Hana Tesfu

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ID NO 7604 /17












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Forever indebted to the Almighty God for granting me the enablement to successfully complete
this study.I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to my advisor Endris Ali. I got the sense that
he is truly dedicated to this project. Over the months he was with mein every step of the process.
I have used his support and advice meaningfully. Special thanks go to my family, from the
bottom of my heart really they waged a lot for the success of this project. Finally, great thanks
extend to all of you who have supported, encouraged and helped me in all possible ways in
moving to the realization of this project.

The research paper was focused on the material handling practice on mojo dry port. The general
objective of the study was to assess material handling practice in mojo dry port. Specifically the
study is aims in describing material handling practice, to examine the company use technological
advanced equipment, to handle the material and its practice, to identify mojo dry port uses its
capacity of storing or keeping the handled material properly or not, if there is effective
mechanism of protect the safety for all activities in the company during performing handling
practice and to identify if the organization concern facility design and layout system or not
concern during the practice. The major aim of the study would be to investigate the problem
related with material handling practice to accomplish the study. The research used primary and
secondary source of data, the data would be obtained through questionnaire and interview, the
has taken in to account 78 respondents those who was selected through purposive/non
probability sampling technique. To achieve the intended objective of the study descriptive
research design was employed. The data was be analysed and interpreted through table and
percentage; finally based the result of the study, the data would be summarized, concluded and

Contents pages
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLE.........................................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1.Background of the Study...................................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the Problem..................................................................................................................3
1.3. Research Questions...........................................................................................................................4
1.4. Objective of the Study......................................................................................................................4
1.4.1 General objective........................................................................................................................4
1.4.2 Specific objectives......................................................................................................................4
1.5. Significance of the study...................................................................................................................4
1.6.Scope of the study..............................................................................................................................5
1.7. Limitation of the study......................................................................................................................5
1.8.Definition of used Terms...................................................................................................................5
1.9. Organization of the study..................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER - TWO......................................................................................................................................6
2.LITERETURE REIVIEW........................................................................................................................6
2.1 The Concepts of material handling....................................................................................................6
2.2 Objective of material handling...........................................................................................................7
2.3 Importance of material handling........................................................................................................8
2.4 Types of material handling equipment...............................................................................................8
2.5. Basic material handling consideration..............................................................................................9
2.5.1 Types of products to be handled.................................................................................................9
2.5.2 Types of production system........................................................................................................9
2.5.3 Types of building........................................................................................................................9
2.5.4 Material handling cost..............................................................................................................10
2.6.Storage methods..............................................................................................................................10
2.7. Efficient material handling program...............................................................................................11
2.8. Selection of material handling equipment.......................................................................................11
2.9. Methods of material handling.........................................................................................................12

2.9.1 Manuals handling......................................................................................................................12
2.9.2 Mechanical handling.................................................................................................................12
2.10. Computer control of materials handling........................................................................................14
2.11. Material flow................................................................................................................................15
2.12.Element and characteristics of a material handling system...........................................................16
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................................18
3.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY...................................................................................18
3.2. Research Approach.........................................................................................................................18
3.3 Methods of Data Collection.............................................................................................................19
3.4 Sampling Techniques.......................................................................................................................19
3.4.1 Target Population......................................................................................................................19
3.4.2 Sampling Frame........................................................................................................................19
3.4.3 Sample Size..............................................................................................................................20
3.5. Source of Data................................................................................................................................20
3.6 Data analysis and Interpretation.......................................................................................................21
3.7 Ethical Consideration.......................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................22
4. DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETAION.......................................................22
4.1 Analysis of Personal Information....................................................................................................22
4.1.1 Respondent sex and age background........................................................................................22
4.2 General question related with material handling practice................................................................24
4.2.2 Response about Equipment fulfilled in the company................................................................25
4.2.13 handling practice of the company...........................................................................................35
CHAPTER -FIVE......................................................................................................................................39
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...............................................................39
5.1. Summaries of Major Findings........................................................................................................39
5.3 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................41


This chapter was focused on the background of the statement of the problem, objective of the
study, scope of the study limitation of the study, and organization of the paper.

1.1.Background of the Study

Vieira, Pasa,Borsa and Milan (2011)argue thatmaterials handling management is among many
factors that contribute to improve a company’sperformance. The Materials Handling Industry of
America [MHIA] defines materials handling management as “Material Handling is the
movement, storage, control and protection of material, goods, and products throughout the
process of manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal. The focus is on the methods,
mechanical equipment, systems and related controls used to achieve these functions”

(mhia.org/learning/glossary). Then it is observed that handling is broader than simple materials

movement, although both terms are sometimes used as synonyms.

Moreover, Vieira et al., (2011) demonstrates that the relevance of materials handling stems from
theintrinsic relationship that it has with production flow. When it presents an imbalance, there is
formation of extra stock or rupture in supply. When the flow does not have enough velocity,
transit time islong and the system is not capable of serving the customers when they need it. It is
well understood that material handling improvement may have positive effects over production.
Additionally, the finding of Vieira et al., (2011) indicates that materials handling are intrinsically
associated with production flow. Because of this, it has direct influence on transit time, resources
usage, and servicelevels.

Logistics activities first started to gain attention for studies in the early 1990s as a consequence
of the need of supporting business strategies. Reverse Logistics deals with the flow of goods or
material from the point of consumption, logistics handling activities such as procuring, moving
and storing material, parts and finishing inventory .The material handling process is considered
to be one of the several key logistics activities that are needed to facilitate the flow of the product
from point of origin to consumption, Larsson (2010).

Christopher(2006)stated that logistics activities should be planned and coordinated as one single
process instead as independent activities, thus in order to create competitive advantage and
reduce the total cost of logistics activities.

Material handling is defined as the art and science of moving, packaging and storing of substance
in any form. Other definition include; creation of time and space utility, movement and storage
of material at lowest possible cost through the use of proper method and equipment, lifting,
shifting and placing of material which effect a saving in money, time and place and art and
science of conveying, elevating positioning, transporting, packaging and storing material
(k.Aswathappa,2010). ).

Furthermore, Coyle, J.J., et al., (1992) cited in Kay (2012) argues thatmaterial handling (MH)
involves “short-distance movement that usually takes place within theconfines of a building such
as a plant or awarehouse and between a building and a transportation agency.” In supporting

them Apple, J.M.(1972) reports that material handling can be used to create “time and place
utility” through the handling, storage, andcontrol of material, as distinct from manufacturing
(i.e., fabrication and assembly operations),which creates “form utility” by changing the shape,
form, and makeup of material.Material handling process is broad areas that include the
movement of raw material, product in process and finishing goods with in a plant. An objective
for most of the management is to reduce the handling to the greatest possibility extend as most of
the handling is not value adding. Minimization of travel distance, bottlenecks and inventory are
just example of thing that affects the material handling Larsson (2010).

Material handling system range from simple pallet rack and shelving projects, to complex
conveyor belt and automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) material handling can also
consist of sorting and picking as well as automatic guided vehicles. Also material handling is the
process of loading, unloading, placing, or manipulating materials. (http://oer2go.org/mods/en-
distribution-16/logistics-103/materials-handling-485-1780/index.html)).. The material flow
should thereby be planned from the point of origin to the point when it reaches the customer
(Grant et al.;Tompkinset al., 2003 as cited in ThongmalLarsson, 2010).

