In February 2020, FM
for passenger vehicles and 15 years for commercial
Nirmala Sitharaman spoke for a record 162 minutes — vehicles. Further details of the scrappage policy to
two hours and 42 minutes — in Lok Sabha. FM be announced shortly.
Sitharaman only had two pages of her Budget speech • Fitness testing for both PVs and CVs a positive
unread, when she appeared uneasy and her Budget move to create not only employment opportunities
speech was cut short. but a move that will ensure a cleaner environment
as part of the Health Infrastructure pillar. This will
Here are the key highlights from the Union Budget also boost demand for more cleaner vehicles.
2021-22: • The government has set an ambitious target of
• Total COVID-19 support measures amount to 13 building infrastructure in the country. But funding
per cent of GDP and total COVID-19 support these infrastructure projects would have posed a
measures by government and RBI amounts to Rs steep challenge because of the revenue constraints
27.1 lakh crore. The ‘Aatmanirbhar’ Packages and the stress on the loan books of banks. FM
accelerated India’s rate of reform. Sitharaman is likely to announce a dedicated
development financial institution to facilitate the
• India has two COVID-19 vaccines available and we
financing of greenfield infrastructure projects.
expect two more vaccines soon. India currently also
has one of the lowest death rate and active cases in
the world. India’s economic contraction is due to a
global pandemic. The government is fully prepared
to support and facilitate economic reset.
• Three times has a Budget followed contraction in
the economy. Vision for Aatmanirbhar Bharat in
Part-A of the Budget speech. ‘Aatmanirbharta’
consists of doubling farm income and strong
infrastructure. It consists of good governance and
women empowerment. Proposals for the FY22
Budget rests on 6 pillars.

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• Rs 35,000 crore to be allocated for further funds for • Power transmission assets of Rs 7,000 crore is to be
COVID-19 vaccines. we will provide more for transferred to Power Grid InvIT. The Centre will
COVID-19 vaccines if required. The private sector also provide Rs 2 lakh crore to states and
may be kept out of vaccination efforts it appears, a autonomous bodies for Capex. We will nudge states
disappointment for them. At a blended cost of for more capital expenditure. FY22 Capex has
Rs255/dose (in the first phase), that will cover 2 targetted at Rs 5.54 lakh crore v/s FY21’s Rs 4.39
doses of the vaccine for 68.6crore people in FY22. lakh crore. The alternatives will be worked out so
• Government has committed Rs 1.97 lakh crore for that consumers could choose from more than one
Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) power distribution companies. It’s a positive for
Tata Power.
covering 13 sectors. Further, 7 textile parks will be
• Bloomberg reports that fiscal deficit will be 9.8 per
launched for over three years.
cent of the GDP for FY21 and 6.8 per cent for FY22.
• National Infrastructure Pipeline has been
• The government will allot Rs 1.03 lakh crore for
expanded to 7,400 projects. Further, projects worth
National Highway Projects in Tamil Nadu; Rs
Rs 1.1 lakh crore have been completed under the
65,000 core for National Highway Projects in
National Infra Pipeline. The government will also Kerala; Rs 25,000 crore for National Highway
introduce a bill to set up DFI providing Rs 20,000 Projects in West Bengal.
crore to launch the National Asset Monetisation • The Eastern Freight Corridor is to be taken up this
Pipeline to fund new infra projects. year via PPP mode. Further, three future dedicated
• The FM has announced that a Bill will be freight corridors — East Coast, East-west, North-
introduced to set up a DFI or developmental south are in works. These will have an automatic
financial institution to fund long-term infra projects system on high-density rail routes to avoid
with a capital of Rs 20,000 crore. Rs 5 lakh crore collisions. Complete, 100% electrification of broad-
will be lent by DFI in three years time. gauge rail routes will be done by December 2023.
• An asset monetisation dashboard will be created to • Proposed to update the definition of small
provide clarity to investors. For 2021-22; capital companies to be raised up to rs crore from Rs 50
expenditure is seen at Rs 5.54 lakh crore which is lakh net worth.
up by 34.5 per cent year-on-year (YoY). • Rs 2,217 crore for 42 urban centres with a million-
• NHAI has sponsored one InVit to attract investors. plus population, to tackle the burgeoning problem
Thus 5 operational roads with Rs 5,000 crore value of air pollution.
• Supplementary Nutrition Programme and
being transferred to NHAI InVit. NHAI operational
POSHAN Abhiyaan to be merged, Mission
roll roads are to be monetised.
