An Overview of Viktor Frankl' S Logotherapy
An Overview of Viktor Frankl' S Logotherapy
An Overview of Viktor Frankl' S Logotherapy
An O e ie f Vik F ankl' L g he a
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Ps chotherap
Arlin Cuncic
Medicall reviewed b
Steven Gans, MD
Updated on October 06, 2019
Viktor Frankl is the founder of logotherap , a form of ps chotherap that he developed after surviving
Na i concentration camps in the 1940s. After his experience in the camps, he developed a theor that it
is through a search for meaning and purpose in life that individuals can endure hardship and suffering.
A B ef H
Viktor Frankl was born March 26, 1905, and died September 2, 1997, in Vienna, Austria. He was
influenced during his earl life b Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler. Frankl earned a medical degree
from the Universit of Vienna Medical School in 1930.
From 1940 to 1942, he was the director of the Neurological Department of the Rothschild Hospital,
and from 1946 to 1970 was the director of the Vienna Pol clinic of Neurolog . In 1942, Frankl was
deported to a Na i concentration camp along with his wife, parents, and other famil members.
He spent time in four camps in total, including Auschwit , from 1942 to 1945, and was the onl
member of his famil to survive. In 1945, he returned to Vienna and published a book on his theories,
based on his records of observations during his time in the camps. B the time of his death, his book,
Man' Search for Meaning, had been published in 24 languages.
Le ac
During his career as a professor of neurolog and ps chiatr , Frankl wrote 30 books, lectured at 209
universities on five continents, and was the recipient of 29 honorar doctorates from universities
around the world.
He was a visiting professor at Harvard and Stanford, and his therap , named "logotherap ," was
recogni ed as the third school of Viennese therap after Freud's ps choanal sis and Alfred Adler's
individual ps cholog . In addition, logotherap was recogni ed as one of the scientificall -based
schools of ps chotherap b the American Medical Societ , American Ps chiatric Association, and the
American Ps chological Association.
L ea
Frankl believed that humans are motivated b something called a "will to meaning," which equates to a
desire to find meaning in life. He argued that life can have meaning even in the most miserable of
circumstances and that the motivation for living comes from finding that meaning. Taking it a step
further, Frankl wrote:
Ever thing can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms to choose one's
attitude in an given set of circumstances.
This opinion was based on his experiences of suffering and his attitude of finding meaning through
suffering. In this wa , Frankl believed that when we can no longer change a situation, we are forced to
change ourselves.
F da e a
"Logos" is the Greek word for meaning, and logotherap involves helping a patient find personal
meaning in life. Frankl provided a brief overview of the theor in Man' Search for Meaning.
Co e P o e ie
Frankl believed in three core properties on which his theor and therap were based:
Finding Meaning
Going a step further, logotherap proposes that meaning in life can be discovered in three distinct
wa s:
An example that is often given to explain the basic tenets of logotherap is the stor of Frankl meeting
with an elderl general practitioner who was struggling to overcome depression after the loss of his
wife. Frankl helped the elderl man to see that his purpose had been to spare his wife the pain of losing
him first.
Ba ic A m ion
Logotherap consists of six basic assumptions that overlap with the fundamental constructs and wa s
of seeking meaning listed above:
1. B d , Mi d, a d S i i
The human being is an entit that consists of a bod ( oma), mind (p che), and spirit (noo ). Frankl
argued that we have a bod and mind, but the spirit is what we are, or our essence. Note that Frankl's
theor was not based on religion or theolog , but often had parallels to these.
Frankl believed that life has meaning in all circumstances, even the most miserable ones. This means
that even when situations seem objectivel terrible, there is a higher level of order that involves
3. H a Ha e a Will Mea i g
Logotherap proposes that humans have a will to meaning, which means that meaning is our primar
motivation for living and acting and allows us to endure pain and suffering. This is viewed as differing
from the will to achieve power and pleasure.