1.2. Statement of the Problem
Material handling is the art and science of moving, packaging and storing of substances in any
form. (k.Aswathapa, 2010).The role of material handling where, to provides continuous flow of
material, to require less supervision, lesser space requirements, reduce delay between work
stations, less damages in handling, better production control and there by reduced inventories,
and for better coordination between different department,(S.C sharma,2008).
According to (S.CSharma, 2008),The problem which affect material handling practice are the
limited scope of the study, using old system of material handling, unknown cost of presently
handled item, movement of item without consideration of time, loss of getting attention about
details of equipment used, capacity, speed and flexibility,(S.CSharma, 2008)

The research conducted by ( seid Mohammed Ahmed, 2014) assessment of customer service

In order to meet the study objectives, the researchers try to address the following research
questions:-in mojo dry port of Ethiopian shipping and logistics service enterprise, distributed and
collected data from only customer in order to determine whether the customer were satisfied with
the quality services they obtained or not. The materials first passes through the material handling
process before reaching to the customers, the material handling which is not given much concern
in his research is the basic concept for even attaining and providing the quality, service to the
customer, However the researcher aimed of assessing the basic material handling practice used
by organization to handle and hold materials in safe condition.For this reason the data collection
includes the employees for obtaining sufficient information about material handling practice in
mojo dry port.

The researcher motivated to conduct this study to broadly the role of material handling practice
and to systematically identify problems that affect material handling practice in modjo dry port.

1.3. Research Questions
1. What technological advanced equipment does the company uses in its materials
handling practice?
2. How does the company utilize its capacity effectively in its handling practice?
3. What safety mechanism does the company use to protect employees and equipment from
damage during handling?
4. To what extent does the company consider appropriate facility design and layout system?

1.4. Objective of the Study

1.4.1 General objective

The general objective of this study is to assess the material handling practice In case of Mojo dry

1.4.2 Specific objectives

 To assess whether Mojo dry port uses advancedtechnological material handling
 To identify whether the Mojo dry port uses its capacity of storing or keeping the handled
material properly or not.
 To assess whether there is effectivesaftety mechanism in material handling activities in
Mojo dry port.
 To assess the extent of Mojo dry port concerns about facility design and layout system.

1.5. Significance of the study

Thus, the study dealt with the assessment of material handling practice. themain importance of
this study was provided information about material handling practice in the modjo dry port. It is
also helpful in order to investigate the problem that affects quality managements and to bring a
solution for those problems. In Addition to this it serves to provide knowledge for researcher on
how to conduct study in future, the study was also serve as potential reference for those
individual who wase to conduct study on related area.

1.6.Scope of the study
The study was have the following delimitation. Conceptual- The researcher focuses only on the
assessment of material handling practice of mojo dry port. Geographical- The study was conduct
only in mojo dry port.

1.7. Limitation of the study

The problems that faced the researcher while conducting the study was;
The company managers who concern the study should not be volunteer to respond the needed
information in depth, unwillingness of some workers to fill the questionnaire, shortage of
finance, the time given for data collection was very short and scarcity of reference

1.8.Definition of used Terms

 Material handling is the movement,storage, control and protection of material good,
and products throughout the process of manufacturing, distribution, consumption and
 Material is relatingto,derived from, or matter; especiall physical.

(https://www.merriam-webster.com mate...)

1.9. Organization of the study

The study was organized into five chapters. The first chapter deal with background of the study,
statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, delimitation of the
study, limitation of the study and organization of the study. The second chapter would elaborate
review of related literature. The third chapter wase about research methodology and design. The
fourth chapter is about analysis and presentation.Then summary, conclusion and
recommendation made on chapter five.


2.1 The Concepts of material handling

Material handling is the short distance movement that takes place in or around a building such as
a plant or distribution center. For distribution center, this means the unloaded and loading of
transport vehicles and the dispatch and recall of goods to and from storage. In addition, the
racking systems used in distribution centers are usually considered as part of material handling.
(J.R Tony Arnold et al, 2011).
Materials handling is basically related to facilitate the movement of goods .It is an art and
science involving the moving ,packing ,and storing of goods in any form, say, row materials
,components in processes unfinished or finished products (D.K Agrawal,2003, p.272)
Jumping and white defined materials handling as’ a system which uses the right method to
provide 0the right amount of the right material at the right place, at the right time ,in the right
sequence, in the right position, in right condition and at the right cost (Bower sox and
In other words, IT refers to placing and position (D.K Agrawal, 2003) of goods from their point
of inception to point of consumption intact and in time to facilitate their movement and storage.
In the logistics and supply chain perspectives, material handling ensures the movement of row
materials from sources to processing facilities and finished goods consumers with the least
expenditure of time and effort so as to achieve maximum logistical productivity and efficiency.
According to Bow sox and class, (1996); one extremely encouraging aspect of contemporary
logistics is the productivity potential that can be realized from capital investment in material
handling equipment.
Material handling cannot be avoided in the performance of logistics. It should, however, be
minimized. (Tompkins and White, 1984).
As shown in figure, the arrow marks represent the requirement of material handling in the
complete journey of goods from the place of origin to the place of use through the production

Production process

Vender Storage
P1 P2 P3

P4 P5 P6

Customer Distribution IN –plant ware house


Figure 2 .add…
Sources(Tompkins and White, 1984)

2.2 Objective of material handling

The basic objectives of the organization include:
 Reduction in wastage of machine and order picking time;
 Reduction in overall replenishment cycle time by quick marshaling and movement of goods;
 Uninterrupted production and distribution schedules for avoidance of movement
bottlenecks, such as loading and un loading problems;
 Protection of goods from breakages /damages during movements ;
 Offering safety to workers and provide safer working conditions;
 Ensure better customer service and satisfaction;
 Enhance productivity by reducing handling cost (Agrawal, 2003, p.27).
And other objectives of material handling become crucial to the organization to increase cube
utilization by using the height of the building and by reducing the need for aisle space as much as
possible. To reducing handling improve operating efficiency. Increasing the load per move will
result in fewer moves. (Tony Arnold, 3rdedition)
Whatever be the immediate objective of material handling study scheme, be it either to save
labor ,increase production make better space utilization or to reduce the materials in the

pipeline, the ultimate efficiency of material handling should be judged by the measure of
reduction in handling cost. (A.K Datta, 2004).

2.3 Importance of material handling

According to (R.K Singhal, 2006) material handling can help reduction of costs, increase of
productivity and improvement of cash flow. Mechanization of material handling can improve
efficiency increase production, reduce work–in process and decrease damage to product at
various stage of handling.
According to (A.K Datta, 2004) proper material handling policies have the following benefits:
- Reduce risk of damage to stack
- Reduce labor e equipment
- Less fatigue

2.4 Types of material handling equipment.

There are many types of material handling equipment for convenience, they can be grouped into
three categorize
1-Conveyors - are devices that move materials (or people) horizontally or vertically between
two fixed points. They are expensive, create a fixed route, and occupied continuously .AS result,
they are used only where there is sufficient through put between fixed points to justify their cost.
2- Industrial trucks- are vehicles powered by hand, electricity, or propane, diesel and gasoline
are not used indoors because they are noxious and lethal. Industrial trucks are more flexible than
conveyors in that they can move anywhere there is suitable surface and no abstractions. They do
not occupy space continuously. For these reasons, they are the most often -used form of
materials handling in distribution centers and in manufacturing.
3- Cranes and hoists-Can move materials vertically and horizontally to any point with in their
area of operation. They use over head space and are used to move heavy or large items .with in
their area of operation, they are very flexible. (J.R Tony Arnold .etal 3rd edition, p.323)
For better understanding material handling can be categorized in to three groups
1-Mechanized hand system-It include;-Forklift trucks, Tow Tractors, cranes, hand-powered
2. Semi-Automated handling system -Automated-guided vehicle system, sortation & robotics

3. Automated handling system- Automatic storage (retrieval (AS/R) system. (D.K Agrawal,
According to Anand Kumar Sharma, (2006) the main types of material handling equipment
linked to the type of storage used, are; manual plat form or stillage truck, power- driver platform
or stillage truck, Hand operated crane, fork- lift tracks, Hand operated stacker, Gravity conveyors
(wheel or roller type), lifts, chutes, hoists, crane, vacuum and pressure system, powered
conveyors (belt or monorail and lorry equipment (tail lifts, lorry crane, etc.) (Anand Kumar
Sharma, 2006)

2.5. Basic material handling consideration

While deciding about material handling facilities, the following facts should be taken in to
consideration by logistics managers and professionals.