POSHAN 2.0 to be launched, To strengthen
• Meanwhile, Railways will monetise dedicated
nutritional content, delivery and outcome,
freight corridors after commissioning. The next lot
Intensified strategy for improving nutritional
of airports will also be monetised for operations and
outcomes in aspirational districts.
management. AAI airports in tier-2,3 cities and
• In Budget 2021, Union Finance Minister Nirmala
other railway assets are to be monetised.
Sitharaman has announced Rs 1.1 lakh crore for
• Amendment in InvIT and REIT structures for debt Indian Railways.
investors will ease fundraising and will provide the • A record Rs 1,10,055 crore has been provided for
momentum to the commercial real estate asset class. Indian Railways. Out of the total, Rs 1,07,100 crore
• More than 13,000 km of roads awarded under will be provided for capital expenditure in 2021-22,
Bharat Mala project. Around 3,800 km have been says FM Nirmala Sitharaman.
constructed in Bharatmala so far and 8,500 km to be • The government plans to sell part of its holding in
awarded by March 2022. Will complete additional Life Insurance Corporation of India through an
11,000 km of NH corridor by March 2022. More initial public offering in the coming year. An
economic corridors are being planned – 3,500 km of amendment to the existing Act to facilitate the
NH works are ongoing in Tamil Nadu. public offer, says FM Nirmala Sitharaman.

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• The government plans to further strengthen the • The government has announced an independent
NCLT framework and continue with the e-court gas transport system operator for booking and
system for faster resolution of bad debts. A coordination to ensure for unbiased allocation of
separate framework for MSMSe will also be made natural gas transportation capacity. The
by the government. government aims to address concerns of bias in the
• Strategic disinvestment of companies including allocation of gas transportation capacity by players
BPCL, Air India, Pawan Hans, IDBI Bank, such as Gail involved in both the supply and
Container Corporation of India to be completed in transportation of natural gas.
2021-22, Sitharaman has announced. The • FM says the definition of small companies to be
government will ask Niti Aayog to start working on revised by raising the capital base to Rs 2 cr from
identifying the next list of companies for strategic the current limit of Rs 50 lakh.
sale. • FM puts disinvestment receipts at Rs 1.75 lakh cr
• FM announces further infusion of Rs 20,000 crore for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2021. Two
for public sector banks. PSBs and one general insurance company to be
• FDI in insurance sector proposed to be hiked to divested, legislations amendments to be introduced
74% from 49% now. in this session.
• Rs 1,000 crore to solar energy corporation and Rs
• The government has allocated close to Rs 3.60 lakh
1,500 to renewable energy development agency.
crore in the Budget towards launching a
• Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announces a
“revamped”, reforms-based, result-linked power
new gas pipeline project for Jammu and Kashmir.
distribution sector scheme.
• Centre to provide Rs 18,000 crore for public buses,
• National Education Policy got a good reception,
announces FM.
FM said. “Over 15,000 schools to be qualitatively
• FM Sitharaman proposes an increase in agriculture
strengthened under the National Education Policy.
credit target to Rs 16.5 lakh crore. “The MSP regime
• Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman earmarks Rs
has undergone a change to assure price that is at
1,500 crore for promoting a digital mode of
least 1.5 times the cost of production across all
commodities. The total amount paid to paddy
• Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced
farmers surged to Rs 1.72 lakh crore in 2020-21.”
an allocation of Rs 300 crore to the state of Goa for
• The government has announced the extension of
celebrating the 60th anniversary of the liberation
benefits of the Ujjawala scheme to an additional 1
from Portuguese rule.
crore people. The scheme, which provides LPG
• Social security benefits to be extended to gig and
connections with financial assistance from the
platform workers. Minimum wages will apply to all
central government and currently benefits 12 crore
categories of workers and will be covered under
households, will be extended further to provide
ESIC. This will impact around 15 million gig
clean cheap cooking fuel.
workers in India, in addition to online platform
providers across sectors such as transportation
(Uber and Ola), food delivery (Swiggy and
Zomato), and the contract workers in IT and
software firms.
• FM announces a special scheme for the welfare of
women and children in Assam and West Bengal.
Rs 1,000 crore for Bengal, Assam tea workers.
• Fiscal deficit estimated at 9.5% of GDP for 2020-21.
Fiscal deficit for 2021-22 at 6.8% of GDP.
• Forthcoming Census could be India’s first digital
Census, says Sitharaman allocating Rs 3,768 crore
for FY-21.
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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• Allocation to rural infra development increased to • Govt proposes national language translation
Rs 40,000 cr in next fiscal from Rs 30,000 crore in initiative.
