Step-by-Step Guide For Windows Deployment Services in Wind
Step-by-Step Guide For Windows Deployment Services in Wind
Step-by-Step Guide For Windows Deployment Services in Wind
This guide provides an introduction to Windows Deployment Services in Windows Server® 2008.
It includes an overview of features, tasks you can use to test Windows Deployment Services, and
details about the technology.
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Windows Deployment Services Role Step-by-Step Guide ............................................................5
In this guide .............................................................................................................................5
What is Windows Deployment Services?..................................................................................5
What’s new in Windows Deployment Services? ....................................................................6
Who should use this guide? ..................................................................................................7
Benefits of Windows Deployment Services............................................................................7
Installing Windows Deployment Services .................................................................................8
Prerequisites for installing Windows Deployment Services ....................................................8
Steps for installing Windows Deployment Services................................................................9
Upgrading from a server running Windows Server 2003 with SP1 or SP2 .................................9
Configuring Windows Deployment Services ...........................................................................10
Known issues with configuring Windows Deployment Services ...........................................11
Steps for configuring Windows Deployment Services ..........................................................11
Using the Windows interface............................................................................................12
Using WDSUTIL at a command prompt ...........................................................................13
Configuring the boot menu .....................................................................................................13
Prerequisites for configuring the boot menu ........................................................................13
Known issues with configuring the boot menu .....................................................................14
Steps for configuring the boot menu....................................................................................14
Creating and modifying images ..............................................................................................15
Prerequisites for creating and modifying images .................................................................16
Known issues with creating images.....................................................................................16
Steps for creating images ...................................................................................................16
Boot images ....................................................................................................................16
Install images ..................................................................................................................19
Installing an operating system ................................................................................................21
Prerequisites for installing an operating system...................................................................21
Steps for installing an operating system ..............................................................................21
Using unattend files................................................................................................................21
Prerequisites for using unattend files...................................................................................22
Known issues with using unattend files ...............................................................................22
Steps for using unattend files ..............................................................................................22
Configuring unattended installation for the Windows Deployment Services client .............22
Configuring unattend installation for Windows Setup........................................................23
Creating a multicast transmission ...........................................................................................24
Prerequisites for creating a multicast transmission ..............................................................24
Known issues in creating a multicast transmission ..............................................................24
Steps for creating a multicast transmission..........................................................................25
Using the Windows interface............................................................................................25
Using WDSUTIL ..............................................................................................................26
Transport Server ....................................................................................................................28
Configuring Transport Server ..............................................................................................28
Known issues with configuring Transport Server ..............................................................28
Steps for configuring Transport Server.............................................................................28
Creating a namespace with Transport Server......................................................................29
Prerequisites for creating a namespace with Transport Server .........................................29
Steps for creating a namespace with Transport Server ....................................................29
Steps for client computers to join a namespace ...............................................................32
Additional references .............................................................................................................33
Appendix A: Sample client unattend file..................................................................................33
Windows Deployment Services Role Step-by-
Step Guide
This guide contains step-by-step guidance for how to use the Windows Deployment Services role
in Windows Server® 2008. This guide does not pertain to the Windows Deployment Services
Update for Windows Server 2003 (which is included in Windows Automated Installation Kit
(Windows AIK) and in Windows Server 2003 SP2). For more information about the update, see
To download a .doc version of this guide, see
To provide feedback about this topic, e-mail [email protected].
This guide focuses primarily on the functionality of the complete installation of Windows
Deployment Services (Deployment Server). For information about how to configure and
use Transport Server, see the Transport Server section.
In this guide
• What is Windows Deployment Services?
• Installing Windows Deployment Services
• Upgrading from a server running Windows Server 2003 with SP1 or SP2
• Configuring Windows Deployment Services
• Configuring the boot menu
• Creating and modifying images
• Installing an operating system
• Using unattend files
• Creating a multicast transmission
• Transport Server
• Additional references
• Appendix A: Sample client unattend file
can use it to set up new computers by using a network-based installation. This means that you do
not have to be physically present at each computer and you do not have to install each operating
system directly from a CD or DVD. The components of Windows Deployment Services are
organized into the following three categories:
• Server components. These components include a Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE)
server and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server for network booting a client to load
and install an operating system. Also included is a shared folder and image repository that
contains boot images, install images, and files that you need specifically for network boot.