2.5.1 Types of products to be handled

According to D.K Agrawal (2003) the type of products to be handled is the first and foremost
consideration to decide the materials handling facility. For instance cranes and hoists are most
suitable for the lofting jobs of very heavy materials and conveyors for high volume products. The
physical characteristics of the products like solid, gas, liquid etc. have significant impact on the
selection of the materials handling equipment and facilities. (D.K Agrawal, 2003)

2.5.2 Types of production system

Basically, there are two types of production system, namely, intermittent and continuous material
handling equipment like lift trucks, pallets, hand trucks and trolleys would be more useful in
intermittent production system than a continuous system. These devices would not be so
commonly used in continuous production system, because fixe depth equipment would be more
reliable and more economical in many cases, conveyors, cranes, hoists, pipelines, etc. are more
commonly used in mass production and continuous production system( D.K Agrawal 2003).

2.5.3 Types of building

The number of floors also determines the national handling system. For instance, lift tracks and
conveyors suit most to single-store building. However, gravity flow with pipelines and shutters
are the most economical methods of materials handling for multi-store buildings. (D.K Agrawal

2.5.4 Material handling cost
Another major consideration in the development of material handling facilities is the cost of
various equipment and associated costs.
There are two set of elements of material handling cost.
1. Equipment cost-It includes; Cost of material handling device, usable life of the device,
and resale or scrap value
2. Operating cost-It includes;: fuel cost; repair and maintenance costs; insurance costs; and
labor cost.(D.K Agrawal, 2003)

2.6.Storage methods
These are many different kinds of storage methods in use today, some of which are associated
with particular methods of material handling. The tasks of storage and handling should therefore,
be considered together. Some different types of storage are follows.
Bins: -used primarily for the 'picking' face in warehouse. The difference between bins and
shelves is that bins have vertical regular divisions, or alternatively, drawers for keeping small
Racking - can used as the picking face for items that are too big or heavy for bin
accommodation, or for reserve stocks for replenishment. It is advisable to keep these two classes
separate. Racking can be built from prefabricated section, has adjustable height shelving, and is
often built to accommodate complete pallet loads;
Pallets: - are specially designed plat forms for the stacking of goods with a view to the whole
load being removed to where ever it required by a forklift truck.
Block stocking: - this is often the way of stocking box or cage pallets where one pallet is stored
to top of another; it can also describe the storage of boxes on top of one another. However, one
has to be sure that crushing does not result if the boxes are card board. Card board boxes are
often blocked on flat stillage.
Floor – storage: - Awkward or heavy item are normally stored on the floor, always making sure
that the floor will support the weight to be placed up on it. Sheet metals, metal bars, and steel
sections are usually floor stored on racks or heavy pallets. It is important that these kinds of item
be accessible and tidy, so as not to block the movement of other stores items. Special lifting
devices, jibs, and crane may be needed for handling. (Anand Kumar Sharma, 2006)

2.7. Efficient material handling program
It includes: Elimination of all unnecessary handling and movements, Planning of material
handling for overall economy, Reeducation in movements of plants by re-lay out and keeping
inventory to a minimum, Mechanization, wherever possible and use of the simplest equipment,
Standardization of handling equipment, Aiming at an even flow of materials on balanced
working of equipment, Seeing that equipment are fully used, Allowing for flexibility as a result
of change in products, lay outs, etc.; Applying the unit- load principle for lower costs, and
reviewing material handling constantly. (A.K Datta, 2004)

2.8. Selection of material handling equipment

The following factors may influence the selection of material handling equipment. The best
equipment will ensure smooth and continuous production flow, accident free, reduced production
cycle, lesser worker fatigue, better working conditions, and less material handling costs.
Material: - The size, shape, weight, delicacy, nature of material to be moved will dictate the
selection of machines;
Plant Layout: - the revel difference of floors, width of aisles, door width, ceiling height,
strength of floors and walls, columns and pillars will influence the selection of machines;
Production machines: - The material handling equipment should be capable of handling the
output from a machine of maximum capacity;
Material flow patterns: - A horizontal flow pattern needs trucks, overhead cranes, and
conveyors. A vertical flow patterns needs elevators, pipes, and conveyor;
Production system: - the type of production system will affect the selection of material handling
system. For example, conveyors are more mass production and powered trucks for batch
Capital cost of material handling equipment; Operating cost; Life of the equipmentRepair
and maintenance equipment. (R.K. Singhal, 2006)

2.9. Methods of material handling

2.9.1 Manuals handling

According to R.J Carter (1985) the natural way to handle anything which is not to heavy and it
should not be neglected without carefully through much can be dole by the use of sack, selection
trolleys and manually operated still age trucks. These are chapter to buy and their running costs
are negligible stores which are not unduly heavy, should be handled manually unless it can be
proved conclusively that it is uneconomical. For putting away or selection small items for issues
from fixed binning. There is no reasonable alternative to the use of hand propelled trucks, unless
the rate of movement is exceptionally high.

2.9.2 Mechanical handling

The following purposes are to be served by the introduction of mechanical handling of
equipment to save time, save space, and save labor. (A.K Datta, 2004) Advantage of mechanical handling
Moreover, mechanical handling systems have the following advantages. Lower overall handling
costs in manufacturing, distribution and transportation. Enhance handilngthrough streamlining
and better timing. Facilitate product control through better monitoring and management. Improve
inventort management and the accuracy of information through real-time monitoring.Can be
used almost any environment conditions can be employed 24 hours per day.Mechanical have
been developed to copy with numerous dangerous and difficult handling problems safely.
Machines are not only able to transport heavy loads. They can also be developed to life and store
them. (R.J CARTER, 1985).Labor cost reduction. Ability to increase output rate.Improvement in
consistence of service.Reduction in material handling.Increased accuracy level.Service
availability.Importance in speed of service (kofiQ.Dadzie and Wesley J, Johnsto,1991) Disadvantage of mechanical handling
However, automated systems are not without disadvantage. Type problem faced by the firms
choosing to automate materials handling operations include the following. High cost of material
handling device or . High running costs in terms of fuel, power, maintenance. Cost of training
and employing staff. Possibility of machine failure which can hold up materials (R.J Carter,
1985). Initial capital cost. Downtime or unreliability of equipment/maintenance interruption.
Software –related problem (e.g. poor documentation, incompatibility, failure). Capacity
problem.Lack of flexibility to respond to changing environment. Maintenance cost. User