FY21. • Govt proposes deep ocean mission with an outlay
• FM announces development of 5 major fishing of more than Rs 4,000 cr over five years.
hubs. • The government has given relief measures for
• 1,000 more mandis will be integrated with the senior citizens by removing the need to file income
electronic national market. tax returns for those aged over 75 years. It has also
• Central University to be set up in Leh, Ladakh. announced a halving of the time frame for
• Operation green scheme to cover 22 more reopening of income-tax assessment cases from 6
perishable commodities. years to 3 years. For reopening of serious tax
• Social security benefits will be extended to gig and evasion cases up to 10 years, the government has
platform workers. Minimum wages will apply to all
put in a monetary limit of cases involving over Rs
categories of workers. Women will be allowed to
50 lakh in a year. This is expected to reduce
work in all categories and also in night shifts with
instances of tax harassment of income taxpayers.
adequate protection. To further extend efforts
• Late deposit of employee’s contribution to PF by
towards unorganised labour force, I propose to
employers will not be allowed as a deduction to the
launch a portal to collect relevant information on
gig workers, building/construction workers among
• Tax holiday for start-ups increased by one more
others. It’ll help formulate health, housing, skill,
year – till March 31, 2022.
insurance credit &food schemes for migrant
• NRIs allowed operating One Person Companies or
OPCs in India.
• Non-resident individuals with entrepreneurial
potential are now enabled to set up One Person • Tax exemption for aircraft leasing company may
Companies (OPC) with no paid-up capital and finally see India getting its first player in this
turnover restrictions, reducing registration timeline aviation segment. Till now, the Indian aviation
from 182 days to120 days. Earlier only Indian industry is dominated by lessors from Ireland and
resident citizens were permitted to set up OPCs. Hong Kong.
This would be attractive to the Indian Diaspora. • Customs duty on copper scrap cut to 2.5 per cent.
• In the 75th year of Independence of our country, Customs duty on some auto parts to be raised to 15
we shall reduce the compliance burden on senior per cent.”
citizens. For senior citizens who only have a • No deduction to employers for late deposit of
pension and interest income, I propose exemption employee contribution to Provident Fund.
of filing of income tax returns: FM • To extend eligibility for startups to claim tax
• In serious tax evasion cases, only where there is holiday by 1 year.
evidence of concealment of income of Rs 50 lakh or • Nifty Metal index drops by nearly 2 per cent from
more in a year, can reassessment be opened for 10 its top as custom duties on steel and copper are
years. For others, assessment reopening only for 3 reduced.
years. • Easing Compliance requirements of Small
• NRIs to be spared from double taxation. New rules Companies – Threshold increased to Share Capital
to be notified. Tax audit limit increased from Rs 5 up to Rs.2 crore and Turnover up to Rs.20 crore will
crore to Rs 10 crore. be Small Companies.
• Govt proposes setting up of a conciliatory • National Language Translation Mission will be set
mechanism for quick resolution of contractual up to boost regional languages and translation for
disputes. our regional speakers. This will phenomenally help
• Govt proposes to introduce the National Nursing in increasing the utilisation of internet services and
and Midwifery Commission Bill. augment the vision of digital India!.
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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• 100 new Sainik #schools will be set up in UN World Tourism Organization confirms 2020
partnership with the NGOs, private schools and as ‘worst year on record’
• Exemption duty on steel scrap up to March 2022; In accordance with the latest United Nations World
customs duty on naphtha cut to 2.5 pc: FM Tourism Organization (UN-WTO) “World Tourism
• Rationalising customs duties on gold and silver Barometer”, the year 2020 was the “worst year on
says FM in Budget for 2021-22
record” as global tourism suffered adversely due to
• Customs duty on cotton increased to 10%, silk to
international travel bans implemented to contain the
• Customs duty on solar lanterns cut to 5%. COVID-19 outbreak. International arrivals dropped by
• The Finance minister surprised taxpayers by not 74% & worldwide destinations welcomed 1 billion
announcing any change in income tax slab rates. fewer international arrivals than in 2019.
Some relief in filing ITR for senior citizens above 75. This collapse in travel represents an estimated loss of
No Covid tax, surcharges on income tax. $1.3 trillion in export revenues, more than 11 times less
during the 2009 crisis. On the regional front, Asia and
Indian-American Bhavya Lal appointed Acting
the Pacific aced sharpest year-on-year contraction of
Chief of Staff of NASA
84% (-84%). It was followed by the Middle East (-75%)
Indian-American Bhavya Lal was appointed by NASA and Europe (-70%).
as the Acting Chief of Staff of the US space agency. She
served as a member of the Biden Presidential
‘Atmanirbharta’ named Oxford Hindi word of
Transition Agency Review Team for the agency and
oversaw the agency’s transition under the 2020
administration of President Joe Biden. Lal brings
Oxford Languages, the world’s leading dictionary
extensive experience in engineering and space
publisher, has named ‘Aatmanirbharta’ as the Hindi
technology, serving as a member of the research staff at
the Institute for Defence Analyses Science and word of the year 2020. The Oxford Hindi word of the
Technology Policy Institute (STPI) from 2005 to 2020. year is a word or expression that is chosen to reflect the
ethos, mood, or preoccupations of the passing year, and
About the Bhavya Lal: have lasting potential as a term of cultural significance.