There is also a networking layer, a multicast component, and a diagnostics component.
• Client components. These components include a graphical user interface that runs within
the Windows Pre-Installation Environment (Windows PE). When a user selects an operating
system image, the client components communicate with the server components to install the
• Management components. These components are a set of tools that you use to manage
the server, operating system images, and client computer accounts.
• Ability to deploy Windows Vista and • Ability to transmit data and images using
Windows Server 2008. multicast functionality.
• Support for Windows PE as a boot • Ability to transmit data and images using
operating system. multicast functionality on a standalone
• Support for the Windows image (.wim) server (when you install Transport Server).
format. • Does not support RISETUP images or
• Ability to transmit data and images using OSChooser screens.
multicast functionality. • Enhanced TFTP server.
• Ability to transmit data and images using • Supports network boots of x64-based
multicast functionality on a standalone computers with Extensible Firmware
server (when you install Transport Server). Interface (EFI).
• An extensible and higher-performing PXE • Metric reporting for installations.
server component.
• A new boot menu format for selecting boot
operating systems.
Changes from RIS Changes from Windows Deployment Services on
Windows Server 2003
• A new graphical user interface that you can
use to select and deploy images and to
manage Windows Deployment Services
servers and clients.
Installing Windows Deployment Services
Prerequisites for installing Windows Deployment Services
The following are requirements for installing this role, depending on if you choose Deployment
Server or Transport Server during the installation.
Steps for installing Windows Deployment Services
You can install Windows Deployment Services using the Initial Configuration Wizard or Server
• To start the installation using the Initial Configuration Wizard, click Add roles on the Initial
Configuration Tasks startup screen. Click Next and then select Windows Deployment
• To start the installation using Server Manager, click Add roles which is located within the
Roles Summary pane. Click Next and then select Windows Deployment Services.
During the installation, you have two installation options to choose from:
• Transport Server. This option provides a subset of the functionality of Windows Deployment
Services. It contains only the core networking parts. You can use Transport Server to create
multicast namespaces that transmit data (including operating system images) from a
standalone server. You should use this option if you want to transmit data using multicasting,
but do not want to incorporate all of Windows Deployment Services.
• Deployment Server. This option provides the full functionality of Windows Deployment
Services, which you can use to configure and remotely install Windows operating systems.
With Windows Deployment Services, you can create and customize images and then use
them to re-image computers. Deployment Server is dependent on the core parts of Transport
This guide focuses primarily on the functionality of Deployment Server. For
information about how to configure and use Transport Server, see Transport Server.
( Then use the instructions below to change
from Legacy mode (default) to Native mode.
• If RIS was installed on the server when you installed Windows Deployment Services, it will be
in Legacy or Mixed mode—you will need to change it to Native mode before upgrading.
• If RIS was not installed on the server when you installed Windows Deployment Services, the
server will be in Native mode and therefore ready to be upgraded to Windows Server 2008.
Use the following procedures to change the server mode to Native.
• Creating a shared folder that contains the files necessary for PXE boot, the files for booting
Windows PE into RAMDISK, Windows PE boot images, and install images for Windows Vista
or Windows Server 2008.
• Configuring the answer settings of the PXE listener to control whether and how the server
services incoming client boot requests.
• If Microsoft DHCP is installed on the same physical computer as Windows Deployment
Services, the configuration wizard does the following (if you configure Windows Deployment
Services by using WDSUTIL, you have to manually make these changes):
• Adds DHCP option tag 60, with the PXE client setting selected, to all DHCP scopes (as a
DHCP global option). This is necessary so that a booting PXE client can be notified that
there is a listening PXE server on the network.
• Selects the Do not Listen on port 67 option. This is necessary so that booting clients
can find the DHCP server on the network.
• WDSUTIL at a command prompt.
To add the default boot image included in the product installation DVD
1. Click the server to which you want to add the boot image.
2. Right-click the Boot Images node, and then click Add Boot Image.
3. Browse to choose the default boot image (boot.wim) located on the Windows
Server 2008 DVD, in the \Sources directory.