interface.Worker acceptance.Obsolescence. Possibility of machine failure (kofiQ.Dadzie and
Wesley Johnston,1991). Six Tips to Improve Manual Handling and Material Handling Practices at
Good materials handling practices keep employees and packages safe. They can also improve
supply management by encouraging manual handlers to document unusual orders and speed up
delivery times. Keep your warehouse running smoothly with these best practices for manual
1. Use the right toolset – Manual handling may require casters, hand trucks, or multi-wheeled
carts. Evaluate the types of material your handlers will be working with and match them to the
most effective tool. Encourage handlers to use the right tool for the jobevery time
2. Keep information handy – Keep tips and pointers laminated and posted throughout the
warehouse. If a worker has a question, a quick reference sheet can point them in the right
direction so that they use the right tool for the job and don’t waste time hunting down a manager.
Encourage to use they need it, instead workersof requiring them to recall the contents
information wheneverof a full handbook.
3. Place shipments strategically – Put shipments that will be manually handled in an easy-to-
access location. Avoid placements that will require handlers to bend down or reach overhead.
Repetitive motion injuries can become debilitating for manual workers.
4. Hold a handling workshop – Some workers may think they are using their knees to lift, but
are really straining their backs. Develop a mandatory workshop for workers to practice good
materials handling skills from accessing packages to using the right tools. The simple refresher
course can help handlers learn new ways to stay safe and help managers identify individuals who
should avoid certain tasks.
5. Create traffic lanes – Keep the flow of shipments moving by having outgoing and ingoing
lanes. If your warehouse has limited space, use road traffic rules or develop consistent traveling
rules to prevent accidents.
6. Update all handling facilitators as necessary – Make sure all dock boards, hand trucks, and
other tools turn are functioning appropriately at all times. Wobbling wheels, overuse, and other
damage can facilitating tools into a time-waster, so invest in repairs and replacements to help
handlers keep moving.(Kelly Williams, 2015).

2.9.3 Double handling
double handling manly refers to when a person trasfers a materials to a wrong placce and then
someone will need to redo the work and move it to the correct location. For instance, if an asset
is used, returned to storage and then used again by someone else, then it is called double
handling. (https://www.quora.com). Causes of Double handling
According to R.J Carter (1985), one or more of the following usually cause the double handling
of materials. Lack of good stores location system: this means that materials are often stored in
the wrong area and have to move again late. It is vital the materials are only supplied to
production as and when they can accommodate them. Otherwise the factory floor becomes
clogged with materials. Use of the wrong materials device for the job. For example, a small
capacity truck will need to make several tourneys to unload a vehicle with heavy units, where as
a large device could perform the task in one movement.
Lack of space; - This is the most common causes, especially in organizations that have
developed and grown over a period of time. Because of this lack of space and then need to load
vehicles as quickly as possible materials tend to be placed in the nearest space as a temporary
measure. (R.J Carter, 1985).

2.10. Computer control of materials handling

Because of the expense and importance of material handling in relation to the operation as
whole, many of the large companies developed companies developed computerized material
handling in the following. Central boards displaying the position of every material handling
device can feed data to the computer which can then analysis the situation and direct the most
efficient use of materials handling resource, in the total sense.
Material handling can become totally automated with the aid of computers, the large building
societies have already developed system using closed circuit, TV and retrieval able tolerable
them to select any documents or deeds from their vast vaults by the use of a coded signal on the
computer input units. (N.K Nair, 1990)
Life cycle cost principle: A thorough economic analyses should account for the entire life cycle
of all material handling equipment and resulting system. (Jonathan-McClain, 2013)

2.11. Material flow
Materials handling makes production flow possible, as it gives dynamism to static elements such
as materials, products, equipment’s, layout and human re- sources (Stock & Lambert, 2001;
Chopra &Meindl, 2001). Groover (2001) highlights that despite its importance, materials
handling is a topic that frequently is treated superficially by the companies. However, other
authors have perceived its relevance. During the period in which Shingo (1996) contributed to
the development of the Toyota Production System, he developed the Production Function
Mechanism that proposes to explain how the production phenomenon happens. Shingo (1996)
indicated that, in the West, production was treated as a process of a sequence of operations. In
the Production Function Mechanism, the concepts are directly related to a production analysis
focus. A process analysis consists of an observation of the production flows that turn raw
materials into final products. From this concept, the author highlights that the main analysis is
the one associated with the process, because it follows the production object. The analysis of the
operations comes later because it focuses on production subjects (operators and ma- chines).
When making this distinction, it is possible to perceive the relevance of materials
handling.Beyond the basic function of movement, it is also relevant to cite the functions of
storage and information transfer, which occurs simultaneously and has both strategic and
operational dimensions. Organizations are relying on information systems using tools like
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), or similar information technology resources, to gain in
precision and reliability, in the interchange, and availability of information (Lambert & Stock,
2001; Laudon& Lau- don, 2006, Milan, Basso &Pretto, 2007). According to Asef-
Vaziri&Laporte (2005) an important proportion of manufacturing expenses can be attributed to
material handling and the most critical material handling decisions in this area are the
arrangement and design of material flow patterns. Ballou (1993) states that the storage and
handling of goods are essential among the set of logistics activities, and their costs can absorb
12% to 40% of its costs. In addition, the MHIA estimates that 20% to 25% of manufacturing
costs are associated to handling (Groover, 2001, p. 281). According to Ballou (1993), material
handling accounts for 30–75% of the total cost of a product along the production chain, and
efficient material handling can be responsible for reducing the manufacturing system operations
cost by 15–30%. For Bowersox and Closs (1996), the main logistics responsibility in
manufacturing is to formulate a master program for the timely provision of materials,

components and work-in-process. Stevenson (2001) understands that logistics (including
materials and goods flowing in and out of a production facility as well as its internal handling)
has become very important to an organization to acquire competitive advantages, as the
companies struggle to deliver the right product at the correct place and time. The main challenge
is to promote, with low cost, a flow whose velocity allows the execution of manufacturing
process with the expected satisfaction level.

2.12.Element and characteristics of a material handling system

Material handling study requires that several elements are considered. The first handling system
project, which covers activities of sequencing, velocity, layout and routing (Groover, 2001).in
order to complete the analysis, Groover (2001) recommends analysis itself (or object) to
transported. Therefore ,it suggests the classification of Muther and Hagen
of damage(weak or strong) ; and(vi)safety hazards (explosive, flammable ,toxic, corrosive,
etc).Groover 2001).Additionally the issue of equipment and devices must be examined.
Dias(1993) adopts the term “moving” to describe what, in this article is called
management(handling)to adopts the terminology of Groover(2001).when dealing with
equipment, Dias(1993)presents abroad classification that cover five categories:(i)transporter
(belt, chains, rollers, etc.);(ii)cranes, hoistsandlifts;(iii)industrial vehicles(carts, tractors, pallet
transporters, forklifts);(iv)positioning equipment, weighing and control(ramps, transfer
equipment);and(v)stents and support structures(pallets, holders, reels).According to Gurgel
(1996), the equipment should be selected based on some preliminary considerations: take into
account the utilization of the factory floor and its load capacity; examine the dimensions of doors
and corridors; pay close attention to ceiling height, identify the environmental conditions and
their nature, avoid the use of combustion engines traction equipment’s in storage of food
products, meet all safety standards to protect humans and to eliminate the possibility of incurring
criminal and civil liabilities arising from accidents, and examine all kinds of available energy
options and their capacity to supply required movements. The right choice of equipment and
location of work- in-process is fundamental for the optimization of a company’s manufacturing
capacity. Bowersox and Closs (1996) state that a critical factor in positioning stocks in process is
a balance between convenience and consolidation to create efficiencies when the stock flows

along the value chain.The importance of layout, which defines the placement of equipment and,
consequently, restricts possible routes and sequencing, can be perceived by the prominence that
the subject is treated in production management literature. The analysis of the relationship
between layout studies and material handling, however, does not receive much attention in the
same literature (Bowersorx and Closs). O’Brien and Marakas (2007) support the study of
fundamentals and general principles of information systems. In order to improve the
performance of distribution operations and, in this specific case, the internal material handling
process, it is important to consider both human and technical factors (Chakravorty, 2008).With
regard to the attributes to be considered in a material handling system, according to Kulak
(2005), effective use of labor, providing system flexibility, increasing productivity, decreasing
lead times and costs are some of the most important factors influencing selection of material
handling equipment. These factors are directly related to some attributes found in the present
study. The determination of a material handling system involves both the selection of suitable
material handling equipment and the assignment of material handling operations to each
individual piece of equipment (Sujono&Lashkari, 2006). Hence, according to Sujono&Lashkari
(2006) material handling system selection can be defined as the selection of material handling
equipment to perform material handling operations within a working area considering all aspects
of the products to be handled.