• Bhavya Lal led the analysis of space technology,
‘Aatmanirbharta’ means self-reliance. The word was
strategy, and policy for the White House Office of
chosen as it “validated the day-to-day achievements of
Science and Technology Policy and National Space
the countless Indians who dealt with and survived the
Council, as well as federal space-oriented
organisations, including NASA, the Department of perils of a pandemic”.
Defence, and the intelligence community.
• Lal is an active member of the space technology and
policy community, having chaired, co-chaired, or
served on five high-impact National Academy of
Science committees.
• She served two consecutive terms on the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Federal
Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote
Sensing and was an External Council member of
NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts Program
and the Technology, Innovation and Engineering
Advisory Committee of the NASA Advisory

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
National Affairs • In Nainital district of Uttarakhand, a first of its
kind botanical garden named ‘Shivalik Arboretum’
• The Union Textiles Minister Smriti Irani
has been inaugurated, for conserving over 210
inaugurated the 8th India International Silk Fair
on Virtual Portal on 31st January 2021. The five species of trees found in the Shivalik range of
days event is being held on the Indian Silk Export Himalayas. Shivalik Arboretum aims to spread
Promotion Council’s virtual platform due to nature education among people so that they are
COVID-19 pandemic. The fair is considered to be able to feel an emotional connect with the trees, and
India’s biggest silk fair. make them more active towards conservation.
• The Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah • Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh
Naidu inaugurated the National Tribal Festival
has virtually launched the ‘Har Ghar Pani, Har
“Aadi Mahotsav” at Dilli Haat, INA, New Delhi.
Ghar Safai’ mission as part of the government’s
The Aadi Mahotsav 2021 is being organized from
campaign to accomplish the goal of 100 per cent
February 1-15, 2021. The festival aims to familiarise
the people with the rich and diverse craft, the potable piped water supply in all rural households.
culture of the tribal communities across the country, The scheme is being funded by the World Bank, Jal
in one place. Jeevan Mission of GoI, NABARD, and State
• Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, Budget.
Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, Animal
Husbandry Minister Giriraj Singh, Jal Shakti International Affairs
Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Minister
of State for Jal Shakti Rattan Lal Kataria jointly • Indian-American Bhavya Lal was appointed by
launched a unified web portal for monitoring the NASA as the Acting Chief of Staff of the US space
progress of GOBARDHAN activities across the agency. She served as a member of the Biden
nation. Gobardhan aims to positively impact village Presidential Transition Agency Review Team for
cleanliness and generate wealth and energy from the agency and oversaw the agency’s transition
cattle and organic waste.
under the administration of President Joe Biden.
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the
• In Myanmar, a military coup was put in place on
centenary celebrations of the Chauri Chaura
incident on February 4 via videoconferencing. 1st February 2021, after the country’s military
February 4, 2021 marks 100 years of the ‘Chauri detained State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi along
Chaura’ incident, a landmark event in the country’s with President Win Myint and other members of
fight for independence. PM Modi also released a the ruling party. Myanmar military (also known as
postal stamp dedicated to the Chauri Chaura the Tatmadaw), took this step because they
incident, to mark the beginning of the event. The declared the November 2020 Myanmar general
state government of Uttar Pradesh has planned a election results fraudulent, in which Aung San Suu
year of celebrations in all 75 districts of the state in
Kyi won a landslide victory in Parliamentary
the memory of the martyrs.
election 2020 to form next Government.
States in the News • The ruling Community Party of Vietnam has re-
elected its 76-year-old General Secretary Nguyen
• Lucknow Metro has become the 1st metro in the Phu Trong for a third five-year term. He is serving
country to use ultraviolet rays to sanitise train
the post since 2011. Trong was granted an
coaches. For this, the LMRC has procured UV
exemption to contest in the election, though he was
sanitization apparatus from M/s FB TECH, an
Indian firm in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The Uttar Pradesh above the age limit of 65. The General Secretary is
Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) has taken the highest office within the Communist Party of
inspiration from the New York Metro’s experiment Vietnam. Trong also holds the position of the
to sanitise trains with UV lamp rays. President of Vietnam since 2018.

