2021-03-31 End & Start of Term Y10 & 11 PDF

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31 March 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

End of Spring Term & Start of Summer Term – Years 10 & 11

Please read about the details of the end of the Spring Term and the start of the Summer Term.

The End of the Spring Term

We marked the anniversary of the first national lockdown last week and, after another challenging
period of remote learning, it has been wonderful to have the students back in school. Hopefully
the next period of schooling will suffer from less disruption.

The spring term concludes on Thursday 1 April and I know that my staff and I look forward to a
much-needed break. I hope that you can enjoy some form of rest too!

• Year 11 students will leave after their end-of-term assembly, finishing at around 12.50pm.
• Year 10 students will leave the site at 1.10pm.

Students on free school meals will be able to get their lunch before leaving school.

The Start of the Summer Term & Phases of Return to School

Our summer term starts on Tuesday 20 April. Please note the significant changes below for Years
10 and 11.

As the country moves out of lockdown, we are also planning to return to normal education
provision and we will be doing this in phases, aligned to the government’s ‘roadmap’.

We have based our decision-making not just on the improving COVID-19 data, but also the low
incidence of positive cases in school and the educational need to return to a normal timetable.


The staggered start and end of the school day is removed. Year 10 and 11 students will return to
school for period 1 at 8.40am and finish at 3.00pm. The school gates will be opened between
8.30 and 8.35am.

• Year 10 are to continue to enter school via the gate by the astro pitch.
• Year 11 students are to now use the gate at the back of the kitchen/DT on Church Road.

We will retain our year groups in “bubbles” during this phase; designated teaching areas and all
other safety measures will remain in place. Students will be able to check their new timetables
on the INSIGHT app ahead of the start of term. Timetables will be uploaded by Monday 19 April.

Continued on next page…

Subject to the rate of infection remaining low, we will return to a normal school timetable, with full
movement around the school and subject teachers returning to their teaching rooms. This will
enable a better delivery of the curriculum, especially for the practical and creative subjects where
students will be able to access all specialist teaching areas.


Our plan at this stage is to remove the strict adherence to “bubbles” as the country leaves
lockdown. This will be made a little easier in school as by this time our Year 11 and 13 students
will have left school. Of course, this final move will depend on the circumstances at the time.

Mass Testing – Over the Holiday

Many of our students have continued to self-test at home. We are all grateful for your support and
commitment to the safety of our community. To date we have only recorded one positive case of

Students should continue to self-test twice a week at home over the holiday period, and results
need to be recorded on Test Register. Please also email [email protected] if your
son/daughter/ward returns a positive test.

If any student tests positive, they need to book a confirmatory PCR test via nhs.uk/coronavirus
or by calling 119.

Home test kits for parents/carers can also be collected from a test centre. You can find a test
centre here.

Free School Meals

Vouchers for the holiday period will be issued on Thursday 1 April. If you think you have become
eligible for free school meals, you can apply here.

Thank you for all of your ongoing support and I wish you a peaceful holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Euan Ferguson

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