QUIZ 5 Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
QUIZ 5 Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
QUIZ 5 Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
Rain Gamboa Grade 12 - GAS
Quiz 5
1. Which of the following describes the build up and release of stress during an earthquake?
●the Modified Mercalli Scale ●the elastic rebound theory
●the principle of superposition ●the travel time difference
2. The amount of ground displacement in a earthquake is called the _________ .
●epicenter ●dip
●slip ●focus
3. The point where movement occurred which triggered the earthquake is the _______ .
●dip ●epicenter
●focus ●strike
4. Which of the following sequences correctly lists the different arrivals from first to last?
●P waves ... S waves .... Surface waves ●Surface waves ... P waves .... S waves
●P waves ... Surface waves ... S waves ●S waves ... P waves .... Surface waves
5. How do rock particles move during the passage of a P wave through the rock?
●back and forth parallel to the direction of wave travel
●back and forth perpendicular to the direction of wave travel
●in a rolling circular motion
●the particles do not move
6. Detailed studies of what earthquake allowed researchers to develop the elastic rebound
●the 1906 San Francisco earthquake ●the 1964 Anchorage, Alaska earthquake
●the 1755 Lisbon, Portugal earthquake ●the 1985 Mexico CIty earthquake
7. Earthquakes can occur with _________ faulting.
●normal ●reverse
●thrust ●all of these
8. Which type of faulting would be least likely to occur along the mid-Atlantic ridge?
●normal ●reverse
●transform ●all of these could occur
20. Point A, where slip initiated during the earthquake, is called the ________.
●dip ●epicenter
●focus ●scarp
21. Point B is called the earthquake ________.
●dip ●epicenter
●focus ●scarp
22. Point C is called the _________
●epicenter ●fault scarp
●seismic wave ●dip of the
23. What type of faulting is illustrated in this diagram?
●normal ●reverse
●thrust ●abnormal
24. What causes the up-and-down wiggles on the seismogram show above? ●variations in air
pressure ●ground vibrations
●tsunami waves ●electromagnetic pulses
25. How do rock particles move during the passage of a P wave through the rock?
●back and forth parallel to the direction of wave travel
●perpendicular to the direction of wave travel
●in a rolling elliptical motion
●in a rolling circular motion
26. How do rock particles move during the passage of a S wave through the rock?
●back and forth parallel to the direction of wave travel
●perpendicular to the direction of wave travel
●in a rolling elliptical motion
●in a rolling circular motion
27. Who developed the procedure used to measure the size of an earthquake?
●Charles Richter ●Edward Sheridan
●James Hutton ●Art Smith
28. The moment magnitude of an earthquake depends on all of the following except __.
●the area of the fault break ●the rigidity of the fault
●the slip on the fault ●the type of faulting
29. Which of the following measures an earthquake's intensity based on the observed effects on
people and structures?
●Richter scale
●Modified Mercalli scale
●the Centigrade scale
●the moment magnitude scale
30. Shallow earthquakes, less than 20 km deep, are associated with _______.
●convergent plate boundaries ●divergent plate boundaries
●transform plate boundaries ●all of these
31. What type of faulting would be most likely to occur along transform faults?
●normal faulting ●reverse faulting
●strike-slip faulting ●all of these
32. What type of earthquakes would most likely occur at point A?
●shallow-focus earthquakes caused by normal faulting
●shallow-focus earthquakes caused by strike-slip faulting
●shallow-focus earthquakes caused by thrust faulting
●deep-focus earthquakes caused by thrust faulting
33. What type of earthquakes would most likely occur at point B?
●shallow-focus earthquakes caused by normal faulting
●shallow-focus earthquakes caused by strike-slip faulting
●shallow-focus earthquakes caused by thrust faulting
●deep-focus earthquakes caused by thrust faulting
34. Which of the following did not occur at a plate boundary?
●New Madrid, Missouri, 1812 ●San Francisco, 1906
●Anchorage, Alaska, 1964 ●Loma Prieta, California, 1989
35. Which of the following can be triggered by an earthquake?
●tsunami ●intense ground shaking
●a landslide ●all of these
36. Which of the following can trigger a tsunami?
●undersea earthquakes ●undersea landslides
●the eruption of an oceanic volcano ●all of these
37. Which of the following waves is the slowest?
●P waves ●S waves
●Surface waves ●tsunami
38. Which of the following statements is false?
●Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries
●The time and location of most major earthquakes can be predicted several days in
●Earthquakes can be caused by normal, reverse and strike-slip faulting
●P waves travel faster than both S waves and Surface waves
39. Which of the following observations may indicate a forthcoming destructive earthquake?
●An increase in the frequency of smaller earthquakes in the region
●rapid tilting of the ground
●rapid changes in water levels in wells
●all of these
40. Which of the following statements best describes the state of earthquake prediction?
●scientists can accurately predict the time and location of almost all earthquakes
●scientists can accurately predict the time and location of about 50% of all earthquakes
●scientists can accurately predict when an earthquake will occur, but not where
●scientists can characterize the seismic risk of an area, but can not yet accurately
predict most earthquakes
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
1. FALSE - When the shaking starts, I should run immediately and leave the room to get out of
the building as fast as I could.
2. FALSE - During an earthquake and I am outside, it is best to take shelter under trees, power
lines, posts and concrete structures.
3. FALSE - If near the shore and a very strong earthquake is felt, one must move quickly to
higher ground even if there is no immediate information of the possible source and location
of the earthquake.
4. FALSE - During an earthquake, to make it faster to get out of the building, use the elevator.
5. FALSE - In the chemistry lab, breakable items, harmful chemicals and flammable materials
are be stored properly in the uppermost secured shelves.
6. TRUE - After a very strong earthquake, employees of an office located on the 10th floor of
the building should immediately evacuate by going down the building and finding the
designated open space for temporary evacuation area.