4. F eed Fi d Mea i g
Frankl argues that in all circumstances, individuals have the freedom to access that will to find
meaning. This is based on his experiences of pain and suffering and choosing his attitude in a situation
that he could not change.
5. Mea i g f he M e
The fifth assumption argues that for decisions to be meaningful, individuals must respond to the
demands of dail life in wa s that match the values of societ or their own conscience.
6. I di id al A e U i e
L ea P ac ce
Frankl believed that it was possible to turn suffering into achievement and accomplishment. He viewed
guilt as an opportunit to change oneself for the better, and life transitions as the chance to take
responsible action.
In this wa , this ps chotherap was aimed at helping people to make better use of their "spiritual"
resources to withstand adversit . In his books, he often used his own personal experiences to explain
concepts to the reader.
Three techniques used in logotherap include dereflection, paradoxical intention, and Socratic
1. De eflec i : Dereflection is aimed at helping someone focus awa from themselves and
toward other people so that the can become whole and spend less time being self-absorbed
about a problem or how to reach a goal.
2. Pa ad ical i e i : Paradoxical intention is a technique that has the person wish for the
thing that is feared most. This was suggested for use in the case of anxiet or phobias, in which
humor and ridicule can be used when fear is paral ing. For example, a person with a fear of
looking foolish might be encouraged to tr to look foolish on purpose. Paradoxicall , the fear
would be removed when the intention involved the thing that was feared most.
3. S c a ic dial g e: Socratic dialogue would be used in logotherap as a tool to help a patient
through the process of self-discover through his or her own words. In this wa , the therapist
would point out patterns of words and help the client to see the meaning in them. This process is
believed to help the client reali e an answer that is waiting to be discovered.
It's eas to see how some of the techniques of logotherap overlap with newer forms of treatment such
as cognitive-behavioral therap (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therap (ACT). In this wa ,
logotherap ma be a complementar approach for these behavior and thought-based treatments.
C c
Frankl was not without his critics. Some felt he used his time in the Na i camps as a wa to promote
his brand of ps chotherap , and others felt his support came onl from religious leaders in the United
States. (Indeed, he did recruit ministers and pastoral ps chologists to work with him).
In 1961, his ideas were challenged b ps chologist Rollo Ma , known as the founder of the existential
movement in the United States, who argued that logotherap was equivalent to authoritarianism, with
the therapist dictating solutions to the patient. In this wa , it was felt that the therapist diminished the
patient's responsibilit in finding solutions to problems.
It is not clear, however, whether this was a fundamental problem of logotherap , or a failing of Frankl
as a therapist himself, as he was said to be arrogant in his manner of speaking to patients.
In this wa , it ma be that logotherap argues that there are alwa s clear solutions to problems and
that the therapist has the task of finding these for the client.
Frankl argued that logotherap actuall educates the patient to take responsibilit .
Regardless, it is clear that in the application of Frankl's theories, it is important to highlight that the
patient must be a participant rather than a recipient in the process.
E de ce
More than 1700 empirical and theoretical papers have been published on logotherap , and more than
59 measurement instruments developed on the topic. While Frank's earl work involved case studies,
this eventuall evolved to include operationali ation of concepts and estimates of clinical effectiveness.
In other words, Frankl believed in empirical research and encouraged it.
Correlation between the presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life, and life
satisfaction and happiness
Overall, not surprisingl , there is evidence that meaning in life correlates with better mental health. It
is suggested that this knowledge might be applied in areas such as phobias, pain and guilt, grief, as well
as for disorders such as schi ophrenia, depression, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, and
anxiet .
Frankl believed that man illnesses or mental health issues are disguised existential angst and that
people struggle with lack of meaning, which he referred to as the "existential vacuum."
E e da L fe
How might ou appl the principles of logotherap to improve our ever da life?
AW dF Ve e
While concepts of logotherap continue to be studied to this da , ou aren't likel to hear of people
receiving this t pe of treatment directl . Rather, the components of logotherap are more likel to be
intertwined with other therapies or treatments.
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