Alicias V Baclig

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BACLIG, Respondent.

A.C. No. 9919 | July 19, 2017 | TIJAM, J.:


The case stemmed from the amended complaint for declaration of nullity of void

documents, recovery of ownership and possession, accounting of the natural,

industrial fruits derived from the illegal occupation of the subject property, exercise

of the right of legal redemption with damages, and application for a writ of

preliminary injuction

Said complaint was filed in September 2012 and Atty. Baclig was hired by

Lamorena, et. al. as their counsel.

In said amended complaint, Lamorena, et. al. questioned the occupancy of

complainant and his co-defendants of a certain parcel of land. Lamorena, et.

al. claimed that they are entitled to possession of the same, being the surviving heirs

of the lawful owners of the subject property, spouses Vicente and Catalina


Complainant and his co-defendants filed their Answer, stressing that they legally

acquired the subject property by virtue of a contract of sale from its lawful owner,

Catalina, as the same is her paraphernal property.

It appears, however, that in February 2010, an amended complaint for

reconveyance, annulment of deeds and quieting of title was filed by Lamorena, et.

al. against herein complainant and Urvillo Paa before the Municipal Trial Court in

Cities (MTCC) in Vigan City. However, it was not Atty. Baclig who acted as counsel in

this case.

On May 14, 2013, the complainant filed an administrative case for disbarment

against Atty. Baclig.

In said administrative complaint, the complainant averred that Atty. Baclig

consented to false assertions when his clients allegedly made false statements in

their amended complaint. Complainant also stated that Atty. Baclig knowingly filed
an action which was: (1) already barred by res judicata and laches; and (2) without

the jurisdiction of the RTC where such complaint was filed. Lastly, complainant

claimed that Atty. Baclig consented to the filing of a complaint, which asserted

similar relief, when a similar case was filed before the MTCC.

Atty. Baclig contended that the allegations in the subject complaint contained

absolutely privileged communication, which insulates him from liability. Also, the

issues as to whether or not the assertions in the subject complaint are false

statements and whether or not the RTC has jurisdiction over the subject matter of

the action are yet to be decided; hence, the complaint against him holds no water.


Whether or not Atty. Baclig is administratively liable


YES. The issue in the amended complaint is who between Lamorena, et. al. and

complainant herein has the right of possession over the subject property. Hence,

Atty. Baclig cannot be faulted for consenting to his clients' act of asserting such

statements. At any rate, it must be considered that Atty. Baclig's pleadings were

privileged and would not occasion any action against him as an attorney.

However, as to the matter of forum shopping, We find that Atty. Baclig resorted to


In forum shopping, the following requisites should concur: (a) identity of parties, or

at least such parties as represent the same interests in both actions; (b) identity of

rights asserted and relief prayed for, the relief being founded on the same facts; and

(c) the identity of the two preceding particulars is such that any judgment rendered

in the other action will, regardless of which party is successful, amount to res

judicata in the action under consideration.

In this case, it must be noted that an amended complaint was filed by Lamorena, et.

al. against herein complainant and Paa before the MTCC in February 2010. In sum,

such amended complaint sought for the nullification of the mortgage contract and
deed of sale which transferred the property to herein complainant and his codefendants and the
declaration of Lamorena, et. al. as the absolute owners of the

subject property. Eventually, the case before the MTCC was dismissed with

prejudice in an Order dated November 9, 2012.

However, on September 19, 2012, another amended complaint was filed by

Lamorena, et. al. against complainants, Robert and Paa, but this time, before the

RTC. A cursory reading of the complaint reveals that the reliefs sought pertain to the

nullification of any and all the documents in the form of a written agreement which

may be executed without the consent of Lamorena, et. al. In esse, such complaint

before the RTC prayed for similar reliefs as those which were sought for in the

complaint before the MTCC.



On this note, We rule that there was forum shopping in this case, for while the case

before the MTCC was pending, Atty. Baclig consented to the filing of another

complaint before another forum, i.e., RTC. Such cases deal with the same parties and

same reliefs. Thus, a ruling in one case would resolve the other, and vice versa.

Moreover, regardless of the fact that Atty. Baclig did not act as counsel in the case

before the MTC, it would not exempt him from culpability. Atty. Baclig did not

categorically deny the allegations of complainant regarding the commission of

forum shopping. Moreover, it is surprising that he was able to answer the 10 causes

of action raised by complainant, except the issue on forum shopping. Hence, he is

deemed to have admitted that he has knowledge of the pendency of a similar

complaint before the MTC when a complaint before the RTC was filed.

In this regard, the filing of another action concerning the same subject matter runs

contrary to Canon 1 and Rule 12.04 of Canon 12 of the CPR. Canon 1 of the CPR

requires a lawyer to exert every effort and consider it his duty to assist in the

speedy and efficient administration of justice and Rule 12.04 of Canon 12 prohibits

the undue delay of a case by misusing court processes.

We reiterate that a lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client, but not at the

expense of truth and the administration of justice. The filing of multiple petitions

constitutes abuse of the court's processes and improper conduct that tends to

impede, obstruct and degrade the administration of justice and will be punished as

contempt of court.

A former member of the judiciary need not be reminded of the fact that forum

shopping wreaks havoc upon orderly judicial process and clogs the courts' dockets.

As a former judge, Atty. Baclig must be mindful not only of the tenets of the legal

profession but also of the proper observance of the same.


Canon 1 and Rule 12.04 of Canon 12 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.

Canon 1

A lawyer shall uphold the Constitution, obey the laws of the land and promote

respect for law and legal processes.

Rule 12.04 of Canon 12:

A lawyer shall not unduly delay a case, impede the execution of a judgment or

misuse court processes.

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