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• The Government of Denmark has approved a Banking/Economy/Business News
project to build the world’s first energy island, in
• According to RBI, the licence of Maharashtra-based
the North Sea that will produce and store enough
Shivam Sahakari Bank has been cancelled as it
green energy to meet the electricity needs of three does not have adequate capital and earning
million households in European countries. The hub prospects. The Commissioner for Cooperation and
will strengthen the integration of Europe’s power Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Maharashtra has
grids and increase renewable electricity production also been requested to issue an order for winding
necessary for a climate-neutral Europe. up the bank and appoint a liquidator for the bank.
With the cancellation of licence the process of
paying the depositors as per the DICGC Act, 1961
Agreements/MoUs Signed
will be set in motion.
• Ford Motor Co has joined hands with Alphabet • Punjab National Bank (PNB) has decided to
Inc’s Google to cooperate in software, artificial restrict its customers from withdrawing money
from non-EMV automated teller machines (ATMs)
intelligence and cloud computing, to develop new
with effect from 01 February 2021, in an attempt to
consumer services and modernize internal
check frauds, related to money transactions. This
operations. The automaker will deploy Google restriction will apply to both, financial and non-
artificial intelligence technology to improve the financial transactions. To overcome this, PNB will
efficiency of vehicle development, supply chain and introduce OTP based systems for withdrawing
manufacturing operations. cash.
• The first India-Bahrain Joint Working Group • The California-based global digital payment
meeting in the field of Renewable Energy was held platform PayPal has announced that the company
in a virtual format on February 04, 2021, for has decided to wind down its domestic payment
services in India with effect from April 01, 2021.
promoting bilateral cooperation in the field of
The decision has been taken because the company
Renewable Energy.
wants to shift its focus on cross-border payments
Books and Authors • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will set up an
expert committee on Urban Co-operative Banks
• Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has come
(UCBs). The committee, involving all stakeholders,
out with his new book titled ‘The Little Book of will provide a medium-term road map for
Encouragement’, in which he has shared quotes strengthening the sector, enable faster
and words of wisdom to promote human resolution/rehabilitation of UCBs.
happiness. The book has been edited by Renuka
Singh and published by Penguin Random
House.The Little Book of Encouragement contains
130 quotes related to how to deal with the new
realities of the panic-stricken world, combat rising
extremism, polarity and climate change besides
Dalai Lama’s views on Tibet.
• United States President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter
Biden, is publishing his memoir titled “Beautiful
Things”, which narrates about his struggles with
addiction and drug abuse.

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• Federal Bank has announced the launch of • Amazon.com Inc founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos has
"FedFirst", a special savings account scheme for announced that he would step down as CEO of the
children below 18 years of age. The account helps company and become Executive Chairman in Q3 of
children develop healthy saving and spending 2021, i.e. with effect from July 01, 2021. Andy Jassy,
habits, thereby giving them the freedom to save, who is currently serving as the chief executive of
spend and earn. Amazon Web Services (AWS), will replace Bezos
• In the last bi-monthly monetary policy meet for the as CEO of Amazon. Bezos started the company 27
current, the Reserve Bank of India projected India's years ago, on 5 July 1994, as an internet bookseller.
GDP growth rate at 10.5 per cent for the fiscal year • Spicejet chairman Ajay Singh defeated Ashish
2021-22. The growth outlook has improved Shelar in a high-profile contest to get re-elected as
significantly, and the vaccination drive will further president of Boxing Federation India for a second
boost the economic rebound. term.
• Department of Personnel and Training, under
Appointments/Resignations Personnel Ministry, has appointed Praveen Sinha,
• The National Health Authority (NHA) has as the interim director of the Central Bureau of
appointed RS Sharma as the new Chief Executive Investigation (CBI), with immediate effect on 03
Officer (CEO) of country’s flagship public health February 2021. He has been appointed in place of
insurance scheme Ayushman Bharat, also called the incumbent chief RK Shukla, whose tenure came
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. He would to an end on February 03, 2021.
replace Indu Bhushan, who is serving as the Chief
Executive of the Ayushman scheme since its Defence News
inception in 2018.
• Defence minister Rajnath Singh has inaugurated
• SBI Cards and Payment Services Ltd (SBI Card)
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited’s (HAL) second
has appointed Rama Mohan Rao Amara as its
Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Tejas production line
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
in Bengaluru, ahead of the upcoming Aero India
for a period of two years. Rao is a veteran banker,
2021. The deal to be signed in the next few days
with a successful career spanning over 29 years at
with HAL would strengthen the Indian Air Force’s
SBI, the credit card company. Prior to taking charge
fleet of homegrown fighter jet ‘LCA-Tejas’ and
at SBI Card, he was the Chief General Manager, SBI
overall combat capability.
Bhopal Circle.