This part of the paper presents the methodological considerations of the proposed study. Besides,
research design, research approach, sources of data and, sampling technique, data collection
instruments and, method of data analysis are specific issues in this part
The research was descriptive study it expert to be suitable in order to accessing employee
turnover, because descriptive study concern with arranging and presenting numerical data in the
form of table that the reader can understand easily. Descriptive research design basically
describes “what is”. Descriptive research is one which describes, records, analyzes and interprets
the condition that exist, so the most appropriate research design for this type of research would
be descriptive. According to Sekeran (2003), descriptive research design is type of design used to
obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe "what exists" with
respect to variables or conditions in a situation.

This design involved to collecting data in order to answer questions concerning with the subjects
of the study. Kothari (2005) notes that descriptive design is concerned with describing,
recording, analyzing and reporting conditions that exist. Furthermore; Engelhart (1972) argues
that descriptive methods were widely used to obtain data useful in evaluating present practices
and in providing basis for decision-making.

3.2. Research Approach

Research approach was selected by researcher(s) based on the research purpose, the nature of the
research, the problem area, and research questions (Alhamdani et al. 2006).The research
approach in this study wase chosen based on the purpose and the research questions set out to be
addressed. According to Creswell (2003) there are three basic types of research approaches,
quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approach.Particularly the qualitative approach focuses on
descriptions of challenges of material handling practice. In this study qualitative approach would
be uses to collect the primary source of data through interview with office manager and

The researcher was usede mixed research approach to collect data related to the problem because
it includes a range of methods such as documentation, interview and questioner. The
combination of qualitative and quantitative approach provides most complete or insight
understanding and better understanding of research problem.

The quantitative approach presents the data in the numerical form. Quantitative methods
characterized by the use of close ended questions for yes or no answer or set of predefined
answer like scale (example, strongly agree or agree)which can be quantified, comparable and
measurable to provide numeric results.
Particularly the qualitative approach focuses on descriptions of challenges of material handling
practice. In this study qualitative approach will uses to collect the primary source of data through
interview with office manager and employee.

3.3 Methods of Data Collection

The task of data collection were carried out by using questionnaires, field observation and
structured interview which is field by the sample respondents themselves. The structured
interview had applied to collect data from employee. On other hand, the secondary data would be
gather by referring and generalizing the available secondary source that is accessible related
material handling office.

3.4 Sampling Techniques

The researcher may use (probability or not probability )because the population is small. The
researcher can take respondents subjectively.

3.4.1 Target Population

In order to accomplish this study, the target population was includes employes who have been
working in material handling department at mojo dray port.
3.4.2 Sampling Frame(state the list of respondent from sample frame ,department or
employees )

In this study the researcher was selected sampled respondents from the whole employees of mojo
dray port office.

3.4.3 Sample Size
The total number of population in the organization is 1200 and the target population were 347
employees those who are working in warehouse, store transportation, by considering budget,
time and other constraints the researcher was selected respondents as sample size from target
population through purposive sampling technique.

In order to determine the appropriate sample size, Taro Yamane’s (1967) simplified formula was
used .This formula helps to determine the sample size of Finite Population. If the population is
finite it should be corrected to a desired level of precision.
n=N/1+N (e2)

Where N= total population

n= samples size

e= margin error (10%)

= 347/1+347(0.12)

= 77.63

= 78

3.5. Source of Data

These are primary and secondary source. For this research the research processes to use both
primary and secondary source.

The primary data gathered for this study is from employees currently working in the organization
and human resources manager of the organization. Primary source data were collected through
questionnaires and interview.

Secondary data are gather from different written materials, books and from published and
unpublished materials. So, the researchers are collect the secondary data from different kinds of

3.6 Data analysis and Interpretation

In this study data collect from respondents were analyze through both quantitative and
qualitative analyzing techniques. Quantitative data are presented and analyzed by using table,
percentile and while qualitative methods were presented and analyzed by describing the
anticipated issues in narrative form..

3.7 Ethical Consideration

To carry out this research, the researcher were communicate with individual and institutions. The
researcher were collect data keeping confidential and exclusive use for only academic purpose.
The respondent were informed of contents and the aim of the research prior to administration of
any instruments.

Under this chapter the data gathered from mojo dry employees through questionnaire are
analyzed, presented and interpreted by comparing it with the theoretical background.

The data were collected using primary and secondary source as explained in sampling method.
The primary data were collected from respondents and where secondary data collected from
written documents. From the total employees of Mojo dry port the researchers focus area were
operational terminal department’, i.e. terminal and warehouse department. This department
contains employees which are the target population for researcher. From these target population
78 employees selected as sample size had been designed. The researcher was distributed
questionnaire including personal related questions for 78 respondents, from 78 respondents
65(83%) were filled and have returned the questionnaire’s to the researcher while the rest
13(17%) respondents were not filled and returns the questionnaires.

4.1 Analysis of Personal Information

4.1.1 Respondent sex and age background

Table 4.1.1 indicates that from total number of respondent

Question Options Frequency %
Sex Male 41 62.5
Female 24 37.5
Total 65 100%
Age 20-25 38 58.33
26-30 22 33.33
31-.45 3 4.17

46-55 2 4.17
> 55 - -

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

Table 4.1.1 indicates that from total number of respondents 41( 62.5%) of them were male and
while the remaining 24( 37.5%) of the respondents were female. Table 4.1.1 in item 2 decided of
the 59% of the respondents responded that the age distribution between 20-25, 33% of the
respondents stated that the organization age distribution is between 26-30 years, 4% of
respondent stated that they found between 31-45 and 4% respondent stated found between 45-
55. Generally, 4.1.1 item 1 shows that the majority of employees of the organization were
males, and as item 2 indicate that majority of the employees are found the age group are 20-25.In
other word Mojo dry port have sufficient productive age group. As the above statistics data
shows the majority of the age group are adult, this are play a critical role for the researchers to
collect the reliable information because it makes how freely to communicate with researchers.