4. Click Open, and then click Next.
5. Follow the instructions in the wizard to add the image.
To add the default install image(s) included in the product installation DVD
1. Click the server to which you want to add the install image.
2. Right-click the Install Images node, and then click Add Install Image.
3. Specify a name for the image group, and then click Next.
4. Browse to select the default install image (install.wim) located on the Windows Vista or
Windows Server 2008 DVD, in the \Sources directory, and then click Open.
5. To add a subset of the images included in the install.wim, then clear the check boxes for
the images that you do not want to add to the server. You should only add the images for
which you have licenses.
6. Follow the instructions in the wizard to add the images.
• Create a custom install image.
Help for WDSUTIL is available by typing WDSUTIL /? at a command prompt.
Known issues with configuring the boot menu
Note the following issues and limitations with the boot menu:
• The boot menu can contain no more than 13 boot images. This is because of a limitation
in the number of characters displayed from within the operating system loader boot menu.
• The name of the .wim file that contains the boot image cannot contain any spaces. This
file can contain only letters or numbers.
• Double-byte character sets used as image names might not display properly in the
boot menu. This issue pertains to localized strings. Limitations within the BIOS character
sets do not allow the characters to display properly.
The default behavior is for x64-based computers to display both x86-based and x64-
based boot images when both are available. To change this default, run WDSUTIL /Set-
Server /Defaultx86x64ImageType:{x86|x64|both}.
The following procedures outline how to add more boot images to the boot menu. To view help
for WDSUTIL, type WDSUTIL /? at a command prompt.
the server list, and then choose the server to which you want to add the boot image.
2. Right-click the Boot Images node, and then click Add Boot Image.
3. Click Browse to locate the boot image that you want to add. The boot image must be
located on the server and it can be the same or different architecture.
4. Follow the instructions in the wizard to add an additional boot image.
5. When you have completed this procedure and you PXE boot a client computer, a boot
menu will appear that shows both boot images.
Help for WDSUTIL is available by typing WDSUTIL /? at a command prompt.
To make any additional changes to the boot menu, use Bcdedit.exe to edit the default.bcd file
located at %REMINST%\boot\<architecture>. You can run bcdedit /? at a command prompt to
see the command line options.
For more information about Bcdedit, see Boot Configuration Data Editor Frequently Asked
Questions (
Prerequisites for creating and modifying images
To create and modify boot or install images, adhere to the following prerequisites:
• Ensure that there is enough disk space to create and store the new images.
• Be a member of the Local Administrators Group on the Windows Deployment Services
• Match the version of Sysprep.exe with the version of the operating system that you want to
• Install the Windows AIK if you are creating bootable ISO images
• Have a writeable CD or DVD and a disk-burning utility (if you are burning an image to
media—for example a discover image),
Boot images
Boot images are the images that you boot a client computer into before installing the operating
system image. The boot image presents a boot menu that contains the images that users can
install onto their computers. These images contain Windows PE 2.0 and the Windows
Deployment Services client. You can use the default boot image (boot.wim) that is included in the
Windows Server 2008 installation media in the \Sources directory. Except in advanced scenarios
(for example, if you need to add drivers to the image), you will not need to modify this file.
You should use only the boot.wim file from the Windows Server 2008 DVD. If you use the
boot.wim file from the Windows Vista DVD, you will not be able to use the full functionality
of Windows Deployment Services (for example, multicasting).
You can create the following types of boot images using Windows Deployment Services:
• Capture images. The images that you boot a client computer into in order to capture the
operating system into a .wim file.
• Discover images. The images used to install an operating system onto a computer that is
not PXE enabled.
Create a capture image to capture a custom operating system into a .wim file
Capture images are boot images that launch the Windows Deployment Services Capture Utility
instead of Setup. When you boot a reference computer (that has been prepared with Sysprep)
into a capture image, a wizard creates an install image of the reference computer and saves it as
a .wim file.
You can also create media (CD, DVD, USB drive, and so on) that contains a capture image, and
then boot a computer from the media. After you create the install image, you can add the image
to the server for PXE boot deployment. These images provide an alternative to the command-line
utility, ImageX.exe.
WDSUTIL /Add-Image /Imagefile:<captureimage> /ImageType:boot
Help for WDSUTIL is available by typing WDSUTIL /? at a command prompt.