• The Aero India 2021 event, country’s premier
• Facebook Inc. has appointed Henry Moniz as its
aerospace and defence exhibition, kick-started at
first-ever Chief Compliance Officer. He will join
Air Force Station Yelahanka in Bengaluru. The
Facebook on February 8 to lead the company’s
global compliance team, to enhance its global 13th edition of the international event touted as the
compliance and risk management and promote the world’s first-ever hybrid aero and defence show
highest standards of legal and ethical conduct at the will see several aircraft of the Indian Air Force
company. Prior to this, Henry Moniz had been the (IAF), Army, Navy, Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL),
chief compliance officer and chief audit executive at and the Coast Guard participating in the show.
media company ViacomCBS Inc. • The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is
• Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services has developing a futuristic high altitude pseudo
announced the appointment of Anish Shah as the satellite with a start-up company, to strengthen the
chairman of the board, effective April 2, 2021. Shah country’s military strike capabilities. It is a first of
is already a director of the company. He is the its kind project in the world, where a manned
deputy managing director and group CFO of aircraft will operate within the boundary and the
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Shah takes over from unmanned aircraft will enter the enemy zone and
Dhananjay Mungale. Mungale shall continue to be can carry out strikes deep inside the enemy
an Independent Director on the Board of MMFSL. territory.

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
Awards and Recognitions Ranks and Reports
• Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has presented the • The second edition of the India Justice Report,
50th Kerala State Film Awards 2019 and the J C India’s only ranking of states on delivery of Justice
Daniel Award at a function here. Pinarayi Vijayan
to people, announced. Maharashtra once again at
released the stamp published in connection with the
International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK). the top of the 18 Large and Mid-sized states (with a
Veteran filmmaker Hariharan, who was conferred population of over one crore each) in the 2nd
with the J C Daniel Award, is an artist who had Edition of the India Justice Report, an initiative of
travelled with cinema for about half a century and Tata Trusts, followed by Tamil Nadu, Telangana,
made films which went on to become milestones in Punjab, and Kerala.
the annals of Malayalam tinsel town. The film
• India will emerge as the second most resilient
awards were also distributed. Culture Minister A K
Balan presided. economy in 2021, as per the International Economic
• Music composer AR Rahman and social activist Resilience (IER) Rank, released by industry body,
from Saidapet Hari Krishnan were among the 14 PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
people who were presented the fourth edition of the (PHDCCI). The ranking has been topped by
Alert Being Awards 2020 by the NGO ALERT, for Germany, among the top-10 leading economies.
their Good Samaritan work. In his video message,
South Korea is at the third position in the list. Apart
Mr Rahman said ALERT had been doing a brilliant
from this, India’s real GDP growth rate is projected
job in empowering a common man to save lives.
Hari Krishnan had been appointed by the Greater to be the highest in the year 2021 among the top-10
Chennai Corporation as a district volunteer head leading economies in the world, at 11.5%. It reflects
for Covid-19 relief work. India’s strong “economic resurgence” to the global
economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19
Summit and Conference pandemic.
• Raksha Mantri, Rajnath Singh has inaugurated the • India’s position has slipped by two places to be
‘Chiefs of Air Staff (CAS) Conclave’ at Air Force placed at 53rd spot in the 2020 Democracy Index,
Station Yelahanka in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The from among 167 countries. The overall score of
two-day conclave has been organised by Indian Air India is 6.61 in the Index, on a scale of 0-10. India
Force, from 3 to 04 February 2021, in a Hybrid Form
has been classified as a ‘flawed democracy’.
with extensive use of digital media. The Chiefs of
Air Staff from about 75 countries would come Democracy Index is the global ranking released by
together on a single platform to exchange their The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) that
thoughts on current issues related to aerospace provides a snapshot of the current state of
power strategy and technological developments. democracy worldwide. Norway has topped the
Index. Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand and Canada
are the top five countries on the list.

Sports News

• The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)

has decided not to conduct the Ranji Trophy in
2020-21. This will be the first time in 87 years since
its inception in 1934-35, that India’s premier first-
class cricket national championship will not be held
in 2020-21 domestic season.

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• Jay Shah, the incumbent Secretary of Board of • World Wetlands Day is observed every year on
Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has been February 2 globally. The day aims to raise
appointed as the new President of the Asian awareness about the crucial role played by
Cricket Council (ACC). He is the youngest person wetlands for people and our planet. The
ever to be appointed to the office. He replaces international theme for World Wetlands Day 2021 is
Nazmul Hussain, Chief of Bangladesh Cricket
‘Wetlands and Water’. 2021 marks 50 years of the
Board (BCB) who was the previous chief of the
Convention on Wetlands.