Table 4.1.2 Educational level and work experience of employees (respondents)

Question Options Frequency %
1. Educational level Master and about 3 4.17
First Degree 51 79.17
Diploma 11 16.66
Certificate 0

Preparatory completed 0

Grade 10 completed 0

Total 65 100%
2. Work Experience Less than 3 years 35 54
3-6 years 25 38
7-10 years 5 8
Above 10 years

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

4.2.1 Shows that from the total number of respondents’ 51(79.17%) of them were holder of first
degree, 11(16.66%) of them were diploma holders, 3(4.17%) of them is holder of masters and no
one is a holder of certificate, 12 completed, and 10 completed. As it can be seen from table 4.1.2
on the item two from total number of respondents 35(54%) of the respondents replied that they
have less than 3 years work experience, 25(38%) of them have 3-6 years of work experience, 2
of the respondents have 7-10 years of work experience and employees have above 10 years of
work experience this implies that the majority of employees are educated and they have less than
years’ work experience which are not well experienced. As indicated in the above table majority
of employees of modjo dry port are holder of first degree, this implies that they have good level
of education.

4.2 General question related with material handling practice

Table 4.2.1: Responses of respondents regarding to Assessment of safety

Question Options Frequency %
1. How do you High safe 16 25
Safe 11 16.67
assess the safety of
Moderate 22 33.33
the material
Un safe 13 20.83
equipment? Highly unsafe -
Risky 3 4.167
Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

As it is indicated in the above table 4.2.1,from total number of respondents 22( 33%) of the
respondents indicated that there is moderate level of safety material handling equipment and
25% of the respondents believed that the assessment of the safety in material handling equipment
is highly safe, and 21% of the respondents responded material handling equipment is un safe .
Table 4.2.1 shows that the safety of the material handling equipment in the company is not to at
the required level. This affects the success of the company during handling and after handling of
the materials in the warehouse of company and increase level of damage.

4.2.2 Response about Equipment fulfilled in the company

Question Options Frequency %

2. Do you believe that all Yes 16 25
the required material
handling equipment are
fulfilled in the company? 49 75

Total 65 100%
Source: Researchers survey, 2020

According to the above 4.2.2 table from total number of respondents 49(75%) of the respondents
responded that all the required material handling equipment are not fulfilled in the company
because there is lack of budget and there is also lack of good management while 16(25%) of the
respondents replied that all the required level of material handling equipment are fulfilled in the
company. As the majority of respondents replied that all the needed material handling
equipment’s are not found in the company, this shows that there is lack of material handling
equipment’s in the modjo dry port.

Table 4.2.3: Responses to effectiveness of material handling service in the company

Question Options Frequency %
4. How do you evaluate the Very high 11 16.67
effectiveness of material handling
High 27 41.67
service in the organization?
Medium 16 25
Low 8 12.5
Very low 3 4.2
Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

As presented in the above table 4.2.3 from total number of respondents , 27(42%) of the
respondents are responded that the rate of material handling service are high , 16(25%) of
respondents are rate material handling service is medium and 11(17%) respondents are
responded that the effectiveness of material handling service in the mojo dry port is very high,
and 8(12%) of the respondents are evaluate effectiveness of material handling service is low
while 3(4%) of respondents are rate the effectiveness of material handling service are very low.
So based on this information the researcher conclude that effectiveness of material handling

service are less than half. As the researcher this is not satisfactory or effective level of service
because this is increase the dissatisfaction to customer that the mojo dry port give service for.

Table 4.2.4: Responsesrelated to satisfaction with performance of equipment

Question Options Frequency %
5. Are you satisfied with
the performance of Yes 41 62.5
equipment’s used in the

No 24 37.5

Total 65 100%
Source: researcher survey, 2020

As clearly indicated in the above table 4.2.4. From the total number of respondents 41 (63%)
respondent are replied that they are satisfied with the performance of equipment used for
handling in the organization and the remaining 24(37%) are responded that they are not satisfied
with the performance of equipment. They provided the following reason for their dissatisfaction:
the equipment used has no quality and low in number, machine maintenance problem; there is no
replaced equipment if one is damaged and most of the materials handling equipment are not

This implies that the majority of the employees are satisfied by performance of equipment used
during and after handling. In the other word this are very significant for increasing productivity
of the company.

Table 4.2.5 Workers knowledge about material handling

Question Options Frequency %
7. Do you believe that the workers have Yes 46 70.83
sufficient knowledge about material handling

activities? No 19 29.2

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

The above table 4.2.5 shows that 46(71%) of the respondents believe that the workers have
sufficient knowledge about material handling and 19(29%) of the respondents are agreed that the
workers do not have sufficient knowledge because of the following reason: lack of skill of how
keeping the material safely, lack of awareness of handled material, lack of experience and
problem of identification of item.

As indicated in the above table majority of the respondents are well aware about material
handling practice. This means that according to majority of respondents employees are know
how the material handling activities are practicedin the company. This helps the company to
achieve its objective.

Table 4.2.6.Job training of worker

Question Options Frequency %
9. Do you think that employees get adequate on Yes 30 45.8
job training? No 35 54.2
Total 65 100%

10. If your answer for question number 6 is Very high 8 12.5
High 33 50
“yes”, how do you rate the effectiveness of job
Medium 24 37.5
training? low - -
very low - -

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

According to the table 4.2.6 from total number of respondents,35( 54%) of the respondents are
believe that the employees do not get adequate job training and 30(46%) of the respondents
stated that the employees get related job training. The respondent’s strength their responses by
the effectiveness of job train as;

It add knowledge to working area, create good work place ,improve full confidence/self-
confidence and knowledge ,encourage the employees of the company to know how to hands
storage system and help to improve the performance of employees. As the table 4.2.6 item two
shows8( 12%) of the respondents rate effectiveness of the job training is at very high 33 (50%)
0f the respondents replied effectiveness of the job training are high and the remaining 24(38%)
0f the respondents respond rate the effectiveness of the job training are medium. As indicated in
the above table half of the respondents responded that employees are not gets job training. In
other ways this are increase the risk, level of damage, etc.

Table 4.2.7: Problems organization faced in material handling

Question Options Frequency %
11. Does the organization face material Yes 43 66.67
handling problem?
No 22 33.33
If your answer is “yes” for question
number 11 which problem you are facing

frequently in handling the materials?
Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

Table 4.2.7 indicated that from total number of respondents, 43(67%) reported that there is a
problem face the organization within handling practice and 22( 33%) of the respondents
answered absence of the problem related to material handling in the department.

Table 4.2.7 depicted that the majority (67%) of the respondents believed that the problem of
material handling is shortage in supply of equipment’s and the other respondents stated that the
problem is natural calamity and want of transport respectively. Even if the organization is facing
problem in relation to natural calamity and wants of transport. According to the respondents, in
addition to the above the respondents added that the other main problem of the organization are
lack of knowledgeable employees, health problem to the worker, lack of awareness from
employees, numbering and data handling problem, loss of material after receiving, information
gap and shortage of trucks.

Table 4.2.8: Company space utilization

Question Options Frequency %
13. Does your company’s space utilization is Yes 46 70.8

suitable for movement of any material? No 19 29.2

If your answer for question number 13 is

“No” please, would specify its drawback?

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

As clearly indicated in the above table 4.2.8, from total number of respondents46 (71%) of the
respondents stated their company utilize the space is suitable for movement and the
other19( 29%) respondents said that space the company used were not suitable for movement.
This cause the following drawback specified by the respondents: -

the compound became narrow, it take time to identify the material, it’s not possible to handle the
material which needed at the time .it also cause traffic conjunction and it limited the flow of
material from place to place. As indicated in the above table majority of the respondents replied
that space utilization in their company were suitable for movement of the material from one
place to other place. In other case suitability of space can minimize the handling cost and help
for free flow of the material from one place to needed place.

Table 4.2.9: Safety instruction of the company

Question Options Frequency %
15. Does the company safety instruction Yes 43 66.67
are applied during handling practice? If

your answer for question number question No 22 33.33
15 is “No” why?