4. Once you have created the capture image, follow the instructions in the Install Image
section to boot a client computer into the capture image and capture the operating
Create a discover image to install an image onto a computer that is not PXE enabled
Discover images are boot images that force Setup.exe to launch in Windows Deployment
Services mode and then discover a Windows Deployment Services server. These images are
typically used to deploy images to computers that are not PXE enabled or that are on networks
that do not allow PXE. When you create a discover image and save it to media (CD, DVD, USB
drive, and so on), you can then boot a computer to the media. The discover image on the media
locates a Windows Deployment Services server, and the server deploys the install image to the
You can configure discover images to target a specific Windows Deployment Services
server. This means that if you have multiple servers in your environment, you can create
a discover image for each, and then name them based on the name of the server.
3. If you want to add the discover image back to the image store, type the following where
<discoverimage> is the file path and file name of the discover image you want to add to
the image store:
WDSUTIL /Add-Image /ImageFile:<discoverimage> /ImageType:boot
Help for WDSUTIL is available by typing WDSUTIL /? at a command prompt.
Using the Windows copy command to copy the image to media will not create a
bootable disk.
Install images
You can build custom install images from reference computers and deploy them to client
computers. A reference computer can be a computer with a standard Windows installation or a
Windows installation that has been configured for a specific environment. First, you boot a
computer (which has been prepared with Sysprep) into a capture image, then the capture image
creates an install image of the computer.
Create a capture image to capture a custom operating system in .wim format for more
2. Create a reference computer (install the operating system, applications, and make any
other changes that you want).
3. At a command prompt on the reference computer, change folders to
\Windows\System32\Sysprep or the folder that contains Sysprep.exe and Setupcl.exe.
4. Type one of the following:
• On computers running Windows Vista, run sysprep /oobe /generalize /reboot
If you prefer, you can also use the Sysprep graphical user interface by
double-clicking Sysprep.exe.
• On computers running Windows XP, run sysprep -mini -reseal
5. When the computer restarts, press F12.
6. In Windows Boot Manager, select the capture image, and then click Next.
7. Choose the appropriate drive, and then provide a name and description for the image.
Click Next to continue.
You will only see drives that contain operating systems prepared with Sysprep. If
you do not run the command in step 4, you will not see any drives to capture.
8. Click Browse and browse to a local location where you want to store the captured install
You must enter a local location to save the new image or you will not be able to
capture the image. This requirement is enforced to avoid image corruption in the
event of a network malfunction.
9. Type a name for the image (use the .wim file name extension), and then click Save.
10. Click Upload image to WDS server.
11. Type the name of the Windows Deployment Services server, and then click Connect.
12. If prompted for credentials, provide a user name and password for an account with
sufficient permissions to connect to the Windows Deployment Services server.
13. On the Image Group list, choose the image group in which to store the image.
14. Click Finish.
Installing an operating system
Windows Deployment Services relies on Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE) technology to
allow a client computer to network boot and remotely connect over a TCP/IP network connection
to a Windows Deployment Services server.
• Windows Deployment Services client unattend file. This file uses the Unattend.xml format
and is stored on the Windows Deployment Services server in the \WDSClientUnattend folder.
It is used to automate the Windows Deployment Services client user interface screens (such
as entering credentials, choosing an install image, and configuring the disk).
• Image unattend file. This file uses the Unattend.xml or Sysprep.inf format, depending upon
the version of the operating system in the image. It is stored in a subfolder (either $OEM$
structure or \Unattend) in the per-image folder. It is used to automate the remaining phases of
setup (for example, offline servicing, Sysprep specialize, and mini-setup).
Help for WDSUTIL is available by typing WDSUTIL /? at a command prompt.
• <imagegroupname> is the name of the image group containing the image file.
• <unattendfile> is the path and file name of the unattend file to associate with the
WDSUTIL /Set-Image /Image:<imagename> /ImageType:install
/ImageGroup:<imagegroupname> /UnattendFile:<unattendfile>
For information about using multicast functionality with Transport Server, see the
Transport Server section.