• The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) is celebrating its
• The Indian shooting contingent has topped the
medals tally in the first-ever Asian Online 45th Raising Day on 01 February 2021. The ICG
Shooting Championship, organised by Kuwait was formally established on February 1, 1977, by
Shooting Federation. The 24-member Indian the Coast Guard Act, 1978 of the Parliament of
shooting contingent won total 11 medals, which India. It operates under the Ministry of Defence.
included four gold medals, two silver and five • World Cancer Day is observed every year on 4
bronze medals. 274 shooters from 22 Asian February by the Union for International Cancer
countries took part in the competition. Control (UICC). The day is celebrated to raise
• Tamil Nadu beat Baroda in the final to win the awareness and education about cancer, and
Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 Trophy 2020-21. The
pressing governments and individuals across the
tournament was the twelfth edition of Syed
world to take action against the disease. World
Mushtaq Ali Trophy and was played at Sardar
Cancer Day 2019-21 theme: ‘I Am And I Will’.
Patel Stadium (Motera Stadium), Ahmedabad. The
Player of the match title was won by Manimaran • International Day of Human Fraternity is observed
Siddharth (Tamil Nadu) who picked 4 wickets, on 4th February globally. International Day of
conceding 20 runs. They needed 121 runs to win, Human Fraternity aims to underline the importance
which they achieved in 18 overs with 7 wickets. of raising awareness about different cultures and
• Former right-arm fast bowler Merv Hughes has religions, or beliefs, and the promotion of tolerance.
been inducted into the Australian Cricket Hall of This year International Day of Human Fraternity
Fame. The 59-year-old played 53 Tests and 33 ODIs 2021 theme: A Pathway to the Future.
for Australia in a career spanning from 1985 to 1994, • International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female is
during which he captured 212 Test wickets and 38
observed globally on 6 February. This day is
ODI wickets.
sponsored by the United Nations for their efforts to
• Fast bowler Ashok Dinda, has announced his
eradicate female genital mutilation. It was first
retirement from all forms of cricket. The 36-year-
old right-handed pacer made his first-class debut introduced in 2003. This year theme of International
for Bengal in 2005 and played for 15 years in Day of Zero Tolerance for Female: No Time for
Bengal cricket. Global Inaction: Unite, Fund, and Act to End
Female Genital Mutilation.
Important Days
• World Leprosy Day is observed around the world
on the last Sunday of January every year. This year • The Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul J. Crutzen,
World Leprosy Day held on 31 January. The day is
has passed away. He won the Nobel Prize in
celebrated to raise global awareness of this deadly
Chemistry in 1995, jointly with Mario J. Molina and
ancient disease and call attention to the fact that it
can be prevented, treated and cured. This year F. Sherwood Rowland, for their work in
theme of World Leprosy Day 2021 is “Beat Leprosy, atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the
End Stigma and advocate for Mental Wellbeing ”. formation and decomposition of ozone.

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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• Pioneering US actress Cicely Tyson has passed She became the youngest student pilot to get a
away. Cicely Tyson, the pioneering Black actor who license at the age of 15 in 2011. The 25 -year-old
gained an Oscar nomination for her role as the from Kashmir who is the youngest female pilot in
sharecropper’s wife in ‘Sounder’ & won a Tony the country acts is a source of inspiration and a
Award in 2013 at age 88. She touched TV viewers’ beacon of empowerment for numerous Kashmiri
hearts in ” The Autobiography of Miss Jane women.
Pittman” & won 2 Emmys for playing the 110-year- • Billionaire Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance
old former slave. Industries Ltd has received the world’s first
consignment of ‘carbon-neutral oil’ from Oxy Low
Miscellaneous News Carbon Ventures (OLCV), a division of United
State oil major Occidental. This feat will further
• Union Minister of Youth Affairs & Sports, Kiren
help the oil major to accomplish its target of
Rijiju has launched a breakthrough Reference
becoming a net zero-carbon company by 2035.
Material for use in chemical testing in the field of
• Engineering college students in Hubballi,
anti-doping. A reference material jointly
Karnataka have come up with ‘Maya’, a robot that
synthesised by the National Dope Testing
has been programmed to serve in banks and speaks
Laboratory (NDTL) and National Institute of
in many regional languages. The students of the
Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER),
Automation and Robotics department of KLE
Technological University have spent nearly eight
• A dedicated Centre for Wetland Conservation and
months and spent Rs 5 lakh to develop the robot.