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

As presented in the above table 4.2.9, from the total number of respondents 43( 67%) of the
respondents believe that the safety instruction are functional during handling practice and the
remaining 22(33%) respondents respond that the safety instruction are not practical during
holding the material to were its needed. They reinforce by the using the following reason:

Because of lack of the trained man power and unsafe environmental condition, no one can
enforced to implement the instruction, carelessness of the employees, and there is no more
harmful practice. As indicated in the above table the safety instruction are applied very well in
the company. These are basis for how to protect material from any damage.

Table4.2.10: Safeguard to cargo damage

Question Options Frequency %

17. Does the material handling process Yes 54 83.33

safeguard cargo damage? No 11 16.67

Total 65 100%

18. If your answer for question number 17 Very high 5 8.33

High 27 41.67
is “yes” what the effectiveness level is?

Medium 22 33.33

Low 11 16.67

Very low -

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

According to the above table 4.2.10 from the total number of respondents, 54(83%) respondents
respond that the material handling process are preserved the cargo damage and 11(17%) of the
respondents reported that there is no safety device or protection the damage cargo in the

Question regarding with if material handling process safeguard cargo damage what is the
effectiveness level is?

As shown in the above table 4.2.10 shows that, item 27( 42%) of the respondents are reported
that there is high level of the material handling process safeguard cargo damage,22(33%) of the
respondents respond medium level of the effective safeguard cargo damage, and 11(17%) stated
there is low effectiveness of safeguard cargo damage in the material handling process in the
company and the remaining5( 8%) of the respondents replied that there is very high level of
safeguarded cargo damage and. As indicated in the above table majority of the respondents
responds that there is safeguarded cargo damage and effective level of protection.

Table 4.2.11: level of convenience for movement in container terminal

Question Options Frequency %
19. Do you believe that the layout of the Yes 51 79.2

container terminal is convenient for the No 14 20.8
effective movement of containers?

Total 65 100%
Very high 22 33.3
High 13 20.8
20. If your answer for question number 19
“yes” what is its level of convenience? Medium 19 29.2

Low 8 12.5

Very low 3 4.2

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

As clearly indicated in the above table 4.2.11 from the total number of respondents 51(79%) 0f
the respondents believed that the company’s layout of the container terminal is convenient for
effective movement of container from the terminal to needed place and 14(21%) of the
respondents respond that the layout of the container terminal are not suitable for effective
movement of the container.

Question regarding with if believe that layout of the container terminal is convenient for the
effective movement of container at what level the effectiveness is?

As depicted in the above table 4.2.11 shows item 22(33%) of the respondents replied the layout
of the terminal is convenient for movement of the container at very high level, 19(29%) of the
respondents responded that the company layout in the terminal are convenient for movement of
the container at medium level ,13(21%) of the respondents are said that layout of the terminal is
convenient at high level for movement of the container, and the remaining 8(13%) respondent
report that the layout of the container terminal is suitable for movement of the container at low
and 3(4%) responded that there is very low level of convenient for movement of container. As
indicated in the above table of item,2 the majority of the respondents responded that there is
convenient layout of container terminal is effective for movement of container. These are save
time and fuel cost of reach stacker.
Table 4.2.12: Identification machine
Question Options Frequency %
21. Does your company container
identification machine inspect the container Yes 43 66.67
body properly?

22. If your answer for question number 21 is

“No”, please would you specify the problem/
No 22 33.33

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

As indicated in the above table 4.2.12 from the total number of respondents, 43 (67%)
responded that the machine identify the body of the container properly and 22(33%) of the
respondents responded that the container identification machinery do not identify the container
body properly.

Question regarding if the container identification machine cannot identify the container body the
specified problem/limitation:

If there is no weight identified by the machine during loading and unloading, it causes loss of
honesty from the customer and delay of the deliver.

Table 4.2.13 handling practice of the company

Question Options Frequency %
23. Do you believe that there is poor handling Yes 46 70.8
practice in your company

24. If your answer for number 23 “is” yes what No 19 29.2
is the degree of damage it have?

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

Table 4.2.13 shows that from the total number of respondents, 46(71%) of the respondent’s
reviled that there is poor handling practice in the company and the remaining 19(29%) of the
respondents responded that there is no poor handling practice.

Question regarding if there is poor handling practice the degree of damage given by respondents
are: Currently, not that much damage but need some improvement during dangerous cargo
handling, as there is probability of loss of human life and property damage is at medium level.

Table 4.2.14: Rate of facility and layout for pick-up and delivery
Question Options Frequency %
25. how do you see facility design and layout Highly convenience 8 12.5
of the company for customer during pick-up Convenience 41 62.5
and delivery service? Medium 11 16.67
Low convenience 5 8.33
Inconvenience -

Total 65 100%
Source: researchers survey, 2020

As presented in the above table 4.2.14,from the total number of respondents 41(63%)of the
respondents are replied that facility design and layout is convenient for customer , from the
respondents 11(17%) indicate that the facility design and layout are convenience for customer at
medium level,8(12%) of the respondents responded that the facility and layout are highly
convenient for the customer during pickup and delivery service, and the other remaining 5(8%)
of the respondents reported that there is low convenience of facility design and layout for
customer during pick-up and delivery service. As the researchers conclude from the above
analysis majority of the respondents believe convenience level of the facility design and layout
service in the company. This makes the company how freely move the goods from handling to
the storage

Table 4.2.15: the distance between container layouts

Question Options Frequency %
26. What is the distance between the different 10m-20m 16 25
5m-10m 22 33.33
parts of container terminal?
2m-5m 27 41.67

Total 65 100%
Source:researchers survey,2020

According to the above table 4.2.15,shows that from the total number of respondents 27( 42%) of
the respondents responded that the distance between the different containers are 10m-
20m,22(33%) 0f the respondents responded that the gap between different containers are 5m-
10m and the remaining 16( 25%) are replied that the gap between the different containers are

Table 4.3 what the researcher observed about the material handling practice in the
Description Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Maintenance of 

Arrangement 
materials after
Space utilization 

Layout of 
Safety of handled 

Capacity of 
carrying handled
Source: Observation, 2020s

As clearly indicated in the above table 4.3 The researcher concluded from the above information
maintenance of damaged cargo is unsatisfactory and arrangement of the material after handled in
to the warehouse are also not satisfactory, all in all the space utilization in the warehouse are
not suitable or unsatisfactory for movement of the fork and hand tracker during handling. As the
researcher observed the Mojo dry port is excellent layout of the container terminal, carrying
capacity of handled material is also unsatisfactory and the researcher observed there is very good
safety for material during handling. This play great role for the company how they protect the
safety of material and employees well-being and increase the productivity level.

.4.3 Interview discussions.

When interview was done with concern manager in additional to the questionnaires, the
interview are discussed as follow with manager

The manager said that, the organization are big and well integrated for material ,material
handling and have good storage system that are safe for materials handled but its small in
number. According to manager the company face different problems that related with material
handling and the organization does not have sufficient storage, it is difficult to know the exact

quantity of the organization, increase warehouse costs, Shortage of trucker and fork lift, linkage
damage, etc. and It is difficult for employees to know the exact name, place of the materials
(Shortage of knowledge).

As the manager discussed, to solve the problem of material handling they perform different
activity some of this are: giving training service for store keepers, how to make standardize store
house, prepare safety materials for stock and employees (such as Ambulance, distinguisher,
insurance, safety materials etc.).