/rpcport:<portnum>), you must restart the service before the changes will take effect. If you
do not restart the service, the server will use the old values and may not answer clients. To
restart the service, you can either 1) right-click Windows Deployment Services in the MMC
snap-in and click Restart or 2) run net stop wdsserver and then run net start wdsserver
from the command line.
Content is transferred over the network only if clients request data. If no clients are
connected (that is, the transmission is idle), then data will not be sent over the
Configuring transmissions
After a transmission is created, you can do the following:
• Start the transmission. If the transmission is on a Scheduled-Cast, there is at least one
client, and the transmission has not started yet, you can right-click the transmission, and click
• Delete the transmission. If you right-click the transmission and click Delete, the multicast
transmission stops and each client installation will fall back to using unicast. That is, the client
installations will not be deleted or stopped, but they will not use the multicast transmission to
complete the installation.
• Deactivate the transmission. If you right-click and click Deactivate, each client that is
currently installing will continue, but no new clients will be joined to the transmission. After
each current client installation is complete, the transmission will be deleted. If there are no
clients when you click this option, then it will be deleted instantly.
• View properties. To view the properties, right-click the transmission, and click Properties.
Note that you cannot edit the properties of a transmission after it is created. To make a
change after you have created a transmission, you need to delete and recreate it.
• Refresh the transmissions and data. To do this, right-click a transmission and click
Refresh. You can also refresh the data by pressing F5.
Creating a multicast transmission for an install image
You have two options for transmission type: Auto-Cast and Scheduled-Cast.
• To create an Auto-Cast transmission, run:
WDSUTIL /New-MulticastTransmission /Image:<image name> /FriendlyName:<friendly
name> /ImageType:Install /ImageGroup:<Image group name> /TransmissionType:AutoCast
• To create a Scheduled-Cast transmission, run:
WDSUTIL /New-MulticastTransmission /Image:<image name> /FriendlyName:<friendly
name> /ImageType:Install /ImageGroup:<Image group name>
/TransmissionType:ScheduledCast [/Time:<yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mm>][/Clients:<no of clients>]
Configuring transmissions
After a transmission is created, you can start it, delete it, deactivate it, and view its properties.
• To start the transmission, run:
WDSUTIL /Start-MulticastTransmission /Image:<image name> /ImageType:Install
/ImageGroup:<image group name>
You can only start the transmission if it is on a Scheduled-Cast, there is at least one
client, and the transmission is not started.
• To delete the transmission, run:
WDSUTIL /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Image:<image name> /ImageType:Install
/ImageGroup:<image group name> /Force
• To deactivate the transmission, run:
WDSUTIL /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Image:<image name> /ImageType:Install
/ImageGroup:<image group name>
• To view properties, run:
WDSUTIL /Get-MulticastTransmission /Image:<image name> /ImageType:Install
/ImageGroup:<image group name>
You should use this option with caution because the installation will fail and the
computer could be left in an unusable state.
• To disconnect a client from a multicast transmission but continue to transfer the
image by using unicasting, run:
WDSUTIL /Disconnect-Client /ClientID:<id>
• To view client <id> for each transmission, run:
WDSUTIL /Get-MulticastTransmission /Image:<image name> /ImageType:Install
/ImageGroup:<image group name> /show:clients
Transport Server
During installation, you can choose to install only Transport Server. This option provides a subset
of the functionality of Windows Deployment Services. It contains only the core networking parts.
You can use Transport Server to create multicast namespaces that transmit data (including
operating system images) from a standalone server. The standalone server does not need Active
Directory, DHCP or DNS. You can use Transport Server in advanced scenarios as a part of a
custom deployment solution.
After configuring any of these settings, you must restart the WDSServer service to apply
the changes. To restart the service, run net stop wdsserver and then run net start
wdsserver at a command prompt.
• To configure multicast IP addressing, run:
WDSUTIL /Set-TransportServer /ObtainIPv4From:Range /Start:<start Ipv4 Address>
/End:<end Ipv4 Address>
• To set the UDP port range, run
WDSUTIL /Set-TransportServer [/Server:<name>] /StartPort:x /EndPort:y
• To set the network profile, run
WDSUTIL /Set-TransportServer [/Server:<name>] /Profile:{10Mbps|100Mbps|1Gbps|Custom}
WDSUTIL /New-Namespace [/Server:<server>] /Namespace:<namespace name>
/FriendlyName:<friendly name> [/Description:<description>] /ContentProvider:<name>
/ConfigString:<config string> /NamespaceType:AutoCast
For example:
WDSUTIL /New-Namespace /FriendlyName:"Custom AutoCast Namespace"
/Namespace:"Custom Auto 1" /ContentProvider:WDS /ConfigString:D:\Images
Common commands
The following are the most commonly used commands with Transport Server. See Options
explanation for more information about each parameter.