Management (CWCM) has been established at the
• Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal has
National Centre for Sustainable Coastal
launched the ‘Switch Delhi’ campaign to promote
Management(NCSCM), Chennai, an institution
electric vehicles and appealed to people to buy such
under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
vehicles to combat pollution in the city. Kejriwal
Climate Change. This was announced by Minister
said his government will hire only electric vehicles
of State for Environment, Forest and Climate
for various purposes in the next six weeks.
Change, Babul Supriyo on the occasion of the
World Wetland Day on 2nd February 2021.
Static Takeaways
• The Union Education Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal
‘Nishank’ has addressed the inaugural ceremony of • Uttar Pradesh Capital: Lucknow.
the ASEAN India Hackathon 2021 on February 1. • Uttar Pradesh Governor: Anandiben Patel.
The Ministry of Education has launched the • Uttar Pradesh Chief minister: Yogi Adityanath.
ASEAN India Hackathon 2021. The ASEAN India • Uttarakhand Chief Minister: Trivendra Singh
Hackathon 2021 is being conducted virtually from Rawat.
February 1 to 3, 2021. The 10 ASEAN countries are- • Governor of Uttarakhand: Baby Rani Maurya.
Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, • Punjab CM: Captain Amarinder Singh.
Brunei, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and • Punjab Governor: V.P.Singh Badnore.
Vietnam. • Headquarters of NASA: Washington D.C., United
• The first of its kind ‘amputee clinic’ in India, has
been launched by the Post Graduate Institute of • NASA Founded: 1 October 1958.
Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), a
• Myanmar Capital: Naypyitaw.
premier medical and research institution in
• Myanmar Currency: Kyat.
Chandigarh. The basic intent of this initiative is to
• Vietnam Capital: Hanoi.
bring an Amputee as a near-normal functional
• Vietnam Currency: Vietnamese dong.
human being in society.
• Vietnam Prime Minister: Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
• A 25-year-old Kashmiri woman, Ayesha Aziz, has
• Ford Motor Co-Founder: Henry Ford.
become the youngest female pilot in the country.
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Weekly One Liners 1st February to 7th of February 2021
• Ford Motor Co-Founded: 16 June 1903, Detroit, • Asian Cricket Council Headquarters: Colombo, Sri
Michigan, United States. Lanka.
• CEO of Google: Sundar Pichai; Headquarters: • Asian Cricket Council Chairman: Amitabh
California, United States. Choudhary.
• DICGC Chairperson: Michael Patra. • Asian Cricket Council Founded: 19 September 1983.
• DICGC Founded: 1961. • Director-General of Indian Coast Guard:
• DICGC Headquarters: Mumbai. Krishnaswamy Natarajan.
• Punjab National Bank Headquarters: New Delhi.
• Union for International Cancer Control
• Punjab National Bank CEO: S. S. Mallikarjuna Rao
Headquarters in: Geneva, Switzerland, Founded:
(1 Oct 2019–).
• Punjab National Bank Founded: 19 May 1894,
• President of WADA: Sir Craig Reedie;
Lahore, Pakistan.
Headquarters: Montreal, Canada.
• Punjab National Bank Founders: Lala Lajpat Rai,
Dyal Singh Majithia. • Founded: 10 November 1999.
• SBI Card Founded: October 1998. • United Nations World Tourism Organization
• SBI Card Headquarters: Gurugram, Haryana. Secretary-General: Zurab Pololikashvili.
• Chief Executive Officer of Facebook: Mark • United Nations World Tourism Organization
Zuckerberg. Member States: 159.
• Facebook Headquarters: California, US. • United Nations World Tourism Organization
• Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Headquarter: Madrid, Spain.
Headquarters: Mumbai. • PayPal Founded: December 1998, Palo Alto,
• Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Founded: California, United States.
1991. • PayPal CEO: Dan Schulman.
• Amazon.com Inc Founded: 5 July 1994. • Denmark Capital: Copenhagen.
• Amazon.com Inc Headquarters: Seattle, • Denmark Currency: Danish krone.
Washington, United States.
• Federal Bank MD & CEO: Shyam Srinivasan.
• Boxing Federation India established: February 25,
• Federal Bank HQ: Aluva, Kerala.
• King of Bahrain: Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.
• Central Bureau of Investigation Headquarters: New
• Bahrain Capital: Manama.
• Central Bureau of Investigation Founded: 1 April • Bahrain Currency: Bahraini dinar.
• Hindustan Aeronautics Limited: CMD: R
• Hindustan Aeronautics Limited HQ: Bengaluru.
• Air Chief Marshal: Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria.
• Indian Airforce founded: 8 October 1932.
• Indian Airforce Headquarters: New Delhi.
• The Economist Intelligence Unit Headquarters:
London, United Kingdom.
• The Economist Intelligence Unit Parent
organization: Economist Group.
• The Economist Intelligence Unit Founded: 1946.

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