As the manager said different technological related material handling equipment organization
use are:-10 reach stackers, 3 empty handlers, and 15 forklift of different capacity, (walk talk) for
on the field co-ordination.

Company use different mechanism in order to reduce material handling problem this are use
daily labor ,Over time usage (include holidays),Use inter office memo and Rent service are some
of the mechanism.The overall suggestion of manager about material handling practice in Mojo
dry port. As he said they should be sit materials properly and serve customer wise, they should
mechanization of 5 ‘S’ (continuous improvements): Sort, Stabilize, Shine, Standardize and


5.1. Summaries of Major Findings

According to the analysis made in this research, the following findings are drawn:

As the studyindicates there is technologicallyadvancedequipment, which the company used to

perform material handling practice in Mojo dry port. Some of the modern equipment currently
the organization used are reach stacker, forklift, and empty handler.Butthere is shortage of
technological material handling equipment in the company as the above listed equipment are not
enough to performed all needed handling practice in the company.

According to space utilization principle of material handling, in working areas, cluttered and
unorganized space and blocked aisles should be eliminated. Some of this are applied to the
company as this allow for movement of the handled material freely. Also there isconvenient
level of layout of container terminal that is effective for movement of container. This are save
time and fuel cost of reach stackerforkliftetc.

As there is shortage of the warehouse in the company,there is no enough capacity of carrying all
handled material. From researchers observation the larger number of the container are not
unloaded on time because of the compound crowdedas the port have not carrying capacity of all
imported container. This is lead the degree of damage became high. The researchers found that
the company did not use its capacity of storing or keeping handled material properly.

The safety instruction are applied during handling practice, this help the employees of the
company in order to protect their well-being and damage of the material. Also there is inthe mojo
dry port safeguardedof cargo damage and levelof its protection are effective. From this
researchers summarized that there is effective mechanism of protecting the safety for all of
activities during handling practice.

In this research an effort has made to assess the problem of material handling practice. In doing
so, the researcher used primary data through interview .observation and questionnaire. Based on
the finding the conclusion has drawn in the following way;-

Becauseof the shortage of advance technologies use for material handling practice in Mojo dry
port, majority of the managers stated that adopting new technology is advisable to enhancing
productivity in mojo dry port. In that way the employees are not satisfied with performance of
the equipment that the organization used for perform the activity of handling, because the
equipment they used have no quality, small in number, machine maintenance problem, there is
no other equipment replaced if one is damage and the equipment that the organization use is not
modern equipment.

There is no capacity of carrying the material handled in the company, because as the researchers
observed that the equipment that available in the company are not fully utilizedand the
warehouse are not holding the handled material properly. In the case organization there is
effective space utilization in the company. However, from researchers observed Mojo dry port
have no enough space utilization.

As the researchersconcluded there is convenience level of facility design and layout in Mojo dry
port and also The researchers observed that there is facility design and layout are excellent in the
containerterminal. The researchers also determined that the employees of Mojo dry port are not
satisfied with the equipment which is used in mojo dry port. So, the researchers shortened that
facility design and layout are taken into account in the company to some extent.

Safety of material handling equipment in the company are not at the required level. This affect
the success of the company during handling and after handling of the material and increase the
degree of damage. Also the researcher concluded that the some safety instruction are applied to
protect the material handling and well-being of the workers.

5.3 Recommendation
Based on the result of the study and field observation the following recommendation forwarded
by the student researchers
In order to attain its objective thoroughly it is advisable if the company equip itself with modern
material handling equipment’ and practices as well.
The company needs to give sufficient training so as to have knowledgeable employees and
furthermore the company needs to work much more on creating awareness of employees.
Its advisable be tight control or protects safety of inventory so as to avoid loss of material and in
order to eliminate the difficulties that the company facing like delay,damage of cargo etc.
So as to avoid shortage of advanced technologies used for the material handling purpose, it is
better for the company adopting new technology to enhance productivity of the company

The company needs to do much more in having sufficient warehouse, with sufficient material
handling equipment so as to avoid unnecessary costs.

It is better if company adopts new and efficient martial handling equipment that can help it to
keep its competitiveness thoroughly.

In order to satisfy the employees it’s better to maintain the damaged machinery quickly by
technical garage of the company ,replace equipment if one is damaged to save time and cost.

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Survey Questionnaires

Dear respondent,

As a partial fulfilment of BA in Logistics and Transport Management at Dilla University,

College of Business and EconomicsI am currently conducted a research on “assessments of
Material handling practices in case of Mojo dry port”. I am distributed this survey
questionnaires to gather primary related data on the company’s material handling practice.
Therefore,I kindly request out fill the questionnaire honestly. The researcher in assures that your
responses will be used only for academic purpose and remain confidential. Furthermore, it is not
necessary to write your name in the question paper. Thank you for your time and consideration
in advance.


Dilla University, Department of Logistics & Transport Management. Phone No……


Please put “X”mark inside the box to indicate your appropriate response.

I. Respondent profiles
1. Sex: Male Female
2. Age: 20-25years 26-30 years 31-45 46-55 Above 55
3. Qualification or Educational level
Master First degree Diploma Certificate
Preparatory complete Grade10complete Belowgrade10

4. Workexperience:
Less than 3years 3-6years Above7
II. Main body of the questionnaire
1. How do you assess the safety of the material handling equipment?
Highly safeSafe Moderate UnsafeRisky
2. Do you believe that all material handling equipment fulfilled in the company?
Yes No
3. If your answer for question number 2 is “No” which of the equipment not fulfilled
4. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of material handling service in the organization?

Very highHigh Medium Low Very low

5. Are you satisfied with the performance of equipment’s used in the organization?

Yes No

6. If your answer for question number 5is “No” what modificationis satisfied?


7. Do you believe that the workers have sufficient knowledge about material handling

Yes No

8. If your answer for question number 7 is “No”, what Knowledge and skill do they lack?


9. Do you think that employeesask question to job training?

Yes No

10. If your answer for question number 9 is “yes”, how do you rate the effectiveness of job

Very high High Medium Low Very low

11. Does the organization face material handling problem within the company?

Yes No

12. If your answer for question number 11 is “yes”, which problem you are facing frequently
in handling the materials?


13. Does your company’s space utilization is suitable for movement of any material?

Yes No

14. If your answer for question number 13 is “No” please, would specify its drawback?



15. Does your company safety instruction a reapplied during handling practice?

Yes No

16. If your answer for question number question 15 is “No” why?


17. Does the material handling process safe guard cargo damage?Yes No
18. If your answer for question number 17 is “yes”what the effectiveness levels?

Very high HighMediumLow Very low

19. Do you believe that the layout of the container terminal is convenient for the effective
movement of containers?

Yes No

20. If your answer for question number19“yes”what is its level of convenience?

Very High High Medium Low Very low

21. Does your company container identification machine inspect the container body

Yes No

22. If your answer for question number is 21 is “No”, please will you specify the
23. Do you believe that there is poor handling practice in your company?

Yes No

24. If your answer for number 23 “is” yes what is the degree of damage it have?


25. To what extent does the facility design and layout is convenience for customer during
pick-up and delivery services?

Highly convenience Convenience

Medium Low convenience Inconvenient

26. What is the distance between the different parts of the container terminal?



1) Could you tell me the material handling practice in your organization please?
2) Could tell me problems that material handling department has been faced please?
3) Would tell please the measures that your company has been taken to solve those
4) Could tell me please kinds of material handling technology do the organization use?
5) Could you tell me please the overall suggestion about material handling practice in your


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