• To start the transmission, run:
WDSUTIL /Start-Namespace /Namespace:<name>
To start a transmission, the transmission must be a Scheduled-Cast and there must
be at least one client who has requested the transmission of data.
• To display information about a namespace and the clients connected to it (for
example, computer name, MAC address, IP address, speed, and percent complete),
WDSUTIL /Get-Namespace /Namespace:<name> /Show:Clients
• To remove a namespace, run:
WDSUTIL /Remove-Namespace [/Server:<server name>] /Namespace:<namespace name>
For example:
• To remove the namespace after current client downloads are complete, run: WDSUTIL
/Remove-Namespace /Namespace:"Custom Auto 1"
• To remove the namespace immediately and stop any current client downloads, run:
WDSUTIL /Remove-Namespace /Server:MyWDSServer /Namespace:"Custom Auto 1"
• To stop a client installation completely, run:
WDSUTIL /Disconnect-Client /ClientID:<id> /Force
You should use this option with caution because the installation will fail and the
computer could be left in an unusable state.
• To discontinue the download for a client but continue to transfer the image through
another method (such as SMB copy), run:
WDSUTIL /Disconnect-Client /ClientID:<id>
• To view the client <id> for each namespace, run:
WDSUTIL /Get-Namespace /Namespace:<name> /show:clients
Options explanation
Option Description
/Namespace:<Namespace name> Specifies the name of the namespace. This is not the
friendly name and it must be unique.
• Deployment Server: The syntax for namespace name
ex>. For example: WDS:ImageGroup1/install.wim/1
• Transport Server: This value should match the name
given when creating the namespace on the server.
/FriendlyName:<friendly name> Specifies the friendly name of the namespace. This name
does not need to be unique.
/ConfigString:<config string> Specifies the configuration string for the content provider.
If you are using the Windows Deployment Services
content provider (WDS), specify the path to the directory
where content is stored (for example
D:\Photos\Landscapes). This path can be anywhere on
the server.
Option Description
namespace will start (allowed only for Scheduled-Cast).
To join a namespace
1. Install Wdsmcast.exe onto the client computer.
• If the client has an operating system (Windows Vista or Windows Server 2003), you
can install the Windows AIK. Wdsmcast.exe is in the Tools directory.
• If the client does not have an operating system, then you need to add Wdsmcast.exe
to a Windows PE image and boot the client into the image. Instructions for doing this
are included in the Windows AIK (
2. Run the following from the client computer:
WDSMCAST /Transfer-File /Server:<server name> /Namespace:<namespace name>
/Username:<domain and user name> [/Password:<password>] /SourceFile:<file path>
/DestinationFile:<file path>
Option Explanation
/Namespace:<Namespace name> Specifies the name of the namespace. This is not the
friendly name and it must be unique.
• Deployment Server: The syntax for namespace name
ex>. For example: WDS:ImageGroup1/install.wim/1
• Transport Server: This value should match the name
Option Explanation
given when creating the namespace on the server.
/Username:<domain and user name> Domain and user name to connect to the server with. Can
be in the format Domain\User or User@Domain.
[/Password:<password>] Password for the user. If this is not specified, you will be
prompted to enter it.
/DestinationFile:<file path> Complete file path and name for the destination file.
Additional references
• For a newsgroup about Windows Deployment Services, see Setup and Deployment
• Windows AIK (
• Windows AIK User's Guide for Windows Vista (
• Sysprep (
• For more information about the Windows Deployment Services Update for Windows
Server 2003, see the following:
• Windows Deployment Services Update Step-by-Step Guide for Windows Server 2003
• Deploying and Managing the Windows Deployment Services Update on Windows
Server 2003 (
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="windowsPE">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE"