Concept of Man: Terms: The Study of Man As A Bio-Psychosocial and Spiritual Being

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Concept of Man

The Study of Man as a Bio-Psychosocial and

Terms: Spiritual being

Behavior – the overt response of an 1. The Atomistic Approach – studying

individual toward stimuli in his the structure of the human body; its
environment. components and functions.
Community – and aggregate of families 2. The Holistic Approach – studying
living in a specific facility bounded together man in all aspects of his behavior
by common interests and goals and his relationship with others in
Culture – the total pattern of human his environment.
behavior and its products embodied in
thought, speech, action and artifacts Organismic Behavior (based on two beliefs
transmitted to succeeding generations by Byrne and Thompson)
using tools, language and abstract thoughts.
Disease – the interruption of health due to 1. Man normally responds as a unified
invasion of the body by microorganisms, to whole.
trauma, to mal or dysfunction of the body - Mind and body work as one
parts due to age, nutritional deficiency or - What affects one affects the
metabolic disorder. other
Family – A basic unit of society composed of - Neither one stands alone
biological or sociological parents and Ex. Seeing a crime frightens a lady
children born of or adopted by them. resulting to increased heart rate, BP
Health – optimum level of wellness in an and RR…In her flight to safety, all the
individual which allows him to function cells of her body participate in
adequately in daily activities. removing her from the site of
Personality – the complex characteristics danger.
that distinguish a particular individual from
another or characteristics him in his 2. Man as a whole is different from and
relationship with others. more than the sum of his
Religion – a personal awareness of the component parts.
existence of a Supreme Being or of - Given any set of stimuli he
Supernatural Powers, as expressed in responds as predicted, or
feelings of reverence, worship and faith. becomes unpredictable of other
Society – an enduring and cooperating extraneous variables.
social group whose members have - His responses are varied and
developed organised patterns of numerous.
relationship through interaction with one

Organismic behavior refers to observable

features and actions that reflect man’s
functioning as a unified whole within the
environment in which he exists.
Behavioral features point out the An input of matter results in an
observable characteristics of the physical output of matter for man when
and external shell of man. This shell gives us they ingest food and waste
clues to the internal state of the individual. products are excreted from the
Man as a System
However, an input of energy
1. Closed system need not result in an output of
- Self-sufficient, totally isolated matter, and then the input be
- It does not allow outside stimuli always energy.
in any form to penetrate its
boundaries, nor does it allow Input-Output Relationship
anything from within it to go
beyond its boundaries. Energy – Energy
- This system uses its reserves for (A quarrel at bedtime may result
energy. In doing so, it eventually in sleepless night)
fails to function and
disintegrates. Energy – Matter
2. Open system (Fear in anticipation of test
A. One which exchanges matter, results in frequent loose stools)
energy or information with the
environment surrounding it. Matter – Matter
B. It is directly affected by events or (Inhalation of pathogenic
changes in other systems. microorganisms produces fever)
C. This type of system views the (Ingestion of histamine-rich food
person as a living behavioral produces hives)
Input – taken in by a system
Energy – Matter Exchange of
Man Output – passes from the
organism into the environment
Man, as a unified whole interacts
constantly with his environment,
while at the same time the
different subsystems within him
continuously interact with each
Energy Matter Information

The interrelatedness and

interdependence of man’s
subsystem facilitate the energy-
matter exchange.
Input Man as a Psycho-Social Being

Energy Man according to Travelbee is a “unique,

- Scolding irreplaceable individual, a one-time being in
- Blow the world.”
- Food “Man is so alike but yet totally unlike any
- Microorganism person who has ever lived or ever will live.”
- News “Man is imprisoned within himself by his
- Health Teachings limited nature and enjoys freedom which
other animals can never enjoy.”
“Man is a thinking being who is very
Energy capable of rational, logical thinking most of
- Fever the time but who becomes irrational and
- Dyspnea illogical when provoked.”
- Loose stools “Man retains a certain amount of
- Vomitus immaturity well within an outer shell of
Information maturity.”
- Validating what one has learned
is correct through feedback “Man can never be completely able to
understand another human being.”
Man as a Biological Being
“Man as a social being is capable of relating
Man’s subordinate and super ordinate with others.”
systems influence his behavior as an
individual. “What is wonderful with man is his capacity
to cope with stress stimuli.”
Man enlarges behavioral responses from a
single family unit to the supra system of Man as a Spiritual Being
society and how these different systems
and subsystems all refer back to man as an The Unity of Man in Body, Mind and
individual. Spirit

Elements of Man’s Biologic Nature

Man as a complex organism has special
1. Subordinate System – cells, tissues,
abilities to transcend the limits of his
organs and organ systems. animal nature. This ability to overcome
2. Super Ordinate System – Family, the physical and social needs through
Community and Society transendence is descriptive of man's
spiritual nature.
Two components that assist man in the
power of transcendence are intellect and Motivation to Overcome
1. Intellect
- Allows man to look for the truth
- Gives him the ability to perceive
his surroundings.

2. Will
- Expresses man’s own wishes, to suffer for those whom he loves and wishes to protect
desire or longing from pain and suffering (ex. love of parent to children)
- Gives him the power of
conscious and deliberate action
or self-control.

 Man the spiritual being needs the SUPERNATURAL FORCE

essential freedom of the human
one transcends pain and suffering to a higher place in
spirit the hope of non-material reward
 Difficult when man is ill because
illness deprives the patient of his
much needed freedom, The Spiritual Values
 Man starts to question his situation,
“What have I done to deserve this?” Faith – is the unquestioning belief in
 It is the intellect that helps him find someone or something or the complete
the truth of his illness and accept trust and confidence in a person or thing.
the fact that it is not God’s
“punishment for his sins” Hope – while faith is the foundation that
 The will provides man the energy to hopes rests, hope nourishes faith—a vital
overcome the forces working against factor in health care setting. Its presence or
him. This can be seen in miraculous absence often plays a part in the patient’s
recoveries which are attributed to recovery.
strong determination to live in spite
of the odds against them. Charity – Love of man for his fellowmen.
Allows man to give up his own pleasures
while serving another without even thinking
Belief in the Superior Force of the sacrifice it entails.

“Man’s spiritual nature forges with his

Man, no matter what his religion is, believes physical and psychological nature to make
that his life is governed by a great power to him a being, different from the sum of his
greater that him. Religions differ in their
beliefs as to the nature of this Power, Force individual parts.”
or Being

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