Syllabus - International Communication Fa20
Syllabus - International Communication Fa20
Syllabus - International Communication Fa20
EMAC 2600
Format: Online
Design: Weekly Modules
FALL 2020
There is no such thing as a “freebie” when it comes to absences or being late. If you
Absences & have missed an in class assignment, you will receive a zero. Please note that all
assignments are uploaded online, but some are due by the posted date and time. All
Late Policy times are in the current time zone of Valdosta State University. Late work is not
accepted. If you have an excused absence, you may make arrangements to turn in
your work early. In the case of an emergency, late work may be accepted with documentation of the
extenuating circumstance. Religious holiday conflicts with class should be submitted by the
third week of class. Excused absences are as follows: University Sponsored Events with at least 1 week
prior notice and documentation; Medical/Emotional/ Family Emergencies with appropriate
documentation and communication. All emergency absence documentation is due within two weeks
of your return to class. Make up assignments will not be given until documentation is received.
Assignment Descriptions.
• Personal Journal Project: As communicators, it is our job to
objectively see the world before us and share information about
that world with those around us. Unfortunately, when it comes
to ourselves, it is very hard to for people to maintain objectivity
when analyzing their own communication behavior. Therefore,
for one week every student will keep a journal cataloging every
time they interact with international communication. Students
will note not only their usage, (in bed, on the bus, in class, etc.), but also make attempts to notice
international communication around them (in class, in the library, in the student union, etc.). On the
Sunday each student’s weekly journal is due, the student will submit the journal along with a 2 -3
page reflection paper discussing his/her perspective of attempting to objectively analyze their
experience. The journal project will be worth 100 points, or over 20% of your grade in the course.
• Midterm Exam: The Midterm Exam will test all material covered since the very
first day of class. This means that all information from Weeks 1 - 8 will be covered.
The exam will be worth 150 points, or 30% of your grade in the course. The test
format will involve multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions.
EMAC 2600: International Communication
• Final Exam: The Final Exam will test all material covered since the very first day of class, with
emphasis on the second half of the semester. This means that all information from the first 8
weeks of class is fair game, but most of the exam will test information on the second 8 weeks of
class. The exam will be worth 150 points, or 16% of your grade in the course. The test format will
involved multiple choice, matching, short answer questions, and one long essay question.
Title IX Statement
Valdosta State University (VSU) is committed to creating a diverse and
inclusive work and learning environment free from discrimination and
harassment. VSU is dedicated to creating an environment where all
campus community members feel valued, respected, and included.
Valdosta State University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,
color, ethnicity, national origin, sex (including sexual harassment and
sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age,
disability, genetic information, or veteran status, in the University's
programs and activities as required by applicable laws and regulations such as Title IX. The individual
designated with responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries
concerning nondiscrimination policies is the University's Title IX Coordinator: The Director of the
Office of Social Equity, [email protected], 1208 N. Patterson St., Valdosta State University,
Valdosta, Georgia 31698, 229-333-5463.
EMAC 2600: International Communication
Week 2 Introduction to
Jandt, Chapter 1 ———
August 24 - 30 Intercultural Communication
Week 3 Barriers to
Jandt, Chapter 2 ———
August 31 - September 6 Intercultural Communication
Week 4 Contexts of
Jandt, Chapter 3 ———
September 7 - 13 Intercultural Communication
Week 6 Language in
Jandt, Chapter 5 ———
September 21 - 27 Intercultural Communication
Week 7 Dimensions of
Jandt, Chapter 6 ———
September 28 - October 4 Intercultural Communication
1. Class will be fun. Students will look forward to the class and the assignments.
Teacher - Student 2. Everything will be useful and have a purpose. I promise not to assign any busy work.
Agreement 3. Participation is required. You do not have to talk the most, but I expect active
listeners and participation.
4. Mature and respectful behavior is expected. This includes ARRIVING ON TIME.
5. Electronics are allowed for CLASS SPECIFIC PURPOSES ONLY.
6. I am here to help, but I expect you to check the syllabus and BlazeVIEW before
asking assignments/grade questions.
Students with disabilities who are experiencing barriers in this course may contact the
ADA Access Office for assistance in determining and implementing reasonable accommo-
dations. The access Office is located in Farbar Hall. The phone numbers are 229-245-
Statement 2498 (V), 229-375-5871. For more information, please visit VSU’s Access Office or
email: [email protected].
EMAC 2600: International Communication
Academic Resources
• The Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Center (ASC) provides free peer
tutoring in core curriculum courses, including, math, writing, sciences, social sciences, humanities,
and foreign languages. The ASC also provides supplemental instruction (tutor-led study group
sessions) for historically difficult courses like biology, chemistry, geosciences, psychology and
sociology, as well as academic success workshops. New for fall 2018: 24/7 access to online
tutoring through ThinkingStorm, which includes Writing Center where you can submit drafts for
feedback and get help with core courses when the ASC is closed. Call 229-333-7570 to make an
appointment, email us at [email protected], or visit our website Located in Langdale Hall.
• Odum Library provides a variety of services to assist classroom instruction, including library instruction, course
reserves, and interlibrary loan. Please see Library Faculty Services for further information.
• Student Success Portal: The Student Success Portal provides an interactive dashboard, student profiles and
messaging tools for faculty, advisors and student support staff to easily assess student performance and risk indicators
that may contribute to or hinder students from being successful in their programs. It combines early alert flagging with
predictive analytics to track and improve student performance.